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Indian Anecdote.?John S^quashe. !5 quash, an Indian of the remains of a tribe 1 in Connecticut, was some years since ( I brought before a justice of the peace on; 1 some charge or other, which 1 do not now recollect. John happened to he drunk 1 at the time, and instead of answering directly to the questions put by the jus. ticc, merely muttered out: " Your honor is vcrv wise?verv wise?y-y-your honor is vr y wise, I say." Hemg unable to get nnv other answer from him, the justice ordered him to he locked up till the next day. when John was brought before him perfectly sober. " Why, John,"said the justice, 44 you i were drunk as a beast yesterday. W hen I askc 1 you any questions, the only answer you made was?4 lour honor s very j w s ? very wise.'" * I)id I call honor ?WW' said the In dian with a look of incredulity. 44 Yes,"answered the magistrate. 4 Then," rcp'ied John, 44 I must have ! been drunk sure enough." j A Pentagonal Duel ?In our late Loudon papers \vc find an immensely j and outrageously absuid correspondence,! sm^llinjr of powder and bali, but so hope- | 'esdy involved and bctwisted that no fight i iit I been got out of it, that we despair of being able to give a clear account of /he causa belli between the parties. It seems that a Mr. S\ mons had taken of- , fence at something said about him by one iSn William Wraxall, and sent a hostile message by a certain Mr. Lev, to which J Sir William was reported by Mr. Lev to h ive given an improper answer; Sir Wil'i i u denied the impropriety, and sent a Mr. Porthwick to Mr. Ley with a challenge. which Mr. Ley r.fused to accept on 11 ground of Sir Williams miscon* duct to Mr. Symons; publications orisu d bv one Mr. Rol>crtson, Lev's fn? n 1 ' \ hicri Borfhwiek pronounced false, and t er upon challenged Robertson, who de- j < lined the honor for certain reasons which do not very distinctly appear. A whole shower of notes and memoranda followed, in vvhieh the partus jnve each other the lie nil round, hut which did little or nothing toward unravelling the tangled skein of their embioilment; and at the date of the last advices the mitter stood thus: Syinons wanted to fight Lev, Ley wanted to fight Borthwick, Bortlnvick wanted t?? fight Robertson, and Robertson did not want to fight at all, while neither of the other four had any desire to fight t <e particular gentleman asking the favor J at his hands. The London papers, which i r liculethe absurdity of the whole alTair, j suggest that a pentagonal fight be got up, the parlies being stationed in a five sided figure, and every man taking a crack at 1 lits right hand neighbor.?JV. Com. O 3 Jeu d'Esi hit.?T. e editor of the London Age, slates tbol having had occasion to explore files of the morning papers for an advertisement, several singular nnti- j res to correspondents struck his eye.? The following from the British Travel- ! i 1 Irr are specimens : "Common Sense" if passible in our next. j 'Christianity" must he deferred fijr more temporary matter Scandal" has already appeared in a j for ner number. "Truth" is inadinissahlc. iloncsty" would he unintelligible to many of our readers. We know nothing of "Good Manners" < I therefore Il?c writer must lie mistaken in his conjectures. "Seurrilit\" may depend upon h ingj inserted during the course of the week. I Decency" must be altered to make it j fit for our columns. 44A Patriot" is at present rather out of date. 44 Vn Honest Lawyer," with other originals in a day or two. "Matter ot Fact" does not come within the circle of newspaper intelligence. |< TJ MISS EMMA VKK, WHO HAD A PET JAY, J OF WHICH SHE WAS VERY FOND. | 1 O, M A V! O, M A V ! I've f lien in !ovc with U; I' U >in fail as D nan P, what else could 1 do ? A'id pray B kind enough to try 11 L' Cdii'l love again,? R. dearest, deign to cast ynui I , Ou iiic, and ease n y pain. Vo ir J is fo d, too, ohich I knew lie docs S A t? prove; And lie can talk, I grant, but O ! lie cannot talk o! lore. < < 4 Believe me, M A. when I say 1 1 dote to that X S, 1 I N V oven that pet J, 1 Which U sometimes caress, ' Though rotny Oilierxrirls I kuow, And thej R fa* 2 C4 Yet L' X L them nil?oak! so , 1 love but M A Y. P P. S.?My love can neVr DR. | i Except wli'Oi I shall die; Ami if your heart must ray me r,ay, . Just write and t-rll iue Y. ! . < I i An I of inr nothing V will C, No more ou earth I'll trouble l'f Bu< some day drug the river [>. And there U'll find?J. W. A GOOl) STORY. TI e folio \ ing excellent story is told of ( Mr Shcafe a irrocer in Portsmouth New Hampshire; we see it in several of the I eastern papers: ? It appears that a man had purchased a ^ quantity of wool from him, which had a heen weighed and paid f??r, and Mr. S. s had gone to the desk to get change for a ' ' note happening to turn while there, he j saw, in the glass that hung so as to re- i fleet the *d op, a stout arm reach up ari;l ' take from the shell a heavy white oak dices**. iujlcad tf appearing suddenly j ind rebuking tl.c ifian for bis thef',* as another would, thereby loosing his custom Fore;vi r, the <ra~tyold gentleman gave the thiol" his change as if nothing had happenned, and then under the pretence r>f lifting the hag to lay it on a horse for him, toulv hold o| it, on doing so, it appeared heavier than he appeared to ex j> ct, upon which he exclaimed; Why. hless me, I must have reckoned the weight wrong.' ?<)n no,' said (he oilier, 'yon may ho sure o' flint, for [ counted them with von." 'Well well; we won't dispute about the matter?it's ensilv tried!'replied M .S. pulling the bag into the scales again. ?'There!' said he, '1 told you so?knew I was right?made a a mistake of nearly twenty pounds: how. ever, if you do it want the whole yon needn't have it?77/ take part of it oul\' :No n ','said the o h r staying the hands of Mr. S. on his way to the strings of the hag, *7 rather guess III take the irholeV And this he did, paying lor rascality by receiv ing skim milk shecse or tap rock at the price of wool. M When I caine to this country,** nays an emigrant, ;41 had several hundred dollars in gold, ana they then called me Mr. Smith: but when it was all gone, I was only called p a n Uncle Bill." THE RIGHTS OF WOMAN'. On the trial of a woman i i England, for biting off a man's nose, the foreman of the jury decided, that if a man attempted to kiss a wourn against h *r will, she had a right to bite off his nose, if she had a fancy for so -X ? i A ?'* >???^A io n/?oAi"ilinirlu rot lirnorl UUlllg . .1 VUIUIVI n an avvui ivwui uvu for the defendant. TOWH iTIKETIiVG. IN Compliance witii the leque.-t of some of the citizens, the Town Council invite a Town Meeting at the Hall on Saturday the 9th of July, at three o'clock P. M. for the purpose of considering the ) roprhly of modifying or rep alinglhe Ordinance ulo prevent Horses and olhor slock from running at large at the Town of Cheraw"?and for tlio further purpose of con. sideriug the subject of petitioning the Lcgida. turc at it next session to extend and define th# limits of the Town of Choraw. By order of Council. JOHN A. TNG LIS, Iuiondant. June 27. 1S1J 33 2t THE UNITED STATES I> STRICT COURT, ) District of South Carolina. ^ ! i \ IMVkri PTCY. WHHUCAS, Kn dred Bennett, Merchant of Ncwnia k -l, Darlington District, S. ('. hath filed a Peition praying that he may be declared a Bankrupt, pursuant 1o tlie Act ol : Congress of the United States, made and now in J force, concerning Bankrupts, and that ho may have the bonefi ofth-said Ac*; this is to giviiOt'CC of 'he said Petition, and that a hearing tlrweof will be had before the Honorable ROB. RRT B GILCHRIST, Judge of the said Court, at a (Joyl to be lioh'en at the federal Court Home, in Charleston, mi Monday *ho eighteenth day of J 11y next at eleven n'oloc^ A. M., at which place and tunc all jrersons interest' <1 may ap|>ear and shew cause, if any they have whv the pr ycrof the said Petitioner should not lr- granted. H. Y. GRAY, Clerk, Charleston 33d day of June, t#s2. 33 31 DISTRICT TEMPERANCE MEETINC. The friends of Temperance in Marlboro' Distriolein; requested to meet at Bennettsvilic o# Monday the fourili ??f July next for the purpose of fo/uiii.g a I>i=>tric?. Temperance Society. As it is salt day, it is proposed to have the Me-.ting in the ufteruong, and measures will be taken the proceeding* interesting Societies from ths neighboring Districts and tUe friends of Temperance generally, arc respcctfwily invited to attend. .jiuiic stjlh. i-c43!. NOTICE. Benjamin m.intosh having applied for and received the benefit of the Insol v? nt Debtors Law at the last term of the Court of Common Pleas for Chesterfield District, and , having filed with his petition the tollowiug schedule of his Estaio, viz One Book Case, one Bureau, one Toil.t Class, ono Portable Desk, two Leather Trunks, Infiuts ('rib, obc Rflc Gun, one Silv-. r Watch, History of England, I'O Greece, Do. South America, Do. W. States, Watts on the Mind, llervcy's Meditations, Life r?f Wrn. Penn, Do. Marion, C.ty of the Sultan Memoirs of Episcopius, W riling* of1 Maria Edgcworth, 10 Vols., Rollins Ancient History, I^mprere's Classical Dictionary, R<>. inan Antiquities, IMcKcnzir's Rec'ts., Burns' Poems. Campbell's Do., Life of Franklin, Sam Slick, Travels in America, one Looking Glass, a few chairs, Lirgo Family Bible, History or Rome, Walkei's D'Ciioiiary, Shake. | ^[ieare, Eweh Medical Companion,Ready Calcu- I lator & Interest Bo"k, E of Woman's J j Life, S;igcof Crete d-, Ernest Maltr ivin, Pil- ( ? grims of the Rliine, Form Rook, American t Chesterfield, Scottish (-hi?fs, Concordance to i Holy Scripture*, Book on Book-keeping. South- ) oin Cabinet, one Oa*pet Bag, one Cow Hide, 1 one Hair Trunk, ??ue pair sinall scales and few j cast I on weights, one whisk Broom, one Towil *r Horn and Mask, Pencil atid Pock t knife, one Kw?-r and B-sin. So p and Brush, Stai)d.s? one Col'd Mug, one Pocket Book, ono \ rlion, one Borckganion Box, one Booking Chair aud Cushion, one Umbrella, one j?ajr ^ Kazors and 2 Straps, one Swo/d-Coae, < rump- i ing Irons, G,ig Whip, share in Rngii>eC??H*pany, ! ( Comb-on the Constitution, Proverbs, Book of, flasher, Fi*ks Travels, modern acting Hraoja., i Irons forjBrick Manufactory. And the same lnvijig been regularly assigned to me, I shall on [ Thursday the 7il? of Juiy next ojjof at Public auction in the town of Clieraw, and suh tjje | property mentioned in said schedule. Terms made known on day ofpaha. JOHN EVANS, Assignee. June 21, IH42. 32 2l MIFKIFF SAFES. ON Wiits of Fieii Facias will be s Id Iwfore t!?e Court House d'*won lho first Monday iinlduy following in July icrxt within the legal lours the following p 'pe;ty viz: Nr>l Acres of 'h d more 01 Joss whereon fho lefeudarit leaidos lying on both sides of Thomp. oris Crock '?id adjoining the lanus o( Mrs. Car iway. James Sinclair, und I*' wis Mea?'or at tli* i urt of Patrick and John May vs. Alexander day, To: ms?Cash? Purchasers to pay for use- ssa V |)Ul>01&. JOHN ICVWS, si?ir. c. i). S.':' iiil' s Olhcr, June 'J, lSl'J. i3i tf "Tnrc SUBSCRIBER" PURCHASED rrrcnilyin New Vork a \rrv heavy and general assortment of Gnmls wh h have all come to hand, and he now offi ? them at Wholesale or Retail at very low pric r for Cas.i or Produce. A. !\ LACOSTE. October 27th 1841. SO If ^ I.'K ? wn sn i i?. * .'1 .1 mw m 4 i.T JTLl-m mr . Speriii, Marianne and Tallow Candles. Bar and Perfumed Saop. Foe Sale bv A. P. HCOSTE. Oeto'-er 27. 18IT. .00 tf HATS AAD CAPS. 15 Dozen fJentlemens' and Boys, Black and Or ah Fur Hats, 28 Dozen Wool Hats. A Large stock of Fur, Ilair, Cloth, and Se. lette Caps, For sale by A. P. LA COST R. ATTESTIOH S Cher ate Jicat. - THE Muster which was ordered lor the fourth of July 10 is postponed until the 9ih Jnlv ; on which day thor< fwill he an election for Maty ord^r of Capt. Pcgues. T. G. SANDERS, June 14, 1812. 31 tf IV OTIC JR. THE Cnpartneship li*letofore existing untlei the Htm of Janus G. Hemimg & Co. is I tlii:; day dissolved by mutual consent, j The b sineiw of the firm will lie closed l>) I Jam^s li. denning, who will continue the Re ceiving, Forwarding and Commission business on his own account. Georgetown,S. C.June 1, 1842. 31 4t SPORTSMAVS POWDER. ONE Case Englisli Canister Rifle Powder manufactured hy "P;gous &. Wilks," J^on don, lor sale by ll?e Canister. D. MALLOY. May 28, 1*41. 29 tf NOTICE. GII. DPALAP Would icspect fully give notice to his friends and the public that having commenced business agthj on his own account he finds it absolutely necessary to cm t dl very much his credit business, he has consequently determined too; en accounts only with such persons as have heretofore paid their accounts punctually at or near the end o! the year and with such only as will givo posi tivc assurance of doing so in future, Oct. 13, 1841. 48 if COTTON OSAABDRRS AND COTTON YARN. THE Subscriber has received on consign, nient from tlie Do Kalb Factory at Camden S. C 12 Gales very superior Cotton Osnaburg^and i-2 Bajca Cotton Yarn, which he wil sell tli.c Bale to \f cr chants o-- us good c lie'.tcr tornvs th^n tli^y PM) jmrclmse in New Yoik or Charleston. fie would also invite the Planters of the neighborhood to call and examine tho Oznaburg*, <1 will find it a cheaper and better article than has ever been sold in this market. 0- J/. PUN LAP. Cuotsw, April 4, l?i2. 41 tf HARDWARE A VD SMITHS' TOOLS. A general?vact tf AAiese article* (urszle by A. P. LACWfB, October 27,1841. 50 tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. ALE persons indebted t the Estate of tli.o late Mrs. Ann Lide of Marlboro' District, deceased, will make immediate payment to tlw Subscrilmr, and ali persons having any demands against the ?aid Estate will render attested slate, incnts of the same within the time prcsciibcJ by law to tho Subscriber. JAMES IRBY, A11111 nslrator. April 10, 1841. 26 3... GOOD BARGAINS. TBI ME Subscriber has on band many articleJL of Meichandise not now tn his line of bus sinegs; and which ho has no room in his s ore for, all sue! goods will be sold very cheap. Tlicy consist of the fyJtoifWg' aflticlap, vix Negro Cloths (a $q.o4 article) While flams, Blanket Overcoats, Uyffil Blank-its, Gale Rop \ Brass And Irons, Shovfe^ and Tongs, Jugs and Jars, Pots and Ovens. lron#?d Steel, J Crockery, &.c. G. II. DUN LAP. November. 10,1841 52 tf KLACKSITCITIIIAU. Subscriber has this day recommenced business on his own account and hopes by close application to business to share public patronage. My prices will be moderate. Ibirs* Shoeing wid rcccivu my personal attention it is therefore warranted t9 be done with neatness and despatch N. B.?I am now prepared to repair, or puj ijj> p xr li#hij;i?ij c. i. shiver. April i 1612. 21 tf AOTJCF. THE Subscribers rcspeciOi'ly inform their customary ujuJ the pit no generaMy thai they Irtk^e MUidfl arrangements t keep their Bakery in apcr-rtion during the summer. Families and others car be at all times supplied with fresh Bread, Cakes and Crakers. They will as usual keep a supp'y of all articles in the if Ijrvp. EMANUEL & SOLOMOJVS. June 22, 184a 32 iit POKTUIlfE, ^ A Few Dozen Fort ui the (Most clwien quality. forsa'e by EMANUEL & SOLOMONS. June *22,1842* 32 4t " A CABD. OAGUERKEOTIPE A? 1 Tl'KLS TAKEN everyday (Sundaysexocp. tod) from 9 A. M, till 5 P. M. at the Corner of stcond Street ami Market Square. A CORRECT LIKENESS ?nd PERFECT ejiecyficiui of tlie Art or no lliU PIIO The pnMic ar<' i to call andoxamino the Kpcciuicn* at lite room. J. HERVEY. June 20, 1^42. 32 2t to hire: I^RO.Vl 6 to 10 Prime men to hire hj the dny, trerk, or mouth. A. )\ LACOSTK. June 20, 1812. 32 if [SPRING AND SINIIER GOODS. rBTIiL Subscriber lias just received a well JL soiecled stock of Pancy and Staple Dry !(iwlst G. H. DUN LAP. Chora w, April 0, 184*2. 22 If j IJonnctts. JUST received a handsome assortment of Ladi. s, Mimes and Children* fine Straw, J Tuscan. Zejiharinc, Lawn and otlie?- fmhionahle I Bonnets. G. H. DUN LA P. April 9, 22 tl FASHION A BrLLrillOl \ AND t^Al.M Loaf II.ils, for Moii, Boys and Children just received by (J. II. DUNLAP. April 9, 22 tf | HAULING I have two four horse lea ins, that I am not now able to give full employment, and should I eb glad to engage a job of hauling, or work by I ihc diij on very reasonable terms. A. P. LAC03TK. April 13, 22 if STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, > Darlington District. I.v tup. Court Common Pleas. i Petilion for the benrft of the Insolvent Debtor's Act. MXQAli A. BACOT having this sixteenth 1m day of April, eighteen hundred and fortytwo filed a Petition Praying that he may have the benefit of the act of Asscmb y commonly i ailed tho Insolvent Debtors Act, It is therefore ordered by the Court that all the Creditors cif the said Noah A. Bacot. do appear personally or by Attorwy before the Court of Common Pleas on the second Monday after the fourth Mortl ?y in October nex'? to shew'cause if any they have, why the Prayer of the said Petition should . not be granted, and that notice of the said , Petition be published for tiie space of threo mouths in the Farmer's Gazette. S. WILDS DuBOSE, C. C. F. By order of the Court. April !G, 1812. 25 ftm. BONNETS, HOODS, AND BAND BOXES. Ladies and 4/ippes, Florence and Straw Bonnets. i.adtes Coloured Hoods. For sale hy A. P. LACOSTK. Octobei 27, 1841. 50 tl 4 CIV CircrvaviMV m ? rm% armr wr n THE TIMES are such as lo compel the Subscriber to ccnti-ue the Cash system Groceries and all articles in that line will be sold fur Cash only. Persons whoso nccis. and notes still remain unpaid, will please unI dersrand that no new credits will l.e given until all old arreareges are settled in full. ? 1). MALLOV. ; Election! IN Pnr-nance of an erdef received from Col. J. VV. Blakoney, an eloc*i<;.'? for Major 01 Lower Battalion 2rtth Regi incut Smith Cjroiiuu Militia will be held at Moore's Hotel on ?a..lir. day thc9t.h day of July next. Lieut. C. I. Shiver and Ensign J. H. Mclvcr. are hereby ordered to assist in conduc ing said election. B. F. PEGUF.S, Capt. 1 Beat No. 1. May 24. 1P42. 26 tf ' i The PoIin open from 11 o'clock A, M. to 3 j o'clock P. M. FOR SALE. THE dwelling house and two lots in Powc Town, now occupied by W. J. Bailey. ''pic situation j* \fi ^!>q healthiest p.nt of the | TownFor fiutlier part'cidars application may hi made to Col. J. W. Blakcncy or H, T CHAPMAN. ;,vnc }l, 1842. 31 2.?f2:n MORE or "ALLISO.A'S" ffe.H IEAB OCD WHKKE1. IN slop? and for salo about 3i>0 Ga1 mis ol ,,Alliso?'a"o!d Ah sk?y, on reasonable terms. Aj?plv to B. BRVAS k liBO. June 14, 1842. 31 4t nnt r no if fflft ? j r.P. JTMliE P?4c James R Ervin wi'l lie sold -B. on favorable terms. She i* r ow Oil the way up and will be delivered to die ^imhnser oo i Iter arrival. Apply to cjt h??r of tilt* subscribe^. D. MALLOY ;y. & T. BAILEY & Co. JAMES ii. C4HM. I Drceinhrr 4, I8JI. 4 SWEET POTATOES. ONE HUNDRED Bushels of pood si7.~ pn?a. Iocs, for tablo u?j, in tine condi'ion, for sale : by A. P. LACOST& | April \2, 22 W ! Corn Wanted. ANTED to purchase front 1010 1.0 '000 J w Bushels corn to he delivered ij3 Clio/aw,, I oi at any of the landings ('.own t?w mcr. for which the higho t market price will be paid 1). McNAIR. April jl, J84?. n tf WOOD. I II EC EH Y tender to my late customers in the VVe.od Ii.rje. my gfulctiji aekn/jwlertge. ' incuts, for the liberal fMtronngft, I have received i at their hands, and would now mos' re pertfully request/that I hey would continue to give their | orders to Major P. R. W. Melver, to wjjom I 1 have said my land, ayjd who is fully prepared to [ deliver any quantity of weed that may be rcqniI r d. Ad orders for Wood left at my store, will be ! sent to the r> aid lice of Major Mclver. A. P. LuCOSTE. Janunry 1*2. 1812. 12 tf SADDLER A very largo assortment of Boys, Men8, and | Ladies Saddles. Also, Bridles, jl/artingales, Whips, Collars, Saddle Bags, Gig, Stilkey. and Carryall Harness, Stirrup |ron8f Girths and Surcingles. For 6ale very cheap by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 18-11. 50 tl ?300 ~REWAl . ^KS7ALL bo given for the apprehension If Of WILLIAM VV. KING, I ite Sheriff of Dariingtnn District, who cspaped : from Jail on the morning of the lllh instant,' where hi was confined bv virtue of sundry li.tii Writs. King is about Kif'y years of age, about 5 t< ot 8 inch' s high, has keen black eys, dark hair, tii god with grey. Somewhat eccen trie in manner, Has been for many years past a circuit rider of the Mothpdisl Episcopal Church. The a!>ove reward will be paid to any person or persons who shall deliver aaid King to the Subscriber a: Dailington Court S. C? | WM. WINHATK, 1 Sliff. D. P. J June 15, IS 12. 32 3t I New Steam Boat line. | A Steam Boat I.iuo La a lienn formed in coniinc- I J lion with the new Steam Rout "Utility" and a j sett of tow Boat* ?it present threo tu numlrer I others wil' be added as the businessiniy n qiiiro. ' j The Utility wan built in Wilmington in I84lf 4 ! and draws when empty but 19 inches water! A j She e irries 500 Bales of Cttton and draws then be [ but little over three feet. Country merchants who may wis-h to get their Goods up in the Summer and early in the Full when the River is gcnernl'y low \vi I find it to I their advantage to patronize this. Several lor- 1 I warding Merchants and other residents of Che- J ' raw and other places are iuteri>ledf and feel confident that they can hold out such indu -e- J incntr to the hack country as will l>; beneficial j to all concerned. The business will 1>" done principally by t nving lighters which will insure 1 a passage while there is two feet wate? in the 1 ohannel. B. BRYAN V BRO Agents. 1 From tlio Transcript (Charleston) of March 3d. Charleston S. C\, Feb. 28, 1842. This to all whom it may concern?we, the"1 f itnd'Tsigned, William Bird, Joseph Addison. and j _ ; Jain'-s Marsh, junior; shipwrights of the above j: nunird citv, by the request o' John Kit kpatrick, repaired on board of the Steamer Utility, com. maiided and owned by the said Kirkpitrick, and " aficr a full examination of (lie hull and con- (; struction of the s.iid Steam Boit Utlity, are of (| I unanimous opinion that the said Steam Bo>t ; i Utility is iit every respect suitable and strong . ' enough to navigite any River or Riveip, and | capable of carrying five hundred or more bale* p of cotton. S< To whifch we have fixed our names and g.:als j ^ j this 26th Ftbrury 842. I W. BIRD [SonL] j JOS. ADDISON. [SenI ] " JAS. MARSH, jr. [Seal.] u Chnr'cslon Feb. 28. 1842. ' ! I do hereby certify that I w is Pilot on Board ! the Stoani Bout Uli ity and that tho said boat I was oxjiosed to a heavy sea during llm p outage I) j between Wilmington and Charlesiou without i ' receiving any damage. I do also certify that she i j 1 i did not woik. or show any signs of weakness, ! and tha she was not pumped out during the ' time I was o.i board of her. t< \ WILLIAM CLEM MONS. j June fi. 1542. 30 Inmt3in fo j The "Charlotte Journal and J fF-nonhn, 1 Sal sbiury Watchman and F.iye* eville Observer r i will each insert the above once a iiunilh for three ! J* j months, and forw.iru their a.-counts io he nffioo j ' j of the Fanners'Ouzctte, Cheruw, for payment. , [ | j _ J. ! DANIEL JOH^OX i8 WOULD Xi-sp'C'fully ill lorn I ?h?J citizens j #.?" < *1. .....I ll,? ..,.1,11,. ?..,.n,nll?l|,,| I ft he h i8 now on liaiiJ a good supply of | ti j mens' tiuo Boots and Sim > and Ladies' firm q j Seal Shoe* and Kid Slippers, together with a variety of other kinds all of which arc od'-red at c low prici a. " A supply of northern Sole I/Mlher and Calf ; Skins of Clio best quility just received and two good v> orkincn employed so that Boots and Slums (( j ol a good quality will be made to order on short , jiOtici'. " Gentlemetis' Summer Clothing for s-ilcchcap. It Sugar, Collie, SiUt. Molasses, Rice, Ac., will |j j be sold as low as such articles can be bought ii> j this market. j J/ay 9, 1842. 26 tf n SPERM, A SO TANNERS OIL, ? By the Barrei or at retail, for sale by B A. 1*. LAC08TK. it October 27. 1841. 50 ti 10,000LBS. \l BACON. 1* and . i,ooo lbs. ; LARD. . 1: For sale by JOIIN' W. L AK. s( April 21, 1812. 21 tf AXES - jtl 18 dogen Col'fnp, Hunts, awl Marsh stip^rior ! lr Axes, for sale hv the dozen at imicii bvlttw the j V) i usual rates, C' A. P. LACOSTE. jlh October 27 1841. 50 tf L ? CORN WAITED, fBAHK Subscriber wishes to purchase 2 00 ^ EL Bushels i>qoU Corn, * P MALLOY. u December 6, 184f 4 tf , pf i - 11* PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. N W 7" PLUMES 1st. 2nd and 3rd. ef Pictorial - JJtojtFitinns of the Bible containing 20?J j * Hiigraving* ?*<< . . j fl Vof sale low at the j CUBl?AW BOOKS rORF.. ieO if j IPPBR AAD SOLE LEATHER. I Was, ?od vJalf Skins, and Hemlock Tanned j Sole Leather. Tor pale low. A. P. LACOSTE. j October 27, 1841. 50 tf. HARDWARE. THE Subseril**! keeps coindaut'y an hand a ; l-rge and well sebcted assortment t.f 1 H.ifilvvH/e, including nlmoM every doscrinlien of C ptnlers Tools; which he is silling very cheap. D. MALLOY. i March 8, 1842. 17 tf A 2500 PAIR SHOES. Comprising every varie'y, and for sale on accommodating terms. ? A- P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50U FA.ATCY AYD STAPLE DRY GOODS. A few Fancy, and a large and well selected ! on stock of Staple Dry Goods for sale low by d A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 tf ,n a n SOW'S SOUTH CAROLINA ll-i 4 large supply of Simm's !: st ry of South I |t Carolina, designed for the use of Schcol; Gt ....-i % i anu n<:<ujcnif?'?. For sale at the Bo jk store l?y j JOHN WRIGHT. 17," 2" if ? an SOITII CAROLINA. 1H Chesterfield District. ?JAMUEL D. TIM.MONS, T..ll? before me \ a l?ny mure Mule about fourteen years o'd. CI blind of the rijrht eyre. gear marked war f,n tb?* right tide of the rump, the end of the ear* cut off, ? and small white spot in the forehead, tlio linir fhnv d uff the tall appiaistd ut tbiriy five Dol- A Urs, , /I JOHN SINCLAIR, ket May?trate April U, 1612. C3 lamflm j J CHEESE. I O CASKS CIIEKSE L For by ? A. P. LACOSTE. Dec. 1, 1841. 3 if 2LASS, PAINT, AND PATTY. 1 ?* ?C orlKilufi Vlllirll Will Ijflrgt CHIJCK Ul lllt'fc aiuvivpj ? ? ? ? ; bold at reduced rates. A. P. LACOSTE. 1 lie Sulwcrilicr im* jusi received, ?? <! v* il ?p coiiKUiutly on liand.CoUon Yarn and Tw ;n? vvlioitbuie, from the Man factory oi Uotlui g. nil. CEO GOODRICH. Ch^raw, J;,n. 1Q40. 10 IV Important Work. Now in Press, and irill shortly be "published, a Dictionary of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND MINERS. PY AXPKRW I PP., M. D., F. R. &C. Illustrated icith 1,241 Engrarings ! rlHS is, unquestionably, this most popular work of the kind, ever pub. shed, and a book most admirably adapt, d to the wants of all classes, of the com. Minify. The following arc the impor. int objects which the learned author eneavors to accomplish? 1st. To instruct the Manufacturer, letallurgist, and Tradesman, in tho rinciples of their respective processes, 3 as to render them, in reality, the mas. ;rs of their business; ami to emancipate tern from a state of bondage to such as re too commonly governed by blind prej. dice and vicious routine. 2dly. T? afford Merchants, Brokers' Irysalters, Druggists, and Officers of the Lcvenue, characteristic descriptions of ie commodities which pass through their ands. 3,11*/ Ri- ovliilkitinrr some of the finest -V ? o 7 eveloprnents of Chemistry and Pby*ir#? 5 lay open an excellent pi ac lieu I school a students of these kindred science*. 4thly. To tench Capitalists, who may e desirous of placing their funds in some roduelive branch of industry, to select idicinusly, among plausible el- i uantu. 5thly. To enable gentlemen of tho jaw to hec? me well aeipiainted with the ature of those pntpnt schemes which are o apt to give rise to litigation. 6llily. To present to Le^iv'ators such cl? ar exposition of the staple rrwnufncires, as may dissuade (hem from enactig laws, whivh obstruct industry, or hcrish one branch of it, to the injury of mny others. And, lastly, to give the general readr. intent, chiefly, on Intellectual Cultivnlon views of many of the noblest achieve, icnts of Science, in effecting thfwe grand "informations of matter, to which (treat tritain and the United Sfaetsowe their arnmount wealth, rank and power, along the nations of the earth. The latest Statistics ofevcry important bject of iVIanufaetures, arc given from le best, and usually from Official authory, at the end of each article. The Work will he printed from (ho l^- L r? ?conrt London Lniiion, vrnirn hciij* u?r 12 a copy. It will be put on-good pacr, in new brevier type, and will make flout 1400 pages. It will oe issued in >venty one semi monthly numbers, (in overs) at 25 cents each, on delivery. C^7"To any persons us five dnl. ir.s, at one time, in advance we will for. nrd the numbers by mail, post jmid, as )on as they come from the press. To suitable Agents this affords a raro ^portunity, as we can put the work lo mm on terms extranrdiiuirily fuvornhJe. i every manufacturing town, and every llage, throughout the United Siateannd ^ anada, suhserilwrscan be obtained with ie greatest facility.?Address, post paid, a R<>y Sunderland, 125 Fulton street, rw York. %*Toevery editor who gives this nd. utijcment twelve insertions, we will for. ard to order, one copy of the whole woik ovided the pipers containing this notice sent to the iNew York Watchman, aw York. HTHOtVS CLT^ICAL BOOKS. fOllN WRIGHT lias now on hand and tor W bale at the Ro?>ketore a <j"od supply of Atiihou'b (tre?'k, do Greek Lessons, do Greek Prosody, do Horace, do Cicero, do Siilliist, do ('a?nr. do Litih Pmeodjr, rio do L'bsons. do l>ctinnary. do Edition of Aiiisv%Latin I dictionary, do Edition of Valpey'g Orecu Grammar. 20 it CANDLES Lfcw Boxen T* jow and Sperm Caudles for sale by D. MALLOIT. May 31,1841. 29 ' ?tf In tiik Common Pleas. Chesterfield District. Ilenrv Easterling, ) Declaration vs. > on note in G. W. Broth. ) Attachment. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in thm action did i this day tile his Declaration against G. VV. >oth, the defendant, who is absei it from and thout the I mits of the State (as it is said.) d having neither wife or attorney known on whom a copy of the above Declaration, th a rule to plead thereto, may be served ; ^ is therefore in pursuance id the Acts nI the ?neraj AssemMv of tins State in such cam s, ide and provided; Ordered 'hat the defend, t, do plead thereto on or before the twenty, th day of December next, otherwise final i! absolute judgment wtli bo then g ven and arded against him by default. T. BRYAN. Office of Common Pleas f lestertield C. 11. Dec. 23,1641, \ 9 leBmfly PROVlMOl^ " trend supply O i H tcon. lard. Floor and L Meal on hand ami for sale the lowest inarpricc. * W- V * ALLOY. JlTl h 7 lfl-19 |?. ?"?VH ' | , ? * ? '