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i?iMti.u\ IAM;^. &OCTH-WESTKHN ANTltlUlTlfcS. The Tuscaloosa " Monitor" tc-iis us that a Mr. ; Tiioui is Marshall, of that city, hu? in his posses- ; sion a stone idol, or image, which was found at a distance of twelve miles from Tuscaloosa, near the river, evidently the relic of some race, superior to the Iadi in. It is the representation, according to this paper, of a human being ; about ten inches in length, of very good proportions, and all the fcaturcsof the head and face distinctly chiselled. The : top of the head is flat, and has on one side four or ' five cuts or gashes. This image was first exposed to view on the overthrow of a tree, by the roots, when it was laid bare in the uptorn earth. Near the spot, a more curious discovery was made, in a complete set of elegant weights, oi a fine black polished stone, from an ounce to a pound, corres?v\n/linnr von- nearly with the standard of weights 1 .XV J now in use. If these arc genuine antiques, tiicy may suggest, by these very standards, some clue . o the people by which they were employed.? j They render it conclusive of en antiquity very dif. ferent from that of our immediate Indian predecessors,?though, perhaps, we need no additional proofs to this effect, beyondthose which we already possess. The editor of the Monitor further states that the same gentleman, Mr. Maxwell, gathered from several mounds?which arc from fifty to eighty feet high, sixteen miles from Tuscaloosa, and near the town of Carthage?a number of hatchets, and vessels of stone,?spears, &c. Wc should be better pleased to have a minute description of these remains, which prove the use of iron and the knowledge of its artisticu! us:, among the unknown people in question. The accumulation of little atoms of information of this sort, may lead ,o ??? as iv??!l ms the rrraves of this nor UO IV HJV ijtwrvv* T , - ?? ^ _ 4 iahed people ; and, taken in connection with the imperfect records of the Northmen, may afford us lights of a kind, to conduct our footsteps with equal satisfaction and certainty, to the most important treasures of American antiquity. The mounds spoken of above, arc all connected with lines of fortification. We have long been oi the opinion, that these mounds were less employed for the purposes of burial than defence ; and were, no doubt, intended as places of final struggle?citadels of superior strength and elevation?where the few, contending with the many, might be pc~ sfcssed of the important advantage attending superior height of position for the use of 6toncs and missiles, and for grappling, toot to foot, with theupward-struggling assailant. JUDICIAL DECISION. A singular judicial decision we s recently given in Lycoming County Court, Pa., by the Hon. Ellis Lewie. A young lady, seventeen years of age, daughter of Dr. Win Armstrong, applied for baptism to the Rev. Win. S. Hall, a Baptist clergyman. Her attendance at the appointed time was prevented by her father's interference, who threatened to kill Mr. Hall should he baptize his daughter. Subsequently the daughter was baptized, and the next day Dr. Armstrong pursued Mr. Ilall a eatie, and compelled him to take refuge in a house. Mr. Hail applied for an order from Court to have him bound over to keep the peace. In the way of granting this order there was of course no difficulty, as the defendant had no right to take the law into his own hands, however niuoh he had reason to complain of the Rev. gentleman's proceedings. But another question then arose, the solution of which involved the necessity o" con- < sidcring the relation above rcfeircd to?namely | that of parent and child, witli reference to the power and authority of the former to control the re1' ? ? ir/l wl'fmc Al" fhr> lr.ttrr. lltn"US ItCIIiijjJ uim ........... v ...v ....... The opinion of the presiding judge, the Hon. Lliis Lewis, is published at length in the paper . from which we obtain the facts; and it is ag.tinsi ] the llev. clergyman. The presiding judge, (lis. cussed at length, and with signal ability, tiic foundation and extent of parental authority to educate his child, to regulate her conscience, ana to do all that his conscience proscribes to him as essential fcr her bodily and spiritual welfare, until she arrived at the proper age to determine in these ' matters for herself. What that proper agt is it . would be very difficult, perhaps impossible, to de- ' tcrnhne in the abstract; tiic Cool's of justice, 1 therefore, must be governed by the rule of law, which prescribes the age of twenty-one as the sea. 1 son of lawful majority, or legal emancipation from parental control. On the trial of the case, the < Court decided that Dr. Armstrong should be bound < over in the suin of $oOU, and that Mr. Hall . should pay the cost prosecution. : EPITOME OF WAR. i The history of every war is very like a scene , I once saw in Nithsdule. Two boys, from differ cut schools, met one fine day upon the ice. They eyed each other with rather jealous and indignant looks, and with defiance on each brow. 44 What are ye glowerin* at, Billy ?" 44 What's that t - :_a. you J I'll Iook wnere 1 nave a iihuu , an muut ine, if ye daw." A hearty blow was the return ' to this; and then such a battle begun! It Saturday, all the boys of both schools were ou th? icc, and the fight instantly became general an desperate. At one time, they fought with weapons, such as stones and snow-halls; but a; length they coped in a rage, and many bloody rap: were liberally given and received. I went up U try if I could pacify them; for by this time a number of little- girls had joined in the affray, am' I was afraid they would be killed. So, addressing the one party, I asked what they were pelting the others for?what they had done to them. 44 O naething at a', man; we just want to gic them a good thraehin." Alter fighting till they wen quite exhausted, one of the principal heroes stepper forth between, covered with blood, and hisclothc* torn to tatters, and addressed the belligerent partics, thus : 44 Wecl, I'll tell you what we'll do wi ye; if yell let us alane, we'll let you alane."? There was no more of it?the war was at an end, and the boys scattered away to their play. I though: at the time, and have often thought since, thai that trivial affray was the best epitome of wur in general, that I had ever seen. Kings and m'nis. tersof State are just a set of grown up child:en, exactly like the children J speak oi; wan eniy this material difference?that instead of fighting out tlic needless quarrels they have raised, they sit in safety and look on, hound out their innocent but servile subjects to battle; and then, after a waste of Llood and treasure, are glad to make the boy's conditions: 44 If ye'll let us ulane, we'll let you ulanc."?Lay Sermons, by the Ettrick Shepherd. Cl'RJOSi TIES. Captain Wilkes, of the exploring expedition has brought home, among other valuable things, 2,000 charts, 1,000 maps, 21,000 specimen* of plants, 4.1M0 ej>ecimens of fishes, 5U,U00 spec., niensof shells, 2.000 landscapes, 2,800 spcciiucjis of reptiles, 4,dUU specimens of marine plants, 1,500 drawings of South Sea islands, 26 large boxes of journals, Jtc. PITTSBURGH GLASS FACTORY. Glass of all descriptions is manufactured in this citv, an ! this fragile production of her factories may he found, we arc told, in the elegant mansions of New Vork, Philadelphia and Baltimore, as well as in the log cabin of the \N estern emigrant. 1 iie cut glass made here is of excellent quality?wbi'e and very clear. The cutting of glass consists en. tirely of grinding away successive portions, by holding the glass upon the surface of small wheels, made of stone, metal and wood, which arc made to revolve rapidly, by means of a steam engine.? The first or rough cutting is given by wheels of stouc, afterwards wheels of iron are used, having their edges covered with sharp sa?id,??> with emery of different states of fineness. The last polish is given with brush wheels, covered with oxide of tin or lead. To prevent friction from exciting so much heat as to endanger the glass, a small stream of water continually drops upon the surface of the wheels. One of the principal glass manufacturers mentioned an amusing incident. Some Indians had been as a delegation to Washington, about some reserved lands, and they spent a few days here en their return. One of them, a chief, had seen all that was curious in Baltimore and Phila. dclphia, without being much excited. While here, he visited the glass-house, and watched all the various operaliot s with great interest. At length he saw the process of making some cream jugs. The body of the jug was formed first; when the material for the handle was formed and fixed, it was 9 n/^rfVw vessel. Seein<? all this pro l/UUU fcW WW M j'V . w . 0 luct'd from molten glass, the chief could restrain nimself 110 longer. He rushed forward to the work nan, took him by the hand, and declared that he nust have the spirit of the Great Father within lim, or he could not have performed such a wonJc.\?Corr. Oswego Advertiser. Senator Benton. This gentleman made a sad mistake on Thurs lay morning just before day. He was on board t steamer, and bound for Maysville. The boat rounded to, to land him ; a light wes on shore; the Senator with his cloak on, stepped off, thinking he could reach terra firma. But he dropped into water raflicr too deep for him. Fortunately, j however, lie was near enough to land, to escape , drowning, though he received a good ducking.? Cincinnati Gazette. anecdote. A good story is going the rounds of the newspapers, about a man in New York, who had a singular passion for buying quantities of second. J hand turniturc, and any other articles, at auction, ; that were sold cheap, whether he had actual use for them or not, and therefore dear at any price. : Having filled his houtc with useless and antiquated articles, his wife, a prudent, careful woman, \ annoyed at his extravagance, very quietly, and , without consulting him, 44 took the responsibility" of sending a quantity of the useless truck to an auction room to be sold. Great was her dismay , and astonishment, when, on the evening of a sale, a large majority of the things came back to the ! house. Her husband had unfortunately stumbled j into the auction rtom, and not recognizing his ' own furniture, had repurchased it at a better bar- ! gain than at first I I The United States Senate.?The New York Journal of Commerce speculates as follows upon iic composition of the next Senate : "The Senate now comprises 3J Whigs, if we ticludc .Mr. KiveS of Virginia, and 20 Locos.? ; There are two vacancies in Tennessee. It is safe . o assume that in place of Mr. Preston, of South ' Carolina, Mr. Graham, of North Carolina, and .Mr. , Kerr, of M irylinu, democratic Senators, will be | :hoscn for six years from tiie 4th of March next. J Indiana is doubtful, but the chance is that there ! ilso a Loco will be elected. On the other hand the j Whigs have a chance of gaining a St nutor in Ohio , n place of Mr. Alien. The Whigs will retain a 1 najoritv in the Senate unless Tennessee should go ! lack to Locofocoism, and may have a majority :vcn if she should." * i Longevity.?A most remarkable case of longe- ' city, in cold, rigid New England, is that of John [hLlcy, of August, Maine, who died a few years since, at the venerable age of 124. lie married it the age of eighty a girl of eighteen, by whom ic had ten children?the youngest of whom at his icath was more than one hundred years younger :han his father. lie was of Irish origin, but a native xirn citizen of Maine. His hair was a pure silvi r! . white, a small lock of which was exhibited to U3, i day or two since, by gcnMeman of this city, I who had it from his physician. A short time be- < ore his death it turned black. His teeth were xrfcct and sound to within a 6hort time of his loath. So remarkable a man was he in his day, j hat lie was a subject of curiosity to all who visited that section of the country where he resided. The late Dr. Harris was of that number. The late Gov. Gore of this Common wealth, while on a tour o Maine, paid him a visit, and gave him a dollar or every year of his life.?Boston Transcript. The editor of the Tuscaloosa (Ala.) Monitor, mentions the receipt of a fine present of apples, of tho third crop this season, from Cupt. James H. Dcaring, of that place. The invuiuaoie inent, originally constructed for measuring the re. lative strength of men and animals, is now brought o 6uch perfection that it can be applied with equal facility to machines of whatever description. The American Institute is now in possession of a large ind effective dynamometer, the invention of Mr. James, of Newburyport. This instrument will be tpplied to all the machinery put in requisition at he great Fair of the American Institute, at the r.-quest of any gentleman wishing its powers tested. N. Y. American. Happiness of Figs.?The following is the conclusion of the learned and philosophical report on swine, by William Lincoln, at the Agricultural Fair held at Albany a 6hort time since : 44 Pigs arc happy people. We may talk disparagingly about living like a pig. To live like a pig is to live like a gentleman. Although it is not permitted by the order of nature that a pig should laugh, or even smile, he enjoys the next best blessing of humanity, the disposition to grow fat. How j easily he goes through the world ! He has no fan, cy stocks to buy, no bank notes to pay, no indig. r or caie Uy navwu 1 U July 12, '?-12. A. "P.35 tf r LKJIO\ SYRUP A YD TIEAJ) SYRUP, | AI the IV ew Drug S'ore. I LA\CI;TS. ; TjSB L VNC- TS, Spring r^nortn, Gum JR. L ncets and Tooth Dr i\\crs twr s.iIt at the New I rug Store. c a stoiTosil fa XCELLENT cold drawn castor oil for sale very lew, by the gallon, at the NEW DRUG sTOitE. KOAA ETTS A AD MOORS. TJ US I' Re .-c:ved a g od stork of Bonnctts ' and floods 5 n. MA LLC) Y. S. pt. 2\ 1842. 45 t4 COTTON LlAGGlA hi, . ROPE, TWINr.? i good Slock ?f tho ibove ' oi. hand, and tor ?.,le at the lowest market price, by D M ALLOY. Aug 23^1 41 tf COJlttiSSlONER I* EQUITY'S NOTICE. To Guardians^ Trustees and Receivers. AI L Guardian?. Trustees and Receivers ( and others who arc bound to account t ? the , Commissior er in Equity for Cnerau- District, arc hereby required to be and appear be lore J said commissioner at hi6 office a: Dariingiiui Court House, Irotn the fourteenth day of .No vember next lo the nineteenth d^y ?,i s,:id month, to man* re'urns ot the estavs in hint ? hands, possession, or manage ruei.t, set in .y forlli, on oa;h, the partti ul.irn anil vahi** ul audi estates, and an account ot ail money re| ceiveil and paid for said estates, and to substantiate the same by proper and suffice nt vouchers; aiso to produce al< bonds, notes, < certificates of stork and oiber ev deuce of i cho6es in action, which are specified in said return; and also ah title deeds, bills of sale anu other muniments of title to property pur. I chased by him, her, or them, for his, her or j their ward cestui qui IruH. Rules will be immediately issued against all | who fail to comply. E. A. LAW, i Com in Equity for Cheraw District. Darlington C. II. Oct. 11,1843. 49?4t nation meetings to attend, no log cabin assemblies to hold. He has no occasion to take the benefit of the bankrupt act, or to have his estate confiscated to defray the expenses of the settlenicnt. Free from all the troubles that disturb the busy world, he is as unconcerned about the changes of earthly affairs, as was a citizen who was waked in the earliest light of morning by being told the day was breaking; 4 Well,' said he, as he turned again to his repose, 'let day break, he owes me nothing.' 44 When we look at the comparative condition 1 of the human race and of the swinish multitude, we may come to the conclusion that if a man will not t>c a man he bad better be a pig." We were a day or two ago, very much amus- j | cd in a hotel with a joke that Wyman, the ventri- ( l loquist, played on a countryman who had called for a julap. He had no sooner raised the glass to his lips than he thought he heard a dog at his 1 heels?he turned around to look, but discovered I nothing?the second attempt with the glass had1 the same effect, except that the supposed dog i growled more savagely?the countryman stared I more wild'y than before, exclaiming, *4 What s I that ?'* A voice was heard from the glass, saying, j 44 I'm rum, and rum is the devil." Down dropped j the glass of ruin, the countryman crying out,44 By j hoky* I'll not taste rum again." We think that Wyman deserves a premium for his aid in the temperance cause.?Baltimore Clipper. uncertainty of wealth. We nrc informed, says the Baltimore i Republican, that it has been but lately 1 discovered that a lease for a large portion of the land which ibis city occupies, wn* executed but for 99 years, and not renew able. Since the original jcmsc, in??u>i4 ;?.?of sub-lenses hav?* been made, an?l improvements to a vast amount have been erected on tb;s properly by various persons. who nil confidently believed that the original lease was perpetual. CIGAR SMOKING IN GREAT BRIT UN. The Cigar Nuisance hn< wonderfully abated within these few years. There t<, { to nil appearance, not a tenth of the nurni her of smokers there was some time ng : ' tind those who continue the practice seem I to belong to inferior stations. Imitation has knocked cigar-smoking on the head. Having descended to alma-lads and all sorts of npers of gentility, it has been abandoned, as a matter of course, by those of higher rank. Chamber's Edinburgh Journal. The Quincy Patriot states that the services of Mr. John Quincy Adams have been secured to defend Messrs. Pearce and Anthony against the charge of high treason, of which ofTence they are indict, cd by the legal authorities of Rho :e Island. FA.TILY IIIEMCIXJGS. raiHE Subscriber lias roc -Ived an I i? opening t J3L iii 'h S.ore above Mr. W ail* w?n tit's. u.iii opposite to M- D. Maf'oy**. ? good nssortmen1 of nii'di res selected especially for fimily use, , an t for tiis own practice. He will keep no article of wire1! lie does not kn*?w the ingredients and properties; and none except ?uch as he i kn >ws to h of g -od qu lity. His tinctures an<i J intuieuts will be r ady f?r u>c in about a we k ( from tliis tim". Ha '"'N i'so keep a general as. | sortm -nt of DYE STIFFS and other articles usually kc|>t at s ic'i establishments. The lev. articles of tins class not now on hand arc expetted soon. . M. MAC LEAN. , Julv 26. I i TA TIAJHYDS r.r.L put up in ?mill j i s. fur sale at the ; Tv jNew Drug Store VHEftAU ! VIAEGAR ! ! PURE Cider Vinegar, White Wine Do. P - O.I. L_ T ACOSTP SHERIFF SALES. ON Writs of Fieri Facias will be sold before the Court House door on the first Monday and day following in November next with- A in the legal hours the following property, viz; ^ 1300 Acres of land more or le:-s whereon q John Copelatd resides, lying on both sides of n Deep Creek bonnded North and East by Wil- J lis liancocK's land, West by lands owned by Alston Massey, Matt. Rushing and N. Gib-on, h South by Estate of William Hancock's land, a at the sua of Turner Bryan Ordinary Ches-* j 1 terfield District, et. al., vs. Jno. Copeland and 'J Lewis Mchon. Six Lots in the town of Cheraw, known in g the plan of said town by Nos. 46, 47. 8*2, 83, 84, 85, (forty six and forty seven &re well im- c| proved lots and bounded on the North by Church Street; eighty two, eighty three, eigh y four and eighiy five are but little im pruvt d, and bounded on the South by Church street and Westbv third street) at the suit of Ann I nlo ut a! . va. Iiiiah T)nbr>so and K. C. Dubose. Seven negroes viz. Nancy (and her six children) Alio, Daniel, Charlotte, Jenny, Mary and John; aiso aooui forty head of cattle and thirty five head of hogs, one clock, two colts, a ot of fodder at the suit of John I). Mc J Lean vs. Ranald .McDonald, the cattle, hogs, j &c., will be offered for sale at defendant's |; residence on Tuesday the second day of sale. \ 4LKI Acres of land more or le$s whereon the tl defendant re-odes adjoining the land'of Daniel ?' Campbell, Cliarles Hendrick, N, G.bson. ef. fi al. A'so, ninety three (93) acres of land i w more or less lying on both sides of Deep Creek j adjoining the lands of Rev. William Moore, J .nuns Taylor et. al. at the suit of John Jackson et. a!, vs. Geo. W. Meador. All of Isaiah Dubose's interest in two lots in Powe Town, numbered on the Plat of said * tou n seventy t wo (72) and seventy three (73) measuring etch one hundred feet front on Green ?:r< et continued by three hundred feet S; deep, at the suit of Assignees oiJno. A. Inglis a vs Isaiah Dubose. 'i erins?Cash?Purchasers to pay for ne- | ceseay papers, JNO. EVANS, S. C. D. ! tj ShffV Office, Oct. 15 184*2. 49 tt I I Li's A i'lilcR and SHOE Til REM), a 95 SIDES, Sole Leather, 104 Kip and \\ ax do. 120 lb. Shoe Thread, Foi sale low by A. P. LACOSTF. October 18, 1842. 49 tf "RUTS, SCOTCH OVES'ST^cT * A Large and well selected stock of Pots, ? Scotch and Dutch Ovens, Spiders, And Irons w &c &c. For sale cheap. a A. P LACOSTE. u October 18, 1942. 49 tf fw (&-FOR SALE. G 10 Hhds. Molasses, " 6 Bbls. Whiskey (Michigan) a. 2 44 Jenks Gin, 2 Boxes Hunts beet caststccl axes, a Kentucky patcrn. AL O 300 Bunches Concord Fac'ory Yarn, . No. 5 in 12. All of i he abov e of good qualifv. Apply to FELIX LONG, October 14, 1842. 40 2t FACTORAGE * A N J) COU.TIISSIOY CISHESS, CHARLESTON S. C. roUG undersigned would most respectfully 9 infirm hi* friends and the publicgoncally, lint hi*continues totransacttho FACTORAGE ^ AND CO il.MISSIO^ BUSINESS in the city ?f Charleston, S. C ., (Offick on MaowoooV *a IV ha a r ) ,n Hi: will assiduously apply his best exertions to lr irnmoie the interest of his patrons?and from his P ong rxperieneo in the Cotton Trade, and by jrouipt att ntion to business, he hopes to eon ar .inue to reeeive a liberal share of patronage. His eomiiiission for sidling Cotton is 50 cents ;>er bale, for Receiving and Forwarding Goods, :o lScc. *25 cents per package. No storage will b" ;i' barged on Goo Is regularly consigned to him, s:l hit are to be forwarded by the R iil Ro>d. and sa io expens'-s incur ed or charged that can possi- ^ ilv lr avoitled. Persons shipping Cotton to hint '**. f om tl;e interior, bv the way of Humbuig, can 'jl b'aio liberal advinces < n it by applying to Dr. !*tokes, ol that place. T. GOLDSMITH. October 11,184*2. 48 9t A CARD. DR. JOHN LYNCH having permanently located himself in th- town of Cheraw, esp etfu'ly ten'er? '.is profus ions I services to he citizens of this place and the adjoining counrv. He hopes l?v a diligent attention to his iroft svion. to receive a liberal share of public utronag:. Hi can always be found nt bis other's (Conlaw Lynch) residence on Market Street. Cheraw, Ju'v 1st. 1P42. S4 tf GROCERIES. fN 8to:n and for 6jIo. a good supply of Salt, J Sugar, Coffyo and Molasses, by D. MALLOY. pl Aug. 23rJ 41 tf ^ ? ? ten . r t ,.i? ... i i i. P,..I nr B A LiO I <> LT'lli'19 <7ii iimiu in me * ufi v i*. fine, Ch?raw, S. C. If not called for pro- l'1 nous to the l.>t January, 1843, they will he bt icnl to this General Po?t Offico as dead Letters A?Archibald Atkinson. 'n B? Edward Bovil, Hannah Bowman, $P J antes C. Chapman) Alexander Clarke. Joo W Covington. Tho*. T. Covington, A. G. L'ampb- ll. Isabella Collins I) W. H. David E?F Emmons. J->hn C. Ellrrhe. H G ? J. Q A. Giles. J 11?I- iac llotman, Hai'ey Sc Puwe, A. B. q llenaga-i. . K?Mrs. Koland. ' L?John L??yd. Jno Lavenua. R. M Lti'ch. 2 M?I'oin Wazyck, Catharine McQoa.e. * I'hri-tian McCtaney, Win. Mitchell. B. Mcln- 4 l"*UI'?James Powell, M A. Puwell, Maltha Pearson. R?N. M. Rny. S?J. M. Smith, T Shiver, Alary J me Stroth ~~ r. J .hn Smith. Caroline Sweet) Lewis II Scot I. ] T?Fl z i e'h A Trantham. \V ? fedloiil Wi !i itns. hj ? KOWN BRYAN, P. M. Ps Oef.Vr 1812 48 3t BACOAI. J 2)000 lbs, good N. Car. Bacon on Hand ate for s.ilo, cheap, by uj D MALLOY. Aug 23nl 1S42. 41 ?f tl>H! FISHU MACKEREL, in whole, half, and qtr. bbU. D Mess Shad in do do do gi Codfiih and Salmon, all of excellent quality, p< For sale by A. P. LACOSTK. October 18, 1012. 49 tt ! SOUTH CAROLINA, I Chrslerjield District. 1 Michael Watfon applicant, vs. William Hen- ( rick, John Hendrich, lltnry Hcndrick, Jacob >. Flowers and wife Mary, the children of 'hoinas Hcndrick, Jr., dee'd., Samuel D. Tiinions and wife Sarah C., H.irdy Hcndrick. O'tathan J. Hcndrick, and Rebecca Hcndrick. IT appearing to my satisfaction that John Icndrick, Henry Hendrick, J.icob D. Flowers nd wife .1/ary, and the chi dreu of Thomas Icndrick, Jr.. dee'd.. Defendants reside without ie limits of *.hla Siato. It is therclore ordered rat they do appear and object to llic division or de of the Real Estate of Thomas Hendrick, en'r., dee'd., on or before the third day of De mber next, or their consent to the some will be ntcred of record. T. RRYAN O. C. D. Sept. 6, 184*2. 43 lamf3m Iff EQUITY,CHESTERFIELD DISTRICT. James C. Masscy, ") and wifo, ct al j Bill for discovery vs. }> Account dee. Alexander May, I el. al. Ex'rs J [T appearing to my satisfaction that Ham p. ton B Hammond and his wife, tw o of the efendants in tho above caso resido without the mils of this State: On motion of Wright & Ic Mullen. complainants' solicitors, it is ordered iat the said defendants do appear and plead anwer or demur to tho bill within three months om the publication of this ord- r, or the same rill be taken pro confesso against them. D. S. HARLLEE. Com. in E<pii'y for , Chesterfield and , Marlboro' Dis'lcs. Cheraw, 27th, Sept. 1842. 47 3m South Caholina, ) William B iiam cock Chesterfield District. ? Tolls before mo ono nail yellow bay homo mule, four years old, wi:h large boll on. cauic to his hous: abo.t the l?3d f April, 1842. JOHN P. RUSHING. .Magistrate. Any porson c'auning the said mule cm find le mule right miles west of Chesterfield Court louse ; they are requested to oomo forward provo roperty, pay charges, and take tho same way July 22, 1842. 37 oeinf4tn. In the Common Pleas. Chesterfield District. Henry Easterling, ) Declaration vs. > on note in 0. W. Booth. ) Attachment. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in rliis action did n this day Hie his Declaration against G. W. looth, the defendant, who is absent from and ithnut the limits of the State (.16 it is said.) nd having neither wife or attorney known pon whom a copy of the above Declaration, ith a rule to plead thereto, may be served; t is therefore in pursuance of the Acts of the leorral Assembly of this State in such cases, jade and provided; Ordered that the defend, nt, do plead thereto on or hefore the twenty, ixth day of December next, otherwise final nd absolute judgment wiii be then given and warded against him by default. T. BRYAN. Office of Common Pleas ) Chesterfield C. H. Dec. 25,1841, s 9 - le3mf!y , SOl'TXI CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. ! 0 Alexander Graham, Administrator of | all and singular the Goods, Chattels, I Rights and Credits of John T. Hinson, j v deed. And to John B. Billingsby and ^ lirou n Bryan, sureties for the said Ad- j J ministration. nUHBRKAS, I.izht Townscnd, who mar. <! ww ried Mary Ann Hinson, the widow of the I lid John T. Hinson, deceased; ma le suit In c. Turner Bryan, Ordinary, to grant him I^otrs of Adininistration on the uuadministercd irt of the said Estate; ? these are to cite you e said Alexander Graham, John B Biliingsby, id B own Bryan, to appear'before mo in t?>e y ?urt of Ordinary to bo holden at Chesterfield! ourt House on Friday the ninth day of Decern- 5 imext, then and there to come and . ccount for J" 1 the mc iii g. goods, chattels and credits of tho id Estate, and make a final settlement of the j ine ; or to shew cmso w!iy the letters of: ^ diiiiniriration, to you granted, should not he ttnlfiw! rin/l A^*niiiivfr:ili/in rrrnufr/l fit flip cnirl t glu T 'mvnsend. iivon under my hand and seal tho 20th day 1 ' September 1 e T. BRYAN, 0. C. 0. 46 lamfOm rATU OF SOUTH CAROLINA, CHERAW DISTRICT. l In Equity. Miry Litta, i Robert Latta, and others, Bill far sale of Land vs. and negroes?for parWin. Henry tilion and acc. and wife, and others. [T appearing to my sntiafaction that Win. ( Henry and Ann Henry, his wife, two of ^ 0 Defendants in tho above stated case, are sent from and reside without the limits of the ate. On- motion of G. W. & J A Dargan omplainants So icitors it is ordered that tney ? plead answer or demur to tho Complainants ' ill within three months from tho publication of lis order and that in default thereof the tame 1 1 taken against them pro confesso. ( It is also ordered that this order be published the Farmers' Gnette twice a moutti for the mcoofthrco months. E. A. LAW, C. E.C. D. August 2G, 1842. 42 2mf3m CEAXP.S. ~ rHF Subscriber has just received on con. ( signment, io be eold at very low prices for i ( JSH O.YLY, ) Doz. Fancy Gilt and iniplc cane scat cli .irs. $ Sin ill * " ' ' s'-wingdo. 5 La go Boston can'* and solid seat Rocking do. 5 5 ? Maliogany.Mob&rrSi ringaeat do. do./ , > Small cane " do. d??. i . L Solid scat Nurso, d . do. j ! GEO II. DUN LAP. J Cheraw, Ausrust 25. ls42, 42 tf j c BL ACK SJ11 Til Ii> G. rHE Subscriber has this day recommenced business on liis own account and hopes r close application to business to share public itronng*. My prices will l>? moderate. Hwse i { being will rcreivo rny personal attention it is ; j crolbre warranted to be done with neatness t td despatch N. B ?I am now prepared to repiir, or put j n w lightning rods. C. I. SIIIVEK. April 4 1*42. 21 tf SVGAR and TEA. OUBLE and Single loaf ?ugar, Crushed Su. ir, and best Hyson Tea, in Caddies, or by the jund, prime articles for family use. J'or sale by ( A. P. LACOSTF. October 18,1812. 19 tf I SPRIXG AXD SUMMER GOODS. i rjpUE Subscribor has junt received t well _HL selected block of Pancy and Staple Dry Qjeda, G. H. DUN LAP. Cheraw, April 9, 1842 22 if WOOD. I HAVE agiin rejumcd the basinets of Haul* in' Wo*k1 My olJ customers and the pub. ic generally are respectfully informed that I shall be gr.itelul for a renewal of their custom, and pledge myself lo haul loads that will please. A. P. LACOSTE. July 19, 1812. 36 tf CLOTHS, CASS1MERS, AND SAT1NETTS. DM ALLOY has just receifcd t food stock of Cloths, Cunimers, and Satinets, which he is anxious to sell, and bargains may bo hadSept. 20. 18-12. 45 tf feLi:r> wheat. O BUSH LI S of the tavorit* kinds ,4Gol? den C'hiiff " and " Bcjrded*' Wheat, For sale by D MALLOY. October 4, If-12. 47 4t ?. H ATEB.1IA!*, COMMISSION MERCHANT, GEORGETOWN, S. C., CCONTINUES to transact the receiving adl / forwarding business. and to act aa a genera agent, ut liia o'd stand, on the upper wharf, in Georgetown. The whjrf i? spacious and aa cor.venit nt as ar.y in the State, for a general shipping, uud agency business. The sale of bis ntgroes and oilier prop' rt) at the sale day in Oc'ober, is brought about, as he understands, at the instance of a single creditor of his own to whom he is indebted less than SUM 0, and others named who have claims against bun where ho has been wickedly involved aa security. Ho will, through his frien s, retain as much oftho property advertized, as /tut judgment, at the sale, will justify, lie intern s to p y all hi* debut, but those who tie up his arms will have to bide their day and bo paid the last. The sale will be posi. and he invite* the competition nc esaary to pat the property o its value. 8 pt, 24, 1842. STOLEN OxN inn Mgnt oi z;st. an tny note*. I ins is lo forbid all person* doc me money by not*4 of band not to pay the samo to any person Lot myself. D. MAT.LOY. September 27, 1812. <16 tf NOTICE. 4LL persons indebted to the Snb*cril?er by note or ncc-unt are requested to call and settle ti u mine, as fuither indu'genee cannot be given. 1 R SHAW. S pt. 13. 1842. 44 tf LUCERtE. rSIHE Subscriber ha* just revived end has A for sale by the pound or Icatcr quantity Ltfcernc Seed? tvun DARLING'S UNIVERSAL SOAP, For trashing, uilhovt boiling or bleaching. Many experiment* hare l*>en tried to render the of cloth * irf-s labar ?us and more economical, bid no ?fl'o t lias been en su? ci tsfnl is tbo discovery and intioduclion of Dariing's Universal Soap, which wi'I remove stain?, dirt, jreasc, and tv n paint from clothing, without wiling or bleaching. Tins article is superior for washing fl .nnel--, loo Ions, linens, Iier*. silts, and calicoes, fo my now in nso. It is warranted to contain no ngr?dient that will destroy, rot or injur" in the ast, texture or color: nor w ill it injure the tands, but will re- tier them soft and tit, when lone washing, to engage in sewing, if necessary, 'or cleaning paint it is unr?rstl!?n! c vanderford. September 13, '842. 44 if coTm\ omBiiiGs AND cotton vary. rHE Subsrriber hns received on ronsigrtment from tlie De Kalb Factory at Camden >. C 1*4 Hales very superior Cotton Or-nalurgs and 1*2 Bales Cotton Yarn, which he will oil by the B do to Merchants o- as good or ettcr firms than they can purchase in New ^ fors or Charleston. T Ho would also invito (he Tlantcrs ol the leighliorhood to call and examine tho Oznafctirgs, L :it ?...1 :. .. ..i I i.:_i_ .V,? ? ncy win iiiiu n <1 t;u?-ap*-g auu i^ucr aiviviiumm io* ever been sold in this market. G. H. PUN LA P. Cberaw, April 4, 1842. 21 If NOTICE. " The Subscriber has jusi received, and will keep constantly on hand. Cotton Yarn and Twit e at wholesale, from the Manufactory of toAing'iam. GEO. GOODRICH. Cheraiv, Jan., 1840. 10 if CORN WANTED. WANTED to purchase from 10H0 to 30(0 Iluslicls corn to be delivered in Che raw, >r at any of the landings down the river, for vhichlhe IiigWt market price will he paid P. M'NAIR. Aptil 11, 1842. 22 If HATS AND SHOES. THE Subscriber has jn?t received^a large and well selected supply of Hat* and Shoes, ,vbich will be sold cheaper than were ever offerid id this market. D. MALLOY. Sept 20, 1842. 45 tf eTuTdrenning WOULD Respectfully inform the public that he has located hitnsclf on 1?A?.E3T G7P.337, Opposite Ma. Moore's Hotel, where lie intends jarrying on the dyeing and scouring business. Ladies' and Gentlemen's garments cleaned, mil, ,f faded, dyed tin? original or any other cal. ?r. unJ presst d in the noat< st manner. Carpets, r.ib.'c-Cnvcrf ami Crumb clot.' * cleaned without njnrv to tlio Color.?Cotton Yarn* dyed fast Johns. JV. B His dyeing trill not soil the whitest irtiele. Chcraw, August 16 lfc42. 40 tf STORE TO KENT. I HAVE rented all my Stores, except the one next above Mr. George (1. Dnnlup'?, and a >ne door hi low corner of Kershaw and Front ? -?- :- , firut rate Streets. 1 1119 Oiorr in rvu?i?v,v? _ .land, and will be rented on liberal terms. A. P. LACOSTE. August 2, 1842. 38 tf 4^ DOMESTICS. A few balee 4-4 Hrowu Domestics for sale on favorable terms, by D. AJ.LOY Aug. 23rd. 41 if LEATHER. JUST Received a arge sloek of Sole Leatlf or. Also, Upper Leather, and Calf Skins. R M ALLOY. Sept. 20. 1842. 45 tf