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9T~ ?tUWBB? I Mill UWJKHI^P^iPWiegB K.t'' rf" _ - % -j , ' K> JttWTAWS AND KENTUCKY PUMPKINS.rJl^4jl'floiiie lirnc since we asked the Editor of the Kentucky Farmer to tell us the1 v properties and uses oi'clie Cushaw or Kcr. *haw, he very obli^in^ly answered us hi jfigp follows:?After Tiding tliat the proper or- | thoqvapliv of the word is Kershaw instead M, of Cusha'w, ho says, ** this is a striped : ff* hard shell pumpkin with a crooked .ieck, i Bgrowii frequently like common pumpkins, f?.in our cornfields, hut often also i*? lots tonij inkitchen gardens. T ie ?oHer?l ^^K^"pf?p<rties are th??se o? the pumpkin, Hut bL- to the "taste1;they are richer, s.veeler, and ^ * ? 'less watery, resembling in flavor the swert potato or yam. Tiic chief use, is * "*' ? I- ' ? < ?? /iff Nl :. foot! lor the table: l ne ncvn. ......... ... cf tile junction and quartered, the residue is & cat into slices ct convenient width and - length, and being baked with the rind on, E>gi*7 is .thus brought to the table and eabrn H&.7'"* with butter. And we can assure our *r Yankee brother if he can get one of these Kershaw* which is not watery, but corn, j f parnlively dry and inealy when baked, , V; he will find it far superior to any of the j >*" vaunted squashes, the seeds of which we j have obtained from the North.'' Last j ^r- spring we received a package of seeds; from Hon. H. L. Ellsworth, commission- \ . er of Patents at Washington 1>. C. A- , rnong which were some Kersh.nvs and , some Kentucky Pumpkins. It was quite i late in the season when they arrived, hut ; they were immediately planted, vegetated rapidly and grew well. Tiiey acquired a j g?nnl growth but did not fairly ripen before 1 Ihoy were touched n;:th the frost, which prevented our testing their qualities. One of the pumpkins ripened however, arid we found it to be very sweet and ,'good, we thought it superior to our cumtilon kind. It was white and flattened at the ! tem and blossom end more than the , common kind. There were others on the vines that grew larger and wore not while like this one, but tliey did not rij??*i. Miin Fanner. ! . .1 Fr? ?rn the Maine Farmer. PRKVf.VTION OF SMUT BKTTJCK TITAN CD*U. I Mr. Hot.mrs:?I observed in a late nii>..k.>r of ih<? Kennrhec Journal nil ad- | v'ertiscmenl of a .smut machine by .tlexsis. Pia'l ami Co. (if I rightly recollect the njUncJ and recommends ion of it by Mr. \ Gardiner of the town nf Gardiner. From trie high respectability of (hat gentleman, ; I have no hesitation in giving full credit : to his statement. But I would respect-j fully suggest to him and all others inter j Cited in the subject, whether it would not ; he preferable to prevent smut from grow,i:ig among our wheat to devising method j , for tho removal of that foui substance from it. ] have for the sixteen years last j past, with complete success practised the ! following method ; viz.) Washed the sood .wheat, and drained ofT tht* imbibed j walkthrough a common basket. lathis / moist cdndtion put it into a tight tub, ydT long box, or trough, and for evjry bushel so prepared dissolved two oz. of blue vitriol in warm water, turned it into the wheat, and with a shovel stirred, it, so * ~ " " ' * " ' t. 11 that the liquid shall penetrate mo wuoie i nriss. Thus may he ascertained hv the color. The wheat tvi!! assume a green- j i.ih cast where the liquor has come in con tact with it. This met ho J of preparing our seed lias became almost universal in this neighborhood and we hear nothing of smut except from a distance. Our most, extensive manufacturer of flour, after having satis- ' faotorily tried the experiment was at the, expense and trouble of circulating hand hills through the whole region of Ins ens- , turners, three or four or five years since and he informs us that in consequence of the use of this prevention he is not called upon to grind smutty wheat except in J p. some rare instance, and in none where! $10 nhove method has been practised, I 'published the foregoing in suhstneco, in ? an agricultural paper printed in Bangor a t number of years ago, and subsequently (if 1 rvigiMiy recollect) in the Maine Farmer, i ijnd have seep it noticed in th* New England Farmer. Still I am so fully convinced of its importance that t venture ici reiterate it, OLIVER CROSBY. I Augusta, Jan. 22, 1^42. ! ' I have passed the afternoon,(Saturday j Jnii. 22.1) in hearing two Indian orator-, Joe Socca basin and Joe Porus, address.j the Committee on Indian affairs on mat. | tors relating to the interests and welfare; of*llie Petiolwcol Tribe. There arc two parties among the Pe- i .nol wools, one of which contends for the d'vine right of Kings, and the ether ad ! vociiUs the divine right of the people. I have never heard the distinctive doc1 trines of une man power" and <h rights of" I be many, brought into closer contact, or discussed in ? heller manner. Joe Porus,lhe advocate of the right of succession, and the defender of old abuses, would he a jewel! with the high ! j?hrl Torv nsirtv in (iroot Britain. ! lie "deserves embalming in tlm pages of' Hhvekwodd and the London Quarterly, j for&tho*c"Journals of Toryism cannot ! 6.XCCT twin in his expressed contempt j for (iftliftn honesty and Aboriginal Intelligence. J<& S<?ccabasin, on the other hand, is ! Jtfrj^itMor in his sphere that Daniel O'- j ,;.Copnel would be proud to take by the ha?d, and own as a brother and fellow.' laborer in the advancement of liberal and . enlightened political principles. He is emphatically of the K*. lical school andj preaches the abstract doctrines of Demo, cracy MA way that would prove mighty nit cop tamo to a Virginia Abslfficlionist. He is good Unking', and evinces much shrewdness^ JftfO t^(;iisii&; which proper. J Jy ciiltjlv|y^B^..tyoulJMtnvc made him a per fecHKB^TXiwyt'r, Tiju manner of speak- : ivig, anonw camrftan<i of language -wore b^;*r?r thai) f Hnsc of any Indian I have fever iic^rU address a Vt-'tfHuiUee of tijv - -- - ^acLfcag Kygth. : Legislature, his gestures were singularly f appropriate, graceful, perfectly natural and expressive, and contributed much to tlie right understanding **f hib remarks which were made in the Iiidian manner. Th're is a desire among a large, and I should svppose. the better portion of the Penobscot tribe. to change their form of government from the absolute and hereditary to the censtitutional and elective. Those who oppose this innovation upon old customs, the party of which Joe Porus is the delegate, avef that Indian modes and Indian forms ought to be perpetrated iu their tribe, and that when these cea** or change, that the Indians as Indians, will no longer exist. The Indians arc not educated, cannot read, and only quar- | rcl when political differences arise among j them, and therefore should not elect their) rulers in the manner of the whites. One sole monarch-a father in the tribe, should j control all their affairs and nave the pcopie from the perplexity and trouble. They should wait till school masters have visited fbern and instructed (hern in the waysor the whites, and then thov might choose their own officers with some little degree of intelligence in their choice,?the Indians now were under the State Govern nicnt, and their government was oalv a I lortn. In opposif inn to (his .Too 'Soccabasia affirmed that th^ present dynasty, the Indian Bourbons, were licentious, drunken and corrupt. That so fhr from wishing to educate the Indian people, so that thov could in time he elevated to the condition oft lie whites, that they managed to drive away overv instructor of children that was sent among them. That as for. quarrels upon political differences, they originated in the attacks nnd oppressions practiced hv the party in power, and thet th? radicals were for a peaceable change. Soccabuain seemed to think that (he best i and surest way of making the Indians j good politicians, was to mike it their interest, and give them the privilege to I become such. I!o eared much more about commencing with an honest hevrrt than an instructed head. It would seem that the Indians have already practiced upon (he vices of education and enlightened politicians, and the addition of the right of suffrage would do no and in all probability would purify tbeir Government and improve j their people. Charges of bribery and j corruption, and pipe-laying, and frnudu- ( lent voting, were made and retorted be- I (ween the two delegates in a manner that was really diverting. I thought Soccabasin the better man of the two. and mv partialities were nil on the side that he I adrocatcd. He said that the old party ! called themselves democrats, that thev were not, but were wiiigs, that his party were the true Democrats, though Joe Porus and his party called them Loco Toco. I should like to report their speeches in fu', hut fear ! could not do it in the style and language in which they were made, ( could thevScaiven verbatim thev would) " W o be rend by all politicians with exceeding j interests They would nliow how well these untutored sons of the forest apprehend, as if bv instinct the differences between a monorchia I and popular form of Government, and that Democrats and Aristocrats are found every where, among every people, hoth savage ftfld civilized. I do not know when I have been more entertained, than by what I have listened to this afternoon. In what I have writ ten I have but given captions to the speeches. There were metaphors and , illustrations used, that would he worth I recording in their connection, did not tune and space forbid. A Bad B)X.?" What do fhey rail the pla;*e where the prismier sits naked a nan the other day in court. " Tl|e prisoner's box," rtplied his friend. **Oh then, when * foli*r gets in tiiere, I snppnse that's what (hey call boin' in a bad 6ox." AXRCDOTR OFTJfOMAS PAIRS. . The anecdote is as follows, and was iiriginally published in tlie N. Y. Spccta!or: "One very warm evening, about Iwcnty years ago, passing the house where riioinas boarded, the lower window was ripen, .and seeing him silting close by, I ind being on spcakable terms, I stepped J in for a half hour's chat; seven or tight; >f his friends were also- present, whose 1 * ' I doubts ami mis own ne was mooring m rc- i move bv a hmg talk about tiio story of J Joshua commanding I he sun nnH monn ; i lo stand srtill, dte. and concluded hv denouncing the Bible as the worst of books, *n<i that it had occasioned more mischief md bloodshed than any other hook over j irinted?and was believed only by fools and designitig knaves, &< ., Here he paused, and while he was replenishing his tumbler with bis favorite brandy and water, a person, who I afterwards found was an intruder, likr myself, asked Mr. Paine if ever he was in Si:otlaud! the answer was, yes, S<> have I been, continues the speaker, and the Scotch arc the greatest bigots with the bible I ever met?it is their school book, tlfeir houses, and their churches are fur nislied with the bible, and if they travel but few miles from home, their bible is always their companion ; yet, continues the speaker, in no country where I hare travelled have I seen the people so comfortable and happy; their poor arc not in such abject poverty as I have seen in other countries; by their bigoted custom of going to church on Sundays, they save the wages which they earn throughout the week, winch in other countries that I have visited, is generally spent bv mechanics and other young men in taverns and frolics on tfunclavs; and of all the foreigners who land on our shores, none are so much so ight after for servants, and to titl places where trust is reposed, as the .Scotch; you rarely find thein* in taverns, the watch house, alms house, bridewell, cr slate prison. - Now, say*'he, if LuJiu : - - ' '-V-'-liL-' - r??n' * ' ' . A. L. M is so had a book, those who use it most wotildbe the worst j eople?but the reverse is the case. This wns a sort of argument Paine w?is not prepared to answer, and ft historical fact which could not he denied?so without saying a word, he lifted a candle from the table, and walked up stairs; his dit< iples slipped of every one, and. left the speaker and myself to enjoy the scene." Hibernian Hospitality.?4 Sit down it down now; eat, drink and be merry, and jist make ycrselres at homo, every one of yeV said a generous hearted, forolicking daughter of the Green Isle to her guest?4 I'm at home, and I jut wish ye were every one of ye th it same.'. A Great Rogue.?Judge Jeffrey's, of notorious memory, pointing to a man with his cane who was to be tried, said, 44 There's a great rogue at the end of my cane." The man to whom he pointed, looking at him said, ,4at which cad, my lord r Sir William B? being at a parish meeting ninde some proposals which were I tn hv m farmer. Hnrhiv ersra J* *" "J ~~ -- CJ J ged, Sir," sjivs ho ( the farmgfl "do von know, sir, that 1 have been a^the two universities?"?"Well, sir,"?nid the farmcr, "[ had a calf that sucked two cows, at id the observation I ro^de was, he only grew the grcirter caff for that." A gentleman one day took occnmow-fo speak of the married state before his datighlor, and ol*?crvcd, that who who marries does well, but she who dses not marry does better. "Well then," replied the young lady, "I wilUo well, let those who choose do better ~ ~ sh ON Writs of Fieri Facias Fnciss will be wold Ix'foro tlie Court House door oo the first Momhy anldiy following in March next, within t'm legal hours the following property vie: ftSO Acres <if land more or Ie-s wheroon the defendant resides, on the waters of Lynches Creek, bounded west by Drur/ Clintons land, north by Barrel Seagei's lar.d, south by land* known bj the name ?f the Towers land, also dtic Sorrel hoi-Se, one bsv mere and one colt, twelve heed of cattle and tlii.ty he id of" h >gs, at lhe suit of fturrol Sogers v* Boutly Outlaw the horses, hoys and cattle, will be offered f?r sate at the defendants resilience, oil Tuesday the CCOitd day of i ej;ro girl (Lydia) Icti. d nrn arfd to k* sold as the pmjumy of n?nipmn Rancshury, at the suit of Isaac Tiniiiioue vs flampton Sanes' bury. All Curti? Thcrril's interest in the Bock Spring | linta'ion which he h-dds under a Icnso Which lease expires on the first of January 1846, at the anil ot'Ei zibeth Lllcrbu vs Curtis The/. iL $ Lots in flie town ' ! Chcrnw, together with the improvements thereon, and known in the phri of said town by No*, one hundred and thirty ciiiit (13S) on# hundred and thirty nine, (13d) and one hundred and forty (141) levu^l on as the properly of Joseph iiervey at the suits if rord, Phillips A McKay vs. Joseph flerrey, am* E. Maiioy for (?vorg? Dutch vs. Joiin K. FiKVari's, A. Clark and Joseph Mersey. ffUO Acres of land more or less whereon the d fondant resides on Big Bear Creek, at the suits of B. Mcln'osh for others, arid II. M. A. W. II. Tumlinson v?. Stephen II. Pnrker. Terms Casi*? Purchasers to pay for Sheriff's papers. J NO. EVANS", s'. C. f). FeSrusr? (2. 1812, 14 tf LEAF LARO, A Few Ki'.s snd a sinS/l Barrrf Of first rate Leaf Lard fir adc by Llie Kit or Barreiat Cash. Ii?4 lb. 1$ Ca?lf. A/ r, LACosm February 15,1811!. PVBUC OF AX ASSIGNED ESTATE. ?N Wednesday the 23-1 d.i of Fi brusry instant, wo will tell nt public miction nt tl?o Store House lately occupied by M. Buchanan the estate real and personal of llio khid Buchaft* xn, as*igno?i to us in trust for Lire benefit of hi* Cr ditor*. Consisting of s 1. rgr assortment of Maple ar.d Fancy Fry Goods, Hals, Shoes, Hardware, <$-<% ALSO A Iforao. Canrinpo. Gig, Sulkey and various article^ of llou*eho d Furniture. A WO Ninety one Ac e-of land n*ar the Town of Chefiw with the improvements therein, bcinp the summer residence of the said Buchanan, and oh unimproved lot in the Town of Cheraw. The terms will be iniih known at the sale. w. ii. KormiNs, J. A. INGMS, Assignees. Fchunry 14. '842. 14 JJt SADDLE & H AREMS H F Subscriber h ?k this day open""d a shop JL in a pari of th- hot is:* occupied by A. P. Leach oo thi! corner of Front and Market street* where lie intends to cirry on tlio a>>07ft bu.Miu-ss tn alt its various br?nch?-a, arid well sell hiti work low for CAN31 O.ILY. FRANCIS A. THOMAS February ll, 1812. 14 3t ~ i;XT* V< TOF CANDY, 4 pTeiaantand *n?edr eura ror Coughs and /U Co:ds. A!.o, Pea*' Cough Lozn."g<<s and (ioarljo-.iiid C-indy. J del received and Tor ?a'e by EMANUEL & SOLOMONS. February Ij, I8J2. 14 Si 8O0OIJ1S. n.icOiY. A LL Warranted Sound, and for salo at 6 i?L and 7 cent.'. ALSO, a quantity of So gar at 7, 8,9, and 10 cts. Ry I H. ROSS Eft. February ?4, 1812. 14 tf CAI'TIOtf. ^ N<>to made by Benjamin T. Dough* of ?.4k. An?on County, N. ('. pay ah'e to Father Douglas on order (or bearer it is not roincinberetJ w'nicli.) f*>r ?| 108. and soma cants, and dated on 17th December 1840, p-yahln I7ihf)ect 18-11 with interest from d-te, (.t is believed) was lost on Saturday the *29;h day of January last, in n pocket book dropped some where on the road itctween Cheraw and Wrights Folly. A I persons whatcv r are hereby inform ?J that the said Esther Douglas has never parted with the legal or beneficial interest in the afores .id note, nn-l that she alone is entitled to re. ceivo the p oceads thereof. + E C. DOUGLAS. February 9, 13 U ; *.. _ &* -<v" V >-Y THE Saddlery, Harness end Shoe Making busiues in Cheraw will be hartmfter con due. ? ted l?y S. KEELERACe. February 2, 1342. 12 61 I PFER AXD KOLE LEATHER? Wax,.and Cab Skin*, and Hemlock Tanned ! Sole Leather. For fa I* low. A. P. LACOSTK. | October 27, 1841. 50 tf I INTEND on the lft day of July next i to remove my Stock of Goods to my two store#, lately occupied by B. Mcintosh, and i McKay & McCaskill, and to make them my permanent butinees stands; and now offer for i Rent, my four Stores immediately below, j Viz; One at present occupied by Messrs. W. ! <V T. Bailey. &. Co., the next below, corner 1 Karshaw and Front streets, and now occupied by M r. D. Malfoy. and the two stores now.oc| cupied by me. To persons residing in this j place, it is needless to say, that they are i among the very best stands for prosecuting a I Cotton arid barter business; and I only make ! this declaration for the information of persons j residing at a distance. Possession of the htf Vpc<f?. W. & T. Bailey ?fVVU|/l?'<a %0J ?v. ! dt Co., and Mr. D. .Vaiiov, will be given on j the let day of September next ; the other* can i He had by the 10th July next. Chcraw uffcra j inducements to Capitalists, and m n of bustness, that are not found in many Southern towns. It is estimated, that our receipts of cotton, for the latttwo years averaged '25,000 Dales, ami it is supposed this year'i receipts will be about the same. AUG. P- LsCOSTS. Chcraw, Jan'y. 12th, 1842. 0 tf I The " Charleston Courier," "Southern i Chronicle," "Camden Journal," and "Fayette-* ville Observer4"'will olesse give the above | six insertions, say oni 1 ?very two weeks, and i forward their bills to m . *r payment. A. P. LaCoste. Sia TTVK DLTArnrEiT Coluwbu, November 80th, 1841. i By Tils Excellency JOI1N P. RICH- | j AROSON, Esquire, Governor awl Con- f J manderin-Chiff and over the Slate of' i Smith Carolina. WHFHISAS, information has been reccived at this Doparmen*, that on j the night of tlx? 20th of September last, a i j most altrociotw attempt was maff# hy some | person unknown, to murder one T. VV. liarley, of Colleton District : Now know ys, that to the end justice may he Hone, and the off" nder brought to legal trial, I do hereby offer a j reward of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars/for his apprehension and delivery into any jail in j this State, j Given under my hand and the Seal ofthc State at Columbia, thedUth day of Nnvverober# ciglitetti bsndred and forty-one, rid in the arxth-ysar of the Independent# i of tie United States of Amotien. JOHN P. RICHARDSON Bv the Governor, iW, Lab-hbC, Sec'y of Staff. | Dec. 2 10 In T HP. Cb*MON P?,*.AS. Chest erf eld District. Ilcnry Eaafeflinp, ) Declaration vs. > on note in i G. V.^ Booth. S Attachment. ! WIJEKKAS the ri.nntiS in ihi? action did on this day file his Declaration against G. \V. j Booth, the defendant, who is abee-it from and ; w ithout the limits of the State (as it if. said.) j Srtd ha?Unj neither wife or attorney known j upon vvhohi a copy of the above Declaration, with a rule to plead thereto, may be served; ! ft is then fore in pursuance of the /lets of the | General Assembly of this State in pnch casrs, firado and provided; Ordered that the defend* i ant, do plead thereto on or before the twenty. ( sixth day of December next, otherwise final ! and absolute judgment wili bo than given and j awarded against hiin by default. I T. BR VAN. { Office of Common Pleas ) j Chesterfield C. li. Dec. 2of 1841, \ V l?i)mfly SOtTI! f AROLIHA, | Chester fold District. T.v Tfirt Common Pleas. BENJAMIN MCINTOSH, h now in custody uf tlio Sheriff of the District afore ' aid, by virtue of a writ of capias ad satisfacien ' dum, at t'e sidt of Smith M jwry Jf. hiving i ocliU-'Ped the Honorable the associate Jiutgcs ( ; of the said state, that he may he admitted to 'lie { Ixmifit of the act of the General Assembly made [ ' for the relief of Insolvent ilebtois. and he having 1 I filed with hi* petition a schedule of Ids estate, i ' real and jKirsonal. It is ordered, that the said j I I Smith Mo ry. Jr and all others to whom the 1 said petitioner is in any wise indebted, do , per- j : sonally, or hv the;r atlurnies, be and appear ! * ! before the Honorable the associate Judges of the ' stale aforesaid, at the Court of Common Phot* ; to he hidden at Chesterfield Comt House, on I the Wednesday after the third Monday in ; March noxt. then .md there to show causo if i any they can, why the estate and efleets of the 1 petitioner should not be assigned; and he ho j I O ? # # I discharged, pursuant to the provisions of smd Acts of the G- neral Assembly made and provi* , i tied for Uc relief of insolvent debtors. T. BHYAN, < , C C. P. J Chesterfield C It. ) Dor. *2, 1841. < 7 .1m I . ? t . IRO*. 20 Ten?, asserted sizes, for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, IS 11. 50 tf WHESA^D CORDIALS, CIHAMPAIiJNE, Tontine, Mar?, Noy J and Creinat Brands. .Madeira, I\>rt, Sweet ' j do, Muscatel I, To run*'rife, 0r,d Chrclt Wines, ; Rs,?e, Perfect Love, Lemon,Cinna-tvin. Anni i sett, Raspberry, Maraschino and Curncn Cor. ! dids. toe ether with an usaoilmenl of Drandy, Fruita and Preserves. i rorsaleby * ? EMANUEL & SOLOMONS, ' February 15, 1842. It 3t ; NOTICE. rwiuc v?,?. ??,t U,.oL- a nT! I r J 1UU IfVfUMn, A?w?',fT UIMI wvi/i?a vr> 4?vwv.. JL assigned to us by'Mulcom Bucli nan are in th-' possession of John A, Inglis at whose Office, all jjorsntn^ indebted are requested to call anil settle l?of?#fa the return dayo for III ir several ! District*. VV. H. RORRIXS, J, A. INDUS. Assignees. Cheraw, February 11, L812. ? 11 tf '* *-" >? -+ ?-* SPERM, A1VD TAMPERS OIE, By the Barrel or at retail, for sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 if 2500 PAIR SHOES. Comprising every varie'v, and for sale on ac. corninodating terms. A- P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50tf CHEESE. i 4\ CASKS CHEESE JL 'Ir For Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Dec. 1, 1341. 3 tf HATS A*D CAPS- I 15 Dozen Oentlemens' and Boys, Black and Drab Fur Hats, 28 Dozen Wool Hats. A Large stock of Fur, Hair, Cioth, and Selene Caps, For sale by A. P.LA COSTS. Oct 271B4I. 50 tf B033ET9, HOODS, A5S> BAND BOXES. Ladies and A/isees, Florerce and Straw Bonnets. l adies Coloured Hoods. For sale by j A. P. LACQSTB. Octobei 27, 1841. 50 * tl WOOD. 5 HEREBY tender to my late customers in the Wood line, my grateful acknowledge mcnt?, for flic libera 1 j>atron:ge, I Iih c iec?iv%:d j nt their hands, and would now most respectfully request, iliat they would continue to give their orders to Major I). R. W. .Mclvcr, to wIi jjm I haveoihl my land, and who is fully prepared to | deliver any quantity of tveod th t may be reqoi- i red. AH orders for Wood le't at my store, will be j sent to the n sic! nccot'M j ?r Mclver. A. P. LuCOSTE. 1 Jarunry 12, 1842. 12 tf j CAAOLBS AA# SOAP. Sperm, Margarine and Tallow Caudles. Bar and Perfumed Saop. Fot Sale by A. P. LAC03TE. October 27. 1841. 50 tf HARDWARE SMITHS' TOOLS. A general stock of these articles for nale by I A. P. L A COST E. October 27,1841. 50 tf PAITCf 15 D STAPLE DRY GOODS. A few Fancy, and a large and well selected Block of Staple Dry Goods for sale low by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf rri.a Ri.Kt^rihnr ha a inst received, and wil J I IV. J keep constantly on hand,Cotton Yarn and Twine at wholesale, from the Manufactory ol Rocking ham. GEO GOODRICH. Chcrntr, 1840. 10 tf fAtDLW A few Roxen Tu low and S|>crm Candles for Bile by D. MALLOY. May 31, 1841. 29 tf f?OLE BOAT FOB SA^E. THE Pole James R Ervin wi'l be >0!'! on fmorblo terms. Hhe in row on the way up and wi'l be delivered Jo the purchaser on tor arrivuL Apply to either of the subscribers. b. MALLOY . W. A T. RAILF.Y Si Co. JAMES H. COLE. December 1, 18II. 4 tf ri T lAltH. TOO Kegs, Ad 6d 9d lOtl 12d and 20 nails, Fof sale by A. P. LACOSTE. 1 October27, ISlt. oO tf j COlS WAITED, "HE Subscriber Wishes to purchase 2 00 J?. Bushels luxtitCir** 11. MalloY. December. G, 184t. 4 tf ~I.w7 Bl ltf ~%X7HLLcinfintie to saw Rill lumber af the j * T usual rates and to j unelual cnstm'nors | only. Hist' rn and Wlioat M II* are in g* o I J Older, Corn or Wheat sent to these Mill* wih | be attended to in order, and justice iwciod out] if pnssiVr. Still we de not agr;?o to make good j mcui out of bad .orn, thnso who wish good | and rtotir mu?t take carc to scud good clean ] corn ami vhoat and the , im al and flour shall, then be good. Fi binary 2. 1841. 12 4t j RLAfKAlIlTlI Bt?5LTi:Ssi I rjniiE Subscribers Invo formal u Copartner- ' JL ship, ixrid?.*r the firm of MrlVER <f> LaCOSTE, j ? d have emp'oyed competent persons to :.irry on tire above busing, in all its branches. I Shop on Market S'. reel continued, latch' occu- ! nicd by r. C. I. Shiver. Tim charges for ivo/k done will be moderate, Wo shall be jirtteful forcOJtO'i from responsible persons, ind with all such persons a"C?un s will he kept, j All debts contracted for said shop, mu-t he on >rdet from us, an.I all collections for work duno Mil bo made by us. A. M. McIVKR. . A. P. LACOSTE, Cheraw, Nov. 15, IS41. I tf TAX NOTICE. IWIl.L attend as follows to take returns j and receive the Ta.xca for Chrtteifield Dis- j ;ric?. At Mount Crogban on Monday the 14th February. a. dl.lfnn.i 'i, i u/t Stnri> l>n TiimiIhv the 13t!i February. Al Michael Miller's on Wednesday the Id;h February. A V Jell a Sergei's on Thursday the 1T ill Fob. renry. At Sneer's Mills on Friday the ISlli February. At John Jamison's oil Saturday the UiiiFobru ary. At Slcer-pon Springs on Monday the 21st February. At Co d Hill (or Levi Casitys) on Tuesday the 221 bruary. Al Chcraw on Thursday, Friday and Saturday thr 24th 2.r>tli nnd 2Htli Februar At Ches'erfield C'Otirt Ilonse on Monday, Tu sd :y. and Wednesday the 2dlh Fe ruury ami the 1 t nil 2nd days of Murili. N. B.?All returns must be made by Monday O-li I> ,t.,u ?r VInrcIi as the boolts wi.l then be I L IC vwy v closed. W. L. ROBESON. T. C. C. D. Janunry8, 1??42 ll tf CiLASS PAI Vr, A.YD riTTY. A La rye Stock of these articles, which wili be sold at reduced rates. A. P. LACOSTE. Slis NEW NOVEL, CONFESSIONS, or This Blind llurl Ju?L received at the BOOKSTORE. December 1. , ; - - - ~0i. . - , - - * '. ' +**" BB???? CHINA CROCKERY AND GLASS * WARE. THE Subscriber lias on hand a good amort, ment of the above, comprising a variety of patterns, for sale cheap - D. M ALLOY. May 31, 1841. 29 * * if ? ! AXES. 18 dozen Collin?, Hunts, and Marsh superior Axes, for sale by the dozen at much below the usual rales. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. -50 ' tf SOl/TH CAROLINA. i Rnnsom Hritt, vs. { Declaration in E. P. Guion & Co. ( Attachment. Whereas the Plaintiff m the above siatcu case this day filed his Dcclura ion ;.gai at the Upi fendant, who is absent from, ami without the | limits of this stae (us it is sai4) and having nei- - | llier wiio nor Attorney known within the same, | il is ordered thai the Defendant do app AV and plead to the Duc/anilion aforesaid witbui ayes/ and a day from the due her* of, otherwise final and absolute Judgement will be awarded against him by default, T. BRYA3, C. C. T. Office of Common Pfofte, 1 Chesterfield C. House, > November 19, 1840. ) 50 I DflVtiS, NEDICIiA^ I Chemicals, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs, &c. &c, for safe wholesale and retail by A. KOPTOiV, CHEUAU, 8. C. At his Drug Store, next door to Jtirotrm Bryan <Sf Brother. Where way be had at alf times a general as sortnie I of articles in the Lrug line?re com ; mended to be of superior qiwlity which will le di*po*eil of on veiy moderate terms? Physician* anil ethers wishing pur- nicdicin ?, my rely | uii being sup:.lied with them. ? May 2^, 4841. 28 ' . i Lrnnfx: ij jfUEn: 50,000 FEET DIFFERENT kinds lumber on hand ant) lor sale .ow for cash ai Burn's Villa. J. ?. BURffFebrunry 2. I? 11. J2 4t NE W AND CIIEAP GOODS. Tfffj Subscriber has just raecired hi? Wiktkr Supply of Goods which constat* in part, of the following, Viz; Ladies English and French Kid 3/ormeo Shoes and Slippers, Misses Kid, and I'rum lla Shoes am. S ppera, Gentlemen's fine Call Boots, Booiera, and Slices: Aho, a fine assortment of Ceocekut, China Grannet &c. See. Hardware, of % every description, DiacksrnhUs Toole, Sheut Iron and a few very fine Stoves; Grwcw| rics of all kinds by the Wholesale and Retail; i The above will be sold iffUCH H>WE!t than they have heretolorc been sold in Cue* raw, for Cash only. Persons wishing Bar. gain*, will please c?N on the Subscriber ami examine for themselves before purchaa ng elsewhere, for their rr*n benefit. ISAAC H. ROSS**. Jan'y. I2th, 1*42. 9 Broo XOTME. - ' G. II. DUJYLAP Would ro-pectlulfy giv>- notice to his lri?. iWVaml the public that liav'ng commenced businessag'ii* on hi* own account he finds it. ahxututoly ncres. wry to curt :il very much his cicdit business. ' he has conseijnent'y determined too- en accounts only with such person* ns l ave heretofore yssl their account* puiicifiallyst or near the'end of the year and w ith >uch only ns will give port, live ns*ur?nceof doing so in future. | Oct. 13, 1941* 48 If B BRYAN & BROTHER, hold a lens* on the lower wharf near the old Fe ty j Ran. ing, and will charge each Bo r for the privilege of landing discharging and V ading. Eaeh St "?iin, Three Do1 It*. [ E-icli Pole Boat, Tew Bout or Lighter, Tw? \ Dollar?. f Each Cot ion Flat loaded or built, One Difiar ^ \ and Fifty ('vnt^. j With the privilege of rmtinlning oue week, | longer at a corn-.q>oii !n?g rnt-j. Chora w, Srp:. 2*, lefll. 46 ' tf GA??E.1 mrKt>, ?fc . THE Subscriber has just received a full and general aeaortnient of Fg-di UAKDE^f SEF.D from the Agricultural Warehouse end! Seed Store of the New England Farmer Boston, among which urr Sugar Bert, Rota Bug*, | White Fhit Turnip/ Cc. Jtc- by the pound and smaller quantity. Hi has also formic a General Alport men t of FAMILY GROCERIES, with WINES ?m] LIQUORS, R.iisirtu, Figs, Almonds, C7flrou, Currants, Cindy, Pickles, Tobacco, Si-gurt-* ^ <ke. <fcc. IJia Sioro is Two Doors below tho Store of Messrs. Taylor & Punch. CHARLES VANDERFORD* Cheraw, December 14, IS41. 3 tf ^ . rashsyntm:m cuitiaued". [THE TIMES are such as to compel tie* Subscriber to ccntr ue the Cash Sye im^ Grocf.riks and all articles in that line wil? | be sold for Cash only. Persons whose accts. ; and notes atill remain unpaid, will please mk i dersrand tlut no r?ew credits will be givei* ; until all old arrearages are sett led in full. D. AIALLOY. SPORTS.tlASfS POWDER. ONE Case English Can inter KiHo Powder* manufactured by "P trous & WiHta," Loo** don, tor sale by the Canister. D. MALLOYf May 29, ls4\ 29 t OOOI> BARGAINS. Til E Subscriber h'ts on hand many article ot Merchandise not now in his line of boa sines*; and which ho has no loom in his sVortf for. nil sue' goods will be sold very cheap. | They consist ol the following articles, v\i; Negro Cioihs fa good article) White Plains, Blanket Overcoats, Duffil Blankets, Bale Ro|>?, Brass And Iro.v*. Shovels and Tongs, Jugs and Jars, Pots and Ovens, Iron and Steel, Hardware Crockery, &,c. * G. H. DUN LA P. 1 November. 10,1941 b'Z if "THE SUBSCRIBER" ?wt r> /-i ?t . iini\ . i tk.r 1/ 1. ? - - -- I'U tiutiAOfti; recently in new iorn a | heavy and general a*i?ortmeut of Goods wh h. have all come to har.d. and he now offi * them at Wholesale pr Retail at very low pric t for Casu or Produce. . A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1841. 50 tf jaddlery. A ve-y large a .orimHii of BoyiOfem, and Ladies Sadoies. Also. Bridle?, Afartingdles Whips, Collars, Saddle Bags, Gig, Sulkey, and Cariyail Harness, Stirrup Irons, Girths and Surcingles. For sale very cheap by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1641. 50 U