University of South Carolina Libraries
tM 'i 1L V -T-2 1'P>ai: 1 ? h-: ?. | j || J ^ | fgllli: Subscriber hns? received nn>l i- opening \ I. in the Store aliovc Mr. WadsworthV. and ! I opposite to Mr. D. M^ltoj'V, a ji'mi! assortment j ot selected especially Ibr family inn*, ' and for ins own practice. Ho will keen no nr. I ticle ol which ho do*s not know the ingredients i end properties; and none except such as lie' knows to ha of g iod q i ility. Hi . tinctures and j i ointments will be vomlv for use in ahi nt a wet k ; f ront this lime. lie will also Leon a ?..|-.i>r:it as. i i pertinent of 1)YR STUFFS and other articles j usually Uept at such estaldisliini'nt-?. The few 1 | ariicles of this class nut now uii l:aml arc c.\- < fueled soon. M. MAC LEAX. Julv Sfl. c a sT?ir<?ii:? V71KCGLLGNT cold drawn castor oil for pale 1 Mid very low, by tiic gallon, at the N11W DRUG STORK. si 11r iA\iB> SYRIF, At iho New Drnir Store. " rTA^cirB's^ FllIf U M H LANCill's, S[>i ' (? J.nnc.-t(Vim I Jl Lances and Tooth Drawers tor Main at tiic j New Ding Slur:*. s.B\SS:s:B> OIV.~ COPAL and LKATII Mli Yuinieh, for sale at 1 the New Hiiro Store TAHAiiniW j [ XT7" FILL put up in small j i b for sn'o at t!,c j ww New Drugr Store. vakWISB I pri>?B'kjs AND Paint Brushes uf all sizes, lor sale at the New Drio Store. .1. Ls;n, ?i. B>., " SCRGUO.V Vr.YTIST, Of CA tl 3i:>, S. t . I OFFKRS l'i< Professional soivcc* to the j. oil Jiens of Chora w. Ho in ?y lie fu-iiul at the Planter's Hotfi.. II i* pr pared ;o per. fVirni any ai.d oveiy Dental Oparatton, tlint may bo required. Nalur..l or .Mineral TYe'lr will he set on Gold Plate, or pivo'ed on the ?dd stump. : if suOioientlv str<?nrr lobe ir ill" oner.itii.n ?'TYeiti I topped w illi (Juld and wnrri nted n?>t lo decay ' any more in tins part Flopped; (colli ; u ! roots of teeth extracted, mid irreguUi i1 i"s r m< died. UJ" Fx munition inado without rliarjro. O" Materials and work in ali. casus warranted. Jan. 10. Iel2. 9 tf I | FOR KEX'l', "" I i rwirip. plantation ; A'};' I b'o, "ppoxito | t ,i,.j -roAiiol Clirr.iw. lli? ln.dsAiit so;, well known tint any firthor description is ui.n i , cessary. 40 or 50 hands can be pioi'itJ1 <v cm- . ployed. Apply to 1 3 } JAMES IRBY. j Jan'y. ?J' tr"*3- 3 3t i 'llOCKFSSIl SIIKETflXtiSii' A.^D ' at11 arises. U <$L nAU'S 3 "1 ai d 4 4 Diimritics j is; j tt TK iecuv<d on c m.-i^nineiit iVoin the I uockpiaii Factokv and for sal.* on favorable j torius I y lite lla e. D. .MALI.OY. i November 7. 1812. j 1 ?,\lhAK ! V 5 \ IXiAR TY~ I > PVR F. C.der Vinegar, ' While W'iius l>o. j . l or hale l.y A. P. I.ACOSTE. j 1 July 12. '842. 3J if I \V.\N r to hire two strong, h?arv negro t men,to work with my waggojivta. Also, two ; he-id hand?. A. P. LACOSTE. | Dee. 'J7. 1S?. 7 if ja 8 4 8. I' TIIE concnuiicoinsnt ot another year h in,;s , ( with it many cii^tgsiitiMils, am! tin Jvii>. v nrriher tikos this ir.elhotl of i:sT?as:;ii?-j? his con- , tome s and those indebted to him that lie has j . ninny ami pres-ing cngijjornajitH to p iy moii'-y in this and the next month, and hi-; prioeip.l me sup to do so, is from collections, w.'iich ho i " linpL-p to iiiakis I root those indebted to him. In i 1 looking ov? r 'oil i;v. -s. ! o 'i: ia I.e h is a groat * many outstanding dents tin.} !uui. m i.iv of which J are snal'; bu' sis livrs tie mido *ip I root s-nsi!; I streams. so a largo nin aiot in tbo ayg egato is I nude from smu I a tooiin!*, wlieio tin y aio i:n J , iii-:r?Mia He li >i>i.H, therefor-, th .t of his f'lionJj will iie^l -C: t> p-y him hi-caimi tlm | amount may bi em ill, and th it na m nil! hold ! ick \vhit ih-y hio a1 i? to piv. bi-cansa the r II ncco-.ints aro too large to piy -all at on.-e. I.i short, tljep, h wo-.ihl say to nl' tit ;*u who are indebted t<> nti>). to conn) forward and j-iy up: ! if th'y etro.ot piv a!!, pay ? Ut t'.ey < n an.! j u'.oic tlio hu'iiuco by nolo To ?r"ue f !.i.? ou?. p. tnitl' K, whoso accounts hivo been running on j tor one, two, and in entno threw or t| morn yodni, lui would * *y long r indulgence ,j c m not nor will : ot !> given, uml hmVsj *po?'dy t. set:|?un -nth nro nve'o. t'.c is xt invitation tu piy ,, will conic t*i0111 ass oils', r oftln law. These last l( remarks aio intended f-r a.I dbs ilu' so ger t| ban nix iiioitlis Is,.ok. andthoy w il a'?o -poly to ( nil debts due 1st inset. 11 t arn not sal tfiislosilv j. nrroig d in a reasonable lime. II ) e>ioe-t'y t; app aU t?> bis ciirtosmM s to c'tn-r>rw ircl milt, v jthetrisi l',*< s costs. !! would n'sO stute th .t hi- e, means am litn'led, *n:d ihcrcfoio le* s . usii'do to ,i do si cie.lst Intense it? on g'O-'Tso.-: Iiw wili k'epa j good stock .f family j/i.c-Tin* on hand, an. s will \ (.nil them vary lo.v far Ca<h ??r Produce. To j ^ nnch <>f hits on-lorn 'rs nn ao'tlw tli'or uccoun's an. ? i.ually, lie will so !i anv gom c ?xor-|?t groceries |, on the u>ual ciu.iit, and on mo N r 11 K-r>n*. t D. S. li ARI.IACE. ! t Cbrraw, Jan. 2, 1R 13. b Gt j , PL \' m ta* aad m aaJ mm, ?< m ami ta a n St Dmted to Agric.u!turc, Commerce, News, <fc. ' fHMHE above is the title of a Paper whirls , ? it is proposed to establish at the capital of South ('arol tia?J. J. I>uRokr. ed lor? e Dl'Bose &, Joiinhton. publishers?weekly, j, and twice a week during the session of the ? t legislature?on an imperial bisect?price : i 50 a year. I t The I' i r.n will be 'he o'gan of the Slate <\ Agricultural Society .and its atix-liaries, Imt. I will not be devoted exclusively to Agr ee m e. ' Tl... - ? " . - - , .../ nurhiiuu win ne p.iui in general news 4 and iliost \'c ?if tlie Columbia and Charleston ' rn irketn, which the growing trade and eon^e. quetie.r #?f our Inun require, and the proceed" j j togs of the Legislature n purled in a c<>n. derated lorrn. 'I lift editor will endeavor, by j giving a diift portion of his columns fo literaturo, mora la, Fcietir.e, &c.. to make hi? ptibh i cation a pleasant and us?.fu fur.ily paper. j Payment to ho made on tho receipt * f the ' first No. to the publishers or ai.j <ji their agents in the d.ff rent Pistrb ta WOOD. ?T If \ VT. igii-i (I's'i.iic.j In- Itii^ii cfs 'if Haul0. in4 Woou .My i>| ! CMsloiti' rs .hi . tli>- pub j ijii f-r i'? v uro rcsynctluliy iiiliirmO'l iliat 1 h.ll In- gr.ilHul for a renewal ??f tlu-ir '-ostom, nil pU'iifji: iiivm II Iu haul o ids that \t i I pi t-c. A. T. LACOo ill. July 19, 181'J. 3?> it c:l :Vir s a n ~ satlxetts. B~~U M ALLOY has just received n ?ood ' S>'? stock ofdolhs, (.hisimers, nuil Satinets. ! i inch iic is anxious to mil, uiul bar gams may e hail fchvt. 20, 131-2. 4? tf A ('AllI). U^kU. JOHN I.VNC'II having permanently Ba.M loc ncil liiiiiKiII'in tin* town ??r I'luiaw , i cs|v'i;t?iiSly ten 'crs pint*. S lunal services to j he citi&ciis of this place and the adjoining ooiin- | rv lie hopes hv a ililig'-nt atii'titimi to Ins > I'oh ssiiin, lo rf ivo a lihnnl share ol ptihl n I |> troir* He can nlWMB hn loiind at his! lathor'a ( lynch) residence on Market Street. Chora w. July 1st 1F43. 31 tf ROT II'12. A T>T? p-nton* having -1 >i11 n again?t ll:c F'sa'lBL t li1 o'' Tlios. (J. Ullerhe. I;?i<* ? 1" Cli* st"r fi i i OiMiicl. are ivijnired in p isent them to the 11??*r dti'y lit *sted l>y the lii>t ?<f I'"* !> u.iry !! Xt. Tilo-o ind- Mod IO tins l>t:iln will make .iiiiiic ii it piyiiMMtl. <>r thoy in ly export t<? find j Iror i.oi< s or account.* n lint hands of an oflio r Ol cu luolloil (i. \V. l'l'VALfi, Admirdr. Cl? raw,'y. 9 Ii. 18*13. 0 3t " 'a'5FFl LAST CALIi ! A Mi persons in ii illo I t? the lit" firm of Oil JVij! vt Wiar.t*, either hy note or hook j tieenni t. ale rnpieMcd io make imni"**i p iy | ment to the su!??eri'? r. All notes and a?*c mil's !' are not paid or fettled hy the 1st Febiuary j in xt, will h..* pin into tins hands of otliceis I'orl ohcctio i, wilnoul regard to persons. (J. W. DUVALI.. Chernw, J >ry 9th, 1 -*i3. 1) 3t 'fl\\5x?u AOTK E! A LTj poisons iii i* b*oil to II ti'ey & Po*.vo, /tt. tllat Wlsll to save Costs, will iii i ke Mliliedii* 5 p i \ in *nt t ? t'ie subscriber. Tli >s? that do *.ot ii v hi ihi'neeivi'j nf tins untie *, tniy expert o tind their ac *o lets in the hinds of..n ofiie r or co iection; longer iudulg ;i.c<j will not be, iven. G. \V. UUVALL, Assignee. Clicr iw, Jan. 9 lfc-13. 9 Jt rEATHEIC. JUST Received a large stock of Sole I.enth | cr. Also, Upper Leather, : nd CaifSir ns. K MAL.UY. | Sept. CO, lt> 1*2. 4'? if j ISl'lt.V* 2ULI U j fOlil!' 1' '** * " '",'8V ""'Is hegs leave ! -M. o'evpri ss Ins thanks'n all of his cii*. t miners lie has called oti for a sett h*inen', for' lie prompt tn.inner tln-v have sealed Ins jic- j quints against them, I jo hopes that all others , tvlni m y yet br called on. will give him the j iih'Jisure to e iv as much ot '.h<*m. lie is \\*i!? j mpj to sell lumber at verv reduc."d prire'ti to ' liis prompt customers on the n.-ual credi", e a* j rood lumber at S9 per m. It., Refuse -S*i per ' n. P., Seleriml ."5?11? per m. ft . which is tiO per i :eut. lower than hisusuui prices. J W BURN. January 0. H1H 9 Hi FI.WL xiutii. & 1.1/ persons indebted to the 1 .to Firm of /'Ql Dunl 'p tV. Marshi!!, Iiy note 01 oj>-ci ?c j Miint, art; to cohio to an ini>ne(tiat>) ' I art IC'lieot. 'I'lio n-'tcst a r <1 srcnnntc will remain at the' "aiiioiina Ui'oin oi' (o org'! II. Duul.ip til the! 1st of I'chi u.i ry Jats'rv. I nth," IS 13. 9 tf 'risi: i". ?. 5>asra,JS3t: IT coiky, < District of South ('uruliua. j IN IsWKULTICY. EX tlio M titer of Kindred Bonnet, ,1/or- | chant, of No?v .Uaike', tu the District ?'i . I) trlmoion and fcj'.ato oi South Carolina, a j ' I3<ttik nipt. I'U IIS u A NT to an Order of the District I * Uourt tit tin* United States, for the District of south Carolina, nutick is iikrcby civcn, | hat cause he shewn la foresaid Court, at the j 'oileral Court lloti-e in Charleston, on the | righth day of Fel>ru irv next, at eleveno'riorU. ! \. A/., why the sanl Kindred Bonnet should' lot n ceive Ins Discharee and Certificate. as t Bankrupt. Charleston, ~th dm/ of J>in., IS 13. il.'Y. Git AY. Clerk. ' 10 i8\|>r ?X?Cl'TIVC DEl'AUTJlt^T. |a Cui.uMni.v, Doc. 26, lrJi. j' .y J.ojks H Hammond, Ks.p, Gove rnor .int! ; j C>> i i.i iinloi iii.Ciiiul, in uriu over the d.utuofi ( South ('arol.ii i j IIK UK VS. tho Lop i statu re of South C i. i " w w lolu.u, ;it its hito Sitfsi ui. pismi'I " An I ,cl to nrr.npo tuo Stile into l>i?l'ii:t? lor Ih'1 jlctioo nl K j)l< a.ilitativi S in 1 lie t Oopr.-.a o! j to Ciu'td Sj-? cs. anil lor othu porpo o?," nini , 1 ivideil S it-; into s vmi C'ong'i>MOu il Dis j ) ricit . oi which, tin- nit -l Dis'ii t* of Sp ii |.:r. ,, IILT. U I a . III. Yi lit. .. M ! rilfil' r ...... ? !i kno * n u>t>ic fir?t C m ros.s.on.l Di-tr.ct; ; ? 10 i:i;j:cil hiiifis of Pickens, At dcumn, I ?recti vi !* , ami Lmpiif constitute cur, to L j : il>" seeo .<1 ("on<;reisn nai Ds rict; unit il I) stiic "I l/iiic .s;cr, K^rsliaiv, K.iiiold, H h'.a ul. and S unt'r. constitute nor, to k ow n mile third I' iM-t'ict;, ie u re I !> t.' i ids olClu'.iloi li I !. M it I borough. s > ulinjj'on, Marion. floirv, Georgetown, am! , V ill i tinh! ur;j, constitute ?no I'isliict, to Inimiwm anti.ofoiir Ii ('otigtc-Ksional District; i nitid Districts of Ahhcvt le, Nnvvliury. Ki'go11 Id, and Lexington, to cns'itu'c an- District. i In: known a* the liftli Cm gresMcntd Di-tric?; Iin District of I'll irlfi toil, oensivoof tin1 Pirinli f St. Joliu'*. Colli ton. const;tntf- one District f o Uc known is tlie aiit Ii Cnngie-sioiial Dim rict, lie United Districts of Or ingcirui jr. H.unwell. } Mj .tufoi t, Co'ilcton, tiiid 11 io I'.irisli of St. ,1 nliii **, 1 f ?ol!oton, constitute onu Di-tncl, to Ic known is I lie scvonlli Cmigri ssional Di-trn-t. I> Now. I. Jamf.s ii Hammond. Gov. \ t nor ch iif rc* ii l, do think proper to in i e .i iii i p'ocinii, mat each ol III- mild Pi* In riirl.i ko constituted, will send one Representa* t! ive tu the lh present it ivm of the Uni-j fi I'd Statin, who im to cho?en l:y the persons ( innlili'd to vote f'>r Members of the lloisnof {npres'tnt dives r.f this State, nod that the ohc ion fm R presentatiVi'M f? the next Oi?ni?rett* viIi ho hold-n tlin TIMUD M?>NP\Y IN i I- KlfKUAKY. ANI> DAY FOLLOW I NO. at ho tit ne ( ! ? ' ?? nil I he conducted hy the sinto fl tl it an I in llr) n niir in inner, an tlio olee- v inn ol ni'MiibuiN ni (lie Stile L-gi^l iline. Given ntnl-r my It mil and Seal ol" State, a' (' hnrt 'ia, tie-2C',h day of Divemh r, ono tho n-niid ei?ht hundred and forty two. and ^ t'n n:*ty Hi vudh year ot American Irxle- j' i? n lei.e.'. j? J. II IIAMMONO. j M Lxit iai?v. Si . tr?' Stilu. j, y 3. Crr * * T? n u* m m M rBT^11R tSnhsci ibei li ? ju?l teceivrd on eonJl sigtiincnl, ly be sold ut very low prices for C\iSII thVLY. 10 Doi. l-'aticy Gill and mi [do cane seat choir*. 8 Small " " " ' si'tiiu;; du. S f?i ge Ito.-don cane anil solid seat Rooking ?lo. 2 ** Mahogany .Mohan Spring seal ?!?? ?lo. j (i Sin ill c ine ** ilo. do. I I Solid M'jt Nurse, <1 i. do. j <;no. ii. dun i..\r. flvMiv, A'12'IMI 25, 18-12. . 42 '1* noricil ' QJ* WISHING to bring tny present business to a close as early after the tirnl of .ry as possible. all charges made after that i tune will lie considered as cash accoimh to be paid whet) presented, or closed by note bearing interest from time of settlement. Of thi? k!nrI; ri nritiiiitir on li;nwl innni? nf flirt ' j5?m ?!?* w ill ho sold at fiiist cost, tnanv from ' JO ii> fit) percent below cost, and but very lew above cost. G. II. DUN LAP. Dec. 27th, 1*42. 7 tf _____ _____________ NOTICE. rginr: Susses iher is now receiving front N'-xv I H. York, an excellent assortment of season.>Mr I ( noils selected l>V ll inm'll wit 11 ureal ('.tie. lie | h porsiiaitod that In* can sell (>o ><ls in lis line as low as they ran ho allot did in tins maiket, and is determined to do so. D. R. Me A RV. Clieraxv, Nov. 1, 1812. 51 3m CHOICE SCI CON. A. P. LACOSTE. Nov. 14. 1S43. I tf STATE OF SOUTH ( AKOLIiVA. <'hcslcrftrhl District. In tiik Common Pleas. JOHN JACKSON. Who is m the rtisfod' of t'lc SherifTol tin* I) strict afoiesaiil, hv vt tite of a Writ of C tptas ad Rcspondrmime at the suit of Peter L. Rnheson havoijf net, lioncd the Honorable, tlie associate Jtuljo'si tiie said State, ttiat he may be ailin in il to tin benefit of the act of the General Assnnb} ntailo for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, ai,i. lie having tiled with his petition a schedule o iiis whole Kstato real and Personal; Ii is ordered that the said Peter I,. R<>l>esnn, and al (? Iters, to w'loin the said Petitioner is in an\ wise indi'htej, do personally, or by their attorney, he ami appear before the Ilonurahlo, tie associate judges of the S'ate aforesaid, at a Cotirt of < etntiton Pleas tr, be lin den at ("lies | terlie d C<>nit House, on the third .Monday in I March next, then ami 'here to Mow cause, it anv they rait, why tin* E-tate and KlFoctF ? f j tin*' t>aicl Petitioner, should no: lie assigned, j ?ml he ilischaru' i! pursuant Tc? ).? prnv moms j <>f Bttttl act tif the C> n'Ktt Assembly, iiiado I and provided for the relief of Insolvent Deb'- ' ors. T. BRYAN, C C. I\ I Chesterfield Court IInii?o, ) _ { the 5-1. day of Nov. 1*42 < 2 lamlBm . SL'OAIi mill J JjA. DOl'BLE and Single loaf Sugar, ("rushed Su jar, rind lutt Hyson Tea, in ( 'addict;, or by th ( pound, prime article* for family ute. For sale by A. I*. LA COST H. t October 18, 1812. 49 t'Oi TO.\ (l.lCiUI^G, OPE, TWINE?a (riindstork i'f the above ! % oi: band, and lor sale at the lowest niiiket i price, by D MALLOY. i Auj.23rd 41 tf , LEA III Ell rnui SHOE THREAD. ! 95 SIDES, Sole IjcuUut, j t 10 I Kip and Wax do. 12J lb. Shoe Thread, i l'*or sale low by A. P. LACOSTR. October 18, 1812. 49 tf HATS AYsjiVlVoiir 'Him: S ihscriber lias ju.-t t*civrd a largo -BL and \?c'l'l nieply nl*lints and Shoes, vhielt will be si ld cheaper llian were ever (.tier* jil in tliin innki't. D. iM ALLOY. I Sept.-.0. 1812. 15 if JO. \V. 1)IM?:NN1NU OL'l.l) Ret-pixtfaiiv infoiin tbe public . v V that be Ii.ih Uu at' il himself i.n i ?? ?? 7 <" T* !""> cv ?i ? ^ *< > ?.m .*> mj m mm m m mm mi m ? Mil. MokRu'k Horn., where lie intends : ii: ) w ? <>ii lh<? J . DYKING ANDSCOt'RING IttSINKSS. I.adn's' and Cjetilli'ineii's gain<ent>> cleaned, r mil, ;l r.iiie I clvi-il tin; origiiiiil or any ?!I ei vol. < ?r. an I | r >> d in lie n<'ali ?l manner. ('ar; ? ?>, ( \ I'.ili'e-Citvere nun Ciumli clot! s cleaned without nj irv to llie Color.?Cotton Yarns <ly d Fast rotois I vV. D His dyeing in!I not soil the u hitest > irlicit. CIn raw, Angus! 16. 1M2. 40 tf ! i ? i ' ^OliK TO lti;ST. !, EIIAVM rented ail my Store?, except the one ' next iilmvii Mr. Cuer^f II. Dunlap's, and ' J mo (!n?r lii'low co her of Kershaw and Fionl I directs. This Store i.? eorntiiieri d n first rate 1 1 tiinii, arid will !>i: rented on liberal terms. > r A. P. IACOSTE. j ' Ai|iriir| 0, 1?40. 1*8 tf ' t \otim:. jv A I 1. ............ .1 I I - <?-- e I I ' ? nuto or lice- out it* requested to c-a*1 ami i '' ttln the suite, its fuitiu r i:u u'g?'iicc cannot bo I iv n. *' R SHAW. ^ S-pt. 13. 12. 41 tf COTTON OK^ABI KGH AND COTTON YAin. BTIIK Subscriber has received on consign, merit li<>m the Of: Kalb Factory at Camden >. C 14 IJ.tlcx very superior Cotton O.-niairps nnd 10 15.tie* Cut ton Yarn, w In. hho w II nil by tl ?j |> ilu to Mi ll hat.I* ? us good <>r dor errm than tl.ey can purchase hi New fuiK >t C""I? irleston. lie wo.(id .iIm> invito the Planters of the i eighhoi lindil tn call and examine t h.i Oznal>nrc? j my will lind it a cheaper and better urliclo than ah ever been t>old in thin market. (i. II. DUNf.AI*. Cheraw. Ar?ril4. IFF?. 21 tf A f OII.\ W A YTIJ). | i a of ANTKI) I" jMircliusc I'mm 1000 to 00f0 ^ w U'lrluO)) <- ( > to be deliver) <1 in Clior i at r nt miy :)f tin: Inn ling* down ilie river, for which tin: highe-1 nurkcl price will be imid I) M'NAIR. April II, I?42. 122 II 'I U'RI.VG Alii) SlITlliriC GOODS. J r RA H K Subtscribor hi* received h well s . Holcctnd stock of I'nicymil Staple I'ry'^. ijod*. (i II 1)1'N I,At' lf! ('h craw, April !>, IS 12 22 ''I SAKj SODA. I I.L). J5o?!a lor talc very low j ^ A. P. A COST K. I Jnu. 10. IM3 3 tl LAW hotili;. ^BHIK Siihsitribor will linroaftcr practioo in j -4L tlie ('?iir|n of Common l'le:n? for Marl. 1 Imrouoli ;tixl Darlington 1) strirln, and lite j' Conrid ol Equity !<?r Clieraw District. W.M. W. I1ARI.LEE. , Jan'y 1. 164:). KIGIIT AIIOIT FACE! tllKKKHV pivo nolico, willi great rcliic ; lanco, ill it I slull mil, after tlx* fust day of January t ext, open a single ruuninp account m my l?onks, t01 :.ny dsenptiou of goods, except f'ir Bipginp, H' jic T? im*. ami foi these itieles 1 \vi I only pivc a cr?tlt of C ' In 90 days M erchint;, anil other citizeuv of the town, wl o may he dis| 0" <1 to order poods fiom inV Stores, are infoimcd, that t:-! ir orders w .11 Im p atofnllj received, and piomp'Iv li I'd at low 1 prices, upon tin- condition, that their In I 8 may he presented in ten days, f. : payment. This course 1 am compelled to take, tn meet my own j eep igem nts, and I hope will not pi vo alienee t? at.v, for I li nil ly expedience, that i' is much easier to sell ponds, than toco led, and that tie. 1 counts and notes he I hey ever so p-o I. will not pay the dehts of mv emitractinp. As I shall se I gooes I'm CASH, it is almost useless to sav, that 1 shall sell vcitv CHEAP. A. P. I.nCOSTK Dec. 13th, 1812. 5 tf CRKDIT OIVEA FOIt HOOD. \ TIIOSK t'udnmiTs, ?I"I have paid me JS. mice a year for Wood, | tentlm my thanks. I ol shall he pr iti:rnl to receive their orders, and ill all not trouble tin lit hut me e a tear for a .' u.cim-iii. i iiom' unn aie unwilling in soil c nice a year, or have ii<?: paid at ;?|!, must rx<-u>c ?i? it ( refuse to work lor them. A- I'. LaCOSTE. | De. 13, 18-12. 5 if IZ A'P.IEOPIC' ACJAD32.IY. : THE Exercises nl tiii.r Iiistitu'ioti will lie -stitiii il tin* teem.<1 Monday in January?0. lniol Davry, A. H., I'rmcipaI in the .l/ale, nd M ss J i in* S nips on, Principal in tin; Fcnah? Depart mi lit. .Mr D.ivcy is a graduate of the University I Vi rniiuii, from whose facu'ty In* brings the i-ghest testimonials. Asa scholar and teach, r. In* maintains a high rank; and. in addition o tin'common Enplsh studios, toaclies the n. Crock and Fioik h Languages, Ihn-n- ; Keep ng, Survoyu g, a. tl the h glter .'/ ?the- i i ina'ics, and fits young men for any ela.-s in I College. j Mis-- Simpson h"-' formerly taught with distmgtiished * <? ess in tin' Female Depart? ! int'tit o! '',,s Institntn n and is too favorably 1 loiovvn in this coiiiiinimty to need imiiiiu'ihI ? hiturn. In addition to a thorough English Education, lur ins'nictinii ? mlirui a all the;1 iisetu! and ornanmiital hr.inches taught in the ' best Female Si mtiiarn s. Hoard may lie had in respcctab'e families a! | ' fr< tn $5 tn S* per month. I lie Trustees do not In shale tn pay, that : the high character of the Teachers, the sys- j tc III of insliuction adenled. the health of itur , ! * " I village, ami ihe low price of board, aftoril fa- : cilities lor Education nngiir|>ast>i:il by any too- ( j!ar itiblilution hi Ine State. K. 1). TIIO.17 \S. Secretary. ' BcnnetUxille, S. C., Doc. If), lMv). 7 6t nLvVtiis.firrii B j rg^HE Subscriber has tins il.iv r< commenced H business on bis ,?\\ n account ami I ' )V clone application to business to share publii patronage. .My pnc<n will be mo>iciute. I)or>e ' shoeing wi'l rcruivo my personal alt. i/mn it i? licreloru warranted to be done with nr.. t litis rml despatch. N. B.? I ten now prepared to repair, or put jp n.vv lightning rode. C. I. SlUVKK. i April 4 IS 12. 21 if ~ALEX.iV?liit 4-ssBniiTi", A T T O li N E Y A T L A W , ' CUE It A ir, a\ c., ' Wn.L r gn'ar'y .ittmo! tie; Onnr's of | tor the Di tiieia of lemertieb!, ,M ;r | .Marion, and Darlington. i( J n'y. 2, lb 12. 8 -It BOS.\ETTS A\I> HOOI)<i. JL'.V I' lCo:inved a g otl 6toi k of Boi:no!Sui.d !>. MAI.LOV. So,t. 20, l?| >. 40 <" J KIBt'l'TIVi: I>?:iVABtT.TJIZ;.Vr. i < ?V/' t| F. AUTIIUIt ha? 1 appointed w V f-i.CHrrutY of Statc, by IIik l\.\c In;. I ' V (iov-'lliur 11 AM.MOM), till I In- tlni Xptri'd I III) , " if M. lollolll , rCMgliCil. U ll c 11 :*!>(*< >11:1II la lit !J .Vlit t ike cilect on tin: l&t of J.tmniiy next. J5y o'?!ci. I ' H. T. WA'I TS, Fx Secrnimy. pro 29. 9 3i [ NOTlCft?. r BlIIF following ptOjn-rly was Mnlon f nnitln _fl_ |il.inl.itn?ii of w 1111 :i in 151)1;- iii-v, ?!?in nil. l)i>tncl, on the night of ilie 3x1 ins'., v z: \ l-I g'lt inu atlo Win nit) l) .i ini'il Moisrv, 2 c.ns olil, about 5 I?;ct 4 inchou h gh and voiv n-^n fur her h ight. Al*n, I wo young h-n e ilnlr-i, one a d.u 1; liruivn Dm other iik-hm ! 'olni, limli sunt I and Mipp i-ed lo he, n : ahniil j , i ami uio MUer 10 yearn old. "l it nan I propci i , V i* rnppovd to h ivc I urn stolen l>y one I acksou Hey, elm is pr b.ililv making 11:t> w ay ! > i itli the same to tin: \Vi>t* S.iid Key n- a limit | > 'I years old haw n fait i o plcxioii, v?ry light i j; iiir, and r> in u ki!?!y light vyrbrwwo, ,1 nder j" mr*On, id'O It ft ll'Ct I I Indies high ami a . . o.viHMhl look ivIp*ii h|>ok>n to. A rem ml ?fj i'"ly I'o'.arn will no mi ill lor the !? ov.ry ai.i! j ito keeping oi 1'ir pro 'Oily and nnl K"v, o<U in* .Statu, or tor ilolivorinj il<o hjihj :o tho nbscrtbci. STKPIIRN P. Mil.1.LIS, ! , Adm'r of Win. II nkency. I . (jold Minr. Cl-eit'rfi'-'d District, K. C. ) Dc'joinber Gili, Ie*t2. \ 1 if ' 4-1 DOHUyriCHi. if A few li.iloi 1-1 Krown Doincslios for mile ! fa. on ftvoiaide terms, by I). MALLOY if An?. ?.1rd. 11 tl pots, scan // o \ a-c. ! ' v I Large and well selected stock of Po'k, j Icntcii and Dutch Oven?, Spider?, Andirons V :c. &.c. For wale cheap. i ^ A. I? I, A COS MI. j* October IS. 1h42. d ) if ' 1TCTI33. | ' 'IIH Snhnrritu r lia? received and will k^ep , oiiftanliy un hand Cotton Yarn at wholesale, till" !nw?-Ht market Alim?Cotton Cotton Hatting, Candle Wickr ! -iiie and \Vrapping Twine, froin the Manu- " \cl<>rv ul Kor kinyli iin. J <;ro. cooprjch. w \m "0. IP i*? a a >?WfWf? I THK a:vii:iivca* -a. O ?. ICS ~ i, ~ E, ID T. A. It. AI.I.KN & It. I.. AI.I.KN, Editors? S.YXTON ?V MILLS, I'uOlishers, ?l>?> liiuutiway. j\\w York. rHMIlK American Agriculturist is published j U monthly ui Si i.'i 1'rondxxay, N< \v Voile, al | ONI-* UOl.LAU por .inii'iiii, |?.iv dile always in ' advance; MX copies ivill li >imi lor kivk not.. ! i..\! .-t; TiUHTi'.t'.x c ?p:ki not tkn doi.exits. tali . lois who xx in jjivi' llil- c iiil .1 com,-|ii.juo is inst*r- ^ Iioii, xx it!i sunn-ot Ih notices xx i.if.ii folinxv, will , be emitted In nceivo ? .( xe. r*? subw r'ption I j;r r is, on scinlnio th. ir |?;t j r coiisnimi jj Midi no 100 to tins olUoc. Aoi Snci'-lics tli-it j xx isli to givxi tins xvoik as a pr -iiiioin, xvill ho ell- , titled to a discount n|" twenty-Jiveprr cent, or li toilsomely bound v Ionics at t ie subset ipt.on price. *l*liis xvoik xvill bo di Vi-te I to the various pur. | suns nl i no .igi .< ulti.risl t/novyhaul cvet y .section of" tUe Unili d .iim! xx il eoiiliii i TltK I.ATEST INt-tLLIC! NC?: ON KVHIV OR XNx.II OP TIIKIK occupation; llm be-t s.-.d-; uioilcs ol tiil.iye; j chuiactcr of sails ; improved mip'coieiiis; and lbe var ioiis ami bksT Bili:i;lnoi ('A11LE. HOUSKS, SIIKEP AND SXVI.NE. JO .cli n lober consists of-uiin.TY txx'o pACEs, , double column, ri ya' net mi, mi i tlie xx o k xx ili 1 be i nibctlis|ie I web l U | S. lejj ibe dd- i lerenl >11 i j i ts on XVnl. li il treat!?m. kin I j volume oi f i.xiice packs yearly lor the low j priced/ U.\ 7J Dt)LL.\ li. Seven number.- of iliisXx>> U li ive alnv.dv lie.m pllbllslp'd, 1,11 I K il is ll. Sll'.si l I may eonmiesee ? itli t be back or |irvsctil iniiii'iors i at their option. | Front ilio {jener. 1 temieoey in fnvir ?>!'tlio I IMIIIIIT ill VV11 ii: 11 till" pillt has lie II roil.'uelt'll. ' Imtn tli'! j?iili! c |tri iinii tlin 111* >I i'.\|ieririieo I ' Farmers ami l*i.oilers throughout tin* emi'iiy. ' tbero l? everv i?a <111 to beiteve ll will prove | universally u s ept .Mt*. ami irinu xu.ito its icul | IT? lei,-old lor ill II" Sll! SCI I? ! toil. Nil lll.tll ill i tll.S limit V\ 1111 il-jiiies lo till* II"1' I' Oi'CII|iilt<Oll "I an A-iierie ill lie i iiailt isrnt sho'llil lit' Without one i or more pono he its, exclusively devoted to Ins interest s iv.ieli n.tnilier eonaists of one s'etit ami will be j tut j et t" newspaper postage it! /. m '/i i' f'i i tni{ic(l hij law to enclose I money Jor subscn j t :t>n J'irc of postage. l! !? iv are a Sow ill' llic iis.ini l.ivo. able ijolici s i i?I the above work, 'roin the Ameriean 1'n ss ; i "Tito Af?riculttui t upp'iirs to bo edited vviili I li it kind o| abilil v anil ica' know I iljje, I lial j must pl.ieo it nulling tbe I t must tank with ' n -rio.iie tls in our country."?W'oJfHf \ County iteet-rd. Indiana* Tb iiiiiiibcr "o have is ruth in ably written j .net we I 1 |o.. ied ill! icb s. Tile K !l Cr > are Well j known I i the reuib'is of agncnltoiid pe'io Ileal- ' is i h'e wrileis. ami w ill, vv ar-- suio, gn..t v lie to tit t he eon nt i . !>v tli ur ei'i m<iii u,.<ii : t >lt iti^." , ? The i'wnu. Huh tgh, .V. Catulina. ' I'l.e Asrieilllili isl in well tib (I with Weli 1 vv.'itt ii well di};'st? ii, and li jjli y j radical ui i i tit lea 'i?i su ijems je-r-i'ti j; to rural industry. Tito eomluelois o' I be vv !{ t lie Mm-sit* Ml-ii, it?e no on'y well v< re i! m the p:;ic-ti<-:tI op< r.i. ' 11hi.s nt en!: :ii|/ t lie sml, an 1 h: enum; li'mien lie nniiinls to the best ,i Ivjnttge, but t n v w ield ! ie nly iiml itniplin: pmi.s tor ll.e i!isetis-.:ou ,t llleSC liilji trianl S'l! j i ts in a I t\ !o i etb 'ltd dtr ct vo. II Tiflive the s ieii. e of ijj: ieiilliir*' iinl ning, iis by I'd' the. i:n -l un|>"i t. lit | I inly ill it e- ^.tgi s t lie at i . Is oi ot I re; A nor <MII Cjile, vv.i I iiouot \v I iltol I our e n'li " t eoilttlicii. lation >1 the * Anns if hi Aj?i teiiltiii isl* to the :re.ii firming itttere-ls id i lo :y."?iiujjalo Commercial Adv-titter. Mite Yitfi. 'Tie A iteri. ;td Aoiiiju'tu: ist i.- p: inl'il in ' lie c:ity ol .\i vv Vmk, n '.1"J neat, medium int. I iiV'i |ui};e;i, mil I lh Is! | a Mil Willi engr. ving* and i! IV edited by the Vre'r . Allen, w ho are well I il.ii I ivoiiil'l v In O A 11 lo ,|t ij?i ieii'tinsd colon ii? j lity. as |>r ileal it, I cnl'^hlem d I'.i uieis."? Hept:bliean, A rule. 7"? n:i. " We have seen tin t.i-t i.iMitbi r, ami ii lot's ; "?it l he a hijjVy a iht'tMo paper t i any .srelion , ! Ill' L'i.ion. The oi itois are eeleh nU d ' hiunghnir lint 1'ii.ted St it- s for the.r lib i tn-ise II lie ilori; lM?t, <:s Well .is in i.tlnns IlialleiN 1 e ' i.;'ioi" j inv t !. e< n?!it ;o ?>l on r it its! oi m] ? \ "?Sou i It \\raf(ti, i'ii.nirt. Ilai.i.iuud, MItss. j i. i i... ....... i .i.n ?. < * ii': in* i' i i !i iiiiih'ii nut? 'mill I lit! }.; " ennui * v. ., > !i ;! ey allir.l. .IN wiT :i? i :'ii. : |?t?iii..M ..? j i.'ini 'i i*i* v r!i ilia n!itusj | i.ivt! i'Miii'il a vi ry fi\oiil>V < ; iriiiii' ;:<t lo iln? ise'uli.rfrb ol lins wink, u; <1 tin' aliiii'v ?i'li I'l.l 'Ii j! v. ill In- cull lll'lv'l. Il l? illti'I'i!. <1 t > Ii j n.iiii'iiiil t\ in It.'"?Jiulgr limity, i.f \ "ii. Kent ad. I/. "'I In; I'tiim-n af well I.'.iia ii pr r'i.'al iri'oili'rs a ih' ijji .i u'liii'i-iif. an-.l iisjvI'imI niili is. ! 1*1 cy l a V.* I In- til I nun i>l I hi- iiiiisI .i!.|i; i\ i i I pin iii ill.- i: 1.11 i?. a t:il i! i: .n liar.ilv I i! in take s jil.tiv a! inn; I;i 11?: lii'iit lai'k . una <i tin' . est |f|!.| . I o'is i'.s cl i'.s -- Sl.'it.l rj tin: f turn y.H; 1k kotbcz: or fv*Ta~":.~ Y |i i :i !. ?; >a o' tli'i ('mill i>\ (>i.:i .-?i v ' 2^ C"11 I: i l.i !:1 D >ir:i'l. w i.i lj" m'ii ?in 1 oi'ti'iy, 11 .' 1 !i: !i nl .1 ian .iy n \'. i n I i'a\ s !ul. J swing, at ?! I .( ' r l-Mi'iiC' uf J"l:ti I'l.-fiMian, ?'i'? asii'il ii. ti'p v illume ol 1* I', "s'ei ft ill S C.,a!t | lie |i?' si n:iI < !'< ol ?.ia! ii' .ii . i!. i'iiiih lii-j; | I ill-Ill Ii I llljnj'-I, , l.lTlC , I. en 1. C .1 ! 0 11 |l, j il l', C..r;i- i li'.'a aii! HI cks.:iit;i*ri Imils , a iv I in'11 a ;i 1'(ilil.i'ti fur nit lire, ii w a i; I'll planai i ton's and a v ii< t v ol !? i nri vl T' nit ? A 1 ol am' un.a i lim dollars, .nil. A ! suint' ?>' i f.vr di.llats c.ii a cavil un. il In- I'.; si i. . y of .1 . Hilar V. 181 1. will ii.tilft tin* il .y of s ;!"i. in l.e k cur. il t'V l??ii tl i.r j o'.c, m it It i" n ' s'l'iiri'v. Mil.I.I V CII MM! \ N. A.lii.i'x. j W .1 ll.\N.\A. A.liinis'r. !>' c'r 1 i, 1 c* 111 8 I.ESTTKICft ! Bp F MAIN IN (J ill III'- P..'tOfn o. a rnw. i Kii S (' ,J ui. IS '3. inil i' iii i ? I!<-?l 'or l-y 1-0 l-l \ | 11! Il'-Xl, v |i. |i?? >CII to till! (i> iu-i al { '. -I ( '(Tl'M* HH I'l I-.iI 1 .fl 11-1 n Mi'liinii. 2 W i't, ,-.n A ft'r.r 1 ni'K ISi 'ink*-. Wiinm K*. I $ 1 I- . K n 'fil ' !. iin?-lt. V! c Kli/.In t'i B nii?-tl. Miii .M.irtlu !' O VII, J I *V-' O.I I ?; 'li-ll. It A I! I- 111 11. j f ? in " 1 n'i 2 lii'i-rj,- Colin.!>, W. At T '<?! v. * 'ailii r i.i f* t>'.] Ijr'l. It-Jnx-jill M.ivi I. M is- Inr i Piivirron. F,?'I'. I'. Hlli fliK I rtrtn-1 K Uw.rds, 'J. I*?.1* ch I'lnneis U l-'ri ?>in n. < ?J .if ol> Cim oy. f'. W (invii". II ?IWev HnrrrM, MSs M A lluglm. J mifn 1. II r f I. I'oi-'. J ? I'nv.-I!, Tcin|it.oit IIcul i tinolis II ii-nii \V| |, 111! (I I' V\ H ilii.i m J lir-ii ' Milu inl I) Jfint. K -P. A Ki-ml ill. Mi? II.iz tin lli Kc? lyn. ' I.- :Vi fiili mi I. iii;-rlim?-. M-r>. It. M.-fl v-il. v.*. Mc' .i 11. .Mrs. .Miry M \!i?tcr, Will inn I". I ?All** A). :\. rowel!. John E. r.ltlursoi), Iia'iI. A. II. I'liini'lff, James I'ovvt I). | Q ? I)ani''l Qoii k. | It ? I?i<*!i-ir<I It-ms. S ? .Mr* (' M Sr?**ion*, !Wi**C F? S ith, 2, j V.1 ion Sural, llliv-r Sihmkv, John Staffi <1 ' )in Siro'kl nifl, Mit* S.iihIi Si thir l Ah x'r l> p iks, J.ilm M. Smith, !?, Win Scot!, lio!.? it . . ; T?John Ti inth iit*. T H Tihlon. W l>. IV Wuri. O S., Isniah! i'V'ii. Mm. I" C*. Watson. |'< rsont calling fir letters from tint list, will i o iso say t'o y *rc oc'vcrtiHoil. I i , .co b?van, p. m. jun. let. ip43. ft ^7 vv ?rofjekies.^ jjggbjf , r N utoro and tor i 8ug?r, c'otluy^nd W?a??I?? ? HOLIDAY GIFT FOR 1643. PATHS ?.'S 11' A M 1 L l'< Tim most Splendidly illustrated and Clmapeat Woik ?n ilie Aiimiican Continent; CONTAINING MoltE TIIAN IIVK ia< THItlA) I'Mill lVIXOS Fnt.rely J\"i w ami Original, Designed and Fx. rented by the must Eminent Artists of Fngland and Ameticu.? Cost of Preparing the Woik, si U ? PRICE, 2 all. .BIBLE BIOGIL&PHY, Or, THE I.IVES A.YD CHARACTERS OF THE PRINCIPAL PERSONAGES Re en did i-i t/,ic Sue ird IVritinvs f practically adopted to the liistriirtiotl <f Youth and Private Families ; together With i.n Appendix, contu.fling Thirty Jjissi rial ions on the Evidences ?f L'n inr Ri ctiult Jii, Juan Tiinpsuids Key to the; bemg ,j com/J'te Summary oj R bhcal Kilntfledge cairjiilly condensed and compiled from Scott. Umtdridge. Gill Pali irk. Adum Clcnkr, I'oul, I.oath. Home. Wall. St owe, Ro Li noon, and other Eminent Writers on the Scrip Intes ?Ilobnt Scum. F.ditm .? Embellished with sevi iat hundred Engravings an Wood, illuslta hee of Script in e Scenes, Mannas, Customs, ?Jc, Tim ilotnatul for iliis woik is unprecedented. rtti'l <<|- lots an: IIOUIII1' in I'lini ii'l ii.ntv ?if ili? .1 States. |t i.s v ilt-il ? A Ciikistian Fanu n's I'kf.sknt to iiis 1* amilv," and Iiub rccei v. si the uinpialilivil ri cuitimi Dilution ol' nil Iho leading jripcis, )> ah political a ml religions. No uicio 'iilv' rtisenu tit, however, e. n give the read? r any idea of its beauty and va in?ii must lx> seen to tie io:inircilv Mini read to ho duly appreciated. '1'uc anncxcl cxtiacls fri.m the * Opinions of the i'ublic I'uss" vv ill sati-ty n'l ot the intiin mo cxce.teiiio oi tin* Jin.l.vuio Gkm ix MoIiKkn I i rri'.A runi.? the like ot which has never appear cil in this or any other conn ry. A rmi'lul perusal of tin: fiil'iiivitig " Jieeommendalmus" will j'tstily usi n iti.ikii.n use i f Mich strong language in lavor of so useful u woik . "A w. rk r.fgieal nttruct ion and value. Tliie vuliui c must fuiil a vw Iconic ill every (ircsulo tlimughoul the culllit11 : its !' ii cuts iiio us interesting as tie y aic iiiipuitunt nml in.*livotive; i :i!iti tiie enuis and tuhritcvl authnr has liera contrived to prcsi lit us with one of the most at? ! tia-'tive, at the siuno tune itM hooks, that h ve ap| e.m d this ndc of the Atlantic. Wo | 11it*t the piiMic ?i! iiw.ii'd its eutt rprising puh. list,i i."?I'. $ Liliiut'/ Advertiser, for June, j " This volume, wo should sav, \v< II deserves In tie I 'J* a I ?l- d as till' ' L'lil I* a I It' r's ptl'si rit to lii- family.' Si > r > i hoi.dtril veiy goo., wood ! eeguiv u. j> * euiiveo i'.-v mil r.uivs, ami i! usiiato it* sot' in 11 ot lis to the it ml i * t liilit g unit h el. legs |>! the Voorg ; ami fuon the nuilicrcUS ti mi. monies vv't.ii ii aeeomp my the volume, vv c should say. it ii ;iv s.ilely tic . uticii'ici cd 10 thvnr hands." ?. l/./e /Out 7. ' This wink is an attractive or e, not only for the very nuiiieieiis mat emboli.slum Ms which |" rv.nle .!, hut lunii the intricstitig mid nseliil in.* ei w licit it eoui|u is s. This work is in large net n*?. h.gMv ilic.r.itc it, a;.d ham somelv boiiml, .net nil ii" <! utit inei I Willi a popular demand."" ? Chi .s. Joti !lig*i:Crr. " 1 lie engravings, 'r un new ami original dc. s go*. ale ueil < xecute !. I iic <i< sign ot the w .i !*. is uu'elli ut; and v.c c icoiful'y r?.c irvmeiid it to the notice ot our ii iiileis ?Arte li'urld. " I*iii* is ' voty valmililr, cheap nnd conve. ni'-tit hook. The pohin; will soon ii o: e of ihe hook- they limit hnec. ,M?v tin- puh i*lier sopplt the Imtl with many ten theus..ti,ls."?A'. v. '1'iibi'i.c. " I'ius is tin- nam ' if a van.a bin woik just pit I > 11 > i i -<1 iii the city ot New Yoik. Ii i m ft justly eatieil a i tine, a faiiikhV rnf.BX.vT no * nis i am;i.v.' Tile live niii.tlied engraving* oio execiiu u hy tin; liist Aiueiieioi Artists, after pie.ores ol the iiio.*l ei lei ruteil Ta'iitr-lS. It llua w?ik nice,j mpli a e.ieiilutm'i coiiiiuenMiralu vv i 11 its ii or its it m ii! ! e t. uml in e \ 11 v do ( Hu g ni he I i mil."?/?i a/lii Times. "'I (us i one of the n.o-t fmt ly ilhifctratctl anil l.i utitnl!)' i 11;i*in< titi o v?di n.i-s i m i issued liotti the | less. 'I l.o tv pegraphv in clo. f and i I , !l .. ,.r .....I I '- - i - . , , ... i ii ^ ii.'M.roiiir, w i! c jn*!r|. n t'jjiiirf gut* H a i <;h end 1 n> t uI nj . j> '1 hr l.ii i.iry |oiti<n i I the work 18 ?l I! U II I 'll, H it I lit: W If i ?.* illus! VJI?? <! wi'll >e* liiiiiiiifii in\v and oii'jr nt < I'fir.Mvii.jjs. Mr. Souls If s I italic a | f[Hilar I o' k-?eonti nod n great lav or iij.nii I If f'lni", and ii died merits 11 if | .?* u> i:. t? ? ami i banks ol ?ll classes."? Boston .1 ii.11 iCiti. 'i't ur? litr. * \V?i ch-vrfully commend tlio liock 'o llm tea tei* u! 11 <? Advocate, ?s a win k of ii U'-li im-r il, l'uriiis!:c<! ul i veiy cheap rate.DriftiSt Advocals. * .Vtngn'her n is oiir-of the iiiest elegant woiks <1. tlf season. Ill <1 llillst |H?l>0 lit* lllllttl IIm*tut i \ 1*1 i- l.o.ii the A.i.c i .chi. jut ss."?Huston '1\ ui. script. \\ f c a ii illy rr.i-i?:imii*ii?l this excellent book." ? Hoi ton D-. i!j .WjiI. " We c'f i r'wl y recommend it to the no'ice of i veiy < I ri.'tiiii p.i:? nt, s a beautifm 111 to pre. n'lit to lii? f..inil)."?III.stun Mercantile Jour. mil. " A a f'epint wi'ik ? f five luni'r'd | ogee. aid Containing iibniii live i iiihIii il cngi.ivui**n. 'I hn t-if t ' 1.1 the vol1.1111* appear to lie iiinnil, judi. cioiis a.el iiiti iciitmy,."? Hofton Doily Dir. IVr mil in tlif eoniitiv would do well to pro., en if a ?i?t tci ijition ii ok. and olitain at oiicc tlm i .i:ii s - l all tl.en tr end* and acqusiiitancr h. at bast, as .-iitiMiiln'ih to il ia invaluable literary gem. W i.l c.i li I'gcnt or In n.I w ho coni|i|u*a vvitli il.i-- r. ijii'S', Itavo the liin lio'ss to inform tl.e |"i L uln i lifVV many ri p en will l><: wanted I't lii--. ifigt'liiiiliuod by ni ni (hiisi paid), an miiiii ns j.i.s* ili'.f ? Il ia li s 'nti'ti'ii.'ii to spare ill itlliT I in ins i: or ? x j cum* io iiili ruin re I Lis cut n cly new a .ci oi ipinal volume inlo? very faintly throughout ll.C I n, .n. Ag nt .--ii sponsible men?wanted in every n vvm .ii il v lage llt'iiiij.'bont ilie United Stnle*. A?n!r< ?stiie nilisct iher, po-t (iuiiI, without which liu Ii-llcl w Ii be t .tien limn ti e i.lbee UOISI U r S|-". A l?S, I'uMii-lirr. 1 2 N.issmi trert New. Yoik. Tiio a'mvo work will lie found oi.e or tlm moat Uii-ltil iiiid |0;?ul ij' ttn'l.s c\?'i piililiuiied, fur en. I?T|>> J? inC'i tn i?i: !>-1 tnkc tlio si'euf in all "lir J|| ilirip.'l cil if?* Hull ti.V.I.K. . A I r<?iin iwit r? are i i-quested tn not ns agent*. To Publishers ?.;/ Paj-ers throughout the Vuittd I Slates, and British North America. New pipers* or Miijj.i* in-'e, copying I lie iiltovu wiilmiil at y irti-iiiiiuii or oliuduc? metit (iiii lii'lnip tins in iit'i ), ami giving >t twelve in"! I inns. Hid! r fii-iv 'i C"|iy ?.f Hie wnik, fs'i' j i i in 111oi?.r 'i:i'). ! " i-ci.r.ii g din-el lo tlm p ililislior. Will |>t< )> ii tniH in w?papers tliii.'i^liinit tlin rniiMiy. u In n i' in convenient, i.?u .I' A "iMiii-, ivl n c ivr nuliaciiptioiib ? Tl.o most I.!>i'i.iI pi r uenlngc given. A in-nis ? .inI ml i liri'in/iiinii I lie Sunt hern States f.if I'm niile nl tlm fiilile U.ogiapliy. Adilrin t llC : ill ?0I liitr, pi) I pit id. Sit 1C 11 i'I 11 P . ....... .iwti r., ;V.J Bri>n?!-hl( li'ir!. tuit, S. C. O.'IoIht, lf*l'-i. t~t ^otki;: | THE Subscriber haa in pporalinn a Wool 1 I'irker sn.i Finishing Card for rn?kmjr rolls. \V(i^ should be free from trash, washed, and < wel( fereafu d. 1 l (rr Wool mil* can bo had at the mill for . mjkii oxly. AMfr1'^ M'LEAN. N. C