University of South Carolina Libraries
Important Work. togfv iYiw i/r Press, and will shortly be pub- - lishe.d, a Dictionary of pl^XSr, m^JF^TU'RES, AND BY ANDREW URK, M. !>., F. R. S., &C. ,.' ? Illustrated with l,VJ4l Engravings! is, unquestionably, the most J3L popular work of the kind, ever pub. 'lished, and a hook most admirably adapt. ' ed to the wants of all classes, of the com. miinity. The following are the impor?gg?6mt objects which the learned author en. Sp?r Cieavors rn nj:iimipiiui? 1st. To instruct the Manufacturer, Metallurgist, and Tradesman, in the principles of their respective processes, so as to render them, in reality, the masters of their business; and to emancipate ihem from a state of bondage to such as are too commonly governed by blind prcjudiceand vicious routine. 2J'y. To afford . Merchants. Brokers4 Drysalters, Druggists, and Officers of the Revenue, characteristic descriptions of -the commodities which pass through their bands. i;J -r . 3dly. By exhibiting some of the finest developments t,f Chemistry and Physics, to lav open an excellent pi net ica I school *to students of these kindred sciences. . 4thly. Fo teach Capitalists, who may be desirous of placing their funds in some ' _v 'productive branch of industry, to select jiidiCiow ]y, among plausible claimants. 5thly. To enable gentlemen of the '<- do do LiPssoiis, do Classical I>c?ionnry, do Edition of Ainsworths Latin Diction ary, do Edition of Yalpey*s Greek Grammar. 20 if . ? jfi|? FlEKCSIAIf TS* BANK, S. C. ' . (.he-raw, March 30, 1642. - The annual Election for seven Dirccriffimtt^r 'r ? torso! tikis inst^Ujon will he held at the Banking housefl^Theraw on Monday the - 2d day of May next, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M and 2 o'clock P. M , \in be nianaged by J. B. Billingsley, D. jM alloy ^juncl J, Ell Gregg. By order of the Board. gg*f W. GODFREY, Cashier. April 5, l.Q42. 21 - 4t '' f List of lktters I REM VfN'ING i Chcr.uv s. c. March 31st 1^42, and if not called /or l?v the 1st July nex', wrl- be forwurdod to the General Fos: Office as dead Lelleis. BROWN BRYAN. P. M B ?William Blair, G Bazeheoart, J 11 B nnet 3, Bunting Mt Queen Mrs. Elizabeth Bennett. C?Miss Catharine Coker, B.-nj. Cussudy, 8 A Cumpb-II, W S Chapman, F Collin. D?G W & J A Dargan, E W Dipon, L S Drake, J R Dona dson." F.?T K Ellerbe, Thomas C Evans, P I! Erambcrt. . . F?James Fen ton. G?Wade A Green, Jacob Gunoy. H?Hailey A Powe, H Husbands, Miss M A Hu ?h?s. Silas Ha 1. K?D C Ko'b, and A N M .Kay 2, .Miss C < Knight. j L? N Bf/> ngsl on, M?W S Murphey 2, McKnnzie & Crockelt. j Miss E'izi McNtair, Mr. Murphey, John Mr J O.Dunran McNahh 2. Malcoin McAipin, j J Li MrKcnzie, On y McAJ'iner, John Mur-J d"di, Wi liam MitHieli, 2, McKay ?fc MeCaskiH, | _ V n'l. McL <>i<J.?, Mann & Siraus. Nei l Niehol- j soir, Miss V T N iclu>I.son. P?J C Po'e'l. Cha;les Pecplra, Wiliam! Tot tor. W F Pari ex. j Q?A nn tyu- k. rMahoni Surnvf/Jchn. M SriMIj 6, A ' Sparks & -Son, L IJ Svocl.Chiis. H Smi'h, .Visa 1 Muiih Smith,. C St s?<$> ^1", Daniel Smith. T?Franklin Tax iWf Bent ?n Tatum, 2, David Jj Thomas, Xfjtji A/arv Thomson, (J 13 Tu1ne.1t, K L Th' inas. W-r-Eli S XVr*l, Ml** .Tano Ward, \V T Wil. Jiams, William Woodward, B S & T Wright, j Persons calling for L tiers from this list \ri'l i please mv ihev arc a/fvertised. April J|i2. 1 I Law to become well acquainted witn tnc nature of those patent schemes which are mLso apt to give rise to litigation. I3|thly. To present to Legislators such ! ur c,\j)ositiori of the staple mnnufac- i tores, as may dissuade them from enact- ' ing laws, which obstruct industry, or! cherish one ahcii of it, to the injury of * i many otru is. y. on Intellectual Culti'va. many of the noblest achievements of j^ricnc?% in educting those grand tranformatiohs of.matter, to which Great Britain ^nd tlf^ Clnited Stauts owe their parainoiHU wealth, rank and power, a^PjWSphc notions of the earth. ^%il)Statistics ofevory important Manufactures, are given from fne best, and usually from Official authority, at ihe end of each article. TheMV'ork will be printed from the second fJbndon Edition, which sells for J ?12 a cgpy. It will be put on good pa- j peiym^frew'brevier type, and will make a. j I)outM400 pages. It will he issued in IMprnty one semi monthly numbers, (in IpF" ?overx) at 23 cents each, on delivery. &*TTo any persons sending us five dollars, at one time, in advonoe we will for. - ward the numbers by mail, -post paid, as ?- -.'soon jis they come from the press. . . To suitable Agents this affords a rare J Opporiumfy, as we can put the work to! w ~ * them on terms extraordinarily favorable. , In every manufacturing town, and every village, throughout the United Statesnnd Canada, subscribers can be obtained with the greatest facility.?Address, post paid, La Rov Sunderland, 125- Fulton street, 'New York. , %*To every editor who gives this advertisement twelve insertions, we will forward to order, one ropv of the whole work provided the pipers containing this notice be sent to the New York Watchman. New York. ^ | AYTHOVS CLASSICAL BOOXS, JOHN WRitiM'f has n?>w on hand and for sa'o at the Bonkstoie a good supply of pYv * Anthuu'g Greek Grammar, Y-;' do Greek Lessons, .do Greek Prosody, do Horace, BBfc&C- do Ciccr?, ^ Jo Sallust, 7 '<1? Caesar, V r " do Latin Prosody, 11 ??i??BWEgira I CHEESE. I g STL CASKS CHEESE i JL For Sale hv A. P. LACOSTE. Dec. 1, 1841. 3 tf I - WOu*^. I HEREBY tender to my late customers in the WooJ Iino, my grateful acknowledgeI menu, for llio lilienl patronage, 1 have received at their hands, and would now most respectfully request, that they would continue to give their orders to Major I). R. \V. Molvcr, to whom I have sold my land, and who is fully prepared to ' deliver any quantity ot weod that may be required. Ail orders for Wood left at my store, will be sent to the residence of Alaj >r Mclver. A. P. LuCOSTE. Januitry 1*2, 1842. 12 tf SOUTH CASOLHAT Chcsterfeld District. In the Common Pleas. -g-OIIN- E. FDWARDS, who is in the cusfo fcf dy of the Sheriffof the District aforesaid, I byvtrtueof;. Writ of C-pias ad Respondendum at the suit of Henry P. Hilliard, having petilionevl the Honorable the Associate Judges of the sain State, that he may he admitted to the benefit of the act of the Genera' Assembly made for the relief of Insolvent Debtors; and he having fil d with his petition a schedule o* hi Estate | roal and personal. It is order <1 that the said Henry P, Hilliard, and all others to whom the said petitioner is in any wise iudeblo I, do per. sonaliy or by their Attornies, be and appear j before the Honorable the Associate Judges of the State aforesaid at the Court of Common Pleas tolfehoMen at Chesterfield Court House on the i third .M-rnday in October next, to sliew cause if any they can, why the Estate and effects of the petitioner slmuld not he assigned and he dis. j ciiaiged pursuant to the provisions of the said acts of the General Assembly, made and provided for Hie relief of Insolvent D blurs. T. BR V AN, C. C. P. CU 'stcrti -id C, K- March 23, 1842. 30 lm SOLTSI CAROLINA, C'heslerfield District. In the Common Pleas. "H*OH.N I, W ESTER VELT, who is in ensto. 1 ?j? dv of the Sheriff of the District aforesaid, by virtue of a Writ of Capias ad Sath racicndem, the suit of R. H. Cro< k^tt Ac. Co. having p- ti- ' tinned the Honorable the Associate Judges of the s ti'l Stite, that he may lie admitted to tho benefit of the act of the General Assembly, made ' for tbc r<lief of Insolvent Debtors, Ann ho having filed with his petition a schedule of his 1 Estate re d and personal. It is ordered that the said R. H Crockett, &c. and all others to whom the said petitioner is in onv wise indebted, do personally or by their Attornies ho and appear 1 before the Honorable the Associate Judges of the State irfhiesuid attlie Court of Common Plea* to le ho'don at Chesterfield Court House on the ihird Monday in Octoh r next, thou and there to shew cause if any they can, why the Estate and Effects, of the Petitioner should not be assigned, and he discharged pursuant to the pro- J visions of said acts, of the General Assembly, made and p:ovidi d for the reiiof of insolvent D. btors, T. BRYAN, C.C. P. Chesterfield C. H. arch 23.1, 1842. 20 lm " AOTIClv. " J IN pursuance of an order from !\faj. Bhkeney nn fh ction for Col?md t?f ihe 28th Regiment t will be held in the Town Hall, on Saturday the 2lst May next. Tlio Poils will lie open from 11 / to 3 P. M. t B. F. PBGUES, r T. A. BRYAN, J. H. McIVER. Managers. c March 30 18 2. 21 71 i HAILim ( W have two four house teams, that 1 am not r J. now able to give full employment, and should be glad to engage a job of hauling, or work by 1 the day on very reasonable terms. A. P. LACOSTE. c April 13, 22 tf J Tweet potatoes. ONE HUNDRED Bushels of good size po'a. ' lot s, for table use, in tiuo condi ion, for sale r l?y ( A. P. LACOSTE. ( April 13, 22 tf v Corn Wanted. TS7S7" ANTED to purchase from 10f>0 to ."O^O ( V w Bushels corn to bo delivered in Choraw, ' or at any of the landings ('.own lire river, for which the higlio t m..rket price will be paid. 1 D. McNAIR. April 11,1842. 22 tf C SHERIFF sales. f[ I ON Wri's of Fieri Facias will be sold before i the Court House door on tho first Monday i and day following in May next within the legal s ho'irstlie following property viz: 400 Acres of land more or less It vied on and ( to be sold as the property of Jon. B. Wcav r, r whereon he residee on tlx-* waters of 1111 s Creek, a adjoining tho lands of Mm. Biakeuey, Hugh 1 , Biak ne.y. and John Robeson, utllie suit of James Perry vs. Jon. B. Weaver. ^ Ail of An Isew Clarke's interest in a To' in the t Town of Clieraw kt own in the pi. p of said Town by 248 (two hundred and forty eight) | beiivg the one half of said lot and ihe improver t rneuls thereon at the suit o E MuHoy for George i Pnnr, vs John E. Edwards A. Clark and Jose ph j H rvcy. 60') Acre of land more o- less whereon the defendant resides on big Boar Creek at the suit j of B. Mcintosh for others ai d H. M. ^7* R* Touiliiison vs. S'ephcn H. P.irkei. 851 Acres of land more or less whereon 'lja defendant resides, lying on both side* of Tlwiup- a sons Creek and alj 'ining the lands of Mrs, c Caraway, J a rues Sinclair and I/ewis M arior at ' the suit of Patrick and John J/ay, vs A' xander r May. v 275 Acres of Lan I more or tees ^vfceroon the ! r defendant resides adjoining tbR iarjds of Joseph j s T. Burch, Matthew Rushing and N. N. (iihson f at the suit of Petsr .May Assignee vs. lolui P.v' * Rushing. j * One lot in the Town of Che/aw, known in 6 the plan pf said Town by No. 72 (sevenly two) * fronting one hyud cd foot on third street, by three hundred feet deep, at the suit of Rausoin 8 Britt, vs, E P, (luvon & Co. t Terms?Cash?Purchasers to pay for necessa- ' ry papers. r J. EVANS S. C. D. ? Ap;il 9, 18J2. 22 tf [ SPRIXtt AtTd Sl JIJlER biOODS. j f Jlli E Subscriber 1ms just received a well { A selected stock of Pancy and Staplo Dry y fjjods, !* IP DUN LAP. j Clr>rn w, April 0, 1842. 22 If * ? = . s Bonnelts. c TTITST received a handsome assortment of Ladies, Misses.and Clnldr ns fine Straw, | Tuscan Zophurine, Lawn ami othe f s-hionahlc Bonnets. G. 11. DUN LA P. April 9, 22 tJ FASIIIOX A B i J&T I5? HOk IV I> k ?ALM Leal II.ils, for Men. Hoys and Chilli. dron just received hy G. If. DUNLAP. April 9, tl* A VALUABLE TRACT OF LAXD FOR SALE. TjlfiE Subscriber, intending to remote from Jl his present location, offers for sale the land on which lie at present resides; situated in Marion District, in this Stale, knows as IIAR* LEESVILLE. The tract contains between twelve and tiftoen hundred acres, on which is a large and convenient dwelling house, and all necessary out houses ; also a large framed Store House, in good repair, with Wate House and Cotton Gin. There are above three hundred acres of clear, ed land, the most of it under cultivation. There is on this tract a Toll Bridge across the Litl'c Pee Dee River, on the main road leading from Fayetteville N, C,, and the counties telow r aye. te vine, to uie ?v esi, via i/aumen ana Columbia. There is a great amount of travel over this Bridge, as there are several roads on eacli sido oft/ic Rivor, coming into the one crossing at this place. There lias been, until lately, for many years, a store kept at this pluco, and it is considered by those acquainted witli it, ono of the host stands for a store and tavern in this part of the country. Tho nearest store, in one direction, is'over twelve miles(otf, and in all other directions, over twonty miles. In point of health it cannot be exeolie ; on this side of the mountains; a billious or intermittent fever is scarcely ever heard of. Such is tho reputation of this place for health, that the subscriber has frequently been solicited to sell lots for the purpose of building for summer residences. Taking into consideration, then, the acknowledged health ot the place, its local ion on a navigable River, the fine stand for a Store and Tavern, the excellent I range for stock, with a fine soil for tilling, this place is ono ot tho most desirable of any one that lias been in market in this part of the State for many years. To a gentleman owning a Rice Plantation in the low country, it would be invaluable, for to this place he could retreat with his family in the summer with perfect safety ; and he oouid bo on his plantation where he could raise nil kinds of provision and stock for his plantation below, and convey it by water from one place to tho other. To a gentlemen wishing to engage in the Mercantile business in the ponntrv. or onon a riublic llou?a?. this nlace oilers ' y _ g ? g ^ ^ , - | great induce ments; but as it is presumed that any one who wishes to purch se will view the premises before doing so, it is deemed useless to say any thing farther. Any communication ill relation to the premises will be directed to me tit Hartcesvihe, S. C.t and a more jxarlicula'r description .and nnv inhumation required, will be given. I will at all times take greit pleasure in shewing the premises to any one desirous to examine them, The terms will be liberal and the payments nadceasy to the purchaser. THOMAS IIAttLLEE. IJ.irlleOf-ville, S. C. .March S23, 18-42. N. B.?The Charleston Courier and Mercury will please copy tri-wcckly for one month, and forward their account to me at ilarlecsviile. UO 41 PROVISIONS. A good supply o f Bacon. Lard, Flour and Moat on hand and for salo the lowest marret price, D MALLOY. ./March 7, 1842. 17 tf HEAD QUARTERS. Clarendon, March 8, 1842. Orders No. rH^IiE following Regimenls and Corps are JL ordered to paraye for review and drill, at ,Le times and places herein mentioned, viz. The 16th and 17th Regiments of Infantry, the \ncient Battalion of Artillery, and the Charles, pn Light Dragoons, near Charleston, on the >f April next. t? i, * __ .. r iL . n ; A The Upper uiuauon or me oisi Regiment, on Thursday, the 21st April, at a point the Briga!i?>r General may deem most convenient; who 9 hereby ordorod to report immediate y, to the 2oinmander-iii-Chief, the place to selected. The liower Battalion, at Georgetown, on Tuesday the 26th of April. The 33rd Regiment at Conwayhorough, on Friday the 29th of April. The 32nd Regiment at .Afuion Court House, I in Saturday the 7th of May. The Corps of Cavalry will parade with the Regiments or Battalions inost convenient. The Commissioned Officers of the 8lh Brigade vill encamp on Monday, the 2nd of May next, it Godfrey's Ferry, in Marion Disliict, on the ire it P-e Deo River. The 29th Regiment of Infantry, at Darlington 7ourt House, on Tuesday the lUtii of May. The 20th and 44th Regiments at Sunitervillc, in Friday, the 13th of May. The Commissioned Officers of the 3d Brigade if Infantry, will encamp near Barnwell Court louse, on Afoncay, the 23d of May next. In accerdance with the arr ngementa of Brig, idier General Jamison, the Commissioned Ofli. ers of the 2d Brigade of Cavalry are also order* :d to encamp at the same time and place. The 11 th and 43rd Regiments of Infantry will larade at Barnwell Court House, on Saturday lie 28th of M.iy. Brigadier General Jamison will order one ol he Troops or Squadrons of his Brigade at the ame time and place. The Commissioned and non-Commissioned Officers of the Regiments and Corps ordered lor eview, will assemble the dav previous, for dn'l md instruction at their respective places of pa. ade. Thi njor Generals and Brigadier Generals vill, with their Staff, attend the reviews within hier commands. Brigadier Generals Hanna, Shnierlo, Ilammon Jenkins, Jamison, and ilarllec, arcoliarged with he extension of somuph of this order as relates o their respective Brigades By order of the Commander in Chi'-f. J. W. CANTEY, Ad'1, and Inspcc'r General. Extract from fheS^fh section of the Militia . Laic of 1841. "Provided, That ali Sergeants of Companies nd aji von-eoriimissioncd "Regimental Slat! dficers, who shall voluntarily attend an encamp iient in their respective ' Brigades, shall bo ixempted from road duty, during the year in vliich they shall attend such encampment, Pro. iided Also, That all Sergeants of Compun cs. md all non. commissioned Regimental Staff ifficers, who sha I --erve seven years, consocuively. and shall during the seven years, attend lie encampments in their respective Brigades, hall thereafter be exempt from the performance if 01 dinniy militia duty. And, Provided, aUo That iii^case any such Sergeant or mm eornmisioncd Regimental Staff officer, shall he promo, cd to the rank of a commissioned officer, his term service necessary to exempt him frcsii ordinary nilitia duty, shall be computed from the time if his appointment as a Sergeant or n.o.n-camntis. ionoc Regimental S.aff officer. And it shall he lie duty of ail officers, whose duty it shall.lie to ippoint Scrgcgnts and non commiss oned Rcginental Staff officers, to giyebbetjj respectively a certificate, signed officially, specifying tho ippointmeut, its duty, and the company or Rcgiijent -to which tlicy belong ; which certificate, villi proof of sorvie", as required hv this act, ihall be evidence to rJuiuj cxoinption fjom militia July herein specified. ?>4. 184 2. 2A 61 8000LBS BJ1COM 4LL Warranted Sound, and Cor snlo at 4? and T cents. A LSO, a sjuautky x>fSu?ar t 7, 8,9, and 10 cts. By I. If. ROSSER. February 14, 11 if . ...ii*,.k 1 i&tit&iZi : . >: . ? , GLASS,.PAlIVT* AXD PlTTl. I A Large Stock of these articles, which will | be sold at reduced rates. CAROLINA ECILPSE. TIIIS highly bred and much admirid horse will stand th' present season at or near IL*nneteville, atone or two other places in Marlborough District, and at the stables of John McLean in Robeson County, N. C. He is a red sorrel, without white except a small star; five years old, fifteen and a half j hands high, and cf extraordinary bone and , muscle. In color, size, bone, sinew and inus. cle, he greatly resembles his grandeire, the famous American Eclipse, admitted on all hands to be one of the best horses, if not the very best, ever owned in this country, whether native or imported, |i may be stated as evidence of the extraordinary constitution of American Eclipse, now 6?and:ng in Kentucky, that although twenty-eight years old, ''he is still" says the N. Y. Spirit of the Times "in 1 possession of fine health and betrays few iudi| cations of his advanced age and long service. There are very few instances of such vigorjB j his age." Carolina Eclipse is put at the very low price ; of ?3 the single leap, payab e at the time.' j $12, the season, payable at the c'ose of the ' season ; and ?15 for insuring, payable when j the mare is ascertained to be in foal, or when she is traded ; with 5(1 cents to the groom.? His form, strength, and blood eminen'ly claim I for him the attention of persons who wish to j raise horses "for all work,"?for the saddle, light draught, and farmer plantation use. And ! the low price at which he is put wiil enable any who wish good horses to avail themselves of his services. Though a horse of great life and spirit, he is of quiet temper and tractable disposition. Great care will be taken to avoid accidents, but no liability will be incurred for iiny which may happen. PEDIGREE. He was gut by Festival, considered by Capt. Harrison, an experienced breeder, trainer, and racer, who had lum in his stables a season, "the best son of Ellipse." His dan was by Oplimus; and his grand dam was out ot a Bell-Air mare, got Dy old Sir Aicme, u?e best hor-eof his day in America. FESTIVAL was by American Eclipse; his dam by Tunoleon ; grand dam by Young Tup : g. g. dam by Umpire ; g. g. g. darn by Grey Dunned ; g. g. g. g. nam by Wild-Air. Young Tuj was by imported Tup: Ire by Javelin out o Klavia. Young Tup's dam was by iWa.*k, and he by imported Shark, out of imported Virago. Umpire was by imported Shark, out of a mare by imported Cub. Ol'TIMUS was by Afadison; he by the old imported Diomed the sire of Sir Archie. Oplimus was out of AfeNina, the dam 01 5 stock horses ; she was by imported Knows, ley; her dam by imported Spread Eagle ; her grand darn by Nimrod ; her g. g. dam by Wild-Air, her g. g. g. dam the noted mare Little Willis, the dam of Brilliant, Nimrod and Herald. Little Willis was by old Janua; and be by Col. Baylor's Shock. It will be seen from this pedigree that most of the very best crosses of which this country can boast, meet in Car dina Eclipse. Although mere racers, are not the horses for the farmer, yet it is admitted by all that racing is a fair trial of the strength, bottom and constitution of a horse. It is therefore stated that Festival, the sire of Carolina j Eclipse, though only a short time on the turf, : distinguished himself in these respects at all distances from two to four mile heats. In his first race at Nottoway Va. in the spring of 1632. two mile heats, he distanced his competitor the second heat. In the fall of the same year, at AJilledgville, Ga. three mile heats, lie easily won the Jockey Club purse, in two heats. The same season, at Lexington, Ga. in a race for the Club purse, three nitle heats, while leading his competitors his rider suf. fered him to run too near the rtmor tne meiae ; track, against which he stumbled and fell, causing him to lose I he race. The same week at the same place he beat all his riva s in 53 mile heats, the best 3 in 5. The next spring, at Lawrenceville, Va. he ran four mile heata,! wi?h Ironette, Anvil, How-Galley, and Walter Cook. Although he was in bad condition, having not fully recovered from the effects ol distemper, and owing to his rider being sick, he wa9 obliged to carry 5 lb. over weight, lie lost the first heat only by the neck, and the second by only a few feet, Ironette ieading him; How.Galley and Walter distanced, and 1 Anvil (afterwaids sold for $10000) barely j saving his distance. At New Market, Va. j the next season, he started with eleven other horses, and led them all the first heat. But his feet being tender from a recent founder, he was then withdrawn. Two weeks - afterward". his feet yet sore, he was barely beaten by the fine racer, Duke of Or cans, in four mile lieate at Baltimore. His manager still, with great cruelty and iack ol judgment, continu- | ingto run him in this condition of his feet, e let doun in one of his fore legs, in four mil. i heats at Norfolk, iwo weeks alter his Balii j more race, and was withdrawn Ironi the turt j But his trials most abundantly proved his ! strength, speed and bottom, with extraordinary j powers of endurance. In good condition he never was beaten ; in ! had condition, when lie ought, never to have been run, he always won by his performance the admiration of cveryjtidge. 1 The half sister of Festival?Col. Hampton's Funny, by Eclipse?is the only racer of J the first class in the United States which has i not been beaten within this last six months, by I some younger aspirant after fame. Besides twice receiving forfeitp, one from 10 competitors, she has run at least 11 races and never was beaten. Lightness ar.d want of strength is the objection to racers as work horses, but this objection docs not apply to the Eclipse stock. March 1st, 1642. NEW GOODS. DS. HARI.LRE takes this method of informing his customers and the public that he has received by the last trip of the Osoola a large and well select*! assortment of Dry Goods, Hats. Shoes, Bunt Letts au 1 a general assortment of Groceries. His assortment will be the best lie has had for several years, being selected for the Spring and Summer trade, and comprises all the useful art cles wanted for Gentlemen and Ladies wear. He rcspocilully ' tnvitcs his former friends and customers and those trading to this place to call and examine his slock as he Hitters himself lie can offer inducements for th< m topurohaie as ho pledges himself to sell --is low as any one it the market can afford to do. To pun *tn il customers he ? ill sell his Dry Goods, Hats. Bonnets, <ko., on his usual credit hut lor his groceries he must liave cash or produce; the necessity the case compels him to continue this arrangement. March 14, 1842. 18 Gt WILLI A 31 II. EVAJIS WII.L nr iciK# in the Cnurla *??f Law of Soutii (Carolina, in the DjatrictVof Chcstorfiflri, Marion. Dn'-lingtoii, and Alar](j?fOUgh, Office at Shirty Hill. * ' \ March Int, 16 ii, "s*> IB sm 1 . .. - ^: *. - A \ IROX, 20 Tons, asso-ted sizes, for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 if The Subscriber has just received, and wil keep constantly on hand,Co?ton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the anufactory of Rocking haul. GEO GOODRICH. Cftcraw, Jon. 1840. 10 tf CA^DLKS 4 few Boxes Ta.low and Sperm Candles for bale by D. MALLOY. May 31, 1S41. 29 tf poXe boat Tor sale. THE Pole Boat James R Ervin will be sold on favorable terms. She is row on the way up and will be delivered to the purchaser on her arrival. Apply to either of the subscribers. I). MALLOY. W. & T. BAILEY &. Co. JAMES H. COLE. December 4, IS II. 4 CUT WAIUN, 100 Kegs, 4<1 fid 8d lOd 12d and 20 nails, For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 tf CORA U Ai\TJLB, '3 HE Subscriber wishes to purchase 2 00 ( J3. Bushels good Corn, D. MALLOY. December 0,JS-lI 4 tf PlT'fO Hi A L ILLtlilKATIOAJf. VOLUMES 1st. 2nd and 3rd, ef Pictorial Illustrations of the Bible containing 200 engravings en?.h. Eur sale low at the CiiEKAW BOOKSTORE. 20 tf A. LACOSTE._ ilpPFU AMD SOIiE LhAllILK, vVax, and Calf Skins, and Hemlock Tanned Sole Leather. Tor 6ale low. A. P. L,ACQSTE. | October 27, 1841. 50 If i 111UDVVAKE. HIK Suliseribei keeps constantly an hand a JL l rg? and well selected assortment of Ha r J ware, including almost every dcscrinlinn ?>f Cupenlers Tools; which he ? selling very . heap. D. MALLOY. March 8, 1^4*2. 17 tf SOlTli (JAIlOfJMA, C heslcrfield District. PALLAS ALLEN, Applicant, Seabiirn iii rry and wife M.try, -rd Allen,' E iz i I*cth A'bn, Snrth Allen, \lalsy Allen. Martha Alio . (J. in Allen, Susanna Allen, Catharine Allen, and Roauniiu Al!?-n, Defendant?. It appe aring to my f-atifttcli<>o that Seaborn Berry one of the L)e fondants, resides without this Stale, It is then fire ordered tha' lie do np. pear ami object to the division or sib* of the Real E.-tate of Richard Allen. Deccar-d. on or before the Twenty-first day of May next, or his consent to the same will be eu'ererl of Record. Tt BHVAN, 0. C. D. March 9,1842. 17 12t CHINA CROCKFStY AN D GLAgS WARE. rHTIlE Subscriber ban on hand a good assort JL inent of the above, conjprising a variety of .. e . I-. patterns* i ui oaiu D. M ALLOY. May 31, 1841. 29 <r /'ArHftLKAV HATS, D zen \lens' Boys' and children*, Palm Leaf Hals, just received and for sale bv D. MALLOY. Mareh-8, 1842. 17 if NOTICE. G II. DIIWLAP Would respectfully give notice lo his friends and the public that h iving commenced business again on his own account he finds it absolutely neces sary to cnrtiil very much his credit business, he has consequently determined too; en accounts only with such persons i? have heretofore .paid their accounts punctually at or near the end of the year and with such only as will give posi live assurance of doing so in future. Oct. 13, 1841. 48 tf COTTON OSNABCRGS A.Y1>~ COTTON TARN. THE Subscriber ha? received on consignment from the Do Kilb Factory at Camden S. C 1*4 Bales very superior Cotton Ohihburgsand 12 Bales Cotton Yarn, which ho will sell by tho Bde to .Merchants o-* as good or !>e'ter tonus than they can purchase in New York or Charleston. He would also invito the Planters of the neighborhood to call and examine lliw O7.n1' urgs, they will find it a cheaper and belter arliclo tiian uas ever been sold in this market. C. H. DUN BAP. Chcraw. April 4, I8f2, 21 tf | Fifty Dollars Kcwanf! RUNAWAY from the Subscriber about the fi et of March last, my nemo man BEN. (Known Ben McKcuzie ) B-n is about 30 years of agej six t el high, s'out built, of light CoinpJ x on, has a large and bushy head, weighs about !9Ulbs., can read and write, and has some knowledge of business, having been al out a store for some time. It is sup|K?sed he is lurking about Chrrnw.? 1 will give the abov? reward for his c'ivery to me iu Marlboro,' District, S. C.. or Twenty, five Doll a rs if lodged in any .fail so I cm gat I him, I will also give Fifty Dollars for proof to convict any while person or persons of harboring him. E. B. E A.STERLING. April 1st. 1842. 21 3i SI.lWSOlTai CAltOLIKA. A largo supply of Simra's Ilist ry of South Carolina, deagned for (lie use of Schools and Academies. For sale at the Bookstore by JOHN WRIGHT. 20 tf HLAik^lTll I THE Subscribers hivo commenced tha above business, ami will carry it on in all its various branches, their Shop is on Market Street in lite rear of John McQnage's Carriage making Shop. Persons entrusting them with their work may expect it done in the best man ner and at ihc time pro lisod. Jtf. B,?Horse Shoeing done in the neatest and best manner. THOMAS L. SHIVER. JOHN RUSCOE. Chcraw, April 6, 1812. 21 Dp BLACKSJilTHnG." ? -L 11?- l.o? ?Ulo Ar? p/./*nmmonrpd r a 1I1R, OUOSUnocr hup kino <iuj JL business on bis own account and hopes by close application to business to share public patronage. My prices will be moderate. IJurse MiO'ipg will receive my attention it is therefore warranted to be done w ith neatness and despatch. N. B.?I am now prepared to rep ir, or put tip n w lightning rods. C. 1. S1IIVEK. April 4. IS 12. 21 tf ^ t CABIISYSTE.TI CONTINUED. THE TIMES are such as to compel the Subscriber to continue the Cash yet em Groceries and all articles in that line will be sold for Ca*h only. Persons whose sects, and notes still remain unpaid, will please un- < derstand that no new credits will be given until ail old arreareges are sett led in full. D. MALLQY. BjBTliRYAN &. BROTHER, hold a lense |J on ttie lower wharf near the old Fe rj lancing, and will charge esch Boal for the pririlfge of landing discharging and loading. - Each Steam Boat, Three Dollars. Each Pole Boat, Tow Boat or Lighter, Tm Dollars. Each Cotton Flat loaded or built, One DolLr and Fifty Cents." With the privilege of remaining one week* longer at a corresponding rate. Cheraw, Sept. 28, 1841. 46 if DUIGST iULDICI^ES, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, ? A\ 1 Perfumery, Paints, UUs, Uye Stuffs, &c. &c, for sale wholesale and retail by A. HOPTOIf, CDERAW, ?. C. At his Drug Store, next door to Brown Bryan Sf Brother. Where may be had at alt timet a general aortineiit of articles in the Drug tine?recant mended to be of superior quality which will b? disposed of on very moderate terms? Physician* and others wishing pun* medicines, inay rely on being snpnlicd with litem. May 26, Ld4l. 38 GARDEN SEED, AC. " THE Subscriber has just received full end general assortment of Ffcjh WARDEN SEED froin the Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store of the New England Farmef Boston, among which are Sugar Beet, Rata Bag-*, White Flat Turnip, 4tc. dec- by the pqupd and j| smaller quantity. lie has also for sale a General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, with WINES and LIQUORS, Raisins, Figs, Almonds, Citron, Currants, Candy, Pickles, Tobacco, Sera re, Ate &c. His Store is Two Doors below the Store of Messrs. Taylor &. Punch. CHARLES VANPPRFORD. j Cheraw, December {4, 1641. * tf SPORTh.TIANS POWDER,^! ONE Case English Canister Rifle Powdery ' manufactured by "P gous it Wijks/* don, tor sale by the Canister. D. MAI.LOYf Mav 28. 1841. 2? I GOOD BARGAINS. Ill IK Subscriber has on hand many article? ol Merchandise not now in hi* line of bus v fines*; and which he ha* no tqom in hie ?4>rs , for, alltiuc' goods will bo sold very cheap. Thny consist ol the following articles, vi?. Negro Cloths (a good artipje) \Vhile Pln'ns, . H! niket t )vercuals, Uulfil Blanket*, Bale Brass And Iroas, Shovels and Tongs, Jugsaod J.irs, Pole and Ovegs, Iron pud Steel, Hardware J Crockery, &c. G. H. DVKLA^. November. 10, IS4J ?i tf "THE M BSCHIBER" PURCfjAa^lJ rpcenily jn New Vork a heavy and genera] assortmeut of Goods wh k j have all come to hand, and lie now off? |>* them al Wholesale or Retail at yery lp*y prip -J for Casu or 1'rodupe, a. r, mpost*. October 27th 1841. hO if SADDLERV" ~,N i A very large apsprtmen' of Roys, Men*, spf] ladies Saddles. Also, Bridies, itfartingales, Whips, Collars, Saddle Bags, Gig, Rulkey, and Carryall Uarpge#, Stirrup 119ns, Girth# and Surcingles. For sale vei y cht #p by A. P. LACOSTE, October 27th 1841 50 Li '* ' " -m SPER^l, AlfB T%\i\ERf OIL, By trie Barrel or At retail, tor sale by A. P. LACOSTE, <J October 27. 184). 50 If 2500 PAIR SHOES, Comprising every vane 'y, and for pi)e on ae? coinmoddting terms. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50ti HATS AKD CAPS. ,J 15 Dozen (jent)eiflepf' and Boyp, Black ant) Drab Fur Hats, 28 Dozen Wool Hats, A Large stock of Fur, Hair, Goth, apd 8p9 \ iette Cape, tor idle by A, P.M COSTE. Ort 27 1841. 50 it woolis, ADD BiilO BOXES. Ladies and Misses, Florence and 8traw Bo*. , nets, i.ames Coloured Hoods. For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. I fj Octobei 27, 1841. 60 U CANDJLES Ai\D SOAP. fcfpertp, Margarine and Tallow Candles. |lar and perfumed JSaop. Tot Sale by A. P. LACOSTE, Octo1 er 27, 1841. 50 if %$ ? HARDWARE AND SMITHS' TOOLS. | A general slock of these articles for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 tf j >FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOOJJS. A few Fancy, and a large and well selected J stock of Staple Dry Goods for sale low by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 II ? M AXES / H 18 dozen Collins, Hunts, and Marsh snperiot jgj Axes, for sale by the dozen at much below the usual rates. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 If EQUITY, " r South Carolina. Chcraw District, John M. Coker and wife i Bill for ap partition va Kindred Gril/in and > writ in n tnre of wril others. J of no Kx< at ^ IT appearing to my aa!infection tlisl Abaaloip C. Powell one of the Defendants in this cnao * c - ? J ivilltAnl lh? limit, nf ? * lit HDWm irom ?nu iwn?? ?...? this State on motian of J. W. &. J. A. Dargnn jt . is ordered that the said Absalom C. Powell do plead answer or demur to the complainant* Bill H within tnrec months from the publication hereof > and in default thereof, the same shall be Ufcet) against him pro confcsso. it is also ordered that this order bp pub|js},e<} in the Farmers' Gazette twicp a month for the space of three months. K. A. LAW, C. E.C. D. Commissieners Office, l 'JgS Darlington C. fl , S. C. > March 22, Ibii \