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% * . *- % * ' pi ' "f'jfe] V _X~ - ' r > ' *: "' "* * ' " ? ' THE ( AMBE\ JOURWAE. . ... . B1 BOBBET VKXIOHIV PvMMiraf tlw Uwiof Uie rBiicd r -*-4 .. ' ' -' "... ' " :J;: .j -i " uiSC.u!''-^ VOL. XI. CA-tlPEK, S01TH-CAB0Ll.\A, AtfttST 6, ?S3G. _ TS3 3^2122X7 JOTT?.27AL. PoWuW Off Saturday Morning by JtOBEitT n'K.VIiiUT, robushxn or rat uvior the i'iioh 8U ASCRIPTIONS Throe dollar* a year in advance, or four dollar* I the cod of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at seventy five cent* the square for the first, and halt that amount for each continuance? The number of insertions to be marked on the margin or t-iey trill be continued and charged ac cordingly. Those inserted semi-monthly 75 cents and monthly fit a square for each insertion. Communications by mail to he post paid or remain unattended to. LAW or TUB 0U1TBD STATES PASSED AT IBt I WKAl t IUI1H tn vwnwnwov FIR ST SE68I0X. [Public?No. 62.] AN ACT U? stahli*li t retain post road*, and to alter and discontinue others, aod fur other purposes. Be ii marled by the Senate and House of Representatives of. the Uuttrd States of America in Congress assembled. That the futlnvi:^ be established as post roads: In JUmnt. From Lincolnviilc to Isl?*boroii/h.? From Wilton, throuffn Welti and B;ron, to Andover. From T?p*ham. through Lisbon, by Little River village and a.,, nils eartury village, iu Lewislown falls. Fr'-m OeonysviUr, through Charlotte, C'ooprr,1 an J Baring t?? Calais. Fr??m Saco. bv Salmon falls. Bar Mills, Moderation falls. Bonny Eagle falls, to E??t Baldwin. From W*y?ie village, jg Norris ferry, laaar Suit Aland's, attthMliaa H. Britton'a, in Livrrwore, to Hljpord's mill's, in Caul n, and Peru,, to EasTRam'?1 O n :_t, loru. rroiu diuihwhb m ? ??>*? *. ... From Portland, by Falmouth Centre, Cumberland, (Jppcr Yarmouth* New Gloucester, Baal Poland. Mi not. Wr?i Mi not, Eol Hebron, by BuckfiHd village. From Calais. through Bairyrillr and Prineeston, to Houllon. Froin Gardiner* through PilUton. Hollowell, W hitrfieid, Windsor. Palrickstiwn, Washington, Li* bcrty, Applrton, Searamont, and Belmont, to Belfast. From Piflrtland. through Cumberland Centre, Poarnal, Durham, Lisbon, V ales, Winthrup. to Auguata. From Walerville, by China, to Palermo, From North New Portland, through Lexington, to Dead (liver. From Vinalha* vrn, to Isle of Haute. From Portland, through Stroud water village and Buxton, to Sulem falls. From Thomaaton. via Cuahing, to Friendships. From Bast Thomaston, to Owl's Head. From Tho. maston, Vinalhaven. From Doughty'* folia (ur Berwick,) to Great Fall*. >rw Hampshire. From Bfsn?*irk, South Durham. floutbwe*! Band, QuFi comer, Tani Minot. and East Turner, lo Turner. From Warren, by Je?*r*un, and North Whilefieid (o Augusta. From Madison by Madison Centre and South Ans<yi, to West Sew Vineysidin Snc Haxtpikirt. Fr*?m Gu?lf.?r<l. through Meredith, lo Nr? Hampton. From lirbton, through Alexandria. to Bristol. From Hili-bo* rough bridge, thn uth ihr south pari ot * - ? ? II L D., L Antrim, auu iianrwc* w rcirrin'm ? From South Dtcrfifid to Piuifirld. From Ovrpee to Tuftenboro. Fr?>m Groton, Massachusetts. !? Dunstable. Near Hampshire. From Dunstable bv Hudson, I.ondoniirrr. D^it. Hsmpstcad. Hiakr, and Kingston, to Eieter. io New Hampshire. From Exeter, by Hampton fall*, to Hampton bearh. From Dover, by Durham, Lee, Eppiug, and Cheater, to Drrry. From Lebanon, b> Springfield, New London. and Sutton, to \Varren. Fp?n Hillsb rough br.d*e. by Antrim. North Branch. Stoddard, and Sullivan, to Keene. From Hillsborough bridge, hy Sooth Antrim and Hancock to Peterborough. From Ttlftenborough and Oasippee in New Hampahire. NrwfiehJ, Limerick, Waterborough and Buxton, to Portland in Maine. From HilNborough bridge by Hillsborough centre, Bradford centre, and Sutton to Mutton village. From Amherst he Milliard. Wilton and Mason, to New Ipswick. From Winham. via L<?ndon? dery to ll?oksei(. From Clareraont to Cornish MassaehttitHs: From Ea?t Middieborough, through Plvmpton, to Kingston, in Plymouth county. From Taunton to Norton. From F 'lboro to \Vrrntham. From Franklin, through Bellingham, to Hou h Milford. From No'th Woodstock, through Woodstock, Wilkinson's factory, Killing!)- in Connecticut, to Chcphetehet, in Rhode Island. From Yarmouih to South Yar. mouth. From Sandisfield t-? Sheffield From Boston, through Lynn, Delivers Topsfield, New Rowley, West New bur v. to Amesbury. In Rhode Island. From Wonmocket falls, Rhode Island, through South Bcllingham, Massachusella, in Franklin, and thence to East. Med way. From Newport, Rhode Islam:, by water to Wickford.. In Connecticut. From Furnace village, through Lime Rock, and Falls rillagr, to Sooth Canaan From Worcester, to Charleston, tliroug1 S.iuihbridge, Massachusetts, through the west part of Woodstock, to Tolland, i< Connecticut. From Jeweit** city.- by Parkcrsrille, to Canterbury. From Plain* held, by .tlonsnp, and t/entrai village. 10 Brooklyn. From Hartford, via Windsor. Pocot.oc, East Granby, Weal Sheffield, and Feoding-hiJls, to Westfieid.. From Wrstporl, via the Academy in Weston, Stepney Post Office, and Zoar.' id Bennellvs bridge. From New Haven, by East Haven, North Branfortf, North Guilford, -North Bristol, and North Kiiliogworth to. Essex. Front Essex, by Hamburg, and North Lyme, to Norwich City. | In Vermont. From Johnston, through Eden, Lowell, Westfield, Troy, and "Newport, to Derby. From Bellows ' falls, through Athens. Brookline, New fane, md Dover, to Wilmington. From .Mot-nt Holly, through Mechanicsvilje. to Weston. From Al: burgh to Went Alburgh. ' From Windsor, l?v Harllaud, Querrhy village.. West llartford, Snows t|i??re. Sharon, and! South Stafford to Stafford. FroinPrac-i lorsville, via < avendish, Grtenbiifh. ah<! j f Vao?,./si?| < r% i %I?? mmniihl tM I Vrf'i * ? I* v v| mi ? mi rnivuii?? \ ?i# | New Hampshire. Fruro WilJUloa to Je-1 riru. la Arte York. j From Wstertowu lo Rodman, by Burr- j ?illr, in the county of Jefferson. From Carthage, through the village of Great! Bend, he Kaysville, Frit's mill*. Lock ] port, and Huntingdon's mills, to the vil-. lag?* uf Wstrrlow n. in ihr county ??f Jef-I fcr*o?i. From Theresa, in the eouuty of Jefferson, by the Glass works, and South Hammond, to Hammond, in the county of Saint Lawrence. From Hudson by Gleneoe, Curtis's settlement, -North East, to Salisbury, in the State uf Connecticut. From Silver creek, in * the county of Chant <uqoe, by Versailles, in the county of Cattaraugus, to Angola, in the county of Krif. Prom Jtmaiea? to Roekaway, in the couuty of Queen*. Fmm Ore- nford, across Shelter island. to Sag Harbor, in the county of Suffolk. From SriaukeU by Coram, Palchogue. io Suf-, folk county. From May*ilie. in the coun- j ty of Chautauqu*. 'hrnngh Panama, to. the mouth of Broken Straw creek; in thr' county of Warren, in jhc State of Pennsylvania. From Smithaboro, to Spencer, j in the county of Tioga From (ioahen, in the county of Orange in the State of! New York, through Phillipfburg, Mid*' dletown. Mount Hope, Codaebacktille. Clowearilh*. Forrrstburg, Stewartsburg. Halfway br ok. Hearer brook. Ten-mile titer, tod Nartauraburg, to Il>ne?<iaJe, in the Stale of Pennayltania. From Herkimer to IJlict, on llir south ?iur oj the Mohawk river, through the village* of Mohawk, German Fl-?i:s. and Frankfort*, tn the county al Herkimer, to the j riry of Utica, in the cunty of Oneida.' Front Lock port, in the county of Niagara,! by way of Benedict** bridge, to Akron, j in the town of Kcwslrad, in the county i of Erie. Fram YuUiigstowo, in tho ruun-! jty of Niagara, by way of Wilson, Kemp-. vitle, Somerset, Y*tcs, .Centre, West Carlton, East Carlton, and Davis mills, to Gaines formers in the county ?l Orlean*. Pfi m Pr. hie, in ihr county of Cortland, through Otisco Hollow, Arnlcr, Marietta, and Marcrliua, to i au-llus, u. the eotfnty of Onondagu. From Luz? rue, in Warren county, to CaldvreJI. From C'armel, in Putnam count). tn Pawling*, in Dutchess. From Franklin, in-the county of Delaware, to Oncotito, in the County of Otaego. Prion Somerset, in Niagara rounty. by Vales, Centre, West Carlton. Fas Carlton, and Davis mills, to Gaines corners, in the county of Or Irani, From lir??v? land. on E*tst roau to Gcnricr. From Mandtordtillr. to 81i# ron. in Connecticut Fr.?o? Gibbuiierillc, by tray of Oohoes. t?? Waterford. From H? hrnrclady * by Princ.|nwn. Dunnesburjf. to Srhohaire. Fr??tn Pntighkccpsir by Pleasant Vnllrv, Doecr, Bullsbrtdgc. and Krnl post office to W*?hingtnn in Connecticut. From Ithaca, thro* Grern, Oxford. Guilford, Mount Upton, Oilberlsrillc. Otarva, Onronta. Davenport Centre. Davenpo t, West Harpers field, liarpersfirld, and Htamford, to Cnltnkill; and i that the p<>st route from OxfoTd to Gil' bertsrillr, and from Onronta to Gilbertsvillc, and from florprrsfietd to Onronta, be, and the same are hereby, discontinued. Vmnm Rnrlmiinr. nltiiicr (lit Krir Canal. to Brock port, ami Lock nor I, in ^be county of ^iingara. From Union village, by the village* of Battrnkil), and Hhawa mill*, In the village of Salem, in the county of Washington: And that the po*t road from i Battenkill to Jackson-be diacontinttcd. From Waterborough. in 'he county of (yhautaiiqup, by C'onnewango, to I'crxia. in the county of Cattariigu*. From Westr field, in tltc county cf Warren, in the Stale of Pennsylvania. From Spful Bank. <* Mannsville. From Clinioiivilh*, tKhimbeck. From Russia to Moure house village. . , In Neto Jersey. From Belvidert, in Warren county, tPort Colden. From Pompton, by We itockey. Broitdbville. Long Pond nn< The Green Woods, to the post office, n Warwick, in New Y??rk. From Jersev eiiy, in Bergen county, to BclJrili*. From Princru?wn. -by 'fJighistown, i< Freehold. From* Highlstnwn, by Ewingtille, I'larksburg. Horn^rsiown, Cans 'rille, OharlcHtoWM, "hnd Smith field,. to ! Freehold. * From Philadelphia, by Cam. den, Burlington. Ilightstown, amj South Amboy. to the city of New. York. Froir Doycr, byfluckanunny. ami Fiandera, t.. Harkettstown. From Hamburg, by FrankIn* furnitc, and Sparta, to Newton.? F)i'tn Kingston to Homerrille, by way ol ftorky Hill, Griggstovrn, to Milbtom a pi Weston. JFrom New Egypt, by Cnock*U>wn? Jarobstown, fteckletstowii, Orouwieks, to ffcttdentuwn. " v > / / !- In Pmnsybatua. From Reamslcwn; irt Lancaster cnoifty, by the ' nay of Sheonuk,' Whitehall, and SpringTillr. in sa^d county, to Sharflcfaton, in Lebanon "county. From Columbtia, Luzerne county, lVnnsybania, by the tray of FfirmottM, Ctdesrillc, in C olumbia county, and Durfdaon, to Tanc*< aille, in Lycoming county. Chambersbore, Franklin County. Pcnnsj ivania, bi. the way oi Merct-r?burgs. tu Hancock, Washington * county. Maryland. From Cart au?. Clearfield county, to the town of Clearfield, in said county ,~the route to] go on the north stdr of the west branch ric-.f Prnm t4 Itrl'a .M.a k^unijwt IIMB I v VI A ** W VI toa!*. in Cr?trford;conaiy, Pennsylvania, to Andorcr, in ihc State of Ohio From OU creek, iu C avrfonJ county by the way of Spring creek, ii. Warrrn county, in Sugar grove, in the same county. From the Spring house. Montgomery county, by the w*y* Gut* need. HciauVa t vern. Fru.c. nia. Gelbart** tavern, Trumbaursvjlle. in Bucks county. Everbart*, Jacob Kernel 4, to' Cooperaburg, in Lehigh county. From -* 1 . ?__ ADiagion centre, in Aauzernr county. oy the way ra'elurt ville. - Nicholson, :? Broklyo, Sosquahanna county. , From Wyalusing 'centre, Bradford county, to Orvejl, in the same county. From. Erie rn Krif county, by the way ? ' Mckean. Washington, and Venango, to Rockdale, in Crawford county. From Coaiesvitle, in Chester coumy, by w?y of Doe run. Chatham, Went grove. Rouse mm<>n. *nd Boyd's store to Sirikrrvillr. From Florence, in Wawhinglon. county, b\ M II creek meeting huu?r, Eo*i Liverpool, Fanlkslt'Urn. clarksun, East Fairfield, and Lima, in comlanbii county, i" Poland, in Trumbull, county, Ohio. From cross creek village, Washington cout ty, to West Liberty, in Ohio rount), Virginia. Pron West Alexander, Washington county, to Wrsi Liberty, in Ohio county, Virginia. From West Alexandria, W ashington rouniy, Wayneshurg, in Gre- n county.* From Zrlienople, I'utler County, b\ Etaosburg, (cladr Mills, to Freeporu From Beaver, in Beaver county,? Prank fori. From S iiiiwr'i Eddy pt il, -in Luzerne county, bv hnrfnzbiil, ?mi Jonea*? mill*, lo intersect the" post mate from. Wjtraluaing t- ltu?hvillr, at Sit-tapa-' till; Froii' Will j?tj?, it^ Northampton i county, by Flrrknfill?, anil Kirhnmnii, ; to Belrturrr, in Nr?'Jrrtrj. Ft??m Li? Igonier, ^ cftm rrlanii r urn), to Johnstown, in cambra r<>uniy Fr?m Mph?mo) poat office, in Northumberland county, bv llir State roatl, < Nlinera* ille, in Hrhuji* kill roumy. F m Taney trill-, in Lycoming con iv, H< '(llrsmi's i?. ci'lumbu*, in Lui> rpr coumy. F;un? Butlrr, c??tiniv, by Wlutcatnvtu, to Zeltennple. From Joniale croMinfn, in Bedford county, by Brush valley, Whips eu?r, Warfonleburg, l?> Hancock, i Maryland. F?m Wiikea arrr, in Lutrrne county, by Wht.i II ? rrn, Lovrrytown, t.? Lausanne Fr?-m Heading, in Berks county, by Yocum*? forge, and Bovrtnan'a store <o Blue Ball, 1 in Lancaster county. Fiotn hint-Ik purl, Mi Kran county, by the fork* of i unuang ural crcrfc lu l. real *allr\, in Cattaraugus run my, New Y??rk. iVoni Butler in iiutlrr cMMiiity 10 Franklin in Ve.itai go ouniy b'\ ilit* -graded or turnpike road. Fium taihumlale in Luirrnr eotinty b> liit- way of Urermiltr, Willirillr, Abitjg* | tun and Nicholson, to Tunkhannnck. From Kiitxiutrn, B? rks county by tljc way of New Jcruralem, Lobarkatillr, Kiuuaer'*, t^bornerarilb , .Bot* rtowr., N. j Hanover t? The Trappc in M <nigomer> county. Frufn Mio?-r?villr i" iwtuykill j county, by ihe way o( Wayneaburg, j Kli'igrrstown to Ciratttown in Dauphin | county. From Fasten, Northampton cuuty by the way of William Krssb r'*t W outings mills, Tt.ixbury to Williamsburg. Fr in Norrinlntvn unninnnlrrv rmmti- Kv the way of Shannoimlle t?> Hhornixt ill* !in che.ntor county. fron *>toddard*?i|l? J to clifton in Luzerne county. rrom IJ 5ne*i?ln1o, Wnynr cuinily down the Laxuwaxen rrrek. and aloug the line of the Delaware and Hudson canal to the Narrows; (hence along the sau.c creek and canal, up the Delawore riccr, through fjig Eddy fcttkmcnt to IJamascus post office; thence through Berlin townsbr,, HnnesiJglc. , worn, Venango furnace *Wesley, Venango^counly. From Dau.s cus to Stockport; ?ia the Mouth of lh Little. Equlnank-creek, and the Englisi'tt!< m"nt, in Manchester township- an the mouth of the Great Eouinoplf creek i Buckingham township, Wayne eooifty. rrom Liverpool ,to tfUIiu town. . From Montrose, throughnhe townships of Laws, villcaod Binghamptoir; New Yoik. -From Danfille-to cattawia& r~ Fr?#m York, by Quigley's church, and Strities'.owo, to Niwberrytnwttr, /TvVJ' # . t* Delaware. r% _ tl i. .1 : -Jrti.-i k_ ... P.I... ;J r mm.minora, in*iscrawarr, w lmivu, mi Mirvlaod. . * 1 ;tn M^lakd. --I Front Davidtuur ille, via Hgift's store, to I Paiuxent forge; and ibeoce lo Eldridg? landing. From Bo?nsbf?rQQgb/-m Kohreraville, Brownsville. iiurketsrille, and PetersrHle, U) Barry. From Forr Doporite, to Nbrtb'East, From Churchill, to l)wcr, in ihe.Xaie aware. From Cjftvbndge, by Church creek, I and Tobacco "Robinson and Griffith's ! stote. From tcHc Air,Fy Hurtfbrd Font ace,r and Abington, to Miehadyille. ^ ft Virginia. From Foplrr Hill, Giles county,to Sharon, Wyihe torn. try. From Waynesboro to Green* ville. From Fishing creek, iu Tyler county, 1 Finn-Grove, and Lmnauro, loPobdey's mdis, ifc- -r U?lwUVmi iu * yuuij v# iuwvu^tii?* ijwm^wv in (he cot nij of. Lasts,to Ctwjestowby in ,ibc cbunty of henaoha. From LouiMcadri boOM to Yaftoa)?dte. Knxp Prilteipbu'a post offic*v in (be coooty of Franklin, ra Rake'< store, and CanadaV, in said comity, , iu 1 toydcourr house/ From C bark* tea rilte, n?Scott?tilk], to, fiockiogbam cuort boOae. From Bdficld, in theomdij of Orceos?tUef to NewabmVDrpot,. to the county of Southampton. From Polalej ' mills, in the county ot Monoogaln, sia Armett'a stare. to Blacksnlle. From Staunton, ?u Buffalo gap, and Joseph B? ll's to MUhoruugb. From tbe town u! Wrldoo, Nor b Carolina, via Hjrkes old imp Randall*. Ordin ri. Powllion. -antes f-qu.?r% Gholaoi.ville, O?kgro*e, Nicholson V, W artiuan's, t Juries Ogborn'*, Shackiefard'a, Chrtsmnaville, Dtiprecs store, Charlot te court boo**, ArniMt-ad and Fuqus'a More, Ifld. brooknfL. to Gretn Hill, CafupbcM count\# Virginia. . Fro n Wjlh* court - hoo?, Vu J a oies fl. Pip**". "> Blue springs^ Smythe county. From Berkley's mills, Kasnel coon ty, via Oshurp fi*d,t.. Pcndkton. >cbtt ctrtiuty. I nun Bmadfurd, Mnyth? ?oCOfy, via Cook's store, to Sharon, Wythe county. From Laurel po>i office, W ashing oo county, to Captain Lett BudtupV, in the county of Smythc. Kn?m Pnuc?s? Ann, Varyland, ti t rst wton Biar}i?nu, jiwj otuumrs uwrn, Virginia. RiIrT " aiore, Jen^m's bridge, GotlCid. and Hag*? IP- i?i Drum mood loan, in ?b< couuti ol Acforairk, Y^inia. From Greenville. Virginia, o J- flersuu, North i ?roltua. rrum V\ iQcbct^er 10 jStaun on, bv way of Ladcs old work% Huddles ccboof boost-, Colombia Airoace, Moore's ' Move, lYnny barker's furnace TorW-ys iown. abd Md|? r'? furnace, nod tbehce ?o Suqoukl? hoQ Kingoood to Evanivilie From Or* ange court hou?e to Siaoaravillo . From C'oK peprr omit twnw, *ia Plain's mills, tb Timber* illf. From Lradfttllc to Western Fords, io the countj ol-Randolph, in Virginia.? l)<ntillr. li Franklin- enari hoa*e to Salem. From Joittf 'Icm to Grquharr'a store,r iu r-unth.uftptf?o county. From Surry court honae, ?i bridge, in Surry douuty.? From Richmond,- by ficflonx arsenal, **ub Irit'a, am. Jt flrtaori,. to i'artccvillc. From Lytic blur# b> Pedlar** milfc, to Imi&sIo r'pri'iiFrom Littietouo toUnjahart'* store. From West Alexandria, Pi-nnayhama, to Grave t reek. fn North Carolina. . From Franklin, North t ardioa, to Jamestille, Gr?dj\i atore, and iiuutuigbm. to fihumvillr, Georgia. From ade?J?r i, by W bites atore, J*?e Lie*el ids, Hasiey'aatore,. Alexander N. Bella, the Amoti gold pines, and thence by Buru'a atore and Diamood hilL From I-iinestoite' post office, in Bunctnhb county, by Edoemille and E. S. Portm*. to Earlavilh-. 8p?nan?burg district, South Carolina. From Carthage, in Moore county* theoee ,10 Eli Phillip*, and Fariah and Mc? N?-i!IV atore. n? Tyson's a ore. From MoT-, ffantoen. in Burke coanir. on Johns lirer. to .John Mom*, ?ti Watauga, id Atto county. From FalUtille in Li ncuicj county. to William. Oats. Buffalo poet office, Jo*hut Beats*, Rueby.cjeeJr, Rami! ton'* at ore, and \Vebh'* lord, to Ruthrrlord, Rutherford county*? Prom Ikthania, Stoke* county. by Vienna and'Shores ferry. to Dowel town. Surry county. from tirceusboro by Thompson's store, and I>arn3 Thomas's, to Mooresvillc, in Orangr county. From Milton, by Sergeant* till . and Black well's store to Rawliugabury^ in Rockingham county. From Yadkin post] office, stoke* county, by William Wolf's Reeve*, Johmmn Clement*, to Rocklbrd, Surry county. From T*y lor'* bridge, in Sampson county, by the Procy Woods, aod tin? Iiouhc of Lewis High .Smith, to Long Creek bridge, iu New Hanover county ? . From Beatic* Ford to SherrtlBford poat office, and IlokcMille to Fiaber a post office: returning, to par* Eareavillc, the neighbor hood ol 't lionia* L. May*, to the I)ry pond?. For Salisbury by Muuui I'leasant, inCaba rm? county, to Cobourn's ?tore, in Mecblenburg county, rrom Washington to Durham creek rrom Newborn, to James Riggs on Bay river, ?n Crtvcn county: rrom Beau fort to Portsmouth and tbeoee tei Omcorj^ prora Kingatoo bjr i tookertc*n to-Snor Hi From Moekviile to HauttriBc. rrank' iin m Macon county, <J?rk **&&&**, Huntingdon, tbeoec i?BmI sbira count) Georgia From New Trap H?U in WUks count* boose Virginia. rrom Greenrilte in rp|ft^ Cfltonty, bj4Johnson's Miitf,* Green county, to Kingston in Lea^datBd^j prom Klizabethtown by to Pair bluff, ibcnce by iod i'rong at WbotL-n'a baelF^Ebzabtf From Winioo by Xritea court house and Spfl&i bury to Kdcnion. * From Tootlmson's pU>rtfaj*d A she court house. From ^ouisborg^ffll Lenay's cross roads Willoa, Melbame'a Ig^llbaroV-JWting house. Red sad Turner's Mills, to HittsSoTa nSWSr^ mantotrn to LilUe Yadkin. ^ . ; "v~"; v-j in South CaroUnn ~M< j From Rambmh'viailed. hiftto Liberty7 hill. From Corbettsvjlle to Rla6bsyUle !ia4 Orangeburg district From Greeoaille court boose by Li^goo1* miUsj to Musb creek.?j! From Abberille tfonrt house by rag^rt's store, end Coviogtoo's roiHs, |o jdsffaustiUe^1 in Aodernott district. *rom OweeriBe court bouse, 6oatb Carolina, tie HuttotiV bridge, ^ oo Saluda rirer^ twir" rock;Wolf-credt," ^ Fickeua court house, nib post office WeU Uawc, faartsiord.uo^naraga rwer.ana war- , woman's creek, to CkjMQ, in the coomj oC s IUbao, state of Georgia* * preen Camdeirtid[> *. Loogtowo, Winnsbaroogb, Bell, .Haik, Adfe ford's terra and Basket ts, to Newberry o?rt house. From'Uouo court boose, 'to New- berry court boose, Young's ferry to Aiken>-? FroraBaron?U courthouseteRosney. From . Pococaligo, .via Hickory Hi9 to- the cross mads, 10 Prince William.parish From Drey- "* toortlie, by Umsetooe springs, Htmth JUpscombe, Rowland's stare, and tbe-R Uing r mills, io .^pananborgb court bouse. From . Fisbdam post office, oo Broad river to Fiockneyvtffc in "tnion district. FrvM?*GW:>?4Je* . coon boose, by berjroan'n store, Bootya ; don, LiM eraek, Neetj1* fcnj, Ctahndie, " Meeting- sum 10- Gdgefirid coon bouse.-* FnxnG'egtifille, ^?ath Carolina by tlsrks* tills, Georgia lo UthDp^gi. ?m Gtargim. From Frankltoriffe, Lot?odescoentytGeor*" gia, tis Warner's<iefry W'IWoaeod pusiofc bee, id Midliioa'C'iUBif, I" miurj ui Florid*From tUrrtAJiOu, *i? Vilifies post office, is CstroA cqoQty, Georgia, ui' Paulding court bous*. - J??Ur? in L .ja coon j and AdatrtiUeia i *> coam/. Ptwj iiome, in Ffciyd ccunij, Ge?rjju ? r V-mos * ?liey, Mnr-.-an'a crofc roada, Jackaom Jk, in fjraijoft cooatj, Alabama^, Alssaodrta "post officr, Coamtra* R UjV spring, Tall?dt-g ?* MardwriQe laTailadrga Coooty,. ylUrogj porf office, Rock* i?ed, to Couea ciiow;, id Wetompkt, in Montgomery vouoij, Alabama. Trotu Ceotrrfiikr, W tikes coon %, si* Wright !s a ore, on ibe Skull SImm! road, Bottling Green, * kr << t k ? . n u . * Juan m. 1,011 iwv, ana roanains bridge, lab^aT m k Ura county, frout Fiat xiMMb; m rnfc coney, *? i erduo* itufo, Kocky *.outi , amr? ttwrc, ali hi Merriwiihnr cuuut) im) ltwum m Heard coquij to Frankttu to Heard obus*.). Frutn New tun, Coweta coui.iy, tui atrilmij?'a?..rc ami Tontiitine't I*ay, oa Finn tn r, to Zebuioo, in Pike county. kf>ut AurVria ?t? Lumpkin county v via Coai uouiuaiu pus office,Camming to ,* t**%) ill county Social iiifl post officeiu Cherokee count;, LctMu?'0 port office and MaiidtJ u in Cobo county, oCaitibchou iu Cast Or U c-umj. From l?a?villt* vm Ptne Lf pit vtafct too ocutou puu office, to Coa coauty to Uurj*), iiuaKi couQty. From tlarifttio, ru> Aituuuy gutoaw*t?} Caarttlle, Adair** vtik. Us.' couuty^ New i&bou,- to &(**<?* piace, Mu. rayouua.yk. trom Lumpkto, in 8 ea?n couui), - ic btarkTiiie in Lie eooaty.:: From i 4Tuun-.n*iia IWai p?Wt office, tlcbe? . Village pSnl office, m Norton coun y, and i o 01"* p*$i <Ast Co imriCu* in Sumter county. C^oai 1 -itDouou vu b> tlrfH'W pe*t olbce, Btfouauaii* si.*?, Warfii Spring* and Ciitruviiic, m .t.crviwe.her c? amy u? new- * iuuf u* Cbetu county. From Bberam by Ku ie? Mie ,iu lilteri Qcurjpa to An* <ter?*o court Louac 10 bnutli Cirolitik. FrbTi Pausing court two* tii Kome it FloydL cou. i), 'f rtad?ay*? Island ford at Story's tar01 io W alker -eotiri house. Fius Cfajtdhi in Rabun count). via fildmilki in I nioa county, Ute|?; tuXitlnicr oou&ti.'apd Spring place * Murray county, to* Walker'conn nouse <nlW al?et coiibiy. .float Owfloim to Lninpkui count) viaHigh loner posi offiea and Cauiuo tn Cberukee cdbnty. jo Cawtilfo in Caas county, Fr^tn Dadlbriega in Loop** kiu codu y k> Biaimtile tsf |}ntao county.*? Frdtn Cauioii tu Cherokee cooat) via Woftdatvck pou utbce, ituieua io * obb eoooty and P uiding court house Paulding county, t&rCedarufeu in Paulding county. Fw HaukiusviUe to PuMu county. le Hoosn * cntk in lnruf county; the mil to be carried down on ifie western side of the OcVmulgee river. Fruin Lagnoge. Troup county via Liberty Hill puat office. FrankW in Heard county, and Laurel hiH to-YarroJh n int ar-" roll county. FpoCJ Franklin. Heard nonntv. * y*' ' Georgia- to Randolph court house in ANbaui?. tr m Jacksonville Telfair eogtujr. via iloimeaviU* in Appling comity and Wearen* uoro in Waart county, to FraoklinTille m ^ Lowndes county* From M'DoWV'1' \y couuty via Tucker's cabio, 10 Decaiur De Kaib county. From llalloca, in tucogee ouniy via Pmevilks and Jenkin- m 11, to Americas, Somuter couniy. From in Dootey county via Danville, American in w