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mi i i pi M<n? wuH<wi n, : *.,.,OJhE it u*?Wi??;! 1" **?* i < . }< ^'?{Ayp^ ^ ^55? >>?**?* **- j r. (L v*li? Pr,lf ritynX t e * Wp^iw BM< ?l)iftyil Ik*rt w [ i 11 i IIM? ^T?lfW^nS|Sp9X i wlviiHi V .VIJ? ' 'viii -iK3nHPPKw?:? T.i**1 "'"flhtftWiMlTii'irrli " ",":"i MMI At ^hNNml^c ' I iwiwriT.'i i in i mi 1 i, ii. , ^MMOtimMV: i SB I Hi UJW I* ,H?i- ? " fl' 1 Od.) ;VA#>Pdrnhe eacoufsgemetrt ?P mmrnrlns. I Ulidfrplil^sPfotlq^tey'frhfctlcdl' 'ftww | sMMtiVrttti cWMtidd: if ymi Mltl*litem < ^ Mftdy-tta 9 do foi te?M *?sfc*romn for | ?ftdw^*9<tt?fa*r',{ A* pieeeof tee ?*d<- I Ml, poorest and Ntest^ *orh Ofat tJfrtMi l i baamlawM tfciekty Ttf* wite Bemteda i tteyM*v*d aeta*tedt > (4 ohonM dl>*irv4 | tft* Bbfcmtttenfeaad Mtefl>a*et| Wmlteupi* { ?taK#i**sr give* *ery littk further trouble i <U*ai|?fc?t i*Mt kilie<) the piocu nf Und I up,?wteO>ii*th?w inter* ; *m put in cor* and vtfett rtHtivelsd,.it ?n i d><pi4oeiop*.ycftr,IlH? corn iocludiiiR'f<>t. j ^d^bbind HMl<NlV<M?de mm om bond j MM lid wrov next winter the- field ' war i Mid ldni?> wwU broke ?f* and-c?vered c heard ns**L ?Ui? leaves froto the woods I m*4l sech olW mtaoM u was- at eomt 1 4MUA?ai;|Mb4a<Mni and aide three < Jheeooispor mm of good cofp. It was j M<|> ?MllJbiiih aoOTithe edntoc, cosen *" MB m . v A WHMIOM wil* Jcivw ?nd toil Jrom fijwyWiil* nu?o. frnmlbe J bmmm * ttuHn pooled ?wr*r*KO field . emd M*w ka **; badly, it ho*??vw mm. Wr?4i#eneh lw*Je <if gnqd eeund corn 4?IMW^*h? code ?<m aod not wn?wi0d,$,<wy ecew. The ,i whole field flMtetn aoorcdrtae ,?*4* without wnii- , IMfvWI .wfa*?aw n ?Md it wn? 4be beet . field of oot* they ov<* ?*w, U won very ptb ; J S^^^^SkTs.'m tUo *izc of > 1, to^vc , would ] SJWWMj?0 l havpevef *WRl?W Iban ene ?fm W? 1q every throe atcsifS'Ss. ssas&KKi tansa:; -IBhM 9B6a&S&^b aaSSsfii ^ -i,hwi1 JltX\mg ?J> tbejjr#**^ ?? tho* inter, ?nd | , ill?Mi ,m ? ? K*y m to1throw the , eetfoo wed outff^ ft^ri instead ofco- j ering them in the rows. I discharged: , wf?pf| (k vOOq pmcricni piBntcri tii ins; # pkW WT'w& 'aihwited to >?ss oVbrthe j iU&j^*i*fciU*Uft<f "fthst had heafbb dosM, W^epinWb wa? that 150 dm,Id pre- ! dnce-no cotton and had better be pttMgh- \ ?f>f)p*M?d pet'tii com. that on the other \ HMriM'littfia fields, by careful working, a c WflUtetiiNhigbt bewared; so observe the <44H?ffbrUp consisted of three little fields, | tiMhtrt# tw>e ptew 1ft ?tree; by hading j, l5e seres and pUet itin corn, . ^hebeiHan iest its first end most important | ; #oHtihgi the Bermuda gmasby losing its j <?ihterVWeakittg was Very muoh in the ( *Htf and dafte much injury, ere think no , aisrawl* *" k??r u ?.* ? f... ??? ???? imn mil [Wf j '6ktim>?*d*te; '<wheh Marly alt the cot?foW^a*yick<WliHiM4nieot?d Mr. B?r. r \ b#n 'utwla'O^ 'le-wJgeod'fbMiiml' *fr flktim f* far bnggtog to*eient sod '4 ;bav#'H finbed bed-parted, me few deye ( *fcl !dbi?*: tfnd bald the eetton would over, j go kw calculation, and required more bag.; , gtof; tbe^ueniity he ameted *ac got < \ <mv ftmd*Hf*>day? be agate eeaeC and | *<Wfone<> me <ba eaUoa ?UH near want bia ( ' eeiedlalteoi e** Iw mat have more beg. ;imy Ha taeeagate fat)it? i , WFiaael !ld? wtbiaa ey otttaaiaid 'y WbUne dbimd fctfb wiab-fM. .Baebar ea ( *b"fymaiiaai^ptanteryi talkie judgment | 'artlet the fcmd'fcovld produce j 'be aaid be <| hrd-amde the eeap and know bow nauoh i .H IMiMt iMjiOTNii trat, from lorn oC tho | t 6r*imm4 mmrwiyiwai wo?kif 'y ' Muiiii?*?gp?i lr<? wM bciwf braka ftp , 4aHw?*lwl)i4hotja I bo waff U? < ? abalpjpdinwaadiajnudk^yoatlYrjtkal J *<* pal Hwaini^ ? all, ? >??? ?> ??*? pi?f ka44wif atakmi, lhat k* | i'wW'<*i4IiHF<-I* lw| ffatfctadclifclfji c?ap? I iti 'iifenln' - Wr ^Tv g- -- *?* * " ** 5.- - -> - '-'wtr lit ft- dftfttftfe |*'i 'Tjfti-"TBPI? 4' ' *'* u.;u tggKm b** n?.i^Ms.i(jRP7i ' ' 1tvV-^5Pv II I H If IIIII11 Hammmmmmmmmmm*?** ^ , o.: :/ I ' ' .. ",'im 1 m i.n i.' 1 .' vf iy TrU -rt? &?>'?* *'11 T lift items all! now irinftW up. <Ki?t tfcere 1 see, pfekeif *m-! Ifclt hereerleioly Mitr ?W w> much ] fatoiMf <u*i 9M more fully cenvjpjeed tot toe si*dy of U?e plotter tooejd to lew 4o nmeutew, Is noUbo history oHhe iHU AMineftit liwva nruen if auf In ""I"? .? TT? - " *''7" "? ? T?:.T. IT mt those who shall rcsd it, m the notion knM|?proper aysteiq of plsntijig?a *o 1?P )a*d, "*ke tH*1 Wt ?M? ouUure, here is (by guess) l*pci?? whfch #? ibi?> JgrUf! ?WMg?Wt hM *st made half a crop .i.1 pro. Now W the plantstifpia such ? era,shall find them prviuMlbo e^MMrjr. ?f a^lan^r wishes tn.maft ffo *M? fea w^lJKiMwaf^ ia trusting iom*Hc j il |>n less tbnoSOO seres; make acres \ ncfa a?d put in hi?h culture and hf #111 WW* Mes (burring spcto mak* manure, and ftijl, mako as much ?# he now does ; (he question is not whore tQ.find the manure, whoever Jpogins w?U ilwsys find the materials ot command,if tin will gnrq sufficient time and attention Lo it, 7-8 of his land will be nt rest end he MM select tba boat fpots tp manure? l(gfct|y manuring land is a waste of limp ind labor, the prop perhaps is improved, iut the land is no better than before, to msMure year after year ootii the whole naturo of the land,is chemically; changed ind peer land made f?cb: tbp. field abyvc sllurlarl Ia tk!as -~WSs. _!J I ?" ?U"? wiiits rmgOft II flOHi looks like dark low ground ; I We ooyer yet made one acre rich, but by partially manurto* n number itfepro* l havo made a corn 40 bushoU per acff.jw X*l?. U?? fpuoti have been uicroaacd nine fold, ui wheat 45 bushel* to, 5 husht'l* m t passable crpp, in cotton J have never page an acre dft ^tf best,?I presume ?| 100 dollars wasioffiercd to him -who would :ulUvat? the boat acrp of cotton npt more :bao one would make 'i bnlea per acfo^ *w ac ltd o* *i;i <r*ytbooi?f ' vJ? " Wa'thiek it proWMe, not -ie'eajr certain, that iom WStiined byKmin hls crop of Cotton from the itianma of the stabd. When good distance la fflwoi to eoCMe it' Wrsnobes much mote than rt?ca?bs Cistana* is email. i The yield id wot4* nj*hto,iilfuj>csfaap? it- ia ratbor increased, hy Maamf-tte itiaaanihawmi tliaataMw,jwi,han the faranehss iotsrioeh. Meaiplsntcrs in this Mtgbhoshosd arhophuit land that field* ao much ?ed oottonto tha acm, allow too little l**aar?<rhslisnrn tlMistsPn Gottoa Tfiynirt toot ?fao?*ke*taU|?are apisll a*d stead ploscly *'! ahff?4btr*n?W'r* ******* W?di*tp|nce sad aomloUofS, IV .il r ?} Hi.I- Jh*. ,Fh%. ?i lb? i. ' i n } From the Albany Cultivator. *' HI*** TO TOCNO r.VSXKRI. NO. t 0o leaving the paternal roof, to seeTt PW jfortMiio ?n tbo w^de world, when "hbut aF* wS ?"H,i" wrung dmonllion: "Ny non. < ?.? t. let tcsU enough alone." Th, Kcnsu>n nerved to impress the Advice deeply onpiy mind, end nmid tho diverslled tcenci of thirty.five your*, H has Mil. Jam been forgotten ; end I have reason o befievo it baa had a vciy snlutury influ;nrc upo" my prosperity and happiness, ft haa afforded, withal, something of a dandard by which to gun^c the ihdiscro'19ns of others. How often has a disregard, in others, to this maxli?, reminded ne of the Italian epitaph : ** I wns veil, wished to bo belter, took physic, and here [ im." The true philosophy of hnppiicsa is to 4rp^nd oh one's self for tha bios?Ojnjhe. JiyHiy exercise of the vir-1 ues which cap alone confer it, The man I fbo ' ind.iMttrioua n?id fnigal, end Who icrupulously fujflla the relative ?nd social luties, whatever be hie condition or propsaion, atands the beet chence of enjoyng a goodly portion of the pomfrirt* end ileasurca of life, end or perpetuating in lie chil.droa his habits and hie virtues.-? itf|iile he who would tiVe by the industry if others, ot who expect* to find happiness n (hie frail npplause 'Which wouHh Or oseatation may extprt froth those around lira. seldom succeeds in his desires. Tom Tope Was my schoolmate. 'Tom J md rather high notions from hie boy. ?ood ; and persuaded his father fo put him j o a merchant. In due time Tom becamo he master of a shep of goods, Was at ten iyo end 'fnrtuhate, and acquired a amig wtuto. Had he let ttell enough alone, ho night now have been the head tnnn of our < own. But pride got tho belter of pro* * lonce, and persuaded him that he might (o better at New York. H'wWcnt there, igured as i?wholesale merchant, for which either his capital nor liia experience were idequwte, tor throe years, and then Came h'e ncrtice th (he state paper for his em* litots to sho^ cause, &c. '' 'fJerV-k VVuietVflirm joined mine. He oar one of our best farmers, and under* itood the rahie' of **e&me boye,** as well a? iny one. Good luck was so constantly ?y his side, that he considered that any nkri'Might gat rich who had a mind tb.? Slit He could ant let eiell enough tzlone? >e wished to no bbttkr. He therefore errtOVOd tothC tillage and opened a tev* rri??nna nei^wiiM pfomtw of the juntie* sourta and of tlto'avargo co*t<w?. Go ?oy#." did not Hnprovo tho form, and it mOrt bocathO negloclod and unproductive, lynnd by th? emirt* won romoved by aw, (ho ?ia|c w$pt to tho now Mel* and WSOUT^^AHaLfi?? i y,! ;; T.*, ~7 ,7v. -jf>r*.>Vi.v> ' "hi<^Y| t>j lh?.tiiifNinig tnt^wml **, lfot?Afra * buaiapaa. i:/,$|#f*kJ?M!lB'*.,4w?*< to-jng m i?ra>, qrilh,habil? very much altered. aW ? SftW#ft*48 >: con?*? htnweif, thai hew not hajNpia^ ; M ?r?? *o f*?KHM r<* 'lb J tdjgo c?oHl:' that tha peopla ?r?roa Jft] * him from *11 purti. fiehadhitjaor. * nay Mm and hw apprenticea, and mis>0&- V wayaprotenl t?r gyaraao Ihofn. ?f>d Mftjbe J btoao by hi* euitMwmi *, & Wt9* Wtr ; chanics ought to be. g<^ r^t), jft J fcauae ba w*? adaptedM,h\* Uu#mcM. awl ? Jus business adopted to hin?. with Sam Patch, that-some thing# co5W #jrssr^ ti SB fe?-tor Sim; else, forgetting that it was his frinfc, and not hip rriind rldr tthi person, Whkth "hid n brought him ltitb nortdo. v And' ab IWer* P chant was rat bar mere respectables then mechanic, and'withal k more tidy employmoot, ho in fact sunk tho blacksmith, and * hoCftnioa dealer in tapes and sugars. It 1 Hired with J no 'as it genwratiy docs with P Athens who ontback in new business, of *' which thay knoW not king, after, they have c mature manhqsKl.,.,Thp#e who 1 had bOe?: bred to tho busippas,,proved ^pc- * ccssfiil rivals, and the sheriff finally cIohoJ , his mercantile coucorni, by selling the P entire libels of" o merchant unfortunato in business," , Joe insists to this duy, that n if bo had let well enough alone, ho nijght ? havo been as well off as Ilia oost of liis v .. UK " ' ? ;! ? neighbors, 6 '' f" ne.i H . i/. s From ti* New RiigUtnd Farmer. I r -COWS ANA GAI.VXS. t X> I havo always found high feeding im- f: hiedrritely before had immediately : after \\ calving, lo be injurious. I know this is ? contrary to the opinionsand dircctrbnaex* pressed in ait, I believe, the i works I havo ever read ; stilt the feet a with mo is ,as slatod, , ,My ,-cows always I do hotter at that tim*. ff no alteration " tabes place in, UtlttL,ftfdrJ?wo years a sinee 1 determined to give a. ftfir eapori- , mtml. ( Twu ofniy qows had calyes iu H tho winder on.o of tho calves wh* well Housed and wbll foirdbdl at 'thtf otWr; " |A sit l* . . 1. * -W * m J wnicn was stropped upoH I ho anow. mb ' mm wae taken, nor w*? the mother sheltered ^t wjl. wa* }Jt>cided. _ ly the bettei animal, though for a duy or " two it jay upon the *nqvf,'"'bt' whatwas * *or*e, l*lbeh/ or melted ehow. FaoU ere H srubborn thing*, and we muet'yietd to "H them. My I confess,1 ?etp not ~ Very pleunant while thte 'experiment wna going on; but I thought nature waeeuftl* fj cient 1o fake care of ileeir : and tho ojl a_ port unity to try the experiment Who. po K line, thiit I could not let it elip, 1 del u not OXpdct to' lone the ctilf?-hut I liad pre- b vioualy noticed that all wy cows if loft U *' themsolves, both eumftto#- and wintdr? ' Would always leaVe-heme at calving time, " and t>dnb*cht from one to Six days, when w they wonld come home With the calf at u their aide. I have never housed a caiw *4 during my residence in the woat. They are regularly fed twice a day in winter** *h morning and night; and after being * milked in the morning ate turned out'ibf n the barn yard, let tho weather be na? it ^ may?rain, anow or annahine. Kcndoan hr always to have plenty of ashos had M salt in tho trough* in the:batn yard, which v they lap at will, and more or leee daily ; and rhia'keeps them, I presume, in good * health. This is a eery simple matter ; u fill a trough half full ofaahee; the cattle unaccustomed to nshe*, will lick the aal< b and get a taste of the aabee; they will d soon*he very fond of it, nod will lick the 11 ashes atone if no ealt be there. If your troughs (like mine) are not under shelter; j? and it'shnutd rain,wo matter ; the salt will " only dissolve and mix with the anhee. I *' renew the nshes only a* ocpaaion may re- " quire, hut fSaltonco a weok, whether the n old ?1t be gone or not. > . - , b Caxolk and Oil FacTonv?T*ard n ti - 1 ma.kkrrr.? >Vu icorri tlmt (he largo coach at factory, belonging to the Canton Compn- o ny of Baltimore, situated on the margin U of the Pntnpaeo, a little Sooth, and Woat f* of Kendall'*. ha* boon routed for the pur- w poeo of carrying oaf the manufacture of p oandlea and Oil from lard, oo a moet ok- ? bintiivA an n la * ~ ?uii^uifiuvry i* now ? being put up, and in a abort time we rosy tl expect to ?6ft thin interesting business oon- ?* due tod in our city, under such auspice# ?| M will maka Baltimore one of the butt, if p not the very beet market for lard in Aine- 4 rica. < The gentlemen who have engaged ? ift tbia enterprise, ha vo a very large ctuh # capita#, and will be able to conduct their p hueincaaupnn the moat liberal and advan- t> tageoue terme. Amer. Far, -i n Mom or [wnnnta tux Otowta or Par a. .* *?* >?The floWern being rut off mm they appeared 1 on the plants, the miaaber of potatoes produced c was much greater than wheat the btoaenme had " remained untoeehed. Early in Ootohar, the atema and leavea of the plant wbiebhed net bore flower* n ?~,.m mmrn nrwn i IIW oUKMtl JCMOW Hid ID * r Met* of decay. The plant* wbieh had been atrip- n ped of fl?w?r? produced?(on tha woik> apace of '' ground) obout (our timoa the weight of largo potatoca, eery few anell omi being found. Ttioee on which the timo and fruit were left, produced but Vl a eraell number of middio aixed poUton* with n U grout number of little one*, f/oin tfio aizc of ? common filbert to .that of a tyuluut. It r7""" ' W >m9M 1 hiiliiiiii^' nnijinliiiiuin ill mi nlntnCi??i ??Cm;?i>uX?itl'|? ??i?'i?l LEPUBLLCAN OK WHIG DEfc^lirJUttflJ. : ' h i - ra* i A**ti*CMtrv'ta > > *rit> Mr. MQiiiYK-Oir'etrtitUe eigbbor if fffiirtxi with a fit of the lylaw^tti ear prOspebt W a vWito ottfefteient and fcLpita. le e*y;by 4%M:'<tdht<^tiaw*?ibrtbe Wbl,* ndaeeros in fceteHd trembling Itftf twtf?uM4?L aaily ncein rdsMt 4tf? of imnwirt hospl. i lit J, in the Btate wjfH honors end is honored ^ nhe front 8feteo*Mh * ?w Mlfc+i We ?*W not to <feoo# how tbii iMj eomport with te mairenunti end the measure of ditmcrmtic oapfteMtyt but we ?*> heww Uttt it ie HttU in *a&Mt With Cerofiee feedttf and Carolina boepf. Oity, etdf' celeb hated ftOeruie welcome to J ?e diking.JAW ?e^Miger;or the iUestrfoue Miow. wiien Mat ? iWh ?4to. The Mtrtury atay iemMi ell apprehensions ee to ehy eornpetftieh; f! the pen of -M*.: auf;*Mv Mr. Gkuiom*, frt opular favor in this State.1 I it'the language idf |ri Ptrtbit, 1h Mo Tatfc apeeeb, it the Claymeot. if in thistoky?SoatH Cemlitr*, probebly, ne/i i 8 way eaj\ positively, does prefer her own die. i ifuithed eon to ill competitors for the highest tee;" "end in thfe propriety of this preference 11 handful of Whigs among 4s cheerfully ncquice. ftr'they all alloW Mr. CilboOn tObeoneof e teAdiuf and Walter minds of the uaUeh, poewed Of administrative talents of the highest orr, ft* that, if the ExebtiUte tnaolle should be iWd bn hit shoofdeA,1 hyWf^fehdidtoof the thicriead ^eAplc, ho would adiriinittet- the ^oveiihr ?nt to his own fsmo and the food of his natWte i urilry?Of our wide spread and glorious Union, ivminflhebd fact* tot.UTuy, if he'fibnord W i th his preset) M, on bis joaftfey northward, wilt 1 lit us only tid 0 private fcftfcbp, aid we doubt h t, \tic unghtcibu's vatfcltritibni 'of Hho Merctrry C tlie contrary nottvithst art dine. will receive iwr. y mark of welcome and respCCt, duo to him ns an II istrious win Of our common country, and worthy 1 our city nnd her. proverbial h6bpi|4lity. 1 'But has Iho Mercury neVer contemplated the o:\tingcncy, not a Very remote one, that the trieka nd jugglery'"of a certain northern magician may rhofiy pusli Its illustrious fawrrite for the Prcei. ency from the platform of democratic candidacy, ml cOfifinfe tliti cdAring issue <0 himself and Mr* lay f 'Inr thai :*Vdnt, would hut the Mercury ike neighborly - ceUtml?nay take eoanssl from * farmer and ft* Utter oeVf Would it net my, kindling with its turn gsnemk* atitiiusUMn of oly 8, 1837, (eee editorial of.'Mercury nt that Me) ?i ?>. !: io '>,[) " If ma, badnM bi,TP a fcmUicrn State Rjgbm' IMr-rtf W?? fi-PalMw. J? k?ind Horn hoiw fit truth U (^#calW) deed upon the ??pwU~Jjko a gajlppt'i**d fallen ip front rank i -kerne down and pwmptad upon by the baec rear n/, i. iwwi'il t uT, i ySHll.i.r ? il- ,1 J"'.: -and can only Itope for justice, f.otn those who iaU look upon Uicsc disjointed times, with the yes of posterity. If, for a disinterestedness a bote lid political mgacity beyond the age, ho it to be icrificed a martyr to principle'' et least call upon H? sujiporl some man toorthy of an antkuaiaatic no*. Oica no a man of tome nobis trait*, x bold, RATE, QALUST, HJOll.lfEfDEDltAXoraC.NIU8, who, tough we eee bin politiosl errors, wo can yet Afc ourselves, cqw do nothing mean. Give of jcji a map, roa instaxcm, V Hknay Cutr. He tould have our reaped, ova admiration. There aomething heroic in him. Not solitary chieftain eroisni. Ob, noI but of a kind not at *11 rclatod : ,'i__ i.._L / a- 1 ? - i ii iu n? nwuff iiuuiiy. tv o would not iii row our. lives into the arena for his support, but we would ot quarrel with tho Northern Whigs for offering ucii a man for the ouffrageo of the opposition.? Ve tell ike Northern Whigs, us is tim only an on whom yllst can rally a conqjljerixu tuTY, unless the people come more suddenly to teir senses than wo have a right to cgcpeot, and t once do themselves tho honor of rendering jus. eo to the first man in the country" ? Will not the Mercury bepursuaded?can it not b coaxed then, to take counsel pf itself?and, if 10 people?tho democratio people?alkould con. nue so senseless and stupid as obstinately to re', iso to "do themselves tho honor of rendering istico to the first first man, [one of the first men iOst certainly] in the country," will it not be imtcnt with " some man worthy'of so enthuaiss. e trust?a bold, brave, higli-itiitided man of go. las ?seen a man, ros instance, as Henry Clay"? for in so doing, would the MoMiry, we verily be. slicVe, run to an tor to tlie rcid wishes of Uk> great injority of the people of this State?(or, united i they are in the support of the claims of thoir n imuHiiwil? HaHlUWII HI uio nijnctij ODlCf ID 10 (in of the nation, wo shrewdly suspect that, uiing in this doling purpose of their hearts, they 'ould infinitely prefer and would willingly sup. art Ttucro Duet, their great leader pointing the '<ty, the plough.hoy of Hanover; the mill.boy of te slashes; the amanuensis of Chancellor Wytlio; 10 grocer's clerk at Richmond; '' the great com. tonsf^1 of Kentucky t the trumpet tongusd in. lirCf of the late war, and able negotiator of Uic resent enduring peace with Great Britain j the imcriean Kecrotary of State, managing with conanimate ability, tho diplomatic relations of his oontry, and counselling the chief of s sister re. aUie to imitate the immortal Washington, and ejike him tho Father of his country, the greet persuasive .advocate, taking captive tho judg. vents and the hearts of jurymen?the patriot luleemun, electrifying tho Bcnato with his do. uencc, and wielding a potent influence over tho ouneils and the destinies of the eomtfry, over 'Filch lie may shortly be culled to preside in rcpub. can supremacy?yea, they would prefer 41 such a ianH to the canning Magician of the North?the sliahed and the adroit Van Buren?akiUod in tho lasagement of the cops and balls, and in the prac. co of every other art and triek of political legar. main, for the undermining and overthrow ef his as eeulioua and more open adversary, and the olottion and consolidation of his own political tor. me, ; , In reference at the flings of the ilferrary at our utlibk self, Uicy arc mutters of riuall moment. .cwJi uwtmrll pM jj^Tvkvtfj ! j 2?!2j* !?#?? m"0'?u , inirt ftii ?! l? nth [) *nj?) -ij!) ... ': *J Irfjjw? of 11 I J&nffi knl duMun t : g j. \ i*: W wijm wfvm WM* ^war ?**? v not^^ W-Wj, tttWk-fc? th? mutffc *ai& oTtkdltiW^W* dl* *?*,&*;?; " ?ror ^ * V?frv?^k mdodfcf on^'H^ryrlitr^dor *+* * *??e ifcrn'^K'Vwfe* MthU li tdiig^ ?k' A? foltoTrnj.'aptrffcd W tbo1 BT#r*J * to Mh t'an "Bmren, (wWii'UWWHM supported for t)w Proaidonoy, and ifl no* Wddy tb 1 iwiia again,' If thV*n?d by liitior hf ilk fUTorilo ff KarnliiilS )WA tlMI. AnMiLf '?a?4. > '' ' < " ? 1 tywnny-thc miccemoMo JaetaonVurorpatior,Ui? fabric of ' the ample machine' into which thi fo?K> rctrtmcl.ed the fntehmnlni*?brought irtto pbweron the wrfifc'**?*? fcf tKoanWii. ent detnrtcra'cy, and unworthy thb t*?ppori, thctrfbw.WbhyfWscmaii.*!!! 'V?'> w * ? '? >??' ' ). m i i.r, ' t' ? > ' u) " i // DEMOCRATIC OR LOCO FOCO DEPART- 0 t >' ' in EST. A ? )1 . , i Alt'* tO'.. ? >> ' ; .? 1 ' . L.: ?r?;i. i : ' : ^ fl Ul't >0 .*! J - u public on.Mox riqutino ln rkoarp tq TUB MG*a?9 OF PAfJia HOUEY BANRI.NO. " Tho aonoxod article, from the New 7 Ydttr" HcmlcTa money wri?fti\ ; ftota in?tt- ' Mrong tiglit th& mitt potht which in ft 6! " ducing siict^ o chnngVj (hi the thitTd of the pehplo - hi tftghfd 7tf :tho ^aper'.iatfultig ? Imnks. It ia not oqly the fraud and Piin the opjvcssipi) qf ty?e In*:)w1uch wears ' down the productive uiduat^ of the nn- ? lion, to support the drone* whoduyo ,iii ^ bank*. This is thftmischief wiucliis Ip*, (J curnhle* .Wo 4# net object to men wbp ^ have tuna*sed?urphte capital investing it ^ it infoami,and eatabliahiiig banking |>art?i ^ neraliips for the purpose, 'i'ho, abuse (f grown out of tho privilege by which mob: who have no aapital, mnko it out of paper* 1 and of thbae who hn*et doubling it in the' * an me #tiy ; atid then taxing the commn- \ nity to ppy intbroat oO-lherr prom.Hrs (o pay the babk obligation* issued as current 5 ayt whiili the^r artJ not fthte Nr ptiy.; ,,",J 0 ' |? ' ?? I'"i iiv/ Ji )t,'l ii , The gfeqfc myqjutwn which been going on for^aifgjt^gVY tp honkiog, .tyjU, L produco the mpat bancficml effect* op.the h. , . a aaat - ? inquairipua !*> COUpifjr .h*f been impoverished and swindled. tetM).< m\ almost inconceivable .extent* by astnsiji ,n class of bankers, under the pretence ol M facilitating trader The onoe wealthy d State of Virginia has been nnpoVeMBhed ai by this villnnous system. In bringing t| togother figures* the results are absolutely di astonishing* even to thoeo who w in some degree prepared for it.. Wo wilt look at the actual state of nflairs in Vin ginis. The following is it Itwt offive bunk", with their Capitals, end that of ' their branches, also the total number of ? stockholders. ;">t'. ' n VAKJK CAi'ITAL OF .VIRGINIA AM> THE NUX- ir EE OF STOC*BOX.I>KXg. . u n Slock. Sleek- . b 1 u. . holder* holder*,, b iAVfa'OUlef. tt n Capital, ginia. Vipg. TotuU \ Bonk of Virginia $3,643,000 660 33 701 m Faraiei*' Bank . 2,653,650 582 28 $10, Bank of (h? Valley 1,076,100 137 20 266 11 N. Wjoatern Bonk 737,200 52 88 ' "140 v Mcrcb'U &. Mccli'e 516,500 111 42 153 d $7,635,450 1,551 323 $73 | ft In thcso 1,779 people, of whom 222.1 R are foreign to the Slato, hos been vetted ] by law the sole privilege of furnishing Ul the people of Virginia (whoso population? -Jin 1930, wai 1,211,403; an?l, in 1840, 11 1,239,707?showing scnrcely nny in- Jj' crease) with n paper currency. In the last tun years, then, 1,703 people have re. ccived of the proceeds of the industry of |j the remaining 1,238,034, 97,600,000 in ft dividends, of which 9912,000 has linen V sent out of the State. This sum has boon nl paid for the privilege of using their piper ci promises as eurroncy, instead of the con. I> Htitutional eurroncy of gold and stlvot.-1- ol The operation will lie made more clear 'j by taking the largest bank scparatolv? tho Bank of Virginia.' That concern |Jj went into operation in 1805 j nnd during tho time since olapscd (being thirty-sev- J on year*) has actually divided and paicj H{ among 704 individual** according to i(s own sworn returns, $17,179,080. This sum ww paid hy Virginians, in tlio pro. n| coeds of their labor, for tho privilcgo of it using an annual average af #829,100 ul tif tho paper promises of the associated st was ? - * lut persons, as n currency. In the Your j H 1818, the circulation nf the knnk was ai 91,030,080, and'the Richmond office *' paid u dividend of 23 per cent, fn 1821, n< (lie circulation f.-il to 9114,470, nnd the r" Richmond office paid hut ft per cent. In c< 1837, the circulation again reached 91, *' 107,090, and nguin the bank pu:d20 per " cent, dividend., What nn ulx minahlc f | swindle is this! If tho hunk hnd never M( existed, and tlio |>enpi?, instead of giving fj 917,170,000 to the bankers lor nothing, t) n . i i- i ^Alk --?-yMr \,r.A ^?U> W ??* ,W? ??I? Tilir'.I^TI c ; U*'W*tm?? o) d?ir?w TU*?.0Uir9k i*?? !h? tu?iju-H|rtM?rt luti h<i? --I'MI .? ii'ii' > l>ii? *?i n! \y}? I v?'?imvl *14 !.ir<> 4??> Wi'4?* iliinninini In*ii In M i|)nili np.rt ill I'll* IT . )t:??ni WPffffhjf n"M r>1 ;>m fe< / ^KatRTfp'ijtpilri^ii it jji'iiflK Inn iitiiMiii^ui mlrrilimii'i. Vtitw-^So ^rviiFmnm* uuijoFkw'im u*4&w\mm? WyBwnmpi/o' iTKuj ISpffJiiL ity ir iobn?cA.Viittt wftiud navn KfWiT aRflm. raw xjtttt ror*r? .swHrrriirTil ^i"WIJ|n<T?n ~J\-3 mmwwm im\tm* <* ?bf> fcwR* dn.,{|/? neafplnsalioofof th^UenMkpTp WTMw 4?wUbiuuls^thcy i mSsm top*w, 14* [ebW-epnttaettW Wjrlho Arattp) Igsmisp he tlas^ th4egh;pmaltiamjii^>p<tanwt \i* ivied rrvitdireCt wanner. TKad'ihnerrin (tasked >n*?4iM<?M? o|l't|r?4nMr(vi(|fhKUu fake the ttiw !?nk. The duhflfeM^ttktifcMbTW'ttf s frrtfo^rti i'j -v-i- H-cv; ci.IJ ?) H?rft ,rf> In Philadelphia, Elsewhere in tire United Stales 1,052 In Buropfe "u<' Bill of tJi'fru 1,800 .'hi'.l < ' { ;?>4 i?H>r.'t . ( .VI. lUuikiaM* Total M<:# 4fM3 The capital of this bank wfll ftfttfa 00, !WntfIJdW proftfs 18 existence amduh*<4 (H W.OOO.OW' thereof thirty per asBV. $>r $21,000,<fOO ^ lV'6m EUropc, and 40' ptfrtfch*. * *28,000,000 paid oiH'df Pd'tlHsyl^W y the people wl|6 We're qhsah? n, to the 4,523 person* WjMIM /a'.ifTiV) J: ( ? /filto TOn.Oplul rmlii jOJL'i Ins enormous amount of money irfm iom, os if' they imp'arfr^VsoNta gr6nt leasing by so doings ant;'was on (He point of fallUW M'iMt *ao,6oo fp pity m interiMt/-"TtU la tare oh the 1 ttfi UMUtW *"tWW 8rsortat property;''citllMtelrti'tleWWW liiitah ^nrtra.' in ^nilA^ iwfj m iovomnr, in his, stated that one of the tn* Irtn? becrt tjbR?*ta<r,"*mt iurt"the fcoiriily' orficeiV lind takeh 'flW tojft'tn fho imittfo* 'T^U'^aeWWW Nation was uhm?jp?Mr.1 1n ifa nt&toitf) r'3k rtunrrVi 1842,' 4lta ptafcdMs tir Whiix nre atatad at *82,000^ Wstentf of&fctt lillion. Now, why ita ihh:[**pte*illihfc > gittt eiglity ntfHibh' dhtlWtfc 'M *4,9ttf coplr. 'fdr HietiM *ftfcfei??m?f fttit! WitV tti paly hoc rhiflion doltat* Wll.hdmW Ptlt#'8ftHpf fti?te<ta?*dMi?rtt>fcer1*W the hanlu bave Wftihtete vUhoat t*W (4#nii"' ' "> >1 I'jfl idi I ouil si siili 'tl j)'H UV ' >i7tt'Sfjfohpit Ttiis -JJ ruv-3i, )(! ; Tnemmo/os in 'it rennsyivnnIA papm*;" jHOft^ imenco d8chtre8 lta^ffv fVWhaty WHWe' mo are in <ow^1iie MMr?g?Meiill(if enufhctures, a? i I bo Pennsylvania - jrwrnalth* ni;iW<o muW bo. glad Ho *eeaH I ha nonofWHWm >dcom foilsof .life,,,which,cflitfe 10 denomination of mwfaeturqq, pW iced in still greater ahund?nyp, pf^ stter quality, and fit a cheaper rate than iey now arc. But how is this'to be pirated? ' 'HO'/t ='?' j Tho answer is obvious. -? It is tWho efJ rated hy opening the SMrkdi losmfiNM i| competition, and buying ofiibw ehc rings article* of the beat quality Ued*?cwt waoiihhio prico. '(>?? :, you- .encourage innufncturcs ; yo* reward, tho industry nd the ingenuity pf him flhsu whaty^ lankind, for the smallest compensation, ou ensure the production df t'hd greHt6Wt mount ofwoalth with the least fatter. ' On the other hand, If yiM elude'-ftdivt ?e markets the most skilful Competitors ho; offer yon. the productions ot their irw ustry s'. tho lotvost coat, which is the efv rat of high duties, you discourago-meiMi* ic tores. Yoj repulse tho most successil artisan ; you impose n penalty on his till, or upon those ndvSritdgfcir'?if1M**:4itttion. which ontliln hitn In AwniJi pa wqnt on, bolter ^rins^khafl * you persist in this policy, you must ?*? set to find your manufacturc^ttrtWwf# ear in price and inferior in qihtWyv' ' Wo havo an example of thia l>e(VrO Mr jros. The manufactory* of eilk. in* R*?gnd, a* long ns it vm protected sj^fctet trrign competition, never flourished* a* /hilo British artisans hiid the MhtlitMiy rtho British maifketi they jgnffcPtiticir fabrics which waro acandulrftis. ? and disgracefully inferior to the el Hid of !her countries. At length the momopo. ' was taken off, arid the silk mintsfUedurd nmediatcly took a new-face; its Wf> ins began to exert their ingest*rtytf and fabrics, under the right- sort of endow* gemcnt, competition front eh antes, be* imeexcollont. Wo quotatbe fritfnwing ccount of tho matter from a kite fcngtish ipor lying before na j ; The domise of the siltt ntortopoly, ftcr an ill-apont -life of 130 yoerS, is in io reculloction of most of n*/-far'i!'!i*en flair of 10 years-bark; Umlcr thef'rU* rictivo system the Silk of England eras te worst and tho dearest in the world, nd a <li*gr*cj to the industry of tho cpun, y of clot it, cotton and' luirdarnre. It is ow, under freedom, tho grcStoat eitfc innufncturo of Europe,'?nd,,with the ox, option of a few fancy articles, iis< fabrics re tho ba*t in quality. Under the no. npo|y, pa coiisiiimcI Iam IhAn iv* nili?um and a licit' of ftoundc woijkt nf Iko tar inntorinl. Under (Voudom. ark don. ihio twice thi* quantity. i.i.CJndni/ the rut, ac exported about a li'mdrtd and fty tlioumiml juiuiids wyftii to colonic* t. . . '?;.A<jjl iu v'i