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I OREGON TERRITORY. t? IVmr (At Jfttitmt ImUlligtncer. ? tMurm or tout* mcwpiiw^ v 1 Mmmt, January 9&842. " After a variety of slighter matters, tlw dWeil of j hrhkh arid ha (band in another oolamn, the Son. ? Me returned to the bill providing for the occupa. t tinn ef the Oregon Territory; upon which a do- r ppcnoj ty the Senator who had desired the delay t of the hip that ha pu#*t hero time to examine its a proviatana. bill eras not Ife?l Britain. He.had nbw taken time aarofcUly | cMpp^n it with <w hhiilMf *?tj gn?ratio to I I powwi ??4 tbo mmU ?( lua aonitm; ww, 4 that. hm Miwa p?vision in it which weald l toofhhlj fhhu those tpgiganttlii 1 The Senator prooooded te give, with hie usual j pew? ef asalyaia, s ertma?ey ei the eOedged < righteof helb parties te the turitery, end of the < Mw?et in which the? rights see cleitnod to hevo < erins. Oar ihim sentences the const ef the i TMill h?n latitude 54 if. 40 man. to 43 dg.; and hss the? several gteaodst 1st. That ef the priority of disoevety by Cap- i UhOh^ d Boston, in 1768, of the mouth of i the Columbia, From this, according to tho universal rrie among cirifaod pmtin;^ ioitows the right to the country watered by such river to its as?uuk This dteoovecy was afterwards ?ore to?plotily exptoeed by the expedition under the osmmand of fteptamo Lewis sad Clarke. 3d. The session by Spain ef all her rights of territory north of the 43d parallel of latitude. 3d. The French claim, to which we succeeded. On tho other lisuid. Britain nt* up lirt title to Mm mm territory on the following ground*: lit That they can plead priority of disoovory by Mean, ailing under Vancouver. id* That, by the convention of Nootka Sound in 1790, Spain yielded to Great Britain free and open access, trade and acttlemcnt to Rritiah nub. jocta, in eonunon with her own, upon thin coast. 3d. Thay dtoiui alee tho Freaoh rights, ceded to Spain in 1803 by tnaty between those two na fotot . ,Thqpc were respectively the groonda of claim. > Now, aa to the nature of tlie claims themselves, i U?wd was a difference. Great Britain alleged only | a right of equal admittanob of her citizens for all porpoecaofrettleeeeal, trade, or bunting; while < pt a*pwtcd a title to complete, and excloaivo pos. I Bfoeo daenMM of titles began, various efforts I bp negotiation, haye been made amicably to adjust enr rights. They terminated, on ear part, in an fofditiig, ae a ooinproniiac, the parallel of d&dp tolh?;litokbetwo*o us oa that coast; and fof antthair part, offored to elaim nothing aouth C the mouth of the Columbia, which i* in about latitude 46 dg. Thin lad attempt fsilinr. both aidaa withdrew the jWfnA'mw which they had made, and left time light* aa before. i"Ja 1817, by a freah negociation, it waa wUled that ear rMpdstivo claims ahoold for tea yean re. main on the gfoondew whioh the treaty of Nootka Sound plaeed Britain and Spain with regard to tleah* territory; that i* common enjoyment of ifcfor porpnpeo of trade aad booting, or ecttlcment 4V pyfpoflGi* ?. la 1887 a fresh attempt, conducted by Mr. Gallatin, was mado to adjuet thia oonfliot of aliiw. It era* again ineffectual, and the parties imajoed, or a temporary arrangement, to the con. eeotioaof 1917, yielding each other pomewinn in oaataterg with liberty, to. renounce the arrange, mcateo cither part upon a year's notice. > It thus appears that Groat Britain makes no eiaim to the right of oolonidng, and that *e, by the taqr ootion, bars prohibited ournrlvca from taking eseloaive pnmcminn or jurisdiction. ?:Saoh being either the original rights of the par. Sevenths .footing upon whiph, by treaty, they bad cobwhco I* have Micro wand, the Senator Ml 0m ami) hold that this bill violates Ihs treaty flVT, by conferring upon mar citizens fixed possseeien is (nod of tend. Wo do not, it is true, at (MM confer it, bat m bind oarsolvcs to do so. them in pooaMSion with this pledge on our part, m i? reality toko fixed pssacssioa ouraslvea. It id ? gssdt Canning a eoarptste roality ss to our aOMMnbtg pomeoeion. The grant of lands is tits highest and eomplptret act of peoseasioa which a JvBW since the claim which are set op extends nathwaed to latitude 54 dg., and ainoe, by this act, na lhail the scttlsas arliom we invite only by our eara alleged territory, it follows that you, by this hifi/iahe p user an air op to the extreme northern ectooter poor eopposed claim: as that you ex. deda fioat Britain, by this act, from the whole laWhihJ h* debate with that Government. To Ms Ml ohfont, the bill is a complete taking of Nov it, on tb? otlwr band, yon scratinixc tJic BrUtah Mta, yoo will find that they hire nothing I#ii|?I extent or fbree. 'I'heir act of Parliament hMtu take yoeseeeeen of the country, or grant | its soil, to extend to British objects there tho i jurisdiction of their laws. Mr. Calhoun, therefore, went on to contend that We Aieald riohrte the subsisting convention, I *? without girWlg the year's notice, to which it t hinds as, we put in force an act like this. i He went en to insist ofon the formidable issue to I which soeh a Coarse most bring os with a nation eve- t ry where tacjchw to sneoenter, and more than a e mhh Br MS -en this distant coast, accessible to v sor sains enly a land-march across the conti- It htwt, while dhtM eeinenand it, not only from tl BMV Asiatic ptsnaiow where eho lias of late g hMM sioweetnflA, Init with her bodiee of Canadi. k * Vnydgsse, BwneeNee hardy end dangeroes, but b wftMhef en onbodnded inBosneo ever all the In- e ? T - "i- ~ _ . MM MM of M MrtbiML With three to cut ? ofMrfHMMoUttim in Um Mr, the difficottica b o^HO/ htalilb fftrt feHud trooM be to tho laat ei - - ? ? ' ' ** Jiw mrnTuiruic* pi " Wo HhttU, thai for?11 joOMr and ourer policy: U Mt Mi into a tunthrt of Which tho orent could a ; tort lorn to tone ?ad the b (*PM mM ?f oor aottfomento tho peaceful hot rtffailf hrttoodtoorttof ottr righto. Leave tho thin; 11 44'km tot Wtonl mwn, end,, you h UAf ttotdty art one pioefco a ripe peach father a Mhrt Witr It onM ho hardly poeoihlc to tear w J%. "lift 00 (raid the motor) recoil t little a 6* Witttoi rapid towprt toot population which t tW^alljl'iiHartii jia wWtrto wtoOhor there it any ji fitnnfMK* (tat on which I loht Iwini b lot tkat oigMooft jriftfo of* Mr. Mmwi ncom. tl immU lI'MMMI Mo IMImi Mm Utwaeu the EB??w<|frt,MN?o?>w io yonr Tmitory ii i ,i"" * " 4 Wii Ijtm, fortHa^,cultivated, ** tsaugh spaadily to ?dP another Statu to tl?e Ho could not. from ouch a >tcp?i this, but apirrbond a breach with Groat Britain. Wo should, it laaat, weigh tho matter, in ^11 its forms, with bo utmost deliberation. Ho thjufcfel it dfcgild bo eferrad to tbo Committee on Foreign Relations. 1MB every thing etae but tbo provision to qbce. ion, he looked on tho bill moot favorably; and ipoke with a complete resolution to maintain all tar rights oyer the territory, which could bo cxrrneed an eeulerssity with the treaty. Mr. Lino said that the 8cnator had, with groat ems and truth, compared the mighty flow el spslalioa westward to tho rolling in of n groat md wide etreem. But he ebeuld remember that be policy of tbo Government itself baa of late, in he disposition made of many of the greater Indian iribea, rained op artificial barriers, which have at iresent stopped that natural spread of population. On tbefSouth and tho Southwest it' has reached wr limits. This outlet of the West must be openid, or it will break across the bounds within which we have pledged ourselves that the expatriated Indian tribca shall dwell securely. The Oregon region must be opened to tho adventurous and uigroiury spirit wi our people, or UIA Collected Hood must eoon burst ov<y, and sweep away th? Indian, to wboiq we hare pledged ourselves sr undisturbed refuge in the home to which we have by so humane a policy, transplanted him. The Senator regards this bill as going new ant dangerous lengths. Yet the bills introduced wit! the same object, long since, under Mr. Monroe ant Mr. Adams, by Gen. Floyd, were far stronger.? They provided for the erecting forts and custom houses. As for that formidable and perpetual im pediment, the treaty, it existed then just as mucl as now. Adverting then to the English claims, as foun ded on alleged discovery, Mr. Linn treated tin pretended visit of Mcars and others to the moutl of the Columbia as altogether preposterous. Th narrative itself, which describes a region bound nj in ribs of ice in the month of June, makes it im possible for any one now to believe thut Mcars' visit was to the Columbia?a const never witness ing such regions of cold, even in mid.wintcr, ant enjoying a soft temperature oven in tho carlit spring. But, in truth, this whole British claim is rcconl [t arcs never heard of aa against the discovery o Dept. Gray or Uto explorations of Lewis an< Clarke. As late as 1812, the question of our die coverv was minutclv examined in one of ih< 0 ?loading British millvoritics on ouch question?, th< Edinburgh Review, and our claim admitted as in controvertible. As to what England tnay urge of the Noolki Sound treaty with Spain, it is sufficient to my tha any such claim inust havo fallen with that treat; itaclr, temporary in its character, and spcedil; dissolved by tho war which occurred between tb two oountries soon after. Our right he placed 01 the strong and certain ground of discovery. The Senator from South Carolina had urgci that we should, first of all, give the twelve moutlu notice of our renunciation of the treaty. lie coul< only answer that ho himself hod repeatedly urge* that course in former years, but always in vaim? He bad ever been met with tho answer: " This i not the proper time?wait." Meanwhile the ad verse English possession was going on, fortifying from yoar to year, the British claim and tho Bril ish resources to make it good. Two successiv Presidents bad encouraged the bold and well-ar ranged scheme of Aslor to fortify and to colonize But we suffered him to be dispossesKd, and th nuclous of empire, which his establishment would have formed, to pass into the hand of tin Hudson Bay Company, now the great in strument of all the British scheme of possession. Tho Senator insists that, by the treaty, thor should be a joint possession. Be it so, if he will but where is our part of this joiut possession ? Ii wbut does it consist or has it consisted ? Wo hav< no post their, no agent, nobody to protect trader ?nay, in truth, no traders: for they are butcherci as soon as tliey appear there, either by the Britisl agents, or those savages whom they can alwayi make the instruments of such systematic massacr of adventurous rivals. Of the extent of the* murders, or of the regularity with which they wen employed, the Senator had probably but little no tion. He could aamro him that, before the vea 1829, there had perished in this way, as was arc) ascertained, full Are hundred men, and the year! slaughter has gone on ever since. But whut has ever been the history of you peopling of those distant regions, always to be din puted with something which this Govcrnmen shrinks from encountering? You hare neve failod to turn your back upon every such hard] enterprise. The very navigation of the Mississip pi, for forty years, would have been yielded U Great Britain but that it required the assent 01 nine States to briog it into the validity of a treaty Six Eastern States were ready to abandon it foi an interest the most wretchedly disproportionate If that mighty access to a new and greater cm pire of the West has been preserved to you. it it in spito of your supine noes, in spite of your timidily, in spite of your impolicy. As for me (said Mr. L ) I desire in this irrcsisti. >lc advance of our population, destined to carry to he very verge of the continent tho bench's of our ircc laws, to march with every public right in the oad, while wc carry to those regions of barbarism ho Bible and the plough-share. And I would ven in these great purposes, halt rather than to folate our national faith solemnly pledged in a rcaty. But I tell the Senator that we cannot bus rigidly adhere to what our rival so little re. ards. That Senator does not know, or has overwked, the progress which British possession has cen for twenty years making against us, under over of tho Hudson Bay Company, the irrespon. ibis instrument c.~ British power in that quarter, y means of which wo and this treaty are steadily ircumvcntcd. There, on in the East, Britain rrparcshcr way to uncheeked dominion through te stealthy advance of tlicso trading companies, 'hieh scatter the seeds thai are to spring up into a irvnt of power for her. Finally, he iuaiatcd that the bill doce not attempt > diipriwcM Great Britain of any thing *hc now oMe. It doca not define our territory. That >o have aenic there ia certain. Can rhc object to ar acttling aouth of the Columbia on a territory to rltich, with all lier facility of claiming, ahe haa it up no title ? 8he hcrarlf haa extended her triediction aver Oregon, built fbrta, art up cata. liabmanta, rettlcd farina. Why cannot we do heahme) Mr.Choatc mac next. lie act out with cxprcae. ng liia regret it finding lundf compelled, like the SettSMr from *? appnii the provwipo if tho hiJJ ftr ftfd frtfnis of land. In alt ?ttbi paKiruU%Ha auM Warmly in faror of the bill;- He want oa ?'cite the word* of our convention with Great Britain in 1818, which dipuliiad that M ?ny country west of the Mtaj I (Rorky) Mountain* d*K be free to both natfoOO."* Neither Government was, as a Government, to do any thing to divest the citizens of the other of the enjoyment of the com moo freedom of that country. Certainly if wan^criog subjects of either made, at their own risk, establishments tliere, neither woo csBed onto iirtbta Bet oa, by this bill, do an set to hinder some port ef this traol ' from being any longer ay en, eaeept to our otrn people. Wo take and are to maintain exclusive . possession, guarantying to settlors, otter five years' i residence, a (be simple of the lea be they may occupy. Mr. C. hero entered into a minute view of one interpretation of the treaty, which might at first I have seemed Doaaibla?that either Government was to be at liberty to invite colonisation. As, i however, no such view was advanced on the oth. I cr side as warranting our measures of occupation, i and as Mr. C. certainly allowed how little any I such purpose could have entered into the treaty, I or was practicable in itself, we need not follow ; his very skilful and elaborate Argument on that i point. , He went on to urge that there had been no ap. propriatton of territory until 1833, the country be1 ing freely used, on both parts only as a hunting, i ground; that the languago of our own envoys, 1 Messrs. Gallatin and Rush, made it clear that they regarded all occupation of the country for - any purpose more fixed, as prohibited by the con. . vention ; that England has been equally guarded 1 in the sort of possession which she allowed her subjects to dcrivd from her, limiting her licenses to tliem, always to the right of hunting, and guard, c ing even in such licenses against all exclusion of i our citizens. c The Senator from South Carolina was there|> fore right; our legislation (if we pass such a bill . aa this) will not cotnpnrr, in justice and fuith, with a that of Great Britain. Let ua then build forts; that is permitted by 1 our engagements; and aa England sends her jur riadiction thither to her citizens, let us send ours to our own. Mr. Linn answered briefly that the gentleman f was but reviving against Iand.grants, the very arI guinents used in 1831 against what he was now willing to admit, tho erection of forts. But the ; British Government, ae a Government, bus never s built a fort there. Will it not object to our doing .it? Mr. L. then gave vent to something of that ini dignation with which ho often speaks of the over, t bearing and grasping apirit of England, and the y omnipotence and ubiquity of that littlo island. For y his part, bo did not intend to submit our rights eno tirely to tho view which she might, in her policy, 11 take of them. He did not intend to stop to consider " what Mrs. Grundy thinks." Ho would d go as far as Groat Britain herself went, and then i* a little fartiior. d At this moment she is doing, through her IludJ son Bay Company, all that you wish not to do. - She is thcro employing tlie same policy and tho s same medianiam, of a great trading company, by I. means of which she made her way to the domin;, ion of all India. Site has already practically ; taken possession of all she ever claimed of ui>, o southward to the mouth of the Columbia. Her agents here have directly avowed that she could i. not give up the establishments which she lias aL b lowed her people to form there. Her later mca. b sum, however, are still more decisive of her polis cy. A branch of her Hudson Bay Company has, - within a few years, been established in the tcrrito ?j ??? iumiiiii^ |^ui |^o^c ?vi?ivujviik aiivuujr vu c flourishing as to have entered into large contracts : for supplying the Russian possessions with lumber, i tutter, and such produce. Here is her fixed point, 6 from which she is to work the lever of her looser i population, spreading itself out over your whole i territory, and reaching to the very borders of your i Slates themselves. Mr. McRoborts considered the provision to o which the Senators objected as a capital feature c of the bill. Citizens could not be carried to the b country without the inducements there held out. Buttho Senators from South Carolina and Mas. r sachusctts have considered Great Britain as offer. !l ing us, in her conduct, an example of scrupulous f forbearance to do any thing in contravention of the subsisting treaty. Now, let the Senators con. r suit the correspondence of Mr. Huskisson, and i. they will there find that he plainly says that t Greut Britain bas authorised the settlements which r have been made, the posts which have been esta. r Wished, and that both will be protected. The Senator proceeded to argue, with much > force, that since tho formation of the convention f J in which lhi> territory waa looked on as a common hunting-ground, an entirely different state of r things had, by our long sapineness, come about.? . It was a hunting-ground no longer. The game formerly pursacd thcro for the sake of its furs has i been, by degrees, almost exterminated; and its > chase no longer warrants the settlements originally made for that purpose. Another mode of occupancy, with other objects, and looking to stations. 1 ry employments, has gradually come about. Tho ' possess on now maintained by tho English is ob. viously of & fixed character, because its purposes are no longer hunting and fishing, as of old, when the convention vas made. If they now occupy it, it cannot bo for the purposes of the chaee, for the plain reason that the chase there lias ceased to be valuable. Yet their settlements are growing, just in proportion as tho cbaae of the fur animala declines. The Senator from South Carolina has given a ' brief view of the several modes of etaim alleged hv ourselves and Great Britain in rcsrard to this territory. But let him look, not to the vague allegation* of right, but to auch claim* u can be suataincd in the mutual scrutiny of a negotiation. Now, an to the righta which Britain derives from Spain, Mr. Honkisaon writes, in 1826, in the negotiation with Mr. Adams, J'ho rights of B.itain in that quarter are defined by the treaty of 1790 with Spain and they embrace (ho further aaya) " every tiling lying north of the place* occupied by Spain in 1789." Now, it ia perfectly certain that, at the lime in qucation, Spain had occupied no point south of Nootka Sound ; which in full throe hundred rnilcn north of the mouth of the Columbia. Nor wai it difficult to show that her claim of discovery wni oqually untenable. Who, upor that point, enn be n inoro decisive witneaa than Van. convcr himerlf, the commander whose subordinate, (Menrf,) in claimed ai the ditrofrrcr." Vancouver, Reciting, then, the words ot the convention, j MivJIctR. proceeded W? trgbatbatthey would give GreaMViU^** raMMt ** ?MBpUU? so foa? as neither party attempted to dispossess the other.? irwimM-f aW, hirtnrthio bill; togtf tqfon the farm of a British citixen and appropriate it. , fa Uutb| Great Britain has far ten years done , all that you now propose to do. Ilitlierto wo , hart step* over o?r rights, while sho has hoe* vigi- { lant and active. Lot notice now be given that wo renounce the convention of 1?18. It wilt be a foil twelvemonth before our citizens can get thither : the Executive will of oourse in the interval give tbo proper notice to <?rcat Britain. But, in reality, this bill will embrace every in- . habitant of the country, whether Uritisli or Amcr. ican. It can therefore dispossess nobody. Nor, on the other hand, do titles arise under it before , the expiration of Ave years. As to the enormous display of strength, which we arc told that sho will make in that quarter, 1 sea no probability of any auch gigantic effort.? Two facts render it most -unlikely: in the first place, thcrs is little or nothing there to fight for; and in the second, we shall have nobody there for her to fight. Mr. Henderson, of Mississippi, succeeded Mr. Mc Roberts, in a short but exceedingly well-argued I speech, principally on the question of mutual possession and rights under the convention. He urged that the act of Great Britain in extending her jurisdiction over tho country was a real and practical taking of possession. Mr. Choate here interposed. Great Britain but put iu practice by her law her rights over her own Citizens, and assumed nothing else. Mr. Henderson resumed. Suppose, then, a case where one of our citizens commits an ussautt on a British inhabitant, will he not be seized and tried before a British magistrate 7 Can you doubt it 7 No, her act of extending her jurisdiction over her own subjects must either imply the absence of any such legal equality on our part?in which case she takes legal control and jurisdiction over our citizens?-or else it implies that wo too have tribunals there, asserting our rights of jurisdiction; which latter state of things is at once a conflict of jurisdictions, incapable of being reconciled. Forts wo might exclusively occupy ; but it would be necessary to beware of going out of them?for whoever stepped abroad might fall within British juriadiclion or encounter a British subject. It was clear tliat tho convention looked to no such state of things, and provided only for a free trade of both parties to the territory. The acts of the Hudson Bay Company must too, be held those of the British Government. Its possession is Iter possession. Her sotting up a legal jurisdiction iin. plies that sho takes possession of the country unless we do the same. On our taking that step, a con. flict of jurisdiction ensues, whicl\ must at once compel the adjustment of our flnal claims of right. She has asserted her right by these steps of pos. session. We must do the same; and, by this bill, we are going no faster than she. Mr. Bayard here proposed a modified provision us to grants of laud. But, before any furtlicr pro. cccding, the Senate adjourned. TEXAS. New OeLeans, Jan. 12. By the ateamer Now York, Cnpt. Wright, 31 hours from Galveston, arrived yesterday, we have dates to the 6th inst. The commercial treaty concluded by Maj. Kcilly with our Government has been ratifiad by the Texas Senate, and it, ho fur mm the Republic is concerned, the law of the lund- This is an important treaty for Texas, and promises good to the mercliants and shippers of this city, it allows (as we stated soveral weeks ago,) tho ina i ft?: I irouucuon 01 i exas couun nu? mc suited Slates free of duty. We shall therefore ship a large portion of the crop of Texas, and furnish its planters abundantly with the ordinnry farm supplies. William Bryan, Esq., has been confirm, ed by the Senate as Tex hi n Consul ut ' this port. Texas Exchequer Bills are daily rising in value, as they are coming in very fast at the different custom houses and land offices. Mr. Borden, the Col. lector at Gulveston, carried to Washing, ton lately, 920,000 of them, leaving only $9,000 outstanding. (?. W. Terrell, Esq., Atlorncy.Gcncrul for tho Republic, has written out u long and lucid opinion upon the validity of the Cherokee Land Titles. Ho concludes j that none of tho locations mado upon tho lands occupied by the Cherokee Indians subsequent to the dato of the guarantee made by the Consultation to the Indians in 1835, are valid and legal ; and con>e. quently that none made since that date are logally exempt from survey and sale I under the act ot' Congress of February 1810. Much doubt still exists in relation to the location of the sent of Government. It may bo regarded ns certain, however, 1 that the Government will not return to I Austin during tho present year. The ge. > neral opinion among tho people seems to i be, that it will be locuted temporarily1' either at Washington, San Felipe, or some j < point between the two phccs. i Gen. Somcrville, with an army or 600 1 men, captured tho Mexican town ot Lo. 1 redo on tho 6th December. The lew 1 Mexican troops who occupied the place, ' innde a hasty retreat without firing a gun. Rcing notified of this, the army sent a j messenger to tho Alcado to make requisi. ( tious for necessaries, which were prompt, ly furnished. After taking the town, a J few of the troops crossed the Rio Grande, ( and planted the banner of tho Single Star on tho West bank. It is further staled, that about 600 of ' tho troops crossed the river on the 19th, and took the lino of innrch for Guerrero, I about 70 miles from Lorudo : tho balance, .' 140, returned home. i'Voui Guerrero, it ' is presumed thoy will proceed rapidly on. waru unu ioko imer, isoninrgo, ami uni- | noso. 11 y which timo it id to bo hoped F that reinforcement* w II join them to cn- t courage a descent on Muiumorna. j It is reported that the Apaclio Indiana I are committing fresh depredation* in Vhi> 11 f' ? ' J fafata, to*thought thn>*~rly .It ttv MoiticMp Iroops DjKtfr Wp byre heel Srdbtafpjfcro to th^ng, It ( evert rumored that Texas has' a aecrc agent among these Indians to centre liuir opOsptions, and that the object of thi various tMbbs gathered together at th Waco village, is to enter into treaties witl FheXvovernmcnt, rfefMWMresnif bflertnivr against Mexico. If this prove .true, tli arrriy will have to oncounter little oppnsi lion in capturing all the towns and villa gea between LoirAlo nnd ItfiiUmora^ -i they march with propor speed. Great numbers of tunawdy ncgroe from Texas, Arkansas, and Louisiana have escaped to the bordering States o Mexico; and if the invading army b promptly reinforced, much valuablu pro perty ot this kind will he recovered. Were tho sufferers alone to unite am speed to the rescue, ti considerable forc< would thereby be marshalled into service It is rumored that the President will re commend to Congress the Misgave of i Itill providing fur tho unlo of nil tho vm scIh or wnr unci every thing appertaining to tho Navy. Tho Texas Times aavs:?"We Ton that wo shall ho reluctantly compelled t< believe the rumors ??f his co-operation will Mexico." The steamer Mustang has returnei from tho Upper to Vclasco with j cargo of 250 bales cotton ?At Galveston tho ship Ebro hod arrived in 62 days ffou Havre, France, with 117 emigrnnts. An other vessel from the sumo place, wlncl left previously, was expected every day Two others wcro up there for that pnr when the Ebro left. Mnns. Castro wil despatch n vessel each month during tin season with emigrants. His colony i to be located in Bexar county. "foreig.V. SKVF.N DAYS LATER FROM ENGLAND. By the arrival of the packet.ship Gar rick at New York, intelligence has bcei received to the 15th December. Tie news is however of littlo importance. Lord Hill, the late commnndvr in -chiel died on the 10th, in tho 71st year of hi age, at his seat, Hardwick Grange, Slirop shire. An accident occurred on the Londot and Birminghnm railroad, Dec. 8th, b; which one person wns killed and three oth ers were dangernusly wounded. Tho failure of J. L. Fernnndcs At Son corn dealers, cVc., at Wakefield, is nn nounccd. Their liabilities ore ?90,000. Mission to China.?The Soeiety fo the Propagation of tho Gospol in Foreigi Parts intend establishing a mission n Hong Kong, and will raise a special fum for thai purpose. Lord Monep.tir._Ti v><>r.r> >it>ii< in a paragraph which originated (we he liovo) with the Sheffield Iris, that Lor Morpeth was preparing a work on th subject of the United States. Wo ma say with confidence that there is n ground for the statement.?Leeds Merc. Arrical of Maj. Malcolm with the Chines Treaty. Plymouth, Dec. 9.?Major Malcolm of the 3d drngoonu, secretary to the lega tion at China, and Cupt. Richards, of lie Majesty 'a ship Cm it wallis. 84, nrrivci here this morning from China, in the Lq cost steam vcsael, Lieut. Conunondc Lunn. Major Malcolm is (he hearer of th treaty of pence concluded by her Mnje> ty's plenipotentiary, S.r Henry Pottingei with the Emperor of China, (t hears th signatures of the three high commission era deputed by the Emperor and sent f Nnnkin tonrrange the terms, dtc. Majo Malcoin brings a letter of assent from th Emperor himself, solemnly engaging t ratify the treaty as soon as it shall bo re turned to hiin with the signature of he Majesty attached thereto. The Rlondo frigate, 40, Cnpt. Rouchiei had sailed from China for England, wit two millions and u half of dollars of th Chinese compensation money. Watches maj>:? by Mac-hinkby.? The London correspondent of (lie Ne\ York Journal ofCommerce snys that som gentleman has been devoting twenty years of his life to the inventions, where by he is now enabled, by n variety of ma chines, to construct an incredible miirihc of watches, of every variety of sizes, in i day ! By one machine 3000 perfect plate can be |uoducod in one day?and by fivi machines, also centre, third and fourtl wheels crossed, polished and cut ? will balances for 30(1 movements. By another 300 pinions are cut and rounded?nnnth cr drills the holes, the tapping, screw holes, &c., planting the depths and cs cape men ts. Four other machines wil make pivots for 50 movements a day.? 20 other machines for every descriptioi L?f work connected with watch>making I, ? ,1.. "I'l. _ I 1 1 umiw ujr ui*/ m;i* i i u uuai I'liruiHJllluiui makers in London have declared Unit cv sry part produced by Ilium in far supcrioi to anything that lias been, or con be, pro Juccd by other means at the present day, Miciiioan axd iikk Dkht.?Ctovcrnoi Barry, in his late Message to the Legisla. lure, states the whole amount of the dehl >f Michigan at $3,635,334, of which sum $344,840 is due to the citizens, tne coun. lies, and the school and university fundi if the State. The (Jovernor says : "Mich, gnn, while the virtue of her population einains, will never refuse acknowledge, aunt of her just debts, nor fail to make layment when the means ure in her lower." A curious thing occurred in I'hilad^ n few days since. ictually pawnaj^ia^ljJflHKHB^^S lollars ol) tbil plant tuw flnvetope(^MH|H irokf r took it for a rott <?] died afterwards 5^ 11 I ? b$ iufiKiM of the poor, but fltey tefhaed t j^ypplaJ&y thing to do with it until the lis MinafiiM sro up, for which it ie pledged. >| CTkroeT.?People'* idem of comfort o vnry. A celebrated hangmen in Eng. b land, allowing the gallows attached to h iNowgntr, nbservcd to the by ?standersthat , He had hong" I wwHir |ieri?s<i' Wl 1HWE . , b time! Some one sugguated that it .was too small. ?* Oh,'no ! bless y<WW sSJOnr,'' said the hangman, * twenty-five popple f "ahold ewirtg oh that datlouu, A Quack's- ExrannicrcT ?--A quack I , doctor was once catted in to see a sick f child. Ho looked at the patient, felt hip b pulse, shook his head, hemmed thrice* *> and took a seat, roee again* hemmed. - snnoic 11 in nocioio ominously, lelt the pl> J tiont's pulse, ond cost hi* cyci upon the n patient. " .,L * Whet uils my child?" naked I ho/nib or. i 441 don't know," replied saddle bitgi * " Can you do nothing for him?" breathedJ the anxious aire. ? - , 4 Nothing," wna the response t.M but,1* I udded the distiller of roots nnd yarbs, ** I ? have some medicine with me that wilt ? * throw him into tits, and then I can cure' I him, for I'm a perfect tiger on file /" ? I , 11 .1. -O ; ! i An Illinois Coitkt Scknb.?A eon* , stable that Had lately been inducted irtto i office, was in attendance oh the Court* nnd was ordered hy the Judge to call John I Bell nnd Klizuhcfh B?*ll. H? immediate* . ly began nt iho tip of his 1hngs? t 44 John Bell and Kliznbuth. Bell P* I 41 One nt a time," said the Judgcw a 44 One at n time?one nt ii tunc?one at i a lime," shouted the constnbln. 4? Now you've done it," cxclaimod the judge, out of patience, 44 Now you've done it?now you're done it?now you've done it," yelled the constable. Thorn was no withstanding (his; the court, bar, nnd hy stander* broke 1 into n hearty laugh, to tho perfect sur* u | prise nnd dismay of the astonished con* . stable. I " ?... - ) 1. , v s fjnototous Fo-sil.?The 0*ark Stan* dard, (Springfield, Mo.,) says: 4* Wohavo in our olTice a jaw tooth of an nnunal, dug >i up near Warsaw, in Bunion county, that Y weighs 11 1 2 pounds. Tne tusks found at tho same place, and supposed to belong to tho si me monster, nro about IS feet '? long According to the heat calculation * that ran lie made, the skeleton when com* plefnd. will be about 40 Icet in length, f and 28 feet high." t Intkkb3Tinu Facts in Physiology.? 1 W 11 find the folUlwinor Hlalixnnnt* i? il'? , ^ tl?V Boston Medical ami Surgical Journal: , J 1st. That the longevity of the pur* i. Africnu is greater thnn that of the inhail hitants of nny other portion of tho C>1 oh#, e 2d. That iiiuhittoes, i. o. those horn y of parents one being African and the other (? Caucasian or white, are decidedly the shortest lived of the human rare. e 3d. That muhtltoeg nro no more liable to die under the ago of 25. than the white* , or blacks, hut from 20 to 40, their death* le are as 10 to 1 of either tho whit** or r bhickH, between '??? ages?from 40 t* ,1 55, 50 to 1?and from 55 to 00, 100 to >. lr 4th. Tnat the mortality of the fre* people of color, in tho United States, is e more thnn 100 per cent, gieatcr than that u of the slaves. 5th. Thut those of the unmixed Afrie can extraction in the ? Free State*/ are not more lintde to sicklies* or prematufo n denth, than the whites of their rank and r condition in society: hut that theatrikinir 0 mortality so mini (Vat amr?ij? the free pro. 0 pie of labor, is in every community land section of the country invariably confined r to the Muluttocs. r ILLINOIS. Inn Lecture before the Mechanics' In. n stitute of Chicago, by Isaac N. Arnold. occur the following paragraphs, showing ? the resources of the State of Illinois.?* _ Surely stu-h a stale is, or soon will be, v able to pay its debts. ,, "The S'ate of Illinois contains 8A,? 941 00*2 acres of as fertile land m any where exists, or square miles.-? . It is Inrger than New York. Ohio, or Penn. r sylvunia. It contains more arable lend than all New England, nnd more than old ?? England nnd Wales together. Twelve, i! such States as Connecticut could be 1 carved o .t of it. nnd n fraction left. The ? ?: ? ??-- - wnniiiut iis wiioic WOSlRrfl i tor. ? tier. It hn* the Ohio rirrr on (he South, the Wsh?ish on the South.East, and En It a Michigan on thn North East. Tho Fox. tho Rock, tho Illinoi? river*, and other I navigable streams pnss through tho interi. - or. For productiveness of anil it ia with, i out a rival. Its mines of load and coat ? nro incxhnnafnhle. It hnd m 1830. 157,. r 000 nnd in 1840. 470.000 inhabitant*.-? Wore it as densely nettled nn IVfnnnnohtl. r setts it would now contain 5,000.000 nf people It ran, under proper cultivation sustain I'd.000.000 of inhabitants, hotter than it now does its present population. 44 There are now pr??hnhlv about 15.000,* 000 of acres of taxable lands in thin State: ' and tho whole IhxhWo property of the 1 State, real nnd personal, cannot bo lcs? ' than $75,000,000. And this amount is 1 rapidly increasing. Every year ia adding I thmionnrfx of ncros fr? thntnxahlo proper! J tv of I ho Stnto, nn<l its vnluo1* fsst in. I rronsing hy improvemonf. hv the intra I duction of tuhnr nnd cnpitnl." UARIXe OL't. Experiments Iisto been made in England with * compnr. |b?, '