' "" ' ' ^ ?. HAC'LBAN* ^
- _ jjg.
* jfcliiiLKLiSirr ?a for ?u J
'jJBl wy Vm, by the f%Hoo, ?t the NEW ?
WiiM head "
l. . liiivciw.' " r a
^SE^tSS^S irss^ S
Now Dray St*o.
COPAL nJ'SJSER v"bb. for mIo *t
ifo Jl6w'|)?ii, 9t*M. 1
VTT tAiRMnBr: *
WELL potnp in mail jtn, for ooloot Um *
No* Df?f 8tor*. G
'yfffinHniHv ?
AND.Point Bruohoo of ail aisoo, for oak at tb? fl
ALL p?Mm iaMM to Rail*; fc VWo,
thai wUh to aavo ooola. will oakofawii f
6r MiariNi lift IMalgwMS will art bs jj
BF0HC*. ?i
A U?pMMlmlHcWraifdw4llM Es- *
A M* ?r ThM flllHk iwi ?r OiMr.
iaHlNWiwanfWiiMlUWMMlliMWtotka W
tk%*4 J
tffcVTKft* Ms MmImiI ssffTwrs I* U?
SfiSJsfi ?sthIM !sk?trLv
bm ?T~* *W7 ^ OpSC!fh?t Ms,
^irifkowf chtvfe.
Mfti^MfeteAAA wfefkM AU,C4AJ?t WMTf*Jlt#4. %
gger w* ****. w n p
1 ' *'" ?* ?
. c
^jE^^.RSySNCKBraar, IV fa tufa?n<?|
bdlHriMfdaiiH fa ? i.
mmtrj. MtiHIu^owlMHIubij ?. S
1Mii AfHfr? i
^ ~ MM1? M^r. 2
W;. H 1443. J ?t J
.'u yjk !>. MALLOT. c
f J IALB8M m4 44 IMm jaal
JLnK roa?iwed an can*if*m? from Ibo
v pnnmn r*omm tad fee atk an AiforaM* a
"72Zfi.ii: ? MAlXor. '
Wiuatw f, IMS. ?
, ' ?p?Uw?AS s T?iMi43Ti ' J
nVXI dkbrTiMgw.
Juljlt,MM9* 15 if (g
f WANTli Ifn tv?4nip(tmrfv oegra
M^tawaefc with my wggommn. A too, two
A. I?. LACtWTR f
INC. -it. IW4. 4 II
_ 1848. ,
FBI ff B of aeoihor jrwr brinn
JL wfcU it m?J Ittpynwll, ?nd the 8ob- K
mVitr tikwi tUi method if inftni>iw| bis on#*
toraoo sod those iodsblod to Um, tbst (Hi he#
tflM MM>illg tftmMMftU <4> Ml MWf XI
in IM mm tk ant nw-h, ak hi* priMipii *
mum to do as* ie from oolloctioua, which he ?
hope* to inka from thou indebted to him. In
? Inlef Mwt todhneio?i ho fcide Hawaii e out
jjjjo^doihhrtlioodsbfrdlob Ithrii tSMwff tslrfoh
osssosslfo bdt to lifM to sods it I vou stooll
T^y -Jyrrsi"! 7,f U7wTiL tu*
*S*?fc w^v., j?*. a, 10w. *' *' f1* i*>f*
*>' ?
.? \ >*, ; ,
L&* t. , :-v. 1 .'
L.ft ^ -
Of^L Mack fcauiaia(?>tead away'oftl* t
?* win to mH ?t rattr ooiti ttMMif from
> U 80 p?r oMt sblow cow, atxi tot very %
ir ikm CMC.
jib ******* * *
u. n. VUdbAT.
Dm. 97th, 1K3. 7 it
~ notice. !
It HE Subscriber U now noaiTlnc from New <
E York, m excellent umtnwi ? eensoaable I
oede wkeUi kfbuMtlf with (root ear*. lie I
pmuiilnl tlat heal eell Goods in his line ss '
M thty eon be afforded in this market, and '
determined to do so.
B. B. MoARN.
Cheraw, Nor. 1, 1842. 51 3m
. Largo and toell selected ktoek of Pota,
cotch and Dutch Orena, Spiders, Andirons
x. dec. For ante cheap.
October IS, 1842. 40 tf
HE 8nbacriber has recairad and will heap
Mislantljr on band Cotton Yarn at wholesale,
t the lowest market prices. Also?Cotton ,
leaabatga. Cotton Batting, Candle Wick,
laine and Wrapping Twine, from the Mann,
kctorj of Rockingham.
Nov. 39,1843. S tf
IVHE following property wasatolen fromthe
, plantation of XVUIiam Blakcncy, dee'd, in ;
db-PUlut, oh the night of Urn 3rd last ., vis: I
I hkbi matatia woman ntmsl Moleay, S3 !
dnm, ahbnt 5 feet 4 inches high and vary 1
Cge for her height. Also, two young hotea
tm*s, one a dark bream. Ike other a dark manaw
elor. both email and eoppeead to be, nw about 1
and tha other 10 years old. The said proper,
r rs annpemd to have loen stolen k one
uhH r.. ?k. L. ?k.1.1. kt. ....
? ?/? " r; . I l
itk iIm tarn* to |Im W?rt* Said Kay is a boat
I years old. baa fair coaptation, very light
bit, and romarkably light eyebrows, thader
toon, shoot 5 foot 10 inohss high and two
iwot?t look who* spokon to. A toward of
far dollars will bo paid for the roenwy and <
ilk hooping of th? property and roll Key, on* St
Bin 8tste, or for delivering ?ho asms so tho
Aduf r rftTo. Blaksney.
Oold Mine. CboetcrfieU) Oiplrkt, 8. C. )
Xft tfonmber 6'hrWt {
4 If
A few balsa 4^% Brown Dinntin for sals
H. on favorable tones, by
Ang. ttrd. 41 If .
TH B niadevoigned take great pleasure, hi 1
nanhewig to tho dtiaono of Cheraw and tho 1
"nhlie goer rata, that thoy hero aoenrod for
mSu^mMmoasnor Ceei ai ,
a lake ahaigoeV this Academy. To Ubn ,
the hare petretwcrd the School, during the '
Ml year. ? ie imniisaaty to aay any thing i
l their recommendation; hot we deem it a <
sty to aeenre those who may desire to avad
nmiivra vi oh NfRmpi 01 a urn mi ?
chori, 4hat theee taaehera have eminently
?MUlcd-lbe wqf high mtlimiili Urn brought "
rith then* an tcidwn. The under* If md
afeve that they hnsard nothing to aaying, '
bat yooag Uiief may obtain aa good aa (focalion
in tb'm amthaeiub. aa at any (foai* \
ary m (he BoMbm Sutn. The Committee 1
reatd alas atate, that the mnaic department '
i ?daa the direction of Mi*. Hart, a lady
aneantly.quatifled far the fituat'inn. Site ii
a excellent performer on the Plana Forte,
ad Guitar, and poaeeaaea aa admirable tact ,
f eemmaaicatiag mat ruction to her papile.
tlie weteaia of the Academy will commeaee '
n the feat Monday in January. There are I
am vecatione daring the year?the month of
laetambac, and the laat week in December.
The following are the ratea of tuition, (ria.)
""irat Diriaian, Spelling and Reading,
|W, VUKIWI) < 9Q
treond OiriM?i The (un, with writing
and Arithmetic, $9 .
Ttird Dmriaa, the hum studies with I
English Grammar and Composition,
Geography with the uae of the globe*,
and History, |10
'mirth, the same studies, with any of the
higher mathematics, Natural or Moral
Science*, ancient language*, or Drawing
and Painting, Clii 00
'or music, en the Piano Forte, 914 > ,R
.' Use of Insuumciit, 'ft \
dr Guitar, . - 910
The tuition, ia all ca*es, to be paid in ad- j *
Men, to the -Secretary and Treaenrer, Dr. i I
'homaa S. Powe, who will gitre oeriilic ate* |
w admission. ) j
tillffO OK I MHID > ' I
D. 0. IIARLLEE, f c#wmWw* t
T. E. POWE. J i
N. 0. Tlw CoommIIm in mhtrbMi to ny 1
?t Nr. H. r. Oupw, '<* iHpiml u uk?
winlnw * IWw live la eight dwtimrw per montii. (
VWmmWm OT VWlf*
7?? }
WWW*- . *
PHI IWlMnki* biMUftW nbtiwf uodcf
I. iIm Gnu ?f BMmw*? * Atofcg, btlibdav
All ummW hifiMn will b? ?l?wod bj rJihwr
hotb ?# ih? nWarHwiw.
ja*r? w. blakenry.
JPmHsvw Ammmmiim. .-. .v.
J # g mi iteck of Bonrfnu j
f?. MAfXOV. I '
X*pt. i*. iiui. 4ft if I
WRk ^l ., --* j> 4<L'(BU J^wWl*Jl^?
d. isfsin
rhioh he u aaxiowe to oell. end baraatae out i
?M. ' i
- Sept.M,1049. 45 ?
l\|L/QRN LYNCH baring permanently I
lf loeiiii hhaeelf hi Dm town of Choraw. j
wpWifully tMdkn Lb preOwaional nnrkw to '
ho oKhono of thia pUeo and tbo adjoining eoun- ?
ry. Ho hopes by a diligent attention to his 1
wofmiBa, to reeoioo a liberal share of pablie 1
Mttenage. Ho can always bo fbood at bie *
Faihar'a (Conlow Lynch) residence on Markot 1
Choraw, July 1st. 1842. Ij tf
MACKEREL, m whole, half, and tfr. bMe.
Maaa Shad in do do do " ^
Codfish and Salmon, all of caeellcat quality,
Foraalo by
October 18, 1849. 49 tf
ALL peraona indebted to the Subscriber by
note or aooonat are requested to oall and
aetUa tbo aatne, as farther indulgence cannot be
gir a.
8ipt. 13. 1811. 44 tf
THE Subscriber baa received on consign,
ment from the Do Kalb Factory at Camden
a r 14 n.i ?? r.i.? o
w ? f?l? MH|nil IV| VV%IWII \/F n?barga
and 18 OiIn Cotton Yarn, wbiclihe will
oil by the Bale to Marehanta on aa good or
hotter anna thsn they ean purchase in New
Yore or Charleston.
He would aleo invito the Planters of the
neighborhood to oellend axawino ths OBnaburgs.
they will find it a eheafarond better article than
oaa avor been sold in thlo tnarhat.
a. H. DUN LAr.
Che raw, April 4, 184?. 81 if
WANTED to porehase from 1000 to 8000
Bo abate earn to be delivered in Che raw,
ftr atony ?f the landinga down the river, for
wbfoh the htghert market price will belaid
April It, > 48. 28 tf
iHATfiAIVDfBOli. <
Tltt E Sdhaertbar has jwl tneeived a large
fend wfeM fefebtetf d feOp|dy of Hade and Aboce,
wkiok-wUt be eold cheaper than were evor offer*
ad lb" thli cotrbat. D. M ALLOY.
* *ept. 80, 1048. -4ft tf
^J^OULD Re? pact folly^ Inform the public
DppooUe Ma.lfooiuc'a Horn, whrnhtiatom!*
Barrying on the
LmUm* ?wl Gentlemen** nramb ebaan),
lad, if HmM, djrid dw oii|iiMl ?r m; Mliar ?l. 1
Mr, and [ nwnd in Um aeateet manner. Ctmti, 1
r?Ur-Cov?r?. MM Cruinbalallii cleaned without I
injury to lite Cpier.?Cotton Yuai dyed Fact 1
Colors. I
JV. B. Hit dyeing uriii not toil the whitest
trtieU. * |
Che raw, August 10. 1049. 40 tf
I HAVE rented oil my Store*, except the one (
next ahoiro Mr. George II. Dunlap'o, end |
>ne door below corner of Kerahaw and Front t
Hroeta. Tbia lit ore ie rooaideied a first rale !
land, and wiU he rented on liberal terms.
August 9. 1849. *8 tf
SUGAR and TEA. ~
DOUBLE end 8infle lenf Soger, Creaked Su ]
far, end Wet Hymn Tee, fat Caddies, er by thr
wand, prime article* far family ear.
For eele by
October IB, IBM. ?9
ROPE, TWINE?a good stock nf the above ,
on hand, and tor sate at tha lowest market
iriee, by D. M ALLOY.
Any. 83rd 4l if
35 SIDES, Sole leather,
101 Kip and Was do. v
180 lb. Shoe Thread,
For sole low by I
October 18,1843. 49 if
' Chesterfield District. (
JOHN JACKSON, Who b In the custody
>f the Sheriff of the District aforesaid, by sir
ueof t Writ of Capias ad Respondendum, '
it the suit at Pet or L..Robeson, bimn peti.
ioned the Honorable, the associate Judge* of 1
he paid Bute, that he maybe admitted to the I
benefit of the ae} of lite General Assembly, f
nude for the relief of Insolvent Debtees, and
to kasinf filed with his petition a schedule of *
tie whole Estate real and Personal; It is or- _
I a red that the said Peter L. Robeson, and all
(there, to whotn tha said Patiiioiier is in any.
rise indebted, do personally, or by their alter- ley,
be and appear before the Honorable, the
iseoeiate jodfre of the State aforesaid, at g
lourt of Common Pleas te be hoiden at Chss~
erfietd Court Henad, on tba third Monday in
iareh nekt, then and there te shew cense, if
ny they sm, why the fixate and ESbcts of ?
he som Petitioner, ahooid not he astensd.
>nd he disehaefsd, pursuant to the prof aliens
f said set of the General Aeasaauly, made ,
nd provided for the relief of Insolvent Debt.
?. J
T. BRYAN, C. G. P. J
| ?-?- ?
?mm' ' " "*" *' * ' 1 1 -*K? ' I 'H.! I? I II ^
Npv. U. I?4'?, I 1 lf
- wV ^ ' V.'_ ^ r ^
m-iawo. .
v btxkby |iM mtiw. with |tmi min
I tanoo. I hat 1 ahatt oat. after lb* fiol <*y of
fmmqt m<u *pw> ft *ittfl? rvnning ticwiM la
ny RoCke, for any d*-d?1dt$ot* of goal*, except
w Bagging, b?m and Tftrlne, and far unm
iitMea 1 will only give a credit of 60 to 00
lay*. Merchant*, and other citisena of iho
own, who aaay bo diapoacd to order good* fVom
ar llWQ. are informed, that their order* will b*
j i eta fully received, and .promptly Ailed at low I
i?rioaa, open tba eooditton, that thair bil e may
so pmaantad in tan day a, for payment. Thia
Mum I am rnmnnlliul la take, to meat' mv awn
engagement*, and I hope will not giro offence
to aiij, for I find by experience, thai it is inaeh
Msisr to sell foods, then'to collect, and that io>
counts and notes be they over so food, will not
pay the. debts of my contracting. As I shall soil
roods for CA8H. It is almost das lees to say, that
I shall hall rear chkat.
Doe. 13th, 1843. 5 tf
TO THOSE Customers, who have paid me
once a year for Wood, I tender my thatiks,
and shall bo grateful to raooive their orders, and
shall not troublo them but once a year for a
settlement. Tlraao who are unwilling to settle
onee a year, or have not paid at all, must excuse
toe if I refuse to work for them.
Dee. 13.1841. 5 tf
THE Exercises of this Institution will be '
resumed the second Monday in January?C. j
Minot Davey, A. B., Principal in the A/sle, I
tnd ilfiss Jane Simpson, Principal in tho Fe- |
mole Department. |
Mr. Davsy is s graduate of the University
of Vermont, from whose faculty he brings the
higt?^|t testimonials. Asa scholar and teach,
cr, ho maintains a high rank; and, in addition
iu tho common English studies, teaches tho
Latin, Greek and French Languages, Rook,
keeping, Surveying, aud the higher Mathematics,
and its young men for any dare in
Mies Simpson has formerly taught with
distinguished success in tho Female Department
of this Institute n and is too favorably
known in this community to need commondsdatiuu.
In addition to a thorough English
Education, her instruction embraces all the
useful and ornamental branches taught in tho
best Female Seminaries.
Board may be had in respectable families at
from S5 to S8 per month.
The Trustees do not hesitate to say, that
the high character of the Teacher*, the ryeHm
ofjuatroctiorr adopted, the health of our
village, ami the lew price of beard, afford facilities
for Education unsurpassed by any sin:- '
Uar institution in the State.
Sennettsville, S. C? Dec. 13,1842.
7 *
Mezzotint Engravingt for |l.
THE Subscriber has made a selection from
the beautiful ruTU that have, from time to
time, adorned the LADY'S BOOK, and
bound them in a pliable, emblematical cover
arhich forms a bsautiful embellishment. Each
ret is accompanied with a pattom of LACE
WORK, making, in all, 14 Platee; each
Plate averaging from 7 inches in length to 0
in breadth. No more beautiful ornament to
thejeentre Table can be imagined than this
beautiful volume, and nothing can be purchased
for the coming holidays comparable
to it in beauty and cheapness. They will be
forwarded, unbound, for Scrap Books, at the
sine price.
* We have just deceived a specimen of the
Elates in Godey'a Lady's Book, consisting of
3 splendid pictures, which cannot lie surpassed
for the beauty of execution and novelty
of design. This number is sold at one dol.
lar, and besides the pictures has a pattern for
embroidery which, according to our humble
opinion, is a gem for needle work. We know
the ladies would like to have a peep at the
beautiful engravings which, as a centre table
ornament are of inestimable value."
Chronicle, St. Cloimille, Ohio.
uodky a Last* Book.?We have received
a pamphlet of engravings from the office
of the Lady's Book, which originally appeared
in that work. Three illustrations could
Dot easily be exceeded by the art of man.?
Bend 91 to L. A. Godey, and get in is interesting
collection?address 101 Chesnut street,
Philadelphia."?Recorder, ZatusctUe, Ohio.
Sirglo Copy, 81 00
Six Copies, 5 00
Can be sent by mail, at a very trifling postage,
to any part of the United States or Canada.
Address I? A. GODF.Y,
TV. Publisher's Hall, Philadelphia.
Any paper riving this two or thwo inter,
lions, will be entitled to a copy. Please send
>nly one paper, with the advertisement
narked. 7 8t
rllr, Subscriber has thia day raoBinm<*n<*r<!
business on Uis own account and hopes
if elose application to businusa to aharo public
Nttronaga. My prices will be moderate, florae
Shoeing will receive my personal attention h it
liersfors warranted to bo Uuuo with nuatneas
iud despatch.
N. D.?I em uuw prepared to repair, or put
ip now lightning roda.
April 4 1*49. 91 if
HAVING purchased of Mai. Wi.lianShL
cr, lho whole of his interest in the Camden
nil Gadsden Stags line, I bog leave raspedilly
to infertn the public, that I will continue
o ran it en my own account.
The Stage to curt from C. H. Davis' Hor
I, every loafif, Wednesday, and Friday.
arrival of the Northern m til; and i
ram Gadsden en Tuesday, Thnrsday, agd
Saturday, after the Cars irtiri from Charleson.
As this line has been pnt in operation at
nucfi for tho accommodation of the public, as
iny expectation of profit, it is hoped that tho j
luolic will give H that support that they think
t is entitled fx
IAMBS fttetiWGN. 1
Cannltn, Dre. ??. 7 4? 1
Mt CW8"iO tf J? V tT-RX 8 7.
. IT ).
fWIH* Auriaoo AgriemHwritt i* NkjUnd
J| MnfUi ?IU) Inainy, Now York, it
ONE UQiXaK for annum, payable ?1imm In
odbaoo*; ?ol cortM will baaent for nuooL.
ui^i ftttMN cohn m tu ooluu. Editor*
wbovitt |iw ti|u oard * oonapieooua inaor*
tioo, with mom of tho QOliOM which follow, will
bo oottUod to rceohro one yoar'i Mbaeription
gratia, M wording their f*p?r containing eoch
notio* to thio oflico. AgrMMltaVal SooktiM that
think to giro tbfe work u pteihium, will to oh*
titlod to 0 diioounl uf t*cnty~jtv* per ant. or
h&nctsoottljr bodnd r? kttnea at tiro aubecripuoo
Thi* wftrk will bo dotrotw) to tho nHoii pnr.
auiui of lbo agriculturist threugktmt mry NWW
of tlio United 8uite*, and wil contain tmo UTUT
occupation; |ho b*?t aecdn; mod** of tillage {
character of otilet improved iinoloriMtnt*; audi
the various and hit lltlM or CltTLI. bomtt,
Eanh nmnbsr constats of thiwtt 1*? P ao*s,
double column, royal octavo, and ilia work will
bo embellished with CtJTS, illustrating the dif.
ferent subjects on which it treats?-making a
volume o? 884 large pages yearly Tor the taw
prke 4f ONE DOLLAR.
Seven numbers of Una work have already been
published, end :.a U is stereotyped, subscriber
may commence with the back or present numbers
at their option.
From the general testimony in fav?r of the
manner in which this paper lias been conducted,
front the public press and tlio must experienced
Farmers and Philiter* throughout the countiy,
thero is every reason to bolievo it will prove
universally acceptable, and remunerate its leaders
ton-fold fur their subscription. No man st
this timo who aspires to tho noble occupation of
an American ngricuUuriht. should be without ono
or more periodicals, exclusively devotod to his j
Each number consists of one sheet and will be
an' j.*ct to newtptiper pottage only.
Poitmaetcre are permitted by late to enclote
money for evbteription free of pottage.
Below aro s few Of the many favorable notices
of the above work, from tho American Press :
; "Tho Agriculturist appears to ho cditod with
that kind of ability and practical knowledge, thaw
must placo it among the foremost rank with
simij'ir periodicals in our country."? Wayne
County Record, Indiana,
1 " The number we liavo is rich in ably written
and woll aclocted articles. Tim Editors arc well!
known to tha nulari nf I?i?..I 1- i
? ? ?. ? w- ..fc. .VW .? ! HI J-WI IVMIVMir I
as able writers, and will, wn ure sure, greatly
benefit tho country by their present undertaking."
?Tht Union, Raleigh, N. Carolina.
" The Agriculturist is well filled with woll
written, well digested, and highly practical ar.
ticlea on subjects pcrtoinirg in rural industry.
The conductors of the work, the Messrs. Alien, i
are no' only well vorsrd in the practical opera.!
lions of cultivating the soil, nuti breeding domes,
tic animals to the unst advantage, but they wield
rea<9 end graphic pone for tho discussion of
llicao important subjects in a stylo both clear and
attractive. Regarding the scirnco of ugrioullure
and gardening, as by fur tho most important
study that engages tho attention of tho Aincrioan
| people, we cannot withhold our earnest common, i
dation of the * American Agriculturist' to the |
great fanning interests of the country ."?Buffalo
Commercial AJvertieer, Netc York,
I " The Amerienn Agriculturist is printed in j
tho city of New York, in 3*2 neat, medium oc.
tavo pages, and illustrated with engraving!, and
ably edited by J lie Mcssr?. Alien, who aro well i
and favorably known to tlio agricultural community,
as pr.ctical and enlightonml farmers."--.
Republican Banner, Nathalie, Tenn.
" Wo have icon the fir?t number, and il bid*
| fair M bo n highly valuable paper tj any 100110111
of the Union. TI10 etlitora are celebrated
throughout thu United Stntee for their enterprise
in the atock lino. a? well ns in oihera iraltera
tending to improve tho condition of our husbandry
."?-South Western Farmer, Raymond, Mist.
" 1 have examined tbo three firm nambcra. and
Iroin tho apneimena which they aflbrd, at well aa
from a pcrrouul acquaintance with the editors I
have formed a very furorublo opinion a* to tho j
usefulness of this work, and tho ability with
wliHi it will bo con- tided. It is intended to bo {
.1 national work.'*?Judge Realty, 0/ Washing- j
tun, Kentucky.
' Tho editors arc well known aa practical
breeders and agriculturists, and as gifted writers.
They ha?e tho aid of aorueaif tho most ablo wri
*ers in tho c un'ry. and it can hardly fail to take
its place nt ouen in the front tank among the
best publications of its elasa?Spirit of the
Times, New York
BY permission of tho Court of Ordinary for
Cheater lit. Id District, will bo fold on
Monday, the 16th of Jununry next, nnd day* fol.
lowing, at tbo Into residence of John Chapman,
doceuscd. in the villnge of Chesterfield, S. C., all
tho parsonal estate of- said deceased, consisting
of snout S-J negro-.is, horses, hogs, cattle, corn,
fodder, Carpenter's ai d HI ckfuiith'a tools.
household and kitchen furniture, n wagon. plan"
1st n tools, and a variety ofol her article*.
Tertm?AM mjiiu of and under five dollars,
Cash. AH aunia over fivo dollnra ou a credit on.
til ho first day of January, 1844. with interest
from the day of sulo. to be secured by bond or
note, with gcod s? curity.
W. J. IlANNA, AdmnVr.
Dre'r 1st, 18-111 8
REMAINING in the Post Office, Clieraw.
8 C., Jan. 1843, and If not culled for by
the 1st April next, will bo sent to the General
Post Office as Dead Letters.
B?Henry Buchanan, 2. William A. Blue,
Jamrs Brooks. William K. Blil?ck, Kindred
Bennett, Mr* Klizibrih Bmnctt. Mi** Martha
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C ?Mnlcom Clark. 2. George Collins, W. AT
Colcy, Caihcrino Catvpbcil.
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K?T. F. Ellefho. T-einurl Edwards, 2.
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A. ff'irroli), Doci. Jus, Tsmpson Hsrel
Brook* Hinaon. Whilom flsws.
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K ?R. A. Kendall, Mre. Elisabeth Keelyn.
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Call. Mrs. Mary McAliflor, William B. Mober.
P?Miss M. A. Powell, John K? Patterson,
Rev'd, A. H. Psrrooloe, Jamos Powell.
Q? Denial Quick.
R? Richard Ross.
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ivtn:? u ?- mi-?a * * ~ '
opuncnr, jonn Bladord.
Jo'in Strickland. Miii Sarah Stafford Alex'r. D
Pp:rks, John M. Smith, y, Wm Scott, Robert
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Persona sailing tor Lsttsra from this liatt wijl
please say tltry are advertised.
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IN stars and for anlo, a good supply of Salt,
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Aug. 93rd 41 tf 1
*- fAVMVII lO ?*#
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? Work o? I bo AiMrtau ConUoooti
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rented by the moat Eminent Artiato of Emm.
land and America. Coat of PnuarmM the
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Or, the uvea ajyd characters
OF the PRINCIPAL personages
Recorded ia the Sep red Writingo; pteetleaUp
adopted to the la*traction of Youth end Private
PamiUte ; together with an Appendio, contain.
mi Thirty Dtooe'rtationt on the BoidenceO of
Divine Revelation, from Timpaan't Boy to the
Bible; being a complete Summary qf Biblical
AWHWffi, carejvujt condensed end compiled
from Scott. Doddridge. Gill, Patrick, Ad dim
Clarke, Pool. Lowth. Home. Wall. St Otoe, Ro
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The domand for this work is unprecedented,
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Y. Tribune. ,(r" '*
I " Tliia in the name of a va'usblo work just
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I justly called ' a christian father's rrucnt to
! nix i amil.v.' Tb? fivo hundred engravings are
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Americai: Tt avtller.
Wo cheerfully commend tho book to the
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Persons in the country would do well to pro*
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goni, Will eacli agent or friend who complies
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Agents?responsible men?uontod in every
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Address the subset iber, pout paid, without which
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HUBERT SF.ARB, Publisher.
1:2 Nassau-street, New-York.
Tho sbovo woik will be found or.o of the most
useful and nopular works aver published, for en.
tcrprising men to nndortoke tho sale of in all
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AH Postmasters are requested to aetoa agents*
To Publishtro of Papers throughout tho United
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Now* pit peri or ftlageiiiw,. cppying the
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moat liberal per eentago given.
Agouti wanted throughout tho Southern States
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tin aubscriber, po*l paid.
59 Droad-et rest, Charleston, S. C.
October, 1843. 3 I9t
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well greawd.
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