University of South Carolina Libraries
Making a Conutest.?"Tom," said nti impudent wag to a conceited f??p, 1 know a beautiful creature who wishes to make v????r acquaintance." 44j)ain'd glad to hear it?tine gitl? utruck with my appearance, 1 suppose, eh ?" 44 Yes?very much so. She thinks you would make a capital playmate lor her poodle dog." "Some people," said I lie deacon, at a conference meeting, "say and maintain that tnere is no soul. Now I say there is one. There can he no doubt ahoiit it. I ain as certain of it as I am that I have just received a load of tea from China? and I will sell it as cheap as any other man." MAKKIKl) AM) UN.HAURIKO. At I In; ago of sixty, there are about 22 unman iod men alive, for 41 married men ; at seventy, 10 bachelors, for 27 married; and at 80, for 3 bachelors who may he alive, there are 9 benedicts. Very neat ly the same preporlions hold good in the female sex, of whom, while 72 who have been married, attain the age of 45, onlv 52 unmarried reach the same period of life. I ATTE\TIO\ ! Chtraic Heal. THE Muster which was ordered for the fourth of Jul\ m is postponed until the 9th EX# July; on which day then will be an election for MaI By order of Capt, Pegues. W/ T. G. SANIJEBS, _ 14, 1842. 31 tf DK5?sTlli;i)!(nT?, Chemicals, latent Medicines Perfumery, l>aints, Oils, Dje Stuffs, &c. &c, for sale wholesale and retail by A. IIOPTO.Y CI3EKAW, S. C. At his Drug Siore, next door to Brown Bri/an Brother. Where may he had at all times a general ns 8orlnio t of articles in the Urug line?rt com | mend, d to he of superior quality which will he | disposed of on very moderate terms?Physicians and others wishing pur<* mcdicim s, may re I) on being supplied with them. May 26, 1841. 2S lVOTICJl! f ll]TO Copartnership li< rctofore existing-w.nd?--r L the lirui of J;iun? (.?. Honnitig &, Co. is dissolved l?y mutual consent. Tliu business of tint fit to will he closed by J most*. Mcnning, who will continue the lie. ceivin/, Forwarding and Com mission business on bis ow n account. liecrgeiown, S. C. June 1, 1642. 31 41 TI1E Cilli'OHA, ou MESSENGER OF THE SOUTH. Under this title, the Snbsciiticts uj>ose pub- i Iisliittg in the Ci'y of (Charleston, ? Wkkki.t ; I'atsr to be devoted to LITERATURE, SCL KNCE, tbo AIMS, MECHANICS, AGRL i CULTURE, EDUCATION, and GENERAL INTELLIGENCE?in a word, to whatever j niav imparl instruction or afford amusement to racii class, profession or calling, of our people. In politics and religion The Ch'cura writ I oecu. 1 l?y sf-.ctlv neutral ground; vet sufficient utten- i lion will be pa.i?l to boll), to enable the Reader t<> lea n bow p:os|KTS tin: religious and political j condition of liie country. A paper devoted to toe purposes above slated, has long been a desideratum at the South; ami it is to meet tins, tint The Chicufa is now proposcd to bo issued. The Subscribers aro aw ire lin ir promises may api>c:tr t<u> confident, aftm the rcp.-ated failure of Southern periodicals; but they b g leave to say, that so com pic to are tiie arrangements they have made?so extensive 1 .1 I ? ..I Ilie ?iirief|)'tnu lieu liny imvl- m:i;iiiiui?^v> bje liic aid, both of No- tin rn :incl Southern talent they nave enlist'd?tlia I with tho kindly feelings ami liberal patronage of the South, tin:/ have no tears for tho result. Thk Lilrraiy Deportment of the Chicora.' will lie supplied with articles of rare and suit, j slant iat merit, with reviews and orii,i<pi?s of all the new works of the day, and with original tales, sketches, works ot fiction, biographies and poetry fiom the pens of sever ! of tho xnost gifted authors, both of tlio North and SoulliTlic >S;icJitijic and Mechanical Department will be enrfclieo with essays and illustrations from individuals high in puhl.c estimation, as tlio' uglily practical men. which. together with tho Agricultural Comum ideations already secured to the papjf from various portions of the c ?!?try. wili fonu a compmdluin of useful instruction invaluahlc to the artisan and the planter. I;i tho D~j< iriiiictit of (J c tier at Intelligence, tho tubscribcis hclievo the Chicora will take a stand, which will not be surpassed by any Journal of the Union. As one ?>! the Suit scril*: s will uiake it his constant business to visit every section ? four couatry ; and through tueins of an extensive acquaintance already possessed in the citi.-s of our sea.boird ami the West, a ; weekly correspondence wi I be established with Ponton, New York, Philadelphia, Baltimore. Washington, Cincinnati, and Now Orleans, " -i :?i ? ~_i_ . 1.- l ttlMtlgll WHICH Will UC OUIUIIICU, UliL Ulliv IIIC curliest infoiiuatioii in regard to all loieigu and domestic matters of importance. Pi ices Current of Southern products and monetary affairs of moment in the diffortuit States, (nit also the opinions of judicious men in regard to Commercial prospers, ami matters of an economical, , civil, and political character. Nor since A little folly now and then, Is relished by the wi est nion, d<? they intend to exclude those lighter articles of | information, familiarly designated the chit chat o! the day, which, while they may serve to amuse a weary or listless hour, liuvc at the tame time tho higltcr eti'ect of acquainting us with the chaiaeler atul customs of oir Northern andW stern neighbors, and connecting fnoro closely the hon'fs of unity between us. Fee ing assured then of their ability to meat the wishes ot the Southern community, and to establish a paper on the "most approved, useful and popular plan, and here! y pledging themselves that no exertion shall he wauling on their part, ml only most fully to r? deem, hut even to exceed tlie promises they make, they respectfully solicit the patronage ol the good people of South CaruI na and lier sister S'.aU s. The Chicora will bo printed on an imperial sheet, of the very best paper and type, and shall he embellished with portraits ofour <1 Minguished men, an l views illustrative ofour scenery. The ptico will he ?5 per annum, payable upon the de.ivcry of the first Number. n..s. podc.k. li." It. CARROLL. March 13 Election! SN Pursuance of an order received from Col. J. W. Bhkonev, an clec'imi for Major of Lower Battalion 28th Regiment South Carolina Militia will be held at Moore's Hotel oil Sa:urday the Oth day of July next. Lieut. (*. I. Shiver and Ensign J. H. Mclvcr. are hereby ordered to assist in conducting said election. B. F. PEGUES, Cnpt. Beat No. 1. J May 24. 18-lii. 2d tf ' j The Polls open from 'I o'clock A,. M. to 3 1 o'clock P.M. r I a FOU SALE. ? I rglllE dwelling house and two lots in Powe ' JJL Town, now occupied hy W. J. Bailey, '?>i - .1.,, Ifliinvr nart of the | I lie biiuiiuuu i.-> in iiiv uv??.nvw. , ? Town. For further part'culars application niny be ^ j made lo Col. J. W. Biukeney or II. T CHAPMAN. ' ; June 14, 1842. 31 2af2in ( JIORC or "AIJJSOTS" TE.1 TEAK OLD WHISKEY. IN store ar c! for sale about 300 GaPona of "Allison V'oM whiskey, on reasonable terms. A|)|>!v to * * 8. BRYAN & I5R0. '' Juno 14, 1842. 31 4t C11LRA W AtADFJI Y. y j The Rules of Tuition very much reduced j in both Departments. -I rilHE following resolution was unanimously J3_ adopted by the Cheraw School Society at a meeting held on the 2nd inst. Resolved, the following he substituted | fur the third in the series of Rides adopted by the "] Society in re I* renee to the schools, to wit: J Tint pupil-* in each Department shall bo diri. e led into three classes, to bo called the Frimart, t I UN I on, and Skxior Classes, and tlio studies to '??: pursued arid the rates of tuition shall bo us dlows, to wit: | Primary Class. <, Spelling, Reading, Writing, tho four fundaniental inl"s of Arithmetic tnd Mitchell'* Primary Geography, , ,.er quarter $5 00 : i Junior Class. The same studies, with English ranimar and Corn} o?ilion, Arithmetic complete, Geography, with tho t use of tlio Globes per qiiarirr ?8 00 t Senior Class. c The same sludii s, with any of tho ? higher .Via tin ma tics, Natural or Mo* 1 raj Sciences, or Ancient Languages ' { or quarter $10 00 t Drawing andt Painting?Extra, par ' juirter 5 00 I Music on the Piano Forte?Extra. i J pur quarter 12 00 I Music on the Guitar pT quarter 8 00 i U jo cf the instrument in each rase 2 00 JOHN WRIGHT, Sec C. S. 8. June 6th 1812. 30 2t 1 "THE SUBSCRIBER'1 . PURCHASED recently in New Vork a Vf<y j iiesvy and general assortment of Goods wh *b 1 have all eonie to hand. *nd he now offi It' them ai Wholesale or Retail at very low pric a for Casu or Produce. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th IS4I AO tf ^ ?? r ( A a i> ia :s a a u so a p. < Sperm, Marianne and Tallow Caudles. b liar and Perfumed Saop. a i'o. IS ale by d A. P. LACOSTE. u October 27. 1811. AO tf hats a ad caps. 1.") Dozen (lent lemons' and Boys, Black and r Drab Fur Hats, 28 Dozen Wool Hats. .M A Lorge stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and Se. let to Caps, For sale by A. P.LACOSTE. notictl G II. DIALAP . Would icspecl fully give notice to his friends and * the pulibc that having commenced business ag i in b on his own account lie finds it absolutely noecssmy to curt til very mticb bis credit business, h: li is consequently determined tor?| en accounts ~ only with such persons as have heretofore paid | liicir accounts punctually at or near the end of ; tins year and with such only as will give posi. ' ^ live assurance of doing so in future. Oct. 13, IS It. 48 tf n w COTTON OKNARPRGS AND ? OT TO A VARA. TH^lIF Subscriber has received on ronsign_S_ inent from the l)e Kalb Fjctoiy at Camden S. C 12 Bales very superior Cotton ().-na- -j burgs and 12 Bibs Cotton Yarn, which ho wil J sell by the Bilo to Meichauts or as good o lneter torms than they can purchase in New Rl Yoik or Charleston. n lie wo.dil also invito the Pl;?nt?rs of llie 0 neighborhood to call and examine tha Oznahurjjn, jj ti ey will find it a cheaper and better ailiclo ttiau (| nas ever been sold in this market. G. U. DUN LAP. , C'heraw, A j ri 1 1, 1812. 21 tf ? b3akdwarc a ad smiths' 'mm sj A ""encral rtock of those articles for sale by A. P. LA COST K. -1 October 27,1641. 5U tf * ADIIIMSTKATOK S IVOTICF. * A LI. persons indebted t'? I he Estate of tlie ' /A lalu .Mrs. Ann l.ide of .Marlboro' District, ; deceased, will make immediate payment to tlie j Subscriber, ami ali persons having any demands against iho -aid Estate will render attested slate, meats of the same within the time prcseiilied f by law to the Subscriber. JAMES IRBY, S Acini nstrator. n April 10, 131). 26 3m p ?' ?OOS) BARGAINS. r fJlIlM Sul's riber has on hand many article- ll I _M_ ol Merchandiser not now in his line of bos I siness; and which ho has no romn in his 8 ore [ for, all sue' goods will be sold very cheap. They consist of tlic following articles, viz Negro Cloths (a good article) White Plants. Blanket Overcoats, Uuflil Blankets, Bah; Rop\ Brass And Iro,is, Shovels and Tongs, Jogs and Jars, I'olsand Ovens. Iron and *teel, Hardware Crockery, &C. r G. II. DUN LA P. I Novcm!>cr. Ifl, I&II * j2 tf 1 i:lacksjiTtii i \ u. * f Ell IE Subscriber lias this day recommenced i S. business on his own account and line's ;i j hy close application to business Jo share publicI patronage. My prie< s will In; moderate. IJorse ; >iiO' ing wi'l reccivo my person d attention it is I therefore w trranted to he done with neatness , j ami d'-spalch t N. B?I am now prepared to repair, or put , up n w lightning rods. C. I. SHIVER. April I HW. 21 if SI.U.TTS SOUTH CAROLINA I 41urge supply of Simm's Hist ry of South ( arolinu, designed for the use of Schcols .lid Academies. For sale at the Bookstore l?y JOHN WRIGHT. 20 if J SOUTH CAROLINA. Chest trjield District. jJAMUEL D. TIM.ViU.N6, Tolls be lore me ^ a hay mare Mule about tourleen years old, >!ind ot'llie right eye, gear marked scar on the ighl hide of the rump, the end of the ears cut off, Hid small while spot 111 thu forehead, tliu hair Iiav d oil' the tail appraised at tliiriy fivo Dwldtc. JOHN SINCLAIR, Magistrate. April 11, 1842. 23 lamftm $PKI\<x A A JO M 'l UtU iiooo^. ' tfMiK Subscriber lias just received a weii JL selected stock of i'ancy and Stable Dry iaods, G. H. DUN LAP. (Jlieraw, April 9, 1342. 22 If lionnetts. " "UST received a handsome assortment of |P Ladies, Misses and Childrcns fine Straw, I'uscan. Zcphariue, Lawn and other fashionable Jon nets. G. 11. DUNLAPt April 9, 22 tl FASH I OA A B LELEGHO 1 A A A D PALM Leaf Hats, for Men, Boys and Children just received by G. H. DIJNLAP. April 9, 22 * ? If HAULING rhavc two four horse teams, that 1 am not ? - r II I a I .now aiue 10 give inn employment, arm miuum b glad to engage a job of hauling, or work byhe da/ on very reasonable term*. A. P. LACOSTE. April 13, 22 tf iTATJC OF SOUTH-CAROLINA, Darlington District. In* the Court Common Pleas. "clilion for (he benefit of (he Insolvent Debtor s Aet. A. BACOT having this sixteenth LI day of April, eighteen hundred and fortyvvo filed a Petition Praying that he may have he benefit of the act of Asscmb y commonly ailed the Insolvent Debtors Act, It is therefore rdercd by the Court that all the Creditors of he said No.ih A. Bacot, do appear personally or >y Attorney before the Court of Common Pleas iti the second Monday after the fourth Monday n Oclolrer next, to shew cause if any they tavc, why the Prayer of the said Petition should lot be granted, and that notice of the said "etition be published for tlic space of threo nonlhs in the Farmer's Gazette. 8. WILDS DuUOSE, C. C. P. By order of the Court. April 16, 184*2. 2i ftm. BOXXETS, HOODS AAD 151.AD BOXES. ^adics and .Misses, Florence and Straw Bontets. Ladies Coloured Hoods. For 6ale by A. P. LACOSTE. Octobci 27, 1841. 50 If CASH SYSTEM COXTIXUED. rilE TIMES are such ?o M-r*! *h*r nipscrtpcr to rcTltirfue the Cash iSystem iroceries and all articles in that line will c sold for Cash only. Persons whose acctc. ml notes still remain unpaid, will please unerstand that no new credits will be given I)til all old arrearegesare settled in full. D. MALLOY. POLK BOAT FOR SALE. rllE Pole Boat James R Ervin will be roM nn favorable terms. She is i o\v on the ray npand will be delivered to the purchaser on cr arrival. Apply to either of the subscribers. I). M ALLOY. W. & T. BAILEY &, Co. JAMES II. COLE. December 4, 18II. 4 SWEET POTATOES. i ^NE IIU ND BE I) Bushels of good size pot.i. I W Iocs, tor table use, in fine condition, for sale A. P. LACOSTE. April 13. 22 tf Corn Wanted. a *7" ANTED to purchase from 10D0 to .*.000 w V Bushels corn to l>c delivered in Cheraiv, rat any of the landings down the river, for hichthc liighc t market prico will l>? paid 1). McNAIR. April II, 1842. 22 If WOOD. [HEREBY tender to my late customers in the Wood line, my grateful acknowledge, icnts, for the lil>eral patronage, I |ia\c received t their hands, and would now most respectfully vptest.'that they would continue to give their rders to Major P. It. W. Mclvrr, to whom I ave sold my laud, and who is fully prepared to elivor any quantity ot we?d that may be roquid. AH orders for Wood left at my store, will be cnt to t!ie ri'sitU nee of Major Mclver. A. T. LuCOSTE. Janunry 12, IS 12. 12 tf SADDLERY. i very large assortment of Boys, Men^, and I ,adies Saddles. Also, Bridles, Martingales, Vhips, Collars, Saddle Bags, Gig, Sulkey,1 nd Carryall Harness, Stirrup Irons, Girths nd Surcingles. Eor sale very cheap bv A. i\ LA COST E. October 27lh 1811. 50 tl Committed r() the J.iil of Chesterfield District ; As runaway, a nogro man, who calls his nam iingle'on, and says he be'nngs to John Hate icar i i S. 0.. Singleton is of dark emu 'exion about thirty years ot age, and about six r*et high. The owner is requested to coinn nrwurd, prove his property, pay expenses and ake liiin away. JOHN EVANS, S. C. D. May 55, 1842. 29 tf Tailoring Business. \ NICHOLSON having cominenred the above business in the house formerly lecupied by I II. Rosscr, solicits a share of latronage. He feels assured from his c.vpTiuteo in the busiiiiss, that he is able to give satisfaction. Persons entrusting hiiri vith tiieir work may expect it done in the best nannor. Cutting and repairing done with iceuricy. durability, and despatch. May 27, IS 12. 2d 4t SPOKTSJIAAS POWDER. ONK C;i5c Knjflish (.' niiMter Rifl?r Powder maniifsicturt'd by "Pigoug k Wilkn," i,on !ou, lor ab by lliv Canirter. D. MALLOY .May 25, iaJl. . . 2U. tf New Steam Boat line. A Sleatfi Bout Line has been formed in rontieo. | i lion with the new Steam Boat "Utility" and a i sett of tow Boats at present three in number , | others wiI' be added as the t usines* may require. J i The Utility wan built in Wilmington in 1311, and draws when empty hut ID inches water. [ f She carries 60b Bales of Cctton and draws tlten j but little over three feet. ' Country merchants who may wish to get their ! Goods up in the Summer and carlv in the Fall when the lliver is generally low will find it to | their advantage to patronize this. Several for- I ' 1 1 t . n.l.n, pnoirlnnftl nf Gllfi. I t j Wd ruing JltTViiams auu vmti iwoiuvm*w ?- ?? j raw and other pi iecu are interested, and feol | ' confident that they can hold out such induce- j i incut: to the back country n? will Im beneficial t to all concerned. The business will he done | principally by tjwing lighters which will insure ! | a passage while there is tuo foot water in the ' j J ohuoupl, j ( B. BRYAN *.BRO. . Agents. j From the Transcript (Charleston) of March 3d. ( Charleston S. C., Feb. 28, ] 842. This to nil whom it rmy concern?we, the ' undersigned, William Bird, Joseph Addison, and 1 ( James Marsh, junior; shipwrights of the above ' : named city, by the request o? John Kirkputrick, ] repaired on hoard of the Steamer Utility, coin. I manded and owned by the said Kirkpntrick, and i after a full examination of the, hull and con- ] struction of tho said Strain Boat Ut lity, are of | : unanimous opinion that the said Steam Boat | , Utility is in every respect suitable and strong ( enough to navigate any River or Uivors, and , j capable of carrying five hundred or more bales J of cotit-n. - To which we hare fixed our names and seals ' this 23th Fcbrury '842. 1 W. BIRO. [Seal.] JOS. ADDISON, [Seal.]! JA3. MARSH,jr. [Seal.]!, Charleston Feb. 28, 1842. I do lmrcby certify that I was Pi lot on Board < the Steam Bout Utility and that the said boat I was exposed to a heavy sea during the passage between Wilmington and Charleston without , I T ?ln ?l?n eertifv that she j ICICITII.H .IIIJ ...... j | did not woik. <r show any signs of weakness, and tlia slie was not puinpt-d out during the . time I was on board of her. WILLIAM CLEMMONS. June f, 1812. 30 ).nnf3in The "Charlotte Jonrnn' and Jeffeisonian, I Sal sbuary Watchman and Fuyettevillo Obscrv< r ! will each nsert the above once a mouth lor three ' months, and forward their accounts to the office of the Fa liners'4 Jazctte, Cheraw, for payment. DANIEL JOH.\SOF WOULD resp-cifully inform the citizens of Cher iw, and the public generally that lie has now on hand a good supply of <?onticmens' tine Boots and Shoes and Ladies' fine Seal Shoes and Kid Slippers, together with a variety of other kinds all of which are offered at low price 8. A supply of northern Sole Leather and Calf; Skins of the best quality just received and two | po?kJ u orkiuen employed so that Boots and Shoes of a good quality will he inado to order on short j * UOtice. Gentlemciis' Summer Clothing for stle cheap, j Sugar, Collie, Salt, .Molasses, Rice, &c., will , he aold as !ow as such articles can be bwitfht in this market. " j May 9, 1312. 26 tf sperm7asid ta.\\i:us oil, i - ?y the iJarrci or at retail, for sale by a. p. lacoste. October 27. 1841. 50 tf,v BACON. and 1,000 LBS. LARD. For sale by JOII\ W. L"AIv. April 21, 1812. 21 tf ( A\LS 18 dozen Col line, Hunts. and Marsh superior Axes, for sale hy the dozen at much below the usual rales. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27 1841. 50 tf I \ E<>15TV, South Carolina. Chcraw District. John M. Coker and wife i Bill for ap partition vs Kindred Griflin and >writ in n tore of writ others. j of nc Exeat &.e. | IT appearing to my satisfaction thai Ahsalom C. Powell one of the Defendants in this case is absent from and resides without the limits of I his Slate oil motim of J. \V. Sc J. A. Dargnn it ! is ordered that the said Ahsalom C. Powell do plead answer or demur to the complainants Bill ; within three months fr?tn the publication hereof and in default thereof, the same shall be taken 1 against him pro confesso. It is also ordered that this order he published in the Farmers' Gazette twice a month fur the ' space of three months. E. A. LAW, C. E. C. D. Commissioners Offiec, \ Darlington C. M , t>. C. > March '-22, 1842* ) 21 2af3m CO R A W A A T E I), ' J1IIH Suhseriher wishes to purchase 2000 ; TL Bushels good Corn, D. MALLOY. December 6, ISII 4 tf | PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. ' \7"OLUME.S 1st. 2nd and 3rd, ef Pictorial i Illustrations of the Bible containing 2()fJ j j engravings each. For sale low at the CilEBAW BOOKSTORE. ?0 tf | rPPERjAAS) SOLE LEATIIEK, Wax, and Calf Skins, and Hemlock Tanned 1 Sole Leather. For sale low. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf II Alt l> WAKE. f BIIIE SuhKcrilm keeps constantly an hand a JL largo and well selected assortment of Hardware, including almost every description of C\.iw i'if>r- Tunis: which ho is selling vcrv I V jrv..?v.? - - ? > - O * cheap. D. MALLOY. March *, I?12. 17 tf | 2')OOPA I irsflOIX Comprising every vario'y, and for sale on ac? i 1 coininodating terms. A- P. LACOSTE. ' October C7, IS11. .r>()tf FAAC'V A\I> STAPLE DRY ( ()()DS. I A Tew Fancy, ami a large and well selected stock of Staple Dry Goods for sale low !>v A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. __ _ 50 tl SEEP PEAS. I WANTED *dn or 30 bushel* of good | seed peas. Enquire al this oflice, or of M/r. D.'McMair. ? CIIEE8E, 1^4 CASKS CtiEESfe J. VT For Sal? by A. P. LACOSTfi. Dec. 1, 1841. 3 tf GLASS, PAIYT, AND PlITTY. A Large Stock of these article* which will be sold at reduced rates. A. P. LACOSTE. TO R? NT. I INTEND on the let day of July t?e*t to remove my Stock of Goods to iny two stores, lately occupied by B. Mcintosh, and McKay & A/cCaskill, and to make Chem my permanent business stands; and now offer foe Rent, my four Stores immediately below, Viz; One at present occupied by Afessrs. W. CAROLINA ECLIPSE. j THIS highly bred and much admirtd horse ivilJ stand th?* present season at or near Benletsville, atone or two other places in Marlborough District, and at the stables of John! McLean in Robeson County, N. C. Jle is a red sorrei. without white except a ?mall star; five years old, fifteen and a half lands high, and cf extraordinary bone and nuscle. In color, size, bone, sinew and mus. j ;le, he greatly resembles his grandsire, the j ramous American Eclipse, admitted on all lands to be one of the best horses, if not the /cry best, ever owned in this country, whether native or imported. It may be stated as , evidence of the extraordinary constitution of American Eclipse, now standing in Kentucky, that although ticenty-eight years old, "he is still" says the N, Y. Spirit of the Times "in P"88ession of fine health and betrays few iudi- 1 ;ation6of hie advanc ed age and long service. There are very few instances of such vigor at! fiis age." Carolina Eclipse is put at the very low price S5 the single leap, payab e at the time/ $12, the season, payable at the c'ose of the ! Jeason ; and $15 for insuring, payable when the mare is ascertained to be in foal, or when he is traded ; with 50 cents to the groom.? His form, strength, and blood eminently claim | for him the attention of persons who wish to raise horses "for all work,''?for the saddle, 1 light draught, and farm or plantation use. And the low price at which he is put will enable j any who wish good horses to avail themselves 1 of his soryices. Though a horse of great life and spirit, he is of quiet temper and tractabie disposition. Great care will be taken to avoid accidents, but no liability will be incur- | red fur any which may happen. PEDIGREE, lie was got by Feslical, considered by Capt, Harrison, an experienced breeder, trainl,* *n/l raci.r vvhii had him in his stables a 3eason, "the best son of Eclipse." His dam was by Optimus; and his grand darn was out , ufa Bell-Air mare, got by old Sir Archie, the best horse of his day in America. FESTIV A L j was by American Eclipse ; his dam by Tim- i uleon ; grand dam by Young Tup : g. g. dam by Umpire ; g. g. g. dam by Grey Dionied ; ! g. g. g. g. dam by Wild-Air. Young Tup | was by imported Tup; lie by Javelin out ol i Flavia. Young Tup's dam was by Ma.*k, i and he by imported Shark, out of imported ; Virago, Umpire was by imported Shark, out { of a mare by imported Cub. OPTIMUS was by A/adison ; he by the old iin- ' porteJ Diomed the sire of Sir Archie. Op- ! limtw was out of JV/eJvinn, the darn oj 5 stock horses ; she was by imported Knows, ley; her dam by imported Spread Eagle ; her grand dam by Nunrod ; her g. g. dam by t Wild-Air; her g. g. g. dam the noted mare j Little Willis, the dam of Brilliant, Nunrod | and Herald Linle Willis was by old Janus; , and lie by (Jol. Baylor's Shock. j It wi I be seen from this pedigree that most of the very best crosses of ? hich this country can boast, meet in Car bna Eclipse. Although more racers, arc not the horses j for the farmer, yet it is admitted by all that racing is a fair trial of the strength, bottom and constitution of a horse. It is therefore staled that Festival, the sire of Carolina IC* UpaA, though onty a abort tunc on the tuif, distinguished himself in these respects at all distances from two to four mile heats. In his first race at Nottoway Va. in the spring of 180*2, two mile heats, ho distanced his competitor the sccoiiu heat. In the fall of the same .. * . * 11 I -It ? . I ...;u l.nofc year* at;, v?a. nun- umc u?. lie easily won the Jockey Club, in two heats. The same season, at Lexington, Ga. in a race for the Club purse, three tmle heats, while leading his competitors his rider suffered him to run too near the rim of the inside track, against which ho stumbled and fell, causing Irm to lose the race. The same week at the same place In? heat all iiis riva s in 3 mile heats, the hest 3 in o. The next spring, at Lawrenceviile, Va, tie ran four mile heats, with Ironette, .lnvil, Row-Galley, and Walter CooJ<. .Although he was in bad condition, having not fully recovered from the efleets of distemper, and owing to his rider being sick, lie was obliged to carry 5 lb. over weight, he lost the first heat only by the neck, and the second by only a few feet, Ironette ieading him; Row.Galley and Walter distanced, and Anvil (afterw ards sold for ?10 000) barely saving his distance. At New Market, Va, the next season, he started with eleven other horses, and led them ail the first heat. Hut his feet being tender from a rec? nt founder, he was then withdrawn. Two weeks after, ward*, his feet yet sore, he was barely beaten by the fine racer, Duke of Or cans, in four mile heats at Baltimore. IBs tuaiing* r still, with great cruelty and lack of judgment, ccnt'nu. mg to run linn in this condition of fits feet, he lul doicii in one of iiis fore legs, in four inile ' heats at Norfolk, two weeks after his Haiti- ( more race, and was withdrawn from the turl Hut his trials most abundantly proved his strength, speed and bottom, with extraordinary powers of endurance. In good condition lie never was beaten ; in bad condit ion, w Ik n he ought never to have been run, lie always won by his performance the admiration of every judge. The half sister of festival?Col. Hampton's Tunny, hv Eclipse?is the only racer of the first class in the United States which has not been beaten within this last six months, by some younger aspirant after fame. Besides twice receiving forfeits, one from 10 competitors. she has run at least 11 races and never was beate*). Lightness ami want of strength is the objection to racers as work horses, but this objection does not apply to the Eclipse stock. March 1st, 1842. <v\DM:S A few BoxesTa.low and Sperm Candles for sale by D. MALLOW May 31, 1311. CO tf Fkovxsioxs. A good supply n r' ?n. Lard, Hour and I ?_ Meal on hand and for sale the lowest market price. D. M ALLOY. Mirrh 7. 1312. 17 tf_ In tiik Common I'lkas. Chester fir! (I District. Ilcnrv Easterling, ) Declaration vs. > on note in Cm. IV. Broth. ) Attachment. WHEREAS the 1'Jainiiirin ihis action did on this day tile his Declaration against G. W.) Booth, tho defendant, who is absent from anil without the limits of the State (as it is said.) and having neither wife or attorney known upon whom a copy of the above Declaration, with a rule to plead thereto, may be served; It is therefore in pursuance of the Acts ol the General Assembly of ties Slate in such casts, made and provided; Ordered that the defend, ant, do plead thereto on or before the iwon'vs*xih day of December np.x?, oihorw i?e final and absolute judgment wil, be then g-vcu and awarded auainst him by default. T. UKViiN. Ofilro of Common Float / Clicslerlitld C. H. Dec. *J0, ISII, \ 0 Kiimf ly & T. Bailey, & Co., the next below, comer Karshaw and Front streets, and now oceipted by Mr. D. Malloy, and the two store* now sccopied by me. To persons residing in thin place, it is needless to say, that tliey are among the very best stands for prosecuting A Cotton and barter business; and I only mak* this declaration for the information of person* residing at a distance. Possession of th? Stores occupied by Messrs. W. & T. Bailey & Co., and Mr. D. J/allov, will be given on the 1? t day of September next; the others can be had by the 10th July next. Cheraw offer* inducements to Capitalists, and men of business, that are not found in many Southern towns. It is estimated, that o r receipts of cotton, for the last two years averaged 25,000. Bales, and it is supposed this year's receipt* will be about the same. a rrr? n. r .rriQfi* nUVI. A LMVIVU I u. Cheraw, Jan'y. 12ih, 1842. 9 if The "Charleston Courier/* ".Southern Chronicle," "Camden Journal," and "Fayetteville Observer*" will olease give the above six insertions, say on< j 'very two weeks, and . forward their bills to tn . *r payment. A. P. LaCoste. The Subscriber has just received, and wil keep constantly on hanri.Cotton Yarn and Twins at wholesale, from the Manfactory oi Rocking-, bain* GEO GOODRICH. ' Ch'-Taw, Jan. 1940. 10 if . Important Work. iYci0 in Press, and icill shortly be published, a Dictionary of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND MINERS. BY AXDItEW URK, A. D., F. I. Uft &C. Illustrated irilh 1/241 Engravfagt! THIS is, unquestionably, tho mnet popular work of the kind, ever published, and a book most admirably adapted to the wants of all classes, ol'lhe coiflf. rru? r..lL.winiT nrr? tho imnnr. rilllll 11 v . i in; niinmi..^ ? , innt objects which the learned author en* denvors to accomplish-** 1st. To instruct the Manufacturer, Metallurgist, and Tradesman, in the principles of their respective processes, so as to render them, in reality, the masters of their business; and to emancipate them from a state of bondage to such as are too coinmonlv governed by blind prejudiee and vicious routine. i 2d'y. To nflord Merchants, Brokers' j Drysulters, Druggists, and Ofticeraof the | Revenue, characteristic descriptions of i the commodities which pass through their I hands. 3dly. J?y exhibiting some of (he finest developments of Chemistry end Physics, ' to lay open an excellent ptaclical school to students of these kindred sciences. 41hIy. To teach Capitalists, who may ; he desirous of placing their funds in some productive brunch of industry, to select judiciously, among plausible claimants, i Ot hi v. To enable genllcrncn of the C Caw to become well acquainted with 1he nature of those patent schemes which are so apt to give rise to litigation. Gthly. To present to Legislators such a clear exposition of the staple manufac-, lures, as may dissuade them from enacting laws, which obstruct industry, or cherish one branch of it, to the injury of many others. And, lastly, to give the general reader. intent, chiefly, on Intellectual Cnltivalion views of many of the noblest achievements of Science, in effecting those grand I trnnformntions of matter, to which Great 1 Britain and the United Stactsowe their ! paramount wealth, rank and power, a! rnong the nations of the earth. 1 The latest Statistics ofcvery important j object of Manufactures, arc given from, (he best, and usually from Official author| ity, at the cud of each article. The Work will ho printed from the second London Edition, which sells for j 812 a copy. It will be put on good pa. i per, in new brevier typo, and will make about 1400 pages. It will he issued in twenty one semi monthly numbers, (in rovers) at 2o cents each, on delivery. | OCrTo any persons sending us five dofI Sars, at one tunc, in advonce we will forward the numbers by mail, post puul, as j scon as they t ome from the press. To suitable Agents this affords a rare opportunity, as wc can put the work to 1 ?I..... i <>r> tormu ritrnnrrlin/irilti favorable. | - ; ^ I In every manufacturing town, arid every village, throughout the United Stales and Canada, subscribers can he obtained with , the greatest facility.?Address, post paid. La Roy Sunderland, 125 Fulton street, | New York. %*To every editor who gives this advertisement twelve insertions, wo will tor-, ward to order, one copy of the whole work : provided the pipers containing this notice he sent to the New York Watchman, New York. AUTHORS CLASSICAL BOOR*. JOHN Wit I GUT linn now on lt?n<l imtAr* sale al the Bookstore a ptotl supply of Anthoii's Greek Grammar, ? 1<? I/OKontt. do Greek Prosody, do Horace, do Ciccro, do S?Hu?t, do C??ar. * - er > do Latin Prosody, r do do Lcmou*. do Clawieal Pctionarjr, * do Edition of A in aw oil ha >I-atm Dictionary, V; -# ? -in Kiliiiiui <>r Vjlimu', Greflk (in imiiar. *I 2U " U * vSK? 4 'A