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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. .... U? UOBCUV .VK*l(i?T. Publisher aT Ike L?wg of Ck? United Mate* Edited by JOIIS u WK8T.' ' " ' vol.. xi. sorrfl^.ison.Ki, jilv 2, is3o. xo 2S *TS3 JOrSUTALe Published terry Suittrday Mominz by ROBERT .H'K^IGOT, ri'&LlSHKR OF Tilt Lun sorrilK L'SJOT SUBSCRIPTIONS Tnree dollar* a year in advance, or four dollars at-the ca4 of tUe year. ADVERTISEMENTS Insert" J at sercaiy fire cent, the eqnare for the first,sad halt that amount fur each continuance-? j Thet naaihor of insertions to bo marked on the ; margin or taey will be continued and charged ac- j ordiagijr. Those inserted secri-moalhfy To cents. > fcai monthly $1 a ??jatre for each insertion. Communication* by mail to be post paid or remain j unattended to. rMV A lTTIinOITPV \ LMM U. ?3k aiAVUAX A ?j UY OF THE VElTEt? STATES PASSED AT THE TttESTV rotliTH COSCHESS riKOT SESSION*. [Public, No. 31.J "] AN ACT to establish an arsenal of con-; ( slruction iu the State of North Caro- ( iioa. { Be il easc'td ?y tit "knelt em! Havre ef JirprtjrnMites of lie I'tulcd Blasts of America ix l'**~rrsi j assembled, That the mm of forly*?\c ihouscud 1 dollars be. and the same is hereby appro- 3 priasctl, from any money In the Treasury, a net otherwise appropriated, tow ards the t purchase of a site anJ the building of an >< arsenal of deposite and general construction, near the town of Payette* il!c, in the 3 State of North Carolina. 3 JAMES K. POLK. ! Speaker ef the ilotuc of Reprcsentamca M. VAN llUKEN, ! Vice President of the Cnitcd States, and J\ PrtKtdpfil of the Srrmtf? Aptcoved, !4tl> of June. ISh'J. a.\d::eu jackson. [IV sue?No. SC.] ] AN ACT n-pceling the fouiiecitih occ- & tiuu ?*f ?hc *\.ctto incorporate tit** *ub- S' rcribt'i* to the Bunk of the United wl :>Ute?," approved, April tenth, eighteen a: hundred and sixteen. He it tnccltd ijf (Ju Senate caul Haute vj lXt H*prcSiuhi\icei cf the (Suited Statu of \m&- j: rUa ia Congress a^eutled. That the four- l*' tcvitth section of the act entitled " an art to h.curj orate the subscribes to the Bank *a of the U title J Suttit, upj?r??\c?l April roth, eight* iu hom!rc?i and ?ixlccu. shall *r, und the same itthctcby, rrpcalcd. v' Arra^vuD. June loth, i$T;G. ** [public-no, co.] \N ACT to divide theCirrcn Bay Laud il district in Michigan, and for other pur- I" 1>0?C3. ^ De it Ikr St pair r.nd !i*ruse aj lUprt- T3 iGHlctitc* Tlut tl?o country ??n the tern shore of Lake Michigan, luhraced c| within the limit* ?f the Greet: Bay Land dislnct, as i stablishcd by liio act of Chingrcs?, of the twenty-sixth day of June, eighteen hundred and thirty-four, shall be, ar ?nd is hereby, divided by a line cuniovn- //, t ing on the wcitlrrn t ?<undary ot >a??i |,3 liistrict, und running theiicr, ra?;, belurcti township ten and eleven north, to the line uv between ranges ?c*cntccn and eighteen, ,?j east; thence north, between said tanges of townships, to the line between lout:- ca .LI?. I ?.t ... OJIIJ'9 I w W| W%i ailtl \MH VM atv? ?M I * W V |U cast, between snid townships tw?hea??d yj thirteen, to Lake Michigan; nnd aii the ttt country bounded north by lite dmtiou | t line here iliect ibcd. south by the banc line. I, east by Lake Michigan, and uc?l by ihv |i( iliviiittn line between ranges right and |{, nine cast, ahull constitute a separate disttiet, and be called the Milwalky land dis- ja irirL rc .SECTION 2- And it it JurtJitr tnatltd, 0f Tualitvo addiliti.ul districts shall bo, mid ,u are hereby established in the peninsula el M Michigan. ? lie to he called the Grand !_) I iv? r, and the other the Saginaw, la.ui ui?- j,t trie*, titu former of u ltich !? II he bourn!- ih I'd as follows, to \* it; beginning at the ri1 bhorc of Like Michigan, on the line be- m tureen townships three and four north. i|, tiud runnig cast on Raid line to the line 0j between ranges number six and seven Fi, west of the principal meridian ; thence to said tange Jine south, to the base life of Uj the public servcyR; thence, on sai l base , m hnc east, to the principal meridian line; l|i thence uorth, on said meridian, t? the lib north boundary of township ten north; tli thence west, on the line between town-jgj ships ten ami eleven north, to the western :|n boundary of range two treat: mid thence:^ north, following the line between range* ; h two and liiree west, b<? as to include all !(|| that portion of the peninsula of Michigan ' h lying west of said line. The Saginaw ' district shall embrace all thr tiact of rouu-! o try but.tided on the west by the (Jiartu!oi liter district aforesaid ; on the south, by |s< the division line, between townships m;wi- ;.i ber five and siv, north of the ba^e line, b on the ta?t h*. t!;c division line. between tl ranges eleven and twelve, cast of the principal mcridsn; and on the north and northeast by Saginaiv bay and Lake Huron. Stc. 3. .Ind be it further marie J, That for each of all the aforesaid districts there shall be . appointed a register and rccicrcr, who shall reside and superintend the sales of the public lands at such place, in each respective district, as the President of the United Stales may diaignalc. They shall Igivc security in the same manner and in ! the same sums, and their compensation, emoluments, duty, and authority, shall, in crcry respect, be the same, in relation to! the lands which may be disposed of at' their offices, as arc, or may be, provided by; law relative to the registers aud rrcicvcrsj of public money in the several offices cs-; utdished for the "ale of the pnlilic lands, j Srr. I, .'2nd b$ it farther enacted, That it dull be, the duty of the Secretary of the Treasury! as soon as the ?amc ran be done, to cause; the proper plats of the surveys of the said districts to be deposited into the land < offices intended for them, respectively; )ud he is hereby authorized to allow ami pay out of the proceeds of the sales of the public lands the reasonable expenses which may be incurred in carrying into cfTccl the provisions of this act. See. 5. .Ind bt it further enacted, That lie lands which were ceded to the United Slates by the treaty made with the confc* derated tribes of Sac and Fox Indians at { Fort Armstrong, in the Stale of Illinois, s ?n the twenty-first day of September, a eighteen hundred and thirty two, be, and f he same arc hereby, attached to. and c nadc a part of the Wisconsin and district n the Territory of Michigan; and thai .aid lands shall be liable to be surveyed >nd sold at Mineral Point, or wherever j he President may direct, in the same * uanttrr as oihrr lands of tint district. Sec. C. be it fvrlltr tnccitd, That this ct shall take i-Heci am! be in furcc from ud after the first clay of August nest. AtTcovto, June 15th, ItwC. i ? ij [Penue?No. 34 ] ii IN ACT to c*ubIL?h the nonhern boundary ft line of the stale of Ohio, and to provide C< for the ad motion of the Slate of Michigan c< tmo the l uiou upon the conditions therein ft expressed. m lit it tmafttd by tit tkaaie and Horn** ej lirprc- 1 stl*ii**s tf th* L'm+Ud 6lait% vf .fmcruM La Cm*- It 'tat c*Mo.Utd, the norliicrn boundary lawn ,jj f the S ate of Ohio shall be established at, {l .(1 b s'S be a direct line drawn from the ct uthcrn estretm:y of Lake Michigan, to the tj( utl northerly cape of the Mautnee (Maitni) 1U IT, after that hue. so drauri, shall intersect s; >c eastern boundary hue of the State of In- u: aua; and from the raid north ca;*o of ilia iid bay, nuti'n a?i to the boundary hue k- ?<> rccu the Culled St..Ics and the protiucc of ** * ppcr Canada, i:i Lake- Erie ; aud 1 hence ith the said Lst mentioned line, to its inter- . rctiou uitli the western hue of the State of 1,1 ctiiisylrania. 1 Stc. 'J. Jlnd It it furlktr mat'.id. That the cou- . iiutioti and Slate Itovcrumcut which the . soplc o. Michigan h'.ie formed lor ibutn- .j hm be. and ilu: same is hereby, accepted, tified, aud coufiriiM-tl; and that the said r> ate of Michigan shall be, aud is hereby,dca ted to be ouc of the Untied Stales of Aroer W( h, aud is hereby admitted into lite Union lo ion on ?jual footing with ibr original Mates, 11,1 a I rc*|iec.a \i tuiao*?t r: J'rvridtd alwttyt, lo id Hut admitswn it n.-pum the rrprns tondi- u,< ?n, hat the imiJ Matt* shall couniM of aud ... i nil ;*? jurisdiction over all ibo territory inclu- "" d within ilie following boundaries, and "' ?-r uouc otbrr, to wit; Legitming at the 1 >tut uUrc the above described northern l J tundary of the .State of Ohio intersect* the ' 11 latent boundary oi thu state of ludiana, nud 1 ' ntiiug with the said liouiidary line r Ohio, as described in thu first section of ?* is act, until it intersects the boundary line ilivrcu the Uuiicd Mates and Canada, iu a.M akcl.tiu; thcficn, uith the said boundary rn ic between the United States mid Canada, . rough the Detroit river, Lake Huron, nud *.u ake Superior, to a point where the said line :>t touches Lake Superior, thence, in a di- ,,r el hue through Lake Superior, to the mouth l" the Vontrcal river; thence through the M iddle oi the inatu channel of the said river 11'j ontreal, to the middle of the Lake of the lie csc!I, thence, til a direct lino to the neatest ad water of the .Menoiuouie river ; thence, rough the middle of that (oik of the said ^ tcr first touched bv thu said line, to the a t am channel cf thu said Mcnotuomu river; . ' ||| ence, down the centre of the main channel ^ the same, to the centre of tho most usual ^ ip channel of the Green Lay of Lake Mich- ^ an ; thence, through the centre of the most y^ . I klnu rli.iliunl nf I lift s**lfl bav lf? t llP ! ""'j' . w. .... ~-J , iddiv of Lake Michigan; thenee, through j ! c middle of Lake Michigan, to iho norcrn boundary of the statu of Indiana, as ca al lino was established l?y ilic net of (on- co ess of I ho nineteenth ol April, eighteen *'11 judrcd utid sixteen; thence due cast, with!(r' e north boundary hue of the said stale ofi*'1 idiatu, to the uorllteasl corner thereof; ami i ?' tcucc, south, with tbe cast boundary line ol! l'1 idtana, to the place o! beginning. uj Sue. '??. .???/ lr if fjrthrr tnmffrd, That, as a ?i miphan o w i I* tho Ind* mental condition w r admission contained in the last preceding tli eti n of this act, the bouudaiics of the said tli of Michigan, as in that section deseri- rc cd, declared and established, shall receive ?j te as-cni ol a convention of delegates, clco- w led by tho people of said state, for the purpose of giving tho assent herein required ; and as soon as the assent herein required shall be given, the President of the United States shall announce the same by prociama'lion; and thereupon, and without any furj ihcr proceeding on the pert of Congress, the admission of tho said Stato into the Union, | as one of the United States of America, on {an equal fooling with the original stales iu all respects whatever, shall be considered as complete. and the senators and representative who have been elected by the said state as its representatives in the Congress of (be | Uu<tcd States, shall be enihledlo take their ] * Li I tff T1 scat5 iu ioc ocnaic ana notnv 01 ncprcscnlativcs, respectively, without further delay. Sue. 4. Jnibcit further auUtei; That nothing ia this act contained, or in the admission of, the said state into the Union as one of the ) United States of America upon an equal foot-j ing with the original states in ell respects! whatever, shall be so construed or understood j as to confer upon the people, legislature, or! other authorities of the said State of Michi-' gau, any authority or right to interfere with: the sale, by the United Stales, and under their! authority, of the vacant and unsold lands; within the limits of the said state, hot that j be subjcti of the public lands, aud the in-i crests which may be gtrcn to the said state;, herein, shall bo regulated hy future action ' letwccti Congress, on the put of the United;, States, and the said state, or the authorities | hereof. And the said statu of Michigan jj hall in no ease and under no prutcnce what-;, ocrcr, impose an) tax, assessment or iroposi-., ion of any description upoo any of the lands , if the United Mutes withiu its limits. t t ir.l icoa II nri tiuttv, ituuc unit, iccv. - ( [Plolic.?"Xo. 35.] >N ACT for the admission of ike State of t Arkansas into the Union, and iopro-!( vide for the due execution of tho laws!, of the United States, within the same, jj and fur other purposes. ; c Whereas, tho people of the Territory' f f Arkansas did, on the thirtieth day of ( anuary in the present year by a convcn- r on of delegates, called and assembled't ?r that purpose, form for tbcmsclrcs a ; 0 ?nstitu:ion aud Slate Government, which a justituiion and Stale OoTernmcnt, so' irmcd, is npublican: and whereas, the; utnbcr of inhabitants within the said! crriiory exceeds forty-seven thousand / ?vcn hundred persons, computed accor-: ug to the rule prescribed by the conslilti-! on of the United Statcs:*axn1 the said ri inrcution hare, in their bohsW, mI..4 * tc Cougrcss of the United Slate* to od-^ it the said Territory iuto the Union 05 * u Late, ou au equal fouling with the urigi- ^ il Suites: 1*4 is tnJHl'U i>y |X? .Vault mmj flwst ff lit pre*nsalirts ?f iKe V. cylaitj cj .f merit* in < vn -rets W- " mbiid, Yuat Uu> feuic ol" Aikaasa* U-one, vi id i? hereby declared to be one of the Ui nilcd States of Atneiica, and admitted tp, to the Uuion on an equal footing with <{\ c original Stales, in all respect* whale w r* Btlil liilt util ytlBI.. iliull nf ?' c territory included within the following undarics, to vril: beginning in the midc of the main channel of the Miikiuippi: fcr, ou the parallel of thirty-fix decct uorth Utiiudr, running from thence' est, with the said parallel of latitude, ar the Saint Francis river, iLrucr up the ci iddlc of the main channel of said tivcr to the parallel of thirty-six degrees thirty ga inutcs north: from ihrucc west to the be uihu c?i corner of the State of Missouri; to d Irum thence to be bounded on the i'l rst, to the north bank of Ked rivrr, Ly to e hues described in the lirst article of su c treaty between the United Stales and nc r Cherokee uaiion of Indians west of in u Mississippi, made and concluded at eh e riiy of Washington, ou the 150lh day May, in the year of our Lord one in; uusand eight hundred and twenty-right; Al d he bounded on the south side of Red ji* cr by the Mexican boundary line, to e north u est earner of the Slate of Loui- ||? iua; thence cast, with the Louisiana 'I? ale line, to the middle of the main chanI of the Mississippi river; tbocc up c middle of (he main channel of ihe cj id river, to the thirty-sixth dcjjrco of;Or >rth latitude, the point of beginning. ;*;B iw. 2. Jiui it il Jurtlur nuu1<tl, Tint until the j ?' xl gcuural census shall be taken, the : ^ id Slate shall he entitled to oue r? pre-' p0 ntativc in the House of lleprc?ciilalivcs '? the United State*, ^ 3tc. It. mln& t* it further rtuidtd. That all the os of the United Stales, which are not t<?j rally inapplicable, shall have the snmcjl'u rcc and ifleet within the said State ufj^* rkansus, as elsewhere within thu Uuitcdi^." ate*. T? 3? c. 4. .ind It ii furthrr tnetUd, That the Mid ^ tie shall he one judicial district, and he w\ lied the Arkansas district; uml a district tut shall be held therein* to consist of >e judge, who! reside in the taut disci, and he rnliid u district judge. lie all hold ul the seat of OoTcritimml of ?| c mid iSiaie, two sessions annually, on h e first Mondays of April and Nuu-inbcr; V| id lie shall, in nil things, have and excise the same jurisdiction and powers *c' liich were l?y law, gitcn to the judge ol slJ c Kentucky district undrr nil ucl entice! *'An net to efttabliah the judicial mris of the United States.*' He shall >point a clerk lor the said district court, hu shall tesiJe atid keep the rccoids o; H > the court at the place of holding the sam and shall, reccire for the services pe formed by him, the same fees to whu the clerk of the Kentucky district is e titled for similar services. Src. 5. .lad be it further enacted, That Ute shall be allowed to the judge of the sa |district court, the annual compensation 'two thousand dollars, to commence (ro 'the date of his appointment, to be pa | quarter-yearly at the Treasury of tl ; United States. See. C. .lad be it further enacted, That the: shall be appointed in the said district, person learned in the law, to act as atloi ney for the United States, who shall, i addition to his stated fees, be paid by th United States two hundred dollars, as full compensation for all extra services. Src. 7. .ind be it farther enacted, Thai a marsh* shall bo appointed for the said diatric who shall perform the same duties, b dUUJlTCl l? iUU BUIlli; Il^UiUliUUS ?tuu puna* ties. an J be entitled to the same fees, a arc prescribed to marshal* io other dis tricls; and he shall moreover, be entitle* to the sum of two hundred dollars anou ally, as a compensation for all extra ser vices. See. 8. .iad Le it further auuitd, Tbal the Slab of Arkansas is admitted into the Union op on the express condition, that the pcoph of the said Stale shall never interfere (villi ihc primary disposal of the public lands within the said Stale, nor shall they levy a lax on any of ihc lands of the Untied Stales trilhin ihc said Slate; and nothing in this act shall be construed as an isscnt by Congress to all or to any of the propositions contained in the ordinance jf the said convention of the people o( Irkansas, nor to deprive ihe said State ot Arkansas of the same grants, subject lo he same restrictions, which were made o the State of Missouri by virtue of an tel entitled * An act to anthorixe the pco.1.. _t !._ T *. r _ Ill: Ul IIIV JII99UUII 4VIIIIV1T IU 1UIUJ m onstitution end Stale Government, and or the admission of such State into the Jnion, on an equal fooling with the origiial States, and to prohibit slavery in ccrain Territories," approved the sixth day f March, one thousand eight hundred nd tweuty. Arrcovnn, Juno 15th, IS3G. [K EftCLl'TION. No. 7.] { RESOLUTION providing tor the distribution of weight* and measures. Rctefrtd by lit Senate and JJccutt *f lltjnttaatares pf tic I ntitd Stat** cf .Smenm im Congress tinxVid. That the {jeemvr of the Tteesan be, ud he hereby is directed to cause ? omplete set of all the weight* and tcasurcs adopted as standards and now ithcr made or in progress of manufacjrc for the use of the several custom* ousrs and for other purposes, to be dvliorcd to the Governor of earh Slate in ic Union or such person as he utay apoint, for the use of the Slates respective , to the end that an uniform standard of eights and measures may be established tronghoul the United Suites. Approved, June 14th, 1836. MEDICINE.*. THE Subscribers have jnat rcccircd and e now opening a full assortment of Modiues from tlto North, which can bo rccorn 1 _ 1 r* + enuca wnn great coanacocc, u ur as re-' ircU ihotr purity and genuineness, baring | :cn purchased from one of the oldest and ost respectable Itouacs in Philadelphia.? lyiiciaua, Planters and otbnr*, arc rcqocsi to call, previous to layiog in their summer pphes, and examine the quality of those >w ollcrcil for sab; which ?e feel confident warrauung cud giving Miitiaction to purlasers. Among iboac lately received and now openg, are the following: cohol, Sub. Carb. Soda, bitor Oil, Rhubarb Root, urrnc4*,do. Calaaaya Bark, ?UleSoap, Lobelia Herb, rax, do. in Powder, irkry Opium, Slippery Klin l-atk, unphor, do. iu Powder, tiotoci, lluj. Bole Armenia, nnajnon, < round. Mu?Urrt, ovrt, I'nwd. Cinnamon, ris lUot, Acid l^cmou Drops, istor, Florida Water, ilorirfe of Soda, Kidder* lnd. Ink, ike Manna, Carpenter'* SnraparilU jiu Myrrh, " Kxt. tluchu , ?d. uuru Arabic, ^ 44 Pink Root, ib. Iron, Cotupd. Cub. dLSana iph (iuininr, pahlla, '* Morphia, Toliu lLiltain, *iate, Jo. Krrokol, uilis. Uvuuine Erara Oil, (nol Jr. CuUbs, pei fumed,) inariuda, Naples Soap, itW* Majjneaifl, Musk Soap, trie Acid, Mace. Snuff, Hair i'ovrdcr, Ac. r\ ^real variety of articles loo numerous lo rornii. m addition to lite above, a full assortment oi acta will always be kept on hand. YOUXC.& M KAINTAILORING. THE Subscriber respectfully informs Ins friend* and /(pflPtin* public that be baa resu- , l''!uESV inru uir inninrmpi jm--. i ' '*w'nn 'n Camden, ?nd *** " ) woik low I'cr culi 01 town j rcptnnT. A gn^'t Journeyman Tailor will meet with coomt employment. and e??rd wage* CilAfcLl* A. M'DOSALD. June 25?22-d ~JOIi ~r MATING [rally cxeculcil at Uiis office. *s BP.. 3. PP-fi.OT*iB 2 ARTIFICIAL NIPPLE. n- THE Subscribers hare just purchase i a supply of the above instrument, w hich ? has been successfully used for the last two W or three years for that distressing comof plaint, sore or excoriated nipples; or where the nipple is entirely wanting; o? - ? id where the childs mouth is so sore that it ,c cannot nurse on the natural nipplci?The artificial nipple is recommended by tho re highest medical authorities on the subject, a :? ? tv. n ^ una cvumry. x/r. mjcwecs oi i'tular" delphia, and Dr. Sewall of \\'asbington n City, as the certificates annexed will atc test; to which the medical faculty of thi* n place, give their entire concurrence, hat* j ing witnessed its successful application., I Dr Effjab Pratt Dr ak Sik : g As I feel if a matter of much public ? importance, to possess a means of lessenI ing the- terrible suffering from sore nipples ; I have much pleasure in being able to -say, that the shield you offer for the preventing and* cure of this malady, if* g better adapted to* the purpose than any I . hare hertufore seen.' In twd'or three io, stances, I have known them to be used?: ? r^uch satUfaciton has been expressed,'and ; hare no hesitation to believe, it will gene rally succeed. I am so well persuaded of r , this, st this moment, that,I cannot forbear . to express a wish, that our City, through' the various Anolhcearics. mav he snnnlipd with them. * ? I am, yours, ie. M. P. DEWEES, M. 0. Philadelphia, Jan. 13lb, 1634. Wcs&iaglon Ct/jr, February 4th? 1834. Having examined Dr. Prat?* newly in* vented nipple shields, am) witnessed ils practical applications among roy patients, 1 take great pleasure in recommending it as decidedly superior to any thing previously known. It constitutes a perfect remedy for that distressing malady, sore nipples, a disease which so frequently afflicts nursing women. THOMAS SEWALL, M. D. Prof. Aust Sl Physiology, Columbus College, D. C. The Instrument is accompanied with printed directions for its application, afid^*^?Tf preservation.*?*!! can he parked up in a v , ^ i mnLimay part of the ! couuiry by Si?e*?price AtMrwui; - r YOUNG & McKAINi Camden, 8. C. Lac Lisn G ?R f> JE?V S RJBMPS raillE subscribers are now recciving aaopyly of JBL Eb(IiiJi Gtrden Seed*. of the growth ct which ibey can recommend wila great confidence to Ibcir friends and customers, as Ucioj fieah and genuine. Among which tie (lie following Earl j Dutch Cabbage, ' Garden Cm, Late Dutch do . Giant Apparagreas, . Large Early York do ! Curled Parsley, ** Sugar Lot! do While SoUd&kry, I?srgc Drumhead, do i Largo Globe Artichoke, Mountain do j Long Orange Carrot, Green Glared do Early Change Horn do Early Curled Havoy, Summer Buab Squash Col wart or Col lards. Crook Necked do Cnrled Scotch Kale lUd Clover Seed, Early Cauliflower, Lon^ White Ochra, Late do Short do Early White Brocoli, Early June Peas, ** Purple do *" Early Charlton do Flee ' Early Garden HoUper Early Spring Turnipa ' Eerly Dwarf Marrow let ^._i Late rial Dutch do large do Early do do Bishop's Dwarr Prolific Yellow Matters do do Whito Norfolk do Dwarf Green Imperial Aberdeen, ?r Scotch do H<ial Dwirf' Prohiicd? Yellow Huu Itaga do Early Speckled Beans I jrge Flanders Spinahc ; ' Mohawk do k'rickley do do ! Dw atf Prolific, wh.'U: do New Zelxnd do | White Kidney do I jin* lllmd IVrl J- ' * * Early Turnip o? Kino Lima Kola do Yellow Sugar do Chiewre Pole do En>jlull keiluw do j Early Muaran * do Kieneh Sugar do " Long Pod do Mangle WurtreII, I^argc Windaor do Seeding bugar Parrnip, Virginia Hommony do Guernsey do Early While Tuacarura Ivnog Scarlet Raduli, Corn, Scarlet Short lop do. Hint do Long Sal mood do Sugar do WlnU Turnip do Red Planting Onnna Red do do Yellow do do Black Winter do Early Cabbage Head, Curled Endive, Leituco l?ort}? Green Cucumber, White Cur ltd do Early do do lee do Salsify or Vegetable Hardy Tester do f Oyster Brown Hatch do Pepprrgraw, or Curled Magnum Bonom do Crcaa, White Mualard Sctd Fine Caolvlopo Melon I-nigc Touiatoea . Nutmeg do I/ondon Hag Green Citron Co Smooth Orange do Pine Apple d<? Red Onion Seed, fureun uo ??Ww do Sea Inland \Vatrnneh>Ji iiroad I*?f Sago i'airline Pepper. Swcrt lhuul Tomatoes Shaped ?!o Thyme Hell do Sweet M a tom in Purple Kfg Plant do Lavender Naatuiiium Pol Mangold Tnie Tail Rhubarb Catnip The above eatalof?ne of wed complete* the a*Horinicul of need for tl>ia thniatc, a grn?*ral ?u>uk of w inch will always be kept on hand and aold at tbo usyal price*. YOUNG A M'KAIN; NOTICE. milE proprietors of Lanier and Grecn'u J. Forty, give notice that they will petition to the next Legislature for u tcchar* tcr lor the same. May 7,?Inn