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? *y? and Lexington. j c Sixth District.?Charleston, inclusive, and St. , John's. Colleton. |'' Seventh District.?Orangeburg, Barnwell, Beau- ? tort, Colleton, and the Paris!) of St. Johns' C olle- o ton. ^ Never lias a more atrocious mutiny than the one . narrated in the following extracts been brought to 1 j el light in time to avert its direlul consequences, and { to crush it by prompt and vigorous action ; and i never, perhaps, since the days of the Buccaneers . has such a bloody scheme of indiscriminate and j ^ wholesale murder been devised and matured. The . timely development of this horrible plan of outrage 1, upon humanity was inost providential: had it been j ^ permitted to take eftcct, what disgrace must have ^ ensued tothcAnicr.can flag. and what incalculable s .miseries to thousands of innocent individuals tra- ! f versing that 4'great high-way of nations"?the i a ocean ! The prompt and summary execution of t the ringleaders was doubtless the only means of ar- j a resting the progress of the conspiracy, as any at- a tempt to bring them home, merely for the purpose x of going through the form of a trial, must have been attended with fearful risk to the vessel and s ali on board who remained faithful lo the honor j of their country's flag. Lieut. Mackenzie is gc- j j nerally characterized as a humane and exemplary r officer, and is well known to the literary world as j the author of a 44 Year in Spain." j, From the N. Y. Evening Post. t MlTIXY AND PlMSIIMENT BY DkaTII ON j the United .States Man-of-Wak j Wednesday the United States brig Somers, comm inded by Lieutenant S.'idell .Mackenzie, arrived jj at tills port Some obscure rumors of a mutiny ^ on board of this vessel, of the punishment of the c principal mutineers, by immediate execution, and s of a considerable number of her crew being brought i { home in irons, begun immediately to circulate.? c These rumors have now assumed the shape of cer. I j. taiu information and disclose a murderous conspi- ! . * . i racy oil the part of some ot t.'ie suson-maic 0:11- ; ^ com anil the crow, t!u: detection of w-rich, was ! j followed by hanging three ol' the ..njwaders at the yard-arm. { j On the lltli of November, the Som-rs saiicd j a from Liberia, and on the voyage touched, in or- 11 dcrtotakc in water, at St. Thomas, which she ^ left 011 the 5th of December, iler employment on j j( tbc African coast, had been to protect the Ameri- | ,, can merchant vessels from detention by British j c cruisers. She carries ten guns, and liad on board J ) at>out a hundred persons, of whom a considerable s; number were apprentice boys. u It appears th it, before leaving the African a coast, a conspiracy had been formed among the jj crew t?o take possession of the vess I, an J turn her i j ioto a pirate shin. It was agreed that nothing ; c should be done until the Somen* had taken in wa- j ^ ter ut St. Thomas, ami that, when the vessel was ! , again at sea, the mutineers should rise and kill j (j the captain, the principal officers, ami ail who . were not in the conspiracy, except the surgeon.? J j After this, they wove to proceed towards the har- ' t. bor of New Vork, capture some of the packets j ,j bound to that port, which it was supposed would j have sj?ccic on board, ami after plundering them, : jj and murdering every p rson o:i board, to prevent j (j their doings fro n being publislied, wail in the i Somers, which is one of the swiftest vessels in our i ^ fcjrvico, for some distant sea. a1 The fo! owing details respecting the discovery (; of the mutiny arc from the Courier ?.J- E..<ju:rcr, \ y and appear to have been derived from an nut ben- ; ^ tic WJUICV . ( 44 A day or two previous to Dec. 1st, and when lj,r the vessel was within about .> or G'JJ tuiles of St. 1 p, Thomas, Midshipman Spencer hinted a pari, of ^ his plans to Mr. Wales, the purser's steward, who jj alFe "t'.'d a hearty co operation, took an oath of so secrecy, A. which Spencer administered to l.i.n, ;i; when he w is made more fully acqu unied with | j; the plan of the mutineers. 44 They had arranged to raise a scuffle on the forecastle some night after leaving St. Thomas, ;1! while the deck was in charge of Midshipman j lingers. a nephew of the late Com. John leaders;; ; y, and when the men engaged in it would of course tj be ordered aft to account lbr the cause of the (its. i 0i turbancc, and Mr. Rogers was thus engaged, tlicy were to seize, gag and throw him overboard, with , jj, as little noise as [?ossibla. Spencer wis then to i ]j cuter the cabin and kill ('apt. Mackenzie; and | sothers were appointed to be stationed at the main i a| hatch, through which the crew must pass to get ^ on deck, and at the steerage hatch, through which j (j all the officers except the captain mu.->t p uss. All y the officers, except the surgeon were to be mur. j dercd an J thrown ovcrlmrd; and the crew, who u were below, were to be mustered on deck. The ! 0] two after guns were to be jK>iutid forward, to so- ! ff cure the mutineers from an attack, and such of ' sj the crew as had not yet joined, but who then chose u to come in with them, wok to be admitted, while j u the otliers were to be thrown overboard. j, 44 They were then to get out all the boats and lighten the vessel; after which they were to make fl for the Isle of Pines, where they were to meet a ? confederate. They were then to cruise in search C! of merchant vessels trading between this port arid Europe, which, after being plundered, and the u males on board killed, were to be indiscriminately t( sunk; and if there chanced to be any females, ] they were to be taken on board the Soincrs, viola-1 |, ted, and retained so long as the pirates might dc- [ sire, when they also wore to "oe committed to the ; u deep! The arrangements for the division of the (j, the allotment of the femalis, the various : (j offices 0:1 board, &.c. were all completed, and w drawn up in detail, in Spencer's hand-writing, and j j,he assured .Air. Wales that he bad twenty of the j 0 crew with him sure. j c 44 From the moment Spencer made the a!?ovo , circumstances known to -Mr. Wales, he was J j, watched with argus ryes by Samuc. Cromwell, 0 boatsw ain's mate, and Eiisha Small, seamen, who ? were the principal ringleaders with Sp- ncer, and 0 who threatened to throw him overboard, the mo- ,r j *3 incnt they saw the least signs of defection in him, c or had the least cause to suspect that he had made, j p ^ or intended to make, any disclosure to any per- s son. | tl " Mr. Wales, not daring to communicate with f( C'apt. .Mackenzie, made all the circumstances, us J c detailed by Midshipman Spencer, known to the J c purser, who promptly conveyed the intelligence | to ('apt. Mackenzie, when measures were irnme. j ;; diately taken to ascertain the truth of the ease.? f Spencer's papers were thereupon examined, and ; j all the details of their plans, as narrated by Wales, t were fully conlirmed. Spencer, Cromwell and ! Small were then secured, and ell hands being v mustered on deck, Capt. Mackenzie addressed a them on the subject of the proposed mutiny, ap. J 'j prising them that all the pi ins of the mutineers h id j v been discovered tud frustrated. \T.v?inyth*ni p ,f the co::? qucncc of any similar attempt. "Captain .Mackenzie then addressed a circular ctter to each of the oiiieers on board the vessel, xcept the acting midshipmen, requesting their pmion as to the course of conduct which should >e pursued toward Spencer, and the two men who tad been arrested with him. Each one returned n answer that they deserved immediate death, nd Captain Mackenzie's opinion coinciding with hat of his olliecrs, it was determined to carry the nmishmcnt into immediate execution. All hands vcre accordingly called to witness the punisliment. A'hips were rove into each end of the fore yard inn, and one on the inner part of the yard. The trisoners were then brought on deck and informed >f the punishment about to be executed upon hem. Small at once fully confessed his fault, uid asked most penitently the forgiveness of his :o.mnandcr and the otficcrs, which was at once iccordcd by them. He then obtained permission o address the crew, which he did, warning them iorainst permitting themselves ever to be seduced is he had been into the committal of the crime for vhich he was about to suffer death. 44 Spencer asked a respite of 10 minutes for himelf and companions in guilt, that they might piv>arc to die. This was granted, and he was asked f he wished to write to his father or mother, but he cplicd that he did not. lie acknowledged his ruilt and tiic justice of his punishment, and renarked that he would rather meet such a death here (at sea,) than to be subjected to the infamy of exposure on shore. The ten minutes asked for y Spe ncer were extended to upward of one hour, icarly the whole of which time was employed by lim in endeavoringtoobtain forgivcnncssof Small, or having seduced him into the committal of a rime which he was scpn to expiate with his life. Jmall withheld his forgiveness for a length of ime; but at last in reply to Spencer's oft-reiteratd request of44 Do forgive me, Small,*' he said that c fully pardoned him. 4 Every tiling being in readiness the noose was laced the neck of each of the culprits, and lie officers were stationed about the decks to see every man had both hands on the ropes.? Ibt.ut 1 o'clock, p-ou time,) on the Ist Dee., the igual was given by firing a gun to leeward, and he guilty men were run up. 44After hanging about an hour, the bodies were nvcred down and delivered to their several mess, latcs to be laid out and sewed up ; and in the veiling they were committed to the deep, C'apt. lackenzie reading the service usual on the occaion of burials at sej. Small's last words wore to j ivoke a b!es-i ig on the American flag, and to sk forgiveness for having so dishonored it; but ic othcis died without any marks of penitence, j tiuucdiutely after the execution, all hands were ailed to cheer ship, and three hearty cheers were iven for the Am flag, which was then wavig at the gaff, after which all hands were piped own and the usual duties of the ship were resumed. 4' Four of the men, who appeared to be most dcep' implicated, were placed in irons immediately pan the discovery of the projected mutiny; bat ic others suspected to be concerned, were permit id to go to duty until they reached t!i s port, when icy were also ironed and sent o:i board the North arolina. 44 The following arc the names of the men and ays now confined on board the receiving ship, j id awaiting the action of the Navy Department, buries A. Wilson, sail-maker's mate. Daniel I'lvinloy, landsman. I>cnj. F. Green, ordinary ainan, (apprentice.) Alex. M'Koe, 2d class ap#enticc. Geo. W. Warner, ordinary seaman, (apenticc.) Charles G. Goldcrnnn, landsman, apcntice. Eugene Sullivan, 1st class apprentice, eo. KncavaJi, landsman, apprentice, liichard amilton, 1st class apprentice. Charles Van Vclr. ordinarv sea nun, 'apprentice.) Henry Walt lm, (muiui: >,) wardru 211 steward. Henry (Jalx, (mulatto) Peerage (00k. "These are unquestionably the material facts at;i ling this attempt to seize upon :t national ship, ul convert Iter into a pirate, and the consequent ompt and just punishment of titc ringleaders.? "h it adds greatly to the disgraceful character of lis dangerousan.l daring attempt, is the fact, that ir of the ojfircio of the ship devised and was at ic head of the projected mutiny; and when we rar in mind 111 it Spencer informed Wales that c had a confederate at the Isle of Pine*, where the omers had not been, and that his chief confedcr. les, Cromwell and Small, shipped 0:1 l>oard after j>cnccr had joined, there can lie 110 reasonable oubt that the mutiny was arranged in this port Uiat confirms this supposition is the fact now as. ertaiucJ, that Spencer declare J before his departre, that lie would never return to this city, and 11 the passage out assumed to be able to tell men's > tunes, and assured his fellow-midshipmen in the eerage that they had not long to live ; words diicb at the time were treated as badinage, but 'Iiich were doubtless bused upon a knowledge ofj is dt s;>eratc schemes. "All the petty officer; who rcr.ninc 1 true to their ag, have behaved in the most exemplary m -.tier ; and the sergeant of hi irincs, whose name has scaped us, left the sick report on the day the iiiuny was discovered, and performed his duty daily ntil his arrival in port, when he was conveyed ) the hospital seriously and dangerously ill. " Of t!ic cotiduct of Cupt. ."Mackenzie and his rotlicr officers, there can be but one opinion.? <ikc all who enter the naval service, they arc well ; ware that their profession necessarily subjects j icni to be placed in positions far more trying ihan ! ;c hurra and excitement of battle; and theirs as a position the most trying to high-minded, 1 aliant, and merciful men. They were culled up. n to assume the most awful responsibility that an devolve upon man ; and they proved them- ( :lves equal to the emergency in which the}* were heed. There were but two commissioned officers :i board, and the law requires five to constitute a * ..a .1 T* l\AAf>mA /Int tf tlwiPnfnrn I n COiin ill 'ill. i i, i-ioaim. I,iw .jui^ uibiviu.u f commander to decide upon the fate of the uiltv wretches; and although he had a right to all upon his brother officers for their opinions, yet : devolved upon him to act. His was the rcsponibility; and in the full view of his duty as an of. iccr, a man, and a Christian, ('apt. Mackenzie earless ly and faithfully discharged what he deem, d his duty to his government, to those under his oinmand. and to the maritime world. "(-apt. M'K., accompanied by all his officers nd crew, attended Divine service yesterday at Irooklvn, to return thanks to an all-wise Provicncc for their escape froni the dangers to which hey had been exposed. " P. S. The mutiny, we believe, was discovred to ('apt. Mackenzie on the 19th of November, rid the cu'pnts executed ou the 1st ucccmacr. ['his sisd alternative, we have reason to stip|?ose, i-as expedited by a movement amonj the disal;cci'I ? i.'i'.di looked like an attvmot at resen*.-." I II is yt.tted Midshipman Perry was sent; l to Washington a* the bearer of iie.-.put.;iies to the | ' Navy Department, soon after the .1.1. val of the | j Somers, and that meanwhile the crew of the brig I were prohibited all intercoufte with tlie shore.? Oilicial accounts of the affair will probably soon be made public. Since the publication of the foregoing statements j a communication lias appeared in the Madixonian, j j signed 44 S," which will be readily regarded as \ emanating from the Secretary of War. It boldj ly denounces the infliction of the summary pun; ishment as an act ot injustiJiable cruelty, and as ! having proceeded from a degree of alarm unwarranted by the circumstances of the ease. Though our previous extracts have been so long, it is but fair that the vindicators and friends of the culprits ! should be heard, and therefore, we extract the following from the communication :? I I 44 An awful responsibility rests on those officers, I , and above all on their commander. Without the ) least desire to render that responsibility more lm | : ardotis than it now is, it is still deemed an act of I simple and bare justice to the memory of the si tin, to say that an examination of the papers transmittcd by Commander .Mackenzie show these facts: 441st. That Acting Midshipman Spencer, was put in double irons on the 2otu of November, and the Boatswain s mate, Samuel Cromwell, and seaman Elisha Small on the day following, on a I charge of intended mutiny. 442d. TMt no disorder of a mutinous character j appeared among the crew for the four succeeding J days that the vessel was going with good breezes and in good weather towards the island of St. j Thomas, where she actually arrived and took in | supplies on some day between the 1st and 5th of t - k X/UCliiJIAi "3J. That, on the 30th of November, the cpin, ion of the oftlcoj'J was required by Commander j Mackenzie as to tiic disposuipn of t,n? prisoners t I that they appear to have examined thirteen sea- j men as witnesses to prove the alleged mutiny, (and | who arc therefore supposed' nnoccnt of any purtiei- j pation in it,) which examination was had, so far | as the papers show, m the ahsence of the prisoners, J and without giving them any opportunity to cross- j examine the witnesses or to make any cxplana. j lions or defence, or to procure any testimony in . their own behalf. These officers, without even the form of a court, without the obligation of an oath, and upon this ex parte secret information, united in the opinion that the safety of the vessel required that tho prisoners should be put to death! How far ibis recommendation was influenced by the acts or the fears of .Mr. Mackenzie docs not appear. " 4th. That on the 1st of December, when every tiling add person on board the vessel were perfectly quiet after four dajs of entire security, the three persons were, by the order of Mackenzie hung at the yard-arm at mid-day. "The allegation, in some of the papers, that it was proved to have b?en the intention of the inu- j lincers to execute their project on arriving at St.' Thomas, is wholly destitute of any evidence. And had it l.Jen their design, it was effectually frustrated so as these prisoners were concerned, by their confinement. At St. Thomas, any of them .might have been left, and thcjiowcrof the officers of the vessel strengthened to any cxteut that was necessary. " The onlv account we have given by Spcnctr himself, is, that it was all a juke. If it shall appear to have been the more romance of a heedless boy amusing himself, it is true, in a dangerous manner, but still devoid of such inu.dcrous designs as are imputed, and if the execution of him and two seamen, (against one of whom, at least, there is not yet a particle of cvid(ncc) should prove to have been the result of unmanly fear or of a despotic temper, and wholly unnecessary at the time to repressor prevent a mutiny?if aii tins rati appear, it cannot bo doubted that Ine laws will be vindicated." A DDtTIONA T. P.vaTICl'LAItS. From the N. Y. ('j/n. Advertiser. Spencer, when told that he must die, at first gave no sign of yielding, but after a time his firmness gave way and he made a full concession of li s guilt, acknowledging the justice of his doom. From his own confession it was ascertained that, while on board the John Adams, on the coast of Brazil, and subsequently when sent home, on board the frigate Potomac, he had entertained in both vessels a determination to excite a mutiny, for the purpose of turning pirate. The plan on ' board the Somers was originated and had made some progress before leaving the harbor of New York. It is said that Spencer asked lo be permitted to fire the gun, which was the signal for execution? ! but when the trying moment, another was obliged to fire the gun. j ..n,;n?..Ciu.r<i>!ni!,in his hern called forth | 1UUUU a;iAIVUi* o|A.\/UH??iv. l>y the allegation, said to have been m:id< In .Spencer, that lie had a confederate at the is!. <.i Pines. A writer in the sun conjectures that the confederate is to be looked for in the Texan war-1 schooner San Antonio, which lias bc-n missing I since sonic time in October; but of this there is lit tic probability. The astounding devclopmentof this mutiny gives importance to an incident which, at the time, we did not think worth mentioning. Some two or j three weeks ago, just as our paper was going to press, two persons, having the appearance of military men, came into the publication office and inquired whether we had received any account of the loss of the Somers; saying that they had 1 heard such a rcjwrt at the barge office, whither it J had come from the Custom Iiouse. We immediately sent a messenger to the Cus; toin Iiouse and to other quarters in which such j information might be loo' cd for, if true, but we i could not learn that the report had been received, or even heard of. By the following paragraph I from the Albany Journal it sceins that the rumor I was heard of tnire also : j " About two weeks since the rumor was rife in j this city that the U. S. brig Somers had foundered ! at sea, and that all on board were lost. This rui inor was based upon a letter received in New York j by a merchant vessel from St. Thomas, in which I it was mentioned that the Somers had been caught in a tremendous gale and had suffered so much ; that she was hourly expected to go to the bottom. It is now believed that the letter in question was j i written by one of the mutineers on board the j Joiners, in anticipation of the success of their plot, ariil with a view of accounting for the ex! pectcci " disappearance" of the bri^." j Fm oration to Florida.?The St. Augustine j Herald of the *>!!: inst. savs; " The tide lias, we i tiiirjk, fairly * t in. The itvubus under which we | have o) lo:: ,r !*.:>?.re.I is fust disapp trin^f. f/ist j week u p-wty from Houston count e, ten in num. l;cr, passed through this city on their way to explore the country in the neighborhood of Indian River, and select suitable sites for settlements.? On Friday last another party followed, who bring ( intelligence of others who arc on the route." LEi'TKR FROM COLONEL BENTON*. Washington City, Dee. ii, 164:2. Messrs. Blair & Rives,?A movement of some of my friends in Missouri, which was intended as a mere compliment to me, anJ a mere expression of their individual opinions, has brought u|>on me a j great deal of trouble, in the shape of a cloud of I letters from all parts of the Union, calling upon j me " to define my jtosition in relation to the next j I'residency." The number of these letters puts it j j out of my j>owcr to answer them ; and, not to an- j swer, might seem to admit tlie conclusions wiacn | they imply; and to make a definition of my posi- j [ tion, is a tiling tint I cannot do. I never change | my ;>o?.tion, and therefore never have to find it or ! d fine if. I leave it to my conduct io tel! what I am; and if is no} sufficient, I do not t:.c 'Jhc of phrases iiJp tnc matter. I : .. . political enigma, an i mod no soh.'ionr. on the presidential question* or any other. My conduct Ins shown me to be for Mr. Van Huron for the Presidency, and against myself for any place whatever, except the one I have ; and with this declaration I hope my correspondents, in all parts of the Union, will be satisfied, and will consider their inquiries fully answered. Yours, respectfully, THOMAS II. BENTON. Postage or following: just and sensible remarks on the present high rates of postage, are from the Oswego Palladium : "If the postage was reduced one half, we incline to believe the Post Office revenue would be a gainer. Under the present rates and the strong arguments for economy, now so impressively felt j correspondence is very much abridged, and c<erv means of ssvmg is re sor led to. No man in these days leaves a v.'fstcrn vclage for j New York or Albany, without carrying h?m j a respectable mail bag. If the postage (<3 tiljse i cities from Buffalo, was only about six cents? which is enough?we believe the Post Office revenue would not be diminished and individuals much less incommoded. The present Postmaster (ioneral is disposed to execute the laws and rcgu lations rigidly. lie is right. It is his duty to have the laws executed, and they should he executed or repealed. We always prefer to have had laws rigorously executed. They arc more likely j sooner to be removed from the statute book. It ! is said that improper means are resorted to, to vadc the Post Otfice laws? that hints arc given through newspapers, and double letters made to look as modest and single as the demurest spinster. This shews the public thinks itself imposed upon by the pesent laws, and that these laws have corrup'ing influences. People who make use of the | post office establishment upon other terms than the j government agrees for, arc smugglers on a small j scale. As great oaks from little acorn3 grow?so j do great rogues fiom little ones. It is immoral in j the government to have laws, which disjiose peo- j pie (in'the main honest) to cheat. Latest from Laglyra?We learn from Cap- j tain Peddle, of the brig Ann Eliza L., from La- ' guvra, reported under our marine head, that mar- I kcts were dull for American produce when he left there. Captain P. also informs us that the brig Carracas. Wheeler, of Philadelphia, chartered by the authorities of that place, sailed thence on the 13th November last, in company with four men-of-war, for Santa V :. ha, 'or the purpo-o of receiving on board "and conveying to Laguym, f?>r interment, ! the remains of the late P-fsi -ent Bolivar. Norfolk Hereon, Dee. 12. Revolution is Peru.?We have received, from an authentic source, the following particulars respecting the revolution in Peru, which took place in August last: General Toirieo, supported by the military, deposed President Menc-ndez, and took j?ossession of< tnc Government, styling himself " Chief of the Nation." This act o'" vicdencc was consummated very quickly and quietly. There was no bloodshed, no tumult, no resistance. Two or three persons were arrested, but they were soon rolcased, i and there have not been any expulsions, which is | miIilp ovtmnnliniirv. So far. Torrico has aston- | islied every body by his moderation. He has gone j to the South with hi.-: army to put down General i Vidal, who lias also proclaimed himself "Supreme ' Chief" at Cuzco. La Fuentc seems to have been set aside by the southern army. The Government at Lima is, at present, composed of a Provisional , Executive and Minir*er General.?Mndisoi.ian. LME AMD IM roar A NT FROM YUCATAN. The Spanish brig Tou.:nic, Capt. Barrera, sa^s the A. O. Lire of the titii mst., arrived in our port ; yesterday morning, tjavmg left Cuuipcachy on the 24th ult., destined for Havana.?The day that the Tonante left, the combined land and naval forces of the Mexicans had made a desperate attack on : the heights surrounding Campcachy. The city is j situated in a valley environed and overlooked by a number of hills. The occupation of these heights is of vast importance, as tlicy command the town, j They were consequently strongly fortified and \ garrisoned by Yucatan troops. Such, however, | was the impetuosity of the Mexicans, that after a ; prolonged and gallant resistance, they drove the Yucutan forces from the hills and entrenched I themselves upon them. They have thus secured j advantages of great moment, which if properly 1 -I? < I,Am muslin nf thfi town.? I purMilu limy ivhuui iitvui Our informant states that the Yucatan est; fought . with great courage, retiring slowly and disputing ; every inch of ground, and that they appear to be i in no wise discouraged by this untimely reverse. If we may form an opinion of the enthusiasm and fidelity of the Yucatanese in the cause of independence from their voluntary contributions, we certainly conclude that Mexico stands but a poor chance of subduing these jreoplc. The papers arc absolutely crowded with notices of amounts of ' money and stores of provisions given in aid of Cam|?cachy by every citizen, The people of Yu. catan arc poor, and depressed by embarrassed commerce and pecuniary distress, but they do not hesitate to part with a |>ortion of their little all to assist their compatriots in driving the invaders from their soil. The trcops sent from Mcrida to Campcacby, were furnished along the road with Urge quantities of flour, corij, bread, 6lc., the wo- > men in particular providing for their comforts with all possible care. General Corv Right Law.?In the House jof Representatives, on Wednesday, .Mr. Kennedy ' tnovud that the memorial presented at the last ses-1 , sum by Washington Irving and others, on the ! 11 subject of u general copy right law, protecting the j property of ail authors, should again be referred j to the Committee on the Judiciary. This wasj;, done. Mr. Cushing ollcrcd an amendment, s which was adopted, instructing the Committee' h to inquire into the expediency of amending gen?rally the existing copy right law. The booksellers, who have hitherto flourished s by the republicatipn of other men's works, for i which they paid ribthing, now find themselves,! \ much to their chagrin, undersold and supplanted \ by the newspaper publishers. This fins converted j them from enemies to friends of the extension of the copy right. What the authors, who have no great skill in managing, could not do, the booksellers who arc men of business, will probably cf" " * a. : 11 feet, and the change in the copy rigni law wui i now probably be made by Congress.?N. Y. Ev. j r? ??mm | I nc following is the arrangement of the Courts ^ LiW and E.jaity. on the Eastern Law Circuit and the Third E^u.ty Circuit, made by the act passed at the recent sca3.on of the Legislature of this State. Eastern CiRerrr. t Chesterfield?First Monday in March and Oct. 1 Marlborough?Second 44 " 44 ^ Marion?Third 44 44 44 * Horry?Fourth 44 44 44 \ Georgetown?First Monday after the fourth Mon- I djy in March and October. i Williamsburg?Second .Monday after the fourth 1 Monday in March and October. Darlington?Third Monday after the fourth Mon- j day in March and October. ^ Return day.?Fifteen days before the sitting of each Court. Third Equity Circuit. j Chcraw?Wednesday after the first Monday in | | February. j j Darlington?Second Monday in February. I Clarion?Third 44 44 \Yillia;n"'0'g?Friday after the third Monday in * February. I j Gcurgetgni?Fourth Monday in February* j 1 CHERAW PRICES CURRENT. December 27,1812. j Articles. j?kr | C. | ? C. j 5 Beef in market, lb 0 3? u 4 Bacon from wagons, lb 5 a 5.} I1 by retail, lb a 7 r Buttor lb 12$ a . 15 ^ Beeswax lb 22 a 25 c Bagging yard 20 a ?2 i >-?- Ih 10 a li?A "?A1U liU^V .? _ _ Coffee lb 12 j a 14 Oottox, lb 5j a ^ ( Corn, sc.irco bush 50 a til Flour, Country, brl 4 i 41 Feathers fin wug. none lb 3 '$ a 32 Foddor, IOOIhs 75 a 1 00 Glass, window 8x10, 50ft 3 25 a 3 3~A ., 10x12, 50ft 3 50 a 3 75 1 Hides, green lb 5 a c dry lb 10 a r Tron lOUlba 5 a 6 Indigo lb 1 a 2 50 Lime cask 4 a 4 50 Lard scarce lb 7 a s Loatlier, sole lb 22 a 2*. f Lead, bar ib 8 a 10 ? Logwood lb 10 a 15 i Molasses N. O. gal 35 a 40 , , gal 28 a 53 v Nails, cut, assorted Jb 7 a 8 j ?mr>pi iw i iaa?a?u.ww, THTP1 -j The River is navigable for Stenm Boats. d mt i_. ... 1 RIGHT ABOtT FACJE! J f HEREBY give notico, wilh great rcluc v tanco, that I shall not, after the first djy of ^ J iiiU'Ty i.ex:, open a single running aceount in ! ^ ir.y Books, lor any cf. sciiptiun of goods, except j for Bagging, K"|>e and Twine, and for these j articles 1 will ooly give a credit of GO to 00 | " lays. Merchants, and other citizens of the " town, who may he disposed to order goods from 14 iny Stores, are informed, that tacir orders will be c gratefully received, and piomp'.ly fi.led at low prices, upon the condition, that their b.l s may a be presented in ten days, for payment. This i o course 1 am compelled to take, to meet my own '1 engagements, and I hope will not give offence j o to any, for I find hv experience, that it is much f easier to s'dl goods, than toco'lect, and that accounts and notes bo they ever so good, will not pay the debts of my contracting. As I shall soil p goods for CASH, it is almost useless to say, that I shall se'l very Ciikap. ?? A. P. LaCOSTB. a Doc. 13th, 1812. 5 tf ,j CREDIT GIVEX FOR WOOD. 'Win THOSE Customers, who have paid me JL once a year for Wood, I tender my thanks, [ j, and shall uc grateful to rcccivo llicir orders, and j slu'll not trouhlo them hut once a year for a | sLtlieinciit. Those who are unwilling to settle j unco i year, or have not paid at all, ina?t excuse | . ti.e i:' I refuse to work for them. A. P. LaCOSTE. Dec. 13, 1642. 5 tf " * HAP.LBOP.O' A0AD3MY. j? THE Exercises of this Institution will he I j-( resumed ihe second Monday in January?C. I Minot Davey, A. B., Principal in the A/ale, I and Miss Jane Simpson, Principal in the Fp . | male Department. Mr. Davey is a graduate of the Univ'jrejty j of Vermont, from whose faculty he br'V.gsthc j highest testimonials. Asa scholar a- j toach. er, he maintains a high rank; and f ;n addition to the common English studies t teaches the i Latin, Greek and French Lap feruage9% Bookkeeping, Surveying, and the. ],lg|,er jy/athe_ , matics, and fits young tnp 4 for clatfS jn , College. Miss Simpson has ;t)rmerly taught with distinguished success. inthc Female Depart- , ment of this lnstitriti, n and ig t00 faforab, ! J known in this torjmunity to need enntmenda- I nation. In ad'.jtion to a thorough English j Lduc-tion, he c instruction embraces all the usenii and O'.nacncmtal branches taught in the 1 1 best Fenta e Seminaries. [ Hoard Xiiay be had in respcctab.'c families ai trom $'.j to per ir.cntli. The Trustees do not hesitate to say, that the high character of the Teacher?, the syrKm of instruction adopted, the health of our1 ^ village, and the low price of board, aftbrd fa? | . cuities for Education unsurpassed by any similar institution in tiie State. , R. 1). THOMAS, r Secretary. t Oenncttsville, S. C., Dec. 13, 1842.. v 7 6t I mm?turn* um * i 'wmmin mwm mmmmmmm NEGROES WANTED. ri I WANT to hire two strong, hearty negro a men, to work with my waggoners. Also, two ' p KnM honfls ?~ I 1 II A. P. LAC03TE. Dec. 27,1812. ' 11 tg?ma? EXECUTIVE DEPiRTJIEfT. TilC Legislature of South Carolina* Uavng at il? Iat?t session passed a BiJl authorizing he Governor and Commanderi/i-Chief to or-? [anizo Military Schools at the Arsenal umhia, and at the Citadel in Charleston* and iIko, to appoint a Board, to consist of tive per* ons, who together with the Adjutant and Inpecior General, shall constitute a Board of Iwitors ft<r the said Military Schools. In :nn.'ormity therewith, 1, J. II. Hammond, Juvcrnor and Commander-in Chief of the state of South Carolina, do hereby appoint James Jones, ). F. Jamison, } Daniel Wallace, and} a'. J. Ua.nna, | John H. Means, n constitute said Board of Visitors. Given under tny hand and the seal of tha State, at Columbia, the 2Ut December, one thousand ciffht hundred and forty two. and in the 07th year of our Independence. J ii. HAMMOND. AL I.aborije, Secretary of State. 7 2t HiJISTlIAS A\D ,\JEW lliitt'S PRESENT! TWELVE BSAITiri/L LIVE AJVD Mrxzotint Engravings far ?> I. TUB Subscriber has made a sefection frorrv he beautiful plates that have, from time t* iinc, adorned the LADY'S HOOK, and iound them in a pliable, emblematical cover, vhich forms a beautiful embellishment. Bach el i9 accompanied with a pattern of LACE} A'ORK, making, in all, 14 I'latcs; each 'late averaging from 7 inches in length to 5, n breadth. No more beautiful ornament to liecentrc Table can be imagined than this mautiful volume, and nothing can be pur. :hased for the coming holidays comparable o it in beauty and cheapness. Tiiey will bo. orwarded, unbound, foi Scrap Hook-*, at the tame price. " We hare just received a specimen cfthc )latcs in Gudcy's Lady's Hook, consisting of 2 splendid pictures, which cannot be rur* >asscd for the beauty of execution and novel* y oI design. This number is suld at one dol. *r, and besides the pictures has a pattern for inbro.dery which, according to our humble .. fIir niftidie work. We know jpimvii, ?o .. .? lie ladies would like lo have a peep at the )eautiful engravings which, as a centre tablo ,rnament arc of inestimable value." Chronicle, Hi. Clairsrillc, Ohio. "GoftBi'V laDYS Boo* ?We havers cived a pamphlet"ngraying. from the of. ire of the lid/s Book, ^ ?py icared in that work. These iti^rf!?oiWC?w int eat-ilv he exceeded by the art o. tnan.?? Send 81'to L. A. Godey, and pet thw inteo*' sting collection?addres* 101 Chesnut strdef? 'hiiudelphia."?Recoidert Zane:tillct Ohio. Single Copy, 81 00 Six Copies, 5 00 .Jan be sent by mail at a very trifling postage* o any part of the United States or Canada. Address I*. A. GODEV, Publisher's Hall, Philadelphia Any paper giving this two or threo inser-. ions, will be entitled to a copy. Pleaso scud; >n!v one paper, with Ibe advertisement narked. 7..~.3t* 11 ERAW ACADEMY. THE undersigned take great pleasure* ut innouncing to the citizens of Cheraw and the 'ublic generally, that they have scetifed for mother year, the services of Professor W*r . 3. WoRftiFto, and Mi** Maroarkt Com a. o lake charge of this Academy. To thoM vho have patronized the 3chool, during the ast year, it is unnecessary to say any thing a their recommendation; but we d?em it a uty to assure those who may desire to avail hemselves of the advantages of a first ralo chool, that these teachers have eminently jitUled the very high testimonials they brought .'fth them, as teachers. The undersigned olicve that, they hazard nothing in saying, hat'young Ladies may obtain as. good au duration m this institution, as at any Semi, ary in the Southern States. The Committee mule! also state, that the music department. i under the direction of Mrs. Hart, a lady iniuently qualified for the situation* Site U. n excellent performer on the Piano rbtc,;nd (Jnitar. and uossosses an admirable tact. f communicating instruct ion to her pupils, 'he exercises of the Academy will commence u the first Monday iu January. There are wo vacations during the year?the month of ept ember, and the last week in December. The following are the rates of tuition, (viz.), 'irst Division, Spelling and Reading, per quarter, , lecond Divisicn, The same, with mi mg and Arithmetic, "bird Division, the same studies with English Grammar and Composition, Geography with the use of the globes^ and His:ory, ^ 'ourth, the same studies, \v\th ar higher mathematics, N atur , ? M , Sctchcce, snciefct iv<at or 0 tog and Painting. 6 m 'or music on the' Pi,-For)ew Use of Ip itruir.eni, 1 (15 or Guitar, * The fb'.tion, i 4l a}) cases, to be paid in ad. a nee, 0 the Secretary and Treasurer, Dr. "c, E. Vowc, wb* will give ccrtificatce )r adaiissi' J\MES GILLESPIR,*i a. P. LACOSTE, * ' jf D. S. IIARLLEE, Cc T. E. POVVE, NOTICE "" ID* WISHING to bring my present busi~ness to a close as early after the first of Janu* nry as possible, ail charges made after that time will be considered as cash acuoc.xts to bo paid when presented, or closed by note bearing interest from time of settlement. Of the stock remaining on hand many of the L'owJs will Ik? sow at first cost, many ironi 20 to 50 percent bulow cost, aud but very few above cost. G. II. DUN LAP. Dec. 27th, 1942. 7 tf caude* a:?d oadsdea &&&&&* HAVING purchased cf Maj. William Shi:cr, tho whole of his interest in the Camdeu ind Gadsden Stage line, I beg leave retpecU uily to inform the public, that I will continueo run it on my own account. Tho Stage to start fn m C. H. Davis' Ho*, el, every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday* ifter the arrival of the Northern mail; and rom Gadsden on Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, after the Cars arrive from Charles*, on. As this line has been put in operation t# inch for the accommodation of the public, wf ny expectation of profit, it is hoped that the ullie will give it that support that they think ; is entitled to. JAMES AtcEWEN. Camden, Dec. CO. 7 4l a =* a - ? '