University of South Carolina Libraries
PROTEST OF TIIE.PRESIDENT To the House of Representatives: By the Constitution of the United States it is provided, that "every hit! which shall have passed the House of Representatives and the Senate, sliall. before it become n law, he presented to the President of the United States; if he opprove, lie shall sign it; but if not, lie shall return it, with his objections, to that House in which it shall have originated, who shall enter the objections at large upon the journal, and proceed to re-consider it." In strict compliance with the positive obligation thus imposed upon rne by the it was addressed. If, in assigning my objections to the bill, I had so far forgotten what was due to the House of Representatives as to impugn its motives in passing the hill, I should owe, not only to that House, but to the country, my most profound apology. Such departure from propriety is, however, not complained of in any proceeding which the House has adopted. It has, on the contrary, been expressly made a subject of remark, and almost of complaint, that the language in which my dissent was couched was studiously guarded and cautious. .Such being the character of the official communication in question, I confess I was wholly unprcpated for the course which has been pursued in regard to it. In the exercise of the power to Tegulatc its own proceedings, the House, fcr the first time, it is believed, in the history of the Government, thought proper, to refer the Message to a Select Committee of its own body, for the purpose (as my respect for the House would have compelled me to infer) of deliberately wcighIn" 1K0 Alii***tinns ur<red arrainst the bill " =? by the Executive, with a view to its own judgment upon the question of the final adoption or rejection of the measure. Of the temper and feelings in relation to myself of some of the members selected for the performance of this duty, I have nothing to say. Thnt was a matter entirely within the discretion of the House r.f Representatives. But that committee, taking a different view of its duty from that which I should have supposed had led to its creation, instead of confining itself to the objections urged against the hill, availed itself of the occasion formally to arraign the motives of the President for other of his acts since his introduction into office. In the absence of all proof, and as I am hound to declare, against all Jaw or precedent in parliamentary proceedings, anJ at the same time, in a manner which it would be difficult to reconcile with the comity hitherto sacredly observed in the intercourse between inde pendent and co-ordinate departments of the Government, it has assailed my whole official conduct, without a shadow of a # j pretext for such assault, and, stopping short of impeachment, has charged me, nevertheless, with offences declared to deserve impeachment. Had the extraordinary report which the Committee thus made to the House been permitted to remain without the sanction of the latter, I should not have uttered a regret, or complaint, upon the subject. J5ut, unaccompanied as it is by any particle of testimony to support the charges it contains, without u deliberate examination, almost without any discussion, the House cf lie preservatives lias been pleased to adopt it iis its own, and, thereby, to become my I accuser before the world. The High j character of such an accuser, the gravity i of the charges which has been made, and the judgment pronounced against me, by the adoption of the Report upon a distinct and separate vote of the House, leaves ine no alternative but to enter rny solemn protest against, the proceeding as unjust to myself as a man, as an invasion of rny constitutional powers as Chief Magistrate ol the American People, and as a violation, in my person, of rights secured to every citizen by the laws and the Constitution. That Constitution has entrusted to the House of Representatives the sole power of impeachment. Such impeachment is required to be tried befoie 1 he most august tribunal known to our institutions. The Senate cf the United States, composed uf the Representatives of the sovereignty of the States, is converted into a hall of justice, and in order to insure the strictest observance of the rules of evidence and of legal procedure, the Chief rif the United States, the highest judicial functionary of lite land, is required to preside over its deliberations. In the presence of such judicatory the the voice of faction is presumed to be silent, and the sentence of guilt or innocence is pronounced under the most sol-1 einn sanctions of religion, of honor, and; of law. To such a tribunal does the Constitution authorize the House of Representatives to carry up its accusations against any chief of the Department whom it may believe to bo guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors. Before that tribunal the accused is confronted with hia accusers, and may demand the priv lege, which the justice of the common law secures to the humblest citizen, of a I' Constitution, not having heen ahle to bring myself to approve a hill which originated in the House of Representatives, entitled, "An act to provide revenue from inijiosts, and to change and modify existing laws imposing duties on imports, and for other purposes," I returned the same to the House, with mv objections to its becoming a law. These objections, which had entirely satisied my own mind of the great impolicy, if not the unconstitutionality, of the measure, were presented in the most respectful, and even deferential terms. I would not have heen so far forgetful of what was due from one r? department of the Government to another, as to have intentionally employed in my official intercourse with the Mouse, nny language that could be, in the slightest decree, offensive to those to whom full, patient and impartial inquiry into the c facts, upon the testimony of witnesses, ri- s rrillly examined, and deposing in the face | of dnv. If such a proceeding had been <: adopted toward me, unjust as 1 should cer- i tainly have regarded it, I should, I trust, t have met with a becoming constancy a ! r trial as painful as it would have been un- i deserved. 1 would have manifested, by a i t profound submission to the laws of my t country, my perfect faith in her justice, [ and relying on the purity of my motives, t and the rectitude of my conduct, should J have looked forward with confidence to a t triumphant refutation in the presence of t that country, and by the solemn judgment s of such a tribunal, not only of whatever charges might have been formerly prefer * " A ?II tknn??l!imnmcnr 1 reu agasnsi me, uui ui an mc bniun>u>w which I have hitherto been the unresist- j , ing victim. As it is, I have been accu- j . sed without evidence, and condemned j i without a hearing. As far as such proceedings can accomplish it, I am deprived of public confidence in the administration J of the Government, and denied even the ' boast ofa jrood name,?a name transmit. j ted to me from a patriot father, prized as my proudest inheritance, and carefully ! preserved for those who are to come after; 1 me, as the most precious of all earthly ' possessions. I am not only subjected to j( imputations affecting my character as an ' individual, but nin charged with offences against the country, so grave and so hein- ! ous as to deserve public disgrace and dis- , franchisement. I am charged with violating pledges which I never gave; and because I execute what I believe to be " the law, with usurping powers not con- 1 ferred by law ; and above all, with using 1 the powers conferred upon the President ' by the Constitution from corrupt motives 1 and for unwarrantable ends. And these I charges are made without any particle of ( evidence to sustain them, and as I so- ' lemnly affirm, without any foundation in ( truth. ! Why is a proceeding of this sort adopt- 1 ed at this time ? Is the occasion for it ' found in the fact, that having been elected to the second office under the Constitution by the free and voluntary suffrages j' of the People, I have succeeded to the ' first, according to the express provisions:, of the fundamental law of the same Peo- 1 pie? It is true that the succession of the 1 Vice President to the Chief Magistracy J has never occuircd before, and that all prudent and patriotic minds have looked , on this new trial of the wisdom and sta- j bility of our institutions with a somewhat, anxious concern. I have been made to , ! feel too sensibly the difficulties of my un- J prccedented position, not to know all that ! is intended to be conveyed in the reproach | cast upon a President without a party.? | But I found myself placed in this most i responsible station by no usurpation or contrivance of my own. I was called to , it under Providence, by the supreme law of the land, and the deliberately declared ' will of the People. It is by these, the | People, that I have been clothed with the ' ( high powers which they have seen fit to j; confide to their Chief Executive, and been i charged with the solemn responsibility un- j ' der which those powers are to be exercised. - - " it * It is to them 1 nold myself answeraoie, as | \ a moral agent, for a free and conscientious & discharge of the duties which they have , 1 imposed upon me. It is not as an ;a individual merely that I'm called on to re- ; 1 sist the encroachment of unconstitutional j power. I represent the Executive author- ; ity of the U. Stales; and it is in their J name, whose mere agent and servant I am,'t and whose will declared it their funda- j I mental law, I dare not, even were I in-) clined, to disobey, that I protest against every attempt to break down the undoubted constitutional power of this department : without a solemn amendment of that fun-1 damental law. ! I am determined to uphold the Constitution in this, as in other respects, to the utmost of my ability, and in defiance of nil personal consequences. What may l happen to an individual is of little impor- J tance; but the Constitution of the country, or any of its great and clear principles and provisions, is too sacred to he sur- rendered, under any circumstances what| ever, by those who are charged with its! | protection and defence. Least of all ! r should he be held guiltless, who, placed at j .j the head of one of the great departments ti of the Government, should shrink from I1 the exercise of its unquestionable author \ ! ' ity on the most important occasions, and ? -l- '-I - u/illmnt q cf riiiTfr!**, Ill l?f. ! SIIUUIU t'Uliat'lll) HIII1UUI u 0,1 uBo'v| " - I face all the barriers so careful!}' create j * by the People to control and circumscrib- j the powers confided to their various; 1 agents. It may be desirable, as the rnn- j jority of the House of Representatives has j declared it is, that no such checks upon I the will of the Legislature should be suf- J fered to continue. This is a matter for j the People and States to decide ; but un- J til they shall have decided it, 1 shall feel 'I myself bound to execute, without fear or favor, the law, as it has been written by J our predecessors. j I protest against this whole proceeding 1 of the House of Representatives, as ex \ ' parte and extrajudicial. I protest against' it, as subversive of the common right of! j ail citizens to be condemned only upon a b fnir imnartial trial according to law and t< ?. ? r w : evidence before the country. I protest j against it, as destructive of all the comity } jt of intercourse between the Departments i ai of this Government, and destined, soonei ti or later, to lead to conflict fatal to the; l'J peace of the country and the integrity of the Constitution. ) 1 protest against it, in the name of that or Constitution, which is not only my own j shield of protection and defence, but that ^ of every American citizen. I protest against it, in the name of the the People, ^ bv whose will Island where I do, and by j ? whose authority I exercised the power which I am charged with having usurped,< and to whom 1 am responsible for a firm ' and faithful discharge, according to my j >wn convictions of duty, of the high I tewardship confided to me by them. I ; >rotest against it, in the name of all re- l ,minted liberty, and all limited Govern- J ncnt, as a proceeding tending to the uter destruction of the checks and balances >f the Constitution, and the accumulating " n the hands of the House of Representa- |( ives, or a bare majority of Congress for g he time being, an uncontrolled and des- c >otic power. And I respectfully ask, that " ' i l Ins, my l'rotest, may oe emerea upon mc lournnl of Ihe House of Representatives, is a solemn and formal declaration, for all ime to come, of the injustice and unconititutionality of such a proceeding. JOHN TYLER. * Washington, August 30, 1842. ?] Life and Speeches of Henry' Clay.? j We have been favored with Nos, 1 and 2 of * The Life and Speeches of Henry ; I Clay," to be published in weekly numbers, ;a IV Jas. B. Swain, No G9, Barclay-street, ; J N\ Y., each number to contain 48 pages, j t ind the whole to be completed in 20 num. I s >ers. The speeches will comprise all the j * nasterly efforts of this illustrious orator c tnd statesman, from his earliest entrance c nto public life, to his valedictory in the Senate and his late Lexington speech in:lusive. The biography is from the pen if one of his most distinguished friends in Congress. The embellishments will con- i " iist of an accurate portrait of Mr. Clay, ind views of his birth place, Hanover, j r Va., and of his present residence, Ash- j r land, Ky. An appendix will contain the j ( official proceecdings of the late meeting a in New-York and convention in North- , c Carolina, nominating Mr. Clay for the ; * Presidency. The work is to be delivered t to subscribers at 124 cts. per number, r payable on delivery. Few persons, wheth. >, zr political friends or foes, will we suppose, fail to possess themselves of so cheap a re. i sord of the eloquence and the services of f ane, who has borne so prominent a part < a the history of his country.?Char. 1 Courier. A Receipt in part.?A late North Car. jlina paper contains the following queer ' icknowlcdgemcnt: "June 21, 1842?Received from the 1 Sheriff of Parson county. N. C. 39 lashes j j n part of a debt due me from the com- ' nonwealth, (for bigamy,) to be paid in < :wo other annual instalments. EDWARD A. CALLAHAN." F ATI ILlHEDICLMtsr THE Subscriber has received and is opening j in the Store above Mr. Wadsworth's, and )j?|?osite to Mr. D. Malloy's, n good assortment I >f medicines selected especially for family use, 1 ml for his own practice. He will keep no ar- 1 iclc of which he does not know the ingredients ind properties ; and none except such as lie < mows to be of g >od quality. His tinctures and ' liniments will be ready for use in about n week ! roni this time. lie will also keep a general as- < ortincnt of DYE STUFFS and other articles ?' jsually kept at such establishments. The few t irticlcsof this class not now on hand arc cx- < icctcd soon. M.MACLEAN. a July 20. ^ LANCETS. ( 'WlIIITtini AMrm F^neetii. fium t 1iuvm? - ? ?| 6 ? Lancets and Tooth Drawers lor sale at the \Tew Drug Store. LEXOft SIRUP AMD IIEAD SYRUP, At tho New Drug Store. TAlLUmbs EU ELL put up in sm ill jars., for sale at the v w New Drug Store. VTYEGAR r VINEGAR !! PUKE Cider Vinegar, White Wine Do. For Sale by A. P, I.ACOSTE. July 12, '842. 35 tf A CARD. DR. JOHN LYNCH having permanently located himself in the town of Chcraw, < espactfully tenders his profcs-donal services to le citizens of this place and the adjoining counrv. He hopes by a diligent attention to his rofession, lo receive a liberal share of public t atronage. Ho can always be found at his liber's (Cunlaw Lynch) residence on Market Itrect. I Clicraw, July 1st. 1842. 34 tf i GROCEKIES. a JX store and lor sale, a good supply of Sail, Sugar, Coffee and Molasset-, by 5 D. MALLOY. h Aug. 23rd 41 tf 8 ?50 REWARD. ; AX AW AY or stolen from the subscriber, hML about the 25th August last, my negro man, J riTUS. He is about tliirty seven yeuisofage, I 5 feet 10 or 11 inches high, ?juick sj>oken, good I celh; lie has but one of his eyes, a long scar } aver one of his temples, a part of one of his ears L jittcn off, and a scar on the calf of ono of his s eg*. II e took with liini his wife Harriet, be. 1 1 onging to Mrs. Pigott. She is about thirty ! fears of age, about 5 fact 8 inches high, black J C complexion, full face and head, and a little iui- i t! ?cdiment in her speech. It is believed a negro y the name of March is with them, belonging f > a Mr. Henry Grady of North Carolina. ] ill give ten dinars for the apprehension of r 'ilus, and ten dollars for Harriet, his wife, if ilivcrcd to me at my residence, or if lodged in ay Jail, so that I can get them again. In addi. S on to the above I will give fifty dollars for proof > the conviction of any white inan f>r stealing icm, as I have strong reasons for believing that une white person has stolen them, nnd wili ^ ake his w y for some part of North Carolina J the Western States. vv SAMUEL BLACKWELL. hi effries Creek, S. C.. ) . Sept. 2, ld42. 5 The Temperanco Advocate at Columbia, S. will please copy the above twice. BACON. ,000 lbs, good N. Car. Bacon on hand and , r salu, cheap, by x I). MALLOY. Aug. 23rd IS 12. 41 lf f defendants reside, adjoining ttic lands 01 Isaac ~ IVoodard, et ah, vs. Mary Sellers and John P. r Sellers. 2i0 Acres of land, more or less, whereon the v defendants r< side, on Deep Creek, adjoining the I' ands of Francis Johnson, Alston Masscy, John \ Rushing and John Copdand, at the suit s >1 John Copeland, ads. Mathcw Rushing. p 600 Acres of land, mere or less, whereon the p lefendant resides, on Big Bear Creek, at the suit if M. & R. Hailcy, ot ah, vs. Stephen II, Par- f ier' * n 400 Acres of land, more or less, whereon the lofendunt resides, adjoining the lands of Daniel ^ampbc I, Charles Hendrick, N. Gibson, et. ah Also ninety three, (93) acres of land, more or " ess, being on both sides of Deep Creek, adjoin 1 ng the lands of Rev. William M??orc, James Taylor, et ah, at tho suit of John Jack>ou, et. J., vs. G orge W, Mcador. Six lots in the town of Chcraw, on Church <i Jtrect, together with the improvements thereon, t< mown in the plan of siid town by Nos. 46, 47, 12, 83,84 and b5, (forty.six, forty-seven, eighty, wo, eighty-three, eighty-four and eighty Hvc.) t the suit of Ann Lide, vs. Isaiah DuBosc, K. C. l' )u Ruse. c 13 )0 Acics of la d, more or less, whereon s! ohn Copeland resides, lying on both eides of )cep Crock, bounded North and East by Willis lancock's land, West by lands owned by A. r tldSsey, Matt. Rushing, and N. Gibson, South iy Estate of William Hancock's land ; at the ^ uit ot Turner Bryan, Ordinary, Chrslerflcld district, vs. John Copeland and Lewis Nelson. 1 273 Acres of land, more or less, on LJecp 'rock, whereon the defendant resides, adjoining 1 he lands of Joseph T. Burcli, Francis Johnson, latt. Rushing and N. Gibson, at the suit of ' 'ctcr May assignee, vs. John P. Rushing. Terms?Cash?purchasers to pay lor neccssa. p papers. JOIIX EVAN?, Sh'fF C. D. hcrifT's 0fTice, Chesterfield C II., I .. o. T 10th September, 1642. $ POLE BOAT FOR SALS v rllE Pole Boat James R Ervin will be sold S on favorable terms. She is i ow on the tli ay up and will be delivered to the purchaser on ai 3r arrival. Apply to either of the subscribers. I). M4ELOY. u W. &. T. BAILEY &. Co. JAMES II. COLE. IV?opfnh?*r 4. 1841. 4 if I 4-4 DOMESTICS. , A few balea 4-rl Brown Domestics for sale J Si on favorable terras, by D. MAI LOY. 1 Aug. 23rd. 41 tl CHEAP CASH STORE. X32W C5?OD5. F 0\V opening in the store formerly occupied by Mr. M. Buchanan, A lariyc and heavy Assortment of J Fresli and ^caMouablc Ooods, '' rhich were bought for cash at tlic late package f ales in New York, and will be sold extremely jw for CASH, and cash only. Purchaser* encrally are respectfully solicited to call and c xaffline them before purchasing. d JOHN M'ARX. d Sept. 6, 1842. 43 If c SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 Chrsterjield District. c Michael Watson applicant, vs. William Hen. p [rick, John Ilcndrich, Henry Hendrick, Jacob c ). Flowers and wife Mary, the children of ft ['homas Hendrick, Jr., dee'd., Samuel D. Tim. nons and wife Sarah C? Hardy Hendrick. ( onathan J. Hendrick, and Rebecca Hendrick. ^ IT appearing to my satisfaction that John Icndrick, Henry Hendrick, Jacob D. Flowers v ind wife J/ary, and the chi'dren of Thomas ^ Icndrick, Jr., dec'J., Defendants reside without * he limits of this Stalo, It is therclore ordered I hat /hey do appear and object to the division or I ale of the Real Hs'.ate of Thomas Hendrick, C ?en'r., dee'd., on or before the third day of De- t :cmber next, or their consent to tho some will be c ntcred of record. f T. BRYAN. O. C. D. L Sept. G, 1842. 43 Jamf3m c AT ROCKINGHAM, < 7? trh mnnrt C.mintn. IV. C.. PROSPECTUS . Of the Farm House of the XIX century, or | Incyclopadia of Practical Agriculture, con- ' 1 aining the best mode of cuhurc adopt d in 1 ?'ranee, England, Germany, and Flanders; ( i; jII practical instructions to guide the small ultivator, the farmer, the director, and the arge proprietor in the im^iovement ofancsate; the principles of agriculture, and the ulture of all the useful plants; the training of f iomestic animals, and the veterinary art; the cscription of the various arts relating to agri- c ulture; rural implements and buildings; the nanagement and improvement of vines, fruit ropo timhpp, an#J forests: tanks, etc : the e AV?V.*M.V..W "V ' WILL be sold at auction, a variety of household, kitchen, and school-room fur- j liturc; a parcel of new and of the most popular t cuool books, and two Pianos; one of recent a nanufaclure, possessing the grand action, the ^ >thcr, of the London make, of tine tone and well idaptcd to the use of Academies. The sale will I ^ :oaiimnce on the 27th of September, and be :oiiiinucd until the articles are disposed of. On 6 ill sums over 020 a credit will be given until J lv> 6rst day of January, 1843, purchasers giving 2 lotes wi:h approved security; on all sums under ^ ?20 cash wiiibo reared. The pleasant TWO STORY HOUSE, now ? ccupicd by Dr. Zimmerman, with several out I , and two lots of land, will also be ofered at private sale. To an approved purchaser t extensive credit will be given. If not sold be- . oie January next, the whole may be rented. c Sept. 13, ' 842. 44 2t CORONERS SALE. J ON a Writ of Fieri Faciasawill he sold before the Court House Door on the first Monday J n October next within the legal hours. 96 (nine- ' y-six) acres of land, inorc or less, whereon the lefend int resides, adjoining' lands belonging to * loseph T. Burch, Dr. W. McBrde and Repaoy < ? - -- -> ' ; i ucitor, <11 ine run ui *-?.* . ami u* ?u. w. ........ . Jraig against David Sellers and John Copo. < and. < Terms?Cash?purchaser to pay for Titles. W. L. ROBESON, C. C. D. September 13, 1842. 44 3t I SHERIFF'S SALJKS. ON Writa of Fieri Facias, will be sohl before I lie Court House door, on the first Monday i inJ day following in October next, within the egal hours, the following property, viz: All of A' drew Clark's interest in a lot in the own of Cheraw. known in the p'an of aaid own by No. 243, (two hundred and forty eight) on Front Street,) being the ouo half of said lot, uid the improvements tnereon, at the suit of E. \Iulloy for George Duron, vs. John E. Edwards, CLrk, and Joaepli Hervey. 200 Acres of land, more or less, bounded on he North by Levi Cussity'a land, Northwest ay Benjamin Cassity's land, Southwest by James i oul.-o.i'a land, and Southeast by Black Creek. Also seven Negroes, viz: Nancy (and her six t % ' 1 ' ^ ' ?? * A - 1 ftf . duiuren,) Alice, uanici, ^narioue, jenny, ut*. > y and John; Also, about forty head of cattle t ind thirty-five head qf hogs, one Clock and one t. Jolt; at the suit of John D. McLean, vs. Ran 1 ild McDonald. The Hogs, Cuttle, Clock, and ] Jolt, w ill be offered for sale at Defendant's resi- r icnce, on Tuesday, the second day of sale. One Bay Mare, at the 6uit of A. Johnson (for n mother) vs. Ranald McDonalJ, One Negro Man, (Dennis), at the suit of M. lie R. 11 ailey, et at., vs. Ranald McDonald. All of D. L. McKay's interest in u Bole Boat, a calloe Romal,) at tho suit of the President and I1 Jircctors of the Merchants' Bank of So. Ca., n t Chcraw, vs. D. L- McKay. This Levy will t ie offered for salo, at tho Boat landing at Che- I aw, on Tuesday the second day of sale. e One negro man, (Chailcs), ut the suit of J. c I. Rulliff, vs. Calvin Perkins. t 25 Acres of land, more or less, whereon the lefendaut resides, adjoining the land* of Thomas v 'owe, Mr. Douglass, and Mrs. Heustis*; at tho ^ nit of John McCall, (for another) vs. John 'oik. 150 Acres of land, more or less, whereon the ^ ?, ? , 7?, onomy, organization, and direction of a rural 1 stablishment; and Anally, legislation as ap. lied to agriculture; closing with a table of t oritcnts alphabetically arranged; a list of ? igures, abbreviations and authorities cited.' ? An Elementary, Complete, and Methodical ' bourse of Rural Economy, with more than * Pwo Thousand Engravings, representing the arious Implements, Machines, setsofApparitue, Breeds of Animals, Trees, Shrubs, and ? 'lants, Rural Buildings, etc. Digest and j tcviscd by a Committee of Scientific and j 'radical Agriculturists, belonging to the Agri- j mltural Society of France, under the direc- t ion of M.T. Bailey, Member of the Societies I if Agricultural and Horticulture. Translated rom the French, with Notes adapting it to the ise of farmers in the United States of Ameri:a, by Elizur Wright, Jr.. formerly Professor ifMatthematics, and Natural Philosophy in j he Western Reserve College, Translator of b Sa Fontaine's &c. t Agriculture is the foundation of all human irts?the art for which man was made, and ^ he perfection of which is his chief happiness ?i ?1 ?< inmnnp!il nf line nlanpt* ? lilt! JJiUf) as inc iuiu auijAfiua w? ? Jf this sublime art, all oilier arts and sciences ire but satellites, their business being to wait n :n, enlighten, and adorn it with their moon- a hine. Consequently no man more than the igriculturist needs the full use of his brains, ind a perfect command of all the treasures of mman experience. So the fanners of the Jnited States view tbc matter; and in pre;enting thein with a translation of the celc. jrated Maison Uustique, of the French, we " :-ive no doubt of their hearty support. It ic , he work cf all works on practical agriculture j* ?the most scientific, clear, and ccmprehen- J live, France has long" excelled in profitable b arming. This is the source of Iter wealth. \ Sngland is rich by coals and commerce. Her igriculturc is "splendid, but sometimes costs n nore than it comes to. Those who have tl ortunes to spend may buy the vast works of r Marshall, Dickson Arthur Young, Loudon, Lc., but those who wish to gel a fortune out )f the soil will find the French writers better " iblc to show thein the way. The excellence jt French clementa;y works is well known to til teachers. For centuries, the A/aison ftustique has been, in France, the standard . dementary work?the spelling book and jrammar of farming. The present pdition for { 4 the nineteenth century," has been re-wriu- , ;cn and brought up with the "march oJ rowd/' , by sixty of the ablest "agronomes" of France. < It has all the light of the latest improvements, i lot only in Frauce, but in all Europe. t William Cubbct, one of the most successful i "armers both in England and America, who t vrote the best style and the best French rrammcr that ever was, valued the AJaison c ftustiqnes, not only as an encyclopedia of fl arming, but us a means of educating his 8 children. He was his own schoolmaster. In vinter evenings his family resolved itself into ? school, and he thus speaks of the use then nade of this work:? _ 14 Our book of never failing resource was he French Maison Rusiiquc.or Farm House, t vhich, it is said, was the book that first tcinp- ; g ed Dugnosnois (I think that was his name,) ' ^ he famous physician in the reign of Louis j, (IV., to learn to read. Here are all the four- t egged animals, from the horse down to the nouse, portraits and all; all the birds,reptiles, nsects,- all the modes of rearing managing, md using the tame ones, and of destroying hose that are mischievous; all the various raps, springe, nets; all the labors of the field ind garden exhibited, as well as the rest, in ^ dates; and there was I, in any leisure mo- a nents, to join this inquisitive group, to read j, he French, and tell thetn what it meaned in English, when the picture did not sufficiently xplain iiself. I never have been without a opy of this book for forty years, except during he time that I was fleeing from the dungeons i f Castlereagh and Sid mouth, in 1817, and vhen I got to Long I.-lund, the first book I b ought was another Afaison Rustique.''?Ad- n ice to Young Men, Art. 291. fi Of the qualifications of the translator, it may v ie said that he is a Dractical farmer, and in 1' egard to his translation of La Fontaine, which las been reprinted in England, an English reiewer confesses I hat he 44 does not know the ? English writer who could have done it better.'' ? Terms ?The work will be published as a " em-imonthly periodical, in numbers of 56 ages, octavo, each 25 cents, and when com- ! ^ Jeled will contain forty numbers, at ?10 ' Five dollars paid in advanve for the first 20 j lumbers, shall entitle subscribers, to the re-I " naning 20 Numbers for four dollars:? Or, nine dollars in smaller sums, (if not less % han ?1.) regularly advanced during the course f publication, shall entitle to the same reduc. o ion. w The 1st No. will be issued on the 1st of uly, 1842. AW orders and remittances should be ad- _ ressed to S. S Haskell, Publisher, 1118 Ful- ^ on-st. New York. * New York.June 1, 1842, " u All editors who will give this prospect, s fifteen insertions, and forward the papers ontaining them to the New York Watchman, hall be entitled to one copy of the work. I1IIF. Subscriber has just received on consignment, to be sold at very low prices for q \iSH ONLY, c 9 Dox. Fancy Gilt and inaplc cane scat chairs. 8 Small 44 44 44 44 sewing do. ( 3 La-gc Boston cane and solid scat Rocking do. 1 i 44 Maliog iny Mohair Spring scat do, do.! 5 Small cane 44 do. do. j |j, 4 Solid scat Nurse, d ?. do. : GEO. II. DUNLAP. "J Chcraw, August 25, 1842. 42 tf BLACKS.TIITHING. 81 rllE Subscriber has this day recommenced business on his own account and hopes ~ f close application to business to share public _ ltronagc. My prices will be modcrnte. Horse r hoeing will receive my personal attention it is J icrcfore warranted to be done with neatness ? nd despatch. N. B.?I ain now prepared to ropair, or put h p new lightning rods. C. I. SIIIVER. April 4 1842. 21 tf COTTON BAGGING, ] npp TWI \ E?a ?rood stock of the above j? !? or: hand, and tor sale at the lowest market I sj rice, by al D. MALLOW An- 23; d 41 11 * f jl iwreu in*? on utter wur* wauninoirva uj rinrual consent on the first of the month. AH per. ons indebted to us will please cull ?t tW store , f \V. II. Tnmlitison and setllo the same, asm* jnger indulgence will be given. The name of lie firm will be used in closing their business. H. M. TOMLINSON. W. II TOM LIN SON. Ohcraw, S. C., Sept. 12, 1842. 44 3t NOTICE. The Subscriber has just received, and will ^ cop constantly on hand.Cotton Yarn and Twm? t wholesale, from the Mant'aclory ol Hocking, am. GEO GOODRICH. Chcraw, Jan. 1840. 10 if DANIEL JOHNSON k^JTOULD respectfully inform the citizens V of Cheraw, and the public generally thai io has now on hand a good supply of Gentleiiens' tine Hoots and Shoes and Ladies' Ihia leal Shoes nnd Kid Slippers, together with a arictyof other kinds all of which are offered at aw prices. A supply of northern Solo Leather and Calf Ikina of the best quality just received and two ood v? orkinen employed so that Coots and Sboe? f a goodjquality will be made to ord? ron short otico. Gcntlemcns' Summer Ch,thing for sale cheap. Sugar, Coffee, Salt, Molasses, Rice, 6te^ will ; sold as low as such articles can be bought in lis market. May 9. 1842. 26 tf Corn Wanted. ANTED to purchase from 1000 to 36C0 V Bushels corn to be delivered in Ulieraw, rat any of the landings down the river, for diich the highest market j?rice will be paid I>. McNAlR. April 11,1842. 22 tf PRIiV? A \? I n?1 ?K iiOOD?. rHE Subscriber lias just received a well solecled stock of Pancy and Staple Dry oods, 6. H. DUN LAP. Cheraw, April 9. 1842, 22 If E. W.DUENNING KM^OULD Resjiectfully inform the public V V that he has located himself on HAStSBT STRBBT, ipposite Mr. Moore's Hotel, where he intend# iirrying on the DYEING AND SCOURING BUSINESS. Ladies' and Gentlemen'* garments cleaned, id, if faded, dyed the original or any other col. r, and pressed in the neatest manner. Carpets, able-Covers, and Crumb-clol).* cleaned without . jury to the Color.?Cotton Yarns dyed Fast 1 olors. ?V. B. His dying tcill not soil the urhit est rlicle. Chrraw, Augnat 16, 1842. 40 tf STOKE TO KLTT. [HAVE rented ail my Stores, except the om next above Air. George II. DubI'P tt^nd ne door below corner of Kershaw and front trects. This Store i* considered a firat rate and, and will be rented on ini*?r?i wmw, A. P. LAC0ST1. August 2, 1842. 38 If - ' i . WOOD. rHAVE again nsumod the bonnes* of Haul, ing Wood My old customers and the pub. 3 ore respectfully informed that f tall be grateful for a renewal of their custom, id pledge myself to haul 'oads that will please. A. P. LACOSTE. July 13, 1812. 36, if NOTICE. VLL persons indebted to the Subscriber by. note or account are requested to call and ittlethe same, an further indulgence cannot be iven. R. SHAW. Sept 13. 1842. 44 * . tf LUCERNE. IMIE Subscriber has just received and ho . for sale by the pound or lesser quantity Lu? erne Seed? WITH DARLING'S UNIVERSAL SOAPt For washing, without boiling or bleaching. Many experiments have been tried to rendar he washing of clothes less laborious and more iconomical, but no effo t has been so successful is tho discovery and intioduction of Darling's Jniversal Soap, which will remove stains, distt jrease, and cvrn paint from clothing, without >oiling or bleaching. This article is superior for washing flannels, too lens, linens, luces, silks, and calicoes, to tny now in use. (t is warranted to contain no ngrcdient that will destroy, rot or injuro, in tho texture or color : nor will it iniure the lands, but will render them soft and hi, when lone washing, to engage in sewing, if necessary, "or cleaning paint it is unrivalled. C VANDERFORD. September 13, 1842. 44 if DIRHA.TI CATTLE. WILL exhibit and expose to Public Sale to the est bidder at the Annual Meeting of the AgricuL ural Society in Cheraw on Friday the 14th Ocobcr next, a four year old Roan Durham Bull red by Col. Hampton, perhaps not much surpaa. cd by any animal of the same kind and age in ic State, also four or five Bull Calves, and as lany Cows of superior stock with Calf by the foresaid Bull, and three or four fatted Beef Steers. JOHN SPRINGS. September 6, 1842. 43 4t COTTON OSNABURGS AND COTTON YARN. rHE Subscriber has received on consign, uicnt from the Dc Kalb Factory at Camdea I. C 12 Bales very superior Cotton Osnaurgs and 12 Bales Cotton Yarn, whichha will oil by the Balo to Merchants or. as good or ettcr errns than they can purchase in New fork or Charleston, He would also invito the Planters of the cighhorhood to call and examine llio Oznabury*, liey will find it a cheaper and belter article than as ever been sold in this market. G. II. DUNLAP. Cheraw, April 4, 1812. 21 If SOUTH CAROLINA* Chesterfield District. By Turner Bryan, Esq., Ordinary. WilEKF.AS, Harriet I). Strong, made suit to me to grant her letters of Administnu. .ion of the Estate and Effects which were of M rs. Rosa A. Troy, These are to cite and ad. nonish all arid singular the kindred and creditors )f the si'd Rosa A. Troy, d< censed, that they be uul appear before me, in the Co'irt of Ordinary, o be held at Chesterfield Court House on the i7th inst., to shew cause, if any they have, why he said Administration should not be granted. Given under my hand and seal, this l&b day if September, in the year of our Lord one thou* and eight hundred and forty-two, and in til* ixty-scventh year of American Independence. T. BRYAN, O. C. D.W September 13, 1842. 44 2t NOTICE. FHE Copartnership heretofore ex'sting he. a < i... i i jr. i i i