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THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. BY ROBERT MCKNIGHT. Pubihher of tbo I*w?ofilw C?lt?J f.tat?|. " -. Edited Uy JfOflV C. WEOT#-. i?1?L??lu *. ,r" - -i - ' sg-iif:').- ; .: v 'ulVOL. XI. C VHI)E\, MUTHCAKOMKA, JlilF. 8I,,JS88. ' SO3*. 72S 03.213327 ZQZTSJ&h. Pa'jiijhtd cscry Siiurdi j Morning by ROBGHT W>H\IKHT, rcsiiaucs: of i:ic mv? or tug cxios . .. SUBSCRIPTIONS ITttec d-iRar * a year in advance, or four dollar? at tbe ea4-?f Ui? year. * j ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at seventy five cents the square for the *ad hall thai amount fi^r each continuance-? ! The number of insertions to be marked on the m&rgin or they will continued vmd chirgid r.c? cardingly. Those icsc:ted scnii-inontliij 73 centsend monthly $1 a ?<]o-we for each insertion. Communications by mail to be post paid or icuiain . unattended to. ^ tBY AUTHORITY.] LAW or THE L'XT TEX) STATES r ASS ED AT THE TWENTY FOURTH CONGRESS FIRST session. [Public, No. 30.] AN ACT making appropriations for the current expenses of the Indian Depart* rucnt, for Indian annuities, and other similar objects, for the year one thousand eight hundred and thirty-six. lie it trie rti by the Senate end Hmjr of Rrprrsm. UtXirrS of the I'r.tlrd Stale* of .imerita in i 'on^rtx* cnrm&Uil, Ttul the following (Onii be, and the saute arc hereby, oppri.priatcd, fur the objects hcrein&.ivr mentioned, t.? be paid , out of any money in the Treasury no: otherwise appropriate ]; that is to sa\: For pay el the Supcrintem cni of In- i dtan Affairs, at St. Louis, an ] the several i \?t nls as provided tor hy th* act of thirtieth June, one thousand right hundred ami thiriy-foui, thirteen thou- i sand fire hundred dollars. i For the payment of a clerk in the of- i ficc of Superintendent of Indian Affairs 1 for the Territory of Wisconsin, eight; hundred dollort. * 0 i i For lire pay of sub-Agent*, allowed by i same set, ten thousand d< liars. : For tlic psy o?f Inierprcturi>, allowed by same act, n vcu thousand eight hundred i dollars. t For presents to Indians, authorized by i the same net, fire thousand dolio.s. * For the purchase of provisions for In-1 dians, at the distribution of annuities,! while on visits of business with the super- 1 intcudent* and agents, and when a*sem- t hied o:i public business, eleven thousand ! V eight hundred dollars. U1 For the necessary buildings required at \ the several agencies, and repairs thereof, t two thousand dollars. p For postage, stationery, rent, and fuel, t for offices a* authorized by t'?c act of June ; thirtieth, eighteen hundred and thirty- i four, three thousand dollars. t For contingencies, Indian Department, .1 four thousand dollars. TO THE SIX NATIONS OF INDIANS i IN NEW YO: K. jc For the permanent annuity, stipulated'c in the sixth article of the treaty with them, of the eleventh of November, *c? t vtaiecn hundred and ninety-four, four n thousand lire huudrcd dollar*. I For the annuity to the young king, a chief for life, a* provided fur bv the art t of the twenty-sixth of April, eighteen ;!< huudrcd and twenty-six, two hundred did- ! Inrs. i TO THE SENEGAS OF. NEW YORK, i For the permanent annuitr, in lieu of(t interest on stock, provided for bv the act of the nineteenth ot February, eighteen U hundred aud thirty-one, six thousand del- d lars. TO THE OTTAW\S. s For the permanent annuity, stipulated t iu the fwurth article of the treat) with j them, of the third of August, seventeen j ii hundred and iiiucty-ftve, one thousand j? dollars. a For the permanent annuity, stipulated ! -t a ? e .1 * / t I in tn? second anieic ot me treaty ot tncjs seventeenth of November, eighteen hu?-> drrd and seven, eight hundred dollars. j Fur the permanent annuity. stipulated j t! i:i the fourth article of the treaty of the t seventeenth of S? ptcntber, eighteen hnn-jd tire 1 an 1 eighteen, one thousand five hun- h dred dollars. F\?r lite permanent annuity, stipulated tl in the fourth arti -le ?>f the treaty of the tW:h of A?gti*l, eighteen hundred and tl ttvent)-one, one thousand dollars. * tl TO THE WY AN DO I S. For the permanent annuity, stipulated (> in the fourth ar.i? le of the treaty of the ?i thiid of August, scrcotecn hundred and ninety-five, one thousand dollars. I'or the permanent annuity, stipulated Id in the second nrtirle of the treaty of the j seventeenth of November, eighteen Imn-' i tired and seven, four hundred dollar*. For the pertntnent annuity. stinulited o in the fourth article of the treaties of tIt jv twenty-ninth ol September, eighteen | hundred and seventeen, am] the seven-! Is teenth of S ptcnibcr. eighteen hundred id an 1 eighteen, ieur thousand lire hu:idre< I dollars. F?>r the support of a blacksmith and asisistant, stipulated in the tenth article o ! the treaty of the twenty-ninth of Septem brr, eighteen hundred and seventeen, seven hundrrd and twenty dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, &c. f ?r fdiop, two hundred and hvt nU doHaM. TO TUB WYANDOTS. MUNSEES AND I) EL A WAKES. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the trratv'wiih thorn ( f the fourth of July, eighteen hundred ancj ii* e. i?nr thousand dollars. TOTflE CHRISTIAN INDIANS. For the permanent annuity, per act ol the thirtieth of May, eighteen hundred and tVrculv six, four hundrrd dollars. TO THE*MiA.MlES. For the permanent annuity, stipulated m the fourth wiirle oi the treaty wtui them, of the twenty-third of October, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, twentyfivc thousand dollars. For the purposes of education, during the pleasure of Congress, stipulated in ihe sixth article of the same treaty, two thousand doliars. <For pay of eight labotcrs, stipulated in the fourth article of the same trcaly, four hundred and eighty dollars.. For the purchase of two thousand pounds of iron, two hundred and fifty pounds of steel, and one thousand pounds of tobacco, stipulated in the same, six hundred and twenty r.ollars. For the support of a blacksmith and assistant, stipulated in the fifth article of the treaty of the sixth of October, eighteen hundred and eighteen, sfcvcn hundred and twenty dollars. For the support of a miller, in lien of a gunsmith, stipulated in the same, six hundred dollars. For the purchase of one hundred and sixty bushels of salt, stipulated in the ?amc, threc'hustdrcd and twenty dollars. TO THE EEL 111 VEILS. For the permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth anicic of the truly *vitii litem ?! the third of August, eercntrcu Hundred and ninety-five, five hundred dollars. F??r the permanent annuity, stipulated | n the third article of the trcatv of the tventy-firsi of August, eighteen hundred ind live, two hundred and fifty dollars. For the permanent annuity, stipulated n the third and separate article of ilic rroty of the tLli flcih of September, cigfi- J eett hundred attd nine, three hundred and j ifty dollars. * ' TO THE rOTT.lWAMfKS. For the permanent annuity, stipulated n the fourth article ?! the treaty with: he n, of the third ot August, scvent' en tutidrcd and ninety-five, one thousand lullar*. For the purchase of salt, stipulated in he thir?i article of lire treaty of the sc ruth of June, eighteen hundred and j hrcc, one hundred auc forty dollars. For the permanent annuity. stipulated n the third article of the treaty of the liirtictii of September, eighteen hundred j n?l nine, five hundred dollar*. For the pcimanent annuity, stipulated i n the third article of the treaty of the *c-i ond of October, eighteen hundred ard ightcen, two thousand live hundreddollar* | For the limited annuity, stipulated in' he fourth article of the treaty of twentylimit of August, eighteen hundred and wcnty-one, live thouitaiid dollar*. For :hc limited annuitr, stipulated in he third article of the treaty of ibr ?i\ccuth of October, eighteen hundred and j wenty-six, two thousand doliars. For tlic purpose* of education, during In- pleasure of i.'oiigrrss, stipulated iu he same, two thousand dollars. For the support of a blacksmith aud a? islant, stipulated in the same, seven hum Ired and twenty dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, &c. lipulatcd iu the same, two hundred and , wnty dollars. For the *t:pp?rl of a miller, stipulated 11 the third ntliricol the irmly >>( the iXteriith ol Orlobri. eighteen hundred nd twenty-six, m\ ituudicd tl dlars. For lit* purchase ol one hundred and ixty biislieU of rait, stipulated in the une, three hundred ami twenty dollars. l-or } oriiMiit-iii aniiii iy, stipulated in lie* mt??11 1 article ul the treaty of the ivcfiiirlli of September, ? t?hi? rn hunrril and la cut)-t-tgiii, two thousand dulars. F-r tlir limited annuities, i?vtr|utctf in In* ?3iitc, "lie thousand dollar*. For the purposes o. education, during lie pleasure of ("otigrriis, stipulated III lie same, otic thousand dollars. F??r the annu tv to the principal chief, j ir 1 fe. stipulated in the same, one hull-! r? d dollar*. j I.' - ,i.n * ..c _ i. :,i. ... & i iii*.- ~'|'j ''? ? (iitii >IIIM ii uu i ? -- iatant, stij)tifatni in the *atnr. seven hunr* d a ii (I lurnt; dollar*, the purchase ?i iron, steel. &c.J o Ituntlrrj and iwi-niv ?I? 11 a r??. For the purchase ?f two thousand kiimii!" of : barro, stipulated in the same, w ? hundred and forty dollar?. for the |nv of thr?'e laborer?, slipuilrd in tl:tr ra:yr, three hundred and sixty y!lnrc. 1 TO TiJE PO IT A W A T A 311ES OF HURON. For ihc permanent annuity, stipulated f in the s?cund article of tho treaty with then), of the seventeenth Norcmber, eigb ; teen hundred and seven, four hundred J TO TIIE FOTTAW AT A MIES OF TI1F. PRAIRIE. ; ! For the limited annunity, stipulated ift die1 i third article of the treaty with tbem of the < ? i. ? tii ?' twentieth October, eighteen nunareu ana j thirty-two, fifteen thousand dollars. - ' I : For the annuity of litre# chiefs^, for life,j jstipnlatcd in the fame, one thooaand dollars. i j TO THE FOTTAW'ATAMIES OP" < [ THE WABASH. i !. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the third article of the trfcaiy with thcmt of the twenty-sixth of October, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, twenty thousand dollars! [ TO THE POTTAWATAMIES i INDIANA. . ? For the limited annuity, stipulated in the t fourth article of the treaty with them, of the jt ; twenty-seventh ofOctobeT, eighteen hundred 1 and thirty-two; fifteen thousand dollars. For tbc.purposc of education, during tbc pleasure of f'ongrcAS, stipulated in the same, I two thousand dollars. t For the'annuity, stipulated in the third ar- t tide of the treaty with them, on thd tcntb of llnMmhn. / iffhtiMin hrinrtrod and ihlnr.fnnr t one thousand dollar?. - * ' a ; TO TEB CIUPPEWAS, OTTAWAS j AND.POTTAWATAMIES. . .. \ For iho support of ? btecksamh.atuF as* 'srstant, stipulated in tho second article of the t trcat> with rtiem, of the tueniy-niothof july, eighteen hundred and twenty-nine, seven hundred and twenty dollars... * | For the purchase of iron-, steel; dee. luro. fi hundred and twenty dollars. ? f^>r the permanent annuity, stipulated in \ !thc second article of the treaty of tnetwenty- i ninth of July, eighteen hundred and twenty- t tunc, sixteen thousand dollars. a For tho purchase of fifty barrels of salt, stipulated tu the same, fwo hundred and fifty h dollars. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the tl third article of ii.o-treaty wttb (hem, of the twcni -sixth of Stp'cinU r, eighteen hundred and thirty-throe, fourteen thousand dollars. f< | For the limited annuity, stipulated in the fi second article of the snppletncot to the said r treaty, two thousand dollars. For the annuity, stipulated in tho third si- t; ticic of tho sa.d treaty, to four chiefs, for life, a oncthousand.ouc hun.ircd_dolla:s. TO THE WINNERAGOE8. h For the limited annuities, stipulated in tho second ?rticlcof thn treaty thom^jof tj firyt of August, eighteen hundred and twentyuigc, eighteen Lhou-and dollars. For the purchase of fifty barrel* of salt, f< stipulated tit the same, two hundred and fifty (i liuliars. fi For iiureliam of ilirrc (Uou^aiwl pounds of tohacen, stipulated in tho same,three hundred t; dollars. a For the support of three blacksmiths and assistant, stipulated in the third article of the h .> 1 i i__.i Mine, I M O IOOUUUU uuc uuuuivu uiu auij dollars. U hr iron, steel, &c. six hundred and sixty dollars. For tho pay of laborers and (or oxen, atip- ft ulaied in tho aamr, three hundred and sixty- fi fire dollars. tl For the limited annuity, stipulated in the third article of the treaty of the fifteenth of September, eighteen hundred and thirty-two, ft ten thousand dollars. fi * F r the purpose of education, stipulated tl in the fourth arii-le of the same, three thousand dollars. For (he npport of six agriculturalists, and la purchase of oxen, ploughs, and agricultural ur implements, stipulated in the fifth article of hi the sunr, two thousand fire hundred dollars, tv For the purchase of one thousand fite hundred pouuds o( tobacco, stipulated in the hi satnc.onc hundred and fifty dollars. For the scrrtccs of two physicians, atipula- tfc ted in tlic same, four hundred dollars. If) THE .\iENOmONc.ES. (q For the support ol fi?e laru?er?, and fire Ji females housekeepers, stipulated ill the second ?< article nt the treai\ with them of the filth ol February, ei luctni huudred autl tl?iri)-one, >t lour tlMiusatid dollars. ?i For the Ktip|?ori ol a miller s ipulaled tu (lit* Mini', six huudred doll am. hi ? - - sal !.t _ I r??r ilu* support ?l three otacKsnmns auu assistant, n t}iul ?ted 1111ho Mine, iwo thousand ih one hundred nnd sixty dollars. For :bc purchase >! iron, siccl, &ic. six hundred nnd sixty dollars. th For the limited annuity, s ipulated in the ill same, hv timu and dollars. lb For the purpose** of education, stipulated in the filth article ot tlie same, five hundred ta dollar*. sa For the purchase of provisions, st pulated in the sixth article of the same, one thousand hi do Jars. To THE CIIIPPEWA8. - th For the permanent annuity stipulated in the fourth article of the treaty with thptn.-of ill the third of August, seventeen hundred and m ninety-five, one thousand dollars. at For the support of a blacksmith and assistant, at Michihmackiuack, seven hundred ta nnd twenty dollars. >a For the puchaso of iron, steel, &C. two hundred and twenty dollars. hi For the permanent annuity, stipulated in the second article of tin? treaty of the scvcti- s! tecoth of November, eighteen hundred aod seven,'eight*hundred dollars. For lbe permanent annuity, stipulated in the fourth article of the-treaty of the fwentyfourtlt of September, eighteen hundred and uinetcen, one thousand dollars. For "the support of a blacksmith at Saginxuv, and for forming utensils, and cattle, and for the employment of persons to aid them in agricdlttire fixed by life act of tfie fifteenth of May, eighteen hundred aod twenty, two thousand dollars. For the purposes of education, dming the plbasore.of -Congress, stipulated in the tilth article of the treaty.of the fifth of August, eighteen hundred and twenty-six, one thousand dollars, TO THE CHIPPEWAS, MENOMCK NEES, WIiNNElUUOES ANDREW .. YQJwK INDIANS. For the purposes of education, daring the pleasure of Congress stipulated in the fifth irticle of the treaty with them, of;the elercnth of August, eighteen hand red and i .veiny sct^n, one thousand firc'hnndrcd doh apt. . . - i TO THE SIOUX OF MISSISSIPPI, i For the limited annuity, stipulated in the 1 fourth article of the treaty .with them, of the i jficcnib of July, eighteen hundred and thir-! y, two thousand dollars. 11 Tor the support of a blacksmith and amis- i ant, stipulated in the same, scvun bundled ind twenty dollars. For the purchase of iron, slccl, dec- two i randred and rvcniy 'dolktt?. < Tor agricultural implements, stipulated in i he same, seven hundred dollars. < TO. THE YANtrror* AXDSANTIE BANDS. - i For the limited annuity,. stipulated in-the < ourth article of-tbc treaty with them, of the- < iitecntbof July, eighteen hundred and thir- * j, three thousand dollars, .1 For the Support of a bladksroith and. anus* ent, stipulated 10 the aomc^scyen hundred i nd twenty dollars. ' . t For the purchase of irou, steel,-dec. two mndred and twenty dollars. ? For agricultural implements, stipulated in j i be same, four hundred dollars. < TO THE OMAHAS1 < 'For the limited annuity, stipulated in the ? jurth article of the treaty with litem, of theilcemh el July, eighteen hundred and thir- t f, two ibou&md fire hundred dollars. -j t For the support of a 'blacksmith and ass is ^ t ant, stipulated in the same, seven hundredj nd twenty dollars. {t For tbo purchase of iron, steel, dec. two t undrcd.and twenty dollars. |1 For agricultural implements, stipulated in * bo aamc, fire hundred dollars. j1 TO TrfE $ACS OP MISSOURI. j For the limited annuity, stipulated to the i >urth article of the treaty w ith them, of the ? fteroth of Jul), eighteen hundred and thirty, vp hundred dollars. Fur die support of a blacksmith and assw- f mi, stipulated in the same, seven hundred t nd twenty dollars. h For Urn Durcbascof ironr steel, dee. two I undred and twenty dollars. For agricultural implements, stipulated in t, io same, two Hundred dollars. 1Q TO THE SACS. I For the limited annuity, alipulatedjn the-l( >urth article of the treaty with *hem, of the h ftccnth of July, eighteen hood red and thirty, tree thousand dollars. TO THE. FOXES. For the limited annuity, stipulated in the' , Kirth articlo of the th**ty with tbetn, of tbe j fteenth of Jul j "eighteen hundred and thirty, ^ tree thousand dollars. , TO TUE IOWAYS. For the support of a blacksmith and assis- . int, stipulated in iho fifth articlo of tbo treaty ^ ith them, of the fourth of August, eighteen and red and twenty-four, seven hundred aud venly dollars. For tbe purchase of iron, steel, dtp. two Q undred and twenty d dlars. j For agricultural implements, stipulated in o io tame, lour hundred dollars. . ^ For the linuiod* annuity, stipulated in the urth article of the treaty of the fifteenth of ^ Lily, eighteen hundred and thirty, two thou- , uid live hundred dollars. F?r ihe support of an assistant blacksmith, , tpuiaied in the same, four hundred and ghty dollars. " ror id purchase ol iron, stecJ, <u.c. tw*> indred and twenty dollars. 'a For agricultural implements stipulated in . ie same, six hundred dollars. l[ TO THE SACS AND FOXES. i] For the permanent annuity, stipulated in ai c third article of tho treaty with ihetn, of n third of NdVembcr, eighteen hundred and '? ur, one thousand dollars. 1 For the support of o blacksmith nnd assis- " nt, stipulated in tho fourth article of the rn?\ seven hundred and twrcuty dollars. For the purchase of iron, steel, &.c. two in tired and twenty dollars. ' ^ For agricultural implements, stipulated in * o same, sixty dnllars, ?' For the limited annuity, stipulated in the ird article of the treaty with them, ?f the rcnty-first of September, eighteen hundred tl id ihirtj-two, twenty thousand dollars. tl For the aupport of a blacksmith and assi- u tit, stipulated in the fourth article of the ,ine, scveu hundred and twenty dollars. tl For the purchase of iron, steel, &c. two J jndrcd nm) twenty dollars. d For the purchase of forty barrels of salt, ipulatcd in the same, two hundred dollars, tl For the purchase of forty kegs of tobacco* . stipulated in the eame, four hundred dollars# Provided, that Quassoecowa's baqd of eaid nation aball receive tbeirproponico of the annuity ar Fort Learenworth. TO THE SACS, FOXES AND IOWA YS. For the purposes of education, stipulated in the fifth article of the treaty with them, of ' the fifteenth of July, eighteen hundred .and thirty, three thousand dollars. TO THE OTTOES AND MISSODRIA6. . For the limited- annuity, stipulated vol the fourth article of the treaty with tbam, of the fifteenth of July, eighteen hundred and thirty, two thousand five hundred dollars. * > . For the support of a blacksmith-and as* sistant, stipulated in the salne, aeren hundred and twenty dollar*. y* For the porchasc'cf iron, steel, &c. lwg ^ hundred^anu twenty doHars. For agricultural implements,-stipulated in the same, fire hundred dollars. for the purposes of education, stiputy- ? led'in the fourth article of lhe treaty of the twenty-first, of -September, eighteen hundred and thirty-three,* fire hundred ilcdlors. For the support of two .farmers, -*stipu?laied in the fifth, artfclc of the same,, ooeihouaand.tiro hundred dollars* " TQ TilE KANZAd.** V -v For the limited- annuity,'stipulated, ftl lhe third arltele'of Use treaty with them* nf the third of Jane', Eighteen 'hundred ind twenty-fire, three thousand fire hunJrcd dollars/. - v - For the support of a blacksmith-and tssislant, stipulated in the fourth article >f the spmc, scren hundred .and twenty iptiars. . . . " D.,? il.. L -i - r ; ?" riN tuv %purriiav. uj iron< 91CCI, OC* ;wo hopdred and twenty, dollars. For.agricultural assistance, stipulated n* the same, one thousand six hundred lollars* TO THE. 0SAGE3. For the permanent .annuity, stipulated iotKu jil'ib article of the treaty with them, - ' jfahe tenth of November; eigjiteen bun" ircd and tight, one thousand live hundred loliars. For the limited annuity, stipulated :n? he third article of the treaty with tbero, ot he second of dune, eighteen hundrjed and wenty-five, seven thousand dollar*. For the support of a blacksmith and as* distant, stipulated in the fourth article of he same, seven hundred io^ tirentydolart. For the purchase of iron, steel, Ac. two tundred and twenty dollars. ' For agricultural assistance, stipulated' n the same, one thot&and six hundred lollars. . TO THE KIFKAFOOS. For tb* limited annuity, *iipulaicd in th? * btirth article of the treaty with them, of lit? twenty-fourth jot Octi*b?r, tughiccn tundnd and thirty-two, hre tbdoiand dul* rsi For the support of a. ablifbment, stipulated inthe-fiahi article if the same, one'lhouaarrd dQlhm* For the purposes oT education, stipulated in the seventharticle of the/same, five undred dollars.. - ~ v TO THE MSKA?KIA8 ANDfEOR1AS. .1For the limited annuity, stipulated in be fifth article, of the treaty with them, of be twenty-seventh of October. eighteen undred and thirty-two, three thousand ollars. For agricultural itrplcmcntv&tipulated\ the sixth article of the same, fifty doltr?v '. .. TO THE KASKASRIA8, PEORLA8, WEA8 AND riANKESllA*?, For the support of a blacksmith and . ssistant, stipulated irvrbe fiftb~article -?f \e treaty with them, 6f-tl?e~ twenty-ninth f October, eighteen .hundred and thirty* wo. arrcn hundred and twenty dollars. For the purchase pf irorjj steel,two undred and twenty dollars* TO THE PIANKESHAW8. For the permanent annuity, stipulated I the fourth article of the treaty auh lem, of thp third of August? seventeen undred and ninety-five, five hundred dolira. , For the permanent annuity, -stipulated i the third article of the treaty of the tirtirlh of December, eighteen hundred nd fire, three hundred dollars., For the agricultural implements, stipuited in the third article of the treaty of ie twenty-ninth of October, eighteen undred and thirty*tvro, fire hundred dolTO THE WE AS: For the permanent annnity, stipulated in mj fifth article of the treaty with them of the ttond of October, eighteen hundred and igl.teen, three thousand dollars. . TO THE DEL&WARRS. For the permanent annuity,stipulated. m je fourth article of tho treaty with them of ic third August, wremwn hundred and inety-fire, one thousand doHanr. For the purchase of salt, stipulated in tbo tird article of the treaty o? the seventh of mie, eighteen hundred and three, one hun* red dollars. For the permanent annuity, stipulated ia sc thud article of the treaty of the thirtieth