University of South Carolina Libraries
THE CAMDEN JOURNAL. ? \ ' . ^ BY ROBUKT M'KKIGHT. PnbUibfr of the IrfTTllrf UM Chiltrl Stairi. BdIM by JU1UII* WEST* VOL. XI. C.IVDE.1, SOtTM-CABOUMi^llME 18, 1806. ftOOl. T3S gAMSa^r J073.STAL. PqjUisked retry S-rfvrday M^irrun? by HUBERT K9K.HIGIIT, roautn^x or Tiir >. wn or riir. I'.tioa ~ SiJBSCR IPT1 ON 5 Three dollars a year in adraneo, or four doliar J at the end of the year^ ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted at aeren'y uro cent? the sqoarc for the Erst, and aa't Lual amount fl>r each ^otitinaance-? TIi? number of insertions to be marked on the | ja&rgtn or V.u-y trill be coo tinned and charged ac- j cord:ngly. Tnoce inserted acmi ^monthly 73 cents j *nd .aoSthly $1 a square for each insertion. Corn namcations hjr mail to be port paid or remain n'ntrnded to. law OF Tnr. cxited states TASSEJV at tue twenty fotbth concbess fikt session. [PfBLIC, No. 25.] AN ACT lo extend the western boundary of the Sute of Missouri to the .Missouri river. Be it tnar'.ed by lie StR.tlr and House ?/ flrpresen fyrhw## tyf tks t Vk/<ir/s rtf* tn r* etctmbird. That when the Indian tit> to elf the Linds lying between the State ol Missouri and the Missouri river shall be extinguished, the jurisdiction over said land shall be here* , by ceded to the State of Missouri, and the , western boundary of said state shall be then ( extended to the Missouri river, reserving to , the United States the original right of sod in , said lands, and of disposing of the same ? Provided, That this act -hall not take effect until the President shall by proclamation, dc- , cUre that the Indian title to said lands has been extinguished ; nor shall it take effect ua- . til the State of Missouri shall have assented to the provisions of thi- act JAMES K. POLK. , Speaker of the House of Representatives, i M. V \N iiUR :N. I Vice President of the Unhed Mates and President of the Senate. < Amsovno, 7ibpf June. JSJG. < V ~ AND :EW J\: K^ON. < [&buc-No. "9] < AN .\<"T to dArry int'?. rfT-ct a convention between the United State* and Spain. | lie it enacted bp thr Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of \mertea in Congress assembled, That the President of the United State*, by and with the adrice and consent of thr Sriutc shall appoint one commissioner, ^ ho-c duty it shall be to recite and examine all claims which may ' be ^resented to hun under the convention for , the settlement of daims between the (Jotted , States of America, an J her Catholic Majes- | tj i*tc Queen oi '"pain, concluded at Madrid , on the seventeenth . day of February, one , thousand ei hi hundred and thirty-four, which ore provided for by the said convention, according to the provision* of tbe same, and the principles of justice, equity and tbe law of nation*, flip sai<J comfnijiouer shall hare a secretary, versed in the Spanish and French languages, both to be appointed by the Prcsidem, by and with the aducc and consent of the Senate ; and the commissioner, secretary and clerk, shall, before tbey cuter on tho duties of their offices, take oath well and faithfully to perforin the duties thereof. Sac. 2. And U U further ensrtrd, That the . said comraissionoi shall be, and be is hereby, authorized to make all needful rules and rcgulatioot, not contravening the lavs of the land, the provisions of this act, or the provisions of the said convent on, for carrying his said ( commission into full and comple e effect. , Bsc. 3 And he U further tnmcSm*, TltU UM COn>~ tnttsioncr, so to be appointed, shall aitend at 4 the city of Washington, and his salary shall begin to be allowed within thirty ?iays after 1 his appointment; and within twelve months * from 'be time of his attendance as aforesaid, / be shall terminate his duties. And thr Sec- < - retary of Sute b required, as soon as the 1 said commissioner shall be appointed, to give i' notice of his attendance at Washington as! aforesaid, and to bo published in two news- JI papers in the city of Washington, and in such ' other newspapers as he may think proper. See. 4 And he ?/ further eumrltd, Tt?4l -II rr- 1 cords, documents, or iher paper*, which now are in, or hereafter, during the continuance of this commission, may come into ilio p?>?- ! session of the Department ol State, in relation to such claun, shall be delivered (o the commissioner &lnr<s.iid. ijxc. 5 .1hi( br it fnr(\tr narifti, That Ihe com I pen sat ton of |h ? respective officers for whose appointment protwim i* mule by this act. I shall not exceed the following sums, n irm ly : To t?e paid commission -r, m the rate ol three thousand lire hundred dolhrs per annum; to lite secretary, at the r.ltP 0f two .9 ...n.t ilnllirt nrr inniim - lnH Inilm ?lArl. IIIQUHIIU UV"".''P' - J v.KB, at tho rate of fifteen hundred dollars p?*r an- < I num. And the President of the United I States shall he, awl he i* hereby, authorized i to make such provision for tho coniingen* ev i penses of the said commissioner as shall ap- | i poar to him reafooablc and proper- and the said salaries and expenses shall he paid ouuj of any money in the Treasury not otherwise appropriated. See t?. .ind bt i' farther enrcird. That it shall j be lawful for tiro Secretary of the Treasury to can ? the insertion or inscriptions which I sh-11 be issued by the Spanish government, j' in pursuance of tho aforesaid convention, to ] be deposited in the archives of the Legation jj of the United States, at Paris, ttntil otherwise j1 ordered by the President of the United States; {| and it fchall also be lawful for the Secretary , of the Treasury, and he is hereby authorized |and required, to cause the moneys which may from time to time be paid, in pursuance of ! the said convention, to be duly received and 1 for nt Pari* and iho same to be remitted, on the mo*t advantageous terms, to 1 ;hc United States of America; and the said moneys, so received and remitted, shall be | deposited in the Treasury of the United,' States, and the same are hereby appropriated, to bo distributed and paid to those authorized to receive them, according to ibe provisions of this act. Stc. 7. -}nd br. it fxrtkrr rr.arici, That the commissioner aforesaid shall report to the Secretary of State a list of all the several awards made bv him. a certified copy of which shall be by the said Secretary of State transmitted to the Secretary of the Treasury, who shall thereupon distribute in ratable ptoportions,1 among the persons tn whose favor the awards shall have been made, such moneys as may have l?ecn received into the Treasury in vir-j tueof this art, according to the proportions which their respective awards shall bear to 1 the whole amount then rcccivod ; first dcJuc- ? ting snch sums of money as may be due the 1 United States from said persons in whose fa I vor said awards shall be made; and shall I cause certificates to be issued by the Sucre- ' tary of Jhc Trcasury, in such foriu as he may 4 prescribe, showing the proportion to which ' each may be entitled of the amount that may r thereafter be received ; and on the pr? sent a- a lion of the said certificate* at the Treasury, as the ncil proceeds of the general mstal- " mcnts. payable by the government of Spain, ? shall hare been received, such proportions < (hereof shall he paid to the legal holders of ibe said certificates. j 8z?. 6 And be it fmtker atOelcd, That all COO- g raunicntjon:* to and fruin ih<i secretary of the j commissioner appointed under ibis act, on ( the business of tlio commission, shall piss by mail rceof postage. r Sac. 9. And h it fmriktr enacted, That as soon as said commission shall be executed and T completed, the records, documents, and all.1 Mhef ptfprrs tn the {wwnwrn uf ttiutBWUlb? non or its officers, shall be deposited to (be jfficc of the Secretary of State. ArntovcD, 7th of June, 1830. [Resolution?No. 0 ] A RESOLUTION authorising the repair of ?f the bridge across the river Potomac, at " Washington. ? Bt tl rr/olrtd by the Senate and Hams* of Rear*- I teniaiirt* ?J the I nited States of America i* Can- 1 prrji assemUrd, That the Secretary of the Trraau- , ry be. and he is hereby authorized to have all . ? w% repair* made to the bridge across toe roiomac , river, which hare become necessary from the j late flood, and that the expenses af said re- , pairs be |aa id out of the money heretofore ap- s propria ted (or the erection of said bridge, and j which is now in ihc Trcasnry, unexpended. , Approved, ?ih of Jane, 1830. j m?B?l BOOKS. 4 MONCJ the N< w Works recently re1 \ ccircd at the Camden Book Store, are the following. Adventures in a Rifle Brigade, Scdg- j wick's Economy, British Pulpit, History ( ofPlymouth, Power s Impressions of Ame ^ rica. Life of Lafayette, Female Student, j The Great Teacher, Hawks Ecclesiasti* j/ cal History of Virginia. |1 For Novel Headers, are Mahmound, 1? Rienxi (Bulwer's last) Maryatl's Stories- h of the Sea. Gilbert Guerncy. Outlaw, !t -? ' ?? f I ?, 1__. * f>l_ _ i .1 uqc in n i nouianu, (jamn iasu; me!** Early Called, dee. tales, Tho Countess, ^ dee. tales. lu Life of Cobbett, Life of Sir Jas. Macln- a losh, Irrtng's Columbus, abridged, (inter- * sating and useful to flic young) Daughter's! awn book, Young Wife's book, Noble deeds' af Woman, Noral Sketch book, Kate Boure-1^ rie, (a novel) Memoirs of eminent Women, ? tc. <JLc. | n Subscription taken for the following ? periodical works?American Quarterly Review. Waldic's Circulating Library, _ \merican Journal of Science (hy Silliuan.) Ladies Bonk, Littcis Museum, \merican Journal of the Medical Sciences, i'hc American Cyclopedia of Practical p Medicine and Surgery. 11 I,aw. Medical, Theological, Classical, jll >lif?rriianrotifl anil !?cnooi Monk*?.\iso, n Stationary, to be had at the establishment. ( tCr-Books may be had at the Circulating r Library. o May 7.?15 s CLERK WANTED. * A young man acquainted with tho Mer r Mn.ile busmc?s generally, who writes a good fnnd and can come well recommended, will receive a gnod salary. \ line addressed to "C." and left at tho post office at Sumtornllc will be attended to. May I t-Jtt-f EIPKCTJED DilliT lfe Tfl? Camden Book Store, THE following, and bat a few copies of each.? Historv of Plymouth. Hall's sketches rf the west, Man of Honor, Random Recollections. Maryatt's Novels, 1 vol. Kara! Sketch Book, 1st aft d 2d aeries Humphrey Clinker, new edition, additiiaal copies >< Ltf'e of Lafaytte, from the French, bp his (ami. j physician, Gall? works ccanleHr, foai. Clob Book, Life of Washington, by rauldin^, DeStaoi's Corinna, new edition, Paul Pry. Mewous of Gratnmoot, Ben Brace, Agnes DcMansfekL Margaret Rarenscnpt, Bridal Gift, Epitome of Cnrenologj uid Chart, &c, &c. ?* * -s . May 21. , !U Tailoring Establishment TIIE subscriber grateful for Uae liberal share of patronage receired since his ? ? ? ? ? ? ? !? <! > C,II knlMa Ih> ?l u< bUUIIUUUCCUIUIIl JU kliO (Wl| liwjfwinrj vi^h application and a readiness to p|n?e all who may call to merit -a contintiance of the same. His work will bo> jjyecutcd niih neatness and despatch*. ado in the most fashionable manner; his prices will be moderate for cash or ponetasl customers. * Wanted one or two boys from 14 !-? 16 years of age, as apprentices to lite business. J. BRASlNOprON. March 20-9 . * TO TAILORS.. Having brenauthoriscd to sell apd teach the Tailors MASTER PIECE; wing the complete gnide for instruction n the whole art of measuring end catting iccording to the variety of CashioB and urm with Plates Illustrative of the same, >/ Scott dt Pcrkii^. (successors to A. F. faguezs.) reporters of fashions cod leaders of cutting garments at New York rhe above system can be had with all the icecssary articles belonging thereto if - l . . .1 t .1 ippncauon oe maae 10 me saoscnoer. J# L< B. SIJMTER HOTEL. 11IIE Subscriber informs his friends . and ihr public, thai he baa taken the louse formerly occupied by J. Goodman ind more recently by J. J. Emhb as a lotcl in the Town of Camden, and near he Court House, where he is prepared to eceive company, and flatters htmaplf that hose who farur him with their company vill be satisfied with their accociP^odi? Hotttsc of Entertainment. pwfisni /TilIF) Subscriber informs his friends ** and the public generally, that he has akco the house formerly occupied by Mr Win. Royal, as a House of Entertainment ind is prepared to accommodate all who ??\w k?m ?w*f It e esll in ikn lieet May ia*wi UIUI hini ? V?MI HI MIV W%?? Banner* lit* table trill be at all times furnished irith the best the up country marltei can iflbrd. His bar with the choicest liquors, lis stables with the most wholesome prorision, attended by faithful ostlers, and rom his constant attention, and onreroiting excilions to please, he hopes to merit t snare of public patronage. A. D. JOHNSON. Lancaster March 12~7~3ra The Charleston Mercury, Colnmbia rclescopc. Cheraw Gazette, ami Charotto Journal will publish the above four imes and send their accounts to this ofice for payment. L LARGE & excellent assttUDsot of HoU'ePatmit frump*, d"ublo imJ single, mads to rder, of ibs Ml durable malerials, tor Soothrn use Also, a , rw Instrument lately inented bv Dr. If. which Is ighljr approved of by the New York practitioners, i doe* ?"?y ho um ol Lacnl Bolu alwgfUwr, and iminibrs *ery much the necrseitr of resorting to Wrif?. Br its application, the wrarrn are at nco rslirvrd from -great inconvenience, and enabled > resdms their former activilj. The shore Trusses m mil rM?itMl arrnflk? iuharrihrf ioVD irlrrlinn ad mil be told unusually low. ' , White Lead and Colour*. L LARGE rapplv of Ibne direct from VcTfium.L A ffaoTUcna' manufactory, which, -ith all other* in the line, such m Oil, Bruohra, Var uhea, Turpentine, Ac. Ac. can he had on the rooa uontblc Irrau, at W.M. REYNOLDS'. i ALSO?OS BAND. A gajd*uj>plr of WINDOW GL^SS, JVOTICE. In consequence of the death of the senior artner of the firm of OARFSlTTSSt . i B0XTZ73T, >t bcc-?me? necessary that he usmc&s of that concern should bo closed orthnith. The Largo Stock of Dl*)T (>OOdfl, I ntlrry, Ac. will therefore he sold at < educed prices until he first of June, for i ash or on a limited credit. The entire lock may he purchased on liberal terms by ny person wl?o focls desirous of commencing .1... _i at i j.._ usiuvm ii? tun jiiact1. ?/il?u uc?unuus aiKT hp concern on the 1st of January last, it is leccssarjr should be settled immediately. E. W. BONNEY. Stirriviog Partner. April 30, 1836.?14?if LAW blanks For sale at this Office. ! SILKS, . .IT.Vflf \'OHU COST, Figurcd"?tid plain colored Silks, a hand some assortment of the abore article sui- 1 table for spring will be sold at COST. ASLO A few pieces DUFFIL BLANKETS, and NEGItO CLOTHS, will be sold at 1 cost by H. LEVY. April 2 ! Fresh Cordials?Just received. Raroberrjr and Lemon SYRUPS, Sjrop of Roers, Creme de Rote, Pink Lemon Syrap, do de Ci|ron, Ratafia, do de Orange, , Caraeoa. Parfail Amour. Crrmc do Nopo, I Huile de Yen as, -do de Moka, AoiielK, For sale by < Oct 17. H LEVY. j BROAD CLOTHS. FIN E Blue, Black and Fancy colore*';, Broad Cloths, for sale by CARPENTER & HONNEY. ! May 14-16 'j . _ i PLaID silks. ;; AN assortment of fashionable plaid silks for sale by CARPENTER dt, BONNEY. " February 27.?5tf. ~ LINKNS ! A fall snpplv of ' Irish Linens, ALSO?Fine LAWNS and Linen Cambric HANDKERCHIEFS, for sale bv CARPENTER dt BONNEY. ' April 2. MGURED black silk Muslins and black , r* ? l__i j e i js_ rouiarcs ao, lor sue oj CARPENTER &, BONNEY. i flfaj 14-16 i HAVb on hand a few dozen fine Baltimore and Grecian Stand Chairs. ALSO?Common Windsor and large Rock' { ing chairs, ? ^ Which they offer low to close a consignment. February 27?5tf. NOTICE. i" ALL persons indebted to the Estate of James Cunningham, dee'd. are noli-,' ttcd to make payment M .IJM subscribes be-< fore the 1st of Jutv nelU HUGH CUNNINGHAM. Adra'r. | Msy 7-15-h. "GLOBE HOTEL. . ?wmwu uir oemb J no subscriber sincerely thanks his friends and the public, for the liberal ' patronage he has received, and begs leave s to announce, that be has considerably en- 1 larged his accommodations, and formed bis establishment on a plan that will en- i' sore satisfaction. A suite of airy and| well furnished Sleeping Rooms have been ' fitted op for the use of travellers, whose j comforts will be carefully studied. ', Ills Larder will be furnished with the best the Southern Markets can produce,1 and served on moderate terms, in the best and most expeditious manner, at all hours < o! the day. The Bar, as usual, shall con- | tinue to maintain its superiority for choice. Wines and Liquors. 11 MATTHEW MUGGRIDGE. May 7--15.-f boot a esoa btors. . THE subscriber has now received a fresh ( and general assortment of * Ladies tad GcnUenwiif Boot* and Slices. of the latest and most fashionable style, which t were selected with much cars by himself? j which he believes will give general satisfaction to those who will favor him with their ( custom. His stock comprises every description of Ladies and Gentlemen, and Chtldreas Boots and Shoes, imnrrsllv fruiml in ,g J ? ? " .-ft ?-? shoe store. The La-ltcs and Gentlemen of Camden are respectfully inritcd to call and j examine for themselves. j i ALSO?On hand a enteral assortment aj Ttwa 8JLX a TS, Which trill bo sold on the most reasonable terms. W. B. DANIELS. February 27.?5tf. ^TO(^-BROKERAGET ] The subscriber proposes to attend to the I sale and purchase of all the Stocks of this * place, Camden Cheratr, Charleston and * Hamburg, on the ordinary commissions. a lie trill keep the public regularly advised, r through the Columbia papers of the price ' of Storks. Office at the Columbia Insu- ? ranee Office. ^ For Stile. o Commercial Bank Stock. * Broad-Hirer Bridge Stock. d Town of Columbia Five per Cents. q Wanted. i Columbia Insurance Slock. Bank of Cani?'rn Stock. JOHN GLASS May 21.?17?bm j JOB PRINTING I Scatty executed at (lib offlcc.1 - In Town Council TJI7"H?REAS, Dogs running at large in T the streets after dark, ere considered a public nuisance. ' Resolved, That it shall be lawful for any person to kill such dog or dogs and that the Treasurer of the Town Council be authorised to pay fifty cents for ercry dog so killed when compensation is demanded By order. JAMES W. LANG, Treasurer. Wav~21-*17-tf. TOWN TAXlvS. OF those who hare neglected to pay their rown Taxes, immediate payment is required. J.W, LANG, Record, and Trow. May 7?15-tf. ' / In Town Council ORDERED that the owners of lots on P-road Street be notified to repair the aide walks,of their rrspecli re lota on or before the 1st July nest, ind that in caie of de&alt, the penalty imposed by he ordinance providing for the paring of the side rralka in said street be iniorced gainst snch defaulters. Br order. J. W. LA.NG Recorder. June S?19?tf. WET NURSE WANTED. Liberal wages w ill be given for a wet nurse Df good character and Iteahhj; one without a child would be preferred. Ebquire at this 3 Rico. Ma j 14?16-tf. STUN hi LIMJhi. The subsr rihcr* K?vc quantity of STO.VK JLiJito, Grit rate, and iit^finc order, which they offer on reasonable terms. J. BlsHOP, &. Co. Mny 21-17-e mi/vniv/i w\ 11UI it li. 11 HE proprietors of Lanier and Green's Ferry, give notice that they trill petition to (he next Legislature for a rcchartcr for the same. May 7.?bra NOTICE. FHE subrcr.bcr has just received a supply of choice Groceries, i?. SUGAR, MOLASSES, apslSpiil FOtfT Jo. TEXERirr, tta. MAR SAILS, DO. tlSBQNj. PAIL * dn. 1 Bb). Fine Salmou Fish, sac ajiaxiSRSEeais.ti Left tr itch's best chewing TOB\CCOf ioncy due do. J. L. I ; The above articles trill he sold low for rash. J. L. JONES. May 21-17 if. CLASSICAL & ENGLISH SCHOOLTHE cndcrrigncd art!)commence ascboo >f ike abote description in Camden on the jrst Thursday in July next Terms of Tuition per session of fire nonths. CLASSICAL, $20. ENGLISH, $16. Strict attention nil! be paid to the morals tnd conduct of their pupils at all times? dU-. smline trill be stricj and prompt, but pa renal. Parents and guardians, who may. wish to cotmnii their children or wards to their care, trill apply as early as practicable, to J no. A. Bingham. Applications mar be made daring the Booth of June, to Mr. C. J. Shannon. J. WITH ERSPOON, Sen. J NO. A. BINGHAM. May 7?15?tf. The Charleston Observer and Christian Herald will please to insert the above notice "or six weeks and forward their accounts. DARLINGTON DISTRICT. /.V THE COURT OF CO MM OS PLE.1SE. II 11 D \ UiMH ii ntwo, i vi. > Core in .-jtleckmcnl. W?. T. Frtsr. S MTHERKAS. the plaintiff in the above action ff did, on the liUh day of April, A. D. 1K15, ilr hi* declaration in the office of the Clerk of this looorabi# Court, against sard defendant, who is bscnt from, and without the limita of, this State, nd haj neither wife nor attorney known within the tine, on wbotn a copy of the said declaration with rule to plead thereto, within a year and a day, night be nerved?It is, therefore, Orden-d, in purnance of an act of lite General / nnrmbly, in that aae made and provided, that 1 lie Mid defendant do ppear and plead to the Mid dc? lararation on or bemr the ?1n day of July, in 1b?* year of our 1 ?rd ne thousand eight hundred and tliirty-*i?, otherrise final and absolute judgment will then l>c awared against him. J NO. II. imucn. c. c. p. I?r" f?sc. POK SA LE. \ neat light one horse wagtw, with a L t ipand harness complete For terms npplv to P. THORNTON at the post office. May 21?1??If,