University of South Carolina Libraries
1 _ i i rj * , ausjppyuLAiveotm. .-, * t* 41 .Ii<||li,i ii ? >4 I Q fC apoS'T B*l TOO.POSIT&VM.,, ,.. >i(l| jj| ?. lltMl rf Tims goen Jarry Smith,' My? Philip. ,j, i^henf I ffct ># him,' says Johii, ! Wfcf, tW, jtndtrit th?'tbp of th? hill.' * Ob !?lint ? SUj^rA.ia.-^'WbT.y- it to.; ;*. if 5 thot'a^oth Mead.' ' I toll you Us J<!>rry Qj Mill I Jf it isn't I'M- eat bint. <, u<Moh 4b tho dialogue | but pretty Boon the boy w 'WJlM^B along, mnd behold it is doth Mood, and not Mnry 8aiitb. * There*! says John ' now you're got to out htm, iHiil !* t< ' Where is the hammer JPeter P up his father F *> 1 don't know sir,' is tlio reply. ' But you bod s< k last.' 'No I didn't, sir.' ' Yes you did; you it tjpk it yssltoday.' 4 Oh, yes, I remember?I qjtok it?hot I put it^ in the drawer again, where I gut it.' n'Atoyou sure T* ' Yeetir.' 'I think you d tob mistaken?for if you had put it tharo, it arould I bare them re;il > .? I'm <re.i.i. ?? ?? ! ? it book there.* ? Well now, my eon, I found it ' g and en the '{rui,' fehero jou had been at work.? I e Didn't you leave it there V 4 Oh?yes?I believe C 1 dfif. Yea t remombcr?I did leave it there.' r WtD now take a lesson from this : don't be so b positive, when you are not sure. In two instances t yea have been mistaken ; you first said that you t had not taken the hammer out, and you were 8 quite sure; you then snid you had put it where t you had fot it, and you were again quite positive, r t Sat itnembq that in both cases you were mist a- 1 ken. Let this teaoli you to be more modest and { careful in future; and instead of saying you are e sore, say I think so and so. No person ought ever a to say he is positive of a thing, where there is the t but poanible chance of a mistake.' 4 Mnthsr,' said Elton, * may'I go and see Jane Hanson T she aded me to coinc.* 4 When did vSbe ask you T* said her mother. * Yesterday? Yesterday afternoon.4 4 Not yesterday, nay dear.' ' Yesit wa. yesterday, mother; I saw her on the green by the church.' 4Don't be too positive. El. Id ?< it could not have beta yesterday.4 'Yes it WW ywtufdty?I'm certain it was yesterday : I met her on the green and ahe asked me to come. 'Why, toother, how cootdlM*mistaken T I' know f it was yesterday.' That eannot be, Ellen, for I have just been at Mrs. Hanson's and Jane went to a Providence in the 7 o'clock train yesterday morn- c mg.' 'Oh! suit? it most hers been day before a yesterday?yes, now I recollect it was day bofore * yesterday.' Well, my child, I am sorry to see you fc so certain?so positive, when you really are not o ewe, and when, in point of fact yon are mistaken. A Pray he mors carafbd in future. You may go and * m Jane, but aa yon go along, say it over in your a mind, till yon cannot forget it?Dqu'I it too posi. p (ice.?-Merry's Magoxint. r - . Ks: ; ?l h? Vim* Voritmtt?You must allow me, air,*' " as Id Bus well, speaking in praise of wine 1 " at W1* produpsp trutki. in mm ?rritmo, you knpw, sirf" V That," replied Johnson, " would ^ he was not liar J . . A yM . . jnw.-vn * recent occasion, nsyi an cxohangs, as the marriage ceremony waa.about f ti be a 6Hur<* in Mm* .wfa-.Jmv>u<+ c Wising U bo mamed, to rise up, a UrKo cumber ? > ofWbk imtasdisSdy aross, ? .. . XCGISLATIVE DKLAY. p The Northampton Courior aiys, ,that , Cspi* Win. Smith, who for the lust iqn yws has been an inmate of the North* * wmptoft ntmahouifs, has just claims against the governments for French spoliations, ' prior 1ft 1800, to the amountof 840,000. * In i798 and *99, he commanded, at dlfferont times, three vcasels, in the cargoes of which he was intoreated to the amount 1 , of810,000, prime Coat; ail of which ves* I aela were captured by Fronch privateers, 1u and, with their cargoes, confiscated.? The French governnteht made compensa* (ion for these damages, moro than forty yepmagn, end the money was used in the Crchaso of Louisiana. Captain Smith it S sent a petition to Washington for re* ft lief, which is dated at the Northampton |iwriivu?e. _ V rtrtoxo SYMPATHY TS A DOS. An interesting instance of this feeling b< in the canine species, is related in an English print, the authenticity of which it sayf .may bo relied on... At a largo sheep farm in Perthshire, tho overseer became _ severely indisposed, and for the first ten .daysafter their master had taken to his T bed, his faithful collies be com. foiled, mournfully declining all sorts of fond, nay, even milk from the cow, m at last pressed upon them by tho domes. fi< tie. ' At length their case became so sc. qi nous?for they were otherwise valuable ^ ?inai me overseer's mother wni pre- | ?| ailed upon to inform her sick son, though b| at the time very low, of the circumstance, C( hogging of him, as a dcrnirr resort, to M try w hot effect his ova word would still ct have apon the mute mourners. By an A effort he succeeded, in n weak voice, to P< name his favorites, pointing, at the same m '! time, to some food placed at hand for the J] ' 'trial. This gentle command hnd iti effect; t0 the dogs at once obeyed, and have since. eii as if it were still repeated to them, which pa b it m not likely ever to be again, continued te take as much as supports life, but once ^ every day, at least, and oftoner, if oppor. . tunity oner, they glide tngother into the " room whore the sick mania, slip stealthily to the bedside, raise their fore paws upon the bed-clothes, and in this attitude eontinoe together for sumo timo to gaze in- tently on the pallid features of their now wnconeeieas msNter, ?ad tbon droopingly r retire out ef the reom. ? <1 ntrrxKY kxtTTixr. looms. cj An iagenieus master mechanic, of this e#y, hasinvsnted a rotary knitting loom, a, which possesses the po rcr of knitting, al> . narrowing, widening to any desirable pat. lis tern, and with most astonishing rapidity, ok all kiiuhtf knit goods. It is trulv ??- > drrfttlmatfcln*. ihd Will wkxi bo put in ^ npmilMtli. TWapitaliat will findinlhi* q( machine n r*ro chanr* for profitable inteotoicot.?Down Mail, u/:r. > i .r PHVA,U< smnniw. i tl it?U<4, w 4 tiAnmnniealion from nertlA.'A. firiibanr, of Uoorgifc, that li hM eeoMlraeted a. eailsoad in thai Mo, 7? mile# in length, with 100 Ubors, and only a caah cnpitul or 15,000? 10 laborers being tho-owners of (ho road, ho cash was applied to the support pt jffa or upon. Thirty of these stockholders ore poor TrtshtVieni trfio hid been thrown ut 6T work, and whom Gen. Brisbane Elected in Charleston, S. C. "This road as commenced in I8&9. 1 i < i Franklin's Loan.?:TJ>e following let. -r was written by Dr. Franklin while at oris, and was communicated by the pcrin who received it to the person by whom f 'wap originally published :? April 22, 1784. I send yon herewith a bill for ten Louis, 'or; 1 do not pretend to give such a sum, only lend it to yon. When you shall b%wi ? iu juur tuuniry you ctnnoc mil Oi ; >tling into some business that will in time nablo you to pay all your debts. In that ase when you meet with anothor honest nan in similar distress, you must pay nu iy lending this sum to him, enjoining him o discharge the debt by a liko operotior rhen he shall be able, and shall meet wit! uch another opportunity. I hope it ma} hus go through many hands before i> neets with a knave to stop its progress This is a trick of mine for doing a deal o ;ood with a little money. 1 am not ricl inough to afford much in good work, anc o am obliged to be oaraing and mako th< neat of a little. FAMILV^TI l^UHl\tS. rHE Subscriber hat received nnd U oponinj in the Storo above Mr. Wads worth's, am pposile to Mr. D. Mallow's, a good aosorUnen if medu iocs selected especially lor f-unily use nd for his own practice. Ho will keep no nr iclo of which ho docs not know the ingredient! mi prupcnin ( iinn none except such an lit nowi to ho of i^jedvqualky. Hi* tinctures an< intments wilt bo ready for use in about n wot t 'om this time, ffe will also keep a general oa ntmrnt of DYE8TUFF3 and other articlci auatly kopt at so oh establishments. The fov rticlcs of this oloaa not now oit hand aro ex ected soon. M. MAC LEAN. Julv 28. . CAITOBOIL. EXCELLENT cold drawn caator oil ibraali very low, by tho gallon, at the NEW )RUG STORE........ - '= 1 LANCETS. KH17M B L ANCKT8, Spring Lancet*, Gnn Lancets and Tooth Draaara for sale at thi low Drug Store. UNSEEDOIL, JOPAL and LEATHER Varnish, for eale a ho New llnrrt StOM. VAHNI8II BRUSHES, iND Paint Brushen of all sixes, for sale at tin lew Druo Stork. . SAIL. SODA. 85? LB. Soda for sale very lot ** by A. P. LACOSTE. Jan. 10. 1843. * tf UOCKFI8H SHfiETINDH AND SHIRTINGS. i /dj BALES 3-4 and 4-4 Domestics jus H. X received on eonaigiunent from tin ocknan Factoxy and for aalo on farorabh inns by the Uale. D. MALLOY. November 7, 1842. NEGROES WANTED. I WANT to hire two strong, heartv negrc ten, to work with my waggoners. Also, two bhi ninoi. A. P. LACOSTE. Dec. 27,1842. 7 if I>A W NOTICE. rHE Subscriber will hereafter practice in the Courts of Common Pleas for Marl, trough and Darlington Districts, and the ourts of Equity for Cheraw District. WM. VV. UARLLEE. Jan'y. 1, 1&43. 0 8t THE ACADEMY BUltDIIVOS. HE Chcraw Academical Society is now in ibt about $1800. Since its establishment it ta expended, for lots, buildings, and repairs, >out $0000; besides large sums of money in aking up to teachers from lime to timo decencies in their salaries, arising from inadc. late receipts for tuition. Though the oeiety has heretofore received considerable d from citizens and others not members ; yet ie principal burden and the whole responsi. lily (previoue to last year) baa always rest* I on these who were. The Society now insists offew in number; and at a nioeting invened this day, it was resolved to sell Lho rAtlorviie a I 1 *vS? 0 ' " ? iwii miu ouuuings ior ine purwe of paying the above debt; unlets some eaeuret are promptly adopted by the com* unity to discbarge the same. Moat, perhaps I, the member* of the Society are understood be willing to co-operato with thoir fellow tisena in tliie matter; but they are not (liawed to do it without their assistance. The 10th day of next month is fixed for terming upon the sale ; unless, before that itr, the people (with such arguments assatTy creditors) put their veto upon it. By order of the Academical Society, J. C. COIT. Clieraw, Thursday, 10th January 1843. ll tf INFORMATION WANTED Of ABRAM SAULS, il^HO was somewhere in I ho Pee Doe r w country, perhaps in Marlborough or iealerfl#M. Darlington or MaHon Districts. Cm or in one of the adjoining counties of >rtb Carolina about the year 1784 or 1785, ?> person who has any knowledge of ihc ove named individual, or any information by arsavor otherwise. ? t/> ^???? ? -,l;?1 ? # III: UIW'U Ur nrcd away, or any other itifortnaticn reapectf him, will confer a favor on the aubtcriber communicating any auch information hy ter directed to him at HtewartTown foal ficc, Uiclnuorul County No. Ca. II. W. II.MUIINCTON. January ?l, 191-J. ll~yt J-U uklX- " , .1, Mg .. : 4t> JS^VC \gV \ dttfiltMjIh I .|,*| J .il^ WOOD. V. HAVE ?**'? resumed th? business of HeulA ii)( Wood Mjr old easterners and (he puU Vo generally ere reepefctfaliy ihfKriiied thai I shell be grdteful for e t<WMr?l of their owe?hi, end pledge' myself te heul ioude 4he( erillpke?eb. ' ? itt m ' '" Af liApOSTB* July 18.1,811 ,,, 3d , tr ,t CLOTHS, CASSlMfiRS, ASH SATINBTTST*. ! Ilh MALLOT has just received a good | JLri ttodk of Cloths, Cashner*, end Satinet*, i which he is anxious to sell, and bargains msy I bo had. Sept. gO, 1849. 45 %{ A CARt). ?R. JOHN LYNCH having permanently located liimsolfin the town of Cheirisw, respectfully lenders hi# professional services to; the citizens of this place and the adjoining couutry. He hopes by a diligent attention to his profession, to rcccivo a liberal shfcro of pnblio putronago. He can always bo found at'his father's (Con low Lynch) residence on Market . Street. Cheraw, July 1st. 1849. 81 tf LEATnER. JUST Received a large stock of Solo Leather, Alao, Upper Leather, and Calf Skins. P. MALLOY. ' Sept. 20, 1843. 45 If 1 ? i ii ? | BURN'S MILLS. ' rilHE Proprietor of these mills begs leave 1 to cxpreM his thanks to all of his cus totners ho has called on for a settlement, for f the prompt manner they have settled his aci counts against them. l ie hopes that all others ] who may yet be called on, will give him the } pleasure to say as much of theni. Ho is willing to sell lumber at very reduced priecs to his prompt customers on the usual credit, say good lumber at 88 por m. ft.. Refuse $4 per m. ft., (Selected 810 per m. ft., which is 20 per ceut. lower than his usuai prices. J. W BURN. January 9, 1843. 9 fll FINAL NOTICE. ALL persons indebted to tho Into Firm of Duntap & Marshall, by note or open account, are rcquntod to oome to an iintnediato settlement. The notes and accounts will remain at tho j Counting Room of George 11. Duiilup till tho , 1st of Febrnury. Jan'ry. 10th, 1813. 9 tf i THE U. 8. DISTRICT COURT, District of South Carolitia. t IN BANKRUPTCY. TN tho Matter of Kindred Bonnet, Afer* A chant, of New Afarket, in the District of ' Darlington and Stato of South Carolina, a * Bankrupt. PURSUANT to an Order of the Diatrict Court of the United States, for the District of . South Carolina, notice is hbbbby given. that cause be shewn before said Court, at the d Federal Court House in Charleston, on the r | eighth day of February next, at elevono'clock. A. M. why the said Kindred Bonnet should not receive his Discharge and Certificate, as a Bankrupt, i Charleston, 7th day of Jan., 1843. t H. Y. GRAY, Clerk. 10 t8Apr t 1T0TIO3. THE Subscriber has received and will keep . constantly on hand Cotton Yarn at wholesale, at the lowest market prices. Also?Cotton 3 Osnaburge, Cotton Batting, Candle Wick, Seine and Wrapping Twine, from the Mami factory of Rockingham. GEO. GOODRICH. v Nov. 20,1842. 8 tf 4-4 DOMESTICS. A few balej 4?4 Brown Domestics for sale on favorablo terms, by D. MALLOY Aug. 23rd. 41 If t \ POTS, SCOTCH OVER'S, <?7. : A Large and we'll selected stock of Cots. Scotch and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, Andirons &c. &c. For sale cheap. A. P. LACOSTE. October 19, 1642. 49 tf | THE (J. 8. DISTRICT COURT, District of South Carolina. IN BANKRUPTCY. WHEREAS, John Andrews, Planter of Darlington District, Stato of South Carolina, hath filed a Petition, praying that he may be declared a Bankrupt, pursuant to Iho Act of Congress of the United States, made, and now in force, concerning Bankrupts, and that he may have the benefit of the said Act ; this is to give notice of tho said Petition, and that a hearing thereof will be had before the Hnnnri?hl#? RORRRT It nil.. CHRIST, Judge of the said Court, at aCourt to be holden at the Federal Court House, in Charleston, on Monday the thirteenth day of February next, at eleven o'clock, A. M., at which place and time all persons interested may appear and shew cause, if any they have, why the prayer of the suid Petitioner should not be granted. II. Y. GRAY, Clerk. Charleston, Jan. 17, 1648. II?8t HIOHT ABOUT FACE! 1 I1E It Pit Y give notice, wilh great rcluc tanco, I tdinll not, after the fn>t day of January next, open n single running account in my Rooks, for nny description of goods, excopt far Bagging. Ro|>e and Twine, and for these article* 1 will only givo a credit of 60 to 90 days. Merchants, and other citizens of the town, who may ho disposed to order goods from my Stores, are informed, that their orders will he gratefully received, and promptly filled ut low prices, upon the condition, llnit their bil.a may i .? .i r. - , i/.uru.nvu iii icii uu^n, mi |mjrn\eni. 1 iim 1 course I am compelled to take, to meet my own engagements, end 1 hope will not givo ottVnee to any, for 1 find by experience, that it is much easier to sell goods, than to collect, und that accounts and notes bo they ever so good, will not pay the debts of my contracting. As I shell soil goods lor CASIt, it is almost usuloss to say, that I shall sell rrny cheat. A. P. LaCOSTB. Doc. 13th, 1849. 5 if CREDIT GIVE* FOR WOOD. rBTO THOSE Customers, who have paid me _fl_ Alice s year for Wood, I tender my thanks, and shell be gmtoful to roceive their orders, and shall not trouble them but once n your for n settlement. 'I ho*o who are unwilling to settle once n your, or have not puld at all, must excuse me if I rofuao to work for them. A- P. LuCOSTK. Do. 13, 1842. 5 tf GUOCEIIIEtl. IN store and lor sale, a good supply Df Sa rtugur, ColVec and Molluscs, hy " MAUOV. Aujr. 23rd 41 if iaB ' - J f.M-nwrt jn?..-4^. ! 1-. i i- ?-i .~OSA^XS?0? WHR SnlMtfibw baa jwt uetind on coat JR. *S?f <***?!, tuba said ?WJ low price*for CJW.fWir*-. .ui .If... -V., 10 Dw>fwry Uilt and naapla cane ao?t sUsirs. 8 Small ** l? ,? sowing do. 8 Large Boston cane and solid soat Rocking do. 9 " Mahogany Mohair Sprthg test do. do. Bindll oa no <- ?? do. do. 4 Solid seal Kara*,. < - - d ?. do. J . .. .. GEO.U., DUNLAP.. Cbcrew. Anguat fo. 1843. 43 tf -> ih? N?ViW?AS? .-,i ? . .CT WISHING to bring my present huaioesy to a close u early after the first of ^anu nry as possible, all charge* made after that time will be considered as cAsn accovnts to be paid when presented, or Closed by note bearing interest from time of settlement. Of the Work remaining on hand many of the ponds will be sold at riarr cost, many from 90 to 60 per cent bki*ow cost, and but very few above coet. G. H. DUNLAP. Dec. 27th, 1842. 7 tf BONNETT8 AND HOODS. JUST Rseeivod a g-od stock of Bonnolti und Hoods. n. malloy. Sept. 90, 1842. 48 tr CHOICE BACON. feA AT gkgk 11AM8, Shoulders, k, Sides /^ d[PRF"F For anlo by W A. P. LACOSTE. Mm 1A loin ? A1VT 1| 1U'I?. M IX STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA Chesterfield. District. In thk Common Plui. JOHN JACKSON. Who is in thecuatod) of the Sheriff of the District aforesaid, by vir tua of a Writ of Capias ad Respondendum at the suit of Peter L. Robeson, having peti tioned tho Honorable, the associate Judges o the said State, that he may be admitted to the benefit of the act of the General Assembly made for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, and he having filed with his petition a schedule o his whole Estate real and Personal; It is ordered tbat the said Peter L. Robeson, and al others, to whom the said Petitioner is in an) wise indebted, do personally, or by their attorney, be and appear before the Honorable, th< associate judges of tho State aforesaid, at i Court of Common Pleas to bo holden at Chesterfield Court House, on the third Monday ir March next, then and there to shew cause, i any they can, why the Estate and Effects o the said Petitioner, should not bo assigned and ho discharged, pursuant to the provision) of said act of the General Assembly, mad< and providod for the relief of Insolvent Debtors. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. Chesterfield Court House, ) ? . I the 5th day of Nov. 1942. \ 2 lan?f3m SUGAR ami TEA. DOUBLE and Single loaf Sugar, Crushed Su gar, and best Hyson Tea, in Caddies, or by tl? pound, prime articles for family use. For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 18,1842. 49 ' COTTON JIAOOf NO. ROPE, TWINE-?a good stock ofthe abovi on hand, and tor sale at the lowo?t inarke price, by D. MALLOY. Auc. 23rd 41 LEATHER and SHOE THREAD, 93 SIDES, Sole Leather, 104 Kip and Wax do. ' 120 lb. Shoe Thread, For sale low by A. P. LACOSTF. October 18, 1842. 49 tf 1iats and shoes. THE Subscriber has just icceivcd a Inrgi and well selected supply of Huts and Shoe* which will be sold cheaper than were ever oiler cd in this market. D. MALLOY. Sept. 20, 1842. 43 tf wTdrennino WOULD Respectfully inform the public that ho has located himself on MAEtSBT 0TF.E3T, Opposite Mr. Mooxk's IIotkl, where he iutendi carrying on the DYKING AND SCOURING UU3INKS3. Ltulics' and Gentlomon's garments cleaned, and, if faded, dyed the original or any other col. or, and pressed in the neatest manner. Corpets, Table-Covers, a no Crumb-clot.}.s oleunnd without injury to lite Color.?Cotton Yarns dyed Fast Colors. JY. B. Hi* dyeing will not soil the whitest article. Cheraw, August 16, 1842. 40 tf store to kent. I II AVE ronted all my Stores,except the one next above Mr. George II. Dunlnp's. and one door below corner of Kershaw and Front Streets. This Storo is considered n first rate stand, and will bo rented on liberal terms. a. P. LACOSTF.. August 2, 1842. 98 tf , Totice. ALL persons indebted to the Subscriber by note or account tiro requested to call snd settle the same, us further indulgence cunnot l>o givn* It. OIIAVV. Sept. 13. 184*2. 44 tf COTTON O^ABURCiM AND COTTON YARN. THE Subscriber linn received on consignuiont from tlio Do Kalb Factory nl Caindon S. C 1*4 Hales very superior Cotton Osnnburgs and 12 Bales Cotton Yarn, whichho will soil by tho Bnto to Merchants or os good or hotter nrma than they can purchase in New Yora or Charleston. Ho would also invito tho Planters of the neighborhood to call and examine tho Orsnahtirg* they will find it a cheaper and holtor article than nas ever been sold in this market, U. II. DUNLAF. Cheraw, April 4, 1842. 21 tr CORN WANTED. ANTED to nurchaso from lOdO to 30fifl vv Ihitdiels corn to bo delivered inClimw, or at any of tlio landings dmvn the river, for which the highorluturkel niico will he paid I>. M'NAIR. April II, 1842. 22 tf ftPRING AND 8Ul?Ii?IER tiOODH. f fell) E Subscriber Hon just received a wcl JL suleoted slock of Paucy and Htnplc Dry Goods, O. II. DUN LAP. Clirrnw. April 9, 1842 22 If VINKOAIi 1 VINEGAR! ! PURB Cider Vinegar, Wbito Wine Do. For Sale by A. P. LACOSTB. July 12, 3812. Uu tf - ? w* ^ -..v. ~ 'tlW' AHIERICAff A-?.RIO V1T TJR I s T . " 3T.T*rAt;l>1?!C *-K - L. ATX15W; ISdinr+a SAXTON St MILES, Pabtithers, 305 Broadway, A<w ftr*. THE Awer/can Agriculturist is published monthly at 305 Broadway, New York, < ONE DOLLAR por innnm, payable always ir advance 4 , iu cones will bo soul for five doi. i.aii; thirteen cones for ten dollars. Ed( tore who Will gird thie cnfd a donspicuons inser Ron, aith'MiiM of lht policvi which follow; wil be entitled lo rcooitt one .year's. subReriptior Rraiij^.M aendiftg t^?ir p?R?r sncl to this oflico. Agricultural Societies thai wish to givo tliis work sn a premium, will bo en ' i it led t6 e' discount' of Iwcnty-Jlte per cent. o | handsomely bound ?. tuines at the subscriptioi ! price,. . .1 ,i Thie work will be devoted to the various pur ' suitn oft bo agriculturist throughout every sectioi 1 of tho united States, and wit' eontsin tm? x.a ' test intelligence on evert branch of THfill occupation; tho bost seeds; modes of tillage character qf sailsi improved implements; ant the various end best breeds of cattle. horski ' sheep and swine. Eaob number consists of thirty-two pages ' double column, royal 'octavo, end tho work wil bo embellished with CUTS, illustrating the dil fereiit subjects on wluch it treats?making volume ot 884 large pages yearly for the loi ' price qf OJVE DOLLAR. Seven numbers of thin work have alrondy hcoi ?l published, and :is It is stereotyped, subscriber may oommenco with the back or present number* at their option* jIb.w Mil ii nin*iii..?a. .. . P. From tbe perioral testimony in fuvor of ^h ' manner in which thin pnper bus been conducted ' from the publio press and tho most experience Farmen and Planters throughout the countiy thero is every reason to bolicvo it will prov universally acceptable, and rrmuuorato its toad ' era ten?fold for their subscription. No man o this timo who nnpiren to tho noble occupation e , an American agriculturist. should bo without on . or more periodical!, exclusively dovotod to hi f interest!. Each number consist! of one shoot and will b suHect to newspaper postage only. I Postmasters are permitted by late to ettclot r money for ouboeription free of postage. Below are a few of tho litany favorable notice j of tho above work, from ihti American Press : r "Tho Agriculturist appears to Ijo odilod wit that kind of ability and practical knowledge, thv must ptaco it among the foremost rank wit ' similar periodicals in our country."?-IVayn 1 County Record, Indiana. Tho number we have in rich in ably wrilte f and wall selected articles. The Editors are we ' known to tho readers of agricultural periodical ' as able writers, and will, wo are sure, grentl benefit tho country hy their present undci taking. ' ?The Union, Raleigh, jV, Carolina. 5 The Agriculturist is well tilled with we " written, well digested, and highly practical a tides on subjects pertaining tn rural induatr Tho conductors of the work, tho Messrs. Allci arc not only well versed in tho practical open tious of cultivating tho soil, and breeding tloinei tic animnls to tho boat advantage, but they wiel ready and graphic puns for tho discussion i llicso important subjects in a stylo both clear an altractivo. Regarding the science of -jgricultm and gardening, an by far tho most importai study that engages the attention of tho America IKiopIo, we cannot withhold our earnest coinmei dalion ol the Amcrioun Agriculturist' to ill grout fanning interests of the country."?Bujfu Commercial Advertiser, New York. ?? The Amerienn Agi icullui ist is printed i tho eity of New York, in 32 neat, medium o< 1 tavo pages, and illustrated with engravings, nn ably edited by the Messrs. Allen, who aro we end favorably known to tho agricultural ooinu.u nity, as practical uud enlightened furuiers." Banner, Nashville, Tean. Wo have seen the firt-t number, and it bii fuir to he a highly valuablo pnjter t> any scciio of tho Union. Tho editors ore nelebruti throughout thu United States for thoir enterprii in '.he slock lino, as well uh in others mallei tending in improve ihe condition of our husband ry ?South Western Farmer, Raymond, Miss. " I have examined tho three first numbers, nn Km hid specimen* which ii'.ey uttonl. as well i IVoiii a pcrmnnl acquaintance with the editors, B have formed a very favorable opinion as to th usefulness of tlii* work, and llio nliilily wit * which it will bo con- noted. It ia intended to h n notional work."?Judge Beatty, of Washing ton, Kentucky. " Tho editor* are well known n* practice hroedora and agriculturist*, and osgificd writcri They liovo tho aid of soma of thu moat able wri : tera in tho c- tmtry. and it ean hardly fiil to tak its place at onco in the front tank among th b?*t publications of its class?Spirit of th Timet. New York BLACKSIVIITHIIVO. THE Subscriber lias this day recommence business on his own account and hope 1 by closo application to business to share publi patronage. My prices will be moderate, flora shoeing will receive my personal attention it i therefore warranted to bo done with ncatnet and despatch. N. B.?I am now prepared to repair, or pu up new lightning rods. C. I. SHIVER. April 4 1RI9. 21 tf ? FISH ! FISH ! f MACKEREL, in whole, hnlf, and qtr. bbla. M ess Shad in do do do Codfish and Salmon, all of excellent quality, 1 I*or sale by A. LACOST12. October 18, 1842. 49 tf 1843 ~ THE commencement or another year bring with it many engagements, and tho Kuh sc.ribor takes this method of informing his cur tomers ami those indebted to liiin, that lie hn many and pressing engagement* to pay mono; 1 in this and tlio next month, nud his nrincim meaim to do mo, it* from collodions, which In hopes to make Iront those indebted to him. It looking over his business, he finds he has a groa mnr.y outstanding debts duo hun. many of wind arc small; but ns rivers are mario up from smal tronmi, so a large amount in the oggrcgnlo i made from sinull accounts, whom they 010 nil niurous, lie hopes, therefore, that none of liii friends will neglect to pay him hccnuxo tin amount inay bo small, nnd that nono will holt buck what they are able to pnv, because tlioi ! accounts ore too large to pay sll at once. !r short, then, ho would say to nil llioso who art 1 indebted to him, to coino forward nnd pay up if they cannot pav all, pay what they can, am close tlio halanco by noto. To some of Ills cu?, I lomcrs, whoso accounts havo been running or j for one, two, and in aomu instances, tliruo 01 j inoro yoars, ho would say longer indulgence 1 ; cannot nor will not be given, and unless speed] ' settlements are made tbn nori - will come from an olliccr of the law. Thrnn Inai | remark* aro intended for all dub'* duo longt-i i tliun aix month* back, and llicy will sIko apply It | ull dcbtH duo lal iiiht. tlirl nro not anliafactorilj i urrnngid in n rensounblo limn, lie oimedl] ap]>ciila lo Ida customers locomo forward and anvi I tlioniaelvcs coals. I In would nlso stnto that hii I ineana nro linvlctl, and llierofoie ho i.< unnhla It j do a credit husinrrs on groceries: lie will keepi 1 good Mock ?>f family t,r< eerie* on hand, and wil I well them very low for Cath or Pim/itce. Tt auch of hisciiMomcM nskeillo their accounts an ! niiHlly, lie will mill any goods except grocerici ! on the u nal credit, and on moderate lcnna. I), s. IIARI.I.r.K. f'heraiv, .I?u. '-I, 1B13. b t?r 1 ! '' ' HOLIDAY GIFT F0R \*l3.\' '' ohxsp.TIAN JATHSF-'Q > ???????SO CM lv . . , JF 'V 31 X IU V. liintkft Tlio mom Splendidly Illustrated and Chfftpeet I .. Wurk on |ho Ajnariuan. Continent; . L CONTAINING MORE THAN i FIVE HUNDRED ENOttA.VE*tS? Entirety JWte and Original, Designed and Ex. ccutfd by the moat Eminent Artiete of Eng. ' land 'and Atnerixa.?Coat of Preparing' tit ? ? wo,k, Qum^rxiojs, a,6u. . ; BIBX. biography; - Or, THE LIVES JLATD . CHARACTERS r OF THE PRINCIPAL PERSONAGES, 1 Recorded in the Sacred Writings f practically adopted to the Instruction of Youth and Private Families'; together- with an Appendix, contain* ing Thirty Dissertations on the Evident** of Divine Revelation, froth Timpani'a Key to the * Bible; being m complete Summary of Biblical \ Knowledge, carefully condensed and compiled from Scott, Doddridge. Git I. Patrick,' Adam ' Clarke, Pool, Louth. Hornf. Wall, Stowe, Re bineon, and other Eminent' Writer a on the Serif >. tarea.?Robert .Scare, Editor.?Embellished with > ucvrrui nvnurea angruvinga on Wood, tlluelra - tive of Scripture Scenet, Manners, Customs, ?c, 0 Tho demand for this work is unprecedented, and orders are pouring in from all parts of tha a i United Slutcs. It is edited "A Christian Fas tiirr's Present to his Family,** and has receiv. 1 cd the unqualified recommendation of all lha leading papers, both political and religious. No a incra udvertisomont, however, enn give the read>, er any idea of its bosaty and value?it must ha d seen to bo admired, and read to lio duly oppreci? ated. The annexed extracts from the ' Opinions e of the Public Press" will satisfy nil of the intrln I- sic excellence of this Splendid Gem in Modern1 t Literature?tho like of which has never appear if ed in this or any othor country. A careful pero usal of tho following " Recommendation " will a justify usi n making uso of such strong langusgo in favor of so useful a work :> ? A work of groat attraction And value. This volume must find a welcome at every fireside " throughout tho country : its con cnls are as interesting as lliey aro important and insti urtivs; ' nnd tho judicious and talented author has here contrived to present us with one of tho most at? li tractive. And at ihu same time uacful books, thai it have appeared this sido of the Atlantic. We It trust the public will reward its enterprising pub. e lishcr."?V. S. Lileiury Advertiser, for June, 1812. n " TlilA volume; wo should say, well deserves II to lie regarded as the * Christian Father's present is to his family.* Several hundrod veiy good wood y engravings enliven its narratives, and il uslruis ,** i its solemn truths to the understanding and feel. j ings of tho young; nnd (Yum the numerous tertiII monies which aoowmp iny tho volume, wu should r say,.it iiuiv aufely Ik* surrendered to their hands." . ?Magnolia. i, This work is an attractive one, not only for i. the very numerous uont embellishments which i. pervade it, but from the interesting and useful d matter which it comprises. This work is'in large j( octavo, highly decorated. nr.d handsomely bouud, id ami will no douht meet with u popular demand." rc ? Chris. Intelligencer. ,l " The engravings, fpnn new and erigjnnl de. n signs, are woll executed. The design of the ' work is oxcolh nt; and we cheerfully recommend 10 it to the notioo of our readers .h? Neva World. j "This is a very Valuable, cheap And conve. niuni hook. The public will' soon find it onaef " the books ilioy must hare. May the publisher " supply the land with many ten thousands."?R. '? V. Tribune. " This in the name of n va'unblo work just __ published in tho city of New York. It is most ~ justly called a christian Esther's present to j ilia samily.' The live hundred engiavings Aro '* executed hy tho first American Artists, ufter 11 pictures of the most celehrnted Painters. If this d work inn?.* I ~ ?1 - ...... vuGuiiHioi commensurate 10 Willi it* merits. it will le found in every dwelling ra in the Union."?Boston Tunis. ~ Thin in ouo of tlio most finely illustrated mid LeuutifiiHy ornnmi ntrd volumes ever issued d from tlio press. The typography ia clear and lH plain, the |iapcr nnd binding handsome, while I the golden figures give it u r ch and taetctu! np10 poaranre. The literary |>ortion of the work is h well written,and the whole illustrated withsevoral hundred new and elegant engravings, Mr. f Soars has made n popular hook?conferred & great favor upon the young, and indeed merita d the pntronngc and thanks of ull classes."? lioston ? American Traveller. > 1 *' We cheerfully commend the hook to the c readers of thu Advocolo, uh a work of much I oar. ' it, furnished at a very cheap rule."?Baptist Adie tocale. " Altogether it is one of the moil elegant woiks 6fThe season, ami must prove the most useful " ever issued fiom tlio AincricRii press."? Boston * Transcript. ' t ' > . . -m. \<!) ? " We cortlinlly'rooomincrid this excellent book." I ?Boston Doily Alail. , m " Wo oheerfully recommend it to tlio notice of every Christian parent, as a beautiful gilt to jire. it soot to his family."?Boston Mercantile Journal. " An elegant work of five hundred pages, aad containing about fivo hundred engravings. The contents of the volume appear to be sound, judicious and interesting."?Boston Daily Bte% Persons in the country would do well to pro., euro n subscription hi.ok, and obtain at onoo tlio nnmm of all their friends and acquaintances, at least, an subscribers to tliia invaluable literary gem, Will cat It agent or friend who complies with this request, have the kindness to inform tho publisher how nwin) copios will bo wanted for his neighborhood by mail (post paid), aa soon as poaaibte ? Ilia hit intention to sparu neither a pains nor expenso to introduce thia entirely n?w i. and original volume into every family throughout l the Union. a Adonis?responsible men?wonted in avery Y ' town and viilago throughout tho United States. | Address tho subscriber, |io*t paid, without which s no letter will ho taken from the office, , HUBERT SEARS, Publisher. I 122 Nassau.street, New-York. 1 Tho nhovo work will bo found one of the moat ' useful and popular works ever published, for en. * torpriaing rnon to undcrlnko tho sale of in all " our principal cities and towns. * All Postmasters aro requested to act as agents. I To Publishers of Papers throughout the United r States, and British North America. , mmu Newspapers or Mtignxine*, copying the , nliuve entire without any alteration or abridgement (including this notice), arid giving it twulvo j inertions, sh ill receive s copy of the work, (subject to their order), by sonding direct tp tho publisher. Will proprietors of newspapers i t?. ,i? - - I >iiiuu{jiiuuL uiu ciiiiiirjr, ?imn u i* convenient, ! net uh Agenl><, ond receive tubed iptiona ? The ) most liberal |>er cenlugn given. Agent* wmili'd throughout tlio Southern State* ! for the ante of thn lliblo Biography. Address i I lie subscriber, iwl paid. ; SILAS HOWE, ~ 52 Droud-tlruol, Churli-ston, S. C. October, 1812. 2 l2t . NOTICE ALL jwrnons indebted to me aro onrnealljr ' mpiealed to cull and pay tlmir accounts. My nowHail'n a oblige mo to inaiat on t lie very early payment of all there is due tne, n? for want of money to meo I nty engagements I nin compelled for a tnno to anrpend my bonineva and cannot < readme it until my debts are paid. t;i:o. II. Dl)N LA r. .latiuarv 10, ltflO. 'J tf 1 r