jf?tm1139# Gmittiit njtm ?Mmmnvr HBwrnrnwusmm* VOLUME VIII. CIIERAW. SOUTII-CAROLINA, TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1848. NUMBER I. - J I I II " '" ????W ??^?t By M. MACLEAN. ] Terms:?Published weekly at three dollars a, year; with an addition, when not paid within three months, of twenty per cent per annum. Two new subscribers may take the paper at five dollars in advance; ami ten at twenty. Four subscribers, not receiving their papers in town, may pay a year's subscription with ten dollars, in advance. A year's subscription always due in advance. Papers not discontinued to solvent subscribers ; in arrears. Advertisements not. exceeding lfi lines inserted j. for one dollar the first time, and fifty cents each 8 lbsequont tune. For insertions at intervals of two weeks 75 cents after the first, and a dollar if the intervals aro longer. Payment due in JTOUl IIWl utm; I* in.lv. J , in* covered with newer dopos'.tps, and from tlie ( uhle.lyin* or " green-sand" doposite appearing al- j so in that belt of country, as for example at Mars' i ( Bluff, on Pec Dec river, Waecamaw river, in Hor- ' Iry district, E.lingh mi's mill, near Eutaw firings, | on Santcc river, and (if Bartrain can be relied up. on,) in the river at Silver Bluff bcloiv Augusta or . ? Hamburg, which place I visited, but could not find what he discovered, though the water might have been unusually low win n he was there. The localities of "soft lime-stone" which I visited were ? but few in number. The first was Dr. Jameson's quarry, on the road from Orangeburg court house to M'Cord's ferry on the Santcc. It is very white, . lias the appearance of a hard chalk, is burnt for lime, and is among the purest which I examined, ! containing 91.6 carbonate of lime, 8.1 of argile ' . (the pure matter of ci ty) chiefly. It abounds in I the ostrea seVifor/nh. The same but not so while was also burnt for lime on ."Mr. Darby's plantation in St. .Matthews parish. Two specimens were examined : one gave Carbonate of lime 99.4 Argile and oxide of iron - - . 9.6 The other, which was purer, Carbonate of lime 02.2 IArgile and oxide of iron - - - 0.6 Among some of the other localities which came j under my notice, and from which I received spe- j cimens, but did not visit, were Eutaw Springs, Godfrey's ferry on the Pee Dec river, Swain's ferry on the Edisto, Santcc canal, &c. One of the finest expositions of the "soft lime-stone," and which will one da}* be of great value for agricultural purposes, from its position, mass, and exposition, rs Shell Bluff on the Savannah river. It rises ab- i I ruptly from the edge of the river, (and is about 25 miles below Augusta, on the Georgia side.) The 1 1 height I judged to be about fifty feet. In a see- j tion which I made in the bluff near 16 or 17 years P ago, I divided the calcareous mass into 1 1 parts or portions, one resting upon the other, the whole bci1; jig covered with a red earth, usually suulv, and I which is common to most of the sea-bo trd portion ? of the states south of the Chesapeake. Specimens j I from each of these 1 1 divisions were examined for j I that part only combined with carbonic arid, the j iinouritics being considered of no practical mo- j meat; an J f.om position and so.ne slight exaroin- j sit.nri, the p irt combined with flic acid is believed | ? > Ik- lime, an 1 lime only. The results probably ; m lv be of a-.lvmt i re t0 some of the readers of! you- Register, and th-v arc given, having never. f liecti published. ft N ?. I. <'"jiiMteiiemj: at !br u ,t'r Iiiv, two s'l". ft e;u:. o:u- fioti! the J put .Vt advance for advertisements. When the number i of insertions is not marked on the copy, the advertisement will he inserted, and charged ti l ordered out. U"The postage must be paid on letters to the ! editor on the business of the office. j "jgcfrRyg y-j.zrg-.K j From the 4 Farmers' Register.' ! I TIarl and soft Limestone of South CnROI.LVA. 44 CHALK HILLS" IMPROPERLY SO CALLED. NEW JERSEY GREEN SAND. , [The inquiries in regard to South Carolina, ' which drew forth the following letter, will he suf- ' ficiently set forth by the answers. One of our in. i 1 quiries was caused by the information very lately received as to the existence of what was celled I *4 chalk" in large quantities near Hamburg. Tiiis ; > we supposed to be indurated and very pure marl, or soft liinc-stone; but it appears from .Mr. Vanux- j em's letter that the earth in question is merely a ! 1 clay, containing no calcareous matter. In correcting this mistake, (under which we know that sonic intelligent persons still remain,) as well us in the statements of the localities and kinds of actu d I calcareous deposit*.s, this letter may be valuable to ' many persons in South Carolina ; and this wc trust j will excuse us to the writer fur ]>ui?I.s.'img Jt wjtii. : out any omission, or alteration of form as he men, J < tioncd, but which we did not derm necessary.? One change of form on'y we would have desired, I ? but could not always supply?and for the want of j which we fear injustice may be done 1 lie writer's > . , meaning m some minor respects, Because of tlie i haste of the writing, some of the words of the let- j ter were illegible, and possibly their equivalents i j may not have been rendered by substitution in the 1 v printing.?Ed. F. R.] To the Editor of the Farmers' Register. i , J l li Bristol,, Oct. 6th, 161J, r Dear Sir:?I read your letter of the 2tft!i uit., , . I v and a few pages of the Farmers' Register, containing an account of your visit to some parts of the 4 mirl" region of Mew Jersey, which I have read with interest. In reply to your letter requesting a copy of the report on the geology of South (faro. ' Jina, I regret that I cannot lay my hands upon the two only copies which I h ive, one of which you would be welcome to, though it would not give you ^ any of the inform itiu.n you seek, as it was the re- , port of a short season, and relates only to the west . part of the State, which is entirely in the p binary ' region, and the opposite cxtrcmcof the "culcari ous ' ^ marl" region. The report, like all the legislative . documents of that State, was published only in the two newspapers of Columbia, which is one o:' the j . reasons why that survey is so little known. T.ic j re don which contains the "soft lime-stone," makes ? ^ its appearance, generally, from al>out twenty to ! thirty miles cast of the mail route through (fheraw, 1 . Camden, Columbia, and Ilambu-g, extends to near the sea-coast, the " soft lime-stone" appearing * ut the surface at intervals in that part of the state, ?1 - ti..fornrpnpniK ilenosite. from be Carbonate of lime .... 47.2 Sand and argile .... 52.3 The oilier from the upper part : Carbonate of lime - - . - 71.6 Light yellow argile, very plastic - 28.4 No. 2. Mass of comminuted shells: Carbonate of lime .... 73.2 Argile and some coarse sand [transparent) 26.6 No. 3. Similar mass (with disintegrated shells:) Carbonate of lime .... 62.4 Coarse silicious sand and yellow clay 37.6 No. 4. Similar mass: Carbonate of lime .... 73.2 Coarse sand and yellow argile - - 26.8 No. 5. Bed about 6 inches thick, distinctly observed in the bluff": Carbonate of lime ? 37.2 Light osive colored argile, and fine andcoarse sand .... 62.6 No. 6. Comminuted shells, &.C., and occasionally an entire one: Carbonate of Jime .... 47.2 Glassy and yellow argile - - ? 52.8 No. 7. The same : Carbonate of lime .... 85.2 Glassy sand and yellow argile - - 14.8 No. 8. The same. More arenaceous : Carbonate of lime - - - - 54.4 Glassy sand and ochrey argile - - 45.G No. 9 Earthy or marly : Carbonate of lime .... 80.4 Same kind of sand, argile or clay . 19.G No. 10. Very thick bed : Carbonate of lime .... G4.4 Glassy sand and whitish argile - 35.4 No. 11. In nodules and large flat masses : Carbonate of liinc - - - 93 i Yellowish white argila ... 7.G No. 12. Comminuted shells, &,c., with occasionally a large oyster: Carbonate of lime - 83.2 Coarse sand and yellow argile, very tenacious ..... 16.S So. 13. Abounds in impressions of tertiary sheds but the shelly part remained : Carbonate of lime .... 77.G r. 4>.) .t l-crrugincus argue, very soil . . ? So. 11. rppcrpartof the calcareous bluff abounds n large ustre i which are collected and burnt for ime. Hod about 0 feet thick. I did not analyze I heir matrix, but have no reason to believe that it arics from those immediately below it. ? I Having given you as much information as I lave at hand, in relation to the 44 soft calcareous egion," and believing it to be the purpose for vhich you write, I will now pass to the next item j f your letter, namely, the supposed chalk hills, ear Hamburg, in South Carolina. This chalk is f a remarkably pure clay, as to color and coinosition, for its position and muss, and is found t intervals from Long Island to Florida, but usu- j lly associated with red clay, forms tin mass which ou may have seen at Fo.t Washington on the 'otomac. It is in greater body, and a finer white, etwecn Columbia and Augusta, than I have clsovhcre noticed it. It would be a porcelain earth verc it not fur a yellow tinge which it exhibits vhen burnt, owing to oxide, of iron, from which t requires only to he free to rank with tint sub. -tance. Through the region where it exists, its lillocks are called chalk hills. It occurs al\va3's icar the line of the primary range going from the >cean, and appears to have been derived from the lecomposition of the feldspar of the granite, which rom Virginia south is the prevailing sea-board )riinary rock. To the south the clay is usually rovcrod with a red ferruginous earth, with coarse land, which is an abundant sub-soil along the southern mail route, and lor some distance to the ?ast of it, being often covered with white coarse lyalic or glassy quartz sand, the common sand of he Atlantic region. I regret that when in Philadelphia you did not ;is!t me. I should grcatlv have been pleased to ?ave made your personal acquaintance, to have i c,?ie nivin which lime acts ;;iu\v:i jvu viu ?vuhm -{? ? beneficially, and to have acconip.m'cd you into omc of the more eastern jnarl regions of tlie state Inn those you visited. I should like to have had 01110 conversation with you upon the improvement >f soil, lor little can be. given in a letter in comur.son with oral communication. Your p^pcr 11 the pages of the Farmers' Register adds more >roof to the opinion which I entertain and enter, lined, of tlie action of New Jersey "marl," tint t is iiot a specific, (hence potash is not the fcrtilzing principle, as asserted,) but acts favorably on. y under ec.t in ci cuinstances. Thus the gun. /owdcr varijty, whose paiticles arc evident, is ra!u..blc when applied to stifT, or adhesive, or wet lolls, whilst the coherent outs arc beneficial upon lie more open and sandy ones, as you instanced jii some of the farms in Gloucester county. It is nore easy for me to generalize, or find a final cause :han a proximate one, for Xcic Jersey marl, name, iy, that all production whatever is the result of difference, and that production ceases so soon as all differences arc removed or cease; hence, with me, rotation is the first and essential element in all good farming, being in accordance with the whole nl ui of creation, as developed in gcologv I - _ ami revelation. One tiling prepares the wav lor another?an order of succession having been established from all eternity. Take a worn-out field in this section of country, where no wheat has been grown for twenty years, arid with a little manure it will yield 25 bushels to the acre; whereas previously it would not produce 10 with the same manure. When abandoned it would produce nothing but weeds, and finally coarse or stunted grasses; for the fight partiehs of soils having been carried below by the action of rain, which leaves only the coarser ones upon the surface, some other grasses appear, and tiic.sc prepare the soil to aguitt yield wheat, which without lime, manures, and a certain succession, the land would aga it become unproductive to lite cultivator. 1 find en my farm, that whatever I put on it that is foreign to the soil, and :s not poisonous, improves it directly or indirectly. Hence 1 lie great advantage of continuously dctj>er plowing, which I have tVrt.n thr berrinnin"- now twelve years.? p; iiv.? r It i* orrt tin tit it clnngc is '-o<rl fur man :tn?I tlir v. it- Ic vf; of animals : i( i> s-o fur plants, an<! f<r soils to be productive they must undergo a change j likewise ; and thus mixtures of earths, manures, I green crops, saline substances to act as condiments or stimulants, gaseous absorbents, like charcoal, , &c., are beneficial. In a paper which was pub; lished in the Journal of the the Acadamy of Philadelphia, 1328,1 there mentioned that the marl of New Jersey and Delaware yielded but an inconsiderable portion of carbonate of lime, and that it , appeared to owe its fertilizing property to a small | quantity of iron pyrites, which passes to sulphate i of iron by exposure to the air, and also to animal matter, to its color, and to its effects, when mixed with sand, of diminishing the calorific conducting power of the latter. I was then not aware of the potash which was contained in it, or should have noticed it. In the Report which I recently published, in Albany, under the head of" soils," are these words: J " Certain earthy mixtures which contain no nutri , nient, such as the marl of New Jersey, ]>ossess a , highly fertilizing quality, the efficient cause of | which is yet unknown, for it cannot be the potash j contained therein, as was formerly supposed, since I in that case micaceous or primary soils would be J more productive than they arc. Too little attenj tion, it seems to me, has hitherto been given to the J effects developed by the action of the sun's rays on t different colored particles in the soil: the white : particles producing reflection in excess, may give J rise to a repellent force; while the darker colored j ones, being less reflective, receive the full influj cncc of tiic calorific ones," and thereby evolve that force connected with combination. : / the assiduous study of the law of these two forces which have a close analogy to the powers of life, we would probably do more to remove the difficulty in question, than by fallowing any course hitherto pursued.'' With respect to potash, I must state that in a I more recent conversation with Professor Booth he I informed me that carbonic acid would separate the j alk i!i from the marl, which consequently gives the i marl an advantage over micaceous soils, as rc... j spcets potash, the mica requiring a much stronger j acid to act upon it. I This letter is written as a kind of interchange for what you sent me. Should any part other | than those which are a reply to your letter be of i use to you as an editor, they are at your service, I?ut will require your aid to l?c fitted for publication. The information voti ask for, I take for granted you wish to publish, though that may require some ! alteration as to manner. With great respect, JjARDNKu Vant.xem. | t From lltr ' Western Farmer and Gardener.'' ! Caution to itlillers and Consumer. oI Bread. I Mobile, Juty 17th, 1819. | To Dr. M. U*. Philips I About u month ago, a number of negroes, on the j the plantation of James (J. Lyon, near .Mobile, | were seized with violent pains and cramp in the j stomach, fainting fits, irritability of stomach, oh. j stinate constipation, some with convulsions, and | palsy of the limbs, little or no fever, &c.; iu short, all the symptoms which belong to what has been called Lead, or Painter's Colic, j In a short time, nearly every negro on the place was seized with similar symptoms, and it became evident that there must be some extraordinary cause at work. On investigation, the corn meal which they had lecn rating ires found to contain lead, which had been ground up along with it;? half a pint of Jead was picked out of a bushel and a half of meal. Oa going to the mill and examining the stone?, it was found that the miller had, for the purpose i of balancing and fixing it, poured several pounds of melted lead into the eye of the runner stor:e, I and this had worked loose, pot between the stones, and teas p round up with the mealThe whole mystery was solved at once. I Now, sir, I am informed that it is a very com. j mm thing for millers to use lead in this way, and 1 have no doubt that very many persons have been poisoned without ever being able to account for it, and the symptoms have heen looked upon and | treated as bilious colic, or some other disease. I have just met with a similar fact, recorded in j one of my foreign journals?a whole family had symptoms like those I have enumerated above, and I on analysis, the i!our they had been eating wa6 1 found to contain lead. Mr. Lyon has already lost four valuable negroes, j and a considerable number of others are almost ! entirely helpless from palsy in their limbs, some 1 of whom will cither die or remain useless for life. When I say to you that every man, woman, and ! child, is in daily danger of being poisoned by such ! ignorance or negligence, I have, I hope, said enough to impress upon your readers the importj ante of inquiring closely into this matter. Yours, &c., J. C. Nott, M. D. To rrevent Ikon from rusting.?Warm the ; :? tin :? ?,? vnn ran bear vour hand on i 1IUII 1111 it 1 ci ua uvi. , , ; it, without burning; then rub it with new, clean, white wax, and hold it to the fire till the wax soaks | in. When done, rub it over with a piece of serge. This prevents the iron from rusting. Orchard Caterpillars.?Attentive observers wiil doubtless have noticed that these insects have 1 been 011 the increase for a year or two past, and it ' would be well if effectual measures were taken to ; destroy tlicrn while their numbers are yet small.? i ( The perfect insect deposites its eggs during the latj ter part of summer, in the shape of bells or cylindrical rings, on the smaller branches and near their ( extremities. These rings arc then covered with a i resinous substance, which excludes moisture, and j they remain uninjured till the following spring, when the young caterpillars hatch, grow and dcj vour. Each ring of eggs produces a nest of cater| pillars. | At this season of the year, these nests of eggs j arc easily seen, and if cut off and burned, the ojk>. ' ration will save the more troublesome task of dc_ stroving the insects next spring, and at a season if is al'owrd for its faithful perform- t ; atu'i'.?-y^f (r'-nrxrr J'nrmtr. j LAW OF THE UNITED STATES, I Passed at the 2d Session of the 27f i Congress. 1 BY AUTHORITY. [Public?No. ltJ.j AN ACT making appropriations for the civil and diplomatic expenses of Government for the 3 ear eighteen hnndrcd and forty-two. Be it enacted by the Senate and llouse of Re. prcsentatiers of the United States of America, in Congress assembled, That the following sums be, and are hereby, appropriated to the objects hereinafter expressed, to be paid out of any unappropriated money in the Treasury, namely: No. 1. For pay and mileage of the members of Congress and delegates from the Territories, in addition to the sum already a; pr >priatcd to thai object during the present session, two hundred and I seventy.thrce thousand sjven hundred and twelve dollars. No. 2. For pay of the officers and clerks of the Senate and House of Representatives, in addition to the sum already appropriated to that ob. jeet during the prcsnt session, twelve thousand five hundred dollars. No. 3. For stationer)*, fuel, printing, and all other incidental and contingent expenses of the Senate in addition to the sum already approprated to that object during the present session, thirty, five thousand dollars. No. 4. For stationery, fuel, printing, and all other incidental and contingent expenses of the House of Representatives, in addition to the sum already appropriated to that object during the present session, fifty thousand dollars: Provided, That no part of the sums appropriated for the contingent expenses of cither House of Congress shall be applied to any other than the ordinary expenditures of the Senate and House of Representatives, nor as extra allowance to any clerk, mcsc<-?ncrr>r nr f,t!ipr attendant of the said two Houses, MV"8v*i ? or either of them ; nor as payment or eompensation to any cleric, messenger, or other attendant of the said two Houses, or either of them, unless such cleric, messenger, or other attendant, be so employed by a resolution or order of on? of said II (uses. No. 5. For printing and binding ordered by the Senate during the twenty-sixth Congress, and remaining unpaid, twenly-sevcn thousand two hunJred eighty.two dollars and sixty.eight cents, or sa much thereof as may be found due on audiling the account by the proper committee. No. G. For preparing, printing, and binding documents ordered by the resolutions of the Senate of second July, eighteen hundred and thirtysix, and March second, eighteen hundred and thirty-seven, relating to the establishment of the scat of Government, reports, piano, ami surveys, for improvements of harbors and rivers, roads and canals, (to be disbursed under the direction of the committee to auuit and control the contingent expenses of the Senate; this sum being for printing and engraving dune in pursuance of said resolutions prior to July, eighteen hundred and forty), twelve thousand two hundred and fifty dollars: but nothing in this appropriation shall authorize the continuance of said work, unless Congress j shall hereafter direct the same. Nc. 7. For a deficiency in the appropriations for the twenty-sixth Congress, on account of the contingent and incidental expenses of the House, namely : for printing, lithographing, binding, and books, ninety-eight thousand three hundred thirty, five dollars and eighty-five cents, or so much thereof as may be found necessary, on auditing the accounts by the appropriate committee; fifty-two thousand three hundred and forty-three dollars and c"v cfnt? nf this amount bcin? for books or dcred by the House of Representatives, at the second session of the twenty-sixth Congress, to be distributed to the mernljcrs of that body. No. 8. For the salary of the principal and two assistant librarians, an 1 the messenger of the library, three thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. No. 1'. For contingent expenses, for carpet and repairs to the furniture of the library, one thousand eight hundred dollars. No. 10. For purchase of books for the library of Congress, five thousand dollars. No. 11. For purchase of law books for the library of Congress, one thousand dollars. No. 12". For the salary of the President of the United States, twcnty.five thousand dollars. DEPARTMENT OF STATE. No. 13. For the salary of the Secretary of State, six thousand dollars. No. 14. For clerks and messengers in his office, twenty thousand three hundred dollars. No. 15. For incidental and contingent expenses of the Department of State, including publishing and distributing the laws, twenty-five tlious?i i-ii Tli.a flio inh nrmtinrr. <uiu demurs; i lunucu, i uu> un jw j.........QT stationery, and binding, of each of the Executive Departments, shall, until otherwise directed bylaw, be furnished by contract, proposals for which shall regularly be advertised in the public prints. The classes, character, and description, of the printing being specified in each advertisement as far as that can be done, and it being made a condition in all eases, unless otherwise specifically stated in the advertisement, that the work shall be done in the city of Washington; and the con. tract shall in each ease, so far as the proj>osals and acceptance shall enable the contract to be made, be given to the lowest bidder, whose bid shall be accompanied with proper testimonials of the ability of the bidder to fulfil his contract. For amount due, in addition to former appropriations, for compiling, printing, and binding the Biennial Register, one thousand four hundred and sixty-six dollars and forty-nine cents. TREASURY DEPARTM EXT. Xo. 16. For the salary of the Secretary of the Treasury, six thousand dollars. Xo. 17. For compensation to clerks and moss.n^ers in his office, twenty thousand and ti'ty dollars. Xe. 18. For the salary of the First Comptroller, and the compensation of the clerks and messengers in his office, twonfv.iwo thousand six hundred doll irs. No. If). For the salary of the Second Comp | troller, and the compensation of the clerks and ; i messenger in his office, fifteen thousand two t hundred and fifty dollars. No. 23. For the salary of the Firat Auditor, i r and the compensation of the clerks and mcssen- j ger in his office, eighteen thousand nine hundred | t dollars. I t No. 21. For the salary of the Second Auditor, t and ths compensation of clerks and messenger in j his office, twenty thousand nine hundred dol. 1 Jars. i No. 22. For the salary of the Third Auditor, f and the compensation of clerks and messengers in t his office, thirty-five tliousand and filty dollars. XT- o*1 nf ilic Fourth Auditor. n 11U> ~0. A 'H HIC aaiaij >/i - ? , ?- , and the compensation of clerks und messenger in his office, eighteen thousand nine hundred and fif. j f tv dollars. ; t No. 21. For the salary of the Fifth Auditor, j and the compensation of clerks and messenger in : o his office, twelve thousand eight hundred dol- < lars. J o No. 25. For the salary of the Treasurer, and tl for the compensation of clerks and messenger in his office, thirteen thousand three hundred and fif. o ty dollars. No. 26. For the salary of the Register of the fi Treasury, and the compensation of clerks and tl messengers in hie office, twenty-seven thousand two hundred dollars. d No. 27. For the salary of the Commissioner of j the General Land Office, and the compensation j f of the recorder, solicitor, draughtsman, assistant t draughtsman, clerks, messenger*, and packers in j his office, ninety-eight thousand five hundred dol- k hrj. I li No. 28. For the salary of the Solicitor of the 1 tl Treasury, and compensation to olerksjand mcssen- ! gcr in his office, seven thousand four hundred and f fifty dollars. a DEPARTMENT OF WAR. No. 29. For the salary of the Secretary of War, six thousand dollars. No. 3.). For clerks and messengers in said I ^ office, thirteen thousand three hundred and fifty j dollars. , ^ No. 31. For the salary of the Commissioner of ' Indian Affairs, and the compensation of clerks an I mcssen ;c s in his office, seventeen thousand nine 1 hundred dollars. 11 No. 3?. For the ra'ary of the Commissioner of 11 Pensions, and the compensation of clerks and mcs. c scnger in his office, sixteen thousand six hundred f dollars. r No. 33. For the compensation of clerk in the i d office of Commanding General, one thousand do!-1 lars. f No. 34. For the compensation of clerks in the 1 office of the Adjutant General, seven thousand one 3 hundred and fifty dollars. ' ' No. 33. For compensation of clerks and mcs- 1 sengcr in the office of the Quartermaster General, seven thousand three hundred dollars. d No. 3d. For compensation of clerks and mcs. 1 sengcr in the office of the Paymaster General, scv- * en thousand one hundred dollars. No. 37. For compensation of clerks an 1 me?- P sengcr in the office of Commissary General of b Purchases, four thousand and fifty dollars. c No. 33. For compensation of clerks in the office of the Commissary General of Subsistence, ' th.'cc thousand eight hundred dollars. p No. 33. For compensation of clerks in the of- ^ fi,ce of the Chief Engineer, five thousand one hundrcd and fifty dollars. v No. 40. For compensation of clerk in the of- * ficc of the Surgeon General, one thousand dol- 1 lure. No. 41. For compensation of clerks in the office of the Colonel of Ordnance, eight thousand 3 one hundred and fifty dollars. No. 43. For compensation of clerks in the bureau of Topographical Engineers, three thousand four hundred dollars. NAVY DEPARTMENT. No. 43. For the salary of the Secretary of the Navy, six thousand dollars. g No. 44. For compensation of clerks and messengers in his office, eleven thousand two hundred e? II and fifty dollars. No. 45. For salaries of the Commissioners of Q the Navy Board, ten thousand five hundred dollars. s No. 46. For compensation of the secretary of the Navy Board, two thousand dollars. t No. 47. For compensation of clerks, draughts- c man, and messenger, in the office of said Board, j eight thousand four hundred and fifty dollars. For this sum to pay arrearages for clerks salary . heretofore appropriated, (the same having been | carried to the surplus fund in the year eighteen I r hundred and thirty-five,) six hundred and eighteen dollars and thirty-three cents. t POST OFFICE DEPARTMENT. t No. 48. For salary of Postmaster General, six thousand dollars. o No. 49. For salary of three Assistant Postma.*. or? funeral. seven thousand five hundred dol- t lam No. 50. For compensation of clerks and mcs- ! t senders in said office, forty-eight thousand six hundred dollars. I No. 51. For compensation of two watchmen at three hundred dollars each, six hundred dol- j c lar . It No. 52. For salary of Auditor for Post Office Department, three thousand dollars. ; t No. 53. For compensation of clerks and messengers in said office, fifty-five thousand five hun- j t dred dollars. No. 51. For repairs of the building lately oc- ; i cupicd by the Post Office Department, under an agreement entered into between Amos Kendall, j t Postmaster General, and B. Ogle Tayloc, the pro- , prictor of said building, on the six'ocnth day o' J c i\ ..l/rlitoon hiiiiHreri and thirtv.six. to nut t ! I/UCCIllUCi, VigMMfvi. ? j , -- f the same in a good and tenanlablc rendition, two j thousand five hundred and seventy-two dollars and j t eighty-five cents. SURVEYORS AND THEIR CLERKS. No. For salary of surveyor general north ; west of the <>hio, two thousand dollars No. 56. For compensation of clerk* in h of. ice, per act of ninth May, eighteen hum reJ aad hirty-six, six thousand three liundred dollars. No. 57. For salary of surveyor general in llli io;s and Missouri, two thousand dollars. No. 58. For compensation of clerks in lit* oficc, per act of ninth May, eighteen hundred and fiirty-sit, three thousand eight hundrcikand twenty dollars. No. 59. For salary of surveyor general pf Arkansas, one tlwusand five hundred dollars. No. GO. For compensation of clerks in his of. ice, per act of ninth May, eighteen hundred and liirty.six, two thousand eight hundred dollars. N o. 61. For salary of surveyor general of Lou. siana, two thousand dollars. No. 62. For compensation of clerks in his ofice, per act of ninth May, eighteen hundred and hirty.six, two thousand five hundred dollars. No. 63. For the salary of the surveyor general f Mississippi, two thousand dollars. No. 61. For compensation of clerks in his dice, per act of ninth May, eighteen hundred aud liirty-six, five thousand dollars. No. 65. For the salary of the survcypr general f Alabama, two thousand dpllars. No. GG. For compensation of clerks in his of. icq, per act of ninth May, eighteen hundred and hiity-six, two thousand dollar*. No. G7. For salary of surveyor gpncral of Flwila, two thousand dollars. No. 68. For compensation of clerks in his ofice, per act of ninth May, eighteen hundred and hirty.six, one thousand dollars. No. G9. For Hjlarv of survevor vencra! of Wis 0 - v a t r ri T ;onsan and Iowa, per act of twcfth June, eighteen lundrcd and thirty-eight, one thousand five hunIrcd dollars. No. 70. For compensation of clerks in hi* of. ice, per act of twelfth June, eighteen hundred ltd I{)irtyTught, one tliousaml six hundred dolus. No. 71. For salary of Secretary to sign pa. rnts f>r public lands, one thousand five hundred oil ire. No. 72. For salary of Commissioner of Public luildings in Washington city, three thousand dol:rs. No. 73. For compensation of two assistants to lie Commissioner, as superintendent of the Polonac bridge, at one dollar and fifty cents per day, ncluding oil for lamps, fuel, repairs, and for searing and delivering to the drawkccpcr at the *otomac bridge the draws, timber, iron, See., caricd away by the ice freshet, one titousand six Ired and fiity dollars. ' No. 74. Fcr completing the ?^x|ui?itc offices, uel, vaults, water-clo^cis, erecting the portico ol he tt ratrpp yin<r. the eolonade, courts, pavements, tnd cncuiurcs, including the amount due for him?cr and materials for the Treasury building, forty housand three hundred and seventy-five dollars. No. 75. For completing the work yet to ho lone, and to pay for labor and materials due, at lie Gcnrral Pest Office building, 6eventy,four liousaiul three hundred and scvcnty-fivo dollars. No, 76. For erecting privies, grading and aving courts, at the new jail, and erecting ?uitale furnacr s for heating the building, one thousand ight hundred and fifty-one dollars. No. 77. For pay of John Joyce, account al. 3wee! him by the board of commissioners under esolution of Congress, one hundred and thirty' lu'ee dolla's and eighty.scvcn and a half cents. No. 78. For enclosing Patent Office andgrounds rith wood pale fence, clearing grounds, planting rces, preparing and fixing window shutters, two liousand dollars. UNITED STATES MINT AND BRANCHES. No.'9. For salary of the director of the mint t Philadelphia, three thousand five hundred doh ars. No. 80. tor compensation of the treasurer in aid office, two thousand dollars. No. 81. For compensation of chief coiner io .id office, two thousand dollars. No. 82. Ftr compensation of the awaycr In iid office, two thousand dollars. No. 83. l4or compensation of melterand refiner a s iid office, two thousand dollars. No. 81. For compensation of engraver in said ffice, two thousand dollars. No. 85. For compensation of the assistant a*, aycr, one thousand three hundred dollars. No. 86. For compensation of one clerk at one I. A.,nn rt/1 Imva /{A! I 'I VO 1 II'A ! t nn/> t llAllfl'ltlll ilUU^dilU mu llUiiUJCU uvtiaiP, vn v uv v?.v >nc hundred dollars, and one at one thousand dol. ars, four thousand four hundred dollars. No. 87. For compensation to workmen in said flic", twmty-four thousand dollars. No. 88. For specimens of ores and coins to bo cscrvcd at the mint, tuo hundred dollars. No. 89. For salary of the superintendent of he branch mint at Charlotte, North Carolina, wo thorn and dolhrs. No. 90. For compensation of assnycr in siid tfficc, one thousand five hundred dollars. No. 91. For compensation of coiner in said of. ice, one thousand five hundred dollars. No. 92. For compensation of one clerk, ono housihd dollar.*. No. 93. For compensation to workmen, three housand five hundred dollars. No. 94. For compensation of the superintend, nt of the branch mint at Dalilonega, Georgia, wo thousand dollars. No 93. For condensation of the assayer, one housand five hundred dollars. No. 90. For compensatio n of the coiner, one housand five hundred dollars. No. 97. For compensation of one clerk, ono housand dollars. No. 98. For compensation of workmen, two housand cijiht hundred and eighty dollars. No. 99. For compensation of the uperintendnt of the branch mint --i New Orleans, two housand five hundred dollars. No. 100. For compensation of the Treasurer, wo thousand dollars. No. 101. For comfensitio.i cf the coit e\ two ! ous md dollars. No. 10*2. For compensation of the assnver, two li-up it id do'lars.