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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. q|. ROBEKT^K^*?5J fnblfaher of the Law of iU* United 8toU?. - . EdlUtf by JOH5 C. WEST. VOL. * CA^IDEY, SOITD-C.IROIJXA, JULY 30, 183G. , AO. 27. PuHiiUfd e&rqjpurday Morning by bobcrtsh'h HiiiiiT, ? rosLTSKEK or or tue usiok SUBSCRI^fioXS Three dollars a year in advanc^pyfcjtr dollq^ at the end of the rear. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at seventy five cents the square for the first,and halt that amount for each continuance-? j The number of insertion* to be marked on the margin or ther will be continued and charged ac j cording!/. Those inserted semi-monthly 7i> cents and monlblr $1 a *qu tro for each insertion. Communications bj mail to be post paid or remain ! unattended to. LAW OF TilT OJlT'tD STATES PAUSED AT THE TWENTY rot'KTH CONGRESS rtUST SEfSION. [Public?No. 42.] AN ACT supplementary to the act entitled 41 An act to establish the Northern boun-} dary line of the state of Ohio, and to pro- i ride for the admission of the stale of Michigan into the Union on certain conditions.'' j Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That in lieu of the propositions submitted to the Congress of j the United States by an ordinance passed by tbc convention of delegates at Detroit, assembled for the purpose of making a constitution for the stale of Michigan, which are here byrejected ; and that the following propositions j be, and the same arc hereby, offered to the' Legislature of the state of Michigan, for their j acceptance or rejection, which, if accepted, j under the authority conferred on the said Lc-I ? - ?.- ? ? ?l;_i_ e i .u! gnauirc ur inc vuuvrnuuii WUIUI liamvu tiiv constitution of the said state shall be obligalory upon the United States. First. That section numbered sixteen in CTery township of public lands, and where ] such section has been sold or otherwise disposed of, other lands c^uivalvtit thereto, and; as contiguous as may be shall be granted to! the Mate for the use of schools. j Second. 'Chat the sercnty-two Mictions ofi land set apart and reserved for the u?r and support of a unirersity by an act of Congress ; approved on the twentieth day of Maj, eigb-j teen hundred and twenty-six, entitled " An j act concerning a seminary of learning in the torrttofj of .Michigan," arc hereby granted and conrc;<ed to the state, to be appropriated solely to the use and support of such untrcrsity. in such manner as the Legislature tnay prescribe : And pravidtd alio. That nothing herein contained shall be ao construed as to' impair or affrcj in any way the rights of any . person or persons claiming any of said acrcn- * f/-i?ro sections of land, under contract or grant from said uuircrsity. Third. The fire entire sections of land, to be selected and located uudcr the dir.tction of the Legislature, in legal divisions ol not less than one quarter section, from any of the unappropriated lands belonging to the Onited States within the said state, are hereby granted to the state for the purpose ol completing the public buildings of the said stale, or for the erect ton of public building* at the teat of government of the said Mate, ar the Lcgislatuic may determine end direct fourth. That ail soli springs within the state, not exceeding twelve in number, with, six sections of land adjoining, or as contiguous as may be to each, f*hall be granted to tbe said state for its use. tlie same to be selected by tbe Legislature tliereof, on or before ** - J f I l...n,lrr*t llio nrn uajr ui 4??<uaijr, < ??- ? and fortjr; ami the same when so selected, to be used on such terms, conditions, and regulations, as the Legislature of said state shall direct; Providtd, That no saJl iprmg, the right whereof now w rested in any individual or individuals, or which may hereafter he: confirmed or adjudged to any individual or individuals, shall by this section, he granted to said mate; And provided, also, That iho General Assembly shall never m-II or lease the same, at any one time lor a longer period than ten years, without the consent of Con-, grew. Fifth. That fire per cent, of the nctt proceeds of the sales of all public lands lying! within the said state, which have been or shalli from niul alter the first UV 9UIU MJ ? >*?? --day of July, eighteen hundred and thirty-six,! after deducting ail the expense* incident to | the same, shall be appropriated, for making public roads and canals within the said state, as tho Legislature may direct : Provided. That tho five f .rrgotng propositions herein i offered, arc *n the condition that the Legislature of the said >utrt by virtue of the powers i conferred upon it by the convention which framed tho constitution of tl?c said state, shall provide, by an ordinance irrevocable without! the consent of the Initio Suns, that the said stale shall nevti interfere with the primary disposd of the smI within tho same by the United States, nor with any regulation* n?jry find necessary for securing the! 4 title in such soil to the b ma fide purchasers thereof; and that r.o tax shall he imposed on lands the propcrlv of*tfie United Slates ; and that in no case shall non-resident proprietors be taxed higher than residents , and that the : bounty lands grautcd, or hereafter to be granted, for military services during the late war, I ~ ' tgha'l, a>U|a|t^v oo^iu^e to tie held hy the patentees or their heirs, remain exempt from any tax laid by order or under the authority of the state, whether lor state, county, township, or any other purpose, for the term of three years from and after the date of the patents respectively. Approved, 23d June, I^3G. [PmMC. No. f>8.] AN ACT for the continuation of the Cumberland Road in the States of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the sum of two hundred thousand dollars Lc, and the same is hereby appropriated, for the purpose of continuing the Cumberland Koad in the Slate of Oiiio; that the sum of two hundred and fifty thousand dollars be, and the same us hereby appropriated, for continuing the Cumberland Road in the State of Indiana, including materials for erecting a bridge across the Wabash river: and that the sum of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars be, and the same is hereby appropiiatcd, for continuing the Cumberland Road in the State of Illinois; which sums shall be paid out of any money not otherwise appropriated and replaced out of the fund reserved for laving out and making roads under the direction of Congrrs*, by the several acts parsed fur the admission of the States of nl?;o Inr'iann nml lllinni* and Missouri into the Union on on equal footing with the original Stairs: Ptovidrd, Thai ihc expenditure of the appropriation herein made for the State of Illinois shall be li* mi ted to the graduation and bridging of the road therein, and shall not he coustru* rd as pledging Congress to future appro* priations fur the purpose of McAdamizing the same. See. 2: And he it further enacted, That the moneys hereby appropriated lor the construction of the said road in Ohio and Indiana, be expended in completing the greatest possible continuous portion of said road in the said Stales, so that such finished parts thereof may he surrendered to the said States, rc^pcctircly. Arraovco, Julv 2d, IKK). i [Pt nuc~ No. ] AN ACT making appropriations for (lie Military Academy of the United Suits, for the year eighteen hundscd and thirty nix. lie it enacted by the Senate nnd House of Representative# of the United Siote* of America in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and the same arc hereby, appropriated, to be paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the support of the Military Academy, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, vizFur pay ??f the officer*, cadets, and musicians, hfiy-wx thousand and twclre dollars For subsistence of officers and cadets, thirtyrttine thousand fire hundred and sixty-sis dollars. F??r forage of officers' horses, one thousand one hundred and fifty-two dollars. For clothing of officers' servants, three hundred and thirty dollars. t'..f ?lrfi?viiUi iIip e\nen?r?of the Roard . ... ..... ,, of Visiters ui West I'uint, two thousand dollar*. For arrearages of the tame in eighteen hundred thirty-lour, and eighteen hundred and ihirty-firr, three hundred and eightytwo dollar* and forty-eight rent*. For fuel, forage, stationery, printing, transportation, and postage, twelve thousand fire hundred and thirty-fire dollars. F r repairs, improvements, and expenses of buildings, gr* unds, roads, wharves, boats, nod fences, nine thousand and sixtysix dollars. F-ir pay of ndjutant's and quartermaster's clerks, nine hundred aud fifty dollars For philosophical apparatus and repairs of lite same, three hundred dollars. For models fi?r the department of engineering, five hundred dollars. For models for the drawing department - ' : r... ,).? apparatus mm rnuuii^'iii.irn <.v parlment of chemistry, and instruments and repairs for the mathematical depart-, nient, one thousand two hundred and thirty-firc dollar*. For the purchase and repairs of inslru-j tncnts for the hand, three hundred and ninety-two dollar*. For incidental expenses of the dc-. partment of artillery, fifty dollars. For increase and expenses of the library, I eight hundred dollars. For miscellaneous items and incidental rxpenses, two thousand two hundred aud ninety-three dollars. For completing the chopcl, three thousand five hundred dollars. For compensation to the acting professor of rhenii?iry for services ill his department from September first, eighteen huudicd arr-J liiirt> five, to September firs' eighteen hundred ond thirty-six, at twenty-fire dollars per ntolffli, three hundred dollars; for the ensuing year, three hun drcd dollars. ~ Approved, 2d July, 1S30. {Pcblic?"So. GO.] ACT to confirm t^(j sales of public lands in certalfi eases. He it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That in all eases where public lands, taken from the bounds of a former land district and included within the bounds of a new district, have been sold by the officers of such former district, Vhder the pre-cmp lion laws or otherwise, at any time prior to the opening of the land office in such new district, and in which the Commissioner of the General Land Office shall be satisfied that the proceedings in other res* pecu have been fair and regular, such entries and sales shall be, and are hereby, confirmed; and patents shall be issued thereupon, as in other cases. Sec. 2. And Tie it further enacted, That in all eases where any entry has been made under the pre-emption laws, pursuant to instructions sent to the Register and Receiver from the Treasury Department, and the proceedings have been in all other respect* f?ir and regular, such entries and sales arc hereby confirmed, and patents shall be issued thereon, as in. other cases. Approved, July 2d, lSvJC. [Prune?No. CI.] AN ACT making further appropriations for carrying into effert certain Indian treaties. 15c it enacted by tbe Senate and nousc of Representatives of ihe United States of America in Congress assembled, Thai the following sums be, and thry arc here* by. appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, to carry into effect certain Indian treaties, viz: For the amount stipulated to be paid for the lands ceded in the first article of the treaty with the Chcrokecs of the twen ty-ninth of December, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-fire, deducting ihe cost of the land to he prorided for them west of the Mississippi, under the second article of said treaty, four million tire hundred thousand dollars. For extinguishing the title of certain half breeds to rrserrations, granted them in the treaty with the Osage*, in eighteen hundred and twrntv fire, according to the fourth article of the aforesaid treaty with the Cherokee*, fifteen thousand dollars. For payment for the improvements on the n.i?aiutiarv re*ervation* at Uni.?n and Harmony, according to the umr article of the raid treaty tvith the ChcrOkees, twenty-fire thousand dollars. For commutation of the permanent an* nuity of ten thousand dolbrs, according to the eleventh article of said treaty, two hundred and fourteen thousand dollars. For compensation of two commissioners, for two years, to examine claims, according to the seventeenth article of said treaty, at eight dollars per day each, eleven thousand six hundred and eighty dollars. For compensation to a secretary for two years, at five dollars per day, accordinglo the same article of said treaty, three thousand six hundred and fifty dollars. For compensation of on interpreter for two rears, at two dollars and fifty cents per dnv, according to the same article of said treaty, one thousand eight hundred anil twenty-five dollars. i For the advance of two years* annuity "" 1* funit nf hnniirff) and flflV thousand dollars, to bo inrested f??r the Cherokee* according to the eighteenth article of said treaty, scrcniy-ffvc thousand dollars. For the remoral of the Cherokee* and for spoliations, according to the third article of the supplementary* treaty with the Cherokee*, of the first of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six,! six hundred thousand dollars. For expenses attending the negotiation j of the said treaty, and of the delegation, according to the fifth article of said supplemental treaty, thirty-seven thousand two hundred and tv rive dollars. For surveying the land set apart by treaty stipulations for the Cherokee Indians! west of the Mississippi river, *.cren thousand dollars. For carrying into effect the stipulations' ??f ill., fit it r < K nrlirlit ?if ihfl IrCOlV COndu- I dcd u iih the Ottawa and Chippewa nations of Indians, twenty-eighth March, and an article supplementary tlicrcto, the thirtyfirst of March, one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, viz: For the annuity in specie, thirty thousand dollars. For education, teacher, and expenses incidental thereto, five thousand dollars. For missions, three thousand dollars. For agricultural implements, Rattle, mechanic's tools, and Mich other objects as the President may deem proper, ten thousand dollars' For vaccine matter, medicines and services of physician*, three hundred dolI hr.?. r For provisions two thousand dollars* For six thousand five hundred pounds of tobacco, eight hundred and twenty five dollars. For one hundred barrels salt, two bun. dred and fifty dollars. For five hundred fish barrels, fourhunjdred and fifty dollars. For goods and provisions to be dclivcjred at Michilimackinac, one hundred and fifty thousand dollars. For interest to be paid annually as annuities, on the sura of two hundred thousand dollars, per resolution of the Senate, I appended to the treaty, twelve thousand ; dollars. j For the payment of the just debts against |thc Indians according to the fifth article; 1 of (he said treaty as ratified by the Senate,! j three hundred thousand dollars. ! For carrying iolo effect the sixth article ;of said treaty, viz: i For commutation in lieu of reservations, to half breeds, one hundred and forty-1 fire thousand dollars. , . For taking a census of the Indian half' breed population, one thousand two hun-j 'dred dollars. | For the pay and travelling expenses of ja commissioner, one thonsand dollars. ' | For compensation and expenses of clerk, j 'and for stationery, postage, witnesses,' messengers to collect Indians, and canocsj | for them, subsistence for two thousand j Indians for twenty days, fuel for tbcm. while on the island, aud other incidental expenses nttending the commission, three thousand doliors. For carrying into effect the screnth or-; liclc of said treaty, viz: ? ? a a a a ' t or pay ol two additional Diacksmuns, j nine hundred and sixty dollars. For t\ro strikers. four hundred and 'eighty dollars. ! For building a blacksmith shop on re-! ! serration north of Grind river, seven hundred and fifty dollars. For iron, steel, coal, and tools, for two shops, fire hundred dollars. For the purchase of ono new set of blacksmith** tools for shop on reservation, one hundred and seventy-fire dollars. | For rebuilding shop at iMackinac, and adding an armorer's room, eight hundred and fifty dollars. For a gunsmith, four hundred and eighty dollars. j For purchasing a set of gunsmith's. ! tools, one hundred dollars. , For two additional interpreters, six' huntfrcd dollars. For building a dormitory at Mtckinic-i --.I ? and Inrnlim. f.n. iknil. *11IU |U| PiUI UHM iwtMMM* %#f igui ?MVM ( and eight hundred dollars. ' For the keeper of the dormitory, tlx' hundred dollars. For one humlrcd nnd fifty cord* of wood for the dormitory, thicc hundred and ecreniy-firc dollars. For tiro farmers, one thousand dollars. For two assistant farmers, six hundred dollars. ?i For two mechanics, twelrc hundred, dollars. For carrying into effect the eighth article of said treaty, fix: j< For the expenses of a delegation of'. twenty Indians, with an officer, throe as-' sistsnls. an interpreter, a guide with two i assistants to explore the country, and for i the purchase of horses, and other ex-n penses incidental to the expedition, twelve ;< thousand dollars. ji For navment of such improvements as I ? giro additional value to the land ceded, twenty thousand dollars. j For payment of the church on the Cbcboigan, nine hundred dollars. j i For extinguishing the elaim of certain' half-breeds, in lieu of reservations, ac-; cording to the ninth article of said treaty,' vii: To Rix Robinson, io lien of a section at thirty -six dollars per acre, twenty-three' ! thousand and forty dullars. ' To Leonard Slater, in trust for Chiminoaoquat, one sertion a^ ten dollars per acre, six thousand four hundred dollars, i To John A-Drew, one and three quar- j i trr sections at four dollars per acre, four , IthouMind foui hundred and eighty dollars. | ; To Edward Diddle, one section at three dollars per acre, one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. i ? ? ? 1- I ^ i tojonn uoiiuoy, uvc jcciuhu ui umdollar twenty-fire cents per acre, four! thousand dollars. To Eliza Cook, Sophia Diddle, and j. Mar)- Holiday, one section each, at two , dollars and fifty cents ncr acre, four thou- < sand eight hundred dollars. To AuguBlin Ilamclin, Jr. tiro sections pi one dollar and twenty-five cenls per acre, one thousand six hundred dollars. To William Luslcy. Joseph Daily, Joseph Troticr, and Henry A. Lenake, two sections each, at one dollar and twenty-fivc cents per acre, six thousand four hundred dollars. To Lnthcr Rice, Joseph Lcframbois, Charles Duttcrfield, George Moran, Louis ) Moron, G. D. Williams, and Daniel Mar- i sac, one section each, at one dollar and i twenty-cents per acre, five thousand six hundred dollars. t 1 For payment to the chiefs on ratifica- i lion of the treaty, according to the tenth article of the same, thirty thousand dolors. For life annuity to two chiefs, provide11 to* in the eleventh article of said treaty* one hundred and fifty dollars. For expenses attending the conclusion of the treaty at Washington, according to the twelfth article of<the same, fifteen thousand four hundred and three dollars and twenty-fiee cents. For transportation and other incidental expenses in executing said ticaty, two thousand dollars. Provided, hoicevar, That no part of the. aborc appropriation for carrying into effect the treaty wiih the Chippewos and Ottawas. shall be drawn from the Treasury except what may be necessary'for the expenses of collecting and subsisting the Indians, and fur the expenses of conclu? __ .? i : I ...1 uing uie ircniy, ncrciuiurc iiauiicur ?miu (o enable.a^CGmmissioner to proceed ;jto MicltiljmS&unac for the purpose of eftfe* ** mining the claims of the half-breeds, until the assent of the said Indians shall bo given to the change proposed by the resolution of the Senate. Arrangementsmay be made under the direction of the' President for paying to the Indians the. money and goods as soon as their assent to such change is given. Dut no responsibility io relation to such delivery shall be incurred by the United States previous thereto, nor shall the said Commissioner enter upon his duties. For carrying into effect the stipulations of the third article of the treatv conclu ded with the Swan creek, and Black river bands of the Chippewa nation, of the ninth of May, eighteen hundred trndthir- ' tv-six, viz: For an advance in money on the ratification of the treaty, two thousand fire hundred dollars. For the purchase of good a, four thousand dollars. For expenses of the treaty, the journeys of the Indians to and from Washing- . ton, subsistence and other expenses, three thousand eight hundred and two dollars and six-seven cents. For transportation and incidental expenses, one thousand dollars. For carrying into effect the stipulations of the treaties concluded with certain bands of the'Pottawatomie Indians of Indiana, in March, and April, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, viz: For payment of the sam stipulated in the second article of the treaty of twentv-sixth March, eighteen hundred and 1 M?,.nnah?pk and his Miaitj *vi*| %? ?? ?. ?? ??? band, for a cession of land to the United States. two thousand five hunrf??J ? sixty uonot*. For payment of the sum stipulated in the third article of the treaty of the twenty-ninth March, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, Wswkcw* and his band, for a cesrion of land to the United Slates, two thousand five hundred and sixty dollars. For the payment of the sum stipulated in the second article of the treaty of clevcnth April, eighteen hundred and thirey-six, with Aub-ba-nao-ba and his band* for a cession of land to the United States, eleven thousand five hundred and twenty dollars. > For payment of the sum stipulated in the second article of the treaty of twenty~ - - ? i a second April, eighteen hundred and thirtysil, with Kee-waw-nec and his band, fern cession of land to the United State*, six thousand four hundred dollars. For payment of the sum stipulated in the second article of the treaty of twenty-second April, eighteen hundred and thirtysix, with Nas-uraw-bce and his band, for n cession of land to the United States, one thousand nine hundred and twenty dollars. For expenses attending the negotiation of the said treaties with the Pottawtlamics, six hundred and thirly-aix dollar* sud seventy-five cents. To defray the expense of removing the Choctaw Indians residing in the State of Mississippi to the country provided for them, west of the Mississippi river, thirty thousand dollarsSee. 2. And be it further enacted, That the Sccretirv of War is hereby author*' izcd to direct the account to bo doted, upon the production of proper Touchers, for blankets dclirercd to the Chcrokecs by order of the commissioner. Sec. 3. And he it further enacted, That the pension allowed by an art of the pits sent session of Congress to Colonel Gideon Morgan, shall be paid to him from the date of disability, to tbo twenty-seventh of March eighteen hundred and fourteen, agreeably to the fourteenth article of .the said treaty with the Cherokee?, and that the sum of eight thousand dollars be appropriated for that purpose. Snr. 4. And be it further enacted, That no part of the appropriation heretofore made, foi the eastern Creeks shall be paid to any Indians who have been engaged in hostilities against the United States, nnless in such change of circumstances as may induce the President of lite United States to direct the same to be paid. Provided however, That the whole of the annuity due to the Seminole Indians and to the eastern Creeks may bo paid to the friendly portion of those tribes respectively, unless otherwise direeled by the President.