University of South Carolina Libraries
THE ( AMDE7* JOHtlVAL. 3 . ?. %:: -. '-. ; ' :.; < . - .V.? ^^?^mmmmmmmmrnmmm? B I IOHERT M?K*ICH?f. PnblBhwof the Uvnofike Cnited Stoics. Edited by JOHS 1C. IB ?? ??? =====Sgg=^=^=gggg=5g= 1 =-5=-gg=-^=S===B~' I ggtVOL. If* CA*tOEV, SOiril- .4ROLI:lAi JULY 10, 1836. . HO. 95. ' ? T33 JAII531T J07RN-A'-l " PtMiskti ctery Saturday Morning by BOBERT M'KMGHT, POIUSUU or THE LAWS Of THE CSIOW SUBSCRIPTIONS TkiM dollar* a year in advance, or four dollars ] aft the end of the year. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at seventy five cents the square for the irst,and hall that amount for each continuance-? j The number of insertions to be marked on the margin or they vitl be continued and charged acGordiiurtv. Those inserted semi-monthly 75 cents and monthly $11 iqurp for rtch insertion. Communication* by mail to be poai paid or remain unattended to. ?????????? LAV OF TOE CXtTED STATES PASSED AT THE TTVEXTV FOURTH CONGRESS riKST SESSION. [Public, No. 43.] AN ACT lo disapprove and annul certain acts of the Territorial Legislature of Florida, and for other purposes. Be it enaeted bjf the Senate and House oj Representatives of tke United Stales of \tnerrica in Congress assembled, That no act of the Territorial Legislature of any of the Territories of the United Slates, incorporating any bank or any institution with basking powers or privileges, hereafter to 0* passed. shall have any* ffercfe or effect whatever, until approved and confirmed by Congress. v fire. 2 .fai? fce it fartker cntcUd. That litC fol- j loving nets of the Territorial Legislature of Florida, namely : an act entitled " An net to incorporate the bank of St. Joseph/* passed February twelfth, eighteen hundred and thirty-ail; on act entitled " An! act to incorporate the Florida Insurance! and Banking company/* passed Februaryj tenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six ; en < act passed February fourteenth, eighteen hundred and thirty-six, entitled "An seti to incorporate the St. Joseph insurance) Company/* aud all other acts and parts of j acts, passed by the said Territorial Lcgis-1 lature of Florida, in the year eigteen hun-' dred and thirty-six, creating banks or ex-' tending banking corporations, or corpora-' lions with banking powers, or conferring banking powers on any corporation or institution whatever, be, and the same here-' by are disapproved and annulled. J\MFS K. POLK. Speaker of tho House of lit present at ires. M. V \N BURKN, Vice President of tbc United States, nnd President of tbo Senate. Amorso, 1st of Jul v. ISW ANDREW JACKSON. (Pcntic?No. -14. ] AN ACT to cJungc the uu?c of holding the district court of thr United States for the western district of Virginia, hoiden at Clargsburg. J3c if rate ted bjf ik* SouUo oad Hons* of ReprturalMiirtj of Uu U.StaUsof Jmcru*t m CoKfrtu affirmtied, Thai from and after the tint day ol August next, the sessions of the district court jof the United States for 'he western district of Yitginio. required by law to be liolden at Clarksburg, shall be held on the " f :1 1 Uonlnmlinr wn. U m .W?ru: nys VI /l|ii U BMW M liuailjk ArraofiP, July I?t, 1830. [pcblic.-no, '16.] an act explanatory of an act entitled "an act to release from duty, iron prepared for. and actually laid on. railways and inclined planes.'* b4 it auultd by the Senaftar.i Hutu* of RtyrtoatUtifu of fctc I'mUfd Statu of America ia OmrrtMi esfcmbtrd, That the act of the fourteenth of July eighteen hundred am) thirty-two, cniiilciJ "An act to release from duty, iron prepared for, and actually laid on, railway! and inclined plane*," shall not be so con' atrued as to ioelude spikes, pins or clioim as railroad iron. ArraorcD, 1st July, 1830. [Public?-No. 46 ] an act to provide for the due cxeculior of the laws of the United States vrilbit the Slate of Michigan. B* it enacltJ, by ib Setuilc and Hours of fisprs ocntaiiru of the (Jnitrd Statu of Amrrtra in Con trues asstaMtd, That tho Utrs of the United Stair which arc not locally inapplicable, shal Have ihc same force and effect within lb state of Michigan, at elsewhere within th United state*. s*c. 2. And it furiUrr snatStd, That th said State shall be one district, and b called the District of Michigan ; and a din trict court shall he held therein, to com is of ono judge, who shall reside in the aas district, and be called a district judge. ii shall hold, at tho scat of Oorcrnment ? the said 8tate, two sessions of th? said dii tiict court annually on the first Monday in May and October ; and he shall, in a things, hare and exercise the same juri diction and powers which were by la $iven to the judge of the Kentucky district under an act entitled Au act to establish tho judicial courts of the United States." lie shall appoint a clerk for the *4id district, who shall reside and keep the records of the said court at the place of holding the same, and shall receive, fori | the services performed by him, the same ! I fees to which the clerk of the Kentucky i | district is by latv entitled for similar scr-; ! vices. | Sec. 3. .ind be it farther enacted, That there shall be allowed to the judge of the said j district court, the annual complication of two thousand dollars, to commence from the date of his appointment, to be paid quarterly at the Treasury of the U. Slates. 8tc. 4. dnd be it farther enacted, That there shall be appointed in the said district, a person learned in the law, toa~las attorney for the United Slates, who shall, in addition to his stated fees, be paid annually by the United States; two hundred dollars, as a full compensation for all extra scrvi-, 1 --* - u. 1 j CCS ; mc saiu payiucni i? i/t mauv ?*??.* j yearly at ibe Treasury of the United States. See 5. Jlnd be it further madid, That & marshal-shall be appointed for the said district, who shall perform the same duties, be subject to the same regulations and penallies, and be entitled to the same fees as are prescribed and allotted to marshals in other districts, and shall, moreover, be en- ( titled to the sum of itro hundred dollars annually, as a compensation for all extra. services. Provided, hovrrcr, That this act ! shall not take effect until the State of Michigan shall be admitted into the Union, ae-j cording to the provisions of the act cnti- ' lied ~ An act to establish the northern; boundary line of the Slate of Ohio, and to provide for the admission of the Srtc nf Michigan into the Union on certain conditions." ArrHovj'.n, 1st July, 1836. To Mouth Carolina Planter*. ! A splendid Cotton Plantation in Mississippi for sale. THAT valuable plantation, kmnui bribe name of SUMMER FILL />, *i uau-d iu Hinds county, ^Mtsfiwippi) immediately on ! ?? Rail Rail! from Vickaburt? to t liutun and Jackson, (ihc seat of government.) 25 miles troco the former, and the name distance; from the 1 iltcr place; 1-4 mtb-s from i.ltmn;i, j ft* now offered for sale?the propricto having determined to change his oecupaii ?n.?! To giro a minuic and dc ailed description of the property, is deemed entirely unnecessary, as no perron i< is presumed, would mak? such a purchase without examination. Suffice it to >ay that tliu tr ct ot laud, which con mm* of acres, is dccidrdly the most raluiWe,1 of its size, of any in thi> section of country. j \\ ills one exception it was all entered at an I early period, when the whole country was! open to select fr?:n. A large pan of it is lluh l aae Bottom Land, Baker's creek, a {stream of considerable magnitude, affording excellent mi!) and gin sites, running through 'it. j About 100 acres of the tract extends into {the kslis and covers a beautiful ImthUnQ fitf and uttlcn'nt, it being quite cleratcd, and 'far remote from all local causes of disease. Indeed, the whole neighborhood in whi h this land is situated is repuicd-oerjr kaUhy. The improvements of the place consist* of 250 acres of open land, a good gin and press, negro cabin*, dee. With this plantation would be sold 14 ' working hands, all young, likely and acclimated ; or tlie number would b. added o h , desired. Also, (Iks s'.ock of liorses, mules, oxen, wagon, working ntensib, dee. I Them is * grow tug crop on ?ho place, conI listing of 120 acres cotton, b sides corn, oats, Ac. which would be sold with the place if desired, and posse-toon given ni any time the 'purchaser might wri?h. If prefeircd, lite I land would be sold without the hands. j Any reasonable time will be given, upon Jibe payments being well sccurwJ; but ihc | price would be much reduced lur prompt pay, men Li. i This properly will be shown, and the terms made known, upon application to the sub1. scribcr, on the premises, or to A. Jackson j Burke, Amsterdam, Mississippi. H An- inquiries in regard to this property '! which may be communicated hv nail, mil be 1 responded to by cither of the persons hcrcir 1 named by addressing a letter to Amsterdam Mississippi. James burke. junr 21 ?lc i The publishers of the Charleston Courier i j Pendleton Messenger and Camden Journal will please giro the aboic three insertion! and lorn aid their accounts to my address foi s payment, also a paper containing the adrcr I tiscmcnt. I NOTICE^ The subscriber with a view of rloiing tin c Books of I). Si J. Clark *. also the Ilooki eiof J. (?. Clark, respectfully informs thou i- indebted on cither of the nhorc, that tin it hooks will be found nt the store former!) .1 occupied by Mr. Lcmicre, that Mr. A. a c Willis in authorized to settle the same ii ?f my absence, by note or otherwise, or th? ? will be placed in the errnt of default t< * comply, in the hands of a gentleman ? II the bar for collection, a? the books noi s- be closed. .1 G CLAKK *V Jnno 1tf The Indian's Panacea. FOR the cure of Rheumatism Scrofula or King's Evil, Gout. Sciatica, or Hip-Gout, Incapieril Cancer* Salt Rheum. Syphilitic aqd Mercurial diseases. particularly Ulcers and pttdiul af! factions of the bones. Ulcerated Throat tad Nostrils; Ulcers ot erery d.-acripuon, Ferer sores' | and Internal Abscesses; Fistulas, Pilr^ Scaldhead, Scnrvey, Riles, Chronic, Sore Eyes, Eye resiprlas, illochrs, and erery variety of coatagrous' A flection, Chronic Catar rh, Headcche, prfceediLg from an acrid humor; Pain so the Stomach and Dyspepsia, proceeding: from vitiation; AJfecitons of the Liver, Chronic lnilamalion of the Kidneys, and general debililr, caused by a torpid action of the vessels of the skin. 11 is singular!? efficacious by renovating those constitutions which have been bi oleen down bv injudicious treatment, as juvenile1, irregularities. In general terms, it is rtcocDtnen-: ilcd to all those diseases which arises from iraurri-j srd in the blood, filiation of the bamon,ol what ever name or kind. Some of the above complaints ma* rcouire tome trifling axi slant applications, which the circoinstances of the case will dictate; bat for a general remedy or PuriJinUar, (* rcmort tie eeuur, Tmk isdud Paxacct will generally be f wad sufficient To the Public. flow tree it is, that modern Physicians?in their ambition to excel in their profession; to explore the ra?t fields of siencc by the ad of ChinusUy, and seek out new remedial agents; in abort to ar> rive at perfection in the practice by mean* of aST alone,?orrrlook and neglect, aa beneath their notice the rich and bounteous stores of medicine, which the almighty has caused to spring ontof the earth in crcry clime! And how much more true it is, tiiat while* the American Physician looks to foreign coonit km for many of bis most common and necessary articles perpetually changing as they are j the dictates of fashion or foiir be issmronnded in his own country with an enaless profusion. The anyraumUljf, *Juimcy aod sarrrref regetable remedies orei mineral, may be estimated by contrasting the ancient practice w?th the modern ; or, to bring it more immediately coder our own obserration, the ludian practice with that of the whites. Who, in America, has not known or beard of repeated instances wherein some dectepid, ud- j pretending tcruale Indian by means of her simple j remedies alone, has effected the most rapid and at* j tomsbing cares, after the whole Materia Mcdiea of the common practice, directed in the most skilful manner has failed? And who has not been sorpris-. ed at beholding the comparative case and facility with which the Indian frees himself of any dis- < caw, and at the almost total abeenr* of chronic dis-; rase among them. Who has ever beard of an In- j dun with a consutution broken and rained by ill* < resident * And ca-i a doubt exist, that this happy ' exemption of the saragc froui most of the ilLs wluch the fl^nh of civilised man is b?ir to. wchiefly owing to ibrjnorc genial and safe remedies which be croploja. i dl* asUffllSOing OWiracv IB iuuvm, i* a fair exemplification of the infinite superiority of Ut simple and safe means of cur* which God has created for the benefit of bis childtro, over those winch the pr,dc and the art of men hare tiTKSTKO From a long residence among a portion of tlto aboriginal inhabitants of this counter, gnd an inli* mate acquaintance with the method* of cures of ? me of their most successful |n*m>uiirTw the proprietor of the 4< Tut Isolan's Pajucu*,* aenmretf a knowledge of some of their nwt powtiful and farorabl* remedies. From these he selected sccb as were most efficacious and appropriate, and after rarioos experiments to lest their principles and | Irengtb he has combined them in the torm here prrwiitril, as lie iixm* ported and lowfifwl fur llio niirp'M* f..r wbirb it i? irconintruib J | u<- piopnctor otiers this preparation (< the pub. lie, with lire consciousness that he is placing within its reach, ? remedy capable of relieving many ohis adlicted fellow beings, who are snfieung onf dcr the various chronic and obstinate complaintto which it is applicable. To such it will prove os incalculable value, as the means, and in many cat sesthcoa/f mrunrcf relieving their aofleiings and, restoring {hem once morr to health and happiness. Tins is not utfrred as a common remedy, that may perchance be equally good with many others now in use, but ason?- which is capable of sating lite in many extreme cases, when ail the usual remedies - ? - ' * I'll I. | nus II OSS OW irymmH;, v^. ? _ reputation il his obtained wfcrrercr ii has been iuUniiieml It i< onJjr fcboot three yran si nee this preparation ere* tit*\ pneeroted In the puWic. but tn that short spsor of time. smite hundreds of prnont might Ur fuuoii, sba would solemnly declare that ihr* believed that lltetr live* wefr saved bj it, ?ud in mail c??c? after they had tried many perhaps all the roaimoo remedies in vain. Wherever ?i ts ku??rn il i* rapidly ooraioj into u?e, and this sO'oid* the most substantial and convincing proof of it* merits. Tlie value of the Panacea, U roost eontpicuous n thw long standing and obstinate syphiitbo and scrofulous affection* which have defined all other remedies, and particularly in thoec cases where mercury las been so lavishly med aa to cause distressing pains in the hones, nodes, mercurial ul errs, derangement of the digestive ortus, Ac These it completely remorcs and ia all cases I entirely eradicates the disease and the effects c i mercury renovates the constitution, and leave the patient * >und and well in Rheumatisms and in ulcerated sore thr**t. iu happy effects are nol toss ipparenl, giving almost immediate relief. I Taken in proper dote*, "J us , morale* ?* an alternative, and detergent; a diar piioretic, diuretic and laxative, on anUpasmodu and anodyne, and in proper rate*, a* a stomachic and cmtnenagoguc. Generally expressed, it in , errasc* all the secretions and exertion*, gives ton* , j to the stomach, and excite* action in the gland* ir a particular manner. From tbesr principle? tU 1 operation mar Ik- understood. , Thu medicine ha* been foond highly useful it many ambiguous disease* not here tpecihrd, and il ha* brru used with wonderful *uccr?s as a Spring and /*( // pttrijitr by those who are subject to coin plaints of ihr chcti, and who** constitution* re , ?|?nre new rigor. Such person* * ill do well t< t "w two ?r th.-rc bottle* in small dowp*. Whcrrvei I adirr drink u considered rwcc?ary, the Panacea taken in a small dose, mil answer all iu purpose* r in much lr?. time, at lr*w exp *1, ??d iu a fa nine agreeable uiannrr, tiiau the common die drink. I hr following certificate*, outol hundred* simi t?f uinrli i:iiit!i( he oroenred. W given to shoe the cll'i-ci #i" Tm ] \hi i? * Psasrra. m i?n? ?an . on* ruinjilainij therein mentioned. and alto to rx k hibt! in the most sMiirfsrtortr manner its aupcrion (y over tiicfjrupi in cornni-H use cam:s or juikiuiatism. char r*m*, no*. 15, 1831 i During ilie last winter and spring, I was afllic ii il a* it la < vrjv srviTP and distressing Khctiinatnm fCMmaril by exposure in bad weather 1 nnv t-ikr ftril plramiie in Mating, that *ij bottles ? 1 '.lie Indiana I'anaari, restored me to j>erf?r 'ir.ilth, and 1 confidently recommend 11 to all titn ' 'ally afllictcd. JOMN rERGnsojr. King* Cmni??TOV March 27. 1X32 I mi sei/eU alxnjt thrre jeirs since with a d>< tr??;itig Rheumatism c lured by ta?inr? a jerer I cold while nndcr the inUucncc ol mcrcary, and which ha* disabled me irom business nearly ever since During this period I hare been a patient in the Marine Hospital in this City, upwards of four months nearly, and the same length of time in the Baltimore Hospital, and tried almost every remedy, - ilh liitle benefit. On the JOth of February ivo at that time scarcely able to more about upon crutches, 1 commenced the use of The Indians Panares. In one month I found myself entirely eared from the pain, and am now happy to state that I (eel myself perfectly well. wm. Tucker, is mark*-*. cure for scrofulous ulcers ! New York, Sept IG. 1830. This may certify , that in the Jail of 1825, 1 was j seized with a swelling in my neck and face, which afterwards ulcerated and became large ghastly ulcers in my neck. Aft-r trying several Physicians j to no advantage, 1 wentto Philadelphia, and placed I myself under the care of Drs. Physic and Beach, | when, after repealed salivation to no effect, i was , pronounced totally incurable. Afterwards 1.took twenty bottles of Swain's Panacea and eight bottles < of Potter's Catholicon, with no material benefit, i Desparing of Hie, which had now become a bur- j then to me, I returned to my parents in New York , in 1839, and gave myself up to a lingering death. , Hearing of the great success of Toe Iioum Pasacra, however, in cases siroilarto my own, I was < persuaded k> try it, as a last resort To ray great | miidria t* ar?lf >? satisfaction. 1 soon found mvaell rapidlv recovering, sod upon taking seven bottles, ' (ho ulcer* bealcu and bceoraoperfcclly well in Ihe ; coarse or (wo months, and hare remained so em since. I make thia utatemciit and wish i( publiabed , for the benefit of those who are suffering under ** milar scrofulous or syphilitic afiecttions, that they may know what has cured one who baa snfierrd 1 every thine but death, and who considers bis tile saved by in* above syrup- WM. HINHAN. The above Medicine maybe had at WILLIAM REYNOLDS DRUG STORE, CAMDEN, S. C. FRESH GARDEN SEEDS <E?T ttXKfi <&& FOR SaIj? ?lr ?. THORNTON. .luumg vkuh mre ike ftlltneing: Early York CABBAGE Ice do do Dutch do i Early While head do do Sugar loaf do do Corl'd do do Savoy do j Santmer bash SQUASH Drain Head do do crook neck do Late Dutch do I Crook neck Casbaw, Green Glared do Long Green Cucumber, Larjc Eog. Savoy do j Early do Early Load. CaubtSowcr, Prickly Gberkina, late do f* (lor fdcklea,) White Broooli, Georgia or Scotch K?icr Sea Gland Water Melon Cole warts, (a superior kind) Early Spring TURNIP, Apple ircdcd do Rnu Baam.or 'Winter Citrecl, Yellow Humus do j (lor pmrrtinj) Large Norfolk Grid do Large Mask Melon Laic Flat Dutch do Cantelope do Aberdeen or rtcotch do N'utosrr do Yellow Malta do ; Vegetable Ouster, (choice kind) j Naatortioo. Red aud While Ui>*"0, , large Bel) IYppcr, White English .Mustard, | Cayenne do Brown do Round smooth Tomatoes ' Large FlandersSpinagc, Garden Cress, Round do Pcpprrgros, Prickly do Curled I'anlcy,' New Zealand do Solid Celery, Long White Okra, Sage, Vjtflv KImjI Tniniii RmiI Itri4 ( "inwr VatiI do yellow do do White Marrowfat PEAS (I?ong blood do : Early Jane do M&nglo Wortsel or 1 " CturlcUn do Earlr Scarcity do Soger do Swelling Parr aip, Riahops prolific dwarf do Guernsey do Early Mohawk Beans, Orange Carrot, do China dwarf do Un^Bnrlrt RAOISH, do whit* Kidney do Shirt top do do' do dwsrf do Salmon (to 1 Superior white pole do Lang buck wmtcr w \ Variegated Cranberry do White Turnip do lhto* do Large Cabbage Head Early Tu terror a Corn LETTUCE ?: > Soynr do Magnum Booutn do ; do Coldcu Sioux do (a choice kind,) \ ALSO, Panphlelf on (iartfenuif, Calculated by the subscriber, to answer lor Camden and the adjacent country, near the same latitude. 1 IT The above Seeds are warranted Should any one find them otherwise, after a fair trial, others will be giren in their place. 21. I f . | Tailoring Establishment THE subscriber grateful for the liberal , share ol patronage received since his commencement in the foil, hopes by cbsr ' application and a readiness to please all [ j who may call (o merit a continuance of .{the same, llis work will bo executed . i _ 1,1. n?ain,n *n?i itmnaiitli. nnri irk the UMII IIVU ??!%? H II 4 ... most fashionable manner; his prices will be moderate for cash or punctual customers. Wanted one or Itvo boys from M t? 16 years of age, as apprentices to the business. J. 1,. RRASINtiTON. March <W-0 TO TAILORS. Having bcciianthorUei! tosrii and teach the Tailors MASTER PIECE, being the complete guide for instruction in the wholcart of measuring ami cutting according to the variety of fashion anform with IMatr* Illustrative of the Mt:nr. b\ Scott iV IVrhin*, (siffffjisiiri to A. F. ' Saguezs.) reporters of fashions and teok rlicrs of cutting garments at New V ork i "'fir above system ran he had with all th? t ccrssary articles belonging thereto it indication be made to the subscriber. J. L. B. LAITBI, Ai\ KST " ? For ealc nt this Office. HiSTUKY OF South-Carolina. DJ. DOWLING, 63 Broad-Street. lias commenced the re-publication promised some time back, of Dr. David Raxsay's history of south Carolina. The Citizens of the City and State, will be waited on previous to the issue for , subscriptions. In order to place It within the reach of all, it will be printed til numbers of from 80 to 100 pages each, ? price 50 cents per number. The cost lhe2 vols., in this manner will not exceed 95. To those who wish it, they wiT] be furnished, bound in sheep, gill and lettered, at 83 per volume, of 500 pages more or less. The first volume will be embellished with a correct VIEW OF THE CITY AMD HARBOR OF CHARLESTON, Engraved tsrpresshj Jar this lih'orh, , which will be drawn from lite mustfavorar ble situation. The second volume will contain a MAP OF THE STATE OF SOOTH-CAROLINA. The Work will be printed on the finest quality of piper, in new and clear type, with stiched covers to each No. As the expense will be considerable, a list ot 1000 names is required to warrant the undertaking. The first specimen number is expected to be ready about the 1st An* gust, and the whole will be completed previous to 1st January, 1837. It is hoped in the mean lime, and respectfully solicited, thai the ckziens will patronize this .?c?o in nrsfertncfl UUIy MfiUHl? a ... J.. to (he oumcroos Works of s foreign nature, which annually receive their support, and generally contain animadversions on their Institutions. Should further encouragement warrant t, the history will be continued up to the present time, by a competent Editor. As an instance of the scarcity of this Work, the Publisher would stale that he eouid find but one complete copy the City?this copy belonged to the Cberiee* ton Library Society. Persons being near any post office la the Slate where there ia no agent, by forwarding a So bill, at our expense, or ia ; responsible City reference, w!0 here the work regularly fonraided to tbemia Hoeby mail, the postage of which will scaieely ever exceed 6 1-4 rents per No. In addition to the Editors of the different papers, the following persons are oar authorized agents: James Smith, Charleston, J. R. &, W. Cunningham, Columbia, A. Young, Camden, John Ryan, Barnwell Dist. P. O'Sullirau, Sumtei Dist. t'har!r?(on, June 1 -^20?f EUCiLlSH G.3R 9PEJT SEE MPS THE subscribers are now receiving a tapvlv of Knflwh Garden Seeds, of (be growth ot 1835, wiuoh they can recommend wits creel confidence to their friends and easterners, as being fresh and genuine. Among which are the following Early Dutch Cabbage, Garden Crts, Late Dutch . do ; Giant Asparagrese, Large Early York do : Carted Parsley, ? Sagar Loaf do ; White Solid Cfclery, Large Drumhead, do 2 Large Globe Artichoke, Mountain do i I^oag Orange Carrot, Green Gland do j Early Orange Horn do Early Coded Savoy, ; Hammer Bash S<taash ColwartorCollards, j Crook Necked do Curled Scotch Kale j Red Clover Seed, Early Cauliflower, ' Long White Octet, (atr do Short ' do Early White Brocoli, ' Earlv June Peas, Purple do Early Charlton do Tine Primidone, do Early Garden Hotspur Early Spring Turnips Eerqr Dwarf Marrowfat Late Flat Dutch do Large do Early do do Bishop's Dwarf Prolific Yellow MaltT* do do White Norfolk do Dwarf Green Imperial Aberdeen.or tto>ich do Royal Dwarf Prollr.-c do Yellow Rota Saga do Early Speckled Beans Largo Flanders spinabe ** Mohawk do do do 1 Dwarf Prolific, whitr do New %land do WWinlOdaaj* Jo l?oug Blood Beet, EarlmCllma do Early Tnmip do Fiat Linn Pole do * Yellow Sugar do Chiewee Pole do Engiiab Yellow do Early Manges do French Sugar do * Long Pod do Mangle Wortrell, Large Windeor do Spelling Sugar Parr nip, Virginia Hommony do " Guernwy do Earn White Tuacarora. Long Scarlet Radish, Corn, Scarlet 8bort top do. Flint do Long Salmond do Sugar do White Turnip do R<.d Planting Onions Red do do Yellow do do Black Winter do Early Cabbage Head Curled t'ndire, Lcttnco Long Green Cucumber, White Curled do Early do do |rr do' Salarfy or Vegetable Hardy Texter do Oyater Brow Dutch do PcpprrgraM, or Cut Magnum Bonum do * Cree?, While Moatard Seed I Fine Canielope M?-' Large Tomatoes iNuliwcf' do l^ondon Flag Letk UwDCilroR do Smooth Orange do Pine Apple do Bed Onioo Seed, Per.uan do While do Sea Inland WaUrmclon Broad Leaf Sago Uajenne Proper. Sweet Baal Tomatoes Shaped do Thyme 11-11 do Sweet M antrum IVirpIr Egg Plant do Lavender Nasturtium Pot Mangold True Tart Rhnharb Catnip The above catalogue of seed completes the assortment of seed for this climate, a general stock of which will always be kept on hand and sold at tho u* :al prices. YOUNG A M KAIN: Two Houses to Rent* ONE at Kirktrood, one in Logtown. Enquire of A. YOUNG. June 11-20-tf