University of South Carolina Libraries
-V; ' "" . 'r~ .' J - J ??|Tbitw )! * 1 Mr! y>H>? w>|r,P. n^ for Wifl a>M nr??(U> H* ?<ll W ? Uah ?r wtiielk t? 6mm m( kMw ttii Ml MMthtt >a4 MM MMft NM ?B b( kiwM toktaf rwi fii%. Ml U?H?rn aM iaUiMUwill h nidr far w>k?t a Irwk . Bona tlaie time. (1? win lUkM^ t mmtiI m. Mitajmat of DTE STEFFI ni ethtr articlae o?Jly kap< al snob eatobSahnaonts. TVa low aitWaa of this olooo not oow to bond an ox. ^ M. MAC LEAN. JulyES. >. CASTOR ML MTIXCELLCNT ooM drawn eaitor oil for oole JESfl ory low, by the gallon, at the NEW DRUG STORK. IiEMOS STMIP AJVR 1EAD IttVP, At tho New Drag Storo. LANCETS. THUM B LANCETS. Spring Lancets, Gum Lancet* and Tooth Drawers for sale at the Now Drag 8tore. i LINSEEBS1L, COPAL and LEATHER Varnish. t? ash, .? tho Nbw Dkco Stokb. niAiimw WELL pat ap in small jars, for sals at the New Draff Stors. TAKNIflH BRUSHES, AND.Paint Brushes of all sixes, for sale at the Wkw Daoo Stokb. TAKE NOTICES ALL persona indebted to Hailey Sc To we, that with to ease coats, will make immediate psjrment to the subscriber. Those that do not avail tbetaaehrss of this notice, may aspect .to And their accounts in the hands of an officer for coHectioe; longer indnlgonos win not be given. " I G. W. OUT ALL, Aes%ww. Chorsw, Jan. 9. 1943. 9 St NOTICE. ALL parsons haviagclstme against the Estate of The*. G. Ellorba. lain of Cheater. J tU District era reqairsd to present them to the sobserihsr dnly attested, by the flrat of February neat. Those indebted to the Estate will mak? , homed is ts payamnt. or they may export to find their notee or eounonle in the hands of nn. officer . for collection. G. W. DUVALL, Admim'r. Chrraw, Jen*j. 9;h, 1943. 9 3t #.EBE,H~iu tCmCBOJV DBJVTI8T. W GAM MTU, ?. C. JfhFFKKS his Frefoceionel senr'ora to the Xr citisent of Choraw. tie may )o found at the Puma't Rom. Ho is prepared to per. form any nod ovary Denial Operation, that may he refoiied. Natural or Mineral Teeth will be eat on Geld Flats, or pivoted on the old stamp. If suffiehnsdy strong to best the operation.?Tenth stopped with Goto and srarraatsd not to decay any mora la thepert stopped; teeth and roots of teeth extracted, and irregularities remedied. | * (J* Examination mods without charge. IT Materials and wnrk m atx casks warraatsd. Jan. 10, 1441 9 If . fGB RENT, 1 "" | ,fVWG plaatatisa of Mrs. Aon Lids, sppssits JL the Town of Cheriw. The lands are so moll hnown that any further description is anas, oreaanr. 49 or M bands can be profitably em* pfoy ad. Ap|dy to JAMES 1RBY. Jan*/. M, lb43. J tt TQfT Bessivod a largo desk of Solo Lralh# nr. Also, Upper Leather, and Calf Skins. P. MALLOY. Sept. t9. ISO. 49 If ISCKFliN SHBET1N4MI ARB 8HIRTINGS. *S yd BALE8 3-4 and 4-4 Be mastics just Klfl??lW Faotmt ud for aals on favorable Umu by U? Ma. D. M ALLOY. NmOhcr T, llll. VAHIWAB t VIMMIAR!! PURE Cidor Vinegar, Whits Wins Do. Wm #at*by A, P. LAC08TK. July IS, 1943. 95 tf VMM WASTED. f WANT to hire two strung, hearty negro ewe, to worlt with my waggoners. ALvo, two a-?J . J. * " ??lw iiwSlOWs A. P. LACOSTE. Dec. 27.1843. 7 tf w . rgggsggeaggaaaaai , 'i ?BBSB 1843. THE conunoncomont of another year bring* ! orkli it minV stm??nMnti. itntl iho Kuli. acfflwr takes thi< method of informing hia nuetomors and these indebted to hint, that Ik> has many and proofing engagements to pay mow/ in ibis and the neat month, and hie principal means to do so, is from oollectious, which he hopes to make from those indebted to him. In mking over bis business* he fowls he has a great deny outstanding debts duo him, many of which are assail; 1st as risote are made op from small streams* so a large amount in the aggregate is hinds Asm email accounts, where Usey are numerous. He hopes, dserefere* that none of his fVtends will neglect to pcty him because the anouni pej bo email* and thai none will bold t*ak what,they are aide to psy, because their aeeonnts are tee lame to pSy all at ones. In ' short* then, be weajd my to nil these who are indebted to him, to come forward end pay op: if they fount par all, pay what tltey sen, end s!oac the balemen hp note. To asms of his see. teasers, whom a?Xante have been rtawutng an for one, two, end in some instances, three or mere years, he votN say longer indolgenee . wwwH mor will mm be five*, Md unleee #eodjr iMdieMaU IN aaarie, the Mil iw?He??ee to pay wiH emoe feaoi m odfiorr of the lew. Tbeeelaet rwirb ere taUiM Aw ad 4*Us due longer thee titmoaUeMok, andUwj will aleetfpplyte tl Mm dM in {bat. that are wot Mliefecloril; wnMod in a m?imuo Una ha owoaitlj appealeto Ma caniein u eoafoferward and ot.. ibxeelfw twU> Ho wooM alao eta tit that hi* mm aba Kmitad, md tbemfno ho ia ?abla to - dm a andii ladaiw m ovoaadlw. he will luwpa C"4 <oAwoiljr v*b*h?o> Mad, and will theot Aua far (Ml w JVohw. To i wvth mt hio ommdmJrn emtio tliew aeeoonU an# %. ho a llf #wf |Mdt Mwet grecerW om ttro u?u.*l tffWj-r.nJ en irte'Hrpt* ter.-ne. >*?. fl AM.IJF'.R. (//)?#??, J?k. 3, WU. | ft i khfe . -v.^ - mrnrnrnrnmimmmmmmm MULI**, * ifl vmiMirkM Jmi IMMMM. > A dgowral. f U ?M 1 <HJ lwr yriufct J CJUHOHVY. 0 19DN.PuMfOilluiMfbe?M?tt dwin. ilinl 44 * * MwiBgio. 1 U?f? lii>? os? and shIM esse Boohing M Mahogany Mdlnir Spring seat do. do. 1 loull COM 44 do. do. J 4 Solid ml News. < . do. k oca H. DUNLAP. Sl Qwwr. Asfd C. 1MI. 41 . if ntmcc. 17 WISHING to bring my present bost- pee to close so early alter the first of Janesry ee possible* all enargos made after that tiaee will be considered as cask atoovhts to * be paid when presented, or closed by note J bearing interest fifoSS time of settlement. v Of the stock remaining so band many of the t wwt ww ?, rim dhvti manj mm 20 to 50 per cent nww coot, and bat very \ to# above coot. G. H. DUNLAP. 1 Dee. 27th, 1819. 7 t f NOTICE. * THE Subscriber U now recsiving from New 1 York, an excellent assortment of seasonable I Goods selected by himself with great care. He 1 is persuaded that he esn sell Goods in his lino as ' low as they can be affordrd in this market, and ? is determined to do so. D. B. McARN. Cheraw, Nov. 1, 1842. 51 3m POTS, SCOTCH OVEyS, <f*c. A Large and well selected btock of Pots, Scotch and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, Andirons &c. Ac. For sale cheap. A. P. LACOSTE. October 18,1842. 49 tf ITOTIOa. THE Snbscriber has received and will keep constantly on hand Cotton Yam at wholesale, t at the lowest market pricee. Also?Cotton Osnaburgs, Cotton Batting, Candle Wick, Seine and Wrapping Twine, fro in the Manufactory of Rockingham. GEO. GOODRICH. Nov. 29,1842. 3 tf NOTICE. I fllHE following property was stolen from the JL plantation sf William Blakcncy, dee'd, in ' this.Dwariet, en the. night of the 3rd inst., vis: ' A bright mulatto woman named Melsey, 2.1 J Eeld, about 5 feet 4 inches high and vary \ for her height. Also, two y?>n; horse r, one a daik brown. the other a dark moose ooler, both small and supposed to be, mo about 1 5 and the other 10 years old. The said proper. 1 Sf IS supposed to bavs leen stolen ( }' one 1 ackeon Key, who is probably making hia way with the Mine to the West* Said Key is about 21 years old. has a fair co-nplesion, very light hair, and ramarkahlv livht anhniai. >l<nil*r pen on, ahoat S feet 10 inehea high and has a downcast luok when spoken to. A reward of fifty dollars will be paid for tho recovery and < sale keeping of the property and raid Key, on* of i this 8tate, or for delivering tho same to the subscriber. STEPHEN D. MILLER, Adui'r of W ni. Blakeney. Gold Mine, Chesterfield Dial net. S. C. ) I Deociubcr 6?h, 1012. $ 4 If j] 4?4 DO.RBITIC8 | A few hales 4?| Brawn Domestics for sale on favorable tonus, by D. MALLOY Aug. 513rd. 41 if CHEBAW ACADEMY. THE undersigned take great pleasure, in < announcing to the citisens of Cheraw and the ( Public generally, that they have secured for another year, the services of Professor W*. E. Wobmm, and Miss Muqaibt Coma, , in take charge of this Academy. To those ? who have patronized the School, during the 1 laet year* rt is unnrenseary to say any thing i in their recommendation; but we deem it a t duty to assure those who may desire to avail themselves of the advantages of a first rate ? school, Chat these teachers hsve eminently fulfilled the very high testimonials tbey brought * with them* as teachers. The undersign*.d believe that tbey hazard nothing in aaying, ] that young Laaiee may obtain as good an J education in this institution, as at any Semi* J nary m the Southern States. The Committee would also state* that the music department ' is under the direction of Mrs. Hakt, a lady eininsutly qualified for the Situation. She is an excellent performer on the Piano Forte, and Guitar* and possesses an admirable tact . of communicating instruction to her pupils. Tlie exercises of the Academy will commence * en the first Monday in January. There are I two vacations during the year?tho month of September, and the iaat week in December. The following are the rates of tuition, (viz.) First Division, Spelling and Reading, per quarter, ? 96 Second Division, The same, with writing ji and Arithmetic, $9 | J Third Division, the same studies with ! p English Grammar and Composition, Geography with the use of the globes, and History, $10 ! Fourth, the same studies, with any of the higher mathematics. Natural or Moral Sciences, ancient languages, or Drawing and Painting, 813 00 j For music on the Piano Forte, 814 > .r i .' Use of Instrument, 1 s I For Guitar, . 810 The tuition, in all cases, to be paid in ad- [ vance, to the Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. i ' Tk,.?.. u I* ?- - :n ? . J I I Da I UH7| WIN Will [ITS CCrUllClll'l for admiaiioB. < JAMES GILLESPIE, > A. P. LACOSTE, | .? i 0 D. S. IIARLLEE, ( , t T. E. POWE. J i n N. B. TIm Commitloo ?r? authorize) to pay i 1 that Mr. H. 1\ Chapman, i* pr*fivad to uke . bmnkia at from lira to oifht dollar* per month, ; b payable as above. j 11 7?4t I [| ' ,l" iSoTPICKa ' |d THE Partnership heretofore existing under i ? tha Una of Blakmrj St 0n|(, ia tliia day diaaofai-d bjr mutual convent. All unaeulod banner* will ho eloaod bj rithar * or both of tho atihaoribcrs. 1 JAMES W. HLAKENRY. * ALEXANDER GRECO. * Jan. fld, 1843. 8 3t A L BX A N DE R G REGG , ATTORNEY AT LAW. CHER AW. ft. C- ! WILL rrgftlftrljr attend IkmConrta of L,* fcft the (Metrietn of OhMevAelU. Marl, bow/, Mario'i. and Darlington. IMd. 8 *4t uomifrmi aiw hooim. JU8T Received a g ed atck of Runnetta * unH . l?. M.U.WV. ! Repl. !|0, 1841. 1ft If I ' aHKWMM|M?Mm WWf aviota am nana* r?HK IMUr baa Jam ntilw* k Mn Lr+???+ ?fv3!5dvtetLF Ch?rmw, April?. 1S41 . 22 If WMk IHATE again rnwil tba laiiw af HaaU hag Waaf My aid ooMmmn aad tha pah. i ganaralljr ata mpmfirtlf in for mad UmU I hall ba grateful far a raaawal af tbair mumb, ad ptodga ayaafftahaal Joly If, 1212. M * if CLOff, CKflMBM, Afb 8ATINETT3. DMALLOT ban jaat ratnivad a gaad a aaaak ofClatha, Caauuava, and SatiuaU, rhich ba ia aasiaaa ta aall, and bargains may *8apt. SO, 1249. 45 It I * . A CARD. DR. JOHN LYNCH hifinf permanently located himself in the town uf Cheraw, cspeetfully tenders his proWxional ??rvices to he citisena of thia place and the adjoining coun- j ry. He hope* by a diligent attention to hie trofeeeion, to receive a liberal altars of poblie aironage. Ho can always be found at his ether's (Conlaw Lynch) residence on Market Street. Cheraw, July 1st. 1649. SI tf FISH f FISH!.' MACKEREL, in whole, half, and qtr. bbls. Mess Sited in do do do Codfish and Salmon, all of excellent quality. For sale by A. . LACOSTE. October 18, 1849. 49 tf NOTICE. 4LL persona indebted to the Subscriber by note or account are requested to call and Nstlle the saute, as further indulgence cannot be ;ir n. R. SHAW. Stpt. 13. 1811. 44 tf COTTON OSNABUROS AND COTTON YARN. rHE Subscriber has received on consign, menl from the De Kalb Factory nt Camden i. C 19 Balea very superior Cotton Osnalurgs and 12 Balos Cotton Yarn, whichho will ell by the Bale to Merchants an aa good or tetter erma than they can pnrchase in New for* or Charleston. Ho would also invito the (Meniere of the isighborhoed to oall and examine the Osnahurgs. hey will find it a cheaper and better article than ras ever been sold in this market. ii H. DUNLAP. Cheraw, April 4, 1842. 21 tf CORN WANTED. WANTED to purchase from 1000 to 3000 Bushels corn to bo delivered in Cheraw, tr at any of the landings down the river, for *rhichthe bigho.-t market urico will benaid D. M'NAIR. April It, 1649. 22 tl HATS AND 9HOEM. THE Subscriber lias jn?t loccivcd a large aud well wbottd supply of HnU and Shoes, ebieb will be sold cbeaper than were ever offer* id in this market. D. M ALLOY. Nept. 20. I ?48. 45 if ~E. W. DRENNING WOULD Respectfully inform the public that he has located himself on KA5X3T STMBT, Opposite Ma. Meoai's Hotel, where he intends tarrying on the DYKING AND SCOOKINO BVIINKEI. Ijadiee* and Gentlemen's garments cleaned, ind, if faded, dyed tlie original or any other eel. ir, and pressed in the neatest manner. Carpets, fable-Covers, and Crumb.elct!>s cleaned without njury to the Colors?Cotton Yarns dyed Fast Jolori. JV. B. Hit dyeing tvill not toil the whitest rtiele. Cheraw, August 16. 1842. 40 tf STORE TO RENT. I IIAVE rented ell my Stores,except the one next ahoro Mr. George II. Dunlap's, and ne door Wlow corner of Kershaw and Front Itreets. This Store ia considered n first rate tand, and will be routed on liboral terms. A. P. LACOSTE. August 2, 1842. ?8 tf ~~ sugar and ~TEaT~ DOUBLE and Single leaf Sugar, Crushed Su far, and best Hyson Tea, in Caddies, or by thi K>und, prime articles for family uee. For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 18,1842. 49 * COTTON BACKJINO, ROPE. TWINE?a good stock of the abort or. hand, and tor sale at the lowest market irico, by D. MALLOY. Aug. 23rd 41 tf TeATHER and SHOE THREADT 95 SIDES, Sole Leather, 101 Kip and Wax do. i *u id. Of toe thread, , For sole low by A. P. LACOSTK. October 18, 1842. 49 tf ITATK OF MOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield JMstrict. In the Common Pleas. JOHN JACKSON, Who is in tho custody fthe Sheriff* of the District aforesaid, by virile of a Writ of Capias ad Reseondenduin, tthe suit of Petpr L. Robeson, having peti. ioned the Honorable, the associate Judges of he said State, that he may be admitted u> the cnefit of the act of the Qoneral Assembly, nude for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, and e having filed with his petition a schedule of lis whole Estate real and Personal; It isorered tbat the said Peter L. Robeson, and all thers, to whom the aaid Petitioner is in any rise indebted, do personally, or by their attor cy, or mg appear ocrore tne Honorable, the sociate judges of tho Slate aforesaid, at a 'ourt of Common Pleas to be holden at Chosrrficld Court House, on the third Monday in lareh neht, then and thore to eliew cause, if ny they can, why the ??tate and Effects of lie said Petitioner, should not be assigned, nd he discharged, pursuant to the provisions f said act of Hie General Assembly, made nd provided for tho relief of Insolvent fitebtT. BRYAN, C. C. P. Chesterfield Court House, ) ? K Iheftthdayof Nov. IMS. CHOICE BACON. B ICdh|| HAMS, Shoulder*, It Sides. VifBvrvr Por *?\te tiy A, T. LAGOffTK. I Nw. U. III?, I I if MMKB9!9BBaBSSSBSBas9 . Ul WD*iftJCA LB- Bel M for mU> vary law , . * A. F. LACOSTE. Jaw. t* 1B41. f- if IJLW NOTICE. HpHC Whbecriber will hereafter practice in *; tW Cewrta of Cawoon Flau lor Marl, boroofh and Darlington D?tr*cts, and the Courts of Eooity tot Choraw District. WM. W. HARLLCE. Jan 'j. 1,1841. 0 8t | RIGBT ABOUT FACE! I HEREBY give notice, with great rehao lance, that I ehalt net. alter the first day of Janvary nest, open a single running account in my Rooks, for any description of goods, except fur Begging, Rope and Twine, and for these articles 1 will enly give a credit of 60 to 90 days. Merchants, and other cititons of the town, who may be disposed to order goods from my Stores, ere informed, that thrir order* will be gratefully received, end promptly ft led at low prions, upon the condition, that their bil.a may be presented in ten de\s, for payment. This course I am compelled to take, to meet my own engagements, and I hope will not give ofionco to any, for I And by experience, that it ia much oasiar to sell goods, lhan to collect, end that accounts and notes be they aver so good, will not pay the debts of my contracting. As I shall so.I foods for CASH, it ia almost uselsss to say, that shall bell rear ciuar. a i? t.rnRTR Dec. 13th, 1843. 5 tf CREDIT GIVEN FOR WOOD. TO THOSE Cuitomrra, who have paid mo once a year for Wood, 1 tender my thatik*. and shall bo grntoful to rsoaivo their order*, and hall not trouble them but onre u year for a settlement. Tho?o who are unwilling to settle once a year, or Imvo not paid at all, must oxcuse ne if I rer,,??! to work for them. A* P. LaCOSTE. D.e.13, lo4t. 5 tf MAB,LBOF.O' A0AD3S?, THE Exercises of thin Institution will bo resumed the second Monday in January?C. Mi not Uavcy, A. B.t Principal in tho A/ale, ?nd Afiss Jano Simpron, Principal in the Femalo Department. Mr. Davey is a graduate of the University of Vermont, from whose faculty he brings the liighept testimonials. Asa scholar and teach, cr, he maintains a high rank; and, in addition io the common English studies, teaches the Latin, Greek and French Languages, Rook, keeping, Surveying, aud the higher A/athematics, and fits young men for any class in College. A/isa Simpson has formerly taught with distinguished success in the Female Department of this lnstitutii n and is too favorably known in this community to need mmmendadation. In addition to a thorough English Education, her instruction embraces all the useful and ornamental branches taught in the best Female Seminaries. Board may be had in respectable families at from 95 to 98 per month. The Trustees do not hesitate to say, that the high character of ihe Teachers, the system oi . inatructionr adopted, the health of our village, and the low price of board, a ft or d facilities for Education unsurpassed by any similar institution in the State. r? vi m iiaii i rt I n. U. 1 ll\Jin .AO, Secretary. Bcnnettsville, S. C., Dec. 19,1642. 7 Ot CHRISTMAS AND MEW YEAR'S PRESENT! TWELVE BEAl'TlFl'L LINE AND Mezzotint Engravings for Ql. THE Subscriber has made a selection from the beautiful plate* that have, from time to time, adorned the LADY'S BOOK, and bound them in a pliable, emblematical cover which forma a beautiful embellishment. Each set is accompanied with a pattern of LACE WORK, making, in all, 14 Plates; each Plate averaging from 7 inches in length to 0 in breadth. No more beautiful ornament to the centre Table can be imagined than this beautiful volume, and nothing can be purchased for the coming holidays comparable to it in beauty and cheapness. Tlicy will be forwarded, unbound, for Scrap Books, at the same price. " We have just received a specimen of the plates in Godey'a Lady's Book, consisting of 12 splendid pictures, which cannot he stirpajscd for the beauty of execution and novel- i ty of design. This number is sold at one do!, lar, and besides the pictures has a pattern for embroidery which, according to our humble opinion, is a gem for needle work. We know the ladies would like to have a peep at tin; beautiful engravings which, aa a centre table ornament are of inestimable value." Chronicle, St. Claimille, Ohio. "Godey's Lady's Book.?We have re* ceived a pamphlet of engravings from the of. flee of the Lady's Book, which originally ap. pea red in that work. These illustrations could not easily do cxccra^u uy me an 01 n>an.? 1 Send 81 to L. A. Godey, and srct this interesting collection?address 101 Clirsr.ut 5trcet, Philadelphia."?Recorder, Zaiiesiillc, Ohio. Single Copy, 81 00 Six Copies, 0 00 Can be sent by mail, at a very trifling postage, to any part of the United Stated or Canada. Address I,. A. GODEY, Publisher's Hall, Philadelphia. Any paper giving this two or thrro inner, lions, will be entitled to a copy. Plrare send only one paper, with the advertisement marked. 7 3t BLACKSMITH ING. Tift'. Subscriber lias this day recommend] business on his own account ami hopes by elosa application to business to share public patronage. My prices will be moderate. Horse Shoeing will receive my personal attention it is therefore warranted to bo dono with neatness and dr-rputclu N. 0.?I am now prepared to repair, or put up now lightning rods. C. I. SIIIVEK. April 4 IH45I. 71 tr CAMDEN AND GADSDEN 97$ & ? J9e HAVING purchased of Mej. Wi.liamShi. vcr, tho whole of hit intercut in the Camden anil Gadsden Stage line, I bog leave reapccu tiilljr to inform the public, that I will continue to run it on my own account. The Stage toatart from C. H. Davie' Hotel, every Monday, Wedneaday, and Friday, after the arrival of the Northern m iil; and from Gadeden on Tuesday, Thursday. and Saturday, after the Care arrive from Chariot, ton. At thin line has been put in npnration a# ! much for the accommodation of the public, ax ; any expectation of profit, it ig hoped that the j public will give ?t tliat support tbel they think j it is entitled t'?. JAMES IVjKWBN. CitrJ'n, Dre. ?0. 7 -it 4 ~ ' _? ' . v. THE AMEBIC AM - A-' ABKZOlMiTtXRZBT. ^ A. R. ALLEN fcB.L ALLEN, Bditsrs? 8AXT0N A MILES, PubUtkers, 906 Brssd aty, JVii# For*. THE iMiricoi Agriculturist is published monthly at Sua broadwsy, New York, M ONE DOLLAR per annum, pa/able alicmyt m | advdnct; aix corica will l>n soul for five dol* Leap; tMIBteen curies roa tin doll a at. Edi. ? tors who will give litis card a conspicuous inter* ,c lion, withsouivof tho nelieca which lolluw, will ' bo entitled lo receive one year's subscription gratis, on tending their jmpar containing such notice to this office. Agricultural Societies that J with to give this work as a premium, will be an* q titled to a discount uf tmcnly-fioeper ctnt. or handsomely bound v? luinca at tlic subscription ^ price. | This work will be devoted to the various pur. | suits ?f tht agriculturist throughout every stctisn " of the United Siutcs, arid wil cmnaiu tmb Latest HrrtLLIOKirCE on EVrav lKAircK Ot theis aJ occupation; the be-t seed*; modes of tillugo; B character of soils; improved implements; and A thu various and bkst 8*ftD? or CattlS. horseb, j* sheep amd swine. s. ? Eunli number consists of thirtt two p ages, ((j double column, roya' octavo, and tlia work will be embellished with CU l'S, illustrating the dif- n. | lornm sunjociB on winch it trentt-? making n ' volume 01 884 large pages yearly Tor the low ! price qf OJVE DOLLAR. at Seven numbers of Uiih work have already boon ! jj published, and : e It is stereotyped, subscriber j T, may commence with the back or present numbers ( Cl at their option. Iu I From the general testimony in fi?v?r of the I |n manner in whicli this paper hue been conducted, | ej from the public press and tho most experienced ! ?c j Farmers and Planter* throughout the cnuntiy, j nt ; thero is every tendon to bolicvo it will prove j 0j : universally acceptable, and remunerate its lead- j kt on ten-fold for their subscription. Numnnii L ; this time who aspires lo tho noblo occupation of ^ an American agriculturist, should be without one 1)( or more periodical*, exclusively devoted to Ins interrats. In Each number consists of one sheet and will be sit" jj -ct to netcsp'iper pottage only. Postmasters at e permitted by law to enclote v.c ! money for subscription free of postage. I ttuiow aro u tew of llio many favorable notices , ,e of tho nbovo work, from tho American Pre as : I 1,1 Tho Agriculturist nppiors to l?o edited with ^ that kind of ability end practical knowledge, that I j| must place it among the foremost rank with | . similar periodicals in our country."? Wayne I jj, County Record, Indiana. I j< Tho number we have is rich in ably written , and well selected articles. Tho Editors arc well ! t? known to tho readers of agricultural periodicals 1 l0 as able writers, and will, wn ure sure, greatly ! benefit tlio country by their present undertaking." I , ?The Union, Raltigh, N. Carolina. j j() " The Agriculturist is well filled with well j m written, well digested, and highly practical or- sa ticlcs on subjects pcrtnin'teg to rural industry. ? The conductors of the work, the Messrs. Allen, j are no1 only well versed iu tho pmctical opera. ! tious of cultivating the soil, and bre sdmg domes- i tic animal* to tho bust advantage, but they wield I ,,, read} and graphic pens for the discussion of : 0i these important subjects iu a style both clear and | attractive. Regarding the scicnco of agriculture f _ I' and gardening, as by far tho most important j study thul engages the attention of tho American j . people, we fuiinot withhold our earnest commen. j S'J ( dulion ol the American Agriculturist' to the j ?v ' great farming interests of the country."?Buffalo ,l ! Commercial Advertiser, New York. The American Agriculturist is printed in ; nl tho city of New York, in 3*2 neat, medium oc. tavo pages, and illustrated with engravings, and F'j ably edited by Jl.e Mrstr?. Allen, who nro well and favorably known to tho agricultural community, as pr.cticul and enlightened farmers."?- |)l Republican Banner, Nashville, Ttnn. ju Wo have scon the first number, and it bids fair t > bo n highly valuable paper ta any section c? of tho Union. Tho editors aro celebrated , ''j throughout tho United States for their enterprise j xv in '.lie Hock line, as well as in others matters j u tending lo improve the condition of our husband- i 111 ry."? South Western Farmer, Raymond, Miss. ' * I have examined tlio three firm tininltors, and ] from tho specimens which they afford, as well as | ' froin a personal i.crptaintunco with the editors I . I have formed h very favorable opinion as to tho i usefulness of this work, ami tho ubilily with] P' wliHi it will bo con- noted. It is intended to bo ! sv< i national work.'*?Judge Beat Iu, of Washing ! ton, Kentucky. * * * j Tho editors arc well known as practical i.m..i i ' ?...i * .. ?- - " 1 ? <? >. anu agriculturists, nnu asgniod writers. "7 Tlicy have the aid of xmiinsif tho moat able wri 'era in the c un'ry. and it can hardly fail to take its place at mien in the front itink among the re hunt publications of its class?Spirit of the it, Times. Pfetv York to NOTICE OF SAITET ; BY permission of tho Court of Ordinary for cy Chcfttcrfi*Id District, will bo sold on j< Monday, the 16th of January next, and days fol. ' lowing, at tho Into r< sidoneo of John Chapman, deceased, in tho village of Clu-slerfirld, S C.,all [ the pemunul estate of said deceased, consisting ' of about 3 ) nogrn.ts, horses, hogs, cattle, corn, cv : f'Hldcr, Carpenter's a?d ill ckniiith's tools, sm household and kitchen furniture, n wagon, plan- mi tat n tools, nod n variety ofolher article*. Terms?A'l minis of and under five dollars, co Cash. AH sums over fivo dollni.H on a crodit un- co I til ho first dsy of January, 1844, with interest ci< ; from the day of salo. to be secured by bond or note, with good sicurily. cu MILLBY CHAPMAN. Adtiu'x. hlt W. J. UANNA, Adinnv'r. |c. D c'r D?, 181U 8 K? I LETTKIIS Jj,', Remaining in the p???tomce,Cheraw. f0| 8 C.. Jan. 1843, and if not called for hy ns the 1st April next, will bo sent to the General pa P<>-1 Office as Dead Letters. on ! n?fi eniy Buchanan, 2. William A. Dlr.o, { thi J .mrs Brooks. William K. Blilock, Kindred j llennrtt, illin Elizihrtli Bennett. Miff MuiliiJ . tot Brown, Jcffcrion Breeden, II A. Ba-nrtt. Ar C ?Mntcoin Clark, 2. George Collins, W. dtT no Coloy, Cutherino Campbell. I)?Joseph Duvid, Miss Lenora Davidson. E?T. P. Ellcrhn. f.einnrl Edwards, 2. i F?Ja i t-s Finnei*. R. Freeman. G?Jacob Ganey. D. W. Graves. II?Presley llarrcll, Miss M. A. Hughs, James A. Hirrrld. Doct. Ja*. Hnsell, Tempson Horcl | l!.?..b. n: *t?: it? ? vl?"?r ? inum news. _ J~William J.'hnaon. Rdwnid D. Jnrrnt. K -R- A. Kendall, Mrs. Elizabeth Ko.-ljrn. J,?Wcodham I.nngatnr.n. i M ?D. D. MflB yal. 2, Mrn. Elizabeth MoCull, Mrs. Mary McAlbtor, William E. Mubcr, mc Ivy. P?Mi?? M. A. Powell, John E. Patterson, (?*' Kcv'tl. A. H. P?rmolee, James Powell. put Q? Daniel Quick, ll" R?Richard Roaa. act 8?Mra. C. M. Session", Mir* C. E. ft ith, 2,. ?>o William Sweat. Oliver Spenenr, John Stafford. 1 John Strickland, Mits Sarah Stafford Alex'r. D! f"r Sparks, John M. Smith, 3, Wm Scott, Robert Snced. T?John Trantham. T. B. Tihlon. W-D. B. Ward. D. S. Wingato, Isaiah < Wynn, Mra, P. C. Watson. Persona calling for Lottera from this lint. n,;n ploaM ?ay tlnj arc advertised. J.n. ..u 1848. 8 " BRYAN. P m. orocerieh. w* IN at ore and for mlo, a good 9?Pr,,y of s.df. rugar. Cu(l<i? and MoIrnkr, by H MAM.OY. I Ang. SHrd j 11.11 ! ! .i ? HOLIDAY OIFT FOR 1843. . OH10B.T2A1T FATSan'O FAMILY. k mom Splendidly IlloMratod ind Chrapal . Work on the American Continent; CONTAINING NOES THAN riVE HI7NOBED ENMATHVQ9 ntirely New and Original, Designed and Ex. ute'd by the tnoet Eminent Artiett of Eng. nd and America.?Coat of Preparing the Work, f ftUOV?PRICE, 9.50. I2BLB BIOGRAPHY# r, THE LIVES AND CHARACTERS IF THE PRINCIPAL PERSONAGES tcorded in Me Sacred Writings; practically lupted to the Infraction of Youth and Private utilities; together with en Appendix, contain, g Thirty Dissertationo on the Evidences of trine Revelation, from Tim peon's Key to the ible; being a complete Summary of Biblical 'nowledge, carefully condensed and tomniled om Scott, Doddridge, Gill, Patrick, Adam laikr, Pool, Lowth, Horne. Wall, St owe, Ro neon, and other Eminent Writ ere on the Scrip ret.?Robert Scare, Editor.?Embellished rsith xtral hundred Engravings on Wood, illnstra c? of Scripture Scenes, Munntrs, Customs, g-c. The domand fur ihia work is unprecedented, id oplor* are pouring in from ell parts of the uitcd States. It is udlcd "A Christian Fa* tan's Present to his Family," and has rcceiv. I the uuqualiOd recommendation of all tho adiug papers, both political and religions. No no advertisement, however, enn give the readany idea of its beauty and value?it must be en to ho admired, and read to be duly appreci? ed. The annexed extracts from the " Opinions "the Public- Press" will satisfy all of tho intrin c exeellcnco of this Splendid Grxi in Modern ITERATIVE?tho like of which has never appear I in this or any other country. A careful persal of tlio following " Recommendations" will lily usi n making use of such strong langusgo i favor of ro useful a work ; "A work of groat attraction and value. This ilumc must find a welcome at every fireside iroughoul tho country: its con ents are as inrCMling as they are important and iustiuctive; nl tlio judicious and talented author has here ?nt rived to present us with onu of the most at? active, ami at the sumo time usi ful books, that ivo appeared this ride of the Atlantic. We art the pul>lic will reward its enterprising pub. slier."? U. S. Lilnaty Advertiser, for June, 142. " This volume, we should say, well deserves > lie regarded us the * Christian Father's present i his family.' Several hundred vciy good wood igrnvings enliven its narratives, and il uslrste i solemn truths to the understanding and frel* g? of the young; and from the numerous trrti. onics which accompany tho volume, we should y, it inny safely be surrendered to their hands." -.Magnolia. "This work is an attractive one, not only for io very numerous neat embellishments which rvado it, but iruui the interesting and useful . tier winch it couiprises. This work is in largo :lavo. highly dceorutod, and handsomely bound, nl will no d?u?l?l meet with a popular demand." Chris. Intelligencer. " The engravings, fr.un new and original dc. jnp, are well executed. Tho design of tho srk is oxcclh lit; and wc cheerfully recommend to the notice of our renders.''?ivetr World. "This is a very valuable, cheap and convr. out hook. The publiu will soon find it one of iu books they must hare. Mny the publisher ipply the land with many leu thousands."? JV. '. Tribune. . "This is the nunif of a va'uaLlo work just iblishcd iu tho city of New York. It is must Klly called ' A CHRISTIAN TATHKn's PRESENT TO s IamIlv.' The livo hundred engravings am eculcd Ly rho first Amoricnn Artists, nOrr ctures of the most celebrated Painters. If this urk ilieu g wilh u cireulutio'i commrnsurato itli its merits, it will I e found in every duelling the Union."?Boston Tints. "This is mm of tho most finely illustrated iu uri.utiiui:y ornnnn nttd volumes iver isrucd jii) llio pics*. The ty j ngrophy i* clear and i\in, lie paper and binding handsome, while u golden figures give it u t eh and tastctul up. arutico. Thu literary portion of the work ie ell written, and thu whole illustrated with neve. 1 hundred niw and cleg; nt engraving*. !\|r. :crs lui* made n popular hook?conferred a eat favor upon the young, and indeed merits e patronage ttnil thnnkaot all classes."?Boston tntricot: Ttuvtlltr. *' Wo cheerfully commend tho book to thu adorn of tho Advocate, a* a work of much mer. furnished hi a very cheap rate."?Baptist Adcate, " Altogether it i* one of the most elegant woika the season, and must prove .ho most useful or issued fiom the American press."? Button ran script. . I Wo cordially recommend this excellent book." Boston Doily Mail. ' Wc cheerfully recommend it to the notice of ery Christian parent, i>s a beautiful gift to pre. at to his family."?Boston Mercantile JourII An elegant work of five hundred page*, at d nluining about five hundred engravings. Tho i.touts of tho volume nppcnr to tie sound, judi. jus and interesting."?Boston Daily Bee. Persons iu the country would do well to pro* rc a suhcciiplion book, and obtain at once the mcs of all tlioir friends nnd acquaintances, at ist, ns subscribers to this invaluable literary ni. Will cacti agent or friend who complies th this request, huvo the kindness to inform * publisher hn\v man) copies will bo wanted r hit ncighhoihnod by mail (post paid), as soon possible 7 It is his intvut ion to spare neithrr ins nor cxpeuan to iutrodiico this entirely new d original volume into every family throughout 3 Union. Agents?responsible men?won tod in every VII and vitiligo throughout tho United States, ... i tug i?t liberal per cfliilagc givrn. \ gouts wanted throughout the Southern Slate* the na!e of the Biblo Biography. Addrce* i ?ubscriber, po^t puid. SILAS HOWE. 51 Bro-uNatreet, Chnrhilwu. S. C. 3ctnh?r, 1843. _ 2 12t ^ ~ NOTICE! THE Subdrribrr ha* in operation a Wool rker and Kiniahitig Card f??r making roll*. VVoolshould bo free from traah, washed, and II greasrd. nr Wool roll* can bo had at the mill far XSH ONLY. ANGUS M'LFiAN, * I'iih rrr Hill I*. <V, RubcronCo., N. (/. 3 wrtistlio pulwciiber, po*t paid, without which loiter will t*> token 1'ioin lite urtice. ROBERT SEARS, Publisher. 1 i2 Nu*?uuDirect, New-York. Tho above wotk will be found or.o of the moat sful and popular work* ever published, for en. prixir.g n;on to nndortako tho sale of in all r piiucipal oitica and town*. Ad Pwetmavtcra aro requested to actas agrnta. ) Publisher* of Papers throughout tho United Slates, and British North America. i*, Nowrpapera or Muguxin<'e, copying tin* jvc entire without ony alteration or abridgvint (including thin n-.uc. ), anJ giving it twelve rtions, kIi>II receive n copy of the work, ihjcci to their orilor), by fending direet to the [jusnor. |>r opr :rtor? of nrw?|Mpetv ooghout tho country, wlmn it in convenient, .as Acfcnls. unJ recrivc <uhii<>iii>ti/vi.a s Ti._