University of South Carolina Libraries
ATLANTIC AND PACIFIC ("ANAL. In the year 182o the special attention of our Government was called to the stih. ject by the . new Republic of Central America. We were proliered by means ; of treaty an equal participation in the ; advantages to be derived ' y the proposed j M ork. A charge u'uduires was appointed j by our Government with special instruc- j # Iir. r> . irx lu'ii ivird the laciil- 1 /"H'o iu iiMcaiignic nnii . - . Hies which the routes offered, h it no re- , port was ever made. la 18^20 a memorial was presented to Congress hy a New Vork eompnnyr |,raying for aid Ironi the 'Government to cunstruct tho proposed Work, and the matter wo helievo was favorably entertained hy the Ionise of"Representatives, hut then; Jbeing no definite action upon it, the schcnVe totally failed. In 1830, the Government of Central A- j merica made a contract with a society of : the Netherlands, under very favorable auspices, hut owing to some difficulties which soon after occurred between Holland and Be giu n, it was finally ahan- ' doned. In 1935 a resolution passed Con. ; gress, requesting tho President to consider the expediency of opening negotiations with Governments more immediately concerned, in order *o secure hy treaty Ihe privilege to individuals or cooipa. nics of constructing the work, and permitting all nations the free use of it, on j the payment yf reasonable tolls. A sj>e.. ?-ial niront was nonointttd hy (ion. Jack- , water, and by clearing out obstructions - and lockage mav be made navigable for ship* of any classes. The whole length of* tiie route would be about 141) miles. The work is declatrd lo lie entirely practicable. The only difficulty of any great magnitude which presents itself, is the very large excavation necessary to admit shinl through the tunnel. Tunnels of greater length but less heights are contemplated in some of the works of improvement in this country. Nothing in reality is requisite hut funds to complete the work, and these we are wejl assured, will he furnished at 110 distant period. The cost variously estimated at from twenty millions to thirty millions of dollars. No doubt hut laborers can he procured in , Central Ameriea much cheaper than in the United States though provisions mav tic somewhat higher fiom the scar* w ? city. The advantages to ho derived from this > work when completed, must he immense. : The distance of China, Japan, and the 1 Indian Archipelago would lie somewhat j shortened, and'thc trade from the United ! Slates would he greatly facilitated by the more favorable latitude for winds and currents. The trade to the Pacific would he immeasurably extended. The infant colony planted at the month of the Colum. bin river west'of the Rocky ^fountains i >Yu\|td increase in population, commerce, and trade; its resources would ho devel- i oped, ami, in t|ie course of time, become : a valuable acquisition to our national I wealth. This work would do much to restore | peace and tranquillity in the distracted ; . country of Central America. In tiic Ian- \ guage ofAIr. Stephens, ??a gr^at citv will j grow up rn the heart of the country, j 1YUII Sll VJcllllA IWUJiig M?MII iv, iti uiu.lMj; il2> thoy roll into the interior; 1ier magnifi. cent mountains and valleys, now weeping in desolation and waste, will smile and be glad. * * New markets will he opened for products of agriculture and manufactures,* and the intercourse and communion of numerous and immense fc^dieg ftf the human race will assimilate and improve the" character of nations." Jtalejed, the whole world is interested in ft II J son to proceed thither and carefully ex. ! amino the contemplated routes of com i nmnication, both ait the isthmus of Pan. ! lima and at Nicaragua Lake. This ! agent examined tlie former route and re- j ported that a ship canal u*is impracticn. J hie at that point ; but, unfortunately, the > latter route was not examined. Much as has l>cen said and written, and the many j speculations which have been indulged j res|?ecting the practicability and cost ofj n canal over this r?utc, we balieve that ! only one satisfactory survey has ever been made. This was made some three ; or four years since, by a Mr. Bailey, a half-pay officer in the British Navy, who was employed by the Government of Central America. In consequence of the dissolution of the Government, Mr. Bailey was ne\er paid tor his labor, and the result was ntver published, until Mr. Stephens communicated it in his admirable work of travel* in Central America, lately issued. ' Mr. Stephen* per. o ally examined the most important part of the route, and gives many valuahl facts con i.ecled with the subject, never heretofore published. From the-survey referred to, it appears that the distance from the Pacitic ocean to Lake Nicaragua is a frac. lion less than sixteen miles. The lake is situated 12$ feet nhovethe level of lie* ocean; lictween is interposed the Pa I ma mountain 615 English feet above the lev? ! of the ocean, and 9IU feel above the level of the lake. It is proposed to as. I rend nearly half-way tip the mountain hv means of locks, and then cut a tunnel through a distance of three miles, and n ' then descend again to the- lake. The lake which is ninety-five miles in length and thirty in bread h, has a sufficient depth of water for the largest class of ships, and empties into the Atlantic through the river S . Johns, which is sevC* 1 cutv nine miles from mouth to mouth.? This river is navigable at all times for vessels drawing from three to four feet liie final completion of the work. Will J not the United Slates Government see the propriety of some definite and speedy action toward securing the incalculable advantages which will most certainly ac-. crue? - Xcnia Torch Light. NEW YORK yOLUJE. B fore Justice Merrit.-^ John Smith,' Jr. (not of Arkansas, hut of Pearl street,) was brought up for kicking up u row in the street. Judge. Mr. Smith, what is your business, sir ? Smith. Nothing particular. Judge. Aon do n?t appear to be a man of property , how do you get your bread? Smith. I sometimes get it of Mr. Tay lor, the baker, sir ; and sometimes Judge, Stop sir: understand my rjues- ! tion. How do you support yourself? Smith. On a chair, sir, in tho day j time, on a bed at night. Judge. I do not sit here to triflle, sir. < Are you a mechanic, Smith. ;Vo sir. Judge. What are you then? A Universalis^ sir. Judge. If you do not answer me, I will j have you taken care of. ' Smith. I would thank your lienor to i do it; the times an: so hard that ( can. j not take care of myself. Judge. You work around the wharves ' r * j I suppose : Smith. No, sir ; you can't get around | the wharves without a boat, and I don't j own one. Judge. I believe you arc an idle vng- j a bond. Smith. Your honor is very slow of belief, or you would have found that out before. Judge. Mr. Smith, you arc charged with disturbing the peace. Smith. As I airi a very peaceable man it is quite natural that such things should . be put to "my account." Judge. I fine you two dollars. Smith. It would afford me feelings of j the highest gratification to find half the money. Judge. Can you pay the money ? Smith. If your honor will lend me the amount. Judge. Officer, take him away. Smith. I iim very much obliged to j you. I will call on you "New Year's ! Day. From the Kuleigh Register. Mr. Gales ;?In an old Newspaper, 1 find the following curious Rule: To find on w hat day of the week any given day of the month fell, or may fall, for any year?pa'I, present ox future. HULK. To the given year, add its one fourth and one four hu..dr dth part (omitting fractions) also, the number of days, from the beginning of the year up to the given date inclusive. Front this amount, sub- ' tract the one hundredth part of the given vear, throw ing off fractions. Then di? ? * o vide the remainder l>y seven; and if, after this division, there be any remain- j ing, the number of the remainder will he J the number of the day of the week as | required. Thus, if the remainder he one ' the day is S indav ; if two, the day is Moudav, and so on, hut if there he. no remainder, the required day will l?e fiat- : urdav. ' KTAMVLC, Question? On what day of tho weok did the 2d of' May 171)8 fall? 179S?:lie i;iven year, 419?1 -4th of the given year, fraction! o it ted, 4?1.400th, part of the given year, frac oiiutlcd, ?ilia Milliliter of dars from the 1st ! uury, to 1 lie 2d of May, ^37'i ?sum, 17? 1.100th part of the given je if, frac- J lions untitled, 7) 235*!?remainder, ???? * 336?4 Tae remainder. (Answer, 4th d.iy, Wcduewliiy, NoTB.-If tnc given yer,r'*; Leap Year the unit must be subtracted from one fourth of tite given year. Thus if the given year he 1820. The first quotient will 454 instead of 455, the proper quotient. If the given year is exactly divisible by 4, it is Leap Year. Will some one give the "rationale" of the above rule, for ii is both curious and useful, American Independence was declared on Thursday, as may he seen i>v calculating it by the rule. A SUBSCRIBER. ALEXANDER DARING, LORD ASHBURTON. i who has been appointed a special envoy from Great Britain to this country, was until lately, a member of the house of Baring, Brothers & Co, and was raised I to the peerage in the year 1835. He j ? n * * i isijowoi years oi age. lie married a ; daughter o Mr. Bingham, of Philadelphia ! one of the wealthiest men this country J has produced. His brother, Henry Baring, also married a oaughtcr of Mr. Bmg. ham The fortuno of the ladies at the time of their-marriage was a'mut $5000-, 000 each. Since when it has been greativ enchanted in value by the rise of real estate in this country. Their father, owned 2,000,000 acres of land in the,, State of Main, and largo tracks in this State of Penneylvania. The hotel known as Head's Mansion House, in Philadelphia was his private residence in that city.? Bighampton, in Broome county, New York, was also named for him. Lord As.hburtnn is the seceond son of j the late Sir Francis Baring, the eminent ; London merchunt, who \vj\s? descended from an old family in Devonshire, and IB????ajw" ,n hi? i ??i i was often consuJlod hv Pitt in relation to commercial affairs. His house is known to the merchants of the whole civilized world, and attracted much noiic3 from 1 the public in generat, when he placed j himself at the head of the great French loan, and appeared, on this occasion, at the Congress of Aix-la Chnpelle, 1818.? | r\ f iKio Inn n u'urn nvtromn I l|<; LIMIUIIMHI1 UI IU>^ l"?m " I'AUlyllH ly advantageous, and made his house one of the first in Europe. A*hhurlon ean use bin pen well, and obtained a respectablo plane among writers on Political Economy, hv his Inquiry into the Causes and Consequences of the Or. ders in Council published in 1808,? Troy Whig. THE MINUTE STUDENT. The Rev. i$. Brewer was distinguished for puctuiility. When a youth in College, he was never to be a minute behind time in attending the lootures of the tu. tors, or the families were expected to assemble. One morning, the students were collected; the clock struck seven, and all rose up for prayer^ 4iik the tutor, / observing that Mr. Brewer was not present, paused awhile.?Seeing him enter the room he thus addressed^^Ti: 4,Sir, the clock has struck, and wclfWrh'ady to begin, hut as you were absent, we sup-| posed the clock was two fast, and there- | fore united." The clock was actually j too fast by some minutes. Two Irishmen wore one day a gunning and a large Hook of pigeons came Hying over their heads. Patrick elevating his piece, and liring, brought one of them to the ground. 'Arrah, (exclaimed his companion.) what a fool you are to waste your ammunition, when tho hare fall would have kiiled him.' IPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, Wax, and Calf Skins, and Hemlock Tanned ! Sole Leather. For sale low. a. p. l\coste: j October 27, 1841. 50 tf SELLING AT COST. A Parcel of re-idy made c'othing suitable for cold weal her, such as Ladies and gentlcmens. f'loiks, Over Co-Us of various kinds, Dress C<?a>.s, Go iters, Vests and Pantaloon.*. Also: A supply of Summer Clothing, Palm leaf lints, ladies Hon nets and Ilto's, a fadiiona- I ble article, and band boxe , jusi received and tor sale at a \ cry small ad vanco. Iri Store a d for saie, a good supply of gontleinru's fine fur hits, woo: hats and fur cap*, which will bi sold vrv cheap. Sugar, Coffoc, S.iIt. M -lasses and Rice, will be s>ld as low as ! can be bought in th s market. DANIEL JOHNSON. F?b*y. 03 1310. 15 tf Tfl E Sadd'ery, Harness and Shoe Making Busines in Chcraw will be hereafter couduc. ted by S. KEELER &.Co. Fehuary 2, 1842. 12 6t I INTEND on the 1st day of July next to remove my Stock of Good to inv two stores, lately occupied hy D. Mcintosh, and McKay & A/cCaskill, and to make them my permanent business stand ; and now offer for Rent, niy four S ores immediately below, Viz: One at present occupied by Messrs. VV. ! & T. Bailey, & Co., the next below, corner ' Karshaw and Front streets, and now occupied J > *a I \ a? II __ _ I it ? ~ _ ^ uy 1*1 r. Lf. mauoy. J*I ?I IIIC iwu Biurup now oc- i cupied by nie. To persona residing in this . place, it is needless to say, that they are among the very best stands for prosecuting a Cotton and barter business; and I only make this declaration for the information of person-* residing at a distance. Possession of the Stores occupied by Messrs. W. & T. Bailey & Co., and Mr. D. AfaSlov, will be given on the 1st day of September next; the others can be had by the 10th July next. Cheraw offers inducements to Capitalists, and men of bust- j nebs, that are not found in many Southern ; towns. It i? estimated, that our receipts of cotton, tor the last two years averaged 25,000 Bales, and it is supposed this year's receipts will be about the same. AUG P- LaCOSTE. Cheraw, Jan'y. 12: h, 1842. 9 tf The " Charleston Courier," **Southern Chronicie," "Camden Journal," and "Fayetteville Observer" will ulease give the above six insert ions, sty oik . -very two weeks, and forward their bills to m r payment. , .4. P. LaCoste. EXECUTIVE DLPAItf jIE\r ' Columbia, November30th, 18-11. By His Excellency JOHN P. RICHARDSON, Esquire, Governor and Commander-in-Chief and over the State of Soufh Carolina. WHEREAS, infoimation has been received at this Deparmen', that on the night of the 20th of September last, a m<?st attrociuus attempt was made by some person unknown, to murder one T. W. II arley, of Colleton District : Now know ye, that to the end justice may be done, ami the off rider brought to legal trial, I do hereby offer a reward of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, for his apprehension and delivery into any jail u? this State, Given under my hand and the Seal oftm State at Columbia, the30tlt day of Novvemhrr, eighteen hundred and forty-one and in the sixth-year of the Independence of the United States of America, J Of IN P. RICHARDSON. I By ?he Governor, M. Lab-rde. Sec'y of State. . Dec. 2 JU EXTRACT OF BOXESET CANDY, A pleasant, nnd speedy cure for Coughs a n?l Colds. A'>o, Pea*' Cough Lozncgos and Hoarhound Candy. Jut>l received and for ?o'c hy K \1 A N U EL *0 DO M ONS. February 15. 18! 2. 14 3t ~~IROX. 20 Tons, arpo-ted sixes, for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1S4I. 50 if LBS. vcrv choice North Carolina Ba. con, at f t ii!, at 1\ per lh. Cash. Into s of 30t or 4(?0 lb. t will suit at 7 eta. Cash. The Cie.lj price is '2$ cts. f 1ESIFF SALES. ON* Vft.. of Fieri Facias Facias will he sold befo "'6 Cwiirt Hi>u-<e do<>r o*i the fir.*t Monday ui.ff .y following in March next, within the h'gil hours the following property fir: 5i0 Acres of land more or l(J?-8 whereon the defendant resides, on the waters ot Lynches Creek, bounded west by Drurr Clantons laud, north by Burrul Seagei's land, south by lands known by the name of the Towers land, also one Sorrol horse, one bay mare and one colt. twelve head of cattle and thirty head of lugs, at lhe suit of Uurrel Scagere va Bontly Outluw the horses, hogs and cattle, will be ottered for sals at the defendants residcnco, on Tuesday the second djy of sale* One negro girl (Lydia) levied on end to be sold as the property of Hampton Sanesbury, at tho suit of Isaac Tiiuiuans vs Hampton i?aues? bury. All Curtii Therril's tnterest in the Buck Spring plantation which he holds under a lease which lease expires on the first of January 18IG, at the suit of El.zibeth l.llerlw vs Curtis Tiicr. ril. 3 Lots in the town of Choraw, together with the improvements thereon, and known in the plan of said town by Nos. one hundred and thirty ei8!it (13d) one hundred and thirty nine, (139) ami one hundred and forty (MO) lovjed on as the propeity of Joseph Hervey at the suits of Post, Phillips & McKiy vs. Joseph Ilervey, and E. Malloy for George Duven vs. John E. Edwards, A. Clark and Joseph Horsey. fi'JG Acres of land u ore or less whereon the defendant resides on Big Bear Creek, at the suits ofB, Mcln'osh for others and If. M. &. ... ... I,.., ii p;1,urr. ?v. (i. i onimiMJii r-?. okt|?in... ??-? Terms Cash?Purchasers to pay for Sheriff':* papers. J NO. EVANS, S. C. D. Fehruarv 12, 1842. 1* tf LEAF LARD, AF?mv Ki'a and a small Barrel of first rat* Leaf Lard for 8 ile by tho Kit or Band al G* Cash. 12* lb. 1? Cash. A. J*. LACOSTF. February 13, 1842. SADDLE & HARNESS RAKING. f 3NH E Subscriber has this day opened a shop JL in a part of the house occupied by A. P Leach on tho corner of Front ami Market streets whero lie intends to carry on the above business tn all its various branches, and well sell his work lo'.v for GASH ONLY. FRANCIS A. THOMAS* February 11, 1812. 11 3l SOOOLBS. BJICOJV. ALL Warranted Sound, nnd for sain at G and 7 conti. ALSO, a quantity of Sugar at 7, 8,9, and 10 cts. By I. 11. ROSSER. February '4, 1842. 14 tf CAUTION. A Note made by Benjamin T. Douglas of Amen County, N. C. payable to Esther Douglas on order (or bearer it is not remembered which.) fir #1108, and some cents, and dated on ! 7th December Io40, payable 17th Dec, 1841 ' with interest from dtto, (it i.* believed) was lost i ou Saturday the 29th day t?f January last, in a \ pocket book droppnd some whore on the road between Choraw and Wrights Folly. A I persons whatever are hereby informed that the said Esther Douglas has never parted i with the legal or boneficiuT interest in the afore* 'said nolo, and that site alone is entitled to receive lite pocecds thereof. E. C. DOUGLAS. February 9, 18-12 13 SOUTH CAROLINA, Chesterfield District. T.v the Common Pleas. Benjamin Mcintosh, who? now in custody of the Sheriff of the District aforcaid, by virtue of a writ of capiat ad satisfaciendum, at the suit of Smith M iwry Jr. having oeiitioned the Honorable the associate Judges of the -aid state, that he may l>e admitted to the benefit of the act of the General Assembly made for the relief of Insolvent diibtois. and he having filed with his |?ctition a schedule of his estate, real and personal. It is ordered, that the said Smith Mo ry, Jr and all others to whom the said potilioner is in any wiso indebted, do per. sonaliy. or by the r ntlornies, be and Appear betoro the Honorable the assnoiate Judges of Hio state aforesaid, at the Court of Common Pleas to he holdcu at Chesterfi :ld Couit House, on tho Wednesday after the third Monday in March noxt. then and there to show cause if any they can, why die estate and effects of the petitioner should not bo assignor!, and lie he discharged, pursuant to the provisions of said Acts of the General Assembly made and provi. ded for t!?c relief of insaivent debtors. T. BRYAN, C. C. P. 1 Chesterfield C H. ) Dec 22 841 { 7 8m j WINES AND CORDIALS, CHAMPAIGNE, Tontine, Mar.-hal, Ney j and Cremat Brands. Madeira, Port, Sweet j do, Muscatell,' Tenniriffe, and Clarelt Wines, J Ruse, Perfect Love, Lemon, Cinnamon, Anni. | sett, Raspberry, Marnsclieno ano t^uraco ^ordials, together with an auoitment of Brandy, Fruits and Preserves. For sale by EMANUEL &, SOIiOMOXS, February 15, 1842. 14 3t NOTICE. THE Bonds, Notes and Books of Account assigned tou? hy'Maicom Buchanan are in tho possession of John A, Inglis at whose Office, all persona indebted aro requested to call and settle h;f?r<s tba return daye for their several Districts. W. H. RonniNS, J, A. INLTIS. Assignees. Cbcraw. February 14, 1812. ' 14 SHERIFF SALE. ON a Writ of Fieri Facias will l>e sold before tho Cour' House door on tho first Monday and day following in M ; rch next within the legal hours the following property viz: Three horses levied on and to be sold as the ........ nf Vmn Th ral iit ll>r> anil nl' f^ihsriri I .Mungiwn for Jo<>, C. Manguni vs. Evan Threat awl John Robeson. Terms? to |?y fcr neccssary papers. JOHN EVANS. Shff. C. D. February 17. 184S. 15 if : NOTICE. AN F.lortinn wil! be lie'.d in the To?n Hall the fir?t Monday in .March (7th) for an Intnndant and four Wardens?Messrs. R. C. Davig, M. Solomon and W. H, Winjjalo will conduct gaid Election. FELIX LONG, Cleric. February 26, 1SC2. 15 if _ . - - , < Ss.sJ : ' SPERM, A!YD TAIV^ERS OIL, < By the Barrel or at retail, for gale by A. P. LACOSTE. 1 October 27. 1841. 50 tf 2500 PAIR SHOPS. Comprising every varie'v, and for sale on ac. commodating terms. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50tl CHEESE, -g g\ CASKS CHEESE i IF For Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Dec. 1. 1841. 3 if HATS AXD CAPS. 15 Dozen Gentlemeiw' and Boys, Black and Drab Fur Hat*, 28 Dozen Wool Hats. A Large stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and Se. lette Caps, For sale by A. P.LA COSTE. Oct 271841. 50 ti BOX SETS, HOODS, AND BAND BOXES. Ladies and Misses, Florerce and Straw Bon. nets. Ladies Coloured Hoods. For sale by A. P. LACOSTK. Octoboj 27, 1841. 50 . tl WOOD. 1 HEREBY t-rider to my late customers in the VVuod line, my grateful acknowledge. j ment?, for the liberal patronage, I hu.c received j at their hand*, and would now most respectfully ; request, tlint they would continuo to give their orders to Major I). K. \V. M elver, to whom I have sold my land, and who is fully prepared to ideliver any quantity ot weotl that may be requi? j r d. Ad orders for Wood left at my store, will lie -ent to i!io r?:fid. nec of Muj -r ?Mclv*-r. A. P. LaCOSTE. .1 MM.nry 12. 1842. 12 tf CANDLES AND SOAP. Sperm, Margarine and Tallow Caudles. Bar and Perfumed Saop. Fu. Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. i October 27. 1641. 00 tf HARDWARE AND SMITHS' 1 TOOLS. \ general stock of these articles for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 00 tf FANCY AND STAPLE DRY GOODS. A few Fancy, and a larpe and well selected; stuck of Staple Dry Goods fur sale low by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 . tf j Tho Subscriber has just received, a??d veil j keep constantly uii hand,Cotton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the anufactory of Rocking ham. GEO GOODRICH Cheraw, Jan. 1840. 10 tf CANDLES 4 few Boxes Ta.low and Sperm Candles for sale by D. M ALLOY. May 31,1841. . 29 tf POLE BOAT FOR KALE. THE Pole Boat James R Erviu u i'l lie sold on favorable terms. She is r ow on the way up and \vi I be delivered to the purchaser on j her arrival. Apply to either of the subscribers. IK MALLOY tir ?. ?r d t ri rv ?. p., ! ?? . a. un 111i'j i u. v?. JAMKS II. COLE. DccciuImt 4, 18II. r4 if CUT !*AH8, 100 Krg*, 4d Od 8d lOd 12d and 20 nail*, For ?ale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1811. 50 if COR* WA\TJKD, r5?MIR Subscriber withes to purchase Q 00 ; ?- Bushels good Corn, P. MALLOV. December 6, 1841. 4 tf WILLountiuuo to saw Bill lumber at the j usual rates and to j unclual customers ' only, (lis C rn and Wheat .M ils arc in j??o'l order. Com or Wheat sent to these Mills will ; 1 l?e attended to in order, and justiue imclcd out,' if po?*iStill wede not agrue t?? make good ' . meal out of bad com, those who wish good meal 1 and fl<>ur must lake care to send good clean ' corn a nd vhcui aud the tntul and flour shall1 then ho good. | February 2. IS4I. 12 4t j BLACKSnTlH BUSINESS. i ^BlIJE .Subscribers have formad a Copartner- ' JL ship, under the firm of JUelYJSR <$ LaCOSTE, ' a- d have emp oy o-I competent pcrwons to I carry on the at-ove bustier**,' in all its branches. ' Shop on%l ?rket St r et continued, lately occu. ; pi eel by r. C. 1. Shiver. TIm charges for , work done w ill be moderate. Wo shall be j giateful fur cui-to u from rt-sponsiide persons, I and with all such persons acc >un s will he kept. I Ail debts contracted for said shop, must Iks on ! order from ux, and all collections for work dune , will be tua tc by us. A. M. MclVKR. A. P. LACOSTE, Cheraw, Nov. 15, 1S41. 1 tf TAX NOTICE. I WILL attend as follows to take returns and receive the Taxes for Chesterfield Dixrict. At Mount Croglianon Monday the 14th February. At Blakcney's Old Store on Tuesday the lo'.h February. At Michael Miller's on Wednesday the 16;h February. At John Seager's on Thursday the 17th Feb. ruary. At Speer's Mills on Friday the ISth February. At J >hu Jonnsoti's on Saturday the l'JthFcbruary. At Stoer-pcn Springs on Monday the 21st February. At Coal Hill (or Levi Casitys) on Tuesday the J 21 brnary. 1 Al Che raw on Thursday, Friday and Saturday thr 24th 2">th and ^6tli Fcbtuar At Chrg:erfi"ld Court House on Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday liie 2tilh February and the l.-t Mid 2nd days of Mcrcll. N. B.?All returns must lie made by Monday the 23lh day of March as the books will tlieu be clo c?i. W. L. ROBESON. T. C. C. D. Januaryd, 1642 il tf GLASS, PAINT, A\l> PUTTY. A Large Stock of these articles, which will ! be sold at reduced rates. A. P. LACOSTE. i . . SIMS NEW HOVEL, CONFESSIONS, or Thu Blind Hurt Just rt-cfivcd at tl:? BOOKSTORE. December 1. I* ... J V ?JilL * * .1*1*. *' * iiw ..i\' CHIXA?CROCKERYA!VDGL WARE. ^ THE Subscriber ha? on hand a good assort, inent of the nbove, conipriaiTig a variolj ?f [latlcrna* For aula cheap JJ. m\LLUI, May 31, 1841. 29 tf : AXKN. 7 18 dozen Collin*, Hunt*, and Marsh superior Axes, for sale by the dozen at much bekiw the usual rates. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 if SOUTH~CAROLI5fAi ^ Ransom Britt, vs. ) Declaration in E. P. Guion St. C-o. y Attachment. Whereas the Plaintiff in the above stated esse this day fil -d his Declaration against tits Defendant, who is ab.-ent from, and without the limits of this state (as it iss?id) and having neither wilt' nor Attorney knowu within tk? same, it is ordered that the Defendant do appear and plead to I he Declaration aforesaid within a year and a day from tlio date hereof, otherwise final and absolute Judgement will bo awarded against him by default, T. BRYAN, C. C. T. Office of Common Pleus, } Chesterfield C. House, > November 19, 1940. ) 50 DRIGS, SeDICIXFJ, Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs &.c. & c. fi?r Mil In wholesale and retail by A. IIOPTO*, CHER AW, 8. C. At his Drug Store, next door to liroicn liryqn Brother. Where may be had at all times a general sortmont of article* in the l->rug line? reroin mended to be of superior quality which will ! ? disposed of on very moderate terms?Physicians and others wishing pur* mcdicim s, may rely on being snpolicd wit It them. M?v 2d, 1841. 29 EC TIBER! El .TIBER ! 50,000 bEE'V . DIFFERENT kind* lumber on hand ami lor sale low for cash at Burn** Mill*. J. W. BURN. Februnry 2. I-II. 12 4t ~ XEW Ai\i) CHEAP GOODS. TUB Subscriber has just received his Winter Supply of Goon-, which consists in part, of the following, Viz: Ladies English and French Kid Morocco Shoes and Slippers, Misses K d, and Prunella Shoes and Slippers, Gentlemen's tine Call Bobls, IlootCes, and Shoes; ill-o, a tine assortment of Crockery, , China Grannet &c. &c. Hardware, of ! every description, Blackhini'lis Touts, Sheet j Iron and a few very fine Stoves; Groceries of all kinds by (he Wholesale and Ketail; i The above will lie sold Jt/UCH LOWER than they have heretofore been sold in Cub- . raw, for Cash only. Persons wishing Bar. | gains, wilt please call on the Subscriber and J examine for them" Ive# bofure purchasing elsewhere, for their own benefit. ISAAC H. ROSSER. Jan'y. I2th, 1542. 9 3mo ' NOTICE G. H. DUJVLAP I Would icspectfidly giv<*. notice to his friend* and tbo public that having commenced business again nu his own account he funis it absolutely noes. sn?y to curt iil very niiicli bit credit business, he haa consequently determined tooj en accounts only with inch |?ersons as have heretofore paid ; the ir account* punctually at or near the end of the year and with such only as will give push live MSiiiranocof doing so in future. Oct. 13, 1841. 48 If B BRYAN & BROTH KR. ImM a \mm on the lowor wharf near the old F? ry Iain, ing, and will charge each Ho.t tor the priv. ilege of I Hiding discharging and hauling. Each >'{ aiii Boat, Three Dollars. Each Hole Bout, Tow Boat or Lighter, Two Dollars. Eaoli Cotton Flat loaded or built, One DeiUr ft and Fifty C?ut*. Wit i the privilege of renmining one week, longer at a corre?|?oii hug rate. Che raw, Sept. 2*, 1841. 46 If mnnvv sri.'n xr ? Vt THE Subroriiter lias jo*! ieccived full and gmierul assortment ol' Fr< fii HARDEN SEED from the Agricultural Warehouse tttd Socd Store of the New England Farmer Boo ton, among which are Sugar Beet, Buia Baga, White FUt Turuiji, Vc. &,c. by the pound and smaller quantiiy. lie li if also for oale a (General Assortment of FAMILY CROCERl VS, with WINES and LIQUORS, Raisin*, Fig*, Almonda, Citron, Currant*, Candy, Pickle*. Tobacco, Srgaj'h dec. &e. Hi* Store is Two Doors below the Store of Me**.-*. Taylor Jc Punch. CHARLES VANDERFOBD. Choraw, December 14, lrt41. 5 ?f CASH SYSTEM COXTLYUED. THE TIMES are such as to compel the * Subscriber to ccnti ue the Ca?h System; G&ockries and ail articles in that line will be sold for Cash only. Persons whose accts. and notes still remain unpaid, will please understand that no now credits will be given until all old arrcareges are settled in full. D. MALLOY. SPORTSMAtfS POWDER, ONE Case English Caiji*tcr Riflo Powder, manufactured by ,4P-gous L Wilk*,n Loo* don, lor sale by the Canirter. D. MALIAJTt iMay 20, 1841. 29 t GOOD BARVAnt). THE Sul?s< ribor ha* on hand many articlsol Merchandise riot now in his line of boa sines*; and which ho has no 100m in his s-ora for, nil sue' goods will Ik- sold very cheap. They consist of the following articles, si*. Negro Cloihs (a good article) White Plains, Blanket Overcoats, UuffiI Blankets, Bale Rope, Brass And Iroas, Shovels and Tongs, Jugs and Jars, Pots and Ovens. Iron and Steel, Hardware Crockery, &,c. G. H. DUNLAP. November. 10,18-41 6J tf "THE SUBSCRIBER*9 PURCHASED recently in New York t \e?j heavy and general agsorfroeuf of Goods wh h have all come to Laud, and he now off? i them at Wholesale or Retail at very low pri? ?? for Cash or Produce. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1841. SO tf gAbbiJ^RvT" A very large assortmcn< of Boys, Mens, and Ladies Baddies. Also. Bridles, Martingales, Whips Collar?, Saddle Bags Uig, Sulkey, and Carryall Harness Surrup Irons Ciirtlit .and Surcingles. For sale very cheap by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27111^1^^^ ^ 5U U