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THE CAIHDM JOflliL BY IOBIST lfK91AUT< PuMJtofcer of (& L?w? at Ike VMM States* Iblli*d by JOILBK. is i ' r. VOL. XI. CITIDE^ $?OIITH- ;lROLIllA, JIKiT 9, 1836. , wzsm?. TH3 OAHPilT JOTOlTAIi. P*bl>sktd srcry Saturday Morning by ROBERT Jt'K HIGirr, roBLisiitR or th* uitvs or ms csio.x SUBSCRIPTIONS Three dollar* a year in advance, or four dollars - at the end of t#-? jcar. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at serenly five cents the square for the first,and hall thit amount for each continuance--?! The number of insertion* to be marked on the margin or taey will be continued and charged ac ?' " ' ? cordingly. Thaw? inrcrted *cmi-monthly 75 cents and monthly $1 a square for each insertion. Communications by mail to be post paid or remain unattended to. IBY AUTHORITY.] * law or rnc rsited states passed at tub tvextt rOTBTIl congress FIRST SESSION. ; [Public, So. 30.] } AN ACT to regulate the deposilcs of the ! public money. Be it enacted hp the Senate and Home oj JRepreuntaXivn of the United States of Amerrica in Congress assembled. That it thai! be the duty of the Secretary of the Trca- , eery to select as soon as may be practicable ant) employ as the depositories of '.he money of the United States, such of the | banks incorporated bv the several States by Congress for the District of Columbia or by the Legislative Council* of the respective Territories for those Territories, ms may be located at, adjacent or convenient to the points or places at which the revenues may be collected, or disbursed and in those States, Territories or Districts in urhieh there are no banks, or in i which no bank can be employed as a deposit* bank, and within which the public , collections or disbursements require a dc- , pository, the said Secretary may make arrangements with a bank or banks, in voire j - -' nr r>i?frirl. In Pit' owcr owiv, > c 11j wi v..., tablish an agency* or agencies, in (he , States, Territories or District* ao Jess?- , tote of banks, as banks of deposit?; and , to receive through such agencies such dc* , potitcs of the public money, as may be { directed to be made at the points designs* ted, and to make such disbursements as the puLlir service may require at those points; the duties and liabilities of every bank thus establishing any such agency to be the same in respect to its agency as are tho duties and liabilities of deposile banks generally, under the provisions of this act. Provided, that at least oao such bank shall be aelected in each State and Territory, if any can be found in each State and Territory trilling to be employ* ed as depositories of the public money, upon the terms and conditions hereinafter prescribed, and continue to conform there* to; and that the Secretary of (he Treasn ty shall not suffer to remain in any depo* ??* bank, an amount of the public mo* oejrs more titan equal to three-fourths of the amount of its capital stock actually -paid in, for a longer time than may be necessary to eoablo him to make the transfers required by the twelfth section of this act; and that the banks to aclccted, thai! be, in bis opinion, safe depositories of the public money, and thai I be willing to on. dertake to do and .perform the several duties and services, sad to conform to the several conditions prescribed by this set. Sac. 3. JSmd U itfmrtik*r ovuud, That if st any point or place at which the public revenue may be collected, there shall be no bank located, which, in the opinion of the Secretary of the Treasury is in a safe condition, or srhera all the- banks at such point or place shall fail or refuse to be employed aa depositories of the public money of tho United 8tatcs, or to comply with the conditions prescribed by this act, or where sorh banks shall not bare sufficient capital to become depositories of the wli 1c amoant of moneys collected ntsuch point or place, he shall and tnay order and direct the public money collected ol such point or place to be deposited in a bank or banks in the same State, or in some one or # more of the adjacent States upon the terms and conditions hereinafter prescribed: ? PravieUd. Thtt nothing in litis aci conumed shall be construed its to prevent Congress at any lime from passing any law for the removal of the public money from any of the said banks, or from changing the terms of deposito or to prevent the said banks at any time from declining any longer to be the depositories of the public money upon.paying over, or tendering to pay, the whole amount of public moneyi on hind, according to the terms of its agreement with the said Secretary. Sec. 3. And U il furlhtr tnmtitd, That n< hank shall hereafter be selected and cm ployed by the Secretary of the Treason as a depository of the public money, nnti such bank shall hare first famished to th< said Secretary a statement of its condition and business , a list of its directors* the current price of its stock; and also a copy of its charter; and likewise, such other information as may be necessary to enable hirn to judge of the safely of its condition. 15re. 4. dnd be it further enacted, That the said banks, before they shall be employed as the depositories of the public money,! shall agree to receive the same, upon the; following terms and conditions, viz: First. Each bank shall furnish ?o the Secretary of the Treasury, from time to! time, as often as he may require not. ex-j cccding once a week, statements setting j forth its condition ami business, as pre-; scribed in the forrgoing section n( this j art, except that such statements need not unless requested by said Secretary, con- j tain a list of the directors, or copy of the; 1 1 * ? ? * i? is r. !^L charter Ami me saia moss snaii lurnimi to the Secretary of the Treasury, and to (he Treasurer of the United States, a weekly statement of the condition of his account upon their books. And the Secretary of the Treasury shall hare the right by himself, or an rgent appointed for that purpose, to inspect such general accounts in the books of the bank as shall irclatc to the said statements: Provided, That this shall not be construed to impl) a right of inspecting the account of ally private individual or individuals with the bank. Secondly, To credit as specie, all sums deposited therein to the credit of the Treasurer of the United Stairs, and to pay all checks, warrants, or drafts, drawn on such depositor, in specie if required bv the holder thereof. Third'.y. To give, whenever required * _ m .t_ _ _ ^ by llic secretary 01 uic i reasury, wic necessary facilities far transferring the public funds from place to place, within lite United Stales, and the territories thereof, sad for distributing the same in payment of the public creditors, without charging commission* or claiming allowance on account of difference of exchange. Fiturxhly. To render to the gorcrnmcnt of the United States, all the duties and services heretofore required by latr to be performed by the late Bank of the United Slates and it* sercral branch's or office*. See 5. it is furjttr rruicitd, Tb'. no banc shall be selected or continued as a place of deposite ot the public money which shall not redeem its notes and bills on demand i in specie; nor shall any bank be selected or continued as aforesaid, which shall after the fourth of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, Iskuc or pay out any note or bill of a less denomination than fire dollars ; nor shall the notes or bills of any bank be reccired in payment of any debt due to the United - - - - - * 1 / l. Stale# trhirh shall, alter me Uiu (Durtu day of July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six, issue any note or bill of a less denomination than fire dollars. See. G. .'tr.d k it fattier enacted, That the Secretary of the Treasury shall be, and be is hereby authorised, and it shall be bis duty, whenever in his judgment the same shall be necessary or proper, to require of any bank so selected and employed as aforesaid, collateral or additional securities for the safe keeping of the public monies deposited therein, and the faithful performance of the dutiee required by ihia act Sac. 7. And he it Jwriitr enacted, That it shall be lawful for the Secretary of the Treasury, to enter into contract in the name and for and on behalf of the United State#, with the said bank# #o selected or employed, whereby the said banks shall stipulate to do and perform the several duties and services prescribed by this act. See. 8. Jnd 6# it fattier enacted, Tits! no bank which shall be selected or employed as tbe place of drpositc of the public money, shall be discontinued ss such depository, or tbe public money withdrawn therefrom, except for lite causes hereinafter mentioned, that is to say: if, tt any time, any one of said banks shall fail or refuse to Eerfortn any of said duties as prescribed y this act, and stipulated to be |>erfonnrd by i's contract; or, if any of said banks shall at any time refuse to pay its own notes in specie if demanded; or shall fail to keep in its vaults such an amount ol specie as shall be required by the Secrc tary of ihc Treasuiy, and ?naii or, 111 ma opinion necessary to render the said bank a safe depository of the public moneys, baring due regard to the nature of the business transocicd by the bank; in any and C7ery such case it shall be the duty of the Secretary of the Trearury to discontinue any such bank as a depository and withdraw from it the public moncyi which it may hold on deposito at thi time of such discontinuance. And it ease of the discontinuance of any of sail banks, it shall bo the duly of the Sccrc tary of the Treasury to report to Con gress immediately if in session, nnd i not in session, then at the commence > mcnt of its next session, the facts an< , reasons which hare induced such diseon , tinunnce. Aud in ease of the discontinu , ancc of any of said banks as a place o depositc of the public money for any c ? the causes herein before prorided, it shal ? fnr thr Secretary of the Trcasu Ul" luniui I?/. . >. r ry lo depo?itc the money thus withdraw I in some other bnnks of deposilo nlread c <?d?-rtr?J. or to select ?o??:c otli^r bnnk a a place of depositc, upon the terras and i [conditions prescribed by this act. And | in default of any bank to receive .fuch de- : jposite, the money thns withdrawn shall i be kept by the Treasurer of tUb United i States, according to the lairs noir io force, I and shall be subject to be disboriwd tccor- ( ding to lav. , Sec. 9, And Ik il farther enacted, ThU uatil the Secretary of the Treasury shall have se- t leeted and employed the said l>aaks as 2 ' ^ w?;- !. j place* Ol tICpOSKC ni me puwuv UIUIICJ f j c in confot mity to the provisions of ibis act,' 1 the several State and District banks at jl 'present employed as depositories of the it money of the United States, shirll con-'l j tinue to be the depositories aforesaid upon1 i the terms and conditions upon which they ji hare been so employed. I See. 10. And be it fmribtr enacted. That it shall i be the doty of the Secretary of the Trea-;i ' Rury to lay before Congress, at the com-! 1 mcnccment of each annual session, a't : statement of the number and names of j ; the banks employed as depositories of the < i public money, and of their condition, and i the amount of public money deposited in! j each, as shown by their returns at the ? - - - -i? !? ~r . i Treasury; and il we leiccuua u< ?nj . bank as a depository of (he public money! be made by the Secretary of the Treasury,! ; while Congress is in session, he tbali! i immediately report the name and condi-! jtion of such bank to Congress; and if any | such selection shall be made during the : recess of Congress, he shall report the (same to Congress during the first week of its next session. Sir. II. Jmd be C further at/ititd, That wbcoej vcr the amount ol public deposites to the; credit of the Trcasorcr of the United. Stales, in any bask shall, for a whole? |quarter of a year, exceed the one-fourth* I part of the amount of the capital stock of < 'such bank actually paid in, the banks ' shall allow and pay to the United States, I for ihc use of the excess of the deposites . over the one-fourth part of its capital, an 'interest at the rate of two per centum per annum, to be calculated, for each; . quarter, upon the average excesses of the 1 quarter; and it shall bo lit* duly of the1 j Secretary of the Treasury, at the close of each quarter, to cause the amounts on 1 deposite in each deposite bank for the quarter, to be examined and ascertained,; and to see that all sums of interest accru- 1 ,ing under tbe prorisions of this aeetion, 1 rare, by the banks rcspcciircly passed to the ereditof the Treasurer of the United | States in hi**""*'* wiUt-Hi, ?rectire t banks. 1 See. 12. Jad to i: further cnezUJ, Thai all warrants or orders, for the purpose o( transferring the public funds from tho banks in which they now arc, or may ' hcrrallcr bo deposited, to other banks, whether of deposite or not, for the purpose of accommodating the banks to which tho transfer may be made, or to 'sustain their credit, or for any other purpose whatever, except it be to facilitate the pnblie disbursements, and to comply with the provisions of this act, be, and tbe same are hereby, prohibited and de ' ?J cJared lo oe uicgai; iuu u? ??>? transfer* shall be required for purposes of equalization under the provisions of thia act, in consequence of loo (rest an accumulation of depositee in any bank, such tranfers shall be made to the nearest deposile banks which are considered safe and secure, and which can receive the monrys to bo transfer!ed under the limitations in this act imposed: Provided, That it may be lawful for the President of the United Slate* lo direct transfers of pub* lie money to be made from lime to time to the mint and branch mints of the United States, for ?upplyinf metal fnr coining. See. 13. .imJ It Hfurtktr cm*ettJ, That the money which shall be in the Treasury ol the United States, on the first day of January, 'eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, reserving the sum of five millions of dollars, shall bo deposited with the several States, in proportion to (heir respective representation in the Senate and ifouse of Rcnreof thr United States, at anal! by lair, authorize their Treasurer*, or (he competent authorities to rerdve the same on the terms hereinafter specified, and the * Secretary of the Treasury shall dclirer .. the satne to such Treasurer, or other com* i pctent authorities, or reccirisg certificates , of deposife therefor, signed by such com* , | petent authorities, in snch form as may be > prescribed by the Secretary aforesaid, r which certificates shall express the usual ' and legal obligations, and pledge the faith > of (he State, for the safe keeping and re* . payment thereof, and shall pledge the faith i of the slates receiving the ssute, to pay the ? said moneys and every part thereof, Irom i time to lime, whenever the sstno shall be rc* I quired by the Secretary of the Treasury, for . the purpose of defraying asy wants of the . public Treasury, beyond the amount of f the fire millions aforesaid; Provided, Tbat - if any State declines to receive its propor1 tion the surplus aforesaid, or the terms be* . Jforo named, tho same shall bo deposited . with the other State*, agreeing to accept f the same on deposile, in the proportion if aforesaid: And providedfurthtr% Thai when II said money, or any part thereof shall U i- wanted l?y the said Secretary, to meet thi n appropriations made by law, thesamo shall y be called for, in rateable proportions with i? in one year, a* nearly as convenient^ may be, from the different States, with which the same is deposited, and shall i not bo called for, in sums exceeding ten i thousand dollars, from any one State, in iny one month, without previous notice of < thirty days, for every additional sum of 1 $20,000, which at any time may be re- ' quired. ' J Sec. 14. J3ud be it further endcUd, That the ttid lipositcs shall be made with the said < States, in the following proportions, and i it the following times, viz: one quarter i *art on the first day of January, eighteen I tundrcd and thirty-seven or as soon there- i ifter as may be: one quarter part on the < irst day of April, one quarter part on the i ir*t dar of Julv. and one auarler Dart on i m J ^ ~ 0 * S M -m be first day oi'Octobcr, all in the same year. See. 15. And be it further enacted, That to coiblc the Secretary of the Treasury to carry into effect the prorisions of this act, le be authorized to appoint three additional clerks for his Department, the one it a salary of one thousand six hundred Jollars per annum, and the remaining two it a salary of one thousand dollars each per annum, and to pay the said clerks quarter yearly, out of any money in the , treasury not otherwise appropriated. JAMES K. POLK. Speaker of the House of Reprcsentatires. M. VAN BUREN, ' Vice President of the United States, and < President of the Senate. * A rrnovF-D. 23d of June. 1636. ANDREW JACKSON. * [PrBUc?No. 37.] AN ACT actbonzing the Secretary of the Treasury, to act as the agent of the United J States, in all matters relating to their stock, in the Bank of tbo United States. B* it enmcud ky Uu Senate and House of Rqnrtstmlatitat of tka United States of America in Congress assembled, Thai from and after the pt&jage of this act, it shall be the doty of the Secretary of * lho Treasury, to assume and ezercire the J agency and direction in behalf of the United ] States, over their property in the Bank of the United States, whether the same be standing ! on the books of the bank in the name of the 1 United States, or of the Treasurer of tbo ! United Slates, for the use of the Secretary 1 of tbo Nary, lor the papmcnt of nary pen- ' sions; and the Secretary of the Treasury, . is hereby infested with the authority necessary for carrying into effect the duties of said agency, by voting in behalf of the Uni- , led States at any meetings of the stock hold- , ers, and performing any other act in relation ( to tbo tame which any stockholder would be , ? - Js a _ . ' - 5EI, tary of the Treasury, shall be furnished, from j time to time, as often as he may require?- bj j the directors of the Bank of the l/nited States, j or by the trustees who shall bare been, or may be, appointed, either by said directors or tbc stockholders of said bank, or in their behalf, or by such individuals as may hare tbo custody, control, or po?ion of the books and effects of the same with statements of the amoont of the capital stock of the said corporation undivided, of the debts due beyond the same on account of said bank, of the moneys remaining on depnsite, of the notes of said bank outstanding, and of the specio on band on account of the same; and said Secretary shall hare the same right aa any atockbokter to inspect and examine, or cause to be inspected and examined, all aoch accounts in the books of said bank, or of any trust arising out of or holding tbo effects of said cotporatioo, as shall relate to the statemen is hereby required to be made. 8rc. 3. Ju U it fmrdur cmaetrd, That the Secretary of the Treasury he authorised and directed to receire and deposite in the Treasury of the United States, any diridends which may be made of the capital stock or of the orpins profits or sato Dsns. Bsc. 4. dad to it fnrtktr atariod, Thai the Sacret try of tke Treasury shall be, and be hereby tm, authorized sod empowered to receive the Capital stock belonging to the United States, in tho late Bank of the United States, in such instalments, and payable at such times and with such rates of interest, as he shall see fit to agree to; and also, to settle and adjust the claim for surplus profits, accruing on said capital stock on such terms as he may | think proper, and in like manner to receive the amount therool in such instalments, and payable at such times, and with such rates of ; interest, as be may agree to. Arraorzn, June 33d, 1836. [Public?No. 39.] ! AN ACT to settle and establish the northern boundary line of the state of Ohio. Bo it ataried, fry UU Smalt and Hotter of Brnrettniatircr of lie United State* of dm trie* in Confree* artnuUrtL, That the northern boundary of the state of Ohio shall be established by, and cxtond to, a direct line running from the southern extremity of Lake Michigan to lite most northern cape of the Miami bay; thence northeast, to the northern boundary lino of the United States; thence, with said line, to the Pennsylvania line. Sac. 3. dnd frc it Junker matted, That the boonm*?Lnl and rlnahrnatcd. I uu; llllVj 9U| iuj v\i| ??? nvw| _ ^ ^ ; agreeably to ' An act to authorize the Prcsii dent of the United Sta:ci to ascertain and dei signaie the northern boundary of the State of t Indiana," approved March the second, eigh5 teen hundred and iwcnty-scren, shall be I deemed and taken as the cast and treat lint mentioned in the constitution of the 8tito of * Indiana, drawn through a point ten miles north of the southern extreme of Like Mjclr ^ igan, and aball be and forever remits the northern boundary of aaid state. * ' 8rc. 3. Jnd be it further enattal, That U? n orthem boundary line^ ascertain^ aqmyed, * ^ and marked, agreeably to a lav of Congrew edi it led " An act to ascertain and mark the line between the Mate of Alabama and the rerritoryof Florida, and the northern boundary of the state of Illinois, and lor other purposes," approved March second, eighteen L.?J 1 A -I,.T1 Iw. iiuuuicu .muy uuiij-vm| ?u??? w m-uh . ?, taken as the line west firoD the middle of Lake Michigan, in north latitude ibrtj-tird iegrees thirty minutes, to the midtUe of the Mississippi rircr, as defined in the act of Conjress entitled " An act to enable the people >f the Illinois territtirjr to farm a cobstifottoq. md state government, and ibr the admission >f such state into the Onion 4n an equal fasting with the original stales," approved eigheentb of April, eighteen hundred and cigheen, and shall be and fi>rever remain tbe noritem boundary line of said state! Armorcd, 23d Jane, 1836. [Pt'BLtC?So. 39.1 AN ACT to remove the Land Office from Clinton to Jackson, in the state of Mississippi. Be a matted, by tJu Senate ami Rohm ?f JUpre rr.tctices ef the United Statu af Jhatricm ta Op*jress assembled, That the land Office at meaeat ?tabl;shed at Clinton, in the stateof Misrittippi, be hereafter kept at Jackaoo, in the arae state. Amorzo, 23d Jane, 1836. "> .+ +* [PnaLic?No. 40.] AN ACT to amend aqaet to grant certain relinquished tod unappropriated lands to the state of Alabama, for the purpose of improving the navigation of the Tennessee, Coon, Cahaba and Black warrior rrrers. Be it caaeted, bathe SrtmU end Boast ef Hearttotfatrrvt of the United States if Jmeriem in Cm- ^ pess assembled, That so tapch of the second sec-' lioo of the act above recited as restricts tbe State of Alabama from baring tbe power to sell, dispose oft or grant tbe residue of tbe lands granted by tbe act to which this b a supplement, at a pice not less than tbe minimum price of tbe jrablic lands, .be, and tho same b hereby repealed. Sac. 2. Jad be it farther exacted, That tbe assent of tbe United Sta;cs is hereby given, to my act which tbe Lcgblatnre of the state of Alabama may pass for imposing a toll on tbe a?e of snch pans of tbe canal or canals, which have been or may be, constructed at. or around tbe Mnsclo and Colbert's sboals of the river Tennessee: Provided, That such lolls shall bo expended exclusively on tbo said canals, and shall not exceed in amoont, tors, superintendents, and managers; and that no part of tbb act shall be construed as a repeal of tbe exemption, contained in tbo / MMiih section of'the aforesaid act, of tbo property of the United Sutes, and all pcrsooa in thetr service, from any toQ whatever: A*d protukd further. That an annoal report ahall oh made to the Secretary of the Treasury of the United States, of the rate and amoont of tolls charged or collected on said canals, and. their application. * "5 Armovra, 23d of ione, 1836. MEDICINE. THE Subscribers hare just received and are now opening a fall aasortment of Medicines from the North, which can be recocuI mended with great confidence, as far as reI girds their parity and genuineness, having been purchased from one of the oldest and roost respectable houses in Philadelphia.? Physiciaus, Planters and others, are requested to call, previous to laying in their summer supplies, and exsmin e the quality of those now oficred for sale; which we fed confident j in warranting and giving satisfaction to purchasers. I Among those lately received and now openi ing. are the following: Alcohol, 8ub. Carb. Soda, CSator Oil, tthafaorb Root, Florence, do. Calasaya Bark, Castile Soap, Lobelia Herb, Borax, do. in Powder. Tarlfr Opium, Slippery Rim llark, Camphor, do. in Powder, Calomel, Eng. Dole Armenia, Cinnamon, Ground. Mustard, Cloves, Powd. Cimiimoo, Orris Root, Acid Lemon Drops, Florida Water. - Chlorti* of Soda, Kiddri tft* fak, ^ E^Xk. Powd. Jura Arabic, " Corf). Iron, Coapd. Cob. ? Sulph Quinine, i ?? Mon.hU, Toho Bobun. sSSk' Genuine Bc?l Oil, (Ml W T-ubcb. prate"*) SLfnt ' jMr?T M?oc. Scuff, Citric Acid, ljaif pow^er< ^c. ^arictr of articles too nomenms to men' tion,fnaddilion to tho abort, 0 foil awortmentof whUh w?U alway* be cPi^*UWQ-^ M KAIN' TAILORING. - THE BuhocnVr napeec ft 1 f . -. ra L.ra fU^Milo Otff) WkAmilJ inroron bh >< mm . . Ihe public that be has reiumed th* bnainrwof hitpro. fernon in Camden, and will work tow for cub o? town aeeeptanee. A food Jonrnejroan Tutor will nwet with con? atant employment, and rood ware*. CHARLES n. M'DO^AliP, June?3-<22?d