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No. l'J'l. For commons ifion of t'10 in.Iter an J ! rcfi.ier, tw ? to ?asan 1 dollars. No. 1J1. Fir con> j:is ttio.i of tw> clerks, at twelve Inn Ire 1 dollars ca:!?, t.vo tlousxnd four luri Ire J d ill irs. ^ No. Ho. For co:n;?aisition of workman, two tlrousond dollars. No. If Mi. For rebuilding fla-s of inciting dcp art.acnt, one thousand five hundred dollars. No. 107. For iron rods for strengthening north nn 1 sooth wiu^s of tire mint, one thousand dollars. WISKOX3AN Tfi.lSITOXY. No. 103. For the salary of the Governor of Wiskonsan Territory, as Governor, one thous an 1 five hundred dollars; as superintendent of Indian affairs, one thousand dollars; bein^j in all two thoisind five hundred dollars. No. 103. For compensation of three judges, at one thousand ci^jht huridreJ dollars cash, five thousand four hundred dollars. No. ll'J. For compensation of secretary, one thousand two hundred dollars. No. 111.' For contingent expenses of the Ter' * i i*r* l it ritory, three hundred ana nuy uoaiars. .No. 112. For co.npcns otion ana mileage of the members of the Legislative Assembly, pay of officers, printing, stationery, fuel, lights, enclosing the Capitol S'pi ire, an J all other in-iHe itil and miscellaneous obje/ls, twenty Ihausuud dollars. IOWA TKUlilTOKV. \o. 113. Far silary of Governor of Iowa Torrltory, as Governor, one thoasan 1 live hundred dollars; as superintendent of Indian aiFiirs, one thousand d?!lars; being i ? all two tilwsand five hurt Ircd dollars. No. 111. For co:me n jtion of three judges, at o ?e thousand eight hundred dollars each, five thousand four hundred dollars. No. 115. For comp nsation of secretary, one tliousind two hundred dollars. No. 1 U . For contingent expenses of the Ter. ritory, three hundred and fifty dollars. No. 117. For compensation and mileage of the members of the Legislative Assembly, pay of officers, printing, stationery, fuel, postage, lights, furniture, rent, and all other incidental and misccllaneous objects, twenty thousand one hundred and seventy-five dollars. And for the arrearages of excuses for the Legislative Assembly of the Territory of Iowa, for the present anl previous years, the accou its for which shall lirsi be audited and allowed by the pro4>cr accounting office s of the Treasury, thirteen thousand four hundrc 1 and twenty-one dollars: Provided, Tint no part of this appropriation shall be used for the payment of the members of the said Legislative Assembly for per diem wages, in. I cage, or extra services, or for stationery for their individu il use, nor for any other purpose not authorized by the act of Congress establishing the Territory of Iowa: A<>d pro. ridel, further, Th it the Legislative Assembly of .. . T..?.;#,.rT- s!?:ii! hereafter, in anv instance, or 11/ lUIIWj ... f ^ u ider any pretext whatever, exceed t!ic amount appropriated by Congress for its annual expenses. FLORIDA TFRRITORV. No. 118. For sal try of the Governor, two Toysan 1 five hundred dollars. iNo. j.'or compensation of four judges, at o.jc thousantTctgUi hundred dollars each, and one at two thoaund three hundred dollars, nine thousu rl five hand red dollars _ No. 12 ). For compensation of secretary, one thousand five hundred dollars. No. 121. For contingent expenses of the Tcrritory, three hundred an J fifty dollars. No. 122. For compensation and mileage of t!?e members of the Legislative Council, pay of <? Seers, stationery, fuel, printing, rent, furniture, and all other incidental and contingent objects, t venty-seve.n thousand one hundred and twentyfive dollars. JUDICIARY. No. 123. For the salary of the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court, five thousand dollars. No. 121. For the salaries of eight associate judges, at four thousand five hundred dollars, thirty-six thousand dollars. No. 125. For the salary of the district judge, of Maine, one thousand eight hundred dollars. No. 126. For the salary of the district judge, of New Hampshire, one thousand dollars. No. 127. For the salary of the district judge, Massac;insetts, two thousand five hundred dol1 irs. No. 128. For the salary of the district judge, Vermont, one thousand two hundred dollars. No. 12J. For the salary of the district judge, Rhode Island, one thousand five hundred do! larau No. 13). For ihc salary of the district judge, Connecticut, one thousand five hundred ?lt?ll.irs. No. 131. For the salary of the district judge, New York, northern district, two thousand do!] irs. No. 132. For the salary of the district judge, No v York, southern district, three thousand five hundred dollars. No. 133. For the silary of the district judge. New Jersey, one thousand '|VC hundred dollars. No. 131. For the salary of the district judge, Pennsylvania, eastern district, two thousand five hundred dollars. No. 13"?. For the salary of t!i? district judge, IVnn-ylvuna, western i.s'.r.'f, on i i;;t->iua --.gui ii ndred d ?!l??rs. No. 13J. For flic * dory of the disti.-t juJge, JUawarc, one thousand five hundred doll us. No. 137. For the salary of the district judge, Maryland, two thousand dollars. No. 13o. For the salary of t.hc district judge, Virginia, eastern district, one thousand eight hundred dollars. No. 13). For the salary of the district judge,! Virginia, western district, one til ousand six hu:i- J dred dollirs. No. 14). For the silary of the district judge,! Kentucky, one thousand five hundred dollars. v- 1 *' ''?? tlio ml'tri' nf the district iudlTC. I .4<J. 4*1. 4 -- J O * I Tennessee, one thousand live hundred dollars. No. U'2. For the salary of the district judge, Ohio, one thousand dollars. No. 113. For the salary of the district judge, N artli Carolina, two thousand dollars. No. 111. For the stl iry of the district judge, Snath Carolina, t.vo thousand live hundred dollars. No. 115. Far the sal ry of the district judge, J (?-orgi-i, two thousand five hundred dollars. N ?. 14'i. F ?r the salary of the district judge,! I/juisiana, three thouund dollars No. 117. F 'or the salary of t!ic district judge,! M'ssisippi, two thousand dollirs. V., lis For the sal ary of the disiri 't iud^c, J i lia'ia, o:?c thousan 1 ihjlUrs. So. I I.), l'ar til" s.t!.irv of the district iud^r, ' I 1 nV.r. out fh'?us:n-* j [ No. 13). For the salary of the district judge, ' [ A'ahum, two thousand five hundred dollars. No 131. For the salary of the district judge, 1 i Missouri, one thousand two hundred dollars. No. 13J. For the silary of the district judge, .Michigan, one thousand five hundred dollars. No. 133. For the salary of the district judge, Arkansas, two thousand dollars. No. 131. For the salary of the chief justioo of !tlic District of Columbia, two thousand seven hundred dollars. j | No. 155. For the salary of two associate ( J judges, at two thousand live hundred dollars each, ! tive thousand dollars. No. loo. For the salary of the judgo of the | criminal court, two thousand dollars. No. 157. tor the salary of the judge of the or. j phans court, Washington county, one thousand j dollars. j No. 153. For the salary of tho judge of the or. J | ph ins court, Alexandria county, one thousand dollars. No. 153. For the salary of the attorney gene. ! ral of the United States, four thousand dollars. ! No. 103. For the compensation of the clerk j and messenger, one thousand five hundred do!. | lars. i j No. 1GI. For the compensation of the district i Attorneys of .Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New York, (northern district,) New Jersey, Pennsylvania, (western dis-1 trict,) Delaware, Virginia, (eastern district,) Vir. I ginia, (western district,) Tennessee, (eastern dis. i trict,) Tennessee, (western district,) Tennessee, I (Jackson district,) Kentucky, Ohio, North Caro| lina, Georgia, Louisiana, (western district,) Misj sissippi. (northern district,) and .Mississippi, (south- j j crn district,) Indiana, Illinois, Alabama, (northern ; district,) Alabama, (southern district,) Missouri, j Michigan, Arkansas, Florida, (eastern district,) Florid i, (middle district,) Florida, (western dis' 1 ' '1 J?a CI/.,.U/ a rtrki I trictj r ion a a, (souincrn uisuici,/ nuuuu, v.?rr.? i lachicola district,) an I Iowa, each two hundred dailars, six thousand eight hundred dollars. I ^ ? No. 162. For compensation of the district i attorney of South Carolina, from April twenty, j seven, eighteen hundred and forty-one, to Decern. ber thirty-one, eighteen liundrcd and forty-two, : three hundred and sixty-six djllars and eleven j cents. j No. 16J. For compensation of district attorney i of the eastern district of Louisiana, six hundred dollars. No. 161. For compensation of district attorney of Wiskonsan, two hundred and fifty dollars, j No. 165. For compensation of marshals for the districts of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, i Rhode Islan 1, Connecticut, New York, (northern j district,) New Jersey, Pennsylvania, (western j district,) Delaware, Virginia, (eastern district,) I Virginia, (western district,) Kentucky, Ohio, j Tennessee, (eastern district,) Tennessee, (westj ern district,) Tennessee, (Jackson district,) j Louisiana, ^eastern district,) Louisiana, (western j district,) Mississippi, (northern and southern disj trict,) Indiana, Illinois, Alabama, (northern district,) Alub im i, (sou'hern district,) Missouri, Michigan, Arkansas, Florida, (eastern district,) Florida, (middle district,) Florida, (western district,) Florida, (southern district,) Florida, (Appalachicola district.) Wiskonsan, and Iowa, each two hundred dollars, six thousand eight hundred uuiiurs. No. 166. For compensation of marshal for the district of North Carolina, four hundred dollars. No. 167. For defraying the expenses of the 6uprcine, circuit, and district courts of the United States, including the dist.ict of Columbia; also, for jurors and witnesses, in aid of the funds arising fro.n fines, penalties, and forfeitures, incurred in tiic year eighteen hundred and forty-two and preceding years; and, likewise, for defraying the expcnscs of suits in which the United States are concerned, and of prosecuting for offences committed against the United States, and for the safe keeping of prisoners, including expenses under the ; bankrupt law, and also including thirty thousand dollars arrearages for last year, three hundred and seventy-five thousmddollars: Prodded, howeccr,! Tint every district attorney, clerk of a district! court, clerk of a circuit court, and marshal of the ! United States, shall, until otherwise directed bv i law, upon the first days of January and July in J each year, commencing with the first d?y of July 1 next, or within thirty days from and after the days : specified, make to tjic Secretary of the Treasury, in such form as lie shall prescribe, a return, in writing, embracing all the fees and emoluments of O' ? their respective olfices, of every name and character, distinguishing the fees and emoluments received or payable under the bankrupt act, from J those received or payable for any other service; I and in the case of a marshal, further distinguish I j ing the fees and emoluments received or payable J j for services by himself personally rendered, from ; I those received or payable for services rendered by j | a deputy ; and also distinguishing the fees and j | emoluments so received or payable for services ; j rendered by each deputy, by name, and the pro- j ; portion of such fees and emoluments which, by j ) tiic terms of his service, each deputy is to receive;' 1 - -II * 1 - ~ rt r* r I j and abo, cuiDraanig mi litis I ItVyl/OJJ I J V111W va* j J peases of such officer, together with the vouchers j for the payment of the same, for the half year! : ending on tiie sfid first day of January or July, i j as the ease may be; which return shall be, in a!! J J>3, verified by Hie oath of the officer making 1 thcsime. And no district attorney shall be ah j lowed by the said Secretary of the Treasury, to! retain of the fees and emoluments of his said of. lice, for his own person 1! compensation, over and above his necessary office expenses, the necessary clerk hire included, to be audited and allowed by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury, a sum exceeding six thousand dollars per year, and j at and after that rate, for such time as he shall j h >ld the office ; and no clerk of a district court, I or clerk of a circuit court, shall be allowed by the i said Secretary, to retain of the fees and eniofu-1 meats of h.s said office, or, in case both of the said clerkships shall be held by the same person, of the sai l offices, for his own personal compensation, over and above the necessary expenses of his of. fice, and necessary clerk hire included, also to be j audited and allowed by the proper accounting of. | ; fleers of the Treasury, a sum exceeding three ! thousmd five hundred dollars per year, for any j such district clerk, or a sum exceeding twenty-m j five hundred dollars per year for any such circuit I < clerk, or at and after that rate, for such time as - ? l..i ok-.11 k? j . lie shall hold the oitice; anu nu maisuai -u-.. , , allowed by the siid Secretary, to retain of the fees ( ] and emoluments of his said office, for his own |>er- I so:nl coiiioens ition, over and above a proper al-1 ? low nice to iiis deputies, which shall in no case c.t-1 eted three-fourths of t!ie tecs and emoluments ! 1 r ;i jv ! as p?y.d?li for tlie services rrn icred !>v ! t t the deputy to whom tho allowance is nude, and may be reduced below that rate by the said Secretary of the Treasury, whenever the return sluil show that rate of allowance to be unreasonable, and over and above the necessary office expenses of the said marshal, the necessary clerk hire included, also to be audited and allowed by the proper accounting officers of the Treasury, a sum exceeding six thousand dollars per year, or at and after that rate, for such time as he shall hold the office; and every such officer, shall, with each such return made by Inn, pay into the Treasury of the United States, or deposite to the credit of the Treasurer thereof, as he may be directed by the Secretary of the Treasury, any surplus of the I " i ? /vf Lta uriiuih KIQ Ittlf lees anj cuiotuiiicms ui mo ..... ?Jt.. yearly return so made as aforesaid shall show to exist over and above the coinj>cnsation and allowances hereinbefore authorized to be retained and J paid by him. And in every ease where the return of any such officer shall show that a surplus may exist, the said Sccictary of the Treasury shall ' cause such returns to be carefully examined and ! the accounts of disbursements to be regularly au1 dited by the proper officers of his Department, and j an account to be opened with such officer in proper books to be provided for that purj>osc, and the allowances for personal compensation for each calcndarycar shall be made from the fees and emoluments of that year, and not otherwise; And pro. I tided, further, That nothing in any existing law I of Congress authorizing the payment of a per diem compensation to a district attorney, clerk of a district court, or clerk of a circuit court, or marshal, or deputy marshal, lor attendance upon the district or circuit courts during their actings, shall be so construed as to authorize any such payment to any one of those officers for attendance upon cither of those courts, while sitting for the transaction of business under the bankrupt law mercI ly, or for any portion of the time for which either ' of the said courts may be held open, or in session, j by the outhorily conferred in that law; and no ! such charge, in any account of any such officer, shall be certified as payable, or shall be allowed and piid out of the money hereinbefore appropri - - . . . At 1 j atcd for defraying tlic expenses 01 me couna ui the United States, unless such district attorney, clerk, or marshal, shall be required by the judge of j said court or the Solicitor of the Treasury to at' tend the session of the same, shall actually attend ' for the performance of the duties of his said office. | And no per diem or other allowance shall be made ; to any such officer for attendance at rule days, of the circuit or district courts, and when the circuit ' and district courts sit at the s imc time, no greater : per diem or other allowance shall be made to any such officer than for attendance on one court: And provided, further, That the district attorney, marshal, clerk of the circuit court and clerk of the district court of the United States for the northern and southern districts of New Yoak, shall not hereafter receive any greater or other ! fees and emoluments, including fees and crnolu1 incuts under the act cutitlcd " An act to establish j a uniform system of bankruptcy throughout the United States," for services rendered by them, respectively, in the said courts, than now arc cr hereafter may be allowed by the la ws of the State of New York to attorneys, solicitors, counsel, sheriffs, and clerks, in the highest courts of law or equity, of original jurisdiction, of the State ot New York, according to the nature of the proceedings, for like service? rendered therein : Provided, That no part of the fund hereby appropriated, shall be unless in addition to the certificates now required by law, the clerk of the said court shall certify in his official capacity, that the services have been rendered, and the supplies furnished for, and used by the court, and that the eh irgtf therefor were legal and proper. MISCELLANEOUS. No. 1G8. Annuities and grants: Josiah II. Webb, per act of twelfth December, eighteen bun drcd and eleven, fifty dollars; Rachacl Dorijman, | per act of third March, eighteen liundrcd and seventeen, three hundred dollars; Elizabeth C. Perry, per act of second .March, eighteen hundred and twenty-one, four hundred dollars; Elizabeth M. Perry, per act of second March, eighteen liundrcd and twcnty.onc, one hundred and fifty dollars ; making in all nine hundred dollars. No. 1G9. For survey of the coast of the United States, including compensation to superintendent and assistants, one hundred thousand dollars. No. 171). For the continuation of the survey of the northern and southern lakes of the United States, twenty thousand dollars. No. 171. For completing survey of the boundary between the State of Michigan and territory of Wiskonsan, seven thousand dollars. No. 172. To enable the President of the United States to cause to be made and coniplc'cd an exploration and survey of that part of the northeastern boundary line of the United States and the adjacent country which separates the States | of Maine and New Hampshire from the British j provinces, and for completing maps of surveys already made, and other work, according to estimates, sixty-six thousand three hundred and one dollars and seventy-five cents. V,. 1 71 t'nr ?lir> c iliriw nf flip two kerDcrs of the public archives in Florida, one thousand dol- | lurs, For allowance to law agent, assistant counsel, and district attorney, under acts providing for set- ! tlnncnt of private land claims in Florida, three thousand five hundred and thirty.five dollars and eighty two cents : Prodded, That 110 allowance shall hereafter l>e nude for compensation to the law agent, assistant counsel, or extra fees to the J district attorney of Florida, for attending to tiic i settlement of private land elaiins in Florida. And j the said office of law agent and power to employ ! assistant counsel arc hereby abolished. No. 174. For expenses in relation to the relief ' of certain insolvent debtors of the United Stales, | two thousand dollars. No. 175. For the support and maintenance of the penitentiary of the District of Columbia, in j addition to an unexpended balance of nine thousand three hundred and eighty-four dollars, six hun circd and sixteen dollars. No. 176. To make pood a deficiency in the year eighteen hundred and forty-one in the fund ! for the relief of sick and disabled seamen, as cstablibhed by the act of the third May, eighteen hun- t drcd and three, forty-six thousand five hundred dollars. No. 177. To complete and put in a suitable I :ondition for occupation the marine hospital at 1 Mobile, fifteen thousand dollars. No. 178. Tor the at JJoiton, I seventy-five thousand dollars. - - ' -r 1. . ?|...n ! .No, 17'J. I'Or pavsncm Ui MI ii umuuin a-> mail >c found due hv the select committee, appointed in : he House of J ? -present utives on the 13th div ofi May, eighteen hundred and forty-two, fosuperin' tendance, work done, and materials furnished in completing the custom-house, New York, a sum not exceeding twenty-eight thousand two hundred dollars. No. 180. For expcnecs of sixth census, includin ?" printing statistics and reports, enumeration of i . .. , ,, , , inhabitants ana auaenuum, una census 01 pensioni crs for revolutionary an J military services, ten ' thousand copies each, a sum not exceeding one I hundred aud ten tliousand dollars: Prodded, j however, That before the said accounts arc paid ! it shall be the duty of the Secretary of State, or ! other proper accounting officer, to ascertain from j ono or more disinterested practical printers, what ; would be considered a fair and just compensation for composition, press-work, printing and paper, and that so much and 110 more be allowed: And provided further, That 110 part of the said suin be applied-to the payment of the printing the compendium which is now a subject of dispute. For the removal of the statue of Washington, under the direction of a joint committee of both Houses of Congress, the account for which shall I . be audited and certified by said committee, a sarn not exceeding one thousand dollars. For expenses incident to the issue of Treasury notes heretofore authorised, two thousand dollars : Pporided, That no part of this appropriation be applied, aud no compensation shall be made, to any officer whose salary is est.fjlished by law, for preparing, signing, or issuing said Treasury notes. I.KjII T. 1101*.< E EST A I3LIS.M E N T. No 181. For supplying light-houses containing two thousand six hundred and fifty-two lamps, with oil, tube-glasses, wicks, buff-skins, whiting and cotton cloth, transportation and keeping the apparautus in order, one hundred and sixteen thousand seven hundred and thirty-five dollars and i ninety-six cents. No, 18:2. For repairs, refitting, and improve- ! j nicnts of light-houses, and buildings connected j j therewith, one hundred and thousand | ! three hundred and fifty-scvcn dollars and eighty- | j two CCJltS. No. 1 S3. For salaries of two hundred and thirty- ' six keeqers of light-houses, [seventeen of them be- ! j ing cliarged with two lights each, and one with J three,] ninety-four thousand thirty-eight dollars j and thirty three ecu's. I No. lb l. For salar ies of thirty keepers of lloati ing lights, fifteen thousand eight hundred dollars. j ? ? ' & No. 18*2. For seamens wages, repairs, and sup. ! i plies to thirty floating lights, sixty-seven thousand ! , one hundred and seventy-six dollars and eighteen ' cents. J No. 136. For weighing, mooring, cleansing, reparing, and supplying the loss of beacons, buoys, chains, and sinkers, twenty-five thousand four hundred and ninety-nine dollars and twelve cents. No. lt>7. For expenses of examining annually j the condition of the light-bouses, four thousand dollars; and for superintendents comntiss ons, at j two and a half per cent., eleven thousand two 1ju:ii drcd and fifteen dollars. | No. 138. For completing the dike front Clout i ! Island, Newport, Rhode Island, and removing the j j light the new light-house, thirteen thousand i dollars. INTERCOURSE WITH FOREIGN NATIONS. No. 189. For salaries of the ministers of the j UiiitcJ States to Great Britain, France, Russia, Prussia, Austria, Spain, Mexico, unJ Brazil, seventy-two thousand dollars. No. 199 For salaries of secretaries of legation to j lite same places, sixteen thousand dollars. No. 191. For salaries of the charges des affairs to Portugal, Denmark, Sweden, Holland, Belgium, Chili. Peru, Venezuela, New Granada, Texas, Naples, and Sardinia, fifty.four thousand dollars. No: 193. For outfits of charges des affairs to Sweden, Belgium, New Granada, and Holland, j eighteen thousand dollars. No. 193. For salary of the minister resident to Turkey, six thousand dollars. No. 191. For salary of a dragoman to the lega' tion to Turky, two thousand five hundred dollars. No. 193. For aontingent expenses of foreign intercourse, thirty thousand dollars: Provided, That such portion of the appropriations for foreign missions as shall remain unexpended by reason of reduction or discontinuance of missions, [if any should be made, may be applied to the payment of ! such allowances as shall be necessary in conscJ qacnee of such reduction or discontinuance. For contingent cxpcnces of all the missions I abroad, thirty thousand dollars. No. 196. For salary of the consul at London, j two thousand dollars. i No. 197. For tire relief and protection of American seamen in foreign countries, thirty-five tlious. | and dollars. No. 198. For clerk hire, office rent, and other cxpcnces of the the office or the consul at London, I two thousand ciirht hundred dollars. I No. 199. In full for tlic balance of expenses of | running and marking the boundary line between the United States and Texas, four hundred dollars; j and for salaries of the commissioner, surveyor, and | clerk, eleven hundred and twenty-five dollars, or J so much thereof as may be found due, on the acj counts being audited by the proper officer. ! No. 200. Tor the benefit of the legal rcprcsenta! tives of Edward Lee, (being a re-appropriation of ( the amount specified in the act of March seven, J , eighteen hundred and thirty-two, for the relief of | , El ward Lee.) three hundred and fifty dollars:( , Prodded, That no allowauce shall be made, out ; , of any moneys appropriated by this bill, to any | , clerk or other officer for the discharge of duties, 1 j the performance of which bclongsto anyotherclcrk i , or other officer in the same or any other depart-j , ment; and that no allowance shall be made for , any extra services whatever, which any clerk or . other officer may be required to perform: And j provided, also, That no person shall he paid for j carrying the office mails or doing any other duties , which ought to he done by the messengers of pur- ( ticular departments. , POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. For the service of the General Post Office for : fhc year eighteen hundred and forty-two, in con- ; formitv to the act of second July, eighteen hundred < and thirty-six, four millions four hundred and i ci^htv-fivc thousand and n:nc hundred dollars, < viz: t No. 2)1. For transportation of the nnil, three ! millions one hundred and Jifty thousand dollar.-.. < No. xJ'J:2. For compensation of postmasters, i nine hundred and fifteen thousand dollars: I'ro. t tidsd, koircccr, That in addition to returns nowrequired to he rendered by post masters, it shall be j the duty of Postmasters at New York, Boston, i Philadelphia, Baltimore, and New Orleans, and s the other several cities of the TTnion, tach and eve- i ry year hereafter, to renJer a quarter-ycarly account to the Postmaster (fen :ia\ under oath, in such form as the latter shall prescribe, for the purpose of giving full elFcet to this proviso, of all emoluments or sums by them respectively received for boxes, or pigeon holes, or other receptacles for letters or papers, and by them charged for to indi. viduals; or for the deliver of letters or papers at cr frcm anyplace in cither of said cities, other tli .n till actual post office of such city ; and of all emoluments, receipts, and profits, that have come to their hands by reason of keeping branch post offices in cither of said cities; and if, from such accounting, it shall appear that the nctt amount received by either of the postmasters at cither of such cities, for such boxes, and pigeon holes, and other receptacles for letters and papers, and for delivering letters or papers at or from any place in either of said cities, other than said post office, and by reason of keeping a branch post office in cither of said cities, shall, in the aggregate, exceed the sum of three thousand dollars in any one year, sucli excess shall be paid to the Postmaster General, for the use and purposes of the Post Office Department ; and no postmaster shall, hereafter, under any pretence whatsoever, have, or receive, or retain for himself, in the aggregate, more than five thousand dollars per year, including salary, commissions, boxes, and all other fees, perquisites and emoluments, of any name or character whatsoever, and for any service whatsoever. No. 203. For ship, steamboat, and way letters, twenty thousand dollars. No. 234. For wrapping paper, sixteen thousand eight hundred dollars. No. 235. For office furniture, (for offices of j>o3tmastcrs,) four thousand six hundred dollars. No. 200. For advertising, thirty-three thousand live hundred dollars. No. 207. For mail bags, twenty thousand dollars. No. 208. For blanks, thirty thousand dollars. No. 2 JD. For mail locks, keys aud stamps, ten thousand dollars. No. 210. For mail depredations and special agents, twenty-eight thousand dollars. No. 211. For clerks for offices, (i. c. to deputy postmasters,) two hundred thousand dollars. No. 212. For miscellaneous, fifty-eight thousand dollars: Provided, That the President and the Postmaster General shall have the same power to transfer funds from one to another head of appropriation, between the foregoing appropriations, m ide for the service of the General Post Office, as the President and any other head of an Executive Department now have to transfer funds appropriated under one head 'o liiescrvico of another, in any other branch of the public service. WILLIE P. MANGUM. President uj the Senate pro tempore. J JOIIN WHITE, Speaker oj im iijusioj litprcseniuuccs. Approved, May 18, 1812. JOHN TYLER. [The following laws h iving been inadvertently | omitted by the printer in their proper place, the numbers over them in the pamphlet edition publi. bed by authority of Congress are retained.] [Public?No. 107.] AN ACT to provide for the permanent employment in the Post Office Department of certain clerks heretofore for several years temporarily employed in that Department. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Re. preventatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the Postmaster General be, and he is hereby, authorized to employ in the Post Office Department, a topographer, at a salary of sixteen hundred dollars; and eight additional clerks, whose annual compensation shall be as follows : three clerks at fourteen hundred dollars e eh, four clerks at one thousand two hundred dollars each, and one clerk at one thousand dollars. Sec. 2. And be it further enae'ed, That the arrears of pay dua to said clerks from the first day of January last, at the rates aforesaid, and their regular salaries for the residue of the current year, be regularly paid to them by the proper officer of the Department, and for this purpose the sum of eleven thousand six hundred dollars is hereby appropriated out of any money in the Treasury not otherwise annropriatcd. See. 3. And be it further enacted, That eleven additional clerks heretofore temporarily employed in tiic office of the Auditor for the Post Office Department under the provisions of the acts of Congress of the third or March eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, and the seventh of July eighteen hundred and thirty-eight shall be permanently added to the force in that office, at the rates of compensation heretofore allowed for their services rcsj?ectivcly and the sum of thirteen thousand two hundrcJ dollars is hereby appropriated, for the payment of their salaries for the year eighteen hundred and forty-two. Approved, July 30th, 1812. [ Public?No. 108.] AN ACT to regulate arrests on mesne process in the District of Columbia. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Reprrsentutices of the United States of America in Congress assembled, Tnat hereafter no person shall he held to bail in any civil suit in the District of Columbia, unless on affidavit, filed by the plaintiff or his agent, stating in cases of debt or contract [he amount which he verily believes to be due, and that the same has been contracted by fraud >r false pretences, or through a breach of trust, or ! lint the defendant is concealing or has concealed his property in the District or elsewhere,or is about to remove the same from this District or the place A his residence, in order to evade the payment of the debt, or that, being a resident of the District and domiciled therein, is about to abscond without paying the debt, and with a view to avoid the payment of the same, setting fortli all the facts on which the said allegations of fraud or breach of j rust arc founded, and in all eases setting forth the grounds, nature, and particulars of the claim. The sufficiency of the affidavit to hold to bail, ind the amount of bail to be given, shall, upon ipplication of the defendant, be decided by the :ourt in term time, and by any single judge in vacation. In all cases in which the affidavit rejuircd by this act is not tiled previously to issuing lie writ, the defendant, upon its service, shall not jc required to give bail, but merely to sign an orIcr to the clerk of the court to enter his appearmcc in the causa, which, if he refuses to do he nay then be held to bail as in other cases. Sue. And be it further enacted, That any >crson now held to bail in a civil suit in the said >istrict may apply to the Circuit Court of the aid District in term time, or to any judge thereof j* ? ?i nnncr In-hp shall I \l VUCaMOM, a I u?L w vuu^v. ? * 1 1 not be discharged on filing a common appearancc, and shall be so discharged unless the plain, tiff or his agent shall file a sufficient affidavit, in conformity with the provisions of the proceeding section, within a reasonable period of time, to bo assigned by the court or the judge to whom the application is made. Approved, August 1st, 1842. [Pl'BLIC?No. 109.] AN ACT to extend the provisions of an act entitled " An act to regulate processes in the courts of the United States," passed the nine, teenth May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty eight. R. it k.. ll- C< . ... - ? ^ ,? uy ./.c senate and House oj He. presentatives of the United Statea of America, in Congress assembled, That the provisions of an act outitlcd, "An act to regulate processes in the courts of the United States," pa oed the nine, tecnth day of May, one thousand eight hundred and twenty.eight, tlm 1 be, and they are hereby, made applicable to such States as have bean admitted into the Union since the date of said act. Approved, August 1st, 1842. [Public?No. 110.] AN ACT granting to the county of Johnson, in the Tenitory of Iowa, the right of pre-emption to a tract of land for a scat of justice for said county, and repealing the second section ?>f an act approved the third day of March, eighteen hundred and thirty-nino, entitled "An act mik nga donation of land to tho Territory of Iowa, for tho purpose of e ccting public buildings thereon." Be it enacted hy the Senate and House of Re. prescntalites of the United Stales of America, in /I A ft t m I 1 sL ?_ * / congress nsscmoica, i nai inc rigni 01 prc-emplion, at llic minimum price fur which the public lands are sold, is horeby granted to the county of Johnson, in tho Torritory of Iowa, for tho fractional northwest quarter, cast ofthcrirer, of section number fifteen, in township seventyrii.e,of range six, west of the principal nieri.? man, as reported to the land offices ut Dubuque in said Territory, containing one hundred aid seventeen acres and sixty four one hundredth! of an acre, more or less, on the name term! and conditions expressed in the act of the twenty* sixth day of May, eighteen hundred and twenty, four, entitled " An act granting to the counties and p Irishes of each S ale and Territory of the United States, in which the public lands aro sit. uateJ, the rig lit of ure-emption to quarter sections of land for sc uts o- j mice w itliin the same which said right of pre emption is in lieu oflln^ to the quarler section heretofore lo rated hy tho commissioners of said county, which is relinquished. See. 2. And be it further enacted, That so much of the second section of an act entitled J" An act miking a donation of laud to th0 Territory of Iowa, for the purpose of erecting public buildmgs thereon" approved the third day of Mi rch, eighteen hunln-d and thirty-nine, r? directed the contiguous sections to the section to lie selected under sail act, for the pnrpnso -r :.l I... frmn M.ilit or entrV until | Ult'rusatu, vu uu itovnv*. . ^ the further action of Congress thereon, be, and the same is hereby, repealed : Provided, That the right of pre-emption sh i 1 not accrue to any person or persons who now are or may hereafter settle on said lands under any existing preeinptiin law. Approved, August 1st, IS 12. [Po'3t.ij? Nu III] AN ACT for the benefit of the county of Ilwlt, in the State ot Missouri. Be it enacted by the Senate and Haute of Re. preventatives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the projKT authorities of the county of Hull, in the Slate of Missouri^ be, and they herel y are, authorized to inake ^ entry, at the p ojier 1 and office, within one year next after the date of this act, at ?h: minimum price, of the west half of the southw st quarter of section numbered twenty-six and the east half of the southeast quarter of section numbered twenty-seven, in township numbered sixty, and range numbered thirty-eight, situated in the said county of Holt, making one hundred and sixty acres, upon which the seat of justice in said county is located, in full satisfaction oftho claim of said comity under the provisions of the act entitled, " An act giauting to the counties o \ parishes of each State and Territory "of tho United St.tcs in which the public finds are situated the right of pre-emption to quarter sections of land for seats of justice within tho ? ? 1" ^f \fa? nn same," approveu iwoni/-.'i*m ?i wj, ~..0 thousand eight hundrei an J twonty-four : Provided, That the said I m l* shall not havo bjon sold by the United Siat< s prior to the dulo of this act. Approved, August 1st, 1312. [Public?No. 112.] AN ACT to confirm tho sale of a certain schooj sect.on in the Stale of Illinois, and for other purposes. lie it enacted by the Senate and House of Re. yrrsentntives of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the sale heretofore made o( section number sixteen, in township number thirty-nine, north of rango fourteen, east of the third principal meridian, in tho State of Illinois, by and under the authority of said Slate with the assent of the inhabitants o? the congressional township, in which said section is situate be, and the same is hereby co iHrined : Provided*^ That this act .shall be construed as ??n y giving the assent of the United Stales to said sale, and to tho patents issued by the State of 'ilinois to the purchasers of the same, so far as the United Slates arc concerned in llie m it lor. Approved, August 1st, lrf42. [P? bi.ic?No. 120.] AN ACT to constiiiitc the ports of Stonington, Mystic river, and Pawcutuck river, a collection district. Be it enacted by the Senate and iltusc of Re. present at ices of the Lotted States of America in Congress assembledThat the town of Stoning, ton, in the county of New Ixmdon, State of Con. nceticut, shall be a collection district, from and after the thirtieth day of June ncAt; and that the jiortof Stonington, aforesaid, shall be, and hereby is, made a port of entry.