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".HMuuswmjM 1 THE REFORMATION flttpP" "Among the stupendous lefonnof I he day j nothing excites more grateful astonish- i j " men*, than the progress of the temp .jraiin> ; f reformation. it is as vast us it is deep, am! thorough us ct is extensive, ft does not merely pervade certain local sections, o ; I;. the vt.vthJe surface of society, it ernbra^ res the entire Union, and its healing in j flounce ef tends from the refined classes j down to the most besotted bodies of men. j ' ^ Persons, from the Cast and tho West, j ?a" : from the North and the South?from >,* populous cities and abseure vilages, alike > ? ? > Mvrwrlinff I concur in speanini; ??j ??? ?-? * ?? anything in the annual* of moral refor (nation. VVo find person* of every grade who huve been habitual drinkers; almost voluntarily abandoning their cupf,- and renouncing their accustomed haunts ; of disapation. Crowds of men acted up- j on by common sympathy, or by some ' k ,. - either inexplicable cause, are abandoning ' . habits cf intoxication, and joining in re. forming those whoso appetites, hitherto, $:,-y they have helped to feed and inflame.? : _ Men who havw been conspicious for their , habits of iuternperan?*e and lawless disreS ?' gJird of the healthful laws of morality, Ktuhh.nlv are changed, and become ex Pemplarv andsober num. Nothing could j induce arret urn to their former habits; it ! Would be difficult to tempt these men ' again tf^ollute their lips with the 'prison. | Thifco wno oner needful tlie aid of f ionds to stop excofri, now in turn, arc exhorting others tu reform. The reformed every h here have hdVDUic successful and judi- j cios reformers. \ lyki. X. American. hr Much as the cnusmbf IVnr p^ranre Ins accomplished for the good of. man mueh as it has done towards alleviating the distresses of the human famlv. and ennobling the degraded votary of Bacchus hv lead ing him to tho pt'.T fount of gushing water's? natures beverage,?and opening his eves to his own infamy arid degrade- j tion??much as it has daoe towards resfo- | H rinrr the world. the la uir, the talents, nod ~t ,w'" r* the useful In ess of the former drunkard? ' much Mt it ha* done toward* restoring to happiness, the hr<?ken pearled wife; re. I uniting diiummrberud/t malic*, rrc aiming , outcast ohildron, and giving to them a j father nnd u hushatuf, fit to walk before titers ami sot them an example ?u<*h as become* the hea^ef a family; inueh asin EVKRY sense, it w.t done; and who will *ay lhat it is ni't a redeeming spirit, uhich is distincd to carry its saving influence. througtefho length and hredtli cfthe country'-jjtrcii yet remains to do.? Thereto individuals in this SjSjvjfciTwore it not for their besetting ten, drunkenness,, and would he, an ' omamont to sociotv, u?ofu) of their vo. grcitiiohir, respected as men. hel.?ved as brothers?having a parent's affection centered in them, and last, not least, possesjjfv #ing their faculties and ?o disposing of them, as to entitle them to their own re*Ellpect* Such men there are. They have not yet, perhaps, fallnn so low as to have |? boenmo a burden upon society, bit arc rapidly vermin** to that point, wvn -e \ there fct mi r<?domption Their sell*respect is not all gonr. Their hitter reproaches ?selfaccusations?the stings of i dis honored cnnscence, attest this. Foolish man, like the flv which hover* arnu nd tho Maze until it i? consumed, ho is ailing around the rim of tho whirlpool, P and every revolution bring* htm nearer ;"..{ho vortex, which has engulfed so many, arid from which a. few more circles will ; render it imposible for him to escape. Pha- SemLiel i'W Trom the Louisville Advertiser. ^ * - FLOGGING AX EDITOR, About twenty-five years ago, when a a certain Western Slate, (which we shall PpEja's 4 * not name,) was a territory, and with few i inhabitants, a young Lawyer from ono of V the old States, emigrated thither, and V v" settled iaJhe town of K. He succeeded admirably in his profession, and rose rapidly in popular favor. He had heen there nearly two years, when he induced a printer to come on and print for Sim a ' ' weekly paper, of which he was editor j mid proprietor. Squire S. was much . pleased, for a while, with editing a paper. . He w?* a man of very small stature, but ho used the editorial WR" as frequent *4 if there was a d ?zen of him, and each to big as Daniel Lambert, or the Kentucky Giant. Strange to say. there were at the time. ???rtn in who wore not a narticle k~ "" " " r | more honest than thcv should be ; a thing I which probably never happened before, and never will again. Squire S. felt all ' * the patriotism of a son of '76, and poured i out grape shot and canister against public j abuses. 'Hiis aeon stirred a hornet's I rest about his ears, but as there was no | other paper in the territory, there was no reply, and heenjoyed his warlike propen, sities in security, WBSff'v iA * length he publishedan article more severe and cutting, against malfeasance in office, than any that had preceded it. In fact, though pointed at no one individ* ual in particular, it was a 44srorchrr." ~ j t v Some throe or lour days a'terwaros. ne . ^was silting alone in his editorial office, which was about a quarter of a mile from the printing establishment, his pen wa* busy with a paragraph, when his door was opened without much ceremony and in stalked a man full six feet in his stockings, i Tie asked, are-you the editor of this! pauer?" Thinking h : had found a new j patron, the little man, ith one ??f his' blandest smil<*s, answered in the nffirwa. | - live. The trtrnnger deliltrrafelv drew the I Jast number of the paper from his pocket, : and pointing to jcle against rogues , in'ofBeo, told th? affrighted editor that if i was intended for him. Ii wax in vain hat 8? proteased he had never heard of him betetw.' The wrath <>f the visiter ro?e to fevrr hear. nm! frorp being >ok?ng ivaUaitoed, bailed oytr with dvuLde P-rv. He gave the editor his choice, either to I publish a hum!) ft, a very humble recuntn. lion, or take a dogging on the spot. Ei- ' (heralternative was worm-wood, but what j could he do? The enraged office holde r was twice his size, and at one blow could quality him for an obituary notice. He agreed to retract, andashss visiter insisted upon writing it himself, he sat down to the task. Squire S. made an excuse to walk to the printing office, with a promise that he would he back in season to sign it, as soon a* it wa9 finished. 3. had gone hardly fifty rods when ho encountered n man who inquired where Squire S.'s office was, and if he was at home. Suspecting that he, too. was on tho same errand as the other visiter, he j pointed to the office, and toid him he would j find the editor within, writing a most ahiisivo article against office-holders.? .This was enough. The eyes of the new comor dashed tire. He rushed into the office and assailed the stranger with the epithets, "liar," "scoundrel," "coward," and told him he would teach him what to write. The gentleman supposing it was j some bully sent there by the editor, sprang to his feet, and a fight ensued, that beat the Kilkenny cats all hollow. Tne table was upset and smashed into kindling wood?the contents of a large jug of ink .Uood in puddles on the floor?he chairs had their legs and backs broken bovond ihe skill of surgery to cure them. This o seemed only to inspire the cornhattants w th still greater fury. Blow followed blow, with the rapidity of lightning, and j tile force of a .% Jgolianvner. ir?*t ono wis kicking on the floor and then the other?each taking it in turn, pretty equally. The ink on the floor found it* way to their faces, till both of thoin cut the most ludicrous figure imaginable.? The noise and uproar was tremendous.? The neighbors ran to the door and exclaimed with astonishment, that two ne. grofts were fighting in Squire S.'s office. None dared separate them. At lenglh, completely exhati ted, and pounded to a jelly, tney ceased fighting. The circutn stances of the case became known, and the next day, hardly able to sit on horsehark, their heads bound up, tnry started homeward, convinced that -they had ohtallied very little satisfaction from their attempt to Jlog art edilor. SUMHXJtV JUaTiCK. Many years since, and during the seasion of our District Court, Judge .Ifurry presiding, a notorious swindler, who had tlie same day arri\ed in town, wan detected while stealing a pocket-book in the court house. He was immediately ar. rested. Tne grand jury wore then in session, and Judge B of the Supremo Court, then District Attorney, presented a hill of indictment, which was immediately endorsed by the foreman?"A, true lull." Tne prisoner was put upon his iri?I ( ntuiclnJ. sentenced to bd Dllbticfv "* ? ~ *' ? ? whippe.4, received his thirty-nine, and was di&chirgad the samo day. As soon a-i discharged he remarked?"Well, this Natchitoches is n right brisk little place. t'in off."?Salckl'oches Herald, CUKIOUS PROCLAMATION. In 1517. a proclamation waa issued by Henry VIII., " That women should not meet toother, to babble and talk ; and all husbands should keep their wives in their houses.*' THK niGH OKRKA.V DOCTOR. A high German Doctor, on leaving a patient he had boon visiting, gave order* to the nurse to give the sick man some poppies and bole ammoniac, ?tewcd in milk;?which tho old damo, from the manner of the doctor's pronunciation, ini<t ok lor puppies and an old almanack; and accordingly, without delay, procured a whole litter of tho little animals ; stewed them down as directed, and in spite of all his remonstrances, made the poor patient take them. On tne next visit of the cel. J ebrated quack, he exclaimed with an air of the most profound importance?" Well nurse, how was mine patient by dis time ?" "Much better, sir," replied the nurse; "the medicine had great effect." "Ah ! dat is goot; and pray did you give de poppies, and de bole ammoniac, as I tell you?" "Oi! yes, sir?the puppies! he has eaten six this morning, and I stowed four more, which he has taken now ; as for tho old a'manack, I could not get one in all the par sh. hut I found a eery old copy of Robin Hood, and stowed that down in milk, which has answered the purpose very well." "Ay! uat you say! puppies; Got tarn; wat you gifj mine patient .de dog! why, I tell v??u ; 1 ' n? .. n't I I poppies ?mri noje ammoniac: u?'? ne, sir! I understood you said puppies and an old almanack ; and kio you did say, sir; and so I gave them a* vou directed ; and much better he is in his bowels I assure \ou, sir." The enraged quack, finding he could not talk so fast as the old lady, shook his head at her, looked fierce, and marched out of the room. Ix THE COMMOX l*LKA8. * Chesterfield District. Henry Easterling. ) Declaration vs. > on note in G. VV. B> oth. 3 Attachment. WHEREAS the Plaintiff in this ?cfV>n did on this day H e his Declaration against G. W. Booth, the defendant, who is absent from and without the limiisof the State (as it is said.) and having neither wife or atuwney known upon whom a copy of the above Declaration, with a rule to plead thereto, may be iftryed; ! is therefore in pursuance of the Acts of the Gen-ral Assemhlv of4hj* State in such casea, made and provided; Ordered that the defendant, do plead thereto on or-before the twenty, s xth day of December next, oth- raise tinal and absolute judgment wili bp then gtveu and awarded against him by default.T, BKYArN^ f n ji tv : urnce oi common r p*b _ / t Cbeatorhelil C. ii. Dec. 25,1841, s , 9 UVaSlj, CAROLINA ECLIPSE. THIS highly hred and much admired horse will stand ill present season at or near Bonnotbviilc, at one or two o'.her places in Marl- j n borough District,ahd at the stable* of John ( McLean in Robeson Cutin'y, N. C\ He is a red soi rei, without white except a ' *??** .il ? ' /*???-i /?!.! fif'uito ottil *j Kialf. fa PSIIdll Olrll | IJVfT JiniD V/(Uf iiliLVll nii\i u i?u?> , hands high, and cf extraordinary hone and 8 muscle, in color, size, bone, sinew and mus. I cle, he greatly resembles his grandcrtre, the ! * famous American Eclipse, admitted on all \ j hands to be one of the nest horses, if not the c very best, ever owned in this country, win*, ther native or imported. It may be stated as evidence of the extraordinary constitution ot A nerican Echpse, now s'andngin Kentucky, that although twenty-tight years old, "he is i still" says the N. Y. Spirit of the Times "in g p -ssession of fine health and betrays few indi- I cations of his advanced age and long service, f There are very few instances of such vigor at. 1 his age." Ca-olina Eclipse is put at the very low price I or ?3 the single leap, payabe at the time; J ?12, the season, payable at the c'ose of the I season ; and ?15 for insuring, payable when ! c the mare is ascertained to be in foal, or when i f she is traded ; with 5(1 cents to the groom.? J a His form, strength, and blood eminently claim J ( for him tho attention of persons who wish to j t raise horses "for all work,''?for the saddle, | r light draught, and farm or plantation use. And j ? the low price at which he is put will enable j I any who wish good horses to avail themselves j t of his services. Though a horse of great life I and spirit, he is of quie?. temper ,?nd tractaute i disposition. Great care wdl be taken to r avoid accidents, but no liability will be incur- t red for any winch may happen. c PEDIGREE. 1 He was got by Festival, considered by v Capt. Harrison, an experienced breeder, trainer. and racer, who had him in lusstablos a season, "the ivefl son of Eclipse." His dam was bv Optimux; and his grand dam was out * of a BeII-Air mare, got by old Sir Archie, the v best hnr-eofhis day in America. FfcSMVAL " was by American Eclipse ; his dam by Tun- *' oleon ; grand darn by Young Tup; g. g. dam by Umpire ; g- g- g. darn by Grey Diomed ; g. g. g. g. nam by Wild-Air. Young Tup c was by imported Tup; he by Javelin out of FUvia. Young Tup's dam was by Mask, and he by imporied Shark, out of imported . Virago, Umpire was by imported Shark, out of a mare by imported Cub. Ol'TIAJUS ' was by jlfadisoii; he by the old imported l>ioin<*d tho sire of Sir Archie. Op- " limn* was out of jtfeivina, the dam 01 5 0 stock horn's ; sho was by imported Knows. ^ ley; her dam by imported Spread Eagle; her I ? grand dam by Nirarod; her g. g. dara by Wild-Air, her g. g. g. dam the noted mare Little Willis, the dam of Brilliant, Nimrod and Herald Little Willis was by old Janu?; and he by Col. Baylor's Shock. It wi 1 be seen from this pedigree that most of the very best crosses of uhich this country can boast, meet in Car -lina Eclipse. r Although mere racers, a?c not the horses 1 for the farmer, yet it is admitted by all that f racing is a fair trial of the strength, bottom 1 and consitution of a Jior*e. It is therefore j 6 stated that Festival, the sire of Carolina ! fjl Eclipse, though only a fhorttime on the turf, J distinguished himself in these respects at all, distances from two to four mile heats. In his ; ^ first race at Nottoway Va. in the spr ng of 1S32 two mile heats, h?- distanced his compe-} * tilor the second hear. In the fall of the same J ' year, at Millodgvi.'lg, Ga. three mile heats, v lie easily won the Jockey Club purse, in two ! . heats. The same reason, at Lexington, Ga. 11 in a race f.>r the Club purae. thrru iu:l?- beau, j while leadm.' Ins councilors his ruier suf. ,11 fered him to run 'oo near the rim of the in>ide ^ track, against which lie stutnuied and fell.! # causing Irm to lose i i?e race. The same week 11 at the same place he heat all his riva s in 3 mile heats, the best 3 in 5. The next spring, at Lawrenceville, V?. lie ran four mile heats, * wi'h Ironetre, Anvil, Row-Galley, anil Walter Cook. Although he was hi bad condition, * having not fully recovered from the eff*cts of distemper, and owing to his rider being sick, f he was obliged to carry 5 lb. over weight, he lostthe first heat only by the neck, and the p second by only a few feet, Ironette ieading him; Row.Galley and Walter distanced, and Anvil (after*aids sold for 810000) barely saving his distance. At New Market, Va. the next season, he started with eleven other : <horses, and led thoni all the first heat. But 1 his feet bring tender from a rec? nt founder, he [ 1 was then withdrawn Two wteks after- / wards, his feet yt sore, he was barely beaten u by the fine racer, Duke of Or eans, in four mile heats at Baltimore. H?* manager still, with great cruelty and tack ot judgment, continuing to run him in this condition of his feet, he lei down in one of his fore legs, in four mile heats at Norfolk, two weeks after his Balti. more race, and was withdrawn from the turf. But his trials most abundantly proved his *J strength, speed and bottom, with extraordtnaiy || powers of endurance. In good condition he never was beaten ; in bad condition, when lie ought never to have ' been run, he always won by his performance ? the admiration of every judge. t The ha if ?'6fer of Festival?Co'. Hamp- ?, ton's Fanny, by Eclipse?is the only racer of the first class in the United States which ha? nut been beaten within tins last six months, by some younger asprant after fame. Besides t-vice receiving forfeits, one from 10 competitors. she has run at least H races and never was beaten. Lightress and want of strength is tire objection to racers as work horses, but this objection does not apply to the Ecl:p?e | stock. _ March \st. 1S4'3. SHERIFF SALES. OK Writ*. of Fieri Facias will ho so'd beforn tlio H^u-o door on the first Mondtr and day following ir) Ap-il next wilhin tho Irgel h?'Urs tho following property vij: ? 4D0 Aces or* Lion morn or less whereon thn *' defendant r sides at the suit of Turner Bryjin ? Ordinay, <*. Dr vs. (Jrorjre IV. Meiuior ?' 2">0 Acres f Lmd more or le-? whereon tho b defendant resides adjoining tha lands of La v. ? rcnee Prince, John Purvis, and others at lite tl suit of the State v?. Mary Reid. tl Terns?C*sli?-Purchasers to pay for neeessa. ] ti ry papers. JOHN EVANS, Stiff. C. D. March 13, 1842. 18 tf | MWNILHS : BJicojy.; ALL Warranted S<n;nd, and for aalo nt 6 and 7 cent*. ALSO, a quantity ofSugar at 7, 8,9. and 10 ct*. By I. H. KOSSETB. February '4, 1S42. 14 tf PROVISIONS. , A jr??d wpply o t* B ioiv. Lird, Flour nnd J Moat on baud an i for sftlu the lowest inur-, t< ket price. C D. MALLOY. > ^rcb~7t tttit 17 if SELLING AT COST. | 4Parcal of ready-made c'othing *uil*l?l3 for cold weather, kucIi as Ljdics and ? nilcoens, f'loaks, Over Coatf of various Kinds, Oiew Joata, fioaters, Vest* and Puut-loons. Ainu: A supply of Summer Clolhing, Palm eaf hats, lad it* Honnru and Hoo!s, a fa.-iuona. ?|i* artiolo, and band boxe , ju?i receive j aud lor { aleata\crv mall advance. - * - i r In Store a- d tor sale, n gooa tuppij 01 gouImneu's fino fur hats, w<.o! hats and fur caps, i'luch will b> sold trrr cheap. Sugar, Coffee, }alt. Molasses and Uico, will be said as low as :in bo bought in tb.s market. DANIEL JOHNSON. Foh'y.tS 1812. 15 tf I IN I'E.N i) on the 1st day of July next o remove my Stock of Good to in/ two itores, lately occupied by B. Mcintosh, and HcKay & A/cCaskill, and to make thein my ?erm;inent but-inefs stands ; and now offer for lent, my four Stores immediately below, /iz ; On* at present occupied by Messrs. W. k, T. Bailey, 6i Co., the next below, corner iiarshaw and Front streets, and now occupied >y Mr. D. M alloy, and the two stores now oc:upied by me. To persons residing in this ilace, it is nccdlets to say, that they are unongthe very best stands for protecting a yotton and barter business; and I only make his declaration for the information of person-* esidmg at a distance. Possession of the Stores occupied by Messrs. VV. & T. Bailey k Co., and Mr. D. A/ailav, will be given on he 1st day of September next; the others can le had r?y the 10th July next. Cher aw offers nduccments to Capitalists, and men of busitess, that are not found in many Southern owns. It is estimated, that o r receipts of :otton, for the last two years averaged 25.000 Jalev, and it is supposed this year'r receipts vill be about the same. AUG P- LaCOSTE. Cheraw, Jan'y. 12th, 1842. 9 tf The 14 Charleston Courer," ' Southern Jhronicie," "Camden Journal," and "Fayetterille Observer" will olease give the above ix insertions, say on*. . >very two weeks, and or ward their bills to m . %r payment. A. P. LaCnste. IROiY. 10 Tons, rieo-tcd sizes, for ?! by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 if REAL isTAVE FOR SALE. rliE aub?criber is authoriz -d to ofTer for ale the House and two Lota owned by dra. R. E. Collins, This propeity is situated n third sfee, continued, in a healthy and e*irabl? part of the town. Persons wiah ng io nrchaac, will pleaso make early application, as expect te leave the state in a few weok*. Immediate possession can be given ROBERT J. COLLINS. March 8, 1842. 17 tf 95 DOLLARS REWARD. Stolon from the Subscriber, on Tuesday light the 1-V.h instant, an iron-grey Horse, welve years old, 15 1-2 hands high, shed all ound, in good with tolenble &hort, tad, havng been docked v hen a colt; some white pots on his back, caused by the saddle; i? -ood deal windgalled ; one of his hind postern oints lo larger than the other, 1 beli -ve the eft; his head and neck are much greyer than its hind parts; trots altogether. The villain lole at the same time an old Sadd e, with he seat forn, two Bridln* and rwo Saddle bankets. One of the Bridles is a twisted I'ire, hit, nearly new the other an old curb. 1 have no idea who the thief is, but believe t is some travelling < amp. I will give a liberal reward for the recovery f the Horse, and twenty-five dollar* for the et*-ction and conviction of the thief. Any information of the Horse will be thank u1!y teceived inv me. ALFRED BROKER. Address Brower'e Mills, Randolph Cuiintv, f. C. February 20,1842. 81 3wpd :illYA CROCKERY AND GL.^8 WARE. rHE Subscriber hn* on hand a good ss-ert. ment of tSo nbove, compriaing a variety of altcrna. For aule cheap D. MALLOY. May 31, 1841.' 29 tf AXES 8 dozen Col'ins, Hu*ti?. and Mar*h superior txe?, for aale by the dozen at much below the sua! rates. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf SOUTH CAROLINA. Rantom Britt, vs. J Declaration in E. P. Guion A Co I Att ich to-nU Whereas the Plaintiff* in the above Mated ease ua day filed hie (Velar* ion againat the De?ndant, who is absent from, and without the ?;? . -f f mm ?nd K.'IVinC llfi. ,111111 U| llli* >v?v ywiiw ?.. . ,.a , jer vrift* nor Attorney known within the same, j . is ordered that the Defendant do aip ar and ; IcadtoUio Declaration aforesaid within t yew nd n day fro-n tho dale hereof, otb"rwiee final nd aKm>!ii'o Judgement will be award? i ugain?t iu) by defanlt, T. BRYAN. C.C. P. Office of Common Pleat, \ Choatcrficld C. House, > November 19, 1840. ) 50 PAL.T1 LEAF HATS, ilA D zen Mens' Boys' and children*, IP\W Palm Leaf Hats, just received and for da bv D. MALLOY. March A. 1842. 17 if NOTICE. G H. DCJNLAP t'ould respectfully give notice to his friends and 'to public that hivmg commenced business ag->in n hi? own account he fiudelt absolutely necesnry to curt iil vory much his credit business, n has conseuuent'v determined to o; en accounts nly with auch person* oa have heretofore paid l?eir account* punctually at or near the end of ie year and with mch only aa will jive poti. ivo as*ur<tnce of doing ?o in future. Out. 18, 1841. 48 tf notice. 4LL pereons having claim* againat tho F?tnte of Thorn-is G. Kllerhe late of Cherterfield )i?trict, *r? requested to pieaent to tno their laima duly attested according to law, and rithin the time prescribed hy the iftme. And ail tm*o indebted aro requested to make payment rithout dt la y. G. W. DIIVALL, Adm. March 7, 1842. 17 4t WILLI!}! If. evans *" ~ ' * 1 * ? nf f.lVr of CC M/ 1UU ill ?.iv ynriv* w. - T w Soutn Carolina, in tho District* of Che*;rfi?U, Marion. Darlington, and Marlborough, Jffioa at S.Hjioty Hill. Ma'rcM?t, 184?. 1 * 19 3ta v.; v; The Subscriber hit juat received, ami wil keej) constantly on hand,Cotton Yam and Twine at wholesale, from the anufactury oi Rocking haul. GEO GOODRICH. Ch'-riw. J:?n. 1840. 10 ti* CA1DLI1S ~ 4 few BoxctTa low and S^erm Candlea for aalo by D. MALLOY. May 31, 1841. 29 tf DAT.P"?IAIT rAII li t I 1' * Wim a V/B. THE Po|? jsmes R Ervin will be sold on favorable terms. She is i ow ou the way up and wi I bo delivered lo tlie puicba*er on her arrival. Apply to either of the subscriber*. I). MALLOY W. 6c T. BAILEY 6c Cu. J A VIES II. COLE. D'-crmlxr 4. 1841. 4 tf CUT NAILS. 100 Kegs, 4d 6d 8d lOd 12d and 20 nails, For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 tf CORN WANTED, fi HE Subscriber wubo? to purchase 2 00 JO. Bushel* good Corn, D. MALLOY. December 6, 1S4I. 4 tf BLACKSMITH BUSINESS. fWMJE aubscti'era h ?vo form*! a CopartnerJL a 11, under the firm of MclVER 4* LaCOSTE, a'd have einp oyed competent persons to carry on the above business, in all its branches. Shop on Market Street continued, lately occu. uieu tiv r. C. 1. Sliiver. Tlie charges for work done will be moderate. We shall be grateful for cunto ' from responsible persons, and with all such persons scc >un s will be kept. All debt* contracted for said shop, must be on order iroin us, and all collections for work dune i will be made bj us. i A. M. MclVER. A. P. LACOSTE, Chrraw, Nov. 15, 1S41. I tf TAX NOTICE. I WILL attend as follows to t ko returns and receivo the Taxes for Chesterfield Dimnot. At Mount Croghan on Monday the 14th February. At Blakcney's Old Storo on Tuesday the loth , February. At Michael Miller's on Wednesday the 16.h February. At John Stager's on Thursday the 17th Feb. ruary. AtSprer's Mills on Friday tbe 18th February. At John Joanton'e on Saturday the 19lhFebruary. J At Steer-pen Springs on Monday the 21st 1 February. 1 At Coil Hill (or LcviOasitys) on Tuesday (lie 221 hruary. 1 At Cheraw on Thursday, Friday "nd Saturday thr 24th 2oth ard 26th Febiuar At Chcaierfield Court House on Monduy, Tuesday, and Wed lPtdty the 2dth February and 1 the 1st "Mid 2nd days of Mcrch. N. B.?All returns must be made by Monday tho 2Sth day of March a: the books will tlieu bo W. L. ROBESON, T. C. C. D. JanuaryS, lc42 il tf GLASS, PAINT, AND PUTTY. A Large Stock of these articles, which will i be sold at reduced rates. A. P. LACOSTE. * NOTICE. j THE Bond*. NoUJN and <" AcrMmt ( assign* I to us by Malco.n Bach nan aroin th- po??<?F*ion of John A, Inglia at whose Office, ill porx'?ii$ imiobtnd are requested to cail and >eille h"i??ro lUc return daye for ihtir sovoral Districts. W. H. ROBBINS, J, A. INHLIS. Assignee*. Chcraw, Febru%'y 14, 1842. 14 WOOD. I HEREBY tender to my late customers in tho Wood line, my grateful acknowledge. lUt.-nt-', for the liberal patron tgo, I ha.c received at ilieir hands and would now inofct respectfully request. that they would continue to give thoir orders ;o M Jor I), ft. \V. Melver, to whom I j hav6K>t<l my land, aud who is fully prepared to deliver nny quantity oi we?xi th-t may be loqui* r d. A'I orders for Wood le't at my store, will be sent to the residence of M?J r Ale Ivor. A. P. LuCOSTE. January 12. 1842 12 if 601TH CAROLINA, Cheaterjifld District, Tn tut. Common Pleas. Benjamin mcI.vtosu, who >? now in custody oftho Sheriff of the District afore aid, by virltlo of a wfit of capias ad ati?f?cien. durn. at the suit of Smith M >wry Jr. having oetitioned tho Honor >bo tho associate Judges] of th# ?aid state, that ho may be admitted to tho j benefit of the act of the General Assembly made ! for the relief of Insolvent d>-btoi?. and ho having i filed with hia petition a schedule of his estate, real and peifcorul. It i? ordered, that the said Smith Mo ry, Jr and all others to whom the ( said petitioner i* in any wire indebted, do per. otr Uy. or by tho r attomioe, bo and apt car 1 be'orothe Honorable the associate Ju'lg-g of the stato aforesaid, at tho Court of Common Fleas to ho holdon at Chesiorfi Id Comt House, on tho Wednesday after the third Monday in March next, then and there to show cause if any they can, why the estate and effects of the petitioner should not be assigned, and he be disci.argod. p irauunl to the provisions of raid Acts of ihe General Assembly made and prori. dui for ti.creliofof iuolrent debtors. T. BRYAN, C C. P. Chesterfield C. H. ) < Dec 221341 ( 7 3m UPPER AND #OLETEATHER. Wax, and Calf Skins, and Hemlock Tanned Sole Leather. For sale low. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf " HARDWARE. THE Subscribe! keeps constantly an hand a ( large and well selected assortment of Hardware, including almost every description of C.i punters Tools; which he is selling very cheap. D. MALLOY. March 8> 1642. '17 tf SOUTH CAROLINA^ Chesterfield Disir cf. PAT.LAS ALLEN, Applicant, S ahum B 'try and wife Mary, K.uhard Allen, E izt l> th A'kn, Sarah Allen, Malsy AILn. Martha Alio . Cain Allen, Susanna Allen, Catharine Aden, ard Rorsanna Allen. Defendants. ' ' It appearing to my Fatifaction th;.t Srabnrn Rerry oi.e ot' the Defendant*, irtid Without this Stife. It is therefore ordered lbs* he do ap. pear and object to the division or *j)?of the Real E>tatn of Richard Allen. Doccaa d on or before tho Twenty-first day of May nr xU or his consent , to the wine will be entered of Krc-ord. T. BRYAN. O. CD.. ? . ? NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. TUB Subscriber has just received hir Winter Supply ??f Goods, which eons?eie io part,cf the following, Viz: Ladies English and French Kid ?Worocco Shoes and Slippers, Mit&es K d, and Prunella Shoes and Slippers, Gentlemen's fine Calf Boots, Bailees, and t*. Shoes: AUo, a fine assortment of Crocrbry* China Grannet &c. &c. Hakdwarb, of every description, Blacksmiths Tools, Sheet Iron and a few very fine Stovbs ,* Grocr* f Rics of all kinds by the.Wholesale and Retail; The above will be sold MUCH LOWER than they have heretofore hren sold in Cai- "* raw, for Ca#? only. Persons wishing Bar. ga.ns, will please call on ihe Subscriber wU examine for themselves before purchasing elsewhere, for their own benefit. ' \ . ISAAC H. EOSSEfiL II Jan'y. I2th, 1642. 9 3mo ^ DBIGS, MEDICINES, * glj Chemicals, Patent Medici ne ? Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c, for sale wholesale and retail by A. HOPTOflf, CHEBAW, 9. C. ' At his Drug Store, next door to Brown Bryan df Brother. YVhers insy be had at all limes a general * sortmont of articles in the Urug line?recom mended to be of superior quality which will be % disposed of on very moderate terms?Physician* and others wishing pur.* medicines, way rely f g on being supuliod with ibem. May 26, !b4t. > M CASHS1STEH COITIXIEB. THE TIMES are such as to compel the gj Subscriber to continue the Cash fryatew^y^P Groceries and all articles in that line wilt m be sold for Cash only. Persons whose sects, and notes still remain unpaid, will please tin* \ dcrsrand that no now credits will be give? ] until Ail old arrearegea arc fettled in full. / D. MALLOY. B BRYAN A BROTHER, bold m 1mm 1 on the lower wharf near the old Ft rj 'iwfv Landing, and will charge each Boat for the priv. il.tge of landing discharging and loading. Each St'-ani Boat, Three Dollars. Each Pole Boat, Tow Boat or Lighter, Tare Dollar*. E ich Cotton Flat loaded or built. One Dollar jjkg and Fifty Cents. With the privilege of remaining one week, longer at a corresponding rate. ChTaw, fcfcpt. 2*, 1841. 46 if GARDE* SEED, StC. " ' $g| TI1E Subscriber lias just received a full and general assortment of Fresh tiARDEN Jrafl SEED from the Agricultural Warehouse and Seed Stoie of the New England Farmer Beetaa, among which are Sugar Beet, Rnta Bags. White Flat Turnip, Vc. Ac. by ti c peond and nnaller quantity. He has also for sale a General Assortment of FAMILY GROCERIES, with WINES and LIQUORS, Riiains, Figs, Almonds, Citron, ^ Currants, Cand), Pickles, Tobacco, Scgare, His Store is Two Doors below the Store of Messrs. Taylor A Porch. CHARLES VANDERFORD. M Che raw, December 14, lrtdi. \ ftPORTSJUAHS POWDER, ONE Case English Canister Riflo Powdef, manufactured by "Pigoo* A WUks/' L??* .3^8 dot), lor tale b\ the CanUtcr. I). MAl.LOVf %f| May 28, 1641. 29 ? GOOD BARGAI1XR. fJIHE Subscriber ha* nn hand many articlo* JL ot Merchandise not now in his line of bos sines*; and which he ha* no toom in hi* a sft for, nil sue! good* will 1m? sold eery cheap. They cooairt of tire following article*, vi?. ' Negro Cloth* (? good article) White Plvna, Blanket Overcoats, Duffil Blankets, B*l# Rop, Brass And Irons, Shovels and Tonga, Jugs and * Jars, Pot* and Ovens. Iron and *tccl, Hardware Crockerr, 6cc. G. II. DUNLAP. November. 10,1?4I 62 tf ^ "THE SUBSCRIBER" PURCHASED recently in New York t heavy and general assort ni?ut of Good* wh i * hive all come to hand, and ha now oik t tnetn at VVholeaalc or Retail at very low pri* d -J lor Casu or Produce. A. P. LAC08TE. October 27th 1841. H) & SADDLERf A very large assort mint of Boy*, Men*, and | Ladiv* Saddles. Al*o, Bridles, Afartingales, ^ Whips Collars, Saddle Bags, Gig, Sulkcy*3^ and Carryail Harness, Stirrup Irons, Uiriht and Surcingle*. For a.ile very cheap bv A. P. LACOSTE. :Ji|g October 97th 1841. SB ti ^Bi7sn>"TissrarMtr By the Barrel or at retail, for *ale by A. P. LACOSTE, '1m October 27. 1841. 50 U ^ . 2500 PAIR SHOES. uompriamg every vane y, ana rur aaic on ac- h^rm cotnuiodating w?rtna. A. P. LACOSTE. | October 27, 1841. 50tl CHEESE, 1 CASKS CHEESE For S ?Io t?y A. P. LACOSTE. Deo. 1, 1841. 8 if HATS AID CAPS. 15 Dozen Gentlemen*' and Boys, Black and ? Drab Fur Hats, jig 28 Dozen Wool Hats, A Large stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and So, j lotto Caps. For sals by Zjg* A. P.LACOSTE, Wm Oct 371841. 50 tt BOHKETS, HOODS, AND BAND 1 BOXES. Ladies and A/itrcea, Florerce and Straw Boa? nets. Ladies Coloured Hoods. For sale by A. I?. LACOSTE. . Octobei 27, 1841. 50 U 1 CANDLES AND SOAPr Sperm, Margarine and TaJlow Candle?. Bar and Perfumed Saup. Foe Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. -gg October 27. 184L tf ^ HARDWARE AND SMITHS' TOOLS. . A genera) ?tock of thcae article? for file by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 60 if . j FANCY AND STAPLE . DRY oooas. \ few Fancy,and* Iajge and wadl selected ,U*k or Staple Dfjr Cood, for i . v u. . / \ . , > ., ;?