University of South Carolina Libraries
Extrnrt from an^nddrcss by (be Hon. | TirH?n? F. Marshall, of Kentucky, at \ _ a mooting of the Congressional Tempo- ( ranee Society, February 25!h 1842. Would sir, thai somo of the thrilling | ? confession and narratives disclosed in those j . homely associations of ours in a. distant ; part of the city could he heard bv this audience; as 1 have heard tliQin?the con-: - ?* ?" -? ??ikan> j lip i fcssion nnd narratives 01 men indefatigable benevolence of the "Vigilant ? 8*>rietv nfTotal Abstinence'1 has rescued from iho very kennel, '{hoy are not f v yourstntelv, refined, educated gentlemen who (jijalF their rich and costly Madeira, old and mild and fragrant and sparkling and redolent of the true flavor of the cork J ?nectar, fit foj gods to sip, taken down V -Ihvftte aftvr .boM.fe."i>p?! day lo day. till ifieir - complexions are purple as tne crushed grape- w hose juice they drain t ^lill their trembling hands can sen rely conduct unspilled the fluid to their lips . ?-titU their feet areswollen and agonized while untold horror fill the region whose I -*> ruin has been tonight laid ooeiv to our! O I j view?and yet they are not drunkards! j - f>h, no, no, no. no*. ltrnnkarusT Not "j they! I? is not from such men that we ' *V hear in our huiiihic warts meetings.? I No They atetheopce wretched but now rescued victims of what, ir ?ur Western ; world, is called "white faced whisky"?! ' children of the lowest intemperance who ' ~ iyerc appear.' This tyrant alcohol, like! hi<n of whom it is no unapt representative j j can suit its temptation* to men of every I grade of fortune,ann to evry diversify of -? i r ?.aai/kn 'lift hoTds out nn np-*! $, - ptopriate lure to Taste and draws wit bin his ( ".^firUFgh&re the higlfnnd the low, the leurn ^ 'b<| and unlearned, the vijlgar and the re-; " fined. ft Is the story of t ie humble and . ~ the poorer w im' lYztvc been reformed by means of that society, with which I i Fas fust connected, that I have listened, * w rtir kqencst interest. ( dry>lt does appear to me th??. if the loftiest among the lofty spirits* which move and act from day to day in 1dus fI;?li? tho j it . proudest the most gifted. H*e inost'fasfidi- j V otis-1>^re-?rouhl hear the tales i have i * heard, and see the men I have seen, re. sVuot, fjvlhe influence ofa thing so sitn- j ^"Jjfeas.Thjs temperance pledge, from a state j of the most abject outcast wretchedness, j to industry.^health, comfort aiid in their; ojvn emphatic language to peace, ho could ' t)Jt WiTh1i6fd lj> jounl< nance and support | from a cause fraught with such act-inl j1 mankind. I have heard un I i . 'slctU'tcd men trace their own nisiorv on this subject through all its stages, ciiscribe ( 1 ..the'progress of their ruin and its conse.qjcnce**, paint without the least degnise ' * , the utmost extent of degradation and 1 s'iflP'ring. and the power of appetite, by Tacts which astonished ine?an appetite j j whi/'K triumphed over eveiy human prin- i clple, affection, and mo'ive, yet yielded j instantly and forever before the simple j charm this temperance pledge It is a i' thing of interest to me to see and to hear n free, bold, strong armed, hard-fisted me ' chanic relste in his own nervous ami i . ; lafural lang age, the history of his fall n d his reepvery. And I have heard hint j 1 relate how the voting man was brought ' up to labor, and expecting by patient tod to s-pp'?rt his family, had taken to Irfs bosom in hisyou^h the woman whom he loved?how he was tempted to quit her side, and forsake her society, for the dram shop, firt; frufic. the midnight brawl? bow he had "resolved, and broken his reso. Intioprj. till his business forsriok him, his friends deserted him, his furnitme seized r? k.., nUtkmiT itaivnod for drink. HIT UflJl, Ilia viwiiiiMg . tftSTwifcr broken hearted, his childree starv its, his home a desert, and heart a hell. A ad then in language true to natnre, will | exulting recount the wonders wrought ! in their condition by this same pledge, I 'My friends have come back?I have fc' good clothes on?I am at work again? | I-am giv ng -food and providing comforts for ?ny children?I am free, I am a innn, 1 am at peace here. My Children no ; longer shrink cowering and huddling together in corners' or under the bed, for protection from the lace of their own ' father. When I return at night they I bound into my arms and nestle in my j bosom My wife no longer with a tlirob. , bing heart and agonized ear counts rnv 6'ops Ix'fbrc she soes lo discover whether I aiu drunk or sober?I find her now einging and at work," * What a simp e but exquisite ation of a woman's b-vc, anxiety, and*ufferin ! The | tine instinct as *'t wile's ear detecting from the intervals of his fuo'.fail, before he had yd the door, whether it was the drunken or the so. bcr step Wlifcther she was to rccive her husband j or an infuriated monster in his likeness. I siy sir, these things have an interest, a mi rhty interest for me : and I deem th'?in not ontirelv be. 1 1 lL - ?(. ol lt/tcninn ho re* neath the regara 01 mu piwim , <'n my conscience, sir, I speak the trutii when J I ssv that, in *in'?er of congress a? 1 am?(end |. ti in 'i is proud >r orhis ci?mnvs*ion)?:nnmlHir of Congress as 1 aiu. if, by t :king th'is plr d?j?\ it were evenprobab s that it would bring back ono hum ill being to happiness ai d virtue, np mat ' tor what Us rank or condition, recall the sim'e o* hope and trust and love to the cheek of ono wife as she again pillowed it in safely, peace, and confidence upon tho ransomed bo.^o n of hor reel-timed and natural protector, send one I rosychi'd bounding to tho arms ofn parent, from . whence when drunkenness han exi ed it 'ong, I would dare : !! the ridicn'e of all the ridivnlous ]> -ople in the world, and thank God 1 h id not lived in vain. And, sir, I have haJ that pleasure. Mr. President, it is really astonishing what a prodigiously great man a member of (Jon- j gross is in tne estimation of some peo le. I Now, suppose, all iiiose ineuiuer* wiio are : themselves temperate men?.and they const i. lute, thank heaven, an overwhelming majori- i tv in both Houses?would hy common con : s?int, b 'fiome members of this Congressional Temperance Society, what sort ot it fluenr.e j * *do you suppose it would have both within and without these walk! T 07 would make no sacrifice in doing tins?it costs syeh men j nothing?and if they would only do it, I aver j that, before the close of this present session, W.Whould ?pt liW* * single drinking character leftinenher branch < f the Natioqal L?.-gte. - 4% 1.1... , ... jaitir*-,** VHC)' ueycr cuuig?i4im out agnujM jttt-l kj#r>W ti/Cy not. 1 was myself a- ; tjtfk ? t i?nj as oj>or, ant) hs h mly a sou! a* c^lTt\vaI.o?vfU a juii}>. 1 4id &uf caic w iio V. - - iii.wjwcna., ? > nmwj l muh ?w.._j3u u.?w iiip drink; and though,as I have already admitted. I joined, the temper ?nce society because 1 was scared n.? my account, and not , for the purpose of influencing others, or under tiic influence of o hers, yet sure I am, that if ] all my fellow members who are temperate i had joined ihs'ass ciation, (for t!iey con- t st'tute a majority far greater than is necessary ? to suspend the rules of the Houje or to r? verse < a Proeidentia' veto.) I should hare found my-, self left in so very small and lean a mino ity as the drunkard's corps would have amount <] to when the line ?\as once drawn between * l.l. the parties, t.'iat 1 never could nave sioou me ( shame. Why, it would be the weakest, ', meanest, poorest, most contemptible, power- t less little friction that ever did appear in Con tjross. Wha' a figure would halt a dozen drunkards cut against the whole body of both ' Houses! Why, there would not be enough tu | guard the obsequies?to form a decent funcr. al procession for king alcohol!?ihey would be J ashamed to attend the remains of I heir dead master from the Capitol. No, sir; they ; would have to stop drinking in mere st-if-di?", fence. Sir, if there be within this Hall an indi- : vidunl man who thinks that his vast dignity and importance would be lowered, | the laurels which he heretofore won he , tarnished, his glowing and all-conqucring popularity at home bo lessened, by an act designed to redeem any portion of his colleagues or fcllovv-nien from rein and j shame, all f can say is, that he and I put \ a very different estimate upon the matter, j [ 1 should say, sir, that the act was not on- : 1 ly the most benevolent, but, in (he present 1, state of opinion, the most politic, the most J 1... /Mr Wise who ^UW>I\H^ ... sat jtisi under the Clerk's stand, Mr. M. 1 ^ added with a senile.) the very TYisest thing he ever did in uis life. Think not, , sir, (said Mr. >1 . still regarding iVir. W. with great earnestness,) think not thai I , feel myself!n a ridiculous situation, and, J j like the fox in the fable, wish to divide it i with others by convening deformity into , fashion, Not so; by rnv honor as a gentlernan not so. I was not what f was ! ^ represented to he. I had and I have , shown that f had full power over myself. 1 j But the pledge I have taken renders me j secure forever from a fate inevitably fol- j lowing hahits like mine?a fate more * terrible than death. That pledge, though j coniined to myself alone, and with refer. I J enee to itsonlv effects upon me, my m.nd, j 4 my heart, my body, I would not exchange i" for all earth holds of brightest and of best. ! ' C No, no, sir; let the banner of this tern- j ^ perance cause go forward or go backward i j ?let the world be rescued from its degra- j ( rling and ruinous bondage to alcohol or i not?I forone*hal| never repent what Ij have done. I have often said this, and I j feel it overv moment, of mv existence, waking or sleeping. Str, I would not : r exchange the physical sensations?the j ^ tn?*re sense of animal being which belongs ^ o a man who totally refrains from ail ihat can intoxicate his brain or derange , J his nervous structure?liic elasticity with ! which ho hounds from his couch in the ; morning?the sweet repose it yields him 1 j it night?the feeling with which he j j drinks in through his clear eyes the beaut) I and the grandeur of surrounding nature : ?f say, sir, f would not exchange mv ; conscious being, as a strictly temperate ^ man?'In? sense c?f renovated youth?the j ijiad play with which my pulses now heat t healthful music??h?* hounding vivacitv , * ( ui h which the life-blood courses its exulting way through everv fibre of rn\ j Inline?tha communion high which my ^ healthful car and eve now hold with al! . the ggigeous universe of <*od?the splendors of the morning, fhe softness of the ( evening sky?the bloom, ihe bcautv. { the verdure of earth, the music of j the air and the waters?with all the grand ^ associations of external nature, re-opened ^ to the fine avenues of sense ;?no, sir, f though poverty dogged me?though scorn j pointed its slow finger at me as I passed*-- , though want and destitution, and every elcim nt of earthly misery, save only ^ crime, met mv waking eve from dav to * . . ' " \ day ;?not for the brightest and the nob cs wreath that ever encircled a states- | man s brow?n -t, if some angel com- . missioned by heaven, or some demon rather scut fresh from hell, to test the re- 1 sisling strength of virtuous resolution. < should tempt me back with al! the wealth audaJJ the honors wiiich a world can bec. _ ?. *: 1 siovv ;??run lor mi iuhi unic mm mi nun earth can ?ive, would I cast from me this precious pledge of a liberated mind, this talisman against temptation, and plunge again into the dangers and terrors which once beset my path :?So help me heaven, sir, as I would spurn heneath mv very feet all the gilts the un verse c??u d oiler* and live and die as I am, poor hut sober. CAUTION. 4LL persons are hereay cmtiere' not to trade for .? note of hand for thuiy dollars dated i November 5 841, given by tun lo John (ilov<?r Willi Reuben ll-iiley ns security. The said note was given in horse swopping and the horse not proving as sound and good as represented by said Gmver 1 will u. t p iy tiio said note. liis GOODWIN X WALLACE, mark. Attest. \V. Strntlier. April 22. Ib42. 24 3t FJ KE I \E Fdk THE Camden Independent Fire Eng'no Company wishing to procuro a I rg.>r En. gine, ofT.rthe one they now have, lor sate. It i? a first rale stielion Engine, of tne inoA approv- . ed ooiistruotion. with twon'y four feel of.\yction, * fSL.lXDIXG A REYNOLDS,/! Surgeon Dentists. DR. BLANDlNt* will leave Columbia the ensuing week on .a professional visit to D.irlinglon, S.?ciety Hill, and Chora \v._ He will Lisit llicso places in succession and requests that .hos; who may require his services will make an early appliealiqn as his stay must be a limited >no. a ;i on?K l-ij t. 21 tf HAULING. | Ihavo fwo four li< ro icmns, that 1 am rot now alilu to give full employnieiil. and should >b glad to ung tgo a job o? hauling, or work by the da/ on very reustMithic terms'. A.'P. LACOSTE. April 13, ' 22 if Important Work. Now in Press, anu trill shortly he published, a Dictionary of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND MINERS. BY ANDREW lrKE, M. D., F. R. fiArc. lilu ft rated with 1,241 Engravings ! THIS is, unquestionably, the most popular work of the kind, ever pub. lisbed, and a book most admirably adapt, ed to the wants op all classes, of the community. The following arc the . important objects which the learned author endeavors to accomplish? 1st. To instruct th? Manufacturer, Metallurgist, and Trad smnn, in the j principles of their respective processes, j so as to render them, in reality, the masters of their business; and to emancipate them from a slate of bondage to such as arc too commonly governed by blind prejjdiec and vicious routine. 2'lly. Tw afford Merchants, Brokers* i Drysalters, Druggists, and Officers of the J Revenue, characteristic descriptions of [he commodities which pass through their lands. 3d!y. IJy exhibiting some of the finest Jevclopments of Chemistry and Physics, 0 lay open an excellent piactical school ;o students of these kindred sciences. 4thlv. To tench Capitalists, who may je desirous of placing their funds, in some productive Iiranch of industry, to select judiciously, among plausible claimants. 5thlv. To enable gentlemen of the Law to become well acquainted with the iature of those patent schemes which are ;o apt to give rise to litigation. 6thly. To present to Legislators such 1 clear exposition of the staple manufacures, as may dissuade them from enact, ng laws, which obstruct industry, or cherish one branch of it, to the injury of nany others. And, lastly, to give the general rpad. jr. intent, chiefly, on Intellectual Cultivaion views of many of the noblest achievenentsof Science, in effecting those grand | ranformations of matter, to which Great | Britain and the United Stacts owe their j paramount wealth, rank and power, anong the nations of the earth. Thela'est Statistics ofevcry important vbject of Manufactures, are given from lie best, and usually from Official author, tv, at the end of each article. The Work will be printed from the iecond London Edition, which sells for tll2a copy. It will be put on good pa>er, in new brevier type, and will make alout 1400 pages. It will ho issued in wcnty one semi monthly numbers, (in .overs) at 23 cents each, on delivery. (?ri'o any persons sending us five dolars, at one tune, in advonc^wo will forvard the numbers by mailers/ i>uidy as KK)n as they come from the press. To suitable Agents ibis aflUrds a rare )pportunily, as we can put the work to; hem on terms extraordinarily favorable. I !n every manufacturing town, and every | ullage, throughout the United States and Janada, subscribers can be obtained with he greatest facility.?Address, post paid, La Roy Sunderland, 125 Fulton street, Sew York. To every editor who gives this adrertisement twelve insertions, we will forvard to order, one copy of the whole work >rovided the p ipers containing this notice >e sent to the iNcw York Watchman, Sew Yo?k. 1 > Til OX'S CXASSICAirBOOKS. JOIIN WRIGHT has now on hand ami for sale at the Bookstore a good supply of Anthon's Greek Grammar, ilo Greek Lcssoi.% do Greek Prosody, do Horace, do Cicero, do Sallnst, do Cffistr. do Latin Prosody, do do Lessons, do Classical Dctionary, do Ldiiion of AmsMorlh* Latin Uwiimiury, do Kdilimi of Valpey's Greek Grammar. 9il tf 20,"0 tf? LB$~ BA (4)N, AND 1,000 LBS. LARD. For sale hy JOHN W. LKAK. April 21, 1812. 24 if SOUTH CAROLIlf l, C H KSTK K Fl K LP J.) IS T UK'T. Iii the Court of OtJiwry. B1IJJAH A.RANT, having given notice to _i me. Turner Bryau Ordinary of the Pi?. .rivt aforoaajd, that he rtiyHHOsihe will of Peter \rai.-t dee'd. late of the aforesaid Dislriet, to be proved in due form of Law. Ami it appearing o iuy satisfactio ? tliul the Heirs at Law or other eg 1 repr?aen'ariven of Aaron Annt, who vonl 1 have been lit 1 H tamongst ethers) to a Is ib'itiou oI'imo fchtaieot the wild Peter A rant f h" had died nil at ue, resides without the miits of this State,?Notice is hereby given to lie said Heirs at law or oilier legal represent*. " ' ? IVoM .K?? , VfeS OF 111 ' S?l K1 /A ill c111 >aim i'* u u i*ir j a ^ i:reby cit< d to |>jn?r liefow mo Turner Bryan irdinnry us :ifor<naid; at u Court of Ordinary to >e huJ icii at Chesterfield Cotirl House, on Kridny the third duyo.f J'we next, ,on which day I wi.i hoar the exmiiin iliou ol' and h-eideon the yulh'iiy of t'ie said ?ill. j?;vcn nnd-'r my Lt nd and seal ofuffice at Che* terfi Id C-uirt Uqusj, the ^ I at day of Kef A.D ir 12. . T. BRYa.\\ O. C. D. and about one hundred and ii?"ty feel uf.ynUna,rv * Hnpfl I is neirly new, Ins I .eon but Jiiif# j used and is k pt in fi st rate order. F >r further I in forma* ion jjdd/esK the Secreary of tiie Camden 1 Independent Fire Engine Co npauy. i i <himcleri April 2?>, 1842. 24 3'j< PROyiSliO^s. "" I i A jro-id supply o i Bac >ii. fjard, Flour and ( , ?5L Meal on hand and fur sale the lowest mar- . ket pnce. I). MALh-OY. Mirc.h 7. 1812. 17 tf 11 Corn Wanied.' !j AX l'EI) to purch ase fr >ni 100$ to SQ 0 i ( w 9 B ishois euro to be de ivered in ('Iihjmw, | . "" -,,IV *" I'' * l:tr> !i!?trt? i'riu-ti |}ih riVI-r. fo? i which the highest market j?ri?n; will t*e p;iid. .. . f).. A! It. i April 11, Is I d. 2'i If 1 CAROLINA ECILPSE. THIS highly bred and much adinirid horse will stand tfo.* present season at or near B?-nnetsvillc, atone or two other places in Marlborough District, and at the stables of John McLean in Kobcsun County, N. C\ He is a red sotrci. without white except a small star; five years old, fifteen and a half liands high, and cf extraordinary hone anO muscle. In color, size, bone, sinew and muscle, he greatly resembles his grandsire, the famous American Eclipse, admitted tin all hands to be one of the best horses, if not the jcry best, ever owned in this country^vhether native or imported. It may be stsWfl as evidence of the extraordinary constitution oI A uerican Eclipse, now standing in Kentucky, that alt!?ough twenty-eight years old, "he is still" says tffe N. Y. Spirit of the Times "in p ssession of tine health and betrays few indications of his aJvam ed age and long service. There are very f< w instances of such vigor at his age." Carolina Eclipse is put at the very low price of ?3 the single leap, payab c at the time.' #1*2, the season, payable at the c'ose of the season ; and $15 for insuring, payable when the mare is ascertained to be in foal, or when she is traded { with 50 cents to the groom,? His for in, strength, and blood eminently claim forlorn the attention of persons who wish to raise horses "for ail work,"?for the saddle, light draught, and farm or plantation use. And the low price at which he is put will enable any who wish good horses to avail themselves of h'.s services. Though a horse of great life and spirit, he is of quiet ternfier and tractable disposition. Great earn will be taken to avoid accident*, but no liability will be incurred for any which may happen. PEDIGREE. He was got by Fes lie al, considered by Capt. Harrisoi;, an experienced breeder, trainer, and racer, who had linn in his stables a season, "the beat son of Eclipse." His dam was by Oplimus; and his grand dam was out efa Bell-Air mare, got by old Sir Archie, the best horse of his day in America. FESTIVAL ? - r*-i: i.:. ,i. l.. 'n was oy American EjrupBe ma u?tin uy i unoleon ; grand dam by Young Tup: g. g. dam by Umpire ; g. g. g. dam by Grey D.omcd ; g.g.^.g.dain by Wild-Air. Young Tup wag by imported Tup; lie by Javelin out of Flavia. Young Tup's dam was 1?v il/ask, and he by imported Shark, out of imported Virago, Umpire was by imported Shark, out of a mare by imported Cub. OPTIML'S was by A/ad:son; he by the old imported I homed the sire of Sir Archie. Optimus was out of jl/elviua, the dam 01 5 stock horses ; she was by imported Knows, ley; her dam by imported Spread Eagle; her grand dam by Nimrod ; her g. g. dam by Wild-Air, her g. g. g. dam the noted mare Little Willis, the da in of Brilliant, Nimrod and Herald Little Willis was by old Janus ; and he by Col. Baylor's Shock. It wiil be seen from this pedigree that most of the very best crosses of uhuh this country.can boast, meet in Carolina Eclipse. Although mere racers, are not the horses for the farmer, yet it is admitted by all that racing is a fair trial of the strength, bottom , and constitution of a horse, k is therefore stated that Fe&tivai, the sire of Carolina Eclipse, though only a short time on the tui f, distinguished himself in these respects at all distances from two to four mile heats. In his first race at Nottoway Va. in the spring of 1832. two mile heats, he distanced his competitor the second heat. In the fall of the same year, at iMilledgvi.'le, Ga. three mile heats, lie easily won the Jockey Club purse, in two heals. The same season, at Lexington, Ga. in a race fur the Club purse, three aide heats, while -tearing his com;-ciitors his rider suf. fered him to run too near the rim of the inside track, against which he stumbled and fell, causing him to lose inc race. The same week at the same place he beat all his riva s in 3 mile heals, (lie best 3 in 5. Tho next spring, at Lawrenceville, V*. lie ran four mile heats, wiih ironeile, Anvil, Row-Galley, and Walter Cook. Although he was in bad condition, having not fully recovered from the effects of distemper, and owing to his rider beiug sick, lie wa9 obliged to carry 5 lb. over weight, he lost tho first heat only by the neck, and the second by only a few feet, J rone tie ieading him; Row. Galley, and Walter distanced, and Anvil (afterwards sold for $10 01)0) barely saving his distance. At New Market, Vj, the next season, be started with eleven other horses, and led them -ail the first heat. But his feet being tender from a rect nt founder, he was then withdrawn. Two weeks after, wards, his feel yel sore, he was barely beaten by the hue racer, Duke of Or pans, hi four mile heats at Baltimore. Uis manager still, with great cruelty and iack oi judgment, coutinu. mg to run him in litis condition of his (cot, he Ul down in one of iiis fore legs, in four mile heats at Norfolk, two weeks after his Haiti* more race, and was withdrawn from the tur/. But his trials most abundantly proved his strength, speed and bottom, ?ilb exiraurdiuaiy poweis ol endurance. J u gtHjd condition he never was beaten; in bad condition, when he ought never to have been run, he always won by his performance Uu; admiration of every judge. The iiaif sister of Festival?Col. Hampton's Fanny, by Eclipse?is I he only racer of the first class in (he United States which has not been beaten within this last tux months., by soium younger aspirant aftor fame. twice receiving forfeits, one from 10 competitors, she has run at least 11 races and never was beaten. Lightness and wapt of strength is tlie objection lo racers as worJk horses, but tins objection does not apply to the JSchpse stock. March I s/, 1842. W1JLL1AH II. UVAtfS WIF.L practice in the Courts of I>tw of South Carolina, in the District# of Clicsterfh Id, Marion. Darlington, and Marlborough, Office at Society 11 ill. March 1st, 1842. T* 3m G A Ik Lit FOODS'. flfTHE Subscriber has just received a well JL selected stock of Pancy and Staple Dry hsadx, G. H. DUN LAP. Choww, April 9, 1842. * *22 ff Honnetts. JUST received a handsome assortment of Ladies. Mi^es and Clnldr-ns fine Straw, Tuscan Zepharine, Lawn and otlie* f-'shionablo Bonnets. G. II. DUNLAP. April 9, 22 11 FAS HTOAHL BTLtEGHOl?A\D PALM Leaf I late, for Men, Boys and Children just received by G. It. DUNLAP. 1 " ? no tC April y, NOTICE. IN pursuance of nn order from Maj. Blakoney an election for Col?>nH of the 28th Regiment will be held in the Town Hall, on Saturday the $1*1 May next. The w ill he open from 11 to 3F. M. J*. F. FRtJUES, T. A. BRYAN, J. H. McIVER. Managers. March 30 18 2. 21 It t __ . The Subscriber has just received, a??d wil keep constantly on hand,Cotton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the an fact tt> oi lluck ng ham. GEO GOODRICH. (!h?'r*w. Jnn. 1840. 10 tl CANDLES 4 few Boxes Ta low and Sperm Candles for sale by D. MALLOY. May 31, 1341. 29 J tf POLE BOAT FOB SALE. THE Pole BiMt James R Ervin will be.f#H orNDporablc term*. She is row on the way np ana wi I be delivered to the purchaser on her arrival. Apply to cither of the subscribers. I). maLloy W. &. T. BAILEY i Co. JAMES 11. COLE.' Dec?inl?er 4, 1841. 4 . CUT NAILS. 100 Kegs, 4(1 6d 8d lUd I2d and 20 nails, For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. obcr 27,1811. 50 if COR N Hr ANTED, 'W IIR Subscriber wihbe? to purchase 2 00 J-L Bushels good Corn, D. MALLOY. December 6, 1S41 4 tf PICTOKIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. VOLUMES 1st. 2:i*l .mil 3rd, el" Pictorial Illustrations of the Bible containing 20 J engravings each. For sale low nt tlio CHERAW BOOKSTORE. 20 tf UPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, Wax, and Calf Skins, and Hemlock Tanned Sole Leather. For sale low. A. P. LACOSTE. Octoher 27, 1841. 50 tf HAHDiVAttC. THE Subscribe) k-eps constantly an hand a large and well selected assortment of Hardware, including almot?t every dpscrij.tifn of C pernors Tools; which ho is very cheap. D. MALLOY. March 8, 1842. 17 : if SOU THC Alio L IN A* Chesterfield District. PALLAS ALLEN, Applicant, Scalmrn B rry and wife Mary, K ch rd Allen, E izi Ijeth AT n, Sarah Allen, Malay Alien. Martha ; Allan. Cain Allen, Susanna Alien, Call) trine Allen, and Rosa nun Alien. Defendants. It appearing to uiy taiifaclion that Scahur . Berry one of the Defendants, resides without this State, It is than f.?re oriloied tin' he do appear and ohj ct follw division or sih of the Real ! E.-tate of Kichaid Alien. Deceas d.oti or before ihe Tweiily-firs! day ofMay n<xt. or his consent to the sane wiil lw entered of itecoid. T. BRYAN, O. C. D. Mirrh 9,1842. IT 12t CHINA CR.icivKttY AND ULA?S WARE. Til K Subscriber hu? on hand a good ustortuiont of .bo al>ove, comprising a variety of patterns. For sale cheap D. M ALLOY. May 31, 1841. 20 s <f PALU^IvAF HAT*, QR D zen Mens* Boys* and children*, Palm L af Hats, just recvivtd and for sale bv D. M ALLOY. March ?. 1812 17 tf NOTICE. G II. DIJNLAP Would icspecl fully give n>lice to his friends and the public that Invhig commenced business ag'iu ?n his own account he finds it absolutely no-ensary to curt lil very much his credit business, he lias consequently determined loo en accounts' only with such persons as have heretofore paid their accounts punctually at or near the end of the year and with such only as will give posi live assurance of doing so in future. Oct. 13, 1841. 48 If ^COTTON oTlABlRGST.Vi)" COTTON TARN. THE Subscriber has received on eoisign. muni from* the L>e Kaltr Factory at Can id en S. C l-i Bales very superior Cottoj, 0>naburgsaud J2 Bales C??tton Yarn, which lie will sell by the Bile to Met chants n- as good or I lu inr tonus than thev can uurchus? in Npw Yurjs or Charleston. Ho would also invito the Planters of the neighborhood to call and examine thoOzn d vrgs, they will find it a cheaprr and better ui tide than lias ever been sold in this mnrket. G. II. DUN'LAP. Chnraw. April 4, 1812. 21 tf ^mjt'storfb"mr"oli?a.r A,arg?: supply ?! Simw'e Hist ry or South ( urolina, designed tor liiu um: of ^i.owls and Academies. For sale at the Bojkstorc hy JOHN WRIGHT. 2(i tr ?OLTII CAROLINA. Chesterfield District. SAMUEL D. timuons, Toim*^* me a hay m tre Midcjiiu^-wf^een yars old. blindjillLl-?-?h?+fT"rV0' -J?e-tr marked ?car on the -rtgifit si'le of the rump, the end of the e irs cut ?>fF, and mall while sp <i ill tho for'head, th liair ?hav d ufl'the tail appraised at tbiriy five Dot* JOHN SINCLAIR. M igiHtrnto April |i, 1842. 23 lai?f4m Is the Common Pleas. Chesterfield District. Ilenry Eaeterling. ) Declaration vs. > on note in G. W. Booth. } Attachment. VV FIE REAS t he Plaintiff in i his action did -on tins day file his Declaration against G. W. Booth, the defendant, who is absent from and without the limits of the State (as it i6 said.) and having neither wife or attorney known upon whom a copy of the above Declaration, with a rule to plead thereto, may be served; it is therefore in pursuance of the Acts of the General Assembly of this State in such cases, madp and provided; Ordered that the defendant, do plead thereto on or hefore the twenty. 8'xth day of December nex', otherwise final and absolute judgment will be then g'ven and awarded agaiust him by default. T. BR VAN. Office of Common Pleas ) Chesterfield C. H. Dec. 25,1641, \ 9 lc3mfly BLACKSttlTHIXG. THE Subscriber has (his day recommenced business on his own account and hopes by close application to business to share public patronage. My prie s >vill be moderate. Horse .Shoeing will receive my persona] atten*ion it is therefore warranted to be done with neatness and despatch N. B.?I am now prepared to repair, or put up n w lightniu" rods. C. I. SUIYEK. Apri} J 1813. 21 lf CASH SYSTEM coxtixcep. ^ THE TIMES are auch a. to codimI ?b? * Subscriber to rcntir.ue the Cash t yatem Groceries and all articles in that line will be sold for Cash only. Persona whose sects. I and notes still remain unpaid. wHl please ml j derstand that no new credits will be given 1 until all old arrearegesare settled in full. D. M ALLOY. B BRYAN & BROTHER, Itold a lea.? on the lower wharf near the old Fe'ty 1, end will charge each Boat for the prnr. ' ilugocf landing discharging and leading. Each Steam Bout, Three Dollars. Each Pole Bout, Tow Boat or Lighter, Tw# Dollars. Each Cotton Flat loaded or built, One DolLr and Fifty Cents, tyiiii uie prmicgn v? reiuaiu nj uoq ?o.*, longer al a corresponding rate. ' Ciit-raw, Sept. 2^, 1841. 46 tf DBVCi8, MEDICI2VJBS, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c, for sale wholesale and retail by A^ttOPTOiY, CHEBAW, S, C. At^^Drvg More, next door to Brown BrjU&<5f Brother. Where may be had at all timet a general M sortino t of articles in the Dug line?veeoan mended to be of sopcrior quality which will 6* disposed of on very moderate terms?Physicians anil others wishing pur>- tnedicin< s, may rely on being snpulied with them. .May 26, 1*41. 33 GARDETSEED, AC. THE Subscriber has just raecivsJ a full and general assortment of Ff ah UARDEN SEED from the Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store of the New England Farmer Boston, ' among which are Sugar Beet, Ruta Bags, White F'al Turnip, Ac. Ac- by the pound and smaller quantity. lie has also fur sale a (General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, With WINES and LIQUORS, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, Citron, I Currants, Caudy, Pickles, Tobacco, Segsrs, Ac Ac. (1 is Store is Two Doors below the Store ol < Messrs. Taylor A. Punch. CHARLES VANDERFORD. i Charaw, December If, Imi. J .5 if is absent from and reside* %rithoat the itnma < thisSlnte on motion of J. W/& J. A. Dargsn it I is ordered that the said ALomlorn C. Powell do plead answer or demur to the complainant* Bill ' within three inontha from the publication hereof I and in drfiult then of, tiro same shall bp taJterj against him pro confesso, it isulgt' ordered that this order he pubiialied > in the Farmers' Gazette twice a month for the t space of lit xee month*. 'r E. A. LAW, C-E, C. D. . f I Commisficncni Office. 1 > ' Djr'iugtoi) C. H , S. C. a X ' i Match i'2, 1842 J / # j 21 2af3ui P-i '> i A general stock of tfjjese articles for sale bj A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841, 60 if fanctTand staplij DRY GOODS. A few Fancy, and a large and well selecte4 stuck of IStaple Dry Goods for sale low by A. P. LA108TB. October 27, 1841. 50 U AXES 18 dozen Collins, Huhts. and Marsh superior i Axes, for sale by .the dozen at much belowjfop * usual rales. A. P. LACOSTE, October 27, 1841. 50 . . ii* EQtiTf; : ' South Cakomha, Cheravo District. John M. Cokor and w ife i Bill for ap partition ?s Kindred Griffin and > writ in nr?tuie of writ _ others. j of n? Exeat * IT appearing to my satisfaction that AbsaJoro C. Powell one of the Defendants in thMi^caaa SFOll'l'SiXl AH 9 ruH llbtt. A^NE Cafe English Canister Rflc Powder, I manufactured by "P gou< &. Wilka," Loil# do.i, lor .sale by the C'aimter. D. MALLOYf May 28, 1841. 29 I GOOD BARGAINS. fElUE Subscriber ha*?>n Iwpd many artioleJL oi Merchandise not now in his line of boa I shirs*; and which he ha> no room in his s-ors for. all sue goods will be sold very cheap. They consist o< tho following articles, vil. Negro Cloths (a good article} While Pis*?*, Blanket Overcoats, Uutfi! Blankets, Bale Hop-, Brass And, Shovels and Tongs, Jugs sod J irs, Pou.iud Ovens. Iron and Steel, Hardware Cro.kery, &c. * G. H. DUNLAP. Novr mber. 10,1?4I 52 tf "THE ?Uf?SCRlDJEH,/ PURCHASED recently in New Vork a %e*w i heavy and general assortrneut of Goods wh a , ! have all come to hand, and lie now oft t l thein at Wholesale or Retail at very low pric * I lor Casti or Produce. I. A. PLA COSTS, I Oc'nber 27th 1841 80 tf. ^saddlery: A rery large assortment of Boys, Men*, md Ladies Saddles. Also. Bridles, Martingales, Whips, Collars, Saddle Bags, Gig, Sulkey, and Carryall Harness, Stirrup (rent; G ? ht and Surcingles. For sale very cheap by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1841. 80 U j WEM7MH TAPEBS OIL, ! By ihe Barrel or at retail, (or sale by ? A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tt 2500 PAIR SHOES, rAmn.,.in? U??,U uzr.a'u an/1 f.,r oa la ah ?/._ VslMlipi mill; W.-.J in , I ,vt mi? ?.. ?V cuijiiQudating lerins, A. P. LACOSTE, 7* October 27, 1841. 60if HATS AWCAPS. 16 D 'zoii (ieitticoieiitf' aud Buys, Black and hrali Fur Half, 2$ Uojseij Wf?oi Hats, A Large stock oi Fur, IIair, Cloth, and Sc. lette Caps, For gale by A. P.LACOSTEL flct 27 1841. 60 tf uOiVi*i;Ts, HCMSDS, AKP uano Boxes. Ladies and Misses, Florerce and Straw Bon? ucttf, i_aiiiea Coloured Hoods, for tain hy A. P. LACOSTK. . | Octobet 27, 1841. 60 tl tAKDLES A ATP SOAP. Sperm, Margarine and TaJiow Candles. Bar and Perfumed Baop. Foe Salo by A. P. LACOSTE. Octn' er 27. 1841. 60 - if HABDIVABE AID SMITHS' TOOLS.