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THE} i'.UIDP JOURNAL. " n ROBERT M'KNIgTTt. uMWJicr of theLoWiof tk< I nUwl Htnt.. EfXlt?d by JOIli C* WST. VOIi. XI. c 1 -WE\, A? ?IST 18, 1830. $9. 29. ixujl* >aiacaau: - j>i?w? 733 jXZlJJ.T ?" J SS.ZtJLZi. l*i> t*h*l ercry S.tfur>Uy M^rtung iuj ROBERT TPK*IG2IT, P0RL1SHCK OF Tilt LAW# Or T1IK L'SIOV SUBSCRIPTIONS Three d allar# a year in advance, or fctir dollar at the cud of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at seventy five cents the square for the first, and halt that amount for each continuance ? The nu-nbor of insertion* to bo marked on the ? ?j -i 1 margin or they ?vi!l he cotuimica ana cuargv-u cardinjjly. Thrwo inserted *eroi-inoi>tliU ?."? c?-Dt* and monthly a squire for each inscrt.on. Cum.mum'ailicus by mail to bo pojt paid or remain unattended t<v g??a?c?gtae? rrcagagut:iiiM u aa?I [BY AUTHORITY.] law or the rsivun state* rah.?ed at THE TWENTY FOCRTH CONOR L>S first session. {Public?No. 02.] an \rr to establish certain port rnnd?, and to alter and discontinue others, end for other purposes He n enacted by the Senate and i!ou*c of ILc^jrcaentative* of the United Mates of A menca ui Congress assembled, 'I hat the following be established as j*w loads : , ( ConrludctI) In Indiana. From Stravrtotvn, in Hamilton county to liiihs* cross r >ads in Clinton county. From Martinsville, in Morgan county, via Lyon** mills, Mooresvillr, Danville, XI cxanderV tavern, a:j?J Lebxnon, to Frank* fort, in Clinton county. Frotn JShclbyvilit?, in Shelby countr, via Manvrarring's, On St??ar creek. Grccnw?M?d. Farwesl, and M?nrcsriUo. to Monrovia, in Morgan county. From Noblc*riilc, *ta Westfield, iu Ha mi Hon county, Norihficld, Lebanon, Jamestown and Russelvillr. to Montezuma, in Park county. From Indianapolis to Moorrsrslu*. Frotn Rising Sun, in Dearborn county, via Hartford, tiutonrillc. D:H?!j >ro'.:gh, and HartVmill, VerMtllrt nrfttpJey county Fr?mt Napoleon. in Ripley county, via llaruru'* tore, Wilmington, and Aurora, !? Burlington, Boone county, Kentucky. From Lawrcnerbnrg in Dearborn county. *u UiiMtii i anJ M' Iv pnzic's cross roads, to DrookrilI*\ in Franklin county. From Harrison. in Dearborn muniy, %ia Ldinbur^'. lo Sripi.i, in Franklin county-? From Napoleon, in Ripley rou:i:y, rta Versatile*, t'rosa l'l.iim, Vevay. nrui Client, to Georgetown. in Scott county, via'*, to Fcndlrion. From Fort Viynr. *i* M"t*ormick*?, \?b:mnllc, ami Allisoiirillr. to Imiiaoapoltn. Fr??ni Toledo, tia Whitcrnanrillr, Lima. Rri<tol, CairoIIton, Elkhart, Mishatrakc, Sooth -Bend, Teirr Coupee, Kankakee. Laporte, jn?* Morgsftn prairie, Li-liana, to Juliet, in Illinois From Whitrpigeon, in Michigan, via Urinton in Flkitarl, in Indiana l!,c town of Klkbari, in Indiana, via Adamartllr. Ca??apoii#,? Whilrmanrjile, and Little* Praiprcc. to Drun&on, in Michigan. From Newtown, in Fonntein county, ms Rob R.?v, \uir.i, WiilUinnport, RninpM illr. an I Pa grove, to Inxjuui*, in Ulnoi*. l'r ?ni ln<ii?oapo!i4, * ia Danville. Uainb; i. it -rkvillr, Moiitrztltna. and N ?p?rt, to Da lit lib*, in illlilo n. Froio DaiiViiii. in H''<i lrick? County, fia Net* v|a\?vil!r, Bainbiidgr, Popular spring, Ul?skc?burg and Ru**cIt?I1c, to Rorkrillc, in Park County. From Korkrilir. in Park couuty, ris the narrow* of Su^ar rrcc' '?<! Jacksonville, to llillf.b>rou_h, in Fountain county. From Char!* Mown Clark county, via V von?, to the >!. c ford. on tin* Mo-Uatatak, l?? Rot kford, J.irkft' H County. From Br- *:??l un. Jark?>n County, via J>. :?? * trrr* on the Muskatatuck, to 1'haj 1? m? urn, in ( lurk muitiy. I'r ?m P? ru. in Mi uitj county, to Fulton court h'luir, in Fulton county. From EratMTttk-. in Vandrburg county. vsu I > i a moid Inland, I? Mount Vernon, in I'oncy county. From Nctr Htrmony, in l*o>cy county, ft* Jesse Ntt^lic'a nnd Blair'* tniils on cic?-!. to Kratnmllc in Vandcburg county. From New Albany, in Floyd county, via (se.irgctourn. Salisbury, Milltoivn, .Mount Prospect, Jasper, I*c tcriburg, Pnnrrton, nd (.'olumbu, to Mount t'arrncl, in Illinois, From Laporte, in Indiana, via Salt creek, Adela. \ annest, on the Yincrnnrs road, the head of Hickory crrck and don ti the* same to Juliet ct e?-k, in Illinois. From Blooming, ton, in Monroe county, ? ;r. Illuomlirlil, Fair play, and New Jerusalem, in (ircene county, Mcr??m, i t Sullirnii enmity, 'ii Ilndsonrille, Newtown, Ktvington, in Illinois, lo Vaudaiin From Hrownstown, JacUson cutliity, via Vernon, it? Marion, in Kipley county. Fr unCir rnrastlr, in Putnam county, vi? Manhattan. it .nlmy Cirern, and Point Commerce. to Blooofirld, in (Jrffnc county. Prom Mount Pleasant, i*i Martin county, via Scotland and Clark's prairie, to llloomfirld, in ! Greece county. From Napoleon, in Ripley county, to Lewisvillc, in Henry county, via Clarksburg, in Decatur coon1 iv. New Salem and Smclson's mill-*, i' ;Rush county. From Indianapolis, via Frankfurt, Delphi; M inticelSo, Jasper, Lake court house. Porter and Laporte jCountie??, to Michigan city. From Learenwor'h, in Crawford county, to .Mount Prospect, in said county. From Kirk's jcross roads, via Franklord, Delphi, Mon-! Iticcllo, and Laporte, to .Michigan civ. j From Prairie rircr post office, in Branch county, to Lima post ofiice, in La Grande.' Indiana. From Berliugton, to Delphi. Front Charlestmvn, in i lark county, via 4-?? *- I,? in Mitrimi iQiUriiVMtiai a on'* ? . M ? county, IVn Irton ami HunUviilr. in ;Madi*nn couaty. to Slraurlovvu, in 11nmi Ilon county. From Strawt?vvn to Peru, in live r unty ol Minrni. From HJoumliclJ, in Monroe county, via Halle's bridgr, to Salt in, in Washington county. From .Mount Tabor, in Monroe county to Stiles ; tillc, in Hendricks county. From Tliorn tou n, iti Ib>one county, to Kirk's cross roads, in Clinton county. From Carlisle, via Hnsron inilU, Ravrlcy's mill, to Buivlina Green. Clay county. From Indiana* noli*, alone the Cumberland roan, t?? Tcrrc Ilaute. From Richmond, via New1 port and Winchester. to Fort Wayne. From C.onncrM ille, via llarrishurg, Louisville, and Mew Castle, to stuncrytown. From Oxford. Ohio, via Hath Spriujj*, in Indiana, Fairfield, via West ( nion, C?? lombia. and Orange p?iM office, in Fayette county, to Rus: vtllc. From h t^lu>> town, via (irt cnborough, to i'rndieion. From (Hani court house *o Lagro, in \\ aIi2?h county. From IVru and Sparta, to Lima, in La (irangp county. Froiii Ri k\s crow* ro.?d?. via Frankfort and J? U(-r??n. to Lafayette. From Fredonia, to siouut , Pro?ptrt, in Crawford county. From ( Baton, in .\'*vr IS -ston. Abington. and i*hi!.?rnt'h. to Centrcvilic. in Indiana. From Princeton, Imiiann, lt? si .uut ' Hanoi*. From sinorcarillc, by Ho igrport. ('iomor.l, Pikeloiu nrul Wentfirld. to Straw tow n. From Hartinsvil.'e lu (jitdporL From P?ru, ly Wilkinaon'u scuic:??rni '>:i Fri riter, Rocli.-slcr, Chi- ' pciva, Plymouth, and Oakland, to Hjporie. From (IrocuriUc, Ohio. hy Hun- , tin t ?n, Indiana. Turkey (Trek Pratrir , to (io?ln n. j rom Stratrimrn Wi Lnjans* I port. rr. .1 ???ri Wayne by Cliipprwa, ( t'? Hi-iwa, From Wabash. I?y (iu^hrn, to B.i?t I. White Pi5*mm, jneln ' g t?? Till.!-ki, Indiana. Krum Hurling* Inn. K*?n:urky. by R ?inj? .Sun. Ilarif'trd, ^ Oi!I?i?-?r??. and "iiartriijr. io Yrr?? ilJe* ? rr .i:j Ljlau i', ity lialiir Ground. plc.t- j b.uji rt: . Harm-*, ami Cirorgctoun. l.t'^aiidj erf. rrom I'ratrldrdflvjljr l<? U??b Hoy. I . -::i ('f.j j for?!\riilr, b\ I>.i? t.t an I Thornton. to i rankf-ri. 11 u? ( Sou h Brnd t > IMivard*burg. rrom m rhignn t ii\ by liailcyiaun, D> c|> river, J Uobiu?on'.; Prairie, ami the crossing* nf Kankakee, 10 IVoria, Illinois. rrom Mi,dU("trn. by Paiu Irn lo Delphi. rro.. j?*rion. by L*itr->, (iuilirn. rron. ron Wayne, in Indiana, by Turkey (*re?-k Prairie, In Ottawa, in Illinois. rrom L?gsnspnr> I ?0??shen. rrom Madison, by Marion and x >orr\ larrrn |o Napoleon. /.i Mississippi. From Canton, tia Wanatr, to Realties bluff. From Viek?burg. via Ornlnn. !.* *inlon, Dlarkbauk. Carroltun. (In n tl?*. Co'f< rvilie, Hnlh Spring, am! Patau pha fO!!fl-hoii?r. *. u I,a Crangc, to liolitar. *iYunr??tc. From illc. via Can ton ei:<; Mont- .it.i , Franklin, to Lrxinloti, i.t lioluira fount) . From Mffiiph:*, mj Holly Spring, Chiilnhoino, Mitchell'" bllill*. Sardinia, Flidivnl.a. Fanni'-^'" atorr, < u>rnlt t:na. I'h rclitim*. \ clo. La Flurc, C^ut-ia and Chulali, to Manchester. F uni La (Irangc, Trnnr?? see, via Spring hill, Maithrwr'n store, and Fontitor, to Coffrct illr. From Carrolton, sfmugnla, Choctaw court-house, SisrL?rillf. niitl Ma\ lien to Columbus.? Kr??n? Lirm^itoi, AMiaimt. liaHuqwanriirhrr rnliiy, Li mi enisle, ami Scott court-i.ounc, ami iirami-u, (< Jurkson.Fr??m Pirkcttuvillc, Alabama, ris Warluck ami Mncun, in N?xuh county, Mmi?i*M|?pi. .o Louisville. in Winston county. From Winchester, via Paulding, GarInndnvillf, Ncwion, ami Nrsbolia, courthouse, Louisville From Pauhling tin Smith enurl-housr, V estviiir, A Georgetown, t<> Gallatin. From Gallatin, tia Gulden's Flore. Herghes store, fc .Mai culm, to l ayette. From Lciinlou, * ia Attala iV Leak court-house, to Scott ? rn% f) * court-house. i rotn iiounry, Tia imnv ? j storp. ScUertotvn. From Columbus, via Mnron, Wnboloch, I)c Ivaib, Laudrrdate.' and I'lnrk court-house, to V inches',rr.? p From Do Ka.b court-house, in Kemper, count), Mississippi, tin Yanuaky, Old f town, Mozduslui, -irul Krilings, to Srott court-housr, Mississippi From Clinton, by Spring Branch and Summer* illc, to ! Sutnrl.:a. From Foil Gibson, by Drnwin, Shelby, Loydst ille, and Casey's lore to KnVm o;.!. From Jackson Mississippi, ' to Memphis, Tennessee* From the j Kobert-on road, by Leake n utt-hotiue <V i Nnsbobn ronrt-liou?.r, iu f)i Kalb. Front Jl Or Kaib. b) I* irn's Spring, Louisville, j1 and t bocUiw court-house, to Choccuha-j in i. FiOin \ ?i 'u-in to tfif 0 ?y ol ! Frmn Columbus lo Westport. From C ui<viKe, by Double Springs to Dr Kn b. From Fairfield, Alabama, 'bt Knoxvillc, Waholock, Sumramille, to Carthage. Fron Madinonville, by Attala courthouse, through Choctaw Oke-ti bi ha countic?, Plymouth, to Columbus. In Illinois. From Pitisficld in P?ke county, by Greggsrille ami .McKers creek, to Rushville in Schuyler county and a post office on said route ai Chambersburg, in Piko county.? From Desmoiucs in Clark county, Missouri, to \\ arsaw, in Hancock county, Illinois, thence via Carth tgc and Smith's store to c ?? Momnou li m warren coumy. * iuw i?uunrpm in Putnam county, pawing through Boyd'* (Jmrr, Spoon rircr and knoxvilfe to Vmus in i.ancock county. From Carrol![on in Green county to intersect the mail route *?>adinir from Springfield in Sangamon county, to Vandalia at Hilisboro' in M< ntgotnery county by the wayol Fayette in Green county to t arliixiilc in Macoupin county.? From -pringficld in Sangamon county to the Puff do Hart Grove, thrncc to Georgetoon, ihence to Waynesville, B'oomuig'.on and Lexington in McLean county, Dresden and Mount Juliet, to Chicago in Cook county From Laporte in Indtiua via Hickory creek, Juliet, niouih ol* the l>upaigr A unable, Nettle crock and Grand R ?pid* of Illinois rner, to Otioua From Learustowu in Morg in county to Petersburg in >angamon counif f-'nuii Oinn4-#?v in Adarns countv via I*a if fit-id to irihagr, Franklin end Moumouth in Warren count). From Mount CariiicI in Illinois via Albion, loach's mill#, Fairfield and M .lding'? mill 10 Mount Vernon. From Montezuma in Indiana, we-t tu IJloo nfield in fidjir count), Ilhaota. From aconiti in McDunouib count), via Saint to Knoxfillc. From Crawford*iJilt*, ladtinn, ?u Newton, Rob Ko), William-port, arreti po>t office and Pnmh Crrovc to Iroquois in Illinois. From Alt ?n in Staunton to tiillrlioro. From Paducha, in McCracken count), Kentucky via Wilc?x's firry, to Frankfurt in Minor. From Peoria tn Pcorti count), to Knoxvilic m Knox count). From O.toua. Lasallc count), to Dixon'* Jerry on Rock river. From H unc> [mii, in Putnam count), vii Princeton and Wiuil-or to Rock blind on the AJi?i??ippi Ftoin l crrr Haute tu Indiana, to Pans in il< lino s. Deratur, Clear ? rcck.Sp ingfield and S)hati Grove to Reard.-toKn. From Mtchi i ijjm cut, Iininna to Juliet :n I on* counnr. Illinois, thence to Dixon's lerrj on Rock rn??? anil it^nrr to Karntlfl th Oil till* M?SS1? tippi ritrr. From ^f-Mwir- ? r.ouruv, via the Pine Muff*, tit township six ecn north of range five west to Rock Inland From Canton m Fulton county; via Farming' ion to Prom, in Prorij countr From On -30,, ?,4 M> ichim't Grove, K'jin oti tin I\ ?i*??r. I?<jU3w prairie on the Ki?l??ok; 3ml Midway 011 Rock river, la G lens. Frotr Chicigo northucmardir. 10 cross the Du |)J tin nrrf, at Talcotis tin RJk Grove to Foj river ^t George McClurc's. From Ouowa it La?allc county, up Fox river, u.itil it niter wets the statu road from CM ajo to Galen: at or new P.upaw From l>iuti Alton, vi: the head ol Piasa creek, at Stinmoti's towns of Delaware, Green field, Athens, Brown pom to Jacksonville. From Charleston it Odes county to the towu of Greenup. Fron Frankfort via Brownsttlie,Gill's f-rr^onthv Mississippi to JackM?n, Cape Gir?;uc?uroun iv in Missouri. Fr. 01 IJat.uiie via lk-cilui V "" to Sj?riuj?t!?*{<|. Krfi U Carroll'on and Gnfsoi in Pmi.^r Den .Siutit ami S .?ni Charles u Mnooun. {'; n lhnrilli- io Ottowa Fmn I'rin-ri- n in Putnam county *n Urigham anil Dotumiclfgro'c l? the Pawpaw gTorr From Uaynllc i'lko couniy lo Pittrfu-IU.? From Kuoxfilie ria He micron, While Oal grore, Clc.irrland and mouth of Plumb rirci in G iW'iia. From Mo<nt Caruiel in WjIm>1 o Si .miIIc, in Clay county. From Fair fi> Id tu Wayne county, to Salem in Mariot couniy From Tcrtc Haute, in ludiana. t< Vsndalia in Illinois, along the National road From McL* ausboro, iu Hamilton county, ri; Crouch's to Maiden's nulls >11 Wayne county " i- ? - ? 1 r'..i .ii. r retro /llion on llir nine rc??Ut w vanimii.v on lin- suit; road. From Cartlnge Illinois 10 Fun Madison, in Dcsmoinc county, Mich ig?n From Carlisle in Clinion county, r?; Greenville to HilUbnro. From McrorJosia ir Morgan county via Vandeventer to RushviJIe From Liberty tn Adams county, to Dand st n'a, Mount Sterling and Kusbvilic. Fion !>>gao*|>ort Caw county, Indiana, to the sci ol justice in Iroquois county, in llhnois.? From Monmouth, in Warren county to tin Yellow batik* on the Mississippi- FromBuf l.alo grove in Joe D.v?tcss county, to the moutl ol Plumb river, on the Mississippi. Froir Mount Carmel to Liwrciicctiilo. Fron Charleston in Coles county via Greenup Newton and Stringtown, to Lawrcncorillo ?r Lawrence county From Unity lo the mouil ol the Ohio river. From Jacksonville % in Havnnnn to I'ckin. From Pleasant grove in Tazewell county, ua Pekiii and Canton, tc Lewistown. Fulton county From Frank ? f 1 .--V. *iAro tn Jnnnslvvrrx I?#i % *?4 M4I1IVI , " -?iv, ^,V( Froiu Frankfort vn Whiteside'* to Golconda Front I ntir to Sniithiicld on I he Mississippi From Alton via Tern's landing on the IIli' nimi ruer, to Gtlead in Calhoun countv.From Belleville to Putckoeyrillc. From Mount Curuu l by Albion and Fairfield to Salem From Vandnlia by Hill#boro toC.irlin?i ilit*. From Jack|MIIIrille to Carlinyvjllc. ? Front Dinvilb to Spnn^fidd. From Jacksonville bv PittsfHflto Burnett's ferry. From Golconda by Frankfort lo Mount VCrnon.-? From St. Louis, Missouri, by Jacksonville, Beardslown, Rushville, Macomb, Monmouth and Foit Armstrong lo Galena. Fn-in Chicago by Ottawa, Utica, Peoria, Canton, Lewiston and Rushville to duincy. From Carthage by Commerce to Fort Desmoincs.? From Ricldantoivn by Burlington to Macomb From Stephenson to Davenport, Wisconsin Territory. From Knskaskia by Pollocks to I Belleville and from Nashville to Mount Ver-j non. From Lawreticeville to Palestine.? From Savannah, Illinois to Bellevue, Wtscon siu Territory. ; In Alabama. From Columbiana in the county of Shelby1 via Mineral Springs to Syllacugy in Talladega county. From Jacksonville iu Bentoo couniy to Bennettsvillc in Saint Clair county From Tuscaloosa via Komnlous. Alosriy auu Cook's s ore to Pleasant Ridge post office in Picken* county. From Livingston in Stnntcr county via Homers old store, Mount Sterling, McCany's and Carroilton to Washington i court house Washington county. From Mesopotamia in Grccuc county via Daniel's prairie and Jones bluff, to Livingston n Sumter county. From Burnt Corn, Monroe coun ty, via God holds old store, to AHentown in Wilcox county. From Linden in Marengo county via Flat settlement, Moscow and Peri ryman's siorc, to Livingston in Sumter county, Alabama, to Marion in Lauderdale conn i v, Mts.?issif>pt. From Maun ingham, in duller county, to Mount Willing and Haynrsville in Lowndes county thence to Washington Autauga county From Dallas in Hamilton , county, Tennessee, through the Lookout and Wills valleys via Reason, Rollins, the scat of > justice for De Kalb county, to BcnnettsTille i Saint Clair county, Alabama. From Monti. cdlo in Pike county to Tuskrgco in M con - county. From Calhoun, McMinn county, T? nnrs-ee ria Walkers place, McDanicl's i ilichard Taylor's, Walker court house, Geori gia, William Henry's,Charles Price's, Dough, erty'* mills, Chatooga, orGaylcsnlle, Smith's Icrry on Coosa river, Francis Adams and i Raadrn's store to Jacksonville, Benton coun; ty. rrom Knoxullc Green county via Gaint> ville io Sumter couniy to Narketa, Kemper county, Mississippi. rrom rort .Mitchell via I Roanoke post office, Sicwart county, Gcw , gia, irwmton in Barbour county, Alabama to rirt Gainc* in Early connty, Georgia, (the I mail to be carried on the west aide of the Chatahoochcc river.) rrom Uniomown, Per ry county via At bens, Bogue Chito to Port* ; land on Alabama river. rrom Mooticello in Pike co'imy, to Dilrville in Dale county.? r y-rnm K?ckford in Coma <*oauty via Montreal - ii. 1 aliapooM county, 10 Ltfimw in Cham* . bcr* connty. rrom Irwmton on live Chala hoocbcc nter via CUyton ti> Bar boar county, - Midway and through the southwest part of 3 uacon count}, t?? Mount weig* in Mmitgo.'nci ry county rrom Mount Willing via ?auf .* ) .More, t<? Denton in iaiuiiilrs county rrom Montgomery along the Paisala^gn (ho c nearest poiiiiott ihc route runntg from Greeni vtlle to Game's store Pike county, rrom vtount Meigs in Montgomery county via Car1 fA Ilit- r t In m V AW*tirlna r>Aiin? i ty. ronj La Grange in Troup county, Gcor? gia D?rk*jn's mills, Randolph court house to Talladega in Tai.'idoga county, Alabama, i ?rom Iia>u?*Til?e *u Hickon grorc to the i ncarc*: point on the road from Montgomery : to Patsaiaggo, and from thence to the nearest > point on tho rente from aouticcllo in Pike r county, t?? Gainer's store. From Vcrnou in i Troup couuty, Georgia via Hurst's store, to 1 Lafayette in Chambers county, Alabama.? i i rom Jacksonville Benton county, via White s plains and Boiling springs, Randolph court . bon-o, Lafayette and Oatoitah to Gerard, - ihcncc to Columbus, Georgia, rrom Tallai dega court house to La fa relic in Chambers r county, rrom West Point in Troup county, 1 Georgia via Cassi-eh and Taila.vnK? to We* . turnpka in Montgomery county, Alab.raa.? i rrom Tuskeege in mbc ?o couuiy via Tucka> batchec to Tallasscc in Tallapoosa county.? . rrom Greensboro to Candy's landing on the i Black Warrior river, rrom Washington Au. tauga county, Kingston, Independence, Ilainj ilton. Oakndgc and Villry crack to Marion , in Perry couniy. rrom Rocklord iu Coosa . c ?unty via Chesnut creek to Mnplcsrille in i Bibb fountj. rrom Green* die in Duller i couniy, m Robb's store, to Sparta thcnco to . Pcnsacola, rlorida. rrom Dale court house to Valambrosa, in rlorida. rrom TaUahasi see via Tuckabatcheo to Lino creek post t office, rrom Bcllclonte in Jackson county - via be Kalb court house, and Cherokee court i i?i :11_ n.._. nMm ! nousc io watuwjin ijiu ucutuii ivuin*. num Lafayette in Chambers county ru Randolph i court house, crossing Tallapoosa river at I Sawyer's ferry via White plains, Jackson> villc, in Ronton county, thence crossing Coo, sa river at Walker's ferry, by Double spring, i i by Bcnncttsvillo to Ashvillc in Saint Clair i county, rrom Greenville in Butler county i via rorl Dak* to liayncvillc, I^oundcs couni IV. From Tuscakxwi to pair held, prom i'Mount Meigs to Irwintoa. rrom Ptckcnsvillc .'by nacoti and Louisville to Winston court | house, Mississippi, rrom Portland by Athens to Uniontown. rrom uannmghain to Mount .'Willing rrom Newmarket by Madison . Springs to ila7.lcgrcen. rrom Hockford tc Mardi>rille rrom Columbus, Georgia, by i Chambers court house ami Ronton court . house to Huntsville. rrom Salina by Ca. hauba, Pleasant bill and Bragg's store to Greenville, rrom Jacksonville in Benton . county, Alabama, to Rome in Georgia.? i rrom Cahawba by mat ton to Ccntrcville. J a Michigan. Front Marshall, byway of Lyon lake and West G tnrd, to Coldwaicr. FromElkhart, in Indiana, to Cacsapolis, via Atlarnsvillc and Edwardsbarg. From Jfiles l<^ New Bufnloc, via Iludsua. From. Battle creek to the cotinty seat of Eaton count), via Verona and Bellcvue. Front. Detroit to Lapeer, via Rochester. From Saline to Gra*3 Lake, via Columbia Luke and Richfield. St. Clair to Gran I Blanc* via Rolnco, Bristol, Lapeer, Farmers creek and Davison's mills. From Detroit to Fort Gratiot, on the United States road, via Mount Clemens. Fr.?'ra Pontiac to Ionia, via White Lake, to the county seat, of Clinton. From Toledo to Adrian, by Biissfictd end Palmyra. Yp*ilanti to Pnntiac, via Plymouth. From Adrian to Ionia,Tin Joncsvillc and Marshall. From Manhattan to Adrian. From Marshall fyb Colda'ater. via Tekonshh. From I^Btroif, in Wayne county, to Fort GratiotV in Saint Clair county, on the United Stales military road. From Mount Gl&monts, it? Macomb county to Lapeer, in Lapeer v county. From Plymouth, in Wayne county, to Dexter, in Washtenaw county, thro* Salem, Norihficld, and Webster. From Monroe, in .\Ionroc county, Tecuinsoh, in Lenawee county, on the Leplaisuncc' bay road. From Toledo, in Monroe county, to Adrian, in Lenawee, through Whiteford and Palmyra. From Maumee, inOhio, to Jonesrille, in Hillsdale county,* through Whiteford, Canandagua, and j Lanrsviile. From Spline, iu Wnstcnaw \ county, to Loudon, in Munroc county, I rough York. From Detroit, iu Wayne county, to Utica, in Mscomb county, on the territorial road. Frutn Detroit in Wayne county, to Kent, in Kent county, by ilotreils. From Clinton, in Lenawee county, to Kent, in Kent coqnty}by Napoleon and Jacksonburg. From Coldwafr, in Branch county, toSu Joseph, in Berrien county, by Ccntrcrillc and Cassa polls. From Kalamazoo, in Allegan county, by Allegan. From Battle creek, in Calhocn county, to Kent, in Kent county, by Ge- ' luster. From An.n Arbour, In Washtenaw county, to Pontiac, in Oakland county, by Whitniorcs Lake, Green Oak, Lyon C^pd Wall Lake. From Battle creek in Qalhou'i county, to Sehooleraf., iu Kahrutzoo county, by Climax prairie. Frora Bcllcvuv in Baton county, to Middle village, h Barry county, by Hayings. From Furl Defiance, in Ohio, to Adraio, in Lena ?ce county, by i'aoauda^uj. From Michigan city, in Indiana, to Grand Haven w OMMn ninn*r, by N. "ikiffaloc, St. 3tf~ seph, K iSnijiru.-, tn Allegan county, to Saugaiack, 'tt Otuu a county. JFrom Ionia, u Ionia coamy, to Sagitfatt*. ireSagi* Maw county, by the month ??f*Wap.V river. Fr? i Srlioolera:t, iu Gclostcr, b* K(fxotl> '+* z ?o. iu Kalanuzoo county. From Sa^i-naw. by Mjckinar, to the Sail Sf. Mane. From Saginaw to the mouth of the river Saginaw. From Kalamazoo, in Kalamazoo county, to tho mouth of the North Black river. From Grand River Rapid* to Grand Haven. From Kalamazoo to the month of the Sooth Black river.? From Northficld, by Hamburgh, to Hourcll. From New Buffalo*, Michigan, to . Laportc, Indiana. From Adrian by Ilillsdale, to Foldaaicr. From Marshall, via * Johnson, Allien*, an 1 Durham, to White Pigeon. From Knlamnzoo to Kent.? *.? *.... * t 4 4 U141 /milU aiW'M ? ' luutui ? hi Florida, From Marianne to DaUville, Alabama. ' From Marianna to St. Josephs. From ' Pensacola, by Florida lo\r?, i'ittsinan's icrry to Compbcllloa. la Arkansas. From the momh of Atksnsas river, vit mouth of While river. Helena, and month of ftaint Franris, up the west bank of the Mississippi river, to Greenock, and the county, to New Madrid in Missouri. From Tine bluffs, by Cabcan's to Monroe, iu Louisiana, rrom Columbia, Ecore a rabre, to Washington, in Hempstead county* rrom BaterilJe, by Clinton, to Letrisburg, and from Clinton, by Glass's village, to Dard&ncllr, in Pope county, rrom the county scat, in Irard county, to Dardanelle and from thence, by the county scat of Scott, to Zcbulan, county seat ??f Pike, and thcnco to Washington, Hempstead rotiniv. rrom Washington to Miller COtlrl - ? J - - _ O ( n house, and from thence on the south sido of Red river, to Lafayette court-house.? rrom Carroll ton to SpiingficM, in Missouri. In Missouri. i rrom Columbia, by Koache port, Boonville, and Joncsboro, in Lexington, rrom IColumbia, by YoungcrV mill*, Paris, j Richard Sharp* to Palmyra, rrom JeffcrI son city by Versailles Benton court house, Equality," Springfield, to Carrol court 'house in Arkansas, rrom Benton court house, by the couniy-acat of Rives & A1Icnsvillc. to ill!' county scat of Van Burcn and from thence by the county seat of Johnson to Saint Helena, rrom Jefferson city to Waynosrillc. rrom the county ? of Crawford, jiasscy's iron works, to Union in Franklin county, rrom Greenville to Castor, and thence bv Johnson's, iu the West prairie, to the Grand prairie, in Stoddard Countv. From Caledonia, in Washington countv, iu Ripley county, by Van Burcn, to .lacksor, in Arkansas Tcr. ritorv. truin J^ncsboro,"by Arrow rockt