University of South Carolina Libraries
P O E T R V . From the N. Y. American. LIFE. I?w a little fairy boat, Glide o'er a glassy lake : Bright bud* wove 'round the gilded prow, Flower* scattered in its wake. It held one fair and sylph-like child ? ltnin us Dosom slight? One hand upon the little helm, Whilst all seemed calm and bright. I saw that tiny bark again, Upon a glancing stream, Flit midst its green and fairy isles, Like a swift passing dream. A fuir-haired youth now guided it, Through all those changing scenes ; While suu and storm around him played, In showers and fitful gleams. Again it burst upon my view, On rapids dark and dread; Its gilded prow all worn and broke, Its tlowers faded and dead. It held, while in its wild career, Manhood's all-braving form; His eye fixed on the bow of Hope. That shone above the storm. I siw the way-worn bark once more, Tossed on a boundless 9ea : Before it yawned a deep, dark gulf? Beyond, Eternity. An aged man reclined within, With wasted form and eye ; But still his eazc for ever fixed Upon the brightening sky. For there?there beamed a fadeless light, That pilgrim's long-sought haven, Where he might moor his shattered bark : And that bright home was?Heaven. Desolation.?Midnight upon the tcnij? 8t wave is desolate, yet there is grandeur and sublimity in the scene; the starving outcast upon tho blasted heath is a pitiable object for humanity to contern- | plate; desolation is in the howl of the hurricane; and the scream of the night bird in the wilderness is dreadful;?but a tap on the shoulder from a j dun, with not a cent in your pocket, is a thunder jkm! frjm the regions of mortal terror, menacing a man with the dismal horrors of a jail. Singular Surgical Experiment.?Dr. Antonio Carraro informs us, in the Annali L'ltiversali di Medicinia, that he has successfully used ncu. juncture in eases of apparent death. He performed the following experiment before sevcralindividuals. An eight days old cat was kept under water till all motion ceased, when the anunal was taken out; the tongue protruded from the mouth and was covered with froth. The extremities were stiff, there was no pulsation of the heart, and everv si?n of life was absent. On bcinsr cast in the i water for the second time it sank to the bottom.? It was then taken out, exposed to the sun, and ! then dried with warm towels. Abdominal frictions were ineffectually practised, and it was not until ; the lapse of three-quarters of an hour after the dis- ! appearance of the 9igns of life, that acupuncture j was had recourse to. A needle was pushed on- ' wards through the heart, until its point rested on the vertebral column. Five minutes had hardly elapsed, when the needle was observed to move, which indicated a movement of the heart. This motion increased, which was soon followed by , movements of the upper extremities, then rcspira- | tion, cryrtig, and lastly movements of the whole j body. The animal continued to live, and suckled its mother. This same experiment was frequently repeated with similar effects, from which Dr. Oarraro coneludes, that puncture of the heart is not only a ; useful but safe operation. He concludes his re- ' marks by trusting that his method may be tried in cases of axphixia.?Provincial Med. Jour. Discovery op Large Bones.?A discovery of bones of tho defunct Mastodon, has recently been i made at a lick about two miles from Warsaw. .Mo., : which exceed in number and size any yet disco, vercd. The bones were found two or three feet below thesurface, imbed ?ed in a black gravel.? The number of different beads found amounts to seventy or eighty, and the amount of detached teeth shows that a number of these monsters has found a common grave in this basin. The skeletons of various species of animals are found deposited in tliis basin, as the buffalo, elk, deer, dec. A It Iter from London states that a co'lcge has been opened in Glasgow, under splendid auspices, for the education of ladies in the higher branches j of academical knowledge. Several most distinguished professors have been appointed, all of whom are ministers of the Gospel. The University is appropriately termed 44 Queen's College." The Weather in New Orleans.?lee, more than half an inch thick, was formed on the night j of the 18th ult.,?being several weeks earlier than usual. This, observes the Courier, we apprehend , will make the sugar planters of Louisiana, lose ! several hundred thousand dollars. More than half o? their cane is yet uncut?and, probably froze last night, at least on the plantations above New Orleans: thrn comes a spell of warm weather, a thaw, and the souring of the cane juice. The only set off against this misfortune we think of, is an augmentation of price?a circumstance, however, j which mar not occur, as the sugar crops in the j West Indies and elsewhere, arc of unusually fine ' promise, this year. executive department. Columbia, uec. lath, By His Excellency Jambs II. Hammond, Governor and Commander-in-Chief in, and over the State of South Carolina. "W HEREAS an Election was held on the V ? first Monday of November last and day following, to supply the vacancy in the Con- j grenfiona! District of Richland, Lexington, , Orangeburg and Barnwell, occasioned by the ; resignation of Hon. Sampson H. Butler ; and j whereas. it appears upon counting the votes returned by the Managers of Election to the Oflice of Secretary of State, that Samuel j W. Trotti had a majority of said voter. ! Now therefore, I. Jamrh H. Hammond, Gov- I trnor of the Sta'e of South Carolina, do hereby declare and proclaim that the said ; Samuel W. Trotti, has been only elected a , K.prpsentative from this State, for the Con. j gr siHonal Districts aforesaid, to the Congress v\ the United States. Given under my band and the seal of the State, at Columbia, the 13th of Decern, her, one thousand eight hundred and forty-two, and the sixty.seventh year of American Independence. J. H. HAMMOND. JI. I.ABor.DK, Secretary of Slate. Deo. 20 ti 3t | FAMILY MEDICINES. THE Subscriber has received and i? opening tl in thr Stnrn jiliove Mr. W adsvVOI til's. and s ! opposite to Mr. D. Malioy's, a good assortment ' f I of medi ir.cs selected especially lor family use, { v I and for his own practice, fie will keep no ar- j ! ticlc of which he docs not know the ingredients and properties; and none except such as he knows to he of g ?od quality. His tinctures and I ointments will be ready for use in about a week 1 from this time, lie will also keep a general ns. . sortinent of DYE STUFFS and other articles usually kept at such establishments. The few articles of this class not now on hand arc c.tpected soon. M. MAC LEAN. July 2G. CANTOR OIL. J EXCELLENT cold drawn castor oil for sale v very low, by the gallon, at the NEW a DRUG STORE. i "leio* strip ajd jijead j STRI P, j ( At the N ew Drug Store. j r i a\< i:TS. i * THUM B LANCETS, Spring Lancets, Gum , a Lance's an?? Tooth Drawers for sale ut the j 3 j New Drug Store. LV.YNELD OIL" COPAL and LEATHER Varnish, for sale at I the New Drug Store. j TAMARINDS 1 ? ELL put up in small jars.. for sale at the. ; w New Drug Store. ! ^ V A K* ISH BRfsHES, 1 A ND Pamt Brushes of all sizes, for sale at the : New Drug Store. LEATHER. " T ITO'P D?/?/%?* /? 11 q Io rrrn olnolr .Qfiln T n t la - I wu u cvv?n v. ..1V #*' , 1 *v or, Also, Upper Leather, ami Calfskins. J l\ MALLOY. I Sept. 20, 1842. 45 tf | i "rockfisiv sheetiacjs a ad r SHIRTIXGS. ib & HALES 3-4 and 4-4 Domestics just , T H jt received on consignment ftoni the * Uockfish Factory and for sale on favorable ! 1 terms by the Hale. a D. MAL Y. Novemln-r 7, 1842. u VIlLiiAK ! VI.\L iAR ! ! PURE Cider Vinegar, White Wine Do. . For Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. July 12, 1812. 33 tf ( ^^_ _ _ I boaaetts a ad hoods. JIIST Rcscired a gaod slock of Bonnelts ii and I loo .is. D. MALLOY. ; Sept. 20, 1842. '45 tf | for sale oa a credit. A PAIR of handsome, young Poneys. Also, 1 ti to hire for the ensuing year a Shoemaker. i ( Applv at this Office. I f; Nov.* 29, 1642. 3 tf sheriff's sale. BY order of the Court of Ordinary for Chesterfield District will be sold before the Court House door of said District, on the first Monday in January next, one tract of land situ- C atcd in said District on Thompson's Creek, con- w taming inrcc nunurcu Acres, more or iee?, bounded on the south an<J wrest by Henry J King's land, north by lands belonging to the Estate of licvin Watson, and cast by lands owned by Stephen Jackson, Michael Watson, ti and Francis Johnson, being lands of which o Thoinas Hendrick deceased died seized and p>s? scsscd, and sold for partition. Conditions.? As much Cash as will piy the expenses of this sale, with n credit of Twelve months on the balance, purchaser to give bond bearing Interest from the day of sa'e, with good ^ personal security and a mortgage of the premises ; if deemed necessary to the Ordinary. Purchaser iS to pay for titles. JOIINT EVANS, Sh'ff. C D. Sh'll 's Office, 10th Dec., 1?42. 5 3t SIlEKirrS SALE. r BY order of the Court of Ordinary for tl Chesterfield District wi 1 be sold before the A Court House door of said District on the first y Monday in January next, one tract of land situ- hi ate in s iid District on Deep Creek, containing H six hundred an<l twenty ono Acres, more or less, c< hounded on the West by Willis Hancock's land, 5 north by lands owned by Isaac Timmons and j t) Alex. McNair, East by lands owned by the Estate of Hardy Sellers, and South by lands w owned by the Esiatc of John P. Hancock, Due'd. 2 being lands of which Richard Allen deceased, h died seized and possessed arid sold for partition. pi Conditions.?One hundred dollars in Cash Hi besides the expenses of this sale; the balance to fi be paid in throe equal annual instalment!*, the s. first payment to be made on the first day ofj.inu- j tl ary, 1844, th second payment on the first day [ si of January, 1845, and the third payment on the j first day of January, 1846, purchaser to give I Ponds bearing Interest from the day of sale, with ' good personal security, and a mortgage on the premises, if deemed necessary to the Ordinary, to sccuie tnh payinv'al ol the purcha c money.? _ Purchaser to pay for titles. JNO. EVANS, Sh'li C. D. Sh'ffi's Office ) ?, TW Ill lh42 ( CLOCK * AHD WATCH RERURHW. j tc BENJAMIN PYI.E, late of Fayettcvilic. J N. C., would ret;pee'fully inform the Citizens f< ?>f Clieraw and the surrounding country, that j he has settled himself in the place, and intends 1 carrying on the Ciock and Watch repairing i ^ business, and having a line set of tools and materials, and a thorough knowledge of the business, having the advantage of working in some of the largest establishments of the southern and western country, where he always gave entire satisfaction, and he feels confident of doing the same in this communi. 1,1 ty; and by strict attention and particularity ? to business, to be patronized. (lis business j will be carried on in Mr. Wright's Bookstore, j f opposite Market Street. co Dec. 2W, 1842. 6 4t at 4-4 im iESTICS. Afow halei 1-4 Brown DoineslioS for f-alc * on favorable terms, by I D. MA! fiOY ! AMj. 23:il. 11 U I.\ EQUITY, I CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT. James C. Masscy, "j and wife, et ul I Bill for discovery vs. ^ Account iic. Alexander May, I et. al. Kx'rs " J KT appearing to my satisfaction that Hampton B. Hammond and his wife, two of the efendnnts in the ubove case reside without the iiiiits of this State: On motion of Wright & ilcMullun. complainants' solicitors, it is ordered hat the said defendants do appear and plead anwer or demur to the bill within three months rom the publication of this order, or the same rill be taken pro confesso against them. i). S. IJAItLLEE, Com. in Equity for \ Chesterfield and .Marlboro' Dis'tcs. Cberaw, 27tli, Sept. 1842. 47 3m In the Common Pleas. Chcsterjicld District. Henry Ea9terling, ) Declaration vs. > on note in G. VV. Booth. ) Attachment. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in this action did >n this day file his Declaration against G. \V. looth, the defendant, who is absent from and I vithout the limits of the State (as it is said,) I ind having neither w ife or attorney known j ijvm whom a copy of the above Declaration, | villi a rule to plead thereto, inay be served; j lis therefore in pursuance of the Acts of the ' Jeneral Assembly of this State in such cases, nade arid provided; Ordered that the defend- , nit, do plead thereto on or before the I went vixth day of December next, otherwise final : md absolute judgment wdl be then given and iwarded against him by default. T. BRYAN. Office of Common Pleas > Chesterfield C. H. Dec. 25,1841, \ 9 leSmfly "CHaIP.S. rllE Subscriber has just received on con. sigument, to be sold at very low prices for :\1SH OXLY, 0 Doz. Fancy Gilt and maple cane scat chairs. : 8 Small " " 14 4* sewing do. j S Large Boston cane and solid scat Rocking do. 1 2 ,4 Mahogany Mohair Spring scat do. do. H Ninal! c.ine cio. uo. i 4 Solid seat Nurse, d >. do. GEO. II. DUN LAP. Clieraw, August 25, 1812. 42 if I? LA<h?lITHI\<;. I^IIIE Subscriber lias this day recommenced j business on Ins own account and hopes ?y close application to business to share public atroiiage. My prices will be moderate. Horse hoeing wiil rcceivo my personal attention it is ficroforo warranted to be done with neatness liid despatch. N. B.?I am now prepared to repair, or put ip now lightning rods. C. I. SHIVER. April 4 1842. 21 tf NOTICE. rHE Subseiiher is now receiving front New York, an excellent assortment of seasonable roods selected by h.insidf with great care. lie s persuaded that he can sell Goods in his line as : aw as they can bo nfFordid in this market, and h determined to do so. D. B. McARN. Clieraw, Nov. 1, 1842. 51 3in i CROCKERY & GLASS WARE. UST Received from New York on consign^ nent a splendid assortment of Crockery and j Jlass Ware, comprizing the newest and most ' ishionab.'e patterns. Among which are Fine Granite Dinner Sets of French and English Patterns, Super Cut Square Tumblers, Fine Mirror Cut Dishes. Together with a general assortment of fine >ockery and rich Cut Glara Ware which /ill bo sold at a low price for Cash. ALSO, Common Crockery and Glass Ware by the Ia6k and Crate, put up to suit the country rade, which will be sold at a small advance n the invoice, upon accommodating terms. FRANKLIN TURNER. Nov. 20, 1842. 3 tf POTS, SCOTCH OVENS, $c. l Large and well selected stock of Pols, Icotch and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, Andirons 1 lc. &c. For sale cheap. A. P. LACOSTE. October 18, 1842. 40 tf NOTICE. rHE following property was stolon the I planlatiou of William Blakency, rlcc'd, in | lis District, on the night of the 3rd insf., viz: l briglit rnu'atto woman named Molsey, 2"> ears old, about 5 feet 4 inches high and very irge for her height. Also, two young horse Jules, one a dai k brown the other a dark rnousn r,lor. botlisina I and stip[>osed to be, one about and the other 10 years old. The said properr is supposed to have I een stolen by one ickson Key, who is probably making his way I ilh the same to the West* Said Key is about 1 years old, has a fair complexion, very light j air, and remarkably light eyebrows, slender I arson, altout 5 feet 10 inches high and has a j awucast look when spoken to. A reward of I fty dollars will paid for the recovery and I ife keeping ot the property and said Key, out of j lis State, or tor dehvoring the same to the I ibscriber. STEPHEN D. MILLER, Adni'r of Wrn. Blakeuey. Gold Mine, Chesterfield District, S. C. 1 f December 6ih, 1812. ? 4 tf i GENERAL ORDERS. Head Quarters, 14th Dec. 1842. j c Order No. 1. i 1 rM. WALKER, T.J Pickens, P S.:3 Brooks. C. F. Hampton, J McPhee- 1 )V, G. VV. Taylor, J. M. Wallace, W. | 1 V. Ancrum, VV. C. Mmzo.n and VV. T. J * llekbe, are appointed Aids de-Camp to tho 1 r ommander tn.Chief, with the rank of l icu-Jj1 mant Colonel, and will bo obeyed aud re? i r lecteu accordingly. < ^ The Aids de-Camp wi'l respectively signi. 0 their acceptance forthwith, and report j v lemselves at Head Quarters, a9 fully equip- n ?d by the 1st ol February next. j a by order of the Commander-in Chief: ( J. VV. CANTEV, ! 1 Adj't. and Insp'r. Geu'I. ^ Dec 20 0 3t '* The papers which publish the Executive ll dvertiseinents, will insert the above three , a nes weekly. I a "ircTicsL, |? HE Subscriber lias received and will keep ! n6tantiy on hand Cotton Yarn at wholesale, ! th? lowest maiket prices. Also?Cotton i snahurgs, Cotton Batting, Candle Wick, ine and Wrapping Twine, frotn the Manu- ' :torv ol Rockingham. r.nnnnfrn I A Nov. 59,191-2. :i tf SPRING A*D SUAinER GOODS. THE Subscriber has just received a well ^ solcctcd stock of Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, G. H. DUN LAP. *' Cheraw, April 9, 1842, 22 If WOOD. a! 1IIAVE again resumed the business of Haul, hi ing Wood. My olJ customers and the pub. h ic generally are respectfully informed that I n shall Ijc grateful for a renewal of their custom, and pledge myself to huul loads that will please. w A. P. LACOSTE. o July ID, 1812. 36 tf di CLOTHS, CASSl.TIERfi, A AD 2i SATIN ETTS. ? t DM ALLOY has just received a good : M stock ofCloths, Casimer*, and Satinets, i which lie is anxious to mil, and bargains may ! w be had. i , Sept. 20, 1812. 45 tf I A CARD. s DR. JOFIN LYNCH having permanently j; located himself in the town of Chcraw, j respectfully tenders his professional services to u the citizens of this place and the adjoining conn- k try. He hopes hy a diligent attention to his j 4 profession, to receive a liberal share of public ! a, patronage. He can always bo found nt his . |, father's (Con'aw Lynch) residence on Market j," Street. 1, Choraw, July 1st. 1842. 34 tf t,j FISH ! FlSlia ,? M ACKKREL, in whole, half, and qtr. bids. A .Mess Shad in- do do do ^ Codfish and Salmon, all of exeejlf|*t quality, ^ For sale bv a, A. P. LACOSTE. :,i Octol>er 18, 1812. 49 tf ^ NOTICE. "> ALL persons indebted to the Snliscrihcr hy ^ note or account nro requested to call and 0 scttio the same, as further indulgence cannot he ?iv n. R. SHAW. K Sept. 13. 1842. 44 tf J COTTON OSNABIRRS AND (f COTTON YARN. 3 THE Subscriber has received on consign- h Mienl from the De Kalb Factory at Camdc/i f S. C 12 Bales very superior Cotton Omiu- H burgs and 12 Bales Cotton Yarn, whichhe will sell by the Bale to Meichants o> ns good or I better orins than they can purchase in New l Yorx or Charleston. vi He would also invito the riantcrs of the nft.,fhhnrl?1.A,l ?A rtfill mil! OY.1llkim? t \\.% I lyiUll >11 TOTS SI MVIglliryt .."VU %? VH?U,,W e?" tliey will find it a cheaper and better article than ' nas ever been sold in this market. U. II. DUN LA P. u Cheraw, April 4, 1842. 21 tf L fOH\ WANTED. F WANTED to purchase from 1000 to 3000 ? Bushels corn to be delivered in Choraw, or at any of the landings down the river, for c which the highest market price will be paid D. M'NAIR. J. April II, 1842. 22 tf liATS AX1> SHOES. | B rWIHE Subscriber has just received a large '' _M_ and well selected supply of Hals and Shoes, | R which will be s<dd cheaper than were ever offer- I 1 ed in this market. D. MALLOY. j . Sept. 20, 1812. 43 tf j * E. VV. DRENNING j" j ISSTOULD R'^p"ctfully inform the public : ? v that ht; has located himself on j , ltA?.EBT STP.33T, 1 e 1 Opposite Mr. Moork'b Horn., where he intends carrying on the 1 ^ DYKING AND SCOURING BUSINKSS. M Ladies' and Ceiitlemen's garments cleaned, and, if faded, dyed the original or any other col. C or, and pressed in the neatest manner. Carpet?, Table-Covers, ami Crumb cloths cleaned without | ? injury to Color.?Cotton Yarns dyed Fast B Colors. J\r. B. His dyeing icill not soil the whitest A article. A Cheraw, August 16, 1842. 40 tf * 01 STORE TO KENT. ? 1HAVE rented all my Stores, except the one Cl next above Mr. Cocrge 11. Don lap's, and one door below corner of Kershaw and Front 81 Streets. This Store is considered a first rate .w stand, und will be rented on Iilvernl terms. A. P. LA COST E. 81 August 2, 1842. 38 tf (^ SUGAR and TEA. ~ i G DOUBLE and Single loaf Sugar, Crushed Su jj gar, and best Hyson Tea, in Caddies, or by tIv C pound, prime articles for family use. ; 'a For sale by , ^ A. P. LACOSTR. October 18, 1842. 19 jci ?? on COTTON GAGGING. an ROPE, TWINE?a pood Slock Of the above I oi: hand, and lor sale at the lowest market P.rice, by D. MALLOY. * Aug. 23rd 41 If J lai LEATHER and SHOE THREAD. & 95 SIDES, Sole leather, ?'! 104 Kip and Wax do. 120 lb. Shoe Thread, 1 Oi For sale low by 1 ,al A. P. LACOSTR. | October 18, 1842. 19 tf STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. ! In the Common JOHN JACKSON, Who is in the custody j )f the Sheriff el the District aforesaid, by vir- | qj ue of a Writ of Capias ad Respondendum, j jf it the suit of Peter L. Robeson, having prti- ! ' ioned the Honorable, the associate Judges of \ ^ he said Slate, that he may be admitted to the icnefit of the act of the General Assembly. L. nade for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, and ic having filed with his petition a schedule of 1 lis whole Estate real and Personal; It is or- np lered tbat the said Peter L. Robeson, and all ( there, to whom the said Petitioner is in any rise indebted, do personally, or by their attor- { ey, be and appear before the Honorable, the saociate iudircs of the State aforesaid, at a ! "ourt of Common Pleas to be holdcn at Chcs j w erfield Court [louse, on the third Monday in ! Jj larch iext, then and there to shew cause, if i nv they can, why the Estate and Effects of! he said Petitioner, should not be assigned, ? nd he discharged, pursuant to the provisions j f said act of the General Assembly, made nd provided fur the relief of Insolvent Debt- j ^ T. BRYAN, C. C. P. j Chesterfield Court House, ) 0 ._mfo \ hoi the 5th day of Nov. 1842. ? * j /or CHOICE BACON. rm HAMS. Shoulders, & Sides, W F# AF NF For calc by A. P. I.ACOSTE. w?,. u IfitO 1 if < il VI . II) IW ? ^ ? - SHERIFF SALES. ! rkN Wiilsof Fieri Facias will be sold bofore IW the Court House door on the first Monday ad day following in January next, within the j hours, the following property, viz : Two lots in PowcTown, known in the plan Fsaid Town by Nos. (74 and 75) seventy.four ud seventy-five, having eacli a front of one ' undred feet front on Powe Street by three uudred feet deep, at the suit of Jaa, W. Blakecy vs. J no. Dolcn. Two lots in tho Town of Chcraw, together ith Improvements thereon, known in the plan fsaid Town by Nos (49ll and 49'J) four bunred and ninety lias a front of one hundred and xty-eight feet on Green Street, by throe hun. ? i r ft.. i i : _: * .... i i.. . reu I'-ei ucep, lour uumircu ami nineiy-iwu uad front of two hundred and sixty-five feet on J iuger Street, l>y three hut ?'rcd feet deep at the tit of M. iMacLean, et at , vs. J. D. Piok.ird. One lot in the '1 own of Cheraw, together ith the improvements thereon, (formerly a |mrt f llie public square,) levied on and to be sold as le pro|?erty of Jamrs Jones, bounded on the orlh by Market (Street and uest by Huger tree! at the suit of James W. Blnkcney v*. jines Jones. Six lots in the Town of Chcraw, lovied on and > be so'd as 'ho property of Isaiah DuBose, r.own in the plan of said Town by Nos. (46, 7, 32. 33, 84, and 35,) forty-si* and forty scyen ro well improved lots and bounded on the north y Church Street, having eacli a front of one undred feet front on Church Street by threo undrcd feet deep; eighty.two, eighty-three, ighty-foui and eighty-five, ure hut little im- , roved and bounded on the south by Church treet, and west by Third Street, at the suit of mi) Lide ct al., vs. Isaiah Dubosc t nd K. C. hi Bose. Plight negroes, viz: William, Venus, Mnlissn, J lartha, Amntid, Ann, Mary, Edgar, levied on nd to he sold as the property of Luiah I hi Bose, J t the suit of Tho?. J. Parma lee, ct ah, vs. Isaiah hi Bose. One negro hoy (Legrnnd) levied on and to bo | dd as the properly of Isaiah Dubosc, at the suit f K. \V. Charles & Co. et ah, vs. Isaiah l>u | cse. Filly negroes, viz: Sharper, Fanny, Biuali, lose. Rachael, Lucy, Jim, Sapho, Dolly, Sandy, j losetta, Milly, Giacc, Che, A'lieri, Alice, Li ?i- Svtvin. rnK-in. Jnr. Wilhs. Mittda. Abbv. oston, Frank, Juno, Ben, Bcckncy, Charlotte, i hristopbei, Gate, Caroline, Sum, Robert, Mary, ; line, Sandy, Stephen, Jesre, Jesse, Arehrr, j arah, William, John, Daniel, Sam, Eliza, ; Urn, Clara and Ccok, at iho suit of Coo. \\. argan ct al., vs. Ua'uh DuBosc and K. C. Dj to- e. All of Andrew Cluih'.s inter- .-t in a lot in the 1 'own of Cheraw. known in the plan of said 'own by No. (2-18,) Two tin mired and forty, iglil, on Front Street, being the one half of lid iot nnd the improvements thereon, nt the lit of E Mutiny, for Geo. Durcn. vs. Jno. E. id wards, A. Clark, and Jos. ilervry. 300 Acrc6 of land, more or less, levied on and ' > be sold ns the property of Philip Hancock, )cc'd., bounded south and west by Willis Man. ock's land, north by Isaac Timnmns's land, and last by lauds belonging to the Estate of Kieli. rd Allen, at the suit of Turner Bryan, Ord'y. D., vs. A. M. Lowry, adinr. of Philip Han ock. 13?.'0 Acres of html, more or less, whereon olin Copt-land resides, lying on both sides of )cep Creek, bounded north and east by Willis i Jancock's land, west by lands owned by Alston I lassey, iWutli. Rtishiu and N. Gibson, and south y the Estate of Win. Hancock's land, at the j uit of Turner Brian, Ord'y. C. D , vs. Geo. W. rleador and John Copi-laiid. 300 Acres of land, more or less, wliereon 1 larshall F.vans resides boundt-d East by Abso. I >ni Dres'a land, south by Calvin Kollins's land, i orth by John's land, at the suit of olin C. Manguin et al., vs. Marshall Evans and oli n Evans. Three head of Horses levied on as the proper.. r of Evan Threat at the suit of Cibnoit Alan* nm for John C. Maugum, vs. Evan I'brcataud aim Ro' inson. A small lot of corn and three stacks of fodder vied on as the property of John Jackson at the lit. of Snm'l. Tiinmons, vs. John Jackson. 2G1 Acres of land, more or less, on little Black reck, whereon the Defendant resides, wi h a n\v and Grist Mill thereon, adjoining the lands f Abner Jordan, ct al., at the suit of Fletcher lungtint, vs. James Joplin 372 Aercs of land, more or less, whereon D. .. M'Eachcrn r? sides, on tho north east of lack Creek, and the upper Beaver dam Creek, aters ot Black, being part of a tract of land riginaily granted to Thomas Doorman at the lit of Ranald McDonald, vs. ]). A. McEach. rn900 Acres of land, more or less, on Thonipm's CfecK, S ndy Run and Cos way Branch, atcrs of Thompson's Crei.-k. being a tract of nd originally granted to Guthridge Lyons at the lit of A. P. LaCoMe and A. M. Mclvcr Inirsers, vs. J. J. Gallagher and the same. vs. R. haw. and W. G. Fcagin, Indor&crs of J. J. ul lagher. 170 Acres of land, more or h ?.c, whereon the i-fondant re? ides, on the wafers of Thompson's reek, bounded north and west by David John's nd, south and east by R. L. Edgworth's land, the suit of Guthings k Covington, vs. Akx icrs. ( 360 Acres of land, morn or less, on Clay icck, bounded on the north by tho Statn line, | i the east by lands owned by Elisha Home j id Joel Brewer, and west hy William Carter's ;, nd, at the suit of Gibson Mangum, vs. James ( Home, ( All of Defendant's Interest in 100 Acres of nd on Jcnning'.* Biaiicb. waters of Deep 'eek, boundo.1 East by lands belonging to the state of Math. .Self rs, north by X. N Gibson's | id, at the suit of .Peter L. Robeson, vs. Joseph llers. One Gray Mare, at the suit of Turner Bryan, ( d'ry., vs. Geo. W. Mcador and Jolin Cope. id. Terms?Cash?Purchasers to pay for nrcesry papers. JXO. EVANS, Sl.'ff. C. D. 1 Sh'ff's Office, ) . 3 Dee. II), 1542. \ dt SHERIFF'S ELECTION. V ELECTION for Sheriff of Chesterfield strict will be held at the several places o ?ction on the second Monday in January ( xt, to fill the vacancy of the present incera- , nt whose term of offico expires on the 19th 1 < y of May next. The polls will be opened I o days at the Court House, and one day at ! ch other place of election. The managers j meet at the Court House the Wednesday j xt after the election, count the votes, and :lare the election. i T. BRYAN, C. C. P. i November loth, 1842. 2 7t ( GROCERIES. [ \ ntr.rn ami lor sale, a woo l snpolv of Sail. I a Sugar, Cotfou and Molasso, by i D. MALLOY. Aug. 23rd 41 if f ? t SHERIFF'S ELECTION. Election for Sheriff for Chesterfield Dis:i will be held in the Town ilall of Chora w the second Monday (9th) of January 1843. ie Polls will be opened during the legal jrs, and the election conducted the same as 1 members to the Legislature. ? T. A. BRYAN, * J. A. MOORE, W. II. WING ATE. ( Managers. Cheraw, Nov. *33, 181J. 3 if HOLIDAY GIFT FOR 1841 * A. 3HX6F.TLfi.XT'B BTkBMEWW 2?? &S? FAMILY. Tiic mn*t Splendidly Illustrated and Cheapest Work on ihe American Continent; CONTAIXIKO MORE THAN FIVE HUKDKED ENGRAVINGS Entirely A'ew and Original, Designed and Ex. mrt lI.U I.? .1 - - 4-.- -4 ? ? ? ??? ?/y ine tnuai umiarru jiruns oj England and America.? Cott of Preparing the Work, $6001).?PRICE, 2,50. BIBLE BIOGRAPHY, Or, THE LIVES AJYD CHAILiCTERS OF THE PRINCIPAL PERSONAOES Recorded in the Sacred Writings, practically adapted to the Instruction of Youth and Private Families ; together with an Appendix, containing Thirty Dissertations on the Evidences of Divine Revelation, from Timpson's Key to the Bible; being a complete Summary of Biblical Knowledge, curejully condensed and compiled from Scott, Doddridge, Gill. Patiick, Adam Claike, Pool, Lotcih, Home, Wall, Stotce, Ro~ binson, and other Eminent Writers on iht Scrip tares.?Robert Sears, Editor.?Embellished with several hundred Engravings on Wood, illustra tive of Scripture Scenes, Manners, Customs, The demand for this work is unprecedented, and orders are pouring in from all paits of lha United States. It is called "A I'iiiistiam Fatiier's Present to iiis Family," and has recriv. cd the unqualified recommendation of all tho loading pa|?ers, both political and religious. No incrc advertisement, however, can give the reader any idea of its beauty and value?it must be seen to be admired, and read to Iw duly appreciated. The annexed extract* from the 4* Opinions of the Public Press" will tuti>fy all of the iutriu tic excellence of this Sflekdid Gem is Mohcrn Literati ri.?the like of which has never appear cd in this or any other oountry. A careful perusal of the following "Recommendations" will justify usi n making use of such strong Ianguago iti favor of so useful u tvoik ; "A work of great attraction and value. Tlii? volume must find a welcome at every fireside throughout the country: its con cuts are as interesting ns iln-y are important and iustiuctive; and the judicious ami talented author has here m contrived to present us with one ofllie most at- " tractive, and at the same time useful books, that hive appeared this side of the Atlantic. Wo trust the public will reward its enterprising publisher."?I*. Jjittjary Advert iter, for June, 1342. " This volume, we sh< old say, well deserves tn 1m? r "grt'di d as tiic Ctiriotiaii Father's present to hi? lumily.' Severd hundred veiy go**, wood engravings cnliveu its narratives, and it ustruto its solemn truths t<? the understanding and fi*|. iugs of the young; and from die numerous Usft. monies which accompany the rol*idt, we should say, it may safely lie surrendered to (heir hands/' ?. Magnolia. This work is an attractive one, not only for the very numerous neat embellishments which jKTvade it, but from the interesting and useful mnCer w hich it coiiipi is<-9. This work is in targe octavo, highly decorated, and handsomely Ixmnd, and will no doubt meet with a popular demand." ? Chris, Intelligencer. 44 The engraving*, frun new and original do. signs, are well executed. The design of lho woik is cvcelh'tit; and wc cheerfully roc? ininend it to the riotico of our readers.*'?A'eic World. 44 This is a very valuable, cheap and convenient hook. The public w ill soon find it one of ihc book* they mnet hare. May the | ub'ishrr supply the land with many leu thousand*/'?A. V. Tribune. 44 This is the name of a vs'ual le wcrk just published in lho city of New York. It is tn??t justly called 4 a christian rxniEa's tseient to ins family.' The live hundred engravings are executed by tho first American Artists, after pictures of the most ct lebrated Painters. If this work incc'is with n circulation commensurate with its merits, it will be found in every dwelling in the Union."?Button Timet. 4' This is ono of thu most finely illustrated and beautifully on.aim nlcd \o!i ? \et issued from the press. 'J he typography is clear and plain, the pa| croud binding handsome, while the golden figures give it a r.cli and tastyiul ry. puarancc. 'J he literary peition of the work is ..-..II u-.iltnn n i .1 ll... u I...L K'ill. U.?A. ral hundred new and elegant engravings. Mr, Scars has made a popular ho- k?coiili rred A great favor upon the young, and indeed merits the pat rentage and thanks ol all classes."? Boston ^ American Ti art Her. m We cheerfully commend tho book to tins readers of the Advocate, as a work of much uier. it, furnished at a very cheap rale.*'?Baptist Advocate, " Altogether it is one of the most elegant woiks of the season, and must prove * he most bm-IiiI ever issued It out the American press,"?Bvstvn Transcript. " We c.?rdiilly recommend this excellent book." ?Boston Daily Mail. / 4 We cliecrfully recommend it to the notice of every Christian par?nt, as * beautiful gift to present to his family."?Bust on .Mercantile Jourrial. * An elegant work of fire hundred pages, ai d containing about fivo i.uudnd engravings. The contents of the volume appear to be touud, judicious and interesting."?Boston Daily Bee, Per.-ons in tho country would do well to pro* cure a subscription book, and obtain at once the names of all their friends and acquaintances, at cast, as HiWcrihcra to this invaluable literary join. Will each agent or friend who complies with this requist, have the kindness to inform :hc publisher how many copies w ill bo wanted for his neighhoihood by mail (post paid), as soon is posfible ? It is his intention to spare neither ^ains nor expense to introduce this entirely hew inu original volume iutoevcry family throughout Jie Union. Agents?responsible men?wanted in overy inwu and vi.lage throughout tho United Stater. Address the subaciilirr, j>ost paid, without which 10 letter will Is; taken fioin the office. ]|< >11KRT SRARS, Publisher. I*d2 Nassau-street, New-York. The al>ovo work will i?c found one of tl?e roejt JbcTuI and popular work* ever published, for tin.erpri*ing men to undcrtako the u.'e of iu aJI )ur piincipal cities and town*. A I Poslm-istcr* nro requested to actasag+nt*. To Pu blither* of Paper* throughout the United State*, and Briti*h North America. New?pn|?cr* or Magazine*, copying the ibovc entire without any alteration or aLruiucncnt (including tiii* notic*-), and givirg it tuelra nertion*, wh>11 receive a copy of the work, subject to their order), by sending direct to the jublishcr. Will proprietor* ot newspaper* inouglioul the country, when it is convenient, ict a* Agents, and receive sulwciiptions ? The uoet liberal per ccnlage given. Agents wanted throughout the Sontlrcm State* or llio sale of the Ihhlc Biography. Address he subscriber, post paid. SILAS HOWE, 52 Broad-street, Charleston, S. C. Octolier. 1812. 2 121 N QZXGE C THE Subscriber hae in operation a Wool Ncker and Finishing Card fur making roll#. Wool should be free from trash, washed, and t ell greased. IT/' Wool roily can be had at the mill for ? a v rr nvt.Y. ANGUS M'LEAN. Cow per Hill P. O., Robeson Co., N.C. o