University of South Carolina Libraries
f r # propinquity and property oftiaod in extent], tion of oHence, or mitigation of punishment/* General Gaines has written n letter to snmq of bin frionds at Memphis, Ten., to tell them that he withdraws his nnmu from the list of aspirants to the Chief Ma. fjislrary." It seems thnt somebody in ktt/l nrnoi/kiidtr n/,mi?n I a<I a Diinnjrivnuin mwiiiuiu<?M the General a* a candidate for the Office of President of the United States. ^??mm , , The Richmond Enquirer in speaking of the resignation of the Hon. Joii* C. Calhoo.x, froin the Senate of the United States, ways: * We deeply regret to loso the services of Mr. Calhoun in tho next Congress.? Ho is one of tho brightest luminaries, at ruck out, as it were, from tho lirmainent of our public councils. Ilia mind, however, will not ho lost to his country?for wo understand that he is engaged in the composition of a work on the Principles of Government?which is destined, perhaps, to he a posthumous production?and upon it Mr. C. means principally to rest the monument of his fame. For the present eessinn, tin State will tic so well represented ill tllO Scnnlo of I tin ITiii*<mI lis S tuth Carolina, in the persons of Messrs. Calhoun nnd MrDuffia. Of Ykllow Kkvku and its Origin. In August last tho Board Health ui New Orlcsns addressed n letter to the president of thu Board of Health in Ne.v York, poking lor such information as tho experience of Now York would nlford touching this origin, foreign or domestic, of yellow fever, nnd llin utility of quarantine laws to prevent its ravages. The letter was referred to a committee, consisting of a resident physician, health officer, health commissioner. Mayor, and two aldcnncn, whose answer wo find in the American of Satmduy. The commit tee set out in reply by n statement of the considerations which in once tnc iiciK'i that yellow lever is a dis Girder sui gr.ncris, distinct from ordinary bilious and intermittent fever#. They then cntiinernte briefly the grounds on which foreign origin is contended for hy some and domestic hy others, with an evident leaning to the former opinion-?and conclude hy an niupiuhfied expression of their belief ihnt ilie rinn.appearance of the disease in New York since 1822 is mainly if not wholly owing to the increased rigidity with which, since that time, our <piarantine regulations have beeu enforced.?N. Y Com. A-j'v. Boston. Jan. 7th 1843. The Massachusetts* (Iuii*o of Ueprceentalitres has just org? mzed W v the choice of a Spe,alter. The vole stood as Daniel P. King, (Whig.) 176 ! Lewis Williams. (Di ino.) 172 Scattering, (Demo.) 3 Det.AW.MtR?Governor Cooper in his nnnual message, lately sent to the L gislature. draws a pleasant picture of the prosperous condition of the State over which he presides, lie says? 'Our public finnne, s aro still mere free from embarrassment, our surplus revenue j remain* undiminished, and every demand | which ha* been irndn in the meantime, upon llio treasury of the statu has been j pr?imp:ly met unii ilisctniraMil, O ir car. ! icuey, though reduced, is still perfectly Hound; o??r credit continues unimpaired; it in I no imputation or suspicion ?* I' puliti. eal fraud or public dishonor rests upon the i f.ur famn of our cntntiiniiwcnlih ;?and i every consideration conspires to prove that I the people of onr Stale, as I dr as 11) - i ?* eon- ! dition is itfl" eted by tin: action of their own immediate government, arc still preeminently prosperous and happy." Rail Road Acciokxt ?Last n:?ht, iilioul 10 o'clock, as tiie train from i'nil. tulclpnru was approaching Newark, one of i lh.. l??..O.v ..I.I I. * .. .. ii --.I -.I*...- i MllliV 41 ' I 11 mil, illicr ( tbo locomotive bad passed ; the end to- I irnrd the passenger ears was llirnvvn up, 1 caught the lower frame of the first one, and literally lore it hi fragments, launching the body with lh?passengers in it on to the road, without the slightest hurt to eny of thern. Tiio rails arid sleepers i weio torn up for two or three hundred j feet. A linin from Ncwnik took oH'the | passengers, and this morning the wreck i is all cleared nwny, anil the road repaired ond in u?e again.?.V. Y American. Dkatiis wv (JoxsuMrrtox ix Boston, New Your, and Philadelphia?An j article by Dr. liny ward, of Boston, for the ' New England Quni'crly Journal of Me. deeino and Surgt ry. for January, furnisn* cs the following statistics. In l?o?lon, the whole nmnbar of deaths for thirty years, from 1811 to 1810 inclusive, was 3^610,' by consumption, 0,243. In New York, j during lh? sumo tune, there were 132,485 deaths of wh ch 27 4*16 were of mrisump. lion. In Philadelphia, 1 10.590--hy consiimprion, 10.221. Average number of deaths by consumption in Boston, 1 to /i 15 . Xf i- ? .-f e aw? ? %? u.ioo; iu rtvv i <?rK, i ino.oii ; in I'lnl udolplnn, 1 to 7,003?the diUVrcnce being in favor of Philadelphia. Scr.^n in an Ohio Cqurt.?The ^Judge in supported on tlin right mid on "^^lM#left by III" n ".hoc in log, mid an o.d lady is called dptogivo evidence: Presiding Judge?Tuku off your bonnet, madam. > J,tidy?I would rather not, sir. I*. J.?I desiro you to put oil'your bunnet, madam. I,?I noi informed that in public nagRinblioH women ghould cover tties bead. U.uiW i _ tlin mn ! nil ol' j,. I ...ill UIIVM HIV IIVMH ?M UUIIiaUf ft **!?! hot toko oft' my bonnet/ P. J.?Why, you nrq n pretty woman, indeed ; I think you hud belter come and take a Kent on the bench* I, v.| thank you kindly, air ; but I real. I) think titer" are ??H women eno-ijh s?'ll P fhcr? already.?Oincin. Republican.* A fresh instance.of iliu Hanger of piny, ing with fire arm ? occurred in this city on Saturday. About 4 o'clock a son oi Mr. George Rothery, some 12 years o( age, was in the garret of his fa titer's house with n journeyman, who wns handling his fowling-piece. During tho course of conversation ho pointed the gun at the boy, who thereupon mri to another ap. partmont. Ho then thrust his head out of tho door of the nppnrtment, to look hack into thir garret, when the man level. iwu ine gun ni nun, not supposing it In he i loaded, and iho whole charge, of bird shot, colored bin chin mid neck and the door. Wo learn from Dr. Smith, who was iininc. diatcly tent for, that thu wound, though very Movoru, will not probably prove inor. tal. It bled profusely at the time, but is now apparently doing well -?Xcicark | Daily Adoerlisrr. ? CIIERAW PRICES CURRENT. January 17, 1843. Articles. rcu | ? C. j $ C. Beefi.? market, Hi 0 3J a 4 Bacon froin wagons, lb 6 a 5J by rotail, lb 6 a fi Holler lb 12) a 15 Ucoswax lb 22 a 25 Bagging yard 20 a 22 Hale Rope lb 10 a 12) Coffee lb 12) a M Cotton, lb 4 -a 7 C. rn, as rco busli 40 a 62} Plour, Country, brl 4 a 4<j Kcatticra fm wag. none lb 25 a 3) tddur. lOOIbs 75 a 1 01 i!ais, window 8.x 10, 5'lft 3 25 a 3 37) ??, 10x12, 50ft 3 50 a 3 75 Hides, grorn lb 5 a dry lb 10 a Iron lOOIbi 5 a 6 Indigo lb I a 2 50 Lime cask 4 a 4 50 Lard scarce lb 7a LealLor, sole lb 23 a 2*. r<oad, bir ib H a 10 Logwood .lb 10 a 15 Molasses N. O. gal 35 a 2f? , gal 23 a 33 Nails, cut, assorted lb 7 a 8 The Rivei it navigable for Stcun Boats. LlTGllAKY DO SlESTlC AND FASH. rr>j\'\ n t. r. r i urr.v maha 2 ikr GODXY'S LADY'S BOOK. roil 1 8 13 . EDITED DV MRS. 8. J. II\LE, \VD OTHERS. T.'ie long established Arbiter of Tnste, Fashion and the Belles Lsttres for the Lilies of America. (Jodey's Lady's Hook having been for so long a scries of years universally recognized an tlie exclusive and indi potable guide to the fair sex ill matters o( taste, faslro.i and liiera lure?the only work conducted hy distinguished fenisrle au'lmrs, who have won for themselves a high p'ace anions tlic guiding spirits of the age?the only work which in point of fact lias been exclusively devoted to tiis: Ladies?i s favor with its far patrons Iris not been less roma-k ibl than its peif-ct adaptation to tneir feel njs and lastes, and their requirements. In entering upon a new year the publisher, without d1 ?i:nish ng in the least tiiat sterling and useful literature, which has long resulted from laving under contribution the nalite go al sens-' arid elegant fancy of our American fein do writers. u i I, as each successive number apo -ara, present in the several departments 'f LIT?1t,Vri'!tE, fASIHOV AIVD F2t> TOIIAI. 13113 LLhil/IDa'J', a constant anil ever' varvinu succe??ion of NEW AND STRIKING FEATURES. | Nor does h" promise without ample ability to! perform. Tint best literary talent, the b.?' efforts of the most di?tiiigmshed arti.-li in the country ? ami to crown as until as to adorn the whom, tin* most perfect hiranafeinrn's fur ilie mention of the American, Lor.dun and Paris Fashions fir in advance of any other ptiblica tion in tins country, enable lion to assure the patrons of the l ady's Honk that the for'li coining volume w| morn than jus'ify i s well earned tubs of tin.* M.tgaz no of ,Maoazines for t In; ladies of our country. It In-? passed i:t o a custom to ssert that dress is a matter of trifling iiiiportauce; but this every Inly kno.vs to be utterly lalse.? Ta?li! in dress is universally felt to be the in dey of a thousand desirable qualities in wo. man, while a deficii nry in 'li s r< sprct alu sy.injtires one in toe est una Hon of strarperF, am! even of her int mate friends : the heatuy 01 Helen and the wit of A<pasjn Would hardly coin iieud to poneral favor an acknowleilyi d cloud:/ ill dress, Hence lie importance of a;i accredited CiDXDi: T?> TS2E KMSXBItHYS. This useful olH^e, already filled for fourteen years with universal acceptance hy the L.dy's Hook, the publisher pledges hiui-eif to ?lis i cliartro in future in a si vie surn 'issuer ail hi* I f.intt r eff ?rfs. The ladies know p. rfecth well tint our Magazine is the highest au thokity in r.\9iil in. No I oly considei.heraoll well dressed who contravenes tins an. lliority, and in our own city, Now York, ft a ton, Baltimore, Cincinnati, Luiisvil'e, Losing to:if Si. Louis, New Orleans, Mobil-', Cnirics. inn, Savannah, and the o'Iit Metropolitan Cities <il tne various states. the tasteful Ka-li ion I'litrs oi the 1,idy's Book dictate the Lau 8 of I)r> ss. In future ilie ligrtiroa will be thrown into tasteful groups, display n;( the graces of dress to the he-t advantage; and the bacs grounds of ihe plates will present interest ng views designed liy tir.-t rate artists. A? a further assurance of thorough excellence in this department 'he publisher has or tirn 1 lh.. n( MISS UNI IP I who wilt illustrate the Fashion Piatus in Iter usual felicitous ami jrr iphic eiym, uniin^a IIIoauUOH KMOWLKDCIE "f 1IIB M'BJKCT willi h clear, iiitcin<rjh|e anil graceful inaiun r of treating it. H?t descriptions are worthy of tlio prod-mi inns ol her own fjlowmjr prncl, which 11 row the earliest Pashon Pi ales lor the Lady's Bunk. The Publisher's correspondent in Paris is possessed of s' ample means of obtaining | tlio real and present Pari* Fash ions, and of transmitting them in advance of all compote i tors, that the Lidies may continue, as they h ive always dime, to copy from our plates that ha* received the sariitmn of ISDISPU'VA BLIZ TO\, iho late, the newest, the best lai-lnons, fresh frnin Paris. ALT. persons indohloJ to tin nro earntslly r !q in?ioil to ci'I Hti.l pay ih?ir accounts. .My necessities nblijj ? mo lo insist on the vo.y oar'.y pay moot of *11 tliuro is duo mo, u* fir w.iut of money to in >ot m/eng ig moo's I uni compelled fir ? t"na to su-qieid my Lusioo.b anJ cunnot resume it until my debts arc paid. tiFo. ir. puN*r.\p. Jsr.'j'iry 10, !n<3, 'J it m SHCBVFF SALES. ... ON WRITS of Fieri Faciaswill be sold before the ('ourt House door on-ilic firn .Monday and day following, in February riext, within the legal hours, the following property, vi2: All of Iho defendants interests in an undivided tract of land containing 1UU0 Acres, more or It-**, bounded on the south, by John Threat's land, north and weal by Win. Uiake* ney's land, and east by (Calvin Rollins'* land, at the suit of Win. M.Uhkcney. vs. Mary Hunter, Rosanna Hunter, and Elizabeth Hunter. Une Bl ick Mare, six head of Cattle, twenty bead ot Hog-:, a lot of corn $nd fodder, levied on as the prooerty of Marshall Evans, at the suit of John C. Manguin, vs. Marshall Evans ami John Evans. Tina levy will be offered lor sale at defendant's residence, on Tuesday, the second day of sale. Three head of horses, levied on as th.e pro. perty of Evan Threat, at the suit of G'b-'on Mangurn for John C. Mangurn, Jffl. Evan i lireat and John Kolunsun. Fifty negroes, viz: Sharper, Fanny, Binah, Rose, Rachel, Lucy, Jim, Saphn, 'Dolly, Sandy, Rosetta, Milly, Grace, Clue, Albert, Alice, l.imus, Sylvia, Caivin, Jim, Willie, Mir.di, Abby, Boston, Frank. Juno, Ben, Jieckney, Charlotte, Christopher, Cate, Caroline, Sam, Robert, Mary, Juno, Sandy, Stephen, Jesse, Jesse, Archer, Sarah, William, John, Dantcl, Sam, El z.i, Ellen, Clara and Cook, at the unit of Goo. W. [Jordan, et al., vs. Isaiah DuBose ar.rl K. C. DuBose. Twenty-five head of horses and muloe. about one hundred and twenty-five head of hogs, and about eighty head of cattle, at tho puitol C. D. Wallace, of M. A. EIiW'jc. ei al, vs. K C DuBose. This levy Will be offered for sale on Tuesday, the second day of sale, near C-d. Williams's Cotton Factory, < n the Chesterfield r <le of ilie C*oek. 900 Ai res of land, more or less, on Sandy Run and Cosway Branch, waters of son's Creek, being a tract of land origins ly granted to Gut bridge Lyons, adjoining tjie lands of O. II. Spencer. T. \V. Robeson, and Geo. NVi lister, at tho suit of A. 1'. LaCox'e and A. M. Melver, Indcrsors, vs. J J. Gallagher. Tnis tract may le div ded to a great advantage, and c 'n bo so offered if desired. A p'at win b * exhibited on the day of rale, showing how it ruay he divided. L'lOl) Acres of land, rn >re or loss, wh rcon John (ejyel ind rcsiiles, Iji.'g on both titles of D op Creek, bounded north and east Ly Wi|!>* Hancock's hind. went by luids owned l v Alston M.iss.'y, .Ma.t Rushing, and N. Gibio.n. and south by the E-ta;e?,f Win. !Jaurot-k'? hn.-l. at the soil of Turner Brvan. iJr.l'y. C. D. vs. John Copeland aod via Melton Two negro hoys, (Alie and Daniel}, also, JUDO Act-!* of laud, more or Imms, at the suit of John J). Mclc-iii, w: Rnnalii .W Donald. Thnde hoy* and tin; land will be sold at tin; rislc of tli'' f T.-iur purchaser. Terms?Cash?l'urcliascrs lo pay f?r no nssary u.iikm a. J NO. R VANS', Sil/fl. C. D. Sh'IT'o Office, 11 li J iu'y,, ISiU 10 ' 3t Ml I ?!' a '. JMBlgmS?>w> EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT. COI.umsm, I) o. SO. l?43. By Jamks II. Hammond, l>vj., Governor and C<? i in in lur-iii Chief, in ujia over the btuieof South Curolin i WHRULAS the Legislature of Son h Ci. ru'iiill, at its late Session. pi mud An Art to arr ng;! the Slate into l)i>l*iet- for lh Ivc.tion of U.'|ir. ?i!ii!ativ.? in ilia Congi-ees of ill" Uni'id Sja cs. and for otlin p irjio-o*," and divided I'll! Si to into S-Veil CotljJ'-i:s.sio 111 Dis tnets, of which, tin* unit Dis ii> t* of Spti tan. tuny. Union, Y'"k. and Ch:v-t-r, conlitul>* on", lo Ini ki' ustliu first C at rcss.oil d'District; ilie nni'ed Uinlricis of I'ir.keiis, Anderson, ( reanvi.le, and Lmr nis constitute one, to Ik as the s'coud Congressr-nui !>; ?ricti the uiiit-d b ?fic's of Lane > er, Kershniv, Fair* tie!(I, U i'hla id. ni.d S nnt.-r, , to b.? k 1OW11 lis tlie third Ciitiirri'??too:.l I )i !.? ? _ - -- - ? _ " I 'l.o ti li e 1 !>i.s'riots ofClicsWsili I !, M ii!bnr?ug!t, D nling'on, Marion, Iforry, Seorj/etnwti, ui.t! VV illiaiiisl'iirg, constitute1 nun I>i -t. ict, to In; know ? .iK llio lour it Cm.graaHoual District; tIt unit'-i' Districts of Ab'icvi 1<?. N 'wbury. F. ign. lit I , and l.pxiagtrm. to era it it e una District, to l?o kuoTTo :is t!io lilt 11 Coi'gr "ssional DistriV': til.. l)isi riot of Chi i lesion, excursive of tins I\irisli (' St. Jo'ui's, Colictoii, constit'ifrs one District, to l.c Icuowu as the sixth ('..ugie-si'mal District, ii j U .il' .l Districts of Orangeburg, IJarnwdl. j lie.iuf>. t, Colleton, and the 1'ar.sii of St. John's. , Collator:, const-tolo oiio Di-tiiet, to Icknown as. the seventh C uigreasionul District. Nov, therefore. I. James (I Hammond. CJov. 0. it of tis, do tliink pr iprsr to nn'c ko nvrt and |i Oi:lji<n, that "ticliol" lite said Dis. iricls so c instituted, will send one Representn* live to I ho Hous.-i'f U present dives of the Ui>* ifd Sfit-s, who is to I. c.l'o-cn by litis persons <1 tali.i it lo voto f..r Men.hers of the Ho i?o of Rjpres nit ilives of lltis'Stii'n and the rf ctio i for R |ircscitat'v Q ti this next Congress wit i ha he'll on I lie THIRD MONDAY IN IFBKUARY. AND DAY FOLT.OW1 NO. at tl'Cs si no ji! vrt. i.n I hi: conducted hy llso sinie | >?>'is, :iII ' in tl?o 8 line in inner, as iho cloc- j lion i?l* iiiisnihcrs ??(* I':c Stitc Legislature. CsiV-jii under my li inil and Stul of S'sito, at C->l >m ia, tint 2G>h il.iy ?if Decenili r, one t ioii^nml eig'it luui'ln?l and f-nty livn, nrjd the sixty si vtirli year yf American ludo. p 'n lei cj J. II. II \ MM O.N I). | M. L\d>ki>e, Socrui iry <>: Sulo. .1 mi I (I 9 3t "TH3 PITAITT3P?7" Devoted to Agriculture, C'mmcrct% Neic?% /nm c* ~i :. .? .i * - ? Ms miu iiipihu i* in'.- iiiin hi a raper wricii -H. it is proposed n? es'abiish at the capital if Smith Carolina?J. J. DuIIose. editor? DuIIose &. Joiinstom. publishers?weekly, and twice a week chump ihe session of the Legislature?on an imperial sheet?price 5 J 50 a year. The I'l.A.N rcn will In' 'he organ of the Sta'c Agricultural Society and its auxiliaries, but will not bo devoted exclusively to Agr culture. The attention will be paid to general news and the state of the Columbia and Charleston markets, which the growing trade and come. (]uence of our town reipiire. and the proceed mgs of the Legislature reported in a con. il' iised form. The editor will endeavor, by ! giving a due portion ol bis columns to literature. morals, science. &c., to make Ins ptibh cation a pleasant and ust-fu family pi| er. I'ayinent to be made on the receipt of the first No. to the publishers or any of their agents m the dilT rent Districts. NOTICE ALTj prtraons having c|.hiii* ngaiutl (lie Es-I 11it* o'" Tt:0?. G. Ill h>rlw?, l.iic nf Clicilvr. ti. lit llisiiioi, itr?! r< ijnuo i in pi'i-sciil tln'm to Use riih-ci ilii'r Uu'y ??I-**.c?l. hy u.c 11 rj>t -I" L'Vbrujry tif'Xli Tim e i1111<: tod to !lio Kt>t.>to will Ht <A> ito piynu'iit. or thoy m >y expoi t to lin I llii'ir nol?8 01 account;* in tlio hands* of an oilic. r lor colec ion. G. \V. nilVALL. rlAn/nV. rii mw, J >. f>tw, .? ;u BF.T73S, l?3DXOXHa0, *0. AT THE new Ditvd nronc, COERAW, S. c. IN ADDITION to Iiik former utock, the nn der?>igncd ha* received by t ho recent urrivnia, a supply of Drugs and Medicin ?, oil of which aroof ih% first quality, among winch will bo found tho following, via: Aq. Fo tie, nntcielio, nitric, and acilic a>. ids, Alcohol, Aq. Ammonia, Aloes. Horaj, H|oo Vitrol, Rarity, Uu!o Armenia, Prussian Blm, Fig Blue, Burgundy Pitch, liluo Pi.I Mast, Chatmnuniilo Fh'wore, Csnthaiidcs, Co'iail. Cu!oinl>o lioot, Ciiulk, Camphor. Cnlc'd. Charcoal. Engli h and American Calomel, Clover, Kim llurk, CJIua, Cum Myrrh, Com Cttiac, Cu'ii Kino, Gum Aaafa'.id.i, Gum Ara. hie. Cum Trugucanlh, .Sptnislr Indigo, Iodine, Jalap, Kef'd Liquorice, Lunar Caustic, Caustic Potuyli, ,M ign.'sia, Mo-tclins, O'ivo Oil, Castor Oil. Volatile Oils, Opi. in..Quicksilver, Seidlitt and Sivln Powders, Maccoboy and Scotch Snuff, ti^cthur with n great variety of Perfumery, AC. As.; the wholo of which ate at prices corresponding with tho limus. M. MAC LEAN. JunVy, 10, 1813. 9 THE V, S." DISTRICT CO?UT, District of South Carolina. IN BANKRUPTCY. 5r: the Mattnr of Kindred, Afcrchant. cf New A/rrket. in the District of Darlington and Statu of South Carolina, a Bankrupt. PURSUANT to an Order of the District Court of the United State*, for tho District of South Carolina, notice la hereby given. that cause be shewn beforeaaid Court, at the Federal Court llon-e in Charleston, on the eighth d iy of February next, at eleven o'clock. A. At-, why the aaid Kindred Bonnet should not receive his Discharge and Ctrtilicalo, as a Bankrupt. Charleston, 1th it ay of Jan., 1843. II. Y. GRAYr Clerk. 10 tSApr ' i ii ?.. gB BIRD'S inaLLS. THE Proprietor of tlie6e rniils begs leave to express his thanks 'o all of his cmtouiers he called on for a settlement, for the prompt manner they have settled his accounts against tliotn. lie hopes that all others who m?y yet be called on, will give l.itn tho pleasure to say as much of tliein. Ho is willing to sell lauiberat very reduced prices to his prompt customers on tiie usual credit, say good lumbrr at S9 per in. ft., Refuse 84 per in. ft.. Selected 810 per rn. ft., which is 2(J per i cent, lower than hisusuai nrVes. J W BURN. January 9. 1843. 9 *?' FINAL NOXACsT A4 L per ions indebted to tho Firm of Du'd p (t. Marshall, by nolo or op n ?;c count, ure reipiaotud to C"jnc to on iinaiwdlutc s. t icinopt. Too n'te? nt.d account# wil' rarnain at the Cmiiiiiiig Room or* L? crg? 11^ Ji iuh p ti 1 tho 1st of February. Jan'rv-Khli. 1913. 9 tf IT1KUCIIANT5' BANK, ?. C. Cricuw, January 2, 1843. ryillll Dir-c'nr* of thh Rank liavo i)?clmr1 u <liv (l.'tnJ ??f ?4 |?r share, for ilic lu.4 half yc.ii, pivaalc o i ;>ni after tie* ?liy. W. OOL'FREY. Cnkier. 8 3t EXCClTTVIr DmRTMEXT. Columbia. Doc. lath. lrt-VJ. Dy flit E<c:c!ii tuv James I). Hammond, G vernor and I'omni Chief in, and over tin* Stateof Smith Carolina. WHEREAS an Flection was held on tliv li.>t Monday <<f November);!*! and '-lay following, to supply thn vacancy in tho ConsircFs District of Richland, Lexington, Oren^cliurg and iiarnwuU, occasioned Uy the repijination of lion. Sampson H. Butler; and whirra*. it appear* upon counting the votes relumed by the M mager* of Election to the Office of Secretary of StatO, that SaMUEL W. TkottI had a in'joritv of said vote?. Now therefore, I. James II. Hammond, Gov . rnor of the -State of South Carolina, do hereby d-cliro and proclaim that ihe raid Samuel W. Troitj. has been only elected a lt"|.rrfeira:ive fmrr. this State, for the ('on. gre*? Districts aforcaaid, to 'he Congro.-s of the Limed Sta o?. Given under my hard and the seal of the State, at Columbia, the 13th of Decent, her, ono !Imuran i eight hundred and forty.two, ami the fi.vty seventh year of American I inlepemlence. J. 11. HAMMOND. M. Iabd ide, Seen tary of Slate. I3X HCCUTI VJu'lbfcPAR'i'JIE *T. TUB U mishiture of South Carolina, having at its last seps;oii parsed a 1)11 authorizing, iho Governor and Cotumandi r in Chief to or. ganize M litajj Sehonlu at the Arsenal in Columbia, arid at the Citadel in Charleston, and aUii, 10 app "int a Hoard, to consist of five per otis, who together v*nli tin? Adjutant ai:cl In specter Genera!, shall constitute a Hoard of Visitors f..r lint said Mili ary Schools. I,i con'ornnty thoreu itli, I, J. II. Hammond, Gove nor and Commander-in-Chief of the Statu of South Carolina, do l.ctoby ajipoint Jamcs Jones, D. F. Jamison, | Oanikl VVali.ace, ard W.J. Uann/., 1 John M. Means, to constitute said Hoard of Visitors. Given under my liand and the sea] of llie S'ate, at Columbia, the '21st December. ?mo thousand eight hundred and fnrlytwo, and in tiie 07.h year ?f our Independence. . J If. IIAMMOXD. M. I.aoorde, So; rriarv of Stato. THE LAST CALL ! Ali. persons in 'tabled t?? the la to firm of Do. I v.i 11 fic Win if i to, eitlior l? y note or hook aco v-int, .no roquet-ted to m tke iiDowili.ito pay. mont 10 li a sub-crib' r. All noti s ?nJ are mn's that at'O not paid by llio 1st Pcbuuirv ivxl, will l>n pill into t to hands of ofiicors fur collection, v\ ilhoul ro'ard to persons. CJ. W. DUVALL. Chernw. J ii.twy 9;li, lP*l3. !) 3t TAKE NOTICE! A I'fi persiiiis .mli'litcd to Ha i toy <A Powe, t Jwi that wish to s.iTf fto?'s', will make immedi- | a'e piyninu to the sutHcribar. Those, that do j not avail lliemrelvi'tf of tbit notic, may expect lo find their neroiets in the hands of an otiie: r for* c:;/lection; longer indulgMca *;ll net bo "ivon. H. W\ DUVAI.L. Aasitritee. Chtraw, Jun. 0. It 13. t) 3t LLATHCil. JUST Rcrcivol u larjjo Ptork of Sat? or, AUo, Lojlhtr, onACnlf Ski:i*. i?. M.M.I OV". Kn)il. SI, IBU. I& tf te'jtgsmusz*$. 4 Solid Mai Nurtt, ^ DUltfwtl^* Cli.r.w. A..P.W?. ^ ET WISHING^ ot illness to a clone as early after tt?* first of Jkfty ury as possible, all charges inade a/tor that tiinc will be considered as cab it atgOVsts to bo paid when presented, or cW-d by note bearing interest from time of selilemaph s: . Of the mock remaining on hand many of tne goods will be sold at rissr cost, many tpapi *20 to 50 percent below cost, andjtiut Vyfy few above cost. . o. nr.' DtfKt.Ap" Doc. STili, IMS. 7 if.,., ' NOTICE. TUB Subscriber is now receiving; fiottyNmv York, an excellent assortment ot seasonable Goods selected by b.inself with grcit enre. (Jo is persuaded that lie can sell Goods inhalinaoa low as they can bo afford*d in this market, and is determined to do eo. D. B. McARN. Clieraw, Nov. 1, 1842. 61 3in POTS, SCOTCH OVENS, ifrc. A Large and well aalcctcd atock of Pots, Scotch and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, Andiron* die. &c. Fur sale cheap. A. P. LACOSTB. October 19, 1842. 40 tf ITOTipa, TUB Subscriber ha* received and will keep constantly on hand Cotton Yarn at wholesale, atih? lowest market price*. Also?-Cotton Osnaburgs, Cotton Hatting, Candle Wick, Seine and Wrapping Twine, front the Maiiufccti rv o! Rockingham. GEO. GOODRICH. l\oc. 29. IS 12. :i if NOTICE^ rglHB following piopcrty was stolon from the JQ. plantation of William IiDkcucy, cl< c'd, in this District, on ilia night of the 3mJ inat., viz: A br glit iiiu alto wuinan named MoUsy, S i years old. nbonl 5 led 4 inchea h'gh and very laruc for her Iv ight. Also, two young tyuse Mules, on* a dnk brown the oilier u.daik inotttd eolwt, both sum I and Mippised to bc,'?ir? about o una mo orn-r I 'I yours n|:t. Tli s ?n:d properly ir supposed to have Inni stolon i?y onn Jarktioti Key, v jio is pr .bubly making liis way w i'.lt the mine to llio West* Said Key is about *^l years old. lias n fair ro nploxion, very light b iir, a id r.*m trknb'.y light eyebrows, >lender pur* on, n'oat 5 met 1) inolirs high end line ?. downcast look whon nnokeu to, A row.irtl ?.f fitly I'ollnre will lie until tor this mrnvury eutl etri heftping 01' t!ic properly and said Ku\-,outot this Statu, or lor dclitraung tho stmi to llio subscriber. STEPHEN D. MIM.ER, Adru'r of Win. Il'nkcney. Gold Mitt". Chs-terSe'd Dietrict, 8. C. i Doioiiibor C.h, ibi2. \ 4 if 4-4 DOiHEtlTlOI. A few bsloi 4-4 Brown Domestics for IPto /3L o.j f.vura' Io terms, by F D. MALLOY Aug. 23rd. 41 11 CIIERAW AC.1DER|?,' T HE undersigned take great pleasure, in announcing ;o tlio citizens of Cher aw and tite Public generally, that thoy have t-ccutcd for. another year, tlio services of Professor VVfgU E. NVettdino, and Miss Margaret Cooia, to take charge of tins Academy. To those who have patronized the Helmut, during the last year, it is unnc-c?Fsary to say ^uy tiling in their recommendation; but uv deem it ? d sty to assure those who may desire to avail themselves of tlio advantages of a first rate school, that tlirse teachers have Cpnnciitly fulfilled the very hightcptitnorinls theybri uglit with them, as teacher*. The undersign1 d believe thai they hazard nothing .in Buying, that young Ladies may obtain as gr.?>u an education in this institution, as at any {Seminary in i he Sunt hern States. The ('tinui>*ir?>o would also Mate, that the music, department in under ilie direction of Mrs. Hart, a lady eminently qualified lor the situation. She is an excellent performer on the I'm no Forte, and Guitar, and possesses an admirable tact of communicating instruction to her pupils. The exereiscs of the Academy will commence on t lie first Monday in January. Tin to are two vacations during '.he year?the month of September, and the last woe I; in December. The following are the ra'es of tuition, (viz.) First Division, Spelling and Reading, p-r quarter, $0 Second Division, The same, with writing and Arithmetic, $5 | Third 1).vision, the same studies With Hngh-h Grammar and Composition, Geography with the use of the globes, and 11 is ory, 810 i Fourth, the same studies, with any of the li'ghvr mathematics, Natural or .Moral Sciences, ancieol languages, or Draw, iog and Fainting, $15 00 j For music tui the 1'iano Forte, $14 I . e Use ,.f Instrument, 111 For Guitar, . yit) The tuiton, in all ca?e?, to bo paid in ad- ' vanco, to tho Secretary and Trcarurer, Dr. Thomas E, l*owe, who will jfivo ccrlilicates lor adniiis on. JAMBS ?fI,LE8PIF.,A A. P. LACOSTK, 1 _ I). S. IIARM.KB, [ CommUtceT. E. POWE, ' J N. B. Th? Commit'.?? are authorized to my that Mr. H. !\ Chapman, i* prepared tike hoarder? at from fivo to eight dollar? per inonlli, payable aabovo. 7?11 "ju^XMI?K? QKEGG, ATTORNEY AT LAW, CHE RAW, S. C., ' 'J' r"gu'nr!y attend the Conr'n r f [.aw wv lor me nistrioiN of Clieslcrtich1, Mari. Iioro', M irio'J, mi'l Darlington. J ti'y. 3, 1312. 9 -It bo^nktts a7mh> hoods. JUST Ilonoived o g o?| Mock of BAr.?.-lU i ami II(xvis '? l>. MALLOY, i Sept. 20. 1P49- ** 45 tf lxluvtivc s>kpaktjikyt; ; W\1 F. ARTHUR leis b-on i.ppou.toi} j S'r.cnrTARv or Stats, by Hi? Kao- M ??. ! cv (lovonuir Hammond, for lha unfxpirm! i rm ; \1 _ f vtltAriln- i/ ? -* .... .? | V?..^iivu, " n vu n|i}iui?'illh IK j will Uko H'cit on llu: l?>i of Jau.i if) i>eM. Ill ?:wi, C4 K. T. WAIT?, K* ?orM'..ry. t> . ?:>. 9 :n i SES^B|o? smE^^E*^ . *iH ^ in I H i' _^WtmpmI I Ik ft 'i^f ^li|^^BMM||MMn('flflAH^Bfl^^^jK^^H^| fndbM(r^^K3BS^lBr^9 iMiipu^^ -<pwpE? Wm j iLJ^oca ttd^hi n#cUUn t ^h^nw, July Ht. 1F49. MArKEREL.In^EhnIf/andqtt. bbls. Mess Shad fct do do do CodfsH ond Satraoa, allof Wrcdkni quality, l or sale by ' , i *A : L4C08TE. October 18, 1842. 49 tf 1| h%h7 M"7? ALL person* i nil tilled lotUe Sobacril'Or tfjr V . nolo or seconut |i^t\Miar?l?l to coll uul snttla the sirne, as fattlltff iiuidfwnca oannot 4m gir o. *. SHAW. S.n. 13. 191). 44 if . - * l ' " V COT TO IV (MNABUBOS ART JO | ' COTTON YAH IVTHE Subscriber has received on ronnn. rncnl from the De Kalb Factory at CanM** S. C 14 Hales very rtpcrior (lotion Out*burgs and IS Bales Cotton Yarn, whletiha will vail by tl* Bale to Mcichant* o* ': > 'M*mL or lifiWr crhia (ban they can purchase lb "New 'YorS'nr'CliarlcstOn. ilo would .akj* inrita tlio. Hanlera AjHAo ,,ei{,'W>bTltoocl localised ejfsinine tlioOsna^Brg*. tlioy w ill iiuu. it a chrnper and boiler jftmnhta nus ever been scld iu Ibis market. ' * -U. II. DUNLAF, a.m?. AwiM. IM*. / M'' u liich^ho higlui t^n.irkel \>Qc* tvjjl Sept_ > .? : E. W. DRENN|?iir ;* WOULD Raqmafuiljr..'*:r-:* MARRTO^?iSOTr:V Opposite Mn.UotAfrilfrUa * he?* Vfto carry or*;U? . ^ ,, DYKIN G AND SCOl'BIXC L unc?*'Yi?] Ga)alc)#M.?|W^c..N MkflWM. cm!, if uic'ed. dyed iu?y oil er ( ( or. nrO i rrnrM in ibc ncatnfc oteuuW.: CM||k T a trie -Cuvrre, ?4?t Cruinb?1uijKch?hod*iiffc(t Injury to the C?*or?Colt or dVuu itjiaifjjlpi 111" miW*,v' ~ Chyfpw, j.V r> >tno door hcFovy'iornrr ef KcctI^w aaid lund, ant! **j|Vbo nf?Mpn AujrilM 5, IMS. '98 tf SUGAR and TKA, ' DOUBLE and Sfttfto loaf Seg?r, Ci l*W?*|K. ear, and bc?t HjFon Tea, in 'urtyAi {round, prime article* for family w* ^ ^ For nule by . A, P. LACOWK. October le, 1S42. 49 " *' ttt ?,?L.:?: . 't-f' ff - at covroit HAMfeMro, 1 Aug. 03rd ? Kjfl# V " ???? n% i ? m' A '>'.".if1 . ?i LEATHER avd SHOE * * 93 SIDE-?, Solo I- atUcr,. v . 5}> v - * . 101 Kip and Wax do. 120 lb. Shoo Thread, , ; " 1 or sale low by A. IV LACOOTlft^ October 18,1812. 49 # -<;J ?~ . ? STATE OF SOt'TH CABOLItVA, Chesterfield District, In tji* Common Plca*~ y JOHN JACKSON, Who is in tko cuafcdj^ * (if Ihtf Sheriff ol Urn Uiairict a fovea aid, bM?. ' tun of a Wi it of Capias ad at theauit of Holer 1*. Kobeton, kayiM* tioned tho Honorable, the owociait? iwgcwm the said State, that he rniy h? admitted benefit of the Act of tiro General A*#ertib>y, in I do f >r Uio feHef of Iijsolvi tit aw| ilered tb'nt (lie aaid IMer I,, R?bcro|Ortd*ll othern. In whom fho ?aidyVoWhWCtJif { "iny wire indebted. do in i nun a IYm iMfha iffiifcaMila noy, bo ?<ul appcarbofafCMi* llauoraUoTtW Asrooiite judgre oi^he-8t?te efawftljLW'il 4 vr I'ouri of (Jomtjion l'lpaa W? b? h?*Jdca at Oft*-, trrfir'il Court Mouse. mrthatMrd Moot M arch nexf, tlrfoi anil ihena ? M*wea?M4?tf try thr y r-m, u iiy i!w K?ratfr and Win caid Petitioner, ffcoah) ff|C'W aaaigtfc^ r.fl lie (luiclirt^rtl, tlwr (Thew'tuffcld Court lloiian. J' ^ V ,* ^,500 X-v.-. 14, |