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^mmH^M B to which, it ought to be an influential ar- t gument with members, that the Legi-sln* * lures of some of the States have expressed c an earnest desire that Congress will act J1 upon the subject at the earliest possible ' moment. rj - The two last days of the past week ^ were commendably employed, according ^ ! the injunction of the Rules of the House. in rhe consideration of Bills and Reports upon Private Claims. It would be a . great honor to the present Congress, and ' .would distinguish it in history if it were, in i" ... .. judicial phrase,'?? clt'tr the ducket of ni! business ^ ,?f this, character. The ends ??f justice, as f well at of humanity, would be thereby promo- t ted, not. to speak of the honest pride which | f . ' every Representative would have in being able to say to his constituents, w! en he returns t?i bis harne, that, as 'ar as depended upon ^ him, he has left undone nothing that he o ght to have done?* duty correllative and equally t imperative with that ot doing nothing which jk nat t r% I ^ IIV * ?! ? V WV? * ' T4ie Sb.natk has pot been loss industriously j ( engaged in its legislative duties during the last f meek than the House of It preventatives, and t has. i*t addi'ion sf>ent much time in the con- j sideration of business of an Executive character, which, we suppose every reader knows, is ' always transacted w;th closed doors, and the ' particulars of which are rarelv made poblic f ' > wntd after they have become r.o d, and possess ; interest only as history.-r-A'rtf. Intell. . SOMETHING SINGULAR. Banditti in America-?A singular cir- , omittance, which befell a gentleman one d.>y last week, was yesterday related to ; us. The gentleman in question had left , Lancaster, Pa , in a vehicle, alone, w ith 'rhe intention of going lo II ivre do tirase in this State. Shortly after leaving tin '* city, he overtook a woman with a b>i?k"' on her arm, who requested him to allow | to ride a short distance in the vcliicl with him ; saving that she was ve.rv tire r ' s O and hud not far logo. He granted tlx request, hut after a time, from snm cause, he suspected his companion wa not what she pntfe*se<J to he, hut a mat in disguise. 'A closer examination undei the.veil, for the )x>rsoti kept dowdy veiled confirmed his doubts, and as he was ra pidlv approaching a rlrenry woods, lie wn> ( anxious to rid himself of his company, hul J '* how to do it was the question?Tune hecame precious and lie at last resorte I to "*1 U.o V>.?( n<><ii<lnn. I I/t<* ruse Ol KHUIMII^ uh ,,,a n,n .1. vi?v?tnllv, of cjuirse, while his horse* was in _ full trot. By the time the horse could 1m: reine<| up, the hat was left far in the rear. ., He proposed to the ladv to get out and ' bring it to him. This she refused to dr?, stating that alio would hold (ho horse.? ' The gentleman replied that the horse was rather a fiery one, and lie could not trust ( * liiiu to her. After a little parley she ' * I " consented to go for the hat, leaving the 1 duiskel "in the carraige. Tlie gentleman '* wa'tehed his time, and when the lady was ; farthestblf, he whipped op, leaving his ' '. "hat behind, and drove with nil speed >. 1 c {S * n i through the woods to ll?e next house.? There he mentioned his suspicion, and ' ujK?n examining th<' basket, a ]>air of pis- ; j toll*, fuB loaded,-and .a tin whistle were 1 found in it. The inference thep was clear that his companion was a vidian in j' disguise, who Had planned to roh, perhaps 1 murder him, and that there were accmn- ' off who eoiihi l?e casil\ call- ' M"? - -- ?d by tiie whistle. It may Ik: well enough ' to mention that be had a considerable 1 amount of money with him, n fact which ' * * a : | " .was |M??bahlv known to his companion. Thanking his stars for his escape, for he ' considers it an escape most likely from a violent death, he pocketed the pistols ai>d . the lass of his hat with the greatest pleasure imaginable.?Bal Sun% HlOtlLY IrPOKTAXT FRO* Bo?T<>*.? < In the Ma*sarhrt*etts House of Represen. i fatives last Tuesday, on motion of Mr. i Eddy, it was ordered that the Committer, on the Judiciary inquir - into the expediency of providing Hy 'a t f<*r a fixed standard ( measure for chcsauts. halt and important from Meuta Granada ? ! H- iU Amwriri t'anf iJuiiliard. arr.ved last ntpht frt??n Carthapeua, we have received 1 * Ki Eco do Neiv.i," to the 21st uh. The most import till piece of intelligence by this arrival is the reincorporation of the province ot Panama ami Verajjuas with Net* I iv Garnada. Both provinces have apreed to ronform to the cons'itution and laws of the i government of the republic, and the latter a* ! sumes 'he deht of the former. Thin was promulgated on the 31st of De-; eember. The next in importance is the settlement ofhll difficulfes throughout the country. ' On the 12th of December, the rebel pany took poMenhon of :he Enplieli brig Jane, ami killed several patriots on board of her. The j, naval force of New Granada and II B. M Charybdi* immediately went in pursuit, ami , oi the I5*h cap'ured ihein af er a href battle. Sixty of the rebels were killed, many threw themselves overboard, twenty three were wounded, 200 m ?de prisoners, and a^ mong these Jose Anto-iio Paddilla, who sho-. tlr afterwards died of the wounds received in this desperate fight. < >n the pa'riot side there were one killed and four wounded. . /- - ?? Trom Port Au Yrince.?Wo are ind-'K. ted to a friend for copies of*' Lc Manifeste," a Port Au prince paper to Jan 9. The only item of news we see to inter^ est our readers, is an account of the sol. J r* emnization of the Independence of Hay ti 1 in which tho Editor co npiain* of thee I i. ( neas and indifferences of the People 1 -The common, the national goai<1; the tc deum, we are to!d are- all rool. This is the 1 38th. .year of her independence.?A. Y. Express, 9 ih inst. - fFrom the Chicago Democrat ] Serious stage. Accident.?Loss of the. Mad.?We regret to record another of thoseseriouf cusunlitie* whirl' are continually happening in the Western country, and which for a long time, will prevent much competition in bidding for mail contracts. Ou the night of tho 10?hf j 0 * '** r i ^ * ' 0 *" I . 4 '<\L\ ? A....- - wo miles this side of Peru, in the attempt lei o cross the lit ilea Vermillion River, the nc :oach of Messrs. Frink, Wnlker & C'oT nail, baggage, four horses and all, w*re Li r?st except the four persons on bonrd, R< i'ho were saved by good luck merely.) The stage had crossed the day before i |0 vithnut difficulty; and though the stream vas somewhat swollen by the rain, the th Iriver supposed it would "be safe crossing. j pr, I ob Great Public Merlins at Nexc Orleans. ' (,t ?The meeting at New Orleans, on the ca Ith inst., in reference to the American ejl :aptivcs in A/exico, is said to have heen ^ he largest and most enthusiastic ever leld in that city. f0 Liberal Creditors.?Settlements to a 'erv great extent are daily made by per- g'( ions who have long been en bnrrnsacd. ill Several came to our knowledge yesterday, 6 vhere the parties had nothing to give; but creditors being satisfied of the honesty , w liid poverty of the parties, freely gave (jf hem a discharge. Indeed it was for the nterest of creditors to take this course in itead of forcing the parties into hankrup. 8C cy. A/any have induced their friends to ^ ome forward and advance.?iV. Y. Ex- 01 tress, P. Daring Outrage arid. Robbery.?Mr. j e' John Kchntson, lottery and exchange ?roker, whose office is in Baltimore near ^ iloward street, was waylaid last evening, jj, ibout seven o'clock, at the corner of En- m aw and Baltimore-sts., by some daring illains, while on his way home, and blocked down and robbed of money am' inting in all to ten thousand dollars, fl .Jr. Nicholson, when found, was lying ^ urostrateon the street, entirely nnconsci- sl I I o, his of what had happened, in* ncao ? ind face were much disfigured. He was ^ romptly conveyed to the Gen. Wayne G inn, where medical aid was ohtaincd. ? hi From ihe Charleston Mercury. e< LEGAL DECISION. VI T.:c following opinion of Judge 0' Neall, as an exposition of the late Act, inav l?e useful if known throughout the (j State. The case was argued at Cham. v-rs. a tolln Cesaford Kerr > Chambers, 11 ads. $ Charleston, 'J The Hank of ) F< k It? 12. ol Charleston. . $ T ?./D?fei;dant, who is in~cusfodv of, !' * " I h) the ShorWof Charlt-ston District under a . : v< Writ of Capias ad Satisfaciendum, he- ! y i fore the passage o* the Aet of 1841 fo ex- j ,e..d the Hounds of the (ioals of the sev- 11 jral Distric s of this State, had given Hind for tlnj Houndv, he now moves to nave the iietiefit of the late Act extended W i *' o nun. at 1 have no doubt that he is entitled to ? t. The Act provides that the "Limit* 'jj. tnu Hounds of the Goal* of the Judictu ju District* of this State, be and liie same t|j ire hereby extended to the limits and at Hiundarics of the Judicial Districts in In n which they are situated." This makes in he Hound for which the Defendant gave ! $ wind co-extensive with the Hislnct, for *e Alien the Hounds were enlarged, it is in the letter of his Bond ?1iat he should have j R the same enlargement. He is bound to ( S remain within the limits and Bounds oi u the Goal of Charleston District. What H fire they ? The limits and boundaries of I Charleston Judicial D.strict is the legal answer. Il may he necessary trial the e' Defendant and Ins securities should in m writing under their seals on the hack of l< th? ir Bond, acknowledge the Bond to l?e c under the Act of 1841 as well as the Acts jj nf 1788 and 1840, and covenant that the j debtor shall, according to the law render . ft schedule of his estate, and at the expiratioonof the notice under the Insolvent } Debtors Act assign and surrender as far as in his power the properly mentioned J in said schedule." On this acknowledgement and .additional covenant being made and entered into by. the Dcfcmlut and his securities, "It is ordered, that John Cesslord Kerr dnhave the benefit of the Act of 1841, J and be allowed the enlargement thereby provided for in the extension of the limits j and hounds of the (toals of tiie several Districts in this State. S gned John Belton O'Nkall. Bc.ijamin F. Hunt, for the motion. l tnjj' i? UC mi iiiv i/uui%? Fcbruu ry 5, 1842. ' RAILROADS. Fr ancs and Germany uro actively extending a Llinr rail roads, and most of tlio citi*r?* llrough : which they aro*t<? pi*.*, have cJinn forward and ^ contributed liberally. j j A rmaVTK TO qkxip*. Washington Irving in* been appointed by the ! J President, by and with the advice and consent of he Semite, Minister to Spain. The appointment was a* unlooked lor by Mr Irving, as it will >e gratifying to the whole country. N. V. Coiir. $ Enq. j The State of Tennessee, our readers j trc ftware, is at present unrepresented in ri the Senate of (he United States, by rea. c " - i p. a.'. ? r......i?.r? ?on oi irie inie menu*!* rcmsm u? a i?m- i j |ority of the Senate of that State to curry into effect its own order for going into the 2 election of Senators to Represent the state in Congress, Tho recusant Senators were thirteen in number, and the faithful Senators wore twelve. Of the thirteen recusant Senators, it appears by the j subjoined more recent proceedings in the Legislature of Tennessee, nine voted K against disavowing the odious d ictrine of ' "repudiation." In Sf.natk. (Tennrsskk,) Jan. 19. IS42. | Mr. Peyton's resolutions were adopted, y as follows : g YKA3?Messrs. Ash, Bradbury, Foster, fuy, Gardner, Jennings, Ledbetter, Mil? - X' ' * ' I III i^i^^l,|J||?L-MUWjgg* r, Motley, Nelson, Peyton, Powell, Rd* snu, Sevier, Williams, Tnrney?16. Nays?Messrs. liurdwieke. Johnson, ^ lughlin, Afaclin, Martin, Matthews, ? oss, Warner, Waterhouse?9. ""* ? The resolutions, as adopted, read as fol? j \? s: ? Resolved by the General Assembly of, E e Stale of Tennessee, 1st, Thai a prompt i f: iymerit an I fulfilment of. all her debts, \ ( ligations and engagements, created in 1 q rod faith, is a paramount duly, vhich ? innol be disregarded or set aside consist' | J Uiy with the honor of the citizen or oj the ( 'ale. Resoh'ed, 2dfy, That copies of the [ regoing resolution he transmitted by e Governor to the President of the Uni? ^ d States, the Executives of the several j lutes, and our Representatives in Con* ( ess. " . I . " I The Newark Advertiser says a colored j oinan died near Patterson, N. J. on Frily last, nged 114 years. p The Legislature of Virginia, at the pre- ^ nt session, have imposed a Tax on ( batches. Clocks, Gold and Silver Plate, id Pianos ! Upwards of eight hundred persons in ^ i tersburu have mined ihr Totul Ahstin- " ice Society, in the lust two weeks. * (?T William Spragur (Whig) has r ;en elected Senator to Congress from I * le State of Rhode Mnnd in the place of Ir. Dixon, recently deceased. i .. . -kktiiknciixrnt. It appears from .the official minutes of le Custom. House in Boston, that during ic period of three quarters of a year nee the appointment, of Leni Lincoln, i Collector at that Port, a clear saving j is been effected in the.expcnses of the ' office, amounting to more than fifteen oiLsand dollars; notwithstanding the 1191 ness of the Office has greatly increas. I, hoth in the number of arrivals and the iilue of iuijiortations. wrlcomr to 1 Since I.a Fatkttr was the "Nation's (nest," the arrival of no stranger in this , suntry has excited so great and general degreo of interest as that of Mr. Charles irkens, the popular English author. ' 'he Northern Cities are vieing with each llier, in their attentions to the distinuished stranger, and he shows by his ; | todest and correct deportment, that he us the good sense to place these civilities ) their proper account.?Raleigh Regit- ' r. bavy damagks against a railroad j company. < A suit h; 9 been tried in Boston hitelv, < hich has excited some interest, It was it action brought by u Sigrior Ostmclli fhinst the Worcester Railroad Company,* rst? lor $ 10,000 damages for the loss of ib services of his son. who had been in. red, probably for life, from a collision of ip cars; and, secondly, for 915,000 i iditional, on the ground that (he son i<] been rendered incapmue or 115 hiin?elf for life. The Jury gave him 12,000 for ins son, and $1,000 lor himjlf. The Washington (Correspondent of t!ie .ichmond Whig refers to Mr. ArcherV ^ perch in the Senate, on the 0th inst. pon Mr. Clay's Anli-Vetn Resolutions. !? states, that Mr. A. denounced Mr. Vler in the severest terms. He de. lured that he and Mr. Tyler were, forvor and in every way. separated. He lid he held no intercourse with the Preslent. and would hold none with him, he. ause he regarded him as tainted with ersonal dishonor, to say nothing of his use betrayal of the party that elevated ijn to power." Tickets handed in for town council. ?or IntendaiU. J. A. Inolis. "or Wardens. a. blir, d S. hahi.lfe, . \ j. C. Wadsworth, a. p. laCostk. a voter; or Intendant. j. v. inglis. Tor Wardens. D. S. Hakm.FR, . j. C. Wads worth, , (*f.o. h. dunlat, T. A. Bryan. MANY VOTERS. , I For the Gazette. Ticket proposed for the Town Council t ihe approaching election hy JfANY VOTERS. "or Intendant. Mr. John A. Incus. vor Wardens. Duncan McNair. Geo. Goodrich. Franklin Turner. Thos. A. Bryan. Mr. Editor.?The following ticket will b i HH ut the approaching clection for Towu Offi i cn?, Viz: or Intendant B. Bryan. 7ur Wardens. J. A. Inglis. A. Bli K. F. Turnrr. G. Goodrich. . BY MANY VOTERS. II 7" Wu are authorizoil to announce Malcom [. M<rCa.ykill as a candidate fur the oifico ui I ax Coiloctor of this District ut the ensuing I -c: ioti in October next. Jiinuiry 31st. J812. JPPER Ai%D SOLE LLAM'iiiuto. Vax, and Calf Skins, and Hemlock Tanned lole Leather. For sale low. A, P. HCOSTE. October 27, 1^1. 00 t( CHERAW PRICE CURRENT. ? February 22 1842. iRTICLCg. fKK | & C. |" ^ 1 leefin market, lb 0 3 0 la con from wagons, lb 5 a 7 ? -?by retail, lb 8; a ? 0 r bitter lb 124 a 15 " lees wax lb '22 a 25 lagging yard 20 a 25 (ale Rope lb . 10 a 12$ loffee lb 12$ a 15 'oTTOH, ? lb 7 ? C$ 'or n, bti?h 60 a 'lour, Counlry, brl fi a t>| 'eathers fm svng. none lb 87$ a 48 'odder. 10'Mbs 75 a 1(H) ilass, window 8t 10, fi'tft 3 25 a 3 37$ . , " 10*12, 5Uf\ 3 50 *3 75 lidea, green lb 5 a I dry lb 10 a ron ; 1001b* 5 50 a 0 50. 2 ndigo lb 1 a 2 50 / jiine cask 4 I 4 50 Afd spares lb 7 a 8 yeather, *0l? lb 22 a 28 yea'I, bar ib 10 a jogwood lb 10 a 15 Hoiassea N. O. gal 40 a 50 1 , gal 35 a 17 Jail*, cut. assorted lb 7$ a H , wrought lb Iti a 18 I )ai* bucli 37 a 46 " )il, curriers gnl 75 a SHERIFF SALE. ON a W rit flVirri f'uciu* will be *'ild brfo-e the Cour^lousn: door on the firm Monday 1 .ltd day following in M rcli next within ilia legal J lour* the following property viz: n Three horse* levied on and 16 bo sold as the | a irupcrty of Kvan Th.i-al at the suit of Gibson j r VUiiguin for Jno, C. Mangutn vs. Evan Threat 0 mii john-MulJWrtn. |i Terms?C*sh?Purchasers to pay for nsecasa. <1 y paprrs. . r JOHN EVANS. ? Si.ff. C. D. Febrnery 17, 1P43. 15 tf ' AOTIC'K. ' * AN Elect inn will he he'd in the Town Hall the first Monday in March (7th) for an [nteiidant and lour Warden*?Messrs. K. C. Davit, M. Solomon and W. II, \'tlj will' jonduct tid Election: FELIX LONG, Clerk. . FwbruiiySfl, 181*2. IS "?f j NOTICE. LOST, a pocket Book with one hundred , Dollar* in Cape Fear Bank not#* between Georgetown and Cheraw. J AS. Q CIVVSflOLM. If found and ilelivorcd to Dr. McLean it will jblige me, February 18, 1842 15 tf . i - SKLLINO AT COST. ? A Parcel of re dy made c'othing suitable for Cold weather, such aa Ladies and grn'leuens, t 'lo.iks, Over Coats of v irious kinds, IJret* s, Goatees, Vests and Pantaloons. Also: A supply of Siiiiniinr Clothing, Palm leaf hat*. ludi< * Bonnets and Hoods, a fashions- i ! tie nrticle, and hand boxe . just recuive.1 and lor sale at a ?cry small askance. In Ston- a d f?r sale, a g-?od supply of genlleriieu** fine fur h its, woo' h it* and fur C i|W. srhich sold v rv ch -ap. Sugar, Coffee, j ? ilt. M dassns and Rice, will be s ?ld as low as I :%n be bought in th .* market. DANIEL JOHNSON. Foh?y. 21.1812. IS tf THE Sadd'ery. Ilirruvs nnd Shoe M. king iiiioineit in Chert* will l>c liepiufier aoru.uc. led by S. KEKLKK&Co. Tehuury 2, 1842. 12 (ii I INTEND on the In day of July next to remove my Stock of Goods to tuy two storen, lately occupied by B. .Mcintosh, and McKay & iVcCaskill, and to make them tuy permanent business stand*; and now offer for , Rent, my four Stores immediately below, | Viz; One at present occupied by Messrs. W. ! & T. Bailey, & Co., the next below, corner | Karshaw and Front streets, and now occupied by M r. D. Mailoy. and the two stores now occupied by me. To persons residing in this \ place, it is needless to say, that they are , among the very best stands for prosecuting t ; Cotton and barter business; and I only make this declaration for the information of persons residing at "a distance. Possession of the Stores occupied bv Messrs. VV. AT. Bailey &. Co., and Mr. D. .V.tilov, will Oe given on the 1st day of September next; the o'hers can be bad by the 10th Jti!y next. Cher aw offers inducements to Capitalists, and men of business, that are not found in many Southern towns. It is estimated* that o r receipts nfj cotton, tor the last two years averaged 25,000 j Bales, and it is supposed this year'* receipts will be about the same. AUG. P- LaCOSTE. Cheraw, Jan'y. 12th, 1^42. S tf The * Charleston Courier," .Southern Chronicle," "Camden Journal," and "Fnyotteville Observer" will uleasr give the above six insertions, say oik ; very two weeks, and forward their bills to m >r payment. A. P. LaC(?sts. EXECUTIVE DlTpARTiLTr." I Columbia. No*ember 80th, 1841. } By His Excellency JOHN P. RICH, i A R DSON, Esquire, Governor and Com j mander-in-Chief and over Ike Slate of I South Carolina. WHKREAS, information hasbern re. ceived at this Dcparmen', that on the night of the 20lh of September last, a inoet attrocious attempt was made by pome person unknown, to murder one T. W. Harley, of Colleton District : Now know ye, that to the end justice may bo done, and the offender brought to legal trial, I do hereby offer a reward of One Hundred and Fifty Dollar*, for hi* apprehension and delivery into any jail -in this Stale, Given under my hand and the Seal oftnc State at Columbia, theJjOth day of Novvomber, eighteen hundred and forty-one, and in tlie sixth-year of ihe independence of the United States of America. JOHN P. RICHARDSON. By the Governor, M. I/AH"Rdk, Sec'y of State. Dec. 2 10 I u EXTRACT OF BONES FT CANDY; A pleasant ami, speedy cure,for Coueh* and Colds. AUo, Peas* Cough Lozn go? and H??arhound Candy. Just receiTod and for *aY hy E.M ANUUL &. SOLOMONS. fVruary 13, 16 J2. ^ 14 3t, A. , rkr ^ ' - - ' SPERM, AI?D TAIVIVERS OIL, ly the Barrel or at reiaii, for sale by a. p. lacoste, n October 27, I841\ 50 tf J . pa aJOO PAIR SHOES. Jompnsin^ ev*ry varie'y, and for sale oh AC* uminodatirig terms. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50n 15 CHEESE. A I rk CASKS CHEESE m *. For S.tlo by A. F. LACOSTE. Doc. 1, 1841. 9 tf r HATS A\I> CAPS. 5 Dozen Cientlcmcns' and Boys, Black and Drab Fur Hats, 8 Dozen Wool Hats. th i I.??rgr stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and Se. tV lette Caps, . Hi For sale by '1' A. P.LACOSTE. ?? Oct 27 1841. 50 ti 01 .ii boxnets, hoods, and i*a*d j BOXES. .adies and Aliases, Florence and Straw Boned. i.aiiies Co.oured Hoods. For sale by A. Pj LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 U | wood. [HEREBY louder to my late ciiBtomora in the Wood lin% my gr<iteful acknowledge ( iK-uti, for lite liberal patron tge,1 have teccived . t their hands, and would now tnost respectfully I Hiueft. that they would continue to give their ^ rder. 10 Major I). R. VV. M elver, lo whom 1 j ittve cold rny land, and who is fully prepared to I y diver any quantity or weod that inay be reqtiid. Ail orders for Wood left at my storo. will tre . ent lo ths r??id ncouf M >j r Mclver. A A. P. LuCOSTE. I Jannarf 1*2. lg.J2. * 12 tf ,. ? ??1? HI CA^DLLSI AUD SOAP. ... Sperru, Margarine and Tallow Candies. di Bar and Perfumed Saop. "i Fo: Sale hv ' 0 A. P. LACOSTK. October 27. 1841. 50 tf " HARDWARE A.\D S.TIITJIS' TOOLS. J A general stock of these articles for sale by A. P. LACOSPE. October 27,1841. 50 tf FANCY AND STAPM3 DRY GOODS. \ \ few Fancy, and a large and well selected f1 itock of Staple Dry Goods for sale lew bv a A. P. LACOSTE. > October 27, 1841. 50 tf < y S Tbo Suhsrrihor has just received, 8?*d wii ( reep constantly on hand,Cotton Yum and Twine t it wholesale, from the anufaclory ol Rooking | rain. r GEO GOODKICri. ' Chcraw, Jon. 1840. 10 tf t CI^IDLES 1 A fsw Boxes Tu low and Sporm Candles for A. ?ale by ( D. M ALLOY. 1 May 31, 1841. 29 tf ? * nr pad ll IT r VliKi VFu. M.' o.m Bum* P Jill E Pole Bi>tt James R Kivin wi'l *? ?o'*l Ml on farbrnble terms. Sim is i o\v on the way up ami wi I l>o delivered to the purchaser On I her arrival. Apply to either of the subscriliers. ' 1>. MALLOY i W. A T. BAILEY A. Cv. I JAMES H. COLE.* D'ccmlwr 4. 1841. 4 tf ' CUT KAILS. i 100 K*jr*. 4tl 6(1 8d 10d 12<J a/id 20 nails, For sale by A. P. LAC08TE. I October 27,1841. 50 If i CO It \ M il TED, THE Subscriber wishes to purchase 2<00 Bushels good Corn, D. MALLOY. December 6, 1841. 4 tf J. IV. LURK WILT. continue to how Rid lumber nt the usual rate* and to ; unetual customers only. His C rn nnd Wheat M lis arc in g<ol order, Corn or Wheat sent to these Mills wih be attended to in order, nnd justice nucted out if poMxiVo. Still we de not agroe to make good meal out of bad eo-n, those who wish good meal and /!>>ur must take care to soii^ good clean ; corn and vhoat and the mi al and flour shall then he good. February 2, 1S4I. 12 4t BLACKSMITH BIJSIKFAS. TUE Subscribers have formod a Copartnership, under the firm of McIVER Jf LaCOSTE, d have emp oyed cuinpetent persons to carry on the nl ove bustn-ss, in all its branches. Shop on .Market St fet continued, lul?:h occu. pied by r. C. 1. Shiver. Tue charges for work done will be moderate. Wo shall be giutefill for custom frotn responsible persons, and with nil such persons anc >un s wdl be kept. All debts contrneted for said shop, mils! he on ordet Ironi us, and all collections for work dune will be ma tie I > ts. A. M. McIVER. A. P. LACOSTE, Cheraw, Nov. 15, 1841. 1 tf TAX NOTICE. I WILL attend as follows to tfke returns and receive the Taxes for Chcalcrtield District. At Mount Croghan on Monday the 14th February. At Rlakmiey's Old Store on Tuesday the 15th February. At Michael Millor't on Wednesday the 16.h ! J. At John Seagei'a on Thursday lite I Till Feb. runry. , At S|M??r,? Mill* on Friday the 18th February. At John JuntibOii'a oil Saturday tho lyihFebru ary. At Stccr-pen Spring* on Monday the 21st February. At Coal Hill (or Levi Caaitys) on Tuesday the *2 21 bruaty. At Chora w on Thursday, Friday und Saturday llir 24th 25th and 26lli F<butar At Chcgiorti'dd Court House on Monday, Tuesday. and Wednesday the 2Slh February and the 1st .?nd 2nd days of Meruit. N. B.?All returns must be made by Monday the 2Slh day of March as the Look* will tueii bo closed. W. L. ROBESON, T. C. C. D. JnntiaryS, IS42 ll tf OLiSS, PAINT, AIVD l'LTTyf A Large Stock of theae articJee, which will be noJd at reduced rate*. A. P. LACOSTE. 8ms IfEW IVOFEL, CONFESSIONS, or The Blind Hart Just received at tbo * BOOKSTORE. December 1. " I .. _ . 'd *i . z? . - "-K :-i ; > " ' : - - ; HIXAtCR 0 kERYANjW|l 'WARE. . CHE fchihgtfriber ha* on-hand n gcd j ment of the a bote, compriiMtfjj a variety of -7" turns, for ssfu cheat, D. MALIOV. May 31, I84t, ) dozen Colline, Hiitt^ and Ma rah .snperiof.' x?.8, for sale by ine dozen at much below tlrtf; A. P. LACOSTE. jfgM October 27, liil. 60 tf .;|j SOUTH C AitO LIN A * :r^SjjM nuu^uu oriu. vi?. # uuvit iu ? K. P. Guion &. ^'o \ Attachment. _ Whereas the Plei-itiff in the above stated ciaT' . 'Y us <Iny tiled His Declaration against the De?*. ; iidani< who is absent from,- and without th#S*. t Mil, of this tduM (as it is and fusing ;">? . ' J nTwif nor Attorney known within i he same,is mUered (hit tb Defendant do a??|>' ar n4 ad to the Declaration aforesaid .? ithin * yen/" . id u nay frt>n? fho due hereof, otherwise final ' :?? S id absolute Judgement will be awarded against iui by default* --&m * T. BRYAN. C. C. r. t Office of Common Pleas, \ Chesterfield C. House, > ' November \ 9, 1840. j 50 - - ! DRUGS, .nJEDtCftfUS, Chemicals, Patent Aludicifle*, 'erfiimery, Paints, Oils, Dyu itufifs, &c. &c, for sttler wholesale and retail by A* KOPTOiY, CHERAW, 8. Cr M 11 hii Drug Store, next door to Brovtt try an dp Brother. Where may he h.1d at eft fttfl'.'S * general ?* irtuie t of articles In I he Drug litle?-T?tOu* iendud to be of superior quality whicll irilj he" ispospd of on very moderate term*?Physicia * nd others wishing |.ur; modieili a, may fvlf it being sup .lied with them. Mav 20, 1841. 2? ' LI JIRIK! LdiUBLltl 50,000 FEET f . J DIFFERENT kinds lumber on hand and !or sale low for cash ai Burn*? Mills. J. W. BURN. J February 2. IJII. It 4i ~~NEWAND CHEAP GOODS v THE Subscriber has just received hit Vijitkr Supply of GoeD?, which constats in .. art;-of 'he following Vir; Ladies EnglUh nd French Kid Jforoqco Shoes and Slippers* lisses K d, <uid I'runrHa Shoos and Siipp. rer IbntLK*en's fine Calf Boots, Bootees, and Shoes: .41 a," a fine assortment of CbocUkkt, Jlnna CJrannet &c. &r. Hakdwake, of very description. Blacksmiths Toiifs, Sheet ron and a few very fine Sto\Jtff; Giiocr* ues of all kinds hy the Wholesale and Retsllf /'he above will be sold Mt/f'H hOWHR han they have heretofore b< eii sold in Cm. iaw, lor Cash only. Persons wishing Bar. ja.ns, will please call un the. Subscriber and examine for Themselves before purchasing slsewhere, for their own benefit. ISAAC H. RONS FIR. Jan'v I2tl). If4'2. 9 3ft?fI " I NOiiCK. G, fl. DUNLAF Vv oilul icspedtfully giv nut ice to lii^ Ira- Hils.u ih< iliapu'-lic t tint li.-i v ng commenced bunncs- ay iir oh his own ??tr*ouiit lie finds it absolutely o<- o*. guy 10 curt>il very much his credit busiiiej.*, V. lie has consequently determined to o; en accounts * ' ' i mily with such persons an have heretofore [>gef ihrir accounis punctually at or near tho ? ImL,,C ihe year and with such only tnr will t' live H*>ur -.ncc of doing to in future. Oct. 13, 1841. 48 : .. v.. B BRYAN & BROTHER, hold H on tlie lower w lmrl' ne <r ftj" ntd fr tjr ij'iii. inv, and will charge each fur the prrV' ih-.gc i f landing discharging ami 1 adio-g. \ A - .* *' Kwh St am Boat, Three -Dollys. Each Pule Boat,/Vow Bom or Lighter. Tir# * - ? Dollars. Each Cot (on Flat loaded or '>uili, One DoUa'r and Fifty Tents. * With the privilege of remaining one weefc, longer at a corrjejion iing . .>v Clu-raw, Sept. 28, 1841. 46 if.. yv - vKJ CiARDEN 8EEIV, AC, * pettp THE Subscriber has just lecened * full and general assortment of Fr #h UARDE-N SEED from t!ie Agricultural Warehouse ?ht4\ j*J :?ed Store of the New England Farmer BoetewC^*' . among which are Sugar BtfttT Rulii* Willie Flat Turnip, Vc. Jtc. by the pound hih! . snuill :r quantity.' H has also for sale a General Assortment rtf. . .T-Ji FAMlLY^GROCERrS. wth WIN ft* ^nil LIQUORS. Raisins, Figs, Almonds, Chrou,* Cm rants, Candy, Pickles, Tobacco, '8ef?r#J'" Atc Ac. ' "%*'*" His Store is Ttro Doers*belorr the 8tqrrr *Jf, Messis. Taylor 6l Pui.cU. CHARLES YANDERFORD. Che raw, December 14, ltf4l. 5 rf CASH SY!?YE.7I CO.\TIi\rt? ^ THE TIMES ar? ntich a." to compel 'he Subscriber to cedtiue the Cash fSyiicar; (JnocRRics and all articles in that Une irill j be sold for Cask oitiy. Persons wfiote accijp^-. arid notes otill remain Unpaid. will please onderstand tint no new sredite wiH he givear-' until ail old arreartges.are settled in full. D. 54ALLOY. sportsJaxs powdee, ONE (hisa English Canister Rifle h>wd-r, manufactured by ?'P gOto it WiBts." Lmi-' dun, lor sulo by the Canister, , 1>. HALLOYi-t, m May 28, 1841. i GOOD BA(t?AlNS. " TM E Subscriber bus ot> hfctid. wwy erln ' >" of Merchandise not now in t h line of lAtm sinus*; and which he ha* no :00m in his * ore for, *11 sue goods will be sold very cheap. They consist of the following articles, . / Negru Clo<hs (a good article) Whife iPj.-. ii?, W\ " Blanket Overcoats, DnfBI Blanhefg,' Dale Rojx*,* Braes And, Shovels and ,Tongs, Jog* and ~ Jars, Pots and Ovens, Iron and Stool, Hardware..* Crockerv, &c.* G. II. DUNLAP. November. 10,1841 "the subscmftfr" PURCHASED recently in Ntw Vork * ify # heavy and gencrftf a^dorimcut of Good* wh h * have all come tt/ hard, and lie now oft* i rhem at Wholesale or Retail ax very low pric tor Cash or Produoe. a. p. lacjuisyfc ? mil en v tt October zan iwi. >rv SADDLERY. A very Urge suturtmrni of Boy*.'Men*, PtA Ladies Saddles. Al*o. Bridle?, Martingale^ Whip*5, Collars, Saddle Bag*. G'fc, Sulk*/, and Carry.ul Harness, Stirrup Jr^n*, G'rtfm aud Surcingles. For sale very cheap hr A. p. LA COSTS. October VTtb 1841. SO tf ...