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CHERAW GAZETTE. ! Tuesday May 10 1842. i _ i The Farmers' Gair.Uc is for sale.? There is no other printing office botween Fayatteville and Camden, nor between Charlotte and Georgetown. It would be old on favorable terms to h person of suitable character to take charge of the apprentices attached to it, who are able (o do all the work of publication, as well ik> -?l ?? IU? JWH nwiKt QTNOTICE !!! Tin eitifun* of CltaraW and it? vicinity *ffl ; nap# .tfully aolicit# I to talc.; notice, tW .t person* f great infli^ttca 10 societ y, whuae locality ren. data thorn mleroateJ i t thu object, are miking a aari+ua and atranuoua eff ?rt, to divert thai portion nf tha S?#lh#-a nui', the present r.^ita of which U thraagh Cheraw, C .ro Ion and C'olu nbia In maw rant# through Beoiet* villi, Soeety flil, BaHmpfitlc, and Stiteburg to (. udcdrn. th# praarnt termination of 'ii; Charleston an 1 C? Umbra Rait #> ''. Blank Pcli'.io-is. addru>-aad to Camgreas, k *1 boon a?nt into thia neighborhood far ligntturaa, with a via r ta the atlainna^Uftf thia abject. Th# fattndiat haa already mtdo an attempt t# direct public attention to th a matter, and to induct public action in th? prr?js:s$ ?But that attempt wa< unaucc;asfut. If in tha view of tha Citifna. the subject re *f ?UKCiCnl tmporimnc- i" ntj-Jire nny onion, * MCCTtMO WILL It HELD at THE Town HaLL, tnu aftchk*on at Kite < o'CLOCE. JOHN A. INGLIS. Intendant. Chenw, UHk May, 1843. Steamer Utility.? Thin boat paid ui a visit last week, and wo lenrn will continue to run between this place and Georgetown. She in of very light draught, drawing only 20 inches water, wb?*n omp. ^ ty, and 30 inches with a full load. She eema well adapted to our river, and we trust will bring in to hctownar handsome profits. All nur readers of every class am re. In thu pttrnff frnrw \fr Xf.rwhMll'c address to bo found on the fourth page. Farmers' Kkgistkm.?The number for April is before us. It is sufficient Co eay that it sustains the character of the work. Table of oontents next week. Mr. Uirvit's dxosjerrkottps Likcmssss. ? We last summer sect into several establishments in tbe city of New York, where Daguerreotype likenesses were taken, and Che specimens in Mr. Hervey's possession, taken by himself, are fully equal to any which we saw in New York. Bern. Fa.vx.cotf, * tradition or th* Old Catitw, is out aud is far^-aby antics J by the Cu.'u.nbia pipers. __________ 1 Rhodk Iiiaxb.?O-i the 3i instant tIir* Governor and member.-* of Assembly dec. ted tiy the revolutionary party 'n Rhode Island were sworn into office, in a build, ing provided by them or the purpose.? The Governor swore himself. From 2501) to 3000 persons assembled on the occasion, about 590 of them armed volunteer companies. No opposition was made to them and the day passed off peaceably and quietly. The regular Legislature was to meet en the next day. If a conflict is to take place it w ill probably arise nut of an ^ - r 'TTattempt ol the new governmoni 10 emorcc its legislative enactments. Wo have seen another account which puts dawn tho number of persons who attended the new organization at from twelve to fifteen thousand. Giddings is re-elected to Congress from his district in Ohio, and this he doubtless.thinks, expurges all disgrace of I the vate of censure passed by the House Representatives. j The President ordered two companies i f artillery from Old Port Comfort to Rhode Island, and they set out according, ly, on the 1st instant. The design doubt, leas was to have them at hand should any insurrectionary movement be actually made in that state. Seven citizens of tho IJnitocl States who accompanied trve Santa Fe expedition and wera captured by the Mexicans, and held by them in chain*, have been released by order of Santa Anna. The Virginia election took place in April. Full returns 'have not yet come to hand. Those received render it certain that the Democrats will have a conaiderabie majority in the state legislature. Wo suppose, then, that according to usage tho present U. S. Senators from that State will be instructed next winter to resign. We learn from the New York Sun that 0c a letter has appeared in a French paper i n I #*ittr 1 r r? nr\ ko IT /v *? ? I'UUIIiriCU ill niflv vii ? ?M?ni uiu iiuii. v>.\* KB CvtMXO? member of Congress from Massachusetts, and son-in-law of the President, discussing the topics which now form the subject*; of negotiation between the United States and Great BritFrom this letter the Sun extracts th^following sentence. [ "England seems disposed to set lip a a propaganda, of the fanaticism of philenK tbropy. She reproaches us with the slaA *#ry that ousts in the states of the South, A Very well f If tUat i? t?e? p*r, Arecr icans ran try our hand as political mis- 1 interpolating our Democracy into the law of nations, and preaching equality, independence, Democracy, and insurrection,, to tho hundred million of slaves who crouch under the sceptre of Queen Victoria." The Af tlitfonian of Washington, the organ of the President, is Upcoming more . ! and more fierce for the removal from of- i fire of all ? Clay Whigs and Loco Focos." ; it doubts not there are quite enough mode* rate *Whigs and moderate D:mn^y?ts to fill the offices vacated by such a "glorio is movement." A Yankee Speculation.?A man was j ittely.apprehended in New Hampshire for whom a reward ol 9200 bad lieen offered. A couple of fellows thinking it easier to make a little money by their wits than their finger.", bought the prisoner from his captors for $150, anil set out with bun for the reward. But having to stop o.. the way at night, they tied him and went to sleep. When they awoke in the morning he was gone! latk*t 7r0m texas. New Orleans, April 25. The steam ship Neptune, arrived on j Saturday morning in 23 hours from ( ;?!veston. The papers contain a long letter from President Houston, in which the necessity for an invasion of Mexico is urged ; but his Excellency is in favor of procrastinating that measure until the meeting of Congress, nnd the troops are tnoroughlv disciplined. An enrollment 1 ni ika militia i, rfeammnniicd hv (hn Pres. ident. Some general rumors of movement* upon tUa Mexican frontier aro mentioned ?n the paper*. We infer from what we gather from the news, as well through the press as from private sources that Mr. Houston (as Santa Anna designates his Excellency) is not in high favor with the people of Texas, and that the brandy bottle has well nigh used up the faculties, locomotive and reflective, of the hero of San Jacinto?so much the worse for Texas. The volunteers under Gen. Bttrleson refused to obey the orders of Gen. Somerville, who had been ordered by the President to take command of the forces. They had no confidence in the Cheif Magistrate nor in any one appointed by him. The President seems to cherish a mortal enmity to the most prominent men in Texas?hence the confusion and failure of the expedition which it was expected would cross the RioGrando. No Wotfocft?No Wo.iDCft.? At a sale of 'he Splendid furniture ?f a bankrupt who paid as innch as fifty pet cent, on his debts, the auctioneer, is se ling a su.t of window curtains, said, " Ladies and gostlcuien, if the fringe on these curtains did rot cost forty dollars a yard, it is no sale." It is surprising that with such extravagance we have so many bankrupt*? The furniture of the house cost 'we!v? thousand dolars; a barouche and horses sixteen hundred ; the rent of the house | twrive lum Irod per annum, the annual support of the whole establishment about seven thousand dollars.' N. Y- Sun. Republican Olfice., ) Savannah May 2?12. M. ) IMPORTANT NKWS FROM FLORIDA. Probable termination of the tcar. By the Steamer Newbern, Capt. M'Nulty arrived this morning, from Palalkn. wc have the important intelligence that Hallurk Tuatenuggee ha* come in ouch more, in order to have an interview with Oo|. Worth. Only a few hours elapsed after the late battle in the neighborhood j of the Ocklawaha. His warriors .vnflered j .in in ftinf r?n?ratromnnt nnd ho now I propose* to surrender. He has again gone out to bring his people in, some sixty or seventy, including at least twenty warriors.* Col. Worth has given hirn the ns.sur.incK that he shall be made a Chief, which, together with some other [ inducements lipid out to him, leaves no I room to dubt that he is sincere. In short, he has been ho'Iv pursued for months , past by our indefatigable troops, and is re. dured to extremity. i The surrender of Ilallerk virtually fin. < ishes the war. Sntn Jones and tho 1 Prophet are still at the Smith, but they 1 have not been near the settlements, nor committed murders for a long time. Thev ! pretend to observe Gen. Macomb's treaty. \ , Halleck has sent a mcewenger to them i ( and there is every reason to believe thnt i i tho war is at ao end. We speak on tne | 1 authority of intelligent officers who came ' in the Newborn who have been for years ; j 1 campaigning it in Florida, when we state ; that the next arrival will bring us th? gratify ing intelligence that the war is con. eluded. Sunday. 1st MaV. ... ? DROWNED IN A TUB. The rorroner to day held on inquest in 15rh street, npar 1st avenue, on the body of male child, tin; offspring of James nnd Harriot Willotk. The mother was engaged on Saturday in cleaning the house , and her child, which wns about 10 months | old, falling asleep, she laid it down in a I back room while she washed the front windows. On going into the hack room I when she had finished, found her child j had rollod off the bed into a tub of water which was left at the bedside, and was drowned. Virdict, death by accidentally I falling from the bed into a tub of water. i JV. Y. Sun. 1 , . I ! TERRIBLE PIASTER?TWENTY-TWO BOH ' AND TWO MEN DROWNED. ' Wo learn, from tho Boston papers of I Saturday, that a party of of tho boy* of the Farm School, on ! Thompson's Is'and, accompanied by a ' teacher and boat keeper, went out on Friday morning on a fishing excursion. ' A Knin<? out nrarlv all dav. whila r?. ' I J -J ? - -- | ' turning, about four o'clock, P. M., tho ' Nottt by a fto? t>f wind, * bop ^ ??c?bppmb?a?owmfBEJi between Fort independence and Thompson's Island, a quarter^or half a mile from the latter, and out of all on board oily three of the boys are known to he saved. N. Y. Sun. Tnx Oltopj.? ? Hnving passed through several of the adjacent and interior counties of this state within a few days, we are able 10 stute from observation, as well as on tho authority of many farmers with whom wo conversed, that the winter were never more forward at this season of the year, nnd never pavo earln-r or fairer prorniso of an abundant harvest. It was feared that the open winter might cause the roots to be killed, by alternate thawing and freezing; fortunate* ly, however, this prove* not to be the t:a*<\ except to a limited extent, on very wet lands. Generally, tho wheat and rye fields are already covered with ? green, heavy, and luxurious growth, which pro. misea the surest and best antidote for hard times," If nothing occurs to impede the present rapid progress of the crops, we shall have a very early as well as heavy harvest.?N. Y. Sun, Correspondence of the Journal of Com* nwc.e. Sr. C'noix. April 1, 184i. I have learned here, what I did not know before, that tho British, instead of' liberating slaves captured on the coast of Africa, or in this neighborhood, apprentice them at Cuba or in the Brazils, for a term of years, aay ten, and that the Cap. tain and crew receive at Cuba $!Q for each slave >o apprenticed. In' js said. $50. At the end of tho time not one in a thousand is ever found. They nru certified to he dead. Epitaph.?The following ii a li era! copy of an epitaph on a deceased sausage maker," ? i- i t-? i in ran*, aeu'caieu ay nm -iiieuu?m?uie better half. Ye who have tear* prepare to lied them now. Here lie* buried the body of Joan Pierre Corlett, who died June 2d, 18-12. Hie tnconsolable widow continue* the sausag: buainpsi in all it* variolic.?, at the old stand, No. 175, Rue Street, Honore, where she will be happy' to verve the customer* of her lata and lamtnled husband. "N. 0. Order* for sausage must be at-! companird by the cash." Thk Chops.?From nil section* of the Union, the accounts continue cheering. Should no untowered circumstances hap. pen, the. wheat crops of the preacnt year will be immense. There is ? toper in our borough, says the Harriihurg Telegraph, whose nose is so large nod fierv red, that the Common Council thinks it n sign of intemperance, and arc about to fine Siim because it pro. jects over the sidewalks ! A member of the Connecticut legist i* ture climbed up tho State House steeple. When asked what he was doing there, hp said, " It is so infernal hot down below, I have got up here to seo the bell-fry!" A company of volunteer from Afomphis, rH / .. I . L.... ... i run. itir i c?am hits u-tuiiiiu uuuic? reaching New Orleans. The Texas Committre at Cincinnati has suspended operations. The money cootribu* ted has been returned t i the donors. Tne New-York papers mention the death, in that city, of Mr. Joseph Perkins, one of the most arcoinpJ *h< d engr.vere, in his particular lice, in the country. There have been 360 cases of lutmey in the Massachusetts Lunatic Asylum during the last year, of whom 133 were admitted during the year, and 167discharged. The Island of Jamaica formerly expected a ' large quantity of sugar, now it is imported into that islam! ?* Wooden toothpicks, in large quantities, a few days since arrived at Philadelphia, from Rio Janeiro, as merchandise. Major T. S. Burnham, of Burlington, Iowa which will probably cost him h t life, lie was on a hunting excursion, and at night lighted a fire at the foot of a tree, near which he lay down tosle^p. The fire burned through the lice, which fell and came acre.s his body. Rev. Dr. Rdwaids has resigned the Prssi. dency of Andover Theological Seminary. Practice does n't ulw iys nnke perfect. Cur. r^n, w!un told bv his Physician, that ha scorned to ctigh with i?or? difficulty, replied? 14 Tnat is odd enough, fjr I have baeu practicing ill night. One day a quaker w nn*n kit dly asked a dealer in spirits some questions about his iu?iness, he replied th-?t ne sold to sober persona inly.' 'All.' said she, 4and does Uiat b-tter [lie case ! Is it better to irnke drunkards out af soher in?-n, than To kill the poor old nroken down drunkards I' This<> upon hirp like a thunder-ho t; it overset his best excuse, ami ho slopped the busin. s* of making drunkards. ____ I Thomas?there is too much bustle here? Where Pa? I mean there is too much noise?you must stop it. Is a noise n bustle, Pa? Yes child. Ciolly gracious!?then Sally does wear the biggest noise you ever saw, Pa. ' | I A poor fellow who had spent several hundreds of dollars at the bar of a certain grogery, being one day faint and feeble and out of change, asked the landlord to | trust hirn with a glass of liquor. ' N?,M. 1 u'?c fh*? ciirlv rptilv "I ni?v<>r mntff* A ' ...W v ...rv . J practice of doing such things." Tne poor <1 fellow turned to a gentleman who was! iitting by, and whom he had known in i his better days, saving, '* Sir, will you ^ lend me a sixpence?" Certainly," was 1 the reply. The landlord with alacrity ' placed the decanter and glass before him. He took a pretty good hen, and having i swallowed it and replaced the glass with 1 evident satisfaction, he turned to the man j who had lent him the sixpence and said | ?44 Here, sir, is the sixpence I owe you: < [ melee it a point degraded as I a n, ahoays 1 ? pay borrw*d thqwj tefort / mm jk$ ] ptgWL* f4 < nwweabmw??s?gym?mctiuj? Six Hundred Texas wolf hunters. A body of six hundred and forty 'IVXa* emigrants from Alabama and the Southern border of Tennessee, are on their inarch towards Memphis, 'fhay are well armed t and equiped.?Augusta Sentinel. Dialogue rbtwren a clergyman and one or HIS FEMALE PxBlSHfuNRRS. Parishioner-It am?2es me why ministers dont write better sermons. I'm sick of their dull prosey affairs. Parson?But it is no easy matter, my good woman, to write good sermons Parishioner?Yes, but then you are so 1 i . ?. v ?r long annul it. i could write one myfeii in half the limp, if I only had th? text. Parson-*-O, if a text is what you want, I will furnish that. Tako this one from Solomon: It ia better to dwell on the hous-top, than in a broad house, with a brawling woman. Parishioner? Do you mean mi*; air? Parson?Oh, my good woman, you will never make a good sermoniler; you are too aoon in your application. Who that has a heart to feel, doea not rejoice at the success which has already crowned the efforts of tho friends of Temperance? The chroniclers of the nines, arescRrcely able to keep pace with tho rapid march of its triumphs. Every breeze wafts the shout of the victory of principle and reason over appetite uuri habit, and the congratulations of those, who have escaped from the galling chains, which had lH#und them so long. Is there not danger however, of fixing our views to much upon what has been accomplished, and overlooking what yet remains to be accomplished. We should consider nothing as done, while anything yet remains to he done. Looking to past victories only as the pledge of new con. quests, and the proof of the omnipotence of truth, we should fix our eye*, steadily on the vast expand, atil! under the do. ininion of the intoxicating draught, and our watchword should he onward and still onward, until the use of *11 that in. tnxicates is forever banished from our land. Why should it not be thus? Why should a custom continue, whose effect* are unmixed, and unalloyed evil?which spreads pauperism, and misery, and crime, nnd death in its course, without conferring one compensating blessing upon mankind. We do not charge these evils upon Iniemparnnce. They are the natural, legitimate, unavoidable effects of the use of intoxicating l<qunr*. They 1 have existed, and such is the effect of in* toxicating liquors upon the human con. stitution, will exist, wherever intoxicating liquors arc used as a beverage. Words cannot express our astonish, mont men of intelligence nnd benevolent and patriotic leelings, should continue to countenance ajpractice, which has wasted more estates, destroyed more lives, instigated more crime, imposed n heavier tax, and caused in ore misery, than all other causes put together in our country. But so it i9. Prejudice blinds .1 1 ?.i . i some?-appetite, mnfrs?nna wmie incy i think themselves secure, they nrc march, ing on with s^dy to fill the places of drunkards, whom total alwtinencu has reclaimed.?Temp. Union. A little boy just old enough to begin to wish to be independent of his parent*, in his daily operation*, was very much diasntisficd that he must eat his food with a spoon, while hi? parents used forks for the same purpose. Hi* mother remonstrated with him, and told liirn of the sad consequences of children's using such instruments?how they frequently injured their eyes, Arc. -Not long after, a rrsp. ertable c tizen of the place whose eyes reveal'd the fact that ho wa* enlarging | the hounds he had set to the temperate j use of ardent spirits, called at hi* father's j on business. After he had left, the little1 * i hoy exclaimed?44 Mama, I guess by the look* of Esq. - '* eyes, that his mother lets him use knives and forks too! ? Youth's Temp. Enterprise. ? ? ? f mi pi. ii -i Honor?debts OJ.? I no o'ocKnnnge Visitor says it is related of Fox, that a resolute creditor, tn whom admittance had been refused, on forcing himself into pox's J apartment, found him with his hands i filled with hank notes. The creditor j presented tho note of Fox and demanded ! payment. Fox pleaded his want of means. Tho Creditor asked what use J was to be made of the funds which were I now in his possession. Fox replied that they were harely sufficient to pay hi* "debts of honor." Tho creditor stepped to the fire and threw into it tho note which ho hold against Fox. Now, sir, he said, mine is n deht of a honor, and I wish it included with tho others. The demaud was instantly paid. fXCTT* Si icx. A man who, for ?otno ynar?. ha* heen celebrated for his 'slight of hand" triok*. iod I horeo to can of o '.t Farmers about a fortnight or three week* sino?. and hiving ptokeud the *hin?r*. took hi* J.-pirture. He returned, hnw. ever ?evoral day* ago, and came en with the pureoauor to thi* City, whe-e, protending to htvrt fo ?e hu?Ue*s up ;-bout Or-mg", ho took leave of his untu pasting dupe, and tbey eepir.j. Lad. As soon, however, as he had got w-ul rid of the Fsrmer, he whipptd tvick to his hoa^e, tome four or five miles from town, and lull hitwife, that Mr. B. had sent him r*>tt*baat<: to get i ? - - t. _ . t _ _ _ Chat i.orse no ?oia mm. ? u? wm ennui m-.Kiny > great t. ado for him in Raiaigh '?I ht honrst wcmmraadily gave credence to history he having loft thara with h?>r husbaod, hut s fm hours bofora, and aflor insisting on his eitiug iinnar. which ha was almost in too great ? hurry ;o do, had tha horse delivered to him ! It i? hardly nee*setry ti add that nothing bassinoe wen board ait hor of the ho<x? t* rkW? fiai Ngh Rfgif'.as. Good Wo*s.-On? hundred and twcnly-ttvo barrels of nn extra brand of superior dour were made in right successive hours, by n mill in Rochester,JN. Y-, "M'ii h three run of stones, a few days since. This is equal to 1*22 bbis. by each run for a day of 24 hours. A ship having sprung a leak, an Irish sailor whs employed at the pump but first looked over the rail to see how high the water was on the side of the vessel. After an hour, he again took a peep over the side, and Sndinc the vessel was four in- I chex deeper than when he began, ho exclaimed, 'Arruh now, Captain dear, I shall noon pump the xcufuil at This rule. for 1 have raised it four inches already. cheravv price current. May 10, 1842. Aaticx.SU. r*a | $ C. J Q B&t'iu utrkoi, iL 0 3 01 Bicon fri/ai w.jfwno, .It* 5 a 7 -? ?by retail, lb 7 a a Butior tb . a 15 Hon wax lb 22 a 'J6 tiasjnnjf yard fi'l * 25 Hal* Hope ib 10 a l.| Tlo/fW lb m a ?5 r.oTTOJf, ib' <| ? Corn, b?i?h Flour, Country, brl a Foathara Fia wig. ncn4 "? 87J Fodder. lOOlbl 75 a 100 tilan, wladurr 11t 5?l\ 3 25 ,a 3 37| ? 10x13, St)ft 3 50 ? 3 7$ . Hij?s, green lb 5 % / dry ib ID i Iron 10311*a 5 50 a 6 50 Indijo lb I ft 2 50 hiiao euk 4 ft 4 50 Lard searoe lb 7ft It Lftatb?rfsol? ib 22 a fib Load, bir lb 10 ft Logwood (b 10 a 15 MoJasio.N.O. gal 3S ft . 40 , gal M ft 35 .Vails, cut, assorted lb 7| ft 0 ARRITSD I On the 3d inst Steamer Utility, Capt. ' Kirkpalrick, with Tow Boat, two and. a hulf days from George Town, with Mdte. | <*- /> tr._j._c i , II . C jor v. v a nui'rnircj, n ini|iiuu, i.ujiumvi & Solomon*, B Bryan & Bro. J Laz.vr.i*, F A Thoma*, J T Griawoid of this plare, B F Sinclair, Jamc* G Turrrnrr, M W Hunter. N P Lile*. Wm Barringpr & Co. Jatnej Lam\ C F White, Samuel S Srott, Ha mile! A Campbell, G Cox, Joiinaon 61 McQueen. A Slack. M i B i) Townxend, 3 Hasty, W W Duraind, Jn Williams, Washington Grig*. John P Rich?rd?r?n, Robert Howren, W W Harllec, and J L Shields of the interior. On the 8th Sieamer O**ola. with mdze for D MalioV. A P Lacoxie, Tarhh, Pit. rrntn & Co. Emanutl 6t Solomons and a'hon, BDfrA&TEi) This day Steamer OxenU, fuf George Town with cotton and flour. On tho 7th Steamer Utility, with 800 Bale* Cotton. Tho Steamer Ulilily wi? built at Wilmington in 1841, and is of light draught, drawing only two and a half feet of water with 680 Bale* Cotton. Ma. Editor: You Will pleaxu announce I R?bt c. 1) ivie as a Candidate fir th? ofBc? ' ot Tax Collector at thi approaching Election J to October next. MANY VOTERS. CP We a aathorixol to anaon-x* Miloon K. Af'-Ci'kii! * a cXmluljto fir tlx orfiee or* i ax Collect >r uf.thia District at tha ensuing el -eiio i in OcvoVr next. Janiurjr list. 1842. I[J" W,? tie authorized to announce Capt. ! Stephen D. .Miller cs a cindid?te t' r Tax Collin, tor fjr Cbetterfiold D.itiict tho ensuing tljc. li >n tu O.lobar n< xt. Mr. Ebtnr - Sir:?-You wl 1 jda-so announce M j >t J W. BLiix.vtr &a a Canoidata for Cobj (iu?i of the 28 ih brigade, 3. C. .Militia, at tho ensuing ElJCttjn. many voters, M j 7, leo. ? DANIEL JOHffSOtf WOULi) respectfully inform thi ritiVns i of CbTiw, and the public generally tint ha his now cm hand a good supply of (innt e> ! "in"Hi' line Boots and Sha a ani i.r<' fioo j 3eal Shoe* ami Kid Slippers, tn^ulhar with a J variety of other kinds all of which aro offered at i low prict *. A stipp'y of l orlhem S?!o leather and Calf j Shins of the best qudity jml received and two*) good w orhm-ii rHijIoyed mi that Bo its and Shuns of a good quality will be undo to order ..n short nOtic '. (* 'nt'cneiij' Snm-nnr Clnthing for ail*cheap. S igir, Cnif o, Salt. MolisSes, Rice, &c., will he f uii.I a* 'ow as ?uc!i article* can bo bought in ) lhi? irnrket. Ahvfl 1842. 26 tf ! : i ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE. AIJ. parsons iar)nh:e i t'tho Estate nf tho latu .Mr*. Ann I,i !e of Marlboro' Dintricl. firci'tril, will make immwlute i>?vme/.l in tho Suh*r:rib *r? and all persons having any demands a^ainit the ?*id Eiuie will ren l*r attested stato. menu-of tho fans within tho tims prescriboJ ; by Ijw to tho Subaciiber. JAMES IRRY, Ad:n nstrator. April n, 1842. C6 3>n SUMMER RESIDENCE A T GOPHER HILL. THE Summer Ho tw form -rly occupied by Mr. A. C aik?i wj!| bo so d at low prica or ranted dnniig tho Sumnnr. App'y t<? F. TURNER. Mij6d.,lS42. fC tf FOR SALE. fn WlOIl I 4^1' r A.n IK* l*?* Par' of A Of a.'ioii iinuu ? ?? uiv I- , . ? _ JjL G?I?r?!ier in Spain Hi i? f>ur yoars e'd. fourtorn hind* high, of compact form, fi:io hone, pretty in colo*. being a daj>pl?;iv*ry mm) end genii', lie will be /'n liberal t^nn* to an a/ pro^'d pnreha?er. Apply to a BRYAN' ?t BSU. M*y 10. If<3. 26 4t 8WEST PaiAXCEflv ON E iWyilfthl^-flm^hwli ot'go^duaiS po'n. too, /bruMft t2?e^x>)&j)e oondi bin, for ?!* A. P. LA COST R. April 13. '23 if . i M.l'f, . Tho Subscriber ba* jnat reoeiTod, a?*<? wil keep aoueUn tly on hand.Cotton Yif# and T at wholtrule, froui U.e Manfc^tcfy ofHockuu? bate. i \ , G CO GOOOKICfJ. CSMr**. Jo#. ift<A 10 it y ' ^" "' I 1 " i ! "" iTf * m~ THE CHICOltA, V OR # 2 U| MESSENGER OF THE SOUTH. ^ ' V.iUor thin titfo, l:.o Sul?*eribcr? propoae pub? l| liahiug in the Ci'.y of C-liarloaton. a Wkkclt > Pare* lo b* devoted to LITERATURE, SCI. ENCE, the ARTS. MICHaNICS, AGRLf* CUL'I URIC, .EDUCATION. audUENER IN"I E l.l l jENCP?ut a roH, to whatever ru.y imparl instruction or rff /rd aaru*9Mteut- 10 each chea, prof-ajiion or Ttiltin?, of our people. In puiitica ami raligkn 'tht Chicvra wi I oCeo. 1 \tj atriCtlv re'ilrSl ground; y:i suia-.irru . lion will i* paiJ to Loth, to anitle the Rfidi f ' t<? J>'*rn how p-osper* the rtligiOaa ti.d poJ.tical v co. d tiou oflue cauiilrj*. A <??p?r defotf^l to the purpoeea aho?# liaied, hm lonjj (rid a dettdtratam at the Sooth; tf'4 ilii to meet thi*, thit The Ghikjri 11 nOw p-*? powd to he issutd. The Subscribe* a are awere their protol.^e ni.?y auueirtw eoiiBdent# I ' the rrp'tied failure or Southern periodical*; hut t ey b g Ija.t to ?uj, that no^eiopUU arw the arrangement* they have tn*d?:-?~eO eatet'iive the Cjr.e?p<?nd ?<ce they have eeeuredep-e? V*huhie theai 1. loth of Mortem mmf Southern iaioht thet nave euiia d-tfihat w-iih the kindlyTeelioge eiiu liberal patronage of the South#(tiie^lrtfeM fv?arp for the meult. Tilt -titrriry Vepcrlment of the win <-u aupplicd with artio*w of rare In* *ib? eUulial m?-ri(. with review* Mid cri'i^u*? 0f! ejl the new work* of tlia d y, and vrttli or.gmal laid** flki'lrhc*, Works ot fiction, blOgraphtee and poir? - ' j try flam the penVof sevenl of tue no* girted I author*, I>ol1* of the ?r?rth and Sooth. Tno S:intljic and Meehtininl Dfailmtft T will 69 enrii:h3ii with t-eeay* and illustration* fr??* individual* high in publie istimatiAp, ae tif * nughlv pnfc icn! men. which. lng.ah%r wilh llyf Agricultural ^"minutipatiOne ?lr?ldj ^torid 0 tbd p<tp?r fro rt >?riou) pn<ti6?ls of the I dih? '*jj| tr7. vviij f.,rni ? co -pmdium of aeefbt inetmtk lion iutaluahie to the artiata aad (rhe u.'mel^r. & j j I.i the O^pirtiueot of f?rner?l tnlelMf I the euberriue A bed/ve the ChiCom )?ka * - 4 I aland, which not bo turpaeied- bj~'h?y^ journal ot tho Union. AA ot VH.' , srri>? tt:!l iuako it hii constant ovor/ motion < f our copnli jr; apd thmugli of An extensive ovqcuinuiHie already jfflipMMi in i' o of cur soli bpird aad (ho W?4t.4 w?. lily 4 rreaponiknec wi I be oaiaWiahbd v* Po ij'j, Sew York, Philadelphia. Btltl4%rSj \Vtriiirg*Or., Cincinnati. hfd N?W CritaaiS, tviioUii'? w incfi wli bo obtained, not c|tlf VU?' -A' oari.eal inforii*lion in ioganJ lo ail And ^ dooiHlie mailers of linporlahco, PriCe* C?HC?t '?. of Scutborn products and monetary tlMdi moment ia lh? difftr -ot Stitea, Wut AfcO opinions of Judicious men in rrgaid to CvliPMi* -- ^ pi?l prospect*. and. nutters of an eco .o<bj*4J?... cj'.ii, and po!it>jl character.. tfor ahiOw. v y A Iittlo folly nborajud lHerrt< li relisboJ by lh? **i do th?y intend lo ?xclulc tlfOselighter SftiaJtO^t information, fimilnrJy doajg atod tip* thH |isll o! t .e day, which. white llxy map*W0OH\mrnpt a weary or li*tl??s hour, hafe at the asm* '.jam tlu lii^ii-tr e5":tt of acquainting tfl arllb tko diameter aud custo'ns of our Nt> ibfrn **4 VV :etern neighbors. and onnkct ng u:6r* tlofcl) " Iho binds of unity b* tvreru us. nf*4 FcaJing tMSrad tbrn of their Ability the wishes of the Southern community, Aad fO * esUhli.ib a paper On the tno-i |iyruT?ni, uwrful ami popular p an, and here!y pl? dging ihemswlrM (bat no exerhon ahaii be wanting on theij^art, not only iflort fully lo mkein. l>ul cren tot'*4^d lbs promises luey make, they rcep^-ctfully Solicit ' th? pitmnap* nl the good people 01 Souua van?* i i m and her s?i?l?r Slat'a. Tba Cmcoas will bo printed on an imperial shed', of Ur vsrv Um piper and tjpr. and sh ll < ba c.-nSt'lh-hed with pOririitK of'.ur d alinguJidi i ' * n.en, an ! vie** illtMraliva of our ec^nrrj. TW p ica will he $5 per annum, psjablf upua-Uie -'j d?.l/cr? of lb# first Numbor. : / - . . .. * N. SDODUE. v B. R CARROLL. M-fth 13 M ' ' y NOTICE. ' fSj^IIE Law will be enfo tpeU Against all pit* JL aoiw hunting t?r fishing on the lands dTrbe Estate of Mia Ann'Lilo Or (in Was <Mh person or peraoas hare permission frorh tfatae JAMES IRBY. i April 18, 1342. 23 6t \ CHEESE. "E #7* BASICS tlflivESE flg JSL For S*|?* bjr . ..$2 A. P. LACosrt. D?. l, tan. a if . .. . 2 I I GLASS. PAINT, AND PCTTT. V j iA Larjfn Stock of these articlea, whit it wttt ! Lq fcid at rcCuci-d fi!C?. n t . -*3 A. r. JLAUUSlIfc. # I TO RENT. . n I INTEND on t')e l*t day of July next Jo rconre my Sl< ck of Goods to tnv t* o ^ store*, lately occupied by B Mcfntoeh, and McKay Si /VcCaskiJI, and to make them cnf y permanent bu'ine>s stands ; and now offer for iff Runt, iif^ four Stores immediately belo*, V12: One at present occupied by Mc* era. JV, Si T. Bailey, Si Co., the next below, corner Kurshaw and Front streets, and now occupied A; | by A1r I). Mailoy. and the two storeenow occupied by me. ' To persons residing to tht4. place, it is needless to say, that they are I among the wry best stands for proi-ecuting* Cotton and barter business; and 1 onJjrmake ? this declaration for the informs.ion of persout residmg at a dtaianre. Possession of the S:ore* occupied by Messrs. VV. Si T. Baiiey | 2ffl Si Co., and Mr. D. MaiJov, wilt be giteV oft the Int day ol ?>ept ? rrber next; the oUfers c?tt be bad ny tne lOtn July next. Cheraw offers .ij inducements to Capitalists, and men of bust* noes, tunt are not found in many Southern towns. It is estimated, that o r receipts of cotton, for (ho last two years averaged *jo,l)00 Biles, and it is supposed this year's receipts will be about'the same. AUG P- EaCOSTE. k. Cheraw. Jati'y. 12th, 1842; 9 tf The '? Charleston* Courier," * .Southern Chronicle," "Camden Journal*" and "Fayetteville Observer" will ulease give the above mx insertion*. on*. * *very two weeks, and forward (heir bii:s turn .^r payment. .4. P. LaCoste. STATE Or SOUTH-CAEOLOA, Dasuscto* District. I.v tfib Ccu2T Common Pleai. Petition for the benefit of the Insolvent Debtor's Act. TOJOAII A. BACOT having fhi? ?iateantb i^f Qjy of April, ei^h'eou hundred and rort?? two fi cd Petition Fraying that ha h?*e tha wnrfit of the ?.?t of Auamb/ ronrnov'f i oilc-'i tbo lii?oivort Debtors Act, It t- trjAicfo.** nrdt>r?*d by tit? C"urt that ?If the Cridi'or*#fi\iti? l NoJi A. Baco'-. do appaarporaon^ll? .?r* -Lfc r.y At^(>vy he'fK" th< Court of CominoA I low on tim M Monday after JC^c fourth Monday in 0:iob^r nrx*. to Rhae.CaoM if ?ry they havr. why fj-f greyer of th? ?aid Pa Ition tbouid ^ not hj prv't'-d- end that noina of the ?*fd * Petition ho pv^!a!ifld tor tn? tpaoa of throa moa-h? .a thn FurwrV &r>U?. 4 WILDS DoBOoC.C. C. F. Bscr&roCtk* April !6, I Mi. 3* .fine * %H' v