?i I I >e known, has been a very intciuprrate man, and has often appeared in the /f ills ui ( Jong f ess in a state of inioxica lftt'il. Tbe^iH to form a new County of . portions of Harrison, L'*wis and Wood, he called the county of Clay, in honor of ' Henry Clay, came up in the Virgtnit House of Lkflegutea; a few days since. In consequence of the name, the hill was vehemently opposed by the Loro Foco.s; they moved to postpone it indefinitely. Lost?An es?44. Noes 53. Tnev ? then moved to reconsider the engross, nient:?A ves59, Noes 04. The hill was then passed1 Arrest of the late principal officers of th". Bank of the United States.-?Yesterday morning, Mr. Austin Monfgomarv appeared before* Recorder Vaux, and made oath against Nicholas Biddle, Jos. f'owperihwiiit, Samuel Jaudon, John Aodtnwjj, and Thomas Dun la p. chargingthem $ith a conspiracy to defraud the Stockholders, of the Bank of the United Stifles. MrYaux had the process awarded. At three o'clock in the afternoon Nicholas Bid die. Samuel jaudon, and Thomas. JJunhtp. Requires.atipeared witri their cu in-cl, and gave hail in ten thou. -and dollars each to appear on Thursday .next at four o3 clock before the Recorder, who wiii sit in Judge King's room, lor a further hearing.. Messrs. Andrew-* and Cowperthwaite did ivol ?pp<*.?r.?? i/. N. Slates. .4 Navy Seized.?The Revenue Cutter /Nving has seized upon two splendid / schooner*, lying at anchor in the Hudson, off Jori*4y City, which are supposed to have heea fouilt and fitted out in NewYork Ion the Mexican govern men t, to (*? ?mt?loved oga^o^l Texas.?Phila. Ledges. Business on the brte railroad. The Goshen Democrat saysi'-^No iit^ tie surprise was-occasioned last ^week oh', witnesing the quantity of ucommodities" recieved from the West, at the depot in j this village. Among the eatables left there on Thursday were seven or dfcfk* tonsjnf poultry, some rif which was broojf* j .from the vicinity of Ruffalo-^-large quan- I tities of venison, with a sprinkling of bears and other wild animals. We also noticed severeal tons of handles (or whitewash brushes, bellows lops and bottoms, turned bed posts, chair hacks, seives, with "a great variety of articles too tedious j-to mention." A considerabln falling off j of freight was expected during tho winter 1 j months, but the last two weeks has sat- j . ttsfied us that the company will kave as much business as they can attend to dir. ring the whole of tlie year. If the citizens of New York understood their true ! interest, they would put their shoulders to the wheel,., and finish this road in two years fr >m this date." N. Y. Sun. Correspondence 01 the Charleston Courier. ' Washington, Dec. 31. ' ; The condition of the Treasury is the'' ! chief arid tlie most interesting topic ofdisI elusion here. The deficit reported, today, is near seven hundred thousand dollars, and it must increase, Treasury notes will no longer answer their purpose of postponing government debt. Thev ; are below the par of specie and are re' i". 1 TU, AC?o frtr fit,* nuartnrlv rtav. I JUSCU. I Iirr m the Committee on Way-! and Means. That is the Speaker's decision. It follows that it require* unanimous consent to take up the loan hill, and that Mr. Fillmore has been unaj hie to obtain. I But suppose the hill Io be passed, after a long struggle, during which, public ; c-r-dit will be k'-pt in a dec-r.ided andsilfi *3 ; fen ig slate, will the loan, on the term-' j proposed bv Mr, Fillmore, btr taken.?r | Shrewd and well informed .here, sar? no. The present panic is unprecedented: if it has smitten Government Jo?\ns and I Treasury notes, and Government credit, there is no stopping it. Fifty or sixty I days?nay, a less time, will bring us ad vices from Rngland, as to American credj it there, that will be truly appalling.? While States are repudiating, and banks j breaking, and llie Government hesitating; I it cannot but happen that the value of 1 American securities and credit will fall (o nothing, abroad. Then will com?? the effect of the foieign money market upon our own capitalists. In such a slate of j things, no one will subscribe a dollar |<> | Government loans. Faith in every thing | is shaken, and, nmyhap, is to be prostra j ted. We have strong rcasons.to believe that j j Mr. Waggaman, of La., late Senator in , *-- . l. I Congress train that state, is 10 r?? ?u:nster to France ; and (Jen. Thompson, of fi>. C., Minister to Mexico. THIS TARIFF. ' Fuels for the curious!?notes from Tdll-\ f madgr't Address. ; f The Revenue derived in Europe, on j 1 American Tohacco, is upwards of #30,- | | 090,000. - The out of which," here, is ! i #7.000,000 on IS,000 hogsheads of our | Tobacco. The duty on Rice is 16s sterling, be-; ! jog more than one hundred per cent on ! tin; cost. 1 Flour is, in ordinary times, subjected i to a prohibitory duty Salted Pork pays #6 per bhl., about its j present price in this country, j Lornber is subjected to a prohibitory ! t dutr * * i* ; Every article of American Manfacturcs j i is met by prohibitory duties. j Even Cotton pays '2s lid perewt., and | i as soon as slit* has succeeded in getting i , . ? 1 her India plantations to produce tlie rc j ' quisite supply, American Cotton will be : met wik'b a prohibiten--duty. Five years I ? - i?j . *i- ?.:ii {if is eonnaunnv preaicieu,. win ! anout this (to them) desirable end. India : j w.ll drive the Cotton and Rice planter i from Iter ports, as she did ilie prod jeers of j Indigo. ! The cost of production in India is noth- j . ing, as compared with even that of slave j I labor. .Manilla .Sugar is now selling in j Boston, after paying duty, at o 14 cents, j ! per Ih. j At St. Louis, on tho 12th instant, hogs j j were selling at $1,50 to $2,50 per cwt. . i i \ voting man bv tne name of Stanley. > ! savs the Wilmington Chronicle, was kil- j . . I led in Brunswick coiuty. on Christmas ; > dav.-hy receiving in ois body the wad of J a gnu tired by another young man, his j " j r - i r. i j ; cousin, named cnares m a arm King iroi ic, foi Ion. .Chares being in the act bf~ i firing his gun, Stanly jumped suddenly before it, receiving th<- fatal contents. The States will learn by-atid-hy. that | 1 men of businest must l?e selected -to nttejuj to maJfcrs (\f btutincss. The mere |K?litician is wholly unlit for such a task. This the exporii nec of the Western Sta.cs no a \ \ . V' # involved in debt most clearly proven, and we hope that hereafter our pa*t experience will hot be forgotten-: It is one. one thing to he popular and. eloquent?-it is quite aBOfher to be practical, :clear^ headed, and business like. Yfet thete are the qualities inest needed in private's* well ?is public matters, ?. . ' ^ CincinnaUi GazfUt, The Santa FE ExFEDiTi?W-The Tfexian Santa Fe Expedition has lw+?n. captured, by the .Mexican authorities. There were too Americans, Mr, (Cbndnll (one of the Editors of the New Orleans Picayune)'and a son of General Leslie. Combs, of Kentucky. The captives were taken to the city of Mexico, after being treated with many indignities. It. is supposed that they will he shot or confined in the Mexican minps. Tho New Orlearfs Bee considers it the duty- of our Government to interfere on behalf of our citizens who accompanied the Expedition. The Bee m lintain* that they wei$. violating no law,, their visit to Sant^ c.Fe ; was purely for commercial purno-tf-.v, and their ,i going io company with Texianx, whom \ ihe Mexicans eh .ose; tp ugpsidec^rebels, f ant-make them ao< r 'j,, ~ ??.-'-r? " I Tub Coll via k.?Wfthnyn heard it re. J peatedlv remarked, and v^e have observed the fact ourselves that lor tuany- ryearn | the Students of the College have not ex- j hihitodso orderly and quiet.a deportment | during the Curia'mas holidays, as they i have during those which have just-passed. j We were.apprehi no re that lire postpone- j, inci t of the eleclio of a President might J he i.t.ended with < mo relaxation of the I reins of discipli. e,*J'?ut are happy to find I that such is not increase. The Professor have readily assumed the increased duties and responsibilities devolving upon them, and their judicious administration, strong. thened by an entire unanimity in every thing connected with the government of i h.j College, has established h rsfhte of j things eq .ally creditable to their nrmfiage. merit and gratifying to the friends, of the institution.?Columbia Chronicle. j , i . ,Nkw York, January s. I The Bostonians, notwithstanding the extreme pressure in the money, markets are going onward very rapidly io extending their means of communication with , all parts of the country. Since the spl?n. did apotheosis at Albany, and Worcester, j and Boston, held to . commemorate the completion of the Western Railroad, they have received fresh inspiration; their zeal has increased in a tenfold degree; and [ shall not be surprised if. and by thev build a great Eastern Railroad from Central' Wharf lo the Queers Dock. London. ' The Bos'onian* are a singufnr race of people. They do not act withmrt.first deliberating; iior do undertake hn 'enter, pn'v? without being first welj assured that it wt'I. in the end prove a profitable source of revis ^ue. Satisfy them that a scheme is honorable, and that if will pay '* *i\ per cent., pay.d).fe semi annunllv,*#rf(f tbov-'ll j get ?t it in a moment; and the moment it I is grappled, its ".. fly completion may be anticipated with ^much certainty as you j can anticipate ihv' movement of the tin nds of a clock on t. n- i&ce of- the did. I Stock-jobbing ana stock.gambling ?% I have hut very few attraft ons tor a Jio*ton or a Bostoninn, He/we# not deal in fancies or theories; ho is ik nietaphy#-1 cinn in .commerce or exchahtTe; ho goes decidedly for farts and substanc* . If he he " close foiled" in trade, and.' a# t?irt i somewhat rude Ben Hardin, of Kentucky, once reproachfully staid in the House of | Representative#, can see a dollar ten iniJe.' off without the aid of a telescope, he is, the moment he becomes a man of fortune, and has filled his storehouse* with enough orthe goods of this world, liberal, churita- j hlr, and splendid in his munificence. H?? gives freely to propagate the Gospel arid promote peace among men ; his purse pour* forth its thousand# to ndvance education; and. though he may he bigoted in mattersof theological dogmatism, he cast# | aside his prejudices whenever the cry of I distress is heard, or the good of his dearly beloved city need# hi# assistance*. The | numerous splendid U2mpJes thaL4jm.1t their J spires toward the abiding place;:of Jehov- I ah?the numerous n 11 rserifs of education J that shed immortal honor, on the chnrac-? ter of Boston, atl'ord ample testimony toprove that the citizens of that city are not prodigals: that they.garnored the re. sources of their enterprise and-.-industry.: and when they were far above the- world's want, were brilliantly munificent;. 1 have been imperceptibly jecfinto this j 1 .1... e , epi*one ny rending in me uhsiuii uwunni of to-dav in account of th* opening of!he Charlestown. and Fresh Pond Railroad. It was a happv uffar, and every thinu went off beautifully and smoothly. I do ; not know the exact distance between Fresh Pond and Boston, hut I believe at is aDokit etgdi iiiii-s. I'ho object of the ' road, principally, is to find a uiore easy J couiuiiication for the ireuionge.rs. Here- I tolore the immense quantities of ice tlisit have been shipped from Boston and Char, lest own to the East and West Indies, and i ' round Cape Horn." have hfen conveyed hy common wagons. This has been found noth troiiidesouio and unprofitable, anil a railroad is now opened facilitate the ice trade. The road' runs*'through' ' I.-...? !%...? >! iCnl uillnifnj tl?;?l rL'?f is?vcrni tii uitmc biam subscriptions o the ?. .' ? "N * 44THK BRIRKRY BILL." We copy lite folio wing froin the South Carolinian of last week: s' ' * "From the Cheraw Gazette. uWe learn fiom different sources en. titled to 'credit, that while the Legible, turcof South Carolina wan passing a bill and resolutions to prohibit the State from receiving it*.ahare of the money, there was, at the sam * tune, nu understanding among the members, that if the other j slates should receive their respective shares, South Carolina would, in that case, cake hers also, and risk the subside I sing influence of the 4 bribe.' " This poor attempt to belittle the noble action of this State on'tho vile " Bribery Bill," is a rank slander upon tnc uegisia. i lore, and the People, and, so far as we know or believe, alter daily intercourse with I|*the. members," during the entire session, totally destitute of foundation. AY? solemnly declare, thai we never heard : '4 single member intimate-the least dr. ! sire, or willingness, that South Carolina I should hereafter receive any portion allotted to hnr, or recede in the slightest degree from the posilion she has taken, let the course of "the other States" be j what it may." t Our information was derived from gefl. tlemen entitled to implicit credence ; who held nt least as much *cfaily intercourse with Mho members/ during the entire . session": as the editor of the Carolinian ' could have held ; and who were not less J likely to hear what was said, 01 know what was intended. The Columbia editor's testimony is negative, theirs positive, and both doubtless true. If "the noble action of thisS'ate on the vile * Bribery bill/" is itself big, its; friends need not distress themselves with apprehensions that shedding upon it a few rays of the' light of truth can "belittle" it very mucin* Our language seems to be misintorpreted by the Carolinian. The information which we received, nnrt which we intended to convey to others was, not that the course of' other Skites should be looked , to as a guide for South Carolina ; hut that the aim wan to influence uonsrcss, O T j with a view of procuring the repeal of the distribution act; if this could not be done, and the policy of distribution should be persisted in, and distribution should actually be made among the other States, then, South Carolina would receive her share. We are not to be understood as saying there was any formal expression 1 [of opinion on this point, nor that the opinion wa* universal; but only as conveying j the impression made upon the minds of our informants, by casual intercourse with the members of the Legislature. We stated a few weeks ago that the resolutions introduced into the House of Representatives of this state at the late session, affirming the right of the Lcgis lature to instruct the Senators of the state hi Congress, were aimed at Col. I'kkstow. The South Carolinian denies that fhev were thus aimed; and we see, by looking iho resolutions themselves, thaf the end expressly avowed was to warn Senators to Iv idected in future, that the State insets upfci 'he right of instruction. The resolutions en,My a curious medlev of |K)htical eccentric.'ti^'. Hut they are rlHiirl. nnrl nri* not worti.' dissecting. Thr.re is a proposition before the he?. stature of Tennessee to cede the eastern jmrt of the stale, called Fast Ttercet, or at leastV j taxes of some kind for this pti pom. aj. 1 oenrs to he indispensable. If the dijrtrr ' . button of the objects of f:?vnfif?ri. or the 1 mode of levying and collecting the ta\ 1)6 j. unfair, or onerous, undonht?* lly ihe evil .should i>e promptly corrected. ' i I have heretofore declared rnv defpriniuation to do nil that belong* to this' department to meet faithfully the engage- j ( ments of the State, and to maintain tin. ' t \ sullied, the credit and fidelity of our. Commonwealth. My sentiments in rein- i ' lion to these matters have undergone no change, and I am pleased to find on this ' subject, there is no, diversity of opinio" 1 among the great tnnss of the ci iz "?s of J the state. All agree that, whenever the j constituted authorities of the Commonwealth, have entered into engagein-nt-i . conformably to the constitution and laws.' whether these engagements have been ; characterized bv due prudence and a , proper regard to the interests of the pu!>. I.c, nuy he misrepresented, and for a time j misunderstood. Prejudice, from the *or- | did feelings of interest, may be invoked, and demagogues and unprincipled politf. cians >vi*l, doubtless, attempt to use it, to < answer own purposes. Hut the. re. j, sponsibili/y is one which every honest ' public functionary must meet fairly and franklv, ana in so doing lie will be eventually sustained .by the people at large, who never deliberately err, and who al> j I ways will reward, with their confidence. | ' u ?i devotion to their!" ? - true interests, even though it may, at ' tirst, have met with temporary disappro- j hation. I The means to pav ofT the loan under j( ; the act of 41 h May. 1S41?to pay the) i foregoing creditors of tlie state, and the : interest on the public debt, must be provided before the Legislature adjourns.-? .Sound policy, nay, common honesty, do. mauds this much at your bands, and [-am j jK'rsunded no member of the .Legislature j will shrink from a duty enjoined by such considerations as these." i\okth Carolina Democratic Co.yvrn. j T10*. A Demcicnitic f>wivention was held in . , i Raleigh, on the 10th and. 11th inst. to nominate a candidate for Governor.. - Ow. i,ig to \vunt of , excitement throughout tins statement on the subject) the convention waft but thinly attended. Leers 1). Trxi*. Esq. of Fuyetteville was thact idate nominated. Wa extract some pa* ^v ngraphs-firom the sketch of the proceed* igsi reported in the Raleigh Register.? Referring to a preamble and resolution* Sported by a cominitlee, the. Register ?ys:. .. * ' The Preamble primarily denounces the- . .. imentod Hafirix6ii, '. and then declaim* gainst Whig extravagance?the funeral xnenrsosof the deceased Patriot, the pf82K f gloves, scarfs, carriage hire.drc., being . t articulnrly and cxtdtiiigly cited a* .proof., t states that the. promised prosperity * ias not vol come over the country 1 -ad* nits that the Whigs have a great reason or failure in the death of their President,. nit denies that Tyler has deceived them*. *' nd denounces this plea on the part of the " * Vhigs ns "nn impious shelter under an ict of Providence." Bildle. and- the Janks, of course, come in for a share . of. ibuse. An attempt is next made to with witty and severe, at the expensed. }ov. Morehead. coupling him with fhj?,. nillious who, during the laat. ejection. v rcrc in favor of n Banlr, and e/egraji/fjf; ^ aying thar * if he sings the ; raroe sofijj K?xt Summer, the. wail* .pf hw .Cotton | f actorv in Rockingham will near his hiilV ' ? ic, nnd not the Palace in Raleigh/" |?onumuoa, it is assumed that the people*s< f the .State demand n change in the" BxV"' rtitive, because the present {*ovenf6t has not done one singh* Act to nleflt tlkr - ? ?? ~r ?k? PnAhi.. I" rwhutlis miA>. imivr t/i nifi m ? ? /onre of the Preamble.' . *; * There are some fourteen frolhp Rip**, it?ions appended. In the.Ji ff. Ibo-Gxtm ^ *es?ion is denounced : in another, nrf *i. . tressed strong assuran :es ?f a great L> ? no. ratic victory in this Slate; ano'h r ' :hnrgesthat the present Governor has no" ^ ivmpnlhie* with the people! and thgJefftiiT *" mini nates Louis 0. Henry, of* Fayfcttoi'* ulle, as their candidate for (Lvvernor, hoi' * tausc be has! ! The eleventh calls mtbir* ill the Banks in the State to resume flTpir.'' ' * ;ie pay m its; another Resolution rertsl; nends County mee'ingn (to hofiriftfci* c Lht miniates tor the Legislature to fee hcM?. md last!y it is recommended that's Gondii nirteo he appointed to draft an Address o the party in the State, urging Repre. tentative* to he sent to a sreond. CnnMf.n* *' ion to ho held m .Salisbury on the 20th* ,. )f May next; nnd that the nominee of heir Convention he invited In attend. After the rcmlion of the Rnso|i|fion?^ 11. Jlupmntli Inn. R*q. rose to nake a few remark*. Ho regretted .that le had been unavoidably detained frnm he Convenf:oa. nnd that therefore, he iad not known the exact nature of Ihv Preanhleand R> solution until hearing i.em read just now. H disliked several dwases in that Preamble?didn't" igri** villi a.1?ijjie or two expressions obgnt,'-le tiiought, to l>e taken out. He objectfe'd t?vMentioning the fu Mem I expenses ofddenH (arrison. tint price of gloves, scarfs; ?these things appeared- lo turn lo*i? small natters to he thus made the eghpect' wf frav'c political capital; they did nr?t accord vith hi* notions of honnmbl^?wurft?f?v. \ not her part, being ih'U whirjj reflected ipon the Governor's course in regard t? 1 Bank being dishonest, and the manner n which an extract was made from fc Rev >ort of a Committee to the last Democ ra I re Convention, he thought could lint have ) eniso intended by the Committee; Ho ixplained the present birring and gramfnatical construction of that part, and moved that these changes las made. ^ Col. Wheeler apologised f?f the 1 vasty Rej>ort. nnd regretted that Mr;- HnifWml ould not have been present to aid tbi? Committee with hisodvic. i The Keimrt Unci In eu subjectud lo a severe scrutiny vrfore ti e Coinuiifle. and nothing apjjear. ,'dioiliciu objectionable. With regard 10 the funeral expenses of General Harri* con?to leave out that, would l?e throwing isirle a .most powerful weapon?be had* vesaid, mixed nith the pimple, and'fie knew precisely what sort of stuff to efteri. tiori with ! What did the Whigs do dor. 11 g the last campaign! Did they Wot go 1 *_.i info (hi' \y h'te rioiiae. nnu mn-*r nn inv ntorv of Mr. Van Huron's rinpkm** "silver .sj?o rould not* relinquish this part?it wasnirerv itmteri ifc wrnpon. VVo should ? tight 1he,/dcvi| with his own weapon"?He went upon* the principle?" enemies in war?-jit pen re, friends/' ' ' *.' *.iff* M . Hayui00(ln%rw?r?*e..- lie frgrctted tiiut he shook* d.fler with gentlemen,, and again explained himself. Ho hoped, none of them had come there to do any thing that was not strictly honorable?he conk) not believe that any one there wished to deceive?let thein therefore end ntvor to conduct the campaign on higher grounds. Mr. President, naked ho, iinvo you a heart ? Have yon semdhilitje*? And, then, in an eloquent and impassion ed manner, he proceeded at-length hr show the objection* to such frivolous crarses, illustrating his remarks, with happy similics. If gentlemen, .objected to this $3,000 for the fti..er;il expon.yw fif* Gen. Harrison, lot thein resolve how much it ought to have cost to bury him. .Should he lotve been buried lik? a dog, or V not htiricd at all hy the Government, hut t his body left to hi" fnucly He. tagged Ilia fellpw-Dem?H?rats :'s he said, not tf> initiate the example of their political opponents, Igit to strive to., conduct lit* campaign on principles calculated* to oh:. vat