University of South Carolina Libraries
Important Work. Now in Press, and will shortly le published, a Dictionary of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, itiYZ) MINERS. BY ANDREW URK, M. D., F. R. <ScC. Illustrated uit'i 1,241 Engravings! THIS is, unquestionably, the most popular work of the kind, ever pub. Iished, and a book most admirably adapted to the wants of ail classes, of the comThe fnllowina arc the impor- j r. ? tant objects which the learned author en. deavors to accomplish? 1st. To instruct tho Manufacturer, Metallurgist,, and Tradesman* in thfe principles of their respective processes, so as to render them, in reality, the masters of their business ; and to emancipate them from a state <>| bondage to such as are too commonly governed by oliud prtj. udice and vicious routine. 2dly. T? atford Merchants, Brokers4j Drysa Iters, Druggists, and Officers of the ; Revenue, characteristic descriptions of' tho commodities which pass through their hands. 3dlv. Bv exhibiting some of the finest developments of Chemistry and Physics, to lay open an excellent pi act ica 1 school to students of these kindred sciences, 4thly..To teach Capitalists, who may be desirous of placing their funds in some productive branch of industry, to select .judiciously, among plausible claimants. " - P . L _ I othly. To enable gentlemen oi me Law to become well acquainted with the' ^nature of those patent schemes which are apt to g<ve> rise to litigation. 6thly. To present to Legislators such j a clear exposition of the staple manufac- j tores, as may dissuade them from enact, j ing laws, which obstruct industry, or I cherish one b*anc.h of it, to the injury of j many others. And, lastly, to give the general read, or. intent, chiefly, on Intellectual Cultivation views of many of the noblest achieve- i menta-of Science, in effecting those grand ' ; O O ( tranfarumtions of matter, to which Great Britain and the United Staets owe their parnmoun't wealth, rank and power, a- j mong the nations of the earth. The latest Statistics ofevcry important object of .Manufactures, are given from the best, and usually from Official author fly. ?l tjio end of each article. The.Work wiil be printed from the second London Edition, which sells for 812 a copy. It will be put on good paper, in new btevicr type, nnd will make about 1409 pages. It will he issued in twenty one semi monthly numbers, (in cover*) at 25 cents each, on delivery. OCrTo any persons sending us five dollars. at one time, in advonce we will forward too numbers by mail, post puid, as soon as they rome from the presa. To suitable Agents this affords a rare opportunity, as we can put the work to them on terms extraordinarily favorable. In every mannfajBturing town, and every village, throughout the United Slates and Canada, subscribers can he obtained with the greatest facility.?Address, post paid, L.t Roy Sunderland, 125 Fulton street, New York. %*To every editor who gives this advertisement twelve insertions, we will for- i ward to order, one copy of the whole work provided the pipers containing this notice be sent to thu New York Wa'.vhman, Now York. rj 4SSF<r ?T ^ 1 ^ V? U KJV MOHN WRIGHT hai now on hand ami for ?-i!? .it the Ho"ksto e a gi?od supply of Anthou'e Greek Grammar, In Greek Letsona, r'o Greek Proaotiy, do Horace, do Cicero, do Sullust, do Caesar. d? Latin Proaody, do do Lcraous. do Classical Dctionary, do Edition of Ainaworih* Latin Dictionary, do Edition of Valpey's Greek Grammar. 20 tf S?SCTiBTS' KAN Jk, S. C. Cheraw, March 3D, 1642. The annual Election for seven I)irec. forsofthis institution will he held at the Bank ing house in C'heravv on Monday the ~ ? _ / , U,|.10 hrt,,rv aid- nav 01 ;tiav iitwi, ni twci i? iiiv <? !? of 10 o'clock A. M and 2 o'clock P. M., fo he managed by J. B. Billingsley, D. Ala Hoy and J, Rli Gregg. Bv order of the Bmrd. W. GODFREY. Cashier, April 5, 1842. 21 4t EIST OF i?TT?RS REMAINING ?? Poet office cheraw s. e. Mifeb 31st and if not called for b* the 1st July next, will be forwarded to the Gcn? rral Foa: Office us dead !.ette;s. BROWN BRYAN. P. J|. B?William Blair, G Buzenro art, J I! Bennet 3, Bunting McQueen Mrs. F.hz ibeth Bennett. C?Miss Catharine Coker, Bouj. Cassudy, S A Catnpb-11, VV S Chapman, F Collin. D?G W & J A Dargun, E W Dipon, L S D rako, J R Donaldson. E?T F Eilorbe, Thomas C Evan1', P II Erumbert. ' * F?James Fen ton. G?Wade A Green. Jacob G-iney, II?Hailey & Pow ?, Ii Husbands, Mi3S \M A Hughes, Silas Ha 1. K?D C Ko b, and A N McKay 2, Miss C Koijfht. 1.? N BI.ang?ton, M?IV S Murpliey 2, McKenzie & Crockett, Miss F.thu McNuir, Mr. Murphey, John Me Queen, Duncan McNabh 2, Malcotn McAlpin, J t? McKonz-c, Onoy McAllister, John Murdoch, Wf.liam Mitchell, *2, McKay & McCaskill, !)aa?l. Mclyorflo, Mairs & Strain, Nei 1 Nicholson, M:ks J/ T Nicholson. P?J C Fos eM, Chailes Pe<*p!c3, Wiliarn Pottej, W F Parker. Q?Ann Quick, I*?Malcotn Shncr, John M Smith, 6. A Sparks Ck Son, I. H Scott, Chas. M Simth, .Ifiss .Vainly SmV-h, 0 Sussdorfl', Daniel Smith. T?Franklin Taylor, Benton Tatum,2, David I< Thorn is, ityiss A/iry Thomson, (? B Tcnnent, R L. Thomas. W?Eli S^iytst, Visa Jane Wanl, W T W iliiatns, WilliatqJpVcodward, B S Ai T Wright. Porsons calling for L tier* from tbi* li?-t wi I p'.cnsc a.if they are advertised. . April 5, I? 12. 1 ' * ?le - PROVISIONS. tgood supply ? t' Bstcjn. Lird, Flour and Meal oahutiJ an.) for talc the lowest market price. D MALLOY. .March 7, IS-12. 17 tf !VOOa>. 5 HEREBY tender to my late customers in llie V\ ood line, my grateful acknowledge-! merits, for the liberal patron.g?\ 1 ba\c ieceivea { at their hands, and would now inost respectfully request, that ttiev would continue to give their j orders to Major L), R. W. Melver, to whom I i have sold my laud, and who is fully prepared to : deliver any quantity ot weod may he requi* r d. Ail orders for Wood lelt at my store, will be sent to the residence of Muj r Mclver. A. P. LaCOSTE. January 12, 1842. 12 u' SOL'TH CAROLINA. Chesterfield District. Iv tke Common Pleas. JOHN E. 1DWARDS, who is in the custor dy of the Sheriff of the District aforesaid. | by vtrtue of a Writ of Capias ad Respondendum I at the suit of Henry P. Hilliurd, having peti| lione I the Honorable the Associate Ju Iges of i thesaiu Stale, that he may he admitted to the i benefit of th" act of tie Genera Arscmbly made J for the relief of Insolvent Debtors; ami he having filed with his petition a schedule of hi Est a to roal and personal. It is ordered that the said Henry P. Milliard, and a 1 others to whom the j said pctitionei is in any wise indeble I, do per. souully or by their Attoruiea, be and appear before the Honorable the Associate Judges of the State aforesaid at the Court of Common Pleas i to beholden at Chesterfield Court House on the j third Monday in October next, to anew causoif. : any Ihey can, why the Estate and effocts of the 'petitioner should not be assigned and he di9. ! cha-ged pursuant to the provisions of the said acts of the General Assembly, made and provided for me relief of Insolvent D btors. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. cfa.:?tcrfieiJ C. H. March 23, 1S42. ! - 20 1m SOfTn'CAROLIAA, ('heslerfield District. In the Common Plkas. JOHN I. WESTERVELT, who is in custody of tho Sheriff of the Distiict aforesaid, by virtue ?>f u Writ of Capias ad Suti Tacicndem, the suit of R. H. Cro< kctt &c Co. having p li. tinned the honorable Ihe A^socinte Judges of the mid Stale, that he may be admitted to the bon? fit of the act of the General Assembly, made for the rdief of Insolvent Debtoi9, Ann ho having filed with his petition a schedule of his Esta'e re.ii and |? It is ordered that the said K. H Crockett, Ate. and all others to whom the said petitioner is in any wise indebted, do i person..! y or by their Atto.nies be and appear i before the Honorahlethe Associate Judges of tha Stite ufoiei.aid .itthe Court ?.f Common Pleas to ne ho'tlon at Chesterfield Court House on the third Monday in Octob-r next, thftn and there to sfyevv cause if any they can, why the Estate and Effects, of the Petitioner should not be assigned, and he discharged pursuant to the provisions of 9;tid acts, of the General Assembly, made and piovidid for tbe relief of insolvent Debtors. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. ChetterficJd C. H.arch <J3d, JM2. 20 lm f " * XOT1CE. IN pursuance of mi order from Maj. Rlnkency an election for Colon*! of the 26tn Kcgim tit will be hold in the Town Hall, on Saturday the 21st May next. The Pols will open from 11 to 3 P. M. B. F. PBGUES, T. A. BRYAN, J. II. MclVER. Managers. March 30 TR '2 21 71 ~ HAiXIA' if. I have two four house, icmim, that 1 am r ot now able to give full employment, r.nd should be glad to tmg 'ge n job of hauling, or Work by the ua/ on very reasonable terms. A. P. LACOSTE. April 13, 22 tf SWEET POTATOES. ONE HUNDRED Bushels of good size po'a. toes, for table use, in fine co.idi ion, fof sale by A. P. I A COST E. April 13, 22 tf Corn Wanted. "CTT7" ANTED to purchase from 1000 to ^000 w W Bushels com to be de ivered in Choraw, or at any of the landings down the rivor, for which the fiig'ie t market, price will be paid. 1). McNAlR. April II, IS42. 22 tf SHERIFF SALES. ON Writs of Fieri Facias will be snVI before ih.- Court House door on tho first Monday andday tol'qw ing in May next within the legal ho'-.rstlio following properly viz: 400 Acres of land more or less levied on and t.> rv* sold us the property of Jon. 3. Weaver, whereon he residee on the water." of-Hil $ Creek, adjoining th<? Inn's of Wm. Blakenoy. Hugh B. :k 'n( y, and John Robc-son, otliie suit of James Perry vs. Jon. B. Weaver. AM of An Isew Clarke's interest in a lot in the Town of Cheraw ki.owa in tho plan "f stjki Town lv 248 (two hundred anil forty eighfp bei'-g the one half of said lot'nnd the impVovcineuU thereon nt the suit o E Muiloy foreffporgo Punu, vs John E. Edwards A. Clark and Joseph Hervey. 600 Arre of land m<>r? o- less whereon the defendant resides on big Bear Creek at the suit of B. Mcintosh for others ai d 11. M. W. H. Tomlinson vs. Stephen II. Parke'. 851 Acros of land more or loss whereon the defendant resides, lying on both sides ol Thouip. sons Creek and ulj iining the lands of Mrs, Caraway, James Sinclair and Lewis Mrador at the suit of Patrick and John ^W;y, vs Alexander u.n tU M V ? 275 Acres of Lnn! more or less whereon the defendant resides adjoining the lands of Joseph T. Burch, Matthew Rushing and N. N. Gibson at the suit of Petsr May Assignee vs. Iolin P. Rushing. One lot in the Town of Chrraw, known in tho plan of said Town by No. 72 (seven'y two) fronting ono hundred feet on third street, by three hun !red feet deep, at tha suit of Ransom - Brilt, vs, E P, Guyon A Co. J Terms?Cusii?Purchasers to pay for necessn| rv papers. J. EVANS S. C. D. j April 9, 1812. 22 tf J . SPRING AND Sr.TJ'IER GOODS. THE Subscriber Ins just received a well selected stock cf Puiicy and Staplo Dry Goods, G. H. DUN LAP Chora w, April 9, 1842. 22 If Bonnefts. JUST rec-ived a handsome ?9*orfm*nl of Ladies, Misacs and Childr ns fine Straw, Tuscan Zcpharine, Lawn atid oihc f'shionahlo Bonnets. G. H. DUN LA P. April 9, 22 tt FASHIONABLE LEGIBOk N AND MALM Loaf IlalM, for Men, Boys and ChiJj * dron just received by G. n. DUN HP. j April 9, 2? if GLASS, P lIXT, AXD PUTTY. A Large {Stock of these articles, which will be sold at reduced rates. , A. P. LACOSTE. , I INTEND on the 1st day of July next J 4o remove my Stock -of Goods to inv tw o ' stores, lately occupied by B. Mcintosh, and f McKay & ;McCaskill, and to make them my ] permanent bufinetss stands; and now offer for , Rent, my four Stores immediately below, ( Viz: One at nresent occupied by Messrs. VV. j &. T. Bailey, &i Co., the next below, corner | Karshaw and Front streets, atid now occupied , by M r. D. Malloy, and the two stores now oc- ( copied by me. To persons residing in this ( place, it is needless to say, that tliey are among the very best 6tands for prosecuting a , Cotton and barter business; and I only make !, this declaration for the information of person* | j residing at a distance. Possession of the ( Stores occupied by Messrs. W. &. T. Bailey 1 & Co., and Mr. D. Jfailov, will be given on j [ the 1st day of September next; the others can 1 be had by the 10th July next. Cheraw offers ( inducements to Capitalists, and men of busir ? nes9, that are not found in many Southern t i towns. It is estimated, that o r receipts of , , cotton, for the last two years averaged 25,000 , Bales, and it is supposed this year's receipts ] will be about the same. j AUG. P- LaCOSTE. , Cheraw, Jan'y, 12th, 1S42. 9 tf The u Charleston Courier," Southern j Chronicie," "Camden Journal," and "Fayette- ; I ville Observer*" will olease give the above ( | six insertions, say on?. - "*very two weeks, and \ forward their bills to m . yr payment. , A. P. LaCoste. SOUTH CAROLINA, 1 ClIKSTF.RFIELD DlSTHICT. In the Court of Ordinary. ELIJAH ARANT, having given notice to me, Turner Bryan Ordinary of the Pis- 1 I tnct aforesaid, that he requires the will of Peter i Aiant dee'd. !atc of the aforesaid District, to be i proved in due form of Law. A"d it appearing to my satUfdCiion that the Heirs at Law or other legal representatives of Aaron Arant, who Unan nntitla^ 19 roon nf Kort^ in % ! WUUIU IJUVU U' VII VIIWU*^ Itfttlivsirgvw vuiviv; I distribution of tho Estaieof the said P.-ter Arant | if h? had died intestate, resides without the I limits of this State,?Notice is hereby given to the said Heirs at law or other legal representatives of the said Aaron Arant. Dcc'd they are hereby cited toappiar before me Turner Bryan I Ordinary as aforesaid; at a Court ol Ordinary to | he holden at Chesterfield Court House, on I Friday the third day of June next, on which day ; 1 will hear the examination of witnesses and | decide on the validity cf ttie said * ill. Given under my hand and seal efoffico atChes terfield Court House, the 21st day of Feb A. D. led2. T. BRYAN. O. C. D. March 2,1842. lcmf3m IIEAD QUARTERS. Clarehdon, March 8, 1842. Orders NO. THE following Regiments and Corp* are ordered to parage for review and drill, at tie times and places herein mentioned, viz. The 16th and 17th Regiments of Infantry, tho i Ancient Battalion of Artillery, and the CharlesI ton Light Dragoons, near Charleston, on the 9th j of April next. . I The Upper Battalion of the 31st Regiment, on Thursday, the 21sl April, at a point the Briga. dier General may deem most convenient ; who j is hereby orderad to report itnrnediate'y, to tho Commander-in-Chief, tho place so selected. The Lower Battalion, at Georgetown, on Tuesday the 26tll of April. The 33id Regiment at Conwayborough, on Friday the 29th of April. The 32nd K giment at -Vuion Court House, 1 on Saturday the 7th of May. .The Corps of Cavalry will parade with the Regiments or Battalions most convenient. r\iV. _e. 1,? rtik tlrifrrtdA j 1 110 IsUIUUI 19"* UIIUU N/lllUiJIi* w? i iff* vkii ??? ; will cnt amp on Monday, the 2nd of May next, ; at Godfrey's Ferry, in Marion District, on the ! Great P e Dee River. The 29.h Regiment of Infantry, at Darlington ! Court House, on Tuesday the lGth of May. [ The 20th anil 44ih Regiments at Sumttrvillc, on Friday, the 13th of May. The Commissioned Officers of the 3d Brigade of Infantry, will encamp n^ar Barnwell Court House, on Mom ay, ihe 23d of May next. In accordance with the arr ngements of Brig. ! adier General Jamison, the Commissioned Offi. J cers of the 2d Brigade of Cavalry arc also order ed to en-amp at tho same lime and place. The 11th and 43rd Regiments of Infantry wil parade at Barnwell Court House, on Saturday the 2Sih of M<y. Brigadier General Jamison will order ono o the Troops or Squadrons of his Brigade at the same time and place. The Commissioned and non-Commissioned Officers of the Regiments and Corps ordered for review, will assemble the day pievious, for drill ; and instruction at their respective places of pa. I ratio. The ajo- Generals and Brigadier Generals will, with their Staff, attend the reviews within tliier commands. Brigadier Generals IJanna, Slinierle, fT.-irptnnn Hopkins, Jamison; and |Iar!|eo, are charged with the extension of so much of ttiis order as relates j to their respective Brigades By order of the Commander in Chief. J. \V. CANTEY, Ad**, atid Inspec'r General. Extract from the Sdth section of the Militia Law of 1841. "I'rovded, l hat ail sergeants or companion, i 'and all non-commissioned ^Regimental Staff! officer*, who shall voluntarily attend an encamp- \ ntent in their respective Brigades, shall he ; exempted from duty, during the year in , : which they sflMl Hlieint- suctl encampim-iic, Pur- { titled Alto, That all Sergeanls of Contpan es, i and all non.commissioned Regimental Staff; ! officers, who sha.l ^erve seven years, consccu-I lively, and shall during the seven years, attend Ji the encampments in their respective Brigades, shall thereafter be exempt from the performance ! of mdinaiy militia duty. And, Provided, alto, j That in.c.'se any such Sergeant or non-commis- \ sioncd Regimental SIaff officer, shall be promo. > ted to the rank of a commissioned officer, his term | of service necessary io exempt him from ordinary ! ' | militia duty, shall be computod from the time 1 ' of his appointment as a Sergeant or non.commis. : siotion Regimental Siaff officer. And it shall be ! the duty of all officers, whose duty it shall he to j appoint Sergeants and non commissioned Regij mental Stiff officers, to give them respectively a j certificate, signed officially, specifying the appointment, iisdnty, and the company or Regi. j ment to which they belong; which certificate, ! ! -t r _/ : . _ . i ? . . ; wun prooi gr servic, 03 ruqmrca bv tins act, ; shall be evidence'<?claim exemption from militia - duty -herein specified. , March 24. 1842.' 20 6t 8000LBS ##. tCOJY. ALLf Warranted Sound, and for aalo at 6 Rnd 7 cents. ALSO, a quantity of Sugar at 7, 8,9, and 10 eta. By I. H. ROSSER. , February 1842. 14 tf CliF.ESK. "fl ^ CASKS CHEESE lv' For Sale bv A. P. LACOfiTE. j Dec. 1, 1841. 3 ?f CAROLINA ECILPSE. THIS highly bred and much adtnind horse ivill stand tho present season at or near B?mi. letsvillei atone or two other places in Marlborough District, and at the stables of John McLean in Robeson County, N. C. He is a red sorrei. without white except a ?mall star; five years old, fifteen and a half (lands high, and cf extraordinary hone and nuscle. In color, size, bone, sinew and mus. ;le, he greatly resembles his grandsire, thd :amou9 American Eclipse, admitted on all lands to be one of the best horses, if not the ,ery best, ever owned in this country, wheUr native or imDortert. It mav he stated as ;vidf?nce of the extraordinary constitution of American Eclipse, now standing in Kentucky, iliat although twenty-eight years old, "he is Hill" says the N. Y. Spirit of the Times "in possession of fine health and betrays few indications of his advanced age and iong service. There arc very few instances of such vigor at his age." Carolina Eclipse is put at the very low price jf 83 the single leap, payab e at the time.4 512, the season, payable at the c'ose of the geason ; and 815 for insuring, payable when the mare is ascertained to be in foal, or when ?he is traded ; with 50 cents to the groom.? His form, strength, and blood eminently claim for him the attention of persons who wish to raise horses "for all work,"?for the saddle, light draught, and farm or plantation use. And the low price at which he is put will enable any who wish good horses to avail themselves of his services. Though a horse of great life and spirit, he is of quiet temper and tractable disposition. Great care will be taken to avoid accidents, but no liability will be incurred for any which may happen. PEDIGREE. He was got by Festical, considered by Capt, Harrison, an experienced breeder, trainer, and racer, who had him in his stables a Beason, "the belt son of Eclipse." His dam was by Oplimus ; and his grand dam was out 9f a Bell-Air mare, got by old Sir Archie, the best horse of his day in America. FESTIVAL was by American Eclipse ; his dam by Timoleon ; grand dam by Young Tup : g. g, dam by Umpire ; g. g. g, dam by Grey Diomed ; g- g- ? g dam by Wild-Air. Young Tup was by imported Tup; he by Javelin out of Flavia. Young Tup's dam was by Mask, and he by imported Shark, out of imported Virago. Umpire was by imported Shark, out of a mare by imported C'ub. OPTIMUS was by Mad:son; he by the old imported Diomed the sire of Sir Archie. Oplimus was out of A/elvina, the dam 01 5 6lock horses ; she was by imported Knows, ley; her dam by imported Spread Eagle; her grand dam by Nimrod ; her g. g. dam by Wild-Air. her g. g. g. dam the noted mare Little Willis, the dam of Brilliant, Nimrod and Herald. Little Willis was by old Januu; and he by Col. Baylor's Shock. It will be seen from this pedigree that most of the very best crosses of which this country can boast, meet in Car lina Eclipse. Although mere racers, are not the horses for the farmer, yet it is admitted by all that racing is a fair trial of the strength, bottom and constitution of a horse. It is therefore stated that Festival, the sire of Carolina Eclipse, though only a ahorttime on the turf, distinguished himself in these respects at all distances from two to four mile heats. In his first race at Nottoway Va. in the spring of 1832. two mile heats, he distanced his competitor the second heat. In the fall of tlie same year, at Willedgviile, Ga. three mile heats, he easily won the Jockey Club purse, in two heats. The-same season, at Lexington, Ga. in a race for the Club purse, three mile heats, while leading his competitors his rider suffered him to run too near the rim ? f the inside track, against which he stumbled arid fell, causing h;m to lose ihe race. The same week at the same place he beat all his riva s in 3 mile heats, the best 3 in 5. The next spring, at Lawrenceville, Va, he ran four mile heats, with Ironette, .Anvil, Row-Galley, and Walter Cook. .Although he was in bad condition, having not fully recovered from the effects of distemper, and owing to his rider being sick, he was obliged to carry 5 lb. over weight, lie lost the first heat only by the neck, and the second by only a few feet, Ironette ieading him; Row. Galley and Walter distanced, and Anvil (afterwards sold for ?10 000) barely saving his distance. At New Market, Va, the next season, he started with eleven other horsee, and led them all the first heat. But his feet being tender from a recent founder, he was then withdrawn. Two weeks afterward". his feet yet sore, he was bareiy beaten bv the fine racer, Duke of Or pans, in four mile ' n I Iieat? at Baltimore. His manager still, with great cruelly and lack of judgment, continuing fo run him in this condition of his feet, he ItL down in one of his fore legs, in four mile heats at Norfolk, two weeks $fter his Baltimore race, and was withdrawn trom the turt. But his trials most abundantly proved his strength, speed and bottom, with extraordinaiy powers of endurance. In good condition he never w as beaten; in bad condition, when lie ought never to have been run, he always won by his performance the admiratjop of every judge. The half sister of Festival?Col. Hampton's Fanny, by Eclipse?is the only racer of the first class in the United States which has not been beaten within this last six monthp, by some younger aspirant after fame. Besides twice receiving forfeits, one from 10 competitors, she has run at least 11 races and never was beaten. Lightness and want of strength is the objection 10 racers as work horses, but this objection does not app'y to the Echpse stock. March 1st, 1842. WILLIAM If. ETAIfS WILL practice in the Courte of Law of South Carolina, in the District* of Che*, terffild, Marion. Darlington, end Marlborough, Office at Society Hill. March Ut, 1840, 18 8m In the Common Pleas. Chesterfield District. Henry Easterling, I Declaration vs. > on note in G. W. Booth, ) Attachment. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in this action did on this day tiie his Declaration against G. W. Booth, the defendant, who is absent from and without the limits of the State (as it is said.) and having neither wife or attorney known upon whom a copy of the abovo Declaration, with a rule to plead thereto, may be served; It is therefore in pursuance of the Acts of the General Assembly of this State in such cases, made and provided; Ordered that the defendant, do plead thereto on or before the twentys-xth day of December next, otherwise final and absolute judgment wili be then given and awarded against him by default. T nnviv * M ?% A. ** Office of Common Plena > Chesterfield C. H. D<*c. 25,1841, $ 9 * ' leSmfly rao*. I 20 Tons, jaeso'ted sizes, for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Octobe r 27, 1841. 50 tf The Subscriber has josi received, and wil j keep constantly on hand,Cotton Yarn and Twine : at wholesale, from the an factory of Rockingham. GEO GOODRICH. Cheraw, Jnn. 1840. 10 tf " ihUDLES ~ A few BoaeaTa.low and Sperm Candlea for sale by ft \f AT.T.OY May 31,1841. 29 tf POLE BOAT FOR SALE. TI1E Pole Boat Jame* R Ervin will he sold on favorable terms. She is row on the way up and will bo delivered to the pitrcbft-^cr on her arrival. Apply to either of the subscribers. I). MALLOY W. & T. BAILEY & Cu. JAMES H. COLE. December 4, 1841. 4 CUT IfAILsT 100 Kegs, 4(1 6d 8d lOd 12d and 20 nails, For sale by A- P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 tf CORN WANTED, T HE Subscriber* to purchase 2 00 Bushels good Corn, D. MALLOY. December 6, 1S41 4 tf PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATION*. VOLUMES 1st. 2nd and 3rd, ef Pictorial Illustrations of the Bible containing 20J engravings each. For tale low at tho CUEKAW BOOKSTORE. 20 tf A. P. LACOSTE. UPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, Wax, and Calf Skins, and Hemlock Tanned Sole Leather. For aale low. A. P. LACOSTE. Octobrt-27, 1S41."" * 50 tf HARDWARE. THE Subscriber keeps constancy an hand a lirge and well selected assortment of Hardware, including almost every description of Cjptnters Tools; which bo is selling very cheap. D. MALLOY. March 8, 1842. 17 If SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. PA I,LAS ALLEN, Applicant, Seaborn Berry and wife Mary, Richard Allen, Eiza beth Allen, Sarah Allen, Malay Allen. Martha Allen. Cain Allen, Susanna Allen, Catharine Allen, and Rosanna Allen. Defendants. It appearing to my r-atifaction that Seaborn Berry one of the Defendants:, resides without this State, It is thef f?re ordered tha? he do ap. pear and objret to the division or s tie of the Peal E*tate of Richard Allen, Deceased on or before the Twenty-first day of May next, or his consent to the same will bo entered of Record. T. BRYAN, O. C. D. March 9,1842. 17 12t CIUXA CROCKERY A.YD GLASS WARE. THE Subscriber ha* on band it good asiortrnent of the above, comprising a variety of patterns. For sale che.?p D. MALLOY. May 31,' 1841. is 29 . tf PALTI LEAF HATS D zen Mens' Boys' and children*, Palm Leaf Hals, just received and for sale br D. MALLOY. March 8, 1842. 17 if NOTICE. G H. DCJJVLAP yVculd respectfully give notice to his fricHds and the puMic that h iving commenced business agiin on his own accounthe fitulsit absolutely necessary to curt ill very much his credit business, he has consequently determined torn en accounts only witfc such persons as have heretofore paid their accounts punctually at or near the end ot the year and with mch only as will give posi. tjve assurance of doing so in future. Oct. 13, 1841. 4? If COTTOrOS\ABIRCJ8 AND COTTON YARN. THE Subscriber bas received on consign, ment frotti lire Pe Kilb Factory at Camden S. C 1*4 Ba'es very superior Cotlojy Osnaburgsand 12 Bales Cotton Yarn, which ho will sell by the Bile to Merchants <v: as good or better terms than they can purchase ip New York ??r Charleston. He'would also invite the Planters of the neighborhood to call and examine tha Oznahurg*, they will find it a cheaper and bettor article than nas ever been sold in this market. G. H. DUN LA P. Chcraw, April 4, 1842. 21 tf - Fifty Dollars Kevvanl! RUNAWAY from the Subscriber about the fi st of March last, my negio man BEN. (Known n? Den McKenzie ) B<-n is about 30 years of age; six b et high, slout built, of light Corn j>l'-x ion, has a large and bushy head, weighs about l9Ulb*., can read and write, and has some knowledge of business, having beeu about a store for sonic time. It is supposed ho is lurking about Cheraw.? 1 wj!l give the above reward for his e'ivery to me in .Marlboro,* District, S. C.. or Twenty, five Dollars if lodged in any Jail so I can g<?t him, I wijl also gire Fifty Dollars f >r proof to convict any white person or persons of hai boring him. E. B. EASTERLING. April 1st 1842. 21 3t filings SOUTH CAROLINA. A largo supply of Simm's IIi*t ry of South Carolina, designed for the use of Schools and Academies. For sale at the Bojkstore by JOHN WRIGHT. 20 tf BLACRSIUITHING. THE Subscribers havo commenced th* above business, and will carry it on in all its various branches, their Shop is on Market Slrret in the rea?- of John McQuage's Carriage making Shop. Persons entrusting them with their work may expect it done in the best man-, ner and at the time pro "ised. N. B,?Horse Shooing done in the neatest and best manner. - THOMAS L. SHIVER. JOHN fcUSCOE. ? ? mjs i?i.\ n i ? (. ncrau\ April o, im BLACKsniTnnra THE Subscriber has this duy recommenced business on his own account and hopes by close application to business to share public patronage. My prices will be moderate. Horse shoeing will receive my personal attention it is therefore warranted to be done with neatness and despatch. N. B.?I am now prepared tn repair, put up n w lightning rods. , c. i. shiver. 1 April 4. IB 13. 21 tf CASH SYSTEM CONTINUED. THE TIMES are such as to compel tbe Subscriber to continue the Cash fcystem Groceries and all articles in that line will be sold for Ca*h tmly. Persons whose sects, and notes stiiJ remain unpaid, will pleas# understand that no new credits will be give* until all old arreareges are settled in full. D. MALLOY. BRYAN 3l BROTHER, bold a leu# on the lower w barf near the old F?tj Landing, and will change each Boat for tbo pcit* ilege of I mping discharging and l??sdi#f. Each Steam Boat. Three Dollars. Each Pole Bool, Tow Boat or Lighter, Twr run Each Cotton Flat loaded or built. One DeUt* and Fifty Cents. With the privilege of remaining one wwk? j longer at a corresponding rate. * Cheraw, Sept. 'i-*, 1841. 49 if DRUGS, diEDICIXES, / Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c, for sale wholesale and retail by * A. HOPTOIf, CHERAW, 8. C# At his Drug Store, next dodr to Brot* Bryan dp Brother. Where may be had at all time* a genera! a* ortinO 't of articlea in the Drug line?recom i >n Ko nf UIIIk*rinr flmlitf which M ill h# IIJCIMM.U ?V? w vi vv|^'?iw? ...y ? -- disposed of on very moderate term*? Physicians and others wishing pur** medicines, may fly on being supnlied with iheiu. May 26, 1841. ; 38 GARDEN SEED, ScC. THE Subscriber has just tecctve*! a full and general assortment of Fi*sh WARDEN SEED from the Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store of the New England Farmer Boston, among which are Sugar Beet, Rnta Bags. White Flat Turnip, 5tc. dec. by the pound and smaller quantity. , He has also for sale a General Assortment of , FAMILY GROCERIES, w?th WINES and LIQUORS, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, Citron, Currants, Candy, Pickles, Tobacco, Segare, &c &c. ? His Store is Two Doors below the Store ot t Messrs. Taylor Sl Punch. CHARLES VANDERFORD. Cheraw, December 14, 1M I. 6 tf sportsSaxs powder. ONE Cass English Canister Riflo Powder, manufactured by "Pigous Jb Wilka," Loo* dou, tor sate by the Canister. D. MALLOYf May 23, 1341. 29 I good bargains. Tfl E Subs riber has no hand many articleol Merchandise not now in hia line of boa ) siness; and which he has no iooco in hi* avro * for. nil sue gooda will bo sold very cheap. ! Tiioy co*'*is*t ot tha following article*, vio. j Negro Cloths (a good article) White PlaMia, ! Blanket Overcoats, Duffil Blftnk*i*, Bate R?:p*. Brass And !, Shovels and l ongs. Jugs and jars, Pi?u> and Ovens. Iron and Fteei, Hard (rare Crockery, dtc. O. If. DUNLAP. *A * ?.l s. t IVoTtmbf. 10, 11*41 9* I* "THE SUBSCRIBER" PURCHASED receutly in New York a \**y heavy ami general a^ortmeut ol Goods wh h have all come to hand, and he now oft t them at Wholesale or Retail at very low'prtc 4 tor Ca*u or Produce. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1841. 60 if ~ SADDLERY? A very large assortmtnt of Boys, Men?, sr.d Ladies Saddles. Also. Bridles, A/artingales, VVhips. Collars, Saddle Bag*, Gig, Sulkey, and Carryail Ilarre-e, Stirrup Irons, Gir Uf and SuriiOgies. For eaie very <veap bv A. P.' LACOSTE. Qctobor 27th 1841. SOU ? PER 71, AND TAKERS OIL, By the Barret or at retail, lor tale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 60 ti 2500 PAIR SHOES. Comprising every vsrie'y, aud for sale on ie? j commodating term*. CK* A- P. LACOSTE. w October 27, 1841. 60t? HATS AID CAPS. 15 Dozen Gentlemen*' and Boys? Black and Drab Fur Hats, , 28 Dozen Wool Hate. A L>?rge stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and let to Cap*, For sale by A. P.LACOSTE. Oct 271841. 60 ci mxxEicw; floooft aio> daip BOXES. Ladies and A/jsees, Fiorercc *nd Straw Bon. nets, l adies Coloured Hoods. Forsaleby A. 1\ LACOSTK. Octobei 27, 1841. 50 U CANDLES AND SOAP. Sperm, Margarine and Tallow Candle#, liar and Perfumed Saop. For Sale by " A. P. LACOSTE. October 27. 1841. 60 If HARDWARE AND SMITHS* TOOLS. A general stock of these articles for sale by . ' A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1541. 50 If FANCY AND STAPLE DRY HOODS. A few Fancy, and a large and well selected stock of Staple Dry Goods for sale low by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27.1841. 50 tt I AXES 19 dozen Collins, Hunts. and Marsh superior Axes, for sale by the dozen at much bcJow%tbe usual rates. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 WEQClTf; South Caxouka, Cherow District. John M. CoW and wife i Bill for ap partition ?a Kindred Griffin and > writ in mime of writ ^ ethers. \ of no Exeat 4e. IT appearing t? my satisfaction that Ahtalem C. Powell one of tha Defendant* in thia cat* ia absent from and reside* without the limits of thia State on motion of J. W. dt J. A. Dsrgsn jt ia ordered that the *aid Abeaiom C. Powalt do plead answer or demur to the complainant* Bill within three months from tho publication hereof and in drfiult thereof tho aame shall he takes against him pro confcsso. It iaalac ordered that this order ha published in the Farmers' Gatette twice a month fur the space of three months. E. A. LAW, t: E. C. D, Commitstenm Office. 1 I)yr'?njr?n?t C. If , S. C. ? Mm.ih'JU, IW1 } JI 2at'8m w " & .V- ,