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X>? mil >ilou it dim oittil y? M tfF^Bjl .bijj'.->!?! ft ? dtuiw n/I ,IJ?? "\uvflnl holrtim "In ki.nbt ?. <? K #?i3 ni k.I bol?n(.'*.? > > t. . :. t?J b'?il'J0i1(| k??;?li(ty "i'I }((r?i . ? _ kI 50?iI - t 'fin sf?. vtj *>'1 *w b" /; '?. , .i > ./. MBBBll.,1. I,,. I ... I I. 1 .1 viii; Cf.'vjo-'q *>%*i> J ; i 1i?r-i out .^i^ggggaaari'ii mi. ,11, BH I I I I? n r. By M. MACLEAN. >1:1. ?? ! n: T ' '.vol. ^Tapjpa :~Publ i?h*} weekly at f*ree doUmrt a jeaf; jyith an' addition, when not paid within ttfte#'months, of tw enty per cdnt per annum, .t&arviiv* eotwBribnra may take the paper at in advance; and l*rt at iwuntj. ... Fo<tr aqlntprUiftP. n;it rocuiviog their paper* in town, niiy par a yeir'a subscription with ton dollar*, In advance^. WMHOiptlw always due in advance. Paper* not discontinued lo solvent subscribers , jftSprti04mentt not otoooding I Mines inserted fSr 'olA (Mil irthn ffr*t<tiine, ntid fifty cent* each * ihnflitxnt time. For in^rtiAni at intervale of t'dr.diari(Oka 75 ennta after lito first, and a dollar if 4he, intervale are longer. * Payment due in anyanioe fpr a Iferlisninent*. Winn the number or insertion* ts hot ntarkod on the copy, the aHvertiirenarit will be insorted, and charged ti l ordered ott.' - ( TThe postage moat he paid on lnttcrs to the cdthH* yn.tlie bnaines* of the office. * . &&&&& &&+ ,7 HBCKWT ANW KXTK.VSIVK MARLING IX sovru CAROLINA* r .. Communicated Tor (bo Farmer** Rugietcr. Vohimbia, 8. 6\, Nov. 3u, 1842. ' Dgak Sir:?It alfords inn greHt plea. Burn to corriply with your request, to for. nish you with a dtutefiieiit of my marling <^?rrutioi)3 (luring tliu first year, and the result of fliniil no fur as tt lias huc.ii as- < vertaiued. . , . . , i < Ml(I cMouinoccd in Novem'ior Inst to marl inyrplaotatiuii nt Silver Bluff, on Snvun. ' nah river. Thorn is no marl on the place. I I nrncured it from Shell Illati on 11 in name i river, and had to hunt it miles up (lie stream.,. It requires eluvch prune hands 1 to'tnan the l?nat I use, utui when the fiver iji lu.t ton Iii|?li they make twi| trips u i week, loading and unloading themselves. I 'jSiey bring about 11 Ot* bushels at a load. < The nutrias landed ut u spot below high i Water mark, and during tins whole crop ; season two other hands and two carts are I constantly engaged in hauling it,to a place < of security on the top of the hlu.T. At < other tunes it is hauled directly from the i finding lotho liehls. Tnere are liowev- I 'r 13 hattds and 2 mules lost to the crop. I My boat, which is a common pole boat, waf hinll chiefly hy niy own people, and iqu aho'it 3'JOJ, including their la. Vnr, :i 'hero have heeti incidental ex. penses to the amount of uhoul $2>)0 this year. During the yepr ending on the 8th of Novemher, there were 83 trips m'atie and about 93,(K)l) hushels .brought up. ft thtiiKlcan aauuy calculate on ( bringing up IOl),OUl) bushel* per nnniini s hereafter, with H?e samo force. i men. ( floit hiese ficls (but every one may form ( his own ostuiiite ??f the cost of procuring , mail undor similar circumstances. My j ( calculation is (hut it cost* tnc about two ' | perils a bushel delivered on my bin AT.? j To one having marl uu bis own premises nearly the whole of tins expense would ( be waved. I urn enabled, by omitting to , open now land*., to hunt out and spread , this marl, without interfering with other t plantation work, or lessening the number . of acre*'planted per hand. In hauling s ?MIM have noi ueeii note lotions iniicli ^ ? ihny do in Virginia. Mr. Rodin, the , author of the marling system, hauled iA j loads of 5| bushels with each cart per I . day a distance of W47 yards ; I have done . hut l|ttle over half as well. I use mules I , however, and land being level carried 6J j bushels at a load. I found llie mules ^ could not stand trotting back with the j empty cart. 'I'lm marl wcigus about 103 Ilia, per bushel. My land was laid oil'in squares, so many to uu acre, and a load dropped in each squ ire. It was spread |, by hand; each negro tukiog his square, 1 und carrying his marl on a hoard or in n I mali trny, A prune, fellow can spread !( an acre in a day. But it is a hard task; I nnd counting the gang round 1 huve not : , averaged over half an acre for each work- ' , erV The marl spreads l??*t when damp. ' It will then yield to the itand, and lumps j are in general easily crushed. Shell Bluff* is n bold clitfnn Savannah ' river, over 200 foot ht?jl? and in 'some places moro than 100 foot perpendicular. Professor Vanuxem, who examined it some years ng , feoo Fanners' Register, vol. vti. |>. 70, and alfco vol. x. p. 487,) discovered 14 varieties of marl, varying in quality from 37.2 to 03.4 per cent, of carbonate of lime. In using the marl I ha?o excluded the inferior as tnucli a possible, and have not found the very best in tiny great quantity. I tested the quantity ol carbonate of lime in one spe. crimen taken at random from each hunt ' load brought up this summer, und found the ttverHge of 34 loads to ho 02 8 per ifcnt. varying from M to 77. fn every specimen there was a small proportion of of oxide of iron, and clay and sand, us. uaiiy in ahout equal quantities. There were, no douht, other component parts which I did not ascertain ; hut I satisfied 1 myself that there was neither gypsum { rlf ftl ti?iu ? > fiji tb.' t ?: t, <M3tW :'.') /?. )! .m I....U . . c t . J I M , , 11 = , CHE II. n'n i bp it >.<?v jpiij ... . in lulling ' ? II UHIIIIIIIII i I ?' II I... I 1 hard limcqtonn* and it ia doubtful wliethqr,*?yof tho nmrl hero will inafce Jimo, though |t in an oxcellent cement. , Much of that, tvhicii I have used has been cut froin the face nf the clitf with pick-axes. It falls down sometimes in tine grains, sometimes in mniwes. At every bundling it break* tip-finer, and exposure to thenir n musts disintegration.* I do not burn or pound it, or use any preparation whatever, but spread it as I get it.-? Where it wns spread last winter, nn observer would rondily discover it,and Innip* as targe as an egg, and occasionally much larger are to be seen. A mere passer by, however, would riot notice that the land had been marled. At every working it is mora nod more mixed with tho soil. But 1 imagine it wilt be se.verul years before it is completely combined with it, and until then the full effect of this marl cannot he known. 'A difference was apparent in this crop between the effects of tlint spread early in February and that spread in the latter part of April. By the 23d of April last, I had marled 175 acres nt the rate of 200 bushels to the acre. Of tbeso 1 planted 50 acres in corn on the 17th March, 50 acres ut cot. ton on the 10th April, and 75 acres in cotton on the 22d April. These three cuts" a re in the same Held, and adjoining, being separated only by turn-rows, yet the mils vary considerably. In the corn, I laid off four separate acres along the tururovv, as nearly equal in quality as possible. The one supposed to ho the best was left without marl. The others were marled with one, two, ami three hundred bushels respectively. It was all of the same Iinat load, and contained 51 i?*r cent, of carbonate of limn. This land has been iti cultivation more than onn hundred years. I have planted it myself 11 of the ast 12 years, nnd sowed it in oils the ?lher year. f have given it tlireo light mats of manure, the last in 1339. It is ? light, gray, sandy soil, of which the Allowing was the analysis before inaring, viz. Water lost at 330 degrees 2 per cent. Vegetable matter . 3 Silica ... 80 Alumina . . 11 O.xulo'of iron . 3 Lois ... 2 u ? lot) This cut was in cotton last year, and ny expectation was that with common masons it would produce 12 hushels of :orn per aero. And hid I not kept the unnuirled acre ns a lest, I should liuvo let down nil over quantity to the I :roilit 01 the marl. The Cf?rn came u|? I ladly, and Midi, red by the birds. The our experimental acres were cultivated >rcci??tiy as the rest of the cut, and worn listiuguislied only by the posts which narked the corners of each acre. From he first however the marled corn exhibit, id a dliferent appearance. It was stouter wid of a much deeper color. As the icason advanced, the difference became 'renter. The marled corn was as dark a ;reen as swamp corn usually is. The 'odder was pulled on the 31 August, and liter hanging two days and a half on the (talk in dry and rather windy weather, weighed as follows : Increase. Per cent. tTnmarlcd acre 250 lbs. Marled, nl 100 bushels 235 " 35 lbs. 14 " " 2 JO 314 " 64 " 25 6 " 3>J " 251 " 11 " 4.4 j 'I'll A A?\wn tir^a reiki tins.,/) <.* I tin O I i I* ..1*1 IIV vwi wiio ^UIIIVI* u ??n IIM; ?>i October, being h nought)' dry and having ihrunk as much as it would in the Held. Thorn appeared to bo little or no ditlcr* nice in point of soundness. It was shucked clean nnd monsured in n barrel. The uitinarled corn shelled out 2 quarts I -as to the barrel than tho marled. Tiic following was the result : Increase. Per ccnj Unmarled acre 17 bunli. Marled, at 100 bushels 21 " 4 23.5 " 230 " 21 " 4 23.3 " 3 JO " 18J " 1} 8.8 from mis it would appear that 1(10 bushels of innrI was as efficacious as 20'', and perhaps in such land as this such may he the fact. It appears also prolmhle that 30(1 bushels to the acre is too much. I ought however to state that this last acre had a slight sink in the centre, ami that (ho slopes around it are much thinner than tlin average land. These constitute nhout one-filth of the acre, nnd were evidently injured by the marl. It wus a had selection for the heaviest marling; hut at the tune it was made I did not suppose, judging by the rates at which they marled in Virginia, that 300 bushels would injure nny land. My fear now is that 201) bushels may prove too much for soil like this; and I have accordingly determined to put only i50 bushels on the aero horcaftsr, until I sec its further iKiktekk 'I'Iiili lioo liiia n n rniiui rl/ :i liln 1 think tlm ftOT?sn^Viie cuVmado nl lunst HB9HK||KUtan it would ht*v?.^lonr I preaum? tho marl, ao likewiae. But any, . i|';yr ' ~ y e&mtki Ji:o k . > ? I .< i.t . J ' J .j -? : ? U i. i i mini i I j I' 1 mil 111' 1L it; ' ifijj't -J J \W. SOU TII-CAKOLINA, i . ?. ! >i I tj lit i ||t?Y t*AJ ii i I of the four bushoU increased (o thepecu- l * I liarity of the souson operating on the marl I i I am wholly unable ttr decide. Supposing r the increase from the season to be the seme I on the marled und utimnrlod land, and tie- t ducting 5 bushels from the produce of r eacli aero there will he 33} pur cent, in :i lavor of the ten best m tried acres. Tnis * however is all conjecture. The uveruge ? per acre of this whole cut whs 18 hushels. I I i'ne inoasuromeut of nil hut the experi- o mental acres was made however hy wag- |< gon loads according lo the usual pluiitu- | y lion estimate, in which there in it libera) 1 ? allowance for shrinking, &c. H id the n whole been measured lit tliu same man- n in*r us the ex|H!rimuiilitl ucrett were, the ^ produce would have appeared greater. 1 .j, have had tins cut planted in corn once j| before, hut hnving been absent the whole n year, no account of it was preserved, and n I do not know what it produced. I selected also and laid olFseparately 4 0 acres of cotton ulong the turn-row of the (| 75 acre cut of cotton. At the timo 1 c thouglit them nearly eipial in quality, and t. the one supposed lo ho the best of these ,, was left uiiiitarlcd, and 1, 2, and 3d(J bu- q sliels of inurl spread upon (lie other tnrce. j, it turned out however that the acre with (l too bushels was inferior to tlio average of the cut, while tlie other two were far su. [ per<or. i was deceived by the stalks v grown the year before. Tee two tirsl v named acres being somewhat rolling, and j] tlie year a wet one, they produced us (| good cotton as the oilier two which were r The uninarled acre was not much j, if any superior to tlio one marled with (| 3Jd o.ishcls, save that there was ii spot where fodder slacks had stood in 143*1- 0 9, which produced noariy doualo the col- |? tun of any other spot of the same sixc in ;r either item, and added pmbuhly 3D Ion* to |t tiie amount gathered Iroin that ucro.? ,| The marl on tiiuse acres contained, like (| (hut on the corn cut, an average of 54 st pur cent, of carbonate of liinu. This M land is of Ihu kind commonly known as j mulatto so.I, and was clearly at least as ,| eaily as the corn cut. It was certainly | pit ii led by the Indians in 1740. Tuc c; following was the analysis of it before e) marling, for which, as well us for the an. iy alvats ot tliu corn cut, 1 am indebted to C| the kindness of Prof. Kllct; re Water at 300 degrees - 3 >' Vegetable matter 4.5 bi Silica 74 V ? Alumina .... 14.5 ol Oxide of iron ... 4111 This cut was not planted until the 22.1 " April, because it could not lie marled be. w fore. A dry spell occurring immediately after, at the end of two weeks very little (?< cotton bad come up except in tlio marled acre in whicb tbcro was nhout half n Cl stand. My overseer becoming alarmed *sl in tny absence replanted tlio whole, and IH threw out the whole seed wherever it had fr not come up. This was done oo the 0th ls May, so that thn crop of this cut dates S( from that period, which is at least a " month later than 1 should have prefcired- " For my experience is that early cotton, " like early corn, ss almost alwuys thn best. r>l I consider the two weeks s ort which one 1,1 half the uninarled acre obtained in this l' instance as of considerable ennsonnonee " to it. These early stalks could l>o distinguishod until the hulls began to open. ^ Ttio difference between tlie marled and 1 uumarlcd cotton was as obvious as it was 11 in the corn. The leaf too appeared J' broader and tho stalk stouter from the. 11 first. Tho following was tho production 11 of thes: four acres. I state the pdodur. ? tion of all, though that of the 1 and 200 a bushels acres ought not to bo compared 11 with that of the oilier two, on account of c the relative inferiority of the soil. Tho unmnrlcd acre 1111 Mis. in the sued. M tried do at 100 hu. 846 " at 200 ? 1003 * j ? * at 300 " 13 H " " Tho difi'erenco between tho unmarled aero and that with 300 bushels of marl, was 17.7 percent, in favor of the latter. It would have been greater perhaps tiny r' other year than this, which has been nl. ? most as favorable for cotton as eorn. The rl average production of (lie whole 75 acres was 966 lbs. per acre. I have bad this " cut in cotton It) of the Inst 12 year? ; in ' corn 1, and in oits 1, and the following ^ is a statement of its production of cotton ^ lor 6 of the 10 years; that of the other ? years not having heon preserved. 1833 av'gc p. acre in seed 731 lbs. manured lightly, p 1k31 " " " 784 " v 1835 " " H 951 44 manured light[y. I 173d 14 44 " 451 " I 1811) " 44 " 497 44 p 1811 " " " 5'JO " manured. ^ 1812 44 44 44 986 44 marled. I The oilier 50 acre cut of marled land r was planted in cotton on the 10th April. * [t came up in good tirno and was n tine M stand. This is also a light gray soil, with less clay tnnn ino inuiuiin iann, arm loss c Hand than the corn cut. It is probably as old as either, and has been cultivated in (| much the sumo way. Although planted p some m nmwmmwn ,V ' t# ,*I w v -*J - i ?.j* TUESDAY. JANUARY v A*. I . ' - i* - 1" |?t; .1* j kflnp >11 A *1*- """ in iiiuiii hacujh inn i } icm cui, t anon nppoared to bo tho oldest cotton, tnd certainly matured the earliest of any. Immediately aftee-the cold weather, nbnut he 1st August, tho rust commenced in it, ind by the 20th of that month it had the ippoarnncc of a field after frost. Form*, mall holla, and even the leaves dropped, dost persona who aaw it thought it had ii'Qu cut off one half. I think myself it uflercd to the extent of one-fourth at I uast. B it I have made on this cut this ear 810 lbs. of .seed cotton, which is learly 50 per cent, more than 1 ever had aado on it before. The following is the vnrage of its production (or 4 other years. 833 av'ge p. acre in eeed 59S lbs. manured. R34 " " " 435 34J " " M 358 " 341 " " * 356 * manured lightly. 313 " " " 840 ? marled. I think the injury from the rust nearly r quite equal to the benefit derived from ic favorable season. And that the in. reuse from the marl was greater oa this lit than on any other, because the earlist marled and most seasonably planted, 'he rust here was more injurious than i any other field, and I might have at. rihuted it to the ir.arl, hut that the To ere cut also marled suffered least of nil. urn iiiriiimci io i hi mi Mint itic most nilunc?id cotton was most affected, and the oungest least; nod thai nnrl hud no in. ucnco one way or the other. It is war. ly of remark, that while all my other utton suffered from lice and the worm nth, neither made their appearance on ie marled land. I have troubled you with this lenglhned detail of my operations, because this eing tho first serious experiment with inrl in South Carolina (that 1 know of), may he interesting to those who have lis earth within their reach, to know ic particulars. Frotn the facts 1 have ated, each one can form his opinion on early es good data as [ can niv own.? can only add that my expectations for ic first year have heen fully answered, did not calculate on any of those magi, il results which agricultural experinicntrs so often look for, and so seldom real. ;o to the full extent. I regard an in. reuse of 20 per cent, as a very handsome turn, and if it only docs as well another ear, I shall at all events he repaid for my ilior even if ttic beneficial effect of the inrl ceases then. But the experience ['all who have used it is, that it conlines to improve the soil every year, until loronghly disintegrated and combined ith it ; and that with proper eullure it aver declines from its maximum. Unlt these circumstances, and with theso apes, I shall continue myself to prose ite the business vigorously during the immer. I luive hauled marl over 100 ires, and have now at my landing enough i cover UUO acres more. My great regret that 1 did not engage in tha business >oncr. I have long known Shell BluO'. lid for some years had hoard of Mr. .nldia's successful introduction of marl ito the culture of Virginia. But I had at read his * K-say on Calcareous Ma. ares,' nor examined Shell BlutV, until le summer of 1H41. The idea of obtain, ig marl from that spot was first suggest, il to mo hv my Iriend Mr. Dickenson, of rcorgia ; and after a careful perusal of Ir. RnIlia's Essay, and an analysis of larU there, I determined to try the ex. criment. I have, during the course of t, received much encouragement and val. able practical information from Mr. Lufhn himself, to whom, in common with II other beneficiaries of this inestimable j reumire, I owe a debt of gratitude which i an not be easily cancelled. 1 am, iny dear sir, With great regard and esteem, A'l.uf i li.i/liftlif cnru'inf * ??" *MM M.V.H ??'. J. H. Hammond Ion. Whxtrmarsii II. Skabkook, Preset of the State Agr. Soc. " nativk." and otiif.r cattlr. Messrs. Gaylord Tucker,?1 have sad, wiil? ?reni interest, (hn first volume f iho Transactions of the Now York Ag[cultural Society ; and with none of the spurs therein contained have I been lore pleased, than with the one on *' Neat 'atlie," by Henry S. Randall, in which re many useful suggestions in regard to lie improvement of our cuttle, nml tlie reduction of >i breed or breeds suited to I tir rlimute end purposes. I Mr. R. fears tbnt too many are "too roue to underrate our native slock," thick he thinks "Ims produced animals hut would sutler little by comparison with hose ol any other breed." In hiiiiio renarks on Mr. Randuir.s ideas, by Mr. >Vm. ii. Sothum. in the Sept. No. of the Jultivator, is Iho following rather ultra xpresston : " ilo [Mr. R.J may select he best [of the native stock J if he chooses, nd breed them until lie is of the aye ol uun, and iny word for it, ho will never reed a beast that n good judge would i i <- i l i UIIUIT.-II.VIM! Ill |?Ul III* IliUKI IJ|?f>II.~ There may he a dilftculty, I confess, in Icciding such a proposition. In the first iUco, llm premises should bu understood nd admitted by tbo parties. What, then, *# *m i ti NU" . *C > ' I ?3 IE 31 * |! > ., . .' I >. mi 'J - nl uj I all H'll 1 ii i" ii MI .ii in in iiIII IJ'ii una 24, 1843. . '*f i % ? *i ! "I' 1 ii "native slock7" Here ia the errand - n point; nnd tlioy may ?* tvoll dispute about the merits of British sheep, or any other species of nnimal which embrace* varieties very widely different in thoir character*, an to attempt to decide that matter until thia point ia so'tied. If Mr. Kandnll is to be nl!o\ved_(nnd thia is obviously his intention.) to take such animals as Mr. Rust's fnl ox ns ape. cimens of the scrub or " native" breed, it appears to ino ho would he under no no. cossity of breeding till he is three score years and ten, before ho could ' produce an animal that a good judge would conde* Mcoml to put his hand upon." While on my late trip to the East, I saw this ox of Mr. Rust's. Me is truly a most superb animal. He has, both in shnpo nnd color, all the lending characteristics of a Heroford ; his shoulders nre well set, his chime full, hack short, loin and hips very wide, rump long, legs clean nnd sinewy, nnd lie is considerably heavier than any other animal 1 ever saw of so little hone and offal. At the time I saw him, Mr. Rust thought his weight could not he less than 3,701) pounds; and it had been ascertained by repented weighing, that his gain was at least three pounds per day. Not withstanding his immense weight, he was, from the justness of his proportions, very nctivo. When lying down, he would get up as quick as a sucking calf. I saw the inan who said he raised this ox ; and the history which ho gave of him, was that Iho hull which sired him was "part Hereford." In this, both he and Mr. Rust agreed. I cannot 3eo why this statement need he doubled ; for according to an account which Mr. Bcmcnt has published, some Hereford* were introduced into this part of tho country several years ago. But history and tradition out of tho question, it appears to me there would be us much propriety in taking .in animal which should show all the nrinci |>nl points in shape and color of an improved Short Horn, as n specimen of the " native stock," us there is in Inking this ox ns such. An example of tnis kind would prohnhly he regarded by the advocates of tho Short Hoi ns as not altogether fair. Your reviewer. Commentator, in the Oct. No. of the Cultivator, in his remarks on Mr. Sothnn's expression, given above, says Mr. Bakewell made n similar cxperiment in Knglund to that proposed by Mr. Randall, u and it is presumable with no better cattle to begin with than Mr. Randall might probably find among what is called tho nutive breed' in New York." Now it mny bo pretty near truo thnt B ikewcit began to breed with cattle which were not belter than thoso which some have called tiative in this country ; but from the best evidence to be bad, ii seems to me certain, that the nnimnls with which Bakewell began to breed, were not only very good in themselves, but belonged to a race whose superior excellence had been long acknowledged. Tnnt under his master mind they attained still higher improvement, is neither denied nor doubted ; but thnt tho origimtls were altogether superior to our common caltly, is plain, if we admit testimony on this subject. The tirst great advantage which Mr. Bakewell possessed over uny ono who might attempt n similar experiment, confining himself to the common cuttle of tlii.4 f-iiilillrv. u/nii llin 41v?rl --1* ; " j -v w. his stock. '1'heir lending points hud been ihosuine, without admixture, as far us we learn, for ages, ho might calculate on a certain transmission of the qualities possessed by those he ft st selected, hereditarily, to their offspring. The originals of our common cuttle hnvo been brought Irom almost every country and district from which this country has ever received emigrants. These animals, ho heterogeneous in their character, have generally been bred tn an indiscriminate, haphazard manner, until they have, in most cases, lost all marked resemblance to any distinct breed. Yountt, in the work on British Cuttle, gives a very interesting account of (he stock from which Mr. Baku well made his original selections. Under the head of the "Long Horns," lie says: "in (lie dislru-l of (IrilVAII n r...lllr. ..nrnu. ..?* ,1... West Riding of Yorkshire, bordering on Lancashire, und separated from West, morelnnd chietly by the western moor lands, there has been from the earliest records of British agriculture a peculiar and valuable breed of cattle." At page lytt is given a portrait of a Craven bull, "sup. posed to benr about hiui many of the characters of the old breed." The por- ] trait conveys an idea of a most excellent animal; one of llio best in the bonk ; the body and Iinih9 indicating surprising strength, with u rich, mellow coat of hair. In 17*20, it is stated that a blacksmith by the nnine of Wilhy, commenced the work of improving the Craven cuttle, with imiim rtitvd itltK'h Kn C,? _ . nw.MV ? s- " MW |'M/WIIILII Ill/Ill oir Thomas(Jresley. "Soon al'(or this." says Mr. Yoimlt, "Mr. Webster, of Canloy, near Coventry, distinguished himself as a breeder, lie, too, worked upon Sir Thomas Gresley's stock. He was a t considerable trouble in procuring bulls from Lancashire and Westmoreland ; and ire is said to have had the best stock of cnltlo then known-" At naucs 191. 192. it is said, " improvement had hitherto boon attempted to be produced by bolee ting fe. ' m?'c? from the native s(o< !t of the court i " t-TT - i. ??;< > >??gfP ^ .Yr?o' u>i3T "s- T. . ?'. V.^T. ift Mlftii y 141 arr*1^* in *r,j^i,y.A ,; ?.?T f * / ' .ft * ''/tp , .1 >. v?ii .'I Iflmj rainyil 'ill bnfo'j m1^4? W ^ lit*? ?df f't -ti* .'jj, ?. ?i*..i!? no-ju i'\toinxj'V or?j.i'H4)<iJp'iiwi >' ' > 1 1 gaageesifaaig1 7i:ln'.i nil h # I) W cilw HiJcn^ -atit (jJ?WJ^? xIWMBBRf' Hv"' MMhi'icoq [ try. w?d cresringthamtrithmflRefatfP Vh ahen bread. fhrhaWAlTe good'dbhbd led Him In imagftM <th?t tH* ohjdct'WtfglVt He better ncnmriplMied by unHiwg'thn btfi perier krnnohee of I He same bfeetMftWH by any mrabira vfforeign bite*. T<9**Mt new and judicious principle He tart ad1 Ho purchased two L?>ng HornedHAfera from Mr. Webater, end He pracorWo promising Long Horned bull from Wnl. morelund. To lheae and their pilfcany I? confined himilelf.*'!., e>. u?<>** Many years did not pase before hie atbok thee unrivalled for the rpundaeer tef ifi farm, thosmnllness of ite bono, end itaaptitodio to acquire external fat, while-they were small consumers ef food in proportion, I# their sine." , i . . ^ The object in making these qnotetiona is to show that tho ancestors of Mr. Belie* well's stock had been considered excellent long before he began bis career ssa breeder. ;di 4 In what I have said, I disclaim any Intention to ' ondorrsto the Mtiis?twt," l?ut Imve been influenced only by a *werf< thnt the public may be set right in matters of fuct. '' qiwcoDn nnwion U.tll I V/lbi/ IIV/ ?? Albany Cultivator. " jivh> From the Southern Planter. , gcixka grass.'' el Along with some grass roots, for which wo arc indebted to tho public spirit and politeness of Mr. Garnctt, wo received the following note t ? Messrs. Botts & Burfoot: Gentlemen,-*-1 now send you the Guinea grass roots which your North Cnfotiml friend requested you to procure for Mfh ; and, with your permission, I will avatf invself of this occasion to publish Ones more what I think of this grim*, as I flrtd that somo of my good friends have attril huted tn mo opinions which I nevee en* tertnincd. Not that I considar thoaw opinions at nil important to any of tny brother farmers ; hut having one* published ihem, and perceiving that somo persons have thereby been induced to make atrial ,,r a,,. <2........ i - i? ?- ?-*? ... ...? x.u.nv.. ginao, a W"? It UVtll IW IHCIII anil (o mysotf to guard them, if I can, from forming an erroneous opinion on 4bo Subject* l J 01 The good frienda to whom I allude, hove culled it "my farorile grans,** prcfi fcrring (his, I presume, to the Somewhat ruder term?* hobby," although it moans pretty much the mime thing. But tho truth is, thnt if I must have a hobfcy? liko most of my brethren?it shall ftollhbr be of grass nor strait); and as to (ho grasses I have been content to rank them as those have done who have most experience in their culture. What I formerly said'of tiie Guinen grass I still think; and'it is, that it will produce a greater weight of green food?counting the lour cutting# which it will certainly bear, at an average weight of between two and threo feet, in high, dry land, of ordinary quality, than any grass of which 1 have any knowledge* t infer from this, it will yield a greater quantity of such food, on high, dry land, of any quality. I have also said, thai it will stand drought better than our ether grasses, that horses and cattlo eat it very freely, for 1 have seen them do Mm How it would compare with other groasua in nu* tritivc properties 1 do not know, as none of them, I believe, have yet been analysed in this country. It is certainly a coarse grass, if suffered to roach a greater hoicrkt before culling than I havo mentioned, and therefore less suitable for hay than the grasses commonly used for that pur* pose. It is also hard to oxtirpale, but not more so than the red top, winch ie goner* ally preferred to all others, for very.;*<et land. From all these facts, then, which I have noticed tor four years, I deciamy. self authorized to say of tho.Guinep grass, tlint in all high, dry, and oven sandy soils of ordinary quality, such as are unlit for either clover, orchard grass, timothy, red top, or meadow oat, it will produce a much greater weight of green food than any of Ihuin ; that it will stand drought much better, and that horses and cattle eat it freely. But in all situntions whero the climate nnd soil are well adapted to clover, orchard gra?s, and timothy, it might con* tent any farmer to cultivate do other kinds. Still, (ho k nr>lklp<luR nf thai* ?? ?. ...VI. - ?* cdlcncu should not prevent small experiments with other grasses ; for our maxim should he, that thero is no stopping place I for those who wish to acquire a thorough knowledge of husbandry in all its branches* Let your friend then, proceed to make a small experiment with tho Guinea grass roots, which 1 now soud you for him.--* They should be buried in the earth until the ground ceases to freeze in the spring. Then cut the roots into pieces two or three inches long, and plant thorn in well pre* pnrcd land, between two and three inchos deep. Lot the rows bo twelve inches apart, and place the cuttings in each row, ut the distance of eight or nino inches, I The plants will require working the firat your ; but alter that they will occupy the ground In the exclusion of any other growth, and will bear cutting at least four times a year. In one season I cut it five time*. With sincere witliue for tho auc* cost) of your paper, ] remain, gentlemen. Your obedient,servant, jahkk m,x?a?nrtt.