University of South Carolina Libraries
^SB^^ft?in?i 1^1 ik?r^ ^ ^ * W\ WT'Mil&tl ' u y^^,M**i,%n4** reply. ' But ymjm4 ?W?"N?I?Yee yen did? yet tiKNWi' *??.?. 'idMnkjw ^lH^Xlbr ifyviM pati|lblh| rtjl^ 7^TiTS ~ rT!.-*!^. r.^r . JM h?n ban mistaken ; you Unt nid th*t you ,|#nr taktai tto *e*taKrf : out, and arena >IMetV'>W,theio *rfd /aw h0? jgit^rKefe Mat TtreriniW dtit in both cuoi you were iiist&. ke?.l*t?lMkta*ohye? to ba ant tnudeta.and WL mV I think ao end ao: No person Oofht ever n l^^liu^M^a^aklT1' ^ " tlM ~' 4jW?Baa?^iald.EHc??4 mey'I fo and Mai Jane Aaanf dnadud me to eomc.4' 4 Wheat did yUv ftdtf baar mother* Yee&rday? jUWtn o ml% t^tr ill t' '? V?# re.i.l. J ? 33S&?fSSas Ufr*Yh?tt4 tfltfctfie hak*?jreet?*da}.' > Wee it wa ywhthfjf ill uaatahi U area yeelerdey t I flMt htr at tiu giMH ?M ?M?' auhid me to come. ?a-i taa^ STdly fcafor, ijwwwy-MWw rM^xst it ** any f**a ?.. ! A^ttMt WWteMlfo# moat allow n^ ar,1) ^ a<M Ma^ to praiij * al i jtly awfcftmaw oi,ta oijiou ^ - y*T?kmb?m >?nrJcunate of (bo NorthIiitf Jnqf cWmi ngoiaat vtfttr jwUlmiwlifrifbei French jumH* tione. irhoui^t *f#40,000, efwhich he ?u intqrratod to>M> ??xnn>t .sgf#I%<?Or. fiiiWl d?t( ?M ef<wbich ?e?. P^JtLSS'iirH MUeilipdilion to Wotbhigtohfctrti poorbouoe. rtkom othfATav nt a ooo^ | on. Aii'utgj.hLo js? T it* time very low, of the circumstance, I begging *{ him, as ft dernirr resort, to try *m+**4tf tfoulrf stilt j M?**^VHMW?ot??ato*nere. By all effort JM aieaodded; in ? ??air loioe, to MMMhift favorite*, pointing*' at the eame I time* fc? ftoftte food placed at hand for the ;!agfea??'* ?CTU?nau? a* kWety eTBrtobe<*|prin, tentietsed ttUk^Mmuc h aetopftorf n lifey but once to lhS*?deUto lwee^lw<F/;fblBr p?w?*pon (he bfidMtlM, ftnd in ihw ettitade eoniMMtafftftor'far to? timo to gaze intently on the peilid fealuree of their nov |e?toflMd>ibei? droopingly b.fettw enljef ihe race* *-?l ?. a J? i <> W !1 JflO T- to H?l< n?l'l i<<< ? ?"<! ? ' *U*f W k ' <iM, iA|iHj?iiw wafer melmnitfj m Uiia .l^to fhlir* kliklina faj to PPf"^IPWw?w*l? nilVVTrnK rnni|| N hiwlMftalt It m truly awonwon be put in mwiImI 1 Tie Aptltliat will Ami in thin ***** iXhiw?i wHiilnHNw QiaMtt A?MAwdM*kMHi? iltilniinpiij ifrfct * I lend yoti hcrowlth bift fbr ten Loui*. d'or: Idonol umMMM 1 i it rt? Wirtn y?? ttoaii Mirn toyodr cnnritryyeu itMMMtMtoT J fitting into some buaineaathat will iitttM oahlo you to pey all your debt*. In that , eaae when you moot with anothor Iniwat 1 man in ain^ilar diatreaa. vou must pay me bY ftndiHg this sum toil I m, enjoining him i to discharge the debt by a like operation whin bo Ytmnbh able, and ahaHmeet'With such another Opportunity. I hope it may thus go through many hands before it maeU with a kvave to atap its program. Th?t ?a a mint far doing a deal of gpad wfcb a little money. I n?n not rich i enough to afford muck in goopl work, and ao am obliged to be aarnipg and mako the most of a little. ,,?V-utlUMCi^takhiciiirai^v/^r. t " * * t'ii ( ; >??. j 'f.. Q . > I 0?? tl?. >?! .Ui-I IVMM1 fminK Subscriber liks h-eotmdsnd Is operilria JL In the ?tari sbovs Nr. WldtSsrthV tbd opposite** Mi.Dv Mslloy*.? good sssortment 1 Si nJ'ia^7oi 3o/i,w1i5jiSK and propertiest *nd m*na ,.^u u know* l?kb of g*od?qa>tkjr. Hit dhctu?*? ?n(i olnlownd wilt bo raady for ate in about a wor k front tbia tlfbe. He Will alao koop a general ??. Mlnnil af1 ll?l fTOHS'Ihdathtr articlca MBtdlj kept at each MalHAnwitk Tlw Tow notjpm OU hand are op. ? . M. MAC LEA|f.' ! Jul 28 >ai? n ?. r .Tii i/ ImwuikUi pr ?* ?il* tr~i>( (.lief ' >i agnryU-a v.-kSAASWAW ?OJS?? cold drawucaWor oil for aale # jtba , JiJRW < sa * ok>I> ' !(->*:? to?e?{ ' i&A-ivcMfe*:?7S1b ?W0M?LKWJKTS, Spring Lanwtr, Cfoip JhtLanooie and Teeth Ataaara fbi aaU at tho I KewMrug tttfK* hit*/ r> itonlvj ,?v'' ?? ??'Tl " tt,i i ^ ttWtEISnD oit, r;,34vr! COPALentt&ATlf BR VatnMt,for aata at tkaNawnaaAfntl;. i".ti< iiry^x'H,/Vi', w '?:"1 L"_'"'__.~?1 ANt>r.^Br?a"" .*!5S?2Si; .t n>0 Naw Dido Stom. ' f>aa> i .? yii. miii 1.^? 4<i ..... ,i . ( tart n?tt:'Mi* SAIL. WOA. ,iif? at AA JEAk LB. 8al god* for aalo vary low ^ bjf ^ ^ LA<joj?T? Jan. 10, 1843. S If ! T '" '^1 '-BOCaUPllQ WIiBTIN?? AND WfK SHIRTINGS. W BALES 1-4 and 4-4 Donation >iat JL Tt taotiwd on . ponaif ntnaat fcon the Booanapi fjtoiott and for aalo <p> fofprablc """"* "" ?* D. MALLOV. '* November T. 1811. ,,r' " ? " IfBOmiMBS WANTED. I WANT to hire two strong, heart? negro men, to work with toy waggooera. A loo, two IIMMio. ' ^ *t?>t -* " <-! A. P. LACOSTE. Doo. 27, 1B48. . ;t <w r.Ji.'.ki.. ' *!.' Law notice. fVIHE Subocriber will hereafter practice in JL the Court* of Common Pleas for Marl. U>i(w|fa and- Darlington Diatncto, and the Court*of Eaaityfor Cher aw District.- i>-! ' ' . - . " WM. W. UARLLEB. Wl. 1.d 8t THE ACADEMY llIJlLDINGfl. I*Hjfc dKeraw Academical Societjr ia how in dobl about flflOO. Since her*ttaMiehm*nt it Mi expended, for lofe, befldtoga, ahd repairs, elNMi BMOOt besides large sums of money m making up 4o taeebese drone time to tiaae daAoieodwe m their salaries. arising from inadtv equate receipt^ for tuition. Though the roviety dii nereioiore received considerable aid from citizens sod others net members ; yet the principal burden and the whole reaponai. bility (previous to isst year) has si ways rested on theee Who wert. The Society now Consist* of few in number; and at a mooting convened ?hie day* it wm resolved to soli the Academical JLota and Pudding* for the purpose of paying fhe above debt; unless some measures see promptly adopted' by the eonw humify to discharge the same. Most, perhaps ail, the membetu of the Society ate understood U> bo wilting to corporate with their follow cilkent in this matler; bat they ase not diepoeed to do it without their assistance. I HL. tA.L ' ' * .um 4uui amj Of mxi month m fixed for determing upon the sale ; unless, before that) date, (be people (with such arguments uutisfy creditors) pot their veto upon it. ' Br order ef the Academical Society. J. C. COIT. Cberaw, Thbra%, 19tb Jsnoary 1843. It rf I. i, , . III,!.. II 1^ .1 I 11| w, IAFO&NKATIOA WANTED/ ??<t? UHfrA?RAB? BAULSv > WHO wee aemewhere in the Pee Dee countrr, perhnpe in AlarIberowfh or. CMHWIHW, PaHlhftett er' M artun IMatrtets. 8. C* or in ond tit thd adjoining wuotiei of .North Cartbne about the pear 1784 or 1785, Any person who has any, knowledge of the above named.individual, or any information by hearsay wr'otherwtae, as to whether he died or moved awiv.or in? otKar byroinmMMMting any such information by?,'er *T"ct'd tft Kin?*t Hi#wmTown post Office, Richmom) County No. C*. II. W. flARRlwOTON. January Si, I9M. 11?Ut \ r iifT" ~7ir ' , Mm ,? ?,.! ,, '' it Atnwttms,'mn+-> -hi' N )<.(}< i>Jl|l/WI|lj|*IHj v'< -; ^1) ?b**4* tf kftJtfcm?-t* #cu; <Mt b.r*a?M**7 bo hod. ' V'i^L ;>?v?rf til 3#&l? iyf?iyj|ff. .' ! ; ! ^jXjtty1! ' ' ~ 1 TkR. JORN LYNCH lwrih| permanently ?P?fc>iJ' MmMf fct tfc4 town of OlaHir, eeapeetfcjily tenders M$ pr<*eek>nel wervica|t4B jtrofeesion, to rccelvo a liberal oharo of poblic patronage. He ean always bo roond ?|>b|i father's (Coltlow Lyneb) reeidoaee on Markel Street. .-v5t;!.!'/tv >_ Ciieraw, July 1st. 1843. 81 tf LEATHER. " "EST Received a large stock of Sole l>ath ' fP ft, Alto, Upper Leather, uiuf CalfSklns. I*. MALLOY. Sept. 80. 1843. 46 ?i i>l i#u m. II'., I I iwe=g-8gsg?W BEHTI 1S1LIA , THE Preprtetsr.of those miU* begt leave to caprasa hit thank# to *11 of hi# customers ho ha# called on for a settlement, for tb# prompt manner they have willed bio a'ccounts against them. He hopealhat alt other* who may- yet be called on, wHI g4v? hint the pie satire to aay a# mnch of them. Ho ie willing to #eti lumber at Terr reduced prince to his procopt customers on the uaual credit, #ay good lumber at 88 por m. ft., Refuae.,84 per m. ft., Selected 810 per m. ft., which is 2U per cent, lower than hi# usual prices. J. W. BURN. January 9, 1843 0 Hi TTr~r rifTAl. H8TICE. ALL persons indebted to the late Firm ol Oahlup it Marshall, l>y note or Open sc sent, #rs roqwesled to' oosw to so iaunedleU settlement. ;, Thenotes ..and accounts prill remain at tlw Counting Room of George H. Duulap tilt the 1st of Februury. ' ' ' JinVf. 10th, 1B48." > > * tf v v I >' i am i i mi mi THE V. ?. DISTRICT COURT, District of South Carolina. IK BANKRUPTCY. IN tho Matter of Kindred Bonnet, Merchant, of Now Market, iu the District ol Dtrlington atod State of South Carolina, a Bankrupt. * " ? wumiioUiQgn&o\ PURSUANT- to an Order of the District Court Of thd United States, for Lh? District ol Sooth Caroline, ^otioa so auasi oivkn, that cause bo shewn before said Court, fit th? Federal Court. House in Charleston, on the eighth day f# February neat, M, eleven o'clock. A- AT* whr thesaid Kindred Betyiel should i\ot receivable Discharge and Certificate, as a Bankrupt. Charleston, llh ddy of Jan., 1843. Hi-Y.'GRAY, Clerk. 10 tSApe ' i > .THE .Subscriber has received and will keej . constantly unhand Cotton Yarn at wholesale. , at the jowest market prices. Also?Cottoti Osiibburgv, Cotton Batting, Candle Wick, Seine and Wrapping Twine, from the Mauu ' factory of Rockingham. GEO. GOODRICH. Nov. 20,1843;* 8 tf 4-4 DOAESTIC^ ' j A few bales 4-4 Brown Domestics for ask on fevbrhbld term#, by ' " D. MALLOY i Au|. 93rd. ,-.41r i *tf i , POTS, SCOTCH OVEMS, dfc. A Large and.well selected stock of Potq, Scutch and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, Andirons &c. &c For sale cheap. A. P: LACOSTE. October 18,1842. 49 tf THE B. fi. DISTRICT COUttT, District of South Carolina. WtlEUEA8,"jolmRA ws, Planter of Darlington District, State of South Caroline; hath filed a Petition, praying that he may be declared a Bankrupt, pursuant to mo aci 01 uongrcse ol tbe United state*, made, and now m force, concerning Bank, rupts, and that he. may have the benefit of the aid Act ; this ie to give notice df tho raid Petition, and that a hearing thereofwill be had before the Honorable ROBERT B. GILCHRIST, Judge of the aaid Court, at a Court to be hohkm -at the Federal Court How*, in Charleston, on Monday the thirteenth day of February.., peat, at eleven o'clock, A. M., at I which place and time all perrons interested may appear and ahew cause, if any they havo, why the praybr of the said PotitioDcr should not be granted. H. Y. GRAY. Clerk. Charleston, Jan. 17< 1848. <. II?*31 RIOI1T ADOCT FACJE t u ' 1 HEREBY givo notice, with great roluo Unco, Ihnt I shall not, after tho first day of January next, open a single running account in mV Books, for inv ilcicrintian ttf Bfind. for Bagging. Rope.and Twine, and for these articles I Will only give a cri-dit of 60 to 00 .days. . Merchants, and other cithten* of the town,' who may he disposed to order goods from my Stores, are informed, that their oedare.wtll he gratefully received, end promptly filled at low prWes, upon tho condition, that their bil.a may ho presented in ten days, for payment. This course I am compelled to take, to meet my own ohgagstnents, and 1 hope will not give offence te eny, fur I find hy oxperiance, that it ia much easier to sell good*, than to ooHeet, and that accounts and notes be they evflr so gnod,' will not pay the debts of my eeiit reeling. Ae I shall aall foods for CASH, Hie almost useless to spy, that shall aall rear ciixar. ' A. P. LaCOSTll. ' Dec. 13th, >848. 6 if .WM I I .11 I. .. 1 I. I ?? CREDIT OIVE* foil WOOD. TO flKWBt'urtemrri, who hive paid me etiec-fc-peer for Weed. I aoinler my thanks, and ahaM be grstefuhlo receive theirqrdera.apd ball not trouble llu>m bnt - * #<)Ul?mirit. who pre unwilling (o notllf > 6t>?? a fnr, br haim it At paid at all, moat cx<-u*e tub If V rofuaa to Work for thom. A P. JUCOSTE. Do. 13, 1812. S tf fi? . i '<?boc;jewik?,. , , , | IN ?Uw ??a Mia, a good supply cf Sa 8ug*r, ColVoo and Molaaaoa, t?y ' t). MAlXOY. Aug. 23rd 41 if rWH'.^ ' "r IWrfly FH ( C*i^M?l^Mfll?*?!> #?W> JuO -JoHi inJfUO Ji.l!t n. j fjf ||^ DJI4 ?o^jt i tl^| i 'i J^m "''$ '*'''** 4+ * S?i r>rJJ Jirtvonj Jm n . A?? ->46* J ^ ^ ! '' W^WRWfBS# ?'ii i ixi, ' lilSto* Ckmm m fftb %fu5 *? 6^5 ffinT ; ] bd 'paia when pt-ewhited, or tffeoftff bf nolo ; Ik^ltarfatetobt froto ttrtWefseMtenrtto v * ! 1 ; ?b? stock rcmaioing on hand tnsnf of the , j *o4<W arill be ?oH * fun cMTi iMAf from , ' 'JO <? fiO tier cent ??u>w .eosTi tad bot very ? | lew above cost. . ' '^ *, *' & : BONllfitTS AND HOODS, WU8T lUeeived * good stock of Boonslts ', | "B-Aaukw 1 Sfcpt- to, 18W. 4S " tr I i m fml i i p. /in * iff ? :> .. i' A.V laoobtb. " ; ,')('SM' i J i tMo 'n.Li ? A *.., ?o j. - -? w?? V| *vr*? ? .W '1'' V ! ixATE WF soraa CABtfrtXA,; ; , r Vbettorjuld DUlrict, Ik thi Common PncAa. , j JOHN JACKSON, Who i? in the custody , 1 of the Sheriff of (lieiDiairiat aforeaatd, by vir- 1 tun of a Writ of Capias ad Respondendum, i at tho wit of Peter L. Robtioq, having peti- < tioned tbo Honorably, the associate Judges of 1 the said Slate, that be may be admitted to the benefit of the act of the General Assembly, 1 made forth? re Kef of Insolvent Debtors, and ( be having tiled with his petition a schedule ef 1 bis whole J&statsi cf el and Personal; It is or- ' . dersd that the said Peter L. Robeson, and all others, to whom the said Petitioner is ih any ' wise indebted, do personally, or by their attorney, be shd appear before the Honorable, the, , i associate judges Of ihe Slate aforesaid, at ? . i Court of Common Plats to be holden at Che*terAeld Court- House* on the third Monday in March next, then and there to ryeweaus?, if aijy thpy pan? why the Eatate and Effect's of the said petitioner, should not bo assigned, and ho discharged, pnrsoantto the provisions of said act of the General Assembly, made and provided for the relief of Insolvent Debtors. n-r/tfh -i \#'t >' ; Sar.iti -. ji . . -dv: I.T A* < r-i: ni , >- . T. BRYANT, C. -Q? P? Chesterfield Court House, c) . lU Mbdsyof Nov.iW2. \ ~ ismiam I ' " SUOAK and TEA. DOUBLE and Single' loaf Sugar, Crushed' Su i gad, and beSt Hynti Tea, in Caddies, orbjr tia. i pound, prime article# for family use. '<> ! ) ?,0c*. nsqet vdi ... i.,ur-? I U> ,.p A, p, LACOfiTPK. ; 1 October 18,1842. 49 ?'*' 1 ' i i- i -'r i 1 m - COTXDW HjMMMHH*. > i? .. D -OPRrT.WIN Et-s good .Stock of M?e sboyr H,%.OU hand, and tor sale altlis lowoat market price, Uy D. MALLOY. Aug. 23rd 41 If ! LEATHER and SHOE THREAD. >' ' ' 95: SIDES, 8ole Leather, > ^ H '104 Kip and Was do.' 190 lb. Shoe Thread, t -1 For sale low by 1 A. P. LACOSTR. October 18, 1843. ' ' 49 tf fy 'HUM A?n SHOES. THE Sobacriber liae ju?t toctiiod a lar^e anil well Mlected aupply of Hat* and Shoea, ' which Will be aot<l cheaper lhaa were ever otfori ?l in thii market. ,i,i D, AJ ALLOY. FdpL.39# 1843* 45 . if ': "Tfe. W. D&ENNJNU WOULD Raapootfully (inform the public that ho haa located himaolf on r z'jmxm BT^aaT,.:; Oppoaite Mr. Mouar't IIoticl, where he intenda carrying oh the . r. v.., .,'j ?iv ! ? 4 r DYKING AND SCOURING UV8INKSS. , " LodieaV and Gentleipon'a. gwm?'nU pleaned, | tprf, if faded, dyod the original or any other cel. of, and preiaed In the netucat manner. 'Carpet*, j 'Mde-Covera, aim Crumb, clod.* oleaned without ( injury to tim Coier?Col ton Yarna dyod Fast , Colora, ? i# . JY. A , Hit dyeing teill not toil the tohitrat , article. ' ' Chefaw, Augoat 14, 1849. 40 tf r- ...? STORK TO KENT. I IIAVE rooted all my Storea,except the one next .above Mr. {tepre* IL . Diinlnp'a. and one door below corner of Kerthaw .rfnrf Front '' Streetd. Tbia Stem la rotiaidered a Anil rarte > vlahd, and will be rented on liberM tor me. ifc A. P. LA CO ST E. Augnat 9, 1049. S?8 i..,,-.!* ,? ~~ ~ NOTICE. 7~~ ^ Lb pervena indebted to the Subeeriber by I Am huw or coonni are nqMMN M> COM ?Q<1 aottle ibe Midi, us farther indulgence oannot bo ? girn. I ' R/SHAW. i Sept. IS. 1849. 44 tf \\ * > i COTTOH OSNABVRSS ANI> ? COTTON YARN. J THE Subscriber haa reoehrcd on aonnBO. , moat from the Do Kalb Factory at Camden , S, C W Bde* very anporior Cotton Oana- , Inirga and 13 Boles Cotton Tarn, whichha will , soli by the Bale to Merchants 011 a* good or j bettor erms than thoy eon purchase In New , Tora or Charleston. He would , also invite lite reenters of the ( neighborhood to oall and examine Iho Oanaburga , they will And it a cheaper and better article than : haa etrer been sold in title market. G. H. DUN LA P. Cberaw, April 4, 1843. 21 ijf , ^/vaois fTAni'EV. WANTED to purchase from 1000 to 3000 Bushels corn to bo delivered in Clonw, or et any of the landings down tlx river, for which the higher I market iti ico will he paid d. M'NAIR. April II, 1642. It'" If ? ... . . 'A' ... ? I ... .I'.. I KFRIMO ANDHJflilKER UOODft. THE Svbvovibor haa just received a wcl selected stock of Pane/ and Staple Dry Goods, U. It. DUN LAP. Cheraw, April 0, 1842 2*2 If I tinnuviwi VliltiUAU!! (, PURE GidorViiirnr, ! i Whito Wine Do. , For SM|e l.y A. P. f.ACOSTE, July It, 58IJ. 35 if 1 i, a mua ffi - > ^BSSTS .* ' , ! :,' J! *WUUL Awm*m*AatihtitMrM*f*iAt* ' J moot hi/ at 204 Broadway, 3NE DOLLAR par annnm, i>bjaWa ilwmyt m brt ^WlH'jflt? tBDWd a ttfaiityfeuMM tftttr.* h?- . .aii^ilih.rtk nfklln oi j| it^l.i lftli'V9WiWI)VyOlt9MtffUM HMM 'lOIKIfPV *H| f i waAJWlAb r?ooit? /*>?.. paa r?u /ayfcw'Hrtiafli >oslioo?1t^l^w^flo.^^fejfeSSorl^ocyctl^a that 1 rorrdawiwtytfaoWdt. tucatoa at?H* sulMeriptiott ^rleoiiit#Sikl.'<{ MA M' t$i ' ?M! ;>ti.t "M> T^k^kiwill, JK4c?pt?J tolh,* mrio|>i pwrfMirtlfei^kitCfcotttticaf MftattdWdr'rttdia occa?*Ti?K; tbo iioO?dw}i?0odi* af> tiliagaf tkmmrt$r*f i mO* t imyeorod ^p^prvUi at^ ????? ?? OATTW. HORSK., HKKP AMD BWINK. &fta?49^?2Ka^ bk MrtbdlHMritf with OiyTS/ifiaaiNtiftgtho diL fanatii sublet* mi arhaoh'U MeaU?making volofoa at 984 uMstAou jaarly foe the fata wjj.v ftj?y -p0^frM?-. J. MiJ :! . ic > vuaiueri ui ?nm wqrK mm utoiay l*#n < pukHiM, lad bU tt ia 'Stereotyped, subscribers may odmmenee w Ith the b?ok or pbasent numbers SlJ|hei? CpUO*. ;> ? ' <:? ?c . . . fMpm \bp pMr$. iu.ftwof to manner in which this paper ha? bwn conducted, tr&m the public pf<5? dhd tlio hiAit hfcpVrietiaed Farmer* end' Planters throughout the country, there da every reeron to believe it will prove universally acceptable, end remunerate it* teadore ten-fold far their subscription. No man *t this timo who aspires to tho noble occupation of an American agriculturist. should be without one or mete periodical*, exclusively devoted to liia into roala. Each number consists of one sheet end will b* loHect to newspaper postage only. Poettnaetere are permitted by law' to en close money for subscription free of postage. V Belowore a few of the many favorable notices qf tl^o above wor)t, from tho American Press : "T>* A|riculUiri,t apptttra to be edited with that kind of ability and practical knowledge, that mutt place it among' the fbwmnst rank with < similar pferlhdioala - in ou? country."?Ffisyne 4 County Recapd, Jmdiuna. \ . | ?*Tbenumber we hivt i* riehiaably vrtittiti i and wcllaelooteil ariHjUiw. The Editor* arc wall known to the feeders of agricultural periodicalst a* able writers', and wilC wo arc sure, greatly benefit tlio cOiintrvby their' present undctteking." ?The Union, Raleigh, N. Carolina, "The Agriculturist i? well filled with well' written, well digested, and highly practical 'arliolea em subjects pcrtaiuieg to runt industry. The conductor# of lit* work, the Messrs. Allen, arc not only well versed in the practical opera, lions of cultivating tho toil, and brooding domes, tic ahimsls to the beat advantage, but they wield ready and graphic pens for tho discussion of these important subject* in a stylo both dear and attractive. tfc'gafding the acicnce of lgricqltnre and gardoning, a* by far the moat important Study that engages the kttentioh of the American IKJopla, ore eaiiuet withhold oar eamast commondalion of die American Aflfiaultarial' lo . the great firming jnfe*c?l* of lh? count Tj.*?rf}uJfalo Commercial Advertiser, New York. The American Agriculturist i? printed in (tie oit'y of New York, in 3d neat, rhodium oe. tavo pages, nnd illusi raicd With engfeVinga. and UMyeduedby Ihe Mearra.uAllon, who ero well end favorably known to tho agriituUpwl oomuunitjr, as _ practical and enlightened farmer*."? Republican Banner, Nashville, Tenn. We have seen |hn first number, and it bida fair to he n highly Valuablo pape'r t> any section of the Union. The editors arc celebrated throughout the United Slate* for their entarpriao in '.Im atouk lino, as well as in oihara matters tondipg to improve tho condition of our htish#ndry."?South Western Far met, Raymond, Mies'. "I have examined the three first numbers, and from the specimen* which rhey afford, a* Well as from a personal ncqhaintanee with the editor*, I have forruod a wry fu vortdde opinion a* to tho use&d??** of this work, and..the ability with whieft it wil| bo con- ueted. It ia intended to bo it national Work."?Judge Realty, of Washington. Kentucky. ' "The editors are well known an practical breeders nod agriculturists, end as gifted writers. They have the aid of some of the most uh|e wri ters in tho c< untry. and it can hardly fail to take its place at once in tho front "rank nntnng tho b*>st publications of its 01000**Spirit of the Times. New York , HL4CK8iSKTttllfU. > THE Subscriber has this day rccomittcnred business Pit his own account sn<| hopes by closo application to business to sltnru. public ri^trnnsiOf M? -.Ill Ms-A.*- ^e -|?. .'.j- |mi^b nni vuiuwicriiic. Kinnif Mtoelng wHI twolse mjr personal attention it is therefore warranted to: bo don* with ni'Maw uid despatch. N. B.?I mn no*[ prepared to repair, or put ip new lightning rode. . C: I. 8II1VER. " AprH 4 t*4?.' '"He "if FISH f FiSHi r_T~~ " MACKEREL, in whole, half, and qtr. bbls. 1 Mew Shad in do do do Codfish and Salmon, all of excellent quality, ' ? Por sate by -' 1 At LACG8TE. October 18, 1842. 49 ^ If 1 " 1843. TIIF. commencement of another jronr brings with it many engagements, and tlio But*. iQjribffr takes this method of infonnimr hi* ?n*. omars and llioao indebted to liiii). that ha has winy and pressing engagement* to pay money n thil mil tlit iMlt iiKMtllw and his? principal neans to do so, is from collections, which ha topas In make from thoso indebted to,him. In ooking ovt-r Ins buainoss. he finds he has o groat winy outstanding debts duo him. many 01 which tm small} but ns rivers ere imdo up from smell itronm*. so a largo amount in tho aggregate is nnde from small accounts, whom they sre nuttorous. tie hopes, therefore, that nono of liis "riends will neglect to pay hlin hccnuxo the unount may bo small, and thot nono will hold tack what thoy are shin to pay, because thoir tceounts are too large to pay all at ouca. In diort, than,, he would say to all thoso who are ndubted to him, to come forward and pay up: f they cannot pay all, pay what they can, and dose tho balance by note. To inffle of his cos. rrrnerr, whoeo accounts have boen rnnsins ?? br one, two, and in some instances. throe or | nore years, ho wnuld My longer indulgence! mhnot nor will not be given, ana unices speedy j mtllements nrc mat's, the next invitation to nay ! wilt eoinc from an nffieer of Ihd lew. These last! remark* ere intended for ell delye duo loufcr ban nix months bach, nml they will atsp ?|>|>ly to til deb's due 1st insl. tliel ero not satisfactorily irrnng< d in n reasons bio time, flo earnestly appeals t?* his customers tooome forward and ssve tliouiselvee eoote. lie would sleo statu that his means are liuvtcd, and thercfoio ho is unshle to lo a credit businrss on groceries: ho will keep a jpiod stock ?-f Family t.n curies on hand, nnd will veil them vory low for Cath or Pt otluee. To inch of hie customers as settle their accounts an. uually, he will soil any goods except groceries' r... II.. .....I 1 -- 1 ? ?? iiii niutMTnin trrtnix. , o. ? ffARl.r.CK. I rin?raw, Jhii. 1813. b tit , i'lTi ri" ^ "i/."" ' , ' ' otif bona XT! An !*;I I?Xi* Tlie most Splendidly IllaeUpAwl MA CO'HWl 1 -?4!w itniiretyJV'no and OrijgiJ^^&M^^^t'Eie'taaitA try themori EntMent JraMIw Mi 14**1 <m*d' A*ertta>~- i?t of jPrefrirmg\,tJU 7.1 ^ /r Bi|Mi>! JBMbwf?#li ft JTJM?y ^ Or; JZ^U* dUKE* >JWDrtIfiUUUtOTBMB OP fTUEx PMNQ7PAL PBMAQNAGBP, #wcrrl*d u tkt> tyurpd Writmeri practvaVm jjfe itig'Thirty bitttrtaHanh On the EtidM&W tHmin* Revelation, frit* ,(PHnpeen'e Een-ta dee B?M*i Uing m pemrieU Svmmm** MfaMvU ciit>t*, foot. vrMl vrtw,, n hitmen. <and other Eminent' Writer*** the<P4r*p terra. ?Rahert, Scare, Bditwr?BethejUthed teith ^SVfirtga em Wead^Otuelr* Tlta domand for this work is unprecedented^ tnxl orders are pouring in from all; pert* of j the VHijeJ 8 tales. It ie called " A Cnawrup Wfr3sa*s PeMEirr to his Family," and baa receir. the unqualified redommendation df dt"lh totdiftfe papers, both1 potitioal and religion*. K? mete advertisement, however, can (iiaibamih V ?ny idea of it. besoty and valued, mV?t be seen to Wo admired, apd read to 1? duly appreqjU ated. The nnnexed extracts (Vdm the " Opiriion* . of thi' Puhtie Prrn^ eitnllrff til of the intrfn aio excellence of thia Bpi.cndid Gear rr? Moncair Litbjutusk?the like of wbidhhMsavor appear ed in thie or any other country* A careful peiv usal of tlio following "Recommendation*** will justify u.i n milking uae of suclistrong language I in lavor of ao useful a'work ip "f<Ti s<l " A work of grdat attraction irld raloe;- title volume muat find a welaomo at army fiptali throughout tlio country : ita conents area" i?tcreating aa tln-y pro Important and insliurtivat and tlio judicious and talented stithmr baa hero oohtrived to present as with One of Del noil tfeu tractive, And at tka sometime uocfal bookaethwt Imvo appeared this ii<lo of ,tlie ^llanlio. Wo trout the public will reward ita enterprising publisher.**?-I/. 4f. Literal y Advert iter, jir Je*i, i8ta. ' . i c T>n7 '' TliW volume; wb should bay,' Welt1 deeefVke l? bo regarded as the Christian Pa I hot V present to ibis family.' Several hundred vpiy gpoU wood engravings enliven its nnrrativea, .and il uafrstp its aoloitiu Irplhs to the (in dirt-tun ding, and feelings 'Of the young find fVunff thettufttereuA icsliui.nics wirifchticeampnnythe volume* Orb sltoul|l say, lit in try safety lot surrendered to their hkhde. ' ?Magnolia. , ,, , ( . y; j, .y,om,,,t Thie work is on atlfactifra one, not only for thp very uuu>ornu. noat. oiiihyHisliincnts which pervade it, hut from the interesting arid'useful nutter which it eontpri*<-k. This' work b in large octavo.highly decorated, and handsomely SbiHM, and will no doutn meet witb.e popular 4|tua|uL" ^Ckrir.LitfUigeyeer., , oov.yi ?Tl\?? engM*jnif s n?vy y^nal de. sign*, mr4 well executed. The dt^ifti or tlio work Is 0?c?fU ht: and we cheerfully rOonmm?mU It tothb nukot :orow rhhrt .'u.JViw hkdd > "Tills 1a Weei-yiskiarbfcticheap* find eMlw. uient liook.ii>Tlia<|>ublie.?r4ll anen.fiud itondef Ihc'bmika thoy must Mare. Msv the .publisher supply tbo land w?M? iiii. t Jiojr. Y.'Tribvn*.... ' This in tllO name of a vn'unblo VorV jil'il published tu the "city of New York. . It U'tnifnt justly celled * christian' SAfnakVr kameuNTvss [His r/Mii.Y.' 1'br fiv?.(ittwlnditnst?YiiiptbP oxrcuud by the first Amcylcnn Artists, aftc* C'cturcs of the pioet celebrated Painters. If tins ork rhec,# with u circulation commensurate Willi its meiiii. H Will Iwfobmi 'in ewry dwslHlif in ihs Union."--fission Times, I ** This is one of the most finely illustrated fid.beautifully ornamented volumes tpif jnUfd from, tlio press. The typography is clear ind plain, the pupor and binding handsotiie, while the golden figures give it a r eh end taitetul Appearance. The literary portion of the work tie well, written^ end .the Whole illustrated will*several huudrcd no>v and elegant engcavjugs, M/. Soars |iub made a popular book?conferred a 'great favor upon tliit young, and indeed mints the patronage fend thanks of all classes.^?Huston American Truwll*r..w i" *>e cucMMUy oominrnrl tho, book. to the reailor* of the Advocate, aa * Work of Much. toar. it, furnislierl at a very cb?np rate."? Boptiti Adrocale. * " t; .V Altogether U if one oflhemott elegant w intra 'Af' tlio sensori. Mitt'mult pto^kTihr milt useful eyor iamiod (Vo*u tiro Amorrcau ilVraiwi^t /cf (juum ;oniJv?t m ? WeertrdinilytrnnnmrneridtliikexMUtohlMoll." Jfnil. % on /! rov srM ? Wo phjieyful)jp rooommonri it to the noticepf every C|>ri?Uwi purrnt, m h boanjjfiilgili |o pre. sent to hit family?Botiott MircanfiU Journal. ' :: M'ja " Anelegant work of fito'bnndrtd pagea,a*d containing about Aval hundred angraviuga. , The contonm rjf the yt)h?u>?? nppcar tq besoyiqd,judiCioua and inl?reating.H?Motion Daily Bet. T*? >? ."Ic- 'jT ' ii J 'ti . L Persons in tno country would do wall to pro* cure n subscription book, and obtain at onea the hamea rifeit their frtebds and anftMihnOMt'tt leaat, aa anhecribors to thia invaluable Utaaary gemi Will each fgent or friend .tylpp conpptyee with this request, have the kindness to inform I bo nnblUkor l.o.u i ?' v ? '" < 11 ki'piv* win uu wmuoa Ibr hia'neighborhood bj m?H (poat paid), oa eden MfOHiblat It is hi* Intsnlwn lopptra acjthrr paina nor ozpciiM lo introduce tbia entirely no* nud original volumo into uvt-ry family throughout the Union. ' . mtn??r??t(d ln trttjr town and villtn throughout 4h? |lnil?d Sum. Addxcaath* tulMciibrr, poat paid, without which " 'W ROBW?a?.U ?1" 12t NaseatoCUeot, NeW-Yoflr. The nhoro work will be fonndorib of the Meet aaefiil and popular works ever published, Ibr en. torpriehig men to undertake; the aale ell our piinoipal citioa and t?>wna. , 4ll All Postmaster* arc rcqucatod to act a$ agent*. To Publithert of Papers throughout the United Statet, and Britieh North America. '' '' Nowapapera or Mngiixino*, copyipg' the hhove entire without any alteration or abridgement (including this notion), end giving it taaolve inerliona, ab ill rcoeivn ,a^ oopy of tho *y*rk, (subject to tbeir order), bv sending dirpot tp the publisher. Will proprietors of newspapers throughout tho country, wlien it is convenient, not aa Agents, and rcocire subscriptions f., Tho mom noorai per coinage given. A jrenln wanted throughout tho flnnthtrrt Sliiu for tho ante of tho Bible Biography*1 Addt?ii lli? subscriber, post paid. .i- u > >.<? .mm , SII.AS HOWE, 52 IJroa<l-?lr??t, Clmrlckton, H. C. October, ld42. ' 'f Mf ....NOT1CJ? *7TT" ALL |Kir?oni indebted to ma are earner Uy requested to cull anil pay ilwir accounts. My nocranilii-a oblige mo lo inaiai on t lie Tory early payment of all tltorn i* duo rn<\ aa for want of money to meet my engagements I nin compelled fur n tnno to suspend uty boainoas and eaoaat rcaiiinc it until my debt* nro paid. tu;o. ii. ditnlap. January It), ltf!3, 9 tf 1 .> *