Farmers' gazette, and Cheraw advertiser. (Cheraw, S.C.) 1839-1843, February 16, 1842, Image 4

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rri , ^^ ^ ? * S,'.." rs c i? r * - r r << r "J '' 1 '< ijr.T' in I >rodo>r)ni-mt f.(iii; in ?'" ' j Ffrer^&'fcjsfr'r Wml Ion en!eri^t; ^ Ho' piayine -its "line proportions. ?tV *** jBCTiainljta haniaujte roar>; whicii feci, even tne .Misses cuss cim no: attempt to deny,and life .ease and politeness with ^ hich he created Mi^s Carlton sprite his .elnmi to that which thHady had herself riirtr?the title of jfehtleniJin. t i ?m withi)T V^De ul)' C"' i {on"i juui cheerful sparkle inclear Brjtgm pitching, at least so thought Mr. Barfon - gor.^d apon her fiwgf^g/aWinei: #nci*?How much hotter; thought he., it wouM be tt? possess her for a wire, Vlep-rv u - he would be, than either of the .; M Eispre I fm Ittpon W. Jyihurt I % i i i - ... , r < ~ tove<J Ww*fimfimg ?.?kc. than the sensek-as conversation of -the.. WH*'. ^ir n.-n half monkeys, wh^ disgrace humanity V and the old man east such ft look upon his daughters a* made thjrn quail beneath it. y 'But never mind, Lile,' he continued in a softer voice putting his mice'* rosy iicek, 'never mind.'. Mr. Barton is worth three or four sirnh would be gentlemen as Mr. Price and Mr* Brown.nhd in more wh vs than oup. Mark that girls ! lie, is Iforth itco or three such in more icays than Qjittfrtiffk last sekfence he addressed, to i ids daughters. ; Davs, weeks! n nil rottprHy, p nd j Mr. ' Barton ha?! become a fre^uPittvt'wiv ter at Mr, Eliis's. It was very evident that he was paying particular attention to Del tab Carlton, and it was also phi in, to see thiijt they were not unaccepted. This fact furnished an ampfc subject for-fh*C sister's sarcastic remarks. As for their father, whenever.they indulged in thorn in his presence, a knowing smile would piny upon his face, and he would repeat io them his assertion, that thev would some day wuh-that they had obtained-Mr. Barton for their bus banc. Thus things continued for some time. \t length one morning, about three months subsequent to the period when our story commences, Mr. Ellis entered the ;>a h>r w here his daughters were sitttr.g. with a light step and sparkling eye. WolJ, git.'s, what do you think of it,? he, rubbing his hands in glue. 4 What'!' asked both the young ladies in ?3y?flrtbCfw ->;? & . V b A. , 4 The wedding we're going to have.' ' 4 T-t>e wedding! whut wedding V 4 Your cousin s.' iUMi.V 4 Yea. She in going to honor the mc cfta iifi,, will* her - hand. What <lo you tfhink- of it; ha?' 4 I don't think muth of if, said Miss Em- ma witf? a loss, of her head. 4 Nor I,' said- Atbauda. v ^Vou don't eh V Well suppose I was to "tell- you she is going to marry a man worth two hundred thousand dollars, would that alter your opinions ?' 4 Why, what do you mean, paV .4 Listen.-and I will toll you girls,' said (he old gentleman bending upon his daughter's a grave and somewhat stern look. The .father of Mr.-Burton, to whom your cousin is soon to bo married, was an alii friend of mine; wo ware-, playmates in boyhood. He was apprenticed to the caij??ttfarg trade nboiit tbo same, time I-1 entered,'the cnuBimg rborn> Sbon after ho had finished foaming his trade he Went loth- city of Baltimore, and there slartfd busioo^j'Tn litmselfj and there he married. Bbihg possessed of gonitis and having a good education from a master mechanic and builder he soon became an architect; and so subsequently amassed a large fortune.?Kno-ing the reve.rso of foflime to which all are liable, he remlvod to make his only son a gooJ architect, so that if ever the 'fickle dame' should desert him. ho would have the wherewith to earn his daily i>re,ad. Ho succeeded. A year or two ago he died, leaving his. sot; his whole fortune?his wife being al' T 1 - -t - T /M.m ..1 ca i\Ai n ? n rvtiltf i TCiMiy- il W'l VylJHI II " WHJT ehiid. A/uout six months ago Charles( inn to (his city on a visit, lie called upon me as his father's friend. In the course of our conversation I asked why he was not married. 'lie said he Had never yet met with a young lady that he thought Worthy of calling his wife, that he could \ find C.nQOgh that would marry him for the sake of his money, h it s:;eh a one he would never marry. I told him that I ft mdd'introduce Iwrn to sotneof ouV city ladies, and see if he could not find one to >uit I iin. He required rhiui thai I should Conceal his weni'lb, and introduce him onJv as. a master mechanic. I acquiesced, 54iufe<kiiowiftg your false estimate of re* spectnhility, I embraced Iiie opportunity of teaclung you a salutary lesson. I. knew when I brought mm h<uiie with me I mid introduced him, that neither of you would bo his chosen, because I was cer. jttUI that you would-not stoop so low as to imafry ? master mechanic, but the event which will soon take place, I easily fore, saw.. >' Your cousin knew nothing of his wealth until to-day. I set- you look surprised, girls, but d?d I not tell you that you-would be sorry some day that you did not obtain huft for a Inrslianri? And did I not tell you he wav'worth two or three such ninyhamnicrs as Air. Price and Mr. Brown., in more ways than one? Remember, girls, that wealth is a false standard by ndtjch Jto jndgo wf respect a bility and worth. Not that a rich man may not ho respectable, but that very oft or. ho who darns bis daily bread by the sweat of his brow, is nroru o\ * gentleman than he who counts his thousands." And they did remember it. In after years they showed in their choice of hushands that they had hot forgot ton their honest old father's ltsson. ? good advick. v R)gues may be mode honest mm, or expelled-from I 11 is a cu Viition, that the^rosperily and h^pinegs ofm community, dbpofid MU?h on tlm in. dtw.'ry a ul . com,my of (he people. But . wmiclfiinj: more. in nec^sWry to secure tjbVit liherty and happiness?1 mean mo. ii '^lii rl' we^l '? > a^to.^.m^t,4jifc)^tre?.4:i; vic?. i&o' trtf eyiifyhones'.ihsth^yer^ojve to toiive wo no have no dealings, on t n\ terms^with. g" unprincipled yneh oi*;auy pivifessiohjart, S mvfcrery, or railing whatsoever. on If we go fo'churoh, let us go fo hear wi him whose daily walk and life cones>ond . . i tivith the principles and doctrine of the religion he professes to teach and incuh ? cate. If we have occasion for legal advice, v| let us go to the la wyer who is an honest ui man in principle nnd practice, and who understands and attends to the duties of r,J his profession. If wo are sick nnd need n phj'sicinn, let rus not give encouragement to quacks and ^ Indian doctors ; but send for one who is fU skilled in his profession, and who does not neglect his patients when sick, nor tax them with his visilif after limy are w well. :j?? MrgatiTO S r * < . , , , A . 4 . _ Ann let us niways remenwer, wiai h ? "our duty to bestow our patronage, "whatever it may be, upon the virtuous poor <]a rntfn, in j>reTerence to the7??? of wealth, however, virtuous or upright in iiis deal- ^ (bgs he may ha. By tliis rule, thbije al-ready rich cannot sudor, and the poor Lin will be stimulated to industry, cI ri . -..r, Emphasis.*? A writer on English gramtnir gives the following example on ? wrong emphasis:?A Clergyman onVead> j ing the twenty-scvohth verse of the>ighteentlr chapter of the "first book of Kings _ generally placed tin: emphasis on the words denoted hy italics. And he spake jr to his sons, living, Saddlemc the ass,and * the saddled him!1 ' - Living without. Brains.?As the late Professor H. was walking near Edinburg, he met one ot those beings usuaMy called fools. Pray,"says the Professor, accosting him, "how long can a person live' without brains?" "I dinna ken," replied the fellow, scratching his head ; "how long have you lived yourself sir?" A farmer recently received a polite note from a neighbor or (whose children ft were going on a visit) requesting the loan J of an ass for a few,days. Being unable tcC tn decipher ids friend's hieroglyphics and wishing to conceal his ignorance from ___ the servant, the farmer .hastily returned |j; this answer-^-" Very welf, tell your mas- W tor; I'll woit upon tiioi myself presently." ! ?Lou Adv. I i? ? n? . ? i > *' w ? " Itcperuana.marry, xorn my ucar* *? Nav, na v," aayu Tom. 44 I'll marry to first, and then dout fear but III repent *ie soon after. M< |?ei ? - ' ^ GAfMJNO A Lr,f>8. .|tj "That scandalous scoundrel has utterly j , 1 ruined my character." complained Count j?. Tracy to Fuote. "That's all in your favor,1' , 2 rrplied'the wag, "fur il was b:o very had that the soencr it was destroyed the better for cy voii." P" an: Co V poor Irish labourer lately applied ton 1 rhi lndy for her interest to he admitted into a j i"6' hospital, ::s he wa.?r very ill. The lady j ^ said, she 14 only subscribed to the Lying j j~ in hospital."?44 That's the very ^no I |,0' want," rried Pat in an ecstary, "as n?v i ;n( landlord threatens to turn me out J and if 1 nc he does, I haVe tio p:nee to lie in. toi ?co' SOlPi'H CAKtHTU; ~~ Ba Chesterfield District. NVI In tub Common Pleas. ' , Benjamin mcIntosii, who is now in custody oi'lho SinrifFot'llie District afore- : aid, by virtue of a writ of capias ad sntisfneieti- j .j dum. at the suit of Smith At jwrjp Jr. hiving j . oetitbmed Uie Hononbie' tlic associate Judges l* of the aid state, ttal he may be admitted lo the Ior benefit of the act of the General Assembly made for lhe-rc!iof of Insolvent di'htoia. and ho having filed with his petition a schedule of his estate, real and personal. It is ord^rod, that the said. * S nilli Mo ry, Jr. and nil other* to whom the I said petitioner is in any wire indebted, do per. ! actually, or by the r nttoruies, be and appear A1 bcioro the Hononblo the associate Judges of the m( stale aforesaid, at thu Coirl of Common I'luas ^ to bo holitoii at Ciiesterfi Id Coujt Hoase, on the Wednesday after the third Monday in \l - ?t. ? t- ? 4 %* /! I a okruir a ntoa if iflil run HUM. IIICU IIHU VIIXIC l?J VHurw n i any they chtn, why the estate and ciTecta of the ! th< j>? should not he assigned, and h? bs me discharged, p irsn tnl to the provision* bf-*aid pe Acts of the. General Assembly mido^ and provi- lej ded for t!.c relief of insolvent debtors. t0 T. BRYAN, je C. C. P. re* Ch?aterfield C If. ) u;, Dec. 22, 1841. { 7 3m tll] CHOICE: BACON. Q& verv c^?icc ( ]^5<y?>ljFW North Carolina Bheon, ui retail, at 7f per !h. Cash. In 'o s of 30 > o'" 4"-0 lb. I will soil at 7 cts. Cash. The Ciedit p price is 12i cfs. ^ AUG. P. LACOSTB. February 9, 1842. 13 tf IRON. 20 Ton?, Resorted tires, lorf-tle hy A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf SOfcJTffi ^55010A,1 Chest erjicld District. Ttv Turner Bryan Esq., Ordinary. .. 3{ * VS, Gi eon W. Uuvall mado suit ^ WW to tur. grant hint letters nf Admiiiislra. Hr1 tiou of tho* and elfecla which were ol 4if1 T*am*iG El . tho. g Ti^wo an? 11 cit t and admonish -afl aitd ningW1- 11 -wlfic kindred and creditsr# ofih<^>aidThonMis '' (r. "RJIerba deceased thai t toy be and .appear |x'dor6fme - in the Coart of'Ordinary lo he bejd in rn Ciientw'al, .tWv of^ne- nf B ?btduH & Mdver on the fifteenth day of Fnbruary,nearf?W?bew cmw * 3 if an y the? havn, why Ut? said administration at] dbdnM uo^PJB&HIR^: . Given-undd$rmy Hand fend aeal, thai 20th dtjr 'of January AiiOoDoRittii 184,JV ,. '?& j G8VA*,a c UO^Criutr rc-mi w u!tk WSu ? yBicinj nil! iHoili arrearages are sou|e^ " SPO>BTS3IA.\S POWDER!4' I^NE ww E?5?2l??b Canixter Kffo Powder, LW oieuimqtor^d btr ? J? goiii'ii W ilk*,* Loo on, lor wile by ibe Cooler. D. MALLOY. May28, 1641. 29 tf GOO? jBARGAm ^ yiBE Sabe-rribordiw^op hand ?mny article L fcMpy U ?iO ' me * rm vh r j/ /j/l Ij{lI / uSrrEi j-15 ? *?y 1J-. Cv ^Shh-t't,^ Tuo gjtifogeft JQT M >rk done wi'l be moderate, We "shall bo wfui-'fer eiwb* j IVotii n*ppn?ibl? persobs, , tl vvilk all buoii pertons a'.cutnf a w.ll bo kept, j A 1 debts contra -led for said shop, iim?t be on ^ in;'from tin,and all collections for work duue d 11 be ffiado by as. lafc&iA. M. MciVER. A. P. LAGOSTE, Chrratfy Not. 15, 1541. I U TAX NOTICE. ' ' WILL attend ?* follow a to Tikis return* 9 and receive the Tuxo* for-Chesterfield Dis* ^ el. At Mount Crogban on Monday the Uth Feb- j m y. i A.t Blakeney'aOld Store on Tuesday tho 15th j ibruary. J At Michael Miller's on Wednesday the 16th | ibrunfy. At John Sanger's on Thursday.tho 17th Fob. ary. v At Speer*s Mills on Friday the 18th February. , At J ?hn Jonn?oi?'f on Saiuttlay the 13thFeu- j ?ry. | At Stccr-pen Springs on Monday the 21st 1 Wry. t At Coal Hill (or LeviCaiitys) on Tuoeday the f d bruary. At Cheruw on Thursday, .Friday and Satnry (hr 24lh^jlli uu'i iGlh fobtuary. At Chesterfield Court House on Monduy, j lesday. and Wed in sday U>e #ltb February and ? 1st i;d 2nd cays of Mvrch. N. B.?All returns must be made hy Monday a 2dth day of Moxt'h as tiie Lo%ks will tUcu be wed. , ( W. L. ROBESON, T. & C. D. January8, le42 . ll tf iLASS, PAINT, AND PUTTY. Large S.ock of these articles, which will sold at reduced rates. A. P. LAGOSTE. ? . Sfftfr NEW NOVEL, "CONFESSIONS, or The Blind Hart J Just received attire ' : /; BOOKSTORE. 1 December 1. S "v ' ' ': ' - * 4i; i rHE Siiddlery, Harness and Sio* M.:k:ng b-atiuo* in Choraw will be hereafter co.juuc. 1 I by J / , * S. KEELER ik Co. ? February 1842. 12 ?> - 6t ' ? -?1 r. PPES: AXE> SOLE LEATHER^ i ax, ami Call Skins, and Hem luck Tanned le Leather. For aale low. ' A. P. LACOSTI!. * October 37, 1841. 60 tf I. * ' .. , . " ^ ' . V- ; U ' ' ' [ - - - r i * I INTEND on the l*t day of July next remove iny Stock of Goods to mv two ires, lately oceupipd by B...Mcintosh, and / :Kay & .1/cCaekillj andfto m?l;u thorn my ^ rmanent business stands; and hovy olfitr frir v ;nt, my four -Stores immediately below, ., z: Orecat present occupied by tfessrs. W. a T. Baih'yj-& Co., the next below, compr irslravr <md Front streets, and now occupied Mr. D. Malloy, and the two stores how ccpied by me. To jverwona residing in this ice, it is needless ro say, tliat-they are ?ong the very best stands for prosecuting a itton and barter business; and I only, make a itflnlniiotuin (nr t l,o in IV.rit,a inn r?f n>xrcitl,> r uui 4'?l 'vii ivi %nw miivmmw iw., wi siding at a distance. Possession of the ores occupied by Messrs. W. & T. Bailey Co., and Mr. D. Jfailov, will be given on 11st day ol Sept? ruber next; the others can had by the 10th July next. Chora w offers t hicementsto Capitalists, and men of busiks, that are net found in many Southern vns. It is estimated, that o r receipts of t;on, for the last two years averaged 25,000 iles, and it is supposed thid year's receipts 11 be about the name. : > f , AUG. p LaCosrrE. * Cheraw, Jan'y. 12th, 1842. 9 tfs The 14 Charleston Co'urier," l*?Vouthern tronicle," "Camden Journal," and "Fayettele' Observer" will olease give the above : insertions, say on*. ; ^vory two weeks, and ward their tills to m T pavmen\ k .4. P. LaCiwte. a1 . v h 2XECUTITE PEPARTWEXT. Columbia, No ember 30th, 1841, By His Excellency JOHN P. RICHR1JSON, Esquire, Governor aid Comrtider-in-Chief and over ike? Stale of iuth Carolina. , WHt'lUEAS, information has been received at this fleparmen't that on ? night of the 20th of September last, a >pt attrncihu* attempt was made by some p rson unknown, to murder one T. W, Harr, of Colleton District : Now know ye, that w the end justice may be done, and the off n- J, r brought to legal trial, I do hereby offer a a ard of One Hundred and Fifty Dollars, for i apprehension and delivery into any jail to is 11. nn/lor inTT Kisml zr.A lliu Sotl nft'nf I ~ VJtT'ill UIIUVI %t,J w??u lliv ?*? v? State at Columbia, theDOlh day of Nov- . vemuer, eighteen hundred and forty-one, 1 and in the stxlh-yuarof the Independence ol the United States of America. JOHN P. RICHARDSON, r the Governor, M. Lab >buk, Sec'y of State. . Dec. 2 ID . ' " ' In the Common Pleas. Chesterfield District. Henry Easterjing, ) Declaration ye. > on note in ^ G. W. B- oth. ) Attachment WHEREAS the Plaintiff in this action did 0 fill.- day file his Dcclaraiitm agafov?t G. W. ? >otli, the defendant, who is-abrout from and .. ithooi tlie limits of the State (as it is said.) d having neither wife or attorney*known a on whom n copy of th? above Declaration, -c, itii a rule to pjead thereto, may be .served; x\ is therefore in pursuance of the Acts ol the >:,rral Afoeitfhly of this State iniacb cases, ado and provided; Ordered tjiat the defyndi)t, do plead Jhertto oh or he fore the twentyit h <fay of December r.ext, otherwise final ^ id absolute judgment vcili bo :i?on g ven and v'trded against hi in by default. t>, - " j L ((* T, BRVAN ? o - ^ ' ' . X- n JL of Murchandinc not now in -bin tine ot i>us moss; ami which bo has no room in his * ore or; all sue!' goods will bo add very cheap. -They conbi.-a of the follovfciiig nrticlos, viz, fcgro Cloths (a good, article) White Plajns, llanket Overcoots, Duffil Blankets, Bale Ropo, iraas And, Shovels and Tongs, Jug* and ar*, Hots and Oven*. Iron und Steel, Hardware /rockery, &c. < , G. H. PUNLAf.V November, ip, 1*41 5i if "TnESlBSCRIBTU" >URCHASKD recently in New Vork a very leavy and general anaorinieuf of Goutfe wh h lave all come to hand, and. he now of!, i hctn at Wholeaateor Relailal very low prill or Casu or Produce. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27th 1841 50 tf ^ ^ "sri-KM, ASBlfijiYfiSs oil, 3/ the ilarrel or at retail, for ealc by A. P. LACOSTE. Gctober.27, fell. 50 . tf 250O~PAIR SHOES. Comprising every vane'r, and for 6aIe on accommodating terms. A- P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 5(Xf : . 1 CIIPE^ g ?* CASKS CfiKfcSK . g." . For S.ilo by A. P. LACOSTE, Dec. I, 1841. 3 tf _ . ? HATS CAPS. l5 Dozen Gent lumens' and Boys, Black fcnd Drab Fur H its, 58 Dozen Wool Hats. V La v ytock.of Fuf, Haif, Cloth, and Se. letta Caps, For sale by A. P.LACOSTE. Oct 27 18-11. 50 tf - ? , ffv ' w V v . 30SSETS,lioO-)i, A!*D EASD BOXES. .adie* and Florerce and Rtra?- Bonieta. J auies Coloured Hnnd. . F -c-.'nhy A. P. I.ACOSTE. Q'ctolioi 37,-1S-H. 50 tf y'~x .r'.v." *' T~" " / . -? trooj#.r HEREBY tmder to my late osinnient In ihtj Wood lin inv grateful ai;k;iOW.!wf|e^ for tho pntreiuge, l i.a r. ice- ivmi t iheir handil and would now most respartfully eqijcsr, that thry would contitvU' tr. give tfi-ir nJern u? M ijor IK 1?. W. Melver, -to whom I avcBo'd my Ttmf, an I who is fil'y prepaid to elivor any quantity o: wend ill t may .be r quid. A'! orders f'?r Wood lo't at inv store, will lit sni to the fes d.nceot'Mclv r. - v . *' *' < , A. P. LaCOSTP. J imtary 1*2. 1812. 12 tf SADDLERY. i very large a*sornnrni of Fnyf. Men*, arid iadies Saddles. .Also. Brides, ^artmeMes, Vhips Collars, Saddle Bag?. 'Gig, Su'koy, n.I Carryall H?rne?m Stirrup Irons, GUrhe nd Surcmglea. For- Sabyvery cm-ap A. 1VLACOSTE. Odober 27th 1841. ' - CU.U\, ? ' . CASDLE? AffD SOAJft. Sperm, Margarine and i'alknv Candles, v Bat and Perfumed Saod.* ??. : d';-'\.vL Fit Sale by A. P. LA COSTI?. Octo' er 27. 1S41. i*X) if KAR?V/ARE AID SUITES' TOOLS. V i general stock of these articles fnrsalrfby A. P. LACOSTk October 27,1841. 50 tf " fAYCYAAD STSEE DRY GOODS. i few Fancy, and a large and '.veil ecWted Lock of Staple Dry Goods for sale low by a. r. lacostd. October 27? 1641. 50 tf '? ^ . / The Subscriber hns jivt revolved,' ae.l vyii oep cmetantly on hand.Cotton Yarn and Twine L wholesale, from the Manufactory of Rocking am. > ?- ... ' GEO. GOODItlOH. Chnrnw, Jun. 1S40. 1(? tf ____ ^ few Box"? Ta.lo.v and Sperm C.indlo* for .ML oaio uj D. MALLOV. Mav 31,1841. i:; .# *4_ . . * .?* % 'v . 3? )f POI-E BOAT FOU SAI.n. rllE Poh? Boat James R E.viu will l?? fo?'I on f tvorable terms. 8he is r ovv on ite ra-y up and wi l bo delivered Jo the purchaser on Apply to either of the subscribers. I). M ALLOY W. & T. BAILEY &,C^ * 'JAMES H. COLE. December 4, T84I. 4 tf CfJT jYAIUS. 00 Kefff, 4d fid 3d lOd 12d and *20 nails, , Eur sale by . ' A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 50 if COlLt WAHfT?I>, pABEf Subscriber. win he* to purchase 2 00 ? Bushel* good Cotn, D MALLOY. December 6, 1941. 4 tf "TTv. RuKTILLcautintie 10 ?aw BWI lumber of tlio T iiMU tf r.tto? and to j u'tolunl cui-tdiitero nty, Hi?C/rn and Wheat M lis arc in gooi rtUr/Com or YVlieit ?eut the*? IVtUl* wil. le attended to in order. 8n<I_jostJcy nn tied out ' fxts?io'?). SijH wcde not ngr.te to ui-ke.good ?oa? out of had .corn, those wiio p idh ?o<ul meal rid floiiT mwxldake care to -mul gV>od cleanorn.iud vheat and the m<al and Hour shall"J K'li he good ^ Februarys, 18^1.^-'^ ^ ^ ' Sparrow Boa ^^pUW.viUce, two nftljr Ddeit^ . ; daiils, ro^idci the^^p^a^nd'1 VWallace, ou or before the fifteenth dty of J nu J'-'y. '2"'. 1C4.1S^(3H'R0^R' dojiri lc#(X:clf'iitl gi? -'I'.'iri' to bin IV.-hJi ' the pnMic thai: li ? ,ig coin.nen cod ^ly hto ovvfl aor.ount J?o finds it ah*ofu?6 ?*re* vui.y umcli iuY credit rin*i?,f k? Ira# crMWtjuenry iletcrmtiiod to o en account# t oifrly w itli sucli .persons-'i* r yve heretofore pn?i ' theiriiccoun:t punctually at or near j the your and with uob only as wili g??c port. ;ivo as urate? of do n? so in future.-- . :!. j i^ct.*T&ra4L> B#'.?;i ihe lowyr wharf pNrr (he old F- ry TL-.n jiig^ai.d will charge each Toit for ih? ]?r?v. ilfg 5 of I:&?ing discharging nix! lading." Knirh St am Ooit^Thioe Dolitrs. . Eaeir Pol.* Bout, Tow I'oai or LightcrpTwi> E ich.C i^top Flai loaded or built,. Qiie Doll r | With the pr:v l^c?of r^maih'ng one >eek, lo rger at a oorrcspoh img rate. CVraw, Sepr." '4i, 1841. 46 tf ~ (iARDIiJ SEIID, AC. nrXH^ Spbsor jUr hoe just, ecf-ived a folium! JL general assortujent of Fr?;ph UAROFH'' Sfcfcti; from the :AjrrienUura4 Werehoitte jiftd % ' Setw^Store of thc-Ncw Fngtewi Farmer Boetro, nmong which ;*r? SdjLM: Bect< Ruta Baga, White Flat Turnip, Wfce, 6j the pognd <t?d emalh-r quantity. Ho Ins for sain a General Aasortment of FAMILY GROCERY w?tb WINES ?<,d 'LIOUORS, Iwisins, FigJVvAd.PiOoda, Citron, CurrwnU^C^d^ftekJeg, Tobacco, His Store T\v-n Honrs bolow the Store of Uciieraw, DwCeaibor 14, ltj-lt. BOOTS, SHOES, PALM LEAF JL^Ciiarl.-ptftn S, C, (r^p? ibj'Mrtirjf, Fernr f 7 T*cuirea a uow r.n'i sjil-ndkl assortment of BcoU and Slvoe* uf all fit the jdwiiu^ ^ y ^ annoys' R?/in Lout'Halt, ari<! a fine assortment - ' witl'4be?old on tbc^t ost ttCCitminodatiti^i<Min?, Charlision, S. C.^ January 20 lc42. .^ShsS? V,Tl5?f-3Kj -vf^TjjfcrV.^"^ W-l /\ ft Jl lNvLlfiw^''*&?JpTI >iUui V Vri ? iwl-^f* ^ ** ,