University of South Carolina Libraries
- a'. fr fuH?w?ii<j iastifijfto Tin efrtfcut:b of* 1W r^thi^ *J' " ''^ cl'^ -. -? lit) violent hs utter, to cm 11 forth - ittott to i??rr bursting a blooi veHs?r^?; ^11|^ ^^ ^ ,U>'! t \ j " j , ^ ft^i ore^?t r I k HtfcmT ttigWer? months since, Dr.' Coales JMM*arcdmy side, nnd ?ras erobiy depressed ; fiv months f have i>een proaccutipp er f)Usui#)?"?? I in which inline is that Cituc (without knowing the enuse%ymy I h' *Hh has_ been consj^niiy. improving II and now, [ have no doubt b it that (he I inhalation of the. ioilin^as produced tl?u I happy result ; in diori,JRa ho,?[ cOnskh jl er myseff perfectly curec^aud ints is the jl only remedy f have used. " II The !a*t tnse J shall mention, is that of j a ta.lor, residing in 5th street. When Til first recommended tli fq Iisp || ipdirtr, ho appears} la V in ot consumption, his face had a livid ap. jwarHncft and the color had leir his firmer na?U, and hi* etrengto, had so far faded (bo room, excepting with great .difficulty; he titt.'d the iudine according to the direr. tioOfrwjn two wytrks from the time he 1)ct/an to use the iodine. I met him near lliu Exchange, on his road to too up^or I part of Kensington.' Ho appeared to < ; unv nround hint, MSeongii v't bin:, bsi??face,had HHstunwf onatm expressed |l 'h>ji f ' - iieihg pertecdv relieved ; from iwpThvtrg, and he noty appears tA i i& I so are hut n few among the manv iTKtarYccs, xn which I liavc recommended ; nsc of iodine, to persons [St dyiiht, hot lhatthe reiivjj J ... fL rft c^ttmon I tare; do thin hs as i?mv I* convene I >0 the ?'>od result tmiM iottow. I EnKBBbr _ . . >? - --._. - ' .: ,. J -1 tiy *r>eyktng, ct cuutingihem a T VLK at" TKKHoF. From .nr. Lomljm W Monthly The following story I hud from i(jbc h|N of ;t well, known A?T?naut and.nearly in ' hall, and a genilemah of the name. ofy | Mayor had engaged himself as a c?. panion in my aerial .excursion But when the timo cumc tiis nerves fadr-d him, and I looted vainly around f r th? person who wu to occupy the vacant KttaMn the car. Having waited f?r him|l till the lust possiWe moment^ and the r A* . v .l_ -i?u..? J prepared to aucend alone ; nrui the Inst cord that attached me to tbe~cnelh wu* to be. cast W, w}icn. iirhme. gentlemen pushed forward ami Aoitfttiotml to go tip with me into the. dottfffe He pressed the request with so muefe -*arueatne*8, -that -having satisfied^ nwatdf, with a few qnvst;oux? of his re. apectebilitv, and received his promise to aubmK in 'every point to my directions, I ron?ent?*d ic, receive him in lieu of the ?*: absentee; :*dierenuoii" >iie stepped frit]) evident eagerness and alacrity into the] | machine. In another "minute" we wer$ I wyw>n^diw>, I ma* ?p{^tpallmjr *nown Slit*. tin. w?f.?liv ol sil.i?iion, tha ml ?K? tottcj&rd <J?w?e? rflbe vov??, a.4 th^W-rii* ol the special , L-Ci?-?BU? ?abwiiiB .tnvriite excii+mfo iri tfiertuiUlttsi W%| ' * ro^jiotwd ?n<i4*'.>?r?}'ortab!e as if ]|a ha* afl horna Ixi bis ewf ^7 - - : v;vs!r?. ~T:? ^ %. "; V .. . V . merit an,-] vet he solemnly assured me ;..; upon his honor, t ai he had nev^r been I up before in his life. Instead of enduring nny alarm at our i |g ciil height Troth tin* eufifr, Tttf evinced i I die liveliest pleasure whenever I emptied < inv hags of sand, and even once or twice urged me to part with more of the i ballast. Iri the meantime, the . wind i which was- very light, carried us gently along in a north-east direction, and the j [|^v.-lieing,particulariy bright and clear, j VHa- enjoyed a delightful biruseve view off the great metropolis, and the. surrounding country. * My companion listened with great interest, while I pointed out to fiim the various objects over which we passed, till I observed that the balloon must be directly over H ox ton.. Mv fellow traveller then for the first time betrayed some un. easiness, and anxiously inquired whether I thought he c<-;ild be recognized by any one at our then distance from the earth, ft was I told him, quite impossible. Neverthelcss he continued very uneasy. Irequentlv -repenting 111 hope they don't see," and entreating me earnestly to discharge rtiure ballast. It then flashed upon mo for the first time, that his offer to ascend with me had been a whim of the moment, and that he feared being seen at,that perilous elevation by any member of his own family. I therefore, asked him if he h sided at Hoxton, to which he replied in the affirmative ; urging again and with great vehemence the emp tying of the remaining sandbags, Tula however, was out of the question, considering the altitude of the balloon, the course of the wind, and the proximity of thb sea coas'. B it mv comrade ' was deaf to these-reasons?he insisted on s going higher, and on mv lefusal to discharge more ballast, deliberately pulled off and threw his bat, coat, and waistcoat j overboard. "Hurrah, thaf lightened her!" he shouted ; * hut it's not enough yet," and I?m liVt/un tinlruuwnintf his cravat. ( "lw *""** - r> 44 Nonsense," said I, 44 my good fellow,! J nobody can recognise you at this distance, j ( even with a telescope." i 44 Don't be too sore of that," he retorted ? rather simply ; 44 they have sharp eyes at M;lesV" ' 44 At whore ?" ; * At Miles'* Madhouse." Gracious Uneven !? the truth Hashed j upon ine in an instant. I was sitting in the /trail Car of u halfoon, at least a mile above the earth, with a lunatic! The * horrors of the situation, for a minute, c seemed to deprive in? of niy own sense. * A sudden freak of a distempered fancy? | a transient fury?the slightest struggle, j might send us both at a moment's notice, j? into eternity! In the meantime, the! maniac^still repeating his iiusam* crv of * higher, higher, higher," divested himself, successively, of every rematning arlicle of clothing, throwing each portion, as soon as taken off, to the winds. The . inutility of remonstrance, or rather the probability of its producing a fatal irritation, kept me silent during these opera, lions; but JuiK'e of inv terror, wl en hav. ; i,' ul.v-Lniri riVHriir 1:1 r<i. I in^ tiiK'Hu u<9 ?>.- _ hoard hi in say, " We are not yet high enough hy tun thousand miles?one of Ui ipusr throw out the other." To describe ?y feelings nt this speech v, is impossible. Not only the awt'ulness h of my position hut its novelty, conspired t to bewilder?for certainly no flight of imagination?no. not the wildest night, hiare dream?had ever placed me in such a desperate and forlorn situation. It was horrible-?horrible! Words, pleading, re j monstrances were useless, and resistance # would Imj certain destruction. I imd hotfer have been unarmed in an American wilderness, at the mercy of a savagn Inthan ! And now. without daring to stir a ; hand in opposition. I saw the lunatic de liberated}- heave tirst one, and then tho "" ?? - ? .u- #k?* K.,1 ?lMcr nag Ol i>au;i*i ir<?iu mctni, "?? Won, of course, rising with proportionate rapidity. Up- up, it soared?to (in alti- . tilde I had never even dared to content* 8 plate?the earth was lost to my eyes, and nothing hut huge clouds rolled beneath ok! The world was gone I felt forever! . The Maniac, however, was still dissatisfied Willi our ascent and again began to ' mutter. i1 ** Have you a wife an J children ?" he asked abruptly. / Prompted by a natural instinct, anrl with a pardonable deviation from truth, I replied that I was married, and had four- t teen young onus who depended on inu for < their brenti. ' Ua ! I?a ! ha 1". laughed tho Maniac, with a spyrkhng of his eyes that chilled my very marrow. "1 have three hundred ' wives and ten thousand children ; and if ? the balloon had not been so heavy by carrying double. I should have been home to them l>y this time." 1 ' * 1 ' ' -l__. i! vi t ? ** AMU wntro OO I n*:j- live I i non< . anxious to gain time by any question that 1 first nccured to me." " In th? moon," replied the Maniac; "and when 1 have lightened the car, I shall he thohe'in time." I heard no more, tor suddenly. ap? proadung me, ami throwing his arms : round my hody SAGACITY OF ANIMALS. . Piutatch, an ancient writer of great I celebrity, informs u* the Thraci.ins, when thev were to |>u.^s a frozen river, used to turn a fox loose upon the ice ; it , betrur customary with litis cautious and cimmng boast, to move very wanly on such a dangerous surface, holding his ear 1 towards the ice, so that if he heard the wfrTuce. crack, or the-water flowing beneaih. he might retreat in season ; but il he perceived no danger, he would procued bold!v to the opposite shore f ' Tne same writer gives the following i wonderful iiwtaw'e of sagacity in a dog \ of which he \vn.s a n eve-witness. Being on shrphpafd. he ob^rved a dog very busv 1 aiH?ui ft jar, thai wa^i ajyparentijr half ggj||g&t:,i" i - ; A-"i. fij ' r i to; reach. However, the seamen being busily engaged. the creature took up sue ressively a numtjer'of stones, and rt fop pec them one by one, into the jar, tiSI the oi rose high enough in the jar, when he tool Dt it as much as he pleased! I was as lonisbed," Mays Plutarch, " how the doj could possibly know that the iinmersiot of heavier subs lances would cause tin lighter to ascend."?Youth'* Medallion. A * ALA LS FOR1 ?1^7 JUST received at tiie Bookstore. The Gem, Extra Super. Calf, Friendship's Otfuriug, The Kose, The Violet, Tim Dahlia. October 23d, 1841. ~ - SO CIJT-lfAIl| 100 Kegs, 4d fid 8d lOd 12d and 20 nails, For sale by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27,1841. 60 if CAJfDLESlL!*b SOAP. Sperm, Margarine and fallow Caudles liar and Perfumed Sa?p. Fo. Sale by A. P. LACOSTE. Octo er 27. 184 L _ SO tf HARDWAU? A!tl> SHITHS* TOOLS. 4 orenrral slock of these articles for sal* hv A. P. LA COST ? October 27,1841. 50 tf PA.\CI AVDSTAPLE"? DRY GOODS. A few Fancy, anil a large and well eelecte stock ol Staple Dry Go?wia for sale low by A. P. LACOSTK. October 27, 1841. 50 i The Subscriber ha* just received, ami w toep constantly on lian l,Cotton Y.irn and Twin it wholesale, Trout tho VJauufactury bt Kockinc t.iin. GEO. GOODK1CII. Cn"rnw. Jon. 1R40. 10 t! BOOTS, 6IIOE9, PALM LEAF I3AT& ?5fcCITk F. FLE WJNG.'No. 24 Hay??? Stjeet JlF#CI?arli!*lon S, C, (o,ipn.-iio Mrs* i. Furra it fluy.s,) inform* hi# friends and the pului that be is nnw receiving iliiuct from the iVfanu factures u notv^ud sphudid assortmsnt of Boo', tn i Shoes of ail kinds adopted t ? the Ceuulr trade: Also receiving a line as ortmenl of Men' Hid Boys' Palm Dial* Hats, a?i't u fine iiMortmrn ?f Luii sand .MissusStraw Bomets;til ot whiej will be sold on the most accommodating terms, C.idiLttai, S. C. January UO ibid. 11 4t BLACKSMITH B(JS(1VES9. IIHE 6ubserin:rj h ive formed * Copartner ship, under the firm of McIVER $ LaCOSTE, t- d have einp oyed coinuou-nt persona t< :arry ou tha above bitsimss, in all its branches Shop im Market Street continued, latch occu lied by r . C. 1. Fhivcr. Tii? charges fo vork done will be moderate, We shall b< pateful'for cueto from responsible persons nid wi<h all such pnrsons aocuun s will tie kept Ah debts contra'-'ted for sai-t shop, must bo or >rdc? Jro.ji uh. an I all collections tor work doni vili be rn idu by us. A. M. McIVER. A. P. L'A COSTS, Chora w, Nov. 15, 1841. 1 tf CA.YDLES 4 few Boxen Tu low and Sperm Candles fo sale bjr D. MALLOY. May HI, 1811. 29 tf POLE BOAT~FOR SALE rHE Pole Boat James R Eryin will l?e ?ob on faVorabio tonus. She isrowonthi ray up and wi I be delivered to the purchaser oi er arrival. Apply to either of tho subscribers 1). MALLOY. W A. T. BAtLEY ii cm. JAMES H. COLE. December!. 1841. 4 ; tf SNSS. BLACK, Dark Blue. Light Blue, Red am Copying Inks, in small B< llles, Fo ale hv John Wright at l?e uneraw oooasiorc October 30. 1840. 51 tf CORN WAYTED, 'VIFIR Subscriber wi*be? to purchase 2oW R Bushels good Coin, D. M ALLOY. December 6, 1811. 4 If OARBE1 SEEDS". ' 4 Full supply of Fie*h hihI Superior Gar den sued* for 1S42, just received and fo alo by JOHN WRIGHT, at the Bookstore. December 15. 1^41. 5 tf IRON. 10 Ton?, arforted sizes, fbrmle by A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf For Sale. A TRACT on the Dscirines of Election an A Ruprobatiort, by Re*. Jnines H. Thorn well Mso, a Vindication of the Protestant Doclrin jonccmiiig Juit.ificat.ion. Muv 1st. 1840. 25 tf . THE SOUTHERN HARP. CONSISTING of Original Sacred and Mori Song*. adapted to the m<?st popular Mel? lies, for lb" Phno Forte and Guit ir by MRS MARY S. B JUXd. or ciiari.kston, s. c. ?4 This work *ttp|die? a vacuum which ha on? bown felt in the musical world, llisindiifi lie Christian's Vocal CV nipmiion, and wc hup ?o family will be without it."?Bo?u paper* For sale el the Ciicraw Bookstore by JOHN WRIKIIT. Jijly 5,1811. 84 ir TAX NOTICE. I WILL attend follow* to lake return and receive 111? Taxe* for Chesterfield Dis riot. At Mount Crughan On Monday the 14th Feb airy. At Blnkeney's Old Store on Tuesday the 15t February. At Michaol Miller's 04 Wednesday the 16s February. At John Scaper'a on Thursday the 17th F?fc runry.At Spoor's Mills on Friday the 18th Fehmarj At J din Jo:in*on'a on Saturday tho lOihFubniary. . At.Stcer-pcn Springs on Monday the 21i February. At Co .1 Hill (or Levi Cusityg) on Tuesday th 22d britaiy. At Ch^raiv on Thursday. Friday and Satur jtty ?hr 24th 2'dh and 'Jtith February. >' At Cin fierfi-Id Court House on Monday Tuesday. and Wednesday tfip 28lh-Fe!runry an Uiti 1: i. nd 2nd day*ut N. B ? All ?\urn?ma;t I* made by Mnntfii tli* 2rith day i>f March ua the Look* will lb?u h closed. . . W I.. ROCESO.V, T. c. c. a. - > * ? ' ? -?? -" , - ^7~ / - DBUGS 1EDICOES, - Chemicals, Patent Medicines, J Perfumery, Paints, Oils, j>ye y Stuffs, &c. &c, for sale -1 wholesale and retail by l A. HOPTOiV, CHERAW, S. . i A/ Aw Drug Store, next dour to Brown * Bryan <5f Brother. Where urny he h:td at alt times a general at , Hortmo t ol articles in the Drug line?tecum mended to be of superior quality which will be disposed of oil very moderate terms?Physician* and others wishing pun* medicines, may rely on being snpnlind with them. May 26, 1541. 28 UPPER AND SOLE LEATHER, Wax, and Call Skin#, and Hemlock Tanned - Sole Leather. For nale low. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841. 50 tf NEW AND CHEAP GOODS. THE Subscriber has just received hit Winter Supply of Good*, which consists in part,of the following. Viz; Ladies English and French Kid J/orocco Shoes and Slippers, Misses K'd, and Prunella Shoes and Slippers, Gentlkmen's fine Calf Boots, Bootees, and Shoes; Al-o, a fine assortment of Crockery, China Grannet. doc. &r. Hardware, ol every description, Blacksmiths Tools, Sheel Iron and a few very fine Stoves; Groceries of all kinds by the Wholesale and Retail The above will be sold MUCH LOWER than they have heretofore been sold in Chk? " raw, for Cash only. Persons wishing Bar. ga.iis, will please call on the Subscriber and j I examine for themselves before purchasing | elsewhere, for their own benefit. ISAAC H. ROSSER. Jan'y. 12th, 1?42. 9 t'ino WoTicW. ! G. H. DWILAP Would icspectlully give notice to his frit-nils and tiie public that 1m v ng commenced business on his own account he finds it. absolutely neces very much business, - he hanconsequently dot- rinined to in en account* only with such persons .is i ave heretofore paid their account* punctually at or near rho end o| , tho year and with such omy as will give poti. r tivo assurance of so in future. c Oct. 13, 1841. 48 tf O BRYAN & BROTHER. hold H lease JLWm on the lower wharf near the old FcTJ [ Lan ing, and will chargo each Boat for tho priv. I ilege of lauding discharging and loading, u Each Steam Boat, Three Dollars. Each Pule Boat, Tow Boat or Lighter, Two Dollars. Each Cotton Flat loaded or built, One Dullai and Fifty Cents, With the privilege of remaining ona week, . longer at a corresponding rate. t!Ill-raw. Si-Ot. 2*?. 1841. 40 tT GARDEN SEED, AC. " FYYI1E Subscriber ho* just lecnive I a full and JL general assortment of Fresh HARDEN SEED from the Agricultural Warehouse and r Seed Store of tho New England Fnrnmr Cotton, a among which are Sugar Beet, Rut a Uaga. White Flat Turnip, Ac. Ac. by the pound and smaller quantity. He h n? also for sale a (General A**ortmcnt o| FAMILY GROCERIES, w-th WINES and LIQUORS, Raisins, Figs, Almond.*, Citron Currant.*, Candy, Pickles, Tobacco, Scgurs, dec. Ac. His Stopn is Two Doors below the Store o Messrs. Taylor A Punch. CHARLES VANDERFORD. . Cheraw, December 14, 1641. 5 tf CASH SYSTE7I COATISITED. THE TIMES are such as to compel tin Subscriber to ecnthtw the Cash System Groceries and all articles in that line wil be sold for Caxh only. Persons whose accts 1 and notes still remain unpaid, will please un derxtand that no new credits wil] be givei 1 until all old arrcaregea are settled in full. D. MALLOY. SPORTSIUAXS POIVDER. ONE Case English Caniwtcr Riflo Powder manufactured by "P goua A VVilks,*1 Lou Ion, tor #alo b/4he Cauieter. D. MA PLOY. Jj May 28, 1*41. * 29 tf * GOOD BARGAIN. THE Subscriber ha* on hand many artich;i ol Merchandise not now in his line of bu sines*; and which he has no ro??m in hui s.ori ? for. nllsucl- good* will !k> sold very cheap. They consist of the following article*, via Negro Cloths (a good article) While Pla:ns Blanket Overcoats, Duffil Blanket*, Bale Ropo Brass And Iro.ts, Shovel* ami Tongs, Jugs ant Jars. Puts and Oven*. Iron and Steel, Hardware r Crockery, Ac. G. II. DUN LA P. ; November. 10, Ifi4I 5'J tf "THE SliBSCRIBER" ~ PURCHASED recency in New York a \o<j heavy and general assortment of Goods wh f have all come to hand, and he now off< them at Wholesale or Retail at very low pric for Cash or Produce. '-A. P."LACOSTE. October 27th 1841. 50 tf sPEtmrz imrrxNmmnin* , Bv the Barrel or at retail, for sale by A. P. LACOSTE.October 27. 1841. 50 tf 2500 PAIR SHOES. - Comprising every varie'y, and for bale onac. commodating terms. -lI A. P. LACOSTE. ? October 27, 1841. 50tf CH??SL\ ?? CASKS CHEESE il For Sale by i\ ] A. P. LACOSTE, ? D?c. 1, 1841. a it' IIATS AJD CAPS. 15 Dozen Gent lemons' and Boys, Black an< Drab Fur Hats, - 28 Dozen Wool Hats. A L*rge stock of Fur, Hair, Cloth, and Se B iette Caps, For sale by A. P.LACOSTE. Oct 271841. 50 ^ tr BOS sFTsrnooos, AM? KAH ' BOXES. jt Ladies and Misres, Florence and Straw Bon nets, l.adies Coloured Hoods. For sale by A. 1*. LACOSTE. October 27, 1841., 50 U ? ? * S^LIVIILCKI. * A very large assortment of Boys, Men?, ?n< Ladiee Saddles. Also. Bridlee, ii/aningalea "Whipe, Collars, Saddle Bags, G g% EbiHtef j? and Carryai]| Jiarnese, Stirrup Irons, Gtr ht * and Surriiigicf. For sale very cheap by - , A. F. -LACOSTB. October 27th'1841. 60 U luisns. ,f -g g\ BOXES, Bunch ftanins, $ rJEU-se M t* mWs&W^y 20 qutr do. " " s Ju?i received and lor Salp bv "tyyiLLU; told ut' L^n^Hn^'o'urt !JoU3c , f I on liic first Mond..-.;j.? Fcbruaiy next ^(TTvZ? 10 LIK-ELtfXEGROES. ' \Vu,. VvINGXTE, SatfT D.D January 12. J?*& lb tf : ; : ? JsiSF- ?ATiJB OF lYEOKpJkS. BBY-Ordar of ?he Ordinary j >r Chesterfield 1 District, -I will oflbr'iuMKffeinCiwi u w?bu J , Mo.idiiy Uio I5ili oCFubruaiy next, I'ronV ; 25 TO 30 LIKELY NEGKOES. J , | belonging lo the Estate of the late General S. j Gillespie.. . ^ Terms?One half payable Lt January 1843, , the balance 1st January, 1844, *.o be secured by bonds bearing nlciest from date, with approved J personal security. ' | JA. GILLESPIE, Admr. J At tho samo tune 1 w ill offer a li.ko number of ! my own negroes for sale, upon the same terms. JA. GILLESPIE. 1 January 18th 1842. *" 111 4t i SHERIFF SALE < BY Order of the Court of Ordinary for Che*. ~\ terfield District will l?e sold before the Court ' , House of said District on the tit art Monday in , February next at the Real estate of Elizabeth j Wallace deceased, consisting of two tracts of land ; one tract lying on the road leading from ( f Chesterfield Court House to Society UFitl, con. Mining.two hundred and fifty acres more or less adjoining the lands of M?ry Reed on the East, ! the land* of Jofm Pcrvis and other*on the North. ' | One other tract containing onn hundred acres ' more or less near Guphor Ij'U wknoti Jante* Hewil now resides being paatofMracl of land granlod'lo Joshua Prout. I Terms, as ntueb Cash as will piy the expense* f of this .sale the balance to be paid the firs^ day of . ? -__i ._ ? o , ... jiimurynexL, purcna*cr iu KiVC >"'<iu ur nvic j carrying iule:e?t ftom lite day of sale, and z mortgage ot, the pn in tee*. if deemed ecestary. 1 to tbo Ordinary lo secure the pureliant* money. JOHN EVANS, Sheriff, C. D. 1 January 15, 1642..^ 10 -* tt ' 1 OLA?iS, FAIHT, .1X1) PITT1'. | 1 A Large Stock of these articles, which will I be sold at reduced rates. I A. P. LAC09TE. i l October 27. 1841. 50 tf " HEW AAD CHrAFGOODsT i til ivc just received a well selected ar-sort. munt ot' staple and" fancy Dry Goods of the Latest style and fashion fur tne'senson. Plcam cull and examine my slack before purchasing. M. BUCHANAN". May 31, 1841. . .V- 29 tf , LAftilE SALE OF VALl'ABLE AEOROLS. BY consent of all parties, tlwre wHj he sold atC r. dun. on the first Monday in FVhiUary next, a large number of (f?i/KOKS, on a credit ot two years, equal inslaiiuuiit* ,* interest front date payable annually. The said Negroes arc to tie bold under a mortgage, executed by James W. Cantcy, lo thn Preside ut and Directors of the Bank of the .State ot South Carolina About 51 absolutely ; and about 35 fur tin: life of J. W.Canlry. , ' Of lbr purchaser, bond and porsonul security, , with a mortgage, will lie required. , At llio same time and p'acc, the HOUSE and | . LOT, the residence of J. W Caintcy, will also | . be sold, on the terms above stated, undor a uiort- ] gage between the part ion aforesaid. Particular* more in detail, will be mndo known ' on Ihn day of sale. The attention of pin chasers , _ is invited lo ihc salo, uh the Negroes are likely, .] and the Real Estate dc?irable. . I f. B. ELMORE, President , Bank Statu Scuth Caioiina. , Dec 30 8 u OoiifSoW; HAS just received by the lighters of the Steamer OscOta, St- Ci'OtX and Ponirico ; I Sugars, Bale ropo unk 41 Inch hcavv Bagging, 1 Kinntul I.aguira Cotfie Cheose? 0 0 lbs Sokr . Lather aud some Upper Leather, Ladies and . Gentlemen'* CI aks, Dress and Frock Coats, ^ pilot Cloth and mixetj Cloth OverCoats, Suttino't Coatees, Hunting. Flushing ?d?l Blanket Coats of r trious colors, PmiiIuIooms and Vents, 12 Dozen Wool IJals^ u variety ui Fur Huts, some very fine. Tlio above with a stock )of Dry Good*, Crock. / cry surf Groceries received a few weeks make th? a*rortment nonrly complete, In a lew days " a fresh slock of Boots and Shoes is expected, and 2dozen pair of Gentlemen's Boots, a very fine article. All of which will be offered for ca*h at low prices to suit the times. Bo ris and Shoes will be made to order for cash. " N. B.? All persons indebted to 1). Johnson * are earnestly requested tu make payment as car3 ty as poxsibie. No^mber 16. 1841. 1 tf * CHlYA RO KfcnVA.>D CLiSS ' WAKE. j rjBlHE Subscriber has on. hand h good sarorl. B ment of tho nljove, comprising a variety of puttcrns. For sale cheap D. M ALLOY. May 31, 1841. 29 * ' If r " AXES. 1 IS dozrn Col'inf, Hunt*. and Mar*h superior ' Axes, fur sale by the dozen al niucii below the usual ratOa. A. P. LACOSTE. October 27, 1641. 50 tf SOiFTH CAROMi r Hansom Britt, vs. ) Declaration in E. P. Guion Ac. Co. \ Attachment. Whereas thr? Plaintiff, in above stated case tin* day filed bis Doclara.ion against the Often dant, who is absent from, and without the ' limits of thi* *nte.(a? it is si. id) and having nei- i ther wiio nor Attorney known within the same, it. i? ordered that the Defendant do appear and plead to lire Declaration aforewid withim a year ' and a. day ft out tho dale hereof, otherwise; final and alisohnu Judgement will L?o awarded against him by default, T. BRYAN, C. C. P. ' Office of Common Pleas, } Chesterfield C. House, > , y . , November 19, 1840. . ) 3 50 - * SOUTH CAROLINA, "If Chesterfield District. J Eli Wal!?ce Applicant against i I Titbitha Sparrow, the Heirs of > Henry Wallace, Joseph Wal. > lacc. Juckaon Wallace, Win. ? ft Wallace und Elizabeth Wa!- ? . lacc. ) It appearing to my satisfaction that Tnbitha Sparrow and Joseph Wallace, two of tho Dofeii. iiant8. resides without this State, it is therefore ordered,, that they ?io appear and object to the division or sale of the real estate of Elizabeth . Wallace, on or before the .fifteenth iliy of Janu. j } ary next, or his consent to the same "will be en. I tcrod ofr.cord. T. BRYAN, O.C.D:^ | Norember 1, 1641. 51 ALJIAIfACSFOIUSlsi. THK Planters and Merchants Almanac ftik. 1842. Published by A. E. Miller of Clwrteaton. The Crockett'Almanac for 1612. v: ' TV Peoples do Cqonc. * \m- W" Aim?r?ccn^do|?'p||g|gf 5 and fa, * .;= V il? do?n or T O R E J\ T. / -> 1 :, */ INT^N|^ wtlte of JutfW fefiNi to remove my Stock of Good* to mv two ' <Vor^,'^toiyi j^pied b/ B Mclutoa'h, 114 - |?P & McKay" ' <S& *#c?a* k 11 i, au& Ui make them my permanent business stands; and now ofler lor &jnC?nV^ foffir ^toreB"ihiu?edi?idy-b?k>w,SnBjl$ Vir; One at present occupied by Messrs. W. &' T.fiailey, & Co., the next below, corner Karshaw and Front streets, and now occupied by Mr. D.-Malloy. and the twasiure*now oc:upied by me. To persons residing iu th? place, it is no?dle*s to say, that they are among the very best stands for prosecuting t l/ouoit aud barter business,' add I only make 'his declaration for the information of person* ?a./li'nrr at a distance. Possession of the Stores occupied by Merer* VV. & T. Bailey kCo., and Mr. D. Mahuv, will be given on .he 1st day of Septrmber next; the others can be had by the ICttli July. next. Cheraw offers inducement* to Capitalists, and men of business, that are ool found in many Southern lowns. It is estimated, that oar receipts of cotton, lor the last two years averaged 25,(XX) Bales, and it is supposed this year's receipts a ill be about the same. AUG. P* LaCOSTE. Cheraw, Jan'y. 12th, 1842. 9 if The u Charleston Courier," "Southern Chronicle," Camden Journal," and "Fayettevilte Observer*" will ulease give the above ?ix insert ions, my oik ; >very two weeks, and for* ard their biiia to in Or payment. EXEciTITE DEPARTMEXtT Columbia, November 30th, 1841. By His Excellency JOHN P.RICH. ARDSON, Esquire, Governor and Comnandtr-in-Chief and over the Stale of South Carolina. "WWTHKREAS, inform a tion lias been re. , * c. ww ceived at this Deparmen', that on :he night of the 'JOth of September last, & oust attrocious attempt was. made by some jerson unknown, to murder tine T. W. Har. ley, of Colleton District : Now know ye, that to the end justice may bo-done, and thsoff nJcr brought to legai trial, I do hereby offer a reward of One llundrt-d ami Fifty Dollars, for i Ids apprehension and delivery into any jail?? Given under my hand and the Sea! ofthe ry State at Columbia, the30th day of Novvember, eighteen hundred and'forty-one, and in the sixth-year of the Independence of the United States of America. JOHN P. RICHARDSON. By the Governor, M. Laboxde, Sec'y of Slate. SOUTH CAKOMXA, Chesterfield District. I* Tnr. Common Pleas. BH|?NJAMIN McINTOSH, who is noVr in cuistoily uf the Sheriff of the District ?fvreaid, by virtue of a writ ot capias ad satiafhciefclum, hi ti e suit of Smith Mowrjr Jr. having oelitioned the Honorable the associate J*djf?* ji'lhe aid state, that lie may be admitted to the ? . bonetit of thrt act uf the General Assembly made tor the relief of Insolvent d. ljlois ami he hiving filed with his petition a schedule uf his estate, real and personal, ll is srdcrcd, that the etud Smith Mo ry, Jr. and all others to whom the said petitioner it in any wl5$ indebted, do per. nonally. or hy tho:r attornics, be and appear beiore the Honorable the'associutc Judges uf tint . ,late aforesaid, at the Court of Common Pl*?e 10 do uuiuuii at vi.c.vhi. i., uvimv, vi. the Wednesday niter tb< third Monday ?u March next, then and then*- to ?4*?f 'cauies if any they can, why the estate and effects of the [petitioner should not be assigned, and he her * discharged, pursuant to tins provisions of said " ? I Act* of (he l>> nor;: I Assembly made and provided for the reliof of insolvent debtors. y .^ TV cMd.SnH- I t *m Jn thk Common Plkas* Chesterfield, DitifxC. Henry Easterly > vs. } on note id "t O. W. Bioth. 5 .lilaeUWreftfa . WHEREAS the Plaintiff in this a.timi dfit* ^ on day hie his Declaration against O, W, . Booth, the defendant, who js absent (rum and w ithout the limits of the Stxle (as it is sate.) yji and having neither wife or *Uofiutf known upon whom a copy of the above Declaration, gkith a rule ro pkird thereto, may be served ; It is therefore in pursuance of the Act*'frith* -* '-*^3 Gex.eral Assembly of this State in such cases, made and provided; Ordered that the defendant, do plead thereto on or before the twentysixth day of December nex\ otherwise hnaf and absolute judgment wili be then given and awarded aeaiuat Ihm bv default. * t- bbyak. Offire of Common plena f Chesterfield C. H. Dec. 25,1841, % ^ l^T ?i?:kii f sales. ON WrilsofFieri Facia* will b.t sold before the Court House door on the first Monday andday following hi Febtuary next within i)ie leg*! hours the following proporty. via. KourljOt* in tho Town otChcrsw levied on aa lite property of George F#dwartl? and known in the plan of mid Town by Nos. 182 (one hundred and cigdrty two) 1^3 (one hundred end eifhty three) 184 (one hundred and eighty four) end Ir?.i (one hundred and eight* fire) at the ?uit of W.J. vs. George Edward*; those lot* are offered n? rbe property of George Edwatds, with an understanding between tno. Judgment Creditor* of the said Edward* and the Jointer purchaser wno did not comply. One Negro girl, Lydia, levied on and to be sold as tlio properly of Hampton Saues berry at (ha rait ofIsaac Timmons vs. Hampton Sanesberry, One two horse wagon, one pair buggy springs, six piecoa trims lor boggy body, one blacksmith's bellows, one anvil,'one hand hint. rne?, one sledge hammer, one vice, one doten fine chain,'one clock, ofie pine side board, tare pine tables, one child* crib, one wash stand, one wash stand, on?*rocknig chair, halt'dozen common chair*, one safe, one cloth'* press, Ue piaza benches, ami one joggling board, levied on A as the proper'y of Clwrle* 1. Shiver at the suit jfl of Taylor tc Punch va, Charles !. Shiver. Thk ^ levy will be offer d for sale in Cheraw, oil Tuee. day the second day of sale. 548 Acres of land more or le?s on the south side of big Wwtf fields Creea, whertnr, the defendant reside*, adjoining the lands of Mr. J Samuel VVhite.^tfaes Everett and H . J. feguea " Tl,r^w,m* All of Andre* Clnrkt-'e interest in a lot in the Town of CUeriiWr known in the plan of atid lotSihi ^?*3,8 ^Tlug Jhe one *& lot and he improvements thareonat thaau.'t otf L. MdOoy i^urcn V,V John E &iwardn. *-? -? i*S5J?tS;g.jg