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htf a day oft a Urn.and m dolge their oegitatioae tbeooc arising, wtlliout feaj > v of bill disturbed by customers. This is crrUinlj ?try ?qr timca. A lmmom iq? Soolmno Wmti.?" And 3 V dans ?y yon bare ooWod jour wife very often Newman," I# I. once. Old Newmen looked >wb. and itii wife took up tho raply. ?Kif? to MjptffM-eod if he hoe, I deserved it." "Ant 1 due Mj^if the (rath were told, joo hire ecoldec ?"[ hiqs fwle be often." "Nsy," said the old woman with * bqesftj of kindness which ell the poetry ir the tftfriT cannot excel, '""how eon a wife eeotc her good men, who bee been working for her one .* "... ? < her Mnh noes ell the day T It nuy be for mar to bo peevish, for it is ho who bears the crosses o thq world; but who should make him forget then hot Me own wife 7 And she had beet, for her owr soke foe nobody can scold much when the scold in* is ell on one side."?Bulvotr't Student. The Cincinnati Gukte lUtn that tho numbc ef Higi already packed in that city up to the 90U ult, is estimated at between seventy and eight] Iknusand A larger proportion than usual hav< been eenvsited into Lard and Bacon. The prici of Hogs ranges at from 91 75 to $2, according to quality. A Yimut m Carnvmr.?The Brooklyn Star eta tea, that a letter has recently been received ii that city from Harvey Winehell, one of the per Sns captured with the 8anta Fe expedition. H writee from Jaiapa. Republic of Mexico, wher he hae opened a eehool with flattering success. Among his pupils, is tha daughter of Santa Anna . rim ie about sixteen years old, and could not writ her name when the commenced with him, but ha improved rapidly. To Catch Rati.?An Ohio paper says that ai many ae thirty-six rats have been taken in on< night by tho following plan: take a smooth kct tie, SB it to within six inches of the top with water cover the surface with chaff or bran, then place i in the evening where the rata harbor. lets or Ptxas.?Tho Navy Department it ii esid, immediately on receipt of Commander Mac kenxie's despatches, ordprod a vessel of war t< prooeed with all despatch from Norfolk to thii Island, which lice off Cape Antonio, Cuba, in la titude 21, 31. Tito Island haa but few houses or it, which are concealed in bushes is of considers, ble extent,' and has good wells of water. Coicaco.?Seven years ago, the exports frorr .Chicago were RIOdU I thia'year havercachcc over 9850,000, although the prices of the saim " srticies am at least from 30 to 50 per cent, lowci than last year. Tha Edinburgh Medical Journal gives an ac. count of a ease, in which a man reduced to almost a dying state by hwmoptyeis, woe cured, end rc SimiI ??. k^i.u k. ~t <- r.._:? _r ui? w *? uiv?ua vi Mttiwiiiwvu vi viuvk. (ram the rein* of a goat. f :' ' The number of Convicts received into tho State P?nisentiaiy of Tetmsasea, from tho Slat Janua ?y, 1831, to the 98th October, 4842, is six hun dred and two?an average of about ono a week. w ? ' " " 1 k* * To Suit thx Times.?It ia etatcd that the low prices of prodnea, and competition, have reduced board in Washington, from ?10 and ?15 a week to ?3 and ?4, at whieh prices many of the mem beta of Congrrfo are said to haro contracted foj the winter. A cargo of 10,000 buahela of whoat has arrived at New York from Valparaiso. Extract from a Utter received in thit city, dated Macon, Jan. 4, 1843.?" Recently a man trar. #llin? hAnuttvnrH from Ikia nlu>? mm.,m ,hnl on ?l,c road leading to MiUedgcville. He was not killed, boijiMrdjf wounded. He was ?bot, it ie sup. poeed, with a view to being robbed; the pcrpetra. tor wet as yet detected. The gentleman ahot wai named Taylor, and lives in Wilkes Co., Ga." " Char. Courier. Symptoms or i rascoctoue Spbiko.?We ob. served a'peaeh tree in bloom, on Sunday laat, in the yard of one of our next door neighbor? it Went worth bid. Mr. Clat has accepted an invitation to visit Baton Rouge, aud will attend the Agriculture I^air to ho held at that place, on the 8th and 10th inet.7? N. O. Btr, 3d irtft. Mixjtabt Rioins.?James Henry, of the Boa ton lsncera, was reeently tried ip that city foi niiaiu| mv owniej severely WIIQ U1C tut Of I).I sword in clearing a parade-ground on which th* Lonoera were exercising?Henry being a sentinel Judge TuATomia charged that a military corpi who take eff their ground for a parade, and giv< fair notice thereof, have a right to keep it clear o! intruder*, even by force. The Jory thereupon found a verdict of Not Guilty. Thk kaui falling?eroHT ?errowr.D.?Th< following resolution was adopted and published bj a late Democratic meeting at Frankfort* Ky. Resolved, That Daniel Webster and John C Spcncur, tbo brigktoat luminarice of the Whig 8ky, have, in their transit to democracy, formed a halo of glory around their principles. Watkr Ruxxtxo vr Hill.?Dr. Smith, in a recent lecture on Keolngy. nt New York, mentioned it curious circumstance connected with the Mississippi river. It run* from north to south, nnd it* moutli m actually four wiles higher tha n iti source, n rnsult duo to the centrifugal motion o| the earth. Thirteen mile* is the differ* rnce between the equatorial and polur m rpdiue; and the river in 2,000 miles has to rise onn.third of this distance, it being Ow height of the eqirator above the pole. 5*'ff this centrifugal force w/?re not con. fThtred, the rivers would flow hack, and the eean would overflow ilio land. W*. C. PiwToic*-^? needs ho Honorable" prftfix to his nemo whose heert is the seat of honor, nnd the abode efmrase mnnly viitno#) This gentlemen Ts mira nrivate ctti/nn <y qftiet viflhge,- Hod him still k- '' ImTmmm band? aft'ablo. and benevolent itiznn > evar***. Office, honors, and fhn homage ?nH Miliilintipii of tha great havaMt a lured' him one iota in hw char* #?tfr f H**e neither changed thedbe". ?V u' ' v ' pfrcnt of hie nflections nor corrupted the r %*pevo|ent impulses of hi* heart. Those f cli$rds of. sympathy, which were always irvhirrinony with" the nobler feelingsofojr nature, still retain their elasticity in hi* t breuat, and respond, as they were wont to > do, to the touch of (ho unfortunate. Wo I were led to these remarks-by having wit. r neiM'd, on Tuesday evening last, an art I of moral grandeur and benevolence on hi* I part, that has raised him, in our cutitna. > tion, to an elevation from which the cn. i price of man cannot cast hitn down. f Sometime during tlio last Jhimtncr, a I -1 If .l - - --s- >' -L . Jcc or retcard ! i " Far more true joy Marcellus exiled feels, Than Caaar with a Senate at hia heel*." Coiumbia Chrortt > THE CUIUIRNCY QCIfsTIOX. I In regard to tlie^LxcluKpier plnn, ?o > have sometimes heard a sentiment of this r sort expressed :?"Let the country suffer till it is willing to cuinu hack, as it u:u?l do, to an old lu?h:oned nutiooul hank ; wo * want no hull' way measures." It is well t known thnt we have always expressed our - preference for a national hank under pro. ' per .regulations ; but we despair of being able to obtain such an institution in tliu present state of things. Besides, do pco. p!o reflect on what is now and wliut would bo the position of the country, if a chr.rlcr of u nationu! hank w ere obtained mid presented to Ihe public for organization I l)o . they not perceive thai conlidcnce is su* I rated in monied corporations, and tiio resources of the country are so rcdu' eed, thut it would he utterly impossible to , gel the stock lilted up/ Are they not aware : tnat some incipient measures aro roipiisite to rex^vc confidence, xviihout wnicli a bank I chater w ould rcmaiii u dead letter upon tho statute book / It seems to us that, the first step is to regulate exchanges, mi as to set business going, to enable d.tfcrcnl sections of the Union lo interchange their produce > or transmit it tu market, to establish a , uniform and fixed i?y?itni of rales, tune and manner, upon jvhich merchants, who - are the produce is' ajjuhIi, can rally dc > pcud ; and thus to divest cat' rpriso of the hazard* ol speculation, and gi* e it Itealihy action by moderate and reliable profits. This much at least tho Exchequer and its branches will accomplish, and though it ' will not add any to the actual cnpi1 tal of the country, as in fact a national bank would not, it would systematize the nctinn of a portion of what we have and j make it useful in our oxchunges, wh |.i as things now arc it is wholly uilu. si. ' tuation of the country is just this : Money is heaped up in one place ; one kind of produce is accumulated in another; another specie* is huddled together ill a I third, and inerchnndizu is piled up in a , fourth place ; the holders of those various kinds of prorerty have no confidence in each o her ; they stand looking at caeh other with mtiUml distrust, yhilo their f properly is depreciating on hand, and the ( real tstate taut produces it und stores it falls with it, nni paitakes of the gcn.ral stagiiiil on. Is it not plain, that if another ) parly, ? li > had the confidence of all,should r lotcncne nml sny, "Trust mo to exchange your propirty and lel.cvo this inMotion," ho Mould l>o (runted and would , accomplish n great good f This the gov| cri ment |irn|rfMM lo do through the Kxci.cqu r and Us branches, and property guiiiUed and matiuged, there is n ? to t of doubt that it wdl ulf<>rd exactly the kind of relict'trie country wants first, and open , tho way for reluming pro?pc?ity.? N. Y. Commercial Advertiser. Rif&k Shooting.?We aero prcroni on Monday at nn exhibition of the skill of Mr. A. Clark in R:ffo Shooting, with , hi* newly invented Hide; and it is truly , wonderful with what precision it will Mend , a ball at n diatanco heretofore considered too g.r< at for any thing like certainty.? Tho t argot was tho figure of n stag, pointed while, in front of a hoard fence, and Mr. C. fi < d at 400 yard* distance. There was considerable wind, An obstacle always inrrsviai n nr uilk lt>? nrn vrl mil ..f ?* i ~'-m - J" I shot* 14 atruck (he body of ttto nniuoil, j two diiectly in (he region of (he heart, itnd (he olh'Aa between that p? inf a d the liipe.. No shot wna found ovor (wo feel frrtm the centio, and the average wns not over 12 ini'he<i Iroin (ho hear I. Every ball completely pni.otruted 0 .tlirco inch plunk ? N. Y. American. . Titr. B/.ack Toxovr,? We have no I I. SI.U " I ?III > ticed in teverut^|M?|jeiii accounts of a fear-1 i /ul epidemic, said tnWprovniKng in the r neighborhood of Ballston* but met with t no precise description of it except in a I letter to the editor* of I ho Boston Mail, a dated the 4th instant. The writer says a I number of |for?omt have died o( tin* dis- a ease, and thus describes its appenranco : J The disease sometimes commences ' with a swelling of the gland of the throat, * hut more generally I believe with a sore.1 1 ne.o at the lower extremity or * roots' of * the tongue. Tho tongue soon become* swelled to an enoiinmis size, and, unless ' soon relieved, begins to turh'hlnck. very J htmrlv rPcnmUliftat mnrtififMif inn uiKioh .* ? soon causes death. I believo thero lias 1 been icarcoly a case whoro n person sur- 8 vived tlio disease after the black nosa he. gaii to set in upon iho tongue."?Com. Ad. ' Cuba and Hayti ?We find in the I Courier des Etuis Unis nn extract from ' the Port nu Piinco Patriot of December ? 21, which wo translate us follows : N. Y. ^ Com. Ado. * On Wednesday last nrrived the steain v frigate Congreao, the enptain of which had been sent bv the Captain (Jenrral of ' Cuba to inquire into the farts relating to c the capture ot the two Spanish vessels. 1 Bring informed that thev ha?l already ( been restored to their owners, and had set * sail for Havana, ho wrote, it is said, a j * letter to Iho President, expressing his thanks for this art of justice, and asking copies of all the papers, which were given |< to him. Having learned that a protest had a hcen made beforo Iho French consul by the Spanish captains, lie obtained a copy " of Ibis also, arid then wrote another letter a to the President, demanding indemnification of two thousand dallars for the Span* <1 inrds, and satisfaction for the insult to I lie ii Spanish flag. These demands not being ? acceded to, he sailed on the following a Friday to muku his report to the Captain < General." j The Manifesto of December 18 is much 11 less guarded in its language than the Patriole. It affirms that the Spanish vessels were overhauled on suspicion of being en- | I gngod in smuggling. and were detained 1 on'v long enough for an examination of l their papers?cries aloud against the insolence of the Captain (Jenernl and his r emissary in demanding indemnification? ' exhorts the ljuyttcii* to resent and resist r suvh ntidnuity?and concludes with a vorv 1 significant hint that Cuba is but u little 1 way frotn H ivti, nnd that it would he easy a for the [Inyiicn* to land on (he coast nf ' Cuba nt night nnd carry fire and sword 1 into the plantations, thus avenging their I wrongs nnd iibcrul ng their enslaved brethren. % f From the N. 0- C die tin, Jan. 2. i KROJI Vt'CATAN. g Hy the Rosnrio, which arrived on Sat- < t urday from Cnmpearhy und Sisal we have v received our regular file.-Tof Mcrida papers li to tlio *21st of December. These gazettes i contain Cnmpcnchv reports to the I9lh. t Up to that day, no h ng decisive had been <: do.ic by either of h In liggerents. The o Mexicans were still in possession of the 1 heights in the rear of the city, which tliev hail fortified; nnd transported thence n soir.a of the heavy cannon from the (*ua. p daloiipe. From these, shells had been ti thrown, soino of which entered the city 'I and did trifling damage in burning a few r nlui nties. On the 17lh a sortie was made I l?y I he heseiged, A column of 131)0 strong h made an nttaek on ih? Mexican position a at Lerum, distant about li.rce leagues \ from the city Mails. The enemy having ^ received intelligence of llin movement, c marie readv resistance, nnd one of the <1 steamera having in ken a position I lint mi. n aided h< r to hear upon the ns?ni!ant* with v herguns, tlm (Jiwnpcachennns retired with. v out n.iy duclui, after the Ions of ii or 4 t ntc . Tito Mexicans nro receiving reinforce, moot-from Tolmxrn ur.d Vein ('roz, and S1 stippl en of provision*. nn<! appear to feel |, confident i.| ultimate success in the cot- ^ tost. On the oil.or hand, the Yinnteno#. i though >h y linust not, appear i qoal'y coufi lent they will tiiumphnnlly defend , their right*. , A b ig and schooner. supposed to ho ( Amerienit. had been captured by the Mrxi. v run squadron, in attempting to evade ihe blockade. Willi these two exceptions, j. the many trader* of tlm port had sueeeeded in entering the purl, and departing ^ safely. , COMJRKSS. J From the Cirrttprndence of the Char. Courier. washington. ljec. 3d. This luring prim to lull (lay. in the (, it wiii# necessary l?? suspend (lie rules in nrdnr to proceed with tho discuskioii of tho n.inkriijit Art. A crowd was j guthciod in lh? galleries to hoar Mr Mar- ( shall, of K< nltieky. Hat l!-o House r?ifuned to su-pond tho ruins?112 to 00? nut quite tv\?.thirds. The strength of . tin n Hi r inn live vote shows, however, the oitreino desire o. Ihu House to prosecute ^ the discu-sion on tho Repeal hnl, ai.d to bting that nnttor to a close. ( Tho House occupied tho dsy with the pi ivulo calender. Tho Senate, to-day, took up ihn hill providing for tho occupation and settlement ( of tho Territory of Oiognn. Tho hill is profaced !>y a p otinhlo which asserts that tlus lilin <>l lilts United iS'?lc* ih certain, J' *m\ \*\W never be abandoned. This refers ( to llio fuel of ihn postponement of the. ( negotiation fomenting llii* Boundary with t Grout Brrain. ^ Tlta bill pros ides Torn chain of military post* Irom k m point on llio Missouri, or ^ Arkansas riser, 10 the \ alley of thn Oregon, and also a the m -nth of the C'dum- y bin rlrcr. It also provides f ?r the t-xtcnaion of a portion of thnlawa of the United | State* over llio Territory. ' Wasiukoto:*, Jan. i. Mr. Calhoun, il?i# morning. ir? pr<;ncnf. 4 r^\ + v* ' ? . 'TV_ ? * v>- \*\WVT7I.* hg a memorial for Mm unpen! of Mm Bn nk. fl ii pt Ac I, took orcnaion to afty^thnt h^ h vn* in favor of tho repeal, na he'held the A w toboVinexpedient'and unconaiituiien*' a tl. Mr. Tnl'ii.adga thereupon prevented r Wik raintAMtit runMu amoiMo# ftin ait?ki?u I ? w TTHT1I1 !?!> "0va,'|nk ' IHV " I U md ?nid ha hoped (ho Cummcftoe an tho I Indiciary would mo modify the law an to j t ender it both constitutional and e.t'pedi- v snt. An effort is to he inado to retain t ho prod|Hii!iive r?nlur?ti of tho Act, and ii he compulsory process. The donate, to day. settled the Oregon t loundarv question, hy pulsing tho hill for f he occupation nod settlement of that , Cerritory. There is no doubt, that under i he inducements of this law, there will bo h i vast emigration to the O egon. p The debate on the proposition to ropen! n he Bankrupt Act, still engrosses the House o the exclusion of every thing else. Very t| ew of the speakers touch the real merits w >f the question. The statu of parties is n done spoken of. Mr. Bowno, of New || fork, a loco, made o conciliatory speech | n regard to Tyler; so rnuch so that lie vns accused of being n Tylciite. Mr. n }>wno condemned tho bigotry of'his i, rtends, who had said they would not re. reive :Mr. Webster and IVIr. Spencer into t; heir ranks,? for ho said that even he * Mr. Bownc) was a federalist once, und ueli were a good many more of his friends, s vhom he saw now around liini ! ti Mr. iMciriwether undertook to prove a hat tho do nine ratio party wore broken in fi lieccs, and could not he re.united under o toy lender. ? Mr. Pickens spoke in favor of the repeal h if the act, winch he considered as uncon- ? tiliunnl. r< Mr. McDitfliu was in tho S Miatc to. ? lay. He dues not appear to he in good lenlth. He was at the President's House hi Monday, and seemed to attract much A ilterilum. He was leaning on the arm if Mr. Pickens. Mr. Calhoun was aUn iresent, and was almost us niucli remarked l( is the President himself. I, Wasiiixgtox, Jan. 5. ? The Oregon bill, which was yesterday lassed without ppposition to n tliiid read- , ng, in tho Senate*, was arrested in i:s oursr, this morning, by Mr. Calhoun.* Tlie hill cainu on tor lis third rcnilmrr. r o in<l was about to pass in silence, when Ur. Calhoun staled that tho hill, in his ipinion, wau one of the most important liat ever passed. He wished to examine t in reference to our treaty stipulations, tu mil see il it diil not couflie.t with them.? U I'iiij hill, upon this, was laid aside, with ai he reluctant consent of ita author, Dr. s sinn. 0I Tho House this morning, took up for n ? vhilo, the lull to reuol General Jackson's d inn with interest. Mr. Adams opposed cl t veiy vehemently, ns introducing a dan- c ;crous principle; and lie called on tile [i louse to ascertain and clearly define it that principles they meant to establish ul >y this bill. He would vole for the lull on ti 10 other ground than as a donation lo Andrew Jackson, -and this he would do yj luorftjllv hut for tlm reason that he was tl: iprnsed to the policy of pensioning Kx ii 'residents. ,;| Mr. Gushing made nn eloquent hnr- tl: iiigue in support of the n ensure, and pro- ti i s;d to celehrato the anniversary of t!te intlle of New Orleans, by its passage.? tii riic subject will cuinc hp again to uiur- pi ow. .11 The thrcadliaro political debate on the c< aiikrupt act was continued in the House. ai ud without any prospect of termination. ic Vc had to day, speeches from three New ti fork democrats. Mr. Gordon strongly c ensured the liherul views taken yesler- ? lay. hy his colleague Mr. Hovviik, and nado a declaration which his colleague fc ... ...I. . ... u: ...!? ?u..4 r .1. _ ?. . WIS III I il IVi: IO IIIIIIMMI, 111*11 ICIICrUIISIS ci tern never to be trusted, in llto demo rd rwiic rank*. tl W.\?niNOTON, Jan. 0. rti There tiro a Tow symptoms in the House C ilid out of it of an approaching outbreak v< a t ween the Calhoun men and Van Bo- 01 en men. Hut the subject is chiefly con- 01 ilicit to private conversation as yet. a The Senate has confirmed very few p lotninntions ns yet. The post captaincy, ft nude vneiint by The denth oi Capt. (?a!la- w [her, litis been filled hy the promotion oi' p Joininnndcr NVyrnan. The Navy appropriation hill is likely lr. V ie kepi hack some time. Tlieie will he <1 1 strong opposition to the appropriation ol <*i oine ttiree hundred thousaml dollars for It ho African squadron, rendered nceessarv c ?y the stipulations of tTie lato treaty with ireat Britain. ^ In tin: Senate, (o day, thern wasno'.liino ^ if iui|v irlanee. A h.ll was passed, after ^ illicit discussion, to unahle those citizens if I tin United Stales, who aro placed ho ..-a 1 1 ra.> it?..?.i o,...? ?... w diiu iin; ?/i IIIV v M?H;M k?k<tii n9 uy lit; now boundary line with Texaa, to r?turn into the United Slates will) their * lave*. w 'I lie House took up the motion to in. true.t the Commit tun on the Judiciary to r< e.port it hill to remit the fine impound on ^ en. Jackson, nt New O-leans, in 1815. Mr. Adam* made it hitler speech again*! he motion, mid ridiruled (he f'rcMidont'* . ccoHiinciidation of the measure in hi* ,r nc**age. Ho said it wan intended to ^ uteh it low Jackson men, and to secure ^ lie feelings of J.ickso* himself in favor Jl if Ilia adniinialrHtion. lie gave his col. ( ague (Mr. Cuahing) somo hard rub* dm ,e went along, The old gcntlomnn was n a pet feet rage, ilo submitted an amend. iient to tho motion requiring tiint the hill i hould be an framed at not to east any ro- i ! lee lion on the judicial tribunal which im. | toned tlio fine; mid ?l*o requiring tin* >v Joiiiiiiiltce to report tlu-ir opinion on tlie* irciuoMlnncrimt <*cn. JACKsoN'tconducl, c> which led to hiMhoing fined. Mr. C.J. I ngcriioll npoko vrry eloquent. *' y in support of the proposition to remit 'I, lie line. [ WAsnixnTOM, Jan. 9. Thif w? quite n s?iir;ng dny in the ^ ? 4 \ : ? . * >, . ' k * '9 Mr. gave jjotleo tlint ha ci ronldto-morrow bring lfcr?ord his fcdjig d lir?et#4ed nti^fos. oK impptclime^t <k gitinut John Tyler. Tho notice was not . egnrded in a serious light. It oecationd more merriment Ihiui any thing el*o. P< Mrs Fillmore then mado an nrgumen- ,a ivo report against the Exchequer syheino ,n rhich w. ai' referred to them. He stated hat the report was unanimously concurred 11 by the Committee. Mr. Athorton, ademocratic mombcr o' * he Committee, then made another report ( ruin the minority of (he Committee, nnd onrluding with a resolution directing jai lint Conunitteo lo report a hill for the otter keeping, disbursement. &c. oftho uhlic monies?thcuiiing the Sub Trtos- ^ ry bill. tv th .A debate ensued in which it appeared cl< hat tho whig majority of the Committee ?Ji i-cre in I'uvor of an old fashioned Nation I Hank and nothing short of it i and that lio democrat minority were for tho Sub'rcaaury nnd nothing lie>nnd it. Mr. Marsh: 11, of Kentucky rnado a hu- f inrnos Klli<Prh in Kiiminrl nf 11 n.ilinnut tel - , ~ :ink. ttn lit the Sonnto, the Oregon bill was >? ik?n up. and Air. Calhoun, at whose in- '* Innvcit wiis laid aside, npnke about half n hour against llto hill?endeavoring to liow that it conllictrd wi ll the sip-iln. *N ions o!" the uonvonl ? ? wuli (Leal llrit. in, whereby both nations were piecludod c roin exercising tl.c exclusive right of 0 ccupying the (crritory. Mr. C hemic ac m.n of llu; same opinion, and Mr. Mclln- u arts and Mr. Ilendurson of a contrary pinion. Air. Ca:houn will re/y to inor- u! o?v. n< U.W.IJ Hip ^ I'jlin'n iTi iIjW^iiTT JOBai th CIIUHAiV CiAZETTE. ai Ciikrwv, Tuesday, January 17, i?4-J. Tp~inrii arriaas. ? Wanted ut this o.'licc a printer of good cliarac. !' sr uad industrious lubits who has served u rcgu. ' 1 ir apprenticeship to the business. Letters, post- A gc paid, will be immediately answered. !J.' Tho degree of L. L. D. iias been conferred by hi ic University of Alabama upon Mr. Ssimiu, editor hr f tlic Magnolia, uud uuthor of the History of if unlit Carolina, and some tales of fiction. ir \\ The Camden Journal has made its appearance w i a new dress and enlarged form. j-y Among the publications which we found on our ^ iblc on our late return home was a senium hy the ^ ,cv. Mr. Tito an w ? Lit, Professor of fc>-c.ed Lierlure and tho Evidences of Chris!jaiuty in the outh Carolina College, preached on the occasion f Uio death *of U.'iijamin K. Muyhin, of tho Oi rcshinait class, for which we suppose we arc in. 11 cbtcd to the publisher. It is a very able and very sp loqiicut discourse, distinguished alike for pure on vangclical doctrit) , and powerful argument.? to t docs great honor to the iiutituiion from which emanates. When the advocates of sound inor. on Is and revealed truth, a few jears since, raised w! irir voice against the influence of infidelity and tin msequent immorality sustained by tho Trustees thf tho college, they wore denounced us enemies to int ic institution. Th"jr preheat-J to be, and as tin me has proved they w.rciis friends. T.iuy ful i illengcd thoso who differed from them to make ic trial of giving a predominance i:i the oonsl.tu trc on of tiic faculty, to men of Christian character, P,id pledged their ju lgmont and their character in ut tho college would soon regain its former po- res aLuity and prosperity. Truth was on their siJc, int nil by her all-powerful voice compelled the Trust- let ? lo malic tl?o experiment. The re sult is known, :ln nd the experiment will not again by made?at im sat n ?t during the lifetime of the pre sent genera, nil?of giving to iu.'idcl.ty a preJoiuin ni :c, or ten a prom nener, in the composition of the acuity of the South Carolina College-. Mo long P? ) the Faculty sli ill continue to be distinguished At ir talents and learn in.', mi I the influence of their liaracter and priu - plis ?h ill be, as it now is, in ivorof sound morals and the religion of llio B.bie, tc; ic college will con'inue to flourish. Thu profiss- nl.i r of "S.crcd Literature and the Evidences ol of h istunity," wh.lit the present du'ics aro attach- Ct J to hisoTi.-.c, exerts a much jrcjter influence up- in; n the miral oh meter ol the s'u Ic.ots tli hi any sci ther member of the Faculty, supposing liitn to be ist man of suitable character and attainments; tlio Co ublic, therefore, owe many th inks to the Trustees ir filling the ofliec with sucli men as Mr. Thorn, sci -ell and his accomplished, pious, and deservedly fie ipnlar prr.dcctssor. pu The Sunnon before us was published by Mr. t'r.ta, at the Chronicle O.fieo in Columbia, and oji oca credit lo the printer. The work is well cxc. by utod with beautiful, clear type upon goad paper, an t is not common to see similar work so well done da ven in the Northern c.ties. tin ???? ^ (*? FAnueas' UcJurth?W'e have received the Iccembcr number of this periodical, wiiicb is the ^ si mm is to Dc iMiioJ utnicr the management or ^ Jr. Kuril*, who has <nnJu;te J tlic work with "P Tlinrtnt skill nn I nliilily mik? ?t? canxunonreiw nt ..jj n years ago. Wc Ma:mdy icgn t that he fi.irlt Bccrsiry now to rct're from it; but wc arc much q ratified that it is still to be continued under ihc lanagomcnt of Tiiomas S. Pleasan rs, Esq, who, 'c understand, is a practical agriculturist and well n ualificd for conducting simh a periodical. Tho ? . 0 #1 blowing i? the table of contents of the number y. cfore us : Original C>mmunicationt?A cheap under, rain ; Artesian wells in Alabama ; Time of ripen- wc ig of whout on the south side of James Kivcr J I" .nother nmendo honorablo * Renewal of tho ro. E< ition oiseussion proposed ; Account of the ope . lion of M'Cormick's reaper ; Editorial notices to {|,( ibsoribers ; the Mediterranean wheat; Hemp th; ilture for North Carolina; Report to the S ate ih< oard of Agriculture on tho ' Ob.-lachs to im. u? ovem: nt, eauocd by operation of the laws, or f?| >/<r. mentai regulation*; Notes on the Sandy j rn, oi it estate, No. t>; Recent and extensive marling j (or i S. Carolina ; Cheap marling; First labors of a I Cl, orking Agricultural Society. j ma S*U*lhnt<?Butter making; Fatal effects of I istor oil on a l.orse ; A million of dollars lost an. (j,; uully in M issuchuttclts; Worms in the head of w|, icrp; Experiments with corn town broud-cast; ar? ucccasful manufacture of corn stalk molassca; j^ji ixtructs Pom English correspondence of Albany ani ultivator; Bokhara clover. Soiling; New mo. ?)v A* * * * wugi {(railing npput xrccn; io kill weed*; Li#- | CS) D4* of frnc't; A.lrJriss to th?- Agricultural s'o. t i ety of Albemarle; The pidn snail; New bone toe ; Public mle of provision* at Liverpool, on. it tho ucw tariff*. Tub Magnolia.?The January number of this tpular Southern periodical i* before us, and eon. ins ija usual variety of instructive and entertain, f article*. HW,.? . _ The Legislature of Mireouri have nominated I lartin Van Du/cft, and Richard M. Jolinoon for e Presidency and Vice Presidency of the United ate*. The paper* state that A mo* Kendall is now in I for debt. j Tho stockholder* of the Bank of ike State of orth Carolina have adopted a resolution that J ry Would bring: the business of the Bank to a 1 so provided the Legislature should instruct its ;cnt to voto for such a measure. - } Wo invito atUnlion to the Prospectus of The Ianter, to be published in Columbit and edited tho Rev. J. J. OuootR. Mr. Duboeo acquired oat popular.ty as an able and entertaining wri. r whilst editor of tho South Carolina Temper. ' cc Advocate. We wish him crrcat success in 1 i new undertaking. We arc sure he will deserve 1 Comparative Tiiriftiness or thr Durham o Native Cattlr.?One of tlio Editor* of the ncrican Agrirulluritt, furnishes in the Decern. r number of that valuable periodical, Note* of a urnrj from Buffalo to New York. Alter mine b count of the ntook of Col. Sherwood, near Au. rn, ho ndda aa follow*: ** Hut wc have t o' space to d voll ftirth*:r > > n tliu.suiituuutls hiiu uir.i 10 llmir man. v ir of feeding* ,wl?i?:h is precisely liko nit of tho common st ick < fl te countiy, r n i2 good farmers. I " Co!, d. Has commenced with straw * id cornstalk*. ami w.icn thu*o are nil t no, and vol illh*n. wi I liu begin with a liny. Ho Has a Inrge l.,t of ruin luign a .-or, which lie is rccuu g out moderate. ' , to -o nc of the younger unirnnls, and a io old* r ones will have it towards spring, any fall away, or a row has a calf by r s do. Kepi in this way, tho thorough. j ed and grades, show a derided superior, e in size, and lloil't. over die native ani. als, side by side, fed precisely alike.? 'e wish every fanner ia tli'e cniu.ty ouhl rffll upon Col. Sherwood, and satis. themselves as to the eorrJctness of hat wo assert, and if thev are convinei d ' its truth, advance a step further, and ke h>ime a Vur'iam bull %cuh I hem." CONG In thci Senate the to take possession of the *cgon Tcrr.tary wan st.ll under discussion on tho th instant. Mr. Tuppan and Mr. Linn had oken in favor of it ; Mr. Benton was to apeak the same side, and Mr. Culhoun wu* expected conclude the debate. The hill to refund the fino of $1 .000 imposed Gen. Jackeon I y Judge Hall ut New Orleans, lich hud been referred to the Committee on a Ju lin try, was reported by that ccinin.ttcc on : 10th with an aincn.laant onj to r .-loro with ,c i bt but in Ian .uugc nolimpu jning the act of is Ju tge, or juk thi.t of the General. The ,o of the biil Kevins doubtful. In |hj IIo isc of R.:pr< tentative* Mr. Dotts inklucel articles on the lOtli, impeaching the coiik'iit f?r al use of power, usurpation of power various in>tan?cs &.e. &c. &iz , and moved a el tit ion to raise a committee r.f nine, to inquire <> the tru'h of the cliargre, collect ond report tho l iinony &.c. But the llo ire refnx d to appoint 3 committee by a vote of 83 to 127. So tho parchment h sbctn put to sleep. imoxtant i r )m mix co. Tho New York U.ii n h i* th Wowing imrlant news f;om Mexico, received by the harquo, at that port : VEXA C.IUZ, Df.SEMCF.R 19, 1842. The news from tin- c.ty of McxioO i* most incsting. Gen. Guttcrcz, of San Lu.s, hns dc._ tred for a dissolution of Confess, and the naming a new body by Santa Anna to form a new i s tat ion for the country. A similar move i* ic'e in Pur.hla hv G n. Can tlx?. Thin new* win it hy express to Moxi o to Gen. TOINEL, Min. i: < f War, who uinno lixtc'y made it known'to ingress. Tli'.s body replied that tliey were the real repre. datives of the country, and would not be driven im their scats except by force of urms. This is rely a military movement. News ha* arrived here, from tho went, of tho. cupation of Monterey, a low i in California, Commodore J ones, of the frigate United Slates d corvette Cyanc. lie held the town about two ys and then gave it up, declaring that ho took 3 town in consrquom e of a report that war was cmix-u uy mc unfo i fsta'cea a n-t Mexico. Tho Mexican General in command gave in. injtio'i of a body 3,!)U0 TVxiana m irehing to. irde Rio Gr.mde. Cnnpeachy etill liolda out ainst tha Government of Mexico. The par. on of this city (VcraCruz) ia momentarily ex. cte l to declare in favor of the revolution agninst mgreer. Mr W. E Dxtobm. with reven other Amsri. ra, who had been confined nearly twelve months Chihuahua, have been liberated by the Mexi. n Government through the interposition of the litcd States Minister. Willi regard to tho fate of Midshipman Spencer, i lnvo seen nothing which appears to u* more te. and just, than the fallowing remarks Af'the liter of tho c.-.~ - ? wiimvu owticnuiSCUC: " Wfr believe there it not one who ho? heard of ! mutiny and death of the young man Spencer, ?t Ivaa not mourned over the grief that haa pierced > heart of hi* ft.the*. Not a father, nor a mo. ?r. hut lit.# felt and mourned for the mourning her of the you- g man?and felt, nlno, that the lilten parent, v h n he hcird of the death of hia t. would, li'-.e la id of old, undo- similar cir. mM.incta, go to his chamber at d weep, and a!. >ht aay with thq afflicted mnna e ?, M My ion, r ?on, would 'o (?od 1 had Hied for thee." Dut s aympa hy m at not let ue do injustice to thono 10 havo vindici ted t o character of the NaVy d ihc lawa of ho I uid. Mournful exne ienca i shown tli. t <o be the ron if h nor.tble parents, rt the ohjo< t of promise nn<t e p? elation, is not voys to fee honorable, nor to fulfil promirc and [><-<*? t on; vnr! rrim*. if committed, cannot luruaunii imirticr was eornuuura upon m? i J body of a white man in thin District.? f Several negroes attached to the plants, lion of Col. Richard Singleton, wore mum. pected of having committed it, and h number of them were urrtwted, confined and examined, from time to time, with, out eliciting any cluo to tho bloody deed ; and nil were finally discharged hut four, (who belonged to a trust estate under the .rare of Col. Singleton.) Efforts were made to induce a confession, from some of these individuals, and after somo time a negro named Joe, pretended to give a circumstantial detail of the horrible deed, affixing the murder to two others, named Paul nod Bacchus. On Joe's evidence, before a Court of Free-holders, they wero condemned to bo hung. After sentence, however, testimony was discovered that went to prove an ulibi ; and Joe's conduct. moreover, induced the suspicion that he had testifid falsely. On these grounds an application was made to Judge Earl for a new trial, and William C. Pruston steppod forward, without fee or reward, to advocate the claims of these poor un. fortunato negroes to a new trial 1 And he did most eloquently advocate them, in a speech of about half an hour's length, while a large concourse of citizens, with eager attention and breathless silence, listened to the well known tones of his mellow voice, and gratelully recognized turn as the same philanthropic individual, who, in days of yore, had plead many a poor man's cause, at (he same bar, without