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Extreme paleness, nrc induced to put faith in tbedauling promises of charlat^s and per fu mom. In evary instance, these pretended rem. edies entail most dangerous consequences, especially when they nrc employed for certain cutaneous affection * which Bfjffti f,?"' disordered elate of the system, and which nro, as it were, an ciTort of ^pt|uro tOjrc^tablish or preserve the If oncq introduced into the anitnal lystem, although in a very sinull quantity, it can never bo neutralized by arf, and never fails to produce the most dqplor^blo effects. Paralysis, contraction and' convulsion of tho limbs, loss of .atrength and the most painful cholics, arc 'its' most ordinary effects. ? ??i/r :i? : a.. u?i.u ' f? u maj vnbiijr uuugijiu iiiui iiuuiiu uiui ' beaqty aro incompatible with the cxistcpco or such maladies. A, distinguished painter in London, 'laiety . applied to Sir Anlhqny Curlisle, about a pa lay of the hand and tongue. On inquiry. Sir Anthony found that the patient, in one of his processes, habitually rubbod a sugar of lead drying oil, with the middle finger. By abstaining from the practice be fortunately got well. Even beforo the consequences show themselves, the complexion becomes dull and tarnished, and the skin appears faded, wrinkled, and ghastly. As soon as the deluded dupe removes the paint from her ?hn ?po? in her class a skin so wrrm. kled, and a countenance so ghnstly, thnt be redoubles the application of cosmotics, till she has finally ruined her com. piexion and destroyed her health. The omptoymont, says the same seiontificsorgcon, of nitrate of silver for the protended euro of epilepsy, which it does not effect, is well known to produce a horrid livid colour of the skin, which remains during life. Baths too Hot or too Cold. ft "Even baths, if too cold, or too hot, are injurious to beonty, by creating excessive -?w vi iiiv oniir* ' " Cold bathing rarely agrees with slender or delicato female*; nor in general -with persons accustomed to an idlo and nedentary life. It is injurious also to ngod persons, in whom tho faculty ofproducing -caloric if not sufficiently netivo to cause an energetic reaction. The powor of romtfon is in proportion to the strength of 4he individual. It is slow with weak per. sons, who with difficulty recover warmth, tremble for a long time, totter, and someliasss suffer acute pain in tho head. I need scarcely say that the cold bath mi)stalways hie hurtful, when, cither from the temperature being too low, or from the susceptibility of the individual, it cuu csa painful sensation. The cold bath will also be injurious to every person affected with natural secre. lions, or cutaneous diseases, susceptibloof being driven back. 'As cosmetics, cold hatha nrn useful onlv to women of a fuf) or sanguine hnbit; and I even they ought not to employ them, un teas habituatedfrom a very early age, to water at a temperatureJmuch below that of the body. In other cases, thoy always coritract the skin? harden it, and rentier it s&ly. Baths in the open air, and swimming, from which health and medicine derive sometlmea the moat happy cfTccta, gradually discolour the akin. Cold ablutions applied to the head of u person not accustomed to I hem nre also very liible to bring on hcadncho, inflammation of the throat, die. Washing the face with cold water, or stiihufating liquids, especially destroys the freshness of skin and face, in consequence ofthe reaction which it excites. The impression of dry heat, caused by sitting near the firo, immediately after the faco has been washed in eold water, increases the reaction of the skin, and often produces, especially on tho eve brows, a kidd of Scurfy irritation, which frequently cannot be eradicated, except in sumntef, tnd even then tho complete cure maybe rendered difficult. Chaps and chilblains in children aro also produced by cold ablutions applied to the parts which remain uncovered, nnd followed by exposing the hands to the lire. ' ?" As to all parts, very cold baths (nnd the'sdme is (rue of Very warm ones) always aljfer the colour, harden the skin; and mfckd it scaly, effects which females houfd particularly avoid in the local ahtu (joint of tjic.facc, hands, neck, bosom and ; feef. Hot baths relax and weaken (ho fibres, and render (he individual liable (o colds. Nothing m more likely to awaken many irritations than baths taken at too high a temperature. Tbe effects of a hot both are even debit* ' itating. The body loses too much in such a bath. Bath* heated to abovo 110 de- 1 green havo lately, in several instances, 1 been known to produce immediate insan. \ ity. Singular case of Death by Fright.? Thursday J. E. Hyndman, Esq. held nn i inquest at 83 Francis-street on Mary Ann 1 Poyto, a young woman of prepossessing 1 appearance,deafund dumb from birth.? ' ?m appeared in evidence that her lather's 1 good* were about to be distrainod for rent, ' and na the appearance of the liendte she 1 beeatn?>terribly excited. Her father had * gnna toward the door with a hammer in ' Jus Hand, but it did not appear that any 1 nohaM had been u?od. Suddenly she ' attareda shrink and dropped dead. Ver- 1 di<Tt,.?.*D?d from fright, caused by oxcitc* 1 Paper. J . Cuatana 19 Rwwak.?According to ' tbo istsat adpaeca from the Cast Indies, 1 tba>Chnl*Mt was raging in Bnrmah to a 1 ditarfal axtvat. - Whole villages in the in> 1 tcrior have become desolate?theinhabi. 1 isfitohsiog wither nut r?(F by this frightful ' tradndv. or itaea flod for safety to other ' parte of the country. . / |? ? r S ??p?? i 1| lfr) /" POUtlCAL. 3 DEMOCRATIC OR LOCO FOCO DEPART- S MENT. ft From the Charleston Mercury of Feb. 4. '/ Tho Georgia Journal is mistaken as . much in its complimentary attribution to ! others of tho manufacture and rcsponsihil. ity of our oditorials, as in supposing that c we have intimated we would not support 81 Mr. Vnn Burcn, should the Democratic e party prefer him as a candidate. It is as u wide of the mark a* '.ne Charleston Courier ? which, as its Want is, indulges a prepos- w torous fancy, to wit: that if Mr. Cn-houn a wcro out of tho way, our groat political eneuiy, Henry Clay, could Mbe the second choice" of South Carolina. We have no _ ill will to Mr. Cloy personally, but ho is ' politically anathema maranatha in this s Stato forovor and forever. Wo do not ^ hold Mr. Van Buren to bo our enemy on ^ the slave question: we know that ho is the friend, of the South on that question. What wo complained of was thut any c presses in his interest should be suffered to assail Mr. Calhoun in such a proscriptive and disorganizing spirit. Wo do not ^ beliovo that Mr. Van Buron instigated those assaults or that he approves them. Wo only hold him responsible for indo- ^ lently or indifferently allowing such nefarious onslaughts to pass unrebuked when ^ made by his partizans, for whose insuborutuaiu uiuuirncss uiiIvm k? ?..j iiis true ? friends pointedly repudiute and check it, d we have a reght to hold him amenable, c Pledged to the Constitution, and hnving a made good their pledges by their deeds, g by votes in Congress on this very ti slavery question, the Northern Democrats n are the alios of tho South, from whom we j| can never be divided, to make common c cause with tho Whigs who are the natural n allies of Abolition, making common cause with it against the Constitution, which is the shield of tho South. Should this at- P tempt to proscribe instead of being put t( down, bo encouraged nt the North even to tho dividing of the Democratic party, o tho Southern divison of it may be isolated, fi but, euro ns fate, never can fall into the n Whig ranks, never, never f But there tl will bo no such division. The nominee 0 of the Convention, whether Vnn Huron p or Calhoun, will be supported by the whole n Democracy. n From the tome of Jan. 2(8A. 1 t< TICK ANTI SLAVERY ASSAULTS ON MS. Q CALHOUN AND TIIB 80UTU?AGAIN. We intimated an intention to resume c this subject, not having expressed our. selves fully, in our rcj:!v tQ tho Rach^lcr Advertiser, as we wished then to avoid 11 writing nt too great length. In this matter, while defending our- P selves, our enndidate, and our section of n the Union, with all promptness, uncom* h promisingly hanging out our banncj^on h the outer wall, and defying, to the out* o vance all such enemies of our country as n would proscribo the South from the privi- \> leges of the Union?whother such disor- J gnnizer he Democrat or Whig?wo have V( wished to do so without maktng war upon p, Mr. Van Buren?to be Mr. Calhoun's a defender, without being Mr. Van Buren's Q assailant, and, ns we have heretofore dono to advocate our own choice, without bo. ing hostile to tho opposing Democratic Candidate. And if tho latter has been " hit from this qunrtcr, it hns been by the recoil of a treacherous blow struck by his n own partisnns, and he must blame them, w and them alone for the retribution. Wo a have not withdrawn from Mr. Van Buren z< the credit we have accorded him for the JV firmness with which he maintained State tt Rights principles after ho had adopted them (] on the Sub'treasury question. j( + c< We havo not withdrawn our apology for his vote against the South on tho Tariff*of (| 1828?although the analogous voto of Mr. Wright, his confidential friend, on the n Tariff of 1842 has, it cannot be denied, c< reminded the people here of Mr. Van Bu> ren's course and cxcitod thoir distrust, and if the agitation of the subject of Slave ry lends to a sectional division of the par- o' tv?and to cut off* Mr. Vnn Buren from tl Qsinf korn ? Ivlo .1- ? ^ ? wwmwi ii au|f|n;ii?no iiiciiupi wiiu, unro* ei bukcd by him, have commenced (he ngita- ft tion, aro responsible for placing his claim f( (o the Presidency on grounds which the g| party and the South cannot recognize with honor or with safety : and we do no t more thun our duty to the party when we p warn tliem against such principles as ' those put forth in the New York Evening Post, the Rochester Advertiser and the 0 Nantucket Islander; when wo tell them K that if his friends are encouraged to rest I' liis claims on such principles, and to dec- y tionccr for him at the North by such per- ti fidious disregard to the pledges given by ti the Northern Democrat? in their manifes- ci toes from Washington and Bultimore, Mr. A Van Huron can under no circumstances rc- js ceive the voto of the Southern Democracy. st Wo tell them this in the name of the pco- .1 s-.11 *L. IWT 41 rv * 11 v<e?-we icii mo nuriuern jjemocrnis faithfully, that there is distrust already ni irnong the people here, both on tho Tnrilf ind Slavery question ; they ask for n can- (i. Jidato so unequivocally committed, by 01 words and acts, as to be confided in as one tc who ennnot possibly go against the South b' an those questions?and if this distrust is as fed and strengthened by the adoption by tl tny men of tho llatrison tactics of one tl roice for tho South nnd another for the Vnrlli liv nrnfuMinn, (if nnA kind (n ua_ "/ I UI ind local electioneering on Anti.Southern tj principles in the backwoods of New York, w iho South can never be brought to unite with them. It will not do to repudiate |r these b| >ws after they have driven their (ibolition daggers again and again into , >ur side. The wound will rankle in spite iflho tnrdvsalve. detractions aro cheap ,f ifter tho effect intended has been produ. :od; and if wo mark and blazon every 01 icpnratc act of treachery to the South nd (he parly, that we see it is not from a t c.sire ( assail Mr. Van Buron. South e Carolina supported him when his own i (ate did not?wo approved and contribu* > sd our aid to that support?and it is noth* c >g derogatory to him, thnt after having c ilSowed zealously whon ho was a second j me the standard benrer of the party?wo ^ link ourselves ontitled from him to a re- . ept in full; would have a Southern Proidont, and deny that having once suffer* ! d disastrous defeat under Mr. Van Burcn 1 s General, wo are bound therefore to " ontinuc him in command : and that he ^ i entitled to take command of the ship for t nothcr voyage?-because it has been r recked under his pilotage. Becnuso wo c ro thus disposed, is it any justification t hat our candidate should bo proscribed n #r holding sentiments on the subject of a luvcry which entitle him to the support , f every friend of the Constitution, as , ticy endear hint eminently to tho confi- % enco of the Democracy of the South T Wo would assail or proscribe no North- . in Democrat for the notions, wo know inny of them hold ngninst slavery ; and ' ro only remonstrate against our being roscribcd for differing with them. c i From the N. Y. Evening Poet. r Skcrut Party Associations.?We r nve before us a sheet containing an ac- e ount of the proceedings of a meeting of ii >emocrntic citizens in the Eighth Ward, c ??|n iain^ niMiie ot our uesi hiiu soundest ? omocrats, in which an able report on se- i ret combinations was made, accepted, t nd ordered to be printed. Tho report v ives tho following account of the prac- h ices often resorted to by associations of s ion acting secretly, with an understand- i? ng among themselves, to turn political c lections in some way to their private h dvantnge: p "Tho mode of operations which our oliticnl cliques generally pursue in order ) nr*/*/lllinlloK t lirtir tint fioK nn/la la a* 8 - MVVWII|MIOII ?MVM OVIIIOM OHUOf IO WWI* I ly of n brief description. Their main P bject of course is to fill every public of. n ce with creatures of their own?with ? ten whom they can manage. To effect 11 lis object they practice two simple arts n ('mysteries, viz :?1. The art of "making uliticnl capital" for their instruments? ri nd, 2. The art of "politically killing" ? ny man who, from his talents, integrity M nd weight of character, may be likely ? > stand in their way. The first named rt is practiced thus: After deciding in c jcret conclave as to the individual to be xnllcd, (generally selecting seme pliant, h asy tempered soulf with as many ncgi: u ve virtues as may be, and none o.hcr) a io confederates go about to the different c laces of public resort, everywhere casu. lly remurking that Mr. Such-n-one is ^ ccoming quite popular?that they hear ? im talked of very generally for such an P (lice, and he will no doubt get the nomi. ation, &c. They discuss his merits P ith great apparent indifference and can- d or?think on the whole he would bo a " cry strong candidate?that he has many ^ lends who will be greatly dissatisfied, h nd porhaps create a split, unless he is put ^ n tho ticket?and so on, according to s, ircumslances and tho temper of the per- * >n addressed. Soon the man actually r talked of for the office by persons who c o not see the collusion and have no con- e ection with the conspirators; so what P as n pretence at the start, becomes a re- " lity in the end. Thus, while each citi- 0 en knows that so far as he is concerned. v Ir. is at best an object of ut- n ;r indifference, he is led to suppose that v te great hotly of the party are very anxtus for his nomination. Each ono ac- P ord iugly stifles his own views out of com- P laisanco to the supposed partialities of 1 tc majority; while the real feelings of ^ Imost every individual in that majority ^ orrcspond exactly with his own. e This farce is no less adapted to a large ? icntre than a small one. For instance? c ic Democracy of the city are industriusly persuaded that Mr. A. (of whom 0 my know little or nothing) is the strong. r it candidate for Governor?that all the ^ irming districts are excessively anxious 8 >r his nomination?and they therefore ? ippress their preferences for Mr. B., F horn they do know to be on able and usty man for the station. Go among 1 trtners along the river, and you will find mt tlie.y intend to support Mr. A. instead f their favorite Mr. B. on account of his 8 rent popularity at the north and west. 0 a the northern nnd western counties, c ou find they advocate Mr. A.'s nomina- n A . & 1 * ' on oui 01 complaisance 10 I tie southern n er of counties, and (he spirited Demo, ti rncy of the city, where they nrc told Mr. is idolized by all classes. Each section r so anxious to accoinmoduto itself to the [' ipposcd preferences of other sections, int the real preferences of all sections ^ ro Ucpl entirely out of sight. ^ While this process of creating n fac* j( tious "public opinion" is going on, any (l itizen detected in giving free utterance ? > his true sentiments is brow.bcnton and n allied by tho confederates, and branded i a disorganizes He is made to believe c int lie is singular in his views, and is t ius often induced to suppress them. 1 When n plinnn nr iiri.ln^fuou aPii j nc? get into power by such practices, c icir means of offensive and defensive * arfiire are greatly increased. They can " mploy all the powers vested in govern. 1 lent to sustain their crimes and usurpa- ( ons. They surround themselves with j' liartcrs, immunities, and exclusive privi- t iges. They create useless offices in order c > multiply the number of bribed retain. \, rs. They organize knots of real or pre- i Midcd capitalists into semi-political com* |t dnations, capable frorn their union < verting a tremendous power over tli tusiness and means of livelihood of tli vhole people. They silently transfori ?ur government into a politico.comme :inl Inqusition, where, shrouded in myi ery and darkness, the greatest knnve f< he time being holds the office of Oran nquisitor, and enacts his laws in th lame of M the pcoplo." Men at Inst (111 t prudent to conciliate the despotism the ire made to feel, but not suffered to ui lerstnnd. The business-man fears tin te may bo ruined at some opportune m< nent by the denial of n loan ; tho polit ian, that ho will bo held for ever inelig 1I0 to any post of trust, profit, or honor ind the mechanic, that ho will never k offered to earn a shilling by sorving r vatchmnn, lighting tho street lamps, < vorKing in the Uorporation Yard. I'll iory street sweepers often find it exped mt, at our primary meetings, to do th lidding of the ruling clique of the vard. Aided by such enginery, the businei >fM politically killing" those who stan n the way, is far too easy. Integrity i 10 protection against a troop in ambusl lor can heroism prevail over the poisoi d darts of hidden enemies. Whi solated individual can refute tho evei ihanging fnt<Mhnwlg and slanderous ini nJocs uf a band of Jesuits, all workin n concert and in masks ? Or in ens he virtues and talonts of the destine ictim arc too bright to be sullied by fot reaths, the charge of unpopularity i ounded by the whole concert?and h s thus kept in the back ground, where h an do no good to the people, and n iarm to those who would make the pec lo their proy." The report proceeds to say that, al hough the mon concerned in these cor piracies are, singly, persons of littl ower to do mischief, yet, by the advanl ge of associating together, they hav f the means exerting a strong influenc a regard to our nominations and appoint lonts to office. The report says : ?* There is reason to believe that th uling cliques of the several wards hav armed themselves into o general league rith n common centre. The democrat f every ward in the city complain tha lieir primary meetings aro often render d a mere mockery, in conscqucnco o ic whig invontion of colonizing voter avine been introduced hv certain intrif* ors, Wearing (he mask of democracy nd this system could not possibly b arried on to (he extent alleged, witliou rie direction of a generni clique, actinj ar the whole city. Indeed, the existcnci f such general cabal or cabals might h roved by diroct testimony." The Committee declare themselve osaesaed of sufficient circumstantial evi ence to show that the primary meeting ?of the Eighth Ward, at least?hav een for some time past controlled by i idden combination. The followinj rief passage from the report, giving th ymptoms of a political conspiracy, i rorthy of attentive reflection : "The existence of a political conspira y may be established thus : All disintet tted men, in selecting either u private c ublic agent, invariably ask, is he honcsl he capable ??and when free from an vil design or unjust bias, they invariabl ote for the mnn whom they think to b lost honest and most capable. It is onl /hen men desire an agent who will h< ray his public trust for their individiu rofit, that they can ever knewingi lace a knave or an imbecile in powei f, therefore, political power be ever cor srred in a republic upon one notoriousl ishonest or incapable, the bare fact of bi levation is proof positive of collusionf conspiracy ; as it is impossible to ac ount for the fact in any other way.'* Neither the existence nor the tnischiel f these private combinations of selfis ncn to speculate on elections, can h oubted by any person who observes wit ttention what takes place in this city. REPUBLICAN OR WHIG DEPARTMENT -Vo/n the N. Y. Courier and Enquire} TIIB TIMKS. While every body complains of th tarnation of business, the derangemor f the currency, the destruction of on ommerce, and the ruinous prices of n<i icultural produce, but very few bear i nind the causes of this state of things an rie only efficient remedy. That our present misfortunes arc th esult of bad government and party legii ition, all are compelled to admit wh now any thing of the mnttcr; and th uestton very forcibly presents itself I tic consideration of overy reflecting mai 'heather under existing circumstance t is either wise or safe to suffer (hat part o return to power, to whoso Icgislutio lay justly be traced all the embarras nenls of our position. In looking into the pnst history of tli ountry, wo find that when Gen. Jackso ook his scat in the Presidential Chair i eon >.?/..?? a i. 1 \jwiiiiiivavoi ctiiiuirf nviil mill ifttctiires, were nil in (he most nourishin ondition. The Bank of (ho Unite Itntea was in the full vigor of usefulnc? ml the country wns blessed with the vci est currency ever known in tho histoi >f the world. The notes of Ihut ndmiri >le Institution, wcro never more (linn on< inlf of one per cent helow pnr in any pn if this widely extended Union; und i :onscquence the difference of exehan* Kit ween any two extremes of this in nenso country, never exceeded one.ha if one per cent. The Traveller staitii ... r>f ftonr Portland in Maine, had only to sup10 ply himself with U. S. Bank bills, and 10 with them ho could trovol to Now Orleans !n without ever being troubled with a doubt r_ as to the value of his currency. They B were alwayB, every where nt par, except ( r for Iho purpose of deposito in Banks, when bills on tire most distant Branches, could , 1 bo converted into specio by the payment of half per cent discount. Now, as wo ld before said, tho woild never belore saw y such an equalization in tho value of cur. rency as existed at that period in the U> I >t nitcd States, and which, but for bud legis) lation and the most wicked management, i i- would havo existed at this day. < i- One of tho first objects of those who j found themselves at Washington, nppen. X* ded to the administration of Gen. Jnckson, was to pcrpetuato the power they had obtained. Thev wcro mostly a band of uneducated adventurers, ignorant of 1 the world nod of Government, and fully < prepared to illustrnte tho old adage?"put < l.c a beggar on horseback, &c. ike." They I Ir were out of position?a set of Goths and I Vandals in tho midst of a civilization they < 53 could neither understand nor appreciate ; | d and in their ignorance, they trifled with < is Government somewhat after the fashion < i, of monkics in u China shop, nnd witli the < i. sarno result. They suw tho immense < power nnd influence of the Bank of the I r_ United States; but ignorant of tho deli- I j cncy of the mechanism which kept that i great machine in inuliun, they foolishly ' ? su|>|)osed that it wns a species of pcrpetu- | L" ul motion?n kind of national clock which < i only required winding by official hands, c to insure its running forever. Like cliil- I 18 dren gazing upon the steam engine, they t e only saw its power without for a moment j c dreaming of the absolute necessity of j o keeping every portion of it in perfect or- I >- der, to insure its working. In their igno- < ranee and mad determination to retain < |. power, they determined to seize upon t u the Bank, nnd convert its power and i 0 patronage to the party purposes of the ad- t j ministration. At this time Gen. Jack- j son, Martin Van Buren, Isaac Hill, Bluir, c Lewis, Kendall, and every man or demn- i 6 g?guo in and about the administration, > " was in favor of the'Bank nnd determined t upon its rc-chartur. Gen. Jackson and r e Mr. Van Buren were so pre-eminently r c its advocates, that both of them had ap. i plied to Mr. Biddlc for nn increase of its s Branches?Mr. Van Buren asking for one t t at Albany, nnd Gen. Jackson seeking for e . a Branch at Nashville. But we speak ? f advisedly when wo snv, that all were in v g favor of* tho Bank nnd its re-charter?for <j at that period we were their associate and n j political friend, thinking as they thought i ' upon this subject, and as is well known, c 0 separated from them because thoy, ono and c all, abundoncd their principles, nnd sought c ? to destroy the Bank the very moment that i 0 they were not permitted to control it. r c While all wus friendship and kindness rj towards this great N.itiona! Institution, r s Isaac Hill?a demngogue who would have i i- done honor to the Dantons and Marats of j s the French Revolution, resolved that tho I o President of the Branch Bank at Portland, ' u Maine, should be removed from his posi- t ? tion, and a creturo of his own bo substi- c e tuted. He satisfied the conscience keep- t s ors of Gen. Jackson of the policy of this \ mensure nnd the necessity of having the c Bunk under the control of the ndministra- t '* tion; and streightway Mr. Ingham the & the Secretary of the Treasury, addressed a I ,r letter to Mr. Biddlc,calling for tlicremoval j of the President of the Portland Bank. Mr. I v -i l?i -i - -' - / uiimiu ucuiuiiucu ouurgcs uguiIISl llini OII1" I y cer; and when informed that his removal c e was demanded on the ground of his being n y politically opposed to the administintion s 5- of General Jackson, he very properly re- r jl plied thnt in the government of the Hank r y and its Branches, the mother Uonrd knew ? nothing of politics, urul never permitted I * the question to enter into their considern- t tion in administering the nfTiirs of (he i y Institution. We beg llie reader to re- I 18 mark thnt we are now detailing what r ~ has bccomo history and susccptuhlo of i '' proof. A long corrcs|)ondcnco followed < between Air. Biddlc and Mr. Saml. I), i fe Ingham; and if wo are properly advised ; t b gentlemnn has recently remarked < '0 thnt lie looks back upon that period of his i h public life as the only one lie would desire i to bury in oblivion. < . In this corresponcence Mr. Diddle was i strong in his refusal to permit tho Govern- t ' ment to controul the nttiiirs of the Hank ; t and then it was that tho Marals, the < Danlons, and tho Sans Culolls who had < followed in tho train of Gen. Jackson I c when with his herd of Goths and Vandals < it he took possession of the capitol, gravely < ir determined they would destroy that which i j. they could not controul and direct. Wo n i will do them the justice to admit however, ! d that they knew not what they di.l. Ig- l nornnt alike of everything connected with i e monclory affairs, with commerce and with | j. government, they vainly imagined that i io the great and complicated innchino of i ic government which they had seen work i o so well, nnd apparently of its own volition, l, would continue to accomplish its purpose. 9, They knew not, saw not, dreamed not, y (hat there was any science in government; n and that the commercial, the manufactur. s. ing. nod the agricultural interests of the country were all dependent upon a well j io regulated currency. In their ignorance n therefore, und to gratify their hutrcd of in the honest and aide financier, whose far i. seeing wisdom fortold the consequences ig of intermeddling with tho currency, they d gravely rushed upon the destruction of j s, the Hank. Gen. Jackson however, could . y not ho at onco controlled, lie was avow- i y oil I y a Hank man ; and for years ufler, 1 a- lie continued to ailmit the usefulness and | I). constitutionality of a National Hank, only rt claiming (ho right of preparing its ruin charter. /? Wo need not follow the history of this : ii. crusade against the Hank. Prominent ill' among thexpedients for dispcncing with ig a National Institution, way the citation ofi o I additional State Ranks with largo capitals. Unfortunately for I he country, at that period every Legislature in the country I with one or two exceptions, was under tho direction of Jacksonism ; and in conso- | quoncr, when tho Globe called upon them to crente new Ranks, they promptly responded to tho call, and in ono year augmented the nominal Ranking capital of the country ono hundred and twenty-six , millions of dollars, and in two years, two hundred and forty-four millions of dollars! ! And all this on the plea that it was necessary to supply tho placo of tho thirty millions of capital about to bo withdrawn in winding up tho affairs of the National Hank! Tho intelligent render need not he told, that the simple fact that Juckson Legislatures had, in obedience to Jackson die- A tat on, called into being upwards of four 9 hundred and forty million of Banking Capital, did not nild to the actual weaith ^ or capital of the country one dollar. But this immense number of Banks having been created, and capital diverted from | other sources to put them in operation, it I followed of course, that they must loan out their money or they could not make jivmcnus. nut 11 will naruiy do contended that the creation of new banks will create new business. Here were two hundred and forty million of additional < banking capital seeking employment, but no additional business created by it. SVhnt then ? Why a struggle ensued bewcen these banks to find borrowers; and is mankind are to use money when >ffcrcd to them, borrowers wero found; nit then followed another struggle beween the borrowers to find the means of nrolitably employing the sums borrowed. Vs we before remarked, the legitimate nisiness of tho country could not be in:rcascd by the increase of banks ; and of rourse, speculation in public lunds, and :vcry conceivable species of property, ivas the consequence, followed by tho exruvagance which this state of things engendered. We pauso hero, and enquire of every :andid, intelligent man of both parties, vhethcr these are not well established hisorical facts? They most certainly are ; ind in times like tho present, should bo ecultcd to mind and calmly pondered jpon. During the fictitious state of things tins created, and the wild speculations ind extravagance thus fostered, tho Jtntcs, governed by individuals among vhom this mania existed, undertook to Icvelopo too rapidly their latent resources ind become borrowers in the European narkots of very large amounts. Their redit was undoubted ; and offering six ir seven per cent, interest while the Govirnmcnts of Europe paid but three or four, t is not to he wondered at that foreign :api(nl flowed naturally in this direction. The British Ministry found their pcrmalent Stock rapidly falling in value, and he buyers of their Exchequer Bills as ra>idly diminishing; and tho greatest aarm xas the very natural consequence. I'hey saw very plainly, that if the credit >f our States continued unimpaired, and tur country prosperous, their three per :cnts would fall to fifty, and ull new loans voulu necessarily be at tho rate of inter. ;st paid by our States. Destruction hercforc, stared them in the face ; nnd in lotf-defence, they determined through the tank of England, to strike a blow at Vmcricun credit. That blow come when rast expected ; but even then hnd our Government acted wisely, its too fatal :onsequenccs might have been foreseen ind avoided. But instead of this?in. tcad of legislating to sustain tho com. nerce and credit of the country-?the cry >f44 Perish credit?perish commerco" was lont forth under the auspices of Mr. Van durcn, a deadly wurfuro was waged igninst the very Banks which Jackson, sin and Van Burcnism had called into icing; and while the Bank of Englnnd it the instigation of the British Govern, nent, struck us a blow on tho other side >f tho water, Van Burcn and bis statclites nstead of repelling, gave it full force on bis. Instcnd cf repealing the Specie Cir. :ular which Jackson in his ignorance had issued, and thus enabling the Banks to neet the blow levelled at the credit of the country, he proclaimed that "all whotra. led on horiowcu capital ought to fail," md left us exposed to the mighty crusade waged for tho very existence of English credit. It was a wur of fearful odds. On ine side was the Bank of England backed >y Iho British Government und every inlividuul inlerrcsted in her enormous debt; r?n tho other, tho American merchant, nnd I lie thousand nnd one Stute Banks of the Union. The Oovconment of tho United States held in its hands the power to doIcrmino the result. In whichever scald Ihey threw their influence?to whichever party they give their support?thoy ensured the victory. But alas for American credit, American prosperity, and AinerU can patriotism! Vnn Burcn and his satalitcs thought only of themselves. lie and (hey had seen with how little (rouble a whole people may he governed, if once crushed to (he earth by (ho operation of u hard-money system. He pointed (o (wenty-one hard monied government* whero the people were uncomplaining and satislied, because ground to dust by starvation and oppression. lie determined to rule by breaking the spirit of the people; and gravely and fiendishly determined, that the Government should not sustain tho credit of tho country, hut tlint all should ? perish" as his friend had proclaimed from his scat in Congress, and the prosperity and happiness of the people ho offered up ut the* shrine of his hard-money doctrine, in short, ho decided against his country, Iiih countrymen, mid tho credit of the States, and in favor of England and the English capitalists; and we are now reaping the awful consequence'!! oi liis want of jt.iti iuiism. * * t + *