University of South Carolina Libraries
rn i.?i l II'MHIWI K Tii??Arpuas DRivr. ThcrV h ijrini aiic.hars: hoarse, in a jolly round trot; To tin.' churchyard, ;? potrper is going, I wot. 'Mm ioui it is rough, uuJ the hearse has i.o spring*. Air J liar* to the dirga thai the sad Jiivor sings: ' 'lialtie his bones over the stones? He's only a pauper, who.a noJody owns!" Oil. wlicro are l!ie mourners? Alas! there ore none; lie 11 is left not a gab in the world, now he'gone? Net a tear in the eye of child, woman or man To thegravo with his carcase us last us you can. "Rattle h r bones orer the stones? lie's only u pauper. wnoiv no body owns!" What a jost'Mig and crcaxing, and splashing and diu ! Tiio whij? how it enks! and the wheels how the pin ! ** * 1 * - ??-4 I r* ' n'^r K 'i I rr^v: iq H .?* ">e oiri, rig't ?mu ?o ?, v.-. ?. ugv. ? liurl'tl ! . Th? | a iper at length make* a ndisc in llic woriil! "Ratlf- his honon over th?? stones ? tip's* only d pauper, whom no body uwns !' Poor pauner defunct ! lie has made some appro ch To gjiitilitv, now that hi'a sireicli'd in a coach! H .'9 taking a drive in his carriage at ln?*f; L it il u >1 not bo long, if he guts ou do, 4R h*!-. his t*o"?-s? mer the slo-vs ? lie's only a pauper, whorh nobody owns!" Yon bumpkins ! wlio stare at your brother c mvey'd, Rain.Id wh it respect to a e'<>ddy isp iid; And he joyful to think, vshen by Ueatfi you*r< laid lo.v, You've a chance to the grave like a gnnman In go. "Rattle his boil.-* "VT the sion"s? lie'> oni/ a p uper, wiioiu liuoody owns!" f'at a t ace to this strain, for iriy soul it is sad T<? think that a heart inhumanity clad, ?Sin?uid <nake, like the brute, such a uc0olaie end, depart fion the light without leaving a friend! Bur softly his hones over 'lie stones? Tno' a paupei, he's one whom his .Mukei yel owns! snvKi. wiaiDixc. The annexed novel inanntge is well worthy of preservation. About a cenfu. fv ago, saitli tradition, when clergymen were not so plenty as they now are, a young gentleman and ins (Julcinin were anxiously awaiting the happy day wis to see them united in the silken bands cT matrimony. Thev resided on the north side nl T?*ohonic ere' k, and tin: clergyman wl o I. id iitc-n engaged to tie 'he knot lived on the.NOudi side ot the same stream. As the fates would have it, heavv ri.ius foil the night previous to the nuptial day, which rendu red the creek impassa'de.? I s waters were rising, and its current becoming c ore rapid every hour. The cieigyn.aii arrived at the appointed tune and place, where he had been in the habit of lording the creek ; but it was a> much as Ins life was worth to attempt t< cross it then. II: turned his horse's head to return, when he was hailed by two voices on the opposite side of the stream?they were those of the groom aou brum, wno entreated him to stay. After soj?e debate, it was agreed that the ceremony should proceed. In the mean time the friends of the h. trained ur rived from the bride's house in the neigh, horhood. Then was presented a singular spectacle, ?the bke whereof w;ts ncvet seen before," and probably will not be again. Tup dominie read the marrnigc * " ioo nn iiiu m-.iroin }h*? while P?V 1 > I 9 \? Uiv VI . the parlies stood on the opp?Stle side.? A her the ceremony Was oveY, the groom tossed a few guilders aeross the creek, which the dominie picked up and pocketled as his fee, mounted his horse, am! profeedtd homewards: and the married t-tmjde d?d the same. A son of the Itinera led Isle, who arri ?fed at New York the other day, was ask< d !>v an acquaintance to take a glass of grog, but declined, giving as a reason for his refusal, that he had joined the tern he i a nee society in Cork, before leaving Ireland. His friend replied, that was no consequence, as a pledge given in Ireland was not binding here. To this piece of h ft-handed morality, Patrick indignantly retorted, " ho ye suppose w hin I brought me body to America. I'd be a ft her laving me soul in Ireland.'" SAM SLICK'S INFERENCE BF.TWEEN A SWEETHEART AM) A WIFE. This must he an everlasting fine country beyond all doubt, for the folks have nothiu to do hut to ride about and talk politics. In winter, when the ground is covered wilh t?n-:>w, wliai grand times thev have here a slaying over these here marshes wilh the gals, or play in ball on ihe ice, or goin to quiltin frolics, of nine long winter cvenins, and then u drivin ii-.inie hke mad, by inoonliglit. Natur meant that season on purpose for courtin. A little tidy scrumptious looking slav, a real clipper of a horse, a string of bells as long as a string of inions round his neck, and a sj*rig on his hack, looking for all ?' _ -I l-l " -? liiineli r?f a tul<v? fit rralll. ill** wini uiyu <i miHvii vi wj'!'.? ? ?, crin time, and a sweet'ieait along aside, ;iil tiiiiiHoii up but bor eyes and I |)<, t> e one looking righ' at yo i, is e'en almost to drive one ravin, larii; di* r:cted mad w h fdoashcr. aint it? \nd then the dear c litters sav the bells make such a din there's no heurin one's self speak, so they put their pretty iit'le mugs Hose u > to the face, and talk, tili one can't help looking at them instead of the horse, an i then \\ hap you go capsized into a snow (.rilt togM per, sk in * fusions and all. And then to see the little criter shake herself when sh" got* up, like a duck landing from a pond, a chattering away all lite time like a canars bird, and you a hawu hawing with plcnsher, is fun alive, you may depend. In this way 1)1 uo nose gets on to oiler himself as a lover, before he i knows wuere he is. Hut whe n he pets married, he recovers his eve-sight in little h ss tl a i half no time.?He soon finds he's treed, his flint is fixed then you may depend. She larns him how vinegar is | made; 4* Tut plenty of sugar into the , water aforeha lid, my dear," says she, 44 if von want it real sharp." The larf is on >; the oilier side of Ids mou'h. If his slay ( I gets upsot it's no longer a funny matter, 1 ' J tell you; he catches it right and left. Her J eye's don't look up to his'n any more, I nor her l.'ttle tongue ring like a l.ell any j longer, hut a great hig hood covers her I head, and a whippin greal mulftovrrs her } r ' ' ' ' < i - r ii I.I i ' lace, and sae icuus use a Lag 01 oiu t ionics , a goin to the brook to be washed. When they get out, she don't want any i more for hiin lo walk lock and lock with her, but ihey inarch like horse and cow to water, in each gutter. If there ain't a j transmogrification, it's a pity. The j ' difference between a wife and a sweetj heart is near about as great as there is between new and hard eider?the man never tires of putting one to iiis lips, but makes plaguy wry faces at t'other. It makes roe so kinder of wamblecropt when I think on it, that 1'in.afeared to venture on matrimony at all. I have seen some blue noses most properly bit, you may de; per d. The marriagefyokc is plaguy apt to i gall the neck, a3 olushbow how does the ox j1 it rainy wether, unless it he most pnrtic* i>r f,itrwl Vnn'vo sprn a voke of ! I cattle llmt warnt properly mated; they spend more time in pullin agin each oilier than in pullin the load. ** Well, that's apt to he the case with them as choose, i iheir wives at slayin parties, quiltin frolj iess and soon, instead of Hie dairies, ; looms and cheese house. j The W ishingtonian Total Abstinence ! S ricty of Charleston, have hired a house i and established it as an Asylum for the j unfortunate beings who are (he especial L / ?dyjr;cts of their charity. Reformed inc. , briatos who have taken the pledge and j without h home, 01 means of subsistence, ] i are here kept cut of the way of temptation, until their proofs of amendment ena! hie them to obtain employment. In this 1 i holy cause, no good man, it is believed, will he unwilling to share the labour and j glory, and the Society therefore solicit ] donations of either money, bedding, clothing, or provisions. Information of donations intended may may be left with * either of the following ofllcers w ho com, [ pose the committee of charity : ; Or. A (i Mac-lcoy, President ; Dr. B A Rodriguez, 1st Vice President; LI L Kerrison, 2d Vice President; J li Taylor, Cha rman Standing Committee; J M Leilch, Chaiim.iii ?isiting Committee. L ...a'. Cjiiri< i*. Hard Timks.?"The hardest by fur 1 '[ever experienced," said an old codger, i ' i was the time when I ;;o? lost in the woods ; j I ?when for four days i slept on a rock, and cracked butternuts with iiiv teeth for t living. Tiieiu was hard limes, 1 led DISTRICT TEMPERANCE MSET-1 INC. The friends of Temperance in Marlboro* Dis. ricl :?ri leqi-oslnl |o mret at BcnnrlisviHe on \Ionday tiie fourth of July next fo; the purpose ?f forum g a District Temperance Sectciy. As it i* salt tinv. it is pi-Ofnaed to have the Me ting in the afternoon, aod measures will be ; iuki-p the proceedings deeply interesting Societies from th? eigiihorinjr Districts and j the friends of Temper i nee generally , are respect- j (ally i viiedto attend. June 20tu, 1^42. NOTICE. ' B"1ENJAM|N M? INTOSI1 having applied J) for an ' received the benefit of the insol- ' vont Debtors Law at the last term of the Coui I ] of Common Pleas for Chesterfield Dis'rict, and having filed wit li his petition the following sche- j cole of his Estate, viz* One Book Case, one j one Toilet C#l;iss, one 1'ori.aoie I'eslc, j two Leather Trunks, Infants t'rib, one Ritle i Gilii, one Silv? r VValch, I lis lory of England,) Do. Greece-, Do. South America, Do. W. Slates, : ' ! W.iits oit the Mind, llervey's Meditations, Life of Win. lYnn, Do. Marion, C.ty of the Sultan M-inoirs of Episcopius, Writings of Alalia Edge won h, 10 Vols., Rollins Ancient j History, Lemprcre's Classical Dictionary, R' man Antirpiiticn, McKouzk-'s Rec'ts., Bums' i Poems. Campbell's Do., Life of Franklin, Sam i Slick, Travels in America, one Looking Glass, [ 1 a f'-vv chairs. Large Family Bible, His. | toiy of Rome, Walker's Dictionary, Shake, i ; t pen re, EweL .Medical Companion,Ready Calcu- ' lalor A- Interest Book, E of Woman's i Life, S ige of Gretted , Ernest Maltrevin, Pilgrims of the Rhine, Form Book, American t Chesterfield, Scotlish Che fs, Concordance to Holv Scriptures, l?o-?k on Book-k^ eping South01 it Cabinet, one Ca -pel Bag, one Cow Hide, j one II -ir Trunk, one pair small scales and few j Ca t I on weights, one whisk Broom, one Pow. ' . der Horn and Flask, Pencil and P<-ck t knif-, j one Kw?t and B s<n, So p and Brush. Stands, i. one Coi'd Mug, one Pocket Book, one Accor j J. II.,. I, R .iv null lt(K>llili(r * UII9IV, Ulir i;,n.r. ^ n | ? Chair and Cushion, one Umhrlla, one pair j Razors and 2 Strap*, one Sword Cane, t rumping Irons, Gig Whip, share in Engine Company* . I Comb on the Constitution, Proverbs, Hook of, I .lasher, Fists Travels, modern acting Drama, j I Irons fotjiirick iMannfactory. And the same luv- | j ing been regularly aeeigued to me, I shall uii ! I Thursday the 7th of July next offer at Public 1 ] auction in the town of Cheraw, and pel the J j properly mentioned in saw schedule. Terms 1 made known on day of sale. JOHN KV ANS, Assignee. June 2!, 1842. 32 2t siii: k i it sa ljes. 9 ON Writs of Fieri Facias will he s< Id heforo the Co i-rt House door on the fist Monday ; ' and dny fol^twing in July next within tuc legal j 1 j hours the following prope ty viz > j 851 Acres of la <1 more or less whereon the s I defendant resides lying on sides of Thomp. ( | suns Creek nd adjoining Lite hums o< Mrs. Car | away. James Sine!:ir, and Lewis .Moa?'or at the i suit of Patrick and John May vs. Alexander , M l.v' Terms?Cash?Purchasers to pay for noccssa? I ry p pets. JOHN EVANS, Slid'. C. D. SHi^nfT'v TlkllP 0. 1812. 31 If I "THE SUBSCRIBER" PURCHASED recenily in New York & \e?-y heavy and general assortment of Goods wh h have all come lo hand, and he now oii< i them at Wholesale or Retail at very low pric r for CaSiI or Produce. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1841. 80 tf CANDLES AND SOAi*. Sperm, Margarine and Tallow Candles. Bar and Perfumed Sauj>. pot Salo by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27. 1*41. 80 tf HATS A1U tAfS. 15 Dozen (Jentlemena' and Buys, Black and Drab Kiir Hats, 28 Dozen Wool Hats. A lihrge stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and Se. lette Caps, For sale by A. P LACOSTE. ATTEST! 03 ! Chcraic Beat. THE Muster which was 3 ordered lor the fourth of Julv O postponed until the 9th Xa* July; on which day there will ho an election for Ma15 v order of Capt. Pegues. I6! I T. G. SANDERS, ^ June 11, 1812. 31 tf NOTICE. TilE Copartneship h? retofore existing nndor ihe firm of Janus G. Hcnmng &- Co. is this day dissolved by mutual consent. Tlic business of the linn will be closed by James (f. Henning. who will continue the He. ceiving, Forwarding and Com nismon business on Ins own account. Georgetown, S. C.June 1, 1842. 31 4t fcl'OUTSJKANS I'OiVDEK. ONE Case English Canister Riflo Powder, manufactured by "P gous &. Witks," London, lor sale by the Cauister. D. MALLOY. May 2d, 1641. 29 tf NOTICE. G H. DDNLAF Would respectfully give notice to his friewds and the public tbal having commenced business again on his own account he finds it absolutely nere*. sary to cu. t ill very much his credit business, he has consequently determined to open accounts only with such persons as have heretofore paid their accounts punctually at or near the end of I ho year and with such only as Wiil give posi. live assurance of doing so in future. Oct. 13, 1841. 48 tf COTTON OSNABIJROS AND COTTON YARN. THE Subscriber has received on consignment from tlie I)e K-ilh Factory at Caurdeti S. C 12 Bales very superior Cotton Osnaburgsand 12 Bales Cotton Yarn, which he wil sell by the Bale to MeichanU we o lie'.ter tonus than they can purchase in NewYork or Charleston. He would also invito the Planters of the neighborhood to call and examine tho Oznahurgx, thev will find it a cheaper and better article than has ever been sold in this market. G. Ii. DUN LAP. Clicrav. April 4, 1842. 21 11 HAKDWARE AXD SJIIIJIS' TOOLS. A genera! stock of these articles for sale by A. P. LACOSTli. October 27,1641. 50 tf ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE? A Li. persons indebted to Lire Estate of the late Mr?. Ann Li.le of Marlboro" District, deceased, will make immediate payment to the Subscriber, and ali persons having any demands against the ?aid Estate will render attested tftnloments of the s&:he within the time presetibed by law to the Subscriber. JAMES IRDY, Adin.nstralor. April 10, 134?. 26 3?n GOOD BARGAIAS. Tf* E Subs-riber has on hand many articleot Merchandise not now in his line of bus sin ess; and which bo has ho room in hi# fl.oio for, all sue goods will be sold vory cheap. Tiiey consist of tho following articles, vi?. Negro Cloths fa jgwdd aftte'6) Whilo Flame. Blanket Ovorcoiits, lJuffil Blankets, Bale Rope, j Brass And, Shovels and Tongs, Jllgwahd Jars, Pots and Ovens. Iron a>;d Steel, Hardware Crockery, dec. C-. II. DUN LA P. November. 10,1341 62 tf BEACKSIVII THING. THE Subscriber has this day recommenced business on his own account and hnjies by cloje application to business to share public patronage. My price? will be moderate. Horse Shoeing will receive my personal attention it is therefore warranted to be done with neatness Mid despatch N. B.?I a:n now prepaieo to repair, or put up n w lightning rods. C. I. SIIIVER. April 4 1842. 21 tf NOTICE. rHUIE Subs- ribem respectfully inform their H. customers and tho pn tic generally th tthey| lave made arrangement* t" keep their B.ikery in | jnnration during the summer. Families and Uhertfcurbe at all times supplied with trQ?h Bread, Cakes and Crakrrs, They will as usual keep a *supp'y of all article! In their line. RMANUEL & SOLOMONS. June 22^48. 82 8t POKT WINE. \ Few Dozen I'ort of the most choice qualiy. for sale by EMANUEL &, SOLOMONS. Turin >> 1KJ>. 32 4t A CAKD. DAGUERRKOTYPE IWWIArt irks taken every day (Sundays excep. ed) from 9 A. Al, till 5 P. VI. at the Corner of kcond Street and Market Square. a correct likeness iml PERFECT specimens of the Art or no rharge. '1 lie public ir< i.vitrei to call and examine th specimens at the room. J. HERVEY. June 20, 1812. 32 2t AEGItOZIS TO HIRE. FROM 6 to It) Prime men to hpe by tlie day, week, ox month. A. P. LACOSTE. June 20, 1812. 132 if SPRING AND SUiTIilIEn GOODS. FtfliiE Subscriber has just received a well JL selected stock of Pancy and Stable Dry <j 3?<Js, G. II. DUN LAP. Chora w, April 9, 1842. 22 if Bonnetts. JUST received a handsome nssortmcnl of Ladies, Mi.-ses and Cliildrcns fine Straw, Tuscan. Zcphuriue, Lawn and othe: Lshiunable Bonnets. G. II. DUN LA P. April 9, 22 tl FASHIONABLE LEGHOk N AND i^ALVi Ii??af Hata, for Men, Boys and Children just received by u. n. uu:\L.AI . April 9, 22 tf 1IAUL11G Ih'ivo two four horHC teams, that 1 am not now able to give full employment, and should eb glad to engage a job oF hauling, or work by the da/ ??a very teamen able terms. A. P. LACOSTE. April 13, 22 tf STATE OF SOUTH-CAROLINA. Darlington District. In the Court Common Pleas. Petition for the benefit of the Insolvent Debtor's Act. A. BACOT having this sixteenth 1m day of April, eighteen hundred and fortytwo filed a Petition Praying that he may have tho benefit of the act of Asscmb y commonly railed the Insolvent Debtors Act, It is therefore ordered by the Court that all the Creditors of the said Noah A. Bncot, do appear personally or by Attorney before the Court of Common Pleas on the second Monday after the fourth Monday in October next, to shew cause if ary they have, why the Prayer of the said Petition should not bo granted, and that notice of tho said Petition be published for the space uf throe mouths in the Farmer's Gazelle. 8. WILDS DuBOSE, C. C. P. By order of the Court. April 16, 1842. 25 ftm. BONNETS, HOODS, AND BAND BOXES. Ladies and Misses, Florence and Straw Bonnets. Ladies Coloured Hoods. For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Octobei 27, 1841. 50 U CASH SYSTEM CO^miTD. THE TIMES are such as to compel the Subscriber to ccnti ue the Cash Fystcni Groceries and all articles in that line will be sold for Cash only. Persons whose accts. and notes s' ill remain unpaid, will please understand that no now credits will he given until all old arreareges are sett led in full. D. MALLOY. i r i ? - -- ' ~ " ?? ' ' mm Election! ?N Pur-uance of an erder received from Co! J. W. Bhtkoney, an elcc'ion for IM..jor or Lower Battalion 2bth Regiment South Carolina Militia will be held at Moore's Hotel ou Sa ur. day thellth day of July next. Lieut. C. I. Shiver and Ensign J. H. VcTvcr. are hereby ox?i?rv<i to in couuuc ing said eUKKiOtt. B. F. PEGUF.S. Capt. Boat No. 1. Miy 24. 1P42. 2d tf The <*olU open from ? I o'clock A, M. to 3 o'clock P. iM. ~IF01t SALE. Tff E dwelling house and two lo's in Pnwo Town, now oci tipied by W. J Bnley, The situation id iii the healthiest part of the Town. For further part'CuU-rs application inny be , made to Col. J. W. BhkeiVr.v or 11. f CHAPM AN. June 14, 1^42. 31 2af2tn MOItIG OF "ALLISO N" TEfl YEAR OLD WHISKEY. ?N store ami for sale about 300 Gallons of "AliisouV'old wh sk? y, on reasonable terms. Apply to * B. BRYAN & BRO. June 14, 1842. 31 4t POLE BOAT FOR SALE. Tllfe Pole Boat James R E rvin will 1* sold on favorable terms. She ia i ow on the way up and will be delivered to the purchaser on her ?rnval. Apply to either of the subbcrihcrs. i). MALLOY. W. & T. BAILEY &. Co. JAMES II. COLE. December 4, M4f. 4 SWEET POTATOES. ONE HUNDRED Bushels of good size po'a. tt>L?, for table use, in fine condi ion, for sabtjr A. P. -LACOSTE. I April 13, 22 if . . . Corn Wanted. WANTED to purchase from 1000 to *0?0 Bushels corn to be delivered in Choraw, or at any of the landings down Ihe river, for which the highest market price will be paid D. McNAlR. April 11, 1842. 22 tf WOOD. I HEREBY tender to my late customers in the Wood line, my grateful acknowledge, meats, for the liberal patromge, I have received at their hands, and would now most respectfully request,^that they would continue to give their orders to Major D. R. VV. Mclver, to whom I liavHsobl my land, and who is fully prepared to deliver any quant ity of weod th;>t may be rrquir d. All orders for Wood ieft at my store, will be sent to the residence of Major Mclver. A. P. LaCOSTE. Janunry 1*2, 1812. 12 tf SADJDLERY. A very large assortment of Boys, Men", and Ladies Saddles. Also, Bridles, Martingales, Whips, Collars, Saddle Bags, Gig, Sulkey, and Carryall Harness, Stirrup Irons, Girths and Surcingles. For sale very cheap by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1841. 30 Li ?300 REWARD WILL bo given for the apprehension of WILLIAM W. KING, 1 te Sheriff*of Darlington District, who escaped 1 frotn Jail on the morning of the llth instant,, ? I L . ?.?an />A?. Anml ku vivtlln /if *- > nrlw liriil ; W M"!" II*" vtrui u ? ?i r" p?ii*' / WriU. S.iH Ki"g i? about Kify years of ag?\ nKi.nt 5 li ot 8 idohi's liitrlj. has k ;en black eyes. d.?rk hair, tir god with grey. Somewhat ecccn trie in manner. Has been for many year* past a. circuit rider of the Methodist KpUcopd Church. The at ovc reward will he paid to any person or perrons who shall deliver said King to the Subscriber at Dailington Court Ho re. S. C. wm. wi.n<;atk shir. u. i>. . .Tunc 15, IS 12. 32 di. New Steam Boat line. A Steam Boat Line h;.s Ix-en formed in conno*. lion with the new Steam Boat 'Utility" and a sett of low Boats at present llueo in number others wil' he added as ttie 1 usin"as miy require. The Utility was built in Wilmington in 1811, ; and draws when empty but 19 inches water. : She c irrics 600 Bales of Cetlou aud draws then but little over three feet. i I Country merchants who may wish to get their Goods up in the Summer and early in the Kail . when tho River is generally low will find it to their advantage to patronize this. Several for- ? warding Merchants .and other residents of Che. raw and other places are interested, and fool j. confident that tLey can hold out such inducement : to the back country as will be beneficial to all concerned. The business w ill ba done principally by tawing lighters which will insure <i passage while there is two feet watei in the ohuuuel. B. BRYAN V.BRO. Agents. From the Transcript (Charleston) of March 3d. Charleston S. C\, Feb. 28, 1842. This to .ill whom it may concern?we, the undersigned, William Bird, Jos< pli Addison, and j James .Marsh, junior; shipwrights of the above named city, by the request o! John Kitkpatriek, repaired on board of the St aim r Utility, com- t ' munded anJownedhyihe8 .i l Ki:, and t after a fuil exuminalion of the hull and con* 1 j struction of tho s tid St. ain Boit Ut lily, are of , ^ unatiimous opinion that the said Steam Boat Utility is in every respect suitable and strong *enough to navigate any River or Rivois, and capable of carrying five hundred or uioio bale- ? of cotton. ! . To which we have fixed our names and sjiIs j this 26th 4'cUurv 8-t^. W. IMRP [S?nl ] ' JOS. ADDISON, [Ronl ] 1 JAS. MARSH, jr. [Seal.] i' I' ' 7 r- ' no . o.n U/wricsion reo. iosi. ; I do hereby certify that I wis Pilot on B^ard . the Steam Hoal Uliity and that the said boat 1 was expos d to a heavy *ca during the passage j between Wilmington and Charleston without j receiving any damage. I <Jo also certify that she , did not wink. r>r show any signs of weakness, and tha she was not pumped out during lhe i ( time I was o.i board ofhir. t WILLIAM CLEMMONS. , June 6. 1?42. 30 I ami 3m The "Charlotte Jearns1 and J ffusnnian, . Sal sbuury Watchman and Fayettcvifle Observer 1 wil each iu?*ri Ihe above once a month lor three | months, and forward th'-ir accounts to the office j oflh'- Fa i mors' Cnx ?tte, Chernw, for payment IfANfJEL JOHN ad* ' WOULD respectfully inform the citizens I 1 of Ch raw, and the public generally that j ? he his now on hand a pool s:p,;Iy of Gcnt'cmens' tine Moots and SIio? s and Ladies' hue j Seal Shoes ami Kid Slippers, together with a j ' variety of oilier kmJs all of which uic oil r..u ai. . ' low pricts. | i A snpp'y of northern Solo leather and C If j , | Skins of the best quality just received and two I | go's! " orktnen employed so that Mo its and Shoes j of a gi<od quality will bo made to orJ? r wit shod i notice. Gentlernerig' Summer Clothing for sale cheap, i I Sugar, C'olFo, Salt. Molasses. R en, &c., wil1 be sold us ow as such articles can be bought in , this market. Vay 9, 1842. 26 tf SPEKJ3, A.\D TAXiiEI-iS Oil., ' By the Biircior a! re'atl, for salt* hy A. i\ LACOd'JE. October 27, 1841. 50 ti I 1 j' Jfc*_ ^ V "V-?- at; .m v i'.lCO.V. | and s,co? fc-sa | LARD. For sale by JOHN W. L AK. April 21. 1812. 21 tf ! AXES* ] 10 dozpu Collins, Hums. and Marsh synerior Axes, for sale by the dozen ai much below the usual rates. ' A. P. LACOSTE. ! October 27 18*11. 5(1 tf I CORN WANTED, , THE Subscriber wishe* to purchase 2 (.0 ( iius.helh good Corn, D WALLOY. ! I December 6, 1S4I 4 if ] PECTORIAL ILLUSTKAT!^. . VOLUMES Ut. 2?i*l and 3rd, ef Pictorial Illustrations of the iiibic eonuiuing 20b v angraving* ea. Ii. ?J For sale low nt the I] CilEKAW LOOKS IORE. > 2o tf UPPERUND SOLE LEATfflER* | ^ Wax, and Calf Skins, and Hemlock Tanned Sole Leather. For sale low. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf IVARDWAStE. T1HE Suhsrribei keeps constancy an hand a Urge and well schcled nsgortmenl of Hardware, including almoM every description of ? ...i ; .1. t.l _ ! : ...... | L/1 (itinera iuois, wumu uu is sitting wij I cheap. I D. M ALLOY. March 6, 1842. 17 if 2590 PAIR SHOE?. Comprising every varie'y, and fur bale on accommodating terms. A. P. LACOSTE. i . October 27, 1841. 50tf ! * FA.\C1 A\fi> STAPLE DRY GOODS. A few Fancy, and a large and well selected stock of Staple Dry Goods for sale lew by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf: teed pea?7 WANTED 25 or 30 bushels of good j seed peas. Enquire at this office, or of ei jVr.D McNair. j u SLUM'S SOlTfl CAROMAA 81 A large supply of Suinn's llift ry of South I ul ( nrolinii, dcn.gned lor the u*e of Sclimls w and Academies. j P For sale ai the Bojkstnrr by j G JOHN WRIGHT. !ui 20 if I ar "gOtTII CAROLINA. I Chesterfield District. * j ^A.MHET, I). TIMMON.S, T-.Hk b< fore me ^5 a buy mare Mule almm fourteen years obi, j blind of tiie rijfht eye, pear in rked rear on Ibe i r right biile ofthe rump, tin: end of the ears cut olF, . and small white spot in the forehead, the hair _ rhav d off the tail appraistd at thiiiy five D-I- ( JOHN SINCLAIR. j / Magistrate April II, 164*4. iuiuflni ! CHEESE. 1 ?\ CASKS CIIKKSE ? Vr lor Sale hjr A. P. LACOSTE. Dec. 1, 1841. 3 tf GLASS, PAINT, AND PETTY. \ Large Slock ot these articles, which will >e bold at reduced rated. A. P. LACOSTE. The Subscriber has just received, and mi icepconstantly on liaiid.Cotlon Yarn and Twii;? it wholesale, Troui the Aiunlaclory ol Lockinguin. GEO GOODKICri. Cheraw, Jan. 1840. 10 n I mnnrtnnt Work. Now in Press, and will shortly be published, a Dictionary of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND MINERS. RY ANDREW IKK, M. D., F. R. 8., &C. Illustrated u ilh 1,241 Engravings ! rgVilS ls? unquestionably, the most I popular work of the kind, ever pub. khed, and n book most admirably adapt. !tl !o the wants of all classes, of the com. nuniiy. The following are the impor. ant objects which the learned author cn? leavers .0 accomplish? 1st. To instruct the Manufacturer, Metallurgist, and Tradesman, in the )tincites of their respective processes, ;o as to render them, in reality, the masers of their business; and to emancipate hem front a state of bondage to such as tie too commonly governed by blind prej. no ivitui rpvwijr, CO (Jo Li'ttgO!;*. do Classical Uctionnry, do Edition of Ainsuorlhs Latin Dictionary, do Editi?n of Valpey't Greek Grammar. 2d If casdles A few Boxes Ta low and Sperm Candles Tor m_ sale by D. MALLOY. May 31, 1S41. 20 tr in tliu Common Illas. Chesterfield District. Henry Easterling, ) Declaration vs. > on note in G. W. Booth. S Attachment. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in this action did i tDie day fi.'e his Declaration against G. W. ooth, the defendant, who is absent from and ithout the I mithof the State (as it is said.) id having neither wife or attorney known >on whom a copy of the above Declaration* itli a rule fo plead thereto, may be served; i.j therefore in pursuance of the .Acta of the ^ ertf ral Assembly of this State in such cases, ade and provided; Ordered that the defend* if, do plead thereto on or before the twen'yxrh day of December next, etherw ise final id absolute judgment wiii be then g ven and warded against him by default. T. BR VAN. Office of Common Plea* ) Ihesterfield C. H. Dec. 2a, 1841, ( 9 le'lmHy riTon??i>h. i prod Mipply o t Bhcoii. [>ard, Flour ?rd & Meal ou hand an-i fur bale the luteal mart price. D M ALLOY. ,1/arch 7, IS 12. 17 If Jilice and vicini s routine. 2dly. To afford Merchants, Brokers' Dry.?>alters, Druggists, and Officers of the Revenue, characteristic descriptions of he commodities which pass through their tands. 3J!y. By exhibiting same of the finest levelopmcnts of Chemistry and Physics, :o lay open an excellent piactical school 4| o students of these kindred sciences. 4th!y. To teach Capitalists, who may je desirous of placing their funds in some jroductive branch of industry, to select judiciously, among plausible rl i mnts. oihly. To enable gentlemen of the Law to become well acquainted with the lature of those patent schemes which are >o apt to give rise to litigation. Cthly. To present to Legislators such i clear exposition of the staple manufacures, as may dissuade them from enact, ng laws, which .obstruct industry, or ffitrish one hunch of it, to the injury of oany others. And, lastly, to give the general rrnd;r. intent, chiefly, on Intellectual Cultivation views of many of the noblest Achievements of Science, in effecting those grand > ran formations of matter, to which Croat Britain and the United Stouts owe their paramount wealth, rank and power, amnng the nations of the earth. Toe latest Statistics ofevcry important ibject of Manufacture*^ are given from be best, and usually from Official authorty, at i hoc nd of each article. The Work will be printed from the second London Edition, which sells for $12 a copy. It will be pal on good pa<er, in new brevier type, and will make a>001 1400 pages. It will be issued in wer.ty one semi monthly numbers, (iu overs) at 25 cunts each, on delivery. (jk/*To any persons sending us five dolnrn\ at one time, in advonce we will for^Iiu moil ,it\af nttltL na vaiu tilt: liuiiiovia ??j ^rvw. , ? ;(on ns they come from the press. To suitable Agents this affords n rare )ppcrtunity, as we can put the work to hern on terms extraordinarily favoralle. [n every manufacturing town, and every rilhigH, throughout the United Stales nor#. Janada, subscribers can he obtained with he greatest facility.?Address, post paid, La Roy Suudcrlaud, 12-3 Fulton street, Vew York. %* t o every editor who gives this ad. 'erdseinent twelve insertions, wc will forvard to order, one copy of the w hole work irovided the pipers containing I his notice >e sent to the i\cw York Watchman, sew York. ^TKO^ S CLASSICAL BOOKS. B OilN WRIGHT lias now on hand and tor Lr sale at the bookstore n good supply of Anthem** Greek Grammar, do Greek Lessons, do Greek Prosody, do Horace, t?o Cicero, do Sallust, do Cresar. j- i . D i?