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iu *v.a ?mwbiwi mcian i iiiwiimii m 1 ^ beautiful and sight! v promenade twenty feet in width. The ground* immediately around the work have been purchased hv (he corporation to protect it from encro- | achments.?The receiving and discharging pipes are two in number?each about three feet in diameter. I' > nmv nearly four years si.use the work was li'-l comineiiced; and during working season, on an average, about 100 man have been constantly employed upon it, besides great numbers employed in the winter season in bringing materials. During the n n p whole tin no iivo* have been lest by ae- | cidents. Two men ha their lev broken bv a liuvvnfall ?>l tire bank---a u;i taiu the extent of the injuries that have boon mis turner!. The w||??ie co-t \v II not be far from $3fIU.9Ul). Above the door at v\ hieh you ascend to the sum nit by three H ^hts of eight, thirteen and thirty steps, i0 the loliuvving inscription. CROTOX AQUKDUCT. I) ISTRIB C T1NO R J: S K R V OIR. C!0m ;n i v.yio:ic rv E i^iu-n rs. S?inu? l Stevens, John 1>. J?-rvis, Zibedee Ring, H. Allen. Prin. \^*t. Jon. D. Ward, P. IIastir. Resident. Renj. Hirdsall, Sum. R. Childs, Thompson, IVico vk Sons. C\*mtnrncf"l. Clomjile'ti I. M D CCCXX X VIII. M I) JCUX LII. Such is * condensed hilt comprehensive view of this noble structure. It is nou* complet -1, with the exception of the high bridge. The bridge will orcup\ two years more, but a temporary pipe h.?> Ween I. id over the river upon the c.otfeP-clauis of the bridge, which will aiiord us a supply of water for two or three years, until the completion of the entire work. I1KIMW (ilZJlTTE. + CilKKAW, TtKSW.VV, Jt'LV it), lb-id. The Oration from Bennettsvalio onrno too late for this weeks paper. I: shah h; p ar next week, C'oxGni; s. ? III thrSenu'e, a resolution was, on motion of .Mr. Pr-sfon, adopted on Ihe 11th, calling on the President f?.r ! information as to any recent correspondence between, the authorities of Mcxn-o and this country ; referring to the letter published by the Mexican Secretary of State, and to he found in the preceding columns. On the 12th, the time was spent in discussing a bill to allow the heirs of Gen. Hull, the salary of that officer during (be time he w as under ar- i rest, before his conviction. In the House, the debate on the Tnriffil bill was brought to a close by vote on the 11th except so far ns concerns amend-j merits. The House had voted to take the j (] test ion on the amendments on the loth, on which dav or the next, the vote was " doubtless taken on the bill, and it was sent ; to the Senate. Mr. Adams, on the 12th, introduced a , resolution calling upon the President, foi j anv recent correspondence with the Gov- [ ~ % M * f I I A I ! c-rnment oi AJcxieo; w men nau noi neon ; i finally disposed of on the ltl.h, but was | probably adopted afterward*. The Hon. Morukcai M. Noui. now; holding a judgeship under the State gov- ; eminent of New York, is about to issue a j daily paper for the support of {'resident I 'J'vler and his cab full of adherents. l ? | A Sign.?The Postmaster (General lifts | removed from oflice Andrkw M. Barurr i Postmaster, at Cooperstow n, X. Y.. aivd j appointed in his place one Rorkkt Davis. an active and violent Locofoeo, who took ; a lending part two years ago in burning j tIn cfiigy of (ien. Harrison. Mr. Barber j is said by the newspapers to have made an ' excellent officer. and to he the choice of j four-fifths of the citizens of the town. The steamer K Ina, while passing ijj> | the Missouri, with freight,and passengers, collapsed ft>e fines of her boiler, near the j mouth of that river, on the 3d instant, and scalded G3 persons, nearly ail (Jer- I man emigrants. .Several of them have I since died. The cabin passengers cscaped uninjured. A Temperance Society has been fo-ined among ttie students of Mount Zion j Academy, Winnshorough, which num- | hers 57 members. The pledge is to ah- j stain from intoxicating drinks during j lieir continuance at the sehool. This i? right. For highly commendable ah it i is in all young |>er*ons?and all old jicr. j sons too?to use thoir influence, whether i it be great or small, in favor of the torn- ; Iterance cause, there still arc a few?tin/ wry few parents who doubt the expedi- j ency of doing it in this way. L'^t, per ! chance, there might ho some of those ! among the parents of hoys sont from i w home to school, such pledges ought to he i restricted to the time of continuing at '> the school. Mr. Rotts, of Virginia, in the course i of a speech made by him in the House i of Representatives, on t!ie 10th inst., the tariff hill being tinder consideration, sig. 1 ki. /.f Hn.'iviiur Mil mortw> ' ,,,,c,,uwu ,u o &jh.v quent duv. articica of iinjjeachtnent , against the President. The charges lie i has since in the National lnt?l> j tigencer, and h? ;* rs?-<!s in his determine- ! i:on t* undfiflak'' t??** iireieuchiiien?, ffhe , iw ;nove in t"Xr matte; u! Th? | i few party papers to the President j are, of course, endeavoring t?? eet up ;i | popular sympathy m hl-i I'd v or on tin* oc- , i cation. 15 ut the people seem as yet to 1 ; iook on without a ?jreat deal of excite- j ! merit. Tne charges amount to cloven ; I O ; one of which is that of ordering the ac| counting oHr-ccrs of t!ic Government to i j) iv accounts which tlrav had rejected, and threatening thoiu with dismission if laev O disobeyed. The following article was in type for list week's piper, but was excluded to make room for Cm. IVcstuiFs speech. Tin: Magxolia.?Too lust number of i litis perio l.cul i-i before us. Toe lirst arI tele is ii:i toe present relations of lite I'u.led Slates and Great Ri.tain ; which, ; tlic reviewer is of opinion, must soon | eventuate i t war, not because there is ! any inmns.c difficulty i:i settling the ; in titers to controversy, but because : Great R nam is determined upon war. i lint from what motive does not so clearly appear. All Iter pacific professions, be ; insists, arc hypocritical. Site 44 really j I * ioks for nothing from tbo mission of Lord I Asbburton," which she intends only as a | cloak to conceal Iter hypocrisy froin the ! other powers of Europe ; and especially 1 from France and Russia. Rut ite adds, ! 4*It wtli surely not be permitted to Great : Rriiain, sitould site provoke us by her . mercinary ambition into another conflict, , to retain any of her dependencies in our hemisphere. Her West India possessions 1 sitould Ite the forfeit." II<r Canadian, ! and North Western possessions wc should also seize upon. Anil we suppose, as -? ' preliminary step to the accomplishment of these objects, we ought, in the first ; place, to capture or destroy her navy. I Another article is entitled *? Rritish , Travellers in the I oiled States, No. d;" J and is devoted to the hook of the Ilonor.iI hie C .aides Vugustus .M irray, pulihshed in l*JoO. I'roiu this article we make the i following somewhat lengthy quotation : J 4* Why our country men u.iko use of less u at r than other people equally eivili :cd, we I cannot gu^ss, hue iliv fact we fear h so. Mr. ; Murray tmls u? th it he found th* inns as neit j Mi \e v Rngland as at home. In tins respect ' he was .in kier than we have have been. New i Rngi tiid indeed may justly cl :i:n a gup^rionfy j over ifio other sections of ths country, and . the All .n'ic cities g'U*ra'ly will bear a fair ' comparison with tne rest of the world, j pass inro the inter'or and stay a night, or cail J lor a meal at anv wayside tavern or in any ! small village ! We have often resolved to lii-coiiifi a \lissiouary and devote our lives to ; the civiliz itimi of our fellow citiz ns. Tnc.r j cook-rv is poisonous ! their internal domestic I arrangements au intolerable grievance! Sleep ng rooms to hold numbers at once; beds tor two or three, rarer/ single coueues , i doom occasionally swept wirhtho brooms'.raw oj ti.e nearest oiJ fi- id. but never scoured; t?!" en littt-rod too with such tilth as Krism is describes in the English houses <f h?3 day; ; wind >is unc mscioys of glass, or paper. or , imea, or horn, and yet unlit to ad nit either air ; or litrli-; Pitcii h ive often been our lodgings, j ii?V tar worse, but we avoid ruijiiin"1 into ex- i , ^ tremes. Words fail us to describe the con- j dttion of the table and the kitchen. From! watching the pr ocesses of such e!einon?ary i cookery as i.s attempted, we have been driven ; >y sheer disgust. We shall ??y nothing of ' Hie ciH'omury tab!? rj .th, nor of til- dishes, i idales, knives, and fork*, except th'S, that in ' iii other unsafe regions, as in Italy for exam- 1 5 ? p!e, you are ind ?Ic:iciv or good mtured.y permitted to make use of every means in your j power to remedy the defects. We used to el? an our knives on the stoii" window siii an 1 wash our plates and cups. But in ' Aimnric t every sin h hint of a desire for better ; things is-received aid resented as an insu t. i Vet the ignorance which thus refuses to be i 1 K ! enlightened is bo?ii lu.Jicrotjs anu revimr;w. Soup was recently served io a female rcla!iv?? ! of ours a! a stage muse on one of the most. public roads in South Carolina, in a wash , hand basin ! Honey was once brought to | table for a friend of ours travelling with two Milies, in an utensil winch cannot by any peri, parage M be mined *o ears polite.' One of our distinguish* d cit.zens in tk?ng a tour in; 44 the back country" with Ins lady, took with i him some tea. On send'iig out a pirce of it at one of his stopping places, to he prepared for their evening hum), there was returned a | plate til 44 greens" wi'h their bacon, a small rleiicate Chinese leaf, the niter from, which, after boiling, had been drained away through a cullender or cloth. To ourselves, careful Dot thus to io-e our tea, a Dutch own as it is | called, a large round flat h.,tlomcd pot with an iron cover, was brought as the nearest feasi ' hie approach to the unknown tea kettle we J had asked lor. Of Coflte, the nectar fit to be handed to the Gods bv Me bo, or Gdtsy? ! mede. tli; lirst glimmering idea is scarcely spread abroad notwithstanding the eilhrts of. legislators and schoolmasters. i-t is true thai ; tinny thousand pntinis of strong scouted Ri<?, annually rir.d tijoir way into the interior, but j so littie is used in making the infusion that j neither color nor character!:-!ic flavor :s iiu- : pailcd to the d'ngy fluid, which is not to bo known from boded rye, or toasted he. ns, or ; okra ground after parching. Sitting with a : companion at breakfast somewhere in our j "midde country" wc maJe a bet as to the i draught offered us with our fried eggs and rusty bacon ; we believing it an attempt to imitate the amber beverage of the Turk, lie I regarding it as a vain eif >rl at the favorite 4 swig" of the long-tailed celestials. The i matter was left to the umpirage of our stage | driver, the only 4 other gentleman'at table,) who after curiously s ppiug hr? h or nur cups, t frankly acknowledged that he d.d not know ; ! and the landlady was so angry at our ques. tion, though put its politely ae possible, that she would not answer it. Kvtry thing c'jo ; is eimiiar and consistent. The ' iiglit bread' j of 'ho south and suu'hwest nlwavs heavy; ; ihe biscuit in>ieud of being twice cooked, is i never half cooked, and like the biscuit, "the j cake is always donga." The moats are tougli from being killed ju<t when wanted, j and are so uniformly fried in lumps, that we j wmi d ini gine the irts ?.f roasting, baking, i boiling,*' were all unknown. Hut tins ghnipbe i ... -_ >. t rf.uli'v. 1W cilTi .,ont arwl h/?j f, I?h,? ar H ill1-* raw iu'?uii *%? u * ? j * s wvaw >? ... lurllier detail, Lvcry Untisli traveller com- j pihi:if? and most ju-i.'y complains of tne bod j chamber, b*:J ckthes, mid toilette* apparatus. ! A'iu: yon :so hanketeber?" is tue reply j i? trie far wcol ;o the simple wijiit who in- ; ouiros for a to a ;! when wishing h a ba:ida njjil face. There wo may forgive it. hut not in the OKI Dominion. G-oroia, and the Carolina*. " I rt our rash youMi, when George llv Fourth was King" wo useJ to believe tint this crinrrn il inattention in ail proprieties of iioiise, chamber, b.'(J, table, body, and apparo', was one of the thousand tils to be attrib..table to siaverv or association \vi?h slaves. We have oti'lived that er*or. We hive seen such dirt in Ohio and New York, and such slovehnes9 and disregard to comfort in Maine, and Vermont, and the Canadns, and ail aionjj ? ? - i V ? * - !/-?- !?-** urn , snore on uw jrve iumwhtii u'jii ic.1, ui?i ; are now camped d to ascribe? it la ?a:ne wide i and more universal cause. Besides this, even I in siavehnldmg s'afes, ii is a more prominent ! feature in those districts where there ure j fewest slaves." " Of Lynching," continues lh? review. or, ??we do riot alivjys think so tinfavoru| hit! hs Mr. Murray." "For <?ur own I parts, we think that such an occasion" i (one calling for tin; exercise of Lynch j law) "may arise." J Next follows a serious defence of duel* i ling, the gist of which is contained in i the following sentence : ! . " We do say tint human life is egregious'/ - overrated when it is valued against the pr??; nervation of courtesy and social decorum, and | the security of the person from insult <*nd in1 jury ; and ihat a duel, melancholy as it is, ih a j Jess evil than a throttling match, a fisncu/T I scufil , a billingsgite brawl, or a B>wieku fe , recent re : all of which have happened in high | places and among high functionaries both in ! Knglar.d and America." ! Now suppose the husband of the land. ' ludy in " our middle country" whom our ' present reviewer and quondam traveller so much offended by ridiculing the 1 | draught which she offered him as an ac. compiuiment to Lis " fried eggs and rusty ' bacon"?suppose, we say, her husband, ! or if she was a lone widow, her brother, lor her next friend, the * stage driver," I* r> * bad challenged our chivalrous traveller to duel and mortal combat with pistol, paw ! dor and lead, would li?) have accented the .challenge? We opine no', with all his : chivalry. II: would have considered the ; fellow not "gentleman" enough to he i O u entitled to the privilege of shooting at : hi.a. But suppose tin; follow had allowed I * | hi in no alternative hut a duel, or a | 'throttling match" and " ifil j would he, in that ca-e, have no egregious Iff ov.rrateJ hts hjc as t*? prefer ino latter i Or, suppose the IricnJ of the (iffeiidcd woman had preform! t<? assemble his neighbors and Lynched our traveller, won! ! not this, according to his own principles be perfectly right ? And whe. ther the Lvching in such case should consist in giving a coat of tar and feathP7 O ers; or in administering on t?ie hare back forty save one; or in suspending '4y the neck fro u the nearest black jack, must ia (he very naturo of the ease, depend upon the wdl <?l*th? Lynchers and not t le wdl of the Lvnche *. We do not mean that o tr aeco nplished tr:vclier desorved an sucli file. But he was not, according to the Lynch code which he advocates, any the less li ible to it on that account. The offended party must, in the very nature of the case, b j i Ige of the time, mode and measure of re Irc-ss; and lint whether be has any just of o thnco or nut. l a) rev ewer may donv this conclusion by dcuving that lie advocates the unrestrained uie of Lyn diing, or the use of it at all upon so clever fellows as himself. Tins, however, does not vary (he case an iota. \ men might with as m leh COMS?s'(MiCO de. ny that lie draws a chain after him he. cause he lays hold only of the first link. Admit the right to administer Lvncli law at a!!, and, from the very necessity of the <*:wn. vnn five everv man the riifht to i j ry ~ j deride lor himself, when, upon '-lio n, and to what cxient he may administer i', or combine with others in doing ?o. There are other parts of the paper he lore us which call for comments, if we had room. W e shall nann only one ; that which advocates the re.establishment in this country of the K.iglish laws rotating to the descent of properly, & Toe Mauvoltv is to ho published henceforth in Charleston, and to he greatly improved in paper and typography. o ? m The following letter from the President to a committee of his friends who invited hi in to attend the celebration of the national anniversary at New York, evinces something of his state of feeling, under tl.e disagreement between himself and the Whigs in Congress : To M**srs. Harris. Graves. Mcars, Connelly English, and Taylor, ConwMtec, <s,?. Washington*. July 2, 1SJ2. Gv.n rimMnN : I would most gladly accept your invitation to he present with vuu on the approaching celeb ration of the anniversary of American freedom, could I do so consistently with public engagements. These, you must ho aware, render it impossible; and I can, therefore, do no more than return you my thanks for your polito attention. In the administration c.f public affairs I seek only to carrv* out the end and design o( the great Revolution von propose to celebrate. The happiness of the People, founded on measures calculated to advance their prosperity, should ho tho high object ol all tuose entrusted by the p ?j)i*3 with the administration of their affairs. wim u?is view, i rtsco i,mcndv;fi to ton *re-.a moro than seven months ago, a >7 jinn of finance and of currency, which, while it would contribute to rchcve the Treasury, would, in my opinion, furnish a circulation equal in value to gold and silver. At the same time I urged the adoption of a tariff of duties, which, while i: would sustain tuo public credit, would effur J tv the manufacturing interests ar. I p!c fli-i. I also invited trie attention of \ > (lonijreH?1 most ur^cmlv to the condition of the public d?Te>i?in 1 iov??k?*d their active agency in j;ivin^ to the two ^rc?it ; arms of the national tl C?nco? the arsnv 'i aril navy?complete n;Ti iet>cv ; and I" i have repeated to them ?ir^ S'dioiutioiu i that measures of a decided onnr.vter ! ! should he adopted to restore the public j 1 s* it f.i !?... 1. ?.t . .C ft... I ' v-mii dii'i ii) iiic >itan<j'<iu ?'i iiic j i public faith. If nothing I ifiS itl'tMl Ui'il6 It) j ; accomplish any one of th?>o ohjvcis the ( fault h not with the Executive. For having declined c?f I?te to unite in j t giving away a fruitful source ?,f revenue 1 | from a Treasury which has become near- i : ly exhausted, I have been charged with a desire to dictate l?? Congre?s, when my i | sole object is to entry cxit a law of this ; very Congress on the subject of the pub- ! i lie lands. The w? lkiii is ma le to resound i with charges of Executive dictation, he- f cause i have not seen cause to approve : the repeal or suspension of an act passed ' ' as late as tlie 4tli September Inst. My' [ reply is, that if it was right to pass that i act then it must be wrong to repeal it now, when the Treasury requires the use ' , of every dollar which it can rightfully ! i claim. Executive) dictation ! f repel I ' the imputation. I would gladly har/uo- | ! nir.e with Congress in the enactment of' ; all necessary measures if the majority I i would .permit me. Most gladly would I i approve any hdl having revenue for its ; objectand the protection of manufacturing i j industry as its incident, which should he < presented to me unconnected with mat- 1 tcrs having no necessary affiliation, and j . which are only calculated to cmbarrass I the Executive action. Each branch of tho Coverninnnt is independent of every i I other, and Heave n forbid that the day i ; should ever come when either can die-! t late to the c.her. The Constitution nev- j ! er designed that tho Executive should he j i a mere cipher. On the contrary, it de- j . - I hf? li^rht io OHSS llllV hlW ! ; IJIVV9 tU ?. r i without his approval; thereby imparting I j tn it, fur wise purposes, a.i active agency ( in ail leg station. Excuse the observations which the oc- [ casion nnJ the cirrum sialic?* of the time j .seemed fu invite, and accept assurances, j ; gentlemen. of mv regard for each of vou ; ^ * o *i ' ii*Ul V'i(j Uu > j jojix tylsp-. j I 1 'I'llK PuKSlDB.Vr's CONSISTENCY.?Dr. { i i Frederick J. lliil, of Brunswick county,} j # . J I X. 0. whilst addressing public meetings: in his county, as a candidate fur the Slate | Legislature, repenIcily stated that he 'heard Mr. Tyler, during the sey?iun of; ; the Harrishurg Convention, which norn j j innled (Jen. Harrison, say that he had j | changed his opinion on the subject of ? j ! national hank, and now deemed one no. i ccsMiry, and therefore, constilutional.? Some of the Democratic citizens of lhat J neighborhood, thereupon, addressed a let- j ter of enquiry to the President on the sub- ? ject. To I his letter the President replies j that ho was a silent member of the con j venlion, and therefore could nut have pro- ! fessed any change of opinion, or expressed j any opinion at aii in tint body on- the j subject of .1 Sank. Ami he reiterates the exj>r< ol a conviction that a hark is j u nconslilulionu i. Dr. m:i publishes a 1 repiy ironi wtuch tl.c following is an e.\-; Jracf: ] *' Having had the honor fo represent in part one of" the Distress of the State in Pie irg Convention, it became my duty, alter the gre i1 disappointment ; experienced by my political friends from j : the course pursued by Mr. Tyler, at and ' subsequent to the Extra Session, to assign f J to the people whom I represented, the j reasons which influenced 1110 to cast my j ' vote for that gentleman as t!?e nominee | of the Convention for the Vice Presiden> | : cy. 1 accordingly "stated. Iioth in puliiic | and in private, tliut during our a'tendanee j 1 on the Convention, and in the room oc- j ; copied bv the late lamented (?ov. Owen ; Jand mvsclf, Mr. l\ b r declared, "That , ! his views 011 the bank question had under- ! , gone an entire change; that he believed j j the establishment of a National Bank to he alike indispensable as a fiscal agent of the government, and to the restoration j of the currency and exchanges of the 'country; and that he thought that all constitutional objections ought to yield to j i the various Executive, Legislative, and ; Judicial decisions ol llio question." Mr. Tyler, I think, is correct in stnting 11 Ur, ?t It Airo fh;.p <iicnt in the Con- 11 Hlflt lie | vention, and his Smilhvillc correspondents J j I ure mistaken it" they mean to assert that I I < { stated, that the declaration made by Mr. j 1 i T\ ler was made in thai b<> hj. Sow although the letter con'a'ncd in 11 your paper does not positively deny the i statement made by me, but only expresses { > bis adherence to the old constitutional i | objection entertained hy bun?yet he-j t lieving that such n construction is dedu- i. ! I | bhi from the whole toner of the letter, I i'< ; have thought proper to repeat the state, s { rnonls made by me. and referred to in the I Smithville Letter. T!?at I neither misun- j ; derstnod nor misrepresented the President, j I think wiil indubitably appear by refer- j' I once, to tho subjoined certificate?the ! ' : testimony of a great mid good man, M i whose deatii was a sad national calamity, j j and whose veracity none w id suspect who j j had the pleasure to know htm.'' I 1 . 1 '{'he following is tho certificate referred ! ( ! to hv Dr. 11 ill : I i I ft PiTTsBCitOlCH, Chatham Co., \. C , ) j July n. Ibi2. ? i ( *' We, the Subscribers, do hereby eerti. f , i fy. that in tho Summer of 1SI0, Gov.! John Owen stated in our presence, that , during the session of tho Harrisburg Con- , volition, John Tyler declared i~ conver- ] sa'ion that hs views relative to a National Bank had undergone a change;?*Itnt ho hrdievnd such .4ft I'.sijiwti >n h ?J heroine indispensably necessary to the business of the country :?that his constitution.!! obiections ou;jht l?? yield to tin? various xecutive, legislative! and judicial decisions of ?ho subject: and that he was f.xvorahlc to the i>biablishiocnt of .such uij HENRY A. LONDON. JDS. RVMSEY." S f.ling n hosts and talking with T?JK>I ?[)r. Collvor of New York, a !e?. lurcr on Animal Mfldoetism, has coir1menccil the publication of a periodical entitled Yiir Mksmkric Maoazixe. Wo have not seen it hut find in the Now Yo:k Evening Post the f-diowin'? extract from O J it: "Oir mosroorisofs have repeatedly conversed uith departed spirits, and tiavc from them received communications ot' a kind that has letted and proved to ws boyond douhi, tho reality and truth of the intercourse. Exainnles of these commanions, and descriptions of the spiritual world, taken fiorn the lips of ciairvox ants, will he frequently given to our readers." " We lenrn from the poet Statins, that Tiresias, the soothsayer, who lived in the earliest ages, was accustomed to constrain the spirits of the dead to answer his inquiries, which indeed is no more than we ourselves have done during tho past year, by means of mesmerism." For the Furin;rs' Gazette. JiJy 12Ji IS 12. IIOG LAW. R iiri.-?l in late Council at C ha raw A m mstrous Act (hoc tioinuir} IIogLiiv," W riich mo*t absurdly docs deny t'i? nw Tiie right of w iking m our Siroris s? fine Auu if nercluaco ti.u c.cdturc.- ?hvu!<i ~>j found Fiving tlioir vi-its to our cleanly town. With a d'*x arity quite unbounded Thpy'raas'Z (! I?y o;rulh Ft. iS-in acd im. pourdtd, Liko priso.'.cus of v,*.r tin)Voransomed tiicn Ry precious go' 1, ('tow much, I J:r>n k^x..] And all those Hog* which ia iur lc wu rc!?id? Am f -rood in tight onc'o* ir*s to ah Nov if ibis liw tj rig <1 liatl nude C i iii-t w- iiiii a.i oi ,.ie L'Qu*/" trade 4 ^ ' ? ?. .. /? %f.i' r.n r nrtdO ' i VVt'lllU SU'C SOIU.J lln v':' s rv'.-d Th* p tuidun-'nt have fallen outbadeMrvvu. Bit as it i -e'en jits'ice shriek* %'oml '1 hat equal right* to all &ih uot aiiowed. H?r<Vb <mo poor planter in the country live Who to increasing stork mention gives His Hogs escape, ami sqiledling run to tr?w To heir the hue and cry, The pound, T!t> pound, From tlicnca lp only ge's his swine away Bv paying up the fine, (they till do say.) This Country planter shares with u> Z/?. coats While all the benefits to hi.n ar-1 Irs*. Ail who of Laws doshiro the penult if Should roup advantages which coitu th:ro *>yN me Injt a Cliiz'-n can take delight I making our town pl.-usaot to the sight A.iJ yot uil those w io?o sandhill pz* may stray TowVds th'a o' j et aro f.rc.J li.c-ir shaie to f1*1 tf 4 kJ D.J time, paper, and patience DjI eu long I might perhaps have lengthened out n.y bong. But to the E 'itop I vield my vor*e To publish it " for better or for worse." Since to a cloee my song lias drawn oo nigh I will the mol'.o ad J, " Xluot Big or die." K. Tite editor of tne ? hucinnult Daily Ro. publican, says:?"Wo have it from unquestionable authority. that one man :?as raised this season from two acres, four hundred bushels of strawberries, which have averaged him in o:;r tnark??s, Iwu dollars per bu.slx I, his two acres of straw, berry patch have thus yielded him ?>-00.' A Mr. Sonpson killed a large panther recently, near Linden, Ala., whilst trav. elling to (he Hot Springs, in Arkansas. The panther endeavored to spring upon him from a tree by the road side, but missed his mark, when Mr. Simpson dismounted, and with a bowie knife, slew his adversary after a hard fought huttle. The gentleman received a severe wound in the left arm, and his face was dreadfullv lacerated by the cluws of the &;ii * dial. EVIDENCE. Lord Chief Justice Den man has brought a bill into (ho IJritish Parliamen fur re. moving (ho incapacity of w itnesses, lie proposes that no witness shall bo incapacitated on account of either interest or crime; it being left to the tribunal to make the fitti.".^' ijfducijnn from his credibility. The Law Mngazino says: "The rule of the English law which utterly in. capactates a witness who has the smallest pecuniary interest to the result, whilst h?> nearest relatives rnny give evidence 'or one nnuther, has long been regarded rs a strange anomaly, and more than one datuto na? been passed to modify it. Lav licnoricr, Tho Xasbvillo Whig says: that one la!y in the neiglihcod ot that city will have or sale from 100 to 1"25 bushels oi cue. )ons, worth from ?100 to .5300. THS flv AND Por30NhD TEA. It is delightful to tiiink that a Hod of infinite wisdom governs the world and directs all events great and mo.iII. L*t us learn to see (iofTs lund in h>t Inin^A, , nd then wt; shall foci as weil as see; it s all for the beat." They arc the wirlcr-d vho regard not the works of tho Lord, icr i !i?* ope ration of hid hands. Look at the ?ibs around your table of a j'jmrner'x day. finw conn less thc?r luinbrr! how uncertain thoir flight! JSw'v they ?.ro hc.*c~'.;iwfl on tho other I sido ofiho room, and anon perhaps fly <m an np?m window and disappear forever.? ^ ilnw u mazing ia the greatness of*l?is nro. vtdciKio vviio ;vatelien over thetn nil; Th?i | intrr; *ititiir (nar*ncr In wh ch ho bring* | great re<?uii* froin seeming trifle*, is il'us* | trated by the story I am g"injj to lei! you i of the fly and poisoned tea. A ciTtnin man who had an ex^ollwnt wife via s ? wicked a? t<? uibh to kill her. j lie had promised when lie rnnrried he', I tl .f Ini-o nnit rhprid. 'mr in m/*Vi ! npss Hint in health. If he had fulfilled hi4 nromh" ?*bie'? h? made before God a&t man.'h'-v ought have been a happy poif. [Jut to indulge evil thoughts to* vranl?' her* d?* w<?i|!i| nut tie pleaded with a 11V thing she did, and at lengtn ho made up hi* "nmt to pit poison 111 her ten. Thus n ? inav ho'o<l to the greatest sins tt* ho yield* tn Satan'* temptations and cherishes foaling* of hatred. After she 000red out the tea one night [? ? contrived to nut some poison into her cup while she u as attending to *0 MC'thing el a*. Wnle tin was wuitiug with emotion* ofj/'tilt and fear, to see hcrswnllow the f ?. 'si drink and sink death smitten to fhn I door, ho heard" ?otno one knock. Ho 1 ro-ie nnd stepped to the door to see who ir was. What mm but God's cotjId then save the nffV'tioaate wife, and punish ?h? rnurdero m husband! Ho did both. He so ordered it that the wife's nifection for the guilty wretch should save her, whdoho ? as f;?kc:n in his own net. The wife Haw h fly fall in her husband's mp. She took it to herself, and put b? r c ip?the poisoned cup?in its place.? The ho?bnnd returned and drank his with, out mistrusting the change but toon foil the effects of the poison. 'Did vou change (ho cups of tea? aatJ' ' ! he in alarm, i 'Yes. my Jtur,' jho r plied; a ffy got in.. I iO VM>j l -J, 'Then I am n dead man.' *aid he,., nnT he confensod bis a*f?il gtiill to hi* wuh. !r?rir?wife?acknowledged that Go<i h*d; punished hi'ii (unify, u&uauw?i ;ri dreadful noony. R??s?dpr. never devinecvd.evcnin t i for God !?;?o?d hoA' to puianh \oti f??r ?t, i SabbathI 7rIABRIJEB In An*-?n county, N. (J. on tin 6th inntnnt, John (f. McLkxD"*, fo"P?"!y. of thin to n, to Mi as Elizabeth Mo* Lri?D. j CHEa.vv\ ?;Iice current; July 19. Id4J. 3 ; \AT?cLct. ft a j ? C. J 9 j Dtufia market, lb II 3 S i ! Dacuii troui wagons, lb 5 a 7 e ! by retail, lb 7 a S ' ; fl u'or lb IV4 ? iii j Befinwat lb 22 * 9j 1'a^ing yard iO a ?5 * Bulc Rope lb Hi a I d J -oftee lb I9{ t *5 j BOTTOM, lb 4} *4 I C<. rn, rc<? bunh 60 a 6 | - Flour, Country, brl 5 4 | Feather* f;u wug. oonf 'b 7 1 a ! Fodder, lOOJb* 75 4 100 ' (jUs.-t, itindoir HI, 5"ft 3 tl5 a 3 37} ' , i0*12, 50i'l 3 it) 3 ?? i Jtdes, grot-it lb 64 >' d/y lb 10 1 ! Irn*) iUUU>? 6 a t> J iu?li,?o lb I ft. >1% 1 } IdillJ CuMK 4 4 4 ! L'trd ?nrnq j, 7 a S ! Leather, *o?e |i* 99 a 2H [ Lead, btf ib b a lo (io<fwo*id ib In a io ' Vlo!a*sob N.O, gal 36 a 40 , . gu\ *d a 53 1 Vaili:, cut, iMoried lb 7 a * \V? *rc auihori^id to fttirtcuiicn WILT hX A. MULLOV. un a Candidate fo the utLo; vl Ta* ( '0 ie -tor Uii C'Uoaicitij.d Uutitid.. JUiy U 'I. i Mr. Editor; You will pipage announce i ! Rob'- C. I'avis as <t Candidate f??r tii- oftirn . j of Tax Collector at the approacfuo,. ?loct*,t? : in October next. many voters. jyWn arp authorize i to announce M tiro?u K. MrCaokill us t candidate for the orti/v ?>f 1 I 'I ax Collector of this litsliick at I tie enduing elect ion in Oo'ober n?-xt. Jtntnry 3lat. 1S-J2. If r* Wo me authorized to announce Stif?fi?i? D. Miller an n candidate for Tax CnH? o. tor forCjl- sjterlielU Distucl at the ensuing e?, e. lion in October in xt. ? ? - NOTICE. WfJTRF.AS, my w'k Ahby J. CuMvr ha? conducted he-self ilk no u iIm-coiio. g | maimer, an<l of her own accord withou' jn?t cans' or provocation left my beil suit bow-d. ( hereby forbid all person? harbouring or lro?t. j injr her o i my nemmit as I w i.I pay uu debts vf i ho? cu.ili.c.iou r f'er thin tMo. HENRY P. S CUU!VERt 1 CV-r ?-J'V ID. 1842 HG 3t ICCTICE. . "C* HERESY O-wtru ill person* ?g-wn*t M trading for a certain io' j dated either, ttio i>3d or 2i:ti of Ju'?" I si. ?nd pjyab'e 'he 1st of 1 J mujry next tor Three lluudied and Kilty D??l. I 1'irn, g vert by me for a bal inc.* d ie on"* Duncan McEe hi. 'who is s-iid to rendu in CumKrian I c ?in ty, X. C.) in a trad* for a negro man at.d l a wife. I inve since leaned that his title to th? property i* iwt cms'ipiently, 1 ?(! dclcr.u;UcJ uul to p*c ,no no e. | TH()M A 6 STU fi Bi, . D'OiitfiUviiL S. C. July 15, 1042. :i6 st UOOI). "ET HAVE n?<in r.-suinfiH the bmin*** of I JR. in? V? oiju, Aiy olJ ci?toui--rs <?ud the paH ; lio ^e io.diiv urr? ro?,?ectfol y frifhrnw*! iI shall bo gr-.ti-fj' for a renewal of ,.^iir 1 and rr/jc.t to nuui.?*.d- tVt will pit a-e. A. P. LAC05TE. ! July 19. 1^49. 36 ?f MEETING Oi* '1 tl Li PKK DEE AGRL CULTURAL SOCIETY, I A' a in. etii p of the Srnifty h*U} on tb<t LfcJ ; of Ftfb us'y la?t, it wan R.<aoIv-?1?-ihv wfi-n tills rnout apam it b? at M irlbnr<>( C aurt : Hois- on tnafir-t Vloi-d^v in Aiy.kf no*t. A (jencral !"?nila<ice of ihe :% c?f. i ue4.1> reduction. j 7 V/U. 7. rLLTRCE. SecretaryI 36 2t ! K- W. V? IVEE r? c'fii'ljr inform* K /? his cu:t>nv>r* and thie mhuhiUinta of j Cnoi-hw. b? b?u madft*u< bsrnnj?'in?*ii ?, a* wit I rrnhft won to couture THE WOOL) ? SES6. Order* loft ai tlie ? *; Offic . or *vi?t I m hrt* refidf nee. t hsll to W fil ad I JiusifcW, Ju!^ 11> \6-ii. .0