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Brr-asw*?* ?** *. < *,?".'uv TETIPEKAXCE A\TiIE.U. ! Tr>.i:?Missionary Hymn. From (jal'i i's teeming wide j<re*s, From Ilol.umlV renins of gm. Where thousand* iu their l-lu.dnei>3. Prepare the hail of sin: From many it tiery river, From many a |>'>isonou:J G'hJ call* ns to cMiv?r Ttlc victims of the S.i.J. What though they sing ??f p'easure, While each the goblet lib*-; What though their fthsi they miasma l>y quarts, and pints mid gd!*; III Vuhl Willi lavii.ll liilvhit?S Ileavcu gives us ruhesl bicad, Ilistillers. in their m i-'nJWttit'J |lOU?U4J Hi its jwLdvi. others not even your enemies. Rejoice 1 in the triumphs of justice, hut retain your pity for the meanest sinner. Is lie not a man, and still susceptible of reformation ? Does not God bear with hiui; and should ; not we ? 4. Envy not others their prosperity.? ; This is the mmk of a Isttle mind. When ! we fail of the objects wo aim at, we should rejoice at tho success of others. 5. Let your aims be high : this w ill excite to effort. ft. Be moderate in your expectations: J this will prepare you for defeat. 7. Never despair. How often has the ; * i p if -t k? i J Hot struggle brought reuei. n iiutu ue , but one chance of success in a thousand, I it is worth a thousand limes too much to I be thrown away. 8. Consider how many are less favored than you are. If yon cannot gam the heights, be satisfied with a mediocrity, j which is always the safest, less subject to : changes, and of more equal temperature. 9. Bear yourself humbly in prosperity A proud spirit is the product of native meanness. 10. Maintain a thankful temper.? ' What hast thou, which thou has not re j ccived ? Knowledob is Powkr. ? In n Intel admirable repert by Horace Mann, Esq. Secretary of the Board of education of j Massachusetts, the following striking ex- i implication in introduced of the maxim j that '-knowledge is power:" "M. Redelet, in his work, vSu/r" Art r!e ' ftatir',1 gives the following account of an experiment made to test the different amounts of force which, under different circumstances, were nec< ssarr to move a block of squared granite, w eighing 1,050 i lbs, "In order to move this block along the , floor of a roughly chisstled quarry, it iequircsa force equal to 753 lbs. - . _ n .... " rocraw me same moiiu u?i r ? m?n of planks it required a force equal to 652 lbs. ''Placed on a platform of wood, and; drawn over the floor, it required K06 lbs. "By soaping the two surfaces of wood, | the requisite force was reduced to 1?2 ! lb??. "Placed on rollers of three inches di- j ametcr, and a force iqual to 24 lbs. was ! sufficient. "Substituting fx wooden for n stone floor, and the requisite force was 26) lbs. "With the same roller on a wooden ! platform, it required a force equal to 2*2 lbs. only." "At this point, pjjvs Mr. Mann, the ! experiments of M. Rudelet stopped. But, by improvements since cflccted, in the j invention and use of locomotives on railloads, a tract on of eight pounds s sutti- i cient to move a ton of ?,*240 lbs-; so that ' a force of less than four pounds would j now be sufficient to move the granite block of 1,0S0 lbs. ; tnat is, one hundred ; and eighty-eight times less than required , in the first instance. When, theiefore, ; mere animal or muscular force was used j to move the body, it required about two- j tiiirds of itsown weight to accomplish the object ; but, by adding the contrivances j of mind to the strength of muscle, the i force necessary to move it is reduced more J than one hundred and eighty-eight times, j Here, then, is a partnership, in which minu contributes one hundred and eighty- 1 eight shares to the stock to one share con- j trihuted by muscle ; or, while biute j strength represents one man, ingenuity f or intelligence represents one hundred und eighty-eight men ! 44 This is what they call a felioir. fee ling / ? .... i..?r.._ .. ! loru man, IIIC lUiiiui auiu ^ licit uiu I watchman was groping lor him in the dark. ? , rutting a stop to a woman s tongue is said to be 44 a difficult punctuation." Tulips.?In 1309. Titian, a fine speci- j men, sold for 50/. ; liowager Countessol Aylesbury, 100/. Cloria Florum Suprema, 300/. : tuiu iii 1313> Juie do Duvey, 300/' I Sh.iil wn, by Tump'rance aiJcJ, In health and (WdCd to 11v? ; Sh;i!l we, t?> nun degraded. Refuse the, boon to give ? Tito Foauuii' I Ohtliic Fountain! Tin* b.ilin of health proclaim, Tnl men u'or s?'a and mountain Sluli haste to ull lis Line! Waft, waft, ye wind*, the ftorj. And you ye waters roll. Till Temp*ran<-e it" cl->ry, Shall spread fro n p to p <b- ; Til 1 health and t v ly blessing Shall follow in its train; A id peace all hearts po s-esfing, G >d shall triumphant reign. GRNKRAL RILEs OK CONDUCT. 1. Never make the forms of religion in others the subject of ridicule. True religion may he expressed in different ' forms, and come with acceptance before <*?>d. The form h very much a subject j of education or habit. 2. Never mock at the infirmities of | others, rather let them excite vour com- 1 miseration and gratitude. Who made yoii to differ ? Dereliction of duty, not j misfortune, constitutes crime. rt. Never exult over the misfortunes of "4 -/? J,P m 'i ? ? . W ; arww ciieai* izooDs. 111 F Subscriber bus imvv on hand an rxcolJL lout aesoitment of -Snmmer (Jood* which hegwiil sell at pri? es uii|>reee<i?*nt.r<lly low.? Among ilia st cl; may be found a \ariety oi Printed L h\ na and Muvlin-, Fruiu li, Kn?rlisli and American Prints, Printed ('ambries. Plaid, J it; met. Swiss, M ill and llo.k Muslins, Cot???n II s<\ and ^ I Jose. Killnr tte, Silk, Cotton, Kid Mini Puck Clme*. Irish L.nen, Col.on Shifting 3-4 4-4 and 5-4 l)oui?*.-lics, Apron Ci.ccks, rir.L-i.,.r I'.lm/iii,. ,wl Lm- ll,iM ltlack Silk. Bomb 21 iii*, Boiiik te and Ribbons, Bl.ick and Drub ('as>itiK re B.ue, BLck Brown. Oliver and .Mixed Cloths, (J itniiroon. Summer Cloth, Linen D il tug and a variety of oilier goods for ficnthmctis'Summer we ir, K-mtucky Jeans, ]M..r. skills Q iilt>, Table Covcis, .Motis'clin Do La in4. Flannel Vesting, Fancy and Lock* t lldks., with many other seasonuidu ai tides too tedious In enumerate. Those wishing to purchase will have no reason tj be diasatisfiod with the prices. D. I>. Me A UN. June 134iii tf J2EK ilA>TV S. (.'hi.HAW, JULY 1, 134*2. fSMHE di'ectors of this bank have djc'ared a RL dtvideiid of J.inr dollars p:r share lioui the profits of trie iaai half year, payable o.i and af. t, r this day. W. GODFREY. Cashier. 34 4t XcAED. DR. JOHN LYNCH having permanently h>o ?t'.'d himself in the town of Choraw, r> spu;iiiilly ten .'or* pud 'Ssioral services to the eil 2 'iis n| this place and the at'j lining cuctitry. He hopes hy a diligent attention to liis profession, to receive a lihcial share ot public p.itroiingc. lie can always ho found at his father's (Conlaw Lynch] residence cn Market Street. Cheraw, July 1st. 1F42. SI tf LLTT13KS ajj EM M NING in Iho Test Office, Cltcraw M ?V L- Jli:y ISi. lOii, illjll It IKJi. e.J i ti"u IU, by the 1st Oclobur will be suit to the General Post Oriice us bead betters. li?I.ham iko, John Bono, W I) Bruce &. Co, .Miss Ann Romp, J \V Mrs, Eliza, b tn Bmch 2, N i?intord, C?B t'u-s t?ly. I) b Cli inoo, M Camel, Miss M A Compb* II, M try ("jmpbcll, Arch. Cuny, Miss M Cobm, B C Casst.iiy, Allen Chapman J II Colo. L)?Mis* L A Oral;*. D P, r ick 2. E? Mr< O Ellerbo, M F T Evans. G?I Eli Gregg, T. Grey II?J L Harrel, AJ Harris, J B llottin 2. J ?Uubt. Johnson Homy Johnson, Francis Johnson. Iv?John Kill, .Miss i Knight, L?J ti Lul , 11 Lingly. M?J inn s McA'.liste , "McKay & J/cKasUill, A W .Warchtill. John McK ?v, T B Muzyek, II L Mclntyro. I\*?.Miss M Nichols ui 2. P?Richard Pheluu, Juntos Powell, .Mrs. M Po. kins. K?William Rye. P K ?bcnson, Jacob Russcl, Lewis R;vers. S?O H Spot cer. J C Smith J, Mrs. M. Sirls, Jnsse Sivca', M is? C E Smltb, Malcolm Si-tIbrd. John M, Smith. T?Miss Sarah Turing*, W E T. rry. V ? David Vinor, W?Willi.m Wiighl 3, Oliver Wright, Mrs. X ? lull. Persons calling for Letters f 0111 tliia 'ist will please sj\ they are a?!ve?-ti?"H. BROWN BRYAN, I*. >!. So . tf (JI ARTUKS Clakhnikin June 22,1312. [Orders No. ? ] 'ommiusioued Ofli >ers of the following JB_ Brig id * are ordered to encamp lor fi.e d ys at thot'uiua heiein spec,had, vi?.: The 6ih Brig do of Infantry, u.1 Yongues on Monday, the 25lh of July next. The 10th Brigade ? ( Infantry, at a pl-ce to he selected by tho .Major goueul of the oili Division ou Tii'sHav. tho 2.1 day of August next. The 2.1 Br.gade of Infantry, on TuesJay, the 9th day of August next. '1 he 1st ling-id-' ol Infantry, tin Tuesday, the 23 1 day of August nrxi. The Major lienor ) ?? tii? 1st fhvi i ?o v/id closign-te tho plucks lot 1 t and 2d Brig ides to ei?tiain|>, and report to the l otn.iiuovi-r-.i'-Ch.el, the piacc,? so tcion t-.d. The 9 h 3'igidc of Infantry, at tho Limestone Springs, un .Monday, the olli d.iv of Sejileiujor llfXt. The 3tli Brigade of Infmtry, near Camiku, oi Mondty, tie liMi day of September next. The 7i.ii Brigade of Infantiv, near Society H I , on Tuesday, tho V7ih of Sept ??11 r next. The Conruissioued Otriueis ot the 1st end oth Bi ig.ideti o/ C iva'.ry will encamp by liegiinenls, with t e Brig ides of I.ifiulry in which (hey are I nutted, or by Brigades, with either B igale of their Division, a& t.?o Di ig.idie.s nuy deem ni<?8t coi.veuient. Ti?e Major G oneruls of the Jstandoth Divis. ir>nK, and the B- igadier Gcnorulsol 5iU, Gili ;in<i 7t;i Brig .dos f Infantry* and lac Brigadier (ji ii. er lt< of the 1st and 5th Brigades of Cavalry, are lequ r.'d to exund so rnucli ol this order as relates to their respective coiuman s. The Q'. irter M ister General will causo the h n us and lulls to heal each encampment in uuo tune. The rollowir:g Aids de-C imp to the, are ordo ed in attend the encamp, nn ills, viz. : ?C>.ls. Wigfall, Dikinson, Thompson, English, Manning, Wallace, Marshall, Singleton and Taylor. li v older of the Command -r in Chief. J. \V. CANTY. A 'j't. and luspect'i (Jen. July 6. I~42. 35 bt rO.lOMlR'S Ml I II. ON a Writ e?Kiri Facias will he sold before the Court lIou?e dour on the first Monday in August neM within the legul hours the follow, ing properly, 90 (ninety si.v) Acres of laud more or ies< whereon the David Sailors resides, adjoining hinds belonging to Kepsey Tucker Joseph T. lbircli and Dr- W. MeBridc at the suit of'.he Exrx. an J Exors. of John Craig vs. David tellers and John Copclaud. Terms Cash. Purchaser to pav for titles. W. L. ROBESON, C. C. D. July 9, IS 12. 35 3t Advertising S~SEM s;Yt I r V SAlesT ON Writs of Firi F cias will he sold before the Court House door on the first Monday and clay following in August next within the legal hours the following property viz: h5i Acres o( land uioro or less whereon the defendant resides lying on both sides of Thomp........ \ir? 1 <... C'MiD V'lU n -V ? M u ? ? *"11111.9 Smc.ilir and Lewis Aleador at ihe suit ol l'au rick and Joint Aiay vs. AlcAinu'er May, 50 Acrns of land moro or l? s- s on lie north side ofl.islc Wesl field C c<k whc eon tie defen dant roid js adjoining the lands of Air. J. P?guis and lands form* rly owned hy (Jeoige Parker al the huit of David fc>. ilatlloc vs. Licnjauiiu Hi ock. Terms?Cash? Purchaser to pay for riC^CJaaiy papers. JOIIN EVANS. Shff. p.n. July 9, lS4'2, 35 tf 'uiJt *? ? it 4 Woman who cart do plain Cooking and Washing?Enquire at THIS 01TICE. July 11, 1812. 33 ' ' 3t | <i<>05> IMRGAStS. riher has ou hand many articleM. ot .Merchandise not now in his lino of bus i siuess; and which he lias no roo.n in hi* s.uro ] for, all sue goods will bu sold Very cheap. They consist of the following articles, viz j Negro Chubs (a food article) W'liilo Pla'ns. i Blanket Overcoats, L)ufl:l Blankots, lialo IJop'N Brass .And Irons, Shovels and Tongs, Jugs and ' * ? " - .1 Ci.. I II .. JfS, i'ntSi'MMl IJVCUS. iron U.-IU 'Tiufi, nai Jiiuo. I t * I Crockery, Ac. G. II. DUX LAP. November. 10, 13-11 51 tf J'K<WPK TIS j Of the Farm House of the XIX century, or Encyclopedia of Practical Agriculture, conI taming the host mode of cul ure adopt d in j France, England, Germany, and Flanders; I full practical instructions to guide tiic small cultivator, tl:e farmer, the director, and the large proprietor in the un movement of an es' tate; the principles of agriculture, and the culture of all the useful plants; the training of domestic animal*, and the veterinary art; the description of the various arts relating to agriculture; rural implements and buildings; the management and improvement ol vines, fruit trees, timber, and forests; tanks, etc ; the econoiny, organization, and direction of a rural establishment; and finally, legislation as applied to agriculture; closing with a table of contents alphabetically arranged; a list ot figures, abbreviations and authorities cited. Ail Elementary, Complete, and Methodical Course of Rural Economy, with more than J Two Thousand Engraviogs representing the ! various Implements, Machines, setsofApparI at us, Creeds of Annuals, Tree, Shrubs, and | Plants, Rural Buildings, etc. Digest and Revised by a Committee of Scientific and Practical Agriculturists, belonging to the Agricnlfura! Society of France, under the direc| tioi, of M.T. Bailey, Member of the Societies ' of Agricultural and Horticulture. Translated j from the French, with Notes adapting it to the I use of farmers in the United States of Amcri1 cn, by Eiizur Wright, Jr.. formerly Professor ofMauhematics, and Natural Philosophy in j the Western Reserve College, Translator of j Lu Fontaine's &e. Agriculture is the foundation of all human arts?the art for which man was made, and t the perfection cf which is his chief happiness | and glory as the lord temporal ot tii s planet* 1 Of this sublime art, all other art s and sciences are but satellites, their business being to wail cn, enlighten, and adorn it with their muonfc'hine. Consequently no man more man the agriculturist needs Uie full use of his braros, 1 | and apeifoct command of all the treasures of human experience. iSo the farmers of the United Slates view the mailer; and in presenting ihem with a translation of the c<*le. brated .Unison Rustiquc, of the French, we have no duuut of their hearty support. It ic the work of ail works on practical agriculture ?the most scientific, clear, and ccmprehen- < sive, France has long excelled in profitable I I farming. This is lire source of her wca'th. England is rich by coals and commerce. Her agriculture is splendid, but sometimes costs j more than it comes it). Those who have j fortunes to spend may buy the vast works of! Marshall, Dickson Arthur Young, Loudon,J &c., but there h ho wish to gel a fortune out, of the soil will find the French writers better , able to chow them the way. The excellence } | ol French elementary works is well known to j all teachers. For centuries, the ?#/aisnn J Rustiqiie has been, in France, the standard ; elementary work?'.lie vpchiog book and j grammar of (arming. The present edition lor 1 l the mnet? euth century," has been re-urn- j ten and brought up with the 44 march of mmd," | by s-.Mv ot the airiest agronomes" ot France, j it hua all the light of the latest improvements, j noi only in Frauce, but in all Europe. Wiiliam Cobbet, one of the must successful i | farmers both in England ar.d America, who I I wrote the best stylo and the best French ! i grammar that ever was, valued the Maisuu ! : ?i,n uiilv as ail eiievclooetlia of! JVV4??.,1 , -.w. j ; , I farming, but us a means of educating his ; oliilciieu. lie w as his tm t: schoolmaster. In! ; vv inter evenings tits* family resolved itself into ' [ a scnooi, and lie thus speaks of the U;e then { i made <i| tins work;? ' Our book of never fai-insr resource was; , ti>- French Alaisj-ii Rusiique. or Farm House, I which, il is said, was the book thai first teff.p ; ? ted Fuguosnoin (I think thai was his name,) , t rlu'famous phyMCiau in the re ion of Louis ; XIV., to learn to re.u! Here areali the four- i j legged annuals, from the horse down to the mouse, portraits bud ail; aJi the birds, reptiles, j j insects,* alithe modes of rearing managing, J j and using the tame ones, and of destroying ! those that ait* mischievous; ail tin.* various I traps, springs, nets; all the labors of the field j I aiid garden exhibited, as well as the rest, in j plates; and there was I, in any leisure moments. to join this inquisitive group, to read the French, and tell them what it moaned in j English, when the picture did not sufficiently i | explain Use if. 1 never have been wiilmut a j copy ot tins Look for forty years, except during | the time that I was fleeing from the dungeons | j of Castlereagh and fSidmouth, in 1317, and 1 | when 1 got to Long Fluid, the fir>t fook 1 i ! bought was another .1/aison Rustique.''?Ad-1 vice to Young Men, Art. 291. j Of the qualifications of the translator, it may j be e*aid tliat he is a practical farmer, and in | regard to his translation ol La Fontaine, which J has been reprinted in England, an English re" 1 viewer confesses that lie '"does nut know the English writer who conld have done it better.' Terms ?The work will be published as a I semimonthly periodical, in numbers of 5*5 j i pages, octavo, e;?cti 25 cents, and when com. ple'ed will contain fo,ty numbers, at SIO Five dollars paid in advapve for the first 20 Numbers, sh.ill entitle subscribers, to the re mailing 20 Numbers for four dollars;? ; Or, nine dollars in smaller sums, (if not less than ??l ) regularly advanced during the course of pubi.cation, shall entitle to the saute reduc. I tion. The 1st No. will be issued on the 1st of l July, lt?4 >. All orders and remittances should he adi dressed to S. S Haskell, Publisher. Ids Ful I toil-sU Npw York. New York. June 1, 1842, All editors who wili give this prospect, us tilteeri insertions, and forward the papers containing them to the Nuw Vork Watchman, shall he entitled to one copy of the work. RLA< ?KS.HVTIIIX<>i. npilE Subscriber has this day recommenced _5_ bo.iuess on his own account and hopes by close application to business to share public I patronage. My pr|c< b will be inudeiate. ll^rse I shoeing will receive my personal attention it is thercibte vyarfanted to he dune with neatness ! and despatch. j N. li.? 1 am now prepared to repair, or put : up n W lightning rods. c. I. S1I1VER. April 4 1*42. 21 if VnEHAR ! V3AEGAR ! ! 81)UKC Cider Vinegar, White Wine Do. For Sale by a. r, j.acoste. July 12, '.812. hi tf i PI'KR A\n sols: LEATSS::R. Wax, and Call Skins, and Hemlock Tanned Sole Leather. For sale low. A. 1\ LACOSTE. October 27, 1S-11. 50 tf FASUIONABLG LEfiUOl \ AM> E 2( A L M Loaf IIuIh, fur .Men, Uoys and ChiL JL dren just received hy G. II. DUN LAP. April 9, 22 tf STATU or SOUTII-CAIIOLIXA, Darlington District. In tiie Cotrt Common Pleas. Petition for the benefit of the Insolvent Debtor's Act. "^TOAH A. HAl'O r having tins sixieeiuu day of April, eighteen hundred and fortytwo filed a Petition Praying tliat he may have the benefit of the act of Assemb y commonly railed the Insolvent Debtors Act, It is therefore ordered by tlio Court that all the Creditors of the said NojIi A. Baeot, do appear personally or by Attorney before the Court of Common Pleas on lire second Monday after the fourth Monday in October nrx', to show cause if any they havo, why the Prayer of the said Petition should not ho granted, and that notice of the said Petition bo published for tne space of three mouths in the Farmer's Cazetto. S. WILDS DuBOSE, C. C. F. By order of the Court. April JG, IS 12. 25 ftiu. BOAAETS, HOODS A AD UA AD BOXES. Ladies and Mixees, Florence and Straw Bob' ' ? 1 ft 1 IA nets. i.auies uotoureu nooas. r?>rsaie uy A. P. LACOSTB. Octobei 27, 1S41. 00 if CASH SV?T?.fl COATfiAFFD. THE TIMES are such as to compel the Subscriber to continue the Cash System Groceries and a!l articles in that line will be sold for Cash only. Persons whose accls. and notes still remain unpaid, will please understand that no new credits will he given until all old arrearegesaro sctt'ed in full. D. MALLOW FOR SALE. nfflllK dwelling housa and two !o s in I*owe JeL Town, now ocupied l?y W. .1 Buley, The situation is in the hcalthiost pail of the Town. For further particulars application may Le niaJc to Col. J. \V. BLkcnny or H. T CHAPMAN. June 11, 1812. 31 2uf2m EOLI1 UOAT FOR SAI.F. milM I'ole Knit James II Ervin vri'l he foI-i JB_ nit favorable terms. She is > ow on the way up and will be delivered to the purchaser on her arrival. Apply to either of the subscribers. 1). MALLOY. W. it T. BAILEY &. Co. JAMES II. COLE. December-1, IS II. 4 ' SWEET POTATOES. ONE HUNDRED Bushels of good size po'a. Iocs, for table use, in fine condition, for sale by A. P. LACOSTP. April 13, 22 if Corn Wanted. m JOT ANTED to purchase from 10)0 to fO'O w V Bushels corn t be delivered in Clmraw, or at any of the lun down the river, for which the highc-l market price will be paid I). M C.N AIR. April 11,18-12. 22 tf Wood. S HEREBY tender to my late customers in tiro Wood line, my grateful acknowledgemi-nts. for tiin natron.nrc. I lia.c ieceiv?'d , I o ' ut lheir hands, and would now most respectfully requc.-t/that liiey would continue to give their orders 10 Major I). K. W. .Mclv.-r, to whom 1 have bold my land, and who is flil'v prepared to deliver any quantity ot wend til >t may be n quir d. Ail orders for Wood lelt at my store, will bo sent to the residence of Major Mclwr. A. F. LuCOSTK. Jai unry 10, 1812. 12 if "SADDLJiKY. A very large assortment of Boys, Men', and Lading Saddles. Also, Briole6, A/irtingales, Whips Collars, Saddle Bags, <? g, Stilkey, and Carryall Harness, Stirrup Irons, Girlie and Surcingles. For sale very cheap bv A. P. LA COST E. October CTlIi 19-11. 01) Li k>IsOBTSHA^S POU DES, tfX N K Case English Canister K>H<! Powder. "A* manufactured by "Pigous 6c Wilks," Loudon, lor Sulc by the Cauiitcr. I). MALLOY. May OS, 1841. OB if Sotici:. ii II. DUNLAP Would icspecttully give notice to his friends and the public that having commenced business again on his own account he buds it absolutely nucessary to curt iil very much his credit business, ho lus consequently detcrmiiicd tooi en accounts only with such persons as have hrrotofore paid their accounts punctually at or near the end of the year and with such only as will give posi tivo assurance of doing so in future. Oct. 13, 1841. 48 tf COTTOX OSJfABLRtiS A\D COTTO!? YARN. . THE Subscriber has received on consign, nicnt from the De Kalb Factory ut Camden J S. C 12 Bales very superior Colto/i Osiia burgs ami It! Ualos Cotton Yarn, vvliieli iio wil hi: 11 by iht; Dale tu Moichunls om as good o better terms than they can purchase in New York ??r Charleston. lie would also invite the Planters of the neighborhood to call and examine the Ozniluirgs, they w ill find it a cheaper and belter article than lias ever been sold in litis market. U. U. DUN LA P. Choraw, April 4, 1842, 21 11 ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. AL11 persons indebted t > the Estate of the late .Mrs. Ann l.ide of Marlboro' District, deceased, w ill make immediate payment to the Subscriber, and all persons having any demands against the ?aid Estate will render attested state, rnjuts of the same within the time prescribed by law to the Subscriber. JAMES IK BY, Ailia.nstrutor. April 10, 18-12. ?6 3m NEOKOEN TO HIRE. 1^1 ROM G to 1(J Prime incn to hire by the tiny, week, or mouth. A. P. LACOSTK. .nine yu, la-iJ. u PORTlVfm 7 A Few D..Z.MI I'ori of Uie aioat choice qualisy. lortsa'e by EMANUEL & SOLOMONS. June 22, lt?4~. iji 4t IIA K 1> W AltK AMD SliTHSr FOOLS. A jjencral stock of tlicst articles for sale hy A. i\ LVCOSTi;. October -7,1641- 00 tl | "T21K SiKSCKIBEIt" I I PURCHASED ricemly in rst \v Vork a \fiey J heavy and general a^urtni.-ut of (j.iods \vh h j have all come lo hand, an ! he n?,w oil. j ;! 1 them at \\ holesalcor lielail at very low pnc f i lor Cas j or l'roduce. A. P. LACOSTE. i j October 27th 1841. 50 tf New Steam Boat line. A Steam Doat Line has been formed in connec. ' ! lion with the new Steam lloat "Utility" and a' sett of tow Boat* at present three in number others wit1 bo added as tlie business nviy require. The Utility was built in Wilmington in IS 11, <lnu'a velirn Rmniv but 19 inehcs water. j Sim carries 50IJ Bales of Cctton and draws then ! buf little over three feet. Country merchants who may wish to get tlmir j i GnoJv up in the Summer and early in the Fall i when the Kivcr in generally h>w will find it to i their advantage to patronize this. Several for-j warding Merchant and other residents of Clio-| raw and other places are interested, and f-'d j i confident that they can hold out such induce- | incut* to ihe back country as will be beneficial to all concerned. The business will b<* done principally by t nving lighters which will injure \ a passage while there is two feet wate* in the i ohunuel. B. DRY AX UBRO. ) Agents.; - I j l'roin the Transcript (Charleston) of March 3d. Charleston S. C., Feb. 28, 1812. j This lo ull whom it may concern?we, the , undersigned, William Bird, Joseph Addison and James Marsh, junior; shipwrights of the above ; i named city , by the request ol John Kiikpatrick, j j repaired on hoard of tiic Steamer Utility, coin; m inded and owned hyihcsaid Kii kpatrick, and j idter a full examination of the hull and conj struction of the said &leain Boat Ut litv, are of ! unaiiiiiions opinion that the said Steam Boat j Utility is in every respect suitable and strong J enough to navigate any River or R.veis, and ! i capable of carrying five humlioJ cr moie buic> j of cotton. I To which we have fixed our names and scaL ' I.I" ^U.l I." I CJ .1 I mis eoui icuruiy o-t~. W. BIRD. [Seal.] JOS. ADDISON, [Seal.l J AS. MAIiSil, jr. [Seal, j j Charleston Feb. 28, 1842. I *1 do hereby certify that 1 was Pilot on Board i ; the Steam lh?at Utility ami thai (lie x.ud bout ) ' was exposed to a heavy scu during i'i?* pissage i between Wilmington an<l Charleston without receiving any 1 do also certify >.lie i did not wotk. ut show any signs of weakness, j ami tint she W is not pumped out during the . tune I was o.i board ot lmr. WILLIAM CLEA1MONS. J June 6. 1S'I2, ."JO lainldin The "Charlotte Journa1 and J fT, | j Sal shuary U'a clun ui 1'" tVetlov.lle Observ. r will each ins? ri the above once a month iu; ttircc i ( months, and forward their a counts <o >ho olKcc 1 of the Fat oiers'(?a'/.- tte, Chemw, for puyilie t. i>A\i r.i, .khs^MJT ! ^R^#.^0ULL) resp.-c: fully inloroi tlio citizens V v of Ch raw, and the pu'nlie generally llial j lie has now oa hand a good supply of (Jmitiej mens' tine Bouts and Sinn s ami Ladies' fine | ! Seal Shoes and Kid Slipper*, together with a variety of other kinds all ol which are oliered at i low prices. A supply of liorthotn Sole I/rather and Calf Skins ol the best qu dity j'lst retvived and two ! good workmen <*i up Joyed so that Bo >ls and Shoes 1 of a good quality will be nude lo oi?h r uii short [ j uoiiem i. Cf'Mitleuiciis' Slim ner Cfothiui'for sde cheap. I Sugir, Collce, Salt. Molasses. lime, Ac., Will i be sold as .ow a? sueii articles can be bought in I this mariiot. j May y, 1S42. . 26 tf A\D TA\^IKRS OIL, ! By the Barrel or at reUil, h?r ?aic by A. r. LACOSTE. ' o-" ron r.j? ?y uciuucr -i, 1011. uu vi 10.000/,/M. | I ;>m coy. and 1,000 : LARD. lor sale by JOHN W. LEAK. I Ai.ri! 21. 1842. 24 if* j xsw~ ' 16 dozen Collins,>. and Mar-h superior j Ax< s, for sale by Uio at much below tiie usual rales. A. r. LAf'OSTE. : j October 27 1841. 50 'f . <05t\ W.Wtlll), IIE >ub>cril)er wo-hca to jiuiciiusc 2 UO .? DushcU "OoU Co; itf D M ALLOY. | December C, 1S-H _ 4 tf j IMfTORIAl iUi!^TKATIO\S. 1 ObUMbS 1ft, 2i.?J ?nd l>r<l, el Pictorial j V Illustration* of tlio LLulc containing uOJ J oiijjraviiijjN on? li. i'or sale low at llio CllfclK AW LOOKS TORE. ?? tf j TIAKD iVAiti; r jSilir. duuseriuci keeps constunt'y -in riawi a 1 J3_ largo and well selected assortment of i lltrdwaro, including almost every description of i G\tpe tilers Tools; which ho is selling wry cheap. D. MALLOY. March *, 1842. 17 if j 5 IOEST I Comprising every varte'y, and fyr sale on accommodating terms. A- P. LACOSTE. j 1 October 27, 1841. 50if i 1AUV A4D STAPLE DRY GOODS. A few Fancy, and a large and well selected ' etocl; uf Staple Dry Goods for sale low by A. P. LACOSTE. ! October 27,1841. Ml tf hOlTH CAROLINA. Chesterfield District. SAMUEL D. T1 MM ON S, T "I Is Is-fore mr a fiay ni.ire Mule aliout fourteen years oM, I blind ot llie rijflit eye, jrerr in irked scar on the ! right blue ot the rump, llie end or me e irs cut on, i and b i i | u {I white Knot in the forehead, the hair/ I fhav tl oil the tail appraised at tliiriy five Dob 1 JOHN SINCLAIR, .Magistrate. | April 11, 1? 12. 23 laiiiftmIIAlIjfG fhnve ?wo four horse teams, that 1 am not ' now able to give full employment, anil should j eb glad to engage a job ol hauling, or work by i the day on vtiy reasonable terms. A. P. LACOSTE. April 13, 22 tf HATti AKO CAPS. 15 Dozen (ientlemons' and iiuys, lilack and ! Drab Fur Hats, 2m Dozen Wool Hats. ) A L?rge stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and Se. lotto Caps, Fur *alc by A. r. LACOSTE. ' CHEESE. * US A \ CASKs CHEESE B For Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Dec. 1, 1641. 3 t f <*L.t$S Ai>D PUTTY. A Lar^e Stock of these articles, which will be tulu at reduced rates. A. P. LACOSTE^ 1 he Subscriber has just received, and wil keepCHiihtantly on hand.Cotton Yarn and Twin? at wholesale, from the Manlaclory ol Uockiugham. CEO GOODRICH. Chornw, J ?n. 1?4(). 10 if important Work. J\ow iii Tress, ami will shortly be published, a Dictionary of ARTS, MAM UFA C TURKS, AXD MIXERS, BY ANDREW I KE, M. D., F. R. 8., dlC. Illustrated with 1,241 Engravings ! THIS is, unquestionably, iho most popular work cf the kind, ever published, and a book most admirably adapt, ed to the wants of ail classes, of the cornmunity. The following are the impor(ant objects which the learned author endeavors to accomplish? 1st. To instruct the Manufacturer, .Metallurgist, and Tradesman, in the principles of their respective processes, sous to render them, in renhty, the mas. ters of their business; and to emancipate them from a state of bondage to such as are too commonly governed by blind prejudice and tieinus routine. 2dly. To nfh.rd Merchants, Brokers, Dry-salters, Druggists, and Olficer*of the Revenue, characteristic descriptions of ill../.rtmimuliiirs which nass through their hands. 3dly. By exhibiting some of (lie finest developments of Chemistry and Physics, to lay open an excellent piactical school ^ to students of these kindred sciences. 4tlilv. To teach Capitalists, who may he desirous of placing their funds in sonic productive branch of industry, to select judiciously, among plausible claimants. 5lh!y. To enable gentlemen of Ibo Law to become well.acquainted with the nature of those patent schemes which aro so opt logive rise to litigation. Chhiy. To present to Legislators such a clear exposition of the staple maiiufactures, as may dissuade (hem from enacting laws, which obstruct industry, or cherish one bunch of it, to the injury of # many others. Ami, la.->tlv, to give the general reader. intent, chiefly, on intellectual Cultivation v iews of many of the noblest achievements of Science, in effecting those grand trunforinntions of matter, to which Creat Britain and the United Staetsowe their paramount wealth, rank and power, among the notions of the earth. T.'io latest Statistics ofevcry important object of Manufactures, are given Iroin the best, and usually from OtUcial authority, at the (pud of each artici;. The Work will he printed from the > ? ?' - ...i,:..i. r~. SFJCOJiU liUIIUiHl li 111IIU11, MJilt ii ft i ir? iui $12 a copy, ll will be put on good paper, in new brevier type, and will make ahout 1400 pages, ll will tie issued in twenty one semi monthly numbers, (in covers) at 25 cents each, on delivery. (ttr'Jo any persons sending us five dollars, at one tune, in advoncc we will forward the numbers by mail, post paid, as soon as iboy come from the pi ess. To suitable Agents tbis nfiords n rare opportunity, as we can put the work to tliein on terms extraordinarily Jacoruble. In every manufacturing town, and every village, liuoughoiil the United States?nT Canada, subscribers can be obtained wit^^ the greatest facility.?Address, post paid, ha Roy Suuderluntl, 125 1'uhoii street, New York. *?*Toevery editor who gives this ?dverliseinent twelve insert ions, we will forward to order, one copy of the whole work provided the pipers containing this notice bo sent to the New York Watchman, New York. A few- BoxesTu low and Sperm Candles fir _ A. bale by D. MALLOY. May 31, 1341. oo if In tub Common Pleas. Chesterfield District. Ilenry Easterling, ) Declaration vs. - > on note in C. VV. Broth. ) Attachment* WHEREAS the Plaint iff in this action did on this day ti!e his Declaration against G. W. Booth, the defendant, who is absent from and without the 1.nuts of the State (as it is said.) and having neither uife or attorney known upon whom a copv of the above Declaration, with a rule to plead thereto, may be served; ft is therefore in pursuance of the Acts ot the General Assembly of this State in such cases, made and provided; Ordered that the defend, ant, do plead thereto on or before the twenfys-xth day of December next, otherwise final an<t absolute iudement wili be then trven and ' J - p -- v awarded against him by default. T. BR VAN. Office of Common Picas ) Chesterfield C. II. D?-c. 2b, 1841, \ 9 leSmfly iniovhiOTsi: 4trood unpplv o t B.icjo. Lard, Floor an Weal on hum! a no for *aiu the io*e?t uiar" kut price. D. MALLOY. A/arch 7, 1842. 17 if Bonnetts. "JUST received a liun'it?ome assortment of ^ Cv Ladies, Misses and Children* tine SJtww, Tuscan. Zuuluriue, Lawn and olhcr Cshional.le HouiK't.H. O. 11. DUN LA P. April 9, 22 tl CANDLES AUD SOAP. Sperm, Margarine and Tallow Caudles, iiar and Per fumed Saop. To. oaiu by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27. 1841. 50 11 SPRlftO A \I> SlTM.IItR (iOODS. fjJliiE Subi-criber lu? juat received a well 3- xakcled .stock of Pancy and Staple Dry good?. g. h. dun lap Cheraw, April 0, 1812. 22 If 1 /