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tha' r "> rna** V-op '-lore v.-: | 400 shtep, (-o fJ. ^ '*. -I x ,Trd ?n l-"o5.ii H '*prnv:ir ,hor'1 were bfi *b?*o|>. ^ <??HV htlo:i!ii 1> k"of : :i-d ,i r >\r ' p'-a Wherever , there were 1J3. (C i?nJ 3, ?..:!. and M try. c. 3.) No; was its as r? profession very Hgb. 'ho position of t ie farmer was that of ?h& hnmMo Rail contented > laborer, and his qualifications were indus. try U?K. aOiii.CtV. Bulleaito;! allil i> S arelt were niitHMrsuafV, and eotiseq mrstiv un- J known. fiis pill) was the path <?t bis j predecessor; it was wt'! beaten, am! was eisilv travelled upon. But no where do j v.?* ili cover so clear!v. the characteristics of a people, in too custom, and dnftcs of* iht *r women. N > whore do we s>ee ^ # ?? cii.tion of the mir? yrioro nliiniv titan i;i the hearing of h?> help male. Aj)j>iv tois principle, in th?> p ? ^ent instance, an.I the farmer's irne position w I) r* quiro no t irthcr ill'Hlr ition ; for wk ar? ?oid hv J Sir A. Fitzherbort, that ir was *4 the wife's occupation to wmnow a!! corn, to make i rnHU, to wash and vvring, to make I. i v, to shear corn, and in time of need, to help; her hu-shan l tofi'i the mm-kwain, or dung j cart, tn drive the plough, to load Cora, Viav, and sn< h," & '5:c. Such then was the position of cgrioul-: turn, after h practice of more than 1000 \c?rs, hud assume I. From 'he middle oi j the 17tl) to the mid lie of ihe ISdi cen'urv, a change began lo eroep over its spir- j it, the etiects of which are evi lent in the! practice of the present cont.iLy And it is now our duty to examine the infl iuncc* I which promoted tin* cii.nge. Time is the parent ?>1 change. As there is m natural tendency in man to increase j l.u knowledge and in strength, up to a ? <5 I certain nermd. so is there in cverv art or *ji?n ;t\ to advance fowJtrd*. ?f not tn attain jarf/ct oj. Th .t spirit should op irafe u ?n acr.cul urc, :s natural; that. now- *.tr it a loud !; *<? iotig uivn iii.tested, is.* phenoin-iieai proitured hy certain influences; a.:d to ihu em 'V. ti of these influences we must ascribe ts mai.iN'S* \* on at a'l Thus, if w*? 8.*w a ; puth nvdeng no progress in e'ze, from the a^? *a 0*0 lo years, and then beginning 'o thuot Oj "ward. II would be his fornrn-r Sloop :ge, rot hi* present giowlii, wt.i.h would Oo , tiiarv?.i!ous. siiouk! a?<:riOti tin* i>? t ?o r? niovii! of some disordered functions xvlucb had ohsl-ucitrd his natmal iendon- ; rv. U'i:ai then ivii> |jjc (iiaiir.Icr winch j obstructed that progress which agriculture ou^iit to have made, and to the uosirue-. uon of the it.iiucn.)c of which we owe the j after progress of the science. ; frequent, changes of prnpriotor*;np from llit Roman to tat Saxons, the ; jJhues, and the Normans, the o? j v, ir.-'the iroti hand of feudalism unr^pries- J tiv domioutioii over the rntnri, are ! amongst these influences, cannot hodouli. t.-dj and for some centuries we may alio* , thai they would he predominant. U hen. however, wo conmder thai it was long, i.fter these influences w?*re diminished ; })' fare agtnuliuro b? gati to awuko f?o n J i s lethargy; when wo look at tne gieai ; progress made in every domestic, polished j e?u during die 14th. loth and ld?n een-: 1 tries, ami when we ronsitfr th?t science : ? - v ?.id ti wi upon a footing ul oiTuniy. ir.:?jL- ; manufactures and cmnmen ?; rnrl that the patilr* of learning and literature conbl . Kiirn the tootsteps of soon men as Cuaur T, Lelanri, A sella mi, 1 y nr| ili?, l'axton..j StrcHscr, Svdnev, fihiukesp^are, ISnron. i pulton. &e. lire., he forts agriculture had advanced one Mop towards J i\;*1 r thei f 'sedation of 2iti?iio eK>*oiic;ic<\ we niu-t ?.*JI to our aid some other irsflj:-nce to a-*v<wn1 for the pV norm-en. *1 nis we j K.iail tind in itsrlf. l*,wi\ age has \ \ marked spirit u hi.-h Mnmps .. itli its in-; fl.ience every improvement, and liiips I c?ery event. Iv nrv science, ton at cer j fair peri ?ds, feels a peculiar infim-nce, j v.*!rt?-h turns its erasrgi-. s to the develops inent or non developcsment of truth. And h\ the combined operation of one sicm upon ngricul.ure wc. may explain the lc.ii- i argir existence offln^lish agriculture. it was the oldest science, nod con-e. <?uent!v iv?s considered to i?e tile best ' I 'toun practice; whence. to use language we haw. employed, " li became the youug- t est in thcorv; and without principles to fgulato its common tisane, sanctioned , ijy ancieul dogmas. n..<ii Hi tiie.r stead. , 1'nder all circnms* nn?-rs these remained ?Ke same, and of course the practice varied i 1 . .i j:ut. Tile road which custom liailniaiK-j ej out was beaten and sm<?oth, and the; f?rnn;Tcon'Miwed to travel upon it. It' was h circle too, and brought lii*n aiwavs to tiio place lie started from; and lit* never ? l??st himself. Hut m travelling npoii on?*' patii, and at once pare for a bngth of i lime, we both wen rout the road and in- i capacitate ourselves lor travelling at ar.v J ether pace, b'o, a long course of injiidi- I ? kius management a cl dropping, not en:\ viuoisted the arable land, but, ;>S 1 he i fatalism of the Turks ims prevented them ' from inarching on with enntemporarv?' nation*, in the scale of civilization, the j ~ " ? t I'llltlV.lllfin <il I [' *IV \'l (I Q / VUX'V, ^ ?. * 'iieh (the same here and every where);; ? -quired iw exertion of mind, deadened i < ? re spirit of inquiry in the fanner, ami left ! I.iii? an easy uninquiring being, knowing! nothing from him^tdl". bid governed by i M? here.iiiHr\ feeding of odcjionce to an- j lent us.ige,?> | , This, tben, (lie weight which j; bound do* t?-our agriculture to one long!) % -I * ( medioeiity. It wax considered merely | i nr. i-iiifttfir*' *<'?hu<*o, instead of an exj/eri- j Pinntj!, wmeh, own?g to its great vur- ; inly of operations,and the many different , circumstances a tier ting these oooratiu . it must hi's.i he considered, if we would j ( cultivate it wnn sie*ces<; for, says Y.trro. ' Nature has given us two ways to ajn- 1' cultural know ledge; and exp ?ri unrr*. Preceding husbandmen by e\j e i- j' innnt-havn established ininv rn-?>.i.sis | which their pn-lerify generally imitate, t )>ut we cnipht no* only to imit ttc o'tura., -t I. sc to mrfa exn?ri:n"n!*, cot dictated by ;< A ? .J iv . '* j f?7firr. vtu ' > t ii 'i.. li t! ?i mm* not till th?3 (fit.i ilo #f ifj(;' 17? ifcsf -hi; ii:5:cfjcr t;. ET?n fa> ]v (o lose lis }> r.ver. In the Elizabeth ??ae the in ml of man appears to have ree. iv< d a general stimulus, the of which is a tffi im.tly manifest in the <-.''>4re-.s of c.varv branch of human know iedjjc, ami agriculture apaoars soon after to show sotrio marks of general advan co. It was not hwevor til! a much 1 iter i p-Tiod in the l->,h ee tfii' V, witen inorlor!; | science (l?v pursuin;* t system of observa- ; tion and research, in which ihe mind of i 1 - i*.I the oD-rMTor mi l ino stores ot mo .s-in. .v(ii-3 iinj>r<>vcrt] lit tlii same tune,) liati. j iv iis Heiu,?venr-nts. hvame justified in j achnitric!<*ieg no ptrjcc'iom*n<l knowing J no fh;.t tho principle ofirni- j cnt.i'cK lost iia induerieo. Tiiei), 1 wh?n every branch of science h-:d rea-t'd ?t- | s-'l' a .structure founded upon the rock of ob i st.rv?'ion, when tin'eve' of inn pbdosonfier j took a wider ruine*. the hiunrto unexplored j grounds of acriruitiire we.e peered *ito. life ? nc^Ie; teu spr ijj was bronchi to li^b*?and 1 (here a ".nine ol rich discoV' r, ." At I??st :he j prop, .etors of these tind veloped res urcoc be- i LT-i ?to awa!>?; confidence in the hi'lnTto un- j resisted axiom-; orew w< ak 'r, initial0:1 became , Muho^dui 'te to reeearch. observation, and d due- I tion. <n?veri;??d upon c iro's pr.nciple, " not by ; chance nut by reason." Or the whole case j in :y he th:i< R'linni inly stated.* It wis 1 he practice tot ike anient customs ' as an mfailitue jjuidc: notion? was then doub- i , led; no'.h1!)/ hive.-t jated, and consequently! ti??fniii?T unprovd. It is mow the prnicip'e to do uotMinjr without a reason; every thin"th'Tcfore, is in vesica ted and c msequently every tii n? inp-ovrd. . I Toe truth of the form r position we have already snowed, the rta.d's of tiio other aieas ' e.c.?r!y d velojittd 11 the praciu e of u^r.cCii,Ui"c ip to, .?nd at the prelum tone. [ To be C Oiiliuucd J Fern the South- Western Farmer. j Mkssrs IjDiroits:?!Iuv:r..j s;en inn fo: ,un number of your wiLubh: paper h " ' * L req 10-iT thiit p^rmns roncfioi :g \ney nns. seared soma improved method of culture or oilier far!-? wor!:. would let themselves ' he hoard through the 'dunn of vour paper. and having n strong desire to see how 1 would look in print, I am induced ! :n 01 v pi tin way to.suggest what I cons id ^ C!" Of VCi V grCg. 4.11 'v<?4..iJCv ?J celtou V ? j ptd nlcr. 10 a wot season, one of tho greatest difii- I cul.ics the cotton grower has to conteiKi witii in old and ?o;!s i>? tLo spontnn- , cons and rapid grow th of crab grass.? Tit * is not only a s *nuus Ov.l to * lie* grow 1 -g crop, but it extends its malign and ind ten. e to and daring the oicitlog season: rendering i' infinitely more unpleasant and unhealthy to the hands !?v the heavy dews it retains, until a la'C hour of the day ?" An Oiir.ce ol" prevention i.-? *v?.rih a pound of cure."? Now, although 1 bo not know Inov this mu'hrmi.'ica' axiom was first iiit.oduccd, or on what <i .!;t the calculation was made, to arrive at such a rational conclusion, I have hs inu"h faith in 'he assumption, as that "a stitch in time save nine" .. l.'n.K ! l-nrt ? t(, hr> rlcnn'w'raMe accord ing !<> ' I*i ' Gou^li" snd others of .indent rcv? rcncr; ami if it cm rot be proved i>v those of the present d?'rrenerntf> whv I would not give a fij for foe . whole of thorn. Now VI s;>r.. for four vou w til be ?etiin?; tired by su?d? irrelov- I nnt matter. i will endeavour to noproxi. | .nitons near as 1 t ar., to what I ij waul t ? sh r, Y to mu?t know then tint 1 Invejrrmt faith in a Pott <-n?[); ;ni I tn mv limited experience. I in\?\ I think, nr iv. ed :il one fact u i r.h by being ptir.Ml J in the wav ot rotation as ii ?!iou!J La, I have no doubt will 1< svn tbo cotton phi't^rs inborn in working h <4 rr,..-> at 'wast fif'v per c?'nt.. Now u is not my intention to in. ti c or yu and your reader^ a long article, hut it thr- is well received, no one may k low, for the fu* ir \ what yoa hi ay have to culler. I .vri.'e t ii tii article no id. tint oil may have unie to ;>ro?U uv it lor tae cutton croo o; ikal i r >?ir- . ! Do not bow* your Peas in your corn f -et ? o is a iiad oiari. fc>ow tfoern in votir rve or oat --------- r >f u bide as Sinn aft r you get your crop olfihe ground is poss.h'e?at left. ' three perks to an an ace ><( the pr-ft'ext rnmwig. oca*, or cw butii /or wore f of the h!ark c other.< 'hit run hul it-lie. I prof- r sowing tiivm in drill* abrut J lo -1 2 le t apart dropping two or throe peasm a place, wb4,n thi vinos are to be jat ior.-d; uh.c.b should he done before ?h?i i catches them. Sown broadcast when to he fed on t fie ground i- hil'y a* good a plan, j The best method of curing litem, i.? to let iIcoi gut wilted, not particular h<?w much, so thai iue leaves are rot dried en 'Ugh : i>. drop ; tli'-fi throw them into moderate 8.2 d , Oovk-in we'll- id arid let the n s'and uatilsuffi- ! cieo > cured, vwncii W'JI require several ! days?even if the w eh-r -hoi Id b?' Hue?but; be not alarmed at rain falling on them. There i an bo no st nenor to ?d 10 aloe a in an^ coUil. j irv, and is ai iia'a cheap one. When to be j dackeJ away. toe most approved method is { lo ini.v altoi'ti >te iavers ol dry straw ot so;m ! description. a:ul 1 libera! use of salt wjll not be anr.w. This render- the otherwise mc-lcss <traw' ncarlv as vduab'e as tin' pea fodder, J md ensures the keying of the Utter. IJut lists all digressvu; 1 on'y wanted to 1 -ay, that 1 sw.ved iastyear in a very grassy | i>uw.e of g muii J about inree pecks ot ihoj "Crowder" peas to llie acre, and that this j ?e u there is lint asp-ar of crab grms seen i'le'v rnnirjicte y Mi itted sinotlnrod out every j vesiige of the grass. No land cou.'d have j been til liiu r condition for a coltqu crop this j spring in coiis. qneiice. The pea cron was | worth to me at the rate ot at least $Jd per ' < acre, estimating corn to be worth ot) cents.; >cr bushel. I do not thick thai the oea is )r<?jior!i??n-tic to the iucivitbwi qi tinny of;' i n).', hot ilxi iir*y 'hat can be made froai iliem j . astly c>? i itt;r any denote, ley in ! In* - 'i,f?e objection may be mad'.* J i im one would waul to how as many j A-ouid { rpjure h:s entire cotton ground;!1 ) p.w ?o\v ail you can. Bif 1 wonder it i-' j* voul'l ti ?t be beit'-r to plant l??.;s cotton arid j: nore po ts* and tc.d and keep well more ^uoi! j | ows, hors.-?, mules, oxen and prepare more! \ed. Ll"~n 'Is particularly fond of a ?!:.?.ti I ,j piMS. V-nv pieasfjtisl ask ifj tf ciphering ! { nan who cij>t?cr'd out >tie divi>ion Berkshire j 1 jijrs, wn.'liK'f h* ran 1 r.ner out I I itv-ut the pforiis of iho amplication o/ j t 1 l.. II i 1* ipa. Wclf) i --on': want to tiro vou, ro rrrw i.!!. i PEA YIN22* r ~ . -. jcuntv. ? . iTv/. 1 i 9 ' ' * IMPORTANT FKOM MF.X:C'?. I j The (Jn 'Ied Slates frigate Macedonian i arrived at rensacola last Monday from ' ; \ era Cruz. When s!ie ItT-', the yellow j 1 fever was verv had, deaths 30 i?r 4l) per- < day, and was very had also at Tuni;?ico. j Commodore Wilkinson furnished the edftor of ine Pcn.sacolu Ci izette with several i l.itelv ISMied hv ! interesting UUr.'iiir.iiw , ;he Mexican Government. They arc all j aimed against Texas and against the 1 Uniter! Sates far allowing s0 much aid as has been given to Texas hy American ' citizens within the United Suites. '['he lir>t paper i> a circular to Mexican ! diplomatic and consular agents in Eu ! rope and America. It states the con. I slant solicitude and recent preparations j of the Mexican Government for the ! *ro-c??ri(juest of thoriep irtmmit of Texas;" j conip'ains that "the Government and j subordinate ami local authorities" of the United S'rttes have "tolerated tranqudl), , contentedly, and impassively the nuinur- | ous public meetings which are held, the j arrnam-nts artd other aids of war that her j citizens send constantly to Texasand i that Santa Anna has "pro-1 tested tormally and repeatedly against i sue 1i an open violation of the principles ' of the laws of nations, and of the treaties oi friendship which hud been form- j cd." Enclosed in this circular arc circular* j iddressed to the Diplomatic Ministers of . England,, Spain, Prussia, and the j United Suites, and a special nolo addre<- j to the Hon. Dmiel Webster, Sccre- j tarv of State of the United States, both j Sated on the 31?iof May. j ?re directed to he published as fully us ! lossihle by the Mexican agents through- j )ut Europe and America. Ti.e circular addressed to Fore gn i I Minister* is full of reproaches against tne j (Jnited States lor having Hiiffered, in the J presence ot iN anihorities, the recruiting j ind arming of volunteers and furnishing i uf munitions of war against Mxioo and ; j on behalf of 1\ xas; states the formal j and repeated protests of Mexico against these breaches of the law of nations and ! the faith of treaties; and recites that j '.hose explanations are made to the end j I thai the Governments may be apprised of I | such acts, and know that "Mexico, with- ' | out desiring to disturb the relations which j subsist with the United Slates, well j i knows how it may bo proper to manifest j land cause to lie appreciated the juctice j ; which accompanies her, and which she | | considers based upon the taw of nations ?making u?e of all that her honor a:.d . J ... , I, m.11- /!,.111:1 rulx " ......... A'. Y Standard. j .? i 1 Wo copy from the New York Journal j , of C man rre the (blowing translation of; . .1 j a letter, addressed I?y li.o Secretary oft State of the R"pai?lic ol Mexico to lim J 'Secretary of State of the United Static,! i hut published at Mexico before it loci left j I that country on its way to Ike United i Slates: National PalarMexico, 3Li>*\\, 1^4'd * . 1 A few days since, the undersigned, ; .Mini.tier of Forc ^u iioliitioiis of tin; Mux- ! lean U :|?u >iic, had the honor o address I the honorable S cretary of S -He of tlie ; United Suites, protesting form *r!y l?? that Republic, in the nam.: <?f his Excellency | tne Provisional Pivaidetit, against the f oont:nu:il hostilities and aggressions J en urn.tied by ct'ijj ns of those Si ites j upon the Mexican .'errkory. A lavera- j hie oh in ge might have ht-en Imped for in consvq mnce; but it seems necessary, by reason of a continuance of those aj/g'OK- ; *.->iis, to call the attention of honorable Secretary ofSiUte to the subject anew on I ucceunt of tin: undeninnie tolerance u hioh j has been Mini continues to lie extended to tho enemies of a nation sincerely friendIv, ami hound tiy the solemn treaty coin, j pacts which mule tiie two Republics. In Hint note, after bringing to the no- ! * n n tice of tlie Secretary the circumspection with which, ever since tiie revolution in Tex is broke out. tlie Government of Mexicu has endeavored to conduct its j relations with the United Slates in order to avoid a rupture between two nations wnivdi on account of their importance j' and other grave considerations, seemed j destined to control ttic policy and destiny of the vast and fertile American continent, the undersigned (1 iltered himself I Willi the idea liial the Cabinet of Wash- j uigion would not protect either openly or i secretly, nor in any way, the scandalous i usurpation of a put of our acknowledged ; i u.itional territory. Hat ho has the pain i | :<? inter from the acts palpable lo tliej( whole world, tint the. said Cabinet of the I Jnited Suites and the subordinate. arid } j local authorities are pursuing a course of j ! conduct entirely contrary to the most J t sacred principle of the law of nations, ! md to the solemn treaties of friendship j which exist between the two nations. 01 ' his, suilicient evidence is afforded hy t!?e ; ' illowance of noisy pdrii-cal meetings j it various places in said S ates, tii? prop. ! iration of arm men's, the embarkation of! urge number* ot volunteers, and I lie dis- j 0 lositian ami endeavor, as lar as conveni. | " lit and practicaoic, to aid the J'e.viuns. | , uid promote the invasion o! u neighbor. ' . ng and friendly Republic J ? Such conduct the Mexican Government j t ran not comprehend : and although ani- ! uated with a smeere desire that tile re- ? at ions iiovv happily existing hot woen j 1 {lis II -public iiiul tilt; I'nite-.l States ma\ ) i1 iut sitiJVr the least alteration, it teelsi ? nmrivl it. trun;:uoss to report, ir, the ir^ist brrra! 4* fbrt.icr pfuteui a^ainjtj he tolerance before mentioned, n conlin- j lance of which it will regard as .1 positive j it*t of hostility against this Republic, and j ivi'l regulate it* conduct as justice, its j own interests, and the national dignity 1 inav demand. j Tiie undersigned hopes'hat the Secretnrv will he pleased to reply as promptly as the importance of thesul>j? ct demands, and avails himself of ihu opportunity to j repeat to him the assurances of the (lis- J tinguished consideration with which he subscrihes himself your most obedient servant. J. MUU.Y DR ROCYNRGR V. TO PROTECT LAMHS AGAINST FOYFS \V e happened to bo in a hardware store j the other day, wrmn a farmer came in j and inquired for Sheep Bells. lie stated j that the ooiy way in which he could pro- t teat ins Landis against the depredations j of the Foxes, was by putting hulls on a j few of the sheep in his flock; when this ! was done, the lambs were safe. We : thought the hint worth remeuiherin g and have put it down here for the boaclit of our leaders,?Con. Far. Gcz. The neatest way to separate wax from honey-comb is to tie the comb up in a linen or woolen bag; place it in a kcitle ol cold water, and hao 14 it over the fire.? .Vs tho water heats, ti.o wax melts, and rises to the surface, while all the impurities remain in the hag. It is well to put ; a few pebbles in the bag to keep it lYuin flouting. 1 nontrcultural fhenom::n0v. Mrs. Child, editor of the Anti-Slavery J Standard, gives the following account of h remarkable rosebush in tho vicinity o! j Boston: ?" A large and very healthy far- j berrv bush stood in the midst oi a pt'.ce of ground, which a gentlemen had appro- ! printed to a flower garden. l'hngarden- , cr, unwilling to lose such a vigorous grow th and being minded to try an ex- j, cut it off, not far above the root, and grafted a slip of white loses into ; it. If ?/r*nv rapidly, and b'*c?mft n tnnv j ing bash; and what was very singular j though leaven and flowers remained in | shape a r??f,e, the color chaii^rtd Iroin u-hite to (hat delicate straw color, which I characterizes the barberry blossom, The ' arrangement of the bush, too changed its j cha-acler; the brandies, instead of shoot- j ing out straight h?\o n rose, assumed the drooping, curving lino of the barberry. j ?Dr. FranUin.?When Dr. j Frakiin was in England, just prior to tlio 1 American Revolution, he was 0:10 night in one of the Coffee Houses of London, j in company of a party of liUerary and scientific gentlemen who greatly aJmired his conversational power, both ior ilis strength and orignalitv. A stranger, ; t - m ^ ^ I who was atflicted with the most offeneive j odor, but liked tile Doctor's conversation, ( came into tile bu\ where t'ae box whe.o i the par!) w ere assembled. Frar.k'in pro posed that bis friends should remove to another box to escape the horrid smell; they did so, but the stranger followed ] ibeni?ag tin, at Franklin's instance thev, ! j removed, and he again fodowtd; when,; ;be Doctor's patience gutting thread-bare, he said to file stranger, that he would be ulrfiged to him not to follow them again for !iis scent was so offensive it could not j In* home. IJo of the smell took it as aj git.^s i?s;i1t, and challenged the Doctor ) i;irn \t morning, who replied, by saving ( to the offended party, "that 'if 1 . ueccjit vour challenge, we fight, mid you j kill me, I shall iu a few days, snu-II a> I badly as yon do now?if I k Ii vou, you * will, if possible, sineil worse than vou do j at pr?Mint; in neither case can 1 see ! how dtiy benefit ran result to ourselves or I others, and, therefore, decline I no thailonge." Among 'In? inebriate* recently reformed a! IkilTitloe , N. \ork, is .Mr. (hto, W. I C'ljulon. son of the celebrated L)e Witt f Clinton. H:s ca>e excited so deep an ; interest among the people, that lie was! recently elected Mayor of the cit) by a i genorel vote, irrespective of party poli j l!"- ' I A SCKN'C IX T1IM TIOL'SR. In the course of (ho speach which Mr. Weil* r, of Ohio. delivered \esterday in the j House, ori the Veto message, he turned e? ' I to jMr. Granger and asked:? Could he tell how many victims had j been sacrificed in his Department of the : General Post Odiice on the alter oi Whig principles? Mr. Granger said he would respond with pleasure. There iuJ been aooui j seventeen hundred. Mr. WeJIcr. Seventeen hundred! And] low uinuv more would tho gentleman j iave ductifued had lie remained lodger in j iffii.-e. ,)/r. GrnngT would answer that too.? [| til he remained in oHice another year in would have added three thousand ! nore. So that would have made 4,70d j n all. [Laughter.] .Mr. Weller. Seventeen hundred vieims fell by the gen tie man's own hand icfore he was victimized himself. [A j t Tiugh ] Mr. \V. could almost see tlie I , lortorahie gentleman as he wended his | \u\ to the Post Office, with his pockets] iTtiHe i w ith applications lor O.noe, and -oing to the keeper of the guilotino, offer- } ng more heads of me;-() because they had j rote.I for .Martin \~an Burcii. Mr. \\\ j tn ?nv that rnanv lnd he v. ' 11iu^ ""/ ?; | hits sacrified fur nsi other crime. Would j he gen llr*(n:iii deny it! Mr. Granger, if lire papers fire now ! n the state \ left them, the gentleman, ! f he goes there, wili find us nice a set ol | lapers before the excution as he.could! ioSoii)ly Till. Ut ViiM* AMI irs CULCKCTIOX. Very ^rc*it ccnludtoj is likely to oocur; it appears, at nl! the Custom- House*, in !; romseqaenee, first, o| the tiotiSt whether ! i there be any revenue law m existence, ??nd, secondly, nhoiild ti?<; law be vet in j force, of t ie absence ot any provision btj laic of the means of nsccrtaing ihe home j valuation'?^at. Iutd. , From th? U. S G.iJtla ?f S.tarday. I.OOK OUT TOU TRKASO.N. The Madisoninn of yesterday cor. sins ! the injf a wlul annunciation. '< hit in tiie name of treason is coining? "COX-PIRACY AGAINST Till*. PRBSIDi:^ 1 j "To-morrow we purpose giving the ! details of the conspiracy to tear down I'm Cxecutive branch of the Government, j The Constitution is in danger; our fee- ! j dorn is in iot.p:udy ; hut still wo hope and j believe the dastard plotters will he defeat - j ed. We believe that IWangutn will not | obtain posrossion of the Government even i for an hour. He lacks too many of the qualities oi a Cromwell. But there are oil)tus, not members ol Congress, of bultt r intellect than the avowej i.npfach rs, who will he astonished that we are famil. iar with all their secret, selfish movements for months past. It is our intension tu give t:?e particulars to*m.>rrow. In the mean time, let a I true men he prepared to stand hy the Constitution." Now, of course, we arc to have the real thunder and earthquakes. Hitherto all has heen merely curds ami whev, and, as Jjancho Panza wis wont to declare, look to your Constitution, gentlemen?look to ! the President?look to the Midi-oman ? | all are in ti mber. Look to your free I dnin?even thai is in jeopardy. Tiio Ex- J ocutive is r.? he " lorn down," Uc want j the horrid disclosure. Upon the above the National Iufelli. j gcncer remarks a* follows: Meeting with lire above alarming noli, j ,'icntion in so re-peetable a journal as (iro i I Ciiilrd Su*!(:$ {JumUe, wo locked into tin- j j Mndiamian of {Saturday for too detail- ! I of this "conspiracy to tear down the E\- j ; eciitive branch of tiro Government and : we theic f?,and 4 moat absurd and prt pus- ! tenuis .story, the* more coiaage of so.on 1 j disordered bi'a.ti, of u plan on I tin part of! the Whigs in Congress, in ease; of a no 1 tht r "Veto, to the Pn si-lent to be \ inenpalde of carrying on the Government. j qn l to (I vo!vo the Executive functions i upon the individual who. under the Co t. ' siitution, would succeed to tic Presi ji*u. 1 tinl office in the event of his death, rosig. ' na'ion, or inability to discharge lire p.,4. J ers and duties of that office. It can hardly he neees-ary to say, for ihe information of anv intelligent reader, ... tint tins story, Willi all its cucum-st ncos, a dingether Jcstiluteof fo inda'ton.nless i e perchance in some sportive r mark in familiar conversation, which h a been mistaken for a serious siiggestioii. ' j Fkstaik SPUNK IN KUUDK ISLAND ? ' We have heard of hut one .-ingle instance ! ... I oi hesitation among the whole tour thou- 1 sand citizen iniiitia who were called into , the field during the r.vent rebellion. A j man belonging to one of the country bri- ! mrles lawed behind his regiment, and . fin.lily returned to Ins family. " Ar'nt | von going with the troops!" his wife, j " Why ihi. my dear, I think on the whole it i-. my duty to slay and protect you," j replied the husband. " Well now." s.v vs she. "I can toll yon i iust what n is; minor vmi or I have got j to go wiili Governor Kind's men aghiiist : Tom Don 's rebels. If y>u sre not going, ; give me vour breeches!" fie wen*. i I A MOW K.N f! 31V. A singular causeof drstrn.-tion has no- j penrod among the lo'-ust trees in ihe J iii'i^lihoihoori of Iliiidavsbnrg, Ihi. They have been attacked b; a norm, win 'H bores through and through (hetiur.k, and cuts oti the limbs and b.anehes al tin;; fork mi completely, thai a -.light w ind or (heir own weight sulri os t<- bring them to the ground. Standing beside the treo, i the boring operation can lie plainly heard, , , and (he dost of the animal augur covers i the ground at the root of the true. j ' ~ i 1 r.o.u die I'oviJ. u\i: J >aru*'. [, It is verv well ascertained ibat a con. fiidenddo force, probably between *200 and 3J0 men, left New York with a view of joining Dorr at Chcpachet. or at Ii h?I i | with the intention of being present at (he ' ; i i 1 sacking of Providence?an event which.! whs looked forward to almost as certain. | These men embarked in a screamer ; they i touched at a point in Connecticut, and j ( learned that Dorr had fled. when they returned to New lork. I ( A lawyer has been sent from New York j j to advise the prisoners now under evami- i ( nation, lie obtained access to them, and j ( urged strongly upon such ns were ac-) ( <j landed with the plans and views of the J : heads of the movement, not to disclose { any thing. There are inmi in New York j who have very good rcasun lor wishing 1 " t II matters bushed up. One of the prisoners, in his examina- I lion, has given the name of this Uw ver 1 Daniel I.. Nickels. Ql'ESnONABLE Clnta'LlMENT An exchange paper stafes that a complimentary j bull was !atc;j given to a large leg in Gin* cifisi.iti. lr went out of it nSlo and laid him i 1 as co.d as bacon. Imprisonment f>r i 'kb r?a bill abolish- ; ilig im^'is JfiiiiciU f>r dent in Pcnn-yivatiia, t iia-i parsed fin? Legislature ut Stale, at its i'1'cbClil SlUilOll _____ Therein a bi.-cuit bukfrv in Philadelphia,at which it is stated, one hundred barrels of ft ur j e.'an I)*; converted into bread every twelve i hours. Rvrr vr St. Catiiakincs.?We have a | report of n serious fracas that too't plice a-j Iiv>uif u?e 'n?(i laooren* ami smut? lhi iumic j at St. Otuurines, on the 4?f< infant, It i-> J' ;ai.j tnat three })-:r*o:is tu the !?tter ; m??v v.ere kilicj ami many ?>:? ?ii?? other bide j > u.'toiiily tmjicJ. The f-ui f>aJ .ti origin in \ in attenrnt of the laborer* to rolebrato the Jay in a patriotic manner.? B'ifalo Cummer;iai AuCC'iisCFrom Mi?* N. V>>rk Tribune. TlltS ?'ROTON AQUEDI Cr. This stnpeii'lu iug srucnire is now completed, and in a few weeks at fartncat tin* city wilt nave a foretaste of th- thousand benefits it ndost net! to confer. Our citizens may not be general y a vare thU in thin magnificent work i|tey are surpassing ancient Rome in one of lier proudest boast*. None of the hydraulic structures o? that city, in spite of the iegione of slaves at her command, equal, in magnitude 'of iWiirii, perfection of detail, and prospective benefit*. thiij aqueduct. The main Iruuk consists ofan immense mass of masonry, six feet and a lull wide, nine teet high, and forty mifos long, formed of walla ilu-ue foet thick, contented into mdid ro k. But tins water channel, gigantic ?3 it is, is far Irom being all iJir> work. The dim across the Crotoo, which retain*, the water in a grand resi-rveir, is a mound of earth and matsonary, forty feet high ai d seventy feet widd at the bottom, and h is connected vvitn it unity complicated but perfect contrivances to enable the engineer to iiave complete control over the mighty mass of water. The river, thus thrown bick toward its source, will form a lake of five hundred arret, which will retain a supply for emergencies of some thousand mil ions of gallons, and i oifer, as a collateral advantage, many pictuicsqufTsius o country seats upon the woody pom * wliich wil j.?i out into ita smooth basia A tunnel lead- trie water from this reservoir into the aqurduct, and eleven more of these nikt?.riiwmno n i nfrttr hi<fi rp rpurhirifT ?~M WW I I" ' ' 1 IP y .7 w . v ? Ilarlein River, having An Aggregate I ngtii of seven-eights of a mile, and many of them being cut through the solid rock At interval* of* mile, ventilators are constructed in llu? loi.n of to aero of white marble, which give io thp water that exposure to the atmosphero without which it becomes vapid and insipid; ^iid tw-se dazzling turret* mark out the line of the aqueduct to the passenger* upon the Hudson. The .streams wiiich inters- ct the line of tho structure are cuiueved under it in stone culverts, the extroin.Liut-o! which afford the ?nis ineers an opportunity of displaying their arch t-'C'ur-1 tas'e. X'ng Sing creek. w th its 'Je *p rav-ne, is eroded by a bridge of a single elliptical arch of eighty-eight f el sp n an I a hundred feet ab<?ve 'he stream Its unusoaliy n o f?d workman-hip was proved i?y its having sen led bur one iiicti aher ft?e centres were removed. The view 01 its in issivc grace from the narrow valley beneath is one of the most striking point* upon ihe line?Sl? epy Hollow, weli known to the trader*of im igi native lore, is s -ann'-d by a eerie* of graceful archea. 'I Im* nridge arrow* Harlem ttiver ha? N'm t L,% cir iuel of miip.ii rittil riiVMrrft' Tlis* ^(llllifs nsofii ign-fice it yn net y tnd pe faction.* (1 thoscinl -reait d in preserving th u luvijpfnu) of thai sire.<111, lnv? warmly advocated th* erect!>n f a bridge, over which the WH'ttf miijht pas* upon its regular kvej; whde the friends of more measured economy recommend a lower and clnap-T structure. ?o which p<p?*? mmi (1 descend and risi therefrom a't- r the manner of ati 'liveried septum. Tie plan finally adopted is tnat of a h'gh bridge, hut slid wi'h its surface ten feet below tlie u??i < 1 IT'ade. which Ulla f-u teen inched to the mile. It is a quarter of a mile fane, one hundred and sixteen feet ab v?? hijh w a'"r, and it* esij. nut?'d cost exceed? three quarter* of a million. Across this the wafer i* conveyed in hvg/J iron Oi,.e~. protected from the i rue! hy a coy'. ering of earth four feet deep. Near Manful, fiiuvtllo is a funnel a quarter of a mile long. through tito htli at that place, and itsvallev is crossed bv pipes descendi one hundred mid live feet, (*tendcnnin?j Valley is p t?.-ed at an elevation of foity liut, and arches of appropriate size, upon tins lines of tire streets, leave symmetrical carriage wavs and fool paths. n' 1 .. *? ii,? C j/aiU <1 III l?"l v oil it; 1110 two a gre i reservoirs of this stupendous aqueduct. Tin* receiving rnfervoir, at Vuikville. thirty eight miles from the darn at Crofna, river, is in two divisions, botli covering u space of thirty live no res. ea. cable of containing one hundred and s.xtv million* of gallons. It is enclosed by granite walls ?f solirl ni H.nnrv. roughly nm-iiel. Tiie b-.ttom oftiiu basin is tho soil. Tiiu .lis1 ibillion rp*crvoir, at Miimjr'g Hi I in Forty-second street, is a much finer ami more expensive work It is ne irlv square, and rovers an area of about five acres. fur bottom is made of pud. died clay, as smooth, bard and water.tight a. marble itself. This area is 440 feet square at the base, and is divided in tho centre by a wall of granite 10 feet thick at the bottom and 4 at the top. It is sur. rounded bv a wall, a ho of granite, cornposed of three distinct coluceiis of solid mason work. Tile other column is five feet thick; the second six. and the th rd or inner one a linnig of grate, about fifteen inches in depth, placed upon a concrete masonary above 30 feet thick at the base, * ? . - l II II I roin the outside to me rnt.inie wan? ihe thickness of neither included?thu. listanceis It feet; and from the extreme if the outer wall to the inner of the third is CO leef?the three walls unitng at the top. At n distance of ten feet from each ?l!ier are thick cr.jjw wails with solid arches, thus binding the whole into one soiui* mjjerish^olerna?j. From the top of tho Vorll-.cast cornice to the level of the street the distance is 53 feet. The depth, of the reservoir is 40 feet; and it will contain water to the depth of 00 feet, or about 22 millions of gallons?as computed a few days since by James Renwick, Jrr% one ot the engineers employed on the work. At the Cast end of the division wall a well has been sunk to tho depth of fifty feet communicating with a sewer below, and forming a waste.wier for the discharge of the surplus wafpr, when I irj the reservoir nhove the height of HOfee*. At the bottom of the well is a laid a block of granite, weighing seven Ions, arid still farther to break 'he frll of the overflowing stream, and to prevent it from wearing a. ii.? .? .r..? wafKr to the depth of six V* ?l V I IIU , ? feet rests permanently at the hoi tail). From the ivt'lJ waste-water is conveyed iy a sewer nearly a mile to the North R i v?r. The style of architecture is Egyptian? .w!l titted by its heavy and imposing itmractvr for a w ork ofsuiih magnitude*. Fiie sii nmit of the walls around tho"v h"Ie area is flagg"danJ wilt be provided rtith a heavy iron railing?for tut off a