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72 rw>"l?PWW""1 Wll IIWBHIIK PUMSH31KNT OF SCANDAL. The following Law wasennclcd by the Legislature of the Colony of Virginia, in lite year 1662: XV ACT for the punishment of scandalous Persons. <*1. Whereas, many babbling women slander and scandalize their neighbors, for which their poor husbands ore often involved in chargeable and vexatious H*its, and c^st in great damages : "2. Be it therefore enacted by the Authority aforesaid, That in Actions of Slander, occasioned by the wife, after Judgment passed for the Damages, the woman shall be punished by Ducking ; nnd if the slander be so enormous as to l>o adjudged at greater damages than Five Hundred Pounds of Tobacco, then cifi?>r n Duokinrr for each Iil?: iv vu.ivi -? p l ive Hundred Pounds of Tobacco adjudged against lhe Husband, if he refuse to pay the Tobacco." an Act was passed in 1705 for " the building and maintaining of prisons, pillories, w hipping-posts, stocks and ducking stools in every county," we may infer this last quoted Act was not suffered to remain n dead letter, and that occasionalJy the husbands of these "babbling wo. men" were ungallant enough to "refuse to pay the Tobacco." A lady in Boston expresses herself decidedly in favor of a "home league," and hopes her husband w il join it. " It is well known," said she, 44 that ho has not been homo three nights in a week for 9 years." mmmmmmmmmmnnmmaeaamnBKnHBMBBKaimmmmmmm ' FAMILY 21 LDKI>I>. THE Subscriber has received and is opening in the Store above Mr. Wadsworlh's, and opposite to Mr. D. MalioyV, a good assortment of medi ines selected especially for family use, and for his own practice. He will keep no nr. ticle of which lie docs not know the ingredients and properties; and none except such as he knows to he of g tod quality. His tinctures and ointments will be ready for use in about a week from this time. Ha will also keep a general assortm<nt of DYE STUFFS and other articles usually kept at such establishments. The fow j articles of this class not now on hand aro ex. pectud soon. M. MAC LEAN. July 26. TAHARI3fDS 11^ FILL put up in small jars., for sale at the Ww NcwnDiug Store. LE.TIOX SIRI P AID JIEAD SIRUP, AI the New Drug Store. LA.\CLTSr FWIHUM B LANCETS, Spring Lancets, Gum * .JL L-nco s and Tooth Drawers for sale at the New Drug Store. CASTOR OIL. EXCELLENT cold drawn castor oil for sale very low, by the gallon, at the NEW DRUG STORE. EE ATK ER. JUST Fereived a large stock of Solo leather. Also, Upper Leather, and Calf Skins. P. MALLOY. Sort. 20, 1842. 45 tf TtCCKFJSII SHEETINGS AND SHIRTINGS, TALES 3-4 and 4-4 Domestics just JS *~jtt toceivod on consignment ftom the Kockfish FAcrroKr and f??r sale on favorable terms I y the Hale. D. MALLOY. November 7, 1842 TOTS, SCOTCIIOVENS, $^r A Large and well selected stock of Pots, Scotch and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, Andirons &c. &c. For sale cheap. A. P. LACOSTE. October IS, 1942. 40 tf VIS EGA it I VI N EG Alt ! ! PURE Cider Vinegar, While Wine Do. F.?r Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. July 12, 1842. 35 tf NO TICE THE Subscriber respectfully informs ihc inhabitants of Cheraw and its neighborhood, that he has commenced the TAILORING ROSIN ESS, in the shop next door to Mr. Holmes' Tin Shop, and opposite Mr. McNair's Store, Front Street, where he will make gar. men's of ail kinds, in the most fashionable manner, and at the shortest notice. 0&*' He will at oil times warrant a fit that will give satisfaction. G. KELLY. Cheraw, Nov. 22J, 1812. 2 tf l)('RHA.U A DEVON STOCK. DURHAM?One 2 year old Heifer, price * n'> -1 - - i i axii i r. $^0?-0I1C (lo. vU [noni(is uiU) uiiu a%j10 Cow, 6 1-2 years old, a very fine milker, ?75 ?"re Heifer, 8 months old, nearly full bred. #30? several full bred Dulls, 6 to 9 tnon'hs o'd, 59 to ?00' DEVON?Two Devon Cow?, 4 years old next ?*; ring, and two Heifers, 3 years old next rpnng. (<?ue of latter wi;h a heifer calf at her fide,' each #50?one Cow, 4 years old next spring, obtained a premium at the late lair, $70. ?, MIXED?One Durham & Devon Heifer, 18 rn uitha old, (nremium.) ?40?one do, do. s ime age, ?40?one do. 3-4 Durham and 1 4 Devon, 18 months old. beautiful animal, has taken a D^von Bull, ?40?oue do. half Durham, out of a fine country cow, 18 months old, ?30. A well made Bull, now rising 4 years old ?his darn was bv Freeman's imported bull ?? 11 t_ _ J,eon?sire by the imported Dun tuaxweii oe~ longing to the Delaware Agricultural Sncie'y ?both full blooded short horn Durhams, imported from England. Leon cost ?1500? Maxwell $"50, bought at the sale of Durham eatth' at Powellron. This hull is nearly full blooded, and will be eo!d for $40?or with a 3 4 Durham Heifer (the other l-4:h Devon) lor ?75, delivered in tiiia citv. Apply to S. SANDS, Daltiraore, Md. | A CARD. B PR VAX &, PRO beg to refer the P?'? lin to a list of juices for Piano Forte* I manufactured by A. 11. t.ale & Co. They are autlioiised to receive orders, and havotlie auiho: rity to a.iy that an) Piano Published by them, and : fTing to give Malefaction, may be returned and ' the money refund :d to tho purchaser. Nov. loth. 1S42. 1 4t PRICES OF PIAlTO-ffOP.TSB, Manufactured and sold by m &Qt9 ,, Late iVeic York Piano-Forte Manufacturing j Company,? Manufactory, 3rd Avenue, corner of 13M Streetj XJ" Six Oetive Piano Fortes, with Mefalie j Plato.s, Long Bars, and Sounding.Bonds, Lyre, Harp, Prdal. long Lock Boards, Stump Fcot, Sunk Castors, and Veneered bacK*. FREXCII GRAND ACTION. | 1- Square Piana.Forto, veneered with shaded Mahogany . %>2I0 I 2. Squaro Piano Forlc, with crotch Ma. hogany, ..... 230 i 3. Round corner Pi.ino-Forto, voncorcd with shaded Mahogany, . . 26:) ! i. Round corner Piano-Forte, veneer, ed with crotch Mahogany, with bra or shaded Mah'ganv Plinth, and venaored Logs, . . * 270 5. Squaro Piano-Forte, veneered with elegant crotch Mahogany, Top, Plinth and Mouldings banded w ith do. and squaro Leg", . . 2S0 I 6. Elegant crotch Mahogany round corner Piano. Forte, with Top, Plinth, and Mouldings venoemd with do. and veneered Legs, 290 7. Elegant crotch Mahogany table front Piano. Forte, with Top, Plinth, and Mouldings handed with do., square 0. G. or hollow comer Caps, and square Legs. . . 300 8. Elegant crotch Mahogany hollow comer Piano Forte,with Plinth and I Mouldings banded with do., and round Legs veneered, . . 310 9. Elegant cro'ch Mahogany hollow corner Piano Forto, as above, (No. 8.) with hollow corner, L< gs and Stumps 320 10. Elegant crotch Mahogany hollow corner Piano Forte, as above. (No. 9.) with sunk Panels in front, and banded Top. . ... . 33^ Extra, for each additional half Octave, 40 O* P'inths with Scrolls or Stand :rdn, or any other pattern of Logs; may bo applied by paying the diiference. Elegant Rosewood Pinno.Fortcs with Tops veneered on both sides, same prico as tl?o*c of elogant crotch Mahogany. The above are the Cash Price*. B. BRYAN & BRO. Agents. Cheraw, 1*1 Nov., 1842. 1 4t SHERIFF SALES. ON Writs of Finn Facias will be sold before the Court House door on the first Monday and day following in December next, within the i legal hours the following property, viz: 1000 Acres of land more or Icks on Beaver Creek, watcis of Thompson's Creek, whereon the defendant resides, adjoining tho lands of JohD McColman, Sarah Parner, and John Turmge at the suit of M. & R. Ilailcy, ct al. vs Daniel A. Graham. Six Lots in tho Town of Chcraw known in i the plan of said Town by Nos. 46, 47 82, 83, i Sit 85. Foity six and Forty seven, are well! | Improved lo's and bounded on the North by I Church Street, having each a front of one hunj drod feet on Church Street by throe hundred feet doep; eighty two, eighty three, eighty four, and ; eighty five, are but little improved and bounded j on th* South by Church Street, and West by ! Third Street, at tho suit, of Ann Lide, ct al. vs. I Isa ah DuRoso and K. C. DnBose. I AH of Isaiah Duhose's interest in two lots in , Powe Town, numbered on the plat orisaid Town : seventy-two (72) and seventy three (71) mensurI ing each one hundred feet front on Green a reot j ; continued, hy three hundred feet deep, at the suit , ' of Assignees of John A. Inglis, vs. iRaiah Du. ] &c. 25 cents per pacnage. r*o mn charged on Goods regularly consigned to him, j that arc to he forwarded by tho Rail Road, and I no expenses incur:eJ or charged that can possihiv he avoided. Persons shipping Cotton to hiin from the interior, by the way of Hamburg, can obtain liberal advances on it by applying to Dr. Stokes, of that place. T. GOLDSMITH. October 11, 1842. 4ft "BO.\XETTS AXD HOOI>?. JUST Received a giod stock of Bonnetts and Hoods. P. MALLOT. Sept. 2\ 1912. 45 li I j Bose. | Eighty negroes, viz : Sharper, William, j Venus. Nancy, Amanda, Mi!lm?a. Lucy Ann. Rosnnna, Litnus, Mary, Sam, Ro'v-rt, Charles, J isper, Creaky, Mnseg, Dice. Mark, Finn >y, [ B.nah, Rose, Lucy. Rachel. Jim, S ?pho, D >ily , Sandy, Rosotta. Milly, Sjlvy, Joe, Calvin. Lon? don, Bella, Mich, Daniel, Jim, Minda, Will, i Grace, Abrain. A1 by, Boston, Frankoy, Nancy, i Juno, Ben. Bockney, Charlotte, Mary, J-me, j Sandy, Stephen, Cesar, Jesse, Jcsso Binali, | Archer. Sarah, William. John, Daniel, Tohy, | Mary, Mark, Sam, Yilot, Dcinbo, Grace, CIoc, j ; Sim. Albert, Christopher, Cat", Sarah, Frank, i China, Eliza, A nice, Cook, Ellin, Clara. Philis, j j Grinvil and A nice, f?t the suit of Charles A. j j Mag wood and tiro. W. Dargan, et, al. vs-Isaiah j I Dubose end K. C. Dubuse. Seven negroes, viz: Nancy, (and her six ! children) Alic. Daniel, Charlotte, Jenny, Mary ! and John: Also forty head of Cattle and thirty j five head of flog*, one Clock, two Colts, andti j lot of Corn and Fodder, at the suit of John D. i McLean et. nl. vs. Ranald McDonald, the Cattle, fjogs, ?!kc. will be sold at defendant's residence I on Tuesday the second day of sale. 0 10 negroman (Char'cs) at the suit of James II. Ratlitf vs. Calvin Perkins. This hoy will be : j sold at the risk of the former purchaser. 1300 Acre8ofland more or less whereon John j Copeland resides lying on both sides of Deej Crrck bounded North and East by Willis Uanp ! 1 - 1- J_ , | A I cocks land, Wi'ji oy mnns ownru 03' /\isiun Masse?, Matt Rushing and N. Gibson, on the South by Estato of Wm. Hancocks land at tho suit of Turner Bryan, Ord'y C. D. vs. Geo. W, Meadoi and Jr?hn Copcland. Four head of Cattle, and two stacks of Fodder ; levied on as the property of John Folk at the 'suit of John McCall fur another vs. John Folk. ; This levy will he offered for sal? at Defendant's residence on Tuesday the second day of site. Terms?Cash?Purchasers to pay for nccesMrv papers. JOHN EVANS, Shff.C. D. ShfFs. Office, Nov. 12, 1612. 1 St FACTORAGE A ND COHIVISSIOX RtSHESS, CHARLESTON\ S. C. THE undersigned would most respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, j that he continues to transact tlio FACTORAGE AND COMMISSION BUSINESS in the city j of Charleston, S. C., (Office on Maqwood's Wharf.) j He will assiduously apply his best exertions to promote the interest of his patrons?and from his j long experience in tho Cotton Trade, and by ! prompt attention to business, ho hopes to con. tinue to receive a liberal share of patronage. His commission for selling Cotton is 50 cents 1 per bale, for Receiving and Forwarding Goods, 1 > v_ ; 11 I SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. Michael Watson applicant, vs. William Hondrick, John Hendricii, Henry Hcndrick, Jacob | I). Flowers and wife Miry, the children of i Thomas Hcndrick, Jr., doe'd., Samuel D. Timmoils and wife Sarah t'., H'rdy HendrickJonathan J. Hendrick, and Rebecca Hendrick. IT appearing to my satisfaction that John Hendrick, Heiuv Hcndrick, Jacob D. Flower* and wife Wary, and the children of Thomas Hendrick. Jr-. decM., Defendants reside without the limit* of 'his Slate. It is therefore ordered ^lut fhey do appear and object to the division or silr of the Real Em.ale of Thomas Hcndrick. Sen'r., dre'd., on or before the third day of December next, or their consent to the some will be entered of record, T.BRYAN, O. C, D. Sept. 6, 1842. 43 lamf3m I> EQUITY, CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT. James C. Massey, "j Hnd wife, el al J Bill for discovery Y8. V Account &ie. Alexander May, et. al. Kx'rs J ]j^ T appealing to my satisfaction that Ilatupm. ton B. Hammond and his wife, two of the defendants in tho above case rcsido w ithout the limits of this State: On motion of Wright & McMullan. complainants' solicitors, it is ordered that the said defendants do appear and plead answer or demur to tho bill within three months from the publication of this order, or the same will be taken pro confesso against them. P. S. HARM.LIE, Com. in Equi'y for Chesterfield and Marlboro' Dis'tc*. Cbcraw, 27tli, Sept. 1842. 47 3m In the Common Pleas. Chcstcrjicld District. Henry Eastcrling, ) Declaration vs. > on note in G. VV. Bcofh. j Attachment. WHEREAS tho Plaintiff in this action did on this day tile his Declaration against G. W. -1 .i - J-r 1-_. ? i? : DOOlOt IfJC Uflt'IlUdiiI, wiju is aiirciii iii'in nuu without the limits of the State (as it is said.) and having neither wife or attorney known upon whom a copy of the above Declaration, with a rule to plead thereto, may be served; It is therefore in pursuance of the Acts of the General Assembly of this State in such cases, made and provided; Ordered that the defendant, do plead thereto on or Hefore the twentysixth day of December next, otherwise final and absolute judgment will be then given and awarded against him bv default. T. BRYAN. Office of Common Pleas ) Chesterfield C. H. Dec. 25,1841, \ 9 leSmfly SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. To Alexander Grdham, Administrator of all and singular the Goods, Chattels, Rights and Credits of John T. Hinson, dcc\l. And to John B. Billingsby and Brown Bryan, sureties for the said Administration. i W HER hi AS, Light Townscnd, who marrted Mary Ami Hinson, the widow of the said John T. Hinson, deceased; made suit to mc, Turner Bryan, Ordinary, to grant him Loiters of Administration on the unadiuinibtrrcd part of the said Estate;?these arc to cite you the said Alexander Graham, John B. Billingsby, j and Brown Bryan, to appear before me in the I Court of Ordinary to be holden at Chesterfield , Court House on Friday the ninth day of Decern- j her next, then and there to come and account for ( all the monies, goods, chattels and credits of the i said Estate, and make a final setticment of the j same; or to shew cause why the Letters of i Administration, to you granted, should not he revoked, and Administration granted to the said Light Townscnd. Given under my hand and seal the 20th day of September 1842. T. BRYAN, 0. C. P. 46 lauif3m STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHER AW DISTRICT. In Equity. Mary Lifta, Robert Latta, and others, Bill far sale of Land vs. and negroes?for parWm. Henry lilion and acc. and wife. and others. J fT appearing to rny satisfaction that Wm. Henry and Ann Henry, his wife, two ot the Defendants in the above staled case, ore absent trom and reside without the limits of the state. On motion of G. W. & J A Dargan Complainants Solicitors it is ordered that they \ do plead answer or demur to tho Complainants Bill within three months from the publication of this order and that in default thereof tho same tie taken against them pro confesso. It is also ordered that this order bo published in the Fanners'G:icttc twice a month for the =pace of three months. E. A. LAW, C. E.C. D. Ancnifit 3(5, 1812. 42 2inf3in ckaiesT" THF. Subscriber has just received on con. signmcnt, to be sold at very low prices for CASH O.VLY, 10 Doz. Fancy Gilt and maple cane scat chairs, j 8 Small " 44 44 4* sewing do. 8 La gc Boston cane and solid scat Rocking do. 2 44 Mahogany Mohair Spring seat do. do. 6 Small cane 44 do. do. 4 Solid seat Nurse, d ?. do. GEO. II. DUN LA P. Cheraw, August 25, 1842. 42 tf BLACKS.THTHim THE Subscriber lias this day recommenced business on his own account and hopes ' by close application to business to share public patronage. My prices will be moderate. Horse Shoeing will receive my personal attention it is j therefore warranted to be done with neatness [ and despatch. N. B.? I am now prepared to repair, or put I up new lightning rods. C. I. SHIVER. April 4 1842. 21 tf 41-4 DOMESTICS. * ' ' >< r* .: f.. i_ I Alow nuiei *?* i?row? i/uhiusuch lor nair 011 favorable terms, by D. MAI.LOY Aug. 23rd. 41 If Notice. THE Subscriber is now receiving from New York, an excellent assortment of seasonable Goods selected by himself with great care. lie is persuaded that he can sell Goods in h;s line as low as they can be afTordr d in this market, and is determined to do so. D. B. McARN. Choraw, Nov. 1, 1842. 51 3m NOTICE^ ' i ALL persons having demands against the Estate of John Chapman, deceased, wilI plc.iso render their claims to us, property proved, before the fourth day of October next :?and all persons indebted to said E-tatc are requested to make immediate payment. MILLEY CHAPMAN, Adin'x. ! W. J. HANNA, Administrator. | Chcsterfi Id C. II. Oct, 28. If 12. 51?8t : SPRING A!*D SLTJITIER GO DS. rfflllE Subscriber has just received a well JL selected block of Taney an<l Staple l'ry Goods, (J. II. DUN LAP. Cberaw, April 9, 164*?2- 22 if WOOD. I HAVE again resumed the business of Hauling W'onii My oil custom' rs and the pub. ic generally are respectfully informed that I ! shall be gratefu' for n renewal of their custom, ' and pledge myself lu haul lo :ds that wiil please. ' A. P. LACOSTE. July 19, 1812. 36. tf CLOTHS, CASSl.TlERS, A>D SATINETTS. DM ALLOY ha* just received a good nock ofCloths, Cannier*, and Satinets, which he is anxious to sell, and bargains may he hadSei-t. 20, 1810. 41 tf i A CARD. DR. JOHN LYNCH having permanently located himself in the town of Chcraw, respectfully tenders Lis professional services to the citizens of this place and the adjoining conn- ! try, lie hope* by a diligent attention to his profession, to receive a libeia! share of put lie patronage. Ho can always bo found at his father's (Conlaw Lynch) residence en Market Street. Cheraw, July 1st. 184*3. SI tf FISH ! FISH!! MACKEREL, in whole, half, and qtr. bbls. Mess Shad in do do do Codfish and Salmon, a)! of excellent quality, For sale by P LACOSTE. October 18, 1812. 49 tf NOTICE. 4LL persons indebted to the Subscriber by note or account arc requested :o enM nin' settle the same, as further indulgence cannot b< R. SIIA W*. Sept. 13. 1*4-2. 44 if LTCEB.\E. fWlHF. Subscriber has just received and lias Ji for *a^e by tho pound or letter quantity Lucerne Seed? WITH DARLING'S UNIVERSAL SOAP, For trashing, u ithoul boiling or bleaching. Many experiment* have been tried to render the washing of clothes less labor ous and more economical, but no cflb t has l?ccu so successful f as tho discovery and introduction of Darling's Universal Soap, which wi 1 remove stains, dirt, grease, and tv< n paint from clothing, without boiling or bleaching. This article is superior for washing flannels, woolens, linens, I ices, silks, and calicoes, to any now in uso. It is warranted to contain no ingredient that will destroy, rot or injure, in the leant, texture or color : nor will it injur? the hands, but will rm dor them toft and tit, when done washing, loongagc in sewing, if necessary. For cleaning paint it is unrivalled, C VANDERFORT*. | September 13, 1812, 44 if I I COTTON OSXABlRtiS AKD COTTO* I ARi\. rjlIIE Subscriber has received on consign. A tnent from the I)c Kalb Factory at Camden S. C 12 Rales very superior Cotton Osnnburgs and 12 Rales Cotton Yarn, uhicliho will sell by the Ralo to Merchants oi as good or better onns than they can purchase in New YorK or Charleston. lie would also invite the "Planters of the neighborhood to call and examine tho Oznahurg* they will find it a cheaper and better article than nas ever been sold in this market. G. II. DUN LA P. Choraw, April 4, 1842. 21 tf NOTICE. TIio Subscriber has just received, and will keep constantly on hand. Cotton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the Manufactory ol Rockingham. GEO. GOODRICH. Chcraw, Jan., 18-10. ]0 tf CORN WANTED. WANTED to purchase from 1000 to fOf0 Bushels corn to be delivered in Chcraw, or at any of the landings down the river, for which the highest market price will be paid 1). M'NAIR. April II, 1842. 22 tf HATS AN D SHOES. THE Subscriber has just received a largo and well selected supply of Hats and Shoes, which will be sold cheaper than were everedTered in this market. I). MALLOY. Sept. 20, 1812. 45 tf E. IV. DRENNINt; 1R^/'OULD Respectfully inform the public ? V that ho has located himself on 1?&RS3? STP.SST, Opposite Mr. Moore's Hotel, where he intends carrying on tho DYEING AND SCOURING BUSINESS. Ladies' and Gentlemen's garments cleaned, and, if faded, dyed the original or any other color, and pressed in the neatest manner. Carpets, Table-Covers, ann Crumb cloths cleaned without injury to the Color.?Cotton Yams dyed Fast Colors. JV*. B. His dyeing will not soil the xchitest article. Chn>-nw. August 16. 1842. 40 tf STORE TO RENT. 1HAVE rented all my Store*,except the one next above Mr. George II. Dnnlap's. and one door below corner of Kershaw and Front Streets. This Store is considered a first rate itand. and will be rented on liberal A. P. I ACGSTE. August 2, 1842. 38 tf SUGAR and TEA. DOUBLE and Single loaf Sugar, Crushed Su gar, and best Hyson Tea, in Caddies, or by th pound, prime articles for family use. For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 18,1842. 49 COTTON ROPE, TWINE?a good stock nf Ihe above or. hand, and tor sale at the lowest nnrkel price, by D. MALLOY. Aug 23rd 41 tf LEATHER and SHOE THREAD. 95 SIDES, Sole Leather, 104 Kip and Wax do. 120 lb. Shoe Thread, For sale low by A. P. LACOSTE. October ?8, 1842. 49 tf C7IOICE BACOX. {Tfe HAMS, Shoulder*, & Side?, For bain by 7 A. P. LACOSTE. Nov. 14, 1842. 1 if THE AMERICAN ^.5".:3rL77?,:c7. \ A. II. ALLI-.N & U. L. AI.I.KN, ' SAX I ON ?!k MILL.-, I'ubhshrns, g.b Bro<td~ way, ?Ycic York. ; fg^IIE American Agriculturist is ] u')!i Ik- 1 . _3 monthly nl 2u"* Kroadwey, New Yo k, a'. I ON'E LKJLLAU per annum, payable alicayv in j advance; six copies w ill mini for five i ou. i.ars; thirteen copies for ten ool.l.aks. Edi. tois who will give this c.iid a coin-pi ;uo is insertion, u itli some of the notices which foliow, will be entitled to receive one year's subscription gratis, on sending tin ir paper containing such no;ice to this nflicc. Agricultural Societies that wish to give tliis work as a premium, will be entitled to a discount of ticcnty-Jlrc per cent, or handsomely Lcund vtlutncs at the subscription price. This work wiil be devoted to the various pur. suits of the agiicu!:uri.-t throughout every section of the United States, and wil contain the l.v test intelligence o.n every branch of their occupation; the host seed*; modes of lillugc; character of soils ; improved implement*; and the various and best bk f.ees of cattle. iiorsKs, sheep and swine. i Each nuinlcr consists of thirty two paces, double column, royal octavo, and the work will bo embellished with CUTS, illustrating the difj ferent subjects on which it treats?making a 1 volume ot 3^4 large pages yearly lor the loir | price of O.VE DOLL A11. J Seven numbers of this work have already been : published, and : s It is stere> typed, subscribers ' may cornmence with the back or present uumbei s at their option. ! From the general testimony in favor of the , manner in which this pn cr has been conducted, from the ptihl.c press and the most experienced Farmers and Planters throughout the countiy, there i?i every ica on to bolievo it will prove universally acceptable, and remunerate its readers ten-fold for their subrcrij tinn. No man at this time who aspires to the noh> occupaton of an American agriculturist, should be without one or mote periodicals, exclusively devoted to his interests. Each number consists of one she: t and will be miljcct to veicspaper postage only. Postmasters are permitted by iair to enclose money for subscription fret of postage. II low are a few of the many favorable notices >f the above work, from the American Pr^ss : 44Tiie Agriculturist appears to In; edited with -bdt kind of ability and practical know! dge, that must place it among the foremost rank with imilar periodicals in our country."?JVaynt County Record, Indiana. 44The number we have if rich in ably written and well 3: Iccted article*. The Editors arc well known to the readers of agricultural periodicals as able writer?, and will, we are sure, greatly beni fit the country by their present mulct taking." ? The Union, Raleigh, M. Carolina. 14 The Agriculturist is well filled with well written, well digested, and highly radical ar. ticlcs on subjects pertain'?' g to rural industry. The conductors of the work, the Messrs. Allen, aro not only veil versed in the practical opera, tions of cultivating the soil, and breeding domes, tic animals to tho best advantage, but they wield ready and graphic pens for the discussion of these important subjects in a style both I attractive. Regarding the science of agriculture ; ZT.t gaiu.i:i::g, as Ly far the ntcst impor ant ; study that engages the attention of the American II coplo, we cannot withheld our earnest commcn 'dai ion of tho 4 American Agriculturist' to the great farming inlcro.-ts of the country."?Buffalo | Commercial Advertiser, Mete York. 44 The American Agriculturist is printed in ! the city of New Y?uk, in 3d neat, medium oc. tavo pages, and illusi rated with engravings, and ably edited by the Messrs. Allen, who are well and la vol ably known to the agricultural comn u| nity, as practical and enlightened farmers."? ' Republican Banner, Xashtille, Ttnn. | 44 We have seen th first number, and it bids fair t he a highly valuable paper to any section j of tli3 Union. The editors cr>; celebrated | throughout the United St 1U9 for their nttvnrisc in '.he stock lino, us well as in others mutters tending to improve llio condition of our husbund! ry."?South Westirn Farmer, Raymond, Ahss. 4> 1 have examined the three first numbers, and from the specimens which ti ey afford, as wel' as fion. a personal : cqnaintanee with the editors, 1 j have formed :i very opinion as to the useruloess of this work, the abiliiy with . which it will ho conflicted. It is intended to !? a national work."?Judge Bcatty, of Washing ton, Kentucky. 1 44 The editors aro well known as practical breeders and agriculturists, and asgificd writers. They have the aid of some of tho most able wii , ters in the c un'ry, and it c.iu hardly fail to lake : its place at ouc>; in the front tank among the ' I e*t puhl cations of its class?Spirit nf the j Tunes. New York ST A TK ^'sorni ti KOLI\A, Chesterfield District. Is the Common Pleas. JOIIN JACKSON, Who is in the custody of the Sheriff ol the District aforesaid, by vir, tuc of a Writ of Capias ad Respondendum, , at the suit of Peter L. Robeson, having petitioned the Honorable, the associate Judges of the said State, that he may be admitted to tho benefit of the act of the General Assembly, made for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, and : he having filed with his petition a schedule of I his whole Estate real and Personal; 11 is or? , dcred tbat the said Peter L. Robeson, and all i others, to whom the said Petitioner is in any j wise indebted, do personally, or by their attor| ncy, be and appear before the Honorable, the ! associate judge a of the State aforesaid, at a j Court of Common Picas to be holden at ChesI terfield Court House, on the third Monday in March next, then and 'here to shew cause, if ! any they can, why the Estate and Effects of i the said Petitioner, should not be assigned, ! and he discharged, pursuant to the provisions I of said act of the General Assembly, made | and provided fur the relief of Insolvent Debti or?*. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. I CliMorlMd Cnurt Hou"', 2 ,amf3rn the fvh day of Nov. 184J. ) erTfi'select ion. AN ELECTION for Sh' i ffof Chesterfield District will be held at the several place o election 0:1 the second Monday in January next, to fill the vacancy of the present incembent whose term of office expires on the 19th day of May next. The polls will be opened two days at ?lie Court House, and one day at each other place of election. The managers to meet at the Court House I be Wednesday next after the election, count the votes, and declare the election. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. November l-^th, 1842. 2 7t STATEOF \OHTH CAROLINA, Richmond County. ; l^OTICE?I do forewarn all persons from l'l entertaining my wife, Drusilla Bullard, oi .selling or trading with her in any manner or form, as I do not intend to pay her contracts, hb she lias lift iny house and home without any cause. <>'EORGE BULLARD. November 8th, 1812. 2 3t GROCERIES. IN store and for sale, a good s ipply of Salt, Sugar, Colfou and Molasses, bv L). MALLOY. Aiiff. 23rd 41 if * HOLIDAY GIFT FOR 1813. OSSUSTXAJT PATHSR'S &S9 F A.HIL Y. The most Splendidly Illustrated and Cheapest Work on the American Continent; containing moke than FIVE HlNDltUD i:\CiRAVI5fGS F.nt-.rily .Yew and Or'ginal, Dtsigned and Ex. ; cctttcd by the Eminent Artiste of England unit America.?Cost of Preparing the Work, >>0 )0D.?PRICE, 2,5U. BIBLS BIOGRAPHY. Or, TIIE LIVES .LVD CHAR-iCTERS i OF THE PRINCIPAL PERSONAGES Recorded in the Sacred Writings; practically adapted to the Instruction of Youth and Private Families ; together with on Appendix, contain. mg Thirty Dissertations on the Evidences of Divine Revelation, from Timpson's Key to the ILblc; being a complete Summary of Biblical Knowledge, carejulty condensed and compiled from Scott, Doddridge, Gill, Patrick, Adam Claike, Pool, ItOiclh, Home, Wall. Stowe, Ro. binsun, and other Eminent Writers on the Scrip, tares.?Robert Scars, Editor?Embellished with several hundred Engravings on Wood, illustra tice of Scripture Scenes, Manners, Customs, fc, The demand fur this work is unprecedented, nil I orders are pouring in from all parts of the ' United Slates. It i? called " A Christian Fa. t.'itit's Present to jus Family," and has rcceir. c<J the unqualified recommendation of all llio | loading pipers, both political and religious. No mere advertisement, however, can give the reader any idea of its beauty and value?it must be seen to be admired, and read to i*> duly appteciated. The annoxed extracts from the * Opinions vf the Public Press" will saliffy all of the intrin bio excellence of this Splendid Gem in Modern ! Literature?the like of which has never appear od in tins or any other country. A careful perusal of the following " Recommended ions" will justify usi n making use of such slio.ig language i in favor of so useful a a oik : "A \vi>rk of groat attraction and valuo. Tliii volume must lind a welcome at every fireside | throughout the country: its con cut* are ax in foresting as they arc important and instiuctive; ; and the j'ul.e.itnis and talented author has hero % contrived to present us with 0110 of liie most at? ; tractive, and ut the name lime earful books, that hive appeared this side cf the Ailanlic. We trust the put lie will reward its enterprising pub. i liahcr."?U. 6'. Literary Advertiser, for June, | lS4l\ 44 This volume, wo should say, well descrvos < to he regarded us tho ' Christian Father's present to Ins family.' Several hundred very good wood engravings enliven its narratives, and il uslrato ; its solemn truths to tlie uiulerrtanding and fret. ings oi the young ; and fiom die numerous tort'. monies which accomp my the volume, we should say. it ii.ay s ifi-ly he surrcnicrcd to their hands." ?Mtgnolij. "This work is an attractive one, not on'y for . the very numeral** nout embellishments which pervade it, but Irom the interesting and useful ; matter which it comprises. This work is in Urge octavo, highlv decorated, and hauosomely bound, ami will no doubt meet with a popular demand." ? Chris. Intelligencer. 44 The engraving*, fir mi new and original d*. j sign*, arc well executed. Tho design ot thu w-ik is ctcclh nt; and we cheerfully recommend I it to l ho notice of our rca lers.*?Aetc World j j 44 This is a very valuable, cheap and conve! nient hook. The public will soon fiiul it one of the books they must hate. May the publisher supply the laud with many leu thou?-ltd*."?A'. Y. Tribune. 44 This is the name of a valuable work just , published in tho cily of New Yo;k. It i* in**t justly called 4 a christian rATiiea'a rarsr.NT to his tAiilLV.' Tho five hundred engravings aru executed by tho first American Artists, aft* r i pictures ot the most celebrated Painters. Il this work meets with ? circulation commensurate with its merits, it will he found in every dwelling in the Union.''?Boston Times. " This i? one of tho most finely ratctl and bruuiiful'y orn?m- nt? d volumes ever is>u?4 from tho The typography is cloar and plain, tlte paper and binding handsome, wl.ils the goldrii figure* give it a r ch and tajtcul ap. poarunce. 'I he literary portion of the work is well wri'tcn, the whole illustrated with sere* ral hundred n< \v and elrg ct m.graving?. Mr. Scars has made a popular bo >k?conferred a great favor upon tho young, and indeed merits j the patronage and thanks of all classes."? Boston!^. American Traveller. * We cheerfully commend tho book to the readers of the Advocate, as a work of much trior, it, furnishoi: at a very cheap rate."?Baptist Advocate, 44 .Altog.;t|i? r it is one of the most elegant work* of the season, and must prove iho most useful I ever issued from the American press."?Boston Transcript, " Wc cordially rccotnmond this excellent book." ?Boston Deity .Mail. 44 \V*o cheerfully recommend it to tho notice of every Christian parent, as a beautiful gift to pre. sent to his family."?Boston Mercantile Journal. 44 An elegant work of five hundred pages, at <2 containing about five tmudrt-d engravings. The ! contents of the volume appear to be sound, judi. 1 ciousand interesting."?Boston Daily Bee. I Persons in the country would do well to pro I cure a subscription beok,and obtain at once tho I names of all their foetid* and acquaintances, at least, as subscribers to tbis invaluable literary gom. Will each agent or fri"nd who complies with this request, have the kindness to inform the publisher how many copies will bo wanted fjr his neighbor hood by mail (post paid), aa soon as possible ? Il is his iutcntion to spare neither ouins i;or expense to intioduce this entirely new mid original volume into every family throughout the Union. Agents?responsible men?Wanted in every town and v. Inge throughout 'he United Slates. Add ret. j tho mibsci ilrr, post paid, without which nu letter will bo taken from theollicc. ilUHERT SEARS, Publisher. 1:2 Nassau-street, New-York. The abovo work will be found or.e of the meet | useful and popular works over published, for en! tcrprisiug men to undertake Ibo sale of in sil our pt iucipal cities and towns. Alt Postmasters arc requeued to act as agents. To Publishers of Papers throughout the United Slates, and British North America. Nowspapers or Magazines, copying the above entire without any alteration or abridgement (including this notice), and giving it twelve inortions, shall receivo a copy of the work, (subject to their order), by sending direct to tho publisher. Will proprietors of newspapers throughout tho country, when it is convenient, ? act as Agents, and recive subset iptions ? The mo?t liberal per centage given. ' Arr#M,t? wanted throughout tho Southern States I "6 ? -- ~ J for liic t>ale of the Bible Biography. Address the subscriber, po*t paid. SILAS HOWE, 52 Broad-street, Charleston, S. C. October, ?8<2. 2 I2t &H7ZEGE ? THE Subscriber has in operation, a Wool Picker and Finishing Card for making rolls. Wool should be free from trash, washed, and well greased. : U* Wool ro'lscar. be had at the mill for ! CASH OXLY. ANGUS M'LEAN. Cowpcr Hill P.O., RubceonCo., N. C. 2 tft i