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Wl other materia), or imported under the dc- n signation of rrtnny cloth, or any other an- 1 puliation, and without regard to the h weight or width, a duty of five cents s per sfjnnro yard ; on sail duck, seven ! i cents per square yard ; Russia nnd other 1 * other sheeting*, brown and white, twen. j t ty five per centum nd valorem; and on < alt other manufactures of hemp, or nfj which -hemp shall be n component part, ("f not specified, twenty per centum ad vhIo- f rem ; on unmanufactured' flax, twenty I dollars .per ton ; on linens, nnd all other i " - ?-r a-~ -- ~r K|,inK fl,v I ( lonnomcmres 01 im.\, vi vi ...... shall He a component part, not otherwise J t specified, a duty of twenty-five per centum | ad valorem ; on gross cloth, h duty of ? twenty-five per centum nd valorem. i FotjTth. On stamped printed or pain- I ted floor oil cloth, thirty-five cents per ' square yard ; on furniture oil cloth made on Canton or cotton flannel, sixteen cents ' per square yard ; on olher furniture oil j cloth ten cents per square yard ; on oil ! cloth of linen, silk or other materials, used j for hat covers, aprons, coach curtains or similar purposes, and on medicated oil cloths, a duty of twelve and a half cents per aqunre yard; on Chinese or other floor matting, made of flags, jute or grass, ' on all floor mattings not otherwise specified, and on mats, of whatever material* composed, twenty.five per centum ad valorem. Sec. 4. And be itfurther enacted, That ' from and after the passage of this act ; there shall be levied, collected and paid, i en the importation of the articles hereinafter mentioned, the following duties, that is to nay: First. On iron in bars or bolts, not manufactured in whole or in part by rolling, nevenfeen dollars per ton ; on bar or boll iron, made wholly or in part by rolling twenty-five dollars per ton : Provided, That all iron in slabs, blooms, loops or other form, less finished than iron in bars or bolts, and more advanced than pig iron, j except castings, shall be rated as iron in i bars or bolts, and pay a duty accordingly: I Provided, also, That iron imported prior to I (lie third day of March, eighteen hundn d and forty three, in bars or otherwise, for railways or inclined planes, shall be entith d to the benefits of the provisions of existing laws, exemptihg it from the pay. incnt of duty on proof of its having been artuaily and permanently laid down for tie* on any railway or inclined plane prior to the third day of March, eighteen hundred and forty-three, and all such iron imported from and after the date aforesaid, ?hatl be subject to and pay the duty on '^rolled iron. Second. On iron in pigs nine dollars 'per ton ; on vessel** of cast iron not otherwise specified, one cent and a half per pound ; on all other castings of iron not oilier wise specified, one cent per pound ; on glazed or (in hollow ware and castings, ad irons or smoothing irons, hatters' and tailors' pressing irons, and cast iron butts or hinges, two and a half cents per pound; nn iron or steel wire, not exceeding No. / 14, five cents per pound; and over No. 14, and not exceeding No. 25, eight cents per pound ; over No. 2^>, eleven cents per pound; silvered or plated wire thirty per centum ad valorem ; brass or copper wire twenty-five per centum ad valorem ; cop or bonnet wire, covered with silk, twelve cents per pound ; when covered with cotton thread or other mateN?'? right cents pound; on round or square iron, or ' braziers'rods, of three sixteenths to ten < sixteenths of an inch in diameter, inclusive, and on iron in nail or spike rods, or nail plates, slit, rolled or hammered, and I on iron in sheets, except taggers' iron, -?.i anri nn iron slit, rolled I 1 v" ,,v"f "? or hammered for hand ir5n?80r?" 'ron? or 1 casement rods, iron cables or chains, or I parts thereof, manufactured in whole or in ? part, of whatever diameter, Ihe links be- < ing of the form peculiar to chains for ca- I hie#, two and a half cents* a pound; on I all other chains of iron, not otherwise spe- i cified. the links being either twisted or I straight, and when straight, ot greater I length than those used in chain? for ca- < hie#, thirty per centuin nd valorem; on anchors or parts of anchors, manufactu. < red in whole or in part, anvils, black- ( smiths* hammers and sledges, two and a j hiilf rents per pound ; on cut or wrought \J iron spike#,'three cents per pound; and ' - no cur iron nails, three cents per pound ; 1 atrdon wrought iron nails, ora.xletrecs, or 1 p.?ri# thereof, mill irons and mill cranks of w Anight mm, or wrought iron for ships, j1 locomotives, and steam engines, or iron j1 chains othfr than chain cables, and on !( malleable iron or castings, four cents per ; 1 pound ; on steam, gas, or water tubes or :' pij?e*, made of band or roIIeJ iron, five 1 cent# prr pound ; on mill saws, cross cut j1 #;?ws, apd {nt saws, one dollar each ; on 1 n nil enrini- nn> nvnnnilinn < %?? * l\a. n IIVJ 8 * U(llg ? sixteen ounces to the thousand, five cents !s per thousand; exceeding sixteen ounces!* to tb? thousand, five cents per pound ; on f larger*' iron, five per centum ad valorem ; ( Provided, That all articles partially man- I ulwctured, not otherwise provided for, ( ?h?Jlp?sv the same rate of duty as if whol- * lv manufactured : .4rid, Provirled also. ( TJjA.fjyj articles mnnufectured from steel, I sheet, rod, hot?p, or other kinds of iron, j( shall pav a less rate of duty than is : ? chargeable on tire material of which it is ! I composed, in whole or in j5?rt, paying the j ^ Jdghest rate of duty either , by weight or j I ya!ur\ and a duty of fifteen per centum 1 $d valorem on the cost of t'no article ad- S <] d thereto. c Third. On old or scrap iron te:i dol- t: lara per ton : Profit led. That n ?lhing shall bo deemed old .?ron, thit has not hern in actual use. and fit only to he re. n manufactured ;.and all pieces of iron, ex- ^ cept old. of more than six inches ;n length n or of sufficient length to he* made into n spikes Mid bolts, shaW fio rated ns Dor, 1 holt, rod or hoop iron, as the case n>av be, P and pny duty accordingly : Vropidal. f a/so. That all vessels .of cast iron, and aft" of iron not rou^h fin from the nould, but partially ma rjfactured after * lie casting, or with handles, rings, 1 i< op<, or other additions of wrought iron, e hall pay the same rates of duty herein; p mposcd on all other manufuctute* of! g vrousht iron not herein enumerated, it*i e i hat shall amount to more than the duty > t ;n eastings. t Fourth. On muskets, one dollar and j? ifty cents per stand ; rifles, two dollars ! < ind fifty cents each ; on axes, adzes, ( t ? j.,,n ifAna ?orket chisels and ! I a |' I <1 IC? vnvy WW... bices, drawing knives, cutting knives, < tickles or reaping hooks, scythes, spades, 1 ?hove!s, squares of iron or steel, plated or i polished steel saddlery and brass saddlery, 1 coach and harness furniture of all descrip. j t lions, steelyards and scale beams, and all j fire arms other than muskets and rifles, < and all side arms, thirty per centum nd i valorem ; un square wire, used for the 1 manufacture of stretchers for umbrellas, ] when cut in pieces not exceeding the < length suitable therefor, twelve and a half < per centum ad valorem. i Fifth. On screws made of iron, called i wood screws, twelve cents per pound ; and f op all other scicws of iron, not specified, ' thirty per centum od valorem; on brass < screws, thirty cents per pound ; on sheet i and rolled brass, a duty of thirty percen- ' turn ad valorem; on brass battery, or i hammered kettles, twelve cents per pound. < Sixth. On cast, shear and German steel in bars, one dollar and fifty cents i per one hundred and twelve pounds, and i on all other steel in bars, two dollars and 1 fifty cents per one hundred and twelve i pounds; on solid headed pins, and all oth. er package pins, not exceeding five thou- > sand to the pack of twelve papers, forty I cents per pack, and in the same propor- < ticn for a greater or less quantity ; on pound pins, twenty cents per pound; on sewing, tambouring, darning, netting and knitting, and all other k n:ls of needles, ? r tivAntv nM centum ad valorem : ? ? v r-' on common, tinned and japanned saddle- j ry, of all descriptions, twenty per centum j ad valorem. Seventh- On japanned ware of n!) kinds, or pnpirr macho, and plated and gilt wares of all kinds, and on cutlery of all kinds, and all other mannfactures, not otherwise specified, rnndo of brass, iron, steel, lead, copper, pewter or tin, or of which either of these metals is a component material, thirty per.centum ad valorem. Provided, That ail manufactures of iron and steel, or other ruetais, partly finished, shall pay the same rates of duty ns if entirely finished. Eighth. On lead, in pigs and bars, three cents per pound ; on old and scrap lead, one cent and a half per pound ; lea. den pipes, leaden shot, and lead in sheets, or in any other form not herein specified, four cents per pound ; on type metal and stereotype plates, twonty-five per centum ad valorem; types, whether new or old, twenty.five per centum ad valorem ; on copper bottoms cut round, and copper bottoms raised at the edge, and still bottoms cut round and turned vup oh the edge, and parts thereof, and on copper plates or sheets weighing more than thirty.fonr ounces per square foot, commonly called Braziers'copper, thirty per centum ad valorem ; on copper rods and bolts, nails and spikes, four cents per pound : 1 and on patent sheathing metal composed 1 in part of copper, (wo cents per pound. Ninth. On tin, in pigs, bars or blocks, one per centum ad valorem ; tin in plates 1 or sheets, tcrne plates, taggers' tin and 1 tin foil, two and a half per centum ad valorem ; on silver plated sheets, and on argentine, alabata or German silver, in. sheets, or otherwise, unmanufactured, thirty per centum ad valorem ; on manufactures of German silver^ bell mc- 1 tal, zinc, and bronze, thirty per contum id valorem : on zinc, in sheets, ten por 1 centum ad valorem : Provided, That old bells or parts thereof, fit only to be remarufactufed, shall not be considered manufac. 1 lures of bell metal, but shall be admitted 1 free of duty ; on bronze powder, bronze i liquor, iron liquor, red liquor, and seppia ' twenty per centum ad valorem. Tenth. On coal, ono dollar and sev- -i enty five cents per ton ; on coke, or culm 1 jf coal, five cents per bushel. I Skc. 5. And be it further enacted, That from j 1 ind after the passage of this act, there shall be j ' levied, collected and paid, on the importation of s the articles hereinafter mentioned, the following ! 1 duties; that is to say : < First. On all vessels or wares, articles an~d j < manufactures of cut glass, when the cutting on j < the article does not exceed one third the height i 1 >r length thereof, a duty of twenty.fivc cents per j < pound ; when the cutting exceeds one third the j1 acight or length, but does not exceed one half J tlie same, a duty of thirty-five cents per pound; | vlien the cutting extends to or exceeds one half j * be height or icngtn inereoi, a auiy 01 lorty-nve ( ? rents per pound; on cut glass chandeliers, cand'e- ^ iticks, lustres, lenses, lamps, prisms, and parts of P he same, and on all drops, icicles, spangles and j1 >maments, used for mountings, a duty of forty.five ; ^ rents per pound; on articles of plain, moulded or b >resscd glass, weighing over eight ounces, a duty f< >f ten cents per pound; on articles of plain, mould. C ;d or pressed glass, weighing eight ounces or un- f ier, except tumblers, a duty of twelve cents por c >ound; on plain moulded, or pressed tumblers, ten J rents per pound; on all plain, moulded or pressed ' * jlass, when stoppered, or the bottoms ground, or ^ mntied, an additional duty of four cents per pound: c Provided, That all articles of moulded or pressed flass, being cut, roughed or polished, in part or parts n hereof, and all other wares or articles of flint I fi ftp, not otherwise specified, shall pay the duty j fl hargcable on articles of cut glass of the descrip. 1 u i .1 >. it.... v. i ion ana iu nuivu iu^jt tgfwanjr p$* : < 3H-. j * St con'. On all apothecaries' vials and bottles, \ ot exceeding the capacity of six ounces each, one rollar? and eeventy-five cents per gross; apothcca. ai tea" viais and bottles exceeding six ounqrt, aad oi ot exceeding the capacity of sixteen ounces each, u ivo dollars and twenty-five cents per grocf; os all fx erfumery and fancy viu's and bottles, uncut, not xceeding the capacity of four ounces each, two ' p< o!iure-and fifty cents per gross; and those exceed- ' ai ig four ounce;;, and not exceeding, in c p^cit^', ct ixfcen ounces each, three dollar* per gross. I I Third. On black and green glass bottles and jars,' < acceding eight ounces, and not exceeding, in ca- 1 acity, one quart each, a duty three dollar* per 1 trom; when exceeding the capacity of one quart < ach four dollars per gross; on demijohns and car. ' toys, of the capacity of half a gallon or less, fif- i een cents each; when exceeding, in capacity half < i gallon, and not exceeding three gallon* each, a j 1 luty of thirty cent* each; exceeding three gallons, ' < ifty cent* each. Fourth. On cylinder or broad window glasi, not : :xcccding eight by ten inches, two cents per square foot; above that, and not exceeding ten by twelve nches, two and a half cents per square foot; above :hat, and not exceeding fourteen by ten inches, three and a half cents per square foot; above that, ind not exceeding sixteen by eleven inches, four sents per square foot; above that, and not exceed, ing eighteen by twelve inches, five cents per square foot; above eighteen by twelve inches, six cents per square foot. On all crown window glass not exceeding ten by eight inches, three and a half cents per square foot; above that, and not exceed, ing ten by twelve inches, five cents per square foot; above that, and not exceeding fourteen By inchM cents per square foot; above that, tnd not exceeding sixteen by eleven inches, seven cents per square foot; abov? that, and not exoeedeighteen by twelve inches, eight cents per square foot; and all exceeding eighteen by twelve inches, ten cents per square foot: Provided, That , all glass imported in sheets or tables, without refer- I ence to form, shall pay the highest duties herein j imposed on the different descriptions of window glass. On all polished plate glass, whether imported as window glass, or however otherwise specified, not silvered, and not exceeding twelve by eight inches, fire cents per square foot; above that and not exceeding fourteen by ten inches, seven cents per square foot; above that and not exceeding sixteen by eleven inches, eight cents per square foot; above that and not exceeding eighteen by twelve inches, ten cents per square foot; above that and not exceeding twenty-two by fourteen inches, twelve cents per square foot; all above twenty.two by fourteen inches, thirty per centum ad valorem; if silvered, an addition of twenty per oentum shall be made to the duty; if framed, a duty of thirty psr centum ad valorem. Provided, That on all cylinder or broad glass weighing over one hundred pounds per one hundred square feet and on all crown glass weighing over one hundred . and sixty pounds per one hundred square feet, there shall be an additional duty on the excess of the same rate as herein imposed. On porcelain .glass, on glas* colored, or paintings on glass, a duty of thirty per oentum ad valorem; on all articles or manufactures of glass not specified, connected with other materials, rendering it impracticable to separate it and determine its weight, twentj-five per centum ad valorem. Fifth. On China ware, porcelain ware, earthen ware, stone ware, and all other ware composed of earth or mineral substances, not otherwise specified, whether gilt, painted, printed, plain or glazed, a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem. Sixth. On tanned sole or bend leather six cents per .pound; on all upper leather not otherwise specified, eight cents per pound; on calf and seal skins, tanned and dressed, fire dollarspcr dozen: on sheep skins tanned and dressed, or skivers, two dollars per dozen; on goat-skins, or morocco, tan. ned and. drcewd, two dollars and fifty cents per dozen; on kid skins or morocco tanned and I dressed, one dollar and fifty cents per dozen; on goat and sheep skins tanned and not dressed, one dollar per dozen ; on ml! kid and Iamb skins tanned -n J not dressed, seventy.five cents per dozen; % * ? ? ?- J !| { and on saws unr.ea ana arcssca oincrw;se uian in color, to wit: fawn, kid and lamb, usually known as chamois, one dollar per dozen ; on men's boots and bootees of leather, wholly or partially manufactured, one dollar and twenty-five cents per pair; men's shoes and pumps wholly or partially manufactured, thirty cents' per pair; women's boots and bootees of leather, wholly or partially manufactured, fifty cents per pair; children's boots, bootees and shoes, wholly or partially manufactured, fifteen cents per pair.; women's double soled pumps and welts, wholly or partially manufactured, forty cents per pair; women's hoes or slippers, wholly or partially manufactured, wliethcr of leather, prunella or other material, except silk, twenty-five cents per pair; on raw hides of all kinds whether dried or iltcd, fire per centum ad valorem; on all skins piokled and in casks, not specified, twenty per c.-ntum ad valorem. Seventh. On men's leather gloves, one dollar and twenty .five cents per dozen ; women's leather habit gloves, one dollar per dozen; children's leather habit gloves, fifty cents per dozen; women's extra and demi length leather gloves, one do lar and fifty cents per dozen; children's extra ind demi length leather gloves, seventy.fivc cents >er dozen; on leather caps or hats, leather braces >r suspenders, and on all other braces or suspend, rrs; of whatever material or materials composed, rxcept India rubber, and on leather bottles, patent ' eather, and all other manufactures of leather, or >f which leather is a component material of chief raltw, not otherwise specified, a duty of thirty-five *r centum md valorem. ->-' Eighth. On furs of all kinds on the skin, un. < Iresaed; five per centum ad valorem; on furs Irtsced on the skin, on all hatters' furs, whether tressed or undressed, not on the skin, twenty.five j er centum ad valorem; fur hats, caps, muffs, ippcts, and other manufactures of fur not specited, thirty-five per centum ad valorem; fur hat odiea/frames, or felts, manufactured, not put in arm or trimmed, or otherwise, twenty-five per entum ad valorem; hats of wool, hat bodies, or elt* made in whole or in part of wool, eighteen ents each. Ninth. On hats and bonnets for men, women nd children, from Panama, Manilla, Leghorn, fapics, or elsewhere, composed of satin, straw, hip, grata, palm leaf, rattan, willow or any other egetable substance, or of hair, whalebone, or other latsrial not otherwise specified, a duty of thirty, ve per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all ats, braids, plaits, Spartere, or willow squares, scd for making hats or bonnets, shall pay the v ime rate of duty* as nwiufactured hats or ban- p 2*8, b Tenth. On all ornamental feathers and artifi- r ial flowers, or parts thereof, of whatever matcri- r Is composed, hair "bracelets, chains, ringlets, curls, f r braids, human hair, cleaned and prepared for * k, and on fun of every docription, twenty.five p 5r centum ad valorem \ on all hair, human or *1 hcrwiae, undeaned and unmanufactured, ten b if centum ad valorem ; on hair cloth or seating, b id on hair belt* and hair gk>ve?, twcnty.fivc per tl ntam ud valorem; on curled hair and moss for ? jed# or mattresses, ten per centum ad valorem; >n feather* for beds, and on downs of all kinds, lwentj.five per centum ad valorem; on India rub. I aer oil cloth, webbing, shoes, braces, or suspenders, < >r other fabrics or manufactured articles composed ! wholly or in part of India rubber, thirty per centum | ad valorem: Provided, That braces or suspenders af that material, not exceeding in valac two dol- | [are per dozen shall be valued at two dollars per ; dozen, and pay duty accordingly. On all clocks, I twenty-five per centum ad valorem; and on gla- 1 zier's diamonds, when set, twenty-five per centum ?i . m Kr?r />lirnnnmrti<ra. twenty ' ad valorem , uh ??if v. ? , y per centum ad valorem; and on watches or parts s of watches, and watch materials, not specified, < seven and a half per centum ad valorem; on dia- I monds, seven and a half per centum ad valorem; ' on crystals of glass for watches, and on glasses ' or pebbles for spectacles or eye-glasses, when not : set, two dollars per gross; on gems, pearls, or < precious stones, seven per centum ad valorem; on < imitations the.eif, and compositions of glass or ] paste, on cameos and imitations thereof, and on mosaics, not specified, of whatever materials com- 1 posed, whether real or imitation, set or not set, seven and a half per centum ad valorem ; on jew. ' dry composed of gold, silver, or platina, and gold : and silver leaf, twenty per centum ad valorem; on gilt, plated, or imitation jewelry, and Dutch metal in leaf, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; ' on Scagliola table tops, and table tops of marble or composition, inlaid with precious stones or'1 small pieces of composition, known as rnostics, ' on table tops of marble or composition, when inlaid | with various colored marbles, and on alabaster and 11 spar ornaments, thirty per centum ad valorem; j i on manufactures of services, vessels, and wares of all kinds, not otherwise specified, >f silver or gold, ; or of which cither of these metals shall be a com- 1 ponent material of chief value, *unhcr plain, 1 chased, engraved or embossed, an ad raiorcm duty '' of thirty per centum. . | < Eleventh. On all manufactures of wood, not,1 otherwise specified, thirty per centum ad valorem:! < Provided, That boards, planks, staves, scantlingr,' hewn or sawed timber, unwrought spars, and all other descriptions of wood which shall have been;; wrought into shapes that fit them, respectively, J for any specific and permanent use without farther manufacture, shall be deemed and taken as manufactured wood, and pay duty accordingly; and on l.< timber to be used in building wharves, and fire wood, twenty per centum ad valorem: Provided, alto, That rough boards, planks, staves, scantling, 1 and sawed timber, not planed or wrought into any shapes for use, shall pay a duty of twenty per centum ad valorem: And provided, further. That j rose wood, satin wood, mahogany, and cedar wood, shall pay a duty of fifteen per centum ad valorem; on walking canes and sticks, frames and sticks for umbrellas, for parasols, and for sun shades, cabinet wares or household furniture, not otherwise specified, musical instruments of all kinds, carriages and parts thereof, thirty per cent urn ad valorem : Provided, alto, That strings for musical instruments, of catgut or whipgut, and all other strings or thread of similar materials, shall pay a duty of fifteen per centum ad valorem. Twelfth. On unmanufactured marble in the rough, slab or block, twenty.five per centum ad valorem ; on marble busts or statuary, [not specially imported, as herein provided for, and on all other manufactures of marble, not specified, a duty of thirty per centum ad valorem; on slates of all kinds, paving tiles and bricks, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; on baskets and other manufactures, not specified, of gran, straw, ozicr or willow, and palm leaf, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; on wax, amber, or composition beads, and all other beads not otherwise enumerated, and shell or fancy boxes, not otherwise specified, twcnty.five per centum ad valorem; on combs for the hair, of whatever material composed, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; on brushes and brooms of all kinds, thirty per centum ad valorera; and on bristles, one cent per pound ; on dolls and toys of every description, of whatever material or materials composed, thirty per centum , ad valorem; on metal buttons of all kinds, thirty per centum ad valorem: Provided, That all such buttons, not exceeding in value one dollar per gross, shall be valued atone dollar, and be charged with duty accordingly; on all otlicr buttons, and on all button moulds, of whatever material composed, twenty-five per centum ad valorem : Protided, That tastings, prunellas, and similar fabrics, not specified, when imported in stripe, pieces, or patterns, of the size and shape suitable for the manufacture exclusively of buttons, shoes, or boo- ; tees, and that mohair or worsted cloth, black linen ; canvass, figured satin, and figured or brocade. J or Terry velvet, when imported'in strips, pieces, or patterns, of the size and shape suitable for the 1 manufacture exclusively of buttons, tortoise shell, ivory, or teeth of elephants unmanufactured, horus 1 and teeth, and horn and bone tips, shall be admit.' j ted to entry at a duty of five per centum ad valorem; oth rwise, to be subject to the rates of duty i chargeable on them, respectively^ according to ( their component materials. < Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That from and after the nassaoe of Ibis act there shall be lc- ! o vied, collected, and paid, on th{ importation of the 1 articles hereinafter mrntinnrrl, the foil?i> in^ intirr- H of duty ; that w to say: ] Oh white or red leads, litharge, or acetate or ' chromate of lead, dry or ground in oil, four cents i per pound; on whiting or Paris white, and all 1 >chres or ochry eartJis used in the composition of | winters' cclor, when dry one cent per pound, a'ben ground in oil one cent and a half per pound ; I >n sulphate of barytes, one half cent per pound ; < >n linseed, hempseed, and rapeseed oil, twenty. < ive cents per gallon; on putty, one cent and a < lalf per pound. < Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That from .? md after the passage of this act there shall be f cvied, collected, and paid, on the importation of 1 .be articles hereinafter mentioned, the following c atea of duty; that is to say: c First. On bank, folio, quarto post of all kinds, c md letter and bank note paper, seventeen cents t cr pound; on antiquarian, demy, drawing, clc hant, double elephant, foolscap, imperial, medi g tm, pot, pith, royal, super-royal, and writing p iapcr,TJtccn cents per pound; on copperplate, s dotting, copying, colored for labels, colored for I ti icedles, marble or fancy colored, glass paper, mo.1 ? occo paper, pasteboard, pressing board, sand pa. j 0 er, tissue paper, ana on an goia or silver paper, y whether in sheets or strips, twelve ti)d a half cents. i cr pound; on colored copperplate, printing, jmd j ? Laincrs' paper, ten cents per pastod ; on binders' c oirds, bo* hoards, mill boards, papcr-makeraP | c oarda, sheathing, wrapping, and cartridge papsr,| ? irec cents per pound ; and on alt paper envelopes, p 'hcthcr plain, ornamental, or colored, and cn ill v. ' * '-f A. ' ' -st % >?.' '. / ?*^ ,kVSw w?# _ ??.- J^^T>VV r*"- i" i' , , <**y v * i ;' r 4- ' pulverized, and when, after being refined, they 1 have been tinctured, colored, or in any way aduL 1 tented,) and on sugar candy, six cents per pound ; on molasses, four and a half mills per pound: Pro. 4 tided, That all sirups of sugar or sugar cane, en- 1 tcrcd under the denomination of moUsscs, or any 1 other appellation than " sirup of sugar" or of sugar 1 cane, shall be liable to forfeiture to the United 4 States. On comfits, on sweetmeats, or fruits pre. I served in molasses, sugar, or brandy, and on con- ! fcctionary of all kinds, not otherwise specified, 1 twcntyflSve per centum ad valorem Provided c further, That an inspection," under such regula- t tions as the Secretary of the Treasury may pre. * scribe, shall be made of all sugars and molasses ^ imported from foreign countries, in order to pre. P vent frauds, and to prevent the introduction of su. I gars, sirup of. sugar, sirup of cane, or battcrry sir. J up, under the title of molasses, or in any other im. I proper manner. 1 . Second. On cocoa, one cent per pound ; cho. < colate, four cents per pound ; on mace, fifty cents t < per pound; nutmegs, thirty'cents per pound ; cloves \ < eight cents per pound; cinnamon, twenty.five j * cents per pound; oil of cloves, thirty cents per t poundT Chinese cassia, five cents per pound; pi. j i mcnto, five cents per pound; on black pepper, five j * cents per pound ; Cayenne and African, or Chili i 1 pepper, ten cents per pound ; ginger, ground, four . F cents per pound; ginger in the root, when not j preserved, two cents per pound; on mustard, ? twenty.five per "centum ad valorem ; on mustard t beed and on linseed, five per centum ad valorem; e on camphor, refined, twenty cents per pound; t crude camphor, five cents per pound; on indigo, * five cents per pound; on woad or pastel, one cent F per pound; on ivory or bone black, thrce-fourths ? of one cent per pound ; on alum, one cent and a ? b?lf pei pwuilfl ; on opium, seventy-five cents per * pound; oh quicksilver, five per centum ad valorl r cm ; on roll brimstone, calomel, and other mercu- 0 rial preparation*, corrosive sublimate,and red preci jitate, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; on * jlue, five cents per pound ; on gunpowder, eight ( ? :cnts per pound; on copperas and greert vitriol, ;wo cents per pound ; on blue or Roman vitriol, /' >r sulphate of copper, four cents per pound; on oil ^ >f vitriol or sulphuric acid, one cent per pound; tl >n almonds and prunes, three cents per pound; K >n sweet oil of almonds, nine cents per pound; * n dates, one cent per pound; currants, three cents O >er pound; figs, two cents per pound; on all nut# *] lot specified, except those used for dyeing, one ?> sent per pound 1 on muscatel and bloom raisin*, ? ither in boxes or jars, three cent* per pound ; and 01 ?n all other raisins, two cents per pound ; on olives, P< hirty per centum ad valorem. fa Third. On olive oil in casks, twenty cents per P< allon ; olive salad oil in bottles or bethe#, thirty ** cr centum ad valorem ; all other olive oil, not alad, and not otherwise specified, twenty per een, ai jm ad vaJorcrh; on spermaceti oil of foreign fish, fa ries, fifteen cents per gallon; whale or other fish a il, not sperm, of foreign fisheric#, fifteen cents cr gallon; whalebone, the product of foreign ^ ishcri -*, twelve and a half per centum ad ra|. ircm; on epermaetti or wai canfl ?, and 09 ^ indlce of spermaceti aid wax combined, eijht. s onts per pound ; wax tapers, thirty per cent. ^ m ad valorem; tallow candles, four cent? per ^ nund ; on tallow one cent per pound, bees, It jx, bleached Or uubjeaehed, apd shoemakers' fr I ? 5 ysSgg wft u..- * * " -SV y T>j ' T ": ' ~ \ ^ I So^*- v^. ~jb* iJIct deux or fancy note paper, of wMtcver form * >r eiie, when of leas sixe than letter paper, thirty ^ >cr centum ad vuk>rum ; on music paper with " ines, and on paper gilt or covered with metal oth r than gold or silver. paper snuff boxes, japanned P1 >r not japanned, and other fancy paper boxes, twen- 01 y-five per centum ad valorem; on all paper hang. * ngs, or paper for screci;* or fire.boards, thirty.five ti >cr centum ad valorem ; on all blank or visiting :ards, twelve cents per pound; on playing cards, * wcuty.five cents per pack; on blank books when P x>und twenty cents per pound, when unbound fif. t een cents per pound; on all parchment and velhun ^ ind on asses' skin and imitation thereof, wafers, r sealing wax, and black lead pencils, crayons of all 1 kinds, and the metalic pens, twenty-five per centum id valorem; ink and ink powder of all kinds, twen. * ty-fivc per centum ad valorem; quills, prepared ?* r ' manufactured, twenty-five per centum ad valorem; 4 quills, unprepared or unmanufactured, fifteen per ( centum ad valorem ; on rags, of whatever mate. f rial, waste or shoddy, a quarter of one cent per < pound; on all other paper not enumerated, fifteen I cents per pound. . . I Second. On all books printed in the English 1 language, or of which English forms the text, when 1 bound tliirty cents per pound, when in sheets or * boards, twenty cents per pound : Provided, That 1 whenever the importer shall prove, to the satisfac. ' lion of the collector, when the goods are entered, 1 that any such book has been printed and publish. < ed abroad more than one year, and not republished < in this country, or has been printed or published ( abroad more than five years before such imports. * tion, thpn and in such case said books shall be ad. F mittcd at one half of tlie above rate of duties: ^ Provided, That the said term* of one year and fire ' years shall in no case commence, or be computed e ut or from a day before the passing of this act. 0 On all books printed in Latin or Greek, or in which cither language forms the text, when bound fif. 1 teen cents per pound, when unbound thirteen 11 cents per pound; on all books printed in Hebrew, * Dr of which that language forms tl?c text, when r bound ten cents "per pound, when unbound eight a cents per pound: Provided, That all books printed 1 in foreign languages, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew ' excepted, shall pay a doty of five cents per volume ' when bound or in boards, and when in sheets or I pamphlets fifteen cents per pound; and editions c of works in the Greek, Latin, Hebrew, or English 1 language, which have been printed forty years * prior to the date of importation, shall pay a duty 1 of fjvc cents per volume; and all reports of legii- c lative committees appointed under foreign Govern- * mcntfi shall pay a duty of five cents per volume. 1 On polyglots, lexicons, and dictionaries, five cents 1 per pound ; on books of engravings or plates, with 1 or without, whether bound or unbound, * and on maps and charts, twenty per centum ad ( valorem. 1 See. 8. And be it further enacted, That from 1 and after the passage of this act, there shall be le- 4 vied, collected, and paid, on the importation of the 4 articles hereinafter mentioned, the following duties; 1 that is to say: ' First. On raw sugar (commonly called brown '1 sugar) not advanced beyond its raw state by clay- 1 ibg, boiling, clarifying, or other process, and on 4 s nip of sugar, or of sugar cane, and on brown 1 clayed sugar, two and a half cents per pound; on 4 all other sugars, when advanced bcyood the raw 4 state, by claying, boiling, clarifying, or other pro. 1 ccss, and not yet refined, four cents per pound; 1 on refined sugar, (whether loaf, lump, crushed, or 4 rsx, fifteen per centum ad valorem; oo Windsor baring;, and all other perfumed or fancy tot pa. or rash halls, and Cast le soap, thirty per ceaUvn ad aloreto ; on all other hard soapa, four eents per * rand ; and on all soft foap, fifty cents per barrel; a marrow, grease, and all other soap stocks and ?ap stuffs, ten per centum ad valorum; on starch, ro cents per pound, on pearl or balled bailey, ?o cents per-pound f oo corks, thirty per eeaftur d valorem; on manufactures of cork, twenty-frra er centum ad valorem; on sponges sad spook. arenty per centum ad valorem ; on oranges and saaoos, in boxes, bowels, or ca*^ and on gnpn ?t dried, in boxes, kegs, or jaw, twenty per centim ad valorem. Fourth. On salt, eight cents per bushel of fif. y-ax pounds; on saltpetre, partially retard, eat onrth of one cent per pound; completely refined, wo cents per pound; on bleaching powder, or ihloride of lime, ooe cent per pound; on vinegar, :ight cents per gallon; on spirits of tmpenftaw, ten sents per gallon; on beef and pork, two cents per xnmd ; hams and bacon, three cents per pooad i >reparcd meats, poultry or game, in cases or other, vise, and Bologna sausages, twenty-five pet seat, un ad valorem; on cheese, nine oanta per pound; witter, five cents per pound ; on lard, three cents kt pound; macaroni and vermicelli, gelatine, jdics, and all similar preparations, thirty per centum id valorem; on wheat twentyJive cents per bush. 1; barley, twenty cents per boshe); rye, fifteen sents per bushel; oats, ten cents per bmhd; la. lian com, or maiae, ten cento per bushel} wheat Sour, seventy cents per one hundred and twelve tounds; Indian meal, twenty [red and twelve pounds; poUtsss, ton cent* per >uahcl ;.on forcign-caught tab, vis. dried er 'amir* d, one dollar per one hundred and twelve pmh; n mackerel or herrings, pickled srmhed, eat deJ. it and fifty cento per barrel; oa pickled rehfia, wo dottare per barrel; on all other hah, pickled, n barrels, one dollar per barrel; on aU otbel piekled ifth, imported otherwise then in borfcle, or hnlfbar. els, not specified, twenty per centum ad Tilmi; nd on sardines and other fish, preserved in ait, went j per centum ad valorem : Prcvided, That resh-caught f?h, brought in for daily consumption, hall be exempt from duty. On fiah glue or inn.. t rlasa, twenty per centum ad valorem; on pickles, apera, and stuces of all kinds, not otherwise en. nneratcd, th rty per centum ad valorem; on eas. or oil, forty cents per gallon; neatsfoot, and ana. nal oils, and all volatile and essentia] oils, not dherwise specified, twenty per centum ad valar. m; on all gums and other real nonssnhsb noes, iot specified, in a erode state, fifteen per ct ntum id valorem; and on the said articles, when not in i crude state, and on pastes, balsams, eaenets, inctures, extracts, cosmetics, and perfumes, not >thcrwise enumerated, twrnty-five per centum ad valorem ; on benzoic, citric, white or yellow Sia riatie, nitric, oxalic, pyroiignteps, and tartaric icids, twenty per centum ad valorem; on faorscso. icid, five per centum ad valorem; borax or tifieaV ' iwenty-fivc per centum ad valorem ; on ambaVmn. jergris, ammonia, anoatto, anniseed, arrow root, ' ranilla beans, French chalk, red chalk, juniper her. ics,manganese, nitrate of lead, chromate, bichrom. itr, and prussiate of potash, glaubrr and Bochefle kilts, Epsom salts or sulphate of magnesia, aad?B >ther chemical salts or preparations of salts not enimerated, smalts, salsoda, and all carbonate* s# 10da, by whatever name designated, other than oda ash, barilla, and kefp, twenty per r I wilimsd ralorem; on sulphate of quinine, lofty cents pit >unce, avoirdupois ; on soda ash, five per centum id valorem. Fifth. On brandy, one dollar per gallon'; *m jther spirits, manufactured or distilled from grant x- other materials, for first and second proofs, six iy cenui, ior uiiru prooiv, nxiy.irve ccnu, lor lounn proof, serenty cents, for fifth proof, sereatfW' jents, and a)) above fifth proof, ninety-cent# per r .lion ; on Madeira, Sherry, San Lucar and Can. try wine, in easks or bottles, sixty cent* per f*L on; on champagne wine*, forty cent# per gaflon ; >n port. Burgundy, and claret wines, in bottles, hirty.five cent* per gai'on; on port and Burgtm. ly wine* in casks, fifteen cents per gallon; on renerifTe wines in casks or bottles, twenty eeMs ^ xt gallon; on claret wines in casks, six cants per gallon ; on the white wines, not enumerated, of "ranee, Austria, Prussia, and Sardinia, and 'ortugal and its poNen'oos, in casks, seven md a half cents per gallen; in bvttks h?ta>j icnta per gaHsn; oo the red wines nat enum, ' ntcd. of France, Austria, Prussia, and Bar** linia, and of Portugal and its poacas'^M, n caiks, ?ix cents per gallon, in hot 1 s, twen. y cents per gallon; on the wh'tc tad red ' vines of Spain, Germany, and the Mrditerralean, not enumerated, in casks, twelve and i half cents per gallon; in bottles, twenty cento cr gallon ; on Sicily, Madeira, or Marsala wines; rj casks or bottles, twenty .five cents per gaUaa; >n other wines of Sicily, in casks at bottles, iftccn cents per gallon ; on all other wines, net nunv rated, and other than those of France, Ana. ria, Prussia, and Sardinia, and af Portugal and is Ptcksmoi.s, wncn m djiuc*, ?*ij.nrc cents ?r gall n, when in casks, tw. ntjrfive cents per gallon : Provided, That n thing herein ctqtain. d shall be construed or permitted to operate so a to interfere with subsisting treaties wkb-foreif* nations: Provided further, That a!) imitations f brandy or spirits, or of any of the mid wines; nd ail wines imported by any naina whatever, hall be subject to the doty provided for thegenu. le article, and to the highest rate of doty appfies. le to the article of the same name f And provided rrther, That wl>en wines are imported in bom**, r bottles ihall pay a separate duty, according to le rate established by this act. On cordials and quean of aH kinds, sixty cents per fallen t en rraek, ahsynthe, Kinchcn wassdr, ratafu, and ther similar spirituous beverages, not othwoiw jecified, sixty cents per gallon; on ale, porter, nd beer, in bottles, twenty cents per gallon ; oth wise than in bottles, fifteen cents per fallen; i tobacco, in leaf or unmanufactured, twenty sr centum ad valorem ; on cigars of aft kinds, sty cents per pound; on snuff, twelve cents per Kind; m mufactured tobacco, other than snnff P * id cigars, ten cents pdr pound. . V Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That from id after the day and year before mratiened, the flowing articles shall be exempt from doty, >mely : First. AH articles imported for the am of the riitcd States.^ ;.; ?:* . ... Second. AU gwxls, wares, m mcrcJu Ae, ihe rowtir, produce, or manuf cture of the United talcs, exported to a foreign country, and brought lek to the UniudSfatea. and books, and pemo. and household effect., w*mr<iafidhcf of citi. w of tae Vui'cd litotes dying a Wad l