University of South Carolina Libraries
UBi rtRHG Subscriber hat rccolvod and is opening J. la the Stor? above Air. Wads worth's, and oppoalta to Mr. D. Malloy's, a good assortment of mddicines selected especially for f.imily use, uad for his own practice. Ho will keop no ar. tiole of which bo doaa not know thu ingredients and properties; and none except such aa lie knotoa to no or g>od quality. His tinctures and ointments will bo readv for use in about a work fesmthib time, lie will also keep n gcnornl as. sortment of DYE STllFFS ami other articles usually kept at such establishment*. The few articles of thif class not now on hand are expeoted soon. .11 M Mtn hPAN July 20. CASTOR OIL,. EXCELLENT cold drawn castor oil for sale Tory low, by the gallon, at the NEW DRUO STORE. LE.HO* 8?RIJl> A*D 1UJEAI>~" SYRUP, At llio New Drug Store. LANCETS. THUMB LANCETS, Spring Fanned*, Gum Lance* and Tooth Drawers lor sale ut the New Drug Storo. tll^SEED OIL,, ' COPAL and LEATHER Varnish, for Bale at the New Dnro Store. ' TAHARUIDS WELL put up in small jais. for sale at the ]Now Drug Storo. " YAKIISHllRUSnES, AND Paint Brushes of all sizes, for sale at the New Drug Store. < JT. LEE, IV. D., w SCTHGEOJV DEJVTIST, OF CA.nDEN, S. C. OFFERS liU Professional sorv cos to the citizens of Oheraw. He may lie found at the Planter's Hotel. Ho is prepared 10 per. form any and every Dental Operation, thul may be required. Natural or Mineral Toetb will be set mi Gold Plate, or pivoted on tho old slump, if sufficiently strong tobear the operation ?Teeth stopped with Gold and \vnrmnted not to decay any more in tho part slopped; troth end roots of tenth oxlructcd, and irregularities r> mtdtcd. O* Examination inarlo without charge. fy Materials and work in all. cases warranted. Jan. 10, 1849. 9 tf for rent. THE plantation -/ ",r"' A"" 'nPPMito it,, 'rown of Cheraw. 1 ho lauds are so well known that imv further description is unnu. eessary. 40 or 60 hands can bo profitably empi.y.j. apply to james irby, Jan'y. *c43. 9 3i 'rockfisu sheetings and SHIRTINGS. "J BALES 3-4 and 4 4 Domestics just A7K received on consignment from the Kooxpish Factory and for sa|j on favorable term* by tho iirio. . . . D. MALLOY. November 7, 1842. TI1VEVAR X FIJVEGAR ! I PURE Cider Vinegar, White VVina Do. For Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. July 12. 1642. 33 tf HRflRAEK WAKTrn ! WANT to hire two strong, heanv negro men, to work with toy waggoners. Also, two field hand*. A. P. LACOSTE. Dec. 27. 1842. 7 tf i84ir THE commencement of auotliar year b ings with it many engagements, and tha Subscriber takes this method of informing his cum. totners and thoso indebted to Uim, that ho has iiany and prna-ing engagoment* to pay money in this and the next month, and his principal means to do so, is from collections, which lie hopes to inako from thoso indebted to him- in looking ovi-r his business. he finds he has u great many outstanding debts duo huh. many of which ark small; but as rivers are mido tip from small streams, ao a largo amount in tho uggiegate in nude from small account*, whore they uio Humorous Ho hopes, therefor t? none of his friends will neglcoi to pty him because the amount may In small, and that none will hold ] track whit they are tMt to pay, because tlioir n<?v?wH?a HIM iu\> lai^c IU n11 "* VUCfJ, |ll short, then, ho would nay to all thoao who are indebted to him, to corns forward and pay up: if tbcy cannot pay all, pay what they c m, and alow tlio hn'mico by noto To some of hi* customers, whoeo account* have boon running on tor one, two, and in some instances. throe or morn yoare, ho Mould any long.-r indulgcneo cannot nor will not be given, and i)u!e?3 apoedy sotth-in ml* are made, tho iKXt invitation to pay wiH coino from an oflic. r of the luw. These last , remarks are inlendod for all dob's 'lut longer ?h$n six months buck, and thoy will a'sn apply to all dchtu due 1st inat. tint are not ?ntisficlorily arnng d in a reasonable tinio. Ho eirne.-tly a|?pealaUihis customers to come forward and ?nv<i tlimnsrfyvs cost*. He would also atate that hi* I means are limbed, und therefoio Im is unnblo to do a credit huainrre on groceries: ha will keep a goad stock ?-f family groceries on hand, and will anil them vory low for Cath or Produce. To snob of bis cm-lomcr* a* aetllo their accounts an. uilttljy, he will acll any good# except groceries on the u>ual credit, and on moderate terms. D. 3. HARLLEE. Cheraw, Jan. 2. 1RI8. 8 fit j| TSBPLANTlY, DevMed te Agriculture, Commerce, New, ifC, THE above in tho title nf a Paper which it is proposed lo establish at the capital of South Carol.jia?J. J. DuBose. editor? DoBohe & Johnston, publisher*?weekly, and iwics a week during the session of the legislature?on an imporial aheel?price SO a year. ^*he I'i.anter will be the organ of the Stale Agricultural Society and its auxiliaries, but wilfnot be devoted exclusively to Agriculture. The attention will be paid to general news and the auto of the Columbia and Charleston markets, which the growing trade and consequence of our town require, and the proceed" inga of the Legislature reported in a con. dented form. The editor will endeavor, by giving a due portion of hit column* to litoratuVa. morals, science, &c., to make his publication a pleasant and uacTu family paper. Payntontto bo made on tho receipt of the first No. tft the publishers of any of their agents in the diC rent District*. WOOD. I HAVE ofpiti rctumed ifiA bntirc(| ofHiil< ing WixkI My ot.l onMonx-ra unu the pub xi generally ura respectfully informed iliui 1 shall bp grateiul for a renewal of their '>iaom? tiltd pledge myscll to haul load* that w i I pi a*n? > A. P? LACUo i L. July 19, 1812. 3? tf "CLOtllS, CASSIAIER8, AND SAT1NETTS, ^ MALLOY hin just received a good M-W stock of Cloths, Caeiioore, and Satim-M. which ho i* anxious to Mill, and bargains njuy lie had. ? : J , Sept. 20, 1849. , 45 n if _____ OR. JOHN LYNCH having permanently located himuilfin the town of Chcrnw, respect fully ten !cr* pmf-ssional services to the citizens of this place and the adjoining country. lie hope* hy a diligent attention to Ins profession, to receive a lihetal share ol pnhl c piitronngo. Ho can alwaje ho found ut hia father'* (Coniuw Lynch) roetdene# on Market Cheraw, July Jit 1P43. 8-1 tf notice. ALIj jrrioni bnving claim* again** tlio E*tile of Tlios. G. Kllnrbn, late of ChcMrr fill District. ore required lo present them tolhe Mibvcriher duly utMHled. by the fu>t ?f February next. Those inch'tited to the IC*taln will inako immediate payment. or thoy n??y export to find diuir nous or accounts n tho hands of an offiu. r or coiluctiou G. W. DUVALL, Admin'r. Chi raw, Jan'y. 9. It, 1843. 9 3t the"last call i ALL person* indebted to the fate firm of Dnv.iII &. Wingatn, either l?y note or book account, (are requested to make immediate payment to t>io nnb<cri(ii r. All notea and nccoin's that are not paid or settled hy the 1*1 February next, will Im put into tho hand* of officers for collection, without regard to person*. G. W. DUVALL. Cheraw. January Dtb, 18*3. 9 3t take noticei 4LL persona indebted to Ilailey Si. Town, that wish to save out*. will in ike iimnedi? a'o payment to the subscriber. Thnae that do not avail themselves of this notion, may expert to find their Recount* in tho hand* of un othe r for co'lcction; longer indulgence will not be given. G. W. DUVALL, Asifgnee. Cheraw, Jan. 9. 18-13. 9 3t i.EtTnrn JUST Received a large Mock of Solr I<aa'h or. Also, Upper Leather, and CalfSk no. f?. MALlUY. Sept. 50, 1842. 45 if isuitft's IHILI ? FRIHE I'rf ol in ilia bogs leave JL iu express Ins thanks *0 nil of his oh- | tnniers ho has called on for a settlement, for the prompt manner they have settled his accounts against Ihein. lie hopes that all others who 111-y yet be called on, will give him the pleasure to say as much of them. He is willing to sell lumber at very reduced prices to his prompt customers on-the usual credit, say good lumber at 88 per 111. ft., Refuse 84 per m. ft.. Selected 810 per m. ft., which islJU per cent, lower than his usual prices. J VV BURN. January 9. 1843. 9 At F1XAL NOTICE! ALL persons indebted to tlio Lite Firm of Dunl ip At Marahall, by note or op-n ac count, Hro reipiuslod to como to an immediate set* lenient. Tlio notes and accounts will remain nt the Counting Ibiom of CJtorge H. Dunlap ti l the 1st of February. Jan'ry. lOlli, 1813. 9 tf TO? U. S. DISTRICT COURT, District of South Carolina. IN BANKRUPTCY.. IN tho Matter uf Kindred Bennot, Aforchant, cf New Market, iu the District of Darlington and Statu of South Carolina, a Bankrupt. PURSUANT loan Order of the Diatrict Court of the Unitod States, for the Diatrict of South Carolina, notice in hereby given, thai cause be shewn before said Court, at the Federal Court House in Cliar|<-ston, on the eighth day of February next, at eleven o'clock. A. M., why tho said Kindred Bonnet should not receive hia Discharge and Certificate, as a Bankrupt. Charleston, 7th day of Jan., 1843. 11. Y. GRAY. Clerk. 10 t8Apr EXECUTIVE DEPAKT.HE3 X. , Columbia, Dec. 26. 1642. By james H. IIammoko, Esq., Governor and Co ninandor-iii.CuHjl', in and over the Smie of i South Carolina Wll Eh HAS, thn Legislature of South Cm. i rolina, at in. lain Session. pissed " An Act to arr .ngo the State into District" for the Election of Representatives in the Congress of tho Uniud Sja cs. and for otho purpo o?," and divided the S ilo into s> ven Congressional Dis tricts, of which, tiie unit-d District* of Spartan. , burg. Union, Y?rk. and Chester, constitute one, < tobi kno.en a*the first Con rosfc.oitil District; , tho united Districts of Pickens, Anderson, Greenvi.le, and Laurens constitute our, to be kiio>vn us ilie second Congressional Dis'rict; 1 thn united D itric n of Lancaster, Kershaw, Fuirfield, Richland, and S untnr. constitute one, to bo k own as the third Congressional l>i*liici; | theuniioJ Dis' r icls of Choslei li II, M ai I borough, f D.irling'on, .Marion. Horry, Georgetown, and ( I Williamsburg, constitule one Distiict, to lie I known as tho four h Congressional District; ilia I united Districts of Ablxivi In, Newbury. Edge, neld, nnd Lexington, to constitn'e one District, to l?o known as the fifth Congressional District; thn District of Chariot-ton, exclusive of the Parish of ftt. John's. Colli:!tin rnniiliiiil.. ...? I t to be known na ll?e sixth Congressional District, 1 tho United District* of OrangelHirg. Barnwell, ! Beaufort,Colleton, and tlio Pariah of St. John's, I Colleton, con?-titulo one District, to l c known ? as the seventh Congressional District. I Now, therefore. I, James fl Hammond. Gov- 1 e nor as aforesaid, do think proper to mi e known and piooluiui, thot *nehof the said Dm. < tricts so constituted, will send one Represents- t live to the House of Drprusent ilivea oilho Uni- I ted States, who in to b? chosen by thn persons qualified to vote for Members ef tho House of Represent itives of this State, nnd that the Hoe. tion for Represent at iv<>* to the next Congress I wili l>o hold on the THIRD MONDAY IN FBBRUAKY. AN Ft DAY FOLLOWING, at tho tame pi ices, and be conducted by the time , Managers, and in tho same manner, a* the eloo , tion of iiiombers of tlto^tsle Legislature. Given under my h mil and Seal of Stale, at Columbia, tho 46lh day of December, ono thousnnri eight tnindred and foYty two, nnd ti e sixty seventh year of American Inde- ' u< n;l?i.cj. I 3. II. HAMMOND. M. Ltaoaur., Socr?turv ??t Suto. < Jin 10 9 3i lr:>ti atl no 11 riih osa:?.S. XIHF. Subscriber !?; ju?t iee?iy^d on cpf|< tignincjji, iv Uo ?old it very low prices fui C.tSU QJVJ'Y, 10 Dox. Fanny <U ill and maplo censomt nbalrs d Si?4tl " * a hi-win^ do 8 La gd Boston cane and suljd scat Ror.ktng do !4 " Mahogany Mohair Spring seal doc do 6 S in ill etna . -do. d?i 4 isohd feiil Narso, fl , d.?f do ?F.O. H. DUN LAP. rhfrn\r. Aognut 8>. Ifl4>. , 7 H(.4< ? WOT ICE. i^rr U" WISHING to btiiijf my present btfnineed to a clone an early after the firet of Jann j vp ^"vpiwuti vi i.uaipup Hinuv i't lual lime will bv considered as cash accounts t< be paid when presented, or closed by nott bearing interest from time of settlement. Of the stork rr inaimne on bnnd many of thif go??d* will be Hold at hunt roar, many fron 20 to 50 percent below coat, and but verj few above cost. ' ' G. II. DUNLAP. Dee. 27th, 1$42. 7 if ~r" NOTICE. ~ THE Sithsciihrr in now receiving from N'-v York, no cicetlent assortment or srnsnnahli Goods selected by h mself villi grant care. IJ< > porsuaded that be can sell in Im lino ? low its they ran bo afTotdid in ibis market, nin ia determined to do so. D. B. McARN. I Clieratv, Nov. I, 1843. 61 3m ~ CHOICE BACOIV. H A MS. Sliouldera, tc Sides W For sain by A. P. LACOSTE. * Nov. 14, 184-2. 1 tf STATE OP SOUTH CAROL! If A Chesterfield. District. In the Common Pleas. JOHN JACKSON, Who is m the custody of the Sheriff* ol the District aforesaid, by v?r tue of a Writ of Capias ad Respondendum at the suit of Peter L. Robeson having pet, tioned th?* Honorable, the associate Judges the said Stale, tnat be may be admitted to tin be tie 51 of the act of the General Assi-mb1) made for tbo relief of Insolvent Debtors, ?nc lie having tiled with bis petition a schedule o iiis whole Estate real and Personal; It is ordered tbal the said Peter I,. Robeson, and al others, to whom the said Petitioner is in am wise indebted, do personally, or bv ihcir attorney, be ami appear before the Honorable, tin associate judges of the StHte aforesaid, at > Court of t 'ointnon Pleas to be ho'den at Citestertic d C<>t?rt House, on the third Monday it March next, then ami 'here to shew entire, i any they can, why the Estate ami Effects o the said Petitioner, should not be assigned " id he discharued |*ursuant to the provisions of said act of the Gi>n?-iai Assembly. made and provided for the relief of Insolvent Debt* or*. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. Chesterfield Court House, ) ? . ,? the 5'h day of Nov. 1^42. { 2 lamf3,n SUGAR and '1 hi A. DOUBLE and Singlo loaf Sugar, Crushed Su gar, and best Ilyson Tea, in Caddies, or by th> pound, prime articles for family use. For sale by A. P. LACOSTK. October 18,1812. 49 ~*COffTOm, ROPE, TWIN E?? good stock eft he above oi: hand, and lor sale at the (owait market prieo, by D. MALLOY. Aug. 23rd 41 tf LEATHER and SHOE THREAIL 95 SIDES, Sole Leather, 101 Kip and Wax do. 13J lb. Shoe Thread, l or sale low by A. P. LACOSTE. October 18, 1842. 49 tf UATS AUD SIlOLfh rWlliE Subscriber link just trcclvcd a larje JL and well aohicled supply of Hnl* anil Shoes, which will Lc sold cheaper than were evorotlorcd in this market, U. M ALLOY. Sept. 20. 1842. 49 if E. W. DKKNNINU WOULD Respectfully inform (he public that hn haa located himself on XXAP.EB* STREET, Opposito Mr. Moor it's Hotkl, w here lie iutenda carrying on the DYKINO AND SCOURING UU8INKSS. Ladies' and Gentlemen'* garments cleaned, and, if failed dyed tlw original or any nthar col. or. and pressed in iliannaiiet manner. Carpets, Table-Covert. anil Ciutnh clot! e cleaned without injury to the Color?Cotton Yarns dyed Fast Color a. jV. B. Hi* dyeing will not toil the whitest irticie. Chi raw, August 16. 1P42. 40 tf STORE TO KENT. I HAVE routed all my Stores,except the one next chore Mr. Gnorge II. DnnhipY and tne di>or holow corner of Kershaw and Front Tl.:. C . - ?mi* m?in ik i-onmiif r? o n nrm rate >tond, and will bo routed on liberal tnrms. A. P. LACOSTE. Aueuat 2, 1?42. 38 if NOTICE. ALL persons imlebtcd to Iho Subscriber by note or nco-uitl are requested -to rail and initio the same, as fuitlier indulgence cannot be ;iv n. R. SHAW. Spt. 13. 1812. 41 tf COTTON OSN ABCRGI AND COTTON YARN. TIIE Subscriber lias received on consign, incut from the De Kalb Factory nt Camden 5. C 14 Hales very superior Cotton (bniaurgs and 12 Ha Ins Cotton Yarn, wlihhbo will ell by ll.o Halo to iMcicbniils o? as good or 'Otter orina than lb?y can purcliuse in New iforit or Cli ?r lost on. Ho wouk| also invito the Dantera of the leighhorhood to call and examine t ho Oznaburgv hey wilt Hud it a cheaper and better articlollian uiu over been sold in thin market. G. II. DUNI,AI\ ('hftrtw, April 4. 1842. 21 If CORN WANTED. WANTED to purchase from 1000 to 3000 Bueliola corn to be deli vend inClioraw, r at any of tho landing* down iho river, for which the highe' t market urico will be paid D. M'NAIR. April II, 1642. 22 tf SPRING AND SIIIfflER GOODS. THE Subscriber h i* juet received a well aolccted stock of Pancy nntl Stnplc Dry Sonde, G. II. DUN DAP. (,'hcratv, Apri! 9, 1843- 32 if I . ?AL SO?A. , LD- Sal Soda lor ?nlo Very low * * - bjf a. p. acoste. I Jtrt. I0. IM8. 9 ? ? "v i V 'i. LAW NOTICE. THE Subucriber will horcnllcr practice in dlM Court* of .Common l'l*-a# for; MarL . borough a,,d Darlitigtun Dudncle, and the Court* of Equity tor Cheraw JL)trtrict'. VVM. VV. HAftLLEE. Wy I. 1843. ^.0 Si ' vj;. right aboiStace i . i W hereby fifn notice, will) Jrreui reioe | JL lai.eo, 11).it I ahull not. after t tic fii>t day of > 1 January next, ojion a tingle running account in ' my Books, lor i>?y d. scription of gnud*. except | fur Bagging, r.po nnd Twine, nnd for theso i * "ltfclea 1 wl'l only give a rredit of 6'l t? 90 i daye. Merchants, and oilier litiltn* of the j r : town, who may bo uuio-au to order koiiiIn iroin \ my Sloro*. aro informed, that their orders will hn g. awfully rcrcivoil, ami promptly fi kd at low prices. upon the condil inn, that tnoir bil may be presented in ten data, f> i payment. This course I am compelled to take, to meet my own f ongigoin-nU, uti<< 1 hope w ill not give ofTonco R to ai.y, for I find l y experience, that it is mucli nnxier to sell goods, to co led, and that nc. j count* and note* bo they ov?r ao g'O'l. will not ' * pay the delit* of my eniitraoiiiig. A* I shad mi.I gonna lor CASH, it ia almost useless to say, that I slull sell very cheap. A. P. LaCOSTH. Deo. 13. h, 1819. 5 tf CREDIT GIVE* FOR WOOD, j fIJTO THOSE Customers, who Ituvo paid me JL onco a year for WikkI, 1 tender my thnnka. I and shall be grnturul to roerivn I heir orders, and ' shall not trouble tin in Inai om? a year for a > settlement. 'I Iiomi who are unwilling to sell e mco a year, or ha to not paid at all, must excuse ne if I relbsu to work for them. j A. P. LaCOSTE. D c. 13, 1842. 5 tf j Mr.RIBOP.O' AOADSMY. ; THE Exercises ol' thin Inatittrmn will hp ' nsumt d tlie eccond Monday in January?C. Imni Davey, A. B., Principal in the Afale, nd Af:ss Jane Simpson, Principal in the Fenale Department. I Mr Davoy is a graduate of the University J I Vermont, from whose facu'ty he brings tlie nghest testimonials. Asa scholar and teach. ; r, he maintains a high rank; and. in addition > ?> the common English studies, teaches the, Greek and Freueh Languages, IJnnJv< Keeping, Surveying, a. d the h glier A/atlin* matics, and fits young inen for any cla.-e in | i College. I Aim.* Simpson b*rt formerly tought with | f distinguished success in the Female Depart? , mcnt of ' !* Iustitiiti* n and is too favorably < i,.iown in this ciifninunily to need enmtnenda* ilation. In addition to a thorough English Education, iter instruct inn embraces all the j useful and ornamental branches taught in the j best Female Seminaries. Hoard may be had in rcnpcctabV families at from 95 to S'S per month. 'I lie Trustee? do not (imitate to say, that the high character of the Teacher?, the system of inatiuctton adopted, the health of our village, and the low price of board, afthrd facilities for education unsurpassed by any similar institution in the Stale. R. I). THOMAS, ... Secretary. Bcnnetteviile, S. C., Dec. 13, 1842. 7 Gt BLACKSniTHHG. THE Subscriber lias litis day recommenced business 011 his own account and hopes by close application to bus'inee* to sharo public patronngo. My price* will be moderate. Ilori>e shoeing will roruivo my personal attention it i? thcroloro war ran ltd to bo done with neatness nnd despatch. N. B.?I am now prepared to repair, or put up new lightning rods. C. I. SHIVER. April 4 1*42. 21 tf ALEXANDEK C-iKECi?, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHER AW, S. C., WlhL r'gu'arly attend the Court* of Law | for the Districts of Chesterfield. Miiri. : lioro', Marion. and Darlington. 1 1 J n'y. 2, 1312. 8 4t BON1VETTS AND 1IOODS. JUST Revived a g od stork of Bonnotts und Hoods. P. MA LLC Y. I Sept. 2H, 1Q.I0. 45 tf j EXECUTIVE DEPART19ENT. WW F. ARTHUR has b'011 appointed 1 Hecsctakv or State, by His Kic.ilen. 1 ' CV Governor IIAMMOND. for Din<wl i.-r>n 1 of M. Libotdo. resigned. wlich appointment j will take client on ilm 1st of January nest. Jiy wider. H. T. WATTS, Ex. Secretnry. Pre 29. 9 3i 1 _ l notice:. Fl^HB following property wax stolen from the JL plantation of WiIIihiii lllukeiiny, dt-e'd, in this District, on tho night of tho 3m1 insi., viz: A hrght niu alto woman named Molm-y, 2 > yours olil, about A Icet 4 inchra h gh and very lar?o for her h ight- Also, two young hoi Mules, one aduik brown tlio other niMinColor, both hiiim I and tmpp-t*<ed in lie, i no about 5 and tho other 10 yearn old. Tin raid property is supposed to have I ern stolen l>y oiio Jackson Key, ho is pr-bubly making his way w itli the k.lino to tlio West* Said Key in about J1 years old ha* a fair ro nplexiou, very light hair, and remarkably light vyebrows, .lender person, nt>out 5 feet 1 <I inches high and has u ( downcast look wlirn spoken to. A reward < f fitly doharn will he on id tor the imovery and no Kooping 01 uif pro/oity and mid K'-v, out ?>t thin State, or (or delivering Iho ssuvj to the subscriber. STEPHEN D. MII.I.CR. AdmV of VVui. K nkoncy. Gold Mine. Chc'tPrfm'd District, 6. C. } December 6t It, 1012. \ 4 if 4?4 domestic:*. ( A few hale* 4-4 Rrown Domestics for sule I on favorable terms, by D. M ALLOY I Aug. 23rd. 41 tf POTS, SCOTCH OVENS, jr. A Large and well selected stock of Pot*, j Scotch and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, Andirons , Slc. 6lc. For aale cheap. s A. P. LACOSTE. October 1ft. Ift4*> A-\ .r -? ' ? I \ 2TOTIC3, THE Subscriber ha* receive! and will k*ep ' constantly ?n hand Cotlnn Yam at wholesale, atih" lowest market price*. Alan?Cotton M (jsnahurge, Cotton Batting, CanbleU?tf|^P Seine and Wrapping Twine, factory of Rockingham. B ?Ea nosngitiHH \ OV. 29, 1842. ' I m m if mm "rrni r TWE AWERlCAlr * '* AO p"t O IT i T 'DIP, i e T ?;.J A. R. AtXKN t R. L< Al.LI'.N, EJHuro~SAXTO.N ^ .VHI.iub, I'ubhskrr* UU& 0W~ Iggy. AVw Fior/r. fillllB American Agriculturist is published J| monthly at i?u5 broiidwuy, N? W York, at UOLLAR por annum, payable always in adtnn4a ; six oone, will b mniI for rnre doi?. lanp; thirteen curikm roa ten doi.lars. fih torn wiiu wilt, give tin* card a ouiimikuo is insertion, uitli ttuiiiu ol'tho notices which follow, will be entitled to r? dtrive one root's subiir.rrplion gratis, on aonding tin-ir pop t containing Mich nonco to this nllicu. Agricultural Societies wish to give this Work its u pr<-iiiipui, will l*o en? titled to a discount of twenty-Jive frr cent, or handsomely bound V lutnea at the subscription price. This work will bo devrted to the various pur. suits of Ilia sgriculturihl throughout every section of thn Unu? <1 Stall's, and wit contain thk daTEST IN 1'EDL.IG KNCE ON EVIKV BRANCH OTTHEtR occupation; tlm bo-t seeds; modem ol tillage; chaiucter of anils; improved implements; and iho various and best breeds of cattle. horses, sheep and swine. IS mli n inter consists of thirty two pages, double column, royal octavo, ntui tint work w ill bo embellished with CU I S, illustrating the different aul j'cta on it treat*?tonkin 4 volume ot 3-4 i.a kg e page* yearly lor the low price of OjVE DOLLAR. Seven numbers ot tins Wo. k hive nlroady been I published, arid s It is stereotyped, subscriber I may commence with the buck or present uutnbors I nl their option. | From iho general testimony in favor of the I manner in which this pater litis been conducted, I irum mc pimnc priHiumilho most experienced Furmors and Planters throughout tlie Cotlntiy, thero is every irn on 10 believe il Mill (trove universally a u-eplablc. and rrmu icruto its ic ulera tan?fold lor th-ir subset iptnni. Numunai tins limit who aspire* lo tlio noble occupation of nu American ugt iciilturisl should he without one ur more periodicals, exclusively devoted to his iliterestH. Each number consists of one sheet and will bo su j ct t?? netcspnper postage only. Post mast era mc. permitted by law to enclose money for subscription free of postage. Uctow tiro a tow of tlio inan\ favosahlc notices ol tlio uhuvo work, from tin; American IVtss : Tlio Agriculltiii?t opp? orH to ho edited with that kind ol ubilily and practical knowb dge, that must pl.ieo it among the foremost tnuk with similar periodic lis in our country."?Wayne County Record. Indiana. * Th a number wo have is rich in nhly written I and well selected arlich s. The Editor* sre well known to tlio rcuders of agricultural potiO'hnalns i.b'o writois. ami will, we are sure, giciity benefit the coimln hy their present undtil.ikitig." ? The Union, Uuleigh, A. Carolina. " The Agriculturist is well filhd with* well written. well digested, end lughy practical urtides <ni subjects pertaining to rural industry. The conductors of ilie work, the Messrs. Allen, uro no on'y well V'Tsul in the practical opera, lions of cultivating the soil, an I brc-tiiiug domes, tic animals to the Imn a I Vantage, but thr.y wield ready and giaphic pens for the discussion nl these important subjects in a stylo both dear and attr ct.vo. K -gaoling the science of agriculture and gardening, ashy far tlio must important study that engages the attention of tlio American people, we i aiiunl withhold our earnest common. ; daiiun of tlio Aiuciican Agiirulturisl' lo the great firming inieru-ls ol tin eonniiy."-?Buffalo Commercial Adorrtiser, New York. The Ameriemi Agiicultni ist is printed ill I he city of New Y<oki in 32 neat, medium nc. tavo pages, and illusirnicd w ith engravings nod ably edited hy the Messr-. Alhui, who arc welt and fjvorahly known to ilia agriuiiltuiul cotun u? nity. us j?r ct'cal mid enlightened faiinert."? Republican Banner, Nashville, Turn. Wo have seen the fn>t number, mid it iur't fair t l?e st highly valuable paper 11 any section of thi Union. Tlio editors arc rolebriih d tlirnuglmii' tho United States fur their enterprise ill '.Im slock 'inu, as well as in others mullein ending to in prove the rendition of our husbandry "?South Western far met. Raymond, Miss. I have examined the three firs, uuiu'iers. unit 'Voiii tho HpiciineiiH which they afford, as well n? lion, u pcr*unM acquaintance with tho editors I I Have formed it very favorulde ?q ininn as to the iisc'uli.etm of tIns wink, ut.d the ability with which it will bacon noted. It is intended to he a national work."?Judge Bcatty,of Washing ton, Kentucky. "I liu editors arc well known a* practical J breeders nnd ugricu'turisl*. and argifed wriltrs. They have (lie aid of some of the moat utilo wri lers in (lie c Miry. mul it can hardly fail io take its place at once in the front rank among the 1 licnt pulifcntions of its class?Spirit of the 1 Times. New York 1 ~NOTic?br SALiii < BY permission of tho Coint ol Ordinary for ( Ciicstortii I<1 District, will lm fold on Monday, the 16th of January n-*'. and days fol. j owing. at the late r-sidtfnoo of John Chapman, j Icueasod in the village of Chesterfield. S C., all | Ihe pe-s'-nal estate ol said dteeatad, conn-ling if.ahuiil 3) msgrn *, horses, hogs. c ill corn, ' f?. d*r, Carpci tot's n? d HI cksmith's tools 1 household and kitchen furniture, a wagon, plan- t tut i: tools and a variety o'other urt<cl *. Trrtitr?A'l iltus of and under five dollars, < rash. All sums o-cr five dollars on a orodii un. ( Lit lie fust day of January. 181-1, wit! iuti iC't ' fioni the day of salo. to Le cured by boi.d or note, with geol s'curitv. , MILLEY CHAPMAN. Adtttr'*. , W J 11 ANN A, Admns'r. I D.c'r 1st. 181'J b , LETTERS J REMAINING in the Panomcp,ciismw. t S C . Jan. I8d3, nnd if not called for hy i ihe 1st April next, will bo scut to the Gcncial | Post OfTioe as I tend Letters r n?iii nry B'leh-insn, 2. Willi im A- Blue |t lime* Brooks. Williim K. Ul.h-ek. Kndfed licnnett, Mrs. ICIir.ihith B- nnolt. Miss Martha t Biovvn, Jcfifen-on Iheeden, U A. B.rnrtt. i C ? Malroin Clark. 2. George Collins, W. &.T i Coh v. Catherine Campbc'l. 1)?Joseph David, Mis* Lcnorn Davidson. E?T. I'. ElleihH. I emucl Edwards, <!. F?Ja-neo Francis R Freeman. , < ?Jacob Ganey, f>. W Graves. H ? Presley llnrrcll, Miss M A Hughs, Junes , A. H irtcld. Doc'. Jas. Hnsell, Tempson IIoicl Brooks Unison. Wi.liam Hews. , J?William J hpsoo Edwnnl D. Jiriot. I,? Nco<llnm LunrMoiw. M?D. f>. McB vul. 2, iVr*. ElizilM-ih Me- 1 2all. Mm. Mary McAli*ter, Williim E. Multvr. ' vy. I'?Mis* M. A. Pownll, John E. rattoraon, ' Rrv'd. A. H. P irinclee, Jamoa I'owcil. I Q? Daniel Qnii k. 1 K?Riohnrcl Ros*. 1 S ? Mr*. C. M. Mansion*. M!mC E S ith, 2, 1 IVillium Swent. Oliver Spencer, John Sinffi rf. J hii Strickland, M is* Sarnh Rt?fiord Ali x'r !) :pirks, John M. Suiilh, 3, Win Scott, Itoln-it 1 SuPorl. T?John Trnntham. T. R Til<l?n. W-D. B. War I. D S. Wingato, Isaiah -Vyon. Mr*. F- C. Witwn. callingTir^^e*flSjj^H|^8jMWy^ luane any tIiijMMBImmHIBBb f?3Mgr3ffl S^trnrniBssammmmamesmmm/ SOSM -yn HSU..U., . * A B? Sl'J 'P ?^IUU4(| Th* mom SplcMMlitiijr JIlMtfatoti and-fPtaWA , i Wfifk uii llio AnMri^ ,;cd A COTAIM.NO MORE THAN n .. ritE hukdkivi) E^kA^i^brf j EnKrrly JVt'w and Original, Designed arid Eih' tented WB the most NMlHlMWHMgMMi /and and America*?Cost- of ErOptitdtg the War*, ijt&oOw.? t'MWE, H,h?. ?? I' rV / < ? . i, - Wi/inO BXBBS BIpORAWm (?/ , THE LIVES JJVD CHARACTERS OF THE PRINCIPAL PERSONAVirS Recorded in the SuCird W^ritfhts { praeliedlty adopted to tkh Instruction of Youth and Pripatel Families; together with en jippmdi*, couinjB* trig Thirty Dissertations on the Evidences of Dir.inr iieoelution, fiom Timpsnn's Keytofhe bible ; being a complete 6vrnmury of B-bHtal W..I... -?J J - - " " i mrjnriy conurnfro ana tMNJiins /'ram Scott. Doddridge. Gill Patrick* |^?N Claike, Pool, Lowlh, Home. Will. Sto.tce, ?.< binoon, and other Eminent fVriterq on the Scrip lures.?Robert Sears. Editor.-? Embellishedwflit seviral hundred Engrutittge on Wood, HI u sir a live of Scripture Scenes, Manners, Customs, $Ce Tlio domain) for I)iin work is unprecedented. Mini orders aro pouring in nil putts of tfiK United State*. It im o ilod ?'A Christian Was tiikr's k'KMCNT TO ma Family," Olid has rcceiv* oil the unqualified recommendation of all Ihq loading papci . b?tli political and, religious. ,Ko uiero advertisement, however, can glvettit' reader any idea of it* beauty and value?it must tod seen to he admired, and n'nd to ho duly nppioriw a ted. The annexed extinct* iVi.m the *' Opinions of the Public Press" w ill satisfy id) of the iuWtn bio exoe.lem c ol this Sri.CNOtD Gfm in Mo|<khn Literature?tlii> like 01 which Iiur never t-ppenr ed in this or any other conn ry. A onrctul perusal of tlio following " Recommendations" w ill justify u?i u making uite f sireh strong language in favor of so u soldi u woik . " A w. rk cf groat attraction and vnlue. Tlii# volun e must hud u .wiicuuio at every fireside thioiigliuul the couiiiry: il* en rnta aro an interesting ns tiny are important nnd instiuetivo; and tin: jud ciou* nnd tulentrd author h(u> hero contrived to present us with uiiu of tlio moot si? tractivo, and ut tin: same time urn ful hooka, that h vp appeared this side of too Atlantic. Wo trust tin* puMie. wt'l reward its onterprnUng puh. holier."?U. S. Liteiary Advertiser, for June, 1843. " This volume, wo ahould any, well deserve* to he r< gmd< d as the * Christian Futhi r's present to 11is family.' Several hundrrd veiy gun., wood enliven its narratives, and il UMiruto its sulokiiu truths t<> the uiidrstir.ding and feel, ings o] the young ; mid from the numerous tcrtu monies Which occompmy the volume, w e should say, il mnv safely hv surraiivUu cd to lUoir hands." ?.Magnolia. This wink is an attractive ore, not only for the very numinous iicul embellishment* which |mtvado it, hut Irom the interesting nnd u*efui. cr which it compiis.'s. This work rs in larga octavo, highly decorated, ar.d hnnunoniety bound, ami w ill no thuihi meet with it pnpulur demand."" ? Chr.s. Intelligencer. " The engravings, from now and original do?? E gns, aro well executed. Tlio design of iho \v?ik iscvcnlhnt; and we caeorfnlly reciiwinend , it to l lie notico of our rendersAeto World. "This is a very valuable, cheap and coiive.' nicnt hook. The pnhlio will soon find it one of ihe bonks they must hove. May the publisher supply the land with many ten thousands."?MT. 'I'libur.e. " This is the name of a vn'nnbln work just puhlibhed in tlio city of New Voik. It f nv ft justly culled ?A CHRISTIAN FATHER'S rit^AEKT 10 I his lAMtLV.' The five hundred engrnvieg* ato executed hy the first American Artists, after pictures of tho iiiimii'l liii n. 1...1 p?:....... 11 KIW work iiiih'iI with it ciroululi?'i coinincnsurnlg \\ ilii its merits it will 1 e found in v\cry dwelling in tin? t.'tilun."?Boston Ttn:e$'. This i-- 0110 of tlio most finely illustrated nnd b? i.ulil'ul!)* einanu nt? <1 voh ir.ea < n-r issued !' otri iho pre**. 'I he t) pography ia clear and I lain, ti e paper and Lit ?liii*> hauihome, whilu the gulch ii figure* give it u r cli ond lortdul up. puar.nirc. '1 In: literary p'<iticn <>f the work ia well w ritten, :n d the wlin'c illuatrnted \vi?{i severat liiindreil Hew and clog. nt engravings. Mr. Soars has made a popular ho"k?ennferrod a (jreal favor upon the young, and it deed inertia tlie pat ro.ingo and t hanks ol all classes."? Boston America/. Trartllrr. We cheerfully commend tlio book to the readers ol the Advocate, as a work of much mcr it, iiirtiitheil at a very cheap rate."?Baptist Advocate. v 5 " Allogn'lmr it is onrof the moat elegant woifca? it!' the season. ui.d must prove he moat useful. i'ver isuited Iiqiii the American press ."?fioston Transcript. ^ , Wo cordially recommend this excollcut book." ?Bos tan Daily Jllail. 44 Wo cliecrluliy recommend it to tlio notice of i-vory Christian parent, as n beautiful pill t'? pf?*. M'oi to Ins family ."?Button Mercantile Jour*' rial. , j " Ail elegant woik ?>f five hundred pages. ai d Sontainiiig about five luiudit d engravings. 'I ho Riu tents of the appear to he- sound, judi:ious and iotciealiiig."?Boston Daily Bm. '' I'er ons hi the country would do well to pre., sure a subscription t.iok.uud obtain al once tha > tames < fiill tlioir friends and acquaintances', at oust, us subscriber* to this invaluable literary join. Will cut Ii agent or friend w ho cnmpliea rvitli this reqm at, have tip* kindness In infurni., lie publisher Imw man) copies will bu wanted" or his ncigldioiliood by mail (post puiil), as mini is pons ih!c ? It is Ins intent iuii to sparo nt ithef mints nor expense to inliodnco this entirely new Ki?ui vuiuuiu imotvrry lunuiy throughout he Union. Ag> nls?rraponaible rr.en?nnnlRd in every < \vn and v Inge throughout ilie United Statue.\d(!rt>g ||in luiwriiliiir, post paid, without winch io letter will be taken lioni lli? oltie.e. UOliERT SKARS, Pphludicr. l';2 Nassau street. New- Vork. I Tlio abovo work will bo found one of tlie moat ireful mid popular woik* ever puhliahed, t?r eniirpriditig moil to undertako tliu sale of in all iur piincipal cdira ami'lowna. ? A I Pout in a etc rn arn requested to act at amenta. To Publishers uj Papers throughout the United \ States, and British North America. m*m Nowipijiorii or Mugnkine*, copying tlm iliovo entire without any u'toraiiuii or *bptcij(a<~ nenl (including this notice), and giving it Ifrelyo mcrtioiiH, all 11! r eoivo ti copy of the woik, anhject to their order), by tending direct fo the vibliaher. Will ptopiietora m nrwrpapcra ' liiougliout lHn country, when it im convenient, t iri tie ApenlM, und receive auh?cii|Htons ? Tho uost liberal per centnge given. A geiiia wanted throughout tho Southern Stataa '< or t'lii utile of tho Itihlo liiogruphy. Addrt-ea he taibscribcr. nosl tiuid. SILAS HOWE, 52 Droad-strcct, Chnrlolon. S. C. October, 1812. 2 jSt nBMMP^LOTH i: ! ~ J 9HBBHs|jMgttMkA?fration a Wool V m?klrp rollt.