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MibMMiki eoMt mt the ^ iii Urn? Ut*a<k> 54 %. 40 man. U>4? dr; gi^MMb Im?N5s ooordinf t* the .Mi. ?KMl t*? MMf oiTilU^ *?to, MttOW* the rigfct to (In MMmtiy nktMl bj mtok itoertotto fceam-BMi'JCIufcfe it'th# - mtlhm n&tB* Mr)*mj Borth oTUm ?M pvmttcl of Utitode. ' ? *4. VtlMl ?M?hto wWah p??Bi^lid. Ifco ?tfc?r hand. Bouin *? up fctv till* to fmmmt ?? 3SSS?^tv^ afaiOMS tndf a?d kUMMb^W MHm Bub. J"ji Flw^rlghu, ccTcd ly tfee grow\4?'' fcl i 1 t, ,. Al*-' ? I* ? -M npiw flnlttW lor *11 .WUHC Vi iMIidfcilitk to eomnlcte indnzclaivfi not. r^!f^ .T7 ^,,J, Tr^ *Ji ft I?M^UilW''W?il?"M?^ J^>*? t*t ?INn? *?. m. nmtrmm* |h? v*n%i ?( H^Mlki lk^ikfitlMlttMMthAlMi^: ild <rftLliiiiS iMhi f liiikn vkioh ! m about ." ' t ^Tr^l ^- r~- v ^ i^4t,4#:4j?u? tui;m? ?lr |?i <???. {. <.,,, *?.# ?? wtUcfa 2boj bad n?jf, wi lift ?*iaft8l7iM?4^MV??Mt,?t wM ?MM o)dMA M(| ?dc IkAMnM?fl^wlftll^ |k* l|^|f Miwilka I VHP wP ~ ||imm flM?? |-? >'i?f|' J *" :^ ?:1AjWM?<* ?-hjlHiM?. ffoajhqM *jr Mf. Mnft|t af MiM > W? mill jl # f ift M ?Ho p-ti- | ?^ IbK?iMHV MnaMUMMt. to th^ aga. toMMfe WdM^'l- tft mwwof ?* ?w??fen 1 m ?fcn paHapto tyort iwtito. , "toIt titto I?HH*h*t.<?* ** Brjub **kto to obi* Hi Ike ritfh* <rf tofcwtfo* ?od tS??U wc, bj Ibetojptototo :bto? yi?ftil^|,|Wfp?reB ffom njiMl^ iilhii<Nwigiwil ligM*of the pariirvo<W>^'n ?po??f^lMfk, bj booty, they bwOiMi' M toScnMor, tti-rt IhUhiBihiblielliii tmrtj If <UrtMpaif ?pte air aititoto fixed pod. ni*1a |iM? *ttod. Wo At m^ U ie true, M il nill.b*wbdd widviitv do to. iprt^M k? rwfit j intrn fctol,ito?>dto ? it Ha pi hiliijt a?wpbto aoalky wtowr UMlHj fiwpiinii Tbofrntttf bade Mtb* ^ Wto?W to ' knnfigiBurpaki ?? ?-?ff v MMd ckim; Chat too cinmrgmrftfi * ,hy tb? oet, rw?n the whole ilblMMBiM, *o Wt complete Ukief of 4 ?*; * V? j ??ITMf ynji it* MOiir |m<, yw Wfttont Uw #l?bliHl( ^Mt bUTMtf *et tilOf bw nothing ifOqaafoMOMter fere*- Their eel of Pafiiaancnt fctfMftf iMfefparilaMan nf the eoanfry, or front * >?*, %rn W lllill to BritMinnhjecte there the flwnflfekfjefeloaif "t "* ihiNtoti' Mnt ok to coat-end fcot-tHHIinH *MMe the Mrtaitfiaf convention, (he fm?? notion, to which it I M*4o w, wo 4b?M put in farce on oct like (hie. HU went on Id inbet of ah (ho formidobte iocue to ^ ?? -t PVMIMM999W9 Willjf IV Willi ll*lOTICVC(JnlilTjoiditoiMito onrrenin m4 am* tfkao a nMfcra^ihi* Mat ejwet, necrwiUe to lftMH'l#rAiM mmi tfw I lEt&ESammimalmrn&U. I*?r?th?*mf i tf WH ttAjklkJMiL^/ MF?ij? Jjwifcli ? rty p?h gMta* ? - - ii t -*-*->- -*? ? -?-<? - ?ik M' P? r0#owi* v :^JsS| y 7S?Z?~i*S% *??*' refcctod to Mm Cnatoiills* ?* Foreign Halation*. I I tMII IMJ MMglMMi M IIHllUrtlMf I tana, be leaked on the biM moat favorably; cad il epobewilha r?ifltlo roaolutkroVifgiiiiiUll oar right* oser the territory, which eoaM be exer Mr. Lisa raid that the Senator had, with great t JbOMjnd lnMri niai'ifraui^ Ma. aaighty MaMwaf ,C pfi llti weatwwd to ?tM TtiliHg M of a great p m4 wada atroaaa.;??th*abetaldtoroeMbar ttwt j Mtofif jbCUm:Poll?nt itodf haaaf teto,? f ttoMfitiwatoi of pMi]r?r tkt fwhr Indian c hi>W>whri f wttfltol barrier*, whiett bare at present itofpriito MlWai spread of popaklitn. On toiwtti toMo gMlhtoh ih' haareatlicd 4 ear limits. TbiaouUetof tho Weet roost be ?pen- i ad^aeil will hnah tew <Im beanda withia which 1 Ma, hw? p)ii4|ii wuwtwa thai the expatriated ? Indian tiiboa ahaU dwell eecavbly. The Oregon a regie* ?eel' ha opened to the adeetitantoa and astgnliry frit of oar pmph, or the collected ? Meed mueteeon band occr, and sweep away the ! India?, td wboan *e hare pledged ourselves en ] undisturbed refttge in the home to which we bete, by en humane a policy, transplanted him. | Tlie Senator'regard* this bin as going new and i dangerous length*. Yet the hill* introduced with | the same object, long since, under Mr. Monroe and J Mr. Adama, by On. Hbyd, were fkr stronger.-? I TVjf provided for the erecting forts and custom- i house*. As for that formidable Mid perpetual im- ' pediment, the treaty, It existed then jast as much fceubw. ~ 1 !J'S Adverting then to the EngtUh claims, as founded on aSegcd diacovcry, Mr.' Lifm troatcd the pretended visit of Meats and others to the month of the Cbhqibia as altogether preposterous. The narrative itself, which describe* a region bound up in ribs ofiee in the month of Jnne^mahes it im. paatMe for any ooe trow to believe that Metre's visit was to the Columbia?a eoaat dever witf>ess| ing such regions of cold, even in mid.winter, and enjoying X soft temperature oven in the earlier But, in truth, tbif whole British oUitn is recant. It woe never heard of as sgainst the discovery'of Capt Gray sr the explorations of Lewis and Clarke. As tat# a* 1813, the (quuttioq of our die. covery was minutely examined in one of the leading British authorities on such questions, the Edinburgh Review, and our efaiuj admitted win. controvertible. <( ' As to what England irisy urge of the. Ifootka Sound treaty with. Spain, it is sufficient to say that any such olaim must have Alien with that treaty itecr, temporary in He character, end speedily dissolved by the arar which cccurrod between the two countries soea after. Our right he placed on the strong and certain ground of discovery. The Senator from South Carolina bad urgod thai we sbwM,|int?(?|^|ivc the twelve mouths' notice of ear rannqcietionef the treaty. He could only answer that be himself had repeatedly urged that eourac in former year*, but a)waya in vauu? j j He bad cyct been met with the *nnr?Th? is i not the proper tin*?wput> Meanwhile the advmajEogW. poaamaioh. wa going op, fortifying, from yser to year, the British claim and the grit- 1 iafa w?iwi to mahe it good. Two sucoaaatre i Presidents had encouraged the bold an^well-ar- i ranged aehenao of A?tor to fortify and to colonize, i Bat w? suffered bin* ( to bo dirpaaaeseed, and the I aiwloua Of empire, ^bieh hta eaUbtialunwls i would hare formed, to ps^s into the bands < of tip Hudson Bsj; Compauy, now. the great in- < atrament of aty the British aehame of possession. The Senator insists that, ttf the treaty, there i ahould be a joint poaacaaion. Be it ao, if be will: : hot where ie our part of this joint poaaraaion 1 In . ! what does it oanaiat or baa it consisted 7 We have 1 no post there, no agent, nobody to protect traders | ?My, h? truth, no traders z for they at# hutebnod i a men aa they appaar then, either by the Britiah I agents, or those aavagca wham they can always make the instruments of aneh systematic! maaaacro > of adrantonMW imh Of thn- extent of these < wdara,ornf the ragnlarity with which tbay waaa < mplBjadj the Beamier had probably but little no* lion. Ho eould unra Urn that, before the year i 1889, there had pwktwd in this way, u vu writ I ascertained, fall five hundred menv and the yearly 1 riasffrUr baa gone on ever since. Bet what hen ever been the history of your i peopling ef theee dabnt region*, always to bo die- l puled with umiimg wbioh thi* Government < faiata fan enoooetaring T Yoe have never I failed to tarn your keek upas every such hardy I rnterpriee. The very navigation of the Milanssip ps far forty yearn, would have baan yielded te I Cheat Britain bet that it required the aeacnt ef i nine fttatoe to briagil into the validity of a tieety. I Hix Eastern ritatea wore ready to abandon it for t an intorcet the moat wretchedly disproportionate. ] If that inighty * cocas to a aew and -creator em- < pin of the Wert hm boon preserved to jam. it is t in spite of your topineneen, in epite of jour timidi- c tj, in ?pite of your iaspohdy. ' \ * - r?. 1 ? | A* (or nm (said Mr. L.) F desire in this irraairti- p Me advance of our population, destined lo carry to r the vary verge of the continent the benofi's of ear p free law*, to march with ovary paMic right in the ? lend, While we carry to tboae region# of barbarian the Bible and the plough-ihaM And I would tl even in thaae gmat purpueca, hett father than Id ii violate oar national faith rjilruaalj pfadgad i* a t treaty. Bat I tell the Senator that we cannot t thae rigidly adhere to what oar rival ao little a*, fa garde. That Senator doea not knew, or haa over. r loehed, the progreae which Brittah pianertiaw ha# keen far twenty years making against as, under fa eover of the Hudson Bay Coanpany, the irrrepou. I able inetramcnt t?T Britioh power in that quarter, t by meanaof which wo and this treaty are steadily L lireumvented. There, es in the Eart, Britain p pvrparaahcr way to oneheekod dominion through I the stealthy advanee of Bride trading companies, f rihieh nastier the aeede that are to spring up into a t! aarveet ei power for her. n Fbietty, be laibtcd tbet the biil doee not attempt * tar diapnaaiaa Gwt Britain of any thing rite now ? boUb. It dm net dotiM our territory. That p mhaw efme (Inn to certain. Col rite object to ? arireetlbaf ecnriftr of tbeCfelwnbt* on a territory to p trbiahj-Oritaab her totality V claiming. rite bee h alt ftp no title? Bbo beraclf bet ?tended in- ? |eriedUetine ?wr Owyw, built tort#, art op eetaMiebHHtota? aetttcd toraie. Why tame* we do d Umtaatal p m Qltatl Kta next. He act out with ovprca* c iof hto regret tM (teding compcHcri, like ( cm vent ion with Greet BriUinin 1818, which sssssatacsrasj?: feather Gonmmeet n*, as t Coiwnmeet, to I nedc, at -their own rieh, eeUblitomwts thw, a hie bill, do en *ct to hiatfereeaeepartef thio tract I torn hehtfi'^a/ hto^yeytoj'awaep*l??rdhra ? iiMBibimt.clwt?nrtytogtomiilwatafforttonyesseq <f tatdenss aMawnpbof Abthw^athry mayaO- | "W* Mr. C. hero entered into * abate view of one ii ntcrpcetatian of tfe treaty, which might at fin* i lave Beamed possible?that either Government e vu to beat liberty to invite colonization. At, t owever, no each view vu advanced on the oth* side as.warranting our rrteaetirrs of occupation, i ind aa Mr. C. certainly bowed how little any I wh! purpoae cotdd have entered into the treaty, ' nt woe practicable in itself,'wattoed not follow | lb very skilful and elaborate'irgtnoent en that i wint. ' I Re went on to ttrge that there hod been M If propriatbn of. territory ontil1813, the coantryW- 1 ng freely used, on both parte only as a hunting. " ground; that the longftoge of our own enypyt, I Mewtov flallstin and Rush, made it clear that tliey regarded aH occupation of the ooontry. for I any pnrpoae mere fixed, aa prohibited by the pon- i vention; that England baa been equally guarded J in the sort of possession which she allowed her | rabject* to derivd from her, limiting her licenses < to them, always to the right of hunting, and guard, ing even in eiich licenses against all exehnion of 1 our citrxens. 1 The "Senator frotn South Carolina was there. 1 fore right; our legislation (if we pose snob' a bid J se this) will not compare, in justice and faith, with < that ef Great Britain. i Let we then build forts; that is- permit tad by i rar engagements t and as England sends her jo. < riadiction thither to her citizens, lot as send ours l Loonrowra . > \ lf?Mr. Isnn aaewrrcd briefly that the gentleman j sraa hot reviving against laud-grants, the very ar. 1 gutnenta used in 1831 against, what he was now 1 willing to admit, the erection of forts. But tbs < British Government, as a Govomment, has never I built a fort there. Will it not object to our doing it? tap i Mr. I*, then g*ve vent to something of that in. ( dignalion with whieh he often epoaks Of the over. I bearing and graepbg spirit of England, and the < nmnipoteuee hud Ubiquity of that little ietond. Far | hie port, be did ant intend lb submit our rights en. | tirely to tho view which sbs might, b her policy, i take of them. He did ant intend to atop to con. I aider " what Ma Grundy thinks." Ho would i gowhr w Grout Briuin herself went, end then I e little f&x tl tor. i At thie moment she ie doing, through her Hud. i mt Bej Company, ell that you wish not to do. thcro wnpkgfing the ednae policy end the ? erne mecheaiem, of e greet trading company, by < means of wbieh elm made her irny to the dbmin. < ion of . all India. She bee already practically taken pneerpion of all she ever claimed of as, southward to the month of the Columbia. Her agents here bare directly avowed that she could 1 net giro ap the eetafatiebattote which ehe has ah j lowed her people to -form there. Her later race, tores, however, are still mora decisive of her puli. j ?y. -> A branch of her Hudson Bay Company has, l within a few yearn, been cetahlwbod in the tcrritq. i ry for farming purposes > settlement already so I nourishing es to have entered into large contracts for supplying tho Russian possessions with lumber, i butter, and audi produce. Here is her fixed point, j from which she is to work the lever of her looser l population, spreading itself opt over your' whole I territory, and reaching to the very tordcrs of your States themselves. Mr. McRoberta considered the provision to 1 which tlie Senator* objected as a Capital feature of the bill. Citizens could not be earned to the country without the inducements there held out. But the Senators'frohi South Carotins and'Mae. mchueetts have considered Groat Britain ae eflhr. ing on, in her conduct, an example of scrupulous forbearance to da any tiling in contravention of | the subsisting treaty. Now, let the 8enalopcon- ( mlt the correspondence of Mr. Huekiason, and | they will there find that ha plainly says that Great Britain bus authorised the settlement# which j liavet iuv>n ntaflff. ikfi rvurfe vKioil kfigo Keen oeda ulicbcd, aud that both will |m protected, The Senator proceeded to argue, with much force, that aince the formation of the eenremiop a which this territory was looked oo as a common ion ting-ground, an entirely different stats of liings had, by our long sopinentaO, come aboot.? Ft was a honting-groand no ktew. The gams ormerly pureoed there for thesane of its furs has >een, by degrees, almost exterminated; and its haserto longer warrants the eettlemcnts original, jr mads for that purpese. Another mode of occu. wney, with ether objects, and looking,to stations* | y employments, has gradually coroC about. The r KMstN on now maintained by the English is ob. | iously of 4 fixed character, because its purposes / re So longer hunting and fishing, as of old, when n he convention was made- If they now occupy fa t, it cannot be-W the purposes of the chase, for e he plain rothotf that Ute chase these he* snmwi n o be valuable. Yet their mUleawnte are crow r?g, juet In proportion u the tMm of the As tei. nele decline#. The Senator frenrSoelfc Carolina hae given rrief view of the eoverel modee of claim alleged >y oorsctvea end Greet Nttin in regard to Uiie erritory. Bat let him kek/mt to the ri|tw a]. ' ; gel tone of ifflit, but to eoeh elahno he eon be ( ueUined in the matae) ecnitiny df a negotiation. | tow, ee to the righto trbieh Britain deriree front j Ipain, Mr. Htohisare weitw. in IBM, in tha nego. ration with Mr. Ada me, "The rights of B.itahi it that quarter are defined by the treaty of 1790 rich Spain fn end they entbmoe (he further eeye) ( every tbhtf tying north ef the plneee aeoopied by Ipain in 1789.H Kow, It a perfectly certain that, Q t the time in qoeetian, Spain had occupied a# oint eooth of Nootka Soend t which in fall three imdred mil? north ftf thft mouth of tho (Mam. ' , , , ; >.?'. * ' t,,? * Nor war it diileuM to ahow that her claim of ^ iacovery waft equally unteoaMe. Who, opor that oint, ean be n mora fecMire nltana than Van. oarer himarlf, tho oMUHiNtn Wtiaou ftabontmate, \fe?rwt) ia chinwd U the ?fl#rof*rer. Vancouver, 1J ptrtj idivmptW to ttw othtT?~~Itm turn 9tm British nit jam mad oanmiMtm k. . ilKfcwhL Qwf B(iU^ Jul* lot (dk jjrir? AUntf u theft you BOW propoeo to do. Hidwto wo ?l|Jl|! HM?li|l?lLi?i|lit>'i|>lllU%l . utt aod Mtivo. Lot notice now bo giro* that we sM*mfth*damrtimirf<MMi > It wifthoi-a dtltoin?njlh before a or ail issue <ioh get-thttb. r: UtoBsecetite vittvof eoww tethshstaukl [ivo^ho psopor notice fts Gnat 8?it<|?B,..r:f, ;;? But, in reality, this bill will embrace ?*?7 i*kobiUot.of tbo courtly,, whether Britfob or Awoan. , It, din therefore dispomcse nobody. Nor, n the other hond, do titles wine under it before be expiration of Ave yoers. As to the enormous display of strength, which re ore told that she will moke in that quarter, ) ce BO probability of any each gigantic effort.? rto focu render it rente .unlikely: in the Arm dees, there is KttieOr notHthg there to Aght for; ihd in the second, tire shell here nobody there for lertoAgtat. r Mr. Hsodereoa, of Mississippi, succeeded Mr. tfo Roberts, in* short bat exceedingly wcll-orgoed ipcoch, principally on the question of motool pop. twion aad rights under the convention. He urged that the est of Greet Britain in exeoding her juriadiettoB oyer the country ores a eel end practical taking of possession. Mr. Choats here intorpoeod. Great Britain bul >ut in practice f>j her law her rights over her own sitiscno, and aasumod nothing else. Mr. Henderaoo resumed. Suppoee, then, a case where one of our citizens commits on assault on a British inhabitant, will he not be Seised and tried Jefore a British magistrate 7 Can you donbt it 7 No, htr act bf extending her jurisdiction over her )*n subjects most either imply the absence of any inch legal equality on our port?in which case >he takes legal oentroi and jurisdiction ow oar iirisrns-?er else it implies that wo too have tribu?i? them, asatlticg oar rights of jurisdiction; irhtcb latter state of thing* ia at coca a conflict of uriadictioaa, ineffable of being reconciled. Fort* wo might exclusively occupy j but it would be ne. Meary to beware of going out of them?for wlio. >ver stepped abroad might fall within British ]d. iodic tion or encounter a British subject. It was dear that the convention looked to no Hich state of things, and provided only for a free trade of both parties to th6 territory. Tlie aota of lie Hudson "Bay Company must too, be held those jftho British Government. lU possession ia her inan swan. - Her setting ap a legal jurisdiction un. dies that aha takes possession of the country unless era do the same. Oo oar taking that step, a con. liet of jurisdiction ensues, whict\ must at once fswysl the adjustment ofopr final claims of right. She bap asserted her right by theso steps of posHSpion. We must do the sasio; and, by this bill, oo pro going no faster than she. Mr. Bayard here proposed a modified provision is to grants of land. Bat, before any further pro. seeding, the Senate adjourned. \ , TPXAS. . New OatJUNs, Jan. 12. By the steamer New York* Cnpt. Wright, 81 hours from Galveston, arrived yesterday, we have dates to the 6th inst. rhe commercinl treaty concluded by Mnj. Reilly with our Government has been ra? lifind by the Texna Senate, nnd is, no fur an ihe Republic is concerned, the law of the land- This is an important treaty for Toxas, and promisee good to the tnerch ants and shippers of this city. It allows I [as W9 stated several weeks ago,) the in. traduction of Texas cotton into the United States free of duty. We shall therefore ship a large portion of the crop of 1oxas,attd furnish its planters abundauily with the ordinary farm supplies. William Bryan, Esq., has been confirm, cd by the Senate as Texutn Consul at this port. Texas Exchequer Bills are daily rising in value* as they are coming in very fast at the different custom houses ind land offices. Mr. Bordon, the Col. lector at Galveston, carried to Washing* ton lately, 9*20,000 of tbein, leaving only 19.000 oqtstanding. G. W. Terrell, Esq., Attornoy.Genorul For tho Republic, has written out a long and lucid opinion upon the validity of the Cherokee Land Titles. Ho concludes that none of the locations mode upon tiio | lands occupied ny me tibcroKee Indians lubsequent to the data of ilia guerantoe mada by the Consultation to the Indians n 1886, are valid and legal; and con?e. )uentiy that none mada since that data ire legally aaampt from survey and salu mder the act of Congress of Februury 1840. " Much doubt still exists in relation to the ocm(ion of the scat of Government.' It nay be regarded as certain, however, hat the Government will not roturn to tuslin during the present year. The go. teral opinion among the people seems to a, that it will be located temporarily itlier at Washington, San Felipe, or some lOinl botwecn tna two places. Gen. Snmervillo, with en army of 800 nen, captured the Mexican town of Lo. odo on the 8th December. The few Mexican troope who occupied the place, nnde a hasty retreat without firing a gun. }j3|ng notified of this, the army eent a nctaenger to tho Alcado to make requisi. ioue for necessaries, which wero prompt. y furnished. Alter taking the town, a ew of the troope crossed the Rio Grande, tnd planted the banner ol the Single Star in tho West bank. It is further stated, that about 600 ef he troops crossed the river on the 10th, nd took the tine ef march for Guerrero, 1 aoui fu miuw irom j^oruuo: me owiance, . 40, returned home. Krom Guerrero, it i presumed thoy will proceed rapidly on* rard and lako Mier, Comorgo, and Khi. kmo. By which lirno it i< to bo hoped bat reinforcement* wll join Ihcm to enourage a deacent on Malumoraa. It is reported that the Apacho Indiana.* re comrpiUinf fresh depredations injUflMj ' agent among theae Indiana to eontml that the object of tho ?583iUBBjDbrvd together at the til1*0 a a iTu 11 u?* hi" agaumt Mexico. If thie prove .true, the army *wiH'have to encounter little oppnei. tion in cepturing all the town* and villa* (1 eft oiTTtfo afflrmmmrrrr^ they march with proper speed. tfreat ' rttfMMh' lof hntfotfyw$H*m fVoM ^*a?;' 'AHlehiMe; ehd' ftrttiittana,. ha via eWaped to the -hortlHfing States of Mexico; a?d if the inVadieg aWn'jr be promptly reinforced, muoh valuable property ol thia kind will bviieeafWei'*^ W*r? tho suf&rera lone l? unit# ami spcad to the rv?cue< a QQHitUkraiito furce -would, thereby be oiarshnltediolQ service. It isrunioied that the President will re? commend to Congress ih^ ptiMgo of | bij| providing for tho sale of ,pf| tho vee eMo f war and every thing appertaining t0Thofei SA>.:-"We U that wo shall bo reluctantly compelled to hefibve the ru'moVaof hi* co-operation with Mrttico/* v ' : The tteafcher Mustang has relumed from thoUpper Breads to Velascn wifha cargbnf &50 bales cottnn ?-At Gslvcstnn, the NhiptilKft had arrived in 62 days ffnm Havre, France, with 117 emigrant*. Another vtsstl from the spmn place, which left previously, wa* oxpocted every day. Two others were up there for Mint port when ,the Ebro leff., Mors. Castro will despatch ,p vessel each month during ,jhe season with emigrant.-'. His colony is 4o be located {n Bexar,county. "' ! I U *?_uu..w FOttE( i.V. ' tr- l i .. rr*> cr r. o SKVRX DAYS LATCH FROM KXOI.AXW, By the arrival ??g ,thn packqt.ship Garticle at New York, intelligence has been u?j i? 1i.~ iiiu n?-?i? tl. j ivvvi* vu . ,mv ivni wv^uiimt^ | I1W nows in however of* lntlo importance. ! . Lord II ill, tlw Into commander in chief, died on the 10th, in the Tl?t year or his nge, nt hii? scat. Hard wick Grange, Shrop hire. | ' 'An Occident occrtrred'on the London and Birmingham railroad, Deo. 0th, by which one pcraon was killed and tht?tielk3 era were dnngernuwly wounded. The failuro of J. L. Fernandas & Son, corn dnalera, die., at Wakefield* id announced. Their liabilities are ?90,000. Mission to Chima.?The Society for the Propagation of the Gospel in Foreign Parte intend establishing a mission at Hong Kong, and will raise a special fund for that purpose. Lord )j(osrsTn.?It has boon stated in e paragraph which originated (we believe) with the Sheffield Iris, that Lord Morpeth waa preparing a work on the subject of the United States. We rtiay any with confidence that there ia-mo ground for tho statement.?Leeds Merc. Arrival of Maj. Malcolm with the Chinese Treaty. Plymouth, Doc. 0.?-Major Malcolm, of the 3d dragoons, secretary to tho legation at China, and Copt. Richards, of Uor Majesty's ship Comwallis. 84, arrived hero this morning from China, in the Locust steam vessel, Lieut. Conunandor Lunn. Major Malcolm is the bearer of the trenty of peace concluded by her Majea. ty*s plenipotentiary. Sir Henry Poltingor, \vith the Emperor of China. ' It bears the signatures oi the ihrco high commissioners deputed by the Kmpcro? ahd sent to Nankin tonTrnnge tho terms, die. Major Malcom brings a letter of assent from tho Emperor himself, solemnly engaging to ratify i he treaty as soon ok it shall bo re turned lo iiiin with the signature of her Majesty attached thereto. Tho Blonde frigate, 40, Cupt. Rouchier. had sailed from China for England, with two million* and a half of dollars of the Chinese compensation money. I ? Watches' ma uk by M achixkbt.? The London correspondent of the New York Journal of Commerce Maya that Home gentleman has been devoting twehty years of his life lo the inventions, where. | by he is now enabled, by a variety of ma. uhines, to construct an incredible number of watches, of every variety of sizes, in n day ! By one mucnine 2)000 perfect plates can be pioduced in one day?and hy live machines, also oentre, third and fourth wheels crossed, polished and cut?with hnlunccs for 300 movements. By another, 300 pinions are cut and rounded?another drills the holes, the tapping, screw, holes, dec.,' planting the depths and es cape men ts. Four other machines will make pivots for 50 movements a day.? 20 other machines for every desrription or work connected with watch-making, rnnko up the set. The best chronometer makers in London have declared that every part produced by thorn is far superior to anything that has been, or can be, produced by other moans at the present day. Michigan and iikk Governor Barry, in his Into Message to the Legiststure, states the whole amount of the debt of Michigan nt 93,635,334. of which sum 9544,640 is due to the citizens, tne counties, and the school and university funds of tiieStnte. The Governor aays : "Michigan, while the virtue of hor population remains, will never refuse acknowledgemen! of her just debts, nor (ail to mako payment whun the means are m her ii power.t. A curioua thing occurred in Philat^^ pliia, a few day* aince. pn dollnra (yHf thing to do with itmMil iIm its L*^^L?L ^M.. ^L^li 2i 3 mhmljif i9f*? im wbujii vi iv pwq|lvt 3 ^8w?f.??'h>^ltt< id? of cowHhrt vary. A cetobratod hangman in Sag* land, ibowing tha gallows attached' to * nt* riffs *wo uj^twomw-^^ *! t?L^Ka&j2&B? aid lha hangman, *? twonty.flvo patjfia 1 ^BWWlnjf ^HIKWF A Qva?*fe<rtr?f?Wr *2 A quack v g doctor wm once catled in fo.eee m j^^sssxa end -look s tek^ roM agate* hem?d? Mhotdi his noddhrominoustyi felt tW ri|i! pslMlli ? ; i- \ r >; ??? Wtiet eiU my akiUV eel? JfceAMhiWfhM~idu? f*S ' #<?.n.?c? yc^ MI don't ^ow," replied i>ddl? hiH I1 the jtnxious sins. ti.^ ?*' 1 'n'~ T r-rTl - Nothing," was the mp?M* bit/k' added the distilfer of route nttd Jfarli, * !1 have some inddicino with mo l throw him ?'!t? l?tw, and then I caa'euife V him, for I'm a perfect tiger on ft* fn <> li.b . * o lit: ? Ax iLUXOte CntfMT 8cRX8.?^-A cuest?We that Had lately been inductsdHilio office. Wee in attendsecWJ'oh thi Court, end we* ordered by the Judge to eull Julm Bell end KliChboth BHI."5* Hti mnhediete. ly hegnn nt thd tip of hie tftefce? v John nndJKUwdMtth.BelW^ " Q?? *<{? tiipef".jni^ the Judge, 44 Ope ht n tunc?one tin lirae?eqe* a litnr, shbutod tho constable, * ' '* Now you've done it," exefaimod thi judge, out of fbilteiili'e, J ? Now you'Ve done- it?-now1 you'W done it?rtoa? you've dortb ifc^'yelfeN'tkl?' constable. Thoro wan no witHkttiMViiqf thin; chw court, ftmr, <nnd tfw? re broke into n hceriy laugh, to the pevfee<<iStHu prim and daunay of ihu asfcJni*hed emu stable. i,-? ii i iot ft in..-. :t b'.'iir.oKj ! v -i?yi Er- ;i ?" nfhi r' Urw -i vn RxpVXODB Fp-aij,?Tt)e,Ognrk Stan, dani, (Spring hob I, Mv?.,) pay.e t )Vp have in ear omen u jaw tooth <|f an animal, dug up near Wiirsaw, in Buritnn'counfy, (hm weighs 14 12 pounds. TnrC tusk's found nt thu satan'place, and supposed to belong t<i tho tt'ime' monster, nro ubout '18 (Wet long. According to the beatrefutation that ran lie made, the skeleton when com.* ptHed. will ho about 40 font in length, and 28 fecthigh,*' ? . '!,? ' ' '"I.; , 1XTHRK3TIXU FaCT^ IS fityitQUMT.r-) Wo find the following statement* io the Boston Mcdieal end Surgical Journal: , 1st. That the longevity of tho .pure African is grentor than that of the inhabitants of any other portion <>r tho (5lotW?, 2d. That mulatto***, i. o. thrtae b?Hkf of parents one being African and the other Caucasian or whiid, are <lwi<hidl]r tkw ikortiM livoit of (b? KiNtMtt ram. ?* i i? 8d. That mulirtliM<?trb no mora liefcWe lo die under the a g? of 25. lima Ihe #hi?p or black*, but fn:?n 20 to 40, their, death* re u 10 to 1 of uitlwr the ahit???r ^Inck*, iKjiween MhW; ??w-^frofn fO t^ " 55, 50 to I?and from 55 to 80, ,100 to 1* / > r i \ 111 U|,r \ 4th. Tnat the mortality of the free people of color, in the United Stale*, ia more than 100 por cent, gicater than thaij of the slaves. 5th. That (hoaeof the urtmited A'fW can extraction Hi the ?Free StatvV,' air* not inore liable to sickirea* of ptr^metttfttr death, thnn the while* of thi'h rtfth iwl condition in aoeintjrt but that the striking mortality so manifest among *ba free pro* pie of labor, ia in every community iand. section of Iho country invariably confined to the Muluttoc*. v , 0I )t?? H ? * * V .1 *' i r!.f? ,.n i ... JU.IKOW,, lit ? .Lc<'jjuro before (he Mechanics' In. stitute of Chicago, by Isaac NT. Arnold, occur (ha following paragraph*, showing (he resources of (he S(ato of Illinois.?^ Surely aueh a ?tn(e is, or soon wilt be, able to pay its debts. ! ' r'v1 "> "The S'ate of Illinois Contain# &V 941 602 acre* of aa fertile lend ** any where exists, or 00,169 square* ntitap, i iu I( is larger than New York. Ohio, or Pennsylvania. It contains more ereM* 1^4. than all New England, and more'than England and Wales together. Taslra, such States as Connecticut eooM W oarrod o .1 of it. and a function left* Tho Mississippi washes its whole western frontier. It has (lie Ohio river on the Smjth# the Wahnsh on the South.East, and Lata Michigan on (he North E^st, The Fpx. tho Rock, the Illinni* rivers, and other navignhlc streams pass |tirough the intert. or. For productiveness of soil it Is with, out a rival. Its mines of lead and coat are incxhnusfahtn. II had in tMO.' HV 000 nnd in 1840. 470,000 inhabitants.? Were it ait densCl/ settled its MaasaelwmlSt In if ia//vi* 1/1 *kA?u * ****** " ? n?w "II in in o,uuif,uw ?h' people It can, under propel cultivation an?tnin 13.000.000 of inliebitanta, better than it now doc* it* present populations. ; M There nrn now probably abnid 10.000.. 000 or acre* of taxable lande if* this States, and the whole taxat*U> property of, the State* repl and personal, cannot be Ifa* than $75,000,000. And this amount ia rapidly ifcreaning. Eyifry year is adding thousands of acres lo the taxable proper, ty of the 8tntn, and its value la faitt IW.1 rronaing by improvement, bv the itrfre duction of Inbor nnd capital.'* | " ' i1 ... 1 . ?-n *'i >V? K MiRMC Of t. ! |!.,i'sw KxpcriinsnU have hem made in Rn|hnt wfcfcn