University of South Carolina Libraries
M Mf.' WAtl* worthy Ufa t ofiWMtk l|K D. ftUfloj**, 'ft** hrtortraorril of wtiUAn? wtaotod orfioUHy for f.mlly um, A* *nee*ro.,pr?etUet .il* wUI*?o|> noor. tiola of wfctah b? doeo not know the infcrOdioDia KiK^^^fflsrsTrt^A *ml m roody for aWfn ibhuU work twlk1' ?0 Wlh aHo koop ? krnortit ?? MtMnt ?i nvr a riiPPv: K..J ? . .... ? ^ mr m a^r m?>cr ?11 Utll'l itvnalljr kept at pMli avtaMishmvrtte*' The few riiiM w thip o!ta ibat nawt on hand trt *HD?jaavo. .? * M.MACLEAN. *> Ml* 9&. %\ w : : \ ' ?! ?rtrtisosiwr?r |l KltUJBgT opld drawn eastor ol foraale JCU ***7 knr.hy tb*. follow, at tha NEW DBUO STORE. I. ,*>r VESffi Aici> i*ba6' r ?oi nwvjili -*] WPHWl i? o?yln1?tl Attbe New Drtf Slow. HAHCtzi*. .' fVIHUM&LANCKTiC Sprin?r IwtaonU.Outn JL LjlWW and Tooth Drawers foe safe at the NfUf. wUfBliff0.,;. ;rf?,mir.,ui ' ?? ' i'f ' COPAL .nJLEvnfER L'h. far ..I. .t *T?"- ...' ... TrvirtHi Jab TA1URI!VD9 I WM7ELL pot ep in amalljaifc, for sate it the WW Now Dntfr Stow. <">' VAUWIWH imt kiie*?"; AND Paint Brushes of all vise*, lor vale at Die I**w Dhtm 6to*s. Vf'- ; jr. LEE, flf. !>-, .rj'w^>ui?v SURGEON DEJIfTfST, V';u OF CA.WttEN, 8. C. , bU. Profoaaional services to the | cililenS of Cheiaw. Ho niny l>? found at (At Puntik'i floTii.. Bo is propvred ip perform spraud erery Dental Oporulion, thutmay be mpiirod. Natural or Mineral Tcetb will be ?et .*?. (fold Plate. Se aiVoled on tha old stuinn. I ffsoBoluntly strertf'tobesr the operation-?Teetb'l, tapped with tiuldand warranted not to decay] Mjr more in ihe-pert stopped; tcotii cod roots of InSKdUtettd, and irregularities r< hudted. CT^J&XMninstion made without charge. 97 lAstorulssitd w ork in a u. casks warranted. Jan. 10,1849. l f . 8 - tf / FOB HEIfT. r TUB> An?. LWo, opposite ?U? .TO** ,oT Chcrawt. Ibo lauds are so well 'k now a that anffarther description is uiine. efsaary 40 or 69 bands osit bo profitably emJAMES IRBY. Jan'r. MW . 8 ; St S^tETIMGS AND ' . ^7 SHIRTINGS.w .' ? ' -0 M BALES 3m| end 4 4 DdWlcs just MCritml OS onnsighmsnt from the Kooaett* Fa^tost and for said on favorable LarwaVylho Male. cvtj s'>'. ! > I *f D.. M ALLOY, v4V^YOOd*t,7, J841. j.. "" 'VjtfibaJMt r > ~ W?OOS CulorVinogsr, WM* MM* Dfr MM v . u Jjfi* *?> b*.A- f- I^COSTB. jgjdWPt jju 'f lUWBOEl WASTED. 1 WANT to hire two strong, he any negro tnfn, to wfotk- jbt^Jt toy waggoners. A Iso, two fit# hands. fWilip commencement of a'uothar year brings < JL with H ihaoy onglgomenj?, and Iho Sub. , oeifber lakds this me! not! of Informing hi* cua. , toinort and thoao indebted to him, that he ha* lufcnV amfptrs-itig enfigortielftiAo piy money ' h? this and the f?0Xt Ynantlr. and hh principal moans to do so, is frim collections, wliioh lie ' hypo* to tpako trointboao indebted to fiim- In ' looktog buj'moaa. ho find a Jio hps a groat 1 manv ouutanrflng dej>t* due hint, many of which artataaftl; btttds rrrera are ttrufo np frein small stream*, ao a Inrgo amount iii tbo nggiegate ia made from amall account*, where tliey aio uu indrnoi Ho hopoa, therefore, that none or Itja friopda will neglgOl to pi/ him because Uio artiAum may bj efiialt, and that none will hold tiiek wllat they are dbl ? to pay. because' their ] neeounta are too large to pa/ all at- oiieil. fn abbrti 'tlten. he would aa/to all lhoso who Ore indebted to Kim, toeoma forward and pa/ up: if dnp switot par all,' say wlwt they ?v<n, and oleeetUe tmhmec by nolo Toaome of hia coa. j tomtrov.whoso accounts bars boon running on j for one, two, and in some instance*, throe or t mofq JMOO. Jio Konid pay lsUfur indulgence t cannot, pot wi|| pof be givnn, ?ud unless rpoedy t sotdyiqanu aye ths ucjet invitation to pa/ j. win come Iron) an offic. r of the law. Thesa last , remark* are inlendotj for all dub's due longer , ban six ipontha back, andthoy will t'so apply to < air JpMjt* dne 1st inet, tin t are not rxitiafictorily j arrah^d fn a reasonable time. He eirne.-Uy [ , appreia i? Tu? co? totnert to cnmn for wkrd a rid aavo j tbb?h4?ffbt? doets. He' would alao atate that lii<* t aiimnw I mi'tod, and tbdrefoio he U unable to t do aoiidU buoirirM on groceries: ha will' keep a j grind a inch "f family fcrcoeriaa on hend, and will 1 aoll them very low for Oath or Product. To | en?b of hie Mctomera avaotlta their accounts an. , mtal'e, be will eell any gootfe esorpt groceries f V??" "I- A to it o ? ' 1 X3i?t?w. J>n- 9.181*. g ?. , - T3H? FLASMR, 1 t*\Agfkmltyri, Commmroon Nowo, 4*. .1 THE above is the title of a Paper which 1 it ie proposed to eetablish at the capital of South Carol.**?1. J. DbBoee. editor? , DeSoaa At JeaaeTOV. publisher*?wrekly, | and twice a week during the eeaeinn of the. i legislature?on an imperial sheet?-price i Sif&O a year. i ^he fuRTit will be tlieorgan of the State < Agricultural Society and ite auxiliaries, but ii wmi not be devoted exclusively to Agriculture. 1 Th^ etpsntion will bf paid to general newe mma in* Jfte Columbia Mid Charleston nnrkars, which the growrin^Jcule and con?e osnce of our town require, and the proceed" . inn of the LerUtafare reported In a top. ddWsd form. The editor will endeavor, by fhrisf * dufe portion of hi^i columns to liter#, tdlh morale, science, 9u? to make his pkbli cation + ploaaant end family paper. jssrs&s' '%*/& ajsote ittllaeiiC'rsrtt Districts, ^ e fr ff AVE again ihd beuirerd'ofYlA B:n| Weod. '' MyeitilouMerdifa an* itM pi ?'g?Aetr*Hjr tut wfppoifUltpl Uitbmmdvtlwit ibfll *p;g1?4?ie*t*e awtmpeei i tor. |h?ir iud pledge myself to haul leads that *i I pi M -ifrrtu .' J t:i atepiehM i,4toJ>jP?'.liAQM^'jwt >'! ( v &4TMtytXfrr* MS WM MALLOY ladAjueTbfecWved a ge MJF 4 aaack ?fCWU>?t Ca<i&Mni? eudi^atitm which lie is anxious to sail, and bargain* n? NwfclMkJ jO?dsQls bftfd *j* .' >*M isi fl n?i<' 2Q? uyc t t?< ju4r. v?|l t? "TTTT~TT -r 'pi'nrt'f11*! "" '' 'ffcupecllYilly tend* fa Kt> protf-asiottal service* the citizens of tliju place ahdfti* a<J]i?ihVrtV?ibu try. .He hnAea by adftT?<srn |ftteti(Jnn in I prrtfcFKion. to HidHvo a liWelet sliftveof puN pntnttoga. lie can ilwlyl'ln Mud at I father's (Conlaw Lyeeb) residence on Mark SttNt. .; *...'! .5;. ;IU. <i .".iV ' '1 . C be raw, July, l?t. IP40. . 'm tf i.iii ? , i;;i, ,,i *r~r . ttt'n .w^nm M < ' MOTICE. J* lit ^rortnd having elrtmd against Q>o E x9l <U*>of Thbe. G. Kllerbw. laic of Cbruti & II flistrict, are n^&irwl (0 present them lot uitteoriUecdUlp aitwifcl. by the ik.t of irVbroa nnat. Tliw*e ind-med la the Batata will ins: nninfrliafa payment. ?r thy mw aspect to fv .hoir noire or account* in tho J liaifaf an offic Cb'Taw, Jan'y. 9.h, 1843- 9 St ' t?E LAiTCALfit (1 ALL person* ihrinlttedlo the fktrffirin of 0 trill A WiiigMtfl, eilbpr )>y note "or bni neoAunt. ere tn^unied io P* moot to the ob^crib' r. All note* and aeOonn that are not paid Or settled by the let Februb nosr, will bo |ait into tlio tsanda of officer* f collection, without regard to pnoon*. O. W. DUVALL. Chernw. Jinuuy 9:h, 18*3. S 3l TAKE If OTIC JBI ALL persona indebted to IJiiley it Pew that wikh to euro c?et?, will mike irniued ?q to the mibscribcr. Th'pw tlml.i not avail themselves ol' this .notion, may expr lo find tbpir accounts in tho hunda of un offic Tor cp'lcction; longer indulgJt.oo will not I given. ' G. W. IfOVALt, Auignti. 6heraw, Jen. 9. 1643. 9 * 3r * - : ' ^ : . : . * . >. leather. JUST Received, a large stoc.k of Kolr Lest or. Alae, Upper Leather, und Calf S?|t r MALjOY. Sept. 20. 1849. 4* if *-> 1 I 1 , , i BIJRirS RMLf e niHE Pro.? t"e#e mill* begs leai M. <u evprrss Ins thank* ?o all of hie cu tnmers lie hae called on for a settlement, 1 the prompt manner they have settled his a counts against them, lie hopes that ali.olhe who tnsy yet be eallotf on,* will give him tl pleasure ib say as muchpl tlient. He is wi ling to soil lumber at very reduced prices i i.;_ s a?. . viutupi (.uDivmoifnnsMwiui croni', good lumber at 88 por uk Refuse 84 pi m, ft.. Selected 810 per m. ft., which isiU fx cent, lower then hie usual prices. i * j. w BURN. January 0. (948. 0V"" ' #H i i u?eiuwew M f J y fllfjlL flffiWlCEi ALL person* indebted to the lute Firm \ Dunl-ip 4a Mtrtl'olli l?y note or op-a ?i count, are requested to cume to an imtnodial settlement. The notes and aecnuht* wi\\ remain at tti Conminj Room of George H. Dunlap ti'.l tf 1st of February- . . I '! Jan'ry. 10th, 1818. 9 - tf TPS it. 8. X>J?1TRICT COURT District of SunUh Carolina. , m BANKRUPTCY....2, YN tho blatter of Kindred Bonnet, Mat * chant, of New JWarktat, ? the District < Darlington and Statu of South Carolina, Bankrupt. , PURSUANT to en Order of the .Dietrit Court of the United Stat***, lor tho District < South Carolina, not tea n hkrcbv ?itr Lliet cause be shewn before said Court, at th Federal Court Hou>>e in Cliarh-eton, on lh eighth day of February next, at elevewo'ctet'l A. Af., why thoanid Kifidrod Bonnet slnnil not receive' hie Discharge and Ccrtitteate, a a Bankrupt. ' nan e si on, tin oaf of Jan., 1843. If. v. OHAV, Clerk. 10 \ ; ] ?0A|?r " ' .gtecggasg j, u?' EXC (JTIT? DEPAHX71EAX . ,1|( Coi.n*iu. Peo. 26. 1642. 3jr Jasko H. II am ho* o. E*|., Gof?rni>mn Coninnodor-iu.ChielVin ami over the States South Carolina i WHEREAS, the LB|iiliMnof SouthG? roliuo, tl it* lite Session, piseed 'Ai Set to arr .nge the. Rule into District* for ?h Slention of Kopresoniniivte in the Confr?*?* e ho Uniu-d Stacs. and for olhtt pnrpo es," nn liviiled tho S.itu into even Coug' nssioiul Oil rict*, ?f wfaflen, the unit") punrnta of Spartar org. Union, York. ?nd Chester, con*timt" oik obi kno* n mthe first Con roM.oml District he united Dielrioia of Pickens, Anderson jreenvi.k, and Liurms constitute one, to h mown ui I he second Congressional Dis'rirt he Uotiod Dittrios of Leneusler. Kwehaer. Feit ield, Richland, and S.iintrr, const itmo one, t m known as the third l*siigree*innul l>i?t>ict heuniisJ Districts ort-he'steifi. Id, Mailborougii Jarling'on, Marion. Horry, fSeorgtitowii, ah iVillhaaburf, constitute r?n? District, W b mown aatiio foor h Congressional District; ih initid Districts of Abbevi in, Newbury. Edge told, and Lexington, to const it n'e on* District /> l>e known as tha fifth Congressional District ihn District of Charleston, arotuaiee of the PafUl i>f fit, John's. Colleton, constitutes one District to bo known odiheeisth Congressional Dial net ho United District* of OrrmgeiMirg. Barnwell Bean fori, Coli?t?i>. and the Pariah ol St. John's Collotun, constitute orve Dblriot, to l>e hnowi a the aeventh C??a* rrasionsl District, Now, there for*. I, J ansa U H*?Moi?p. Gov >|tor a# aforoesid, do think pr?(K?r to mi * It sown and procl?im,t|iat *a?hoi; i)v> as id Die IrlcU an constituted, will sandono Repreannta lies to the Hones of ftcpfuaent itlvea ofthc Dm led Hiatus, who ie 10 ho ehei?in t>? ii. ---?? nuaMft<-d ?? <*? f?r Memhttoef ife* Hmm o Kef reeenlitieee nf litre 8tate, and that the nlnd Lion fe* R"|irea?ntatiTo? tor 8m next Con# tee will he held ?n the TIMRD " MOMllAY If FEBRUARY. ANh l>AV FOLLOWING, a Lhe tame pi ieee. and be oondaetad bf the m* Mj?o*jera. end in (be entire nunpetVMAlwnHe lion of iuomt>er? orfhf^H*lel>?i^?leM. Gieen antler mj h ind ap4 geal i>I tfteV? t Columbia, tho Wth day ef December. /. tho<ionnd eight bandeau and fiMj lhi>| ti e skatf acTtnrth Jftxt of AnwrWtn Inut NOdonee. . ? y'*n!.i )*> ??' < t' ?it I. II. HAMMOND. M. L.tfoat>R? Soerrtw Bute. v , Jtn If , . Ii 1ojlwil twayuA ?m i?-> ,v l?-wr? , at H-'-.r .? {) *.<? .?n iji |irajWE?<HV?rih? ft* V r : mi ^ "*r ? ji i?f.},i tin a , ?(?? nrf) imvttl Ht ' *> ?Wktn*.*^ M oW ptfof *MK <<M &> 1*1 , | ' w vioii; Itio' ' a? rrft<w>MlB} tM ? ^ tf |m If) ?-':' a \Qfod?lC^'t<h?i o);-' A ^ r J fcrwifcHtaat* i0 ~?' u'ry: .? fnmikhu <*ll efa*fgl?/*M4* ?Tbrr liwt I jf* ittoftivm** jJJ Iw.l*i4>whff? cta^ujMpNf ? Z IfA.MI4 W tif<* 16 3o t? W^temML^ tfbvii *?<!btii Wiy !?; it* fbtr ?b*Vo ?ulU <* ?' ' If if. !r - IS'1" J " ?f?J ?t , *.?? ft.ii t: ci. oi ...TOi HU/DIJNLiSK Vj L'j Oec,27th, 1*4* ,,,|?7 ,,* if g pil ?'?'' '-'Wjt,HA"liv c? ' f^NftE SnKfctifirr ifthinjsr receiving from N^rV Ai Jt York, An eirrnent ?s*rtTtmf*nt etiw<ftHon'iMft , sr.' G6odW**e<Jtedhvhhvi*!rwhli great <?*? . - II* ha in iMmiiM tti?t .hfi cnn mU Goinl* imlm Iim m rf low ?? t^ejr ran t>o d u> il*i* market, ami J" nd *?*"?# '**? .:. ,*?MeJX f, M .r Olikrkw, JtoWI. 184* '< * ?t 1> .. !? : ,','r [ ' <WBlilM3te BACOl*., - ^OSru'^,Mw ^7>rr vts. ^r-> tt* iacostc .Ut> j ||?l Nov. 14, 1842. Ir.c >1 v ifm yV STATfi OPtOVTH CJIROMIA, ^ W tJhestetflctd District. TJt It' Thlt CommOn Pleas. ^ tiCK&ON. Who if?( in the cuVto'd. ]Ti of the Sheriff*of the Diatrict afnrraahl, liy Vif _ tu* of * Writ of C*pia? ?d RvspnnH^tidinii 2 at the *uit'??f Peter L. RoWSVon having p?*ti t toned iho Honorable, the ***o<n*t*t Judge* n '<? ' the nail) State. that he inav be admitted m tin V* J- benefit of the act of live General Aseemb'y n J? made Cor the relief of Insolvent Debtor#, ant hi , behaving filed with his petition a schedule o ^ hie vyhole Estate real and Personal; It i*or- f dered teat the a a id Peter I?. Robeaoi^ and a I other*, in whom the ssid 'Petitioner is in am r ' wi*eitWebted,du personally, or by their attor- n _ nc^, tie ahd Appear before the Honorable, 1h? Lt associate jndgr* of the State albfeaani, at W Ite ^ C^iurt of t lotptnon Pleas to be HtPderi at Chce- ?* ' terfie d Court; House. on the third Monday in C< March next,,then and "here to *liew cause, II any the* can, why ilm Estate and Effect* of di the said Petitioner, should not be assigned, mi ?d lie discharu?<l. pursuant to ?i,?i provision* '< < of aatd act of the 0?ikihI Ae*emiily, made <!n and provided for the relief *>f I nsolvent Debt- Ei " ora. ' ua T. BRYAN, C. C. P. be c' Cheaterfield Court Hmi*e, ) _ i??ra.? , " the5'hdayof Nov. 1842. < 2 lamrsm fri ! SUGAH and 'ihA, ,t,,u DOUBLE and Single loaf Sugar, Prtaked Su ^ gar, and beat Hyton Tea, in Caddies, or by tb vil >r pound, pruno articles for family uaa. ' Cl' For sale by 'If1 . v A. P. LA COST E. ; Octobet 18,1842. '' 49 ???i?; ui .?. OOTTOfl(8AGGfflrG, ^ VI OPE, TWINE?a good stock ("! he nhovr . U on liinif, tod for sale at the loweit markcl rm t? pried, Wr~ ? J Au*.fl3r<l Id 41 'tf T |,y : VE4thw ww* ee 95 SIDES, Sole Lpilicrf - t tl*c 1M Kip ,Md..Wju do. , ""J 1^ lUSjipoTUrrad. V ' 1 --For Miolow by a., p. la cost rc. i October 18,1843. 49 If ' ? fii "11' *. * ?11 " " .... ,f . J > UATi AND SHOES. I FWlllE AilmcHhor lino just treolvcd * Urje JL end well aetoeUd supply of Hal* and Shoes, ? which will ho eold cliaapcr lltan were evpr offer- w . cd in :?liio market. U. A)ALLOY. ?,nr J FefLS?. 1849. 45 *f -j t -Eri W^i)RK^NIN'u T ^ ' KK74MU.0I BoapftOlfiiiiy inform iho public J d that ba*.U>gahxi iMM?wlCon n tH " h t? B.TSiSBT, I j Oppnhito Ma. Mopax'a Honi* w hefe ho intend* i carrying on iho . . ( w*y _ " DVKIXO AAO?C??UBiN9 P0?IM(M. ^ ? Ladies' and Gi>ntlemeiiV garment* cleaned, cy and, if fuded dyed ihn original or *ny other cel. or nr. and jircaved in Mia neati el niamier. Carpet*, wil Tnlilo-Cnverf. ami Ciumh-cloiS a cleaned without 4 injury to the ColOr.?Coiton Yafh* dyed Fast 4 Color*. ' .i t j, 1 . JV. B. His dyeing tcili nut soil Ik* white** ?" - arijsk, ) V 11 ii Cn?-raw, August 16. 1849. 40 if . f| f ' 9TOBE *0 HEIIT. tUU d W HAVE rented *11 my Stnive, except the on* A JL next ?b***(' Mr. Uaorga II.' Dnnlnp's, and ye* ' one door Ueloar eornor of Kershaw and Front l?n ' Street*. This Store in rontiilvrtd n first rate Mu >tand, and trill bo rented on lilwral torms. cob A. P. LACOSTE. 5 m 0 Aitguot 8,1P4S. ' 38 tf ty 1 i || jac * ! n A LL persons indebted to tho Subscriber by ?1 j ? /*. note or nce'.uht ore requested do ekll *nd hi,il '> K'ttleib* Htna ** further indulgence camfM bf P*f| ' / ?!v> 'l?w A SHAW. Ms * s-pt. 13. 1643. 44 tf > ..... thin COTTON OfiNAOURGfl AItJ> Mubl 1 COTTON YARN. THE Subscriber baa received on consign. r moot from tho Do Kalh Factory at Cainditn L S. C Id Bales vary superior Cotton 0?nai, buivs ami 13 Hales Cotton Yarn, which he *r ill __ it KoMby the Unto to Merchants o< as good sr Hotter erms than thoy can purchase in Near . r Tors <>r Cturleaton. '/t ? A a Us woitbf also invite lit* Dan tors of tho . neighborhood to calland examine the Oaf ahufgC . tlioy will find it a cheaper and hotter articlo than - ttaaevef been aoldin thin market. I , I ' 3 U. H. DtlNLAP. f Chersw. April 4. 1842. 31 tf Al !. Sen a CORN WAlfT?D. Ac W*?T?0 to purchase from 1008 to 3<M0 I I WW ' Bvfliela cWfit to be delivered inCWavy, C 1 ?r at eny if Hie landing* dn**n the river, for ? "?fwfilehthe higWimurkti uflee wHI be paid " I ~ p. M'KAIR. 1 April II, 1849. 22 if TH p 1 _> . .i. /. . ... ... ; ? con AirafViiiiniEttoooM. ;lJ fPStitafcw&iU $1 OMdi. v. .. nO. H. DITNwAP. ' | Chff**, April 9,; JSi-J. 22 ..If, ^ ,c? o) rr K^jor * ^wtiT ?i?<ttS'*dT '<3r*lU.l'UJiJ WKvpJif tal WAiWiWl * Hid * hull loobivj mjgr .? *' ^iuiijuw j|iT wi.?JU? I Mil li?' . 'xjuri* * I^W: WOMp?. ,T? *M?i mm eefcwi^enwilWwe*l|fDr,|weeyr?i,i lr ma.Gwmtf; iammw Vk**fa j """ ^^wieass wft*'te*^*" u> !<<i I I- -. ~?i- I Ml I I I I ^1I(WT AttOlfcii ACEl ^ ,1 bKBiWRY fin iiflte, m*t* fn?|M?la< v UoA?,ik?H I ?Wt ?oV*Aw *M M 4**' wutarw?tai MSTyk' r. nunki, lor *>nr ? ?cr lotion of good*. ?icoi > TlrtnK MH?t for lliw jWMi 1 *1*1 ttMff fctV# ?>WWt?tt*f 6f? tel y?*.-.nBaroHr*??{?* and other eili*vn? -of U ?>? may be ^ orjl^ K9ffd?#>u r Slnjoa, are info lined, thai order* will t ab-niTlj received, arid protrip'.ly fi Vjf at lb loea," 6 pdW the fftirdltio*?, that theft M # m? fNinmiMl in tan data, f. t |kaytnent. Th ttrael am corn pel I od >0 |?ke, to mael mypw gngmn- nt?, and I hof?( will not give offum any, for I fiud by experience, thai it in hiuc Uir to aofl giiotM, llnti Wttflact, and that < dnta aiidnete* bo they eVar eo g-orf. will in y the cMrta of my eottlraoiiiig. Ae >1 shell w oda lor CASH, it ia almost ueoloaa t? a:iy? th ?M.I>eii ygjat cuaar. . .P? V FT A r. 'UCOSTK Docl 13th, 184*. 8 tf * '*! J . ,i .... i.' . . SBfilHT CUfTBB FOR WOOD pO THOSE Clintomrra. who bale' paid n L. anee.a yaar Ihr WanfJ tcmler my thank d ahull bef nuu*ul to rom-ive thair order*, nt ?IJ not trouble tin m hut oirt? a year /or llluincbL (ItQao who are lYnwilftng to *ott ce d ydur, or have net paid at ejf, must excui t Iff retbao to work for them. . ? aiisrij tdalh fed' . :.,Ar-.F. UCOSTE. O c. .13,1842. . 8 tf 4-VB.I.BOE.?* AO&BBia, fttE fikerclit* of this (n?itn?ion Will li Bumcd the errond Monday in January?( iftftt Dttvpy, A. B., Principal i" the Mai. d Mfrs lane Simpson, Principal in the Fi lie Department. . y Mr Davey is a graduate nf the Uuiverpit Vermont, from whose faculty he hringp t li |heat testimonials. Asa scholar and toacl , he maintains a high rank; and. in additic the common English studies, teaches tti tt.n, Greek and French Languages. Bih?J eping. Surveying, a. d the h gher Miphs sties, and fits young men for *?"y cla.-s i liege. Mum Simpson h?* formerly tnught wit stinguished stress in the Female Depart cut of Institute n and is too favorabl own in this r?>n?inunity to need rnmmond^ tion. Iii addition to a thorough F.nglir lutaiion, fo*r instruction embraces all tli elu! snd ornamental branches taught in th st Female Seminaries. Board may be had in respectab'e funiilics l m 9 to ?S per month. 'I he Trust res do not hf sit ate to say, thi p high character of the Teachers, the ays n of igatruction adopted, the health of oti lagi% and the low price a/ board, afthrd fa itivp lor Education unsurpassed by any atui r itmiimioo in toe Stat??. * R. I). THOA/AS, Secretary. Bennettaviile, S. C., Dec. 13* 1842. 7 6t . BI^CJLSai.lTllING. , , ' PHE Subscriber lias this day recommence business oil bin own account and hope close application to bu?in<iM< to nbaro piilili ronoge. My prices will be moderate. atdof wit) receive <t?y poraopu) attention it i rotors war routed to bo duns with tumluoa I despatch. V. B.?l am iws prepared l? rtptiti or pu now lightning rods. C. I. SIllVER. ipril 4 1?42. SI if ""ILEXAIIDER OBEOO, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHERAW, S. C? VILL regularly attend tb? Courts of Lav for the putriqto <>f Chesterfield. Muri o*, M a rio'i. and Darlington, f n'y. 2, 1542. 8 4t 'I I ii.ii i. ' . . I nAwarTTa a sn ssaabui [US'!* Received ? g od stock of Bonnetl 1 Mid IJood*. I>. MALLOY. *Pt. sn, mo. 45 tf U S AM I i. L ?BM'iU! -'i.11 ' 1 .III -UP IECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. XT! H F. ARTHUR Inn btmi appoints [W HeosrrjMtr o? Sm*, by His Kic.-U<>n Govornor IIammono, for llio unexpired vrn M. Lib.nd.-, rcMgnrti, wlvcli ?pptiinlniun 1 tuke oiloet on tlui 1st of January next. ,?y oidsi. ' B. T. WATTS, Ex. Sserotnry. ym ti! n> 9 " xi i ..i NOTICE. THE following property wannlolsn from tin . plantation of William Blakeiinv. ilecM. < i Dnfthct, on the night of tho 3kI iiiet., viz bright me alto Woman named Molwy, 2 r? old. about 5 I eel 4 inohea h'gh and van ; for her h ighl Alan, two young hoi i lea, one a dm k brown the other a dark nmus ir, boiharua I and ?ap|i<i?a(l to tie, nno abnu ad the other 10 yeata old. Tlia ?aid prepor is eupnoead to Utve I em styUn by on kaou Key, y?lu? is nr bubly making his *?; li the Mine to 'the West Said Key is ahnu' peart old hae a fair ro nplexion, very ligh r, and remarkably tight eyebrowa, dindei k on, altoul 0 teat 1<) melme high and tw?a i 'ncaat look when spoken lo. A reward ? r rfoliarw will lie naiil (or the recovery nn< i keeping of the property and saM Kiv, out < State, or tor detirerins the ytnvj to tin >erib?r. STKPHKN D. MIl.LCR, i, Adn?V o# V^Cio. H akeney. fold Mine, Che?terfi?'d Diatrict, 8.C. ) December 6ik, lb?2. $ .4 if 4?4 DOill??TlCI. fear hales 4-4 Rroarn Domestics for aal< l oa favorable terms, by D. MALTA) Y AUf. 73rd. 41 II' POTS, SCOTCH OVENS, fc. Larjje and wefl selected stock of rots Ich and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, Andirom dec. For sale cheap. A. P. LACOSTE. tciober 18. 1842. 41) if 1-1 H0TI03. E RabMrikiir In* J ? ?ft Till Will K"B|1 lantiy on han't Cotton Yarn at wtmlcsalcl lowest market, prices. Also?CottoJ sburga, Cotton Bptting, CandleUfc^fl ie and Wrapping Twins* frotaJMn^^H ory pf Rockingham,^^^^H^flffi^^P i??. 20,1842. jm j .* ? 'Xd'RMMTVSlBiL, <tJ . *.*. AI4#KK.K (L> I^AKLKtt* J9d*mm ih SAXWX KMV.W, Km tq jgry^.Jfftoqo t>?. t>J. *J jii^ewir.tlJ no Jtn 3K?^S'5v^?,S M- aimmi t^utk *4iMmUt *?**?& !" LAB^; THIRTBR* CuFIR* FOR TIN DOLLARS. Kfl * ft*) ir^Ari AwnAauf jWiriDTp?p tr e*ntafawi>g-?<c I I noiiosi?4luB <^ML !A*n^MM?r^ IwHfcf.lfc a I wish, lo civ* Unit wurlt ? iimimiiui. will ho ?i sf! tillo'd iu 2 discount of twcniy-Jtve per ceW.I in ' haridsbtrtdf bourtd'k lumvs at the subsetiptit i,t i) .i to This *?HJt WiH be dovote<l to the veeieM.yn ? suit* of the .egnc^lliur'iat throughout every etfti{ i# of tUo Uinird i^tiiit'it, and wil c<>iitni!| tkk Li m TKer mrkLXidtwct d^ kvntr hdiirrttor'i'H* w occoWvh?', the bet't iwd^-wtidw'?f tiling W chu> meter.of ainlo; improved wlnplstneni**. si it the vain^u* and u>T mkkjds. or.cmpxpv. ho^k r? EiniV n -mber consists or -rputTY two *ao* SO ahubU eofumtt, royn' octavo, aim the work *1 th bo cmhCtliithed Willi CUTS, ilfiirtr.iting ih* di c- ferenl aui j ct* ~on which it trvuH?mnkin ? i?t voloirvi in LS LA HO* PA6U yvefly Cor the It |.l: price qf OJVE DOLLAR. .. .. ot Seven numbers of ihis wo. k Invc nlroady bo? ptilrtiiihetf, sitd -'i'tl'is'stereotyped, tiihucribd majr commence Willi the buck or present number at llii'ir Option. > . ? I From Alio general testimony in favor of tl , manner in which this puicr linn been cmiducle , from the public pr? sw anil'lho innxt exjatrienc* J FettwN and Planter* throughout the Cnunlf; Jj ' nvory ira on to>beliovn it will proi | universally a vceplabU*. and remunerate it* io:?< i# j or* ii)ii-'?til I'ur subscription. Nil mum : this time who nxpire* lo tint nuhle occupation < ., I un American agricultural should he without ol I Or more periodicals, exclusively devetcd to h ' > iuterest*. . t . t. . . Each number consists of one shoe! and will I sn i xt t?? newepaper postage only. Pottmaetero are permitted by law to euclo. ie mOney for mbecription free of pottage. * below am a tew of tho inuny fa vm able notiei f, ol tho ahnvo work, from tlm American Prvs* : s' "The Agricultural sppi sra to bo vditml wil tliul kind ill a Li lil v anil iim?i ?*! I? nowl. J y J mind place u among the ftfriuiift taut wil i?t | similar periodic tla in oOr country."?Wbyt i. \ County Record, Indiana. ' . *.- ? j ' Tb? number ?o bavo is rich in ?Mjr wriitr 10 and well selected article*. Tii<> Editor* arc wc ( known to thu rcudern or agricultural purio'lina i- an lib'" writers. and will, we are snro, grant tl benefit lite country by tliclr prrxfciti ondcit ikitig ?The Union, Rmlaigh.N, Carolina. > ' h * riic Agriculturist <m well filli d witlr we ? wriu.u. well digested, unrt' higby practical a !y ticlaa on subjects pcnuitiing In rural industr . Tbo conductor* of the work, tho Metrra. Allei j, nro no only well versed in tho practical op"r lft lions of cultivating the soil, mi l bre-xhug tlm tie |C tic nninmlM to the best a.lvtintige, but thr.y wio ready and gtHphio pints for the discussion i these important subject* in a style loth clear at alt net. VO. U-garding the science of-jgricullni and gardening, ax by far llio most iniportui ' study that engages the attention of the America ~ people, we cannot withhold our euntcsl eothiftfei Ir datum uf the 'A met lean Agriculturist' to ll _ great farming inlerc?ls of lIn- country,".?Bvjfa _ Commercial Ad ter titer, A'rtv York. " Too Americnu Ag< icultui ist is printed i lite city of New Yotk; in 32 neat, medium ?>? tavo p*ges, nndlilluatrutnd with engravings *u ably edited l>y the Messrs Allen, who nm wa nod favorably known to tho (igricnltuial count u ? nity, *s j?r d eal ami enlightened fatuicrs." Bantirr V.nA?iV/? T. ? ~ . ; ' " ^ ,j " Wo have seen tlm not niinihiT, and it bir ? fair t-* l?o ? li ijhly v; luolilc paper I t any srctio r of tho Union. Tim editor* am celebr?th:i e throughout ihtt United Stxt<*a for thoir ohti-rpria t in 'hn Mqck lino, u? well rnt in nilwra nnuioi j, injt ?? h' prove tlm coudit ion of pur hiiftlmnd ry '?South Western Fart\icr, Raymond, Mist. it " I linvc oxuninnd the 11 true fire,, number*. an '*roin the *) <x*iinenii which ilicy ufTord, as well a Iron, a jicivonM acquaintance with tlio cdimre iinvo formed ii very favorable ? ( itimi* ns to th usorulii*M of Iliia work, aid llm utiilily wit1 wlii-*h jl will bo cun ucled. It i? intended t*> Ii i national work."?Judge Realty, of Washing ton, Kentucky. " Tho editor* arc well known oa pr.ictica r breeders and agriculturist*. and ii? gif ed wriltri ' They have the aid of sumo of tho most utile wri era in tlm c Un'ry, and it can hardly fail to tuk its plaeo at mice in the front inuk nntmip th beat publications of (is clais ?Syirit of th Timet, thto York *\ NOT1CC OF SAILC. BY permission of tho Couit ot Ordinary fo ClmMcrtii Id District, will ha sold m Yfniidny, the 16th of Junhnry nnxt, undday* f?>1 'owing, at the Into f.*idon<Vi of John Ullnpmnn I deceased in the village of Ch'-sterfmh). S C., al the personal watuto of said deccaeid, ttonabiini y of iihntit 3 1 neirro -s. burse*. he?n. uitlli'- ?'"? [ f?. d-r, Carpenter's n> ?1 Bl cksunitli't t??o!s li?u?'ho1<l and kitchen furriitnrH. nwi^n. plan tat ii tools, and a Variety ?' other art lei*. Tmw?A'l aonis of Olid under fiya dollar* Cash. All sum* o* cr five dollars on a crmin up til tic first day of January, 1814. will inter*' from tlia day of sale. to lie S"cured by bond a i.oto, with good nrctorily. MlliLEY CHAPMAN. Adtnr'x. 1 W J 11 ANN A, AdmnVr. * D.c'r In. I84ii 8 r t f _ LBTTER8 ~ * Tb EMAINING in ?lie P?ntOffice, Cherrrw l! JK%> S C . Jttn. 1843, snd if not called ror l>; tlw 1st April neat, will bo uaul to the Genera P<i?t Office as Head letters 0 B?llenry Buchanan, 2. Witliim A. Blue 1 Jimrs Brooks. Willinn K. Bl>|ack. Ritiilfdi Kennett, Mrs. Kli* iheth B nnail. Miss Martin Biown, Juffiu.ou Uiecden. U. A. Bnncll., 1 C ? Slnlpoin Clark. 2. Gcygu Collins, W. St '\ * Cotev. Catherine fc'imnhc'J.' , 1)?Jdscph David, Mips Lennr* Pavidton. J E?T.'F. Ellefbo. l emur I F.dwurds, 2. F?Janot Francis R Frremon. * G?Jacob Gsney, D. W. Graves. H?Prosley llnrrcll. Miss M A. Hughs, Jtmc A. H irreld. Poet. Jas. Ilascll, Tempson tlorcl Brooks llinson. Wi.liam flows. J?Williain J hneoo Edward P. Jarrot. K -R. A' K'mdall. Mrs. Eiis'tbetb Kedyn. L?'Nor<Jhum lajnCtonc. M?0. D. McB ysl, Mrs. Elijgificih Me Call. Mfk. Mary McAlister, William E. Mober * ley. P-f-Mis* M. A. Powoll, John R. Pattereon Rrv'd. A. H. Prrioelee, Jamoa Powell. Q? Daniel Quick. U?Richard Ross. 8?Mrs. O. M. Hussions, MIssC E. R ith, 2 William Sweat, 0|tv?r Spencer, John Staff, d ' J hn Strickland, Miss Sarah St afford Alrx'r T 1 Ppirks, John M. 6uiith, 3, Win Soott, Ruber Srieod. T?John Trnnthnm. T. R TiMen. W-D. B. War I. D 8. Wingato, Isalal Wynn. Mrs. F. C. Wataon.__^^^^^^ rcrson* calling (iIoum aay (Juj to' il?joo?;?. vt*^iuA)^4U%n?Kflte?ti>??MWWl S^Tbiitiiiiipl^ilidMjriJ^??<f??> AwdnftimMfr ??J l^j^lPik n*d A fl ;-V?mMifcf JU? III land iy?, 1 ^ili ilia nw^i?i <1 lit - II .^rji'^TLx^/hr^s^ST ,l t w!th M?U. ?11 tng Thirty Lhuer tat tone on the Evidence* *j S|!? tspteJfa lti jflnortfettg*. tnr*J*Hy?*?de*m& ?r?tf luwqHhJ v fl'im Vurr rirfillijy?ii iftff r>ifinif?i ifrpr Cfo.i*. in, reMAf hub deed Eugiht^i mT#oM* * tier ?/ ifimiura*) OM(ffMW ?#? I ; ' ,'U |f 1" WW J*i.'% tWgftw * Tbo.jlotuaiid Pit > )<" work it unprecedented. i anil pr iori" aru pnntlirgfnYom Alt pinto of (M 17iittcd StuUr*. TLflW m Hod "'AX^tamtair Fa* r I TtiKut faiteaxT to um l?Aiiit.v?" and iMa mCKilw * Oil kit* unqualified woemiui'iulaUon.,*^ *\\ tM lu?dinff pape?t. Mb political W^MWWliiS; mora qdv'^UtoiiMTiii, however, fciih gl?6'Tn?rn?ia? or a?y idea of it* beauty ktictynlur?-ii ttii/wW !l' teen to II* adndfod, and read to bo duly. n|>i?webo y' ateil. Tbe nm.eaod mttrtoU t>*n? |lio QfwnwikEi ? ?/<A? Tuhlic Pre*," . A'Aiffl % tic ekoedviico ot tin* Sri.KMiiD Ctk |n OToVckm II LiTriiATilitt?"llin like oi wlfifcb ho* nAfrf b$)?fti!r' "f etl mi thin or any other conn ry. Jk nurctol pMMl lc unal of ilia fofbiwinj " Heevmmemdat ion*" trill III jtblHy ???# n ??iiikin<r u?o if kiiMi aittf ltB|t%? in furor of to.utol'ul a woik .->,J ::r i > v<fe? field * "V A. w. ?k cf gtwrt aUrneli??,aed ftlue. Tbi? ? volun o mutt find ,a #nicWi?^V cwjr tlnoiiglioul tliuv,country: it* con en(t uro a* in foresting os tli> y arc IniprtrldfiV ?ni L'* nnil tin: J?id?i?Hie ' tid ttilenteij amhorhoohrfd contrived to present on dilli VMM of Wwt (H9# olH? trautivo, ami at lliu saiuo timo us? fu| hoops, thai 1,1 li ve aiiycaritd this m?Io of tlio Atlantic. W# triirl tin* pniili'i wi'l reWi.r'd tt* jtob? Hnlitr.**? U. S. Litrrtirtf AJrtrtitrt, for /Oft* 1642. : id! br? ... j.'j !H ? 'Phis volume, wo should soy, wMi dormrvow 'I' to be regard1 duo (lis- 'Christian >'ulh* r'n prciwnf }" to liif family.' hundred veiy K^'v^qipa, y | engravings enliven its narratives, anil (TtiaWato J itM nolbiiiu truth* to the itn'diirt-tamlihg'anil ing.4 ??! the'young ; "ltd front the numerous Intw ill monies Which nucumpniy llio volume# w e should; r- say, it may sifleljf bv kUtroii^o/e^^t^QJcJ^u^fl." y. ?M'ignoliu. , , . 4 "* V ' ' f "? " I'lii* work is nu attrnctivs one, not only for * the very uumeioin ueiil cnibollinhmenls which "* t*-rvade it, but Iroin tlie intflriotino ancl oreluJL er winch if cbmpi i*.-s. This wont in W1WJ? octavo, highly decorated, and Imn.lodntvly bo??S>l,> uinl will no doultt meet with a popuUr diwunntl."" R ?Chi. a. In hi tig nicer. t k . \ " *'ho engraving*, fr,?ut now a.?d otjgin 3d *?? gnu, uro well executed. The design of tho " walk i* ovcolh nl; slid wecheerfully rt^iifJjJnVhff; J," it to tho notice Of ohr /?*t<torr>~*"> ' 'Tf/iit ia n very valuable, Oitiajr ami cdfive. n iiiotit book. The public wiUsonri'fbid it I be books I hey muit have. Hoy the r. publisher' 'd *up|>|c .|h? laud with many ten t housed* v'^r^Tyi H V. 1 ribun*. , , iiihw i.tlcios oi i^, " Ibis ih flic ninir or a va liable work iiwt, _ published in tlie cily of fcetv Vinfr 'fltfin W justly calleil ' A CHHIbTIAN FATHCaV fagpBKT no , ma i amilv.' The five hiuidred eng'tavhilff ito ' executed by tlio first A merlon miAMiM**. 4&W j pio'.urcs ofthu mo*!, celul rati*! IVotcr*. I'Mbi*; A work iikx'io \>ii|i u cirouluiin-i corniiM'i^curaty w ith itn merits, it will I e found in every ifi' rtie t MiTOn tTcxftW Ilftiif}.' ^ "Thin l" onO tif'tho Inist fine () and b? i.miliilly ornonn t>t? ?l vnh mes'trvr lOI OOd' liotri the press. Tlia tj|H-grM|.liy M Hour. and N I | lain, the paper oud hii diiift iiiinfcl?9mrri|?l/ilf e the g?ld? ii figures give it a r eh and tartmul bj-. . v m e. i uu iiu-rnrv poiticn < ? tlio work j* \ well tVrhtcn, ai d the whole illustrated witfrMvc" rat hundred lii-w and clog, nt fngrnvitiga. Wr; '> tioara tins made ? popular. I**-*-?con toenail ?, . great fuvor upon llin young, ami ii dc^tj rnculf 1 tin* i>ni ro.tngo anil thank* olall clwaao*. ?Bottbn V American Trotter. Wfcil e VVu cheerfully comincnd the book t* Ike c reailnrn of the Advncatu, nl> a work of much minr. e it, furnished at a vary cheap rate."?IS aft iA M'n vacate. ? ' ? J . e no:'; >)-j xlt mv.g Altngn'her it i? one?f the intact ciegantevrxft*' of tho anaMMU and inn?t prove ha iMwt<ii|nAil< r over ivnmil liQia tho American " T'a"r:ript\. ty' Woc-?rili.illy rocominemJ thin excoltcul book,** J -Boston Woify Mull. ' V9l*m r " We cheerfully recommend it to the rVojice of^ every C'hrlatiui pun-lit, ? v a ttVpfffli* i* soul to tiic fuiuily.w?ftuefon JWrrcanlria i\vnti* Bid. | ->v} fl.-i.-irrd " An cleg.inf wyk.of fWa hunted pfgee, #pd it containing ubnut five iiuudtid engraving*. 1 ho cm tiMitn of tlie an|H*ar to He t cioacaiHl iniettrating.-?Beaton DrNy T Per-on ft in the country would dw ttcM \*r fire;}' cure a >-uhacri|rtion nr?k, and (At am at baeeitfea < mines of nit thflir friend* ?ud acqviuUrvyqf} Icurt, hp ubfcrihor* to thi? invaluable literary gom. . Will pat h g?t^.orlifr?l nd?( with Ihi* reoui'tt, nayo the kiufhioai1 to inform,, tho AAftlifcH?r - -i- - ~ * ? ,? iit'|iio? wm do' wametr for KU neigMtoilinnd by mill pahlft f as possible 1 Ilia hi* intention lofporo ocithci!' 1 pains nor cxpcnso lo introduce lliia entirely now nod original volunio inlp ;*> /> frailly Uuuogheft the Union. 1 Agi nlK?responsible rnVp?wanted ill 'etafW i ti.iWi'md v Inge throughout the Uftilrtl^feffrtM.'' Address Iho subscriber, post pawl,.without wkiffcn L* no letter will b? Hj?n hum Vi?e vlFimu %tt> ? ; i ' . lO ' The abovo work will bo round on; or tlie most useful und popular works ever published fyfjejp. terprising men to undcrtsko tlie safe ?l in sll , * our piificlpnt cities and' towns. fr ' 11 11 * 4 A<l PoMinastrm are reqw#s#dteeel al'dgfttWh' To Publishers of Papers throughout ths United Slates, and British North America. 9*m Nowipumrs pr Mugasirt**/ Oifylwfr^llo nbuve vnlhre without any e'toraiHitt *e >lyidg??i > ment (inclti'liiiff this notice V snilaisira .s ""-i? 11'ci tioKw, .hall r.ccivo n cpy f>( s:.X: (suMrr.t id thei^hf.ler), bv sdndThg direct io l?? ' * p'?bli?l??r. Will proprietor. ? ' throughout the. country, w hen i? in conWliiobV " net an A gents, nn4 rtyiw wlmi i|i<nn? > Tl>p iiiont liberal per cnntnpe givrm i ?i mrrlooG Mr ' Agents wanted ilwaniEliout th#Roe thorn fctatwt v for llio sain ot* tho Diltlo Biography. Addrin , the subscriber, post puid. _ . p 1 ^ SILAS HOW# 69 Broad-street, Charleston. 8. CJ1'" October, 1819. 8 " I3t " i?MH^l>TICE j-r-rT7r^rrwr. , i