University of South Carolina Libraries
awa?>Nfwwpwwwi & ~~ -??^|2jjV^~ '~ ., ^ . - ; "* .' AM^K.VS M;ASSICAL BOOKS. L)H>\" VVRIUIIT l> .?. navy on liDtd anil for s> ilc ut thf By<>ksto;e < j*??oJ sujyiy of AuthonV(ireok (ir.iruuiitr, gig^ -ij.i IJ reek Lcntsoiis, /. . to <?teek, P.-vaouy, fa ' v ? Jo llor.iee, "'?- . <-' '? Cieero, HkgS&i. v >v . do Caspar. Jo Luliu I'rosoJy, I*-- ; f,<> *"HiShioai I'euoniry, ' do of Ainsuorlli* Lalin Dictionary, do' Edition of Valpcv's Greek I*lA-2llC'JU 4i\ AW SUIT* **., o. i'lkUfntn. H/ijrch iio. 1842. (The annual Election f?>r seven Directors of this institution will be held at the Ranking house in Cheraw on Monday the 2d day of May next, between the hours oi 10 o'clock A. M and 2 o'clock I*. M , t?? he managed by J. B. Billingsley, D. lMailov and J, Eli (rreirjr. By order of the Board. YV. GODFREY, April 5. IS 12* 21 4t ~ L.3ST OJFJUiff3KS EVIAINIXO in post Oilicn Cheraw S. C. _S March 3Ut ifcM2, and if not called lor by ills- 1st Julv next, wilt be lorw?rdeti to llie ( al Io&; Office as de-ad Let lets. CllnWM Ui?V \N P. M. }\?William Blair, O Bizouco ?rt, J 11 Bnuut p . 3. X' itiling tafijacvn Mrs. Eliztbolh Bennett. Bk Alins Catlnrine Cuker, B?;uj. Cussudy, 8 ?$5|L G W SCheptnan, F Collin. ?<*W &. J A.Dargan, E \V Dipon, LS E.lorbe, Thomas C Evan", P II *"V ti ?Watie A Ctf^eV, Jacob Ganoy. H?HuiViy & Voft li ilusbaii is, Miss M A IIu h.s, Silas Halt K?D C Ko'b.aiid A N McK ty 2, Miss C Knigbt. I.? ,N B 1.1npstoi^Bk. Lr^,.., VI ? W 8 MurpliajnpMrK >nzie & Crockott, ^ Miss K'-zi McXmr, Mr. Murphey, John Mo j Queen, Den can Rfebb 2. .M licym MeAlpin, I J (j VI y .McAli t:r. John \lor- ! d cb. Wi.liam Mit'-hcyi, 2. Mciv <y & McCaskill, j L) n'l. McL-oid*, Matr# ?Sr. Straus, .Nei I ^'iohoi- ' 8<>n, M;-s ,U T N ichSmn. P?J C Cos oh. Chunks Pccpks, Wili-un | Fuller, \\ ; Shaw, Jobn M Strrih 6, A ;onPMPHb/ L.n^ooti. Cbas. M Smiih, il/iss j " AT o i\ 8 lit:?t$C- S i< dortl', L).i ;it'I Smith. *+?? T?Fr nkn?Ta vlur, Bent >n T. turn, 2, David | l. Thorn m. Uui JSI<iy Thomson, il li Teuiicnt, W?K i S *5\*i?st. Mis* Jine Ward, VV T William*. Willitt.0 Woodward, B S &.T Wright. Pcrson^-'lfdliiig for L iters from this list will I'' ,85ijSWil?ev are advertised. , A#T, 18*42. 21 Important Work. , Note in Press, and trill shortly be published, a Dictionary of ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND MINERS, . FY AKFRF.W URK, M. I)., F. R. S., tVC. Illustrated with 1,241 Engravings! :4 ," FKT'UjS is," .unquestionably, the most "I popular work of the kind, ever pub dished, and a book inost admirably adapt. cil to the wants of all classes, of ihecom inuoify. The following arc tbe impor/ lanl objects which the learned author endeavors to accomplish? v- * km ft St. IO IllSiriiCl 111 c innuiiiiiLiiur.i, Metallurgist, and Tradesman, in the jirii!emlcs of their respective processes, sr? as to render them, in reality, the mast? is "of their business ; and to emancipate them from a state oi' bondage t > *uch as are toocommonlv governed L?y blind prejudice and vicious routine. 'idly. T? afford Merchants. Brokers. sabers, Druggists, and Officers of the Cnne, characteristic descriptions r>f commodities which puss through their dlv. "> exliibiting some of the finest shipments of Chemistry and Physics, ly open an excellent pinclical school \ tudents of these kindred sciences, thlv. To leacli Capitalists, who may esirous of placing their funds in some Inctive branch "of industry, to select piou-Jy, among plausible claimants, thlv I To enable gentlemen of the r to become well acquainted with the ire of those patent schemes which are Lit to fj've rise to litigation. 6ihly. To present to Legislators such a clear exposition of the staple manufac- , ; lures, ns may dissuade them from enact- J v in- laws, which obstruct industry, orcherish one branch of it, to the injury of . . many "others. ~2- And. lastly, to-givo the general road. er. intent, chiefly, on Intellectual CultivaE.lion views of many of the noblest achieve X ments of Science, in effecting those grand Iran formal inns of inn Iter, to which (> rent v JLilain and the United Siaets owe-their ' .paramount wealth, rank and power, ajjK&f &Wong the nations of the earth. v , The latest Statistics ofevery important object of Manufactures, are given from the best, and usually from Official authority, at the cud of each article. I^V- The Work will be printed from the second London Edition, which sells for v. *v 812 a copy. It will he put on good pa;-/ per, in new brevier type, and will make ahont 1400 pages, it will he issued in twenty''one semi monthiy numbers, (in covers) at 25 cents each, on delivery. 03c i oany persons sending us live dollars, at one time, in advonre we will forward the numbers by mail, post puiJ, as oc lk<nr rnmii fr,,m I r.rocu O*/*#11 ' i I \ i n 1i i \? > v | J i i. c ' . ToiuHfthle Agents this affords* n rare opJ>- rlunity, *s wo can put the work to them on terms extraordinarily favorable. J it every nmmrfacttiring town, and every Village, throughout the United Statesnnd Canada, subscribers can be obtained with the greatest facility.?Address. p?>st paid, La Roy Sunderland, 125 Fullon street, jV-w York. every'alitor who gives this adverttsemcni twelve insertions, we will for. ward to orrk-r, one copy of the w h *le work provided the pipers containing this notice be sent Jp the New Yvil; Watchurm. HEAD QUARTERS. Clarkmjon, March 8, 1842. Orders No. fglllE following Regiments and Corps are ?L ordered to parade for review and drill, ut ti o times and places herein mentioned, viz. The 10'ih and 17th Regiments of Infantry, the Ancient Battalion ot Artillery, an<l the Charleston Light Dragoons, near Charleston, on the Olii of April next. The Upper Battalion of the 3lst Regiment, on Thursday, the 21st April, at a poiut the Briga. j dier Genera! mayd-em most convenient ; wlio j is hereby ordered to report immediate y, to the j Commander-in-Chief, the place % > selected. The Lower Battalion, at Georgetown, on ' Tuesday the 2Gth of April. The 33rd Regiment at Cuu way borough, on Friday the 29th of April. The 3<ind Regiment at ^fuion Court House, on Saturday the 7th of May. The Corps of Cavalry will parade with the Regiments or Battalions innst convenient. The Commissioned Ollicers oft lie 8th Brigade will enrump on Monday, tlto 2nd of May next, at Godfrey's Ferry, in Marion District, on tiie I Great P' e Dee River. The 29:h Regimen*, of Infantry, at Darlington Cour Hons:, on Tuesday the lUth of May. The 20th and 44(h Regiments at S .nitcrvillc, on Friday, the 13th of May. 'Phe Commissioned Officers of ti e 3d Brigade of Infantry, w ill encamp near Barnwell Court House, on .Von ay, the 23J of May next.. In accordance with the arr ngements of Brig, adier General Jamison, the Commissioned Olli. ce:s of the 2d Brigade ot Cavalry are also ordcrI ed to encamp at the same time and place. The lltli and 43rd Regiments ot Infantry will parade at Barnwell Court House, on Satuiday ; ! the 28lh of 37 iy. j Brigadier General Jamison will order one of ! the Troops or Squadrons of his Brigado a: the j same time and place. , The Commissioned and non-Commissioned 1 OlKc rs oi' the Regiments ami Corps ordered for ! ' review, will assemble the dav mevious, for drill j and instruction at their respective places ot parade. The ajo- Generals and Brigadier General*. I will, with their Staff, attend the reviews within : tliier commands. Brijjadior Grherals Hanna, Shnierle, Hamuion ; Hopkins, Jamison, and llarllee, ar?-charged with ! the extension of so much of this order us relates to their respective Brigades By order of the Commander in Chi-f. J. W. CANTEY, Ad'1. and I ispec'r General. Extract from they'll section of the Militia Law of 1841. "Provided, That all Sergeants of Companies and all unu-conimissioucd "Regimental Staff officers, who shall voluntarily attend an encamp- j incut m their rcsji'-ciive Brigades, shall lie exempted from duty, during the year in which they shall attend such encampment, Pro. vided Also, That all Sergeants of Compan <s. and all nun eon missioned Regimental Slatf officers, who sha 1 -crvo seven years, consecutively, and shall during the seven years, attend th'o encampments in their respective Brigades, shall thereafter he exempt frmn the performance of ordinary militia dut v. And, Provided, also That in c-iso any such Sergeant up uoii-commissioucd Regimental Si,-iff officer si nil I be promoted to the rank of a commissioned officer, his term of service necessary 'o exempt him from ordinary militia duty, shall be computed from the time of his appointment as a S- rgeaut or iiou.commis. tinned Regimental SiutF officer. And it&hdlbc the duty of all officers, whose duty -t shall lie to appoint Sergeants and nan cummins oned Regimental Staff officers, to give them respectively a certificate, signed officially, specifying the appointment, its duty, and the company or Regi- < ment to which they belong; which certificate, with proof service, as required bv this act, shall be evidence to claim exemption from militia duly herein spceifi d. March 24. Ib42. 20 6t ~ WOOD. -Br nrnrnv i__ i .. . i , ti 11? i\ i j if i U7iii;cr i?j iiiy uusiomrrs in ( the Wood lino, my grateful acknowledgement-, for tlin liberal patron igo, I ha\c teenived al their hands and would now most respectfully request, that limy would continue to give their orders to Major I). R. VV. M elver, to whom I have sold my land, and who is fully prepared to deliver any quantity Ol weod that may he requi* red. A'l orders for Wood left at my store, will he sent to the resid.nceof Mnj >r Mclver. A. P. LuCUSTE. JaitURry 12. 1812. 12 if SOLT2I CAROLJXA Chesterfield District. In the Common Pleas. JOIIN E. FDWARDS, who is in the custody of tiie Sheriff of the District aforesaid, by vtrtuc of a Writ of Capias ad Respondendum at the suit of Henry P. Milliard, having peti. lionod the Honorable the Associate Judges of the sain Stale, that he may he admitted to the j hem tit of the act of the Genera' Ass mbJy made ; f>r the relief of Insolvent Debtors; and lie having filed with his pe tition a schedule o! hi Estate. ro:i! and personal. It is ordered that the 8;id Henry P, Hillhrd, and all others to whom the said petittonei is in any wise indebted, do per- s sonally or by tluur Alloruios, he and appear ; before the. Honor.ihlo the A.-so iale Judires of the Slato aforesaid at the Court of Co nmon Pleas | tolo. hoMen at Chesterfield Court House on the j tnird Monday in October next, to shew cause if , any they can, why the Estate and effects of the |>etitio'ier should not he assigned and lie dis. ! charged pursuant to the provisions of the said \ ants ?if the General Assembly, made and provided j for' the relief of insolvent Debtors. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. Ch alcrfii id C. II- March 23, 1812. 20 1 m SO ITU CAROLI A, ('hesterjicld District. In the Common Pleas. JOHN I WESTERVELT, who is in custody of tho Sheriff ot the District aforesaid, [ by virtue of a Writ of Capias ad Suli laciendeiu, j the suit of R. II. Crockett &. Co. having p ti- j tioued the Honorable the Associate Judge# of the said State, that lie may bo admitted to the ! bcii' fit of the act of the General Assembly, made for the relief of Insolvent Debtors, An 1 lie having fried with his petition a schedule of his ?!?I:<|0 rp..i and imrs'inal It ix nrdnred flint the said K. II Crockett, &c. and all others to whom the said petitioner is in any wise indebted, do j porson liy or hy their Altomics bo ai appear ; before the Honorable the Associate Judges of*the State a foresaid at the Court of Comni , Pleas to I .be ho'don at Chestorfidd Court Houae, on the third Monday in October next, thou and there j to shew cause if any they can, why the Estate i and Elfocls, of the Petitioner should not be ! assigned, and he discharged pursuant to the provisions of said acts, of the General Assembly, made ami piovidcd for the reliel of insolvent.}. Debtors. T. BRYAN, C.C. P. j Chesterfield C. II. arch23J, 1612. 20 lm f - : i NOTICE. IN pursuance of an order from M.ij. Hlakenry an election for Colonel of ihe 26th Ifog'trvut j will Ire held in the Town Hall, on Saturday the j 21st May next. The Polls will he open from 11 j to 6 \\ M, B. F. PR<;UES, T. A BRYAN, J. U. MclVEH. Man iigers. Match 30 Ic .2. _ ^ 21 ^ ^71 ari:w fiooos. DS. IIAliliLKE lakes this method of informing his customers and the public that he has received hy the last trip of the Osenia a large and well selected assortment of Dry Goods, Ilats. Shoes, Bonne't* and a general > e /' II . ! aNBuruiicm ui urocenrs. nis assoruneiii win 1)C the bent lie has had for several years, being selected for tin; Spring and Summer trade, and comprises all the useful art clea wanted for Gentlemen and Ladies wear. He respectfully tnvitoa his former friends and customers and thoso trading to this place to call and examine his stock as he flatters himself he can offer inducements fur t li- m to purchase as ho pledges himself to soil as low as any one it the market can alf?rd to do. To pun tual customers he v ill sell his Dry Goods, lints. Bonnets, Ac , on hit* usual credit but for his groceries he must have cash or produce; the necessity nflhe case compels hiui to continue this arrangement. ' March 14, 184J. 18 6t WILLIAM II. EVANS WILL practice in the Courts of Liw of South Carolina, in the Districts of Ches- j terfu ld, Marion, Darlington, and Marlborough, Olfico at Society Hill. March 1st, 1840, 18 Sm I SOUTH CAROLINA, Chester field District, In the Court of Ordinary. 5NLIJAI1 A RANT, having given notice to J tnc, Turner Bryan Ordinary of the D s. trict aforesaid, that he requires the will ol Fct*r A rant dee'd. late of the aforesaid District, to bo proved iii due form of Laic. And it appearing to my satisfaction that the Heirs at Law or oilier legal representatives of Aaron Arant, wiio would have been entitled (amongst others) to a distribution of the Estaicof the said Peter Arant if lie hud died intestate, resides without the limits of this State,?Notice is hereby given to liie sahl lioirs at law or odn r legal representa. lives of the said Aaron Arunt. IVc'd they aro hereby cited toapfwur beforo me Turner Bryan Ordinary as aforesaid; at a Court of Ordinary to he holdcn at Chesterfield Court House, on Friday the third day of June next, on which tluy 1 will hear the examination of witnesses and decide on the validity cf the said will. Given under my hand and seal of offico at Ches terfi dd Court House, the *Hst day of Feb A. D. Ic42. T. BRYAN, O. C. D. March 2,1342. 11 lcmf3ni I INTEND on the 1st day of July next to remove my S:o< k of Goods to my two g'ores, lately occupied by B. Mcintosh, and .McKay & jl/cCaskiil, and to tnake them my permanent business stands; and now offer for Rent, my four Niores immediately below, Viz: One at present occupied by Messrs. W. &. T. Bailey, & Co., the next below, corner Karsliaw and Front streets, and now occupied hv \1 r D. i\!allov_ and the two stores now nr. ' copied by me. To persons residing in this place, it is needless to say, that they are among the very best stands for prosecuting a Cotton and barter business; and I only make this declaration for the information of persons residing at a distance. Possession of the Stores occupied by Messrs. VV. & T. Bailey & Co., and Mr. D. ATallov, will be given on the 1st day of September next; the others can ho had by the 10th July next. Cheraw offers inducements to Capitalists, and men of business, that are not found in many Southern towns. It is estimated, that o r receipts of cotton, for the last two years averaged 25,000 Bales, and it is supposed this year's receipts will be about the same. AUG. P- LaCOSTE. Cheraw, Jan'y. 12ih, 1842. 9 tf The " Charleston Courier," ".Southern Chronicle," "Camden Journal," and "Fayetteville Observer'" will oleasc give the above six insertions, say on*. ; *very two weeks, and forward their bills to ra nr payment. A. P. LaCiwte. CHEESE,] -0 O* CASKS CHEESE A Ap For Sale by A. P. LACOSTE, Dec. 1, 1811. 3 tf A VALI ABLE TitACT OF LAAD FOR SAEE. THE Subscriber, intending in remove from his present location, offers for sale the land j o.i which he at present resides; situated in Malinn District, in this Slate, known as IIAR LFRsiVILLE. Tin tract contains be- i iween twelve and tifloen hun<lrcd acres on I which is a large and convenient dwelling house, j and ail necessary out houses ; also a large framed ; Store House, in good repair, wjiij Wuie House and Cultun (Jin. There are above three hundred acres ef clear od laud, the ino?.t of it under cultivation. There is on this tract a Toll Bridge across the Litt'o Pre I)re River, on the main road leading Irom Fayottevillo N. C., and the comities lelow F?ye tevillc, to the West, via Camden and Columbia, There is a great amount of travel over this . Bridge, as there are several roads on each side ; of the River, coming into the one crossing at : this place. Tin re has been, until lately, for ; many years, a store kept at this place, and it is considered by those acquainted with it, one of tlichcst stands lor a store and tavern in this part of the country, Tho nearest store, in one direction, is over twelve m IestolF, and in all other directions, over twenty miles. In point of health ' it cannot be cxcelle. on this side of the mourn- I tains; a billious or intermittent fever is scarcely ever heard of. Such is the reputation of this place for health, that the subscriber has frequently been solicited to sell lots for the purpose of building fur summer residences. Taking mlo co isidcration, then, the acknowledged health of the pine, its location on a r.avigable River, tho line stand for a Store and Tavern, the excellent range for stock, with a hue soil lor tilling, this -I : ,1... ,?r il.,i ! I'lilUC I>' Ug?; Ul tilt; iilUdt ucnuaum ui any vine ?,i?nw lias been in market in into part of the Slate for many years. To a gentleman owning a Rica Plantation in the lo.v country, it would l>e invaluable, for to this placo he could retreat with liis fiiuily in the sum ncr with jx-rfeet safety ; and he c ui Id lie on his plantation whore he could raise all kinds of pr-'vision and stock tor his i plantation belo v, and convey it by water from one place to the other To a g"iitleni"n wishing to engage in the Mercantile business in the country, or Oj>cn a public Home, this place offers groat inducement*; hut as it is presumed that any one who wishes to purchase will view the premises before doing so, it is deemed useless to say any thing farther. Any communication in relation to the premises will he directed to mc ut Ilarieepville, !' ? and a more particular description and any inro mil ion required, will bo givoi.. 1 will at a|! liines take great pleasure ip. shewing the premiss to any one desirous to examine tlieni. Tiie terms will he liberal and the payments Oiadoeasy to the purchaser. THOMAS HARLLEE. Ilarll-jcsville. S. G. March *-23, 1812. N. B ? 1 he Charleston Courier and Mercury trill please copy tri-weekly for one month, and f.?rvv;ir<i their account to nie at ilarlecf viile. 20 4t PROVISIONS. 4 pood supply o t line jii. Lnrd, Flour and Meal on iwnd an J for balo the lowest market price, D MALLOY, ^ .17 tl CAROLINA ECILPSE. THIS highly bred and much adtmrid horse will stand Liu* present season at or near Bennetsville, atone or two other places in Marlborough District, and at the stables of Juhn McLean in Robeson County, N. ('. He is a red sorrei. without wljite except a small star; live years old, fifteen and a half i ; hands high, and cf extraordinary l? no and I muscle. In colur, size, bone, sinew and mus. I j cle, he grea'iy resembles his grandsire, the i I famous American Eclipse, admit ted on all | ' hands to be one of the best horses, if not the I J very be6f, ever owned in this country, whe* j ther native or imported. It may be stated as : evidence of the extraordinary constitution of | American Eclqise, now standing in Kentucky, ! that although twenly-eight years old, "he is still" says the N, V. Spirit of the Times "in possession of fine health and betrays few indications of his advanced age and long service. There are very few instances of such vigor at his age." j Carolina Eclipse is put at the very low price } of $8 the single leap, payab e at the time; j $12, the season, payable at the c'ose of the j season ; and $15 for insuring, payable when i t the mare is ascertained to be in foal, or when ! she is traded ; with 5(1 cents to the groom.? His form, strength, and blood eminently claim for him the attention of persons who wish to raise horses "for all work,'*-?for the saddle, light draught, and farm or plantation use. And j the low price at which ho is put will enable | any who w ish good horses to avail themselves j of his services. Though a horse of great life , and spirit, he is of quiet temper and tractable disposition. Great care will be taken to avoid accidents, but no liability will be incurred for auy which may happen. PEDIGREE. But his trials most abundantly proved nis strength, speed and bottom, with extraordinaiy powers of endurance. In good condition he never was beaten ; in bad condition, when lie ought nffver to have been run, he always won by his performance j the admiration of every judge. The half sister of Festival?Col. Ilamp-1 ton's Farmu. by Eclipse?is the only racer of the first class in the United States which has ! not been beaten within this last six months, by Borne younger aspirant after fame. Besides twice receiving forfeits, one from 10 competitors, she has run at least 11 races and never was beaten. Lightness and want of strength is the objection to racers as work horses, but this objection does not apply to the Eclipse stock. ' ? * - in4.1 Marcn isi, ic-i-s. In tiik Common Pleas. Chesterfield District. Ilenry Easterling, ) Declaration vs. > on nolo in G. W. Booth. ) Attachment. ! WHEREAS the Plaintiff in this action did on thie day file his Declaration against G. W. Booth, the defendant, who is absent from and ! without the limits of the State (as it is said.) and having neither wife or attorney known upon whom a copy of ihe above Declaration, . with a rule to plead thereto, may be served; ' It is therefore in pursuance of the Acts ol the General Assembly of this State in such cases, made and provided; Ordered that the defend[ ant, do plead thereto on or before the twentysixth day of December next, otherwise final and absolute judgment wili be then given and awarded against hitn by default. T. BR VAN. Office of Common Pleas ) Chesterfield C. li. Dec. 25,1841, s 9 le3mfly ~ snooras BJ1COJW ALL Warranted Sound, nnd for sale at 6 and 7 cents. ALSO, a quantity ofSugar at 7, 8,9, and 10 els. By I. II. ROSSER. February Al, 1812. 14 tf ' ~ I. - ' ..> , He was got by Festival, considered by I Capt, Harrison, an experienced breeder, train-! er, and racer, who had him in his stablo6 a season, "the best son of Etlipso." His dam was by Oplimus; and hi6 grand dam was out ?fa Bell-Air mare, got by old Sir Archie, the I best horse of his day in America. FESTIVAL* 'was by American Eclipse; his dam by Tunoleon ; grand daui by Young Tup ; g. g. dam by Umpire ; g. g. g. darn by Grey Diomcd ; g. g. g. g. dam by Wild-Air. Young Tup was by imported Tup; he by Javelin out of j Flavia. Young Tup's dam was by Aiu?k, I e 'I and he by imported Shark, out of importeu Virago, Umpire was by imported Shark, out of a mare by imported Cub. OPTIMUS was by Madison; he by the old imported Diomed the sire of Sir Archie. Opliuius was out of A/eivina, the dam 01 5 stock horses ; she was by imported Knows, j ley; her dam by imported Spread Eagle ; her | grand dam by lNunrod ; her g. g. dam by Wild-Air. her g. g. g. dam the noted mare Little Willis, the dam of Brilliant, Nmirod j and Herald. Little Willis was by old Janus; | and he by Col. Baylor's Shock. It wi 1 be seen from this pedigree that , most of the very best crosses of vhirh this country can boast, meet in Car lina Eclipse. Although mere racers, are not tne horses for the farmer, yet it is admitted by all that j racing is a fair trial of the strength, bottom | and constitution of a horse. It is therefore i stated that Festival, the sire of Carolina s Eclipse, though only a short time on the turf, | distinguished himsell in these respects at all, distances from two to four mile heats. In his first race at Nottoway Va. in th^spring of 1833. two mile beats, he distanced his compe- j tilor the second heat. In the fall of the same year, at Milledgvillc, Ga. three inde heats, lie easily won the Jockey Club puree, in two heats. The saine season, at Lexington, Ga. j in a race for the Club purse, three nule heats, while leading ins competitors his rider suf. j fered him to run too near the rim of the inside track, against which he stumbled and fell, causing liiin to lose ine race. The game week at the same place he beat all his riva s in 3 mile heats, the best 3 in 5. The next spring, at Lawrenceville, Vh, iie ran four mile heats, with Ironette, Anvil, Row-Galley, and Walter Cook. Although he was in bad condition, having not fully recovered from the effects of; distemper, and owing to his rider being sick, he was obliged to carry 5 lb. over weight, he lost the first heat only by the neck, and the second by only a few feet, Ironette ieading him; Row.Galley and Walter distanced, and Anvil (afterwards sold for ?10 000) barely saving his d stance. At Now Market, Va. the next seaton, he started with eleven other horses, and led thccn all the first heat. Rut his feet being tender from a recent founder, he was then withdrawn. Two weeks after-j ward", his feet yet sore, he was barely beaten by the fine racer, Duke of Organs, in four mile j heals at Baltimore. 11 is manager still, with great cruelly and tack ot judgment, continuing to run lutn in this condition of his fee t, let down in one of his fore legs, in four mile heats at Norfolk, two weeks after his Baltimore race, and was withdrawn trom the turf. IRO\. 20 Tons, assorted sizes,forage by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 if The Subscriber has just received, and wil 1 keep constantly on hand,Cotton Yam and Twine at wholesale, from the an ufactory of Rocking ham. CEO GOODRICH. Cn?T?w, Jnn. 1840. 10 tf A few BoxesTa low and Sperm Candles fur i3l bale by D. MALLOY. May 31, 1841. 20 tf FOLIC BOAT FOR SALE. TglilE Pole Boat James R Ervin will he sold 1 on favorable terms. She is t ow on the j way up oud will be delivered to tlic purchaser on ( her arrival. Apply to either of the subscribers. I). MALLOY. W. &. T. BAILEY &Cw. JAMES 11. COLE. 1 December 4, 1841. 4 CUT NAILS. 100 Kegs, 4.1 Oil 8d 10d 12d and 20 nails, For bale hy A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 if CORN WAITED, n?T WE Subscriber wibhob to purchase 2 00 JlL Bushels good Corn, D. MALLOY. 1 Dcecrnbcr 6, ISII 4 if CILASS, 1'AI A T, A>? PI TTV. A Large Slock of these articles, which will be bold at reduced rates. A. P. UCOSTE. UPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, Wax, and Calf Skin8, and Hemlock Tanned Sole Leather. Fur sale low. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf HARDWARE. fin HE Suhseribei keeps constancy an hand a JkL 1-rgu ami' well scire ted assortment o! Hardware, including almost every description of j C putters Tools j which he is selling very i "heap, D. MALLOY. March ft, l?42. 17 tf SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. PALLAS ALLEN, Applicant, Seaborn B rry and wife Miry, Richard AI 'en. E'izi Irth A In, Sarah Allen, Malsy Allen. Martha Alio*'. C.iin Allen, Susanna Allen, Catharine Allen, and Host una Allen. Defendants. It appearing to my satifaclion Seaborn Bprry ??ne of the Defendant*., reside* witliont this St do. It is tlien frre ordered tln? he do ap. |x-nr and obj.-cl lot he division or s de of the Real E<*tat? of Richard Allen. Deccag *d. on or bafore the Twenty-first day of May nrxl, or his cuuscni to the same will be entered of Record. T. BRYAN, 0. C. D. March 9, 1842. 17 12t SELLI^U AT COST. 4 Parcel of'ready-made c'olliing suitable for cold weather, such as Ladies and guillemons, <'lo.iks, Over Coats of various kinds, Dre* Coals, Goatees, Vest, aud Pantaloons. Also: A supply of Summer Clothing', Palm leaf hats, holies bonnets and Hoods, u fadiiona hie article, and band boxe , just received and lor < bale at a very small advance. In Store a d for, a good supply of gentlemen's fine fur hats, wool hats and fur caps, which will bj sold very cheap. Sugar, Coffee, Salt. Molasses and Rice, will he said as .low as can.he bought in tins market. DANIEL JOHNSON. Fob'y. 23. IS 12. 15 tf CII1NA CROCKCRY AND GLASS MARE. THE Suhscrilier has on hand a good as.-orl. ment of the above, comprising a variety of patterns. For sale cheap D. MALLOY. May 31, 1841. 29 tf SOL Til CAROLINA. Ransom Britt, vs. ) Declaration in E, P. Guion Sl Co. ( Attachment. Whereas the PlaiiitiiT in the above Mated com- | this day fil.-d his Dcclara ion against the IV- | tVudant, who is absent from, and without the limits of this state (as it is said) arid having neither wife nor Attorney known w ithin ibe same, it is ordered that the Defendant do a pp. ar unH ploadtothc Declaration aforesaid within a year and a day from tiio date hereof, otherwise final and absolute Judgement will be ttwarden against hiui by default, T. BRYAN, C. C, P. Office of Common Picas, } Chesterfield C. House, > November, 19, 1840. j 50 ' PALU LEAF HATS, fr^P jf jk D zen Mens' Boys' and children*, Mtf Palm Leaf Hals, just received and fur sale br D. MALLOY. 1 March 8, 18(2. 17 tf PICTORIAL ILLUSTRATIONS. VOLUMES 1*1. 2nd and 3rd, ef Pictorial Illustrations of the Bible containing 20d engravings each. For sale lov at the CilEUAW BOOKS TO RE. ; 20 tf NOTICE. G II. DUNLAP Would respectfully give notice to his frteHds and the public that having commenced business again ] on his own account lie finds it absolutely necessary to curt iil very much his credit business, , ho has consequently determined too; en accounts only with such persons as have heretofore paid ' their accounts punctually at or near the end of the year and with such only as will give posi. live assurance of doing so in future. Oct. 13, 1841. 48 tf ' IN EQUITY, South Carolina. Chcraw District. John M. Cokcr and wife > Bill for ap pnrfiiinn vs Kiwi rod Griffin and > writ in u torn uf writ others. ) ??f ne Exeat &,?. IT appearing to my Patisfiction that Absalom C. Powell one of the Defendants in this case is absent from and resides without I he limits of this State on motion of J. W. St J. A. Dargnn it is ordered tlmt the said Absalom C Powell do plead answer or demur to the complainants Bill within tiiree months from the* publication hereof and in default thereof, the same shall be taken | against hiin pro confcsso. It is ulso ordered that litis order he published in the Farmers' Gazetlu twice a month fur the sjrace uf three month*. E. A. LAW, C. E. C. D. i Conimissienerp Office, i Darlington C. II , S. C. > . Muicii 22, lo42 ) 21 2a 13 i:i ' DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Patent Medici ne, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c, for sale wholesale and retail by A. IIOPTOff, CIIERAW, 8. C. At his Drug Store, next door to Broun Bryan Sf Brother. Where may be had at all timet general sortinoiit of articles in the L*rug line?recotu mended to be of superior quality which will be disposed of on very moderate teriut?Physicians gg, ami others wishing purr mcdicin?>s? may fttjf " /* on being supulied with ibetu. May 26, 1841. 28 "cash system continued. THE TIMES are such as to compel the . . Subscriber to continue the Cash m Gkockimm and all article* m that line will be sold for Cash only. Persona wltoee wttf. and notes still remain unpaid, will pfeeoe understand that no new credits will be given until all old arrearages are settled in full. d. malloy. m B BRYAN & BROTHER, bold a lease? on the lower wharf near the old Fe vj ^ Laming, aiid will charge each Boat for the privilege of I:ruling discharging and loading. Each St- am Boat, Three Dollars. Each Pole Boat, Tow Bout or Lighter, Twt Dollars. Each Cotton Flat loaded or built, On* Dollar and Fifty Cents. With the privilege of remaining one week, longer at a corresponding rate. Cher aw, Sept. lb41. 46 tf NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. THE Subscriber has just received his ' Winter Supply of Goods, which consists in v part, of the following, Viz: Ladies English and French Kid .Morocco Shoes and Slippers, Misses Kid, and Prunella Shoes and Slippers, w Gentlemen's fine Calf Boots, Bootees, snd.A Shoes; Abo, a fine assortment of Crockery, China Grannet &c. &c. Hardware, of. .i . _ r? i? ?i i ui . evrry ucblri|niu4ii uk*civsiiihiib iwib, oucci Iron and a few very fine Stuvim; Groceries of all kinds by the Wholesale and Retail;/ ' The above will be sold A/CJCU LOWER than they have heretofore b**en sold in Cur. iuw, for Cash only. persons wishing Bar. ?.. ga.ns, will please call on the Subscriber and . examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere, for their own benefit. ISAAC il. ROSSER. ; ^ Jan'v. I2?h, 1?42. 9 3ido 1 : ? ?Sffl GARDEN SEED, AC. rRlIIE Subscriber lua just receive I a full and general assortment of KresI* UARDF.N -? SEF.L) fr??m the Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Store of the New England Farmer Boston, among which are Sugar Meet, Ruta Baya, White F'at Turnip, Vc. due- by the pound and smaller quantity. H?? has also for sale a General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, w?lh WINES and JLIQUORS. Rtisina, Figs, Almond*, Citrou, 1 Cuirant*, Candy, Tickles, Tobacco, Seyara, &,c &c. li is Sioro is T wo Doors below the Store of I Messrs. Taylor & Punch. CHARLES VANDERFORD. tfr/ j Cheruw, December 14, Itt4l. 5 If 5 ssaa SPORTSMANS POWDER. ONE Case EngiiJi Canister Riflo powder# manufactured by "P gous Ic Wilks," Lou* 4 * ilou, lor sale by the Cunu ter. D. MALLOY! May 28, 1841. 29 I r'Ji GOOD BARGAINS. fRIHE Sut>s<:riber has on hand many articleH .i ?i i i L.*- if ..e i... a ov .uerciiiinciiwi nui now in iiib urn* ui uu? , sinew; and which he has no room in his n or* for, all sue! goods will he sold very cheap. They consist of the following articles, fit. Negro Cloths fa good article) White Plains, : Blanket Overcoats, Duffil Blanket*. Bale Rope, Brass And Iroas, Shovels aod Tonga, Jugs and Jars, Pots and Ovens, Iron and Steel, Hardware Crockery, &o. G. H. DUNLAP. ? November. 10, IB4I M tf -! "tiie subscriber" ^ PURCHASED recenfly in New York a very heavy and genera] assort mout of GwkIs wh h have all come to hand, and lie now ofl? I Rg r lietn at Wholesale or Retail at very low pric lor Casu or Produce. A. P. LACOSTE. ^ October 27th 1841.. SO tf i *3H SADDLERY. A very large assortment of Boy?, Men*, and Ladies Saddles. Also. Bridles, Martingales, Whips, Collars, Saddle Bags, Gig, Sulkey, and Carryall Harriets, Stirrup irons, Girths Jj? and Surcingles. For sale very cheap by A. V. LACOSTE. October 27th 1841. 50 li sperti. wzV Tivivriis on. By the Barrel or at retail, for sale by A. P. LACOSTfc M October 27. 1841. 50_ If 2500 PAIR SHOES. Comprising every varie'v, and for sale on ac- 1 couniiodating terms. A- r. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50tl | HATS ANTD CAPS. 15 Dozen Gent lemons' and Boys, Black and Drab Fur Hats, 28 Dozen Wool Hats. A Large stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and So. lette Caps, For sale by A. P.LA COSTE. Oct 271841. 50 U BON \JETS, HOODS, AND BAND BOXES. Ladies and Misses, Florercc and Straw Bon. neis. i.adies Coloured Hoods. For tale by A. P. LACOSTE. m Octobei 27, 1841. 50 U CANDLES AND SOAP. Sperm, Margarine and Tallow Candles. Bar and Perfumed Saop. Foi Sale by M A. P. LACOSTE. rVtnVr 9.7 Iftll ftfl 11 IIAKDWAKK AAIO SMITHS9 TOOLS. A general stock of these snides for sale bjr A. P. LACOSTE. 'm October 27,1841. 50 If FA \cr AWmrLJE DRY GOODS. A few Fancy, ami a large and well selected r* stuck of Staple Dry Goods for sale low by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 If <rrc c [9 dozen Co!'in#, Hunts, and Marsh superior Axes, for sale by the dozen al much below tbt 4?ual rales.