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THE CAMPEHf JOURNAL. -- "' v " - " " / :ty . - ~ ' MY ROBERT BrKXlGIIT. IWi?h?? ***** T23 OAUD32T J0T7PATAL ' Publish' I entry Sttmrday Morning by ROBERT n'KIIGSlT, robluncn or the laws or Tut rsiot SUBSCRIPTIONS Three dollars a year in advance, or four dolia. at the end of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at seventy five cents the square for ibr first, and halt that amount for each continuance ? v The number of insertions to be marked on the BtUgin or thejr-urill be continued and charged ?c eo*din?ly. Those inserted semi-monthly 7o cents aad monthlv At a sou are for each insertion. CoctmctBicaUoas by mail bo be post paid or remain unattended to. I I ?? [BY .AUTHORITY.] LAW or TQC tTXlTED STATES PASSED AT THE TWENTY FOCKTU CONGRESS FIRST SESSION. [Pcslic?No. 41.] AN ACT supplementary to the act entitled ** An act for the admission of the Slate of Arkansas Into the Union, and in provide for the due execution of the laws of the United States, within the same, and for other purposes." Bt it raactcd, djpe. That in hcu of the propositions submitted to the C ongress of the United States by an ordinance passed by tbc contention of delegates at Little Rock, assembled for live purpose of making a Constitution for the State of Arkansas, wbtcb ore hereby rejected, and that tlie following propositions be, and ike same are hereby, ottered <*_. .I r> . ?? tr .> f. ? * w lira ucncm ADcnixr u iuc ouuoi Arkansas, for their fr<Jc'ec& i<p;tncc or rejection, which, if accepted under the authority granted to the General Assembly for this purpose by the convention which framed tiic convitution of the said state, shall be obligatory upon the United .States. First That section numbered sixteen in every township, and, woe a ?ucb reelkm has been sold, or otherwise di?po*rd of. other lands equivalent thereto, aud as contiguous' as may be, shall be granted to the slate Cor j the use of the mbtmtiDO of such township.' for the use of schools. Second. That a9 salt springs, not exceeding twelve in number, with six sections of land adjoining to each, shall be granted to the said state, for the use of said state, thei same to be selected by the General Assembly j thereof, on or bcfcwe the fii*t day of January,' onethousand eight hundred and font; and the same, when HO sel< ctrd, to l?c u-cd under euch term?, condumns, cud regulations, as j tlw General Assembly of Mid state shall d?- 3 / rect: Provided, Thai no salt spring, the - right whereof ts now rested in any indivtd-. 4 tiaJ or individuals, shall, by this section, be granted to said slate: And prooidrd, also, ... That the General Assembly shall never sell or lease the same, at any one lime, (or a lunger period than ten years, without the consent] 'of tx>ngrcM ; and ihat nHhiug contained m the act ol Congress entitled " An act au- j thorizing the Gov- rnor of the Territory of] Arkansas 10 lease (be salt springs in said Territory, and for other purposes," or ?n any other act, shill be construed to give to tfur said state any further or other claim wh !soever, to any salt springs or lands adjoining thereto, than to -hose hereby granted. Third. Thil fife per cent, of the nctt pro* cecds of th* tale of laods lying wnlm. tin* said Stale, tnd which shall be ?dd by ?*?great, from and after the day of next, after deducting at! expense* incident to the fame, shall be rcscrred for making publie roads and canals within the said state, under the direction of the General Assembly thereof. Fourth. That a quantity of land not exceeding five sections be, and the same is hcrtbyLgrao ed to the said State, in addition to therms |0ttions It bicb hare already been graotfd, lor the purpose of completing the puhfic buildings ol the said State, at Little Boclt; which said five sections shall, under the direction of the Gcner! Assembly of said State, be located, at any time, in legal divisions of not leas than one quarter see a . I _ lion, in tucn towosmps ana ranges as we General Assembly aforesaid uny select, on ao) of (he unapf r >priatrd public lands of the United States within the said state. Fifth. That two entire township* of land which bare already been located by virtue of the act entitled "An act concerning a seminary of learning in the Territory of Arkansas," approved the second of March, one thousand eight hundred and twenty-seven, and hereby vested in and cotifirmed to the General Assembly rf the s id fctate, be appropriated solely to i ho t *e of such seminary by the Genera' A? ^mbly : Provided, Thai the five foregomg propositions bercirr offered arc on the condition thai the (Jrncral Assembly or Legislature of the said Stale, hy virtue of the powers conferred upon it by the convention which framed the constitution of the -aid State, shall provide, by an ordinance irrevocable without the consent of ibe United States, that the said General Assembly ol ttd State shall never interfere with the primary disposal of the soil within the same by .1; United States, not with anj regulation* ngrcss may find necessary lor securing the .iie in soil to the ban* fide purchasers there >i; and that no tax shall be imposed on lands the property of the United .Mates; and that in no case shall non-resident proprietors be taxed higher than residents; and that the bounty lands granted, or hereafter to be granted, for military services during the late war, shall, whilst they continue to be held by the patentees or their heirs, remain exempt from any tax laid by order or under the authority of the state, whether for state, county, township, or any other purpose, for the term of three years from and aliei the date of the patents resnectivelv. JAMF.SK.roLK. Speaker of the House of Kepresentatires. M. VAN MJRKN, Vice President of the United Stares, r.nd President of the Senate. Arrnovco, June 23, INjfi. * ANDREW JACKSON*. [prnnc -No, 47.] AN ACT to regulate the compensation ol certain Officer* of Rcrentie CuttersBe it coveted by the Sennit and House of Rrprcsm UU'ttcs of the United Stales of Juuriea. in Congress Tt,.? i ... ?r t WM4WMTUII, ? it?? III IIVU U| J**J ? IM(U Villi I allowance* now authorized by la\r to the captain* and tirst, second and third lieutenants uf the United Stale*, there shall ; be allowed and paid, quarterly, from and and after the passage of this act, to each captain, at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum; to each first lieutenant at the rate of nine hundred and sixty dollar* per annum; to ear.h second lieutenant at the rale of eight hundred and sixty dollars per annum; to each third lieutenant, at the rale of scrcn hundred and ninety dollars per annurc. ?_ [PfHttC? No. -IS.] AN ACT making appropriations for the suppression of Indian hostilities and fur other purposes. Fir it martfid *nt tkr Sauttf and Firms* rf Rrprrsm Istrrui of tit* VnluA Stairn of .fmtrice, in Cra^nil aservMtd. TUnI the balance of thr apjiropniUun >.( one million of dollars, made by ii?r act of April twenty-nine, eighteen hundred and thirty-nix. and now remaining in tin Treasury, nh?ll be. am! the same iV hi re by, made applicable. to the payment nf any! expi-nditun a authorized by the said. aCL.1 and rendercd-m rn^caTItng out by the I'ri-aidrnl of the United Stairs, of, any part of the militia or ??luntrcra of the United Stair* for the suppression or prevention of s v Indian hos'ilitir?. Sec 2 JtnJ U >t fmrtker tnccitd, That the turn of two uiUt>>ns f ti? hutidn d thousand dollars sh-}! he, and the ?arm ? bercbt, appropriated, out of any ii'Oucj in the . r. i..,:rv nut oihrrKif appropriated, to defray ?iiV expenses ahieh hate been or may be incurred in preventing or suppressing the hostilities ol any, by calling out, under the direction of the President of the United States, any part of the militia mlunirt rs according to the prori ions *>f the constitution and laws; which sum. if expended shall be expended under the direction of the Secretary of War, conf? r.oably to the provisions of the act of Congress ( January second, seventeen hundred and nincty-fivo, of the act of April fifth, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, making appropriations for the support of the army, and of the net of March nineteen, eighteen hundred ami lbiriy-?ix prorid ne for the pay nent ol iliiia -nrn, iii rtf ilit- United States. ArrRoi?.o. July *dd, 1S)0. j [Pi BLir?No. 49 ] AN %OT i?. i?rasii i? ihr Nr\? Orleans and Na?htilir Railroad Company, ihr nghl of way through the public lands of ihc United Stales. Re it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States >f America in Congress assembled, That 1 there be, and is hereby granted to the New Orleans and Railroad Com* pany incorporated by the several Stales . ihrough which the said road is intended ; to pans, the right uf way through such : portions of thr public lands ns remains unsold. Provided That the portion of the public lands occupied therefor, shall not exceed eighty feet in breath; that the route of the said road shall be surveyed and designated through the public lanus, I by plnin marks, or monuments, ami ro: pics of the n.-te* of surrey, with a plat or plats thereof, and a description of the | said landmarks or monuments, and their connection with the prior official surreys :ot the a<.jncnt lands, be transmitted to the (icnernl Land Office in Washington, within -ixty days after the said surreys 'and plats ore completed, and tltnt they be completed within two years from the date 'of this net { Sr.r. .inti bt il/vrlJtrr macisd. That for ?ruc!i jdepot*, watering place* and workshop*, as may he essentia! to the convenient use of the said road, there be also granted to 'the said company, such portion* of the ! public land, os they may, under like re* jstriction* nnd conditions, select, on either jsidr of the pnid road.?Pmritlrd That not J more than live acres, tobc laid oil in a sqonre form, ?!n!l be selected f-Tsuch use or purpose, at any one plate : Provided, also. That not more than one such square shall be granted for every fifteen miles of the said road lying within the public lands And provided moreover, That such selections, shall be approved by the Secretary of the Treasury for the time being. Sec 3. And l* it further enacted. That so long as the public lands in the vicinity of the said road shall remain unsold, the said company shall have power to .take therefrom, such a atcrials of earth, stone or wood, as | may be necessary for the construction of the said road Provided, That the grants herein 'contained, as well of the use of the public j lands, as of tho materials for the coostrurjtiunol the said road, shall cease and detlimine, unless the .oad be begun within tbc ! period o( two years from die date of ibis act, ! and completed within eight years thereafter: And, provided, moreover. That if tbs said ; road shall, at any time after its completion, be discontinued or abandoned by the said company, the grants, hereby made, shall cease aod determine. Approved, July 2, 1630. . [Pt;nuc?No. 50.] A N ACT to renew the gold medal struck and presented to G ncral Morgan, by order of Congress, in honor of the baule of the ! Cortpens. Be it enacted by the Senate and Hoose of Representatives of the United States of Amcr. tea in Congrms assembled, That in pursuance of thv request of Morgan Neville, in i his memorial presented at the present session of Congress, the director of the mint, be and * i i - .? a a j ! I . _ ne is iitrroT autoortzea ana aircctca 10 cause to bo struck, a gold undal of tho intrinsic value of one hundred and lift y dollar*, in honor of the baulc of ibe t.owpens, which was fought on lite seventeenth day of Januarj, ?ci inter n hundred and eighty-one, lo replace the original medal presented by a resolution | of the continental Congress, of March ninth, seventeen hundred and eighty-one, to Brigadier General Daniel Morg^u; tin* said medal to be struck from tbe original die, and delivered, when executed, to tht said Morgan Neville, the lineal heir of General Morgan; the expense of tbe same to be paid out of any - -a . m .L mo of j in mo treasury not omrrwue appropriated. JA.ME- K POLK, Speaker of tbc House ol Kepreacmaltr cs. W. K. KIN(J, President of tbc Senate pro .cmporc. ?AiXflumi^lolr 2d. lg&i ?-j [Prw.ic.--No. 51 ] AN ACT to repair and curuu the United Slate* Arsenal at Charleston, South Carolina. lie a enacted by the Senate and l)ou?o of Repr acntaurcf of the United States ol America I.. Congress assembled. That the Secretary of War lie. and he is hereby, authorized and ilirrriw! in rAiia> ?nrh renaira and im prove menus to be inade to th- United States arsenal in Charleston, South Carolina, as maj be deemed uccessary fur the public service ; md that the sum of twenty thousand d .liars bo, and tbo same is hereby appropriated lor this purpose, out of any moneys in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. Approved, July 2d, J&3& [Public?No. 52.] AN ACT to provide for the better protection of the western frontier. Be it enacted by ibe Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the President be, and lie is hereby, authorized to can?e to be surveyed and opened, a military road, from some point upon the right bank of ! the Misstsninoi river, between the mouth ol I - ' - f ? ? 1 the Dcsmoincs ritor, a poo such route u may appear best calculated to effect the purposes of tbi? act to Red ri'tr. Sac. "3, And be it further enacted, That the said road shall ptas west ot the stato of Missouri and of tlw territory of Arkansas, on condition that lie assent of ih? Indian tribes who hare noMicrctofor? given their as* sent, through who* territory said road is to pass, shall be first >btained , and it such av' scut cannot bo otairn-d, then vast of the western boundario of said state ana territory ; and shall be 0 constructed as to enable troops to miiTc al<*g the same with proper facility. And thc<ollo? ii?f? mode of construe-. tion ?ha|| U ad'tted, subject to such alterations as tlw Prrfodctit may from time to time, direct to be rude. The timber shall be cut | down io a reaOnahle width, and tlto wet and. mar>liy place shall be causewayed, or other- : wise render** passable, cheap bridges shall I he erected err the smaller streams, not liar-j; wg good fird* across them; and, where it i ;may be fotid necessary, tho road may be I throw n up } tho ccntie. Sr.c. JJ. And be it further enacted, That i the posts shall be constructed at such I places log the said road aa in the opinion ol the 1'fsidcnt, may be most proper for the i protection of the frontier, and for the preser- i 'ration olhe necessary communication. Sec. y And be it forthcr enacted, That i the <roe# of the United States shall be cm- t ployed / performing the labor herein roquir- J ed, w poorer, in the opinion of the Presi- 'i deni, fu same can be done with a just regard i to the oilier duties; and the othef la'ior ren-! derednecessary shall be procured in such l mnnfr as the President may direct. I Sr And Ir it further enacted, Thai the sum of one hundred thousand dollars J shall be, and the same is hereby, appropriated, to be applied towards the accomplishment of the objects specified by this act Approved, July 2d, 1836. [Public, No. 53.] AN ACT mcking additional appropriations for the Delaware breakwater, and for certain harbors, and removing ob- ! structions in and at the months of certain rivers, and for other purposes, for < the year one thousand eight handred l and thirty-six. Be it attried by At Senate and HctiM of Rcvrt- i sentaiircs rf At United Stelai of America r? t?grtss anemhltd. That the following rams be, and , the same arc hereby, appropriated, to be . paid out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for carrying on and completing certain works hereto* . fore commenced. via.? For continuing (he Delaware brcakwa- : tor, one hundred thousand dollars. For continuing the improvement of the .harbor of Chicago Illinois, thirty-two |' | thousand dollars. i For continuing the improvement of Big i1 ; Sod us bay, twelre thousand six hundred H dollars. . For the continuation of the works for the preservation of the beach at Proviee- 1 town harbor, Massachusetts, four thou-,, sand four hundred dollars. For the continuation of the works for i( die preservation of Plymouth beach Mas- i sachusclts, five hundred dollars. For the continuation of the works atj ; the harbor near the mouth of the river;1 Raisin, Miohigau Territory, fifteen thou-j1 sand dollars. J* For continuing the removal of okstruc-; lions at black nrcr, Uhio, six thousand; six hundred and sixty dollars. For continuing the permanent improve* ' mcnt of Cleveland harbor, Ohio, fifteen thousand dollars. For continuing the removal of obstruc- 1 lions at Urand river, Ohio, six thousand!1 dollars. For continuing the removal of obstructions at Cunningham creek, one thousand two hundred aud seventy-five dollars. For continuing the removal of obstructions at Conneaut creek, Ohio, two thou- ' sand five hundred dollars. For continuing the improvement of the harbor of Presque Isle, Pennsylvania, according to Colonel Toiicn*s recommen- ' 'tlatioo, driven thousand rtuHa**.? -J I Pur cuiitinning ike improvement at ! Dunkirk harbor, Mew York, eleven thou- 1 sand dollars. -1 For a dredging machine on Lake Erie, eight thousand dollars. For continuing the works at the mouth of <Jcnc.?cc river. New York, twenty 1 thousand dollars. For continuing the pier and mole at J Oswego harbor, New York, twenty thou* sand dollars. !' For continuing the pier at Kennebunk,; Maine, seven thousand liTe hundred dol-j lars. For continuing the improvement of thc^ navigation of tne Hudson river, above *nd below Albany, in the State of New York, one hundred thousand dollars, to be expended according to the plan and * estimate recommended by the Secretary " of War. 1 For eoniioning the improvement of the 1 hatborof New Castle, Delaware, twenty- J live thousand dollars. ; For continuing the removal of obstructions a: Ocracock inlet. North Carolina, 4 nine thousand dollars. 1 For continuing the improvement of the 1 navigation of Cape Fear river, below j* Wilmington, IHorli) Carolina, tvrrnt) thou and dollar*. ; For the improvement of the navigation i of the Ohio river, between Pittaburg, and the fail* of the Ohio, twenty thousand dollars, which, together with the unexpended balance of the appropriation for this purpose by the act of the third of' March, A. D. eighteen hundred and thir-: ly-fivr, tdiall be expended by direction of the Secretary of War, under the supcrin;endcnce of the officers of the engineer! corps heretofore employed on that service. For the improvement of the navigation of the Ohio and Mississippi rivers from Louisville to New Orleans, sixty thousand dollars. For the improvement of the Mississippi river, above the mouth of the Ohio river, and for the Missouri river forty thousand dollars, to be expended in such manner and for the rcmovnl of such obstructions ss the Hecrciarv of War shall direct. For continuing the removal of obstruc lions in lieu river, Louisiana, ami Terri- ' lory of Arkansas, forty thousand eight * hundred dollars. a For constructing n boat to prevent o 1 new accumulation of obstructions in said * rircr, within the old limits of the Great Raft, so railed, fifteen thousand dollars, * snd the additional sum of fifteen thou- * wnd dollars to work and support llie same. * For continuing the improvement of the Cumberland rircr, in Kentucky and Tennessee, twenty thousand dollars. For continuing the removal of obstructions in tltc Chipola river, in the Terri- A lory of Florida, four thousand dollars For completing the inland channel be tween St. Mary's and St. John^.iii the 9 Territory of Florida; in addition lo unexpended appropriations, according to the estimate of the Engineer Department, five thousand. ' For continuing the removal of obsirttelions in, and improving the navigation of the Escambia river, in the Territory of Florida, fire thonsand fire hundred dollars. ^ For further improvements at the mouth of Huron rieer, in the Slate of Ohio, four: thousand -three hundred dollars. And the following sums, necessary to close accounts, in the office of the Third .\nditor, viz. For removing obstructions at Cunning-, bam crecfc, Ohio, thirty-two dollars and thirty-six cento. For completing the pier at La Plaisanee bay, Michigan Territory, three hundred ind twenty-three dollars and fifteen cents. For removing obstructions at Cleveland; uarbor, Ohio, six. dollars and fifty-aihn cents. For repairing breach in thejpeninsala* it Presque Isle, one hundred and twenty*, two dollars and eighty cento. Far erecting a beacon light at Erin . Pennsylvania, sixty-nine dollars and ?x-/ ly-oine cents. For erecting a light-house at Bnfilo New York, four hundred and nincty-Jonr dollars and seventy-eight cents. For improvement of the navigation of ihe Ohio sod Mississippi rivers from Pitts-/ burg to New Orleans, under the act of iceond of Mareh, eighteen hundred and thirty-one, seventeen thousand eight hundred dollars and five cents. For defraying the expenses incidental to making examinations and surveys, umrl.. ll<. ..I lit. llti.l rtS Anvil u* t HIV ?V? "1 Mill MVVU y? eighteen hundred and twenty-fonr, of which sum fire thousand dollars shall he appropriated and applied to Geological and Mineralogies! surveys and researches in (he Indian country on the public lauds . and in the Territories of Che United States, thirty thousand dollars. . Approved, 3d July, 1830. (Pcmic^-No. 54.) i-K AN ACT to extend the charters of certain Batiks in the Dirtrict of Columbia, and ** for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and Houm of Representatives of the United States af Am>rict IB COBpWw M*cUiblcJ, Thai the charters of tho several Banks herein enumerated, naircly; the Union Bank, and Farmers and "Mechanics Bank of Ucorgetoirn; The Bank of the Metropolis. Patriotic Bank of Washington, and Rink nf \Viiliin?li<n. in ihn nitr of Wiik. ington: and ihc Farmer* Bank of AlexaaJria. and Bank of Potomac, in the Town Alexandria, be, and the came are here-. ?y extended till the fourth day of Jftly, eighteen bunded thirty-eight. Approved, July 2d. 1836. [Public. No. 66.] AN ACT regulating the terms of the ?*~ ncrior courts of the middle district of Florida, and for other purposes. Be it enacted by the Senate and House ?f Representative# of the United States >f Arncrtc* in Uungrcs# assembled, That in act entitled 44 An act to alter and change he terms of tho superior court for the middle districtof Florida," passed by tho Sovernor and Legislative Council of said IVrritory.and approved February twelfth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, bo, and ilu same is hereby, approved, so fa; as > It <!?.. ?. will. lit. Inrni, tif ttin It MWV? IIU1 IMIV'UVIV V?4H? "*? our directed to bo holdcn in the coonQf it Franklin, which has been annexed tf|.. he said middle district. Sac. And be it further enacted, rhat if in any prosecution lor piracy, or >ny othar criminal offence against the awsof the United States, or of theTaiy itoiy of Florida, it shall be fou d imiracticablc to obtain e sufficient number if jurors for the trial of any person or icrsons charged with said criminal ofencesinihe southern judicial district of Florida, it shall be lawful for the judge o send said person or person^ with ifia ndictment and othar papers, ho the csUh ern or middle district for \rtal, and to akc recognisances from the witnesses <o ippear in the said eastern or middle disrict, in the same manner as he is cmlowered by law to do in the district of rhich he is the judge. Sec. 3. And be it lorther enacted. Thai n ??< ik. ..i iU.I "An art ? ?vi iu aiiivnu mv av.% cuti??v? ?w ncorporaling the town of Appalarhicola," pproved twelfth ol February, eighteen Kindred and thirty-six, and * An aot to hangc the county seat of the county of ?ranklin,M paused January fourteenth, ud approved January seventeenth, eighrcn hundred and thirty-six, be, and the ame are hereby, annulled, Mlc. 4. And belt further enacted. That o much of the act of the Legislative 'owncil as directs a superior court for the nuthcrn judicial district at Indian Key c, and the same is hereby, annulled. Approved, 2d July, 1636. (Public. ?No. 56.) N ACT for laying off the towns of Fort Madisnn and Burlington, in tly? county of Dcs Moines, nud the town* of Belle*