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TUSf'EILA^EOlS. MR. UUICK A.ND HIS SI'OILKD CHILD. " Oh, Jepthdh, judge of Israel, what a treasure fc&dti thou !" Mr. Quick ("Little Q lick,") had also h " treasure." namely, "one fair daughter, : the which he loved passing well"'?too well! It followed, then, that she was in ! infancy, so humored, petted, and " spoiled." that in comparison with her wild and whimsical desires, the far famed requisi- ! tior. of the " top tile off the chimney" was a moderate and justifiable demand. One day. a friend "dropping in" upon : Mr. and Mrs. Quick at their dinner hour, found these fond parents and their " treas- J uro" already seated at table, although the 1 'I'lm lincnilnMp i dishes were yer coverou. * > *- _ . couple insisted on their friend s participation of their homely meal; and he, in | compliance with their wish, took the I fourth side of the board, immediately op. : posite to the young mistress of the house, ! (then about six years of age,) who, by ; right of custom and her own sovereign will, chose, day by day, whatever position caprice or local speculations, connected with certain edibles pointed out to be most desirable; and there the high chair of, the little despot was ordered to he placed. On the present occasion, having forestalled her dinner by eating a lump of cake, which had palled h; r appetite, and render, od the present meal an unwelcome super- j fluitv, the little dear was seated next to her doating father as a mere looker on. j The main dish upon the table, when I uncovered, excited the curiosity of Miss Quick, who cither had not seen the joint before, or had fo?g- tten the name of if, j w hich she now eagerly demanded ; and J upon being told that it was a saddle of j mutton, she stood up, and promptly an-; nounced her intention to ride upon if j forthwith. To this pieposterous recreation the parents were fain to entreat tho j little imp's forbearance, in vain; for she i declared saddles were made to ride upon, j and to ride she was resolved. After much j ado, her patient father and mother luckily j * ? ??? - r * u I suggested that the envious ntai ui mc ; seat she nspired to, and the inconvenience I likely to arise from such exercise, would j, distress her, and spoil her new frock, the j ( <liffi"ulty seemed surmounted, and the ' i child desisted from further importunity ; j | hut immediately after, perceiving the dish {j almost overflowing with the juice of the j | mutton, she cried out, "Oh, let me put j | ir.y foot in the gravy ! I will put my feet i in the gravy !" The father, albeit not ; ( unused to such eccentric fancies, was a : little startled at his sweet pet's novel de- ! , aire, and exclaimed in a tone of assumed J ( wonder and of deprecation, " My precious ! ( love ! what a preposterous thing you pro- i ( pose ! it's quite out of the question.? , Now be a dear, good child, and let me j , help Mr. to some mutton."? < 'Oh!'' reiterated the little treasure, " I ^ will put my feet in the gravy first !" In vain the devoted parents argued, threaten- , d and coaxed; in vain promised that the | next day, when they were without a visi- . ter, she would do whatever she pleased ; , nil. all in vain! for upon a more determi- j ned opposition, the sweet little angel yel- ' led out her wishes in such a piercing key, ( lirnt her mother, a V;ry mild mannered I person, addressed her husband, 4* My dear . Mr. Quick, I'm afraid we shall have no J peace until we allow the dear child to do ?ts she likes." 14 Well, but, my love," ur- j ged Mr. Quick, in reply, a little ashamed , of their mutual weakness before th?ur . guest, 44 what will Mr. say to such j, a proceeding ? It is really so improper." . Mr. , willing to 9ee to what ex- , ' D j treme parental folly could go, withheld i both his opinion and permission, prefer- j ling a state of neutrality ; and Mr. Quick finding the little tyrant's determination warmer every minute, and the mutton j cooler. DroDosed a compromise, namely, ; the little darling should have another ! dish brought in, and placed in a corner of (' the room with some cf the gravy in it, and j then paddle about whilst themselves and 1 friend were at dinner, and return to table ! when the fruit came in. No: lhe"trea- ; sure," at the very top of her voice, once more declared that she would have the j dish, and nothing but the dish, before her; and further, that ?he would not abate one j drop of the gravv. At this perplexing ; juncture. Quick turned towards his friend, in apology for the scene before him, assuring him at the same time, that "it was j n|* no use to thwart the dear child, who would have her own way." Then calling ' for another dish, the poor father placed j the shivering saddle upon it, and lifting that from the table containing the gravy, carried it to a remote corner of the room, where he was followed by the "little duck;" who after a persuaded kiss from ihe goose her father, consented to have her shoes removed, and to remain splash- , ing about until the dessert appeared upon the table. When the little nuisance allowed her foot bath to be taken away, she re-ascended her high chair, and there further showed how hateful lovely infancy may become from improper indulgence, by pushing about and knocking down whatever was offered that she did not ap- j prove. Screaming forth her preference, j she at length declared in favor of a large pear, the largest in the dish, upon which she had placed her affections, Mrs Quick, ! unwilling to incur by fresh denial another j content with her powerful superior, with 1 prompt kindness smilingly placed the co- !1 vetted pear upon her daughter's plate ; ! | when, to the alarm of the beholders, the i t i little furv threw it back upon her mother ; < with the ferocity of a lull grown terma- i exchriming, hs she did so, 44 Why | did you give it to me ? I wanted to snatch iu" Mr. Quirk himself related this story to the person now telling i', at the same tune congratulating him-cll that his child . . i had grown intoa sensible rational woman, notwithstanding her parents' ea !y. en 1 dcutora to make her u fool. *"* 1 A LUCKY THOUGHT. During il.o early part of the French in- i v as ion of Airier?, a small party of the j French troops f? 11 into an Arnbambus-j| cade, and those who were not immediate- ] | Iv slain or taken prisoners were obliged to ? put more trust in their heels than in their ( inuskets. It happened that the regimen- , tal hand was with the party, and the musicians made a retreat with the rest, in a ]>restissimo movement of the most rapid | execution. The ophicleid player was, I? however, embarrassed by his instrument, |1 and ho was hesitating about carrying it j J further, when, happening to cast a Parthi-1 . an glance behind, to his consternation he i , beheld an Arab horseman close upon him. i, Farther flight was useless; there was no- j, tiling for him hut to fight or surrender, : I Years of desert slavery made a gloomy < prospect; and yet, what could his side- 1 sword a\aiI against the spear of his pursuer ? Desperation is the parent of many ( a strange resource. The lately abused j ( ophicleid was lifted to his shoulder musket , fashion, and the muzzle brought to cover i his toe. The Arab was struck with ? panic. Doubtless this was some deviltry 1 of those accursed Giaours?some ma- 1 chine of death, with a mouth big enough ' o o to sweep half his tribe into eternity ! Not a second did ho hesitate, hut, wheeling round, he galloped off at a pace that soon took him out of w hat he conceived might ^ he the range of this father ofall muskets. , Our musician made good his retreat, with a higher opinion of the powers of his in- < .? lUn tm hnil ovpr hefore nos dil UiliUlli IliUK V/ t.^v. v , sessed, and the story was the amusement 1 of the French ariny for many a day af. forward. VALUABLE NEW INVENTION. iMr. Aaron Palmer, of Brockport, N.I Y.. has invented what he calls the Endless J ] Self-computing Scale. It consists of a ; wheel within a wheel, on each of which j I are one or more circles divided into nine I primary divisions numbered 1, 2, 3, 4, 1 &c., each division into nine subdivisions j j numbered 1, 2, 3, &c., and these subd visions are again divided into nine parts , each, &c. One wheel revolves within ; the other, which process constantly 11 changes the relations of the figures 1? ' c5 O encli other. By a simple revolution ofM the revolving part, all operations in sim- I j pie addition, subtraction, multiplication ind division are performed ; all improper ] fractions changed to whole or mixed nuin-; f bers, and mixed numbers to improper fraclions; fractions expressed in all their va- < rious forms ; divided and multiplied by ; | whole numbers and by each other; vulgar j fractions reduced to decimals, and deci- r mals to vulgar fractions; the different r :urrcncies reduced to Federul money ; in- s ? r* ii.* t terest computed on all sums lor an nines 1 it every possible rate per cent.; all qucs- I [ions answered in Loss and Gain, Rule of fhroo or Proportion, and Fellowship; numbers raised to squares, cube*, biquad rates and sursolids ; the square and cube roots extracted ; county, town, and school taxesapportioned. without moving the scale after its beingonceset to the amount asses. O t >ed ; toll computed ; land bounds, triangles, globes or balls, hypotbenuse, circles, and ellipsis measured; the solid contents given af round or square timber, globes or balls, ?y!indric pyramids, cones and casks; the j imounl given of all numbers of ounces, pounds, tons, yards, bushels, &c., at every < possible price, Arc. &c. All this ;s done f in one fourth of a minute, on an instru- t :nent weighing less than two pounds, and , lbout 14 inches in diameter, and one I fouith of an inch thick. It has been ex irnined by several scientific gentlemen. 1 md highly approved. Its use can be , learned in three days. We shall probably i be able to give a more full description, t with an engraving, in a few days. American Mechanic. ANOTHER FLOATING ISLAND. The Gew \oik State Mechanic, after giving some account ol the floating island in Derwent Like, near Keswich, in England, matches it with one in Clinton, in the northeastern corner of this State. We copy what relates to it : AT. Y. Post. ' "Remarkable as this floating island , may be, it is scarcely more so than oneol a similar description in Clinton county, in this State. Several years since, llev. J. W. B. W ood, a gentleman of an in- j quiring turn of mind, nnd then residing not many miles distant, made a visit to . the spot, and his account was published in the Christian Advocate and Journal, of New York city. " The lake in which the island is found lies in a deep gorge or rotten gulf of high table mountain equally noted through the ? - f *. .. i i-i- t surrounding counirv lor us ? uucKie nercr* / ries"and its rattle snakes and called the Flat Rock. The water of this lake is very deep, and the island differs from the one above described is constantly floating. Tn fact, a number of pines were 1 growing on it at the time of the visit of 1 O o Mr. Wood, some of which were five or six inches in diameter. The surface is covered with the productions peculiar to marshy grounds, and though the soil is so 1 soft that a sharpened pole may he thrust *; completely through, yet stray cattle have been discovered on it at various times Strictly speaking, it is not an island, hut a peninsula, and this will explain the ap. -j parent inconsistency contained in the last J sentence. However, that the peninsula, or island, (whatever the reader may please lo term it,) floats, and is disconnected from the bottom, ii demonstrated from the fact, that the wind will cause it to change its position, varying seme days many rods from the preceding. Were the isthmus, that acts as an anchor, sever. ^(1, it wotnd iiiidwuhiediy float oil, with lrrfc? for sails, a complete floating ist-' laud. i " That the statement of .Mr. Wood is I jorrect, from the known character thai j rentleman has always sustained, cannot ' " " . ! r >e douhted. Ifany further confirmation a ?e necessary, it can easily he given.? I r i'he writer of this article has conversed ' , t Yith several, who confirm the statement from their own knowledge. Singular Escape.?A most singular and escape from a melancholy death ccurred in New York last week. A daugh:er (about four years of age) of Mr. Alfred S. Pcckham, formerly of this city, residing at No. 11 ClilF street) was playing in the room } < in which her mother was busily employed, j ivhen the latter, casting her eyes to the win- j iow, beh'jld a sight which must have been I nost harrowing to the heart of a parent. A ; I table had been moved from its place to a win" j Jow, which was open ; the child had got up on j this table by some means not known, and when the mother beheld it, was hanging out of the window, clinging with both hands to the moulding of ,thc si!!, its body suspended over a precipice of about 30 feet. Mrs. P. screamed and fainted, the servant ran to the room, and with great presence of mind, seized the chdd and restored it to its mother? but the latter was so overcome by the scene, that for tevera day6 her life was considered in Janger.?Providence Journal. EXTRAORDINARY EVENT,?IF?TRUE. The London Courier has copied the following story from the Etoile, a Paris paper, of a man being restored to life after having been frozen in an avalanche for one hundred and sixty-six years ! The editors call upon Major Longbow, Munchausen, and Ferdinand Men:lez Pento, to hide their diminished heads : 41 Dr. James Hotham, of Morpeth, Northumberland, returning from Switzerland, is stated to have reported that a most extraordi. nary event had lately passed at the foot of Mount St. Gothard, a league Aizoli, in the valley of Levantina. At the bottom of a kind of cavern, the body of a man, about thirty ^ears of age, was perceived under a heap of ice proceeding from an avalanche. As the body seemed to bo fresh as if it had ) neen stifled on v half an hour before, Dr. ' Ho:ham caused it to be taken our, and, havng had the el?thc9 pulled off, ordered it to be nlunged in cold water. It was then so frozen that it was covered with a crust of ice. It was tlien placed in lukewarm water. After- , wards it was put in a warm bed, and treated i is usual in cases of suffocation, by which ncati* animation was restored. i What was the astonishment of every body ( when the individual, having recovered the us )f his faculties, declared that he was Roger Dodsworth, son of the antiquary or me same lamo, burn in 1629, who, returning from Italy in 1 GOO, a year after the death of his ather was buried under an avalanche. I 44 Dr. Hotharn, according to the same ac. . jount, is stated to have added, that Dr. Dods- | vorth feels a great stiffness in all his joints, I jut by degrees they will becom? as flexible as ! ( >efore the accident. Jf .Mr. Dodsworth fully c ecovcrs and should pass through Lyons to j ' eturn to his country, after cr.e nundred and j t lixty.six years' absence, it may be predicted ( hat he will attract, in the highest degree, the )ubhc curiosity." .j?I;J ynu'.T V FAMILY " ( fEPIHE Subscriber has received and is opening ! | JL in the Store above Mr. VV'adsworth's, and | ipposile to Mr. D. Malloy's, a good assortment I } if modi selected especially J'or family use, | tnd for his own practice, lie will keep no ar- I j icle of which he doas not know the ingredients ! j ind properties; and none except such as he j < mows to he of g >od quality. His tinctures and j f liniments will bo ready for u<c in about a week j ( Tom this time. II u will a'so keep a general as. j j lortnunt of DYE STUFFS and other articles ! < isually koj?t at such establishments. The few J 1 irticles of this class not now on hand arc ex. j j looted soon. j j M. MAC LEAN. < Jnlv 26. !( - i ] TATIAKIXDS | i WW,7" ELL put up in small jars, for 6ale at the 1 ww New Drug Store. jc LE10\ SYRIP AND MEAD f STRIP, 1 ' t i At the New Drug Store. i Z I LANCETS. | < THUM B LANCETS, Spring Lancets, Gum ' j Lancets and Tooth Drawers for sale at the : t NTew Drug Store. CASTOR ore: I < EXCELLENT cold drawn castor oil for sale 1 * very low, by the gallon, at the N EVv" , c, DRUG STORE. I ^ I * GROCERIES. ! SN store and for sale, a good supply of Salt, Sugar, Coflee and Molasses, by I D. MALLOY. , Aug. 23rd 41 if j r LEATHER. | r JUST Received a large stock of Sole laiatli- | or. Also, Upper Leather, and Calf Skins. p I?. MALLOY. Sept. 20, 1812. 45 tf ROCKF1SI1 SHJGJETIXGS A 3D SHIRTINGS. ^ /fl RALES 3-4 and 4-4 Domestics just ^jStT leceived on consignment fiom the 4ockkish Factory and for sale on favorable erins I y the Rale. . D. MALLOY. j ' November 7, 1842. t POTS, SCOTCH OVENS, <$>c. \ Large and well selected stock of Pots, } Scotch and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, Andirons kc. &c. For sale cheap. . A. P LACOSTE. ! October 19, 1842. 4<> tf t VINEGAR ! VlALGAIt! : 1 J PURE Cider Vinegar, I White Wine Do. , For Sale bv A. P, LACOSTE. ( July 12, 1842. '35 tf t ft ^5 fi ALT! [ W ? ? w* ad mi I tTh CASES Russet &. Pegged Rrngan."5, j f N.js. I to l'-i, of excellent quality. j ( Applv to FELIX LONG. J 14ih*Nov. 1842. 1 o g,500^:ivU,0"UCrt'iS:'l!3' . A. r. LACOSTE. ' Nov. 11, l?tt. 1 if [ A CARD. B BRYAN &, BRO beg to refer the fa ." lie to a list of prices for Piano Furies nanufnetured by A. II. (Jule fc Co. They arc luthorised to receive orders, and have the authoity to say that an) Piano fulniahed by them, and ailing to giv? satisfaction, may bo returned and he money refunded to the purchaser. Nov. nith. 1542. f. 4t PRirr? OP ? ? m a *"> A m m rnirn < < W n a W To ? wi W f Manufactured end scld by <?? ffi? <*> ?<?r? Late New York Piano-Forte Manufacturing Company,?Manufactory, 3rd Avenue, corner oj 13th Street. TT Six Octivo Piino Fortes, with Metalic j Plates, Long liars, and Sounding.Boards, Lyre, j [larp, Pedal. long Lock fljarJs, Stomp Feet, i Sunk Cantors, anJ Veneered Backs. FRENCH GRAND ACTION. 1. Square Pi tno..Forte, veneered with shaded Mahogany . . . *S210j 2. Square Pi int> Forte, with crotch Ma. hogany, 250 j 3. Round corner Piano-Forte, veneered with shaded Mahoguiy, 2Gl) 4. Round corner Piano-Forte, veneer. od with crotch Mahogany. with Zebra or shaded Mahogany Plinth, and veneered L^g-s . . * 2701 5. Squire Piano-Forte. veneered with elegant crotch Mahogany, Top, Plinth and Mouldings banded with do. and square Legs, . . 2S0, G. Elegant crotch Mahogany round corner Piano-Forte, with lop, Plinth, and Mouldings venccrud with do. and veneered Legs, 7. Elegant crotch Mahogany tah;o front Piano-Forte, with Top, Plinth, and .Mouldings banded with do., square 0. G. or hollow corner Caps, and squire Legs. . . 300 i 8. Elegant crotch Mahogany hollow coiner Piino Forte,with Plinth and Mouldings banded with do., and round Legs veneered, . . 310 9. Elegant cro'ch Mahogany hollow I ' corner Piano Forte, as above, (No. ft \ urifti Itnllntv r>npmif T.,n I ong experience in the Cotton 'trade, and by iroinpt attention to business, lie hopes to con. . inno to receive a liberal share of patronage, [lis commission for selling Cotton is 50 cents vr bale, for Receiving and Forwarding Goods, . tc. 25 cents per package. No storage will be ! harged on Goods regularly consigned to him, ' . hit arc to be forwarded by the Rail Road, and i 1 io expenses inenr ed or eliarged that can possi- j ,1 y Ir-avoided. Persons shipping Cotton to him j Vom the interior, by the way of Hamburg, can ' ibluin liberal advinccs on it by applying to Dr. j ?roKES, ot that place. T. GOLDSMITH. J " October 11. IS 12. 48 Ot BOM.^ETTS A\J) HOODS la fUST Received a gaotl stock of Bonnet:* t tW and Hoods. i I>. MAIJ.OV. Sq>t. 2 ?, 45 it 1 Slumps 320 ; 10. Elegant crotch Mahogany hollow corner Piano Forte, as ahove. (No. 0 ) with sunk Panels in front, ami bimled T<p. .... 330 j ( Extra, for cacli additional half Octave, 40 j O" P'inths with Scrolls or Stand rds, or any j ither pattern of Logs, may be applied by paying he diircrence. Elegant Rosewood Piano.Forles with Tops J 1 veneered on both sides, same price as those of slegant crotch Mahogany. The above are the Prices. R BRYAN & BRO. Agents. Cliomv, 1st Nov., 1842. 1 4t SHERIEF SALES."" Writs of Fieri Facias will he sold he Tire w r the Coni t Iloure door on flic first Monday ! ind day following in December next, within the | cgal hours the fofowing propeily. viz: KW) Acres of land more or lesson Beaver j "reck, wateis of Thompson's Crock, \\ hereon the lefendant resides, adjoining the lands c?f John j MeColman, Sarah Parker, and John Turnagc at j I.c suit of M. & R. Hailey, cl al. va Daniel A. I Jraham. Six Lots in the Town of Cheraw known in i he plan of said Town by Nos. 4G, 47. 82, b3, j 11, 85. F'orty six and Forty seven, arc well i inproved lo's and bounded on the Nortli by i Tliu rch Street, having each a front of one bun- ! Ircd feet on Church Street by throe hundred feet ; Icrp; eighty two,ciglity three, eighty four, and I ' ighty five, are bat little improved and hounded ' >n lh" South by Churcli Street, and West by j riiird Street, at the suit of Ann Lide, ct al, vs. ' !sa ah Do Pose and K. C. DnBose. A l of Isaiah Dubosc's interest in two 'ots in ! !*o\vc Town, numbered on the pint ors nd Town 1 1 evonty-two (72) and seventy three (73) measurng each one hundred feet front on Green s rcet ' lontinucd, by three hundred feet deep, at the suit >f Assignees of John A. Inglis, vs. Isaiih Dru 1 Base. Eighty-seven negroes, viz : Sharper, William, ^enus, Nanpy, Amanda, Mil|;??a, Lucy Ann. losannn, Lirnus, Miry, Sam, Rob it, Charles, ( fasper, Creas^y, Moses, Dice, Murk, Rnin-y, J-nali, Rose, Lucy. Rachel, Jim, Snpho, D ?!ly ! Sandy, Rosetta, Milly. Silvy, Joe, C ilvin. Lorn. Ion, Bella, Mich, Daniel, Jim, Minda. Will, j irace, Abrani, Alby. Boston. I'rankey, Nancy, i luno, Ben. Beckney, Cliailottc, Mary, Jam, i Sandy, Stephen. Cesar, Jesse, Jesse Binah, j \rchcr. Sarah, William. John, Daniel, Tobv, ; Mary, Mark, Sain, Vilot, Demho, Grace, C'oe, 1 Sam, Albert, Christopher, Cate, Sarah, Frank, j Jhina, Elizi, Auice, Cook, Eilio, Clara, Pinlis, j "Jnnvil and Anicc, f t the suit of Charles A. Vlagwood and Geo. W. Dargin, ct. al. vs Isaiah Dubosc and K. C. Duhosc. Seven negroes, viz: Naocv, (and her six diildren) Alic, Daniel, Charlotte, Jenny, Mary (, ind John : Also frrty head of Cattle and thirty ! ( ive head of Hogs, one Ciock. lu o Colts and a J ot of Corn and Fodder, at the suit of John D. McLean ct. al. vs. Ranald McDnnnlH, the Cattle, ' . [Jogs, &c. will be sold at defendant's residence i m Tuesday the second day of sale. One negro man (Cliar'c*) al the suit of James i , [I. Rati iff vs. Calvin Pet kins. This hoy will be ;old at the risk of the former purchaser. l30d Acres of land more or less whereon John ^opeland resides lying on Lot 11 sides of Dee- i Jrrek hounded Noith and Cast ty M i'lis Ilar.p : :ocks land, West hy lands owned by Alston '> Massey, Matt Rushing and N. Gibson, on the j South by Estate of Win. Hancocks land at the j mit of Turner Bryan, Ord'y C. D. vs. Geo. W, j VJeadoi and John Copcland. Four head of Cattle, and two stacks of Fodder j cvird on as the property of John Polk at the mit of John McCall for another vs. John Polk, rhis levy will he offered for sale at Defendant's Tsidonce on Tuesday the second day of sale. Terms?Cash?Puichascrs to pay for tucss:ary papers. JOHN EVANS, Shff.C. D. Shfls. Office, Nov. 12, 1612. 1 3t ! j FACTORAGE < AND t CO?IJIISSIO\ BUSINESS, CHARLESTON S. C. l THE undersigned would moat respectfully inform his friends and the public generally, hat he continues to transact ?he FACTOR AG E i \ND COMMISSION BUSINESS in the city j >f Charleston, S. C., (Office on Magwood's i iVlIARP.) I . He, will assiduously apply his host exertions to iromote the interest of his patrons?and from his SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. ' Michael Watson applicant, vs. William Hen. I ( drick, John Hendrieh, Henry Hendrick, Jacob ' I). Flowers aud wife Mary, the children of! Thomas Hendrick, Jr., dee'd., Samuel D. Tim. J mons and wife Sarah C., Hardy Hendrick. I Jonathan J. Hendrick, and Rebecca Hendrick. ; 1 IT appearing to my satisfaction that John ; J Hendrick, Henry Hendrick, Jacob 1). Flowers ' i( and wife .Vary, and the children of Thomas , s Hendrick, Jr., dec'J., Defendants reside without a the limits of 'Ills State, It is tlierclore ordered that fIiey do appear and object to the division or sale of the Real Es.ale of Thonias Hendiick, Sen'r., dte'd., on or before the third day of Docomber next, or their consent to the some will be entered of record. T. BRYAN, O. C. P. Sept. 6, 1843. 43 lamf3m ^ IN i;<tlITV, 1 CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT. Jatnes C. Massey, ) and wife, ct al j Bill for discovery | vs. } Account &c. Alexander May, et. al. Ex'rs J IT appearing to n.y satisfaction that Hampton [i. Hammond and his wife, two of the defendants in the above case reside without the limits of this Stale: On motion of Wright & j McMullan. complainants'solicitors, it is ordered that the said defendants do appear and plead an. r swer or demur to the bill within throe months *' from the publication of this order, or the same 1 will be taken pro cottfrssv against them. D. S. IIARLLFE, [! Com. in E.juky for Chesterfield and Marlboro' Dis'tcs. Cboraw, 27th, Sept. 1842. 47 3m In tiiFj Common Pleas. Chesterfield District. Henry Easterling, ) Declaration vs. > on note in G. YV. Booth. ) Attachment. YVHEREAS the Plaintiff in this action did an this day file his Declaration against G. YV. _ Booth, the defendant, who is absent from arid without the limits of the State (as it is said.) and having neither wife or attorney known upon whom a copy of the above Declaration, 8l with a rule to plead thereto, may be served; ?, 11 is therefore in pursuance of the Acts of the General Assembly of this .State in each cases, made and provided; Ordered that the defend- " ant, do plead thereto on or before the twentysixth day of December next, otherwise final ' and absolute judgment will be then given and awarded against him by default. T. BRYAN. Office of Common Pleas ) Chesterfield C. II. Dec. 25,1841, s i 9 le3mfly SOITII CAROLINA, It Chesterfield District. J e rr,. ? / ./ 4 1 a 1U AlVJrunutr u/uwKi, jmuiiiiizuuun <y ^ a1/ and singular the Goods. Chattels, ^ Rights and Credits of John T. Ilinson, i, deed. And to John B. Billingsby and ' Brown Bryan, sureties fur the said Ad- v ministration. ,W/r HEREAS, Light Townsend, who mar- | V V r ie<l Mary Ann Ilinson, llie widow of the | said John 'I'. Unison, deceased; made Buit to <| urn, Turner I try ail, Ordinary, to grant him Let- [ tcrs of Administration on the uundmiiiistorcd putt of the sail Estate; ?these are tn cite you t lie said Alexander Graham, John B. Billiugsby, and Brown Bryan, to appear lioforc rne in the Co irt of Ordinary to be holden at Chesterfield Court House on Friday the nint.h day of December next, then and there to come and ccounl for ' ill the inonb s, goods, chattels and credits of the ciirl Kstite, and make a filial settlement of tho a same; or to shew e.usc why the letters of 'J Administration, to yon granted, should not he s revoked, and Administration grunted to tiie said '' \ Light 1 ownsend. 1 Given under my hand and seal tho 20th day uf September i?d2. " T. BRYAN, O. C. n. tl 46 lamf3m " STAT1 IE Ol- SOI TIl L AROLfi.XA, CIIERAW DISTRICT. In Equity. M iry Lifta, . Robert Latta, ? and others, Bill fer sale of Land ' vs. - and negroes?for parWin. Henry liliou and ace. tint! wife, end o'.liers. fT nppiaring to my satisfaction that VVm. i lleiiry and Ann Henry, his wife, two of th.s Defendants in tiio above stated ease, oro f| ah' cut from and reside without the limits of the state. On motion of G \V. & J A Durgan Complainants So iei'ors it is ordered that they 1 fin j)!cid ai.siver or demur to tho Complainants . Bill within three months from the publication of this nr-'er and that in default thereof the tame ^ t>? taken against them pro confesso. it. is also ordered that this order le published in the Farmers'G-zrttc twice a month for the -pace of three months. v x i a w r. p. r. n August 2d. 18-12. 4? *2m'f3in ??? * 7 7? uiil mca til u * !\J rffNlIF. Subscriber has ju?t received on con. JL sigmnont, to be s*ld at very low prices for CASH O.YLY, 10 Doz. Fancy Gilt and tnaplc cane seat chairs. ^ 8 S:nail ' ' " * sewing do. c 8 l/i ire Ho?ton cane and solid seat Rocking do. 2 " Mahogany Mohair Spring scat do. do. f> Small cine " do. do. ' 4 Solid seat Nurse, d ?. do. GEO. II. DUN LAP. ?, Choraw, August 25, 1842. 42 tf BLACKSUITIIIXQ. < tHNI1E Subscriber lias this day recommenced JL business on liis own account and hopes o: ay close application to business to share public patronage. My prices will be moderate. Ilorse ~ Shoeing wid receive my personal attention it is hcrcfore warranted to bo done with neatness 1 itnl despatch. J N. B.?I a n now prepared to repair, or put I oi ip n.w lightning rods. S C. I. SHIVER. 1 bt April 4 1842. 21 tf A few baloj 4-4 Brown Domestics for sale lm. on favorable terms, by rj D. MAI HOY Aug. 23rd. 41 tf & NOTICE. !* rflE Subfcubcr is now receiving from New York, an excellent assortment ot seasonable ioods selected by h.msclf ?i h great care. He s persuaded lliat be can soli Goods in li's line as ?w as I hey can he afford* d in this market, and s dolermincd to do so. -jg D. B. McARN. Cbcraw, Nov. 1, 1842. 51 3m | notice! I _ A l.L persons having demands against the i J Estato of John Chapman, decoased, will! deaso rentier the.r claims to us, properly proved, irforo lbo fourth day of October next :?and ill persons indebted to said Estate arc requested o make immediate payment. Mil.LEY CHAPMAN, Adm'x. W. J. IIANNA, Administrator. j C'hestcrlV.Id C. 11. Oct. 28,1512. ?i.?ot >FU1,\U AAIi Sl.TIJILK riiE Subscriber hoc just received a well selected block of Pancy and Staple Dry G. H. Dt'NLAP. Chcraw, April 9, 1842< 22 If WOOD. [HAVE again resumed the business of Haul, ing Wodo, My ol.l customers and the pub. e generally aro respectfully, informed that 1 hall t>? grateful for a renewal of their custom, nd pledge myself to haul loads that will please. A. P. LACOSTE. July 19, 18-12. 36 tf CLOTHS, ( ASSIHEKS, AND SAT1NETTS. UMALLOY has just received a good stock of Cloths, Cunmert, und Satinets, vhich he is anxious to sell, and bargains ma y tc had. Sept. 20, 1813. 45 tf ~ SliLD WHEAT. jT $ BUSHELS of Hie favorite kinds "GoL den Chaff" and " Bearded* Wheat, i-'or sale L>y D. MALLOY. October 1. If42. 47 4t A CARD. DR. JOHN LYNCH having permanently located himself in the town of Chcraw, c? pect fully tenders professional services to he citizens of this place and the adjoining counry. He hopes by a diligent attention to his rofession, to receive a liberal share of public atronsge. He can always be found at his i*tier's (Con'.aw Lynch) residence cn Market Itrect. Cltcraw, July Ht. If42. 34 tf FISH! FISH!! MACKEREL, in whole, half, and qtr. bbls. M ess Shad in do do do Codfish and Salmon, aB of excellent quality, For sale by P L ACOSTE. uctoiirr 18, 18-12. 49 If NOTICE. ^ 4LL p-rsons indebted to (he Subscriber by nolo or account are requested lo call and r ttlc the same, as further indu'gence cannot be iven. R. SHAW. Sept. 13. 1P42. 44 tf_ LUCER1E. Flin Subscriber has just received and has for safe by the pound or lesser quantity Lu. true Seed? WITTI DARLIXG'S UNIVERSAL SOAP, 7or trashing, wifhoul boiling or bleaching. Many experiments have l?een tried lo render lie washing of clothes less labor <>us and inoro eoix inical, but no itfo \ In s been so successful s tl.o discovery and int oduction of Darling's Jniversal Soap, which wi I remove stains, diri, ;rease, arid < v n paint from clothing, without oiling or blenching. This article i? ?u| cri? r for washing flannels, i oo h us, linens, l. cce, xi ks, and calicoes, to my now in isso. It is w;: r ranted to contain no ngr?dient that will dtsimy, rot or injure, in tho cast, texture or cob r: nor will it injure the lands, but will rm tier them soft and tit, wh? n lone washing, In engage in sewing, if necessary, 'or cleaning paint it is unrivalled. C VANPERFORD. September 13, 18-12. 44 If COTTON OS^ IBI ROS AND C'OTTON YARflT. rHE Subscriber has received on consign, ment from t'ne Dc Kalb Factory at Caindca i. C 12 Bales very superior Cotton Omiburgs and 12 Bales Cotton Yarn, whichhe will ell by the B.?lo to Meichants o< as good or e'.lcr onus than they cau purchase in New i orn in Charleston. lie would also invite tho Planters of the leighborhnod to call and examine Ihu Oznai urgs, I iii i t. - riejr win umi ii a cnraprr and better article than las ever been sold in this market. U. H. DUNLAP. Cheraw. April 4, 1842. 21 if NOTICE. The Subscriber has just received, and trtil ^ teep coustantly on hand. Cotton Yarn and * ['wine at wiioiesale, from lite Manufactory oi locking lain. GEO. GOODRICH. Cheraw, Jan., 1840. ]0 tf CORN WANTEDT" WANTED to purchase from 1000 to 30C0 Bushels corn to be delivered in Cheraw, ir at any of the landings down the river, for vhicli the highe t market price will he paid I). M'NAIR. April II, 1812. 22 tf HATS AND SHOES. rW!HE Subscriber has jnst toceivcd "a large JL ami well selected supply of Huts and Shoes, vhich will be sold cheaper than were ever offersd in this market. D. MALLOY. Sept. ?0, 1812. 45 tf ~ ETW. DRENNING U70ULD Respectfully inform the public that he has located tiimself on 1 M ~w?imd X ? )pposite Mr- iMoure's Hotel, where he intend? arrying on the DYKING AND SCOURING BUSIXKSS. Ladica' and Gentlemen's garments cleaned, nd, if faded, dyed the original or any other col. r, and pressed in the ncaitst manner. Carpets, 'able-Covers, arm Crumb cloths cleaned without liurv to the Color.?Cotton Yarns dved Fast "olnrs. .V. B. His dyeing will not soil the whitest rticle. Clieraw, August 1G, 1842. 40 tf STORE TO 11 EXT. [HAVE rented all my Stores, except the one next above Mr. (Jeorgc II. Dunlap's, and ne door Mow corner of Kershaw and Front trects. This Store is considered a first rate and, and will be rented on liberal terms. A. P. IACOSTF. August 2, 1842. 38 tf SUGAR and TEA. OUBI.E and Single loaf Sugar, Crushed Su ir, and best Hyson Tea, in Caddies, or by th ) mnd, prime articles for family use. For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 18,1812. 49 COTTOIV I1AGGIXG, ROI E, TWINE?a good stock of the aboy? 01: hand, and tor sale at the lowest market ice, by D. MALLOY. Aug 23rd 41 If LEA THER and SIIOE THREAD. 95 SIDES, Sole Leather, 104 Kij> and Wax do. 120 lb. Shoe Thread, ' 1'or 6ule low by A. P. LACOSTR. October 18, l*!'.1. 19 tf